#she got into my head and found out my exact music taste
ahprodithe · 2 months
i had to listen to midnights multiple times before i liked it and it's now one of my favorite albums but i've listened to ttpd once and i'm in love like i will probably not shut up about this fucking album
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columbiastapshoes · 6 months
ATTENTION MAGENTA/COLUMBIA SHIPPERS: dinner is served 🤭 and this time it’s not meatloaf [ba dum chh]
that was a lot funnier in my head
ANYWAYS. here are some of my headcanons for the two of them and a collection of images i’ve found over the past 2ish years ive been hyperfixated on this movie!! i may have posted some of these hcs before but i. honestly don’t remember what ive said so forgive me if i repeat stuff! and disclaimers for the images: they’re from the rocky horror picture show and the rocky horror show, the one where they are Almost kissing is? a columbia cosplayer? with patricia quinn? lmk if im wrong about that one but im pretty sure that’s not nell campbell. ok with that in mind here ya go!!
-magenta makes columbia like. ten hour mixtapes and columbias like 😀 and then listens to all of it in one day and refuses to pause it
-they have very different music tastes but they both appreciate the stuff the other listens to, but their tastes come together with the b-52s and abba :3
-magenta is a huge horror fan and columbia is Not but she watches scary movies with magenta anyways and is constantly holding a blanket up to her eyes or is burying her face in magentas shoulder
-this involves frank but he has been their wingman since day one. like their mutual pining was obvious to everyone except the two of them and frank kept trying to be like “she’s in love with you idiot” but he was always met with a “no we’re just friends” or “you’re making it more than it is she’s not in love with me”. when they Finally got together he was happy about it for like 3 seconds and then immediately resorted to the “i hate gay people” card and every time they kiss in the same room as him he’s like “GET A ROOOOOM” and gags
-magenta is. really strong. and even though she’s shorter than columbia she can pick her up no problem (columbia tried picking magenta up one time and she did do it but she lost balance and they fell over) (they were fine)
-magenta did not realize how much she loved physical affection until columbia (incredibly clingy) came around RAAAAH I HATE THEM /POS
-this is gonna start off as a rocky headcanon but i will get to them i promise. rocky has basically evolved into philomena cunk and asks the most wild out of pocket questions at the dinner table. magenta and columbia have noticed this and before dinner they always bet on what he’s gonna ask about and at dinner when he asks something whoever’s right kicks the other one under the table (affectionately)
-magenta is a love letters girly i know im right. but since they live in the same house she just slips the letters under columbias door and runs away because she’s a cutie patootie !!! columbia always reads them and writes back and does the exact same method and they’re just like. writing notes to each other. and both of them have incredibly messy handwriting that no one except them can read ☹️☹️ so when frank tried to look over magentas shoulder when she was writing she was like “DONT READ THAT” and he was like “…i couldn’t if i tried”
might add to this more later but that’s what i have for now :3 i am so normal about them i promise. enjoy that semi-coherent rambling and the images!! happy new year everyone :D
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I Lost My Phone! (Avengers x Reader)
So due to all of the birthday posts celebrating Steve, I realized that on my school-induced Tumblr hiatus, I missed a shit-ton of birthdays between Bucky’s and Steve’s. So there’s gonna be a ton of birthday posts coming for the MCU characters that I can find birthdays for. In the meantime, enjoy this fic that’s taken me months to write and find inspiration for.
Warnings: slight Sam x Reader, my taste in music (that deserves its own warning any day), reader being called just about every nickname I could think of, swearing.
Word Count: 3950
Summary: Reader’s ADHD causes her to lose her phone a lot, when the Avengers find out she has specialized ringtones for all of them, they’re obsessed with finding out what they all are.
For an Avenger, you were actually pretty young. You were older than Peter, but still younger than Wanda and Pietro. You were close with all three of them, and you all loved to make references that confused the fuck out of everyone else. You also had ADHD, which meant lots of things. For you, it meant that something specific, like a bobby pin from 3 years ago, was fresh in your mind. Your top left desk drawer, underneath the colouring books, to be exact. But, you were always fidgeting with something; your ring, a pen, tapping your fingers, and literally anything you could get your hands on. You spaced out a lot, so you would fidget with a pen during meetings so you could actually pay attention. Also, you had this terrible habit of losing everything that wasn’t specific; your phone, wallet, keys were left everywhere around the compound.
You were sitting in the lab one day, fidgeting with a brain puzzle Tony had left on his lab bench while he was upgrading something into your suit. “Kiddo?” He asked, “Peter just texted me that he texted you hours ago and you still haven’t responded. He wants to know if you’re mad at him, and if you’re still on for that late lunch picnic.”
“Oh, would you let him know that I’m not mad at him and that I’ll get all the stuff for the picnic if he’s willing to swing us to where we’re going?” You responded.
“Sure, I can do that,” Tony replied, drafting his response to Peter. “Why haven’t you responded to him?”
You laughed. “I have no idea where my phone is, Mr. Stark. I haven’t seen it in hours, and I have no clue where I left it.”
Tony laughed too, having done the same thing many times over the years, though you did it far more often than he ever did. “I’ll just call you then, it’ll help. Unless your phone’s on vibrate?”
“No, it’s not on vibr- wait, don’t call me!” You exclaimed, but it was too late. Who’s Your Daddy by Toby Keith started playing from upstairs, and you ran up to the kitchen where you found your phone ringing on the counter.
Clint and Natasha were sitting at the counter, drinking yet another coffee. “Why is that your ringtone for Tony?” She asked.
“I, uh- it’s- I-” You stumbled over your words, turning your phone off, blushing as Tony came up the stairs behind you.
“Why is that your ringtone for me, kiddo?” He asked, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. You could easily escape if you wanted to, but it was his way of letting you know that he actually wanted an answer.
“My dad was shitty, my parents sold me into HYDRA as soon as my powers manifested, and when you guys got me out.. I just kinda.. y’know.” You said, hiding your head in your hands.
Clint rubbed your arm softly, “Hey, don’t forget about that picnic with Peter.”
“Oh, shit! He’ll be here any minute! I have to pack the food!” You scrambled around the kitchen, your gravitational powers making everything around you float as you did, and you didn’t even notice Tony slip your phone into your back pocket, just so you wouldn’t forget it again.
There was a knock in the kitchen doorway, and you turned to see Peter. “Y/N/N!”
“Peter!” You ran over to wrap him in a hug.
“You didn’t have your phone, did you?”
“Had no idea where it was. Mr. Stark had to call me.” You said, nuzzling into his chest.
Peter chuckled, “So I guess they know what your ringtone is now?” You blushed and pressed yourself further into his chest, wanting to disappear. “Do they know what it is for me?” He asked. You shook your head and tried to stop him from pulling his phone out, but he called you anyways. 
You grabbed his hand and started leaving with the food as the Spiderman theme song started playing in your pocket. You turned it off and called behind you. “Goodbye Mr. Barton, Ms. Romanoff, Mr. Dad!”
“What did she just say?” You heard Tony ask as the doors shut behind the both of you.
“What did I do?” You asked while Peter was swinging you to a spot you had deemed as the ‘Kids Room’. Only Peter, Wanda, Pietro, and you were allowed in, and it was just a treehouse that Tony had built in the woods that surrounded the Compound. But it was fun not letting any of the other Avengers in. 
“You called Mr. Stark something you probably didn’t mean to.”
“Peter, what did I say?”
“You called him ‘Mr. Dad.’” Peter explained, you groaned, hiding your face in his neck.
The next time you couldn’t find your phone was actually the next day in the gym. Tony had designed you special wireless headphones that would work up to a mile away from your actual phone. Meaning that your phone could be anywhere in the Compound, and while listening to your music, you would have no idea. You had come back last night from your outing with Peter, and got him to swing you directly up to your bedroom so you didn’t have to run into anyone else, before kissing his cheek and telling him good night. You didn’t have feelings for him, it was just something you two always did.
“Captain Rogers!” You called from your place on top of the gymnastics bars, “Have you seen my phone anywhere? I can’t remember where I left it.”
Steve shook his head in response, “I’m sorry, kiddo, I haven’t. Do you want me to call it for you?” He asked, pulling his phone out already.
“Yeah, that might be a good idea- wait.” You dropped off the bars as soon as you heard the first bar of Ice Ice Baby. “Shit!” You exclaimed, running towards the noise.
“Language!” Steve called, following you. His super-soldier hearing was sure to hear what his ringtone was. 
You pulled open the cabinet with the mugs, where you had left your phone this morning after pouring your coffee, and declined the call. “Thanks, Captain.” You muttered, walking off to take your post-training shower.
“I’m starting to think she does this on purpose,” Clint said, poking his head out of the vents.
“What do you mean?” Steve asked in response.
“Just yesterday Y/N forgot where her phone was while Peter was trying to get a hold of her, and Tony had to call her phone. It was sitting on the counter. At least she has a good sense of humour. I wonder what her ringtone is for me..” He wondered thoughtfully.
“What was her ringtone for Tony?” Steve always had more questions.
“Some country song called Who’s Your Daddy. Y/N evidently sees Stark as a father figure, she even called him Mr. Dad by accident yesterday as she was leaving for her picnic with Peter.”
It was only a few hours later when you couldn’t find your phone yet again. “I’m starting to wonder if someone’s just moving it when I’m not paying attention.” You said, patting your pockets as you walked into the kitchen where Clint was pouring yet another cup of coffee.
“What’s wrong, kiddo?” He asked.
“I can’t find my phone, again!” You exclaimed. “It’s the second time today that it hasn’t been exactly where I thought it was!”
Clint chuckled, “Where did you think you left it this time?”
“My pocket.” You deadpanned, subtly looking behind him to see if he had hidden it from you so he could find out what his ringtone was.
“Should I call you?”
“I wouldn’t. I’ll find it in a few minutes, don’t worry about it.” It was at that moment that you heard Men in Tights from Robin Hood coming from in between the couch cushions. 
You dove towards the couch, but Clint, being taller and stronger, beat you there. “Really? This is my ringtone?”
“Robin Hood’s an archer!” You defended yourself, reaching across him for your phone to turn it off.
Nat walked in at that moment, and started chuckling at the position the two of you were in. “So, sexual tension with people other than your wife, Barton?”
“Nat, he took my phone.” You whined, unable to reach it without physically climbing him. 
“Clint, give Y/N her phone back. Y/N, stop getting mad that people are finding out what your ringtones for them are. You have an excellent sense of humor, and nobody has been mad about their ringtone yet.”
“You guys are keeping a list, aren’t you?” You grimaced. 
Clint and Natasha both laughed, “And keeping track of who laughs at which one.” He added.
“Ouch.” You said softly, putting your phone back in your pocket and heading back into the kitchen. “What’s for dinner?”
“Nobody’s really sure yet. What do you want?” Nat replied.
“If there’s one thing I learned from my missions with HYDRA, it was how to make a mean mac n’ cheese.” You said, pulling the ingredients out of the cupboards. 
When you woke up the next morning, it was to someone banging on your door. “Y/N! Training! You’re late!”
You groaned, rolling towards the noise and off the edge of your bed. “Fuck!” You exclaimed, having hit your head on the nightstand.
Bucky rushed in, “Y/N, are you alright, doll?” He helped you sit up while you were holding the back of your head.
“I-” You hissed softly, “hit my head. It hurts, Sarge.”
“Yeah, you’ve got a pretty good gash there, kid. Why weren’t you already up?”
“I don’t know where my phone is, it never went off with my alarm. I always leave it plugged in right there.” You explained, pointing to your laptop, which was currently plugged in. “Huh, charged the laptop last night instead?”
“Let me call you, doll. And then we’ll get you down to Helen in the medbay to get you all fixed up, you’re bleeding.”
“Okay, that’s a good plan.” You started to say, “Wait, my ringt-” But it was too late, Rasputin was playing from somewhere under your bed. 
Bucky laid down on his stomach to get it for you. “Nice choice, kid.” He said, passing your phone back to you before he picked you up bridal style. “Let’s get you to Helen.”
You were able to keep track of your phone for the next three days, but while reading on the couch you realized it had been hours since you had last seen it. “Ms. Romanoff?” You called, knowing she was sitting in the kitchen. “I haven’t seen my phone in hours, have you seen it anywhere?”
“Sorry, sweetie, I haven’t. I can call you?” She pulled her phone out, and as she did you remembered what your ringtone is for her.
“I wouldn’t do-” You started to say until you heard Black Widow by Iggy Azalea playing from the fridge. You stood up and walked over to it, opening the door. “What the fuck is my phone doing in there?”
“You must’ve traded your phone for a YOP drink.” Natasha said, ending the call from her end of the phone. “Hm, Barnes was right, you do have good taste in music.”
With Bruce you were always pretty good at keeping your phone handy, which was good, because you didn’t actually have a special ringtone for him, which you guessed made him special in his own right. You just could never think of a song that fit him well enough to be special enough for his ringtone. You spent a little extra time with Bruce to make up for it, plus you figured that whenever you moved your phone, he would make sure that he knew where it was so you wouldn’t lose it. You had a sneaking suspicion that Hulk liked you too, if the way you were able to calm him down was any indication.
It was about a week after Natasha had helped you find your phone that you had lost it again. Thor and Loki were back, and while Loki often stayed on Asgard, since Thor insisted he was actually the better king, you enjoyed getting to spend time with both of them. They did both have phones now, since Tony had forced it upon them both last time they were on Earth, so you all would have a means of getting a hold of them, other than praying Heimdall would hear you. They both immediately came to you for help on understanding the Midgardian device. Similar to what Steve and Bucky did with their first phones too, actually.
You had been searching for the last 20 minutes, all over the Compound, and you couldn’t find your phone anywhere. It wasn’t anywhere in your room, your bathroom, you checked all the kitchen cupboards and the fridge, twice; and you had even checked all the furniture in the main living room where you and Loki had been quietly reading that morning after training. Nothing. Your phone was nowhere to be found. You had even poked your head into the lab while Tony and Bruce were gone to see if Peter had seen it. Still no. Your phone was gone. You were just going to have to get a new one and transfer over all of the data. You groaned, flopping down on the couch, data transfers take for-fucking-ever.
“Little angel?” Loki asked. “Is something wrong?”
“I can’t find my phone, as per usual. I’m just gonna go get a new one and do a data transfer, which takes for-fucking-ever to load and it’s annoying as shit.” You flopped your head to look over at him on the other couch, pouting.
“Why don’t you just get someone to call your phone?” He asked. “I can do it if you’d like.”
You sighed, resigned to have left it somewhere stupid yet again. “I guess you’re my last option, Mischief.” Loki pulled his phone out of his pocket and tapped on your contact, calling you. bad guy by Billie Eilish started playing from down the hall, in the training room. You ran towards the noise, picking your phone up once you got there. “Now I remember! I didn’t have pockets in my workout clothes this morning, so I left my phone on the bench. I haven’t needed it, so I didn’t think twice about not having it.”
You also didn’t have a ringtone for Rhodey, but he was almost never around, and he never called you anyways. You only had his number in case of emergency, mostly for when Tony was stupidly drunk or if he was fighting with Steve and nobody could get them off of each other.
The morning after Loki had helped you find your phone, you couldn’t find it again. “Nope, I’m not gonna bother, it’ll show up in a few minutes.. or hours..” You mumbled, curling up on the couch with your book. 
Three hours later, after finishing your book, going to training, taking a shower, making everyone lunch, and running some errands, you still hadn’t seen your phone anywhere. You retraced your steps throughout the day, pausing momentarily to ask Bruce if you had had it when you stopped in the lab this morning to ask Tony about an upgrade to your suit. Apparently not.
“Lady Y/N?” Thor asked, coming up behind you. “Are you feeling alright? You’ve been running back and forth across the compound looking like a- what’s the saying?”
“A chicken with my head cut off?” You asked, sighing.
“Yes, that’s it!” Thor exclaimed. “Is something wrong?”
“I can’t find my phone, Thor. That’s all. I’m sure it’ll turn up somewhere.”
Thor picked you up and put you on his shoulders. “If I called you, milady, would it help?”
“I suppose..” You told him, using your gravitational powers to float safely back to the ground. Thor pulled his phone out and you heard Thunder by Imagine Dragons playing from the lab downstairs. “But.. I didn’t have it when I was down here this morning? I guess I could’ve left it down here last night and since it’s the weekend none of my alarms would’ve gone off.”
“Oh, crap, Y/N, I am so sorry.” Bruce said, looking up from his computer. “I was cleaning up the lab this morning and I must’ve put some things on top of your phone and then Tony moved them, and-”
“Bruce, if I had really needed it, I would’ve gotten someone to call it for me sooner. My only missed call is from Thor. Trust me, it’s alright.” 
When you couldn’t find your phone again right after dinner, you were starting to worry about yourself. I can’t possibly misplace it this often, you thought to yourself. Somebody has to be moving it when I’m not paying attention so they can find out all my ringtones. Or maybe I really am this forgetful. Should I ask Dr. Cho about upping my meds? Should I go off my meds and see what happens? Should I-
“Y/N/N? You alright, sweetie?” Sam asked, interrupting your train of thought. 
You jumped, not having heard his knock on your door. “Oh, Sammy! You scared me! I didn’t hear you come in.”
“It’s alright. You were really lost in thought, huh?”
“Yeah, I was.” You ducked your head, blushing. “Did you need something?”
“I was just coming to check on you. FRIDAY said you were in here pacing.” 
“Oh, yeah, I do that when I’m stressed. Sorry.”
“It doesn’t bother me, honey. Why are you stressed?” He asked, sitting on your bed and patting the spot next to him. 
“I just feel like somebody has to be taking my phone and hiding it. I can’t possibly misplace it this often, right? I was thinking that I should talk to Dr. Cho about my med dosage since I feel like I’m more disorganized on them than I am off. It’s not even just my phone, other than the bobby pin under the colouring books in my top left desk drawer, I never know where anything is anymore.”
“Okay, so we’ll find your phone and go talk to Helen about your meds. Problem solved.” Sam wrapped an arm around you and pulled out his phone to call you. 
You nuzzled into his side and mumbled, “What if I don’t want you to find out what my ringtone for you is?”
He kissed the top of your head. “We’ve all loved your ringtones for us, honey. Do you trust me?”
“Of course I do.” As you said this, Sam clicked the ‘call’ button on your contact and Fly Like A Bird by Nelly Furtado started playing from the hallway. You opened the door and found your phone on the little table next to your door. “Fuck.” You said under your breath. 
“Hey,” Sam said, wrapping you in a hug and resting his chin on your head. “That’s hilarious, sweetie. I love it.”
You turned around in his arms and wrapped your own around him, “You’re not mad?”
“Of course not. Now what’s this I hear about Barnes having his hands on my girl last week while I was on a mission?”
After fixing your meds up with Sam and Dr. Cho, you were able to keep track of your phone for about 5 days. Sam helped. But, now, you had just finished training with Wanda and Pietro and you had no idea where your phone was. This was especially making you think you were crazy since these workout clothes have pockets. Both front and back. “Sammy! Have you seen my phone?” You asked, poking your head into his apartment.
“Sorry, sweetheart.” He called from under the bathroom sink. “Have you asked Wanda and Pietro? I know you were just training with them.”
“Nope, I came here on my way to them. I’ll see you tonight?”
“Of course you will, it’s movie night.”
“Right, yeah. I forgot. Okay, I’m gonna go find Wanda and Piet, but I’ll see you later.” You said, kissing his forehead and shutting the door behind you. The next thing you knew, you heard Red by Taylor Swift playing from somewhere above you. That was your ringtone for Wanda, she was calling you?
“Up here, sora!” You heard Wanda call from the balcony. Looking up, you saw her waving your phone and you quickly used your gravity powers to float it down to you. “Oh, Y/N/N, you did such a great job controlling your powers!” Wanda shouted, running down the stairs to wrap you in a hug.
Pietro was right behind her, and all of a sudden you were in the middle of a group hug with the twins. “Well, princessa, now that we know what your ringtone for Wanda is, we have to find out what it is for me.” 
“Speed, I am speed.” came blaring through your phone speakers in the voice of Owen Wilson, who played Lightning McQueen in the movie Cars. You sighed, dropping your head onto Wanda’s shoulder as you declined Pietro’s call.
“That is the best thing in the world, princessa.” Pietro said, speeding you back to your apartment. “We’ll see you at movie night tonight?”
You nodded, leaning in the doorway. “Of course you will, Speedy. I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
The next morning, just when you thought you were done with everybody calling you to find out their ringtone, King T’Challa and Princess Shuri showed up. 
“Y/N?” Shuri asked, knocking on your door, “Are you awake yet, love?”
You flung your door open, “Yes, I am, but I was looking for my phone before I came out for breakfast.”
“Oh, let me just call you.” Shuri pulled out her phone and called you, and Get Lucky by Daft Punk and Pharrell Williams started playing from down the hallway, in the kitchen.
You walked down the hall, into the kitchen, where everybody was eating breakfast, blushing. “Couldn’t find your phone again, honey?” Sam asked. You nodded, grabbing it out from under your favourite mug.
“How did it even get out here? I had it last night in bed.”
“No you didn’t, you were in here making popcorn and brought your phone with you. You never brought it back, so I just assumed you grabbed it on our way to bed last night.”
“I must not have.” You said, finally remembering to hang up the call to make the song stop.
Natasha wrote something down on her phone, you assumed she was continuing to add to the list of ringtones she was keeping. “Hey, T’Challa, you’re the only one that we don’t know Y/N’s ringtone for, would you mind calling her for us?” Tony asked.
“Of course I can,” T’Challa said, pulling his phone out.
You quickly tapped on your phone, changing T’Challa’s ringtone while you still had a chance. Unfortunately, you weren’t fast enough because The Pink Panther started playing as your phone lit up with a call from the Wakandan King. “Crap.” You mumbled, declining the call.
“Oh, honey.” Sam said, walking over to you and wrapping you in a hug. “Your sense of humour is absolutely the light of our lives. Has anybody disliked what Y/N/N’s ringtone for them was?” Everybody shook their heads.
All in all, losing your phone so often because of your ADHD didn’t end up being so bad. But Clint got his ass kicked when Peter found your phone left in the vents one day. Turns out, when Clint isn’t hiding your phone, you actually don’t lose it all that often.
I hope you enjoyed! Once again, I have no idea how to end fics, so you get that piece of shit as a last paragraph.
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tuerescringe · 9 months
Redacted characters who For Sure listen to Rob Zombie:
(inspired by the fact that i went to his concert yesterday :3)
They’re a hardcore stan, absolutely adore everything about his music and his movies. CD collection. They have So Much Merch. They tried to get Sam into RZ but unfortunately it was too much for the man. They’ve gone to multiple concerts and are currently extremely excited about House of 1000 Corpses returning to theaters. Fav song is ‘Feel So Numb’
- Asher
Darlin got him into RZ. He knew about him before because of Dragula (had it in his playlist) but he never delved deeper. Once Darlin got him hooked, RZ completely invaded his playlists and his wardrobe. Fav song is ‘Werewolf, Baby!’ (lol)
- Amanda
I don’t know how to explain this but shes an RZ girlie. I know it in my heart. Less extreme than Darlin but still a Very Big Fan. Theres a small little pile of shirts and CDs in her closet. Tried getting Christian into RZ but he didn’t like it. Fav song is ‘Dead Girl Superstar’
- Aaron
Another casual listener. Owns a couple CDs but doesn’t listen to him As Much anymore. He’ll still mumble out some of the lyrics when a song comes on. Went to a few concerts and has a few old worn out shirts. Fav song is ‘Iron Head’
He used to listen to RZ with Aaron when they were younger, still absolutely ADORES his music.
Continues to go to concerts when he can, lots of merch and CDs. Tried getting Sunshine into RZ but its not their usual style. Fav song is ‘Return Of The Phantom Stranger’
- Damien
Screaming out to RZ is absolutely cathartic, he listens to him whenever he works out. Mostly a casual listener, has a shirt or two. Fav song is ‘Scum Of The Earth’
New fan but when they heard RZ for the first time they were instantly HOOKED. Found out about him through Damien and they immediately listened to all of his discography and bought concert tickets. Fav song is ‘Spookshow Baby’
- Gavin
He’s into RZ because Freelancer is into RZ, simple as that. That doesn’t mean hes faking it though, he actually really digs his music. He went to the concert with FL when they bought tickets. Fav song is ‘Behold, The Pretty Filthy Creatures!’
- Guy & Honey
Putting them together because they are at the exact same level of RZ stan. Honey was into him way before Guy, slowly introduced him to some of their fav songs to test the waters. Guy LOVED it. They both have a shit ton of merch that they swap constantly and they go to concerts together. Honey’s fav song is ‘Demonoid Phenomenon’ and Guy’s is ‘Well, Everybody’s Fucking In A U.F.O.’
- Lovely
Very much a baby fan. They found out about RZ through Darlin and they wanted to check him out. Hes not their usual taste in music but they really do dig his whole style. Fav song is ‘Living Dead Girl’
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minniecostello · 5 months
Remembering when you were taken home by a handsome butch at a party
Requested by @hornytransgirljenni
You're not sure how you got here, but you can't complain.
That's not true. You know exactly how you got here, and you know that even if you knew how you'd end up, you wouldn't change a single thing about it.
Your collar is so pretty, your bed is so cozy, your master is so good to you.
You can feel yourself getting hard just thinking about when you first met her, all those months ago…
You were at a house party, you weren't sure even then whose house it was. But the music was inoffensive, the drinks were tolerable, and it was exciting to be out and about in your new city. A friend told you about the party, but you still hadn't seen them, so instead you mill about, chatting with strangers. It's surprising, normally you're dreadfully shy, but maybe it's the drinks, maybe it's the warm summer evening, maybe it's just the euphoria of being somewhere new, where nobody knows who you were.
Eventually, you found yourself alone, standing by the bathroom door. You didn't need to use it you just wanted an excuse to leave a conversation with a guy giving you weird vibes. So you excused yourself, went upstairs and waited for your turn. By the time you're next in line, you noticed someone standing next to you, probably also waiting. You turned to say hi, and found yourself staring up at the most handsome woman you've ever seen in your life.
She's at least a head taller than you, wearing a ragged but colorful necktie over a button down shirt, the sleeves rolled just below her elbows. Her dark hair was cut short; you were getting tired of the ubiquitous undercut, but she wore it like it was designed with her in mind. And her smile was so broad, you couldn't help but smile back.
“Hi,” she said, holding out her hand. “I'm Ash.”
“Jen…Jenni” you stammered, taking her hand to shake.
“You new in town? I haven't seen you around, but you look like you belong in this crowd.”
“Yeah, just moved in last month. A friend told me about this party, Molly, but I haven't seen them.”
“Molly…” she tapped her chin. “Redhead? Bit taller than you, wears those silly hats?”
“That's them,” you confirmed.
“I saw them earlier but they ran off, said they weren't feeling great. Does that mean you're here all by yourself?” You nod. “Well that's no good. C'mon, lemme fix you a drink.”
“What about the bathroom?”
“Neither of us have to go.” You raise an eyebrow, and she continues “I saw you escape a conversation you didn't wanna be in, and I wanted to make a new friend. So let me make you a drink with whatever swill they put out.”
You followed her to the kitchen, swept up in the excitement of New friend! Is hot! She poked around at the bottles, grumbling until finding two that seem satisfactory, then to the fridge, then back to the bottles, then eventually she handed you a drink. It was alarming blue, but you took a sip anyway. It was the best thing you've ever tasted. Your eyes grew wide and she laughed, “I swear there's no way I could make that exact drink again ever in my life.” Despite this devastating news, you had to stop yourself from chugging it down all at once.
She guided you back out of the kitchen to a spot outside by the fence. You chatted with her for quite a bit, telling her about why you moved to town, learning about all the gossip. You got lost in the sound of her voice, and you barely noticed her moving ever closer. You felt the drink catching up to you, and by the time she started talking about the local kink club, you were quite a bit tipsy, and you couldn't stop yourself from stammering out a request for her to take you there to see it.
That smile again. You were ready to follow her anywhere the first time you saw it, but by then you almost lost yourself in it. You didn't mind how close she got, and you felt your knees shake when she put her arm by your head against the fence, leaned down to your ear and whisper, “why don't I take you to see my place first?” Eyes wide, you nodded frantically. She laughed and took your hand, you barely noticed getting into a taxi and following her into her small townhouse.
But you definitely notice the way she grabs you and pushes you up against the door after locking it.
Fuck, you didn't expect it but you definitely wanted it.
“I've been thinking about this since I saw you, and I know you were too.” You nodded softly and she leaned down and kissed you hard, pushing your head firmly against the door. Her breath was hot and spicy and boozy and her hands pressing you to the door were the only things keeping you upright. Your knees buckled as her tongue pressed past your lips, and you lost yourself in her exploration of you.
When she finally came up for air, you were in a daze. You can see the deep red of your lipstick all around her mouth and it was the hottest thing you've ever seen. “fuck,” you whispered, and she cocked an eyebrow, “yeah, you want that, little girl?”
You nodded, and she grabbed you by the ass and picked you up like you were a bag of groceries. You wrapped your legs around her and you kept kissing until she tossed you onto the couch, your dress all askew. She leaned down to kiss you again, one hand by your head on the back of the couch, the other fumbling with her belt. You moved to help and when you finally undid the waistband you felt her smile against you, and she whispered “good girl” ever so softly into your mouth.
Her pants slid down, revealing tight black boxer briefs. She glanced down to your waist. “I'll show you mine if you show me yours,” she said with a smile and you scrambled to throw your panties away, your cock already so hard. “So eager, I love to see it. I hope you can keep up the enthusiasm, little girl, cuz first you've got a job to do.” She pulled down her shorts to reveal her dark curls, and you could smell how excited she was. “Come and give daddy a kiss.”
She put her hand on the back of your head, put one leg up on the couch and pulled you between her thighs.
She tasted sweet and musky and sour. She tasted like heaven. Her fingers laced through your hair and she pulled it tight when your tongue moved against her clit, both of you moaning as you gleefully undertook your service.
You lost track of time, but you didn't care. She kept muttering praise and instructions, pulling your hair to move you around to satisfy her more. By the time your mouth and tongue were starting to become too stiff, she pulled you tight one last time and a flood of musk filled your mouth and she groaned loudly.
“That's a good tongue you've got there,” she panted, looking down at you with heavy lidded eyes, “I think I'll keep you.” Your cock twitched at this, you were so enthralled with the handsome older woman who had happily taken you to her bed. She loosened her tie and unbuttoned her shirt from the bottom up, and your eyes followed her hands as the fabric parted, revealing the line of fuzz trailing up her belly. She had very nice hands; long fingers, well defined knuckles. You could see she was strong, and you ached to feel her hold you.
“Take off your dress, little girl. Let daddy get a good look at you,” she said once she shrugged off her shirt, leaving her naked save for her colorful necktie; the wide knot rested between her small breasts, drawing your eye. It was too precise to not be practiced, but it was all the more appreciated for the effort put into it.
You pulled off your dress, lifting just a bit to get the hem past your butt, and toss it to the side, hoping it landed near your panties. Ash made a satisfied sound before motioning for you to take off your bra. You comply, throwing it in the same direction as your other clothes. She lets out a low whistle of appreciation, a huge grin splitting her face. “Damn girl, you grew those yourself?” You felt heat rise to your cheeks as you looked down, unable to maintain eye contact with her. You can only see her legs move closer until she straddles you on the couch, and she pulls your hair back so you look up at her face as she slowly lowered herself. For a split second, you thought she was about to sit on your dick, but no luck; she sat just in front, and pressed you between your bellies. She could tell what you were thinking. “No, baby, you don't get to fuck me like that so soon.” She ran the thumb not holding your hair across your lip and asked “but you trust that I'll take care of you, don't you?” At your nod, she slid her thumb past your lips, letting you suck on it. She held your gaze for a long time as she moved her finger in and out of your mouth. Eventually, her other hand moved between you; she gripped your shaft and started to stroke.
“This is nice” she says, and you agree, ‘mm-hmm’. “Such a nice, pretty girlcock you have.” Your daddy clearly knew how to handle it; just the right amount of pressure and twist and pull, the occasional thumb against the head. When you felt a climax coming, she could tell; at the slightest throb, her hand stopped, thumb pressing tight against the base. The pressure in your womanhood built slowly, steadily, inexorably. The whole while, she kept praising you, calling you her good girl, celebrating your tits, saying how much she loved to watch you drool over her, promising a place in her bed, a life of pleasure.
Eventually, she stopped stroking you, but the pressure on your member stays firm. Her thumb pulled out from your mouth and she got up and pulled you with her by the cock to a full-length mirror by an inside door. She walked around, wrapping her arm around you and stood you between her and the mirror. Your makeup is ruined; lipstick irreparably smudged, mascara starting to run, blush almost entirely wiped away by drool. She wrapped her free hand around your throat and starts to stroke. “Look at how beautiful you are, Jenni. You're going to make such a good pet.” Her strokes picked up speed, her grip around your neck tightened. Your vision gradually tunnels, the only thing you can see being your faces: her sharp, handsomeness warped by an evil grin, your hormone-rounded features turning pink as you are denied fresh air.
Your vision narrows and narrows until your eyes roll back in your head as the pleasure grows. She holds you up as she strokes, and you hear her gasp as the pressure between your legs reached a zenith and you explode, cum splattering on the glass.
Her grip around your throat slackened and she guides your down to your knees. “Be a good girl for me and clean that up, won't you? Daddy has something to get, I'll be right back.” You nodded and crawled forward, mouth open, and you began to lick your warm, sticky cum off the cold glass. You lost yourself in the task, the musky saltiness of your pleasure tasting so different from hers.
When she came back, you had almost finished. “Oh, goodness, you are so thorough. I'm going to give you a reward.” You looked up, and she held something behind her back. “Stand on your knees for me, close your eyes.” You comply, and you feel her hands move around your neck. Something cool tightened around you, and then you heard a click.
“Look in the mirror, baby girl. See what daddy gave you.”
You turned around to see a deep red leather collar, tight around your neck. You felt around it and noticed the lock. It looked like you found your new place in life.
You couldn't bring yourself to be all that upset.
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eyeslikewatercoolers · 10 months
Happy OOT Thursday! Here's a fun short fic. I'm bringing back an old AU of mine for ✨one🕺night🕺only✨ This is from my s14 vampire AU, basically the synopsis is Jasmine is a (somewhat new) vampire, and Bosco and Daya are her human girlfriends (that also provide her blood for feeding)
Featuring Crygi mentions, licking game cartridges, and obvious Pokémon references.
"Are you ready for me?" Jasmine peeked around the door to the bigger bedroom, seeing Bosco sitting up on the bed watching an old thriller movie on the television.
"Yeah, come on in." Bosco waved her in and sat closer to the head of the bed, making room for Jasmine to sit next to her.
The blonde sat on the bed as Bosco paused the movie. Jasmine reached over and placed the fruit snacks from the kitchen on the bedside table for Bosco to eat afterward.
Jasmine felt her fangs emerge as she watched her girlfriend shrug off her red and black flannel, revealing pale skin that she was about to bite into.
"Left or right this time?" Jasmine asked, referring to which arm. Jasmine learned some tips after she was turned on how to safely bite humans for feeding. After a weekend visit from Daya's sister and her sister's girlfriend, Jasmine learned from Gigi that biting from the arm is easier than the neck.
Jasmine still has the video of Gigi's demonstration of feeding on Crystal (even though Daya felt a little weird watching it, although Jasmine insisted).
"Let's do my right this time," Bosco said as she straightened out her arm, and Jasmine felt around for the vein.
"Ready?" Jasmine asked as Bosco nodded, and carefully positioned her teeth and sunk them into the skin. She felt the warmth of the blood touch her fangs and removed her teeth to let the blood come to the surface.
Jasmine knew the taste of Bosco's blood pretty well at this point. Her blood had a warm embodiment taste, with some hints of cinnamon and anise. But it tasted nothing like that this time.
The blood tasted harsh and acidic as if someone poured vinegar into straight into the vein. Jasmine immediately licked the wound to heal it and lifted her head, making a soured face at the horrid taste in her mouth.
"What's wrong?" Bosco asked and looked at her with concern.
"You don't taste right," Jasmine explained. "You taste really bitter, for some reason."
"Why would I taste different? I didn't take any medicine or anything like that." Bosco questioned.
Jasmine shrugged and got off the bed. "No clue, can we try again tomorrow? Maybe it's a one-time thing."
The next evening, Jasmine tried to feed from Bosco again, with the exact same results.
"You taste the same." Jasmine sighed as she wiped her fangs with a tissue, trying to get the rancid taste out of her mouth. "You sure haven't eaten anything different? Or take any medicines or anything like that?" she asked as Bosco put back on her oversized flannel shirt.
The other girl shook her head. "Nope, and I feel fine. Do you want to try it again tomorrow?" she offered.
"No, it's okay. I'll just ask Daya." Jasmine stood off her seat on the bed. "But first I need to rinse my mouth out," she said as she made a slightly scrunched face.
Several minutes later, Jasmine found Daya at the desk in the spare bedroom, headphones on with a music program software open in front of her. As much as Jasmine liked watching her girlfriend focus on the work she loved doing, she needed to interrupt to feed.
She knocked loudly, walked across the room, and plopped herself on the small bed. That seemed to get Daya's attention, as the other girl paused the song she was working on and took off her headphones.
"Yes, babycakes?"Daya asked as she turned her chair to face the blonde.
"How's your blood sugar right now? I need to feed."
"I feel fine but I can check it just to make sure," Daya said as she took out her phone to check her blood sugar monitor's app. "I thought that you fed from Bosco yesterday?" she asked.
Jasmine shrugged, "She tastes bitter right now."
"Bitter? What do you mean by bitter?"
Jasmine thought of how to describe the taste for a quick moment "You know when you lick a Switch game cartridge and it has that really bad taste? It's like that." she explained.
Daya tilted her head in confusion. "Why are you licking Switch cartrig-" she was interrupted by her phone beeping. "It's 97, I'm fine." She put the phone back on the desk and sat next to Jasmine on the bed, rolling up her sleeve.
Holding out an arm and giving Jasmine a small nod of consent, Jasmine bit into Daya's arm. The familiar light taste of Daya's blood filled Jasmine's mouth. She adored tasting the hints of bright herbs in Daya's blood, it was a big contrast from Bosco's taste.
Once Jasmine felt satisfied, she licked the puncture wound to heal it and lifted off Daya's arm.
Daya sat back against the wall as she watched Jasmine reach into her hoodie pocket (Well, Bosco's hoodie that Jasmine stole months ago) and pulled out a package of graham cracker cookies to give to her to replenish her blood sugar.
Jasmine leaned against Daya's side as the taller girl put one arm around Jasmine's shoulder, bringing her closer.
"My blood didn't taste bitter?" she asked.
"Nope, it was perfect."
Days later on a Saturday morning, Daya and Jasmine found themselves having a lazy morning together on the living room couch. Daya's head was settled in Jasmine's lap, as the blonde played the latest Pokémon game.
"Nice, I caught a shiny Lickitung."
"Like licking those game cartridges?" Daya looked up with a smirk on her face.
Before Jasmine had the chance to respond, the two heard the front door opening, followed by a series of coughs. They weren't surprised by the coughing, since they had been hearing it for the past few days.
"Hey baby, what did the urgent care doctor say?" Jasmine asked as she and Daya watched Bosco walk inside, looking pale and exhausted.
Bosco plopped herself in the loveseat chair, placing the paper prescription bag on the coffee table. "It's the flu. I think I got it from Irene when I went to help her move to her new apartment," she said as she drew her knees closer to her chest, coughing a few more times.
"Wait, didn't I try to feed from you the day after that?" Jasmine asked, pausing and closing the game as Daya sat up.
"Yeah, why?" Bosco asked in response.
"You tasted really bitter. I think I tasted the virus in your blood."
"So vampires can taste if someone is infected before they show symptoms?' Daya asked.
Jasmine shrugged, "I guess we can I'll ask Gigi later she thinks if that's what it was." as She stood off the couch and took the prescription bag. "C'mon. I can't get sick so I'll nurse you back to health. So you go to bed and I'll make you some chicken noodle soup." she said to Bosco.
"You just miss the taste of me, don't you?"
"That too, and I'm definitely not having more of that gross sick blood until you get better."
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kisekisreblogspage · 10 months
Rainbow friends Head cannons 3/3
Ok, i've been procrastinating over this for a long time, i shuld end this series
Ok here we go-
Cyan (from Rainbow friends)
Lets talk abaut Cyan, i like to think that she was suppose to be a acuatic beeing when she was created, but she somehow grew legs (it kinda reminds me to someone...).
When the gang found out she was a girl they all whent wild like:
"O MY LORD! I have never seen a Girl Before!" (Blue)
"What does it likes!? How does it taste?! Does the rumores are True?!"
"Rumors? What rumors?"
"It is sayd that Girls smells good"
"wow! A girl... Just- WOW! A GRIL"
"I KNOW RIGTH!? IT IS LITTERALY NOT A BOY!! Do you think she wuld like to run?"
"But wait... what is the diference between a girl and a boy?"
"maybe is the smell"
"maybe is the softhness..."
"maybe is the voice!"(Blue)
"Or maybe that thing..."
"What thing?"
"In between the legs....
"It is imposible" (Blue)
Red got to explain them abaut that later on.
So, yea, what does she likes...? A lot of things! She in fact has a list of every thing that she likes! She also likes lists, but she does not write those Lists, she has them inside her head! She is very organized in there! Such good memorie and attention to detalle are well praised by Red. Wait... this means... that she... is Red's secretary! Or well third secretary, the frist one is Blue (he's the one that informs abaut the Intruders and damages in the Frist lab, also the one that helps in rebuild that place if needed) and second one is Purple (informs abaut intruders and damage in Odd World, also helps in cleaning and restorage of the place). So yea she is the one that remind Red abaut important stuff and the well beeing of the whole facility, the whole Family and even if there are minor/Major issues anywere she remind Red everyting. Such a detallist. Even explains on how she thinks some things in the facility culd be fixed. Now she is a genious, if Red Had a mounth he wuld drop it on the floor. (She culd own the facility, if Red dies)
As you migth notice in here is that she is giving some autistic tropes. Becuase (in my head cannon) she is! like to think that she is not aware of her autism but everyone knows! And trates her so nicely and patiently especially Yellow(i don't have Yellow colored letters sorry!) He is basicly a few monts older than her, so she looks up to him, but also for Blue because she thaugt that Blue was her mom because theyr colours were alike. (Imagine! Just... imagine)
Now she is clearly in the Asperger Especteum, so yea, she is a sueper Genious, she suprised Red, and that is quite dificult and now she is something so inportant yet so beloved for him. (Yea, i got some softh silly odd blorbos instead of the murderous mutants that they actually are, this is why i am doing thsese head cannons) because is one of the few things keeping him from crazzynes (the rest are his children (the lookies), Green, and his secret lover)
Now, lets go back on the things that she likes. Lets dive in her funky wunky lil' head!:
Bugs, especially the ones that are int the cucojoidea family (ladybugs), but has also an interest in ants
The rainbow ("look you guys! Its a picture of us!"(Cyan)
Genétics and some lab functions
Calm music
Red's lab coat
Long walks
Blue's shenanigans
Open places (she feels claustrophobic in very small places, she is huge)
Shiny things
The confy pillows that Green Has
The smell of blood food
Moving things (she likes to know what is that and why is it moving
Mocking Yellow because he is funny when he is mad
Purple's weird talks
(The list keeps going down
This all in that exact order, she will get Real mad if you missplace some of her likes she says that the things that she likes the most are at the top, and it gess less and less interesting for her as the list keeps on going down
Her shennaningas are basicly bugs, so if you ever meet her she will infodump you abaut Ladybugs and everyting you need to know abaur these, but then she will apologise, becuase she know you didn't asked (this is becuase of orange, yea he can be real mean withaut wanting to, don't worry thoug, he was scholed by everyonelater that day)
Now, going back to the part that i told you abaut Cyan thinking that Blue was her mom.
The day that Red presented her to the whole Family she was a baby, she saw Blue and went like "mma-m~?" (She developed faster than annyone, because... girl...) And scince that day she tough that Blue was her mom for 6 years. Until Green Explained her that Blue is Her brother... not her mom, "because they born becuase the same guy in the same machina and"- yea she cryed... but then she understood everyting and live trough it, she is still very atached to him
And Abaut Blue, he was completly in love with her (love, like Parents, you know) he was willing to even wear a wig for her and be her male mother, he is really good with childreen, so he always took good care of her, and even called her Princes. (if he was the king, she is going to be the princes) and gave her a lil' crown (just imagine! "Here upon yee, Your Queen n' King be. Rejoice all! REJOICE!"(Blue) *party Honks at the distance* *aplauses and praises by everyone* lol) the only one who wasn't happy abaut this was Yellow, he also, is very atached by Blue, his jealousnes was HUGE, he pushed her sometimes, made her cry on purpose, hid her and only be there with Blue. So yea, Cyan mocking on him it is just karma over Yellow beeing a brat towards Cyan. Blue enjoys some of that, but also knows were stuff had gone too far
Theyr literally siblings lol
So yea, this is the end of this series... perhaps... becajse i have too many head cannons, i shuld have done a post abaut every single one of them separatly but here we are.
I hope you liked this tomfoolery of mine, i probably even do some head cannon abaut the others even! Who knows!
K, this is all, bye
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equallyshaw · 2 years
𝔢𝔫𝔬𝔲𝔤𝔥 𝔣𝔬𝔯 𝔶𝔬𝔲 - 𝔞𝔲𝔰𝔱𝔬𝔫 𝔪𝔞𝔱𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔴𝔰..
Inspire by miss o. rodrigos: enough for you.
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Word Count: 1.2k +
Warnings: swearing
Sour Masterlist:
I wore makeup when we dated
'Cause I thought you'd like me more
"Wait- why are you putting on that much makeup, love?" Hayden my best friend and roomate questioned as she peered into my room. I shrugged, going back and plastering on more powder. It wasn't me. I never wore makeup. Hell, the day that we met- I had none on. I felt more comfortable when I did not have it on. Then, I found out about your hookups and exes and they were gorgeous. They were desirable and looked all the same. So, I made it my mission to be like them. "Stop, stop! Miranda!" She said coming into my room and grabbing my hand. She looked down at me and saw the tears begin to form and knew. I didn't have to say anything.
I was exhausted trying to be somebody else. Trying to be enough for you. Though I knew deep down, the real me would never measure up. "Miranda, why are you doing this to yourself?" She said putting down the brush and I shrugged again. "I like him, I really do." I responded turning and looking at myself in the mirror. My makeup was ruined by the five seconds of tears, and I didn't have the energy to fix it. "But, is it worth it? Youre fucking miserable Miranda." She said as I started to wipe off the makeup and restart. "Are you serious? You're gonna fix it?" She said frustrated and I continued to fix it. "He has a grip on you and I can't stand to see it take hold of you like this. He's changed you." She said before walking out and I shook my head, all of it was my doing. None of his. That was the first red flag.
And I knew your favorite songs by heart
Stupid, emotional, obsessive little me
Your music taste was...interesting. That's why I catergorically memorized it the very few times we listened to music either in the car or the random dance parties in your highrise. I knew the coffee order you took each and everytime, or the books you kept in your living room that were your favorites, or the first friend you went to when things got rough or the exact time you called your parents every week.
I thought for a long time, I was being a good girlfriend because I rememebered things as he told me. It's who I am, is that bad? Hayden reassured me when we finally broke up that I did nothing wrong. But it was hard to overcome the feeling of feeling like I was obsessed or too emotionally attached.
I knew from the start this is exactly how you'd leave
You found someone more exciting
And you left me there cryin', wonderin' what I did wrong
It was a Sunday morning, an off day for you and you had told me you wanted to pick me up for a morning coffee run. I happily accepted, and you greeted me at the front of my building with Felix and the growing boy greeted me with so much excitment that was a stark differance than how you were acting. I leaned in for a kiss, and you took a step back and I should of known that was the first sign. We made our way down the street to our favorite coffee shop that we'd frequent a ton and the one we met at. We ordered, and walked over towards Queen's Park and settled down for a bit with our coffee and croissants. We takled about the upcoming week, your games, the upcoming trip his parents would be making to see him, and then it hit a snag. You looked at me, for the first time that day. Like really looked at me, and I softly smiled while tilting my head in wonder. "Aus- why are you looking at me like that?" I questioned as I petted Felix. I could see the visbile and audible sigh you made, and I could feel the tears brim my eyes. I knew what he was going to say, I had been waiting for it since he asked me to be his girlfriend. "I have enjoyed these past 13 months, and am so thankful that we met and how incredible you've been to Felix and my family and friends but uh I think we should break up..." He explained and I felt my breath hitch in my throat. I looked down at Felix and kissed his face, sniffling as I did so. I looked back up and took in your gaze, "Did I do something? Was I not good enough? Yeah, I wasn't good enough." I huffed wiping some tears, and Felix tried to comfort me. Unbeknowgst to me, seeing me like this hurt you. Yet, you would never admit that. You weren't that type of dude, I had learned long before. "Well im sorry I wasn't enough, Austin. But that's not my problem anymore, is it?" I spat as you stood up. You took one last look at me before reconnecting Felix's harness and walking off. I watched as you two walked off, Felix going nuts that I wasn't with you. That broke my heart even more.
I sat there for awhile, drinking my coffee and went through everything I had done for you. Conciously and subconciously. And then I called Hayden and she drove over to where I was. And on the way back, I just knew in my heart that you had met somebody new. I could feel it in my bones. However, even with this new girl, she won't last. They never fucking do, Austin Matthews. You are never satisified and will be searching you whole existance for the 'one' and will come up short each time.
'Cause all I ever wanted was to be enough
After our breakup, I spent months picking apart our 13 months together and tried to figure our what I may have done for you to break up with me. Yet, evertime I came up short. I couldn't figure out what I had done that was so damning to you. What irked you, or annoyed you and what made me overbearing. Yet, when Hayden and I saw you at a broadway show that summer in new york with a new and fake esque blonde I understood. I wasn't her. I wasn't the last one, or the one before that. I never would be, I would never be enough for you. I would never be able to measure up, because I simply didn't care about that. Im not vain or care about materilistic things these other girls did. I didn't care about my apperance like these girls did.
All I ever wanted to be was enough, and everyday I tried to be just that. But you can't be enough for somebody if they don't love you for who you are. You can't be enough when all they are doing is walking through just simply tossing girls aside when they are no longer interesting. No longer exciting.
God, I hope the next girl after her makes you happier.
I hope you guys enjoyed, please reblog and like!
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countrymusiclover · 2 years
13 - My Orleans Girl
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Part 14
Her Life Means Everything
@mrs-fanfiction-2001 @the-big-bad-klaus
sarahgale98 on Wattpad Bianca Lockwood is her OC in this chapter. She asked me to include her in here if it was possible at all. I hope I did good :)
Madison Beer portrays Bianca
My phone rings earlier on Saturday morning where I rolled over in my bed thinking it must be Damon calling about another plan to hurt the Originals even though I am linked to the brothers. So honestly he should just stop trying. Putting the phone to my ear I yawned hearing a different voice come through the phone. "Hey Mads, what would you say if I was picking you and bringing you to New Orleans for the weekend?"
"I would say you're crazy, Bianca. You're busy with work and you don't have that kind of money to fly out there." I chuckled throwing my head back against the pillows at her crazy idea. She is related to Tyler and decided to become an artist in New Orleans and she's 23 years old.
Her and I became friends when Caroline and I were in middle school. I figured she was going to become an artist because she was always drawing anything in a notebook like all the time. Sitting up on my bed I suddenly heard someone honk outside my window. Pulling the curtain back I gasped seeing her car sitting in our driveway where she waved up at me seeing me still holding my phone up to my ear. "Bianca Lockwood you are literally insane. There's no way I am coming with you."
"Come on, Mads. I even think I found a hot guy for you...plus I have something to tell you." She replied where I groaned changing into some clothes for the day heading out the front door immediately rushing to her waiting arms. She picked me up on the ground twirling me around for a few seconds then sitting me back on my feet. We hold onto each other until she flashed a golden color over her eyes that I recognized from Klaus. "I found this guy who helped me stop having to lock myself up everytime there was a full moon."
Tucking hair behind my ear I gasped finally realizing that she was a werewolf like her brother. It finally made sense since her first boyfriend got killed in a car accident and that's how she became a wolf. "So you're a hybrid now. I know who turned you-" She cuts me off and puts me into the car where we made the drive to the famous city.
Stepping out of her car I watched her draw out her phone answering somebody who had called her. "Hi Marcel, you don't have to worry I just ran to Mystic Falls to pick up a friend. You'll like her. She's Human though so no drinking from her understand." She hung up grabbing my hand were we started walking down bourbon street. She even compelled someone so we could have some drinks where I drank a margarita in my hands.
"So Bianca who exactly is this hot man you claim to have found for me hmm?" I teased her feeling a little bit of a buzz and a burning in my chest from the new taste.
Bianca clasps her hands together in front of her as we now sit at a table outside one of the bars. I could hear loud music being played around the corner and some people were dancing outside some of the other places near us at the moment. I immediately think of Kol and how he said we danced good together. "Well he has dirty blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Oh and an accent you know like-"
"Hello love." I felt my cheeks turn red recognizing the voice that followed in unison with Bianca that could only belong to the one and only original hybrid.
His foosteps stopped right behind my chair where I spun around smiling up at him before he mirrors the same look on his face. "Klaus, what are - how are you here?" Raising a brow at him I had to wonder if the soulmate bond was stronger than we knew. That he could find my exact location without a witch now.
"This is my favorite city, Maddie. I enjoy all the music, art, culture. Although now it's improved that you're here." He smirked leaning down capturing his lip with mine. Lightly gripping the collar of his jacket I kissed him back feeling him whispering in my ear. "Be careful in this place. Vampires rule this place. If anything goes wrong just call out my name."
Nodding my head he vamped off into a random direction leaving me alone with Bianca. Once we finish our drinks the moon was rising in the sky. She intertwined my hand with hers where we started dancing around in a crowd full of people but I could feel someone watching the two of us. Throwing my hair around I tripped falling into the arms of a black guy who chuckled holding me off the ground. "If you're not careful you'll dance till you drop, doll."
"Thanks for the save. I guess I am clumsy on my feet sometimes." I smile standing on my feet now where Bianca throws her arms around my shoulders.
"Hi baby, this is the Mystic Falls girl. Maddie Forbes." Sticking my hand out we shake hands.
The man smiled showing me his fangs clearly not afraid to show what he was. "It's nice to meet you, Maddie. I'm Marcel, Marcel Gerard. Welcome to my city."
Comments really appreciated ❤️
Tell me what should happen next please
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lulupen2023 · 1 year
Bells' secret diary 2/7
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Teignmouth, My house, 2nd april 1992
Hello, Diary, I'm back,
I have so much to tell you and it is true that I should go in order…
No, i can't
I'M OFFICIALLY IN A BAAAAAANNNNDD WOOAAAHHHH!!!! I couldn't wait to tell you ... write it to you .. in short, let you know!
I left you at yesterday afternoon, when against all the most adverse forecasts I managed to tidy my bedroom for real.
And when the bell rang shortly after, I had to maintain a certain composure so as not to show I was panting after running to open the door.
It was Dominic. He’s always smiling. And he brought a guitar with him.
Unfortunately I wasn't quick enough to carry him up to my room and my grandmother met him already armed with freshly baked cookies.
“You are my dear Matthew's friend, how nice to meet you!” She smiled at him, extending the plate towards him.
What a bloody debacle! I had exchanged four flipping words with him, only for his extreme courtesy he agreed to come to my house and my grandmother came out with these heavy and too classifying names.
I was one step away from going into the garden, taking the shovel and burying myself alive… but do you want to know what Dominic replied?
“Mrs. Matthew's Grandmother, time will tell. For now I consider myself just a very well received guest and very lucky to have tasted such good biscuits!”
Did I mention that boy is really adorable?
Do you think my grandmother was the greatest danger?
Well, it's because you don't know my mum, who appeared out of nowhere and looked so deeply into Dominic’s eyes as if she wanted to read his soul… and mum is psychic, she knows about this stuff.
"I am pleased to see that my son has decided to broaden his connections, he is always so alone, I always tell him that, however it’s a beautiful thing, guitar and piano cannot be his friends in the physical sense of the word!” If first I wanted to use the shovel to bury myself, after that I wanted to take it and give myself a sharp blow on the head.
Dominic looked at her almost deeper than she had done and then replied: "Mrs Bellamy, ou’re right  to be happy for that, too much solitude is not good for anyone." I mean, do you understand? He didn't walk away, embarrassed, or worse, annoyed, or worse than worst, disgusted.
At least Paul was away from home, so once the obstacles were over, we got to my room..
He said I have a nice room, and he especially liked the posters. I found out that we have a lot of musical tastes in common, but we differ a lot on others.
He has taken  his guitar, I took mine, an acoustic, like his, although I think the electric is more fun. We sat on my bed and he asked me to play him something.
Since we both like Nirvana, I chose 'Come as you are', but without singing it.
He cut me off midway, saying that the chord change was too abrupt, he showed me how it should be done.. and I have to admit that he did it much more harmoniously.
He proposed that we play it together and a beautiful synergy was immediately created, only then I anticipated a chord change, I was too frantic and ruined everything.
However, Dominic wasn’t mad at me  at all for that, he put his guitar on the floor to slide towards me, he placed his hand on mine, on the neck of the guitar and made me understand the exact moment in which the chord needs to be changed.
I didn't expect that contact, it left me a little bewildered and I don't understand why... maybe it was the irrepressible desire I have to perfect myself on the guitar.
After that we tried once more playing it together and this time the synchronicity was perfect.
He complimented me a lot and I gloated like a fool.
Before leaving, he told me he hadn't missed noticing the piano I have downstairs and wanted me to play him something.
Usually I don't do it for anyone but mum, grandma or Paul… instead I sat on the stool, I chose to play the Nocturne 1 in F sharp minor by Rachmaninov and it seemed to me the most natural thing in the world.
And this was yesterday, let's move on to today... because I anticipated it, didn't I? After the lessons, today there was the audition.
I went to the classroom we had agreed on, by then deserted, where Dominic and three other guys were waiting for me, the remaining members of Carnage Mayhem, who however looked more like someone who is doing you a favor by staying there.
But not Dominic, I had his undivided attention.
This time I chose AC/DC with my beloved electric guitar, ready to perform  'Highway to Hell', I connected it to the amplifier and I no longer thought if I was respecting the passage of the chords, if the riffs I chose were too risky, as well as totally improvised; I let myself be totally carried away by the music. And I even sang, I had fun making those screams like a possessed, hahaha.
The three guys - if they didn't bother to learn my name I don't see why I should - gave a sterile micro applause… but Dominic, ooohhh, he was literally excited, he screamed, he cheered me, yes, his hands were worn out from applauding me and then he ran towards me, grabbing me by the shoulders.
“Carnage Mayhem do indeed have a new guitarist!” He announced, super smiling. “And also a singer, I might add.” then he only said this to me, in my ear: "And after your performance yesterday afternoon at your house, which was incredible, I can certainly say a pianist, too."
I'm not used to all this attention, to seeing my talent - hell yeah, Diary, at least I don't have to be modest with you, I have an immense fucking talent and it can't remain confined to my room, much less this shit hole town. - recognized, but above all so appreciated.
And as if I didn't fill enough roles already, Dominic left me with a question that's been racking my brain: "Can you even write songs?"
Yes, come on, I think I can do it… or at least I'll try.
Ah, d’ you know he told me I can call him 'Dom'? And I told him he can call me 'Matt'… I don't know, it makes it more confidential, I like it better.
However,Dom is way, way too kind… he must be gay for sure!
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myqueenmarceline · 2 years
Slow Dance Chapter 13
Summary: Marceline performs a new love song for Bonnibel at a concert. (yes, this is a song fic, the song is Taste of You by Rezz and Dove Cameron.)
Warnings: none, this is pure fluff (the MV for taste of you has flashing lights though, if that’s bad for you then don’t look at it)
Thank you to @nebula-gaster for beta reading!
Read it on ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/14520357/chapters/103714284
Read it from the beginning: https://archiveofourown.org/works/14520357/chapters/33547989
Marceline sat backstage, bobbing up and down slightly. She shifted her bass in her lap, plucking out a few chords. She had already tuned her bass, but she needed something to do with her hands.
She wished that she could look in the mirror just this once, and see how she looked. She knew that her purple tank top and black ripped jeans looked good on her, but what if her hair was a mess? Marceline ran her hands through it, making sure her hair was hanging down evenly on either side of her face, and only slightly messy.
She was playing in an abandoned industrial park tonight. The organizers of the concert were some new young punks, and Marceline liked their energy. She wasn’t on an official tour or anything, but she was making new music, so she had plenty of fans.
Marceline wasn’t worried about impressing them, though. She was quietly freaking out because Bonnibel had promised that she was going to come tonight. Marceline knew that Bonnibel would have probably found a way to watch her remotely anyways, but she wouldn’t have known about that. She hadn’t played in front of Bonnibel like this for a while, and the last time had been when they were both hanging out with Finn. There were no relationships to fall back on tonight, though.
Maybe it was a good thing, though. Marceline had written songs for Bonnibel before, and she had been inspired again. It was a bit different from her usual sound, but she thought Bonnibel would like it. Marceline was nervous now, but this was better than trying to sing for Bonnibel alone. If she had to do that, Marceline might set herself on fire for embarrassment. No, this would be the perfect way to express herself without getting too cheesy, even if this was her version of a love song.
The announcer’s mic was clear backstage, and Marceline heard them announce her. She dropped down, her feet hitting the floor. The opening act came backstage, and Marceline offered a high-five to an octopus who was still holding drum sticks in three arms.
“That was cool, dude.” Marceline hadn’t actually focused too much on their music, she just knew it was fast and angry. The octopus looked up at her in shock, then down at its own tentacle.
Marceline waved off the thanks and starry eyes, beginning to float again as she reached the edge of the curtain. “See you later!”
Marceline pushed the curtain aside and swooped on to the stage. She reached over and hit a button on the keyboard, and the pre-recorded sound track began. The track was a bit trippy, and the chords had a slight echo that gave them a surreal feeling. It had taken ages to find the right reverb on her keyboard at home, but that was worth it now.
Marceline took her place in the centre of the stage, grinning as the crowd cheered. She had planned for about ten seconds of the backing music playing before she began for this exact reason.
The lights were focused on her, and she didn’t try to look too hard into the crowd. If Bonnibel really wanted to be seen, then she would make herself known.
She played a single chord on her bass, then started to sing. Her own voice came in on the recording, echoing a few of her words in the right lines.
We started buzzing, blood was rushing, but it wasn't only to my head (head)
To my head (head, to my head)
You make me weaker, you're my keeper, pull me deeper, take me to the edge (edge)
And I jump in (in, I jump in)
Marceline looked up into the crowd as she got to the pre-chorus. The lights were too bright for her to see, but she grinned as if she could see Bonnibel.
All wrongs do me right, I dig my nails in dynamite
I might go off in the night and fend the fire
Marceline loved this part of the song, and she took a deep breath, then leaned in close to the mic. She couldn’t help smiling a bit as she sang. She had been struggling with this song for a while, but once she had figured out the first line of the chorus, things had gotten much better. She still felt a bit nervous, but the pre-show jitters had worn off by now.
What am I supposed to do, but sink my teeth in you?
I starve without you on my lips, I die without the taste of it
What am I supposed to be when you sink your teeth in me?
'Cause I live for the way you move, I'd die without the taste of you
Taste of you
Marceline bobbed her head as the beat dropped. She usually focused on her bass and voice, but for this song, she had added a stronger beat. She had tried to go for a more electronic sound, since Bonnibel mainly listened to computer music. Marceline danced a bit, spinning around to face the microphone again as the chorus ended.
When you're away from me, I'm cravingly impatient, chained up to the bed (bed)
Inside my head (head, inside my head)
And I don't care, I'm a bitch if I'm not getting my addiction fed
I'll end up dead (end up dead)
The crowd was getting more into the song now, and Marceline could hear them singing along with the recorded echoes at the end of the shorter lines. Marceline was glad that they were enjoying it, and she hoped that Bonnibel felt the same way. Marceline liked the song, but she had been working on it for months, and she worried she might be biased. It was too late for that now though; she just had to put her everything into singing it.
All wrongs do me right, I dig my nails in dynamite
I might go off in the night and fend the fire
What am I supposed to do, but sink my teeth in you?
I starve without you on my lips, I die without the taste of it
What am I supposed to be when you sink your teeth in me?
'Cause I live for the way you move, I'd die without the taste of you
What am I supposed to do, but sink my teeth in you?
The lights changed to pink and purple, bathing the stage and the concertgoers equally. Marceline could swear that she actually saw Bonnibel, in the centre near the front of the stage. She wasn’t wearing her crown, and her pink hair flowed around her face as she stared up at Marceline.
Marceline’s breath hitched, and she had to skip over the “I” at the start of the final chorus to stay on the beat.
—starve without you on my lips, I die without the taste of it
What am I supposed to be when you sink your teeth in me?
'Cause I live for the way you move, I'd die without the taste of you
Taste of you
Marceline was shaking a bit as the instrumental finished only a few seconds after, leaving her in silence. Then, the crowd erupted. The group wasn’t huge, but their screams were still pretty damn loud. Marceline laughed and bowed a bit, making them scream even louder. A few of them threw some shirts or flowers onstage, but Marceline didn’t pick any of them up.
She blew a kiss, then went offstage. The crowd kept wailing for more, and Marceline smiled. When she got such wonderful applause, she couldn’t leave them without an encore.
Once she got the nod of approval from one of the organizers, Marceline went back out. She laughed as the crowd screamed again, making devil horns with her hand and morphing her face so it was more batlike.
“Who’s ready to rock?!?”
Marceline played a few of her most recent popular songs. It was easy to make this crowd rock out, and she headbanged along with them. Most of these ones weren’t really about love, but they were a fun time to perform.
Unfortunately for the showgoers, Marceline wasn’t going to be doing a second encore. She gave them her best goodbye, bowing low while her hair floated up so that it didn’t touch the floor.
“Thank you so much for the show! Good night!”
Finally, she went backstage. She was a bit out of breath, and she grabbed the first water bottle she saw and drained it.
Marceline jumped as she felt two hands on her shoulders, turning around. All she saw was a flash of pink before she was being pressed against the wall. She could have resisted, but the familiar shade of pink she saw made her relax.
Bonnibel kissed her. Marceline was a bit surprised, but she didn’t mind. She closed her eyes and grabbed Bonnibel’s waist, pulling her closer. They kissed for a while, Bonnibel gripping Marceline’s tank top like she never wanted to let go. Marceline was happy to kiss back, feeling Bonnibel’s waist over her dress. It was a short, casual dress, and without her crown on full display, Bonnibel blended into the crowd well.
Bonnibel was panting slightly when she finally pulled away and Marceline hadn’t seen her look so bashful in a while. “Sorry, I just—” Bonnibel took a deep breath, then looked up at Marceline with a smile that made Marceline’s knees weak. “Thank you. That was wonderful.”
“Glad you liked it.” Marceline lifted one of the front pieces of Bonnibel’s hair, twirling it in her fingers. She wanted to make out with Bonnibel more, but the longer they stayed here, the more likely it was that they would be caught. Bonnibel didn’t want to do any overly dramatic public displays of affection, and Marceline agreed. She might be loud during concerts, but she wanted to keep these softer moments between just the two of them.
“You look pretty with your hair down. You wanna continue this somewhere else, Bonbon?” Marceline’s hands slipped around and down, and she lightly rubbed Bonnibel’s lower back.
Bonnibel nodded, smoothing Marceline’s tank top a bit with her fingers and then stepping back. “Yes please. Let’s go.”
Marceline took Bonnibel’s hand, and led her back into the main backstage area. This part didn’t have a roof, so it would be easy to fly out. Marceline gave a peace sign to the security guard standing by the wall, and they nodded at her in return. Marceline grabbed Bonnibel, and flew up right away. The night air rushed around them, and her bass swung by her side as she and Bonnibel made a quick exit. The concert had been amazing, but the excitement of flying with Bonnibel in her arms would never grow old.
0 notes
isolavirtuosa · 2 years
Cass & Dean's Infinite and Beyond Playlist 16-20
[fanfiction] Dean/Castiel
Canon Compliant Coda / Sequel to Cass & Dean's Infinite Playlist
The one where Cass makes a Daddy Issues playlist.
Referenced songs playlist on Spotify.
Parts 16-20/26 under the cut. Previous parts here.
- 16 -
Judy Collins was blasting from the living room when I got home from Bobby’s.  I peaked my head through the doorway, surprised to see my mom and Cass on the floor, surrounded by records.
Mom was laughing and she looked young with long blonde curls framing her face, but when her eyes met mine she was suddenly the short-haired woman I’d known as an adult again.  “Hey, sweetie.”
“Hey, Mom,” I greeted her, patting her shoulder and leaning down to kiss the top of her head.
She grinned up at me.  “Hope you don’t mind us commandeering your living room.”
“Mi casa is su casa,” I said, eyes flicking over to Cass.  “Hi.”
“Hello,” he said, looking up at me expectantly.
I looked between him and my mom, both staring at me.  I swallowed, then shifted over to Cass and kissed the top of his head.
Cass’s whole face scrunched up in a smile.
Mom smiled, too, and went back to looking at records.
I slid down between them, feeling a little embarrassed but pleased.  My mom had had a similar reaction to my announcement as everyone else; I’d asked her, “hey, you know that Cass and me are… you know?” and she’d nodded and said, “I know.”
But then she’d gone and changed the script a little, saying, “I’m so glad you two finally found each other.”
Like she’d always known.
I settled my hand on Cass’s knee, picking up a record.  Carole King.  “These new?”
“Mary’s contributions to our collection,” he said, and I didn’t miss the our.
“Chick music?” I questioned before I could stop myself.
Mom made a dismissive noise.  “I taught you to respect the greats better than that.”
Cass was looking at me like I was an idiot.  “You and Mary have exactly the same taste in music, irregardless of your gender.”
“We don’t have the exact same taste,” I tried to protest, but just hearing this stupid Judy Collins song was tightening up something in my chest, something nostalgic and familiar and well-loved.
“Have you ever ridden in the car with your mother?” Cass asked, squinting at me.  “Dean, I put your body together atom by atom-”
“Jesus, Cass, in front of Mom?”
He stopped at that, looking confused.  “I simply mean that I know you on the deepest levels.”
I wanted to make a dirty joke about that, but as I’d pointed out myself, Mom really was sitting right across from us, so instead I gestured magnanimously for him to continue.
He frowned at me, but continued, “…and as the person who knows you on the deepest levels, I can assure you that there is little discernible difference between the musical selections of Mary Winchester and the musical selections of Dean Winchester played at obscene volumes during long drives.”
‘Obscene,’ Mom mouthed at me, amusement crinkling around her eyes.
I snorted.
“Including female singer-songwriters,” Cass added, giving us both a frown for our cheekiness.
“I don’t-” I tried to protest, and then just let the lie die off my lips.  “Whatever,” I grumbled instead.
Fine, Cass had converted me; I liked chick music.  That didn’t mean I had to admit it out loud.  The two people in this room could read it on my face without me having to say it, anyway.
“Sooo,” Mom said, still amused from my admission before her face suddenly went serious.  “Family dinner.”
“What about it?” I asked.
“I told Sam he could bring Eileen,” she said slowly.
“Cool,” I said with a shrug.
Mom and Cass were both giving me A Look again.
“I thought it’d be nice if you brought Castiel, too,” Mom said casually.
I didn’t mean to laugh.
Mom gave me a tired look, while Cass did his broody pout thing.
“What?” I protested.  “He doesn’t eat,” I tried, taking my hand off of Cass’s knee and flailing it in his direction.
“You do not occupy a physical body and therefore do not require sustenance, either,” Cass said, wrinkling his nose at me.  “If you do not wish for me to come, then simply say so.”
“Cass, come on, man,” I said in a tone that definitely wasn’t a whine.  “You know how hard…” I trailed off, eyes nervously flitting to Mom before deciding to just push forward, “…how hard it’s been for me and Dad to… you know… and then if you’re there, I mean you two aren’t exactly…”
“John Winchester and I have spoken,” Cass said, bringing my rambling to a screeching halt.
“What?  When?” I asked, then thought about the important stuff.  “Spoken about what?”
“I apologized about my previous abruptness with him, but he understood and respected that I had been protecting you.”
“Protecting me?” I repeated.
Cass leaned in closer, gaze catching mine.  “He makes you upset, Dean,” he said, reaching up to cup my cheek gently.  “You are in heaven, and yet speaking with your father makes you upset, and I cannot abide that.”
“I’m a grown man, Cass, it’s okay,” I said, rolling my eyes and trying to break that hypnotic gaze but not quite succeeding.
“It is not okay, but John Winchester and I have agreed to ‘start’ ‘fresh’.”
“Wish I could ‘start fresh’ with him,” I muttered.
“He’d like that, Dean,” Mom cut in softly.
“I know, Jesus,” I complained with a frustrated sigh.  “I’d like that, too, but it’s not that friggin’ easy.”
“It’s not,” she agreed, reaching over and patting my knee.  “It took a long time for me and your dad, and we still have our arguments, but… it’s like the edges have softened?” she mused.  “When you finally let go, it just…” she trailed off, searching for the right words, then seemed to give up with a shrug.  “I’m happy, and I want you to be happy.”
“I’m happy, Mom,” I told her, and it was more or less true.
She squeezed my knee gently, eyes meeting mine steadily before she retreated back to the pile of records.
I felt a little brave.  “Cass makes me happy,” I said, my voice coming out stronger than I expected.
Mom breathed out, her lips curling upwards, though she kept at her task without looking at me.
“Dean, that’s…” Cass trailed off, staring up at me like I created the universe in seven days.
“Don’t start,” I told him, squishing his face.
“Try and stop me,” he said, his words muffled by his squishy fish face.
I grinned and kissed him without a thought.
It was just Mom, and she’d always known, anyway.
- 17 -
“Why haven’t we done this before?” Cass marveled at me like he’d just discovered the secret of the universe.
“Because we are two fully grown men smushed together in a very small space?” I attempted to complain, when really I had no complaints at all about driving to a scenic lookout and proceeding to make out in the backseat of my Baby like a couple of teenagers.
“I think it’s… cozy,” he decided.
I shook my head, cupping his jaw and pulling him back down into a kiss.  Only Cass would think that steaming up the windows of the Impala was ‘cozy’.  “You’re like a horny teenage grandpa,” I mumbled against his mouth.
“The logistics of becoming a grandfather during the teenage years-”
“Nope,” I cut him off, moving my mouth down his neck.  “Less talky, more kissy.”
“Dean,” he complained at me.
I shifted, letting our eyes meet.
“We can both talk and kiss,” he informed me gravely.
“Cass, man, come on,” I groaned.
“I enjoy talking to you,” he persisted.
“I enjoy talking to you, too, sweetheart,” I told him, earning myself a toothy smile.  “But make out conversations should be more, ya know, dirty talk and stuff.”
“Oh,” he mused with a thoughtful frown.  “I don’t think you would be able to handle my ‘dirty talk’ in this confined space, Dean.”
I snorted at that.  “Yeah, okay, I’ll try and keep it together from your ridiculous idea of dirty talk.”
“You always say it’s ridiculous, but it sure seems to… ‘get the job done’,” he pointed out.
“Well aren’t you a cocky sonuvabitch.”
“Is it cockiness if it’s true?”
“Yes,” I said, then thought about it.  “Maybe?  Whatever, you’re bad at dirty talk even if it turns me on.  Everything turns me on, so it’s hardly an accomplishment.”
He looked crestfallen.
I groaned, resting my head back against the door.  “Look, the windows are already unfogging…”
Cass pushed out his bottom lip in a pout.
I reached up to push an errant hair behind his ear, then left my hand there, cupping his cheek.
He leaned into the touch, eyes still staring into mine intently.
“C’mere,” I said softly.
He leaned in until his forehead rested against mine.
“The way you talk is weird,” I informed him.
Cass worked himself up to a thoroughly exasperated look.
“But it’s kinda sexy when your voice gets all… growly and stuff, so it doesn’t really matter what you say.”
“Oh, I see,” he said, and he was using that low, growly voice just to spite me.
“I just…” I trailed off, trying to make good words and failing.  “I like it.  I like you,” I finally said, which I didn’t think was what I’d been trying to say, what with how junior-high-school-crush it sounded.
“I like you, too, Dean,” Cass said, smiling all sunnily.  At least I’d uncrammed my foot from my mouth a little, even if what was coming out of my mouth was still stupid.
“I just… I mean… you know?”
He squinted at me.
I flushed, feeling stupid and tongue-tied.
“I know,” he finally said, letting me off the hook.
We went back to steaming up the windows.
I rocked my hips up lazily between his thighs, with no real intent behind the motion, reveling in the way Cass kissed me in that joyful way of his, like he was being given a gift.
Then he started joyfully licking my nose.
“You’re not a dog!” I protested, trying to push him away.
“I have often been referred to as such,” he said with a shrug, then went back to planting kisses all over my face before licking my nose again.
“Cass!” I may or may not have shrieked before bursting out laughing as he friggin’ persisted in his nonsense.  “What are you doing, you’re so weird,” I gasped out.
“I’m showing you my affections,” he declared with a grin that said he knew he was being a weirdo and didn’t care.
“Enough,” I tried to groan, even though I was still laughing.  I pushed us up into a sitting position, one hand guarding Cass’s head from bumping into Baby’s roof while the other settled comfortably on his ass.
“You’ve done that before,” he observed, settling his arms around my neck.
“Me and Baby have been around the block a time or two,” I said with a wink.
Cass rolled his eyes.
“Hey, you appreciate me and my experience,” I said, giving his ass a squeeze.
He squirmed a little at that, but then his look went deadpan.  “Yes, your vast experience in seducing women in your car to the soundtrack of Bad Company-”
“Dude, Bad Company rocks,” I interrupted him before he could get any more hits in.
“Well, I’m certainly going to associate this album with your sweet lips for the rest of my existence,” Cass said, looking a little dreamy.
‘Sweet lips?’ I mouthed at him incredulously.
He winked at me.
I threw my head back, laughing.  “You are simultaneously the dorkiest and suavest person I’ve ever met.”
“You think I’m suave?” he asked, pleased.
“You did just get me to make out with you for like three hours,” I pointed out.  “With no happy ending.”
“I think it ended pretty happi-” Cass started, then frowned.  “Oh.  You were making a lewd reference to a hand job after a massage.”
“I was making a lewd reference to a hand job after a massage.”
“I can do that, too.”
“Wasn’t asking,” I said with a snort.  “Wouldn’t say no, but wasn’t asking.”
“When we get home,” he promised, and I felt my cheeks heat up.  Cass squinted at me for a long while, then said, “I love you, Dean.”
“Back atcha, buddy,” I mumbled, tucking my face into his neck.
“I think you may have actually come up with something more offensive than ‘I know’,” he grumbled at me.
“How is that offensive?” I complained, still not looking up at him.
“I dunno, ‘buddy’, whaddyu think?”
I snorted at his impression of me, and attempted to not sound sarcastic when I replied, “I’m sorry, darling, I love you, too.”
“Thank you,” he said, kissing the top of my head.  “It’s nice to hear.”
“I know,” I said quietly, hugging him more tightly.
We held each other for a while, then I decided it was time to end our little romcom scene and head home.
Cass settled a hand on my shoulder as I drove, and I cast a questioning glance over at him.
“You seem more relaxed,” he said.
“More relaxed than what?” I asked before I could stop myself.
He leveled me with a knowing look.
I sighed, focusing on the road ahead.  “I’m fine.”
“You are anxious about me attending family dinner with you tomorrow.”
“It’s fine.”
“You’re fine, it’s fine, everything is just fine, fine, fine,” Cass grumbled at me.
“Don’t need Sassy Cass right now,” I complained.
“And yet you’ve got him.”
I rolled my eyes at him.
His hand slipped from my shoulder to cover mine on the steering wheel.  “It’s okay to feel what you feel, Dean.  To acknowledge it, to talk about it.”
“Yeah, sure, if I was, you know, a girl.”
“Dean,” Cass said in his most disappointed tone.
“Yeah, yeah, girls can be emotionally stunted, too.”
He paused at that, before letting out a startled laugh.
I felt myself grinning.
“You are so…” he trailed off, shaking his head.
“That’s what they say,” I agreed.
We sank back into silence, until I pulled up to the house.
“I just wish you’d express yourself,” he said into the quiet of the car.
“I don’t know how,” I replied honestly.
Cass nodded, squeezing my hand before getting out of the car.
I came up beside him as he moved along the walkway, sliding my arm around his shoulder.  “It’s just dinner.  I’m sure it’ll be fine.”
“It will be fine,” Cass echoed, trying to be optimistic even if he didn’t sound convinced.
- 18 -
Family dinner was fine.
When we got there, Dad was in the garage working on his car, so I left Cass with Sam and Eileen in the living room, while Mom and I headed to the kitchen to try and sort out whatever mess she’d made this time.
“Ya know, for how much you two are the same exact person, Dean sure is a good cook,” Sam commented as he passed through the kitchen to steal some carrots off of the cutting board.
“Stop with the rabbit food,” I said, smacking his hand away.
“I could have learned to cook,” Mom said with a frown.  “If I had the opportunity.”
Neither Sam nor I could stop the disbelieving looks we both gave her.
“What?” she protested.  “I totally could have.  When I first moved into the bunker Dean was just starting to really cook.  If he could get that good that fast-”
“Mom, I love you,” Sam said solemnly, “but please stop trying to cook.”
“It’s for your own good,” I agreed.
She made an offended noise, but then just shrugged.  “Alright, well then I guess you two have got everything covered in here,” she declared, walking out of the kitchen.
“I don’t have anything covered,” Sam tried to protest.
“Shut up and make the salad, bitch,” I commanded him.
“I am not your salad bitch.”
“Oh, you are definitely the most bitchy of all the salad bitches,” I said as I carefully flipped the burgers in the frying pan.
Sam muttered something under his breath and I ignored him since he wasn’t man enough to say it out loud.  Somehow we managed to put something halfway decent together from the mess Mom started, and then we were serving the food and everyone was coming to the table to eat.
“Hey, boys,” Dad said, passing through the kitchen, covered in grease.  “Gimme a sec and I’ll join you.”
When he had disappeared into the bathroom, I breathed out a breath I hadn’t realized I’d been holding.
“Dude,” Sam said, shaking his head.
“Dude,” I replied, shaking mine back at him.
He gave me A Look, taking the platter with the hamburgers from my hand and walking out to the dining room.
Mom sat at the end of the table, Eileen to one side of her and Cass to the other.
I let my hand drag across Cass’s shoulder as I passed him, the touch anchoring me as I took my seat next to him.
He gave me one of his puppy dog faces, so I leaned in to give him a quick kiss.
“Are you okay?” he asked quietly, his nose still brushing against mine.
“Yeah, I’m okay,” I assured him, kissing him one more time for luck before pulling away.
“Young love,” Eileen commented, rolling her eyes.
“Sorry your love is so old and crusty,” I replied flippantly.
“Crusty?” she asked incredulously, making some kind of sign that I didn’t understand.
Sam snorted.
I was opening my mouth to make another jab when my dad walked into the room.  I yanked my hand away from Cass’s knee where it had been resting under the table, whacking it against the table in my haste to do so.  I cleared my throat, straightening up.
Cass seemed resigned to my behavior, but Eileen looked shocked.
‘Dean?’ she finger signed at me.
‘OK,’ I signed back at her, just about the only coherent response I could manage in sign language.
“Is it just me, or did it suddenly get real quiet in here?” Dad joked, taking his seat across from Mom.
“It is not your imagination,” Cass stated gravely.
The two of them exchanged an unreadable look and the sweat on my palms increased about 20 percent.
“Burgers look great,” Mom commented, taking one off the platter and passing them to Cass.
“So they kicked you out of the kitchen?” Dad concluded, shooting her a shit-eating grin.
“Don’t you start, too,” she growled with a mock-glare.
This was all Typical Family Dinner Fun in the tradition of the one and only family dinner we ever had all together, alive and aware, back in Lebanon.  It involved sticking to light topics like Mom’s terrible cooking, then pleasantly dispersing at the end of the meal, feeling like we were a passable family.
Usually I was good at playing my role, but there was something off this time.
I glanced over at Cass as he passed me the burgers.
He gave me a reassuring smile, acting completely nonplussed about how I’d just pulled away from him like he was on fire.
We’d discussed it before we came.  Cass understood.  He always understood.
That was a convenient excuse.
I picked at my food, barely listening to the conversation going on around me.
Cass watched me carefully, but kept his distance.
I glanced over at Dad as he and Eileen talked animatedly about ghoul-killing techniques.
Dad adored Eileen.  She was exactly the kind of woman he wanted his sons to marry.
Her hand was on Sammy’s knee under the table.
It pissed me off.
His voice was so quiet over the din of conversation that I almost didn’t hear him.  Meeting Cass’s gaze, the sympathetic puppy look had ratcheted up to full power, and I felt my hand twitch, moving involuntarily towards him before I quickly snatched it back.
“Dean,” he repeated, giving me a sympathetic look.
“What?” I growled, but it came out a lot higher than I expected.  Also, I had to flick my gaze up to meet his.  “Sonuvabitch,” I muttered, because of course I had to revert to my teenage self in this stupid situation.
So then everyone stopped talking and stared at me.
“I’m gonna check on the…” I trailed off even as I was already moving to the kitchen, unable to come up with a proper excuse but running away anyway.
I expected Sammy or Cass to come drag me back to the dinner table, but instead it was Eileen who followed me into the kitchen.  “Dean?”
“It’s fine,” I said, hands on the counter as I stared out the window.
“Dean?” she repeated.
“Look, I don’t want to-”
“I can’t read your lips,” she spoke over me.
“Oh, shit, sorry,” I said, whirling around to face her.
Eileen grinned at me.
“This why they sent you in here?” I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.  “So I hafta look you in the eye?”
“Devious masterminds, your brother and your boyfriend.”
I rolled my eyes.
“Goddamn, you are adorable,” she marveled at me.
She gestured up and down my teenage frame.  “If we all met when we were teenagers, forget Sam...”
I snorted at that.  “You’re really sounding like a pedo here.”
She shook her head at me, slowly letting her own projected body de-age back to adolescence.
“Hey, you might be on to something with this whole ‘forget Sam’ thing…” I said, giving her a leer and a wink.
Eileen just laughed, hopping up to sit on the counter next to where I was standing.  “Less flirting, more talking.”
“That’s just against my nature, darlin’,” I protested.
“Dean,” she said, shaking her head at me.
“Whaddya want me to say?” I asked, starting to look away again before catching myself.  I didn’t want to be a dick to Eileen, but it was also a dick move sending her in after me when I clearly just needed a minute to clear my head.
“Why’d you freak out?” Eileen asked, not willing to give me that minute.
“I didn’t ‘freak’ ‘out’,” I said, realizing as the words were tumbling out of my mouth that I was using Cass’s air quotes.  That was embarrassing.
Her eyebrows shot up, like she didn’t believe me.
“I just-” I started and stopped.  I wasn’t going to be tricked by those big brown eyes.  “I think Sam is negatively influencing you.”
“What?” she asked, letting out a surprised laugh.
“Come on, Eileen, you’re not the touchy feely type who always wants to talk about feelings.”
“Too loo rye ay,” she said with a shrug.
It took me a minute, and then it was my turn to laugh in surprise.  “Never expected you to quote song lyrics at me.”
“I’m Irish, my name is Eileen, and I look like this,” she said, gesturing up and down her body.  “Teenage boys are not as clever with their pickup lines as they think.”
“Got that one a lot?”
She made a face at me and I laughed again.
“I definitely woulda tried that ‘you in that dress’ bit on you in my younger days,” I confessed.
“In your younger days?” she asked with a snort.  “I’ve heard you try ‘come here often?’ and ‘this coffee is hot’ in your definitely not younger days.”
“Listen, the classics are classics for a reason.”
“Hey, I’m not going to argue with your success rate,” she said, holding her hands up in deference.
“Damn straight.”
Eileen continued to look at me expectantly.
“What, you think we’ve had enough friendly banter now so I should break down and bare my naked soul to you?”
She wrinkled her nose.  “You don’t have to do all that,” she said.  “Just want to know what’s wrong.”
I sighed, climbing up onto the counter next to her.
She bumped her shoulder into mine.
“It just sucks,” I said, hoping I could leave it at that.
But of course I couldn’t.  “What sucks?”
I took in a deep breath and heaved it out loudly.  “I’m a grown ass man, but I can’t…” I hesitated, then realized that Eileen could still read my lips if I closed my eyes.  “I’m afraid.  To touch Cass.  To be with Cass.”
Even when I wasn’t looking into her eyes, I could feel her confusion.
“Infrontofmydad,” I rushed to finish.
The bump of her shoulder against mine became a more solid touch.
I didn’t want to put it into any more words than that.
That’s not how a man walks.
Cut your hair, boy, you look like a fag.
You’re not a sissy, you don’t cry over a little blood.
I remembered defiantly throwing my arm around Cass’s shoulder in front of him that one time at his house, feeling so empowered.
But that was before we were together.
That was before I proved every homophobic word that ever came out of my dad’s mouth about me to be true.
“Cass deserves better than that,” I finally said into the silence, keeping the darker things inside.
“Yeah, he does,” Eileen agreed.  “But you’re not the one taking that away from him.”
I swallowed, still not wanting to open my eyes.  “But I am,” I said quietly.  “I’m the one who’s too weak to stand up for myself, to stand up for him, to…”
“So you’re going to run away?”
The challenge in her voice had my eyes flying open.
She smirked at me.
“You play dirty, Leahy,” I complained.
“Yep,” she agreed, sliding off the counter and back onto the tile.  “Dean?”
“Yeah?” I said, then realized her back was to me.
“Sometimes… we have these ideas in our head of how things are supposed to be,” she said.  “And we try to force those ideas into being, even when they don’t fit with reality.”
This was going a little over my head, but I couldn’t convey that to her back.
“I think I’ve dreamed my entire life of being with my parents and the three of us being a family.  But when I got to heaven... I realized that we didn’t… we didn’t know each other.  So… we wanted to be a family, but we were strangers, and when we tried to force it…  We had to change our idea of what we wanted.  And that made things easier, and maybe now we’re really starting to be a family, but it looks a lot different from how I pictured it when I was still alive.  And that’s not a bad thing, just… different,” she concluded, turning around to meet my gaze again.
Sometimes I forgot how alike Eileen and I were, and other times it kicked me in the face.
I held my hand out to her, and she took it.  I squeezed gently, then let go and hopped off the counter.  “Let’s bring out dessert.”
She helped me get the bowls and spoons out, then we carried them along with the ice cream from the freezer back into the dining room, and we all endured the rest of yet another perfectly fine Winchester Family Dinner.
- 19 -
I was agreeing to spare the Pie Fairy as long as she kept my oven well-stocked when a crash startled me awake.  I squinted into the dark of the room at Cass in the middle of the floor, frantically putting tapes into a big cardboard box.  “You comin’ or goin’?” I managed to gravel out.
“I didn’t mean to wake you,” he said, giving me a sheepish look, before adding, “and coming.”
“Thought you had to work,” I mumbled, rubbing my hand over my face.  He’d told me before I went to sleep that he had Heaven Crap to do.
“I delegated,” he said, fishing the last tape out from under the bed and putting the box back in the middle of the floor.
“Maybe if you put that somewhere else, you wouldn’t trip over it?” I suggested.
“I didn’t trip,” Cass protested, sounding annoyed.  “I simply… forgot it was there.”
“Yeah, okay,” I said, rolling my eyes.  “Too damn early for this shit, Cass.  Come to bed.”
He leveled me with A Look as he pulled off his trench coat and settled it over the back of my desk chair.
“Oh, am I getting a show?” I asked, waggling my eyebrows at him.
Cass paused in undoing his tie.  “Will I receive a… ‘tip’?”
“Not just the tip, baby,” I said with a snort.
He raised an eyebrow at me.
I flushed but kept grinning.
He shook his head and carefully undid the buttons of his shirt before folding it and placing it on the chair.
“This show would be a lot more interesting if I didn’t know that the big reveal was a pair of giant white granny panties,” I sighed.
“They are neither panties nor for grannies,” he explained, pulling his pants over his feet, then folding them neatly and piling them on top of his shirt.  “I would wear something else, but I don’t want you to snap at me for wearing your clothes.”
“I already apologized for that,” I complained.  “You know I was stressed out about dinner with my dad.”
“Yes,” he said, standing in the middle of the room in just his giant white boxers and his sensible socks.
“I already admitted I was an ass.”
“I won’t do it again?”
Cass gave me a head tilt and a squint that said he didn’t agree.
“I don’t want to do it again,” I reassessed.
“I know,” he agreed, his expression softening.
“I like when you wear my clothes,” I tried.
“Just not in front of your father.”
“He doesn’t… understand…”
“I understand.”
“Caaaaass,” I said in a tone that probably wasn’t a whine, but I was groggy and it was still dark and we could be cuddling if he wasn’t halfway across the room.  “Pleeeeeease wear my clothes.”
He shrugged at me and started going through my bureau.  “Your boxer shorts are the same size as mine, so I really do not know what you are carrying on about with your ‘granny’ ‘panties’ comments.”
“Yeah, but mine are black,” I pointed out, propping my chin up on my arm and watching him.
“And mine are white,” he stated.
“Everyone knows black is sexy.”
“I think white is very dapper.”
“Dapper isn’t gonna get you laid, man.”
“But Scooby Doo will?” he questioned me, holding up my Scooby Doo boxers.
“Hell yeah he will.”
“I think we have very different ideas about what is… sexually appealing.”
“I’m not gonna take fashion advice from the holy tax accountant.”
“That’s your prerogative,” he said, his voice muffled as he pulled his favorite AC/DC shirt over his head.  He held his hands out, displaying the shirt and the pair of sweats he’d pulled on.  “What do you think?”
“You look… comfy,” I concluded, pulling up the corner of the blanket and holding it open for him.  “C’mere.”
Cass’s face lit up as he clambered into my waiting arms.
I didn’t know if I’d ever get used to that sight.  “Hey, gorgeous,” I greeted him, brushing a lock of hair away from his forehead.
He looked even more pleased.
“You like that one?” I asked, letting my fingers linger in his hair.
He nodded.  “You do not usually compliment this vessel so openly.”
“Dude, just call it a body like a normal person.”
“Sorry, dude,” he said, rolling his eyes at me.
“Mm-hm,” I hummed, pulling him into a brief kiss.
Cass was smiling again as he tucked his head under my chin, snuggling into my chest.
“You are gorgeous,” I said softly, nudging my nose into his hair.
“That’s a nice compliment, thank you.”
I breathed him in, feeling myself start to drift.
Cass hummed to himself, the sound reverberating in my chest as I fell back asleep.
- 20 -
Jody and I sat on the edge of the pier, drinking beers and watching the sun set.  Her kid and her husband were swimming in the lake with Alex and Donna, splashing each other and laughing loudly.
“This ain’t bad,” I decided, kicking my bare feet lazily along the surface of the water.
“It’s not,” Jody agreed, looking more relaxed than I’d probably ever seen her.
“Thanks for inviting us,” I said, nodding my head back towards her cabin.
“You’re family, kiddo,” she said, knocking her shoulder into mine.
I knocked mine back into hers and enjoyed the quiet.
“Heard you really killed at karaoke last night,” Jody commented.
“Uh, hell yeah, I did,” I agreed.  “Belted out some Eye of the Tiger, House of the Rising Sun…”
“Aerosmith’s Angel,” she contributed.
I couldn’t stop my whole face from going red.  “Hey, what happens at karaoke, stays at karaoke,” I muttered.
“Yeah, not when you go to karaoke with Claire and she has a camera.”
“There are pictures?” I asked, mortified.
“And videos,” Jody added agreeably.
“I thought this was supposed to be heaven,” I groaned.
“If it helps, I mean besides your terrible singing, the video is really cute.”
“That does not help at all,” I said, finally facing her with an appalled look.
She held up a screen to me, pushing play.
I was drunk as hell, caterwauling, “you’re my aaaaaangeeeel,” and boy was that fucking embarrassing.  “Jesus Christ, Jody.”
“He certainly has nothing to do with it,” she said, flinching as I hit a particularly off-key note.  “Works better on mute,” she decided, hitting the mute button and saving us both.
Because then the camera shifted from me to Cass, who just looked completely smitten, face glowing with pure joy.
I bit my lip, a little moved seeing that raw emotion captured on film.  And also it was embarrassing as hell.  “Shut that off,” I complained, even though my eyes were still riveted to Cass’s laughing, smiling face.
“But you two are so adoooorable,” she fake-crooned.
I gave her the look of disgust that she deserved.
She grinned and turned the video off.  “Maybe you should lay off the sauce,” she suggested, nodding her chin towards the beer in my hand.
“I have laid off the sauce, which is how I got so wasted in the first place,” I grumbled.  “Gotta build my tolerance back up.”
Jody shook her head, but she was still grinning.
“Bombs away!”
Kaia and Claire streaked past us, jumping off the pier and canon-balling into the water.
Jody looked very unimpressed as the water splashed her.  “Was that really necessary?”
“Love ya, Joooodyyyy,” Claire cooed as the two swam away.
I was suddenly in shadow, so I leaned my head back to see who was blocking the sun.
A person that I hoped to be Cass loomed over me.
There’d been this whole thing where maybe I’d accidentally grabbed Jimmy’s ass, so now I tried not to assume when Claire was around.
“Hello, Dean,” he rumbled at me.  “Jody.”
“Hey, Cass, enjoy your walk?” she greeted him.
“It was… informative,” he decided.
“What could those two possibly be informing you about?” I scoffed.
“Music,” he said cheerfully.
I groaned.  “Please don’t tell me…”
Cass pulled a mixtape from the pocket of his/my jeans.  “We can listen to it on the drive home.”
“Oh, god,” I complained, dreading the grungy vocal stylings of Taylor Momsen that I was going to be subjected to.
“We also talked about ‘boys’,” he continued.
“What do the lesbians even know about boys?”
“A lot,” Cass told me with a very serious face.
“Really, Dean?  ‘The lesbians’?” Jody repeated, shaking her head.
“It’s a descriptive term,” I said defensively.
“Should I start calling you and Cass ‘the gays’?” she asked with a snort.
“I’m not gay,” I put in irritably.  “I’m b-” I started and immediately stopped, lifting my beer to my lips and taking a very long drink.  I could feel two sets of eyes staring at me, but I looked out at the water resolutely and decided to pretend that the last thirty seconds had not happened.
I wasn’t sure if my acute embarrassment was because of what I’d almost said, or because I hadn’t been able to say it.
The quiet grated on me, so finally I snipped at Cass, “are you gonna stand there all day like a weirdo or are you gonna sit your ass down?”
“How is standing weird?” he complained, even has he was already lowering himself onto the pier, one jean-covered leg going over the edge towards the water.
“Stop, stop, stop!” I cried, grabbing his leg.
Cass kept his leg hovering over the water, looking at me like I was the weird one.
“You gotta roll your pants up, man,” I explained, rolling my eyes.
“Why?” he asked, unmoved.
“Because they’ll get all wet,” I said, exasperated.
“Then I will dry them.”
“Just roll them up so you don’t have to dry them in the first place!”
“If you insist,” he said, seeming very put out as he started mechanically rolling the jeans up to his knees.
“I insist,” I said with a huff, rolling up the other leg for him.  “See?  Much better.”
Cass gingerly lowered his legs into the water, letting it lap at his shins.  “I really don’t see the difference.”
“Dude,” I groaned.
“Sorry, dude,” he replied in that extremely sarcastic way that he’d picked up recently.
“Sweetheart,” I corrected myself, getting a smile out of him.  “You are so damn weird.”
“You like it,” he said with a shrug.
I rolled my eyes and passed him my beer.
He raised an eyebrow at me.
I looked out at the water.
Cass accepted the beer and took a sip, probably trying to analyze what pleasure humans derived from drinking lukewarm hops by the water and absolutely coming no closer to an explanation beyond ‘humans like molecules’.
Jody was giving us a sappy look, but I ignored her to help preserve her dignity.
She didn’t want people to start thinking she’d gone soft.
0 notes
ericspinkhair · 3 years
wedding fun
pairing: dom!eric, dom!sunwoo x sub! reader (no gender specified but has a vagina)
word count: 2.7k
synopsis: it’s Changmin’s sister’s wedding and his younger sibling gets super drunk and loses their virginity to Eric and Sunwoo
a/n: please send in requests!
y/s/n = your sister’s name
pt. 2
masterlist + requests
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Tears were welling up as you saw your beautiful sister walk down the aisle, holding onto your dad’s arm. She looked absolutely stunning with her dark hair in a fancy updo and the silver makeup shimmering on her face. Her eyelids were painted a lovely purple and the exact same color could also be found on all the bridesmaids’ dresses. After all, it was her favorite color.
Y/s/n took the hands of her very-soon-to-be-husband and looked him deep in the eyes. Everyone in the room could see the love these two had for each other. You were wondering whether you would ever be able to find this kind of love in your life. This far you had been unsuccessful and being alone scared you. But being an idol also made having a significant other very difficult so you love would not be an option for a long time.
Immersed in your own thoughts, you were taken by surprise when you heard “I do’’ already coming out of your sisters mouth.
“And do you, Kim Hanseob, take y/s/n as your beloved wife and promise to stay by her side until death do you part?’’ The room was filled with anticipation as everyone waited for him to answer. You swore to god if he didn’t say yes you’d haunt him down and make sure to kick him there where it really - “I do,” he said and before the priest could continue he had already cupped your sister’s face and planted a passionate kiss on her lips.
You could feel tears running down your cheeks and tried to wipe them away. Your eyes met your brother's, Changmin, who also appeared to be crying and he flashed you a big smile. You grinned back.
Then your gaze fell onto your fellow members who were applauding loudly and cheering. Both your and Changmin's group were invited to sing later. That's why Changmin was sitting with his ten friends/co-workers/members in the audience and, on top of that, six girls were waiting for you there as well. You stood up there in your purple dress near your sister as you had the honor of being the bridesmaid (ever since you were little you had made it very clear that that position would be yours and threatened your sister with various horrifying scenarios in case she chose someone else).
After everyone gave heartbreaking speeches, it was time to dance and get wasted. At least that was what seemed to be planned for you. During your sister’s speech, she told everyone to get you drunk. Apparently that was her biggest wish for the night and only after that could she truly be happily married. You had turned twenty not even two months ago (Korean age) and are now a legal adult who could do adult things like drinking. The first glass was handed to you by Changmin who would not answer what kind of liquor it was and maybe half an hour later you felt quite tipsy.
Y/s/n had requested you to sing ‘Always By Your Side’ (her favorite b-side of your group) so that’s what your group performed. After that The Boyz sang ‘Break Your Rules’ and, surprisingly, Changmin’s friend Sunwoo seemed to be the most into it. Maybe it was the alcohol but you couldn’t stop staring at his luscious lips and pretty smile. His positive energy spread like a virus and the corners of your mouth wouldn’t go down.
Just as you had finished your seventh glass, another one was held right in your face.
“Having fun?” Eric teased you as you took a couple of big sips and smiled contentedly. You had never realized how beautiful this man was. His sharp jawline and divinely carved nose seemed to catch your attention. Gosh, has he always been this attractive? Noticing the slight blush on your cheeks, Eric smirked at you.
You danced a little bit together and just jammed out to the music. You tried not to look at him in fear you might not be able to take your eyes off of him. You had always sworn that Changmin’s friends were off limits. Especially his members. But it wasn’t your fault that he had decided to look so damn fine in his suit today.
Suddenly someone tapped you on your shoulder and when you turned around you saw a fine as hell looking Sunwoo smiling brightly at you two. He was holding a tray with shots and handed them to you. Y’all linked arms and downed the liquor. Since you've had multiple glasses already, you didn’t even really feel the burn in your throat anymore.
You did silly dances like the floss or copied the point dance of ‘Shine’ by Pentagon. Then the music took a different direction and suddenly ‘Whiplash’ by NCT127 was blasting through the speakers. Now you had to adjust your dancing accordingly. Eric and Sunwoo came a lot closer and you could feel their breaths on your face and neck. Not really caring anymore you gave in and moved your body to the rhythm. One of the boys was grinding from the front and one from the back and you could feel something hard poking you from both sides. You ground your body on the two boys and were enjoying how their breathing became heavier and heavier.
Only as Sunwoo started placing wet kisses on your neck did you become aware of your surroundings again. You quickly looked around to see if anyone was staring but the rest seemed to be equally as drunk and immersed in their own stuff. Changmin was having a dance contest with one of your members and Kevin was twerking on the side.
You let out a moan as Eric sucked a hickey on your collar bone. Not wanting them to stop but also being kind of embarrassed at being in a public space, it took you all of your restraint to groan out a “we shouldn’t be doing this here.”
“Wanna go somewhere more private?” wasn’t necessarily the response you had expected. The suggestion had come from Eric who was now caressing your sides while coming dangerously close to your chest. At this point Sunwoo was humping your butt from behind. Your panties were soaked and you were rubbing your legs. Your whole body was screaming to say yes and leave with these two sexy men.
“I know a perfect place here where we can take good care of you. Do you want us to spoil you, baby? We can make you feel so good. You’ll be screaming our names all night. Do you want that?” Sunwoo whispered into your ear. At this proposition you nodded eagerly and the alcohol in your system made your head spin. The triumph was visible in Eric’s face and he took you by your hand and led you away.
As soon as the door to the hall closed, Sunwoo spun you around and crashed his lips onto yours. Your inexperience was overpowered by your intoxicated state of mind. The alcohol seemed to take over and your mouth and tongue moved on their own.
“As much as I would like to join you, we need to go quickly before someone sees us,” Eric urged you and you parted in dismay. The venue your sister had rented for the wedding was huge and you found yourself locked in a room on the fourth floor, far far away from the rest (most importantly from Changmin).
The beautiful purple dress was now lying somewhere in a corner (but you made sure they took it off carefully) and your bra was nowhere in sight. Pressed against the wall both of your nipples were being taken care of by the two boys. Someone was biting, someone was licking and it all felt like heaven. Sunwoo’s thigh in between your legs prevented you from rubbing your legs together but you still got a good amount of friction and rubbed yourself on his muscle.
“Who knew that y/n could be so horny? My leg is completely wet from your pussy.”
“Then take your pants off,” you contered, not knowing what exactly came over you. Sunwoo, as well as Eric, wasted no time in discarding their pants and underwear and left you staring at the two most beautiful dicks you had ever seen. And also the first ones. You didn’t move, not really knowing what to do. They must have noticed too as they each took your hand and led it to their cocks. They slowly guided your hands up and down their shafts. After a while they let go and you rubbed a bit quicker, enjoying the effect you had on them.
The logical next step was to suck so you knelt down. First, you let your tongue taste Sunwoo’s tip and he let out a heavy sigh. Feeling more confident, you started by licking up his shaft before wrapping your mouth around the head. It was big and tasted a bit salty but it felt so good knowing that you were bringing pleasure to this pretty boy.
“Baby, do you want to taste me too?” asked Eric and you switched. Now you were sucking Eric’s length and stroking Sunwoo. Eric let out small moans and grabbed your hair tightly. You looked up at him and admired his physique (you hadn’t noticed that they had taken off their shirts).
They took turns using your mouth and even started gently thrusting and you were a bit overwhelmed with how thick they were. Eric’s pumps were getting quicker but suddenly pulled out. Did you do something wrong?
“Fuck, y/n! You’re going to make me come already. We haven’t even shown you the real thing.” Sunwoo helped you stand up and then pulled your panties down. He picked you up and lay you down on the bed. Before you could register anything happening, you suddenly felt something very wet connecting with your heat. Sunwoo had licked a strip up your pussy. Your body arched as he sucked on your clit, the sensation feeling overwhelming.
“Look how sensitive y/n is. I wonder how our baby will react when we put our dicks inside.”
“I’m a virgin!” you suddenly blurt out. You weren’t sure why you told them but it probably wasn’t wrong to let them know.
“That’s okay, baby,” Eric responded while Sunwoo began fucking you with his tongue, “We’ll take good care of you.”
Sunwoo moved to the side and Eric took his place in between your thighs. He then planted a big kiss on your lips as he pushed one finger inside. The sensation felt a bit foreign. Of course you had fingered yourself before but having someone else do it was very different. Instead of going super fast like you had expected, he took his time. It was easy to adjust and soon you felt another finger at your entrance.
Your pussy took the second digit in as well but this time the discomfort was more noticeable. Apparently it was also visible on your face because Sunwoo began exchanging wet kisses with you and massaged your nipples as a distraction. He mumbled soft praises against your mouth, telling you how good you were being.
“I think y/n is ready,” Eric said after a while. You had been approaching your climax and felt a bit disappointed.
“You do have condoms, right?” you asked a bit panicked, remembering that you were not on the pill. Sunwoo stood up and picked out condoms from their pants. He held them up while smirking at you. Seems like they came prepared.
Once you felt more comfortable, you gave him a nod and he started moving. Sunwoo began very slowly but as you started showing signs of pleasure he increased his speed. He was placing hickeys all over your collarbone and neck and you were tugging at his hair. Out of the corner of your eyes you could see Eric watching you while stroking himself, patiently waiting for his turn. Slowly Sunwoo’s breaths and thrusts started becoming sloppier and then, while moaning out your name, he came hard in his condom.
Sunwoo rolled the condom over his hard penis and aligned himself at your entrance. He stroked your face.
“You have nothing to worry about. Try to relax.” You tried to give him a reassuring smile as if to tell him that you were going to be just fine. He kissed you deeply as he pushed in. The sensation felt overwhelming so you grabbed onto Sunwoo’s arms. He held still while trying to distract you with kisses.
He was trying to catch his breath but Eric left him no time and pushed him aside. Without any hesitation, he shoved his dick right into you and began pumping. He started with an already high speed so you felt quite a strong sensation from the start. He held you by your hips and kept a fast pace. Your eyes were rolling back in pleasure as he was fucking you hard. It didn’t hurt, it was like waves of pleasure were running over you. Since he had already jerked off when Sunwoo had had his turn, he didn’t last as long as the other boy did.
“Can I come on you?” he asked you as he picked up the speed even more. Barely being able to respond you slightly nodded and he suddenly pulled out. He took off the condom, stroked his throbbing length a few times and then shot his load all over your body. Some landed on your belly, some on your tits and some even on your face. Eric let out stuttering groans as he unloaded his cum onto you. Thinking you were done, you tried to get up but was quickly pushed back down onto the mattress.
“You didn’t come yet,” Eric stated matter-of-factly. He lowered his face to your heat and started lapping. You felt very sensitive and gasped in surprise when you felt Sunwoo playing with your clit. Damn, these boys definitely knew what they were doing. Like this, you came closer and closer to your high. At this point you were sure that you were screaming a lot but didn’t know whether anyone could comprehend your words. Feeling that you were almost there, Sunwoo and Eric picked up their pace and, not long after, your eyes rolled back into your head and darkness took over.
Your orgasm was very intense and wet. After your body had finished, you felt very weak and exhausted but satisfied. Not really being able to open your eyes again you just lay there. You barely noticed the boys cleaning you up before sleep overtook you.
You woke up feeling extremely sore in between your legs. Opening your eyes was tough but when you did you wished you hadn’t. You couldn’t believe what you were seeing. First of all, you were completely naked and so were the two boys next to you. Even worse was that these were your brother’s members, the only people you had sworn to avoid any romantic (let alone sexual) contact with. Your head was also hurting and you felt like throwing up. So this is what alcohol did to you.
Sunwoo and Eric seemed to be still sleeping so you just quickly dressed yourself and ran out of the room. How do you even deal with this kind of situation? Now you had to avoid Sunwoo and Eric for the rest of your life and also had to keep a big secret from Changmin. If he ever found out you’d be dead but what would happen to the two guys who had fucked you seemed to be an even worse fate. You felt kind of dirty having been used by two men but at the same time it had felt so good. You even came and that amount of pleasure was something you had never felt before. Sadly, this kind of scenario could only ever happen again in your dreams.
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yelenasdog · 3 years
rebel girl (vic de angelis x fem!singer!reader)
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(listen while reading for best experience) 
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: fluff with a sprinkle of angst for .0000002 seconds
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: a kiss during a shared performance turns into something more.
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬: 2.3k
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: cursing, kissing, drinking, my attempts at writing roman dialect and italian, and i believe that’s it.
𝐚/𝐧: ok so i know not a whole lot abt måneskin so if anything abt this in terms of the band or how they perform is inaccurate forgive me! but i think vic is hot and this song makes me think of her LOL. thanks for reading, and enjoy the fic!! <3
(all translations will be linked at the end of the fic)
The cheers of the crowd were deafening, but it seemed the beating of her own heart was even louder. Lights flashed a plethora of neon colors, and those on the stage looked liked silhouettes moving about freely.
Ethan nodded at Thomas, quickly bringing down his stick to the tightly spread plastic.
Thomas bobbed his head, starting to play the opening riff.
Select members of those in attendance began to cheer, just the opening notes being enough to give away what was about to be performed.
“For our last song tonight, we’d like to bring out someone you all know and love.” Damiano spoke into his mic, wrapping an arm around Vic’s neck and allowing her to lean down into the microphone in his hand.
“She’s someone that everyone, including myself, heavily admire as an icon of the generation and a true Riot Grrrl.”

Her eyes closed, a deep breath inhaled and exhaled through her painted mouth. She jumped up and down in her heeled boots, face pointed towards the rickety ceiling of the venue as she did so. She ran a ring adorned hand over her earpieces and made a funny face, making sure they were adjusted to her liking.
A stagehand appeared to her right, handing her a microphone and wishing her good luck. She smiled, responding with a quick “thanks” and a smile.
Victoria looked over from her place on the stage with Damiano, a devilish glint in her eye.
“Here for one night only, London let us introduce” he yelled, leaning down to Vic’s level once more, allowing them to both speak at once, “Y/n Y/l/n!”
A roar erupted from everyone in the building as the aforementioned strutted on stage, lifting the mic to her lips.
“That girl thinks she’s the queen of the neighborhood, she’s got the hottest trike in town.” She started, finding her mark in the center of the stage.
“That girl, she holds her head up so high, I think I wanna be her best friend yeah.” Damiano’s raspy voice let out next, both of their voices mixing together like honey as they started the chorus.
“Rebel girl, rebel girl, rebel girl you are the queen of my world.
Rebel girl, rebel girl.”
“I think I wanna take you home” Y/n began, Damiano then taking over.
“I wanna try all your clothes.” He finished, both him and Y/n groaning in unison to the song.
Vic would be lying if she said she didn’t have to clear both her throat, and her mind. Thomas’ fingers worked skillfully and quickly on the neck of his guitar on the small transitional solo, his focus staying on the cool steel.
Damiano held up his tattooed hand, making a talking motion as he sang and rolled his eyes, “When she talks, I hear the revolution.”
Y/n came up behind Vic, one hand running across her hip, the other on her own as she chose to lean into Vic’s mic over her shoulder, “In her hips, there’s revolutions.”
The lead singer then strutted across the stage back to Ethan, propping a leg up on the base of his kit, and then walking back singing, “When she walks, the revolution’s coming.”
Knowing what line was coming up next, the bassist held her breath, and looked down. It was short lived, though, as Y/n picked up her chin with her pointer finger, forcing her to look her in the eyes. She moved his slowly to Victoria, their lips nearly brushing, her touch feather light.
“In…her…kiss…” she slowly sang, dragging it out longer than in the original song and than in rehearsal. She quickly turned her head, falling to her knees with one side to Vic and one to the audience, her hair cascading over her features.
“I taste the revolution!”
She smiled at Vic as she pushed herself up, a goofy grin plastered onto her face as she allowed Damiano to take the chorus. Victoria replied with only a small smirk, her dark eyeshadow glittering under the colorful lights, making her look like some kind of gothic angel, or celestial being.
Resuming singing, Y/n walked back to the front of the stage, her and Damiano switching every verse. She sat down on the edge, letting her legs dangle over the high surface, feeling fingertips barely touch her unclothed thigh.
“That girl thinks she’s the queen of the neighborhood.”
“I got news for you,”
They both pointed their mics into the audience as the screen behind them flashed “she is!” Allowing the crowd, as well as Thomas, Vic, and Ethan to all scream the two words loudly and in sync.
“I know she is,” her and Dami both sang, as he wrapped an arm around Vic’s neck,
“My best friend yeah”
The chorus continued for a final time, Victoria stomping her heavy platforms on the wooden stage, biting her lip as she performed.
Y/n made her way over to Thomas’ side, jumping to his left and swaying her hair, a knowing smile appearing on his face upon seeing Victoria’s gaze falling upon her movements.
Victoria made rounds to Ethan and then to Thomas, passing Y/n and lightly tapping her hip with her own.
Y/n skipped over to Damiano as he did to her, the pair meeting in the middle briefly for the “love you like a sister, always.”
Victoria returned to her spot from the start, and Damiano found his way to Thomas. Y/n continued on towards the ethereal bassist. The both of them were simultaneously singing to the aforementioned in harmony, nearing the end of the song.
“Soul sister, rebel girl,
Come and be my best friend,
Really, rebel girl.”
Y/n dragged a hand across Vic’s chiseled cheekbone, and in that moment Victoria had taken on the title of a muse for the woman standing in front of her.
“I really like you” she sang to her, lowering her mic as they looked into each other’s eyes, her chest heaving. It was like the music had been reduced down to a slight buzzing, and the thousands of peering eyes meant nothing. They were untouchable.
Y/n resumed for the last line, never breaking her eye contact.
“Be my rebel girl.”
It seemed like a question, a proposal of sorts from one to another, as Y/n’s hand dropped once more.
Victoria quirked a brow as if to ask “are we really doing this?” To which Y/n muttered “fuck it” with a laugh.
Victoria’s hands found either side of Y/n’s face, her calloused fingers rough, yet gentle. Y/n’s own hands found one lazily draped over waist, the other over her shoulder to pull her close.
And in what probably the entirety of the building could have guessed would happen (maybe just not on stage, in that exact moment) they closed the gap between themselves, their lips connecting in a sweet kiss.
Chants and yells of encouragement were whooped by the band and crowd alike, as Damiano raised the mic and the final notes played.
“Y/n Y/l/n everybody!”
They pulled apart, sweaty foreheads against each other’s sides as they turned towards everyone, waving. They were quickly joined by the rest of the group, and Y/n stepped away, leaning into the microphone still hooked on the stand in the center of the stage.
“Let’s hear a huge round of applause for the wonderfully mad Måneskin!” She shouted, the roar of the crowd even louder. She raised her hands in the air, then moving one to her ear, gesturing for them to be louder. They complied, and Y/n took out her earpiece for a moment, soaking in what the band had created.
Vic shouted to Y/n over the noise, waving her over.
“Come on, bow with us!”
Y/n shook her head, not wanting to intrude any further to which Thomas reached out an arm, pulling her over. A bright smile covered her face as Vic reached out, wrapping an arm around her waist only for a second.
Hands joined, they all leaned forward in a dramatic bow, coming back up and waving.
All in sync, they all yelled “thank you, London!”
They looked around for a small period of time afterwards, still having a hard time believing that this was their new reality.
Looking to her right, and seeing Y/n doing the same, Vic decided that Y/n was a specific part of said “new reality” she didn’t quite want to let go of.
So after saying one more goodbye and exiting the stage, the bassist remained silent. It slightly worried Y/n, who had noticed the girl’s lack of communication while she had been thanking the rest of the band members for allowing her to share the stage with them.
“Is Victoria alright?” She asked Damiano, to which he only chuckled before replying.
“She’s fine, trust me. Give her a little bit of time and she will be back to normal.”
Y/n just gave him a tight lipped smile, not completely convinced.
Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed as Victoria slipped into her dressing room, locking the door.
The rest of the group, already having had a few drinks, was out the door, waiting on a cab.
“Y/n? You and Vic coming?” Ethan questioned.
She nodded, though she was unsure if that was the case, doing her best to cast a reassuring smile in his direction.
Once she made sure they were gone, she knocked twice on the heavy door. Before she could even announce it was her, Vic’s voice rang out.
“Vattene, Damiano!”
“Victoria?” Y/n’s tone floated through the door to the other side, and Victoria face palmed and silently cursed herself. She quickly got up and unlocked the door, regretting her harsh tone.
“Y/n, hi.”
“Hi.” She responded, slight uneasiness about her. Victoria picked up on this immediately, her brows furrowing and her eyes softening.
“Are you alright, Y/n?”
The other girl scoffed and looked at her feet. Scared to break any boundaries now that they weren’t on stage, Victoria cautiously lifted a hand towards her chin, softly picking it up like Y/n had before.
Her voice sounded wavy as she spoke, her jaw slightly hanging slack.
“Actually, I came here to ask the same thing.”
Victoria tilted her head like a confused puppy, leaning up against the doorframe.
“Why? What happened?”
Struggling to find the right thing to say, Y/n began to trip over her words.
“Well, I just, you know, on stage and everything- we were super, y’a know, close and everything and I didn’t wanna, I don’t know. Make you uncomfortable or overstep any boundaries or anything, and if it was just a kiss I didn’t wanna overthink it or read into but, I mean, I really liked it but you seemed to go quiet so-“
Victoria cut off her painful rambling with another kiss, taking firm hold of her arms and moving her inside with her and closing the door with her foot.
“Wow.” Y/n said when they finally pulled apart, her eyes as wide as dinner plates and her pupils the size of the moon.
“Yes, wow.” Vic chuckled, moving a piece of Y/n’s stray hair behind her ear.
“You’re very different when you’re on stage, Y/n. You know that?” She asked, admiring how the fluorescent lights above illuminated Y/n’s features in the most wonderful way.
Victoria had decided she liked her most like this. Vulnerable, sweaty, and with the biggest heart eyes she’d ever seen.
“That’s what I was afraid of.” She laughed.
“No.” Vic frowned, taking her hands. “It’s not a bad thing. Not at all.” She brought her over to the velvet sofa in the corner of the room. “It’s admirable.”
“How?” She asked with a small smile.
“Easy. Because even though your stage persona is lovely,” she laughed, “I think I like this Y/n even better. She seems like she’s kind, and has a big heart with lots of love to give.”
Stunned, the other girl just smiled like an idiot, leaning forward and pecking Vic’s lips.
“Well, what about you?”
“What about me?” The bassist replied, enjoying the banter forming between the pair.
“Why’d you go all radio silent? I’d never heard of Victoria De Angelis from EuroVision winning band Måneskin to do such a thing.” She exclaimed in what was the worst accent Victoria had heard in her life.
(Though, it was endearing, she’d admit.)
“Truly? I was thinking about how to ask you out. If you even wanted me to ask you out, all of that.”
Y/n’s eyes somehow got even bigger, and she laughed, tucking her legs beneath her.
“How is that even a question?” She exclaimed.
“Like I said, you are different on stage from off it. I didn’t know if it was just a front, a performance.”
This time it was Y/n’s turn to roll her eyes and lean in, encapsulating Victoria’s lips with her own.
“It wasn’t just a show, I’d love to go out with you, Vic.”
They both giggled like school girls hidden under the bleachers, leaning in for another kiss. It was hot and heavy, yet slow and sweet. It was everything either girl had hoped for. 
And thanks to a certain Italian doofus, or 4, it would be momentarily put on pause. Mid-make out four loud knocks startled the girls, causing the two do them to pull away.
“Victoria! Daje! Perché non rispondi al telefono, eh? Stiamo aspettando- oh. This makes sense.“ Damiano burst through the door, Ethan and Thomas stood behind him with not-so-surprised looks painted on their faces.
“Realmente? Realmente, Damiano?” She scoffed. “Stai manzo!”
“Sorry, guys. Enjoy yourselves.” He turned over his shoulder to the rest, slowly shutting the door.
“Sicuro di dire che non verranno con noi.” He snickered, as did the others.
“Eccallà!” Ethan remarked, to which, not that Vic and Y/n knew, Thomas shoved him to the side.
Victoria sighed, returning to face Y/n.
“So. Where were we?”
i hope yall liked that!! mwah make sure to reblog if u did <333 take care of urself!
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mypoisonedvine · 4 years
Seeing Red | bodyguard!Bucky Barnes x actress!reader (part 2)
(part 1)
series summary: bucky used to brag that he didn’t have a celebrity crush, or really care about famous people at all, which is what made him the perfect person to start working for a celebrity like yourself.  except, of course, it’s just his luck that he’d fall for you.  
word count: 3k
chapter warnings: kinda smut? (male masturbation), stalking (not bucky lol), a bit a violence, angst
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It had been a month.  Well, 29 days, to be exact; he’d been counting them.  29 days since he’d seen so much more than he was supposed to, and he was pretty sure you’d seen him too.  29 days of tense silence as he wondered if you were ever going to say anything about it.
It must have been that you hadn’t seen him, if you hadn’t said anything for so long.  But god, it really did feel like you were looking right into his eyes as you came that night.  He knew the reality was that it was a horrible mistake and he was a terrible person for looking at you like that, and that he was never going to be any closer to you than watching someone else pleasure you; he knew that truly.  But regardless, that moment had been playing on repeat in his mind for 29 days.
And now, as he took his shower, he prepared to finish off day 29 and start day 30.
“Fuck,” he hissed under his breath, head falling back against the cool tile as his hand stroked slowly over his cock.  He’d dreamt about you (again) and woken up so hard that it actually hurt; so this wasn’t a continuation of his perversion, or his unhealthy obsession, no, it was pain relief.  It was medicine, really.
In his dream, like always, it had been him between your legs in the back of the car and not that other guy— who he’d seen on TV the other day, dying in the first five minutes of an episode of some awful CW drama, by the way.  It killed him that he couldn’t know how you really taste, or how you really would sound saying his name, but the best guess of his subconscious would have to do.  He tried to conjure in his mind how you sounded that night, each frame of the memory burned into his brain until it was what he saw every time it closed his eyes.
That was what you’d said first, and it still made his heart stop every time it echoed in his head.  Baby.
The word itself was sort of innocuous, but it was the way you said it— just below your breath, deep but airy— and what it meant.  It was a plea: you were begging him to touch you, to make you feel good, to help you.  Bucky could listen to you beg for hours, it would be like music to his ears; like poetry, even.  
Later that night, when he’d given you the rest of his sandwich, he’d gotten the closest he ever would to hearing you moan his name.  What you’d said originally was just ‘oh my god, Bucky, this is so good’ and it was just generic enough that he could imagine it being a little more specific.  Sure, it was stupid to get off on memories of you praising a sandwich (that you ate while drunk in the shower) but it still did wonders for him as his hand pumped his length faster and faster.
Oh my god, Bucky, it feels so good— you feel so good.  You’re so good.  Oh my god, Bucky—
He bit down on his lip, already so close to the edge that there was no turning back, toes curling underneath the stream of hot water as his breathing moved just as quick as his thoughts— thoughts of you in the back of the car, or in the shower with your foggy silhouette just barely visible to him, or doing all sorts of things that he’d never seen you do but he’d love to pretend he had.  
“Oh my god, Bucky!” you yelled as you swung open the door, a choked moan jumping out of his throat in shock as his eyes shot open, come starting to spill down over his hand.
You couldn’t see him through his shower curtain, thank all that’s holy, but it was a sort of sensory overload as he tried to process what was going on mid-orgasm.
“What?!” he yelped, voice clearly rougher but hopefully not in a way you would find suspicious.
“Come quick,” you requested.
Already did, he thought to himself with a shudder of guilt.
“What’s going on?”
“There’s somebody in the yard,” you explained frantically, “it’s probably nothing, but I don’t know how they got past the gate—”
Your mitigation was lost to him as he was already turning off the flow of water, the evidence of his misdeed already washed away, leaving only the ringing in his ears and the burning in his cheeks as reminders.
You stepped out into the hall to give him just enough privacy to slip on a robe, which he was certain he looked ridiculous in but he really had no choice.  Storming out of the bathroom, he wasn’t sure he was ready to confront a potential threat while dripping wet and barefoot, but the whole point of him living here most of the week was so he could keep you safe at all times— apparently, shower time included.  
“Stay inside,” he instructed you quickly, “and stay out of the line of sight of any windows and doors, got it?” 
You nodded, and he could tell you were scared.  He hated that you had to worry about this sort of stuff.  He was glad to be there to help, yes, but he would rather this line of work didn’t need to exist at all even if it put him out of a job.  You waited for him there as he pushed past you and moved through the living room, considering whether or not he should grab a weapon from the safe he kept hidden in this room— but then he glanced to his left arm, drying quicker than the rest of him, and remembered he already had a weapon.
By the time he reached the door he could hear someone shouting your name outside.  As Bucky flipped on the damn-near-blinding security light on your porch and entered the yard, he saw a guy— smaller than him, but not exactly tiny— who seemed to ignore him and the light completely as he continued his desperate attempts to get your attention.  
“This is private property, you need to leave,” Bucky told the man in his best ‘stern but not quite yelling’ voice. 
“Is she home?” he asked him instead, totally unfazed by the warning.  As the fan looked back up and called your name again, Bucky shivered with the realization that he was looking up at your bedroom window.  Had he already seen you there?  Or, worse, did he have some other way of knowing which window was your bedroom?
“You need to get out of here before I call the police.  You’re trespassing,” Bucky continued, pushing the man back towards the gate.  Sadly, Bucky knew from experience the police weren’t that concerned about celebrity stalkers— you and him had both called to no avail once they learned the name of the homeowner.  It made his blood boil just to think about it.
“Hey, let go of me!” the man resisted, pushing Bucky back.  He seemed to sober up a bit when Bucky’s face changed, though, but it was too late.  He tried to duck but totally missed, and Bucky’s right fist made contact with his jaw.  “Ow!” he screeched, cowering and trying to cover his face.  “What the fuck?!  That’s assault— you just assaulted me!”
“And you’re trespassing.  And harassing.  And probably stalking,” Bucky listed, continuing to guide the man back towards the gate.  “Tell me how you got in here.  Did you hop the fence?”
He couldn’t go any further back as the man was pressed back against a stone column, squirming a bit but otherwise putting up little fight— or maybe he was actually trying his best, and it was just lost on someone as strong as Bucky.  
Unamused by his stammering and lack of an answer, Bucky brought his metal fist to the column right beside the man’s face, hitting hard enough to break off a sizable chunk of the stone.  “Tell me!” he demanded.
“There’s a tree out back, I climbed it!” he explained with a whimper, “I’m sorry!”
“Don’t come back here, you hear me?  Or this—” Bucky pointed to the dent in the column that he’d made— “will be your face!”
Letting him go and swinging open the gate a bit, the man ran away of his own volition, stumbling down the street and out of the glowing light of the streetlamps.  Bucky let out a low sigh, hoping it was the last of him but terrified that it wouldn’t be.  He made a mental note to call a landscaper about trimming this mysterious tree in the back, or maybe chopping it down altogether, as he made his way back inside.  He found you in the living room, chewing your nails nervously and watching him step closer with wide, watery eyes.
“He’s gone,” Bucky informed you quickly.
“Thank you,” you mumbled.
“You okay?” he asked gently.
“Um, yeah,” you decided, but you didn’t seem so confident.  Even so, he wasn’t sure what more he could do.  
“Oh, I broke your pillar, by the way.  Sorry.”
“I saw that,” you smiled a little, but he frowned.
“I told you to stay out of sight of the windows,” he reminded you.
You sighed.   “I know, I know, I just…” you trailed off, lip quivering a little as you got emotional again.  “I know it’s stupid but—”
“No, don’t say that,” he interjected.
“— but I was so scared,” you finished, voice wavering as you ran towards him, suddenly pulling him into a tight hug.  It took him by surprise, but he figured it was okay to hug you back.  He was only wearing a robe, he suddenly remembered, and your face was against the exposed portion of his bare chest.  If he hadn’t gotten off just minutes ago, he certainly would’ve gotten hard just from that (embarrassingly enough).
“Hey, it’s okay,” he soothed gently, indulging himself in resting his chin on top of your head as he stroked your hair.  
“Thank you,” you mumbled against his skin, pulling him even closer, “god, I don’t even know what I would’ve done if you hadn’t been here.”
A pang of guilt rattled in his chest; you trusted him so completely and he was crushing on you, spying on you (only the once, but still), taking advantage of your need for protection, staying in your guest bedroom and jerking off to you in your shower— when had he turned into an unstoppable pervert?
“Will you stay in my room tonight?” you asked him suddenly, looking up at him with those big shiny eyes and a pouty lip.
“Oh nonononono,” he shook his head, instantly recognizing that trap.
“No, Bucky, please,” you whimpered, “that guy might come back, I don’t want you all the way across the house.”
“I shouldn’t— I’d be overstepping—” he stammered.
“Please,” you sighed, and he sighed too, because when you said it like that, he couldn’t say no to you.
Bucky had insisted on staying on the floor as opposed to getting up on your bed, which was a drag but whatever.  At least you had a lot of good spare blankets and pillows to make him a comfy-looking pallet.  He seemed to agree when he appeared behind you in the doorway to find you on your knees on the floor, putting it all together.
“You didn’t need to do that, I’m pretty good at sleeping on floors as-is,” he dismissed.
“No, I’m happy to!” you beamed, turning around and choking a bit when you looked up at him in his pajamas.  Even though they were still pretty conservative, specifically sweats and a scoop neck sweater-y sort of top, it was probably more than you’d ever seen of him since his uniform was very concealing.  You were kind of hoping to catch a glimpse of his metal hand— you didn’t get to see it much because he wore driving gloves the vast majority of the time, and you hadn’t really been paying attention when it was exposed earlier by his just being in a robe— but he was noticeably leaning against the doorframe in such a way that you couldn’t see it.  The thing that really got a reaction out of you was his dog tags, though; you’d never seen him wear them before and there was something perfect about the way the silver chain dangled over the slight peek of collarbone visible above his neckline.  “Aren’t you warm wearing that much to bed?”
“No, it’s fine,” he dismissed.  You hoped he wasn’t wearing more just for your benefit.  Shirtlessness would’ve benefited you more, certainly.  In fact, now you felt kind of bad that you were just wearing a thin, silky short-and-tank set.  Hopefully it didn’t make him uncomfortable.
Getting up from the floor, you slipped under your covers and motioned for him to do the same.  He turned off your lamp first, stealing your last chance at a good view of the hand, and you heard him get comfortable on the floor.
“Thank you for this,” you mumbled quickly into the darkness.  “I don’t think I’d be able to fall asleep if you weren’t in here.
“Oh, of course,” he replied softly.  
“Goodnight,” you whispered.
“Goodnight,” he answered back, and his low, sleepy voice was somehow both soothing and energizing.
You weren’t sure if you even tried to fall asleep, or how long you laid staring out into the void of the darkness.  It was so dark in your room that you saw purple spots dancing in the corners like static as your eyes adjusted, incomprehensible shapes forming to make up for the lack of visual stimulation.  You wished that there was enough ambient light to be able to see Bucky’s shape on the floor and know he was there; instead, you settled for the subtle sound of his slow breathing.  When you heard him adjust slightly, you decided maybe just the breathing wasn’t enough to be sure it was really safe.
“Bucky?” you whispered under your breath.  “Are you awake?”
“Yes,” he answered, making you sigh with relief.
“I can’t sleep.”
“I thought you said you wouldn’t be able to sleep if I wasn’t here.”
“But I never said you being here would make me sleep,” you pointed out.
“Then I should go,” he decided.
“No, please,” you hissed, “don’t go.”
You took a deep breath.  “Tell me something,” you requested.
“Tell you what?”
“I don’t know, anything.”
He paused for a moment.  “Will it help you sleep?”
“Maybe,” you shrugged.
Bucky sighed, and you heard him turn on his side.  “Want me to tell you a bedtime story?” he asked, sarcasm noticeable even in a whisper.
“Yes,” you announced with a smile.
“Okay,” he pondered, “um… once upon a time—”
“Good start,” you rolled your eyes.
“No interrupting!” he scolded.
“Anyways, once upon a time there was a princess, who lived in a castle in the Isle of Manhattan.”
“A castle?” you asked excitedly.
“A somewhat modest castle, but yes.  One with big golden gates and marble columns.  The princess didn’t live all alone in her castle though— at least, not all the time.  She had many royal attendants, and servants, and plenty of friends of course.  But the problem with being a beautiful, kind, generous princess is that sometimes people get too friendly and want to visit her in the castle when she’d rather be alone.  Thankfully, the princess had a last line of defense—”
“Let me guess, a knight in shining armor?”  Or more like knight with shining arm.
“Wish I could say so,” he disagreed.  “No, this princess needed something a little fiercer, and that was why a dragon guarded the castle.”
“A dragon?!”
“Mhmm.  A big, scary dragon with sharp teeth and big wings, that breathed fire on anyone who got in his way.  The thing about knights is that they’re noble, and handsome, and righteous.  But righteousness prevents people from doing bad things, and sometimes bad things need to be done to protect good things.  So, knights can’t protect princesses like they should.  That’s what dragons are for.  They’re mean and nasty— it’s their nature, after all— and sometimes you need somebody burnt up, so you call a dragon and he’ll deal with it for you.  And this dragon was the meanest and nastiest of them all, and he’d burnt a lot of people in his time.  Oddly enough, the princess was still nice to him, but she had a lot of knights and princes and kings who wanted her hand.  Good thing the dragon was there to pick off the worst ones.”
You giggled a little, even though your heart was racing.
“The dragon watched over the castle every night— well, five nights a week… cause the princess wanted weekends to herself— but, still, he was very dedicated and did his best to keep her safe.  Sometimes he would take her to whatever lavish ball she had been invited to that week; she would ride on his back as he flew there, even though he was pretty scared she would fall off or something.  And sometimes…”
Your breath caught at the pause, waiting anxiously for what would come next.  
“Sometimes the dragon wished he wasn’t a monster.  But if he wasn’t a monster, then he couldn’t keep her safe.  So, he resigned himself to a life outside the castle, because at least he could be near her— even if she was impossibly far away.”
You swallowed as you tried to process it, finding yourself at a complete loss for words.
“The end,” he whispered gently, before giving you a goodnight and saying your name in a way that he’d never said it before— at least, you’d never heard him say it that way before.  But you really, really hoped you’d get to hear it again.  You did manage to fall asleep eventually, dreaming about flying and wishing you didn’t have to wake up.
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wormstacheangel · 3 years
Bec and Ali Creators Week: Day 4 - baby!jack au where Dean fell into the portal with Lucifer and Cas lives
It’s been almost a month since Dean disappeared into the portal with Lucifer.
Sam has been off researching all things otherworldly while Mary does nothing but hunt. She never calls back but sends an ‘I’m okay’ text whenever she remembers.
Cas, on the other hand, has been on the run with baby Jack the whole time. He thought they could have lived in peace in the lake house, but since the portal opened, it’s been a calling card for every supernatural creature around them. Including angels and Cas couldn’t risk anybody hurting Jack.
“You can’t do this on your own!” Sam yelled at Cas through the phone. “Just tell me where you are, and I-!”
“No! Sam.” Cas sighed as he looked over at the motel bed to see Jack’s little hands grasping at air as he fidgets and laughs. “I can’t risk what happened before, happen again. Jack he-when he is upset it could be catastrophic.”
“I won’t hurt him.”
Sam promised. But he has promised this before, and the only reason Sam is alive is that Cas begged Jack not to hurt him. Jack was as powerful as anybody feared, but he is still so gentle. His powers only appearing when there was a threat nearby. Now Sam was a threat.
“I can’t be sure he won’t hurt you, Sam, and I just can’t risk you.” You are all I have.
The days were never lonely with Jack. Cas has dealt with true loneliness before to know the difference. But they weren’t any easier.
“Please, Jack. Please stop crying.” Cas would bounce Jack in his arms, unable to understand what was wrong. Jack doesn’t get sick like a regular baby. He doesn’t sleep or eat like one either, so those books were utterly useless. They only helped remind him repeatedly about keeping to a schedule, and right now, Jack should be tired.
Cas sang to him, hoping whoever banged the motel door won’t come back yelling about shutting the baby up. Jack has cried for two hours now. Not stopping. And while Cas did not sleep, he felt exhausted.
“Show me what’s wrong, Jack. Please. I want to help you.”
Dean would know what to do. He would know how to hold Jack and bounce his arms to an exact beat that made all babies feel comfortable. Dean was amazing with kids. Amazing with everybody.
“You would have loved him.” Cas bent his head over to press a kiss to Jack’s soft bald head. He took a big calming breath of baby before continuing to bounce the baby in his arms. This time Cas sang a familiar song, one may be inappropriate for Jack but comforting nonetheless. “And if you say to me tomorrow. Oh, what fun it all would be. Then what's to stop us, pretty baby. But what is and what should never be.”
“I actually didn’t understand the lyrics and had to look them up.” Cas talked as he looked ahead at the ugly wallpapered room. “Dean knows them, though. Sometimes he mumbles it, and he gets embarrassed when he messes up, but he knows it. He just gets excited.”
Cas stops talking when he realizes the crying has finally turned into easy breathing. Jack was finally asleep.
The relief didn’t last long. Cas was lying in bed, eyes shut with Jack sleeping on his chest when he felt something off with the air around them. It tasted too electrifying and heavy to feel like a storm.
They have been found again.
Cas is quick to pack up, cradling a once again crying baby to his chest. It would be faster if he had both his arms to pack up their mess, but he left some things behind as he drove off. Leaving another motel for the road again.
Driving the Impala to the next motel took a three-day drive. Jack was patient enough, blabbering alongside the music, but even they needed to stop to get some fresh air every once in a while.
In the motel, Cas once again had to watch the video on how to bathe a baby because he always assumes he will do it wrong. He made a checklist out loud, asking Jack what else they may need besides food and diapers. He promised to head straight to the store in the morning to buy him new clothes since the baby quickly outgrows every new outfit Cas could manage to get him.
As the day was winding down, Cas called Claire to check up on her. She worries about him but won’t admit it out loud, so Cas keeps the conversation focus on her. She asks about Jack but more to be polite. She is scared that the baby may end up being the thing that would kill him, but Cas saw a future where Claire was happy and safe, so all this trouble would be worth it.
Though he saw a future with Dean too, but every day, it felt like that vision was wrong. Maybe that vision was long gone now. All possibilities to it were now shattered.
Cas turned to the bed when he heard the start of cries. Jack was waking up.
“Hey.” Cas crawled into bed beside him. “Oh, don’t cry, Jack.”
He presses a kiss to his son’s head, feeling warmth run through him. “I love you so much. You know that?” Cas lifts Jack up and holds him to his chest again. Letting Jack settle down for a second before Cas continued. “I know we are dealing with a lot right now, but having you, Jack, still makes me feel happy. I just wish I could give you the life you deserve.”
Cas sighed as his hand gently pats at Jack’s back.
“I just wish I could give everyone I love the life they deserve.”
They settle in the motel for a week before they had to move on. Motel. Impala. Motel. Impala. That was their life.
“I’m so tired,” Cas whispered to himself in the mirror, splashing water on his face as he hears Jack continue to cry in the room over. Of course, Cas would start crying himself because Jack has been crying with no rhyme or reason. Not one that Cas could find.
They haven’t stopped driving for a week. They rested in the car, and it was only a short time before they were found again. Cas finally lost whoever was after them after killing three demons in the gas station, but he was nicked a few times. Grace seeping out of him for a few seconds before he healed himself.
Jack could heal him, sure, but every time he used his powers, they had a new group coming after them. So no powers for right now. While Cas was desperate to feel better, he was also desperate to stay put for a while and not drive.
“Jack, baby, please don’t cry anymore.” Cas crawled back into bed, tears forming around his eyes. “Please stop crying. I’ll do anything you want.”
Jack’s little lungs gave it everything they got in the sudden yell, and Cas hid his face in Jack’s little body as he cried alongside his baby.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered. “Dean would have known what to do. He would have taken so much better care of you.”
Jack’s little cries stung again and again. Feeling hopeless and frustrated, Cas only kissed him. He was trying to quiet his cries while also fighting his own.
“Please, baby, don’t cry.” Cas cradled Jack to his chest and kissed his little head as Jack’s tiny fist hit him. “I never knew how much it would hurt to see a child cry. I never thought I would know this heartache.”
Cas started to sing. "You are my sunshine. My only sunshine.”
The voice filled with more gravel as he fought his own sob.
Cas fell asleep for the first time since having Jack. He dreamt of the happy vision, of Dean, of the happy family he longed for. All the things that were looking impossible today.
Cas wakes up to a flash of light.
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