#auston Matthews imagine
pucked-bunnie · 4 months
shameless flirt ⎜ a.matthews
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pairings: auston matthews x reader prompts: "you can rest your head on me, I don't mind" + "I dont want to be alone." genre: fluff ⎜angst ⎜friends to lovers⎜ warnings: injured players ⎜auston is a little espresso depresso ⎜just auston being in love the whole time ⎜had to make tyler the bad guy, sorry ⎜ synopsis: working as a team trainer came with many ups and downs, when you pull one of toronto's super stars the downs seem to outweigh the ups - but auston is always willing to bring you back up. word count: 4.8k authors note:  this was a WIP i had already started but when doing the prompt list request I got two request that I felt tied in nicely, so I put them all together. I also love our gentle giant auston matthews. (disclaimer : none of the hockey events in this are accurate - so dont come for me.)
“You need to stop staring.” You can’t help the way you jump at the words, glaring at the man behind you before turning back towards the rink. 
“I’m not staring.” You huff, flicking some hair away from your face. “I’m assessing.” The large man steps forwards leaning against the barricade besides you, his eyes trailing over your face before following your gaze to the player on the ice. 
“Assessing for what?” Auston asks, his gaze watching his teammate curiously, before moving back towards you. Your frown was deepening as you watched the Swedish player move through the drills on the ice. “Is he okay?” 
Something was wrong.
What were you seeing that he couldn’t? 
“That is for me to know and for you to probably never find out.” You sigh as you push off the wall, turning towards the large man. “What’re you doing out here anyway, don’t you have an interview to do?” Auston shrugs as he turns away from the ice to look at you. 
“Is he injured?” He questions and this time you shrug in return. 
“It’s none of your business, Auston.” You begin holding up a hand before he begins to complain, “It’s a suspicion, nothing more and once it concerns you, you’ll be the first to know.” You finish, smiling as your player makes his way to the boards, unstrapping his helmet as he skates. 
“How was that, doc?” William asks, a large grin planted on his face as he nods a quick hello to his teammate. 
“Subpar.” You respond, William’s smile dropping slightly. “You seem to be favouring your left leg, I need to do a physical on you at some stage this afternoon if you manage to catch a free moment.” You continue, looking between the two players before letting out a relaxed grin. 
“I’m sure it’s nothing, Willy. But we can’t have you out there if you can’t play your best.” William nods slowly, trying to return your smile but you can see the worries running through his head quicker then he can keep up. 
He’s hiding something from you and you are determined to find out what it is. 
“Meet me in the treatment room after you shower, we'll go over my concerns then.” You say dismissing William back to the locker room before turning to Auston, glancing up at him with a sigh. 
“You need to go do your media, Auston” He opens his mouth to say something but you shake your head before you trudge down the tunnel after William. 
Working for the Toronto Maple Leafs had been nothing short of a dream for the three years you had been with the team - with one of the senior trainers leaving after last season you had been approached to step in as a full time trainer and senior member of staff - your role changing drastically and sometimes left you in the firing line when an unpopular decision had to be made. 
“He’s getting pulled isn’t he?” Auston’s voice sounds from the door of your office. William had left your office over an hour ago his eyes watering as you gave him the bad news. You had spent the hour in silence typing up the email recommendation to the coaching staff. 
“I can’t tell you anything, Auston.” You say quietly, “You know how this works.” Auston nods, taking a few steps into the room before closing the door behind him. 
“Is it bad?” 
“Auston, please.” You respond, rubbing your fingers against your forehead, a long sigh escaping you as you slowly nod your head. “It’s bad enough that he needs to focus on rehab right now.” You say, before adding “everyone’s gonna hate me for this.” This wasn’t your first time pulling one of the core four on the team - last time the boys had been more lenient as you were one of the junior staff members and the decision had your previous supervisor taking most of the heat - this time you were on your own. 
“I could never hate you.” He says softly, his chest squeezing as he watches the tiredness smooth over your expression. 
“Thanks.” You say with a bitter laugh, closing your laptop as you reach for your bag under the desk. 
“They’ll give the team an update tomorrow.” 
Auston stands with you, his hand reaching out to pull open the door waving for you to exit first. “I’m serious doc.” He says, “I’ve got your back.” 
Twenty four hours later you watch from the doorway as the coaches deliver the news to the team - the coaches waiting till after practice to announce that William would be pulled for the foreseeable future - Auston’s eyes flick to yours every now and then as the coaches refuse to divulge too deeply into the details. 
“What do you mean he’s getting pulled?” Mitch asks softly, yanking at the straps of his padding, pulling the equipment off slowly, “He seemed completely fine.” The volume is the locker room raises as the team all share their opinions of agreement.
The coach takes a moment to let the group voice their frustration before speaking.  “Our trainers are some of the best in the world.” Sheldon begins, “They have everyone's best interest at heart - she made the call to pull Willy as it was perceived that he was trying to conceal an injury and in the long run would be doing more damage. Willy agreed it was the best thing to do with hopes that with his full focus on recovery it will make him available for the playoffs.” Sheldon's words seem to quiet the group.
Auston hands pause on the laces of his skates as he glances over to you again, seeing your head fall, your hand pushing the loose hairs out of your face, as you whisper something under your breath before lifting your head again. “Anyway, let’s wish William all the best in his recovery and hope to see him back on the ice soon.” Sheldon finishes before dismissing the group, shouting out a quick morning practice time for tomorrow morning before exiting the locker room. 
The locker room is quiet after the coach leaves, Auston risking one more glance towards you, his heart jumping in his chest as he sees your eyes already locked on him with a sad smile on your face. Auston glances away quickly engaging in the ongoing conversation besides him to try and ignore you and your gaze on the side of his face.
He still notices when you turn slowly and decides to leave the room. 
“Fuck.” Sheldon swears under his breath as the end of game horn rings - the crowd of red roaring in victory as the home team groups together on the ice, patting each other on the heads. The sea of blue fans beginning to exit the stands all sending glares of anger towards your team slowly skating their way to the bench - hoping to make a quick exit. 
The game had been an intense one - the team had been so close to pulling through but continued to miss their shots, the fire power significantly decreased since you pulled one of their top scorers. You keep your head down low as you follow the last player down the tunnel, everyone making their way into the locker room - “Doc, we need to talk for a moment.” Your steps freeze as you glance ahead to the maple leafs coach waiting to the side of the locker room - his arms folded against his chest. 
“Sure, thing.” You say, plastering a smile on your face as you step away from the group - one of the players pausing by the door of the locker room, his hand making quick work of his helmet as he glances between you and his coach. 
“You have something to say, Matthews?” Auston glances at his coach, his mouth opening slightly before closing again, his gaze trailing over to you, your head moving side to side in the smallest movement he barely catches it. 
“It’s okay.” He can see you mouth the words, your head motioning for him to enter the room behind him before turning back towards his coach. 
“Don’t be too hard on her.” He says quietly into the hallway not waiting for you or Sheldon to respond before trudging into the locker room. 
“We both know that your decision to pull Nylander is one that can’t be reversed until you sign off on his physical.” Sheldon begins - the leafs had implemented a new protocol on the return of players from the injury reserve, the doctor who made the decision to pull the player had to be the one to sign them off on returning to avoid players and coaches undermining the doctors decision. 
You nod your head slowly - your smile faltering as you catch on to what the coach is hinting at. “You want me to sign him off early?” Your question almost comes out of your mouth as a scoff - your eyebrows raised as your smile officially switches to a frown. “You want me to break protocol for this?” You reiterate, your own arms crossing against your chest as you stare down the coach. 
“No, of course not.” Sheldon’s words come out with a nervous laugh - his gaze flicking over the hallways as he takes a step forwards - his voice lowers as he speaks again. “We only have one more game before the playoffs - we need our team back at full potential.” 
You nod taking in his words, giving him a second to continue, “You understand, don’t you? You know what this would mean to the team - to be able to begin the playoffs as a force to be reckoned with… we can’t do that without our core four.” You shake your head as you take a step away from the desperate coach. 
“No can do, Sheldon.” Your words are firm as you glance to the players beginning to hover at the door of the locker room. “I’m not going to risk him injuring himself permanently for the sake of playing a game.” You know your words are making the coach angry - his rage simmering as a red tint rises up his neck. “I care about our players, and I’d hope you’d share the same sentiment, coach.” The words hiss out of you as you glare at the man, not wasting anymore time in making your way into the medical bay besides the locker room - closing the door tightly behind you. 
You miss the way the rest of the team let out whistles of shock as their coach lets out a huff of displeasure.
You miss the way Auston watches you walk away, a slight grin on his face before his coach dismisses him to finish pulling off his gear. 
The team was two hours behind schedule - most of the staff already seated on the plane waiting for the players to join them so everyone could make the three hour flight back home. Slowly the players made their way onto the plane - each taking up their normal seats, most of the time the players would sit amongst each other while the staff would find their own seats towards the back of the plane - Sheldon considered it another of his many ways for the team to get closer together. 
“Auston, you gonna join us for some black jack?” Mitch’s voice carries through the airplane - his hands already shuffling a deck of cards, two of his team mates looking up at the newest arrival in anticipation. 
Auston hesitates looking between the empty seat next to you - and his best friend waiting for him to take the seat across from him. “I think I’m gonna miss out this time.” Auston says slowly walking further down the aisle - Mitch looking at his friend in disbelief. “I’m just super tired.” Auston adds as he shoves his bag in the overhead locker before dropping into the seat beside you - your eyes shooting over to him in confusion - your hand lifting to pull one of your AirPods out of your ear. 
“What are you doing?” You sneer under your breath - not missing the way some of his teammates glare over at you. “You need to move - staff and players don’t sit together, Auston.” Your hands shove at him lightly, but Auston makes himself comfortable in the seat beside you, a soft smile on his face as he ignores your pleading, clicking the seat belt at his hips and settling into the seat.
“This is ridiculous.” You huff, giving up on trying to move the large man, pressing play on the iPad screen in front of you, one AirPod still in your ear as the movie continues. “What’re you watching?” Auston asks as the flight attendants move down the plane checking everyone is buckled in and comfortable. 
You let out a long yawn as you shoot him a glare, “None of your business.” If your words were meant to stop Auston from interacting with you, they seemed to be doing quite the opposite. 
“You’re tired?” He questions as you let out another yawn, slapping a hand over your mouth to cover the movement, “You can rest your head on me.” He says softly, lowering his left shoulder, patting against the hard muscle with a grin, “I don’t mind.” He adds quickly, lowering his shoulder a little bit more. 
“Auston, I don’t think that’s a good idea.” 
“It’s probably not.” He agrees, his right hand reaching over to shuffle your iPad into the middle of your seats, before reaching over his body to gently pull your head down onto his shoulder, his left hand, grabbing for yours - your fingers lacing together as he sits your joined hands comfortably in your lap. 
“But that’s never really stopped me before.” 
Your breath gets caught in your chest as you think of all the ways people must be whispering about your position - not daring to lift your head off Auston’s shoulder to look around at the people around you - not daring to lift your head from the comfortable fabric of Auston’s fleece jumper. 
“Rest, doc.” He whispers softly, his hand squeezing yours, as he watches the movie on the screen, pulling the spare AirPod out of its case to shove in his ear. 
You’re not sure when you fall asleep but you wake to Auston’s hand squeezing yours, his head laying softly on top of yours, a jacket thrown over your torso, the movie credits playing on the screen of your iPad. 
“We’ve arrived.” The flight attendant says quietly, her gaze flicking over you and the man beside you with a knowing grin - leaving as you thank her, detaching your hand from Auston’s, the man letting out a soft groan, his hand reaching out to take yours again. 
“We’re here.” You whisper to him, slipping his jacket off of you to place back into his lap, gathering all your stuff before shoving it into your backpack - gently reaching to pull the remaining AirPod out of Auston’s ear, sliding it back into the case. “Auston?” You say softly as you shake his shoulder lightly. 
He sits up slowly, stretching his arms above his head as he glances over at you, your bag already slung over your shoulder as you wait for him to move so you can exit the plane. 
“Same time tomorrow?” He asks, undoing the belt in his lap, and stepping out into the aisle. You shake your head as you pass him, not able to stop the spreading grin on your face. 
Your head falls forwards as the end of game horn sounds for the last time in the regular season - the leafs lost again - the final game of their season they lost and they lost by two. Even though they were still guaranteed a position in the playoffs it never felt good to start the first round on a loss. 
Not to mention the news hitting the team yesterday that they would be up against Boston in the first round - the two teams notorious for having very intense games. 
No one says anything as the team makes their way back to the locker room - everyone stripping off their gear with heavy heads, most wanting nothing more than to get on the plane and head back home, you included. You can’t ignore the way people glare at you as you enter the room, some players whispering to each other under their breath in frustration. 
Some of the team still makes friendly conversation or sends you tight smiles as you help them unwrap their tape - or roll out their tight muscles, but most say nothing. Your final patient never makes his way into your medical bay - the other doctors packing up as you wait for the tall brunette to pop his head into the room, but nothing, not even a glimpse of the large player. 
“We’re going to take this stuff out to the crew, are you alright to pack up the rest?” One of your colleagues asks as he passes by you -  a few cases in his hands. 
“Yeah, I’ll be good to go in just a moment.” You say softly, letting out a quiet sigh as you turn to pack up your equipment, turning as you head a soft knock on the door. 
“Do you still have time to help me get this tape off?” His voice is quieter than usual - the player you were waiting for standing by the open door - his skin red from where he had tried to rip the strapping tape off on his own. You nod quickly, taking in his sad eyes - the skin around them redder than usual. 
“I tried to get it off myself, but you’re clearly too good at your job.” Auston says a bitter chuckle coming out as he takes a seat on the table in front of you - your hands digging through your bags for the adhesive removal spray. 
“Why didn’t you come ask for help sooner?” You ask quietly, as you behind to spray the remover on the remaining tape wincing at the rash spreading across his skin where the tape was already removed. “You could’ve gotten someone else to remove it.” You add quickly the thought that maybe he was trying to avoid you running through your head quickly. 
“Why would I do that?” His question confuses you, your eyebrows furrowing but you continue pulling off the tape. “You think I’m avoiding you?” 
“Aren’t you?” You ask bitterly, remembering the looks of the others on the team, the ones that clearly blame you for the loss. “Everyone else hates me right now, so it’s not like I blame you.” Auston just watches as you pull your bottom lip between your teeth, your chin wobbling as you try to suck in the overwhelming disappointment that’s been growing in yourself. He watches as you focus all your attention on pulling off the tape, keeping your attention on his sore skin as you rub soothing cream over the rash that he gave to himself. 
“I could never hate you.” He says softly as you twist the lid back onto the cream, standing from his spot on your bench, his hands raising to your face, lifting your head to tilt up towards him. “I told you when you first made the decision - I could never hate you, no matter what anyone else thinks - not even what you think, do you understand?” Your chin trembles as his thumb strokes against your cheeks softly, your head nodding in confirmation, his hands staying just under your jaw as he lets out a soft sigh.
“Then why are you sad? Why didn’t you come to me to help?” Your question stalls Auston’s ministrations on your skin, his thumbs stopping in their motions as he stares down at you, his jaw clenching as he tries to find his words. 
“I’m just disappointed.” 
“In myself.” He confirms before adding, “In the team, we let one person's absence throw us off the ball - we do this every god damn year.” His forehead drops to yours, his hands slipping away from your face, sliding over your shoulder before grazing down your arms, his fingers reaching out to lace with yours. “I thought we were going to do better this year… I thought I would do better.” 
The sound of footsteps in the locker room makes the two of you jump, your hands slipping out of his as you quickly throw the rest of your equipment into their cases, turning back to Auston with a soft smile. “You should finish getting change for the flight.” Auston nods, frowning as he glances out into the locker room seeing the other doctors hovering by the door. 
“You’ll wait for me?” He asks quickly, your head nodding before you can even register what he asked, his body slipping through the door before you can take back your agreement. 
But you do as requested, handing off your cases to the other doctors promising them you’d meet them on the plane, making excuses about Auston wanting to talk about a treatment plan for his shoulder - they both nod understandingly moving quickly to get the last of the equipment to the trucks to take to the airport. 
Auston’s surprised to see you still standing outside the locker room when he exits - his back thrown over his shoulder, a large white hooding thrown over your uniform as you turn towards him. The two of you walk to the bus in silence, neither knowing why you had stayed. 
Neither of you know why you still stayed as you sit next to each other on the bus. 
As you fall into your seats besides each other on the plane. 
Auston’s surprised again as you take hold of his hand once the flight takes off - your gaze focused on the window as the plane levels out - your headphones over your ears as you pretend your thumb isn’t rubbing gentle circles on the back of his hand. 
“What is going on with you two?” Auston’s head shoots up from the video playing on his phone, Mitch leaning over the back of the chair in front of him, his eyes lingering on the joined hands sitting in your lap. If you head Mitch you pretend not to, your chin in your hand as you keep watching the black sky pass by. 
“None of your business.” Auston replies, praying to whoever will listen that you don’t pay attention to Mitch’s interrogations, praying that you don’t take your hand out of his. “Mitch drop it.” Auston sneers as his friend's gaze drops to your joined hands again, Auston squeezing yours as he feels your fingers loosen on his. “Please.” Auston adds, Mitch’s eyebrows raising in surprise as he throws his hands up in surrender. 
The rest of the flight passes in silence, most of his teammates busy with their own unwinding processes, a lot of the staff sleeping for as much of the flight as possible. 
Neither of you two sleep. 
Neither of you acknowledge the other until the plane stops on the runway - the players and staff quickly making their way off the plane, stretching their limbs as they go. 
“Do you have a ride home?” Auston asks, his chest tightening as you finally pull your hands out of his, the warmth of your skin lingering in his palm. You shake your head softly, pulling out your phone and flashing the Uber app on your screen. “Come home with me.” Auston says wincing as the words hit him as soon as he says them. 
“Not like that - I mean I wouldn’t be against it but… I just…” 
“What do you mean then, Auston?” You interrupt, your face soft as you wait for him to respond, giving him the time to collect himself. 
“I don’t want to be alone.” He admits quietly, “I’d really like to spend some more time with you.” You don’t say anything, glancing down at the open app on your phone before glancing back up at him - handing your unlocked phone over, the arrival address waiting. 
“No way in hell you’re paying for the ride.” He hisses, pushing your phone back towards you as he pulls his own phone out of his pocket, reaching overhead to pull his backpack out of the locker, his hand reaching out for yours as he drags your off the plane behind him - the two of you bypassing the rest of the staff, Auston sneaking to grab your two suitcases before rushing you off the runway and into the airport an Uber waiting out the front. 
Auston sits comfortably in the silence, his hand warm between the two of you - his heart beating so fast he’s glad you know how to do CPR cause he might need it if you do anything else. 
Auston thanks the driver as he pulls up outside his building - pulling the bags from the trunk - your small duffle stacked on top of his suitcase - the bags dragged behind him as he also drags you behind him and into the empty lobby. 
“This place is really fancy.” You say as he scans his house fob - the elevator automatically selecting the floor for his condo. Auston doesn’t say anything, pretty sure he’d throw up if he attempted to get words out. 
“Are you okay?” You question as the elevator dings - the doors opening to the front door of his condo - the only condo on this floor. 
“Mhm.” He answers, swallowing his nerves as he shoves his key into the lock, opening the door as quickly as possible pulling you quickly into his empty apartment. 
“No Felix?” You question as you glance around, an empty crate sitting in the living room with no sign of the dog. 
“He’s at Mitch’s - Felix loves visiting Zeus when we go on roadies.” Auston finally speaks, his hand dropping yours for just a moment to set up your bags by the front door, pulling his large puffer off his shoulders and throwing it over a coat rack by the front door.   
“Make yourself at home.” Auston says as he strides into the kitchen grabbing two bottles of water from the fridge, his gaze shooting over to your body relaxing into the cushions of his oversized couch. 
“Where the hell did you get this thing?” You question as he hands you your bottle of water, slumping into the seat beside you, a grin on his face as he watches you settle in further. 
“I don’t know if my sister bought it.” He says quickly, your eyes squeezed shut as he reaches for a blanket draped over the back of the couch, throwing it over your lap. 
“Well I need the link.” You comment on bliss twisting the lid off the water as you take a sip. 
“It was almost ten thousand though.” Auston’s hand moves to pat your back as the water gets stuck in your throat - coughs racking your body as you pat your chest. 
“Never-mind then.” 
“You can use mine whenever you want.” Auston says and you scoff, falling back against the couch as you drop the evil water besides you on the couch. “I’m not kidding.” He adds. 
Auston doesn’t know what makes him change his position. 
He’s not sure why he lies down on the couch, his head gently landing in your lap. 
He’s not sure what to do when he feels your fingers thread in his hair, running softly through his messy locks - the water from his shower still making the ends of his hair wet and tangled. 
Auston’s not sure when you both fall asleep - his phone making him squint as he checks the time - the four am flashing as he throws the device to the other side of the couch. 
He drags himself off the couch slowly, careful not to wake you as he slides his arms under your body, lifting you gently with a soft grunt as he scuttles down the hallway - his room only lit by the lights of the other high building through his window, his body freezing as you let out a soft whine as he drops you onto his mattress dragging his duvet down the bed to throw over your body. 
He doesn’t know what makes him round the bed, sliding onto the mattress behind you, pulling the blanket over his body as well, his mind running so fast as you turn on the mattress, your hands reaching out to tangle in the fabric of his shirt, your body shuffling in the cold sheets to move closer to him. 
“Don’t make things awkward, Auston.” You huff, as one of your hands releases his shirt, grabbing his frozen arm to drape over your waist, a happy hum leaving you as he pulls you tighter against him, his chin resting against the top of your head. “We’re going to have to talk about this in the morning.” You say. 
“I know.” He responds. 
Neither of you know when you fall back asleep.
But neither of you complain as you wake up bundled together in the large king bed. 
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goodnightoilcountry · 5 months
jo's nhl fic rec list !
hi - welcome to my attempt at being a fic writer again. i have a wip list in the works but first things first: my fic rec list of all the works i've found and adored.
if you don't know yet, you will know soon that i am such a sucker for angst. i hope you find something new to love from the list below !
how to navigate
i update this list weekly (try to) and place all the new fic recs at the top under NEW.
when searching for a specific player, they will always be listed under their current team.
* updated sunday 1 september 2024 *
weekly note: icymi - i've spent the last three weeks of my life packing and moving to my new place and i'm finally settled! next action item is to master plan my space but we'll leave that for when i've actually got energy to think about it. anyways, i did spent the free time i had intermittently reading here and there. hope you enjoy this small update 🤍
like my selection of fic recs? have a player who's not been featured? let me know and i'll go on a deep dive for you!
won't you stay til the a.m.? (mitch marner) by @senditcolton summary: New Year’s Eve. A time for celebration of another a fresh start, of new beginnings. But for you, it was just another reminder of all the time you felt like you wasted. And when you share a heart-to-heart with your childhood best friend Mitch, someone who you fell for years ago but never told, will the both of you let another moment pass you by? word count: 3.5k
take five (mitch marner) by @mattybenierss summary: it had been five years since you had last spoken to mitch. heartbroken, you return home and are forced to come to terms with your past. word count: 10.6k
felt like magic (nico hischier) by @laurenairay summary: Nico has been pining for years – maybe this summer is a chance to finally do something about his feelings for you. word count: 2.6k
sweet nothing (quinn hughes) by @sweetteainthesummerx summary: 5 times Quinn knew you were the one, and the one time he let you know... word count: 2.3k
as it was (auston matthews) by @miracleonice87 word count: 1.5k
so tell me to leave (william nylander) by @laurenairay summary: once is an accident, twice is coincidence, and three times is a pattern. You really needed to stop falling into bed with your ex-boyfriend William. word count: 1.7k
somehow still stuck on you (quinn hughes) by @matthewtkachuk summary: navigating the realities of your post break up friendship with quinn is exacerbated by how much you’re not over him word count: 2.4k
need you round (jack hughes) by @star2fishmeg summary: how does one guy go from wanting everything to do with someone, to nothing at all? Jack didn’t know what he wanted until he started losing to Trevor, but maybe that was a good thing. word count: 30.2k
moments in time (jack hughes) by @sweetestcaptainhughes summary: The eight times Jack Hughes showed his love through the ring camera that he didn’t even want in the first place. word count: 3k
total number of fics: 151
anaheim ducks fic rec list players: trevor zegras
carolina canes fic rec list players: andrei svechnikov - jack drury - pyotr kotchekov - sebastian aho - seth jarvis - tyson jost
colorado avs fic rec list players: cale makar - nathan mackinnon
detroit red wings fic rec list players: jt compher
florida panthers fic rec list players: matthew tkachuk
nashville preds fic rec list players: brady skjei
new jersey devils fic rec list players: jack hughes - luke hughes - nico hischier
new york islanders fic rec list players: mat barzal
philadelphia flyers fic rec list players: erik johnson - jamie drysdale
pittsburgh penguins fic rec list players: michael bunting - sidney crosby
toronto maple leafs fic rec list players: auston matthews - mitch marner - william nylander
vancouver canucks fic rec list players: arturs silovs - brock boeser - quinn hughes
thank you to all the incredible fic writers on this godforsaken app ! i am always so in awe of how creative people are and am constantly inspired by your minds ! i can't wait to find more of you on here 🤍
@43-hugs @adoristsposts @austonwithan-o @babydollmarauders @bagopucks @bedsyandco @behoright @bitchinbarzal @blueskrugs @bqstqnbruin @cellythefloshie @chewingcyanide @comphersjost @comphy-and-cozy @doc-pickles @eyesthatroll @fallinallincurls @happer08 @hischierdevils @hischierhoney @hockeyboistrash @hockeywhy @hockey-fics @hockey-hoe-24-7 @holy-pucks @hookingminor @huggybug @hugshughes @idontgiveaflyinggrayson69 @islesnucks @itsjusthockey @ladylooch @letsgetrowdy43 @marnerparty @matthewtkachuk @mattyanonwrites @matwith1t @mendeshoney @misshoneyimhome @mrsensitive @nhlclover @ohmyeyesmyeyes @pennylanefics @prettytoxicrevolver @pucksnsticksnhockeyboys @silovsmenot @starry-hughes @senditcolton @silverstonesainz-archive @stormsplurge @sunkissed-zegras @sunnyskiesscareme @sydnikov @thatintrovertedwriter @theemporium @thewintersoldierdisaster @undertaurus @unluckyhoneybee @withwritersblock @yelenasdog @youunravelme
514 notes · View notes
chukys-mouthguard · 1 month
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you’ll just have to taste me, when he’s kissin’ you
featuring -> auston matthews x female reader
warnings -> sexual themes, cheating, semi-public sexual acts, 18+ content
word count -> 1.3k
-> short n’ sweet series masterlist
The taste of your watermelon lip gloss mixed with the jack and coke’s Auston had crushed on the golf course would never get old. As his hands traveled from your chest to your hips, to your thighs, lifting you up as you wrapped your legs around his waist. The storage closet of the country club has become a familiar place for the two of you to escape during your lunch breaks.
The way he smirked against your skin as he heard you moan in approval at the things his fingers did to you, dipping underneath your skirt to take note of how wet you always were for him. He had to control himself, wishing so badly he could have his way with you, but marking was a no-no as you’d have to go back to your shift in just thirty minutes. Which was never enough time for Auston, but he made it work. Always giving you the best thirty minutes of your day.
The way he knew exactly what to do to bring you to your peak as quickly as possible, it drove you wild. His muscles flexing on either side of your face as he bent you over, his hand pressed tightly over your mouth to muffle the moans he’d elicit from you over and over and-
“Excuse me! Can you get me a rosé or no?”
Snapping from your thoughts, your eyes met her, Auston’s girlfriend. And the main reason your escapades were exclusive to the storage closet only.
Rolling your eyes you grabbed a glass, pouring her rosé before adding her staple three ice cubes. No more, no less.
“Thanks, and here’s a tip…don’t day dream at the bar.”
She forced a laugh as she headed back to their table. Auston’s eyes fixated on you as he smirked, knowing you were thinking back to earlier because he was doing the same. Seeing you roam the country club in your uniform always had him thinking unholy things. The way you hiked your skirt a little higher just for him, it drove him wild.
She took her seat next to him, her hands immediately all over him as she wanted everyone to be sure they knew he was hers. Or at least, so she thought.
“Grab a table baby? I gotta stop by the front desk, need to reserve the golf cart for later.”
“Okay, I’ll get you a jack and coke.”
You walked past her as she went to their usual table, thanking the country club gods that you weren’t working at the restaurant today. Instead being more of a floater helping where needed as you’d picked up a last minute shift.
Rolling your eyes you knew it was Auston. Catching him eyeing you in your uniform as he wrapped up reserving his golf cart.
“Yes Mr. Matthews, what can I do for you?”
He bit his lip at hearing you call him that, though he hated the formalities, he loved the way it rolled off your tongue. He glanced around to make sure no one was watching, quickly taking your hand and pulling you off to a nearby restroom.
“Are you crazy?”
He smirked down at you as he undid his belt buckle, dropping his shorts to the floor.
“Crazy about you. Now turn around, we don’t have long.”
You two emerged from the bathroom, heading your separate ways as you wondered how he’d explain reserving the golf cart to have taken twenty minutes. Though you knew she’d believe anything he said, she was a ditz. Clearly since she’d not once caught on to the things Auston was doing right under her nose.
Their relationship was one you’d never understand. Auston hated her, she was with him solely for the money, a true match made in heaven. But you also didn’t expect him to run away with a country club cart girl, simply enjoying the thrill of the various locations the two of you could get away with hooking up in.
You let out a sigh, this was the fifth time she’d called you to their table in the last thirty minutes. The rosé was surely going to run out with how quickly she’d been throwing them back today.
“Another rosé?”
You headed to the bar, grabbing the bottle before you returned to fill her glass. Her eyes flashed up to meet yours as you felt your heart racing, assuming you’d done something to piss her off because it just seemed to be one of those days where nothing pleased her.
“Is that too much? Do you need more ice?”
She shook her head, pursing her lips as she looked at Auston.
“No, it’s your perfume. It just smells awfully familiar.”
Auston’s reaction didn’t change, he knew what she was doing and didn’t bother to entertain it. Simply playing it off as you’d been freshening up while driving the cart earlier and he’d passed through the spritz of perfume.
Somehow she’d bought it, lucky you.
“Baby, tennis lessons, you promised??”
She begged as she pulled at his hands, her whine had to be the most annoying thing you’d ever heard. You were grabbing the keys to your cart for the morning, having just wrapped up a quick make out session with Auston before clocking in for the start of your shift. Your lips still tingling from the kisses as you heard him say something about Mitch booking them a round of golf, knowing it would mean a good tip day for you.
“Fine, but you better make it up to me later?”
Her attempt at being flirty made you gag, Auston just agreeing as she kissed him, hearing a slight comment about the taste of watermelon on his lips making your heart skip a beat. Though Auston just shrugged it off, saying it was a cocktail he’d had, as he urged he’d be late if he didn’t run.
“Where are the boys?”
You found Auston sitting on his phone by your golf cart as you were about to go stock up on drinks. A smile on his lips at the sound of your voice, eyes scanning your figure head to toe as he’d never get over the way you looked in your work skirts. Though he enjoyed them better off of you or hiked up on your waist.
“No boys today, thought we’d have a little fun?”
“Is she gonna like that? You bailed on tennis lessons bay-beee.”
He rolled his eyes as he walked over to you, laughing at the way you mocked how she’d spoken to him earlier. His hand resting under your chin as he stole a quick kiss, then placing his bucket hat onto your hat with a pat.
“Get your ass on the golf cart sweetheart.”
If anyone had caught you taking the golf cart into the woods for a quickie with Auston surely you’d be fired on the spot. But you’d gladly risk your job over and over again if it meant sex like that.
Returning your cart to the parking spot you hadn’t noticed her watching the two of you pull up together as she’d wrapped up her tennis lessons early. Having discovered Mitch was not at the club today and he hadn’t booked any round of golf for the boys.
“Auston Taylour Matthews!”
Looking up to her you quickly pulled the bucket hat from your head as you handed it back to Auston, awkwardly fixing your fly away hairs as she approached the two of you.
“Fuck me…”
Auston groaned as he adjusted the hat on his head with a roll of his eyes before he flashed her a fake smile.
“What is this? You had a round of golf with Mitch?”
You looked from her to Auston, his silence saying everything she needed to know. Though she wouldn’t let either of you be until she’d heard something. But you wouldn’t be the one to say anything, simply pulling your lip gloss from your pocket as you awkwardly applied it.
“What is that?”
You noticed her eyes glued to your lip gloss, not thinking anything of it as you flashed the tube for her to see
“Relax, it's just lip gloss?”
“Just lip gloss…”
Without warning she snatched the tube from your hand, making you flinch as she inspected the label. Her eyes went wide as she looked at Auston, the wheels turning in her brain as she’d finally seemed to put the pieces together.
“it’s, watermelon.”
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lukehughes43 · 1 month
AM34 Auston Matthews x reader
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word count: 1,400 a/n: quick little blurb and or drabble thing of auston becoming captain because how could I not? warnings: none I think. maybe some swearing
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You had never seen Auston this nervous before. Normally, he was relaxed, easy going, and tried not to stress about things very often. Only now he was busy pacing a hole in the floor of your shared apartment. 
“Aus,” you called, “there’s nothing to worry about. Everyone’s going to love you as their captain.” His attention turned immediately to you. His brown eyes searching your e/c ones. “Plus the decision has already been made. Brad wants you as captain. Craig wants you as his captain. And, most importantly, John has signed off on the idea to hand the captaincy over to you.” Before he could protest, you crossed the room to stand in front of him. Gently you reached up to cup his cheek, a smile forming on your lips, “You deserve this, love. You’ve worked your life to get to this moment.” 
Reaching up, Auston grabbed on to your wrist. Thumb working small circles against the soft skin. “I know I deserve it, and there hasn’t been a thought in my mind about passing the opportunity over, but I just - can’t believe this is happening.” His confession tugged at your heart. He had put his blood, sweat, and tears into becoming a Toronto Maple Leaf. Played in their first round series sicker than a dog, and still walked away as the MVP despite the loss. 
“Well you better believe it soon, because we need to leave in an hour,” you remind with a kind smile. “Can’t keep everyone waiting for the star of the show today.” Balancing up on your tiptoes you pressed a sweet kiss against his cheek. “I’m going to finish getting ready, and you should too.” 
It wasn’t long before the pair of you were seated in the front seats of his blue Porsche. Brian and Ema smiling happily in the backseat. While you focused on carrying the load of conversation, Auston’s hand had nervously worked its way into yours resting in your lap. Without missing a beat in the conversation about preparing your classroom for the up and coming school year, you squeezed his hand. A subtle gesture to show him that you were aware of the mixed emotions rolling off his body. “I’m sure the kids are going to love hearing about Auston becoming captain this year,” Ema smiled with pride. 
Laughing you nodded your head, craning your body to face the backseat. “That will surely be the talk of the first few days,” you agreed. “Although, any chance they get Auston normally gets brought up. They always beg me to bring him in for show and tell.” The comment drew a laugh from Auston’s parents, and an eye roll from the man himself.  But even he couldn’t hide the smile that was growing on his face. 
“Has he ever come in for show and tell before?” Brian asked.
“Once,” Auston replied, eyes glancing at his fathers in the rearview mirror before turning into the parking lot. “Only it didn’t end up as happy as a day as all the little second graders thought it would.” 
Confusion painted Brian and Ema’s faces, allowing you the chance to fill them in on the rest of the story. “A couple of tears were shed because some kids thought their show and tells weren’t as ‘cool’ as mine.” Grimacing you glanced over at Auston who was still wearing his smile. 
“Well not everyone can bring a sixty plus goal scorer, can they?” He chimed, earning a smack on the shoulder from you. 
Rolling your eyes you glanced back at his parents, “Of course they were all really excited and happy Aus had come in, but some of them felt overshadowed. So from now on if he wants to come visit, it’s on days when we don’t have show and tell.” 
“Well talk about a lesson learned the hard way,” Ema laughed. Nodding your head you agreed with the woman, turning to glance around the half full parking lot. “Well, I suppose we should head in.” Taking charge as always, Ema Matthews headed out of the car, her husband following her lead. 
You stole a glance at Auston to see him already staring back at you with those big brown eyes. “You ready hot shot?” Teasing, you pulled your interlaced hands up to your lips to press a kiss against his skin. “Because the whole hockey world is ready for you.” 
A slight blush dusted over his cheeks as he stared at you, eyes darting between the diamond ring resting on your finger and your e/c eyes. “You know, I think you might have said that to me once before,” he recalled with a smile, “maybe like, eight years ago?” 
“God don’t say that,” you groaned with a smile, “you’re making us sound old.” 
“Well, we are kinda old, baby.” The both of you fell into a small fit of laughter, seemingly lost in memories from prior years. It was only when your beloved nickname fell from his lips like honey that you both silenced your laughing. “What if I can’t be the leader they’re expecting me to be? What if, even after all this we still can’t beat Boston in the playoffs? That I - we never win the Stanley Cup?” Your heart squeezed inside your chest as you stared back at him. Searching for the answers that he so desperately needed to hear, yet couldn’t place them. “What happens then? If I can’t be a Leaf for life.” 
Taking both of his hands in your own hands, you faced him fully. Knees pressed against the center console, likely pulling the nylon fabric covering them. “Auston,” you breathed, “I have never met someone so right for a position of leadership as you. I love John, with all my heart, you know that. But baby, in this business changes need to happen. Different voices need to be heard, and right now yours is the guiding voice of the Toronto Maple Leafs. And it has been since you scored four goals in your NHL debut.” The old memory of his debut tugged a smile to the corner of his lips, but you knew he wasn’t fully convinced of your vision. “You have brought life back to this team, to this fan base. You’ve given something they haven't had in a long time: hope.” 
“How does that translate to me becoming the twenty-sixth captain in franchise history?” His voice held emotions you couldn’t quite place. Sadness, fear, uncertainty. All things you knew Auston Matthews hardly felt. 
Smiling you squeezed his hands once more, “My love, that’s one of the things most important about being a leader - a captain. You have to give your teammates, the ownership, and the fans something to believe in. Something to have hope for. You’ve given them that, and so much more Aus. There’s a reason you didn’t think about passing the opportunity over. There’s a reason John was more than willing to hand the captaincy into your very capable hands.” 
“Why’s that?” 
“Because you have been the voice of this team since your debut in twenty-sixteen,” you answered with nothing but certainty. “It was only a matter of time until this happened, this past season was the nail in the coffin.” Auston’s face contorted into disapproval while you laughed it off, “Sorry only reference I could think of baby. But it holds some truth to it. Losing to the Bruins in the first round, again, sucked. It fucking sucked. For everyone. You. Me. The team. But you pushed through so much to play in that series. You took control and put the team on your back more than once. Playing sick goes a long way, Aus. It showed everyone in that locker room that you’re here to win. You’re here to bring this franchise a Stanley Cup, and even if you’re on your deathbed you're willing to be the person that helps bring the team to glory.” 
Sighing Auston fell back against his seat. “Are you sure you aren’t saying all this because you’re my fiance?” His head lulled to the side to glance over at you with a soft smile. Leaning over the console you fixed the collar of his suit jacket, “No, I told you that you need to buy another suit because this one has been over worn because I’m your fiance.” Once the collar was laid flat against his body you looked to meet his gaze once more. “I told you all that because I’m someone who believes in you, Auston. Also someone who sees the greatness deep inside you.”  “I love you, you know that?” He asked, body leaning forward to meet you halfway. Smiling, you nodded, “I do know that.” Quickly you closed the distance between the two of you to press your lips against his. “Now come on, I want to see you with a ‘C’ on your chest, captain.”
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prettytoxicrevolver · 9 months
4 + 1 | Auston Matthews
wc. 2.6k
four almosts between you and Auston Matthews and then one finally. (a best friends to lovers fic)
dedicated to the lovely @tonyspep! I hope you enjoy your winter fic exchange my love :) and of course thank you again to @wyattjohnston for putting the fic exchange together!!
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“Auston!!” you yell out from the kitchen. 
You turn and lean against the counter, waiting impatiently for Auston to make his way over. You cross your arms, sporting a pout on your lips when he walks in the room. 
“What’s up?” 
“Can you grab my mug?” you ask, pointing to the mug sitting on the top shelf of your cabinet. 
Auston had barged his way into your apartment tonight, insisting he hadn’t seen you in forever and that he needed a break from his annoying roommates. You of course took pity on him, inviting him to stay the night even though you knew that meant several hours of your heart beating uncontrollably. 
For as long as you’ve known Auston, you’ve had the biggest crush on him. It wasn’t a secret, everyone on the Leafs knew, the wags, your friends, everyone but apparently Auston. You tried to play it off like it was fine, like it didn’t physically hurt to be in the same room as him, like you were fine with just being best friends for eternity. 
Auston takes two steps closer, reaching above your head with ease and grabbing the mug from the shelf. He holds it up to your face and tilts his head with a mischievous smile on his lips. He’s always adored how much shorter you were. He took any chance to tease you about it, this was definitely no different. 
“This one?” 
“Thank you,” you start to singsong but when you reach for the mug, Auston holds it above your head instead. You roll your eyes, knowing what game Auston is playing and you want to smack that smug smile off his face. 
“Aus,” you plead. 
“Gotta pay the price darling,” he murmurs, turning his cheek and tapping it with his free hand. 
Your eyes scan over his features, the stubble that coats his cheek and the soft crease of his eyebrow. Your pulse pounds in your veins and your heartbeat is so loud it could be heard all the way over in Vancouver. You think for a moment, how easy it would be to just tilt his head, press your lips to his and sink into the feeling. 
Auston’s eyes flick over to yours and the eye contact shocks you back into the moment. You lean up and press a quick kiss to his cheek, your body vibrating head to toe in nerves from the action. 
“There you go darling,” he places the mug on the counter, sending a wink in your direction before turning and walking away. 
“You’re aware I have a guest room, right?” you ask Auston as he flops down on your bed face first. 
“Of course. But your bed is comfier,” he responds, sitting up and looking at you with that million dollar grin on his lips. 
Of course that was only half the truth when it came to Auston’s explanation. Your bed was comfier, but he liked being close to you. Liked the possibility that maybe, in the dark hours of the night, he would make a move. Liked that if something happened and you regret it, the morning could wash away all worries. Liked being close to you in the most intimate way he could possibly think of. 
“Mhm,” you respond, throwing a pillow at Auston’s head but he ducks away with ease unharmed. 
You walk into the attached bathroom, getting changed into shorts and one of Auston’s leafs shirts and brush your teeth before making your way back out to your bedroom. Auston sits up in bed, back against the headboard, eyes scanning his phone. He looked like a Greek god, muscular, his face chiseled in all the right ways, soft smiles and warm looks. One look from him and you start to think you can fly. 
“That’s where that shirt went?” he asks and you’re snapped out of your entranced gaze. 
“You have a million of these,” you say, climbing into bed and pulling the covers close. 
“I’ll just steal it back,” he says shrugging and your jaw drops feigning shock.
“You wouldn’t dare.” 
“Try me,” he says, winking at you before turning over and flicking the light off. 
“Goodnight Aus,” you say, finally slipping fully under the covers and welcoming sleep despite your rapid heartbeat. 
Your eyes slowly flutter open, your vision taking a moment to readjust to the morning light causing you to blink a couple of times. You instinctively start to shift in bed but you’re quickly stopped by a weight on you. You blink a couple of more times and it takes all of your willpower not to gasp when you realize. 
Auston is fast asleep next to you, chest rising and falling in a soft pattern, his hair tousled, a soft smile on his lips. You follow the groove of his figure, spotting one arm slung lazily over your hips and you quickly realize your head rests on the other outstretched one. Your legs are tangled and you feel every inch of him pressed against you in the most delicate and intimate way possible. 
You drag your eyes back up to his face and are met with the softest brown eyes you have ever seen. The look Auston was giving you could only be described as truly, madly, deeply, crazy, in love. Anyone in the world would look at this scene and clearly see two people who will love each other till the world's end. 
For a moment, Auston’s whole life flashes before him. Waking up next to you, going to practice, coming home to you, seeing you wear his jersey at every game, starting a family with you. The whole image makes the smile on his lips grow wider and his heart soars when you begin to smile back. 
“Good morning,” you whisper, hoping the words don’t break whatever spell has been cast over the two of you. 
“Mornin’ angel,” he responds and the pet name sends your heart into a flurry. 
You watch as Auston’s eyes flicker from yours to your lips and you realize quickly how close the two of you are, faces only an inch or so apart. Austo can’t help but think of how easy it would be to close the gap, be connected from end to end. Finally feel whole. 
And then his alarm goes off. 
You both disentangle yourselves and get ready for the day, this morning staying on your mind for a while. 
“Please?” Knies begs with those big blue eyes that make you say yes to anything. 
“Ugh fine,” you respond, finally giving in. 
“First rounds on me!” he shouts, leaning down to press a kiss to your cheek before dragging you towards where his car is parked at the stadium. 
You head to the bar that the Leafs frequented, Kniesy had been begging you to go to a home game and then out to one of the bars afterwards for weeks now. It was hard to turn him down over and over but you finally caved. How could you say no forever to a boy that carried the same energy as a golden retriever? 
“She’s here!” Matt yells when you enter the bar and you’re rewarded with the patrons yelling back in praise, even if they didn’t know you. 
Knies takes your hand and leads you to the back where you’re met with a packed Leafs group. Players and wags alike sit in the circular booth but your gaze lands on Austin like it always does. He sits at the edge of the booth, a look on his face like he had been considering bolting since he got there. However, when the two of you make eye contact a soft smile crawls to his lips and he seems to relax back into his seat. 
Matt takes the last spot leaving you standing awkwardly in front of everyone. You inch to the side, hoping to get away with just standing for a bit before grabbing a drink and coming back but Will has a better plan. 
“Darling, just sit with Auston,” he says, gesturing to your best friend. 
Your head cocks to the side in confusion and without a word, Auston reaches towards you. You instinctively take a step closer to him and his hands wrap around your waist and pull you down onto his lap. You try not to gasp at the closeness as Auston pulls you close and nudges your arm up to rest around his shoulder. 
The movements all seemed second nature to Auston, not even thinking about what he was doing before you were planted firmly on his lap, cheeks flushing pink at your body pressed against his. Mitch grins mischievously from across the booth at his best friend and when you’re not looking Auston shoots him a stare that says “back off”. 
You’re surprised you haven’t blacked out yet, a pleading glance thrown to Mitch, the only person on the leafs to know about your crush in Auston. He shrugs and your face heats up causing you to push it into Austons shoulder without realizing how much worse it was going to get when you closed that space. 
“You okay?” he murmurs and you try not to shift as butterflies swirl in your stomach. Ever the gentleman, you couldn’t help but think. 
“All good,” you whisper, eyes trailing over his features. 
You wanted to lean forward, whisper in his ear all the things he was making you feel. Follow it up with kisses pressed along his sharp jawline until you reach his mouth, and finally feel whole. 
“(y/n)!” you hear Kniesy call and you yank yourself away from where you were leaning even closer to Auston than before. 
“Come dance!” 
You sit in the tunnel at the Scotiabank Arena, twisting the sleeves of Matthews jersey that floods over your frame. You had been waiting down here with the other wags, mostly talking to Steph and glancing at the locker room area every few minutes. Finally, players start to emerge and one by one you watch them pair up and head out. 
“Angel,” you hear Auston’s smooth familiar voice greet you and you look up smiling at him. 
“That’s not my jersey,” the statement comes out as almost a question, but when he spots the number 23 on your sleeve, an unreadable look crosses his features. 
“Yeah it’s,” you start but you’re quickly cut off by Matt coming out of the tunnel. 
“Princess!” he calls, rushing over and picking you up in his arms, pressing a quick kiss to your cheek. 
You had been on a couple of dates with Matthew recently, the younger boy asking you out a little after that night you went out to the bar with him and his other teammates. You said yes, despite your massive crush on his assistant captain and prayed that somehow he would help you get over your feelings for Auston. It wasn’t fair, but Matt was sweet and funny and someone you knew forever. If anyone could get you to stop thinking about Auston, it should be him. 
“You’re?” Auston asks, pointing between the two of you when Kniesy finally sets you back down on the ground. 
“I was going to tell you,” you rush out, like you had any reason to really explain to Auston what you and Matt were. The words should have been a dead give away of your true feelings. 
“Don’t fuck this up,” Auston states, pointing at Matt with a threatening finger. 
“Aus,” you start to plead but he shakes his head. 
“I don’t care if we’re on the same team, if you hurt her, if i hear about so much as an argument, I will beat your ass. Clear?” 
“Crystal,” Kniesy says, slipping an arm around your waist and pulling you close to him. 
Auston watches as Matt pulls you away and it takes all of his strength not to rip you out of his arms and hold you close. Not to rush over and tell you that watching him with Matt made him physically ill. Tell you that he really truly does mean every single word he just said. Tell you that he would protect you to the ends of this earth. But instead, his nerves beat him, forcing him to watch you walk away with Knies’ jersey on your back. 
“Go away!!” you yell, ignoring the knocks on the front door of your apartment. 
“I have a key ya know!” you hear Auston yell back and you cross your arms, purposefully sinking further back into the couch. 
“Fuck off!” 
Unfortunately, Auston is not deterred by your use of curse words. He uses his spare key, swinging the door open to your apartment and letting himself in. You listen as his steps get closer until he’s leaning over the couch and you’re looking at his face staring down at you. 
“Yes?” you ask and Auston frowns when your voice gets quiet. 
“Scoot,” he says, forcing you to sit up and pushes you over until he can take a seat next to you on the couch. “What’s wrong?” 
“Nothing,” you state, shrugging your shoulders in hopes that the action stops Auston from continuing his questioning. 
“Bullshit. What happened?” 
“Me and Matt broke up? I mean we weren’t dating seriously in the first place and I broke up with him but I mean it just sucks Aus I haven’t had a boyfriend in forever and every time I meet a really nice guy and start to date him something happens and I feel like I always fuck it up or,” 
“Woah!!” Auston exclaims, grabbing your hands in his so you pause your rambling to look at him. 
“Any guy that breaks up with you is a massive fucking idiot,” he says and you can’t help the laugh bubbling up from your throat. 
“I’m serious!” he continues and the words are so intense you stop to look at Auston. 
“You deserve someone who makes you feel like you’ve been struck by fucking lightning.” 
Your eyes search his for a moment and find pure sincerity. As much as Auston was praying that person was him, he loved you so much that he knew he could live if you felt that way for someone else. As long as you were happy, like over the moon in love, giddy, singing in the rain, huge cliche type happy, he was happy. He lived for you. He lived for your smile. 
“Auston?” you finally ask and he moves closer at the sound of his name. 
He leans in, one hand coming up to carefully cup your cheek and his eyes stay locked to yours to make sure what he was doing was okay. His thumb brushes over your top lip, causing them to separate before settling on the top of your cheek. Your hand lands on his thigh, squeezing lightly and moving closer as Auston’s other hand slides to your other cheek. 
His eyes flicker between yours and your lips before he finally leans in, connecting the two of you head to toe like you always should have been. The kiss is short and sweet at first, but when Auston tugs you closer you find yourself moving to straddle his lap and the kiss deepens. When there's no more air left between you two you part and the smile that rests on your face is surely there to stay for eternity. 
“Lightning, huh?” you ask and Auston grins, pressing his lip to yours once more. 
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bagopucks · 10 months
A. Matthews - Worlds Worst Dad
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Auston Matthews x Fem!reader
Word Count: 3.4k
Warning(s): another family fight.
When I had gotten the request to do Auston and Hudson angst, I had initially started with two fics and for whatever reason I had them both completed last season. So I tweaked this one a little so I could still post it.
Hudson was too young to understand.
“Just listen to me, bud.”
Auston had been so busy with the playoffs, that he hadn’t been home. He had been so busy with his job, and myself with my own, that at some point, we lost sight of how important communication was. Not necessarily for us, but for Hudson.
“You said you wouldn’t leave!”
“I’m right here.” Auston sounded so lost. I couldn’t blame him. Neither of us really expected our reunion to go this way. Hudson had been patient at first when playoffs began, but at some point he had given up. He’d become upset at first, worried. Nervous. Then he became angry. So angry. I couldn’t see into his mind. I couldn’t understand what he felt, but I knew it had to do with the way his biological father left. Sure, he didn’t remember it happening, but after his grandfather let the story slip one day, ‘fathers’ became a fragile subject for Hudson.
“You’re not around any more!”
Auston responded to texts when he could, and always called back when he missed a call, but the time zone differences made things difficult. Hudson didn’t understand why Auston couldn’t talk. Why Auston never stayed on the phone long enough to speak to him.
I had thought Hudson’s behavior would turn around when I announced Auston’s return home. Apparently it didn’t. I knew the knockout was hard, and I knew it took a toll on Auston, but I also knew he was ready to be back. I had warned the man before he came home, but I hadn’t expected Hudson to lash out the way he did. It was the last thing any of us needed.
“I’ve been a little busy, Hudson. Just chill out okay?”
I felt like a horrible mother. A horrible lover.
“Don’t tell me to chill out! You left!”
“Hudson don’t speak to Auston that way.” I reprimanded hopelessly.
“I didn’t leave.” Auston argued with a scoffed out laugh.
“Yes you did! Get out!”
“Hudson.” I finally heard him get tense.
“Get out!”
“Hudson, listen to me!” Auston raised his voice. It wasn’t something he did with Hudson. Mainly because he never had to. I could tell by the silence, that Hudson was trying to understand what was happening. Trying to process what it meant that Auston was angry.
“No!” The boy finally shouted back.
“Hudson! I have to work!” Auston finally snapped. I flinched, raising my hand slowly to clasp over my mouth as I felt a pang of emotion in my chest. Hudson simply didn’t want to be abandoned again. Not by another dad.
“I don’t want you! You’re a horrible dad!”
I jumped off the couch as soon as I realized what had been said. The blanket over my legs falling to the floor.
“What? You don’t mean that.” Auston’s nervous laugh had my heart thudding against my chest.
“Yes. I do.” The determination in my son’s voice had me immediately crossing the room to reach my son. “You’re horrible.” I watched Auston’s expression shift, and I felt my own breath catch in my throat as I spotted the tears in his eyes. As I reached for my son, he turned, shoving my hand away and storming off down the hall. The slam of the bedroom door had both of us flinching. My hand flew up to rest against Auston’s arm, squeezing gently.
“Aus,” I couldn’t undo the damage that had been done. I could see it in Auston’s eyes. He was devastated. “You know he doesn’t mean that” I whispered as I tried to turn his body to face my own. “He’s just emotional.”
“He said it pretty loud and clear.” Auston gestured toward the door, speaking as if it was an obvious fact. And it was. But that didn’t mean anything. Hudson was a kid, and Auston had done no wrong. He’d understand that eventually, and come around.
“He’s having a hard time. You have to know that.” I tried to push a piece of Auston’s long hair back before he pulled away, pursing his lips and shaking his head. My stomach twisted in knots.
“That’s okay… it’s fine- I’m fine.” Auston shrugged, “I’ve gotta go and get my dog anyway.” I had never seen Auston guard himself before in such a manner. He’d always been open with his feelings and emotions. “I’ll talk to you some other time, okay?” He shrugged once again, trying to keep up with the chill facade he usually didn’t have to fake.
“You can stay tonight.” I tried, but I knew he wasn’t going to.
“No, it’s okay. I don’t think I’m really making your life easier right now.”
“You’re not here to make my life easier, Auston.” I watched him slip past me, and I followed him to the door. “Sometimes Hudson isn’t going to like things you do. He’s the kid. You’re still in charge.”
“I can’t be in charge of him if he fucking hates me!” Auston shouted in a hushed tone. I watched as tears finally began to roll down his cheeks. This was not the type of reaction he hoped for after such a shitty second round knockout. Things were piling up on him.
“Don’t go home alone like this.” I insisted, wishing I could have comforted him the way he had done for me so many times before.
“I’ll be fine.”
“I’m sorry, Aus.” I whispered as I watched him slip his shoes on.
“It’s not your fault.” He shrugged again.
“I’m still sorry. You don’t deserve it.” He turned to glance at me, eyes distant. Thinking.
“I probably do.”
We had said our goodbyes before Auston left. Auston and Hudson were best friends as much as they were family. I knew it killed Auston to think he’d hurt and disappointed Hudson. And I knew it made him feel terrible to think he’d done so horribly that Hudson hated him.
“Hudson.” I had waited a while to speak with my son, uncertain of what to say. When I pushed open his bedroom door, I found Hudson coloring in a book on the floor. Something bothered me about how calm he looked. He looked up from his coloring book when I approached, fidgeting with the blue crayon in his hand.
“Honey, you really hurt Auston.” I tried to be gentle as I spoke. I sat down on the floor across from Hudson, watching his eyes fall back to the book on the floor. “Hudson.” I tried to gain his attention. “Auston’s really sad. He doesn’t want you to be angry with him.”
Hudson’s hand shook slightly before he dropped the crayon. He remained silent before I heard him sniff.
“Then why’d he leave?”
“He told you, Hudson.” I moved to sit beside the boy, wrapping an arm around his back. “He’s gone away for work before.”
“But he always talks!”
“The end of the season was super busy for him, Hudson. Auston never meant to hurt you. He loves you, so much.”
“No he doesn’t.” Hudson pulled his knees to his chest, hiding his face in them as quiet cries escaped his lips.
“I promise he does. He always asked about you when he had time to call. He always said he was so excited to come home and see you. Hudson, he missed you more than he missed me.” I rubbed the boy’s back.
“No he didn’t.” Sometimes I cursed the heavens for giving my son the same stubborn behavior I held.
“Hudson.” I moved my hand from his back, turning his head to look at me. “Auston loves you more than anything. He hated being away for hockey. He hated the fact that he couldn’t be there to help you sign up for your first peewee team. He hated missing your last day of school, and he hated missing the little party we threw.” I watched the tears slip down his cheeks. “Auston tried so hard to call me that night. But things got in the way and he felt horrible.” Hudson leaned against my side, crying quietly as I returned my hand to his back, rubbing gentle circles.
“Is he mad at me?” Hudson’s voice trembled.
“Honey, I don’t think he’s angry. Just upset. You should never tell people you hate them. Especially someone as close to you as Auston is.”
“I’m sorry.” Hudson buried his head in his hands.
“I’m not the one you need to apologize to, hun.” I ran my hand through the boy’s hair. “And the only way that guilt is gonna go away, is if you say sorry to Auston.”
“I will.” Hudson croaked out, another sob shaking his body. I sat on the floor with him for a half an hour before he began to relax. As much as I wanted him to apologize and be over with the ordeal, I figured a day with nan was needed first. A day for him to get out of the house, to see one of his favorite people, to avoid the situation at hand. He’d been at home waiting for Auston for weeks. He needed a break.
So the next morning, I helped him pack up and promised I’d be there the following day to see him. He asked about apologizing to Auston, but I said it was a good thing to give somebody space when they’re upset. I didn’t tell him I had plans to visit Auston. Kids didn’t need to know everything.
“One minute!” I heard Felix bark. I hadn’t seen the dog in forever. I was tempted to press the doorbell again for the sake of fun, but just as I reached for it, Auston was pulling the door open and hooking a finger in Felix’s bandana to hold him back.
“Hey, what’s-“ he stopped the second he looked up from his dog, a smile slow to form on his lips. Though it faltered when his eyes wandered, taking note of the unusual silence.
“No Hudson.” I spoke reassuringly. “I just came to see you.” I wanted to check on him, but Auston didn’t need to know that.
“You can come in.” Auston stepped aside and let Felix go. I walked into the house as he shut the door, greeting Felix with a high pitched hello and rubbing the dog’s ears while he padded his feet on the floor and wagged his tail endlessly.
“Somebody just got a hair cut.” I commented. “And he looks so handsome!”
“Thanks.” I looked up at Auston when he spoke, laughing at his sarcasm.
“You certainly look like you could use one too. Need me to cut it?” I offered, standing upright to pull at a lock of his brown hair. “It is getting a little long.”
“If you have time.” Auston shrugged. I could tell he was uncertain as to whether this was a quick stop or a full day visit.
“Well, Hudson’s having a sleep over with nan. So, if you’ll have me, I wouldn’t mind staying here tonight.” I smiled. “I’ll have all the time in the world then.” I watched him smile and nod, reaching for one of my hands.
“Yeah, yeah you can stay.” I was surprised when Auston pulled me into a hug, his entire body pressed against my own while his head fell against my shoulder. He was stressed. I couldn’t help but wonder if it was still about Hudson.
“Come on, baby. Let’s get this hair cut.”
Auston and I had been so busy, that we almost forgot how important it was to continue to nurture our own relationship. I couldn’t help the guilt I felt as I watched him walk up the steps, following at a safe pace behind. I missed him. The alone time, the childish nights of cuddling and making out. Even the failed dates we vowed to never go on again.
I followed Auston into the master bathroom, setting the toilet seat down while he got the shears and hair clippers out, as well as a squirt bottle. He made sure everything was functional and ready before turning to me with his comb in hand.
This had not been what I came over for, but I knew a bit of loving contact would loosen him up and hopefully cause him to be more open to the conversation we needed to have. I wanted to be on the same page with Auston before he and Hudson spoke again. Sure, Hudson had said he’d hated Auston before, and yes they had sorted that conflict out on their own. But this was a little bigger than that. Hudson had hit Auston’s insecurities right on the head and he didn’t even know it.
“Pop a squat.” I spoke, gently resting my hand on Auston’s hip and guiding him down onto the toilet. “What did you and Felix do today?” I created small talk as I combed through Auston’s smooth hair, glancing at his face occasionally to see his eyes closed and a faint smile on his lips.
“We went for a walk. Hung out by the pool for a little while, planned his next playdate with Zeus. Oh! And I ordered him some new toys and treats for his birthday.”
“I forgot it was his birthday coming up. How old is he going to be?” Speaking of the dog, Auston and I both looked toward the door when his tags jingled. Felix sat in the doorway, dropping a ball on the floor and watching it bounce into the bathroom. Auston laughed. I had missed his happiness.
“Not now, buddy.” He spoke to his furry friend. “He’ll be turning five.”
“Five is a big number.” I teased softly, earning a laugh from Auston. I set his comb down after I finished using it, reaching for the bottle to begin spritzing his hair. Once I was sure it was well wetted, I swapped once again for the shears. “Hold still, okay?”
“Got it.” We sat in silence for close to five minutes before I watched Auston’s shoulders drop. Relaxed? Relieved?
“How are you feeling today?” My tone grew much softer, trying not to cause any discomfort. I watched Felix lay down in the doorway before I began to cut Auston’s hair.
“I guess I’m alright. Still a little shaken up.. about everything that’s happened, but I’m okay.”
“I spoke with Hudson last night. He was pretty upset about what he said to you.”
“I guess that’s good to hear.” Auston looked down at his hands. I sighed.
“You know how much he loves you, right? You are the first person on his mind every day.”
“Yeah, but-“
“No, Auston. Listen.. kids say things they don’t mean sometimes. They don’t have the best filters, or grasps on their emotions. And Hudson has never spent that long without seeing you before. It was a routine that got messed up, and for kids, routines are important. Routines are things they expect that they can trust to be consistent. This was a learning curve for everybody. He was anxious. He missed you, and it was hard for him to go to bed at night without hearing from you. He also doesn’t understand time.” I took Auston’s silence as a cue to go on. “Even if you did nothing wrong, he registered it as something wrong. It may take him some time to figure it out, but he still loves you, and once that consistency is restored, everything will be okay.”
Auston shuffled his feet slightly, nodding.
“I’m sorry I left last night.”
“Aus, a lot of shit happened last night. I didn’t expect you to stay. You’ve been so stressed, and I know that fight didn’t help at all. I’m just happy I can be here with you today.”
It was about fifteen more minutes before I finished cutting Auston’s hair. I set everything aside and grabbed a towel and a washcloth from his cabinet. “Why don’t you grab a shower, I’ll get you some clothes and we can go lay down for a bit.” I set the two towels down on the lip of the tub as Auston stood up. When I turned around, I came face to face with him.
“Thanks for being there,” his voice was barely louder than a whisper, hands landing on my hips. Our lips met briefly in a chaste kiss before I pulled away. “I’ll be fast,” he promised. I stepped out of the bathroom and pulled the door closed, fetching a fresh set of clothing from Auston’s dresser. I stepped back into the bathroom, placing the clothing on the counter top. Auston had already hopped into the shower, drawing the curtain back slightly to peek at me. 
“Wanna join?”
I pretended to consider the question before I sighed, as if I was plagued by saying yes.
“Fine, but only because I missed you, Matthews.”
“Awesome.” I watched the curtain fall closed, laughing softly to myself. I stripped down, leaving my clothes in a heap on the floor. I slid the engagement ring off my finger, placing it in the jewelry dish by the faucet. One Auston had purchased for days and nights spent at his place. I climbed into the shower, Auston’s hands swiftly finding my body. I helped wash his hair, and rubbed the muscles that were sore while Auston busied himself with every inch of me. His behavior left me giggling for most of the shower, and once the water was turned off, I ushered him out, following close behind. Auston grabbed the towel I had set out for him, wrapping up with a smile on his lips.
“Gotta keep you warm,” Auston spoke, going the extra mile to kneel down and dry my legs. I ran my hands through his fresh cut hair while he worked, smiling to myself at how kind he was.
“Alright, why don’t you get dressed, Aus? I’m gonna go grab some clothes.” I slid out of the bathroom, grabbing a makeshift outfit for myself, constructed of Auston’s clothing. I had things to wear at his place, but his stuff was so much more comfortable.
When Auston stepped out of the bathroom, our eyes met. It had been so long since we were able to spend any time alone. I watched his expression shift into a look of mischief before he rushed in my direction. A gasp escaped my lips when he hoisted me up over his shoulder.
“Auston!” I shouted at him, but it was in vain. I felt him lift me up once again before my back came into contact with his mattress. Then I heard Felix bark, and soon he had joined us for some fun. The fluffy dog hopped up onto the bed, and I was quick to sit up to avoid any unwanted kisses.
“You’re an ass,” I whined at Auston in a playful tone. He climbed up onto the bed and gently pushed me down onto my back once again. Felix tried to invade our fun, sniffing at both Auston and I, before Auston gently waved him off.
“It’s not nice to insult your significant others.” Auston spoke, leaning in to press a kiss to my lips. He climbed off of me and up the bed, sitting down as I sat up. I joined him by the headboard, resting my hand beneath his jaw and bringing his lips to my own again.
“It’s not an insult. It’s a reality check,” I teased. Auston giggled softly, and I swore I could have heard him snort.
Auston laid down and settled his head in my lap. Felix approached with a wagging tail, sniffing at me, and my stomach, before laying down next to me.
“I missed you so much,” Auston whispered as his head came to rest atop my own. “I wish you and Hudson could have come to a game.”
“I know, it just wasn’t in the cards for us this time. It will be next time though.” Auston’s silence made me tense slightly.
“What if there isn’t a next time? What if we don’t make playoffs again?” I looked at him, brow furrowed.
“Whether there is or isn’t, Hudson and I will try to make every important milestone you reach. I can’t tell the future but I can tell you right now, that we love you very much, and we want to be there for you.” My words brought a smile to his lips.
“Thanks,” I pressed a kiss to Auston’s forehead. His eyes fell closed, sighing in comfort.
“Oh, and Hudson watched every one of your playoff games on the tv, just for the record.”
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Auston has to match with you...
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It was no secret that Auston loved his snapbacks or loved fashion in general. It was on of the things you both bonded on when you first met, both appreciating new fashion treads and both of you huge sneaker heads. Dating Auston it was no shock that he loved coordinating outfits as you when you started going out to the same place. It would start simple both wearing the same color, then progressed to the same shoes. It got to the point where one time you finished getting ready after him and you weren't wearing the Jordans you originally told him that you were going to wear, so he went upstairs to change to match with you. Which of course had you guys running late to meet up with your friends. When you asked him in the car why it was so important that he go change and cause you both to be late. He simply responded with "I love matching with you baby.. plus it tells everyone your mine." As he reaches over and sqeezes your thigh while he continues to drive down the highway.
Honestly what were you suppose to say to that you loved that he wanted to coordinate outfits with you. Even if it was just as simple as wearing a snapback that was the color of the shirt you were wearing. It was adorable how ever since that day that you changed your mind about what shoes you were gonna wear. He would lay in bed with Felix and watch you get ready, so that he knew what color his hat needed to be so he could plan the rest of his outfit before you left the house. This became your guys thing, and it only only became annoying when Auston would pout that he didn't have that specific color in order to match with you.
The first time it happened you decided to wear a teal summer dress and you thought that he was already ready. But you found him in his closet starring at his wall of hats with a pout on his lips. Immediately you walked over thinking something was wrong because Auston did not pout. But come to find out, he's pouting because according to him he didn't have that right shade of blue hat and he didn't own any teal. Telling him that he was being ridclious only made matters worse as he looked at the wall muttering to himself "I thought I had every blue.. how do I not have teal." Auston was being stubborn and he knew he was, but ultimately you changed into a different shade of blue to please him.
The next day you found him on his laptop with a cart full of about 30 more hats because "I gotta make sure I have ever shade of blue because apparently I don't."
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jackhues · 11 months
karma - auston matthews
notes: this is based off of @matthewshisch's idea (karma is the guy on the leafs)! so s/o to her <3 also, reader is a singer :)) AND gif not mine !
likes are good, reblogs are better!
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being a celebrity meant that no matter what, one thing would always be a fixed thing in your life. and that was the rumours.
one week you were dating a new guy. the next, you were engaged to some kid from your hometown. the next week, you were back with your ex.
no matter what, the dating rumours always flew around you. maybe the fact that you never made it public with anyone fuelled those even more. whatever the case, it was funny reading them.
especially when you thought about what you had planned for tonight.
a knock sounded on your door, followed by a familiar voice, "did someone order some flowers?"
you couldn't help the smile growing on your face as you made eye contact with auston in the mirror.
you were in your dressing room at the stadium, getting ready for the opening night of your multi-month tour. you'd worked hard to get to where you were now -- one of the most successful female artists in the world.
and right there by your side, supporting you for the past year, was none other than auston matthews, your boyfriend. you'd met at a leafs game years ago, but he'd only reached out to you just over a year before. ever since then, the two of you kept your relationship under wraps for the most part, doing your best to just enjoy your time together without the media's comments.
you'd talked about going public before, but for the most part, decided to let life take it's course. of course... tonight would be a pretty big surprise.
"hi, you made it," you got up from your chair, sinking into his arms for a hug.
"i wouldn't miss this for the world," he responded, placing a kiss to the top of your head. "it's my girl's big day. first tour in almost three years. nothing's gonna stop me from being here."
you grinned stupidly to yourself, finding auston's words so comforting and sweet. even after a whole year, he managed to make you feel giddy.
"i'm really happy you're here," you whispered, pulling away. "oh! i've got a surprise for you, but i can't give it to you right now. i'll give it after, okay?"
"a surprise for me?" auston repeated. "it's your day."
"hush, i wanted to do it," you said.
another knock sounded on your door, and your assistant, jenny, poked her head in. "y/n, we've got to start in ten. let's go. auston, mark's got your seat saved. head over quick, or someone'll spot you."
"that's not a big deal," auston waved it off. "if someone spots me, they spot me. it's not the end of the world."
"well, fact remains, we need y/n right now," she said. "c'mon, you can have her back when she's done her show."
"i'll see you soon," you kissed auston, before following jenny out to your position.
you adjusted your earpiece, waiting for the lights to dim. as soon as they did, the platform you were standing on moved higher, allowing you to enter directly on stage.
the lights turned back on, and the crowd went wild.
"let the show begin," you whispered to yourself.
"'cause karma is the thunder," you sang, "rattling your ground. karma's on your scent like a bounty hunter. karma's gonna track you down."
the crowd waved their flashlights in the air, following you as you continued dancing to the beat of the song, singing along. getting closer and closer to the surprise you planned for auston.
"step by step from town to town," you continued. "sweet like justice, karma is a queen. karma takes all my friends to the summit..."
you paused for half a second, allowing production to ready themselves and for the crowd to pay attention to the small change.
"karma is the guy on the leafs, coming straight home to me!"
you stomped on the mark, blue sparklers going off on either side of the stage -- matching with the colour of your dress and the leafs' colours.
the crowd screamed as you continued your performance, losing their minds at the confirmation that you and auston were dating.
"cause karma is my boyfriend," you locked eyes with auston in the crowd, noticing him smiling widely to himself as people nearby recorded the interaction. winking at him, you continued your song, "karma is a god."
the crowd continued chanting throughout the song, no one truly getting over the lyric change you'd done.
you had a feeling there were gonna be rumours about this for a while.
tags : @woodruff-edwards , @austinbutlerscaresme ,  @svechnikovvv ,  @hockeyboysarehot , @emptyflowerpots ,  @mysticaldonkey , @lam-ila ,  @babydollmarauders , @starjoyyy  ,  @kjohnson-91 , @gavinbrindley, @hischierdevils , @jackhughesily  , @panarin10 ,  @equallyshaw ,   @power2myheart  ,  @lynnismypseudonym , @beccaiscold , @akengii , @nowandkei , @cinnamonpancakes , @mitchymainer , @lifeofpriya ,  @marshmallow-babe, @hughesx3 ,  @emsully2002  ,  @starsandhughes , @huggy-hischier73 ,  @doglady5678 , @thatoneblog , @exonct07 @hughesmedicine , @qwanelledingele , @mindless-rock , @ireadthensuetheauthors , @huggy-hischier94, @slaythehousedownboots , @diary-of-jj
join my main taglist!
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misshoneyimhome · 8 months
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“Never felt like this before, are we friends or are we more?” I Auston Matthews
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Summary; Despite the seemingly unbreakable bond between you and Auston, as circumstances evolved, perhaps so too did your mind?
Tropes & warnings; Strangers to friends, break up of friendship, heart ache, friends to lovers
Other notes; this was suggested by the one and only, wonderful, and incredible lcandothisallday - I hope you like bb! 🤍
Word count; 2.4K
Never in a million years could you have imagined that your life would take this turn. You were just a young student, living your life in Toronto and doing the best you could.
Until you crossed paths with none other than the young hockey player Auston Matthews.
Even since Auston moved to Toronto, your lives seemed to intertwine effortlessly. From the moment you met as he wandered rather confusedly around the city, there was an immediate connection that grew into a deep and unbreakable friendship. After you’d guided him to his destination, he quickly became your confidante, your partner in crime, and dare you say it, your best friend.
It goes without saying that your friendship with Auston was a unique mix of laughter and companionship - from playful jokes to cosy movie nights, there was never a dull moment when the two of you were together. Whether teasing each other about your quirks or engaging in deep conversations about life, your bond only strengthened with each passing day.
Despite the teasing and antics, there was a profound level of support and understanding between you. You were there for Auston during the highs and lows of his career, cheering him on from the side lines and offering a shoulder to lean on when the pressure became too much. Similarly, he was always there for you, providing words of encouragement during exams as you transitioned into adulthood, and a comforting presence whenever you needed it most.
But amidst the laughter and camaraderie, there was an underlying tension that lingered beneath the surface. Your inside jokes and rather sexual sense of humour often led people to misinterpret your relationship as something more than just friendship. It wasn't uncommon for strangers to assume that you and Auston were a couple, fuelled by the chemistry and closeness that you shared.
However, despite the whispers and speculation from outsiders, the two of you never let it affect your friendship. You knew the true depth of your connection, and it went far beyond any sexual tension or societal expectations. You were content with the bond you shared, secure in the knowledge that your friendship was built on a foundation of trust, loyalty, and genuine affection.
And as you navigated through life together, hand in hand, you couldn't help but feel grateful for Auston Matthews' presence in your life. He wasn't just your friend; he was your rock and confidant. And regardless of what the future held, you knew that your friendship would always remain steadfast and unwavering.
That until Auston's hockey career skyrocketed, along with his fame and popularity. Suddenly, he was thrust into the spotlight, receiving constant media attention and adoration from fans cheering him on in the crowd. And while you genuinely celebrated his success, there was a part of you that couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness as the dynamics of your friendship seemed to be shifting.
With Auston's busy schedule and newfound celebrity status, it became increasingly difficult to spend as much time together as before. He was constantly surrounded by teammates, coaches, and fans, leaving little opportunity for the quiet moments of companionship you once cherished.
Initially, you tried to be understanding, giving Auston the time and space he needed to adjust to his life as a hockey star. You encouraged him to embrace his success and seize every opportunity that came his way. But deep down, there was a pang of longing in your heart for the closeness and connection you once shared.
And as days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months, you found yourself missing your best friend more than you thought possible. The frequent hangouts and late-night conversations became rare, replaced by fleeting moments of interaction amidst his hectic schedule.
Furthermore, amidst the challenges of your evolving friendship, you couldn't shake the feeling that there might actually have been some truth to what people had observed – maybe, just maybe there’d been something more between you and Auston. The way your heart skipped a beat whenever he smiled at you, or the pang of jealousy you felt when you saw him surrounded by other girls – it was becoming increasingly difficult to ignore the growing desires bubbling beneath the surface.
However, you were convinced that Auston saw you only as a friend, and nothing more. After all, he had his pick of admirers, with countless fans vying for his attention both on and off the ice. And you couldn't compete with that, nor did you want to jeopardise the precious friendship you had built over the years.
So, with a heavy heart, you began to slowly distance yourself from Auston's hectic life. You found yourself making excuses to decline invitations to events and gatherings, preferring instead to create some distance from the pain of unrequited feelings. It was a bittersweet decision, but you were determined to protect your heart, even if it meant sacrificing the closeness you once shared with Auston.
And as months passed, you found yourself gradually drifting away from Auston's inner circle, seeking comfort in the company of new friends and acquaintances. Meanwhile, Auston, completely unaware of the changing dynamic, continued to navigate his busy life as a hockey star.
However, it wasn't until one particular evening out with friends that his obliviousness was brought to a sudden halt. While you were engrossed in conversation with someone from outside the hockey world, Auston spotted you from across the room and felt compelled to join you.
Though it seemed out of character, he made his way through the crowd, catching your eye and subtly pushing into the conversation.
You were surprised by his sudden presence but greeted him warmly, introducing your old friend to the new one. However, amidst the introductions, Auston's grip on your waist was notably firm.
"What's going on, Auston?" you questioned, your voice betraying a hint of confusion and slight irritation at his unexpected actions. You were taken aback by his intrusion and wondered what had prompted him to intervene in your conversation.
And caught off guard by your puzzled reaction, Auston hesitated for a moment before offering a sheepish smile. "Sorry, I just... wanted to talk to you," he replied, his tone apologetic yet tinged with uncertainty.
Though you were a bit confused by Auston's actions, you chose not to make a fuss, brushing off his behaviour as a momentary lapse in judgment. After all, you knew Auston well enough to understand that he sometimes acted impulsively without fully considering the consequences.
So, you reassured him that everything was fine, and both of you simply returned to your separate company for the night. Yet, later, as the evening wore on, Auston sought you out once more when you were alone and attempted to articulate some of the thoughts that had been swirling in his mind.
"y/n, I'm sorry for earlier. I just really miss you and... maybe we could hang out sometime soon?"
Your eyes met in a tender gaze, and you couldn’t help but form a slightly curved smile.
"I've missed you too, Aus."
In that very moment, Auston realised he couldn't let you drift away any further. He needed you in his life. And so, he made a deliberate effort to pull you back into his circle, to reignite the connection that had once meant everything to him.
And you welcomed his efforts warmly, grateful for the opportunity to reconnect with the person who had always been your anchor. Yet, as you fell back into your familiar rhythm of banter and inside jokes, you couldn't shake the feeling of a subtle shift in the atmosphere – a tension that crackled between you, charged with unspoken longing. Almost as if he was flirting with you. 
But was Auston truly interested in you, or was he simply caught up in the moment, relishing the familiarity of your friendship? It was a question that plagued your thoughts, keeping you up at night as you grappled with your own feelings for him.
And to add to the turmoil, as the days turned into weeks, you once again found yourself surrounded by the hockey crowd, Auston reverted back to his usual friendly demeanour, as if nothing had happened. It was as if the moment of intervention had never occurred, leaving you questioning the true nature of his feelings.
Despite the confusion and uncertainty swirling in your mind, you tried to push aside your doubts and focus on enjoying the company of your friends. But deep down, a part of you couldn't shake the lingering feeling that there was more to Auston's actions than met the eye. 
And to say the least, Auston's mixed signals were beginning to wear on your patience. One moment, he would pull you into a warm embrace, his affectionate gestures leaving you breathless with hope. But the next moment, he would keep his distance, treating you with nothing more than friendly camaraderie. It was enough to drive you crazy, leaving you unsure of where you stood in his eyes.
Then, on a sunny winter afternoon, as the hockey players gathered for a skate at the rink, inviting their families and friends to join, the tension between you and Auston lingered in the air. Yet you tried your best to brush off his unpredictable behaviour, focusing instead on enjoying the day with friends.
But amidst laughter and cheers, perhaps fuelled by a little too much confidence on your part, a small disaster struck as you suddenly stumbled and twisted your ankle on the ice. Pain shot through your leg, and you winced as you struggled to get back on your feet. Fortunately, Auston was there in an instant, concern etched on his face as he offered you his support.
"Hey, are you okay?" his voice filled with concern.
"Yeah, I'm alright..." you tried to reassure him, stubbornly refusing his help as you insisted that you could manage on your own. But then, as you attempted to stand again, the pain intensified, and you realised you couldn't put weight on your injured ankle. "Okay, maybe I'm not alright," you finally admitted, allowing Auston to assist you.
"Let me take you home."
And with his arm securely wrapped around your waist, Auston guided you off the ice and back to his car. He drove you home in silence, yet his presence was a comforting reassurance amidst the throbbing ache in your ankle.
Once you were back at your place, Auston wasted no time in pampering you with snacks and an ice pack for your injury. He hovered nearby, fussing over you with a mixture of concern and care that melted your heart.
And as the afternoon slowly turned into evening, the two of you fell into the familiar rhythm of your deep friendship, sharing stories and laughter as you whiled away the hours together. It almost felt like old times, and for a fleeting moment, you allowed yourself to forget about the confusing signals Auston had been sending.
But just as Auston was about to head home, you once again felt a twinge in your heart that signalled your deepest desire to keep him near, and an unintentional small whimper escaped your lips.
"Aus, I want you to stay…"
Without any hesitation, Auston simply nodded and remained with you. And as he sat on the sofa, your legs crossed over his lap and his hand carefully resting on your ankle, his thumb gently caressing your skin, you made a decision to confront the elephant in the room. You simply couldn't continue to ignore the feelings stirring within your heart, and you needed to know where you stood with him once and for all.
"Auston... can I ask you something?"
“Of course.”
“What are we?”
Auston's brows furrowed in confusion as he processed your question. It was a question he hadn't quite expected, yet deep down, he also knew it was one that needed to be addressed.
"What do you mean?" he asked, his voice tinged with uncertainty.
You took a deep breath, gathering your thoughts before speaking again. "I mean... I don't understand your mixed signals, so I guess what I’m trying to ask is… are we just friends or are we more?" you explained, your words hanging heavy in the air. "Because I've never felt this way about anyone before."
Auston's gaze softened as he listened to your heartfelt confession, realising that he had been wrestling with the same question, uncertain of how to navigate the complicated emotions swirling between you two.
"I... I don't know," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "But what I do know is that you mean a lot to me, Y/N. More than I can put into words."
There was a vulnerability in his eyes that took you by surprise, a raw honesty that laid bare the depths of his feelings. And in that moment, you realised that perhaps you weren't alone in this confusing journey of emotions after all.
"I feel the same way, Aus," you confessed, your voice soft but resolute. "And maybe we don't have all the answers right now, but I'm willing to figure it out together – if you are too?”
“I am.”
With those words hanging between you, a sense of hope washed over you both. The road ahead might be uncertain, but with each other by your side, you knew that anything was possible.
And in that tender and sweet moment of vulnerability, where the air crackled with unspoken emotions, Auston made a decision. With newfound resolve, he closed the gap between you, bridging the distance that had kept you tethered to the realm of friendship and propelling you into the unknown territory of potential lovers.
With gentle hands cupping your face, Auston's lips met yours in a soft and hesitant kiss. It was a moment charged with anticipation and longing, a silent declaration of the feelings that had been simmering beneath the surface for far too long.
As your lips melded together in a tender embrace, time seemed to stand still. The world faded away, leaving only the two of you locked in a moment of pure intimacy and connection.
You let each other taste the new sweetest of one another. Your mouths exploring and tongues intertwining, mixing warmth and saliva, as air was stolen from your lungs.
And in that fleeting moment, as the weight of uncertainty melted away, you knew that there was no turning back. You had crossed the line from friends to something more, and the journey ahead was filled with endless possibilities.
As you pulled away from the kiss, breathless and exhilarated, you found yourself lost in Auston's gaze. There was a newfound depth to his eyes, a silent promise of the love and devotion that lay ahead. And with a smile tugging at the corners of your lips, you reached out to intertwine your fingers with his, silently acknowledging the unspoken bond that now connected you both.
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uluvjay · 11 months
threesome w mitch and auston
- 🧍🏻‍♀️
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Auston Matthews x fem reader! x Mitch Marner
Best friends share everything right?
Warnings?; SMUT, p in v, unprotected sex(use protection), oral(m receiving), cursing, slight degradation, praising, risky sex, getting caught, I cant think of anymore.
Sorry for any errors!
Austons hand covered her mouth doing his best to keep her pathetic moans from spilling out and revealing what exactly they were doing in their basement.
The couple had lied and said they were running down to grab a few more bottles of wine for their large group of guests upstairs-but in reality Auston had taken her down there to fuck her stupid.
Hearing the squeak of the hinges from the door atop the carpeted stairs Auston leaned into the girls ear; whom was bent over the sectional that rested in front of the projector screen.
“If you get us caught so help me god you won’t be able to walk straight for a week, understood?” He questioned and the clench of the girls cunt around his cock was all he needed as an answer.
“Guys? You’ve been gone a while, everything okay?” They heard the all to familiar voice of Mitch call as his feet made their way down the stairs.
The couple tried to make up an excuse to keep him on the stairs but they were to late as the Brunette had already caught sight of them in a very unholy situation.
“Guys what the hell!” Mitch exclaimed at his friends, however his eyes never moved away.
Auston was about to yell at his closest friend to go back upstairs and act like this never happened but the feeling of his girlfriend’s cunt clenching around him, had a smirk appearing on his face.
And as he looked over to his best to find a slight blush covering his pale cheeks and eyes glued to where the couple connected under the skirt of his girlfriends flowy dress, another idea popped into his head.
“Mitch you either gotta stay or go back up stairs, your call but make it quick before she starts acting like a brat” the tattoo covered man spoke
“I-uh-what?” Mitch stumbled over himself, making sure he heard the man correctly.
“You can either stay or leave, but hurry up and make your pick” Auston shrugged as he began moving his hips again.
Auston smirked at the cry that escaped your throat as Mitch made his was further into the room, hesitantly trying to find where he should slot himself.
“Why don’t you show Mitchy how good that mouth is baby? Huh? Show him how good you can be” he cooed at her.
“Okay” she blushed and motioned for Mitch to come stand in front of her.
When Mitch finally managed to move his body into range of the girls hands she pulled him even closer by his belt and began removing it.
Pulling his pants and boxers down just enough for his cock to spring out the girl was met with a delightful sight. Mitch was about the same length as Auston just a tad bit skinner.
She worked his semi hard cock for a moment while Auston regained a pace behind her, his hands holding her hips.
A shudder ran down Mitches spine as her tongue finally came into contact with the head of his cock, slowly swirling around the angry tip.
“Fuck” the blue eyed man groaned as she finally took him into her mouth all the way, her cheeks hollowed as she began moving back and forth.
Her moans from Austons movements behind her were vibrating his cock and sending shocks through his body.
“Such a desperate thing for taking both of us” Auston hissed.
“M’ not desperate” she babbled as she pulled away from Mitches cock for some much needed air.
“Mhm sure” Auston laughed as he slowed his pace and fucked her deeper, coaxing an almost to loud moan that was muffled by Mitch pulling her back to his cock.
His hands tangled into her locks, guiding her movements this time round. Tears had began to stream down the girls face, pretty little tracks of her bleeding mascara messing up her flawlessly done makeup.
“Such a good mouth” Mitch groaned as a slight gag came from your throat.
Auston smirked at the sight of his friend, hands tangled in your locks while his head was thrown back with a clenched jaw and shut eyes.
“M’ getting close” she pulled away from Mitches cock for a moment to speak.
“Can feel you clenching me, c’mon and come for us pretty girl” Auston encouraged, feeling his own knot forming in his stomach.
You could came with a hard shudder at his words, the feeling of him splitting you open and Mitch taking you from the front was just too much for you to hold off.
“Shit, I’m gonna come pretty girl” Mitch groaned as he felt his thighs begin to shake and his thrusts become matched to austons-who was also coming up on his high.
“I’m gonna fill you and you’re gonna swallow Mitches come, understand baby?” Auston spoke, his thrusts becoming hurried and sloppy as he felt that euphoric feeling creeping up faster and faster.
“I understand” you breathed for a second before Mitch was pulling your mouth back onto his cock.
Within seconds both men reached their highs within milliseconds of one another, Auston growled as he filled your hot core with his cum.
Mitches thighs shook as he looked down at your fucked out face that was covered in sweat, spit, and tears-he didn’t think you’d ever looked prettier.
Slowly pulling out of her both men tucked themselves away before helping the girl to her feet, Auston ran a hand through her hair before lightly speaking.
“Gonna go tell everyone you got sick and then we can move this into the bedroom.”
“To the bedroom?” You questioned, and while your voice waivered the way your eyes lit up at his words had Auston knowing that you wanted nothing more than to get both men into your bed.
“Yeah, think mitchy should get to feel how tight that pretty little cunt of yours is” he smirked before taking off up the stairs and making sure you were safe in Mitches arms.
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ateriblewriter · 7 months
Hats Off (a.m)
a/n: this was supposed to be out a long time ago, but enjoy it tonight!
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the horn went off again signaling auston's second goal of the evening, putting the maple leafs within one point of the canadiens. minutes later the horn went off again sealing the hat trick and the leafs going into overtime.
you may have cheered a little too loudly, waking up the small child that was snoozing in your arms. otis started crying, confused as to what was going on.
"mama you scured me. why you do dat" otis sniffled wiping tears from his eyes.
"oh baby, i'm sorry." you pulled your child in for a hug. "daddy scored again, a hat trick. see they're throwing hats." you pointed out the people cleaning up the few ball caps that had been thrown on the ice.
"i wan do that too." otis reached for his hat and was about to throw it but you stopped him as the game had restarted.
the leafs ended up winning that game in a shootout. after the game you and otis went to wait for auston. the first thing otis did when he saw his daddy was throw his blue and while maple leafs hat at him.
confused auston picked up the hat and brushed off the imaginary dirt off it and placed it back on otis's head.
"what was that for odie?" auston asked. otis shook his head and buried his face back in your shoulder.
"he really wanted to throw his hat like everyone else." you explained to your husband why the child was throwing things. you tried to get otis to interact more, but he was too tired.
"well thank you bud, it means a lot." auston tickled his son getting him to at least smile.
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goldfades · 5 months
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౨ৎ ─ summary | your high-school sweetheart versus the rookie, who are you choosing?
─ word count | 3.5k
─ warnings | NSFW under the cut! read at your own discretion. lots and lots of very naughty thoughts, p in v, rough sex, thinking of a diff person while being with another, loveless/one-sided relationship, masturbation (girl's DOWN BAD), pretty much nothin else?
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YOU FORCED A SMILE AS Auston pulled you closer into his chest, looking out to the camera's lens, your stomach twisting in anxiety at the sight.
The Leaf's had won the game by a startling 8 points, the whole stadium practically jumping with excitement. You practically feel the excitement from the fans as it reverberated through the air. The roar of the crowd was deafening, blending with the pulsating music and flashing lights of the stadium.
You tried to match Auston's enthusiasm, but underneath the forced smile, a whirlwind of emotions churned within you. Being thrust into the spotlight alongside Auston Matthews, the star player of the Toronto Maple Leafs, was both exhilarating and overwhelming.
As his girlfriend, you were no stranger to the attention that came with dating a professional athlete, but it was harder than people thought. You were just a trophy wife to the fans, his high-school sweetheart ─ to them, you were just Auston's girlfriend, no substance or individuality of your own. People assumed they knew everything about you simply because of your association with him, but the truth was far more complex.
You glanced up Auston, his eyes shining with triumph as he waved to the cheering crowd. Despite the victory, his expression was tinged with something else, something you couldn't quite decipher. Was it relief? Satisfaction? Or perhaps a hint of exhaustion from the intense game?
Lost in your thoughts, you barely noticed the cameras flashing around you, capturing every moment of celebration. But amidst the chaos, Auston's hand found yours, grounding you slightly.
As the crowd's cheers gradually subsided, Auston leaned in close, his voice barely audible over the residual hum of excitement. "Relax,"
You couldn't help but furrow your eyebrows at his words as you swallowed, averting your gaze from your boyfriend. That was all he could manage to say?
You just bit your lip, continuing to smile for the cameras before it was eventually time to leave for the afterparty. The car ride was silent like usual, barely exchanging any small talk before you eventually reached the club they were going to.
Auston opened your door and you wrapped your arm around his as you walked into the club, not even bothering to get in line ─ you were quickly ushered past the velvet ropes by the bouncers, who recognized Auston immediately. The pulsing music and dimly lit ambiance of the club enveloped you as you made your way to the VIP section, surrounded by a sea of faces, each one eager for a glimpse of the hockey star in their midst.
You plastered on a smile, nodding politely at the occasional well-wisher who approached, but inside, your mind was elsewhere. Eventually, Auston left you to go greet some of his friends as you sat at the bar, twirling your straw in your fingers.
That's how it always went ─ pose for the cameras, plaster on a fake smile and then when all the cameras were turned off, Auston's attention was elsewhere. It happened so often, you didn't even manage to be hurt by it anymore, that feeling had faded away long ago.
Sometimes you wonder where it all went wrong, or even if it was wrong.
You'd been with Auston since you were both fifteen years old, you remember the exact moment it had happened. Auston had harboured a crush on you since middle school and he'd been trying to prove himself worthy of you since then, Auston had always loved a challenge, and you were certainly that.
It was fun, and exciting and new all at the same time. When he eventually asked you out, he'd wore you down (but he knew you enjoyed his persistence), you'd accepted the offer with a smirk.
As time went on, your relationship with Auston became a whirlwind of highs and lows, victories and defeats, but always with him at the center of your world. You'd finished your school in Toronto, where he eventually got drafted. You supported him through his hockey career, celebrating every goal, every win, and comforting him through every loss and he did the same with your academic pursuits.
However, it felt different now. As the honeymoon phase had ended slowly, the excitement and the high slowly simmered down into nothing. You both still cared for each other deeply, of that there was no doubt, but it was as if you had grown comfortable, maybe too comfortable.
You found yourself longing for the passion and unpredictability that had defined the early days of your relationship, but it was nowhere to be found. You began to wonder if you had wasted all your youth on a dying relationship, if maybe it wasn't meant to be like everyone had always told you. And yet, the mere thought of breaking up with Auston was almost inconceivable.
After all, you and Auston were the high school sweethearts of the Toronto Maple Leafs. Your relationship was celebrated by fans and media alike, held up as a shining example of young love in the spotlight. The pressure to maintain that image, to live up to the expectations placed upon you, weighed heavily on your shoulders.
You knew if you walked away, you would be crucified ─ you had already been labeled as a gold digger to some, and and leaving Auston would only fuel those rumors further. The thought of and the thought of adding "heartbreaker" to the list of labels attached to your name was almost too much to bear. The scrutiny and judgment from fans, media, and even friends and family would be relentless.
The pressure to maintain the facade of a perfect relationship, even as cracks began to form beneath the surface, felt suffocating. You couldn't help but feel trapped, suffocated by the expectations placed upon you by the public, by the media, and even by Auston himself. He relied on you to be his rock, his constant source of support in a world that often felt chaotic and overwhelming.
How could you possibly abandon him now, when he needed you more than ever?
However, there was one thing ─ or more specifically, person ─ who kept you sane in your world of pressure and expectations.
"Are you good?"
His voice snapped you from your thoughts, your gaze shifting to his blue eyes. His lips were curved into an amused smile and soon, your expression mirrored as he took a seat next to you.
"Hey, Matty." The nickname fell off your tongue so perfectly, so sweetly, you almost tasted it. His gaze lingered on your face as he chuckled, ushering the bartender toward him.
"Hey yourself," Matthew replied, his voice warm and familiar. The tension that had been weighing on your shoulders seemed to ease in his presence, replaced by a sense of ease.
As Matthew ordered a drink from the bartender, you couldn't help but steal a glance at him. His easy smile, his relaxed demeanor ─ everything about him felt like a breath of fresh air in the suffocating world.
"Did you like watching the game?" He asked, his tone amused as you let out a groan. He knew how you felt about hockey, and he never missed an opportunity to tease you about it.
"You know me too well," you replied with a laugh, shaking your head. "I think I'll leave the hockey to you and Auston."
"It'll grow on ya," he responded as he took a sip of his drink. It'd been almost a decade, you're sure it won't grow on you now.
However, it was slightly more bearable now that you had someone other than Auston to cheer for. "Maybe,"
"Hey, wanna go get some actual food? There's a pretty good cafe down the street, I'm craving some waffles." Matthew's voice came out soft as he glanced toward you, a sweet smile playing on his lips.
"Waffles? It's almost one in the morning, you sure they're still open?" You responded, an amused tone in your voice.
Matthew shrugged, his smile widening. "Only one way to find out, right? And even if they're closed, we can always find somewhere else to grab a bite."
You nodded as you quickly downed your drink, feeling the burning sensation go down your throat easily. You put down Auston's card on the table before you followed Matthew out of the bar and into the cool night air. The streets were quiet, the noise of the city faded into the background as the two of you walked side by side.
As you made your way towards the cafe, you couldn't help but steal glances at Matthew out of the corner of your eye. There was something about him, something that made you feel alive in a way you hadn't felt in a long time.
Matthew's hand subtly moved to your hip, pulling you closer to his chest as you felt your breath hitched. You looked up at the younger brunette with a smile, only to met with a cocky smirk. You just scoffed as you shook your head, a nervous laugh leaving your lips.
He squeezed your hip, sending a shiver down your spine as his touch ignited a warmth within you. Despite the coolness of the night air, you felt a heat spreading through your body, fueled by the electricity of his touch.
As you walked together, the distance between you seemed to shrink with each step, until you were practically pressed against each other, the warmth of his body seeping into yours.
Matthew's smirk only widened at your reaction, his eyes twinkling with mischief as he leaned in closer, his breath ghosting over your ear.
"Can't resist me, huh?" he teased, his voice low and husky.
You rolled your eyes playfully, but couldn't suppress the flutter of excitement that danced in your chest at his proximity. "Oh please," you retorted, trying to sound nonchalant despite the rapid beating of your heart.
"How would Auston feel about you gettin' all cozy with me, huh?"
The mention of your boyfriend made you snap your eyes open, sending him a glare. You let out a laugh at his audacity, shaking your head. But as you glanced up at Matthew, his gaze unwavering despite your glare, you couldn't help but feel a sense of recklessness stirring within you.
Maybe it was the late hour, or the adrenaline coursing through your veins, but the idea of breaking free from the constraints of your public image was undeniably tempting.
"Maybe Auston needs a little reminder that he's not the only one who can keep me on my toes," you quipped, a mischievous smile playing on your lips.
Matthew's smirk widened at your words, a flicker of something unreadable passing through his eyes.
"I think I can handle that," he replied, his voice low and husky. You laughed as he kept his gaze on you, his blue eyes never leaving yours. "He'd beat my ass, you know? For getting all close with his girl."
"Do you care?" The question rolled off your tongue with a hint of defiance.
With a shrug of his shoulders, he met your gaze head-on. "Not really," he admitted, his voice steady despite the intensity of the moment. "I mean, he's not all that."
"Oh come on," you laughed as he shrugged again, laughter leaving his lips as well. "Really?"
"Oh absolutely, I can take him." Matthew shrugged as if it was really nothing, as if Auston wasn't the damn captain of his team.
You felt your stomach twist in something you hadn't felt in a while as you bit your lips, the thought of someone fighting for you was very thrilling. Auston never really bothered ─ he always knew he had you in his pocket, forever (in his mind, really) and he'd only gotten relatively jealousy in the early days of your relationship. You were sure that the mere thought of you leaving him had never even crossed him mind, it was as if you were branded by him.
As you walked alongside Matthew, his casual demeanor and confidence in the face of Auston's status as the team captain sent a thrill coursing through you. It was a stark contrast to the complacency you had grown accustomed to in your relationship with Auston ─ the sense that he took you for granted, secure in the knowledge that you would always be by his side, not even realizing he's losing you with each passing moment.
And as the two of you arrived at the cafe, the scent of waffles and coffee enveloping you in a warm embrace, you couldn't help but feel grateful for the unexpected turn the night had taken.
Auston's cock drove into you roughly as he pushed your head further into the counter, echoing moans leaving with each deep thrust. Your eyes were shut as his head fell back in pleasure, the feeling your tight cunt bringing him pure bliss.
However, your mind was anywhere but on him. As you shut your eyes, you kept visualizing Matthew's dark features ─ his dark blue eyes, his chiseled jaw and the way he gripped you closely, the way Auston used to. You felt guilty but you couldn't help it, you truly couldn't.
"Oh, fuck." Auston's voice ran out but you quickly drowned it out, letting out your own moans.
You kept imagining it; Matthew's hand instead of his, his cock driving into you instead of his, and especially his sweet and reassuring voice instead of Auston's silence. And instead of you being bent over the edge of your kitchen counter, you were facing his pretty face as he fucked you.
"Oh my god," you didn't even know what you muttering at this point. "Fuck, please, please make me cum," your whines made Auston push your head further into the counter, his thrusts becoming deeper as he panted above you.
The image kept repeating in your mind; Matthew's sweaty face above yours as he fucked into you, his thrusts more meaningful but just as deep.
A few more deep thrusts and you were cumming, hard ─ you were sure that this was the best orgasm you'd had in a while, maybe even ever (that was probably the high talking). Before you could scream Matthew's name, your hand covered your mouth. You were crying out in pure pleasure, not a thought in your pretty little head except for Matthew and his cock.
You weren't sure when Auston had came in you because the next thing you know, his large chest is collapsing on top of your back. His beard scratched your neck as he pulled you out of your fantasy, your stomach twisting in a familiar sense of annoyance. Auston kept pressing prickly kisses on your shoulders and neck as you sighed, pushing up to the counter so he could get off.
Auston pulled out slowly as you winced, feeling the cum drip down your legs as you started thinking straight again. He turned you around for a sloppy, quick kiss before he pulled away with a smile, his hand cupping yours.
"Was it that good, baby?" Auston laughed as he took in your disheveled appearance. "I haven't heard you scream like that in a while, I missed it."
"Yeah," you let out breathlessly as you subtly shifted out of his embrace. "I feel sticky, I'm gonna go shower."
"Great, I'm gonna head to the gym. You makin' dinner?" He called out as you began walking away, that sense of annoyance still in your veins. "I miss your cooking, you know."
"If you were here more often, maybe you wouldn't miss it so much." You didn't mean for your voice to come out so bitter but it did, and it of course didn't go past Auston. "I'll make dinner," you quickly added you turned to meet Auston's irritated expression.
"I thought I fucked all the bitchiness out of you," he spoke with a hint of annoyance, his brows furrowing as he regarded you with frustration.
You bristled at his comment, the resentment simmering beneath the surface threatening to boil over.
"I'm sorry," you replied, your voice tinged with exhaustion. "I guess I'm just tired of feeling like I'm always the one waiting around for you."
Auston's expression softened slightly at your words, a flicker of guilt crossing his features. "I know I haven't been around as much as I should," he admitted, his voice tinged with remorse. "But you know how important hockey is to me."
But what about me? Aren't I supposed to be important, too? "I know. It's okay, I'll make dinner."
"Great, baby. We'll talk when I get home, I love you," Auston's voice came out soft, his words a mixture of reassurance and affection.
But as he leaned in to press a quick kiss to your forehead, you couldn't shake the nagging feeling of dissatisfaction that lingered in the pit of your stomach. You watched as he left the apartment, your legs still shaky from your previous activities that now left you hollow.
After your hot shower, your mind kept lingering to Matthew. His beautiful face and his scent sent you into insanity, almost. With trembling hands, you reached for your towel, wrapping it around your body as you tried to push aside the rush of emotions threatening to overwhelm you.
But no matter how hard you tried to distract yourself, the image of Matthew's smile and the warmth of his touch seemed to haunt you, drawing you in like a moth to a flame.
As you stood in front of the mirror, your reflection stared back at you, a silent witness to the turmoil raging within. You couldn't deny the pull you felt towards Matthew, the way he made you feel alive in a way you hadn't felt in years.
But the thought of betraying Auston, of breaking the vows you had made to him all those years ago, filled you with a sense of guilt and shame. You had built a life together, a life that seemed so perfect on the surface, and the idea of tearing it apart was almost inconceivable.
But was it, really inceivable? Was it really that bad? Was it really so terrible to want something more, something that fulfilled you in a way that Auston never could?
And as you thought about Matthew, about the way he made you feel alive and seen in a way Auston never had, you couldn't help but wonder if maybe, just maybe, there was something more out there for you.
The thought of Matthew made you feel hot again, feeling the familiar sense of desire in the pit of your stomach. You let out a sigh as you fell back on your bed, your head falling back as you shut your eyes and began imagining him. The doubt slowly dissipated to the back of your mind as your hand began sliding down your thighs, down to your folds and to your sore cunt.
You knew your fingers could never fulfil you like Matthew's could've, not to mention his cock. Your head fell back as you reenacted what you thought he would do to you right here, your legs beginning to shake.
"Yes, Matty," you whimpered as you felt tears began to form in the wrinkles of your eyes. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, please."
You could never get enough of Matthew and his beauty, it wasn't just in his physical appearance, though that was undeniable. It was in the way he made you feel alive, the way his presence sparked a fire within you that had long been dormant.
You couldn't get enough of him, couldn't quench the thirst that burned within you for his touch, his affection, his love. He was like a drug, addictive and all-consuming, and no matter how hard you tried to resist, you found yourself craving him more and more with each passing day.
Your fingers began moving deeper and quicker, as you kept drawing closer to the edge faster at the mere thought of Matthew. "Matty, please. Fuck, please," your whines were loud, they echoed through the walls of your room as your back arched.
"I'm cumming, I'm cumming, fuck," you cried out as you came for the second time that night to only the mere thought of Matthew touching you. This was a new-time record, no one has ever made you cum this hard and you managed to do it with just a thought.
Your chest rose and fell with each breath that you took, trying to regain your consciousness. And the more you began to think about the mess that you inherently had created, the less you cared about the outcome. You couldn't spend the rest of your life with someone who you no longer truly loved, the way you did with Matthew.
The thought of continuing on in a loveless marriage, trapped in a cycle of routine and obligation, filled you with a sense of sorrow and anxiety. You wanted to choose yourself, for once in your entire life, you wanted to be selfish.
You wanted him, all of him. His presence, his touch, his love ─ it was like a lifeline in a sea of uncertainty, a beacon of hope in the darkness that surrounded you. And as you lay there, lost in your thoughts, a sense of determination coursed through your veins.
You chose him, no matter how terrible they'd treat you.
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↳ make sure to check out my navigation or masterlist if you enjoyed! any interaction is greatly appreciated !
↳ thank you for reading all the way through, as always ♡
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chukys-mouthguard · 1 month
nights like this
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3.3k words
featuring: auston matthews x female reader
genre: fluff, suggested smut
summary: Auston has just been named the newest captain of the Toronto Maple Leafs, and while you worry about pulling off a surprise dinner, Auston has his own surprise in store for you
Watching from the front row with Auston’s family, you tried your best to not get emotional. Partially because of not wanting to ruin your makeup, but the other half of you knowing Auston would surely laugh at you for it.
Auston had just been named the newest captain of the Toronto Maple Leafs, which was such an amazing accomplishment for him still so young in his career. John Tavares shook his hand as he presented Auston with the jersey, the two of them posing together before Auston did a few solo shots.
You smiled at him as you clapped along with the crowd, his eyes finding yours as he shot you a wink. His smile was bright as he held the jersey proudly. The news was not something he’d necessarily expected, but he was so honored to accept.
He’d come home from meetings earlier in the week, to which you assumed were standard team business. But as he greeted you in the kitchen asking to sit you down, you had grown nervous that he was delivering some bad news.
“Hey baby, smells good.”
Auston kissed your lips as you were preparing lunch. Wrapping his arms around your waist as he rested his head on your shoulder. Watching your hands as they were busy chopping up some veggies for the dish you were making.
“Is it too much to ask you to pause for a quick second? I’ve gotta talk to you.”
You’d dropped the knife almost immediately, his tone of voice catching you off guard as you grew nervous fast. Turning in the grip of his arms to face him you wiped your hands with a towel.
“Is everything okay?”
He softly smiled as he took your hand, leading you to the couch as he sat you down before taking a seat on the coffee table in front of you. His hands held tight to yours as he looked at the floor.
“Auston, baby, hurry up I’m freaking out inside! And lunch is gonna burn!”
He chuckled as he brought your hands to his lips, kissing them both before he finally opened his mouth to speak.
“So, as you know I had several meetings recently with the team, and it’s nothing bad. It’s actually pretty amazing, honestly. And today, they let me know that they are looking to take the organization in a new direction this season. That new direction is gonna start with me.”
Despite him telling you this was good news, it hadn’t yet sounded like anything good. It started to sound like somehow Auston was being traded with the way he chose to phrase this.
“You’re looking at the newest captain of the Toronto Maple Leafs.”
Your jaw fell to the floor as you stared at him, his smile grew from ear to ear as he watched your reaction. The tears subconsciously welled in your eyes as you were overcome with emotion, wanting to scream and run around the house. But also just wanting to hug him tight and never let him go.
“Auston, stop. You’re serious?”
He nodded his head laughing at your disbelief, “yes, hand to god baby.”
“Babe! I’m so proud of you!”
Jumping up from the couch you wrapped your arms around him as he stood up, lifting you off your feet as he hugged you. Your legs wrapping around his waist as you peppered his face with kisses. Auston just laughed at your reaction, carrying you back towards the kitchen as he saw a pot of water boiling on the stove.
“Auston this is amazing! Oh my gosh, we have to celebrate!”
He set you down as he tended to the boiling pot, stirring the water that was tasked with cooking some rice before he turned down the flame.
“Well, not yet. It hasn’t been announced yet. So we have to wait until next week to do any celebrating after the official reveal and announcement by the Leafs.”
You playfully groaned with a roll of your eyes as you wrapped your arms around him, hugging him tight as you were so in awe of him.
“Fine, I guess I’ll wait a week to let everyone know how amazing you are and how proud I am of you. I love you baby, and I’m seriously so fucking proud of you!”
Now the day was finally here to celebrate.
As Auston came down from the stage, the press conference now over, he stopped to hug each of his friends and family in the front row. Leaving you for last as he walked up with the biggest smile on his face.
“I told you no crying allowed today, you’re such a softie baby.”
He wrapped his arms around you as he chuckled, his teasing just making you smile as you couldn’t help your emotions. He kissed your lips before taking your hand in his as he continued through the room to greet and thank other familiar faces for coming.
Auston had kept you by his side for the remainder of the post-press conference festivities, his arm wrapped around your waist as his thumb traced circles over the fabric of your dress. You found it hard not to be in awe of him. To know all of these people were there to support him, to support this new chapter of the organization that was starting with him. To know they believed in a future with him as captain, it made you so proud to call him your boyfriend and get to the by his side throughout this new journey.
“You look stunning tonight baby.”
Auston pulled you in for a kiss as the two of you waited for the elevator, the press conference finally coming to an end after much media attention and thank you’s were expressed to the guests.
“And you look so handsome, Mr. Captain.”
You jokingly teased the nickname, still feeling like it wasn’t real as Auston simply rolled his eyes with a smile. Knowing that were surely going to enjoy that nickname a little too much, but he’d get over it.
The two of you took the elevator down to the parking garage, climbing into Auston’s car as he quickly replied to a couple texts before starting it up.
“Where to for dinner babe?”
You hadn’t told Auston but you planned a surprise celebratory dinner at one of his favorite restaurants for his family and closest friends. The secret was not an easy one to keep as he could usually sniff out a surprise from a mile away, and you were worried he had possibly found out from a teammate to ruin it.
“I actually arranged dinner for us tonight, as a little surprise for you.”
Auston looked at you with a smirk before backing out of his parking spot, it wasn’t that he didn’t like you making plans, he just loved being the one to spoil and take care of you so it never ceased to shock him when you did the same for him.
“Really? You arranged dinner? That’s a nice surprise, where to?”
You’d plugged the directions into his GPS for the restaurant, growing nervous that maybe he’d found out from someone about the surprise. Trying not to give Auston any sign that you were nervous as you sat in the passenger seat as his hand rested on your thigh, the only thing keeping you calm.
“Wow, I forgot how beautiful this place is. We haven’t been here in awhile, I’m excited.”
He leaned over giving you a kiss before you exited the vehicle for valet, Auston taking your hand in his as he led you up the small set of stairs to the restaurant. The hostess greeted you as you gave her the name of your reservation, soon following behind as she led you to the private back room.
You could feel your hand beginning to sweat in Auston’s grip, knowing that it wasn’t the end of the world if the surprise flopped, but you wanted to do this special for him.
Pulling him close to you as you approached the doors to the secluded dining room, you took a deep breath, anticipation slowly building to see his reaction to the room of people.
“Here you two are, right in here!”
The hostess beamed with a smile as you two turned the corner, the small group of friends and family instantly cheering as you came into their view. Auston immediately rolling his eyes with a smile, completely caught off guard by the surprise as he looked at you laughing.
“You did this? Baby, you’re amazing. Oh my gosh.”
He pulled you in for a kiss, wrapping his arms around you to be sure and let you feel how appreciative he was for the surprise. His hands cupping your face as he kissed you once more.
“Thank you baby, this is so special. I love you.”
“I love you too, Aus.”
Auston moved to mingle with the group which included his family, a handful of his teammates that were at his press conference, and a few close friends both from the league and from back home.
You took a seat next to Auston’s mom as you finally felt you could relax, a glass of wine immediately in hand as she offered you cheers in congratulations.
“You did it! Now you can relax and enjoy the night.”
A sigh leaving your lips as you nodded in agreement. So thankful that you’d managed to pull off the surprise, despite it being something small and intimate. You watched as Auston greeted his friends that flew into town, a big smile on his face as they all congratulated him on his captaincy. The only word to describe how you felt in the moment was proud, and you wouldn’t want to be anywhere else in the world than by his side.
“Everyone, if I could just take a second of your time before we wrap up the night.”
Auston stood at the front of the room as he gathered the attention of the group, smiling as some of his teammates were chanting for him to make a speech. To which he just playfully shook his head.
“I just wanted to thank each and every one of you for coming tonight, this means so much to me and it was such a pleasant surprise. I’m really excited for this new journey, and honored to be given this opportunity to be captain and I hope I can make the city proud, the fans proud, but also each of you proud so thank you. Lastly, y/n.”
Auston wasn’t an emotional person, but as he looked at you, you swore you saw him getting choked up or teary eyed.
“I don’t know how you pulled this off, mostly because I’m the biggest snoop and always ruin surprises. But this is incredible, and it means so much to me. You have been my rock for so many years, and to know I get to have you by my side as I navigate this new journey, I know that no matter what happens, I’ll be great as long as I’ve got you. So thank you babe, I love you.”
Auston raised a glass to you and the room as everyone reciprocated, all talking a drink together before a final cheer of the room erupted and everyone gathered their things to head out.
You and Auston had stayed to see all of the guests out before leaving, making sure to thank everyone individually once again. Finally heading home after what felt like the longest day, but one you would never forget.
You’d been quiet on the drive, Auston knowing it was a mixture of wine drunk and being tired, so he didn’t bother you much. His hand resting on your thigh as his thumb traced circles over the fabric, a smile on his face as you eventually laced your fingers with this.
“I’m so proud of you baby.”
He chuckled at your somewhat slowed speech from the wine, pulling your hand to his lips as he kissed the back of it. Before resting it on his thigh for the remainder of the drive.
“Thank you, for that, and for tonight. It was amazing, you’re amazing. Tonight was definitely nothing short of amazing.”
The fingernails of your free hand traced up and down his forearm as he pulled into the driveway of your shared home. Parking the car in the driveway before heading over to your door to help you out, but he’d soon realize the wine had certainly kicked your ass tonight.
“Aus, I cannot get out of this car. My heels won’t let me.”
He shook his head as he reached for your hands, helping you out of the car with a chuckle, the reaching back in to grab your bag that was sitting on the floor.
“Seems like someone calmed their nerves with a little red wine tonight huh?”
Pouting your face at him playfully you let out a sigh, doing your best to get yourself into the house on your own as a protest to his joking. Though only making it two steps before stumbling and needing Auston to steady you.
“Gosh baby, falling for me all over again?”
He playfully winked as he helped you regain your composure, laughing as you rolled your eyes at his awful joke.
“Auston Taylour Matthews I swear to-Ah!”
Without warning he scooped you off your feet, earning a slightly shocked yelp from you. A chuckle of embarrassment followed as he carried you inside, taking you into the kitchen where he set you onto the island as he began to work at figuring out the straps on your heels.
“Aus you’re never gonna get them off, just let me.”
“Hush, if I can figure out a bra strap one handed I can get a strap off on a heel.”
You rolled your eyes laughing at his choice of words, watching as he miraculously got the heels off in record time. Tossing them to the side, then resting his hands on either side of your hips as he smiled down at you.
“You were saying?”
He playfully pecked your lips as your fingers played with the chains that were peeking out from under his dress shirt.
“To be honest, you don’t always figure out the bra straps, you’ve definitely just ripped a few bras off of me from time to time.”
Auston rolled his eyes as he discarded his suit jacket, tossing it into the back of the couch before rejoining you in the kitchen.
His fingers played with the fabric of your dress at your hips as he placed kisses along your exposed collar bone. His demeanor becomes a bit more timid before you as he wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you into his chest.
Your hands now resting at the back of his neck, fingers playing with his hair as you both just sat in this moment, enjoying the first real opportunity to just be with one another after such a long day.
As you hummed your response, Auston pulled himself from you as he let out a sigh. The look on his face makes you nervous despite your wine buzz that has overtaken you. His expression was one you couldn’t exactly read as he took your hands in his, the anticipation causing your heart to race.
“Aus, what is it? You’re making me nervous!”
You giggled to hopefully calm his nerves, to which he apologized, not trying to scare you. With another sigh, he took your hands in his as he smiled at you.
“I’m just so incredibly thankful for you. For this night, and every night I get with you. Today was such a long day, of course exciting, but also tiring. And to be able to come home and spend moments like this with you, it’s the best thing in the world.”
You wanted to blame the wine for the tears you felt forming, but knew that would be a lie, your emotions always so easy to elicit when it came to Auston.
“Auston, thank you baby. That means so much to me, I’m so thankful to get to do this with you and be by your side.”
He nodded at you as his own tears were now in his eyes, catching you off guard as he was rarely one to cry. Your hands immediately went to his face to wipe his tears, making him laugh as he could barely get any words out.
“I’m okay, I just. I’ve realized over these last few weeks, that you truly are the best thing that’s ever happened to me. You are by my side through the best times, but more importantly the worst times and the toughest times. And in this new chapter, being captain, I have no idea what that will bring for me. But I know that I can’t do any of it without you by my side.”
You were hanging on every last word as he spoke, trying not to ugly cry at the kitchen island as you knew he’d surely poke fun at you for it, but the moment was certainly getting the best of you.
As Auston paused, he opened up the drawer at the counter behind him, taking a deep breath before he turned back to face you. Your eyes immediately searched for what he’d pulled from the drawer.
“Y/n, baby, I know now that you’re my person. I’ve known from the day I met you that you were it for me. You have made me a better man, and I want to continue to be that man for you now and forever. I’m ready to start a new journey with you, to make a promise to love and cherish you forever, to start a family and grow old with you. So, y/n—“
Auston’s arm moved from behind his back to reveal a small black box, with the most amazing ring you’d ever seen. A gasp leaving your lips as you were now certainly ugly crying, but you didn’t care. The emotions overtaking you as you were too stunned to speak.
“Will you marry me?”
Without any hesitation you nodded your head, nervous that if you went to speak you’d say the wrong thing or no words would come out. Auston jokingly confirming with you that you did in fact want to say yes, you simply couldn’t form the words.
He slid the ring on your finger as you could barely hold still, shaking at the sight of the symbol that represented everything he’d just spoken but also so much more.
You immediately pulled him in for a kiss, never wanting to let him go. To stay in this exact moment forever and ever, feeling so in love and on top of the world.
“Oh my god, Auston I can’t believe this!”
You shrieked as you threw your arms around his neck, Auston picking you from the counter as he spun you around. Peopering your face with kisses as he carried you down the hall and towards the staircase to head upstairs.
As he laid you down in bed, you couldn’t stop staring at the ring, earning a sarcastic groan from him as he began to discard his dress shirt. Soon climbing into bed as he hovered over you, peppering your face with kisses before moving down to your neck. His eyes looking up to see you still stealing glances at the ring while you tried to enjoy the moment with Auston.
“Babe, if you can’t stop starting I’m gonna take it away.”
You quickly averted your gaze from your hand, pulling his face up to yours in a kiss that was at first soft and apologetic but soon turned deep and passionate as Auston’s hands snaked up your dress and explored each and every one of your curves. A hand stopping to cup your cheek as he took control of the kiss, his tongue fighting yours for dominance to which you obliged. Smirking against his lips as he slowly pulled away, but not without a playful nibble at your bottom lip.
“I love you Auston Matthews.”
“And I love you, Mrs. Auston Matthews.”
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huggybearluvr · 8 months
Smut request? I gotchu what about sex with AM34 that involves stuff like spanking and/or teasing🤪🤪
tease | am34
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summary: After a phone call with Auston while he was on a Roadie you break one of his only rules. When he gets back your in for a treat or should we say punishment...
warnings: spanking, dirty talk, toys, degrading, praise, (oral m receiving), use of daddy and good girl, pet names
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As you sat in your room you couldn't help but grow frustrated at the lack of attention. Auston had been on a roadie. Going into day 9 of Auston not being their to take care of you, you couldn't help but break his only rule.
'no touching what was his'
As you reached into your night stand pulling out a vibrator he had used on 'what was his' many times you smiled.
You laid back on the bed, placing the vibrator against your clit before turning it on.
As you were nearing your climax you were quickly startled at your phone ringing. You reached over picking it up.
You angled the camera at the wall showing only half your face.
"hey baby," Auston greeted.
"hey," You spoke softly still out of breathe.
"What's wrong? why do you sound out of breathe?" He questioned when you didn't answer, he asked again, "Baby, I'm gonna ask one more time, whats wrong?"
"Nothings wrong, promise."
"I can tell when your lying you know that right? and why am I seeing more wall than my pretty girlfriend?" He asked.
"I- uhm," You had no idea what to say, you sighed.
"What is going on with you right, now?" He asked growing a little more concerned, "Are you hiding something?"
"What! no of course not!" You spoke flustered at the questioning, during your frantic state you accidentally adjusted the camera flashing a bit of your nude chest.
"Are you naked?" He asked, now smirking at the screen.
You sucked in a breathe, "yeah I am."
"Did my girl break my only rule?" He questioned.
"Aus-" You started trying to defend yourself.
"Nope, don't even try it, now move that phone back a little a show me how you were taking care of yourself."
"but-" Once again he interrupted.
"Baby, I'm giving you a shot at saving yourself the slightest bit when I get home tomorrow but hey if your not gonna take it, its on you," He smirked at the camera again, "I'll be at the apartment at 6 be ready on your knees and wear that blue set I like." He said, before hanging up the phone.
Your thighs clenched at the thought of what he had planned for tomorrow.
As it neared six you knew it was in your best interest to follow his demands. You slipped on the tiny blue set, and sat on the floor by the bed, on your knees.
it wasn't long before you heard the front door open and shut. You heard him toss his bag down and walk down the hall to your bedroom. As the door opened your excitement rose.
"Well look at this, you can be a good girl, and listen," He smirked walking over to you, he grabbed your jaw pushing your head back look up at him.
He dropped your chin sitting on the bed, "Come here." He demanded you could tell there was a shift in his eyes. Lust taking over.
You listened standing between his legs. He took his hands bending you over his right knee.
One of his hands placed on your back holding you down so you wouldn't squirm his other hand running along ass.
"Seeing as you couldn't follow my one rule, I think you deserve a punishment, don't you?"
His hand came back before slapping down onto your ass, "Words."
"Yes, I deserved to be punished daddy, I've been bad."
"Good girl," He said, rubbing at your ass once more before his hand came down onto his harshly once more. His hands then slid around your waste pulling you up.
"You think you can be a good girl for daddy now?" He asked.
"Good," He stood up pushing you onto the bed, "Get on your back."
You listened rolling to lay on your back you head still on the edge of the bed. He looked down at you as he finally removed his sweats finally releasing his hardened cock.
He reached down rubbing at your cheek, "Open that pretty little mouth of yours, yeah?"
You listened opening your mouth. He slowly pumped his cock before pushing it into your mouth, bottoming out. He held it there for a second before pulling back out allowing you to catch you breathe.
He smile down at the sight before him, your mouth open as a mixture of spit and pre-cum leaks from the side of your lips.
He pushed his cock back into your mouth sliding in out, fucking your throat good, "Such a dirty little whore, taking daddy's whole cock in her mouth."
He pulled out again allowing you to regain your composure for a few seconds before repeating his assault on your on throat.
"Such a good fucking girl."
He pulled back out this time joining you on the bed, "Get on your knees, ass up face down, now."
You listened quickly maneuvering your body into position infront of him.
He rubbed his cock against your pussy sliding it against your clit repeatedly, your hips bucked a the friction desperate for me. He hand came down to your ass harshly smacking it.
"Don't." Was all he said before pushing his cock inside you.
"Fuck," You moaned out at the sudden fullness inside you.
You loved when he got aggressive like this.
He wasted no time building a fast rhythm inside you. His haps smacked against your ass furiously as he thrusted deeper and deeper inside you.
"Fucking hell baby, feel so good for daddy," He moaned out pulling your hips back to meet his.
Your orgasm was already fastly approaching, "Daddy, can I please cum?"
Auston noticed how your walls clenched around him, he swiftly pulled out.
You groaned, your hand involuntarily finding its way to your clit, he smacked your hand away.
"How many times do I have to tell you, we don't touch what is not ours."
He then thrusted himself back inside your harder than earlier if that was even possible.
His thrust were harder, pounding into you it was almost animalistic at the pace he was going.
"You gonna cum?" He asked to which you nodded," Good girl, cum for daddy now."
He never slowed his thrust as you clenched around him once again. His hand now found it's way to your clit rubbing slow circles.
Your legs shook as they slowly fell to the bed, "Fuck, fuck Daddy so good."
He continued his thrust riding out your orgasm and reaching his.
"Please cum inside me daddy," You begged out.
"Yeah, you want me to cum inside you?" He asked
"Please daddy, fill me up," You moaned out.
He did as you asked, as you had been good for him tonight. His orgasm approached, he continued fucking his cum inside you riding out his orgasm. As he pulled out he marveled at the sight of his cum dripping from your pussy.
He took two fingers scooping the leaking cum pushing it back inside you.
"Such a good girl for me tonight." He spoke laying beside you pulling you onto his chest," Do you think you learned your lesson?"
"mhmm" You groaned out to tired to form any words or sentences at this point.
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onlyawhim · 6 months
Treat you Better - Auston Matthews x Reader
Auston sees how Kasp treats you & thinks (and eventually proves ;)) that he can treat you better.
Totally made Kasperi a douche in this - sorry Kasp fans. Also, obvi set when they were both on the Leafs!
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Two months, you've been keeping track - but of course would never tell Kasperi (you can imagine it now: "Why do I care how long we've been talking? It's not like we're dating, Y/N"). Two months of being a second choice. No chance of commitment anywhere in sight. But you stay, because Kas is charming and good-looking. You convince yourself maybe he'll change, maybe he just isn't ready for commitment right now. Of course he's not just messing with you - he wouldn't do that.
He invited you to his game. You thought maybe this was a sign that he truly cared for you. Would he invite you to watch him if he didn't actually like you? Or did he just want one more Kapanen fan in the building? You push that second thought out of your head as quick as it comes.
Well, obviously he would just invite people to invite people, because here you sit watching him chat up two blonde girls who are very giddy to be graced by Kasperi Kapanen's presence.
The game was nerve-racking, ending with a 5-4 Leaf's win. You were excited to wait outside of the Leaf's locker room. You felt like a true NHL girlfriend. Well, you did, until Kas passed you with a nod (what am I, some fan waiting for a high-five?!) and headed straight for the two pretty girls also standing outside the lockeroom, clearly waiting for any NHL player to pay attention to them - hell, maybe even a gear manager if they were wearing a Leaf's shirt.
So, here you sit, waiting for Kasperi to decide that the girl he invited to watch him play - the one who dutifully cheered for every good play of his and only secretly cheered for one of the other good-looking men in blue - was worth his attention after all. You had even denied a ride home from your friends because "I'll just ride home with Kas". How stupid you felt now...
Kasperi is always a good time when you hang out. He's funny and charming. But this is your first time being in public with him - or, rather, in public watching him act like you're not with him.
You're growing angrier and angrier as Kas makes these girls giggle. Luckily, a good-looking distraction with wet hair steps out of the lockeroom. He looks set on leaving the building ASAP, until he locks eyes with you.
"Hey," he says with a smile, approaching you. You scan his face and sense that he's wondering who you are - why you're waiting. Which player you belong to, you think sourly.
"Hi" you smile politely. There's a pause, so you introduce yourself. "I'm Y/N".
"Y/N," he repeats, "I'm Auston." He sticks his hand out for a shake.
"I know" you giggle, shaking his hand. A dagger of a thought (so Kasperi hasn't mentioned you... ouch) flashes in your mind, but you try to ignore it for now.
"What ya doin out here?" he asks, nodding to the emptying hallway.
"Oh.. Kasperi invited me" you say, moving your gaze over to him. A third girl has joined his audience.
Auston looks over and sees the same thing you do. He nods slowly and moves his attention back to you.
"Gotcha... he doesn't know how to treat a guest does he?" he laughs awkwardly.
"No, it looks like he's pretty good at it" you say, smiling pityingly, nodding towards his group of female fans.
After watching for a second, Auston yells, "Kasp!" he pauses as Kasperi snaps his head in your guys' direction. "You done?"
You're a bit embarrassed, but grateful that you didn't have to be the one to break him from his conversation. Kasperi's eyes switch between you and Auston. Without saying anything, he walks towards the two of you, like a kid in trouble.
"Now I am" he says to Auston, before putting an arm around your shoulders and heading towards the door.
You look back and send Auston a smile. He smiles back with a small wave.
"You played good", you say to Kas, hoping to pretend whatever just happened for the last 20 minutes didn't actually happen.
"Yeah, thanks. Thanks for coming", he says as you both walk towards his car.
The car ride is awkward. Or, maybe, you imagine it as awkward. Kas seems just fine.
He takes you back to his place, as he always does. You sit on his couch, as you always do. The two of you haven't gotten any more intimate than a few kisses - you were adamant that you wanted to wait. He was similarly adamant that he didn't want to. Either way, you both sit on the couch, watching some movie that he picked. He didn't try anything more than an arm around your shoulders for the whole night. Instead, actually, you felt like he was just waiting for you to leave. Does he have other plans for the night?
"Do you want me to come to your next game?" you ask.
"Yeah, sure, if you want to come." he says, not taking his eyes from the TV.
God, this night was painful. But, you told yourself, maybe it would get better.
This game-day will definitely end better. The last game fiasco is behind you. You even asked to wear his jersey - and he let you! That has to mean something.
Here you wait, again, outside of the lockeroom. They lost this time - 2-5. Despite the score, you are proud to be sporting "Kapanen" on your back.
Auston steps out of the lockeroom before Kasperi. He locks eyes with you, once again, and smiles.
"Hey, Y/N" he says, approaching you.
"Hi. You played good tonight", you say, returning his smile.
"Not good enough, though", he laughs lightly, pitifully.
Before you can respond, Kas walks out of the lockeroom. This time, he walks straight to you - not past you. Progress!
Auston moves aside so Kasp can join the conversation - and though you would never say it, you preferred the one-on-one with Auston.
"See ya got her to wear your jersey", Auston says to Kasperi with a smile.
"She asked," he says, putting an arm around you. "Dirtied it up just for us to lose". Your smile drops (did he not want me to wear it??). This doesn't go over Auston's head, though it definitely misses Kasperi.
"You can dirty up my jerseys anytime, Y/N", Auston says lightly, giving you a smile. Kasperi laughs and leads you out the door. Again, you shoot a smile to Auston as you leave. How is it that Auston's on your side more often than Kasperi is?
Third home game. You've decided this is his last chance. His games are the only times you go out in public together - otherwise, you're just hanging out at his house. He is always so fun to be around in private. But once he gets in public, it feels like his facade drops. So, third try. Third home game.
They win this time, 4-1. You had washed and returned Kasp's jersey after his comment last time. Standing outside the locker room, you wait. Kasperi comes out before Auston this time (am I waiting for Auston? Why was I disappointed when it was Kasp and not Auston?).
"The guys are going for drinks, I'm gonna go with 'em" he says casually.
You don't know what to say, so you just look at him for a second to see if he's serious. Where were you supposed to go? He should have said something earlier so you wouldn't have waited out here for him. Before you can put any of these thoughts into words, Auston steps out of the lockeroom. He catches Kasp's next words.
"I can call you an uber if you don't have a ride or something." Was this his attempt at kindness?
"Kasp.." you say, exasperatingly.
Auston interjects. "I can drive you home." he says looking between you and Kasperi.
"You don't have to do that, man", Kasperi speaks for you. This leaves you even more shocked.
Auston ignores him, eyes still on you.
"I'd really appreciate that", you say, looking back at him.
"See, Kasp, it's taken care of. Have fun, man", Auston says, slightly stepping between you and Kasperi.
"Alright", Kasperi says, clearly not interested enough to say anything more. "See you guys", he says before turning around and heading for the door.
"Thank you, Auston. I really appreciate it", you say, nervously, embarrassed that you even came here with Kasperi.
"I don't mind. I'm not putting you in an uber", he laughs.
You laugh with him at the absurdity.
You both head for the door. Walking next to him, you can really appreciate how large he is. You blush at the whole situation.
He points at a Porche sitting in the parking garage, shining in all of its' luxury, "That's me", he says, unlocking it.
"Fancy", you giggle as he opens the passenger door for you.
He laughs and shuts your door, tossing his gear in the backseat before getting in on his own side.
The car ride is filled with comfortable silence, the radio playing quietly, only interrupted by your directions.
"Really, thank you for taking me home, Auston", you say, glancing at him.
He looks at you for a second before returning his eyes to the road. "I really don't mind. It's nice to see you somewhere outside of a dark hallway, anyways", he says.
"Yeah, you won't see me there again", you say, still embarrassed by Kasperi. So much for a third chance.
"Or, y'know, next time you'll be wearing a 34", he says. You laugh.
"Wouldn't wanna dirty up one of your jerseys" you giggle, referring to Kasperi's odd comment.
"God, he's a douche, isn't he. I'm sorry", Auston says.
"Just glad I had my knight in shining armor there to save me," you joke.
"That's what I'm here for", he laughs.
He pulls up to your building. "Want me to walk you up?" he asks.
"It's okay," you answer, "I have mace" you joke.
At this, he scoffs jokingly and turns the car off before getting out. You do the same, walking to your building with Auston behind you. You climb the stairs and stop in front of your door.
"Thank you, Auston". You say, locking eyes with him.
"Of course, Y/N." he smiles.
"Can I get your number, just to make sure you make it home safe?" you say.
He pulls out his phone and adds your number, giving you his.
"Have a good night, Y/N".
"You too," you smile, unlocking the door. He heads back down to his car.
A much better ending to game night.
The next morning you wake to the doorbell ringing. In your shock at the unannounced guest, you climb out of bed and check out the peephole. Through it, you see a delivery driver setting down a large bag.
You wait for him to walk away before you open the door to check out this mysterious delivery. Setting it on the counter, you open it carefully.
In it is a container holding a huge breakfast - pancakes, bacon, and fruit. Under the container, a Maple Leafs jersey - number 34. Matthews written on the back. You smile big at this.
You grab your phone to send him a text.
"Auston!!" you say, sending a picture of the gift.
"For the next game ;)", he writes.
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leafsbabe · 3 months
for @tinyhockey hbd!
Mat Barzal
makes sure you know how loved you are and that you have support and that you matter
lots of small but thoughtful gestures
knows that sometimes it can be difficult to open up and doesn't hold defensiveness against you
just lets you know he's there for you
Nico Hischier
has a big stash of the good stuff (swiss chocolate) hidden away for emergencies
his hugs are perfect, you can just melt and let him hold you until you feel ready to move
straight up asks how he can help because he doesn't want to make you feel uncomfortable
Auston Matthews
lets you get all your emotion out, screaming and crying or just sitting around numb
he just creates a comfortable space for you to exist
not the best at talking but great at listening
homemade comfort food >
Jeremy Swayman
you'd think a guy famous for hugging he'd be the type of guy to hug it out
but Jeremy is more the distracting you kind of guy
he wants to make you feel better an bring a smile back to your face
willing to work for it, anything to make you happy again
Andrei Svechnikov
Andrei is gentle
he's a bit helpless and feels your pain so he just tries a lot of things to find something that'll help
asks friends and family for tips but in a way that doesn't reveal an personal struggles
just wants to know how to be a supportive partner long term
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