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Do you like immoral monster men? I have that. | ———— Bloodborne Enthusiast ———— |: Sometimes Mature Content :
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nickfoo · 5 hours ago
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Nail of Helena Anderson has to join Hellsing AU after the war wouldn’t leave me alone
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nickfoo · 6 days ago
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This should be illegal
( This is the same person )
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nickfoo · 6 days ago
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I rlly love monster of god father Anderson
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nickfoo · 8 days ago
I'm not sure whats its called when you're hungry for something - something you're 98% sure you have to create for yourself- but you don't know what it is exactly
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nickfoo · 14 days ago
Oh no in spare time been thinking about OCs again
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nickfoo · 15 days ago
It's11. 30pm and I just wanna say I apologies foe what I'll do to your blog notifications when oobeaoe up tomorrow and mass reblog all the Gascoigne + family posts you've got stashed on this blog. In love with your art style and line work and poses and everything. I know art is difficult rn which I relate to because christ I'm rusty at it and too tired to get back into it so do take all the time you need, look after yourself, and have a good 2025 thank you for feeding my Gascola brainrot
Thank you, I’m rlly glad you liked what you found! These are all really kind words and reading them have done my heart good. 💛
Making art lately has become much more difficult for me for multiple reasons, but I still try to find some way to draw something for the blorbos my brain loves. Even if it’s just filling a need.
So I wish you also a good 2025 and I hope you can get back into art yourself and it all comes from a better place. Making things is so important and I’m glad when I see others still doing it in anyway.
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nickfoo · 15 days ago
I'll leave a less coherent but more detailed commentary in the tags of my upcoming reblog tomorrow once I'm more awake but that Gasc drawing set has me running up walls and chewing on furniture and that Viola design is absolutely perfect and the pose they have and her expression I love her I love he rilove he r Gascoigne you lucky dog (literally) I have so many emotions about them and you draw them so prettily and I love your reply to that ask. I'm rotating this family like a set of rotisserie chickens in my brain at all hours of the day, thank you for enabling that
Hey thank you so much! I’m really glad people still enjoy it whenever I make Bloodborne stuff. I’ve been drawing it for quite awhile and still I love the game and its characters very much.
I’m not sure sometimes if my current style has made many improvements from my past stuff from over the years, but if you like the Gascoigne family, you’ll find a good amount of it under the bloodborne tag on this blog.
Thank you again for your kind words 🙏💛
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nickfoo · 16 days ago
how do you think Gascoigne reacted to his teeth becoming beast like?
Its a good question. I really like when Gascoigne's decent into beasthood is compared to succumbing to vices or human flaws or even the bigger picture as this is part of the scale of what is occurring to the average, normal working people of Yharnam due to the actions and history of a handful of powerful academic people who were ok with deeming their fellow humans not human enough to halt their grand progress. It's slippery slope of watching a family start to come apart at the seams with the notion of 'this is clearly possibly a very dangerous problem but we can work around it and ignore it as long a possible.' Its a very human response that reflects real life domestic issues, but I do believe that this family did truly love each other.
So I imagine there was a lot of denial between both Gascoigne and Viola as well as deep rooted feelings of knowing they're probably making the wrong choices handling this situation, but choosing to do them anyway. Believing this was something they could handle as they did love each other and explain away to their children who they also loved.
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nickfoo · 16 days ago
I've probably said it before but I love the thought that Gascoigne was never a beast hunter to begin with. He was a foreign priest coming to Yharnam, whenever he did for whatever reason (probably why many people came to Yharnam due to their miraculous healing blood). He may have hunted before but not to the extent that 'hunting' means in Yharnam. But when he did, he was a natural at it and became impressively skilled at it. With hunters originally being praised by the towns people as gallant heroes, that could go to even a religious modest mans head easy. Doing your duty. He was good at it and he liked being good at it and the blood sang praises to him too.
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nickfoo · 16 days ago
Gascoigne's chompers...I love...teethy boy...
I love drawing his teeth too, I know hes got a fantastic set now that he didn't originally have with the beast scourge turning him steadily. I particularly like drawing that his canines barely seems to fit in his mouth anymore or they're just plain so noticeable whenever he flashes any teeth.
Struggle with your remaining humanity beast priest-go!
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nickfoo · 16 days ago
I think you can tell I was really tired at the end of last yr. Not sure when I’ll be able to draw again, draw something new, for awhile, but hopefully it will come from a better place by then.
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nickfoo · 16 days ago
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Some of the good father
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nickfoo · 16 days ago
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Some practice/study RDs from awhile ago
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nickfoo · 26 days ago
Been trying to think of what my OCs would be ‘characters coded’ as for that meme. Some are just existing inspiration already lol. It’s hard though because some of my OCs are aligned on vibes and themes more.
I know, however…
Keegan is Del Toro Hellboy coded and Samuel Vimes coded. Think of characters that try to do better despite their innate natures and cynics. Good at thankless jobs types.
Gus is Fix-it-Felix, Carrot Ironfoundersson, water elephant from Cat Soup and Alphonse Elric coded
Bernard is All Might, Djura, Radahn and the king dad from Brave coded, Frankenstein monster coded ( so far anyway ) think of characters that are boisterous, can be terribly foolish but kind and love the battlefield too much.
Bosbe is Gascoigne coded, Alexander Anderson coded and night in the woods: lost constellation coded and hat-man from your sleep paralysis dreams coded.
James is Hans Landa, Dr. King Schultz, Zolf J Kimblee and parasite slug coded
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nickfoo · 1 month ago
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I don’t think I have the energy to clean this one, but it is Bege’s birthday today
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nickfoo · 1 month ago
If there's one thing I can say, its that I am able to change my mind. Because I will adamantly froth on something: 'I Hate This!' And then go off on a tangent rant about why I hate it. Then later, months or maybe years later, I will wonder, 'Or Do I...?" Because I can start to see The Potential.
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nickfoo · 2 months ago
I wonder if I’ll ever animate again. Especially if I’m struggling so much to just make art in any way for the past few yrs.
Thinking of ways I could try again by just doing key frames. Take it in steps. Then move to animatics. I still have some unfinished key frames tucked away in my files I could pick up again from a project or two.
It’s a goal. To chip away at.
Find some audio I’d like to use. To get inspired by.
I’d like to try Saul Goodman for Redestro sometime.
I always imagined my OC Keegan would sound like Ron Perlman.
Bege I imagine sounded like Kingpin from Spiderverse
Fromsoftware has plenty of audio dialogue available from their games.
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