ourfag · 2 months
was tagged by @blakbonnet to make a picrew (link) of what my blog would look like as a person YAY thank you ive never been tagged in one of these before!!! so exciting!!!!
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no-pressure tags (apologies if i’m double tagging anybody): @margaritaville @bird-divorce @adamarks @shawsbear @t4tgb @ um
there are for sure more of you id like to tag but ive just forgotten all the names of anybody ive ever met on this website. FUCK
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night-dark-woods · 9 months
tagged by @villanevehaus :3
9 people you'd like to get to know better
last song: unfortunately. c'est la vie by bbno$ yung gravy and rich brian. its been stuck in my head for three weeks now.
fave colour: most jewel tones, but i love a good pthalo green.
currently watching: finally finishing person of interest bc i could never bring myself to finish the last season. also bob's burgers.
last movie: THE THING 1982. MOVIE OF ALL TIME. technically Bottoms but given that i left the room 15 minutes in since i'd just been sitting there plugging my ears bc i can't handle secondhand embarrassment. i don't think that counts.
currently reading:
see when i was a kid i was always like HOW is my mom in the middle of a bunch of books at once. however. here we are:
the archive undying - emma mieko candon
the bright ages - matthew gabriele and david perry
shadow and claw - gene wolfe
into the planet: my life as a cave diver - jill heinerth
and then technically, though i havent picked these up in a few months:
gardens of the moon - steven erikson
kushiel's avatar - jacqueline carey
antigonick - anne carson (going slowly since im reading it with carson's actual translation and then also got a copy of the greek to reference to see what's up with specific really fun word choices)
sweet/spicy/savoury: savory!
last thing I googled: george costanza (needed to check that i was identifying him correctly for an image id lol)
current obsession: memorizing the entirety of the unveiling lore book from destiny 2! ive got the first chapter down and the first paragraph of the second, but i mostly do it when it's slow at work and im on register lol so that's longterm.
also putting native shrubs in the yard since the landlord said i could do what i want.
currently working on: eris/ikora lyricstuck set to curses by the crane wives! ive got... 3 of 10 pages done, each of which have 2 illustrations on them.
okay lets see. tagging: @planet4546b @mxsovereign @siyurikspakvariisis @oystermustroom @prismaplex @whatwwwwwww @37q @shawsbear @sotvrna also hi any other mutuals if i didnt tag u pls consider yourselves tagged.
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auntie-histamine · 1 year
just got home from seeing hadestown with @shawsbear
you'd think knowing the ending would help and let me tell you my friends it does not
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wardensextus · 10 months
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Thanks @silhouette-sky for the tag! The conclusion to be drawn here is that I like tropes lol.
Tagging @catcti @blackyote @thepaladog @ryrkval @shawsbear @beastlyart and anybody else who wants to do it! I don’t necessarily know who reads fanfiction so please don’t be offended if I didn’t tag you 🙃
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mothdogsart · 2 years
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I drew @shawsbear’s rogue Finn a few weeks ago and forgot to post her! It was fun to make her design :)
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mothdogs · 1 year
@paintedvanilla tagged me for a lil “7 comfort films & 7 tags” chain and I haven’t done one of these in a while so !
1. Star Trek IV (the one with the whales)
2. Stardust
3. Howl’s Moving Castle
4. The Silence of the Lambs (shut up)
5. O Brother, Where Art Thou
6. Over the Garden Wall
7. Star Trek 2009 (AOS Kirk my beloved)
Tagging @blissandbookstores @sunnibits @shawsbear @supercoolclouds @morbidlittlemonster @pack-blood-runs-strong @girljokes and anyone else who wants to 😌
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buildingbirbhouses · 1 year
Tagged by @basicallymsfrizzle ! yeehaw
Nickname: I think my name is a little short to make good nicknames out of but occasionally people will use just 'Z'
Zodiac: Taurus
Height: 5'7", awkwardly medium
Last Google: image search for "trout", don't worry about it
Number of followers: god I haven't checked that in a long time but I tend to keep it small. ~150 maybe?
Number of people you follow: 706
Amount of sleep: Ideally 8, I can survive on 7, but sometimes my brain breaks and won't let me do less than like 12
Describe your aesthetic: kinda all over the place, do I even have one? Very boring a lot of the time because plain is easy but sometimes I do look breathtakingly tacky on purpose and really enjoy that
Favourite song right now: I'm awful at picking songs lmao but this is the playlist I've had on 24/7 lately, for the cold dark winter vibes
Lucky Numbers: uuhhh I'm gonna say it's 17 this week, because that's the roll that saved the day in d&d last night
Dream Job: the one I have now is pretty perfect for me so far! Maybe same/similar job but I'd change a few things, like the location/commute
Favourite Animal: Most of them! There are just so many great beasts out there.
What are you currently wearing: Like three layers worth of comfy warm stuff it's Chilly down here
@tinyshad3s @shawsbear @m0nt3zuma @babygirlcastiel !
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marnz · 3 years
Hannah ily!!! The fact we met because you went to high school with ppl I knew from college and someone I knew from elementary school with is crazy to me…3 degrees of Separation. I think the fact you do American Ninja Warrior is INSANELY cool and honestly you have inspired me to do more hobbies! Thank you for introducing me to POI and Shoot 🥺 I wish you all the happiness (and family reunions god damnit) in 2022!!!
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hauntedfalcon · 4 years
consider: the old guard pacific rim AU,
L I S T E N 
which way do you want to do this 
because we can talk about Mako Mori and the car crash that should have killed her (it did, but it didn’t take) and Stacker Pentecost coming to find her and introduce to her to her new very long life and the good work that he and his team are doing 
we can talk about 
the fact that Andy hasn’t been the same since her first Jaeger went down in the Trench with her copilot still inside, and she carries that into the Drift and she will forever, and she was out of the cockpit for years until she and Booker managed an 85% neural link in the simulator to settle a bet, and bagged a messy kill that way and when Copley heard about it he stuck them back in active duty, and she doesn’t pretend not to hear the J-Techs call their Jaeger “Miserable Bastard” instead of Clotho Labrys, but when they’re on a drop with Fawladhi Destriero it doesn’t matter, all that matters is pummeling whatever’s out there to pulp and ash 
and then along comes Ranger Freeman who has a simulator score with fifty-odd drops and just as many kills but never quite made a real connection in the academy, and when she and Andy are on the Kwoon together, not only can everyone in the Shatterdome feel the lasting electric charge of their connection, their compatibility, but Andy has to go sit in her quarters a while to come down because? was this? what it felt like? and what she’s been missing? 
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professortennant · 4 years
#24 with Sam and Jack!!!
“I needed you! I needed you!” [[post-abyss]]
She shouldn’t be here. 
That’s the first thought she has as the Colonel stonily lets her into his home, beer in hand and his eyes on her, watching her intensely. There’s something different about him--heavier. She’d tried to talk to him back on base, drawn the curtains around his infirmary bed and drawn nearer, palms itching to touch him and feel the steady rise and fall of his chest, the warmth of his skin, anything to ground her and remind her that he was safe and back with her.
But he’d taken one long look at her, eyes hooded and dark, the last of his good humor draining from him. He’d sighed and stopped her before she could even start. “Can we just not do this, Carter?”
Then, she’d flinched and nodded out of reflex, agreeing with him. “Of course, sir.” She willed him to meet her eyes once more, to give her a sign that they were okay. Instead, he rolled on his side and silently dismissed her. 
But now she was here in his home and everything felt too big to contain in some metaphorical room, the door buckling and bursting at the hinges. 
The Colonel didn’t offer her a beer, didn’t lead her into the living room or kitchen, nothing to indicate that he wanted her presence in his home to linger longer than absolutely necessary. 
“It’s late.”
She nodded. “I know, sir. I’m sorry.”
“But,” she continued. “I wanted to say how glad I am to have you back. I know you don’t want to talk about what happened to you, but, uh, I’m just really glad you’re safe. I--we--were worried.”
Silence meets her words and she feels a fresh surge of anger and hurt and irritation when he does little more than lift his beer bottle in her direction, eyebrow lifting. “You’re right, I don’t want to talk about it. And I’m delighted to be back, Carter. Was there anything else?”
It hits her then that the dismissiveness, the flippancy, it isn’t because he doesn’t want to talk. Well, not just that anyway. It’s his eyes--as cheesy and unbelievable as it sounds. They’re hard and unforgiving and blazing. 
He’s mad.
At her.
Sam lifts her head. “If you’re angry with me because I asked you to take the symbiote--for forcing your hand--I’d rather you just get it all out now, sir.” She remembers the way he looked on that base back in Antarctica: pale, clammy skin, disoriented eyes, labored breathing. She remembers the fear she felt, the gripping surge of panic filling her lungs. She juts her chin, pulls her shoulders back like some cadet getting ready for a dressing down. “But I won’t apologize. You can be angry with me all you’d like, sir, but I won’t apologize for keeping you alive.”
The Colonels’ jaw tightens and every inch of him screams at her how much he doesn’t want to have this conversation. “I’m not mad, Carter.”
This time it’s she who raises an eyebrow, her tone dancing along the line of insubordination. “With all due respect, sir, that sounds like something you’re saying so I’ll leave.”
He grinned, sharp and dry and cruel. “Guess it’s not working.”
The hurt she’s been feeling bubbles and her eyes sting with tears. He feels a million miles away despite the fact he’s only a few feet from her. She wishes she had the right to step forward and smooth her palm over his forehead and cheek to smooth the newly-formed lines creasing his skin. She wishes she could take him out on her bike and let him feel alive, wind whipping through his hair and her body pressed against his. 
But she can’t.
He shakes his head at the title and runs a hand over his face, scrubs his fingers through hair agitatedly. “I’m tired, Sam.” The use of her first name catches her attention. He waves a hand at the front door behind her. “If there’s nothing else, just lock up behind you.”
The turning of his back for the second time gets to her and she frowns, stepping forward, calling out after him. “Jack, please. Talk to me. Yell at me. I don’t care, but don’t walk away. Please.”
It’s the same please she’d used on him in Antarctica. The one he hadn’t been able to refuse. They both know it. 
Something in him snaps and he turns back to her, beer sloshing in his bottle. “That’s not fair,” he says, voice low. He’s perfectly still and she risks a step towards him and then another when he doesn’t flinch away.
She thinks for this, they can let the door off the room. They’ll suffocate otherwise.
The first touch of her hand against his forearm is like a jolt of electricity for both of them. He sucks in a sharp breath, eyes darting to the place where her palm smooths over his arm, grounding him. For Sam’s part, the warmth of his skin and the pounding pulse she can feel soothes the anxious part of her that still couldn’t quite believe he was back and here with her. 
“I asked you to take that symbiote because--” Because I love you. Because I can’t lose you. Because you’re you. The words are all there, the ones she’s not allowed to say. She settles on something in the middle. “Because I needed you.”
He makes a pained sound at that and before she can think or blink or apologize for pressing the issue, his hand is cradling her cheek, tilting her face up to his. “I needed you! I needed you, Sam. Last time, I needed my family. This time it was you. Do you understand? Do you get it? I needed you. I got through it, I survived because of you. Because I knew you’d come for me, that you’d figure it out. I just knew I needed you, needed to get back to you.” His thumb brushed along the curve of her cheek. Her heart hammered in her chest and her hand tightened on his arm. She couldn’t help but turn her cheek into the curve of his palm, nuzzling gently. 
“You’ve got me, Jack.”
For a moment, she thought he was going to close the distance between them and finally kiss her the way she’d wanted him to do since she caught sight of him twirling that pen between his fingers at their very first briefing, looking criminally good in that uniform in a way that she was pretty sure the United States Air Force did not intend. 
Her tongue peeked out to swipe across her lips in anticipation and want made her stomach clench as his eyes darted down to her mouth, his own lips parting at the sight of her pink tongue and wet mouth. 
His fingers tightened briefly in her hair and she felt herself go lax and loose. 
And then he was gone, stepping back and taking his warmth and dark eyes and pain with him.
“No, I don’t, Sam.”
Disappointment flooded her veins and she felt cold and bereft, not unlike the way she’d felt watching him disappear up the ramp and through the Stargate to receive a symbiote--unknowingly damning him. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Major.”
Another dismissal, the door firmly locked and back in place. 
She wrapped her arms around herself and nodded, not ready to push yet.
“Goodnight, sir.”
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ourfag · 2 months
i was tagged by @margaritaville and @adamarks for that WIP GAME YAYYY THANK YOU
RULES: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs. I am not doing that for reasons that are about to become obvious.
In most-recently-edited descending order (excluding compilation files of unrelated passages and placeholder files for what may become WIPs someday):
the cryptics
what if we’re mermaids
up in scream heaven
road trip
awakening after a long slumber (duet)
power out
hello face
not the bees
dear diary
how to succeed in genderhood
hot mess
whats up doc
i am no-pressure-tagging (if applicable): @t4tgb @areyoudoingthis @shawsbear @bird-divorce
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night-dark-woods · 1 year
tagged by @villanevehaus (ty!): Shuffle your Spotify playlist and post the first 10 songs & tag people.
so i dont use spotify and also nearly exclusively listen to full albums In Order so. i will be doing one rng per album i regularly listen to lol.
1. Southland in the Springtime - Indigo Girls
2. Let It Be Me - Indigo Girls
3. This Train Revised - Indigo Girls
4. Hunger - Of Monsters and Men
5. Salty Sweet - MS MR
6. More - K/DA
7. Coastal Brake - Tycho
8. Of Everlong - The Crane Wives
9. Sick Muse - Metric
10. dTigeas a Damhsa - Clannad
tagging: @artemissoteira @nemoinvenit @planet4546b @mxsovereign @fatmilkers @prismaplex @siyurikspakvariisis @sotvrna @shawsbear & whoever else wants to do it my mind is a sieve
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nonappetittk · 3 years
Rice and eggs with green beans! I'll use either fresh or frozen green beans and sautee them with olive oil and salt and pepper and garlic until they're browned and crispy, then make rice and mix in a little soy sauce and sesame oil. Then I'll just fix a bowl of the rice with the green beans and a couple over-easy eggs on top, and sprinkle everything with sesame seeds or furikake or whatever. It's delicious and hearty and really good for an easy weeknight dinner.
omg 🤤
send me an ask telling me your go to dish
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bunappletea · 4 years
shawsbear replied to your post “what are y’alls favorite chris moments? i need this for Science”
in pop rocks when claire says "Chris this is all your fault" and he goes "I KNOW I CAME AS SOON AS I HEARD I DIDN'T EVEN TAKE MY COAT OFF!"
he didn’t even take his COAT off
i n c r e d i b l e
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femsff · 4 years
shawsbear replied to your post: delennsnuggler reblogged your...
the down payment was just like the icing on the “this is a terrible human” cake
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mothdogs · 5 years
Can you draw Alec Hardy with 4C 🅱️lease and thank u
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I think this is the first time he sees Ellie undressing for him :V
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