jaffababe · 1 year
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Women of Sinai -Al-‘Arish
The Sinai dress is a masterpiece of art. Some dresses are predominantly red and are only worn by married women, while the blue ones are worn by widows. Dresses with a mixture of blue and red are an indication that the wearer has ended her period of mourning and is now ready to marry again.
The number of colors and the geometric designs embroidered by the women of Sinai on their dresses makes the latter a marvelous background for their kind of jewelry. It is the same as the Palestinian dress known as the Bir Sab' dress, with reference to the Palestinian area adiacent to the borders of the Sinai Peninsula.
The burgu', or veil, is an important piece of adornment worn only by the married Bedouin women of Sinai. It can almost be considered a piece of jewelry, for it is covered with quantities of hilyat, or round pieces of silver or white metal, or even gold, and sometimes old metal coins. The burgu is also sometimes adorned with a number of chains attached to both sides of the veil, ending in silver units covered with primitive designs stamped onto them, or ending with units of tube coral.
There are only two types of veil in Sinai, the short one worn by the women of the Akharsa tribe and with it a silver necklace or pendant, and the long veil worn by the women of the Bayyada tribe. Unmarried girls leave their faces uncovered so that young men may see their beauty and seek to marry them.
The Sinai Peninsula is inhabited by a number of Bedouin tribes who migrated to Egypt from the Arab peninsula and Palestine in ancient times. They settled, mixed, and intermarried with the different communities of inhabitants surrounding the peninsula, starting with the people of the Egyptian governorate of Sharqiya to the inhabitants of Bir Sab' in Palestine. The borders were open then and an active trade exchange flourished. Moreover, the Palestinian towns and cities were a market for Egyptian products. As a result of the intermarriages, there is a great resemblance between the jewelry worn in Sinai and the jewelry worn in Palestine, so much so that some jewelry workshops in Cairo specialize in producing the pieces of jewelry sold in Palestinian markets.
- Sinai: Land of turquoise (The Traditional Jewelry of Egypt)
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workersolidarity · 6 months
🇮🇱⚔️🇵🇸 🪖💥🚑 🚨
📹 A Palestinian youth is in critical condition on Sunday after the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) fired live bullets towards the youth, at least one of which hit the youth in the head.
According to the Quds News Network, the youth is in critical condition at a nearby hospital following being shot in his head by IOF soldiers during their raid of the town of Al-Mazra'a Al-Sharqiya, east of Ramallah, in the central occupied West Bank territories.
Similarly, another Palestinian man was shot and wounded as a result of bullets fired by Israeli occupation forces in the town of Hableh, south of Qalqilya, in the northwestern occupied West Bank.
According to local sources, a 29-year-old Palestinian man from the village of Sarra, west of Nablus, was shot in the hand and foot by IOF soldiers while present near the separation apartheid wall that runs through the village of Hableh.
The man was taken to Darwish Naval Government Hospital in the city of Qalqilya where he remains in stable condition at the time of publishing.
Since the events of October 7th, 2023, at least 464 Palestinians have been killed in the occupied West Bank territories by the Israeli occupation army, while another 4'800 others have been wounded over the previous 6-months.
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newsfrom-theworld · 6 months
Today's breaking news:
•Palestinians confront the Isr@eli occupation forces in Tuqu’ village, near Bethlehem.
•Isr@eli Settlers burn a vehicle in Al-Lubban Al-Sharqiya, south of Nablus, and another in Al-Mughayir, east of Ramallah.
•The Isr@eli occupation forces carry out a military offensive in the Nusairat refugee camp, central Gaza.
•Isr@eli drones target a group of civilians in Rafah with missiles causing several injuries and martyrs.
•A Palestinian lost members of his family by an Isr@eli bombardment in Gaza city.
•At least 6 Palestinians were killed by an Isr@eli bombardment that targeted the public market of Fras in Gaza city. 
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satellitebroadcast · 21 days
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Palestine Captives: Twitter
Local sources reported zionist terrorists kidnapped Birzeit University student Rashid Muhammad Daraghmeh after raiding his home in the village of Al-Lubban Al-Sharqiya, south of Nablus.
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dougielombax · 6 months
As I said. The SNA don’t give a shit about the people of Syria. They’d rather do Turkey’s dirty work in exchange for MONEY.
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yesterdayandkarma · 7 months
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Sharqiya Sands, Oman by Stefan Dragomir-Ene
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thegodstheycall · 2 months
"The ancient town of Bubastis ranked amongst the most important cities of the Nile Delta from the beginning of its occupation at around the transitional time from the 4th to the 3rd millennium BCE until the end of the Ptolemaic Period in 30 BCE. The excavation site of Bubastis (Tell Basta) is located in the southeastern Nile Delta at the southeastern city border of Zagazig (30◦ 57′ N, 31◦ 51′ E; 8 m a.s.l.), the capital of the Egyptian province of Sharqiya (Figure 1). Ancient Bubastis had access to the Pelusiac and perhaps also the Tanitic branch of the Nile, although the exact course and chronology of these Nile arms have not yet been determined (cf. [36 –38]; Figure 1b). The additional vicinity of the Wadi Tumilat, the traditional overland route to Sinai and Palestine, gave Bubastis a very advantageous geographical position. In early times, the city held an important position within a trans-regional trade network that included the Levant and the southern Nile Valley. These attractive geographical conditions not only led to the initial development of the city, which probably began in the Predynastic period (c. 3200 BCE) but seem to have been an important factor in the city’s continued importance until its gradual decline during the Roman period (ca. 200 CE). Another reason for the important role of Bubastis was its function as the main cult center of Bastet, the local feline deity, whose temple gained significance especially towards the end of the Old Kingdom (from the beginning of the 6th dynasty, at around 2300 BCE; [39]). At the same time, Bubastis was the residence of high provincial officials [40], a development that might have started more than two centuries earlier, as the discovery of a provincial residence from the middle of the 4th dynasty reveals [41]. A governor’s palace and an associated cemetery of the 12th dynasty (around 1830 BCE) indicate that Bubastis also had the status of a ruling regional center in the subsequent period of the Middle Kingdom [42– 44 ]. The city reached its peak of importance as a residence city of the 22th dynasty of Libyan kings (c. 900–800 BCE), which was accompanied by the renovation and probable enlargement of the local main deity Bastet and her temple [45-48]."
J. Meister, P. Garbe, J. Trappe, T. Ullmann, A. Es‐Senussi, R. Baumhauer, E. Lange‐Athinodorou, and A. A. El‐Raouf, The Sacred Waterscape of the Temple of Bastet at Ancient Bubastis, Nile Delta (Egypt), published in Geosciences (2021), Vol. 11, Iss. 9, pp. 4
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tieflingkisser · 6 months
Israeli forces and colonists shoot and injure two Palestinians near Ramallah
RAMALLAH, Sunday, April 14, 2024 (WAFA) – Two Palestinian young men were Sunday injured with live bullets as Jewish colonists and Israeli occupation soldiers attacked the town of Al-Mazraa Al-Sharqiya, east of Ramallah. Local ssources told WAFA that two young men aged 21 were injured. One of them was hit with live bullets in the head, and the other with live bullets in the foot. They were taken to the Palestine Medical Complex in Ramallah. Additionally, large forces from the occupation army and dozens of colonists are currently deployed at the entrance to the village of Al-Mughayir, northeast of Ramallah, while a number of colonists, protected by occupation soldiers, are at the entrance to the town of Deir Ammar, west of Ramallah.
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bijoumikhawal · 11 months
Hi this is a bit random but I just read your article on nose rings in Egypt & it was rly cool!!! I was super interested in it bc I remember my dads reason why he didn’t want me getting a nose ring was bc he had aunts who had them and he hated how they looked. His side of the family is from el sharqiya in the delta, so I wanted to ask if you have further readings regarding nose rings in the delta?
unfortunately not at this time :(. I have a little bit of specific information from the Western Desert, mostly Bahariya iirc, but not much else. If you ever can get him to talk about it at length though, or another family member, I would be interested to read what they remember!
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istherewifiinhell · 8 months
US calls for probe into killing of Palestinian American teen by Israel
The administration of US President Joe Biden has said it is “devastated” by the killing of 17-year-old Tawfiq Ajaq in the occupied West Bank.
According to his family, Ajaq – who was born and raised in the US state of Louisiana – was killed after Israeli forces and settlers shot live ammunition towards his car in the village al-Mazra’a al-Sharqiya.
“We have called for an urgent investigation to determine the circumstance of his death and accountability be met as appropriate as well,” US Department of State spokesperson Vedant Patel told reporters.
The US similarly demanded an investigation when Israeli forces killed US citizens Omar Assad and Al Jazeera’s Shireen Abu Akleh in 2022. But the Biden administration appeared to drop the cases and push on with its support for Israel after Israeli authorities refused to pursue criminal probes in both incidents.
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mariacallous · 2 years
Team Navalny has published a new investigation, about General Sergey Surovikin and his Syrian campaign, which involved securing Russia’s access to two profitable phosphate mining sites, al-Sharqiya and Khneifis. The investigators trace Surovikin’s “tips” for his military assistance in phosphate extraction to a business co-founded by his wife, Anna Surovikina.
General Sergey Surovikin (sometimes jokingly called “General Armageddon”) is first in command of the invading Russian forces in Ukraine. Earlier, he led the Russian military in Syria, where he was appointed head of command in the spring of 2017. In 2021, Surovikin was promoted to the rank of Army General, which made him the de facto highest-ranking officer in the Russian military, since no person currently has the rank of Marshal, the only army rank above Surovikin’s.
Surovikin’s wife, Anna Surovikina, is one of the co-founders of the lumber producer Argus SFK. Among her business partners at the time of Argus’s formation was Anastasia Misharina — the daughter of Alexander Misharin, then Deputy Transportation Minister and later the Sverdlovsk regional governor. In 2011, Leonid Volkov, one of Alexey Navalny’s closest associates, who was at the time a deputy in Ekaterinburg’s municipal Duma, accused Argus SFK of receiving illegal subsidies. Later, a court ordered Volkov to withdraw his statements.
Team Navalny reports that Argus SFK is still operating. Since no later than 2018, its profits have been negative, but in 2020–2021 it received a number of “loans” from another corporate entity, STG Logistika. The loans totaled 104 million rubles (up to $1.7 million, depending on the exchange rate at the time of those transactions), and have not been repaid to date. The lender, STG Logistika, happens to be a subsidiary of Stroytransgaz, a company that belongs to the billionaire and close friend of Vladimir Putin’s Gennady Timchenko.
In the summer of 2017, Stroytransgaz began extracting phosphates from two Syrian mining sites, al-Sharqiya and Khneifis. Surovikin personally reported to Putin on having liberated the two locations in October 2017. Team Navalny investigators think that Surovikin’s army may have taken part in securing the export of phosphates from Syria.
According to Alexey Navalny, Anna Surovikina’s Argus was nothing but a front for channelling “tips” for Surovikin’s military backing of Timchenko’s profitable mining operation.
Sergey Surovikin is known as a proponent of indiscriminate massive shelling of the opponent’s infrastructure. He took command of the Russian forces in Ukraine on October 8, following the Crimean Bridge explosion. On October 10, the Russian army launched a campaign of massive missile strikes on the Ukrainian energy infrastructure.
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lagmennet · 11 days
Tragic Train Collision in Egypt's Nile Delta: 3 Fatalities
Two passenger trains collided in Egypt’s Nile Delta on Saturday, killing at least three people, including two children, according to authorities. The crash occurred in Zagazig, the capital of Sharqiya province, according to a statement from the country’s railway authorities. According to Egypt’s Health Ministry, at least 40 people were hurt in the collision. Train derailments and collisions are…
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workersolidarity · 6 months
[ 📹 A Palestinian's car burns in Al-Lubban Al-Sharqiya, south of Nablus in the north of the occupied West Bank, as a result of attacks by Israeli colonial settlers on Wednesday night, while another similar attack occured in Al-Mughayir, to the east of Ramallah.]
🇮🇱⚔️🇵🇸 🚙🔥 🚨
Israeli colonial settlers continued with their nightly attacks on Palestinian towns and villages across the occupied West Bank of Palestine on Wednesday and into the night.
In one example, Israeli colonial settlers burned the vehicle of a Palestinian family in the Al-Lubban area on Wednesday night, south of Nablus, while another, similar attack by settlers occured in Al-Mughayir, east of Ramallah.
In another violation, Zionist extremist settlers seized the tents of Bedouin residents in the Arab Mlihat community, in the Al-Ma'rajat area, to the northwest of Jericho, while also grazing sheep on Bedouin lands at gunpoint.
According to the General Supervisor for the Al-Baidar organization, which works to protect the rights of the Bedouin community in the occupied Palestinian territories, by the name of Hassan Mlihat, told Palestinian news outlet, WAFA News, that Israeli colonial settlers, backed by personnel belonging to the so-called Israeli "Civil Administration," which raided the Arab Milhat community; gathering and confiscating equipment for three Bedouin tents owned by local Bedouin resident, Musa Suleiman Mlihat, who also told WAFA that he witnessed at least one colonist grazing sheep among the local homes while wielding a gun.
In another Zionist attack, armed Israeli colonial settlers raided an archeological site known as Tal Ma'in, located to the east of Yatta, south of Hebron, in the southern occupied West Bank.
According to local reports, several colonists from the illegal colonial settlement of the Avigal colony, located on stolen and occupied Palestinian lands to the east of Yatta, raided the archeological site of Tal Ma'in to perform Talmudic rituals as an act of provocation, all while under the protection of the Israeli occupation army.
In yet another Zionist assault, Israeli occupation forces (IOF) launched several tear gas canisters at Palestinian homes in the town of Beita, south of Nablus, in the northern West Bank, resulting in the break out of a fire in one of the Palestinian homes.
According to local sources who spoke with a WAFA News reporter, several Israeli occupation military vehicles stormed the village of Beita in the evening, after which, Zionist soldiers began to fire bullets, stun grenades and tear gas canisters in the direction of Palestinian residences, one of which caused a fire to break out and burn part of a house.
The sources said local civil defense crews responded to a call about the fire, rushing to the scene where they managed to get the fire under control.
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indiaepost · 11 days
Three killed, 49 injured in train collision in Egypt
At least three people were killed and 49 others injured in a two-train collision in Sharqiya Province north of the Egyptian capital Cairo, according to Egypt’s Ministry of Health. The health conditions of 44 injured individuals were stable, and were anticipated to be discharged from the hospitals in the coming hours, said the ministry in a statement on Saturday, noting that five other…
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alaturkanews · 12 days
At least three people killed after two passenger trains collide in northern Egypt
Two passenger trains have collided in Egypt’s Nile Delta killing at least three people, two of them children, authorities said.  The crash happened in the city of Zagazig, the capital of Sharqiya province, the country’s railway authority said in a statement. Egypt’s Health Ministry said the collision injured at least 40 others. Video from the site of the crash showed a train car crumpled by the…
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rulinarulina · 12 days
Αίγυπτος: Δύο άνθρωποι σκοτώθηκαν και 29 τραυματίστηκαν από σύγκρουση επιβατικών τρένων
Δύο επιβατικές αμαξοστοιχίες συγκρούστηκαν μεταξύ τους στο Δέλτα του Νείλου της Αιγύπτου, σκοτώνοντας τουλάχιστον δύο ανθρώπους. Το δυστύχημα συνέβη το Σάββατο στην πόλη Zagazig, την πρωτεύουσα της επαρχίας Sharqiya, ανέφερε σε ανακοίνωσή της η σιδηροδρομική αρχή της χώρας. Το υπουργείο Υγείας της Αιγύπτου δήλωσε ότι από τη σύγκρουση τραυματίστηκαν τουλάχιστον 29 άτομα. Οι εκτροχιασμοί τρένων…
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