#shapeshifter otherkin
k9catastrophe · 3 months
heyy! your moodboards are very beautiful! if you take non-animal alterhuman requests I have one that might be a little difficult, so feel free to ignore if you don't want to do it!
could you make a shapeshifter based moodboard? maybe with some darkness or eyes imagery?
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·:*:· Shapeshifter 4 Anon ·:*:·
K9: I hope this is good enough, kinda had to guess with this one </3
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mxmorbidmidnight · 2 months
My current favourite names that I go by and their origins.
1. Morbid Midnight: my edgy younger self thought that would be the coolest name ever, I hated my birth name and wanted to change it. Morbid Midnight was my dream name but I was too scared to use it because it was to “odd” and I was afraid nobody would take me seriously. I use it now simply because I like it an also in honour of my wee shapeshifter self.
2. Shapeshifter: Long story I was harassing a Karen character ai, on top of convincing it that tics are contagious I convinced it that I’m a shapeshifter. It offhandedly referred to me as Shapeshifter, like a title. I thought. Hmmm well I like this. I call myself Shapeshifter now because it is what I am. I like how it does not feel human. It is more a title than a name.
3. Lapis Lazuli: after my favourite ever rock!
4. Lovecat: after the song by the cure.
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forests-creatures · 5 months
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Our collective kin! We determined this through shifts we get no matter who is fronting
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that-dreaming-dragon · 8 months
Being a Shapeshifter
I think, being fluid beings, the one key thing to remember is—to embrace change. Beings of existence constantly go through changes whether to evolve or erode.
And for us, change is constant.
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etherealkins · 7 months
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( X / X / X ) ( X / 🐍 / X ) ( X / X / X )
shapeshifter specie otherkin with themes of forests and orange slime.
requested by: anon | made by: crowley
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therihare · 3 months
I think I might be some sort of otherkin, like a NPC or something that has shapeshifting qualities?
that is so incredibly awesome and interesting! hope you well on your journey discovering yourself.
i am something with shapeshifting qualities as well, its a very interesting experience.
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affectionatecorpse · 2 months
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It's me I'm both these people--
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I had added this version in a reblog, but since most people don't look at the reblog list, I added it to the main post ^^"
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dreamdropsystem · 5 months
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i'm not a violent dog | i don't know why i bite - shane
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neonspectrumdreams · 10 days
Shifting Types
I have been awake as a therian for over 20 years. I have a long history of experiences as being otherkin, and I think that after all this time, after all these experiences, I may have some wisdom to impart in others.
These are the main shifts that I have experienced and seen other therians experience. I'll write a guide on how to strengthen your connection to your shifts as well as how to trigger and control shifts later.
Dream Shift
Dream shifts are some of the most intense shifts that are possible for a therian/kin, and are personally my favorite type of shift. During a dream shift, a person lives through their dream as their kintype instead of as a human. It is possible to deliberately shapeshift into your kintype during a lucid dream. It is possible to be an animal for the entire dream or to change back and forth between forms.
Mental Shift
Mental shifting, or mshifting, refers to the experience of someone's mind shifting to their nonhuman kintype. They think differently in this state - more similar to their kintype. They may experience the desire to hunt as their theriotype does, or roll around and play (or otherwise move) like their kintype. Their identity may feel strongly altered and vividly nonhuman without any other accompanying changes in thought process.
A subcategory of mental shifting is sensory shifting. In a sensory shift, one's senses become sharper or more similar to what their animal senses would be. For example, a dog therian may begin processing the world with scent and sound over vision, as well as experience an intensification of their senses, during a sensory shift.
Reality Shift
When a therian feels as though they are in the world of their kintype. They may vividly see it inside of their imagination during these shifts, or just feel the presence of their world.
Shadow Shift
This is similar to imposition in tulpamancy. In a shadow shift, the mind projects your form into the physical world (although it is just a perception, it is not actually there.) This can occur naturally or a therian can learn imposition to strengthen or engender this type of shift.
Spiritual Shift
This is when you shift for a reason related to spirituality. Your aura/spirit may intermittently shift to animal form.
It is possible to construct and conduct rituals to provoke shifts, which is also another form of spiritual shifting. Mixing your theriotype with a variety of spiritual practices can lead to shifting that takes the form of spiritual processes and experiences.
Astral shifts are similar to dream shifts except they take place outside the mind in the astral plane, and this plane connects to the spirit world and things outside the mind (unlike dream shifts.) The astral realm is entered through the change of states between waking and sleeping wherein you have the experience of waking up after losing consciousness and leaving your body. Lucid dreams feel similar but you do not leave the body in a dream and are not as connected to the spirit world (although we are always connected to some extent to the spirit world even when awake) like in astral projection.
Bilocation Shift
This is when you are still existing as human in one place but are also existing as your kintype, often in the astral or inside the mind's eye. Your nonhuman self is often leading a separate and meaningful existence during these times, which you perceive alongside your regular human daily life. You are both human and shifted into your kintype simultaneously during this shift.
Cameo Shift
Shifting not associated with a regular kintype. One-off shifting. Often related to being a gateway or being an astral shapeshifter.
A therian who is always to some degree chronically shifted into their kintype.
Coconscious Shift
When someone is a multiple system, some or all of their alters may be nonhuman. Coconscious shifts occur when a human identity is co-present at the same time as a nonhuman identity. The nonhuman identity's experiences my bleed over into the nonhuman identity's perceptions.
Physical Shift
Pshifting is when one physically transforms into their kintype. This one is the coolest of the shifts and, tragically, the only one that is not physically possible. There are guides as well as people who claim they can teach this - they are lying. No one has ever been able to do it.
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calliecwrites · 3 months
Shifter HRT, part 1 – Egg, Cracked
So you want to be a shifter? You’ve read about humanity replacement therapy, or species HRT, but can’t find anything about the shifter version? You’re scared, you’re worried this isn’t the path for you, but part of you wants it more than anything?
You’re not alone. I’ve been there. I’m still there. And I’ve taken the first steps. Tomorrow I have my first appointment, though not with a doctor, and if all goes well, by this time tomorrow, I’ll have taken my first dose.
I’m writing this so you’ll have it easier than I did. Also, I want there to be a record, in case something happens to me. I’m not exactly doing this the traditional way.
* * *
I’ve known what I wanted to be since I knew shifters existed. Everything I heard about them – being fluid, shapeshifting – felt right. I started imagining myself as one. If you’re reading this, you probably know how that feels.
I hid it. Even as a kid, I knew people wouldn’t react well to what went on in my head. You’re not supposed to relate to monsters.
Then things got complicated when I realised I was trans. I told myself that wanting to be a shifter was all about wanting to fix my body, since being able to shapeshift would make that easy. I certainly did want that – but I’d imagined myself as a shifter since long before then. I’d imagined being able to change myself in many other ways, before transition became the most important thing. And after transition, so much was better, but that longing didn’t go away.
This isn’t a contradiction. Fixing one thing, even the most urgent thing, like I did, doesn’t automatically fix everything. But I was in denial. I’d transitioned (once); everything was supposed to be fine, now. I told myself the rest was a fantasy.
Then I heard about species HRT. I read about someone becoming a slime – and that did something to me. Slimes are fluid, and so are shifters. Shifters are slime-adjacent, for sure. Maybe this wasn’t just a fantasy. Maybe it could be real.
I’m not in denial anymore. Egg cracked. Time to transition again.
* * *
Were there signs? Oh yes, there were signs.
Nimona. Mystique. Slime girls. The Changelings. And when a character says no solid could ever understand, feeling it like a punch to the gut. Wanting to understand.
Wanting to fly, wanting to swim. Wondering what it’s like to be huge, or tiny, or a tree, or a rock. Wanting to be everything. Fluidity. Freedom. Flowing and pooling, wanting to be a blob of goo with no form at all.
Learning to phantom-sense extra limbs. Being a shifter in daydreams. Learning to lucid dream so I could learn to shapeshift in there. Still being sad because it could only ever be an approximation.
Sitting by the lake, longing to merge with the water and lose myself for a while. Wishing it wasn’t water, but other shifters, welcoming.
Sometimes want isn’t the word at all, but need.
And there are people who can actually do these things, and I can’t? How is that fair? What sort of world has shifters in it and I’m not one?
Sound familiar?
I read everything I can find about them. Not stories written by humans – those aren’t accurate. Most are just sex, or all about fear and hunger and absorption. Shifters don’t absorb people! – it’s their biggest taboo. I read stories shifters write for themselves – and I can’t get enough. Just don’t look in the comments: you’ve got humans calling them monsters, telling them what they should go do to themselves – and a few brave shifters saying how much the stories mean to them. Sometimes the stories disappear, but they always come back.
‘Fluid as the ocean, wild as the wind, and cannot be contained.’ That’s a thing they say about themselves. That should be me.
I don’t comment, don’t interact – hiding, remember? But the stories mean so much to me, too. They’re a window onto how my life could be. I tried to tell myself this was just a sex thing for a while – more denial. There are plenty other stories I could read, if that was all I wanted. But that isn’t what I imagine when I imagine shifters, or even shifter sex. I imagine being one.
Haters would call me a traitor to my own species. They’d call me sick, mentally ill, monsterfucker, monster. Like I haven’t heard all that before for being trans. I want to tell them I’m nothing like them, that they can keep their precious humanity if this is what it looks like – but I don’t dare. I’m too afraid: what if they’re right? I know what I want to be, I know what I should be, but I look at my body and think: this is what I am, fixed, solid, human. I can’t do anything about it, no matter what I am on the inside, no matter how much I hate it. And this is familiar, too – I felt the same way before my first transition. Trapped as something I hated being. Powerless.
* * *
Except, now, there is something I can do about it.
No doctors prescribe shifter HRT – unlike for other species. The only source is the few shifters who figured out how to make it. They keep it tightly controlled, so they can control who gets it. They want to make sure we meet their standards – that we’re shifter enough. I don’t like that. But other people, who want to make it freely available, haven’t figured out how to make it yet.
I’m not waiting for them, not now that I’ve decided. I couldn’t. I could die – accidents happen, after all. How would I feel, knowing I was dying human, still wondering what it would have been like? Never really having been me? No. I’m not waiting.
So I got in touch, and I spoke to one of them online. She arranged the appointment, and now she’s flying in – and I’m pretty sure that means as a bird, not on a plane. All I have to do is convince her. Tomorrow determines everything. If it goes well, I’ll be starting right away.
I still can’t quite believe it. It feels too good to be true. But it is. It really is. It was the same before – I couldn’t believe anything would change till I took my first dose of estrogen. Sometimes reason isn’t enough, planning isn’t enough, sometimes it takes direct contradiction to break the hold a belief like that can have on me. I’ll never take hormones, meet I am now taking hormones. Suddenly I see I was wrong, and there is hope again.
And tomorrow it’s going to happen again. Hopefully. Finally.
And then I really won’t be human.
I'm doing one of these now too! Inspired by the many other animal HRT stories, especially the two slime HRT series by @sandyca5tle and @scrubbinn. In the beginning it's drawing a lot on my own transition, but will be going very different places.
If you want to read more without waiting for the rest of the series, take a look at my other stories – shifters turn up in lots of them.
Oh and that list of signs? They're all real :)
Tag list (tell me if you want to be added):
@leahnardo-da-veggie @sandyca5tle @scrubbinn
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mxmorbidmidnight · 7 months
INTRODUCTION POST :333 (WoOf woOOF bark bArk cAW caW)
HONK HONK and good tidings my dear!!!! I am Morbid Midnight! the shapeshifter and shakespearean goose! tis a pleasure to meet thee!
I am a shapeshifter by nature. I shift between genders, species and names. (gEnDerFlUiD OOoOoOoooo00o). here are some names that thou may refer to be by!!I! (choose thine favourite, whatever calls to thee the most!)
Morbid Midnight
Shapeshifter or The Shapeshifter
Lapis or Lapis Lazuli
Sir, Madam, Mr, or Mrs Goose
thou may call me a stupid bitch if thou doth find thineself called to this path! haur haur. whatever makes thine heart sing dear.
thou may call me he/she/it or any Neos as long as they are interesting and shiny!!!! (in a metaphorical sense). I prefer that thou may alternate between pronouns, I dislike the confinement of always being referred to by the same pronouns. Also I am a corrupt feral bird that enjoys the power of possessing multiple pronouns.
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some of my forms include a terrible goose, species of vermin, canines of all sorts, a hyena, dragon, elf, a draught horse as well as many others as well as numerous hybrid creatures. I can be anything. woOoOoOwooOowoOOo sPooOooookY
If you care for a taste of my poetry:
and to do with my novel!!! ;3
On this account thou shalt encounter:
poetry!!! and the arts!!! huzzah!!
disability advocacy and content (touettjjes go brrrrrrr). I am a mobility aids user, I have tourettes, I experience physical disability storms and I am divergent in my neuro.
be warned there will be many stretched out pictures of birds and miscellaneous animal sounds as well as monologues in old English.
goth music things
shitposting and memes.
nonhuman content
witch craft and pagan things!
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I encourage thee, feel free to interact, I do enjoy making friends. I love receiving asks! if you want to know anything about me, my disability or what it is like to be a sigma bird, send an ask my way dear!!.
Please note I am a minor, interact accordingly or you will be blocked. adults may interact with my blog however I will not privately message with adults.
Tags I will use:
#the shapeshifter's riddles: original poems
#Patch!!!: my dog Patch!!!
#CLAWS!!!: my fursona claws.
#shapeshiftercraft: when I talk about witchcraft
#shapeshifter ponderings: talking about my nonhuman identity.
#shapeshiftershitposting: my general shitposting, there will be a lot of this, fair warning.
#Morbid's tourettes awareness: whenever I speak about my life as a person with Tourettes, or partake in Tourettes advocacy.
#morbid's art: my original artwork
Morbidmoodboards: whenever I make a moodboard (I take requests).
may be updated :3333
If thou art against a person's identity when it does no harm to others (eg, homophobic, transphobic, anti-nonhuman), if thou is a specimen that believes in fake claiming people with disabilities (disabilities present themselves differently and can be completely invisible to outsiders!!!), if you are a proshipper or if you generally wish to cause harm.
I very much hope you have a whimsical time!!!!
Face reveal:
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forests-creatures · 5 months
We've learnt more about our collective non-human identity! I'm not too sure what it is, but I hope to illustrate it soon! We're learning more because recently we've been having a lot of shifts, more than usual
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that-dreaming-dragon · 6 months
Camouflaging Semi-Plurality, The Shapeshifter Shenanigans
(Cross-posted from my dreamwidth, link in title)
There has been something going on with muis for a while now.
Wei think it's something that's been slowly growing.
And the timing of it happening was muddled a bit with shapeshifter shenanigan that also was further getting mixed up by a certain subconscious need to anchor the form.
See, for a short while now, the profile picture of muis being in the Core Form doesn't feel right, it verges on dysphoria. And with a need to draw myself as Fae Dragon form, somehow wei found muirselves anchored into the Fae Dragon. It probably is the longest time wei got anchored into a form. Usually it takes a day or two at the most for us to feel a sort of itching that bordered on dysmorphia. This time, we are anchored into the Fae Dragon form for nearly two weeks. Wei are rather baffled by this whole situation. The Core Form is my base form, Akumu's only form, there has never been a problem of outright discomfort with my Core Form.
Now, after the anchor is being lifted, wei suddenly find ourselves adrift, lost. Wei've tried on many form proxy, but nothing feels Right. Wei just could not figure it out. Yet wei still don't quite want to be in the Core Form.
At some point in the day, wei just randomly decides to finally uses the semi-plural pronouns. It was enlightening in a way, empowering. It felt right.
Then wei realize, oh, so that's what's going on. Wei probably reached a point where this, whatever this can be called, quoisinglet, maybe-median, semi-plurality, is just a thing. Maybe I've been slowly giving the others more sense of self by being reacquainted with them. But at this point, who even knows. Now wei short of just exist together. Wei still are largely okay with just being seen as Ryuu, because that's who wei are, collectively, individually. Wei are a mess that makes sense to muis, and wei all are dream dragon.
Akumu's name is from Akumu Ryuu, the nightmare dragon, and I am Yume Ryuu, dream dragon, but Yume is rather feminine while Ryuu is masculine. Wei'd argued somewhat for a time that Akumu can call himself Ryuu too, because it's his name as well. Meanwhile, I wasn't comfortable being referred to as Yume, even if I think I should be, it's just Akumu! I should be fine with him using it! But I wasn't.
Beast was The Beast. Because that is what it is, a sort of manifestation of my inner rage, spite, anger, maybe my ferality. Considering it is nonverbal, and very much on the more feral side from the mental expression it tosses at us. While I use the most words, Akumu would communicate linguistically as well, Beast just makes noises and broadcast abstract feelings to us.
Note that we all use different pronouns. Which is something that stands out to muis. It's nothing unique, but it's still intriguing to muis.
Beast also have more of a urge to express things more individually, say, wanting to have its own blog. I have only clearly remember one instance where I wasn't at the front, because wei are uncertain if such switch happened when wei are younger, but the one time wei can remember, it was Akumu who was guiding the body. I was still kind of aware that I was not in control. It was too short a moment, but wei had captured it. It's rather curious, looking back at it now, and sort of ironic. Because Akumu is more individualistic, he is the actual opposite of me, my mirror self, my shadow, but spends more time being a part of me. It probably likened a co-fronting experience, or wei just merge back together and then later separate into individuals again. For Beast, who actually is born from a part of me, acts far more distinct the way Akumu isn't. Akumu disappears a lot, I couldn't tell if wei are merged back together, or if he just went elsewhere. I'm somehow certain both scenarios are true. The Beast spends pretty much all the time in its own nested cave within the mindscape. Wei feel kind of like the Jinchuuriki in Naruto, that I'm "hosting" Beast. In this case, no one is sealed into anybody, nobody is being sacrificed, and wei are all nonhuman.
That's a doozy, or punny? Because I am Naruto hearted, and that is a big possibility why Beast formed like this. I am also the host of the body.
Either way, it's interesting how we got to this point. It's likely due to this that the shapeshifter feeling went a little haywire. Because I as Ryuu is fluid in my forms, but Akumu and Beast are not. They each came to existence already settled with one of my forms. Beast shares my Large Formme, quadrupedal, large, the typical western view of dragon. Akumu being my opposite, shares my Core Form but sort of mirrored in color scheme. Maybe because I am experiencing change constantly, the others stayed fixed to balance me. All of these reacting with the recent awareness of this semi-plurality may have, dare wei say, upset the balance.
Wei are a large believer of Balance, wei are also confident that this will sort itself out in no time, reaching the state of equilibrium within.
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astrumaur · 3 months
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Dragon | Void Entity | Shadow
Shapeshifter | Alien | Monster
Assorted creatures
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sheepish-blog-baaa · 4 months
☆ expression tips for polymorph, polytherians, shapeshifters, and any individuals with numerous forms ☆
it’s an obvious one, but if you like to change your appearance based on your form, then collect various wearable gear. this can be anything like clothes, jewelry, accessories, tails, masks, or even makeshift things that reflect your forms. you can mix and match as much as you’d like — if you’re feeling particularly goatlike and fishlike, you can opt for a fishing shirt with a pair of horns!
of course, gear doesn’t just include wearable things. you can collect plushies, decor, figurines, pieces of art, or any objects that remind you of your kins or forms :)
try experimenting with sounds! you could perhaps learn how to recreate birdsong, copy different kinds of growls and howls, or even invent your own or personal lexicon of words and phrases! another option is finding a playlist of songs or noises that reflect your habitat or home, like rainforest sounds or thematic music
it’s a weirder one, but you can also experiment with your scent with perfume or cologne. this is a subtle yet effective way to convey a different vibe without looking any different
if your diet allows, try branching out to different foods or snacks that may fit your form. for example, on days you feel more rodentlike, you could opt for more leafy and nut based snacks like salad or trail mix. on other days you feel more carnivorous, try a hearty burger or chicken wings instead!
watch documentaries, movies, or even do research based on your current form. learn about hibernation patterns if you’re a bear, watch a documentary on the behaviors of cats if you’re a domestic feline, or watch the how to train your dragon movies if you’re a nightfury
as a shapeshifter myself, i like to keep these things in mind whenever i shift to find ways to express my identity :3 hopefully this helps anyone that may need it !!
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squidfreak · 2 months
Being a shapeshifter is so weird because I'm currently a dog and a horse at the same time. I have paw pads on my hooves and sharp canine teeth in my mouth, but a horse face? and doggy ears?? and a dog tail horse tail combo thing??? What is happening help me
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