#shadowhunters cosplay
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inkedbydave · 3 months ago
brown hair, freckles and blue green eyes.
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the reference pics for my hair came from the official Cassandra Jean art
btw i never see men in this fandom, are there any of us at all? i genuinely know of no other boy interested in them besides me
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cityofdownwardspirals · 2 years ago
Okay so... I might or might not be going to a con in like a month and I might or might not cosplay a certain shadowhunter so I have a question to any fellow cosplayers... is there a body paint or anything you would recommend for drawing Runes so they don't look all weird?
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rookhuntt · 1 year ago
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Clary Fairchild Cosplay 🗡
My Instagram is @_.dramaturgy !!
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gh02t-b0y · 2 months ago
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Pt 1 bulk po2tiing all of my co2play2 Iive done 2iince ii 2tarted co2playiing abt a year and a half ago :33
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lady-beee · 1 month ago
Another day of trying to find the Shadowhunters fans of Tumblr featuring my Emma Carstairs cosplay
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wikitpowers · 11 months ago
isabelle: *points to simon’s fangs*
isabelle: you call that a real weapon?
isabelle: please *whips out light saber*
simon: i’m in love😳😍
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izzyssurfcheese · 27 days ago
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“We welcome loves cruelest blows, and when we bleed from them, we whisper our thanks.”
- The Seelie Queen
Been having fun with different Seelie faery cosplays again!! I Defoooo need some blue contacts at leastttt if I wanna keep doing Seelie queen inspired stuff
Also, the flower eyelashes take literally an hourrrrrrrr to make
@cassandraclare How did I do? :3
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lily4731 · 4 months ago
Sometimes I think I don't get that attached to my favorite fictional universes and then I remember I wrote a 23k words analysis of The Owl House, and I used to take my high-school notes in aurebesh (the Star Wars alphabet).
Apparently not everyone does that
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alecmagnuslwb · 1 year ago
Y'all my best friends niece made these for me for Christmas, like hand painted, clay molded additions made these. I'll never get over how crazy talented she is.
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goatsghost · 9 months ago
was anyone going to tell me that cassandra jean had made fanart for the raven cycle in 2013 or was i just supposed to find that out myself while looking up aglionby information for a potential cosplay idea
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aroacee-of-spades · 8 months ago
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edwin-paynes-bowtie · 4 months ago
what do you think the tlh characters would dress up as for halloween
I think that Matthew goes one of two ways. There's the "dress up as Dorian Gray every year" route, which amuses me. But I think it's unlikely considering that he'd want to show off all kinds of avant-garde outfits like the Puck costume that we see in Chain of Thorns. (One of my favourite things in the book, btw - it was really fitting for him. Good job to Cassie on that one.) I like to think that he chooses characters from all sorts of theatrical performances, like Puck. Maybe a character like Mercutio or Antonio would be fun! I also think that Volpone from Marlowe's play would be an endlessly excellent choice for him, so I am going to go with that out of personal desire.
Speaking of self-indulgence, Thomas and Alastair as Charles and Edwin. PLEASE. I want to see Thomas with a massive cricket bat and Alastair in the little knickerbockers. But barring that, especially because we're in the Edwardian era and DBDA unfortunately did not exist, I'd like to see them go as Frankenstein and his monster. I think Thomas would find it fun rather than insulting if it was Alastair doing it, and Alastair would look so good in a lab coat that Thomas couldn't complain. Plus, he'd get to paint his face green and sneak up on James and Matthew, which would be an eternal plus.
James and Cordelia are connoisseurs of couples' costumes and you'll NEVER convince me otherwise. Instead of going as characters, though, I like to imagine them going as utterly ridiculous things. Cordelia dresses up as Cortana one year and James covers himself in red paint and she charges him in the (soft) costume. Once, they dress up as two halves of a massive dragon, and Will and Tessa laugh at James realizing his Jonathan-Shadowhunter-Slaying-the-Dragon dreams. Maybe that one's this year. Yup, it's that one.
Ari and Anna don't get dressed up in costume, but they both dress to rise to the occasion. It's the chance for them to wear as ostentatious of clothes as possible and completely dress to the nines. Also, Anna canonically matches bits of her clothes to Ari's, so... that. They wear these grand costumes at a themed party that they host annually for all of their friends and acquaintances, and once their child is old enough to join in, they want nothing more than to dress their best, too.
I don't think Grace would very much like Halloween - I think it would bring back a lot of bad memories for her since she's essentially a gothic heroine. I don't think she'd dress up for a good long while. But I think that as she gets older and many years go by, she eventually finds herself leaning into the gothic heroine thing. She's an Estella. It's fun to dress like one eventually. But not yet.
If Kit were alive, she'd be fine with dressing up because New Memories. They would couple-cosplay as the Curies. Also as different chemicals that combine to create a reaction. They have little molecule suits and everything.
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malecdiscordserver · 1 year ago
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Calling all Shadowhunters creators--it's time to dust off your notebooks, sketchbooks, laptops, drawing tablets, and other creative instruments.
Welcome to By the Angel Bingo!
What is By the Angel Bingo? By the Angel Bingo is a Shadowhunters-themed event where you request a grid of prompts in the layout of a bingo board. The goal is to fill the prompts until you get a traditional bingo (filling 3 or 5 in a row, column, or diagonally) or until you blackout your entire board! 
Do I have to be a part of the Malec Discord Server to sign up? No, being a part of the Malec Discord Server Community is not required to be a part of this event, but it is highly encouraged if you’re looking for friends to bounce ideas off of, if you need help finding a beta reader, or if you’re just looking for Shadow Fam to hang out with. 
What is the schedule?
Sign-ups open: February 1st
Sign-ups close: February 29th
Last day to request prompt changes: March 31st
Masterpost due by: September 30th
Have more questions? Join the Malec Discord Server or keep reading under the cut for official rules, minimum requirements, and other FAQs!
How will it work? On Thursday, February 1st, sign-ups will open for a bingo card. In your sign-up, you will be asked a few questions including what size bingo card you’d like (3x3 or 5x5). You will then receive a bingo card from one of the Mods to your preferred method of contact within 3-5 days. Sign-ups will remain open until Thursday, February 29th. From there, you’ll have until Monday, September 30, to complete what you can on your bingo card! 
What if I don’t like my prompts? You may request 3 (for 3x3 cards) or 5 (for 5x5 cards) replacement prompts at one time. If you need more than 3-5 prompts replaced, you will be sent an entirely new card. This can only happen once. If you receive a new card, you can request 3-5 replacement prompts again for the last time. You can request changes to your board until March 31st, a month after sign-ups close. 
Can I sign up if I’m under 18? Yes! Anyone is able to receive a bingo card, but you must be over the age of 18 to request NSFW prompts or submit NSFW fills. You also must be over the age of 16 to join the Malec Server. 
Are there any content restrictions? This bingo is open to all creations; fic, art, gifs, videos, moodboards, playlists, cosplay, physical art, etc. All bingo fills must be Shadowhunters-related. Any ships/characters/ratings are permitted as long as they are properly tagged. RPF is not allowed for this event. 
Am I required to get a bingo or blackout my card? Not at all! You can fill as little or as many prompts as you have the time/energy to complete. This is low to no stress. Low risk, high reward. HAVE FUN. 
Can I combine prompts? Each prompt needs to be its own fill, but you can post a multi-chapter fic or art series with one prompt per chapter/piece. 
What if I black out my entire card before the final posting date? Congrats! You did it! You can either be done OR ask for a second bingo card. 
Minimum requirements: 
Fic: 500 words
Digital/physical art: 1 piece
Photomanipulation: 1 piece
Gifsets: 2 gifs
Moodboards: 4 images
Video: 30 seconds
Playlists: 10 songs 
Podfic: 500 words (with author’s permission)
You must be over 18 to request NSFW prompts and submit NSFW fills. You have to be over 16 to join the Malec Server. 
Any Shadowhunters-related ships/characters/ratings are permitted as long as they are tagged appropriately. 
You may create works based off of the show, books, or movies, but no RPF is allowed. 
You may request a 3x3 card (8 prompts) or a 5x5 card (24 prompts). 
You may request 3 (for 3x3) or 5 (for 5x5) replacement prompts at one time. 
If you need more than 3-5 prompts replaced, you will be sent an entirely new card.
This can only happen once. If you receive a new card, you can request 3-5 replacement prompts again for the last time. 
You can request changes to your board until March 31st, a month after sign-ups close. 
Each card has one “FREE SPACE” to be used as a wildcard where you can submit any creation that follows the rules of the event.
Each prompt needs to be its own completed fill, but you can post a multi-chapter fic or art series with one prompt per chapter/piece.
Each fill must be NEW during the bingo posting period. No past creations may be used as a fill.
Fills can be combined with other events (i.e. Femslash February, Any Fandom Bingo, Trope-specific bingos, etc.) only if the other event allows it and you meet the minimum requirements for both events.
Prompts can be interpreted as literally or figuratively as you like (I.e. A/B/O meaning a frat house, or falling to your knees in the sense of lust, despair, clumsiness, etc.) If you think it fits, it probably fits. 
All bingo fills must be added to the AO3 collection. If posted on Tumblr/Twitter, the Malec Discord Server must be tagged (@malecdiscordserver/@MalecServer).
If you are participating in this bingo, you are not allowed to shame any ships/kinks/characters/content of any kind created by other participants. Failure to follow this rule may lead to a lifetime ban of Malec Discord Server-run events. We’re in this for a good time, not a dramatic time. 
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margareturtle · 1 year ago
Ngl I think TWP would be hilarious as simply a social media au—kinda SOBH Style
Somethings it would include:
- Kit tweeting publicly about his angsty feelings for Ty (convinced he’s safe bc Ty would never be on twitter)
- Dru and Kit have a snap streak through which we see snapshots of there povs
- Dru teaches Ty about Tumblr where he has a blog about the cases he’s investigating (he uses fake names—but shadowhunters would never see it so he’s safe) and Ty gets a ton of ppl following his blog for updates
- Dru has an insta where she does outfit of the day and has a run down of the day (but she has a pic from the beginning and end of the day—sometimes it’s the same but sometimes it’s rly messed up from demon fights or messy and people are invested in her stories in the comments)
For ex: Dru somehow has service in faerie; beginning of the day: fishnets and horror t under corderoy overall shorts. End of the Day: a full whimsical faerie dress (today was a long day guys)
The only person Dru follows is Isabelle Lightwood (who she bonds with over fashion and teaches millenial Izzy about insta)
- Blackthorn Family Gc (there’s a lot of convos between Helen+Aline, Dru+Emma, Dru+Tavvy (he has a mini ipad) etc that Julian’s like “does this have to be in the main family gc?!” “YES”)
- Herongraystairs Family Gc (it’s just Jem, Tessa, + Kit—it’s mainly Jessa: hey kit, do you think you’ll be coming home soon, no worries if not, just let us know— then Kit: responds with a vine or meme Tessa: *confused at first till she reads up on them and starts replying in memes*)
- Kit’s youtube channel— Kit interviews “my 150 yr old parents* about historical events they’ve lived through asking the *important questions* ppl just think they’re phd historians with SUPER niche interests
- Thais loves photography and takes cool pictures of a lot of shadowhunter things and nature for her insta and for Dru’s as well ofc
- thais and jaime rivalry on twitter— no matter what the other says they will disagree (kinda jace simon dynamic)
- Ash is a gamer (he’s done all the games in thule lmao) and he does streams—ppl think his commitment to faerie cosplay is cute
- Anush helps Ty with his blog, but he’s also on Snapchat where he has Dru and so we get insight to the scholomance and Ty in the background of a lot or snaps
- sidenote: Izzy is also obsessed with making pinterest boards for her and simons wedding (I like to think that sizzy has a hybrid themed-jewish-shadowhunter wedding bc they can make it however they want)
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lady-beee · 1 month ago
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Day 2 of shouting from the rooftops trying to find Shadowhunters Fans: featuring my Clary Fairchild cosplay!!
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pages-and-1nk · 1 month ago
☆ Intro Post ☆
⊹₊♪ "I'm a dumb teen boy, all I want to do is quit." ♪₊⊹
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⛧ Hello! I'm Grayson (lots of people call me Gray, so ig that's fine too)
⛧ He/they
⛧ Trans-masc/Bisexual
⛧ Fandoms: Marauders (obviously) is all I post about really, but I do have other shows/movies/games I like. Arcane, the hunger games, star-wars, stranger things, Shadowhunters book series', and genshin to name a few.
⛧ Interests: Crystals and rocks, cosplay, writing, reading, painting, drawing, photography, poetry, acting. Also, strangely enough, the titanic. The boat. Not the movie.
⛧ Music: Mitski, Olivia Rodrigo, Gracie Abrams, My chemical romance, twenty-one pilots, Fall-out boy, Hozier, Gigi perez, Big thief, mother mother, Adrianne Lenker, Rio Romeo, Cavetown, Green day, Blink 182, The red jumpsuit apparatus, grandson, Conan Gray, Phoebe bridgers. ⛧ Boundaries: Just don't be mean ig. No bigotry- if you support JKR in any way DNI. If you want to DM me, go ahead, they're wide open and I'm looking for more Marauder's mutuals/friends.
⛧ I do write fanfics on AO3 and the occasional microfic on this blog. ⭒ WIP: Saltwater and Chlorine (The one where Regulus can't swim and James teaches him)
⛧ Ships: Jegulus is my OTP, Wolfstar, Rosekiller, Dorlene, Moonwater and PandaMaryLily are close seconds. I have a shit tone of others, If you ship it I probably do to.
⛧ Kins: Regulus Black, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Will Herondale, Julian Blackthorn, Ty Blackthorn, Viktor <3
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