#setting my expectations low
petit-papillion · 3 months
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I know, right?! Of course this was like the easiest one to predict, but still really happy to check it off my personal wish list for this race weekend. Hope a few more of the ones I put on come true. I think it's no secret I am massively rooting for a Leo-Roscoe meetup, but I actually picked a clean race weekend for Charles, because that poor man needs all the positive vibes in the universe it seems.
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lover-of-mine · 10 months
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Buddie Countdown to Season 7:
119 days.
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irisbleufic · 5 months
Of all the bullshit I never expected to be back on with the same intensity of October through December of 2000, Beetlejuice was not it. But I finally got to see the musical yesterday, and the part of me that has adored all 94 episodes of the animated series from the moment I started watching them on ABC Saturday mornings in 1989 just fucking flared—this fond, awful tightness in my chest. It’s the first TV show I ever imprinted on; it’s been with me since childhood. Surreal.
About 4 years into watching the cartoon, I finally saw the live-action movie that the cartoon was based on. I hated it, because it was so malevolent and empty compared to the incredible world-building characters in the animated series. Serious shout-outs to Stephen Ouimette and Alyson Court for all that stunning, hilarious, and often moving voicework.
Now, okay, I need to go back to 2000 again to make this all make sense. I’d watched the show from 1989 until whenever the 4th season ended. It wasn’t until I was in my first semester of college, newly transplanted to New England, that I found a couple folks within my program who had loved the show growing up, too. I ordered all of the episodes on VHS. It was difficult to track them all down in 2000, and it was expensive. But I pulled it off, and we had Friday night watch parties for weeks over the month of October. But that is not where this ends.
I was in the process of winding down the writing I’d been doing on Tim Burton’s Sleepy Hollow for the entirety of my senior year of high school. Suddenly, I’m in college and watching this fucking cartoon and thinking, there is so much heart in this. How the fuck is there so much heart. I haven’t seen two characters this wholesome codependent in, well, ever. I went looking for forums and mailing lists devoted to the cartoon. I found a mailing list. There were a handful of artists drawing amazing fancomics on there, and they were like, what do you do? Oh. I write. And they were like: do you understand how desperately some of us have wanted fic, but just can’t find it?
That is the wrong thing to say to me when I’m on a downward spiral of realizing I’m not going to escape a fandom without getting myself into a project so long that it’s all I’ll be doing for fucking months on end. If you’re one of the people who knew me back then, you know what I did for those four months in the fall/winter of 2000. I wrote a novel. Sure, I came close to failing a couple of classes, but it was the first time I understood exactly what I was capable of building as a fanwriter. Maybe even as a real writer.
“Time Will Tell” was hosted on a friend’s Angelfire site for a handful of years. People found it via LiveJournal, too, because I linked it there. I put it on AO3 somewhere circa 2012 and took it down again in 2017 because I didn’t feel there was enough interest in it, and also, my 19-year-old editorial foibles and typos were aspects I wanted to amend in it.
The musical took more inspiration from the cartoon than the film. I’m stunned and grateful for that. I found the “Time Will Tell” file buried pretty deep in my Gmail folders. I’ve been reading it since the drive home last night. I just can’t believe there’s now enough of a fandom for me to consider finally polishing it and getting it back online. It’s one of my two oldest surviving pieces of writing.
Anyway, sorry for the Gotham fic delays that I’d been trying to get a handle on. Now that the semester’s over, I feel that getting this thing I wrote twenty-three years ago back to the light of day is the best use of my time for a couple weeks.
If you’re one of the people who read “Time Will Tell” back in the day, thank you. I don’t know how many people out there still remember it beyond maybe ten or so friends I’m still in contact with all these years later. I’m sorry it disappeared for a while.
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ganondoodle · 8 months
in light of the news that riot games is letting go 11% of their workers (over 500 people), including long time workers responsible for big parts of the best lore in the entire league ip, AND cutting down LoR AND abandoning Riot Forge (the best idea they had in years lol)-
i stopped playing league a long time ago for multiple reasons, but one of the big ones were my annoyance with the increasingly shit ass monetization (thats only getting WORSE and MORE exploitative) and my frustration with its constant boring ass design decisions (like every new champ being either sexy girly girl that looks like all of the rest of them or sexy guy thats also starting to have the same problem plus all skins putting female champs in just another dress no matter how monsterfied the male champs were-) with my only interest in it being the lore and the attachment i felt to certain characters
im not even really interested in arcane anymore .. i was looking forward to it bc i like fortiches work alot but given how riot immedaitely wanted to make it canon (a dumb and stupid idea) after the first season was successful, which already made it less enjoyable for me, this is just ... idk, what does it matter
these news together with how bafflingly badly written totk was and its subpar quality (especialyl for that PRICE) that made me fear the future of loz yet it was still wildly sucessful (we deserve better than this!!), the recent commercial success of the plagiarism pokemon slavery/trafficking game and the general situation of the games industry, with AI rampant and CEOs sucking it up to shareholders only, constant massive lay offs everywhere in every studio
i have little hope left there will be new, good, games from big studios .. what an exhausting shitty world we live in
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keenadraws · 1 year
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Clone High doodles from my rewatch a couple months ago🐬
new content after a 20 year hiatus is Pretty Exciting!
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coquelicoq · 6 days
i think i might be about to spend my evening rewatching neighbors 2. i just ate a bunch of espresso beans accidentally (guy who has never drunk coffee in his life voice: what an interesting flavor, i wonder what's in this snack that my friend gave me for watching her cat. checks package. oh shit) and i still have hulu because my ex still hasn't taken me off his account, and i see they have neighbors 2, and i think i might click play. unless someone stops me, and the only one here is a cat. she's staring at me from across the room. very passive. not at all like someone who's about to yell "no! don't do it!" if i don't update this you can assume i found something better to do but i'm not holding my breath.
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reluctanttrabbit · 2 months
patiently (not) waiting for the surprise reveal today
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heywoodvirgin · 9 months
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moe-broey · 4 months
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Enrichment 🍋
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mitamicah · 3 months
Micahhhhhh you look so gender in all the pics and insta story from the gig I just wanted to tell you that, hope you had a great time :D
Jeeeeeeed 🥹
Thank you so much 🫶 i had the greatest time omg 😭
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I am plotting my return to NCIS fanfiction, planning to write a Tiva fic for every episode seasons 3-11.02 (probably a few after that too) as I rewatch the show, and it has been a while!! So sound off, who's still alive? Back when I wrote as a teen/early college I was still on fanfiction.net, but now I use AO3 and have slowly been transferring old fics over.
Not sure I ever wrote anything anyone would remember under the pen name NCIS Obsession (don't go look, there's some cringe stuff over there) but now I go by ContentsPriceless on AO3. I'm hoping some people will want to follow along.
Anything I should know about the Tiva/NCIS fic space these days? Accounts to tag? Etc.?
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burinazar · 7 months
:( patheticposting
nearly literally reduced to tears rn by how overwhelmingly it feels like nobody cares what I make or like or think about and how meaningless any of my creativity and love and effort is
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ganondoodle · 1 year
so .. i did all the glyphs (but by far not all dungeons and theres still ton to do) and boi
i feel weird about saying this but i am … not invested at all in the story, like even the stuff with zelda (a plotpoint which i called out correctly right shortly after the beginning even lol) didnt get to me even a little bit and ganondorf feels even flatter as a character than before :I
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petr1kov · 1 year
watched the gameplay for that upcoming horror game that's drawn in disney style and thought 'hm. this is very specific but the vibes here are really reminding me of that obscure scrapped alpha version of remothered that was going to be a clock tower remake'. reach the end of the video. it's made by the remothered guy
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dykeogenes · 9 months
i don't hate anyone as a matter of principle but if you're coughing on public transit without a mask on you are testing that principle in the strongest possible sense.
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saetoru · 2 years
ppl who consider 30s to be old are wild to me bc realistically most people spend up until roughly 24-26 in college and so you’re basically saying you can rly only live your life for about 4-6 years freely before you’re considered “too old” to enjoy anything. wtf are ppl supposed to do for the next 30 years after that jackass ?? you tell me 🤨 are they supposed to just buy curtains and a new blender and be content with that 🤨
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