#sesame street dividers
kodaswrld · 4 days
sesame street dividers
for @sunkidd 🫶🏼
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180 notes · View notes
bunnelbaby · 3 months
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While browsing the internet for more children’s programming to share with you all, I was pleasantly surprised to stumble upon several Sesame Street + Elmo’s World episodes and specials archived online! I’ve compiled the links here for your viewing pleasure:
𐐪𐑂 Sesame Street (1960s-1970s)
𐐪𐑂 Sesame Street (1980s)
𐐪𐑂 Sesame Street (1990s)
𐐪𐑂 Sesame Street (2000s)
𐐪𐑂 Sesame Street (2010s)
𐐪𐑂 Sesame Street (2020-2022)
𐐪𐑂 Follow that Bird
𐐪𐑂 The Adventures of Elmo in Grouchland
𐐪𐑂 Abby in Wonderland
𐐪𐑂 The Magical Wand Chase
𐐪𐑂 Kids Favorite Songs
𐐪𐑂 Elmo Saves Christmas
𐐪𐑂 Elmo Visits the Firehouse
𐐪𐑂 Elmopalooza
𐐪𐑂 Springtime Fun
𐐪𐑂 The Street We Live On!
𐐪𐑂 Flowers, Bananas & More
𐐪𐑂 Babies, Dogs & More
𐐪𐑂 People in Your Neighborhood
𐐪𐑂 Pets!
(Divider Credit)
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679 notes · View notes
munson-blurbs · 1 year
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Single Dad!Eddie x Fem!ReaderSeries
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
Summary: Conflict arises with Harris's new teacher, filling Halloween with more tricks than treats. But it's nothing a visit with Ms. Sweetheart can't fix.
Warnings: allusion to Reader and Eddie's one-night stand, panic attack, Reader's grandma has dementia.
WC: 5.6k
Chapter 6/20
Scruffy!Eddie edit credit to @eddiemunsons-missingnipple Divider credit to @saradika
Guns N’ Roses t-shirt: check. Goodwill jeans with makeshift holes in the knees: check. Bandana tied snugly around his forehead: check. Arms littered with an assortment of temporary tattoos: check.
Eddie grins as he assesses his son’s costume, reaching into the thrift store bag as he pulls out the pièce de résistance: a denim jacket, only two sizes bigger than Harris would usually wear. It was a bit over what he’d been hoping to spend, but he’d reasoned with himself that it could also be worn after Halloween. It was an investment, he’d decided, not a splurge.
His smile falters when Harris indignantly stomps his foot, crossing his arms over his chest. While Eddie had hoped his son would go with more badass tattoo options, perhaps a skull and crossbones or even a snake, he had insisted on a Sesame Street theme. Cookie Monster munches on his signature treat as Harris pouts.
“No, Daddy!” he whines, twisting away when Eddie holds the jacket closer to him. “I can’t wear that!”
“C’mon, Har,” he tries, scouring his brain to come up with a convincing enough lie. “Axl Rose wore jackets all the time!”
Harris doesn’t just shake his head; he swivels his entire body back and forth in protest. “I don’t care! No one’s gonna be able to see my tattoos!” He holds out both arms in front of him; nearly every square inch (besides the section blocked by his cast) is covered. Eddie had spent most of last night diligently applying them precisely where Harris had asked, lest there be a tantrum. There was, unfortunately, a headless Elmo from when Harris had asked–no, demanded–that he try by himself. Still, Eddie figured that only one casualty was a win.
“Those are some sweet ol’ tatties,” Eddie muses, biting back a laugh at the two-dimensional Big Bird on his son’s forearm. “But wouldn’t it be cool if you wore the jacket into school and then–BAM!--took it off and surprised everyone with them?
Harris appears to consider this, mouth tucked into his cheeks. “Can I show Ms. Sweetheart?”
“Sure, bud. We’ll stop by her classroom when I pick you up.” Whatever gets us out of the house in weather-appropriate attire. “But first, show me your most metal pose.”
The boy opens his mouth wide and sticks out his tongue as far as it extends, scrunching his face dramatically until the corners of his eyes crinkle. His middle and ring fingers press into his palm, thumb crossing over them, with his forefinger and pinky raised in the quintessential rock ‘n roll symbol. 
Eddie swoops down and smacks a wet kiss to Harris’s cheek. “That’s my boy!”
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Standing among the crowd of parents at pick-up, Eddie opts out of making banal small talk and instead chooses to look at the bulletin board. The previous art project that had been hanging against the faded blue paper–”self-portraits” that the students had made on the first day of school–have been replaced by finger paintings of orange blobs that vaguely resemble pumpkins. There wasn’t one for Harris because he was in Ms. Sweetheart’s classroom then, so it’s his first art project in his new class. He eagerly scans the board for Harris’s, frowning when he can’t find his name. 
Maybe it’s still drying, he tries to convince himself, imagining his son over-saturating the paper with globs of paint. It wouldn’t be entirely out of character.
Ms. Marion’s classroom is a sea of costumed children. A boy dressed as one of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles stands by his mom. A Cinderella, a black cat, and a Thomas the Tank Engine surround Ms. Paula. As soon as Eddie spots Harris, he smiles and waves him over, hurriedly scribbling his signature on the sign-out sheet.
He expects Harris to zoom past the other kids, fueled by the standard Halloween diet of sugar and chocolate, but he just kind of…mopes to the doorway. His shoulders slump dejectedly, and though he keeps his gaze low, Eddie can still see the film of mist staining his innocent eyes.
“Har, what’s wrong?” He waits for an answer, and when he doesn’t receive one–an oddity for his perpetually chatty son–he tries a new tactic. “Wanna show me where your artwork is? I must be gettin’ old, because I couldn’t find it on the board out there.”
“‘S not there,” Harris mumbles, scratching off a flaking piece of the Rosita tattoo on the back of his hand. “I didn’t get to finish.”
Eddie watches as the tears start to slip down his cheeks, and he brings him into the hallway before Ms. Marion or Ms. Paula sees what’s going on. He can’t be certain, but his paternal instincts tell him that they’ve contributed to Harris’s sad state. “Why not?”
“I-I t-tried, but M-Ms. Mar-Marion and Ms. P-Paula got m-mad at me.” The words come out between choked sobs. “‘C-Cuz I c-couldn’t sit d-down.”
“What do you mean?”
“I k-keeped st-standing up, ‘cuz m-my legs wanted to st-stand.” The explanation tumbles out of him so quickly, as though he’s trying to beat the clock. “And they s-said if I did-didn’t sit down, I c-couldn’t do art. But I k-keeped f-f-forgetting, and th-they t-taked away my pay-pay-paper and said, ‘sit in the c-corner!’”
Eddie’s breath hitches, and he has to clear his throat before speaking again. “Did…did that happen in Ms. Sweetheart’s class? The legs thing?” 
“Mhm,” Harris manages, “b-but she let me stand and d-do ju-jumps to get the wig-wiggles out. She just t-t-telled me not to do ju-jumps with s-s-scissors, ‘cuz of s-safety.” His breathing increases to a rapid pace, face flushing red as his chest heaves. “B-But Ms. M-Marion ye-ye-yelled at me!”
Eddie’s brows pinch together, and he gently presses his calloused palms against Harris’s narrow shoulders, desperate to prevent him from hyperventilating. “Harris, you gotta calm down. I can’t understand you when you’re crying like this!” Despite his efforts, his frustration bleeds into his tone, and he winces when the latter sentence ends with an unwanted snap. “Shh, it’s okay. It’s just an art project.” 
The sound of your voice draws the attention of both Munsons. You let out a small oof as Harris flings himself against your legs, and though he practically flew the five foot distance between his father and you, now is not the time to remind him about using his walking feet.
“Hey, hey, what’s going on?” You crouch down, taking his hand in yours, and notice his quick, shallow breaths. “We’re gonna breathe together, okay? Eyes on me.” You demonstrate inhaling for three seconds, holding for three seconds, and exhaling for three seconds. “Now let’s do it together.” 
He hesitates but ultimately follows your lead, and you guide him until his breathing slows enough for him to sputter, “I t-tried to sit, b-but I c-couldn’t.”
You haven’t the slightest idea what he’s referring to, but Eddie fills you in. You feel the heat of anger creeping through your body, not just for the way your co-worker treated the sweet boy, but for her insolent approach to teaching as a whole.
“We can go to my classroom,” you offer, silently sighing in relief when the boy nods in agreement. “I don’t know if I have the supplies to make the same project as Ms. Marion, but if you have a few minutes, you can draw something now. I bet Mr. Will would love to help you; he’s a super-duper artist.”
Just as you’d predicted, Will jumps at the opportunity to help Harris with his impromptu art project, encouraging him to draw something that makes him happy. While he does that, you comb through the mess left behind from the Halloween party you’d thrown. You’d sooner toss one hundred cupcake wrappers in the trash before attempting a conversation with Eddie Munson. He’s simply too unpredictable; kind and thoughtful one day, harsh and guarded the next.
One of the wrappers in your hand drops to the floor and you reach forward to pick it up, pinching the pleated material between your pointer and middle fingers. You can feel Eddie’s eyes on your form, the way the backs of your thighs are slightly exposed when you bend over, and you stand up quickly. 
“Are you the Magic School Bus lady?” He takes in your lavender dress with planets and stars stamped all over it. Oh. He wasn’t checking you out; he was just trying to figure out who you’d dressed up as. Good. Anything else would be inappropriate.
So why does a twinge of disappointment radiate through you?
You glance at your costume; with all of the commotion, you’d forgotten you’d even been wearing one “I mean, would I even be a teacher if I didn’t jump at the chance to be Ms. Frizzle?” You motion over to Will, decked out in green from head to toe with two yellow horns glued to a headband atop his mop of brown hair. “Have you met my trusty sidekick, Liz the Lizard?”
Eddie laughs. “Yeah, Byers actually used to play in my D&D club back in high school. Made some pretty sick art pieces to liven up that dingy excuse for a room.”
You look between the two of them, trying to do the mental math. “Will, didn’t you say you’re twenty-four?” And if Eddie is thirty, that means…
“I, uh, had a little trouble graduating,” Eddie sheepishly admits, ruffling the back of his hair and offering a tight grimace. “But I got there eventually. Class of ‘86, baby!” 
“Worked out for me,” Will shrugs with a grin, looking up from Harris’s drawing. “You were the best DM Hellfire ever had. Although, rumor has it that Erica Sinclair gave you a run for your money.”
Harris picks up a yellow marker, furiously scribbling a circle in the left-hand corner of his paper. You try peering over to see the whole drawing, but he presses his whole body against the table, successfully thwarting your plans. “No peeking!” he warns, not putting his feet back on the ground until you’ve averted your gaze. “‘S a surprise.”
You put your hands up in surrender. “All right, all right. I’ll be surprised.” You raise your eyebrows at Eddie, who shares a similar response in return.
“Dunno when he got so bossy,” he snorts before calling out to his son, “Har-Bear? Five more minutes. We gotta get home to trick-or-treat with Grampa Wayne.”
“Ooh, that sounds like fun!” you echo as Harris grabs a purple marker from the box. “What’s your favorite candy?”
“Hmm.” Harris uses his free hand–the one with the cast–to tap his chin, continuing to color with the other one. “M&Ms. But only the plain ones. Daddy doesn’t let me have the peanut ones ‘cause he says I could choke.”
You shoot a sly, knowing look at Eddie. “I’m sure that’s the only reason. Such a selfless father.” You cross your arms over your chest and cock your head innocently. “And what do you do with all of these confiscated peanut M&Ms, Mr. Munson? Donate them?” 
Eddie tucks his lips into his mouth to mask his grin. “Listen, the jig is gonna be up at some point,” he mumbles out of the corner of his mouth, loud enough so you can hear but soft enough that Harris can’t. “Let me enjoy my free candy while it lasts.”
“No judgment here,” you say with a small laugh, “they’re one of my favorites, too.”
“TA-DA!” Harris shouts, startling you, Eddie, and Will. He holds up the construction paper and smiles widely. To anyone without kids–or who didn’t teach preschool for a living–it would look like a bunch of colorful scribbles. But you can tell that he’s drawn a group of people standing by a tree (or a really, really tall flower) underneath the sun.
“Wow, Harris! That’s amazing!” you clap your hands together to punctuate your enthusiasm. “Who are all those people?”
Harris’s pointer finger travels left to right across the paper as he names each person: “That’s me, Grampa Wayne, Daddy, you, and Mr. Will!” The stick figure that represents you has a purple scribble on it, which you realize must be the costume you’re wearing. “An’ we’re all smiling because we’re happy!” Sure enough, each person has a curved red line at the bottom of their face. But there’s something else that catches your eye.
All of the people have a small space between them, except for you and Eddie. The circle that Harris drew to represent your left hand overlaps with the circle that is Eddie’s right. 
You glance at the real Eddie, and if he notices, he doesn’t give any indication. “I love it, buddy.” He takes the drawing and inspects it closely. “Yup, this one’s definitely going on the fridge when we get home.” He flicks the paper for good measure. “Go clean up the markers so we can head out, Axl Rose.”
Among the noise of markers clattering back in the bins, you lean in to Eddie, inadvertently inhaling the scent of his cigarettes and cologne. For a brief moment, you’re transported back to the night fate had led you to cross paths; the thought of his lips on your neck in the stairwell has you clenching your thighs and swallowing thickly as you murmur, “I can ask him to make a new one with just you, him, and his grandpa.”
Eddie shakes his head. “N-No. I like this one.” He lets one hand drop to his side and it grazes yours. His rings brush your knuckles, and you instinctively draw back at the sensation of the cool metal and the zing of heat that pulses at his light touch. “Sorry,” he mumbles, not making eye contact.
He blinks a few times and redirects his attention to his son. “What do you say to Mr. Will and Ms. Sweetheart for letting you do your art project?”
Harris’s little chest swells as he inhales deeply, storing up as much oxygen as he can fit in his lungs before bellowing, “THANK YOUUUUUUU!”
Eddie brings his palm to his ear canal, rotating his forefinger as though trying to repair a punctured eardrum. “Love the enthusiasm,” he says through gritted teeth. “Seriously, though. Thank you both so much.”
“Of course,” Will says warmly, picking up the marker bin and placing it in its space on the shelf.
“Anything for Harris.” You smile, motioning towards the little boy already by his father’s side. “Have fun trick-or-treating tonight, bud! I can’t wait to hear about all the yummy candy you got.”
Harris scrunches his nose in contemplation. “Are you going trick-or-treating, Ms. Sweetheart?”
“Nah,” you laugh, “I’m gonna stay home and give candy to all the kids who come by.” And pray that Grandma doesn’t curse them out, you silently add.
“Oh.” Harris pauses, grabbing his dad’s hand. “Okay, bye!”
Eddie chuckles as his son pulls him towards the door. “That’s my cue. Um, Happy Halloween,” he adds awkwardly, waving once before disappearing down the hallway.
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There’s so much more that he wants to say: you’re the best; you saved the day; you should be my son’s teacher instead of that old, bitchy bat. But he didn’t have time. Maybe another day. At least, that’s what he tells himself. 
Wayne arrives just a few minutes after Eddie and Harris get home. As soon as his gruff voice comes over the intercom, Harris excitedly buzzes him in. “Grampa Wayne’s here!” he yells, even though Eddie’s standing right next to him. He grabs the pillowcase from the couch; it was originally white, but after Eddie accidentally threw in a red sock with the white laundry, it’s tinted light pink.
No sooner does the older man cross the threshold into the apartment, Harris is trying to drag him out again. “Let’s go, before all the good candy is gone!” he whines. His eyebrows pinch together and he drops his grandfather’s hand. “Oh, wait, I gotta show you something.” He scampers off into the kitchen, and Wayne winces when he hears the rattle of magnets falling to the floor.
“I’m okay!” Harris calls out, running back with a piece of paper in his hand. “Look what I drawed at school today!” He gives Wayne the rundown of who’s who.
Wayne analyzes each person in the picture, stopping at the overlapping circles between you and Eddie. “This is great, Har-Bear,” he muses. “Are, um, are Daddy and Ms. Sweetheart holding hands?”
“Mhm,” Harris casually confirms, taking the drawing back. “‘Cause they’re married.”
Eddie chokes on air as Wayne does a double-take. “Congrats, Ed,” he jokes, clapping a hand to his nephew’s shoulder. “Gotta say, I thought I’d at least get an invite.”
“Shut up,” Eddie grumbles, rolling his eyes. “Harris, why do you think that Ms. Sweetheart and I are married?” He wracks his brain for answers, but he can’t come to a logical conclusion. Did I talk about her in my sleep? Oh, shit, what if it was when I had that dream—
“Because you gived her a present,” Harris says, eyes innocent and wide. “And when grown-ups love each other, they give each other presents.”
“Oh, he gave Ms. Sweetheart a present, huh?” On the surface, Wayne’s words are as innocuous as Harris’s, but Eddie hears the teasing buried just beneath. 
Harris nods. “Mhm. He gived her a tape!”
“It was the Toni Braxton one that she came into the shop for…that day that, uh…” Eddie raises his eyebrows at his uncle, who nods in acknowledgment. He brings his focus back to his son. “It doesn’t mean that we’re married. People have to go on dates and fall in love before they get married.”
The young boy absorbs this information. “So you should go on dates and fall in love with Ms. Sweetheart!” His face lights up at the idea of it, and it breaks Eddie’s heart to let him down. 
So, he doesn’t. 
“Why don’t you hang that back up so we can get outta here and get you some candy, huh?” He forces a smile and watches his son scamper into the kitchen before turning back to Wayne and shaking his head. 
Harris peels a magnet off of the fridge, the one Eddie bought him on their Daddy-Son day. It has a sea lion balancing a beach ball on its snout, with HAWKINS ZOO printed in bolded letters along the bottom.  
Lowering his voice to a whisper, he speaks directly to his drawing. “When Daddy and Ms. Sweetheart fall in love and get married, I’ll finally have a mommy.” He presses his hand flat against the paper as though he’s sealing in the wish. He stays like that for a moment until his dad calls his name, and he clutches his pillow case as they head out the door. 
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Eddie assumes that the love and marriage talk is done for the evening, but the feeling of relief doesn’t last long. The trio of Munson men is halfway down the stairwell when Wayne starts instigating. “Hey, Har, is Ms. Sweetheart pretty?”
“WAYNE!” Eddie grits his teeth and shoots a sharp look at his uncle. The last thing he needs is for Harris to get his hopes up about a blossoming romance between his dad and his former teacher. 
“Oh, yeah!” Harris gleefully agrees, oblivious to the mounting tension. He grips the railing and jumps from the second to last step onto the tiled landing below. “Super pretty! Like a princess.”
The eldest Munson turns to Eddie. “Didja hear that? Pretty like a princess.”
“I heard him,” Eddie replies tersely. 
No. Don’t ask me. Harris Wayne Munson, do not ask me what I think you’re going to—
“Do you think Ms. Sweetheart is pretty?”
Although he anticipated the question, Eddie still freezes. If he disagrees, Harris will inevitably want to know why not. And if he’s being honest with himself, he can’t name a single ugly thing about you. 
He does think you’re pretty. He thinks you’re beautiful. Gorgeous. Stunning. And even though he’s literally seen you naked, fully on display for him–a memory he revisits more often than he’s willing to admit–it’s the thought of what you did today that solidifies your beauty. The way you’d effortlessly calmed Harris down without Eddie even having to ask. The frown on his face almost instantly became a smile, the flow of his tears ceasing and turning into the giggles that brought sunlight into Eddie’s life. You did that.
Any woman can be sexy, but you? In that moment, you were perfect.
“Daddy? Hello?”
At the sound of Harris’s voice, Eddie realizes that he physically hasn’t moved from his spot on the stairs. His hand is gripping the banister so tightly that it leaves an imprint in his palm. “Yeah, buddy,” he manages through his Sahara Desert throat. “I think Ms. Sweetheart’s pretty.”
“Like a princess?” Wayne’s eyes twinkle mischievously. It’s been a long time since he’s been able to tease his nephew about a crush, and he’s not passing up this limited opportunity. 
“Yeah. Like a princess.”
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Education outsiders might think that Halloween is one of the worst days to be a teacher. The lethal combination of sugar and excitement barely contained in tiny costumed bodies seems like a recipe for disaster. But any teacher worth their salt will tell you that there is a day far, far worse than Halloween: November 1st. 
On Halloween, there is the expectation for fun. There’s a costume parade, classroom trick-or-treating, and even a little party. The kids are out of control, but who cares? It’s Halloween. 
But on November 1st, there is work to be done. And you’re expected to teach the months of the year to 10 four-year-olds who are suffering from candy hangovers and won’t stop asking why they can’t go trick-or-treating again today. 
You and Will are preparing for battle as students trickle in, excited to show off the candy stashes they acquired the night before. Abby Carver cries because she ate her Reese’s cup and now she’s sad that it’s gone. Joshua Harrington is continuing to “sling webs” at the other kids despite your incessant reminders that he is no longer Spider-Man. A fight over a KitKat bar breaks out not even five minutes into the day, and you confiscate it before someone causes serious bodily harm. 
Two fingers lightly tap on your shoulder—too high up to be a kid—and you whirl around with an irritated, “what?”
“Whoa,” Eddie says, concern etched into his otherwise soft features. He takes a small step back, nearly tripping over a rogue Lego that somehow made its way out of the toy area. He stumbles but catches his balance easily. “Everything okay?”
“‘S a warzone out here,” you try and joke, but you feel it fall flat. You’re too tired for humor. Grandma may not have yelled at the trick-or-treaters like you’d feared, but she did get increasingly angrier with each knock on the door. After the fifth time of her snarling at you to “shut the hell up” (like you could simultaneously be on both sides of the door), you’d relented and just put the candy bowl on the welcome mat, scribbling “TAKE ONE” on a yellow sticky note, adhering it to the plastic container. 
Two decades earlier, Halloween at Grandma’s house had a completely different connotation. She’d have a little pizza party all set up for you, and she’d buy a big bag of your favorite candy, in case you didn’t get enough during your door-to-door quests. And she’d always let you watch whatever spooky movie your heart desired, regardless of your parents’ rules. 
“That’s what grandmas are for,” she’d said with a wink, and the two of you curled up to watch Little Shop of Horrors. Her demeanor matched the hokey magnet on her fridge that read, If I knew how fun my grandkids would be, I would’ve had them first. You’d stay like that until you both fell asleep, only being roused by your parents arriving to pick you up. The good old days, before Grandma waking up involved watching the confusion in her eyes as she tried and failed to place you.
“C-Can I help you with something?” Your guard goes up immediately when you notice that Harris isn’t with him. The time you’d spent together after school yesterday had been nice, fun, even, but you couldn’t trust that today would be the same. Not after what happened a few short weeks ago. 
“I, um…I just swung by to give you this.” He reaches into the inner pocket of his denim jacket; it’s the same one that he lent to Harris when he’d forgotten his at home. A flash of yellow paper catches your eye, and he unfurls his palm to reveal a small bag of peanut M&Ms. “You said they were one of your favorites, right?”
You look at the treat, not willing to reach out and grab it. What if it’s a joke? An elaborate ploy to reel you in, just to shout “gotcha” when you finally let your walls come down?
“Are they poisoned or something?” you quip, crossing your arms over your chest. “Did you spike them with Ex-Lax?”
Eddie’s lips part in surprise before he collects himself. “Guess I deserve that,” he mumbles. “But, no. They’re not. I swear on James Hetfield’s life.” He drags his fingernail over his heart in an X-formation. 
You take the bag, inspecting it for any sign of tampering, but you come up short. The edges are sealed, and there are no pinpricks as far as your eyes can see. “Dipped into Harris’s stash for me?”
“Hey, these bad boys are technically mine for the taking until he figures out that he can eat them without dying.” Eddie chuckles lightly, peering at you through impossibly long lashes. “But, yeah, I was hoping you’d accept these as part of my apology. Or apologies, I guess. For, uh, for not calling when I said I would, and all of the awful shi—awful things I said to you.” His voice is barely above a whisper as he steps closer and says, “I am so fucking sorry.”
You make a small tear in the bag, tapping it against your palm until an M&M falls out. Popping the blue candy in your mouth, you allow the shell to start dissolving on your tongue before crunching on the peanut, hoping you can process what he’s said by the time you’re finished chewing. 
This is what you’ve been waiting for—an actual heartfelt apology. His brown eyes reflect nothing but shame and remorse, and you can tell by the way that he’s fidgeting with his rings that he’s anxiously awaiting your reply. 
His vulnerability softens you slightly, and considering you haven’t keeled over after ingesting the candy, you throw him a bone. 
“This fun size bag covers the ‘not calling’ part, but I’m gonna need a lot more candy if you want me to forgive you for what you said at the music store.” You keep your tone light; teasing, even, but there’s a layer of truth to it. He can’t merely waltz into your classroom with a gift and expect you to forget his hurtful words. 
Eddie nods, his frizzy curls brushing the tops of his denim-clas shoulders. “I know. I’ve said some pretty terrible things in my life, but that might’ve been the worst. And, um,” he fumbles his words, desperately searching for the right ones. Semantics has never been his forte. “You didn’t deserve that. It’s not true; your grandma didn’t want to forget you. And…neither do I.” When you raise your eyebrows, he starts to backtrack. “Because you’re so great with Harris; like, you understand him and stuff. He’s always talking about you.”
Daddy, do you think Ms. Sweetheart is pretty? The question replays like a song he can’t shake from his head, its melody familiar but the notes still keeping him on edge. Pretty like a princess, only instead of saving her, I’m the one who needs to be rescued. So much for Prince Charming, huh?
The M&M melts in your mouth while you formulate a response to his candid admission. Sweetness seeps into your taste buds as you try to straddle the line between careful consideration and overthinking. Speak too quickly and you might say something you’ll regret. Take too long and you’ll make this even more awkward.
“W-Well, I’m glad to hear that.” Short, simple, to the point. Your words are slightly slurred by the candy obstruction, but what else is there to say? You could add that you forgive him, but you’re truthfully not sure that you do. His words scarred, had taken your already mangled self-worth and snapped it into pieces, and so did his reasoning for hurting you. Despite the love and kindness you’d shown his son, Eddie had fully believed that you were responsible for spreading personal information that would wound him. It was exactly as Jeff had said: Eddie struck below the belt at the first sign of conflict, so determined to protect himself that he didn’t even realize that he was attacking the people on his side.
The sound of books clattering to the floor snatches your attention from him, and you whip your head to your little classroom library to see two kids standing over a pile of fallen books, guilty looks stamped on their faces. “I’ve gotta go,” you blurt out, dashing off to assess the damage. You’ve never been so grateful for your students causing mischief.
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The hour hand crawls to the number two; at one point, you swore the clock was moving backwards. The chaos of the morning was only a preview of the rest of the day’s fiascos, but you and Will had navigated as best as you could.
“Jesus,” he murmurs once the kids have all been dismissed, gingerly rubbing his temples, “that was brutal. I can handle the day after Halloween; I can handle Fridays, but when they coincide? Nope, never again.” He slumps into a chair dramatically, letting his arms drape over the sides.
“Gonna have a glass of wine when you get home?” you joke, wiping Play-Doh residue from a tabletop.
Will nods. “Or a whole bottle.” His focus shifts to your desk, and he nods his chin in that direction. “I see you have something to look forward to tonight, too.”
You follow his gaze, widening your eyes when you see the object he’s referring to. A bag of peanut M&Ms–much bigger than the one you’d inhaled this morning–sits on top of your desk calendar; resting next to it is a cassette. You walk over, curiosity getting the better of you. The cassette is Guns N’ Roses’ Appetite for Destruction; you recognize the iconic cover as soon as it comes into view. It’s not your usual music choice, but you’ll listen to almost anything.
There’s a piece of paper taped to the giant yellow M&M bag, folded in equal triads. Messily scrawled across the front in black ink is Ms. Sweetheart. You gently pull the adhesive loose and open the letter, nervously running your forefinger across the irregular edge where it was obviously torn from a composition notebook.
Fun size mistake=fun size bag of candy
Family size mistake=family size bag of candy
I’m really good at fucking things up, but really bad at fixing them. I wish I could say that I didn’t mean to hurt you, but we both know that I did. 
You don’t have to forgive me, but I need you to know how sorry I am. 
P.S. Not sure if hard rock is your thing, but I saw this at work and it reminded me of the kindness you showed our favorite little Axl Rose yesterday.
“Who’s it from?” Will asks, breaking into your thoughts. “A secret admirer?” He brings his clasped hands to his cheek in mock dreaminess.
You manage a laugh as you fold the note back up and tuck it under the calendar. “If it is, he’s really bad at it, because he signed his name.” When did he even sneak in here to do this? Kind of scary that someone could walk in and you didn’t even notice.
“Aha! So it is a guy!” Will pumps his fist triumphantly, though you’re not quite sure what he thinks he’s won.
“Just Eddie Munson, thanking us for letting Harris draw here yesterday.” 
It’s not a total lie, but Will sees right through it. “Uh-huh. Thanking us? So that note is also for me? Can I read it?” He starts towards your desk, outstretched hand reaching towards where you’d tried to hide it, but you playfully swat them away.
You glance at the clock and frown. “If you leave a little early, I won’t tell anyone.”
Will flips you off; over the last two months, you two had developed a sibling-esque relationship that came out more once the kids had left for the day. He grabs his backpack from the supply closet and slings it over his shoulders. “You’re lucky I’m exhausted, or I’d stick around and keep bothering you.”
“Yeah, yeah.” You roll your eyes, knowing full well that he’s itching to leave regardless. “Gotta save up your energy for when Marshall visits.”
Will blushes at the mention of his long-distance boyfriend’s name. He still wasn’t out to many people, but when you’d casually mentioned the date Jess had with a girl named Robin, he’d felt comfortable opening up to you. “I can’t wait!” His grin is so wide you swear it’ll stretch right off of his face. “Thanks again; you’re the best.”
That leaves you alone with your gigantic bag of candy, a Guns N’ Roses cassette, and an apology that you have no idea what to do with.
Once again, Eddie Munson has given you more questions than answers.
@kelsiegrin @lma1986 @munsonology @stuckontheceiling @avobabe87 @eddapwinchester @peachysink @browneyes8288 @jeremyspoke-inclasstoday
@breezybeesposts @wednesdaymunson @feltonswifesworld87 @take-everything-you-can @bebe07011 @krahk @81rain @dylanmunson @oscarisaacwhore @eddiesguitarskills @everheart12 @etherealglimmer @hollster88 @wh0re4life @siriuslysmoking
@bibieddiesgf @theactualf0ck @winchester-angel @starlitlakes @avalon-wolf @hazydespair @josephquinncore @daydreaminglisa @sidthedollface2 @eddiebaemunson @mandyjo8719 @daydreaming-mood @aol19 @corkadymu @starcourtnights @eggo-segual @rockstarmunsons @metalhead-succubus @boinkybarness @oohworldofpisces @costellation-hunter @toobsessedsstuff @meadow20 @theweasleyskettle @lost-in-the-stars03 @elizabethmidnight2017 @aysheashea
@chamomileh0ney @dream-a-little-nightmare @emma77645 @kurdtbean @sheneedsrocknroll92 @tlclick73 @luceneraium @lolly-in-a-strange-land @dylanmunson @bakugouswh0r3
@strangerthingsstories5255 @imaginexred @haylaansmi @adaydreamaway08 @itsalltaken @harmfulb1tch @mimischaos @averagemisfit03 @steddiegarbage @vigilanteshit @ellendemeyer152 @sierrahhh @stevesmunson @hiscrimsonangel @ffrvtvt @mrsjellymunson @idkatee @quentinswife
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nostalgic-woodwind · 3 months
Head canons for regressor! Lucifer Morningstar please?
🦆🍎🎪 Regressor!Lucifer Headcanons 🎪🍎🦆
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🦆 Absolutely LOVES Blue's Clues! His favorite character is Joe because they both like ducks. He even watches it with Angel whenever he's little, too. They even play Blue's Clues together and pretend to look for pawprints that are on the clues (👐 Blue's Clues 👐).
🍎 Lucifer even made his own Boris stuffie when he was big so he can be like Joe ^^
🎪 He also loves these shows: Sarah and Duck, Peep and the Big Wide World, Wonder Pets, Mighty Ducks, The Backyardigans, Jellystone!, DuckTales (both classic and reboot), Mister Roger's Neighborhood, Sesame Street (Ernie is his favorite character because they both love rubber duckies), Sitting Ducks, and Pecola.
🦆 He loves bubbles! He can make them into animals like balloon animals.
🍎 He has his own mini circus tent that he goes into whenever he's feeling big feelings (idea heavily inspired by @shhtickerbook).
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🎪 Lucifer also has a Blue's Clues tent. He and Angel play in it together when they're both tiny.
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🦆 Lucifer can sometimes be forgetful and accidentally lose track of things, like books and toys. He doesn't even fully remember where he had them last, but he finds them with encouragement and retracing his steps.
🍎 Lucifier doesn't really know his regressed age range. All he knows is that he regresses to kidspace.
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Rubber duck dividers by @strangergraphics-archive
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frogosaurus · 2 months
i was talking about how neither Bobo or Fozzie bear wear clothes and it inspired me to spend hours doing field research to develop my theory on Muppet Speciesism, so:
based solely on ability to be naked without judgement or alarm
------------privilege line-------------
unidentified blue guys (gonzo & deadly)
the privilege line divides species that are considered oppressed (below the line) and species that are not (above the line).
*MONSTERS include most Sesame Street muppets aside from ones listed below and those that are clearly humanoid, and most other characters described as a monster. Furry or hairy characters that are not established as another animal are usually monsters, with some exceptions.
**HUMANOIDS include Dr. Bunsen Honeydew, Beaker, Scooter, Beauregard, Lew Zealand, Whatnots, and the Electric Mayhem (even though many of them seem more monster-like, they fall into this category due to their clothes-wearing nature). this also includes Abby Cadabby, the Count, Bert, and Ernie. Abby is officially recognized as a monster, but for our purposes, since she is not furry and is expected to wear clothes, she falls into the humanoid category.
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creamedh0ney · 6 days
☀️Hey Sunshine ☀️
I thought I'd introduce myself! I wasn't sure how to make a nice looking introduction but I figure I'll just go for it and add if I need to!
First of all, you can call me Andy. My name changes sometimes in real life but Andy is a pretty safe, gender neutral one to use for me.
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🌻Basics About Me🌻
Big Age: 17, but 18 in November!
Little Age: 1-6
Gender Identity: Genderfluid
Pronouns I use: she/he/they/it/xe (depends on the time, but use what you'd like)
Sexuality: Pansexual
Other Stuff: I am autistic, I have c-ptsd and chronic pain - Please be patient with me!
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Drawing (with sidewalk chalk, chalk pastels, pencil, marker, crayon, anything really!)
Gardening (though I'm not good at it yet)
Volleyball (just for fun though, I'd rather not do anything competitively)
Writing (poetry, fantasy or romance stories, essays)
Reading (fantasy, romance, classics, poetry, fanfiction, science nonfiction)
Watching anime/animated TV shows
Listening to music
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🧸Interests/Things I Like🧸
Shows(some of these are not agere or sfw necessarily!): Hazbin Hotel, Helluva Boss, Banana Fish, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Sesame Street, Owl House, Ouran High-school Host Club, Gravity Falls, Haikyu, Strawberry Shortcake, Wild Kratts, X-Men, Amazing Spiderman
Movies/Studios: Disney (specifically Tangled and other princess movies), Studio Ghibli, Tim Burton movies (specifically Coraline and Edward Scissorhands)
Toys/Toy Type Things: Dolls (porcelain or rag- not creepy ones or anything, just normal), Stuffed Animals, Calico Critters, Barbies, Littlest Pet Shops, Animal Figures (specifically schleich), Play Food, Play Dough, Lego
Games: Stardew Valley, Slime Rancher, Minecraft, Genshin Impact, Sims, Roblox (I like Fashion Famous and Royale High specifically), Animal Jam, Fall Guys, Star Stable, Pokémon (though I've only played it on other people's consoles)
Animals (of all kinds!! I adore any and all, but if you reallyyy wanna know specifics, I can yap for AGES!)
Clowns! I have been for a very long time, I adore them!
Anything pink or yellow! Those are my favorite colors ever!
Nostalgia is a very big theme in my interests, there's something so very special about it!
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🎀BYF/Things You Should Know🎀
- I'm gonna be posting randomly, there's not really a set time. I may post a TON in a day, or I may not post for weeks. Please be patient and respectful of my time!
- I prefer cursing to a veryy very small amount. The occasional d-word or s-word is okay. I curse a lot outside of regression - which I'm working on - so I don't kind, but this is a safe space for me and many others. Please be respectful of that in your language choices.
- If I post something which is triggering to you and don't post a trigger warning, it is completely okay to let me know! Tell me to post a warning! Please! It doesn't harm me at all to edit and add a tw.
- Adding onto the one above, I may post something and come across as too blunt or may not word things correctly. Let. Me. Know. I want to know if I come across as rude or if my intention isn't clear. That's important to me.
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Basic DNI (homophobes, racists, misogynists, etc.)
Accounts featuring g0re, S/H, e/d, and the like
Anti agere (obviously)/ Anti Furry / Anti Neopronouns (idk if there are terms for that, please let me know if there are, but you know what I mean for now!)
Basically, don't be a jerk! I want to be as friendly and welcoming as possible, but that means keeping this space safe, respectful and kind. This is my blog and that means upholding my rules. Thank you so much for understanding!!
( @kodaswrld made my dividers and icon!! Love it sm!!)
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fairytale-poll · 11 months
Round 1 will be posted between Friday, November 10th and Thursday, November 16th. It will be split between 4 sets, each set being posted on a different day. There will be a total of 128 participants (32 participants in each individual set) divided in 64 polls (16 polls in each individual set). By the end of Round 1, 64 participants will make it to Round 2 while the rest will be sent to the Shadow Realm where their souls will be tormented for eternity. Each poll will last a week. As the sets are posted, I will link them below.
Cinderella (Disney's Cinderella Animated) vs. Ella (Disney's Cinderella Live-Action Remake)
Hatsune Miku as Cinderella (Various Songs) (Vocaloid) vs. Hello Kitty as Cinderella (Hello Kitty no Cinderella)
Cinderella/Aschenputtel/Cendrillon (German/General European Fairytale Variant) vs. Vasilisa the Beautiful (Russian/East European Fairytale Variant)
Rhodopis (Greek Fairytale Variant) vs. Ye Xian (Chinese Fairytale Variant)
Hamupipőke (Hungarian Fairytale Variant) vs. Eun Ha Won (Cinderella with Four Knights)
Mireleh (The Way Meat Loves Salt by Nina Jaffe/Louise August) vs. Settarah (The Persian Cinderella by Shirley Climo/Robert Florczak)
Cendrillon (Otogi-Juushi Akazukin) vs. Leila Takashiro (Hime Chen! Otogi Chikku Idol Lilpri)
Hoshizora Miyuki / "Cure Happy" as Cinderella (Smile PreCure/Glitter Force) vs. Mofurun as "Mofurella" (Mahou Tsukai PreCure)
Giselle Lai (Cinderelle) vs. Isabell Heartwell (Cinder's Ball)
Cinderella (Grimms Notes) vs. Cinderella Mary Skelter)
Queen Cinderella Charming (The Land of Stories by Chris Colfer) vs. Ella of Maidenvale / Cinderella (The School for Good and Evil by Soman Chainani)
Eleanor / Cinderella (The Wide-Awake Princess by E.D. Baker) vs. Elegant "Ella" Herringbone Coach (Disenchanted: The Trials of Cinderella by Megan Morrison)
Vassa (Vassa in the Night by Sarah Porter) vs. Vasilisa "Vasya" Petrovna (The Winternight trilogy by Katherine Arden)
Cinderella (Fables) vs. Cinderella "Cindy" Baxter (The Sisters Grimm)
Mia Basile (Cinderella the Cat) vs. Rose Cinderella (Regal Academy)
Maria Aparecida "Cida" dos Santos Souza (Cheias de Charme) vs. La Cenerentola (La Cenerento Laossia La Bontà in Trionfo)
Ella of Frell (Ella Enchanted book by Gail Carson Levine) vs. Ella of Frell (Ella Enchanted movie)
Cinderellis (Cinderellis and the Glass Hill by Gail Carson Levine) vs. Danielle Whiteshore (nee de Glas) (Princess series by Jim C. Hines)
Imogen Keegan (Damsel Distressed by Kelsey Macke) vs. Jess Parker (The Cinderella Society by Kay Cassidy)
Cinderella/Prinzessin (Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters & Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG) vs. Fairy Tail - Rella (Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG)
Cindy (How to Save Your Tail by Mary Elizabeth Hanson) vs. Cinderumpelstiltskin (The Stinky Cheese Man by Jon Scieszka/Lane Smith)
Cinder Edna (Cinder Edna by Ellen Jackson) vs. Cinderella (Cinderella Penguin, or, the Little Glass Flipper by Janet Perlman)
Cindy (If the Shoe Fits by Julie Murphy) vs. Elle Wittimer (Geekerella by Ashley Poston)
Bronwyn Murdoch (The Prince Who Loved Me by Karen Hawkins) vs. Sophie Beckett (An Offer From a Gentleman by Julia Quinn)
Ella (Cinder Ella by S.T. Lynn) vs. Cynthia "Cyn" Robinson (Cinders) (Sapphic Fairy Tales by Cara Malone)
Lucinda Jarvis (Grimm) vs. Queen Cinderella (10th Kingdom)
Sam Montgomery (A Cinderella Story) vs. Mary Santiago (Another Cinderella Story)
Katie Gibbs (A Cinderella Story: Once Upon a Song) vs. Cinderella (Cinderella 2021)
Cinderella (Bad Cinderella) vs. Ella (Happily N'Ever After)
Ella (The Glass Slipper) vs. Cinderella (The Slipper and the Rose)
Ashlynn Ella (Ever After High) vs. Threadarella (Monster High: Scarily Ever After)
Danielle de Barbarac (Ever After) vs. Popelka (Three Wishes for Cinderella)
Miss Piggy as "Lady Holiday" (The Great Muppet Caper) vs. CinderElmo (Sesame Street: CinderElmo)
Minnie Mouse as "Minnie-rella" (Mickey Mouse Clubhouse) vs. Baby Gonzo as "Gonzo-rella" (Muppet Babies 2018)
Brittany Miller as Cinderella (Alvin and the Chipmunks) vs. Scrooge McDuck as "Scroogerello" (Ducktales)
Chuckie Finster as "Finsterella" (Rugrats) vs. Cinderella (Sabrina: The Animated Series)
Fella (Cinderfella) vs. Popeye the Sailor Man as "Cinderfella" (Popeye the Sailor man: Ancient Fishtory)
Betty Boop as Cinderella (Betty Boop: Poor Cinderella) vs. Cinderella (Swing Shift Cinderella)
Barbie as Cinderella (Barbie Dolls) vs. Yasmin as Cinderella (Bratz: Kids Fairy Tales)
Cinderella (Collector Plates) vs. Ella (Total Drama: Pahkitew Island)
Touya Kinomoto as Cinderella (Cardcaptor Sakura) vs. Saki Hanajima as "Cinderella-ish" (Fruits Basket)
Reki Kyan as "Cindereki" (Sk8 the Infinity) vs. Mettaton as Cinderella (Undertale)
Cinderella (Stand of Aya Tsuji) (Jojo's Biazzre Adventure Part 4: Diamond is Unbreakable) vs. Cendrillon (Persona of Sumi Yoshizawa/Violet) (Persona 5)
Cinderella (Once Upon a Crime) vs. Dulcie Hastings (nee Duveen) aka Cinderella (Murder on the Links) (Hercule Poirot series by Agatha Christie)
Scarecrow as "Scarecrowella" (D'Ocon Mumfie) vs. Ella Brown (Just Ella by Margaret Peterson Haddix)
Princess Petra / Spinstress as "Spinderella" (Earth-423) (Marvel Comics) vs. Cinderella (Girl Genius Fairytale Theater Break: Cinderella)
Cendrillon (Cendrillon by Telephone) vs. Cinderella (Cinderella by The Cheetah Girls)
Harper Finkle as "Harperella" (Wizards of Waverly Place) vs. Morgan Philip (Disenchanted)
Cinderella (Dimension 20: Neverafter) vs. Cinders (Once Upon a Time in Space by the Mechanisms)
Linh Cinder / Selene Blackburn (The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer) vs. Cinderella (Rodgers & Hammerstein's Cinderella 1997)
Carrie White (Carrie by Stephen King) vs. Cinder Fall (RWBY)
Cinderella (Into the Woods) vs. Cinderella / Princess Ella / Ashley Boyd (Once Upon a Time)
Cinderella (Kingdom Hearts) vs. Cinderella (Shrek series)
Cinders (Cinders) vs. Lucette Riella Britton (Cinderella Phenomenon)
Cinderella (SINoALICE) vs. Cinderella (TAISHO x ALICE)
Cinderella (Sid Story) vs. Rin Hoshiora as Cinderella (Love Live)
Aisling "Ash" (Ash by Malinda Lo) vs. Xing Xing (Bound by Donna Jo Napoli)
Clara (Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister by Gregory Maguire) vs. Ella Saturday (Witches Abroad) (Discworld series by Terry Pratchett)
Euphemia "Effie" Reeves (Ten Thousand Stitches by Olivia Atwater) vs. Kate Kassell / Nate Ganymede (After the Ball)
Cinderella (Burn the Witch) vs. Shindou Rei (Boku wa Ohime-sama ni Narenai)
Cinderella (Cinderella Monogatari) vs. Haine Otomiya / "Seashore Cinderella" (The Gentleman's Alliance Cross)
Ghauri (Azure Striker Gunvolt) vs. Miyo Saimori (My Happy Marriage)
Ashley Vans (A Wicked Tale of Cinderella's Stepmom / I Raised Cinderella Preciously) vs. Cinciarell Winchestion (Don't Call Javotte an Evil Stepsister)
Cinderella (Blood Bank) vs. Itsumi Tachibana (You Are My Princess)
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cosmichealingg · 7 months
pinned .ᐟ
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Hai !! Welcome 2 my page !
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My name is Keith and I’m a non-community aligned adult age regressor! I regress to the ages 0-5 and frequently consider myself 2-3.
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I regress due to childhood trauma and pretty severe c-ptsd. I am also autistic and I use age regression to give myself a childhood that I was denied. My regression is a huge, and important, part of my life and I regress/dream near daily. I don’t consider myself a forever kid as I am not always in headspace, though.
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I am a cisgender male, though sometimes I feel a little genderflux. I am also MLM and I have two amazing boyfriends. Both are my caregivers and are respectively referred to as “daddy” and “bubba”. We are polyamorous and love each other very much 🫶
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My special interests include space, dinosaurs, horror, and health/medicine. I have a lot of hyperfixations and some include Blues Clues, Scooby Doo, Sesame Street, My Little Pony, American Girl Dolls, etc.
I’m sensitive to things like bright lights and loud sounds, and I get overwhelmed by too many things going on or people talking to me at the same time.
Some of my positive triggers are my special interests and hyperfixations, huskies, toy shopping, spending time with friends, baking, and spending time with my boys.
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My regression is mostly positive but sometimes it’s impure or involuntary. For me this can look all different ways.
I like to play with toys like little people and food, and I like to color. I like watching cartoons and movies too!
When I’m sad sometimes I like to watch comfort shows and movies. I also like to just cuddle with my cg’s or vent.
When regressed I have issues with bladder control and cues like hunger. This is due to interoception issues caused by my autism. Because of this I use pull ups and diapers and will sometimes post about it. This is a comfort and medical need for me and is never sexual.
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My DNI includes:
Ableist in any way
System fake claimers
LGBTQ+ phobic
Anyone under 13
My boundaries are:
Don’t ask to be my caregiver.
Don’t ask super invasive questions.
Don’t baby talk in my dms if we’re not close.
Don’t ask “can we be friends” if we’ve never talked before.
Don’t sexualize my regression or question my intentions.
Don’t ask for face photos or other kinds of invasive content.
I am not anti ab/dl or cgl. I prefer nonsexual interactions because this is meant to be a safe space but at the same time it is my safe space.
I do not cater to everyone and if you are uncomfortable with who I follow or who follows me, you are more than welcome to unfollow and there are no hard feelings.
My account is for me and my healing.
I do not, and will not (most of the time) promote kink accounts or share kink content. I may share posts from 18+ or ab/dl affiliated shops but that does not mean that the items are inherently sexual to me.
I am an adult and while I don’t personally participate in these kinks, I do know people/friends who do. I believe that everyone has a right to heal or express themselves in their own ways. I don’t believe that it is right to judge how people cope.
This being said, my account will always be a nonsexual space.
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I’m most active on my Instagram, @cosmic.healingg
My dada has an tumblr account too! @neptunedada
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Thnk u 4 reading!!
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Divider credits:
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sweethornie · 2 months
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_Hotteok: The Delicious Korean Street Food_
_Pronunciation:_ Ho-tteok (호떡)
_Origin:_ Hotteok originated in Korea during the Joseon Dynasty (1392-1910) as a street food for common people. It was influenced by Chinese and Mongolian cuisine and has since become a beloved snack in Korea.
_Description:_ Hotteok is a sweet or savory pancake-like dessert or snack that is filled with various ingredients. The dough is made from flour, water, and salt, and is filled with sweet fillings like sugar and cinnamon or savory fillings like vegetables and meat. It is crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, making it a delicious and satisfying treat.
- 2 cups all-purpose flour
- 1/2 cup warm water
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- Filling ingredients (e.g. sugar, cinnamon, sesame oil, vegetables, meat, or kimchi)
_Cooking Instructions:_
1. In a large mixing bowl, combine flour, warm water, and salt. Mix until a dough forms.
2. Knead the dough for 10 minutes until it becomes smooth and elastic.
3. Divide the dough into small balls, about the size of a small egg.
4. Flatten each ball into a disk shape.
5. Place a spoonful of your chosen filling in the center of the dough.
6. Fold the dough over the filling and press the edges together to seal the hotteok.
7. Heat a non-stick pan or griddle with a small amount of oil over medium heat.
8. Cook the hotteok for 2-3 minutes on each side, until crispy and golden brown.
9. Serve hot and enjoy!
_Benefits:_ Hotteok is a nutritious snack that provides a good source of carbohydrates, fiber, and protein. The fillings are often vegetarian, making it a great option for vegetarians and vegans.
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firespirited · 5 months
God emperor of Dune:
Frank needed to stop toying via Leto with the characters and the reader for the page count. It gets so so tedious. Just say what you mean, puhlease. I mean I love Leto the tortured 'god' who's still a kid at heart to bits and the journals aren't bad but the endless talking in circles while his counsellor wonders if he's going to get killed 🙄.
But the bits where Leto isn't attempting to speak in riddles are:
hunky Duncy getting all the ladies (he makes one climax just from watching his climbing skills),
a defence of gayness in the army that takes a U turn right back into hardcore homophobia and gender essentialist ick,
weirdo commentary about people somehow going soft and losing humanity if their life isn't 24/7 struggle?!?
Hate to break it to you Frank but historically those great writers, thinkers and inventors had a bunch of free time because the wife did the chores and they had a wealthy patron or undemanding job or *fake gasp* government grants and basic incomes. I believe you wrote one of these on a beach. Cooome ooon.
I do love Hwi and seeing Leto get some small joys, he even finds amusement in his end.
The tragedy is complete for me. No interest in rereading the sex magic dominatrix follow ups.
Spoilers and monster sex logistics under the cut
The book makes the assumption that he must have been right to make this sacrifice of himself and of mankind because that was the only way to survive but the question remains: are there flaws and biases to long term prescience? Especially by relying so heavily on the past and on your ancestors instead of bringing in imaginative minds, non rulers, people who are just good for the sake of being good...
Who's to say that 3500 years of teaching humanity couldn't be done by actually educating people. It's a patronizing and narrow view of pedagogy and empathy. What wonderful things we accomplish when given a collective problem and enough recourses to solve it.
Absolutely hilarious that the mega threat ends up solved a few books later by making friends with the machine sentience.
Woops. Leto should have watched Sesame Street instead of being tortured with LSD by his grandma.
I must add some TMI: Leto spends quite a time lamenting not being able to have sex with Hwi so we get a Hwi Duncan sex scene before her wedding to Leto. Why? It's not that he's a giant worm, she's decided to love him anyway: It's no penis.
Now Leto is a gigantic worm who burns in water but his face and hands are still human and he has access to all sorts of ixian tech. His body vibrates naturally. He tells us he's visited all sorts of past orgies in his mind. He has lesbians as his personal guards. We know Hwi doesn't mind getting close to him. There is absolutely no reason why Leto couldn't give Hwi a series of megagasms and tap into her head by giving her some spice like the sietch communal trips.
He could do some internal cell searching, build a pleasure gland somewhere only Hwi would know about if he couldn't tap in to what she was feeling.
Herbert tried to build an impossible sex divide but instead revealed a complete lack of imagination/catholic cowardice so his martyr god could die technically a virgin. Or maybe just to give Duncan the sex scene.
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agere-clown · 1 year
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Suggestions are open!
I will not do your request if you do not specify I have a very hard time understanding what people mean so please follow this.
I Do apologize if it takes a really long time I'm busy and have procrastination issues.
Dividers made by:
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Autistic | Flip | Mood/Stim board creator | Call me EZ, or Franky!
I regress any were from six(6) to eight(8) years old.
And because of that most of my posts and Moodboards will focus around those ages but I do take suggestions^^ and will do mostly any theme.
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That saying I will not do:
•Real people(This does not include characters from live action shows.)
•Characters who are just bad people. (Pedos, rapists etc in canon)
•Celestia Ludenberg
•No Mcyt/Smp's (Yes all of them)
•Anything else related to vivziepop
This is not a Dni just a list of stuff I am personally uncomfortable with making content for.
(Except for the Nsfw, you will be blocked.)
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If you request a character I don't know about I will try my best but apologies if it isn't great:[
Fandoms I will definitely do:
•Popee the performer
•Hello kitty
•Sesame Street
Once again I will do basically anything that doesn't break my rules. But please specify if you want an Agere Moodboard/Stimboard or not.
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My Tags:
❣️-Anything else
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aimlessgeology · 10 months
Speculative Othering Final
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Lost (2004-2010) is remembered for being a sometimes confusing but almost always sexy adventure show. The show follows the aftermath of a plane crash on a mysterious Pacific island, when a group of strangers must figure out how to survive in the face of no rescue and a sinister group that already inhabits the tropical rock. Lost is unique for its time in that it featured many characters of color from a variety of backgrounds and identities. Its inclusion of diverse characters was a conscious break from norms in TV. Unfortunately, a lot of the screen time was taken up by white characters, but the characters of color are not passive tokens signaling diversity.
In their critical media book Unthinking Eurocentrism (Shohat and Stam, 1994), Ella Shohat and Robert Stam include a chapter titled “Stereotype Realism and the Struggle Over Representation”. In this chapter, they state: “Filmic fictions inevitably bring into play real-life assumptions not only about space and time but also about social and cultural relationships” (178). This applies doubly to television, because TV is more flexible in its production: you can see cultural changes play out over time through one TV series in a way you can’t do with one film because TV is produced is produced continuously, sometimes for decades at a time (The Simpsons, General Hospital, Sesame Street). They continue, “film is [representation], [but] it is also an act of contextualized interlocution between socially situated producers and receivers. [To say art is constructed] is not enough...We have to ask: Constructed for whom? [W]ith which ideologies and discourses' in mind? (180). I think that Lost was made with a wide range of audiences in mind. It has action, mystery, and romance. It has moments of levity and extreme anxiety. It arrived at a tense time; the pilot came out in 2004, a mere three years after the 9/11 tragedy, when America was waging war in Afghanistan and Iraq. Ultimately it was a show about community and teamwork, and sought to unite those through their differences instead of dividing them. Lost was set in the present at the time of its release and its universe mimicked our own in many ways, including with the U.S.-led wars in the Middle East. Sayid (Naveen Andrews), a supporting protagonist, is an Iraqi national and former soldier. Sayid has a complicated and sorrowful backstory, like most of the characters on the show, but his position is unique in that his character embodies a personality that America, writ-large, was extremely suspicious of; an Arab man aligned with the government of his home country. 
The character Sawyer (Josh Holloway) is a country bad-boy who represents this suspicion. In the second part of a two-part pilot, he accuses Sayid of being a terrorist and being responsible for the plane going down. This leads to an altercation between the two men, shown in the clip below. (S01E1-2, LOST clip - Sayid and Sawyer Fight). 
The accusation is blatantly racially motivated and it is only the first of many aggressions Sawyer inflicts on Sayid because of his ethnicity. With his love of guns, sex, booze and cigarettes, Sawyer is a specific American stereotype–the hypermasculine, violent, and bigoted man. Surely there were people watching Lost whose identities at least partially aligned with these qualities; through Sawyer, they see themselves represented, perhaps in an exaggerated light, or maybe turned down a notch. Despite Sawyer’s bias and bouts of cruelty, he is an important character who grows and learns to treat people better. As Shohat and Stam write, “spectators… can accept, question, or even subvert” a work of media. Further, “the cultural preparation of a particular audience can generate counter-pressure to a racist or prejudicial discourse” (182). Lost offers a critique of Sawyer-like ideology without totally alienating those who share it, as well as giving voice to the group which they vilify. 
Since Sayid is not a one-dimensional token character, his reaction to Sawyer’s racism towards him gets its due. In the clip above, Sayid is shown to be the instigator of the fight, but he is not represented as acting unreasonably. A common racist stereotype about Arab men is that they are hot-tempered and aggressive. Lost does not try to fight this false notion by making sure Sayid is non-violent. Instead, his anger and aggression is represented with more nuance than a simple ‘Violent Arab Man’ trope. He’s responding to an attack on his character and nationality, and in the circumstances of the show, his violent response is understandable. It represents both identities in a forgiving light. 
Though Sayid’s character is an important part in the progression of Arab representation on screen, it’s not perfect. Naveen Andrews is a British man with Indian heritage, but he plays an Iraqi. This relates to Shohat and Stam’s points about representation. Those authors are concerned with white actors performing in roles meant for people of color, and they reference the satirical work How to Make an Indian Movie: ”Import a Greek to be an Indian princess. Introduce a white man to become an ‘Indian’ hero. Make the white man compassionate, brave and understanding ... Pocket the profits in Hollywood” (181). There is another layer to this that has emerged in the modern age where people of color are made into a generalized ‘other’ where they play nationalities that are not their own.  I don’t think it should be taboo for people to play across national lines; an American should be able to play a Brit, so why should a Brit not be able to play an Iraqi? But there is a line where it becomes racially offensive, or at least controversial. For many producers of media at this time, it comes down to looks; few are interested in making sure the actor who plays a guy from Iraq is actually from Iraq, as long as he ‘looks like’ he could be from Iraq. For white audiences, there is not always a lot that distinguishes one brown person from another. 
There are other times in Lost where white audiences are not the sole focus of the show. There are detailed storylines that don’t involve white characters. The first example of Lost de-centering white voices is when there is tension between two men of the group of survivors, Jin (Daniel Dae Kim) and Michael (Harold Perrineu). S01E06, “House of the Rising Sun” the opening scene is Jin brutally attacking Michael at the water in front of Michael’s son, Walt. Jin seems to intend to kill him, or at least injure him severely. Walt cries for help and Sawyer and Sayid sprint to Michael’s rescue. The following clip is the conversation that occurs after the attack. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-fS679Ui1U
Sayid becomes the mediator of the disagreement with Sawyer playing a secondary role, mostly as a taunt (did you catch the ‘Omar’ comment he made to Sayid?). Jin does not speak English, but is obviously very angry. Michael is wounded and angry as well. Sayid demands to know what happened and Michael insists that the reason Jin attacked him was because he’s black. Michael says to Sayid that he ‘doesn’t know what it’s like in Iraq, but in America, Korean people don’t like Black people’. Jin does not have the language to defend his actions. Not that they were really defensible; he tackled this guy and tried to drown him because a misunderstanding over a lost watch. The racial component was self-evident and then mentioned explicitly. The conversation is almost entirely between people of color, except for Sawyer making snide remarks.
This is something remarkable, especially for a show at this time. That the white characters, identities and narratives are not the core of this scene is unfortunately kind of surprising. If there are white people around, why aren’t they getting centered? Because Lost is making a conscious attempt here to show experiences that are not normative to white americans. It is also making an attempt to show intricacies, contradictions, and irony in racial conversation. As far as a TV show like this can reasonably be, it’s realistic. Sayid would not necessarily know the background of racial tension in the US between black and asian people (Lee, 2023). Jin also would not necessarily be aware of this, because he himself is a Korean national, and also has the language barrier keeping him from understanding this particular point of tension. Lastly, Michael has reason to accuse him of racism, because as an American Black man, he’s no doubt experienced it in his life, from multiple sources. Lost presents context for the characters’ actions (it’s known for flashbacks, too) and also is understanding of multiple perspectives and not adhering to a binary view of race or experience. Despite its imperfections, Lost gave screen time and narrative depth to people who have not been historically represented in television, specifically in the action genre. Lost’s setting lends itself well to this breakdown of tradition, because once your plane crashes, the old world doesn’t really exist anymore.
Lee, Carolyn. 2023. “Media Misrepresentation of the LA Race Riots from a Korean American Perspective.” 2023. https://www.dartmouth.edu/~hist32/History/S21%20-%20Media%20Misrepresentations%20of%20the%20LA%20Riot.htm.
Shohat, Ella, and Robert Stam. 1994. “Stereotype Realism and the Struggle Over Representation.” In Unthinking Eurocentrism. https://moodle.oxy.edu/pluginfile.php/1045121/mod_page/content/6/Shohat%20and%20Stam_Stereotype%20Realism%20and%20the%20Struggle%20Over%20Representation.pdf.
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levi-supreme · 2 years
Hey hon congrats on your almost milestone haha<3 I would like to put in an order for a English breakfast tea, with an eclair if that’s okay!
My pronouns are she/her and my nicknames are Savi and Lina!
Thank you again for your event CANT wait to see more in the future<33!!
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Characters: Jean x fem!reader
Prompts: Jean [English breakfast] and amusement park date [éclair]
A/N: Hello my dear Savi, and thank you so much for the support!!!! Sorry this took so long, and I hope you'll enjoy this fun-filled amusement park date with Jean-boi!!!! I had so much fun writing this one, so I really hope you'll feel the same too 💛
This might be a little longer than usual since there's quite a bit of description involved haha. Also, making reference to an irl amusement park so, please sit back and have fun!!
Rei’s 600 Follower Event: Date-A-Boyfriend (Closed)
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You couldn't contain your excitement the moment your boyfriend told you about his plans for the weekend. You even woke up extra early today to doll up and choose your outfit. The trip to Universal Studios was your motivation to get through the week. Jean rung your doorbell at 9am sharp and you eagerly grabbed your bag, flying into his embrace the moment you opened the door.
"Hey, watch it," Jean grimaced as he rubbed his foot because you accidentally stepped on him. "I don't want to limp all day, you know." You mumbled an apology and quickly locked the door, holding Jean's hand and making your way to his motorbike. Fastening your helmet snugly for you, Jean started the engine, letting it rev for a while as he helped you up on the pillion seat.
"Ready to go, cutie?" Jean turned around and brought the helmet's shield down. You nodded and hugged Jean's waist tight. Jean kicked the side stand up and rode off.
It was the weekend, and Universal Studios was packed with families, couples, friends, and tourists. It was a good thing Jean bought the tickets online weeks before. Once the both of you walked through the gantry, you took out your phone and started taking photos of the large Universal Studios globe in front of you, pulling Jean closer for a few selfies too.
"Okay, where to first?" Jean asked once you were happy with how your selfies turned out.
"Hmm..." you contemplated, looking through the map you took at the entrance earlier. The entire amusement park was divided into many areas, and you didn't know where to start. "Oh! How about we start from the Hollywood world? The Attack on Titan ride is nearby too!" You excitedly pulled Jean towards the left when he stopped in his tracks.
"Hey, babe, wait—" you turned around, puzzled. "Are you sure you want to start with a VR ride?"
"Are you scared, Jean?" You teased, poking him in the ribs playfully. Jean stuttered and vehemently denied, insisting he didn't want to start the day with a queasy stomach.
"Okay okay, Jean Bear, let's go to the Universal Wonderland first then, shall we?" You chuckled and pulled Jean towards the right side of the entrance, and you were greeted with the cute characters from Hello Kitty, Sesame Street, and Snoopy. The area was filled with many young children with their families, and there were only a few couples and groups of friends around the area. Jean's towering height stuck out from the crowd.
"O-oi, don't you think we're a little too old for the rides here? They're for kids." You were looking at a sign which said 'The Flying Snoopy' and Jean tugged your blouse. You wiggled your eyebrows again and pulled Jean's hand, walking towards the next area. Going straight ahead, you saw a huge shark prop near the entrance of the next ride.
"Yes!!!! Babe!" You excitedly tapped Jean's arm and pointed to the large 'Jaws' sign in front. "It's the Jaws ride!" Jean and you went forward and stood next to the huge shark to have your photo taken, and you were informed by the staff that the photo can be purchased at the Jaws souvenir shop. The both of you went to queue for the Jaws ride. Once it was your turn, the both of you went up the boat and Jean took the seat closest to the edge of the boat. The staff steering the boat started introducing the ride and you took photos of the realistic props and even of the 'sharks' fins that appeared on the surface of the water.
The ride was immersive and interesting, and Jaws appeared a few times during the ride too, scaring most of the people on board. As you and Jean exited the area, the both of you reached a fork and you lead Jean towards the right towards the Super Nintendo World. Once the staff checked your tickets, they guided you forward and when you two were at the entrance to Super Nintendo World, there were a few green pipes below the large sign, and you and Jean managed to get a couple to help take some photos. On the other side, there were some stalls selling the power-up bands from the Super Mario game, and Jean got you a Princess Peach band while he got himself a Mario one.
Moving forward, what greeted you two at the end was a beautiful and immersive landscape of the Nintendo universe. There were green hills and piranha plants, spinning golden coins, mystery boxes, and the staff were dressed up like Mario. Jean's face lit up with excitement and he pointed towards the first ride which was the 'Mario Kart: Koopa's Challenge'.
Once the AR Mario Kart game was over, you both exited and were at the souvenir shop. The both of you also played many mini-games, collecting points using the power-up band purchased at the entrance, and you two had lunch at Kinopio's Café as well. All the items in the menu were modelled after characters from the Super Mario game, and they were really cute. There was another merchandise shop, and the two of you decided to get souvenirs. The both of you got some chocolate, pens, and also Super Nintendo World t-shirts.
"Did you like it, Jean Bear?" You asked Jean after exiting the shop, making your way towards Jurassic Park up ahead. Jean grinned and kiss your crown. Throughout the afternoon, the both of you continued exploring the different areas such as Jurassic Park, Minion Park, New York, Hollywood, and finally you ended at the place you were most excited for.
The way to the Attack on Titan XR ride was full of souvenirs and gift shops selling clothes, accessories, collectables, and items from the series. You had to control yourself and not get everything that caught your eye. In the end, Jean and you got yourselves the green cloak with the Wings of Freedom emblazed on the back. There was also a statue of the Colossal Titan and statues of the main trio at the entrance of the XR ride. The both of you queued up for the ride and had your photos taken at the booths as well.
After the ride, Jean and you decided to have dinner at the café where the food was themed after the Attack on Titan characters too. You took out your phone and looked at all the pictures taken today, and you took photos of the souvenirs you got and excitedly uploaded them to your social media accounts too. Once you both were done eating, Jean took your hand and you both left Universal Studios, making your way to Jean's motorbike for the ride home.
"Did you have fun today?" Jean asked after walking you to your door. You nodded and hugged him tightly. You and Jean spent the whole day at Universal Studios and your feet were aching from all the standing and walking, but you enjoyed every moment with Jean.
"Of course I did, Jean Bear. Every moment with you is always a joy," you tiptoed and pressed a kiss on Jean's lips. "Especially hearing you scream during the Jurassic Park ride. It was extremely memorable." Jean's face turned red and stuttered again.
"It w-was the sound effects! T-the t-rex was too loud!" Jean looked away embarrassingly. "You're no better, you shrieked when Jaws came out of the water!" You laughed and tried to tickle Jean again, but Jean grabbed your wrist and pulled you in for a hug instead.
"I had fun today, and I'm glad you did too. You smiled really brightly today." Jean released you slightly and pulled your face closer, giving you a soft kiss. You could feel yourself smiling into the kiss as well.
"It's because you're with me, Jean. Thank you for today. It was really fun!" You gave your boyfriend another tight hug. "But next time, we're definitely going on the Attack on Titan ride first." Jean frowned and urged you to go back inside, reminding you to soak for feet in warm water since you've spent half the time standing and queuing for the rides. You nodded and kissed Jean's cheek, wishing him a safe ride back, and reminding him to call you when he's home.
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Yes I know the anime rides only exist in USJ XD but let's all pretend that we ARE indeed sitting on those rides okay!!!!!! And unfortunately the AOT XR ride in USJ is currently closed for maintenance :c also!!! Jean would definitely be excited for the Nintendo world because you know what... So am I hahaha.
Also, I seriously think that Jean would ride a motorbike instead of owning a car lol!! Can you imagine being Jean's pillion and just... hugging his waist as he rides.... brain goes brrrrrrrrr!!!
And if you all want to know how the attractions look like, here are the links!! Yes!! If you all still haven't realised, when you see Rei, you free tourism promo and advertisement for Japan XD
Universal Wonderland (Description of the attractions and rides!!!)
Super Nintendo World (Description of the attractions and rides!!!!)
Attack on Titan (No XR ride because it's VR, but you can see how the attractions there look like!!!!)
Jurassic Park - The Ride (The actual ride!!! I jumped watching it lol)
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Tagging: @ack3rlady @jean-prettyboy-kirschtein  @hannie2kay @thesimpsstuff @lilshades  @jayteacups  @nelapanela94  @postwarlevi @levisbrat25 @galactict3a
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Rei’s 600 Follower Event: Date-A-Boyfriend (Closed)
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ravenkiddo · 2 years
I’m Raven and this is my age regression blog! 💖
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I age regress to cope with mental illness and trauma
I’m autistic, and I have depression, anxiety, and BPD
My bio age is 28
I can regress to any age between 2 and 10 although I usually regress between ages 4 and 7
I’m in the kidhearts and tiny kiddos communities
I’m a lesbian
I’m nonbinary 
My pronouns are they/them, fae/faer, or she/her
my favourite things when regressed are Bluey, moomins, my little pony, disney, sanrio, sesame street, and blue’s clues
I’m not comfortable being called a little
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you’re a nsfw, kink, ddlg, cgl, abdl, or liltots blog (or any other variant)
you use kink terms
you’re a MAP
you’re a nazi
you’re a terf
You’re a proshipper
you’re homophobic/transphobic
you’re an ace exclusionist
you’re anti-otherkin
you’re anti-self diagnosis
you’re anti age regression
you’re a transmed/truscum
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Tagging system and credits under the cut!
Raven’s stuff - general content made by me
Raven speaks - my text posts
Raven’s plush pile - my plushies
Raven’s moodboards - moodboards made by me
Raven’s requests - moodboard requests
Raven’s photos - photos I’ve taken
Raven’s uploads - uploads of cool things I’ve found on the internet
Raven’s art - my art
Cheska - my fursona
My icon was drawn for me by the wonderful @griffinkid!
Nonbinary userbox
Age regressor userbox
Non-sexual userbox
Autistic userbox
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looseleafteeaves · 2 years
Soooooo… in the midst of creating this Star Wars culture(s) my little brother introduced me to this AI chat thing(called ChatGPT). To test it, I started conversing about the culture I’m creating, asking questions about conlangs, AND… my favorite part… theoretical recipes that the people would eat.
Well I just tried one… called “Kaida’s Spice Pockets”. It tastes AMAZING, and is easily adaptable to the ingredients you have!
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Kaida’s Spice Pockets
A common food for the Festival of Color, this street food treat is a flavor packed, traveling meal! While the original recipe called for parsley and cilantro, I substituted in garlic, basil, sage, and rosemary. My only complaint is that it needs something with it- my family used spicy salsa.
Kaida’s Spice Pockets
2 cups of flour
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp ground coriander
1 tsp paprika
1 tsp ground turmeric
1/2 tsp cayenne pepper
2 TBSP vegetable oil
1 TBSP sesame oil
3/4 cup warm water
1 can of chickpeas/garbanzo beans (cooked)
1 TBSP minced garlic
1/4 tsp onion powder
1/4 cup of chopped fresh herbs.
(I recommend sage, rosemary, and basil; or cilantro and parsley)
1. Sift and combine the dry dough ingredients.
2. Mix together the oil and water.
3. Add the WET ingredients to the dry, and mix till combined.
4. Then, knead the dough on a floured surface for about 5 minutes, or until smooth and elastic. Then set aside.
5. Heat the chickpeas and then roughly mash with the garlic and onion powder.
6. Chop the herbs, roughly or finely, then add to the mashed mixture. Combine.
7. Divide the dough into 8 parts, and then flatten into a circle.
8. Add 1 1/2 TBSP of the filling, and fold dough. Repeat for all 8.
9. Heat on about medium-high heat about an inch of vegetable oil in a deep saucepan. Once a bit of flour begins to fry immediately, you can add 3-4 to the pan. Cook until bubbles have lessened, then flip. Repeat untill tapping the shell creates a solid thunking on both sides.
10. Serve with salsa for best results! Pat oil of with paper towels and have fun!
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commarogue · 1 year
pls 8 Brienne got game & 14 Robb zombie & 17 television doesn't have to be soulless
8. brienne got game
inspired by the below text post
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where of course jaime is the wife, here have some notes i scribbled upon waking up in the middle of the night lol:
after awhile brienne just fucks with ppl and openly hits on jaime
pinches his ass and shit
other ppl just ???? what just happened
jaime gets his ass pinched, lifts the divider and asks brienne if he can buy her groceries
cashier like ….how does she have that much game what just happened
Bouncer stopping her but letting Jaime go in
Jaime buys two tickets to a movie, but Brienne gets stopped and told she needs to buy a ticket
14. robb zombie
That one about how what Stoneheart wants is to give Robb the kiss of life
Riverlands take 2: Where brienne needles jaime to try and dismantle his defenses
this quote i saw from translondo here on tumblr that burrowed into my marrow, about a black sails ship: "Silvermadi is sweet and they deserve to be happy together, they’re supportive and gentle and good, happy silvermadi ending is the best outcome…but Silver and Madi were both in love with someone who didn’t really exist and their value systems are not properly aligned and Silver’s betrayal was so deeply opposed to Madi’s central beliefs that they can’t properly reconcile and even if they did it would be sad and never quite right and take years"
Timeskip---reports of BWB movements, of the wolfpack, of Blackfish and Addam, the fall of KL, the flight of Cers with Euron, Dragons and wights
FIN--- They pass each other at Harrenhal, and we hope for them again.
17. television doesn’t have to be soulless
A sesame street au Yes you read that right
endless wip meme!
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