#servant reader
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bones-of-a-rabbit · 1 year ago
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you: exists eclipse, sun, moon, anyone with taste: BEAUTIFUL, STUNNING, GORGEOUS,
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earenwen-leafwhisper · 7 months ago
The handmaid and the dragons
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Pairing: Child Daemon Targaryen x servant mother nature fem reader, Baelon Targaryen x servant reader, Child Viserys x servant reader, Alyssa Targaryen x servant reader (All platonic)
Summary: Life at the castle can be most enjoyable as a servant when you can take care of two young dragon princes.
Author’s note: Viserys and Daemon are 4 years apart. Daemon was born in 81 and Viserys in 77
Reader are not describe, in my mind she is chubby/plus size, but she can be of all shapes.
English is not my native language, i'm sorry if mistakes were made. I will correct as soon as possible.
After a few months without writing fully, here is the first written of a multitude of ideas that I have in mind for some time. This One-shot could be continued in the form of headcannon or other One-chot, or multiple chapters.
The life of a servant was not easy, apart from early morning wakes and short nights due to requests from some residents and guests, not always very understandable and sometimes almost impossible to accomplish (as this noble woman, who wanted to enter one of the princes' chambers in order to try to seduce and marry the man she desired; it was as if that had ended with the dismissal of the said noble woman) did not allow you to have a good quality sleep.
But this life of servant, you would not have exchanged it for any other, because beyond the rebukes of some older servants and lords and lady, who could be haughty. You were in the service of the Targaryens, and although some nobles and peasants did not carry the members of this house in their hearts. You were not treated badly, on the contrary, you were considered better than servants of other smaller houses.
Since your early childhood you remembered having met people with Valeryan blood. Your parents had served under the late reign of Maegor and survived him because of their good labours. They then served Jaehaerys. You had followed their ways, as was customary for the people. You had become multi-tasker, allowing you to be better paid, and help your parents who were beginning to get old to serve the Targaryen house as well. You could go from kitchen to floor scrubbing, from washing clothes to helping princesses dress or hairdressing.
But more than that. More than this work. There were in that castle two small heads with silver hair, for which you had taken affection.
A few years ago, you had become a servant of Princess Alyssa when she was pregnant for the second time. You were one of many servants, but you always did your best to allow the princess to have everything she needed, in order to make it easier for her to wait for the birth of her second child. Being a hectic life, the rest offered and almost ordered by the masters, bored her to the utmost point, towards the end of her pregnancy, she could no longer ride on Meleys and was irritated for nothing, whether it be on the servants, her ladys in waittig. But when she calmed down, unlike other nobles, Alyssa apologized, knowing that she would not have reacted in this way if she was not pregnant.
But even in those moments, you loved the princess, not that you envied her, no, you loved her because she always behaved with respect.
When you seen the baby Daemon, you had taken a liking to him, how many times did you manage to give him gifts, however humble? You hadn’t counted, all you liked was to see Daemon play, or eat the cakes that you had prepared in the kitchens during your working hours. Just seeing him smile and recognize you made your heart warm. You didn’t forget the princess or Viserys when you made the cakes, but your favorite was always Daemon.
You always had a maternal nature, to care about others, but that nature is just manifesting more greatly towards Daemon. You never disrespected Alyssa, on the contrary, you worried about her, even though she was your age, you sometimes nursed her slightly, just out of concern for her health, like the day when she took baby Daemon to fly on Meleys’s back, you were worried.
“Princess Alyssa... are you sure you want to do this?...” The masters have advised against your health...”
Would you be afraid that Meleys would face evil against Daemon? Or would you not trust me?
“I have faith in you, princess... I know that you did the same thing with Prince Viserys.... It’s just that...”
“Fear not, Meleys will do nothing against Daemon, it’s only a little theft after all. It won’t hurt me.”
It is the close heart that you watched the princess go towards the dragonpit.
During the whole morning of labor, your mind was not focused on your spots. Every moment you could forget about Alyssa’s flight, something made you think of her or the children. Some servants with whom you shared your time of work, found your behavior strange, not understanding why you showed so much kindness and devotion to the royal family, that family which did not spank attention to the servants and people of the people, At least according to them.
All your stress went away when you saw Alyssa and baby Daemon return, it is with a sincere smile that you welcomed the princess, taking care of her and Daemon with the other servants.
Although you were a simple and humble servant, you had become close to Alyssa over the days, months and years, even when travelling for tournaments or festivities in other parts of Westeros. Alyssa ordered you to accompany her, the other servants did not see this in a good way, nor even the nobles who found it unnoble approach on the part of the princess. For they thought the nobles should stay among them, the others were nothing but nothing.
You saw the children grow, the first steps of Daemon towards Alyssa even gave you a small tear in your eye, so proud of Daemon’s progress. Not forgetting the progress of Viserys, He was 4 years old when you met him and now from his future 7 years, he loved playing with you, loving his wooden dragons by lending one only when it was sure to get it back later. He was a rather easy child, even more so because of his attraction for food, asking for cupcakes, the masters had more than once ordered you not to give any more to the young prince, but behind their backs, you gave one or two to please him.
You were not in direct contact with other members of the royal family, except Baelon, whom you saw radiating to the coast of Alyssa, as well as to her sons.
When the news of the new pregnancy of the princess. Everyone was happy, it took three years, but all hoped that the future event would be happy.
Oh... Alyssa...
You were awakened in the middle of the night, guards had come to fetch the princess’s servants. The corridors of the castle were dark to the limit of gloom, although they are illuminated by torches. To the right and left you could see servants, midwifes, guards and masters running through all the censes.
You felt a cold sweat through your back, a wind of panic engulfed you. Midwifes, was a sign that the princess was in full labor and about to give birth. But the presence of the masters, was bad omens, they came only when the birth was complicated to see serious. Alyssa was the only known person in the castle who was pregnant and about to give birth.
You passed in the corridor of the princess' apartments, horrible screams pierced ears, spanking you stop at the door, heart pounding, fear to sell, guards took you by the arms to force you to continue walking. You were assigned to the supervision of children while other servants were assigned to take over the orders of masters.
When you arrived, Daemon and Viserys were sleeping, unaware of who was going on in the castle. You sit on one of the chairs, watching the children, while trying to calm your breath, reassuring you as much as you could, praying to the gods, for the survival of Alyssa and the baby (whether you are a believer or not).
It was only in the morning, when you helped the children to prepare (make sure that Viserys does not wear his tunic upside down, tie their shoes), that Baelon entered. His hair was glued to his forehead by the sweat, his breath saccader. You turned your head to look at him before getting up from the ground on which you were kneeling, in order to bow down as required by protocol. But before you got up, Baelon raised his hand to stop you and walked towards the boys.
"My prince..." Your heart was beating, the anticipation of the news was great.
"The work was hard..." Baelon knelt before Viserys and Daemon, before taking them in his arms.
"Work?" Viserys looked at his father with questions.
"Your mother giving birth to a little brother..."
"Little brother?" Viserys’s eyes lit up, while Daemon seemed to be a bit soft.
"Yes, you will soon."
Baelon was happy and reassuring, he gave them each a kiss in the hair before raising his head towards you.
"Alyssa will need you, for now she needs to rest."
"Of course, my prince..."
"I know you’ll look after her."
You shook your head gently, your head was full of questions, all revolved around the princess and the newborn baby, the cries remained in your memory.
You only saw the princess when she was awakened after several hours of being unconscious. She was so full of life, she looked like a living dead, almost diaphanous. Her simple vision gave you a terrible desire to cry. Alyssa, seeing you, smiles softly, feverishly. You walked towards her before sitting down to lean out of her bed and gently take her hand, holding her company, explaining that Viserys and Daemon were happy to see her soon and have a little brother.
Alas, Alyssa’s health did not improve much, after almost a year the princess was very weak.
One morning, the nannies who took care of Daemon and Viserys had not been available, between one who was falling ill and the second who had to return to King’s Landing for family business, Baelon, whom you saw rarely, He ordered one of his servants to find you, so that you could look after the children. It was now days that the masters watched Alyssa, who slept more and more, ate less and less. Worrying everyone in the castle.
You decided to please the children, to make them stretch their legs in the company of guards, in the gardens of the castle.
The sun was shining, the light breeze of wind was refreshing, and you had placed yourself at the side of one of the fountains, watching the boys running in the garden gates gave you a smile, temporarily preventing you from thinking of Alyssa, and allowing you to live a little in carelessness. When Daemon fell to the ground after having tripped, he started to cry slightly before watching Viserys continue to run, he watched you with his eyes. You smile gently, before he gets up and walks towards you with tears in his eyes, he showed you his hands, covered with dirt and gravel.
“Y/nickname! Its hurt!”
“It’s all right, my little dragon, I’ll look.”
You gently took his hands, leaning gently to observe his hands, before taking a cloth, for the soaked in water to gently clean Daemon’s hands, he sniffed softly after moaning on contact with the cloth.
"That’s right, my little dragon, you are brave, like a proud warrior.” The tone of your voice was sweet and comforting to the young Daemon.
Daemon looked at you, then looked at his hands red with rubbing against his palms. When you laid a kiss on each of his palms, his eyes lit up, all forms of pain and sadness had withdrawn from his face. After all, soft drops on the little bobos are always miraculous remedies for children.
“Do you want to continue playing?”
Daemon shook his head, a big smile on his face, he went back to join Viserys, laughing as he pursued him.
You only came back at the time of dinner which could not be taken outside, the children in the company of members of the house Targaryen present at the castle, except Alyssa and Baelon, who was at his bedside. As for you, you were eating in haste in the room dedicated to the servants, talking with your friends, discussing the latest news while walking through the dark corridors.
The servants' dinners were often more courtly and of lesser quality than those of the nobles, but it was enough to give energy for all the day’s work.
“Apparently, Prince Baelon refuses to leave his wife’s bedside...” One of the king’s servants had just spoken.
Yes, her health is in perpetual decline, the masters fear that she will not pass on the next moons. One of the servants who had been looking after Alyssa had just answered her.
You listened to the exchange with attraction, trying to get information that had not yet been disclosed. But their discussions stopped when they noticed you. All knew of your closeness with the princess and children, taking care not to tell you about the royal family, lest you speak about it with the princess. You shrugged before looking at your friends and talking to them. It would have pleased the servants who did not like you, to show them that their behavior touched him. It was only when you were called to serve the young princes that you went out into the corridors, arriving near the dining room, Daemon ran in your direction, followed by Viserys. You took them in your arms before walking, a hand in the small hand of Viserys, while Daemon clung to your neck, while you carried it. The guards would follow you, ensuring the safety of the children.
Once in the children’s shared room, Viserys settled into a pillow that covered part of the floor in one of the corners of the room near one of the windows.
You settled down beside him, Daemon sitting on your legs in the direction of Viserys. It was a sweet evening, punctuated by the preparation of their bath, and some childish quarrels.
It was only when the guards opened the doors, and you looked in their direction. that you had a cold sweat.
The queen herself entered, she seemed paler then before, she almost wore a sick complexion. Your heart began to beat, your intuition told you that something serious had happened and how much you would have wished to have been wrong.
Tag list : @avalyaaa
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frogzxch · 1 year ago
Trueform!Sukuna x Servantgoddess!Reader
Reader is basically in a servants body which is like her vessel in this era and she was secretly a goddess from another uni but unexpectedly she died in her world and got rebirth when the servant touch a red spider lily
Slight smut, fluff, death, didnt fully proof read huhu
Word count? I dont know
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As always the two face man again killed a servant for a small mistake and you have to clean the body after it was getting annoying for you as you wish to go back to your home your own world but sadly you died as you already prepared the tools you will use for cleaning the body one of the concubine entered the throne room scared such a beautiful girl pure and innocent on the outside but yet naive and stupid in the inside the king of curses doted her alot Sukuna has favorite concubine and less favorite one
" There's my good girl come here... " Sukuna spoke on a soothing and velvety voice
The girl immediately go to him on his throne as he tap his lap the concubine sat on his lap obediently you already know what will come next the king will just fuck the life out of her on his throne again you can hear loud moans from the girl as Sukuna fucks her hard in her wet cunt the girl was blank on her mind as she is full of Sukuna large cocks it was discusting for you as you were done you silently go out of the throne room and in a insan you open the bag of the body and puke
" eww....god give me back my life jesus I can't take it anymore "
After disposing the body you proceed to go back and just do what servant usually do that is serving and helping and sleep and wake up early the cycle goes on and on your lucky enough to be alive. As days turns week and weeks turns into months you were desperate to go home and try to find a way every night you would cry silently in the room figuring out how to go back to your own world in peace...
" you servant girl I need you to pick up some fine kimono in the market hurry! "
Ahh the concubine who the king of curses loves only for pleasure her name was Yuri Ryomen she was getting on your nerves to as well sometimes you just wish your powers and immortality will be back so you can just kill this mf in peace bu sadly god punish you I guess as Yuri throws the golden coins at you, you just pick it up and bow then go out of the temple and head your way to the nearby village and go to a store after buying you notice Yuri was running at you in a scared expression she push you forward then you see a curse....a large one you look at her
" m-my lady please stay back "
In a instant she throws on a tantrum and scream like a child throwing a rock at the curse it was big and scary looking with four red glowing eyes looking like a shadow with smoke sharp teeths ready to bite it's prey but in the moment it seems familiar to you it was like your companion in your world with no hesitation you rush to the curse Yuri was in full shock but ran away as soon you go closer to it she left you but no worries to you once you touch the curse it recognize you and it communicates to you
" Y-Yn....I can't believe it it's you my lady! " it's voice echo's through your ears no one can hear it speak other than it's owner you smirk and felt much more confident
" My lovely companion such a lucky day to be with you again, I hope you don't miss me to much hm? " You pat it and it goes through your skin it was going in your body that you stole, you two became one it's like venom hihi you giggled and look around then just go back to the temple like nothing had happend.
Next day you haven't heard anything about Yuri it's like she disappeared from the world without a word as you serve the food to your master the king himself he quite senses something in you, you can sense his eye looking at you piercing deep in your soul " you.. " your heart start to beat so fast you raise your head " yes master? " Sukuna was still looking straight at you coldly " Come closer.. " you nodded and go closer to him as he stands up on his throne and goes to you he was 7th tall and damn the size difference " what is it my lord? " He brush the strands bothering your hair suddenly he leans closer he can see something deep in your eyes " You can't hide yourself from me my little flower " in a instant you froze and look at him " w-what... " he let out a deep chuckle " don't play dumb y/n....why do you keep hiding? First you got killed now your locking yourself up in this servant body? " he lifted you up with his upper set of arms and you hold onto his shoulder as his upper right arm cuped your small fragile face as the other upper arm kiss your left hand you we're totally confused yet felt strange " what are you doing...im confuse.. " you look at him with a confuse expression " dear....I will make you remember.... " and after cupping your face he gesture his right upper hand to your forehead and your true identity once again reveal your hair color changed and also your eyes and face to your goddess form....
At the end you live with him trying to process what happend....
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Sooo yeeehhh plot twist the goddess yn was actually kuna late dead wife and kuna decided to look for a concubine and there is yuri, well Yuri basically got killed by him because in that curse scene he was there watching all along it was a test and when he found out abt you he instantly didn't hesitate to have you back to become his wife once again his queen his one and only love
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threepandas · 6 months ago
Bad End: Kuro Ryuko
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The world shook.
Screams. Panic. Futile commands filling the air, as what Royal Warriors still lived, tried desperately to fight back. What was the point? Didn't they realize? They had brought this on themselves. We all had. I... I had TRIED. Powerless as I was. Trapped as I often felt. I had TRIED.
In the face of The Black Dragon... I knew it to be no excuse.
My soul burned beneath it's cry. That terrible roar, which echoed condemnation. Damning. Our crimes could not be hidden. Our sins unforgivable, rotting behind the pretty lies we had told ourselves. It SAW us for what we were. Beheld our very SOULS.
The Dragon was DISGUSTED.
All I could do was run. Weep. Cling to the hands of the other serving girls, as we tried desperately to survive. Forgotten in the panic, by so called greater men, we had only ourselves to count on. The servants pathways were already choke points. Death traps. Several had been hit, if the pillars of smoke were coming from where we thought the were.
The world shook. Hanako choked on her scream, two girls down. The subtle face paint she was always so proud of, a mess, streaming like tears of ash down her lovely face. Aiko had fainted. Tried so, SO hard not to. Clung to consciousness with vicious painted nails. But the panic had been to much, her health too poor. Her sister carried her now.
The world shook. We were going to die, weren't we? A crowd of forgotten things. Not even good enough to be people in the eyes of our masters. Just maids. Serving girls. Born peasants and dead property. Caught beneath the wrath of a Dragon whose eyes saw us, but who mercy could not comprehend the complexity of mortal cages. The chains we could not see.
Crashing. Fire. Roars.
The World Shook.
It was excuses, in the end. We had a choice. Simple as it was. Obedience or Death as it may have been. To the Dragon morality? We were to have chosen Death. There is no compassion for cowards. Mercy for the cruel and self-serving. Not even, if it is all you can do, to survive. Perish instead, die proudly, Be Dragon, says the Black Dragon.
Of all the Dragons, THEY are not the kind one. Not the merciful nor sweet nor wise. THEY are Justice. Vengeance. Debts paid as they are due. They were feared but no one could get rid of them. For who could rightfully argue against Justice? Debts paid? What, people would ask, did you have to hide?
Everything. They always did. And they DISPISED the Dragon for it. For being impossible to fool. Impossible to bribe. Their Champion's an avatar of their Will. Endlessly carving paths of destruction through sin and debauchery, usually paid for at the cost of those who served. To see the Black Dragon? Was to know Justice was coming.
Like the fist of a wrathful God. The mauling of a beast. Burning through like a wildfire, leaving nothing but ash in their wake.
It was an isolating life. Terrible. I... I remembered, Before this life, Another. Bits and pieces. Disjointed at first. Yet over the years I have come together. Social isolation is a torture. I KNOW this. People go insane. And... and a dragon is not human. Could not possibly be enough, even if they WERE excellent companionship. People need support structures.
So I tried.
Volunteered to be the one to bring Kuro Ryuko her meals, much to the relief of others. Tried to sneak treats and festival snacks in. Little toys and books borrowed from the central library that maybe they would like. I tried. Again and again. Everything I could think of. Quietly and subtly, so as not to get punished. So I would not be stopped. And...?
It amounted to nothing.
Did I become too comfortable? In my habits, too arrogant? That I forgot exactly how DANGEROUS the forces I meddled with, truely ARE? At worst... at WORST, I expected her to ignore me. She had such even temperament. A calm, smooth voice. Still and ponderous, like deep waters. How? HOW?! I could not-! Did NOT-!
Not far behind our group, a great expanse of wall exploded to the side, as a god-like section of the Black Dragon's body crashed through it. One small part of a single twinning loop. Insignificant compared to the full beast, which seemed to consume the sky itself.
We would have died instantly.
Choking on our screams, desperate not to attract notice, we threw ourselves forward. Nearly tripping on our skirts. Two of us DID, but were instantly hauled back to their feet by friends or nearby survivors before they could fall. No one. NO ONE, was getting left behind. It wasn't long now. W-we could do this. We HAD to do this. Survive. Escape. Whatever comes next, so be it.
There were supposed to be other Dragons. To Balance each other. Had they turned on us too? Were they dead? Did it even matter anymore? None of us had ever been so glad for Madame Shimei's secret gaurd lover before, the one we all knew about but all pretended we didn't. They were cute together. Everyone hoped they would marry.
I...I hoped he wasn't dead. It would break her.
There! The outer wall! I could sob with relief. The secret side entrance was open. Madame's Gaurd still there, alone. Frantically searching until he laid eyes on her. Desperation melting into unspeakable relief. He starts forward. We... we are so close...!
The Dragon's hand, smashs down between us. Crushing everything. Cutting us off from any escape.
Now. NOW we scream. There is no point not doing so. We have been found. Barely visible, past the crushing force, Madame's gaurd appears alive. Unhurt. Refusing to run and leave her. They are not young, it was no grand tale of beauties, but in the face of certain death? He has shown what sort of man he is. She begs him to go. Live. It sounds so very far away, as I follow the line of that limb. Up and up and UP.
Titanic and seething, the Black Dragon's eyes glow. My soul laid bare. Every failing, every mistake, each injustice. How... how worthless I am. I... I deserve this. How dare I run. How dare not pay for my sins? I deserve to burn. We all deserve to pay for our-...
"Not that one. That one's mine."
I am on my knees. Tears streaming down my face. The others weeping, cowering, praying around me. Only a few made the mistake of actually looking the Dragon in the eyes. The others beg them to wake up. They won't. Trapped in a terrible trance, they weep. It take me a long moment to even register my freedom. The source.
Kuro Ryuko. I know that voice. Who else could it be?
She stands, the picture of Judgement and Cold, Calculated, Wrath. Long black hair, blowing in the wind generated by the Dragon's mere presence. Their mere WEIGHT upon the world. Her eyes glowing like suns from within. Golden beacons of light, inhuman marks of absolute power. She... She is looking at me. Why is she looking at ME?
"I have decided No More." Her voice echos in the silence like a command, the declaration of an empress. "They will not listen. Think they can hide. Pester and pander, seek to cage me even as they poison me. Enough. I have tolerated this insolence long enough! It burns, all of it. They may start again from the ashes."
"Now come here, Mouse. We are leaving."
There are certain commands you can twist and some you can not. Some you can argue and some you can not. It depends on how reasonable the person speaking. What they will DO, should you defy them. The cost you would pay. If... if I DON'T heel like a pet? My eyes flick to the other maids. Madame makes eye contact, her horror clear. Experience has taught her EXACTLY how this must end.
Through tears, I offer her a smile. It... it will be okay. Somehow, some way, it will be... be okay. Live. Survive this. K-keep going, alright? Promise me? We have not spoken. Just gaze alone. But the grief and determination painting her face? Tells me she understands.
I'm so, SO sorry.
I get up. Face Kuro Ryuko. A perfect servant's pose. Head up, but not so far as to be haughty. Shoulders back, but not so far as to thrust out the chest. A smile that is pleasing but promises nothing, does not entice. Hands folded, ready to serve, artful not idle. Measured steps as I move forward. I remember my lessons.
Terrified. I am... I am so... so unspeakably afraid. I move regardless. Smile politely. What is one death? If the others survive. I may shake, my soul may howl and tremble, b-but my friends get to LIVE. A-And... and have I not lived before? I am being selfish. This fear is selfish. They get to live. Repeat it. Gods, we must repeat it.
They'll get to LIVE. T-They'll get to LIVE. D-Don't b-be... be...
I can not let myself cry. Refuse to show weakness NOW. Here, at the end. Before this terrible, terrible thing. Tears have no use before a beast with no mercy. I have so little dignity left. The least I can give, can HAVE, is my final memories be one of strength, in the minds of those who loved me. Lie as it may be.
There is blood on her cheek. I can see no wound. And from the angle it stains her? It can only be splatter. Shines, just faintly, with the golden sheen of an Avatar's gift. Their blessings. I guess I know, now, why Shiro Ryuko has not risen to stand against them.
They can not.
I wonder if they are wounded or simply gone.
The Black Dragon has moved its focus to me. Adjusting it's stance to do so. It clears the path and, with despair, the others flee. I... I hope they live long lives. Good ones. Would give anything to join them. But here and now, I do not turn my head. Stare straight ahead and think of nothing. Pretend my hands do not... do not shake.
I am fine.
This is fine.
Kuro Ryuko moves, jumping through the air in a way that denies reality it's laws, it's limits. What are physics to a god? Mere gravity to a DRAGON? She moves as she pleases and the world bows to her will. Touching down with the grace of a frightful hunting bird, weapon swept elegantly to her side, as she rises to regard me. We have never stood so close. Some vaguely hysterical part of me notes... huh, I'm taller then her...
"Hello, Mouse, I am your mate. We are going to be together, forever. Come." There was no uncertainty in her voice. No asking. Just absolutes, command. Her hand expectant as it hung, outstretched towards me. "This place is filthy and does not deserve you. I will find us a better one. Flowers, perhaps? A luxurious bed? You will tell me on the way. Give me your hand."
What else could I do? But obey here? So close, the Black Dragon's every breath rolls across me like waves of heated death. A subtle reminder of at who's mercy, I stand. Her skin is almost too hot to touch. Hand calloused from a warriors training. I am dragged close. Against black silks with golden trims and embroidering. A possessive arm, like steel, sliding around my waist.
She takes a moment. As though to savor holding me close for the first time. Her other hand flicking her weapon up into the air, leaving it to float, weightlessly. Just so she can bury it in my hair, which had half fallen from it's styling, during the run. Pressing her face against the side of my head. Nearly hard enough to hurt. Dragging in air, all but hissing it, through her nose and gritted teeth.
Like it's not enough. Like it will NEVER be enough.
Like she wants to craw inside my skin and wear me. Needs me. Wants to CONSUME me.
Her hands have claws. I can feel them prickling, five painful little points, on each one. Where she holds me still. Bruisingly strong. A pleased hum that rolls like a growl. Pressed close against my skin like a secret.
"Mine. Just mine now. No more patience. No more 'behave'. Just MINE. You and me. My Mouse. Pretty fidgety MY Mouse. Shy and nervous and MINE. Gonna take such good care of you. Give you everything you need. Love you, Mouse. And you'll love me."
"No matter what. I'll make sure of it."
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the-broken-truth · 1 year ago
Yandere One-Shot: Platonic Yandere Dimitrescu Family w/ Young Female Maid Reader [PART 3]
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Broken Truth: Hey everyone, I've completed the script for the third installment of our storyline. Let's get started! Enjoy, My Shadow Pups! Let the words weave together!
Quick Summary: [Name] [Surname] is the youngest of three daughters on her father's farm. While she takes care of the farm and her ill mother, her elder sisters spend their time being lazy and spending any money she makes. They often complain about their financial situation but do nothing to improve it. Frustrated with their lifestyle, [Name] decides to apply for a job at Castle Dimitrescu. Despite her mother's dismay and her sisters' delight, she lands the job. However, things take a dark turn when the Lady of the Castle and her daughters take a personal interest in [Name]. They decide that her family is no longer deserving of her, leaving [Name] to face a difficult choice.
[Name] is 15 years old.
[Older Sister] is 27 years old.
[Middle Sister] is 23 years old.
[Father] is dead and gave the farm to [Name] in his will because he knew she would take care of it.
[Mother] is 57 years old and has a deadly illness. There's an elixir that the Duke has to heal her but it's expensive.
Regardless of her young age, [Name] can cook, clean, bake, sow, and repair rather well, as if she were a professional.
[Part One] - [Part Two] - [Part 3] (You Have Arrived)
[Castle Dimitrescu - Dining Hall - Supper Time]
Alcina Dimitrescu sat at the head of the table, eagerly awaiting the arrival of her beloved daughters for dinner. As she looked around the dining hall, she couldn't help but notice that it was spotless. Despite having occupied Castle Dimitrescu for some time, it had never looked this clean before. The runner was free of blood stains, the wooden floor was perfectly polished, and the carpet was swept and also free of blood stains. The goblets and fine china that rested on the table were free of dust. Everything was perfect. Alcina gazed at the maids who stood at attention against the wall, ready to serve their mistresses, including the newest addition to her collection: [Name] [Surname].
The owner of the surname farm stood with perfect posture, her hands behind her back, her focused eyes locked on the lady's voice, ready to act quickly and effectively. She had been taught by her father to be efficient and attentive. Despite hours of cleaning and preparing, her uniform remained flawless, free from wrinkles and dust. Alcina was impressed; usually, maids would have wrinkles and dust on their clothes after the first day, but this girl was different. The Lady of the Castle was intrigued by her and would keep a close eye on her. There was something about her that Alcina couldn't quite put her finger on.
Alcina's thoughts were interrupted by the sounds of buzzing coming from the halls - from the corner of her eye, she could see the maids tense up at the sound of her daughters approaching but the youngest maid remained as still as a statue, completely unaffected by the sound of the Dimitrescu Daughters coming closer to her location; was she unafraid of the Young Ladies of Castle Dimitrescu? Alcina couldn't help but wonder and smirk - she would insert the fear of Castle Dimitrescu within this girl.
The first to enter the dining hall was Bela Dimitrescu - Alcina's Eldest Daughter and - in her opinion - her most responsible daughter. Bela's hood was down, allowing her long blonde hair to flow behind her as she hovered over to her seat and took a seat to the right of her mother.
"Sorry for being late, Mother. I had to wake Dani up to make sure she didn't miss dinner again." Bela explained.
"I understand, My Daughter. We do not want your sister attacking the nighttime maids for a midnight snack again." Alcina groaned as she recalled what happened the last time her youngest daughter skipped dinner - that was a difficult mess to deal with, the blood stained one of her favorite paintings that Donna painted for her. She kept the painting in her art room, trying to think was ways to remove blood from it without damaging the artwork - easier said than done.
Soon enough, 2 more clusters of flies entered the room and formed into the Middle Child of the Dimitrescu Family and the Youngest of the Dimitrescu - Cassandra and Daniela Dimitrescu. Cassandra's long brown hair flowed behind her as she hovered to her seat while Daniela stood there running a hand through the shaved side of her red hair. She started heading to her seat when she stopped, sniffed the air for a while, and turned to look over to the maids - who stiffened as her eyes raked over them until they stopped on the newest addition of the maids.
"OH! What have we here?" Daniela asked with a grin that would put the Cheshire Cat's to shame as she hovered over to [Name] - who locked eyes with Daniela as she looked her over as if she were examining a shiny new toy. "Mother got us a new toy to play with and this one smells so good! What's your name, pretty thing?"
"Lady Dimitrescu, permission to speak?" [Name] asked as her eyes remained locked with Daniela's and her hands remained behind her back.
"Your request is granted, Maid [Surname]." Alcina said - surprised that the maid would have enough respect and common sense to ask her lady and mistress permission to speak to her daughter; this one was very different from the others.
"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Lady Daniela. I am [Name] [Surname] and I look forward to being of service to you." [Name] said as she placed on hand across her chest to place over her heart and bowed her head to show her respect and submission to Daniela.
"OH! Mother, I like this one! Can I keep her, please?! I promise not the break this one like I did the last time!" Daniela said as she turned to face her mother with a large smile and puppy eyes.
"No, darling. Maid [Surname] is not a toy. She is a rather hard worker for her young age." Alcina said.
"Really? How old is she?" Bela asked.
"She is 15 years of age, My Eldest." Alcina said.
"Only 15 and she is working as a maid here? Are you certain that is a good idea, Mother?" Cassandra asked.
"Quite certain. Do you see the dining hall? She cleaned it as her test to prove that she would be able to handle work around the castle." Alcina said as she gestured around the dining hall.
"How the hell did she get the blood stains out of the runner? Even the old stains are gone." Bela asked.
"I used lemon juice, Lady Bela." [Name] said.
"Lemon Juice? That actually works?" Daniela asked.
"It most certainly does, Lady Daniela. I used it all the time to get the blood stains out of my clothes during my farm work." [Name] explained. Daniela looked at [Name] with a large smile on her face before she hovered over to her seat and sat down beside Cassandra. The family waited for the chefs to arrive from the back with the food. Tonight's dinner of fine steak with blood sauce, the family ate but Danield seemed displeased.
"Mother, the blood on this meat doesn't taste all that good. What type is it?" She asked.
"The chef told me it was A+. Is there something wrong with it, my daughter?" Alcina asked.
"Most of the dishes they serve have A+ Blood and I have grown sick of the taste. I want something different. Don't we have other blood in stock?" Daniela whined as she dropped her fork with a piece of steak still on the end. Alcina explained that A+ Blood was the only type they had in stock because that was the dominant type from the donors who were paid for their blood but Daniela was still displeased.
"Lady Dimitrescu." [Name's] Voice called out, causing the Lady of the Castle to look at her with a raised eyebrow.
"Yes?" Alcina asked.
"If I am allowed, I might be able to aid Lady Daniela with her problem. May I try something?" [Name] asked. Alcina was curious about what the young girl was planning and gestured her hand in a way that told [Name] she was allowed to proceed. The youngest maid walked over to the table and removed her hands from behind her back while her right hand reached into her pocket and pulled out a small knife. She opened the knife and used it to slice open the palm of her other hand, allowing the blood to build up from the open wound, and held her hand over the steak Daniela was eating, allowing her blood to spill over the meat. [Name] moved her hand around to ensure every inch of the steak was moved in blood before she retrieved and piece of cloth from her pocket wrapped her hand to stop the blood flow and nodded to Daniela, who sliced a piece from the steak and took a bite - her eyes widened as the flavor of the blood hit her tongue.
"My daughter... Are you alright? You have grown silent." Alcina asked. Daniela said nothing as she continued to cut the steak and consume it like a starving creature until it was gone - she then attempted to lick the blood from the platter but once it was gone, she turned to face [Name] with a crazed look in her eyes.
"More! I want more!" Daniela lunged from her seat and grabbed [Name's] forearm, yanking the cloth from her hand and forcing the bleeding wound to her mouth to drink as much of the blood as she possibly could. Alcina - completely confused by her daughter's actions - rose from her seat to stop Daniela but the calmness of [Name's] face told her that she wasn't in danger - the young maid didn't fight as Daniela drank her blood and soon enough, the young mistress pulled away, licking the leftover blood from her lips with a smile of satisfaction on her face.
"Has your appetite been sated, Lady Daniela?" [Name] asked.
"This... This was the best blood I have ever tasted. What is your blood type?!" Daniela asked.
"To the best of my knowledge, I am AB Negative." [Name] explained.
"AB Negative? I have not heard of that blood type. I have heard A Negative, even B Negative, but never AB Negative." Alcina said with confusion in her voice.
"It is a rather rare blood type, Lady Dimitrescu." [Name] explained, "Another rare blood type - also known as the Universal Blood Type - is O Negative."
"You know a lot of blood types." Cassandra said.
"Just enough to stay alive. Never know when you might need a donor, it could just save your life." [Name] said.
"Are there anything other people in the village with your blood type? Your sisters perhaps?" Alcina asked.
"To be honest, I am not certain, Lady Dimitrescu. My sisters were not very keen on having blood work done or having examines from the village doctor." [Name] said.
"I want to taste her blood as well." Cassandra said as she rose to her feet.
"No! She is mine! Her blood is mine, too! I tasted it first, so it's mine by right!" Daniela said as she held [Name] close to her chest while hissing at her sister, who hissed back.
"You can't just hog the rare blood bag for yourself, Dani! That's not fair!" Cassandra yelled.
"Now, now, daughters. That is enough. Maid [Surname] needs to rest from allowing Dani to drink her blood. We shall deal with this situation in the morning. Maid [Surname], you are dismissed. Return to the Maid Quarters and get some rest. Your work resumes tomorrow." Alcina ordered as Dani released her grip on the girl.
"As you wish, Lady Dimitrescu." [Name] said as she bowed and walked out of the dining hall with all eyes on her.
This girl - this rare blood type - was going to be interesting to keep around.
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doodle-pops · 1 year ago
It's been half an hour since I woke up and I can't get this stupid mess out of my head. - Reader is a maidservant, silently pines after Maedhros like a lost puppy, finds him appealing and having a distinct charm despite his scars and flat affect that might make others hesitate - Is overcome by her burdensome heart in the middle of tidying his quarters and lays on his bed for a short while - Knows that elven society is a good deal more conservative than the race of men (certain formalities in courting, avoiding sex before marriage, etc), not that she'd want to subject herself to a one-night-stand even with the person she loves - Seesaws between being realistic about how her love would always be unrequited vs utterly despondent
Anon, go back to sleep. What is this angst and dilemma early this morning? Why is your brain doing this to you...to us? Putting yourself through the pain for a good plot, noteworthy. I love it (both plot and pain) 😀👍
Me to reader: Continue to silently pin, get up off his bed and get back to work.
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fandom-go-round · 10 months ago
What do you think if reader in fgo is a heroic spirit aka servant?
Oh this is fun! I’m going to do a couple of different high-level versions just cause!
If I was going to make a Reader Servant, I would do a Rider class. A class that’s strong but not one of the strongest. I would go for a more futuristic Reader, someone who’s a hero-not-yet-alive. Reader’s mount would be a motorcycle, but their outfit wouldn’t match at all, something long and flowy to move in the wind.
Reader would be a traveling hero in a post-apocalyptic world, traveling from city to city helping to clear monsters out. They do their best to stay positive in a bleak world but it can be tough. Reliable and sarcastic, Reader is good to have in a pinch and making long trips.
For a more historical Reader, I would do someone based on the Headless Horseman. I know Hessian Lobo is here but I want something more concrete. Maybe mix a few classic stories together, make a horse rider Hero. Starting out with a motorcycle, Reader would slowly go from an old-fashioned carriage to the classic horse. I’d like to think that Reader’s head would be readily available but who knows. I also like the idea of Reader’s head coming off when surprised but it depends on how silly it gets.
Reader tends to get dragged into things, either by their Master or people around them. In a Grand Order setting, they’re not usually involved in main stories but are frequent side story characters. Reader enjoys living at Chaldea and interacting with everyone they can find. If summoned in a normal Holy Grail War they’re lot more serious, less willing to be joking. They get more get attached to people the longer they know them so Reader would do well in a longer war.
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scara-writes · 11 months ago
Yandere!Cheating Duke X Duchess! Reader X Yandere!Lover Servant
I just want to write a reader who has the same/more power as/to the yandere(s).
The setting is still in the fantasy/manhwa world, medivial, any setting as long it's not modern.
CW: two yandere, rivals, cheating, consent smut, infidelity.
I'm making the darling a little more forward(?), daring, more power or that can go against a yandere. Atleast, that's what the darling thinks. Also, this is not polished like my other stories.[ Forgive me, I'm not good with smuts! I also love y'all comments and your ask/request(will answer them soon!). The Yandere Emperor and Yandere Crown Prince son really outnumbered the yandere Omega. Y'all are crazy for that!]
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"Mistress." He murmured. His arms hadn't let go off your waist. It was the first thing your eyes landed on when the sunlight came in to greet a new day from the window balcony. You closed your eyes again to find your way back to sleep again.
Your hands went to trace his back full of scar last night from your nails. You hummed when he gave you a pepper kisses on your exposed skin.
"Morning." He gave you one last kiss on your lips before snuggling between your chest. His arms hadn't move around your waist since last night."Mmmh..morning..." You muttered looking away—eyes still close—from the sun when it kissed your face.
"Do you want me to call the maids to serve you breakfast?" His sweet voice lull to sleep more. You whispered no. Last night, this man gave you something akin to that of heaven, something your husband never gave you.
Last night, you made love with this man. The same man you rescued from the human trafficking, kidnapping commoner from the outskirts of the kingdom. Now, indebted by your kindness he devout himself to you with his life.
You groaned, feeling your body is aching all over. This goes not unnoticed by your lover."Did I hurt you to bad?" He asked. His earth orbs are gleaming with shine and now getting filled with tears. "I-I'm sorry, I was rough with you mistress." His voice full of regret and loathe on himself.
You opened your eyes, ruffling his curly brown hair before stroking it. Staring down at his eyes. "No. You did good." You smiled at him, cupping his face, before kissing him in the lips. He whimpered,deepening his into yours.
The intoxication of alcohol must have taken over you. Drowning yourself from the alcohol beverages after your husband didn't arrive on the scheduled date, you waited for him for a whole day to arrive. Alone in the gazebo, Everett was the one who went to your weeping figure. That was a month ago. Everett offered himself to shower you with his love. At first you feel reluctant about this, you will never be the type of person to use someone just so you can feel yourself happy. Everett didn't care about it whether you use him or not. He wanted to prove himself that you are worth to be love. This man made your heart flutter in a way that your husband once gave you before the marriage.
"I-I love what happened last night, my mistress." He whispered bashfully, his pretty swollen lower lip,you bitten hard last night, went to reach his eyes giving you a wide smile. The sun kissed his tan face adding a charming look. His neck has full of bites and bruises from you. His cheeks become a little darker shade from blushing, he must have reminisced something last night.
Now, you made him your lover. Though not completely in love with Everett. You also shower him with items or materials that most commoners would love to have but it doesn't seem like this man is materialistic. He just wants you.
You didn't hide Everett to your husband.
What's the use of hiding your fling to Theodore when he was the first one to cheat on this marriage?
Despite being loyal to that man you loved. He had the audacity to tell you that you shouldn't pry on his private his life after you confronted him with a newly hired maid going out. "Our marriage contract states that the two parties should not meddle one another's private life else this contract shall be annuled."
So all of his flexing his love for you was nothing but a hoax? A show? A lure for you to agree to marry him?
Though, your marriage with him was for the politcial marriage. You once fell in love with Theodore. The same man who gave you flowers everytime you two date, the same man who kissed in your cheeks after he walk you home, the same man who always writes poems about his devotion to you. Did he pursuade you to continue this marriage by making you love him so that the two duchy became one? It may seem like you wanted this marriage at first. You didn't, your family wanted it and they have asked you—no annoyingly, they plead you to marry him, because your parents and his parents signed a contract that their children will reunite the two duchy.
"Your ladyship, the duke asked for your audience to join him in the breakfast." Your butler from the other side of your room, outside the door, knocked and speaks after. You frown upon hearing it, looking at the closed door, what does he want?
You feel strange about your husband nowadays. He had been asking for your presence this past few days. Never once he called for you after your wedding with him.
You clicked your tongue and turn to look at your lover. You notice Everett's face was frowning too. "Tell the duke that I will be there in a moment." You announced to the butler outside the room expecting the old man to gear you through it. You look back at the man leaning his weight on you. You tap the curly haired lover to let you go from his hold yet he didn't budge after moving yourself to sit up instead you heard yourself going 'oomfh!' and finding your lips were on his again. You groaned while he moaned weakly. He pushed you down on the bed, his lips never leaving yours until you were out of breath. A string of saliva trailed between your mouths. Everett was smiling before diving his lips into your skin, to one of your chest, fondling the other. You feel a little ticklish and panting at his stimulation. "Eve—! Wait! Ah..." Your voices went unheard, The male's mewling, sucking on to your flesh like thirsty man who hadn't had a drink.
Your hand went to tug his hair as you moaned out his name. "Shi—Eve... Oh! S-stop... Ah.."
His other hand goes to put one of legs above his back and parted the other leg, accessing himself between you even more."m-mistress!"
You groaned when you felt him grind between you. He looked at you with a pleading eyes, he look like he will cry again, the tears filling up yo the side from his eyes. "M-mistress." He whined his mouth was already in another mound. You feel his hardness between. "p-please? I'll be good! Please... huff..I'll make y-you feel good!"
Your eyes are hazy from the pleasure. "You want.. hah... it?" His eyes getting filled again with tears. You tug him by the hair not enough to hurt him. You landed your lips on his ears. Panting and breathless when you felt his hands is still fondling your body. "You got..ngh... to earn it, pretty boy." You murmurs made him whimpered. "You have to be my good boy... Are you my good boy?"
He nod, a tear fell down to his cheeks, he leaned down to your lips, murmuring, i-am-your-good-boys, thank-yous and I-love-yous.
The room filled with noises that could make anyone flustered and uncomfortable. You didn't realize from your high you are feeling that the butler is coughing uncomfortably behind the door excusing himself as he will inform the duke what you told him earlier.
You went down the stairs with a difficulty, aching between your thighs. You can't find any dress to cover the one hickey on your neck, Everett apologize and helped you cover it with a foundation but it failed horribly from covering seeing that the foundation wasn't blend well and you do not want your maids do it for you. Not when you found out that almost all of them had already been with your husband. You were planning to replace them sooner.
You stopped at the closed door leading to the dinning room. The butler from earlier straightened his posture, clearing his throat after he saw you. He announced your presence behind the door opening the door for you."My lord, your ladyship is here."
You walked in after thanking one of the male servant for pushing the seat for you once you sit across the lord of the household, your husband, the Duke.
The breakfast before you was served cold. If you have arrived earlier you could have eaten warm. You glance at your husband, surprised that his plate has not been finished and it looked like he didn't touched it. You noticed his eyes is trained on to you since you came in, yet his eyes isn't on you but to your neck and the way you walk earlier.
His grey eyes seemed to be narrowing, he scoffed. "You're late."
You glance away, picking one of the utensil, stabbing the meat, landing it to your mouth chewing it. You gulped it down before taking another bite. The marinated pork seems to be delicious even if the breakfast a little no warm.
"It seems you are enjoying with your toy a little too much." He added, there was anger rising beneath his voice.
Oh, the egg is a little bland but it is still edible nonetheless.
"There are more new reports about your speculated infidelity to the public. Do you know that?"
You looked at him after eating the last piece of the sunny side egg, smiling: finally acknowledging his presence."Yeah, what about it? It's not like it will ruin our marriage. After all, you had a numerous of headlines about your 'rumored' infidelity too. Did our contractwas nulled after that? It didn't right?"
"Yes, husband?"
His eyes widened a little before going back on giving you death gaze. "Kick that slave away. I don't like him." He demanded. Though he wasn't shouting. You frowned, how dare he?
"Why would I? It's my decision whether I choose to throw him out or not."
"I do not want him near my property." He complained, gritting his teeth at the last word.
"This is my property as well!" You sternly answered back. Not leaving another room for an argument.
There was silence between the room.
"... I... don't want him near you." You heard him. You blinked at the sudden word that blurted in his mouth.
You scoff standing up, "I think I should finish my meal somewhere..." You starts walking back to where you enter the room.
"(Y/n)." Theodore called you. You didn't observe the way his eyes longed for you. You were focus on the anger within you. "Are we forgetting something, Theodore?" You questioned.
He pondered, those orb you used to love held a confusion.
"Meddling into your partner's private life will annul this marriage... Wasn't that written in our contract?" You bitterly told him. "Sounds familiar right? Do not dare demand me to throw away Everett." You added.
Finally waiting for this moment for this to happen. Guess he will get to taste his own medicine.
"... As long as we do our part in this household we will act as husband and wife. Is not that what you told me?"
"Now then, I will excuse myself. I have no longer desire to finish my breakfast here." With that, you leave him there.
When you reach the door, opening it, you were surprise to see Everett waiting outside. "What are you doing here?" You asked him. Your frowned face was replaced with a confusion look before giving him a small smile. The man infront of you return your smile with a small grin, placing one of his arm on your waist."W-well, I feel bored and alone in my own room. So I found myself waiting here w-with the butler. Besides I saw you walking wobbly earlier and I-I am concerned that you might have even more difficulty walking... So f-forgive me for not staying put." The look concern on his face adding the pout from his lips made him look cute.
"What are you a puppy?"You poke his nose giggling as you walk away with him, your eyes went back to talk to the butler. Telling him you want to continue your breakfast at your garden, asking him to make it for a two people. The butler bowing to your order before going to the kitchen area to order the maid.
Your husband on the other hand, loath with rage and jealousy mixing under his eyes. His eyes narrowed especially when the slave you brought in leaned on top of your head kissing at the crown part of your head, leaning to your ear to whisper something akin to sweet talks. The arm around your waist went to rub your back.
If only you glance again on Everett's face. You would have caught him giving your husband a smug smirk.
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erisv7 · 2 months ago
─ Your Loyal Servant
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Yandere Loyal Servant who served the Goddess of Love his entire life with unwavering devotion.
Who spent countless nights carving statues of your radiant beauty and unmatched grace.
Who taught himself the art of painting just to immortalize your divine visage on canvas.
Who pleaded tearfully with you to not join the gods in their war, fearing your safety above all else.
Whose heart shattered into irreparable pieces when the Goddess of Love perished on the battlefield.
Out of his grief and undying loyalty. He ascended as the new God of Love. Taking your place, just as you wished.
As he inherited your divine domain, he ruled with an eternal ache in his heart. Unable to fill the void your absence left.
As the God of Love, he used his newfound powers to reincarnate you. Desperate to see you once more in the mortal realm.
If he reincarnates you, he must pay a heavy price. His existence becomes tied to you. And if he dies, he will vanish completely. With no chance of reincarnation or an afterlife.
He watched you found love with a mortal. He's torn between longing and acceptance. But he is content to see you smile even if it wasn’t for him.
Though he craved to be with you. But he can't, since he used his powers to you. He knew the price. If he dies, he vanishes entirely. Without the chance to reincarnate.
Yandere God of Love who made the ultimate sacrifice. He exchanged his divine life to ensure your eternal cycle of happiness and reincarnation.
As he faded into dust. His final thoughts were you, his love unwavering to the very end.
With a bittersweet smile, the Yandere God of Love vanished. Leaving behind a legacy of devotion that would echo in every love story throughout eternity.
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bones-of-a-rabbit · 2 years ago
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sometimes love is helping ur friend relax a little after a big political event (by reminding him of how bad he used to be at his dance lessons) <3
(idk if ive posted this yet but if i have pls tell me sjdfhshdfs im going thru and gonna b sharing a few things idk if ive posted before so pls be nice me my brain is a pea)
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afandomhopper · 1 month ago
Non-BL K-Novels & Webtoons with Popular BL Pairings (MC Focus)
Omniscient Reader (Line Webtoon) [2018]
중독: Yu Junghyuk/Kim Dokja
그분독자: Secretive Plotter/Kim Dokja
Lout of the Count’s Family (Tappytoon) [2018]
최케: Choi Han/Cale Henituse
알케: Alver Crossman/Cale Henituse
My S-Class Hunters (Line Webtoon) [2018]
윻윶: Han Yuhyun/Han Yujin
현윶: Sung Hyunjae/Han Yujin
Return of the Blossoming Blade (Line Webtoon) [2019]
백청: Baek Cheon/Cheongmyeong
당청: Tang Bo/Cheongmyeong
The Greatest Estate Developer* (Line Webtoon) [2019]
하비로이: Javier Asrahan/Kim Suho
I Woke Up as the Villain (Tapas) [2019]
도진유성: Kim Dojin/Choi Yuseong
When the Third Wheel Strikes Back (Line Webtoon) [2020]
세드예서: Cedric Riester/Jung Yeseo
지브예서: Jibril Diop/Jung Yeseo
Debut or Die (Tapas) [2021]
앟문: Seon Ahyeon/Park Moondae
큰문: Lee Sejin (Keun)/Park Moondae
윶문: Cha Eugene/Park Moondae
랩문: Kim Raebin/Park Moondae
엋문: Cheongryeo/Park Moondae
Beacon of Light in the Dark Sea [2022]
해량무현: Shin Haeryang/Park Moohyun
재희무현: Kim Jaehee/Park Moohyun
The Hunter of the Other World is Being Misunderstood [2023]
창호기려: Kang Changho/Kim Kiryeo
하성기려: Jeong Haseong/Kim Kiryeo
Black Badger [2023]
윤힐: Choi Yoon/Hildebert Talev
예힐: Lee Yehyun/Hildebert Talev
Got Dropped Into a Ghost Story, Still Gotta Work [2024]
샇룻: Baek Saheon/Kim Soleum
솔샇: Kim Soleum/Baek Saheon
잫솔: Lee Jaheon/Kim Soleum
블솔: Braun/Kim Soleum
Tower of God [2010]
쿤밤: Khun Aguero Agnes/The 25th Bam
Lookism [2014]
재열형석: Hong Jaeyeol/Park Hyungseok
No Home [2018]
은영해준: Baek Eunyoung/Goh Haejoon
Garbage Time [2019]
준상: Seong Junsu/Ki Sangho
뱅상: Park Byungchan/Ki Sangho
종상: Choi Jongsu/Ki Sangho
Special Civil Servant** [2024]
이든마루: Seonwoo Eden/Han Maru
*note: the MC has a canon relationship with another character.
**note: the MC has canon feelings for another character.
15/02/2025: filled in the pairings for Black Badger.
25/02/2025: added the KR name for Kim Dojin/Choi Yuseong.
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woahjo · 6 months ago
the first time the high lord katsuki touches you, he drags his fingers lightly over your clothes. his palms slide against your shoulders, your waist, your hips, and your thighs. he's careful to not overstep, moving slowly over your body as if any sudden movement would shatter the illusion.
he'd asked you to come look at something on his desk. a book or some other thing, and you'd obliged because you appreciate the things he shares with you. but you had stood so close to him, so close that katsuki could smell you, that he could lean forward a little and put his face in your hair.
"tell me if you don't like it," he'd mumbled, his voice tense and gravelly. there was a bite to it, a nervous one that he'd struggled to conceal.
then, he'd moved his hands to touch your hips. lightly at first, then with a bit more urgency. you had not turned around to face him, instead content to let him touch you this way. almost like worship.
his hands now roam gingerly over your clothing, catching momentarily on the heavy fabric before letting it fall again. he spends a lot of time simply feeling your shape, greedy hands that tremble with his desire to take you. katsuki touches you because you let him, because you want him to.
katsuki doesn't fuck you today, but he does other things. he lets his hand slip to your inner thigh and you part your legs with a small step to the side. neither of you speaks a word and the room is so silent save for your breathing that you could hear a pin drop. kirishima is outside of the door, but he won't enter unless he's called. the silence and secret of this wraps you both in a film you can't seem to break free from.
slowly, he pulls your dress up to run his fingers along the inside of your thigh, raising goosebumps along your skin and causing you to shutter and lean back against him. he sighs a little, leaning forward so that his breath hits the shell of your ear. then, he places a small kiss on your exposed part of your shoulder where it meets your neck.
then, his fingers dip to cup your cunt, pressing lightly until he finds the spot that makes you gasp and lean forward, bracing yourself with both hands on the table. his thick finger rubs circles into your slit, pulling aside your underwear to collect your wetness on his fingers before pressing it again to that sensitive bud.
you sigh, letting your head fall forward and katsuki steps closer to you, close enough that you can feel his hardness against your ass. he groans when he realizes the extent of your wetness, no doubt thinking about how long you've been like this, how long he's let you go unsatisfied and neglected.
katsuki doesn't make an effort to enter you, nor does he move his fingers from your clit. he just rubs circles into it, finding a pattern that makes you tremble and sticking with it. you sigh softly as he touches you, your skirt hiked up over his wrist and legs spread ever so slightly to give him room to pleasure you. choked moans and whines threaten to escape your lips and you can feel katsuki's face and breath beside your head, his eyes fixed on you as he watches your expression twist into one of mounting pleasure.
his hand comes up to brace your hip when you get close, pulling your body against him so that his hard cock is flush against you. it's a possessive movement and the roughest he's ever been with you, harshly jostling your body against his as if to have you close when you reach your peak.
you're leaning forward, fingers digging into the fine wood of his desk, as he repeatedly rubs at your clit, occasionally dipping to your entrance to collect your slick. you'd love for him to put them in you, to curl his thick fingers inside of your body until you cum, but this seems to be all he allows himself to do, as if he's holding himself back from ultimate pleasure.
what he does do for you is certainly enough, though. soon, he's crowding your body, his figure hunched over yours as you twitch and writhe against him. he keeps his fingers firmly rubbing at your clit, soft circles that grow more intentional with each twitch of your hips against him. then, you tense up and sigh deeply, then tension in your body fleeing as you cum hard against his hand and rut your hips into his fingers.
katsuki watches and groans softly as you finish, still moving his fingers and breathing heavily in your ear until you collapse forward against the desk with overstimulation. your legs tremble and squeeze his hand between your thighs and your breath comes heavily and quickly. he breathes like this too, as if he's just exerted some great physical force, and you can still feel his cock twitching against you in his pants as the fingers on his free hand dig harshly into your hips.
katsuki doesn't move his hand until you've stopped your twitching, content to leg you squeeze it between two plush thighs. then, he removes it, briefly holding your skirt up and peering around you to see the supple flesh of your leg, before letting it drop. you exhale a breath you hadn't realized you were holding and katsuki lingers behind you for a moment before letting his head fall forward to rest against your shoulder.
neither of you says anything about the reality of what you've just done. it's a great crime. one that is not easily undone should anyone find out about it. the two of you sit in silence as it settles over you.
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redtsundere-writes · 10 months ago
sukuna and servant!reader is so good!! looking forward to rescue more of them <33
Eyes On Me | Sukuna Ryomen
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king!sukuna ryomen x femservant!reader
Sypnosis: Uraume can't play chess with the king right now, you must step up. Contents: Obsession, pining, kinda fluffy, mentions of blood and body parts. Uraume uses they/them pronouns. Word Count: 2404 words. Author's Note: I love writing this ship. People have been asking me to make this a series. I'll try my best lol I think you can still read them individually, but there's a preferred order.
Beginning. ← Previous |
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Sukuna hates humans. It's a fact of life. The sky is blue, roses are red and Sukuna hates the disgusting creatures that humans are. He has so many reasons to hate them that he doesn't even know where to begin. Humans are annoying, weak, clumsy, but most of all, stupid. They make decisions without thinking through the consequences. They prefer to spend their money on temporary pleasures and end up bankrupt by not prioritizing their survival. They worry about unimportant things such as social status, religion, and traditions. Sukuna hates humans, but boy, are they entertaining. 
Sukuna tends to study his servants very carefully. Even though they only clean, cook and obey his orders to a tee, it was fun to watch them interact with each other. He finds it fascinating how the servants gossip in whispers, how the gardeners concentrate to prune the bushes well despite their hands shaking, or how the cooks taste the food several times so that it’s up to their majesty's standards. It was like watching dozens of filthy lab rats in the middle of a social experiment. Although… There was someone special he loved to watch, no matter what they were doing. 
You had finished all the chores for the day and decided to help the cooks prepare dinner because you had nothing better to do. Your muscles were exhausted from having spent all morning cleaning the porcelain sculptures, the large frames of the paintings in the great hall, and the king's jewelry so they could sparkle in all their glory. You had been assigned the task of peeling potatoes, so there you were. Sitting at a table with a small knife, peeling potatoes while listening to the chaos going on in the kitchen. Uraume was busy preparing a special passion fruit tea for the king. The special coming from the water that was inked with human blood. Sometimes you wondered if Uraume had always agreed to cook with humans or was it something they got used to because of Sukuna's orders, but since they never talked about themselves, you never asked. 
“Fuck!” A cook yelled when the frying pan caught fire. 
Your eyes widened at the flashy flare. Uraume put the tea set aside to attend to the emergency. With some ice from their magic hands, they put out the fire in a jiffy, but left the kitchen a mess. They began to berate the cook with smacks in the head and curses for his ineptitude. The cook just apologized over and over again, but that wasn't enough for the head chef. 
“You!” Uraume called. You put your task aside to attend to their orders. “Take the tea to our king and tell him I will be with him when I settle this situation.” You nodded and took the tray carefully to go in search of him. 
After Sukuna gave you permission, you entered the library with the golden tray in your hands. The library was the coziest room in the entire castle. Its high walls were covered with huge bookcases filled with books, maps, and scrolls. There were long desks of works and hundreds of candleholders everywhere to enjoy reading during the evenings. He was sitting in one of the comfortable chairs in front of the game table, a small wooden table with a chessboard on top. The king was surprised to see you there despite having specified Uraume's presence. 
“I didn't ask you to come,” Sukuna said chidingly as you served him tea at a small table next to him. 
“Uraume had to attend to an emergency in the kitchen. They'll be here once everything is under control,” you replied as you set down the fragile cup of blood tea, adorned with small pieces of eyeball floating on the red surface to give it texture. 
Your gaze traveled to the chessboard, it had been a long time since you had seen the king playing. You knew from the other servants that he was a good player and only plays with Uraume or some brave guest. This was no ordinary board. You could see that each piece was handmade and had luxurious detail. The pieces were made of white quartz, the eyes of the horses were rubies and the crowns of the kings were made of jade. It was the most beautiful board game you ever saw. 
“Do you know how to play?” Sukuna asked out of curiosity. 
Being a servant, you surely had not received the same education as he did. Well, almost no one was on his level when it came to education. Sukuna was a master mathematician, a skilled debater and could threaten his enemies in 5 different languages. You hadn't been as lucky. You're good at cleaning, cooking and taking orders, but what else can you do? 
“Yes,” you answered with a smile. 
That answer surprised him quite a bit. Although chess was a game that was rapidly gaining popularity among the middle class, it was not a game for women. It was a game that required intellect, always thinking two moves ahead and knowing how to read your opponent. You didn't look like a girl who could do all that. 
“Sit down,” Sukuna ordered you. 
“I warn you that it may be a short game. It's been a long time since I've played,” you warned him as you sat down. 
Sukuna watched you with great attention. Your eyes scanned the board as if it was the first time you had ever seen one, your hands rested gently on your thighs and you smiled nervously. You may have known the rules of the game, but you didn't know how to play. The king took your word for it. 
“Ladies first,” he asked you to start.
“My pleasure,” you said as your dominant hand moved over the pieces to decide what your first move would be. 
Your father had taught you how to play. He always wanted a son to inherit the family business, but your mother only kept giving birth to women, so he had to resign himself to you. Your mother taught you how to be a lady so you could get married as soon as possible and your father taught you about the business so that your future husband wouldn’t take advantage of the family money. You used to sit in front of the wooden board and talk for hours after dinner. Your father may not have been the wisest or the most astute man, but he had left you a very important lesson: Always look people in the eye to know their true intentions. 
This was one of the few times you came face to face with Sukuna. Because of his title as king and the great difference in height, you were always beneath him, physically and psychologically speaking. You were a simple human, while he was a king with the power to get rid of whomever he wanted with a simple movement of his fingers. Although his presence made you feel vulnerable, you didn't resent him. You had a relatively comfortable life serving him, but sometimes there was a need for you to show him that you were more than a servant. This was a good opportunity to do so. 
Sukuna's eyes were not on you, they were on the board. His gaze denoted boredom. He was waiting patiently for you to make the first move. If you waited a little longer, maybe he would yawn. He overestimated you, you had to use that feeling against him. You moved a pawn to the C4 square, a common move among beginners.
“Finally…” He said in a monotone voice before quickly moving the knight to the F6 square. 
Each of you took turns to move the pieces quietly as time went by. You took your time with each move, while the king only needed to look at the board from time to time to know what to do next. You could take all the time in the world, but he would still eat all your pieces. Even though it didn't seem to be an interesting game, you could at least keep up with him. Sukuna's queen advanced towards yours, standing face to face. One false move and your king was in trouble. 
“Check,” you said as the queen retreated two squares diagonally, leaving her free to begin the attack on the king. 
At that announcement, Sukuna woke up from the trance he was in to concentrate on what he was doing. He smiled with satisfaction as he noticed the change in your body. Your hands had relaxed, your back was straight, and your eyes were glued to his. You knew exactly what you were doing. You didn't need to tell him verbally that you would destroy him at his own game, your eyes told him clearly. It was as if you were dissecting his soul bit by bit until you left him completely naked.
Your hands were interleaved with each turn. You moved quickly as you realized that Sukuna had already noticed your active presence on the board. Sukuna returned the queen to his side. An interesting move. It was wise to know when to back away, but you noticed one thing in his eyes. He had no plan, he just acted based on his understanding of the game. He moved like in real life, using only his killer instincts. 
“Check,” you announced again by moving a knight up. 
“Not so fast,” Sukuna told you before taking the horse that was threatening his king using a queen. You smiled as you saw that his majesty had fallen into the trap. By moving his pieces like that, Sukuna had fully exposed his king. 
“Checkmate,” you announced the end of the game as soon as you moved the white queen close to the black king. And only then, the poor maid defeated the almighty king. 
“Well, well...” Sukuna sighed in awe as he looked at the board with extreme curiosity. He couldn't be mad at you. He had let his guard down. You were playing even before the game started. 
There was someone special he loved to watch, no matter what you were doing. Sukuna would always hyper fixate on you whenever he noticed your presence around him. You could be cleaning, chatting with your companions or eating some dried fruit in the garden, and he would still only notice you as if nothing else in the world existed. You were the most interesting human he had ever seen. Sukuna tried to look for a logical reason for his obsession with you, but he couldn't do it. You looked like a simple being with clear goals, but he was sure you were hiding something behind your perfect facade. 
Someone knocked at the door. Sukuna sighed, he wanted to be alone with you longer, but now was not the time. Uraume entered the room and was surprised to see you sitting with his majesty. Something strange had been going on between the two of you for months. They had even debated the idea of asking the king directly about you, but hadn't worked up the courage to do so.  
“There was an inconvenience in the kitchen. Sorry to keep you waiting, your majesty,” Uraume bowed in apology. 
“Lucky for you, you sent a good replacement,” Sukuna said before smiling at you in satisfaction. 
Uraume instantly understood just by glancing at the board. You had beaten the king, something even they could not easily accomplish. They could tell that he was looking at you like no one else. It wasn't a look of disgust or boredom, it was a curious look. Like that of a child looking at a group of kids playing in the playground, wondering if he could come over to play with them. 
“If you'll excuse me, I have to go,” you said as you got up to give the seat to Uraume. “Good game. It was a pleasure to play against you, my king,” you bowed. 
“Good game,” Sukuna whispered so you could leave the room. 
Sukuna and Uraume started a new game as soon as you returned to the kitchen to peel potatoes. They quickly noticed that something was occupying her majesty's mind. Their white pieces were eating his black pieces easily and his moves were slow compared to previous games. Uraume could tell that the game against you had changed the way he played.
“What do you see in her?” Uraume asked him after a move. 
“Am I too obvious?” Sukuna asked them before getting up from his seat to start prowling around the library to clear his mind. “What do you think of her?” He asked her as he stopped in front of the window to admire the land. The large green lawn stretched all the way to the intimidating entrance of his wonderful castle. 
“She is a dedicated servant and a perfectionist. She does all the chores in a timely manner. She is as good a servant as any other. The real question is: What do you think of her?” Uraume asked as they watched him from their seat. 
“She has potential.” 
“Potential? Potential for what?” Uraume arched their eyebrow at the confusing statement. 
“She has the potential to become a queen,” Sukuna replied confidently. 
Sukuna Ryomen was known among the kingdoms for being an unorthodox king. Not only because he took kingdoms left and right as if it were nothing, but because he has a strange way of ruling his people. He did not care about social classes, behavioral labels or unwritten codes of human coexistence. Everyone was inferior to him regardless of gender, race, or religion. He was the god of this new world and everyone had to obey him, just like that. 
The fact that he wanted to have a queen went far beyond just following the established patterns of classical monarchy. Sukuna must have a reason why he wants to have a queen other than just because, but there was a more important question on the table. 
“Your majesty, you can get any woman you want. You can get a beautiful woman, with more training and presence, why would you settle for a servant?” Uraume asked in confusion. Sukuna smiled. It was a good question. 
“She has something much better than that,” he answered before continuing the game as if nothing happened. Uraume looked down to see that Sukuna had checkmated them.
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Author's Note: I poured my poor knowledge on chess for this lol I hope it makes sense.
Order your own fanfic!
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thedaylighteffect · 4 months ago
Prince x M! Servant
Content Warnings: Non-con, master kink, jealousy, victim blaming, degrading.
A/N: It's been a while since I've written something. Everything is under the cut. I'll write more soon.
Not proofread.
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"What's so good about him, huh? That he can satisfy you better than me, your master?" the prince growled in your ear, one hand painted bruises on your waist while the other wrapped around your cock. The uniform pants you diligently kept tidy were bunched at your ankles, long discarded and forgotten. He pushed you up against the wall, his knee between your spread legs. Climax after climax, your legs have long since gone numb and your vision was mudded with tears as you struggled out a reply. All you could feel was the tight spasming in your core and the feeling of pins and needles on your skin.
"It was a misunderstanding," you wanted to say, but your tongue refused to move, paralyzed by the pleasure; all you could do was shake your head. You tried to tell him how it wasn't your fault that the prince from the faraway land seduced you and ended up with you under him on his bed. You tried to tell him about the eyes of the visiting prince that defiled you as it roamed along your body.
But you couldn't.
The prince's sharp eyes stared into you and left no attempt to mask his contempt. His grip tightened around your cock, eliciting a tired whine from your lips.
"I asked you a question, so answer it," the prince ordered once more, speeding up the pumps of his hand and digging his fingernails into your waist.
That was it.
Your legs trembled as you felt your abdomen clench when you neared the climax, "Master, I...I'm sorry! It was my fault!" you choked out, your words selected to appease the prince. Your brain was too jumbled to distinguish your true desires. Your lungs burned for air as you recovered from your high. Your hands were propped against the gold-leafed walls of the prince's bedroom. Your fingernails were digging into the material.
You felt your climax drip along your leg as your breathing returned.
The prince gritted his teeth, "Is that so?" he asked.
You nodded.
His grip on you disappeared and you slumped to the ground, no longer supported by his arms.
"Get going now," he says. You can hear his footsteps fade towards the door.
"You've got work to do."
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emelinstriker · 4 months ago
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the top 3 of the previous poll regarding which champion would look the hottest covered in blood
dw, it's not their blood. if it were, it wouldn't be red :)
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lilacgaby · 5 months ago
‧₊˚ running out of time,
to make you love me. ₊˚⊹ᡣ𐭩
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THE PRINCE'S BALL was to be had on his 18th birthday. the week before, you realize the feelings you have harbored over the years for him. little did you know you were both fighting against the time restraint placed on him.
-☆pair. prince!katsuki x servant!reader. tags: fem!reader, cursing, romance, kissing, childhoodfriend!reader, insecurities, pet names(?), miscommunication trope, wingmen, angst to fluff. royal!au wc: 5k
-✩note. based off this drabble i did a long time ago.
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“prince, please! just let me–” he shoved your hand that was moving to button up his shirt away, glaring at you. “no. i can do this by myself.”
he fumbled with the buttons, large hands trickly maneuvering them into their respective places. it was a definite struggle, as seen through the furrow in his brow, the snarl on his lips, the twitch of his brow.
oh, and the fact that the shirt was inside out with all the buttons in the wrong holes.
you sighed as you finally took his hands into yours, something that would result in a peasants hand getting cut off entirely. “prince,” you started, “this is my only responsibility. if you become good at this too i'll be out of a job.” you joked.
he scoffed, letting you pull his hand to his side as you unbuttoned his work. flipping the shirt around and working nimbly to get it on. “didn't even need y’r help anyways, i had it.” he muttered.
“of course you did, it's just– this is my job, your highness.” his eye twitched at the assertion of his rank. while it made him feel empowered by others, extras as he'd call them, it brought an odd feeling to have you of all people refer to him that way.
he’d grew up alongside you, the daughter of his very own mother’s handmaiden. you'd play around the castle together, sitting in for lessons with each other. to others it was an odd sight for you to be there, with clothes made of less refined material and hair unstyled and free.
he was raised the first twelve years of his life seeing you as his equal, viewing you almost as a royal all the same. until it was decided you'd be his personal servant. the nickname you had forgotten to time that you'd dubbed him all those years ago was now replaced by a formal ‘prince’. you'd bow to him and fetch him anything he needed. you'd stay by his side all day long, almost like you weren't allowed to leave.
because you weren't. because you were his, though not in the way he wanted.
“i already told you,” he whispered so lowly, if you weren't so close to him you wouldn't have heard it. “when it's just us it's katsuki. like it..
like it used to be.”
your hand paused, staying where it was fluffing up the collar of his button-up. your eyes widened and heart fastened, the pumping in your ears as a smile overtook your face. “..okay katsuki.”
an equally flushed look brushed over him, “tsk, whatever. we got a busy day today so, hurry up [name]..” you nodded, saluting mockfully as you hurried fixed his coat onto him, making sure his slacks were nicely pleated and shoes spotless before he head out to address the royals.
the royals who were visiting today in regards to his birthday bash in a week. the one where he'd have to choose a wife, one who'd hold the future of his kingdom in her hands alongside his.
you followed closely behind him as he made his way down to the main court, no words were shared between you but you understood the internal turmoil going through his head as best as you could.
mostly because you really didn't want him to get married either.
a longing glance went unnoticed by you as he looked at you, red eyes noticing the same feeling of anxiety in yours.
he balled his fist a little tighter at the sight, before slamming the doors of the court open, making everyone jump. you bowed deeply before following him, his hands deep in the silken slacks specially made for him.
katsuki hated how you weren't allowed to sit down almost as much as he hated this meeting entirely. dumbass kings and queens of other kingdoms looked at him, or more accurately the figurative seat he'd soon have as ruler, with fake practiced smiles on their faces. fake interest and fake emotions, fake everything.
he didn't fight the snarl on his face, the discontent in his posture as he rolled his eyes at their words, not sparing glances at the photos of their daughters or offers of money to him and his parents.
he truly didn't care, at least, not until they brought up you.
an older king, one with a smile that was more so with his eyes than his lips, joked to the king, “so, when your son gets married, can i have the servant? she's a looker.”
the rest of the royals laughed, hands covering their faces as katsuki felt disgusted for you, so much he just had to speak, “back off. why are you talking about her like that anyways? she's not for sale.” at least he managed not to curse.
a queen with a stupidly large fan in her hand made exaggeratedly big eyes, an ‘o’ on her lips as she spoke with a sickeningly sweet voice, “oh, don't you know future king? when the queen is assigned to this kingdom, your servant will be switched, considering she isn't a, well, he.” another joined in, red lipstick smothered over their lips, “no self respecting princess would ever let their betrothed have a servant of the opposite sex, what a scandal!”
laughs filled the room once more, though katsuki and his parents did not join in. he gripped the wood of his chair tightly, you swore you heard it crack under the weight of his anger. a vein was visible in his arms, a glare on his face. though he stayed silent. he glanced at you occasionally, and you'd give him a polite wave.
the rest of the conversation went about as smoothly as expected. the royals clashed with the kingdom’s generally ‘out of norm’ beliefs, a woman as the main advisor of the kingdom, and not to mention the queen holding majority power steady? but they barely voiced their discomfort since they wanted to stay on the queen and king’s good side. with a wave of the hand the queen gestured for katsuki to leave.
so katsuki left as soon as he was allowed to, almost jumping out of his seat. he left without a proper dismissal to the royals, something he'd get reprimanded for later. you right behind him. “where are we going prince? are you hungry?”
“no.” his voice was dry, no emotion seeping through as he continued walking throughout the halls. his face was hidden from your view. “okay, so where are we going?”
“the gardens.” your face scrunched up in confusion, you sped up your steps to try and catch him. “wait, the gardens? why?”
he stopped, making you bump into him as he finally looked into your eyes for the first time in a while. “because we need to talk, [name].” his eyes looked almost betrayed, sorrowful. your mouth opened to respond but you were cut off by your own need to keep up as he started up again.
through the halls and down a staircase, then turning to the left.
he stopped at the center of it all, almost to the entrance of the maze. stood in front of a grand waterfall built into the greenery, one you were very familiar with. the same one you'd played at as kids.
“katsuki.” you heaved. having to chase him through a flight of stairs was not for the weak, a.k.a you. you plopped right down on the bench next to him, ungraciously downing a water bottle as you closed your eyes. the sound of birds chirping, water running, and wind blowing through the garden filled your ears. a sense of serenity flooding over you two.
“when were you going to tell me?” katsuki’s voice cut through it all, a soft tone in his statement as he looked away from you. you jumped up at the sudden noise, but quickly asked, “tell you about what?”
he scoffed. “about what happens when i get married. how you're just going to leave? you're just going to leave me?” his eyes burrowed into your soul, accusatory words leaving his mouth as he stared at you.
“no, no i just– katsuki i didn't want to add another thing to stress about to you so quickly. i was going to tell you, but they told you first. i'm sorry.”
“you should be. i– i don't-,” his words got caught up in his mind. his mouth slightly hung open as he found himself unable to complete his sentence. his brain short circuited when you grabbed onto his hand, intertwining and bringing them onto your lap as you ask, “is everything okay?”
the words rushed out defensively. “yes, fuck. yes i'm okay. i don't like you hiding things from me so, don't pull that shit again.” he internally slapped himself on the head, his mind yelling a resounding no at his mouth.
he wanted to tell you how he needed you to stay, how he wanted you by his side for eternity. how he wished you were a royal, because he would've proposed just to the sight of you in the mornings. to the candid moments your two shared so often.
but he didn't.
you were undeterred by his harsh language, squeezing his hands before letting go and nodding. “ of course, prince.”
there it was again. the everlasting reminder of the differences between you, the boundaries that had never been dared crossed. though, as you guided him to the dining hall, he felt he might have to take that chance.
he finished dinner and changed, wanting to go to bed early that day. you bowed once more, before going to your own personal chambers just across from him.
you took a long, hot shower. the cascading of the water onto your body helping sooth the questions plaguing your mind. you washed your face, brushed your teeth and laid onto your bed, staring at the moonlit sky as you sigh.
you didn't want to leave katsuki. not at all. you didn't want him to get married, you didn't want him to kiss or be affectionate with someone else, you wanted him for you, like you two have always been. just for each other.
you wanted him to confide in you as equal again, you dreamt of being able to sit at the same tables and converse publicly. you wanted to hold his hand and not fear one day it'd be chopped off.
you wanted to be his. fully.
you let the sounds of the remaining water drip from the faucet rock you to sleep, impulsive thoughts striking your mind as you thought.. you might as well use these last days to show your feelings to him. you'll be gone next week anyways.
waking up with a renewed sense of vigor, you knew you now only had a couple days to show katsuki your feelings indirectly. well, as indirectly as you could think of.
starting this day, you snuck in more lingering touches than you thought possible, complimenting him whenever you were alone. being sweet to him, so sweet that he kept asking if you wanted something.
“prince, i brought some more of those chilis you like.”
instead of accepting them graciously, he only eyed you suspiciously. “the hell do you want?” he asked, staring at you accusedly as he bit down on one with no reaction.
“nothing! why do you keep saying that?” you pouted, “i should take the damn chilies back.”
“no way. these are mine, [name].” he snatched the basket out of your hands and stuffed one in his mouth. when he finally gulped it down, he adorned a lazy smirk, “thanks, [name].”
you hated how your heart reacted to him.
while your plan was underway of trying to get him to realize your feelings for you, he-
was trying to figure out how to keep you by his side. he used your only off day, mondays, as a way to get some advice. too bad he was friends with a bunch of bumbling idiots.
they were gathered around a place meant to practice their swordsmanship. his ‘friends’ who consisted of sons of dukes, duchesses, and advisors hung around. he kicked out a lot of them, leaving only three. sero, kirishima, and kaminari.
“hey bakugo, what's got you all crazy?” kaminari asked, trying to snipe an apple off of a nervous kirishima's head with a bow. “yeah, you've been giving us a death stare all day.” sero agreed, laughing at his repeated misses.
katsuki's back faced them.“i..,” he sucked in a breath. “ineedyourhelp.” he muttered quickly.
“what?” they all stopped, staring at him confused.
“slow down man-”
“i need your help.”
they all were jaw slack at the revelation, eyebrows raised as they stared at each other and back at him. they collectively chose not to make fun of him, almost feeling the urge to applaud his growth. “oh.. uh- what's up bro?”
katsuki breathed in, before averting his eyes and explaining. “my.. personal servant. found out she's gonna leave when i get married to some random princess, ill never see her again. but.. i don't want to lose her. i can't imagine my life without her.”
the three blinked, they'd never really seen bakugo this way. a look in his eyes that could only be described as, “love.” kaminari muttered, his hand supporting his chin as he diagnosed him. “you're in love man, congrats!”
he was now breathless as thoughts ran throughout his head, he found himself unable to respond. it was so obvious, his feelings for you were out of the ordinary, but he could never quite place the title of his symptoms til now.
the three shared a look at each other again, before sero pointed his finger in the air, “obviously, you want to marry her.”
katsuki sighed, a hand moving to support his head from head his neck. “so?”
“so,” kirishima started, “you marry her. easy.”
“not easy, isn't that like against the law?” kaminari cut in, picking up his bow once again.
“law or tradition, who knows? but maybe in those dusty old books we can find a law that like, lets him do this?” sero suggested.
kirishima snapped. “that's it!,” the arrow flew to pin the apple into the wall, “we just have to prove that he's allowed to marry a non-royal.”
“you idiots make it sound so easy.”
“cause it is. we can handle the research with help from your huge library!” kaminari pointed out, grabbing the staked apple and taking a bit out of it. “matter of fact. let's start now, we're going to need to plan out for your big day anyways.” kirishima held out a hand to bakugo.
a smirk came over katsuki’s face as he grabbed his hand, before nodding. “right.”
the rest of the day was spent knee deep in book upon books. the book keeper’s apprentice even helped them out, though they finally left at midnight with the ten books that would have the answers they need. they'd shoved the bulk of the books under his bed, high-fiving him sleepily as they hopped onto carriages, promising to be back tomorrow.
and back they were. the grind continued as they read page to page, finding clauses and conditions that could help katsuki. they each were assigned a book to look through, though they had to hide it from you. which was hard since looking after katsuki was your job.
“prince, is there anything you or your guests would like?” you asked, internally sobbing as you couldn't undergo your top tier plan with his friends around. what were they even doing? the entire day they spent holed up in his chambers, sat in a strange circle as they all read through the books.
“uh, we're okay-”
“actually servant,” kaminari cut in, a cheshire smile on his face, “we made a huge mess in the library yesterday. mind cleaning it for us?”
“o-oh. i don't mind, excuse me.” with that, and the tray of snacks you'd left behind, you were gone. sero and katsuki finished their books first, not finding anything of use. they started the next ones, when a couple hours in, kirishima suddenly jumped up, the cheese he was snacking on now discarded as he held the book into the air. “guys! i got something!” he was about to read it when an excited katsuki went and took it out of his hands, reading it in his mind.
‘clause 1.43.77, any king or queen who rules over their kingdom must choose a royal to accompany them by their side and produce an heir to the kingdom.
however, if a non-royal has proven their worthiness through devotion and loyalty to not only said king or queen, but the kingdom, they are an eligible bachelor as well.’
“this.. this can work then.” the four exchanged exhausted smiles, before collectively passing out. you came back to the sight of them all slumped over, you were tired yourself from putting away hundreds of law books. you grabbed pillows and blankets, placing them over the heirs to the kingdom, gently raising their heads and laying them onto the pillows.
you were upset at the day lost, katsuki had barely been sparing you a glance as of late. and that continued into the next day. you brought breakfast for all him and his guests, waking them up with a pull of a curtain. they all groaned collectively, trying to shield their eyes from the blinding sun. “what time even is it?” one of them grumbled. “too early.”
“it is noon, i let you all sleep in. you really should be getting up now.” you left the tray in front of them, being mindful of the books splayed open around them.
they got up, the red-haired one seemingly smelling the food in the air? odd. they all were really odd to say the least. they stared at you silently, making you tilt your head in confusion. all before katsuki raised a hand to you, mirroring his own mothers actions towards himself. “you're.. dismissed until the ball, [name].”
your eyes widened, mouth agape for a second before taking your leave. as the door closed behind you, a weird feeling of despair overtook you. you wobbled over to your room, locking the door behind as the feeling settled over you. you stared out the window, the cloudiness of the skies doing nothing to alleviate your mood.
meanwhile, katsuki was planning once again. there was now only two days left, two days to decide how he was going to plan out his bash.
two days to deal with the uncertainties that would arise from his crush on you. he could lose you, marry some other woman and imagine it was you laying next to him. imagine it was your lips and not hers, pretend she acted like you, all to save from the stresses of worrying about the problems to come.
no, he wanted you. he needed all of you, he needed to be all yours.
he sent his friends off, calling carriages for them
and reluctantly thanking them for their help. he walked around the gardens again, reminiscing on the years you two had spent, the many memories you'd made together.
he thought back to the way you'd play together, the causal touches and referring of each other something he'd taken for granted.
he closed his eyes, he never wanted his time with you to end, kingdom be damned. he wanted to memorialize your time together forever.
unknowingly, foiling your very own plans to make more with him. you didn't know what to do with yourself, you found yourself back at the servant’s quarters sniffling softly into the lap of the head servant, your mother. you knew he didn't upset you intentionally, right?
your mother listened as you explained what had happened, how you never had felt like such a failure. maybe it was those idiot friends of his, you didn't know.
your mother comforted you with a hand running along your hair, her embrace rocking you to sleep that night. her eyes looked into your sleeping ones, your face squished against her legs as wore a face of worry. your feelings were obvious, attending the bash and seeing him choose a bride would hurt you..
should she forbid you from attending?
katsuki was walking around his room aimlessly. his mind was running, purely on thoughts of you. he couldn't get you out his mind, he missed you deeply. but, he needed the space away from you to think. at least that's what he thought earlier.
he was basically codependent on your presence now, the day he'd spent away from you felt like an eternity.
he couldn't sleep. he'd laid in his bed dozens of times at this point, shutting his eyes, covering his ears, even trying to hum to himself. nothing worked.
he finally couldn't take it anymore, he found himself walking to your room. his hand hovered over the door, until he finally knocked. at no reply, he assumed you were asleep, though he heard the shuffling of feet inside. ‘this will make it easier.’ he thought, as he whispered and figured he'd pour his feelings out to you, response or not. his hand splayed against your door, palm pressed against the oak of the wood as he began.
“[name].” he heard the shuffling of feet stop. “i.. i have.. feelings for you. ones that i shouldn't have. i care for you deeply. and– i think i love you.” he was still as he waited for something, anything from you.
he let a small smile overtake his face, his hand falling from the door and going back into his pocket. “g’night, [name].” he went back into his room, finally able to rest now that he felt he got his feelings off his chest.
his heart was racing, he still didn't know if you felt the same. you said nothing, which was expected. he did drop a bomb on you all of a sudden. he finally drifted to bed.. not hearing the open and closing of your door. and not seeing that it was your mother who he had confessed to, not you who was currently asleep in her mother’s bed.
your mother pondered over his words, smiling at just how hopeless you two truly were. she caressed your hair once more, falling asleep beside you as she decided.
you'd have to go, and you'd be dressed like royalty in your own right.
your hair was ruined. you groaned as you caught an eye of yourself in one of the many mirrors in this part of the chambers, some of your friends laughing at the sight of you. this last day would be busy, too busy. it'd be your last day as katsuk’s servant, and you'd barely be able to see him.
you pouted, waltzing around the chambers mindlessly until your mother arrived behind you.
“[name], let's go. you have fittings for the bash tomorrow.” she grabbed you before you could voice your disapproval, taking you to your room. though she let go of you and walked into your room. you mindlessly went to katsuki’s room, wanting to be at his side at least once before tomorrow. at no reply to your knock, you excused yourself before walking in, only to be met by the sight of a messy room. empty. you cleaned his room up a little bit, making the task for his future servant a bit easier.
you left his room, laying on your bed before you saw gorgeous dresses that could probably buy your life two times over.
“mother, i don't even think i'll go tomorrow.”
“you have to, dear.” she grabbed your hand, “the prince would want you there alongside you. just like how you've been all his life.”
you looked to the floor, “but he sent me away..” your mother responded by nudging your head up. “he still cares for you. your absence is going to be odd for him, don't you think he was just trying to protect himself?”
you sighed and shrugged, “i guess i'll go then, if not, then to tie off loose ends.” you eyed the three dresses in front of you, and chose the one woven in silks and lace of your favorite color. “that one,” you pointed to it.
“i'll choose that one.”
funnily enough, as you walked into the bash and found yourself drinking punch, those were the words you'd felt the most fear of hearing. you fit right in alongside the princesses of other lands scattered across the hall, making lines to go speak to katsuki, who was absentmindedly staring at a wall. he looked like he'd rather be anywhere else in the world, but as his eyes locked on to your moving form towards the balcony, he excused himself.
“[name].” he called out to you, making you turn around and smile softly. “katsuki.”
“you look.. amazing.” he complimented, moving closer to you. “thank you for.. uh.. coming.”
“of course, future king. i'll stay by your side 'til
the end of tonight.”
he nodded. “right.” he sighed once more, something he seemed to do a lot around you now. “[name], did you hear me the other night?” he asked, looking into the distant forests surrounding the castle. at the shaking of your head, he continued, “i.. i just really care for you. that's all i want you to know.” he didn't look at you, he didn't think he could handle it right now. even from the vision of his peripherals, the glistening of your skin in the sun that slowly departed, the dress that matched you both in personality and in beauty, the smile that overcame your lips. it was a vision that would live in his dreams eternally.
“i care for you too katsuki.”
he finally turned to face you, he smiled, before opening his mouth to speak. only to be cut off by the sound of an obnoxious trumpet. he was to make his choice. “go.” you said, pushing him inside. your eyes burned as realization set into you, you'd ran out of time.
he was pushed to the center of the hall, all the princesses facing him with practiced smiles. courtesy's and bows that made him feel odd. the crown on his head had never felt so heavy, so burdened as now.
he looked over to you, the words everyone spoke pushed to the back of his mind as you sent an encouraging thumbs up his way. he knew you though, the look on your face was one of underlying sorrow.
even in this room full of people, even in the whole world large and vast, he'd always choose you.
so, when the room was silent and awaiting his answer? he pointed to you, making your breath hitch and eyes go wide.
you pointed to yourself, looking around before mouthing, ‘me?’ to which he mouthed, 'yes, idiot.’
you made your way towards him, eyes wide as everyone gasped. you weren't a royal, evident by the lack of jewelry adorning you.
“[name], it's always only been you. will you rule beside me?”
your eyes grew impossibly wider, pupils dilated to the max as a blush overtook your face. “..you're serious?”
“yes, i am.”
“i– is this even allowed?”
“my parents,” he gestured over to them, who sent polite smiles towards her. “they know about it, i sat down with them yesterday. i'm serious about this. i'm serious about you.”
“but what abou–”
“fuck everything else. this is about you and me.”
“do you accept, ms. [name]?” the bard asked, all eyes on you as, though you only looked into katsuki’s.
“if he'd have me, i'd be honored.”
he wordlessly asked you, and with a tilt of your head you prompted him to kiss you. though it was belated, the hall filled with cheers for the two of you.
“well,” the queen beckoned you two to her side, your hands intertwined as you stood in front of her. “this is surely a first, however.. it is undoubted that ms. [name] and her family have proved their loyalty and dedication to the kingdom.
therefore, we have no objection. masaru?”
“yes mitski.”
they both got up, the king wielding a sword as he stood next to you. katsuki helped guide you to the floor, he was on one knee as he was sworn in.
sworn in as king by your side.
the sword tapped his shoulders gently, a crown being brought out on a pillow and placed upon his head as you looked in awe, as an equally gorgeous one was placed unto yours.
“katsuki, i entrust our kingdom to you. with all of our people in the hands of you, and of course, your trusted wife.”
“i understand.” he said, bowing his head down to his father.
“[name].” the queen called to you, filling you with a sense of urgency. “yes my queen?”
she laughed, before taking a moment to whisper in your ear. “mitski is fine.” she cleared her throat, before continuing. “you will be a dedicated servant any longer, tomorrow you will wake up as the queen of our kingdom my dear. please, do your best to guide our king, and set the kingdom onto a path of prosperity.”
“thank you my– mitski. i will.” you bowed deeply, before you were helped up by katsuki once again.
you walked out the hall with katsuki at your side, the weight of the crown a shared experience between you two.
“‘suki.” the nickname lost to time finds itself back on your lips as you're led to his room, though this was the first time in years that it was out of familiarity, not work.
“thank you.”
“for what?”
“risking it all.. doing all that. it was.. indescribable.”
“.. it was worth it for you. i'd– i'd do anything for you. now we can make up for lost time. i really
missed you these last days.”
“i did too, god i was a wreck without you.”
“you wouldn't believe how bad i was without you.”
it seemed practiced, as if you'd done it a million times when he gestured for you to follow him to his bed. the way you melted into each other was unimaginable, not even the discomfort of your corset getting in the way of how he made you feel, though you'd gotten up to change.
now wearing house wear, clothes you'd never imagine you'd be wearing in his quarters, you laid next to him, the same moon shining brightly upon the two of you as he held you.
his head was on top of yours as you shared this wordless embrace, one that spoke thousands of words you'd need not to speak.
a kiss, one you'd both never though you'd get to share, especially not in his very own bed, was all that left the two of you as you settled into each other for the night.
you'd begun a servant and ended as queen, ranks though meant nothing to you, for your only wish was to stay eternally by his side.
a wish you both fought for.
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tags: @gold24fish @nemisimp
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