#Alyssa Targaryen x reader
The handmaid and the dragons
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Pairing: Child Daemon Targaryen x servant mother nature fem reader, Baelon Targaryen x servant reader, Child Viserys x servant reader, Alyssa Targaryen x servant reader (All platonic)
Summary: Life at the castle can be most enjoyable as a servant when you can take care of two young dragon princes.
Author’s note: Viserys and Daemon are 4 years apart. Daemon was born in 81 and Viserys in 77
Reader are not describe, in my mind she is chubby/plus size, but she can be of all shapes.
English is not my native language, i'm sorry if mistakes were made. I will correct as soon as possible.
After a few months without writing fully, here is the first written of a multitude of ideas that I have in mind for some time. This One-shot could be continued in the form of headcannon or other One-chot, or multiple chapters.
The life of a servant was not easy, apart from early morning wakes and short nights due to requests from some residents and guests, not always very understandable and sometimes almost impossible to accomplish (as this noble woman, who wanted to enter one of the princes' chambers in order to try to seduce and marry the man she desired; it was as if that had ended with the dismissal of the said noble woman) did not allow you to have a good quality sleep.
But this life of servant, you would not have exchanged it for any other, because beyond the rebukes of some older servants and lords and lady, who could be haughty. You were in the service of the Targaryens, and although some nobles and peasants did not carry the members of this house in their hearts. You were not treated badly, on the contrary, you were considered better than servants of other smaller houses.
Since your early childhood you remembered having met people with Valeryan blood. Your parents had served under the late reign of Maegor and survived him because of their good labours. They then served Jaehaerys. You had followed their ways, as was customary for the people. You had become multi-tasker, allowing you to be better paid, and help your parents who were beginning to get old to serve the Targaryen house as well. You could go from kitchen to floor scrubbing, from washing clothes to helping princesses dress or hairdressing.
But more than that. More than this work. There were in that castle two small heads with silver hair, for which you had taken affection.
A few years ago, you had become a servant of Princess Alyssa when she was pregnant for the second time. You were one of many servants, but you always did your best to allow the princess to have everything she needed, in order to make it easier for her to wait for the birth of her second child. Being a hectic life, the rest offered and almost ordered by the masters, bored her to the utmost point, towards the end of her pregnancy, she could no longer ride on Meleys and was irritated for nothing, whether it be on the servants, her ladys in waittig. But when she calmed down, unlike other nobles, Alyssa apologized, knowing that she would not have reacted in this way if she was not pregnant.
But even in those moments, you loved the princess, not that you envied her, no, you loved her because she always behaved with respect.
When you seen the baby Daemon, you had taken a liking to him, how many times did you manage to give him gifts, however humble? You hadn’t counted, all you liked was to see Daemon play, or eat the cakes that you had prepared in the kitchens during your working hours. Just seeing him smile and recognize you made your heart warm. You didn’t forget the princess or Viserys when you made the cakes, but your favorite was always Daemon.
You always had a maternal nature, to care about others, but that nature is just manifesting more greatly towards Daemon. You never disrespected Alyssa, on the contrary, you worried about her, even though she was your age, you sometimes nursed her slightly, just out of concern for her health, like the day when she took baby Daemon to fly on Meleys’s back, you were worried.
“Princess Alyssa... are you sure you want to do this?...” The masters have advised against your health...”
Would you be afraid that Meleys would face evil against Daemon? Or would you not trust me?
“I have faith in you, princess... I know that you did the same thing with Prince Viserys.... It’s just that...”
“Fear not, Meleys will do nothing against Daemon, it’s only a little theft after all. It won’t hurt me.”
It is the close heart that you watched the princess go towards the dragonpit.
During the whole morning of labor, your mind was not focused on your spots. Every moment you could forget about Alyssa’s flight, something made you think of her or the children. Some servants with whom you shared your time of work, found your behavior strange, not understanding why you showed so much kindness and devotion to the royal family, that family which did not spank attention to the servants and people of the people, At least according to them.
All your stress went away when you saw Alyssa and baby Daemon return, it is with a sincere smile that you welcomed the princess, taking care of her and Daemon with the other servants.
Although you were a simple and humble servant, you had become close to Alyssa over the days, months and years, even when travelling for tournaments or festivities in other parts of Westeros. Alyssa ordered you to accompany her, the other servants did not see this in a good way, nor even the nobles who found it unnoble approach on the part of the princess. For they thought the nobles should stay among them, the others were nothing but nothing.
You saw the children grow, the first steps of Daemon towards Alyssa even gave you a small tear in your eye, so proud of Daemon’s progress. Not forgetting the progress of Viserys, He was 4 years old when you met him and now from his future 7 years, he loved playing with you, loving his wooden dragons by lending one only when it was sure to get it back later. He was a rather easy child, even more so because of his attraction for food, asking for cupcakes, the masters had more than once ordered you not to give any more to the young prince, but behind their backs, you gave one or two to please him.
You were not in direct contact with other members of the royal family, except Baelon, whom you saw radiating to the coast of Alyssa, as well as to her sons.
When the news of the new pregnancy of the princess. Everyone was happy, it took three years, but all hoped that the future event would be happy.
Oh... Alyssa...
You were awakened in the middle of the night, guards had come to fetch the princess’s servants. The corridors of the castle were dark to the limit of gloom, although they are illuminated by torches. To the right and left you could see servants, midwifes, guards and masters running through all the censes.
You felt a cold sweat through your back, a wind of panic engulfed you. Midwifes, was a sign that the princess was in full labor and about to give birth. But the presence of the masters, was bad omens, they came only when the birth was complicated to see serious. Alyssa was the only known person in the castle who was pregnant and about to give birth.
You passed in the corridor of the princess' apartments, horrible screams pierced ears, spanking you stop at the door, heart pounding, fear to sell, guards took you by the arms to force you to continue walking. You were assigned to the supervision of children while other servants were assigned to take over the orders of masters.
When you arrived, Daemon and Viserys were sleeping, unaware of who was going on in the castle. You sit on one of the chairs, watching the children, while trying to calm your breath, reassuring you as much as you could, praying to the gods, for the survival of Alyssa and the baby (whether you are a believer or not).
It was only in the morning, when you helped the children to prepare (make sure that Viserys does not wear his tunic upside down, tie their shoes), that Baelon entered. His hair was glued to his forehead by the sweat, his breath saccader. You turned your head to look at him before getting up from the ground on which you were kneeling, in order to bow down as required by protocol. But before you got up, Baelon raised his hand to stop you and walked towards the boys.
"My prince..." Your heart was beating, the anticipation of the news was great.
"The work was hard..." Baelon knelt before Viserys and Daemon, before taking them in his arms.
"Work?" Viserys looked at his father with questions.
"Your mother giving birth to a little brother..."
"Little brother?" Viserys’s eyes lit up, while Daemon seemed to be a bit soft.
"Yes, you will soon."
Baelon was happy and reassuring, he gave them each a kiss in the hair before raising his head towards you.
"Alyssa will need you, for now she needs to rest."
"Of course, my prince..."
"I know you’ll look after her."
You shook your head gently, your head was full of questions, all revolved around the princess and the newborn baby, the cries remained in your memory.
You only saw the princess when she was awakened after several hours of being unconscious. She was so full of life, she looked like a living dead, almost diaphanous. Her simple vision gave you a terrible desire to cry. Alyssa, seeing you, smiles softly, feverishly. You walked towards her before sitting down to lean out of her bed and gently take her hand, holding her company, explaining that Viserys and Daemon were happy to see her soon and have a little brother.
Alas, Alyssa’s health did not improve much, after almost a year the princess was very weak.
One morning, the nannies who took care of Daemon and Viserys had not been available, between one who was falling ill and the second who had to return to King’s Landing for family business, Baelon, whom you saw rarely, He ordered one of his servants to find you, so that you could look after the children. It was now days that the masters watched Alyssa, who slept more and more, ate less and less. Worrying everyone in the castle.
You decided to please the children, to make them stretch their legs in the company of guards, in the gardens of the castle.
The sun was shining, the light breeze of wind was refreshing, and you had placed yourself at the side of one of the fountains, watching the boys running in the garden gates gave you a smile, temporarily preventing you from thinking of Alyssa, and allowing you to live a little in carelessness. When Daemon fell to the ground after having tripped, he started to cry slightly before watching Viserys continue to run, he watched you with his eyes. You smile gently, before he gets up and walks towards you with tears in his eyes, he showed you his hands, covered with dirt and gravel.
“Y/nickname! Its hurt!”
“It’s all right, my little dragon, I’ll look.”
You gently took his hands, leaning gently to observe his hands, before taking a cloth, for the soaked in water to gently clean Daemon’s hands, he sniffed softly after moaning on contact with the cloth.
"That’s right, my little dragon, you are brave, like a proud warrior.” The tone of your voice was sweet and comforting to the young Daemon.
Daemon looked at you, then looked at his hands red with rubbing against his palms. When you laid a kiss on each of his palms, his eyes lit up, all forms of pain and sadness had withdrawn from his face. After all, soft drops on the little bobos are always miraculous remedies for children.
“Do you want to continue playing?”
Daemon shook his head, a big smile on his face, he went back to join Viserys, laughing as he pursued him.
You only came back at the time of dinner which could not be taken outside, the children in the company of members of the house Targaryen present at the castle, except Alyssa and Baelon, who was at his bedside. As for you, you were eating in haste in the room dedicated to the servants, talking with your friends, discussing the latest news while walking through the dark corridors.
The servants' dinners were often more courtly and of lesser quality than those of the nobles, but it was enough to give energy for all the day’s work.
“Apparently, Prince Baelon refuses to leave his wife’s bedside...” One of the king’s servants had just spoken.
Yes, her health is in perpetual decline, the masters fear that she will not pass on the next moons. One of the servants who had been looking after Alyssa had just answered her.
You listened to the exchange with attraction, trying to get information that had not yet been disclosed. But their discussions stopped when they noticed you. All knew of your closeness with the princess and children, taking care not to tell you about the royal family, lest you speak about it with the princess. You shrugged before looking at your friends and talking to them. It would have pleased the servants who did not like you, to show them that their behavior touched him. It was only when you were called to serve the young princes that you went out into the corridors, arriving near the dining room, Daemon ran in your direction, followed by Viserys. You took them in your arms before walking, a hand in the small hand of Viserys, while Daemon clung to your neck, while you carried it. The guards would follow you, ensuring the safety of the children.
Once in the children’s shared room, Viserys settled into a pillow that covered part of the floor in one of the corners of the room near one of the windows.
You settled down beside him, Daemon sitting on your legs in the direction of Viserys. It was a sweet evening, punctuated by the preparation of their bath, and some childish quarrels.
It was only when the guards opened the doors, and you looked in their direction. that you had a cold sweat.
The queen herself entered, she seemed paler then before, she almost wore a sick complexion. Your heart began to beat, your intuition told you that something serious had happened and how much you would have wished to have been wrong.
Tag list : @avalyaaa
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oosleepyfaeoo · 1 year
Royalty Fucked
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Baelon Targaryen x Maid!Reader x Alyssa Targaryen
Summary: You catch the eye of a certain couple.
Warning: 18+| SMUT, Reader is a female, threesome, p in v, oral sex (f/receiving), fingering, creampie
Words: 2k
A/N: English is not my first language.
You were one of Prince Baelon and Princess Alyssa's servants. You start working in the Red Keep after your parent's death, leaving you with your two little brothers to raise. 
Since you had skills in caring for babes and children, you quickly became a nursemaid for the royal couple's children. Taking care of sweet Prince Viserys and the little demon prince Daemon was quite an easy and peaceful task, not to mention that their majesties let your little brothers play with their children. Make it easy for you to keep a close eye on your sweet brothers while working. 
The first day you laid your (e/c) eyes on the royal couple, you were completely in awe of their love for each other and how kind and humorous they were. Always riding the skies together on the back of their dragons or sparring in the training yard, laughing freely and throwing silly jokes at each other.  
Some people look at them with judgment, thinking how inappropriate the royal couple's actions were. Some look at them with eyes full of jealousy, wishing to have the same love and freedom that they have.  
But you look at them with admiration in your eyes, delighted to see your Lord and Lady happy. 
“Some day, you will fly with me on Meleys’s back.” Alyssa’s words made you stop, looking at her with wide eyes as she entered the bathtub.  
Prince Viserys and Prince Daemon were already tucked in their beds, so you were helping your lady bathe. 
“I-I... That would be unfitting of me, my Lady.” You say quietly as you begin combing her hair, untangling the knots that form when she rides Meleys. “People would talk.”  
She let out a flashy laugh, her mismatching eyes looking at you with mischief. “Do I look like I give a shit about what people would say?” She says with a smirk. “Let them talk.” 
As you were about to answer, Prince Baelon walks in. You quickly stood up and bow gently to him.  
“My Prince.” You court him softly. 
He nods and kneels beside the tub, giving Alyssa a quick kiss. “How’s my lady wife and my best maid doing?”  
You blush faintly at his words as you resume your work on Alyssa’s hair.  
“Good.” She says while playing gently with one of his long silver locks that escaped his braid. “I’m trying to convince Y/n to fly with me.”  
“Oh! That’s an excellent idea, my sweet wife.”  Baelon smirks, eyeing you as you comb his wife's hair. “I assume you would let me join you both, right?”  
Alyssa chuckles. The two shared a look between them which made you frown in confusion. “Of course, Husband.” The smirk on her lips widens as she pulls him into a passionate kiss. “What kind of wife would I be if I didn’t let you join us.”  
Baelon hums, letting his wife thrust her tongue into his mouth. He moves his hand to cup her neck gently which made her purr in delight.  
You try to ignore the show before you, focusing on your work but you found it hard when you notice Baelon’s hand slowly going down Alyssa’s body. Observing how his large hand kneaded her breast gently, gradually moving down to cup her core.  
Alyssa lets out a pornographic moan as his fingers thrust inside her.  
You made the mistake of looking at Baelon, gasping in shock when you lock eyes with him. His lilac eyes burned with lust and desire. His gaze goes down, locking on your parted lips, and then meets your eyes again. Sending you a sensual wink as he grabs Alyssa’s hair, his fingers lingering around yours. 
Quickly standing up, you put the brush down and bow. “M-My work here is done... I will leave you be, my Lord and my Lady.” You whisper, your cheeks burning from embarrassment and desire.  
The evidence of your lust running down your thighs and your hard nipples peeking through your simple dress. 
Not wanting to give them time to reply, you ran off.  
Since that night, you can barely meet Baelon and Alyssa's eyes. Feeling ashamed for your acts when you finally got your room. Lying down on your small bed, legs spread apart with your hand between them. Trying to imagine that Alyssa and Baelon are touching you, whispering praises in your ear while they make you fall apart. 
“Y/n! Y/n! Look what I did during my class with maester!” Viserys runs to you as you walk into the room, coming to collect him and his brother Daemon.  
You smile and kneel down to see the small wooden dragon figure in his little hand. “It’s beautiful, my prince! You’re talent.” You say while kissing his head. 
“Thank you! It’s Balerion!” He gives you a cheeky smile, a tooth missing in the front. “One day, I will be his rider!”  
Taking his hand in yours, you pick up Daemon and walk toward the room. “I’m sure you will, my sweet prince.”  
In the room, you give them a bath and dress them in their sleeping clothes.  
As you were helping them eat their dinner, Alyssa and her husband walk in, hand in hand. 
“My sweet children! How was your day?” Alyssa goes and picks up Daemon, filling his face with kisses, and making the boy giggle. 
Viserys jumps from his chair and runs toward his parents with his dragon figure in his hands. Both Baelon and Alyssa bend down to look in awe at their son's work, praising him vastly.  
You stood there awkwardly, eyes fixed on your fingers as the family laughed in joy at in being each other company.  
Grabbing the empty trays, you walk to the door but a large hand stops you. Looking back, you were met by the same lilac eyes from the other night.  
“Astrid, can you put the children to bed? I need Y/n's help to bathe.” Alyssa says while she hugs her husband from behind, her mismatching eyes shining with excitement while her husband gives you a smirk that almost made your knees give out. 
“Of course, my Lady.” Astrid grabs the children and took them to their chambers.  
The three of you stood there in silence, you afraid to meet their predatorial gaze while Alyssa walks towards the fireplace and Baelon stood behind you, studying carefully your curvy form. 
“S-Should I start the bath, my Lady?” Your voice trembles a little, making Alyssa’s gaze soften. 
She walks to you and cups your cheeks gently, making you look at her. “There’s no need to fear us, little flame.” Her thumbs move softly against your skin, forcing a shiver to run down your spine. “We only wish to please you.”  
Your face twisted in confusion, not knowing what in seven hells it was happening. “P-Pleasure?”  
You feel Baelon pull you into his front, wrapping his strong arms around your waist. “Yes, sweet little maid.” He mutters against your ear and coerces a whimper from your lips. “It seems our little show might have fright you a little but be reassured that we won’t force you into anything you don’t want.”  
Are they asking you what you think they are?! They want you to join them in they festivities?!  
Alyssa push forward and gently press her lips against yours, kissing you like you were made of glass. “Please say yes.” She murmurs against your lips. 
You look into her eyes, seeing them burning with extreme lust. You knew this was inappropriate. That someone like you, a low-born, shouldn’t indulge in royal affairs. If the King or the Queen found out, you would probably get fired and forced to go back to the streets. Doing works that would only bring you shame.  
But your body betrayed you, not listening to your morals as you crash your lips against Alyssa. Whimpering as she bites your lower lip, her firm hands grabbing gently your breast. Your body felt like it was on fire, your core already dripping from arousal.  
Baelon’s lips found your neck, kissing and nipping on your sensitive skin. His hands begin to undo your dress, letting the cheap material fall down, pooling around your feet. 
Alyssa pulls back, her eyes ranking down your naked body. “A true beauty.” She looks at her husband and nodded towards their shared chambers. “Let’s continue this in our bed, shall we?”  
With that, Baelon picks you up and strolls to their chambers. Alyssa is hot in his heels. He throws you into the bed, making you yelp in surprise. Alyssa starts to undo Baelon’s clothes, kissing every spot of his body.  
Your eyes widen when he finally gets fully naked, your mouth watering at the sight of his perfectly muscular body. Alyssa stood beside him, gently stroking his massive erection.  
“It seems someone likes you, Husband.” She says with a smirk, giving a small squeeze at the base of his cock.  
Baelon chuckles and moves toward you, his lilac gaze focus on your flushed naked body. “It seems so... and I intend to show her how much I also like her.” He growls. 
You suck a deep breath when he pulls you to the end of the bed, spreading your legs apart. Shivering in anticipation, your pussy spasms around nothing. Wanting nothing more than be filled by his massive cock. 
Baelon spits down to your core, makes you jump in surprise, and brought his fingers down to your needy clit. Rubbing gently on it while his other fingers play with your entrance.  
“So wet already.” He groans, slipping his long fingers in and out of you. Loving your lewd moans. “Who owns this pussy?”  
You gasp in shock as he slaps your cunt when you don’t reply. “You, your Grace!” You whimper pathetically.  
He bends downs, capturing your lips with his. The kiss was completely the opposite of what you shared with Alyssa. His kiss was full of passion, teeth and tongue clashing against each other. 
He rubs the tip of his large member against your entrance, coating it with your own arousal.  
“Ready?” He asks. 
Biting your lower lip, you nod. Eyes widened as he thrust fully into you, the sting of his rough intrusion creating tears in the corner of your eyes.  
“Relax, sweetie” Alyssa appears on your side, fully naked. She puts her hand on one of your breasts, slowly pitching your nipple between her slim fingers. “I know he’s big but you will get used to it.” She gives Baelon a wink. 
Baelon groans lowly as he gave a first thrust, his beautiful face twisting in pleasure from how tight you felt around him. “Shit! You’re so tight.”  
Alyssa takes your nipple into her hot mouth, sucking it harshly, while her hand moves down on your body. Her finger rubbed lazily on your clit.  
Your back arched in ecstasy, mewl as Baelon’s cock brushed against a spot that made you see stars. 
“Gods!” you cry “I-It feels so good!”  
Alyssa hums, the vibrations making you moan loudly. You move your hand down her body, your fingers finding her needy pearl. She pulls away from your nipple and captures your lips with hers, drinking all your moans.  
Baelon smirked and gave a rather rough thrust, making you both jump. “What a lovely view.” He growls. 
Grabbing your hips, he pulls you up, making you straddle him while he lies down on the bed. He kisses Alyssa as he starts driving furiously into you. 
“Sit on my face, my love.” He snarls at his wife, making her giggle. 
“Who am I to say no to that?” She straddles his face, her front facing your way, and sat on his face. Sighing in delight when he begins licking and sucking her cunt. 
Grabbing your neck, she pulls you into another passionate kiss.  
The familiar feeling of pure bliss begins to form on your lower parts, whimpering and mewling into Alyssa’s lips. Your walls squeeze tightly around Baelon’s cock, yearning you a rough slap on your ass. 
“Close already?” He chuckles beneath Alyssa. “You want to come on my cock? Want to soak my cock with your lovely nectar, sweetheart?”  
You nod quickly. “Y-yes! Oh God... Please! I want to come!” You cry. 
Baelon’s grip on your hips tightened as he set a brutal pass, forcing a loud wail from your bruised lips.  
“Come for me, little maid.” He growls, making Alyssa moan as he eats her cunt like a starving man.  
Your eyes roll back as you finally come on his cock, your body tensing as waves of ecstasy roll through you. Tears run down freely from your eyes.  
Baelon nipped Alyssa’s clit, triggering her own orgasm as he comes inside you. Painting your walls with his seed. 
You rest your head on Alyssa’s chest, nuzzling your face into her breast. Baelon pets your hips gently while he kisses Alyssa’s inner thighs. 
She grabs your chin and gives you a gentle kiss. “Congratulations, little flame. You finally rode a dragon.”  
Giggling, you both fell on the bed beside Baelon, who pulls you two into his arms. Your eyes begin to fall shut, feeling suddenly tired after all the adrenaline and ecstasy start fading away.  
But you quickly woke up as Alyssa pitched your nipples, giving you a wicked smirk.  
“Do you think it’s over, little flame?” she mused. “The night is still young. Let us enjoy it until both of us are carrying little dragons inside us.” 
Main Tag List: @cryptid-l0ver @saelwen @saelwen-shy-elf @papichulo120627
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goldensunflowe-r · 2 months
You'll take one look at them and think that the love between them is unmatchable.
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But then you see this and think, Does love even exist?
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bumblesimagines · 3 months
Obsessions and Cruelty
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Request: Yes or No
Summary: Despite the love Princess Alyssa and Prince Baelon had for their twins, Prince (Y/N) and Prince Aegon, Daemon never truly forgave (Y/N) for causing the death of their mother; but he'll never genuinely hate him either.
Pronouns: He/Him/His, M!Reader
CW/TW: Typical HOTD warnings, Targcest/Incest (Brother-Brother), mention of childbirth caused death, mentioned death of a sibling (Lil Aegon), toxic behavior?, Daemon stop insulting women challenge (impossible)
Princess Alyssa and Prince Baelon had been overjoyed when (after a long and excruciatingly painful childbirth) the Mother bestowed them with the gift of twin boys whom they happily named Prince Aegon and Prince (Y/N). Their two older brothers, Viserys and Daemon, welcomed them into the family with ease, making plans of all the things they'd teach the boys.
All had been well, until six months later when Alyssa passed after being unable to fully recover from having the twins, her body too weakened from the hours of pain and blood loss. Tragedy struck again with the weaker of the twins, Prince Aegon, passed just shy of his first nameday, leaving the family in distress and an ocean of grief.
Prince (Y/N) had been born sickly as well, and the boy had hardly cried or fussed when he'd been born; so much so that the midwife and maester present feared he'd been stillborn until Baelon took his boy into his arms and the little one finally kicked off with some wails. His health fluctuated throughout his first few years of life, having its highs when he raced down the hall with his little legs and a flurry of maids following as well as its lows when he could hardly get out of bed. 
While his father deeply grieved the loss of his beloved sister-wife and child, he refused to allow it to push him away from his youngest boy. He ensured to assign (Y/N) a personal maester, one who'd only tend to the boy when asked and would give him all the attention he needed.
Others assumed (Y/N) would pass before becoming man-grown, but the prince proved them all wrong, much to the relief and glee of his father and eldest brother, Viserys. His second eldest brother, Daemon, stewed in his grief and growing resentment. 
Daemon had loved their mother wholeheartedly. Alyssa had been a fierce, determined, daring princess who taught Daemon much of what he knew. He loved her, from her blonde hair to her mismatched eyes to the fact she rode the beautiful Red Queen, Meleys, because she'd been denied of riding Balerion. Alyssa's wild spirit had passed down to her son but she'd been stolen from him before she'd ever get to see him in action.
He despised it, despised how much they coddled him, how much they fretted over a weak little thing. Daemon spent much of his time avoiding the boy, for the sight of him alone reminded him of the night he learned of his mother's passing. Perhaps it was guilt too, that made him ignore his brother, for he also reminded him of the thought that he screamed in his mind during the funeral.
I wish they'd died instead.
Daemon hadn't looked anyone in the eye when little Aegon had been pronounced dead from a harsh fever; an inevitable death, the maester had claimed, for the boy had been weak for months. But Daemon believed the Gods had done it to remind him they were always listening. 
(Y/N) had been around four when Daemon's resentment first spilled over into actions. The younger prince had been left without a playmate after their brother left for training lessons, and (Y/N) had refused to play with the willing maids in favor of stumbling out of his room in his stubby toddler legs to search for his other brother.
When he approached the seven-year-old in his bedchambers, Daemon snatched the wooden toy wolf and snapped its head clean off with the threat of doing the same to the rest of his toys if he ever approached him again. (Y/N), of course, bursted into tears and Daemon awkwardly watched until their father arrived to scoop the little one into his arms and give Daemon a scolding. 
Baelon attempted to get the two to reconcile a few days later with a hug. When Daemon extended his arms out toward (Y/N), the little boy made a face and ran right back to their older brother who immediately gathered him up into his arms. It'd been then that Daemon felt a twinge of bitterness, not at (Y/N) for having Visery's attention but at Viserys for being chosen over him. He forced it away and told himself it was what he wanted. He hated him after all. Or so, it was what he told himself in the years that followed. 
Without fail, the weeks leading up to each of (Y/N)'s namedays seemed to set something off in Daemon and he'd make it his life's mission to bother the boy into tears. The first few years resulted in many wails and scoldings from their father, brother, and eventually even their new sister, Lady Aemma. His life had resulted in the death of the woman Daemon loved most, and he'd never forget it. But, Daemon soon learned everyone, even sickly weaklings, had their limits. 
On (Y/N)'s tenth nameday, Baelon had settled (Y/N) on his knee after the celebration and began recalling stories of Alyssa, starting with the fact she'd always followed him around in their youth like a shadow. (Y/N) had been enthralled, eyes big and wide and head eagerly nodding for more tales of the woman he'd never get to meet. Grief made Daemon's chest constrict, and without thinking, he'd blurted out: "There'd be more stories if you and Aegon hadn't killed her." 
The room had fallen deathly silent afterward, only family members lingering around who all turned to stare at the boy wide-eyed. His grandparents and father seemed on the verge of lecturing him when (Y/N) slipped off Baelon's knees, walked right up to the spot on the floor Daemon was sitting on, and landed one good punch to his nose that left a heavy flow of blood. Some in the room laughed, others shook their heads but Viserys had ensured to swoop in and separate the two until the maesters arrived. 
And while Daemon had a maester tend to his bleeding nose (luckily dismissing the possibility of it being broken), (Y/N) sent him a triumphant grin from across the room that made Daemon seethe. Still, he couldn't deny the hint of pride that swelled in him, as well as a new bubbling feeling. 
From then on, fighting and bickering were the only thing the boys seemed to do together, mostly because picking on (Y/N) was the only way to get him to pay Daemon any sort of attention. His accusation had been enough to permanently cement him as the enemy, even with all the coaxings and reminders of blood being thicker than water. He leaned into it, even if it meant having to sit back and grumpily watch (Y/N) happily cozy up to Viserys and sometimes even Lady Aemma. 
The Gods had cursed him for wishing the Stranger on (Y/N), he was certain of it. Why else would he care so much?
By the time the two were in their teens, Queen Alysanne had wed Daemon to Lady Rhea Royce of Runestone. He'd been sent off to live with her in the Vale, perhaps the most boring place in Westeros and annoyingly far from home. When he'd returned home for a visit, he'd learned from Viserys that the soon-to-be seventeen-year-old (Y/N) had many marriage prospects. Daemon had hoped to find himself thrilled at the idea of (Y/N) moving far away to become the new lord of some noble house but it only soured his mood whenever someone brought it up.
"I hear Lady Lusia is quite beautiful." Lady Aemma told (Y/N) one afternoon, a cup of sweetened milk in hand and a gentle smile on her face. Daemon scoffed quietly at her words, a bitter taste forming in his mouth that made him angrily swallow the piece of apple he'd been chewing. Lady Aemma seemingly ignored him. "I hear she has a fascination for dragons. I'm certain she'll love Sōna." 
"Or Sōna will eat her in a single bite the moment she lays eyes on her." Daemon piped in, pushing himself up from the couch he'd sprawled himself across and smirking at the eye-roll (Y/N) sent his way. Truthfully, Sōna was exactly like her rider in more ways than one: spoilt, easily annoyed, and downright bratty at times. The pretty beast had certain food preferences, for Gods' sake. Lady Aemma merely shook her head and sipped on her drink whilst Viserys finally tore his attention away from the book in hand. 
"Perhaps you have someone in mind then, Brother. You seemed against Lady Katherine and Lady Breyna as well." Viserys's finger dragged along the edge of the book, an amused twinkle in his eyes as he regarded his brother in a way that seemed to say I know. Daemon scowled at him, unable to resist the heat creeping up along his neck. 
"I'm saving those ladies from a lifetime of misery, more like. (Y/N) would probably drop dead if he saw a woman naked." 
At that, (Y/N) whirled around to look at him with a sneer. "It wouldn't be my first time!" He snapped at him, and irritation rolled over Daemon like a crashing wave. He'd been gone from court for a little less than a year and had already missed so much. His new wife's family had insisted he stay in Runestone with her despite her indifference, but he hardly cared for her or the Vale of Arryn. She was plain-faced, boring, and never bothered to converse with him. He much preferred the bustle and hustle of the Red Keep.
But nobody mentioning his little brother had bedded someone while he was away? It shouldn't have annoyed him as much as it did but the thought of some lousy little lady - or anyone, truly - laying hands on his brother in a less-than-friendly way made his blood boil. Had she even done it right? Had she even kissed him with passion or just with the desire to boast about lying with a Targaryen prince? 
"Who?" Daemon demanded, springing up to his feet and chucking the apple aside so hard it slammed into the wall and broke apart. Lady Aemma flinched at the noise and gave her husband a bewildered look that was met with a quiet sigh. Daemon's long silver hair spilled over his shoulders as he grasped the back of (Y/N)'s chair and leaned down to glower at him. "What dumb bitch decided you were worth laying with?" 
(Y/N) bristled like an enraged stray cat and shot up from his seat, planting his hands on Daemon's chest and shoving him back. Daemon stumbled backward, nearly tripping over his boots, and scowling immediately but before he could cut the distance, Viserys planted himself firmly between the two. At twenty-four, Viserys had no business being forced to stop fights between the two, but he believed it to be his job as eldest much to their annoyance. Daemon opened his mouth to spout some more things but he bit his tongue when he noticed the way (Y/N)'s eyes glistened. 
"Nyke vēdros ao." (Y/N) spat venomously, and Daemon's shoulders sagged, his body reeling back as if he'd been struck. (Y/N) stormed past the two of them, the doors shaking violently when he slammed them close behind him. Lady Aemma frowned at him, shaking her head with a soft sigh of disappointment. 
I hate you. 
He'd meant it, Daemon was sure of it. He'd been a bother since (Y/N) had been born, just a baby prone to illness who had no memories of their beautiful mother. The birth had impacted Alyssa severely, sure, but the twins had never asked to be born. Daemon had realized that early in his teenhood, but most of the damage had been done and he'd never been one to apologize or admit wrongdoing, to begin with. But as he stood there, staring into nothingness while the words replayed over and over in his head, he swore he felt his heart cracking. 
"Go apologize," Viserys told him softly, placing a hand on his shoulder and giving it an encouraging squeeze. "Make things right before it's too late. Father intends on having him wed before the winter."
Silently, Daemon turned on his heel and left the couple alone in their room to make his way down the hall. He'd upset (Y/N) enough to make him cry, something he hadn't done in years, so he felt certain the teen had rushed off to his bedroom before he could be seen. The servants and guards he encountered along the way were quick to step out of his way, and the ones stationed at (Y/N)'s bedchambers opened the doors for him without having to be asked. 
(Y/N) sat at the edge of his bed, legs crossed and lips pouting like a child but Daemon could only wince at the tear stains on his cheeks. His hands messed with his boots, undoing the laces of one and throwing it onto the floor. When he spotted Daemon lingering by the doors, he threw the other one at him, nearly hitting him in the thigh. "Go away," He demanded. 
"Your aim's better." Daemon simply told him, slipping off the holster holding Dark Sister to his waist, and leaning the sword against the wall. (Y/N) reached down for the boot he'd tossed on the floor, scooping it back into his hand and throwing it at Daemon. His brother caught it with ease before it could slam into his chest, causing (Y/N)'s cheeks to puff out in annoyance and Daemon to smirk.
"Come to laugh at me some more?" (Y/N) asked bitterly, his eyes following Daemon as he made his way further into the room. With nothing else within grabbing distance to throw, he remained seated on the bed with a glare and curled hands ready to hit him. Daemon eyed his tense form and took a seat beside him, scoffing when (Y/N) scooted away.
"You act like a child." Daemon sighed, snatching (Y/N)'s wrist into his hand and squeezing the skin exposed when his sleeve rode up. (Y/N) struggled at first, angered muttering falling from his lips, but he slowly relented and gave in with a heavy sigh. Daemon gave him a hard tug that forced (Y/N) to fall onto his side, a grin gracing his lips at (Y/N)'s narrowed eyes. 
"And you act like an arse." He replied, shifting around to sit up straight again. 
"I didn't..." Daemon pursed his lips. Viserys knew how to apologise, knew all the right things to say to make things better. Daemon only knew how to hurt and break things. "I didn't mean to-... to make you cry." 
"Liar." (Y/N) huffed and Daemon's jaw clenched, his temper flaring up with ease. "You like seeing me cry. You probably get off on it." 
Daemon bit his tongue, this time literally, so he could fight the wicked smirk from spreading on his face. "Yes," Daemon exhaled, the breathy, amused tone making (Y/N) grow still with suspicion. "I get off on the thought of you crying from how much you desire me." He said lowly, moving an inch closer so their noses would bump together. He relished the quiet hitch of (Y/N)'s breath.
"I- I- You- I would never- What-" (Y/N) sputtered, tongue twisting so violently he almost choked on his words. Daemon's free hand rose to grab his jaws, fingers digging into the heated skin of his cheeks. He delighted in the heat, for he believed it meant there was a chance of his feelings being mutual. 
"Who did you lay with?" Daemon questioned, his fingertips digging into the skin of (Y/N)'s cheeks and pulling his face ever so closer. He dragged his lips over his cheekbones, trailing them over his little brother's nose and brows and any part of his face he could reach. (Y/N) squirmed in his grip, his closed hand pressing against Daemon's chest in a half-hearted attempt at pushing him back. "Tell me."
"No." (Y/N) grumbled, ever the disobedient one. 
"Was she worth it?" Daemon prodded, pushing his brother back onto the bed until his back was flat against the covers. He swung one leg over (Y/N)'s hips to straddle him, laying his weight down on the prince's thighs to prevent him from getting up. (Y/N) glared up at him, lips forming a deeper, more pronounced pout. He pinned the wrist in his hand beside his head, ensuring to keep a steady grip on him. 
"Better than you'll ever be!" (Y/N) spat, the challenging tone in his voice only making Daemon's desire flourish, the overwhelming feeling pumping through his veins. He swooped down and slammed their lips together, swallowing the squeak that escaped (Y/N) and shoveling his tongue into his mouth when (Y/N)'s lips parted. He suckled his bottom lip into his mouth, biting down on it until he tasted a hint of metallic. 
"You should've come to me, sweet brother." Daemon sighed, tongue lapping up the small trickle of blood that stained both their lips red. (Y/N)'s fingers curled around the collar of Daemon's tunic, battling between pushing him back and drawing him closer. "You need not for anyone else. I will take care of you, regardless of what anyone else dares to say." He cooed, pressing a sloppy, bloody kiss to his cheek. 
"You hate me." (Y/N) murmured, his nose crinkling at the taste of blood dancing on his taste buds. Daemon frowned at him, hands harshly squeezing (Y/N)'s jaw and wrist for his words. When (Y/N) grimaced, he released his jaw and instead tenderly stroked his knuckles over his cheek. 
"I do not." He assured, nuzzling their nose together and kissing him again, savoring the shudder that went through (Y/N) when he pressed down on the small cut. "I care for you. More than you'll ever know, little brother."
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ladyempty · 3 months
Hi, can I request yandere platonic king Jeahaerys and Yandere platonic Queen Alysanne with their Yandere children x adopted gender neutral, reader headcanons and can you make one or more of the children be a romantic Yandere towards reader for example Bealon Alyssa or Aemon. ❤️❤️❤️❤️😊🥰
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° | !English is not my first language!Sorry..| ° | This is a yandere work and may contain triggering behavior. I'm not in favor of that in real life. |
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Rumores se espalharam rapidamente pela corte quando a Rainha Alysanne retornou de mais uma de suas muitas viagens a Pedra do Dragão com uma criança desconhecida agarrada firmemente ao seu quadril e o Príncipe Aemon não muito atrás de sua mãe, sorrindo de orelha a orelha e Baelon também sorrindo.
A rainha não parecia ter qualquer intenção de explicar sobre a criança, quem eram seus pais ou como a criança foi parar sob seus cuidados.
Muitos achavam que ela estava delirando porque estava imersa na tristeza pela morte da princesinha Daenerys, que havia ocorrido no começo do ano.
Assim que o assunto chegou aos ouvidos do rei, ele prontamente exigiu a presença da rainha e da criança desconhecida na sala do trono.
Os olhos de Jaehaerys eram duros e severos, sentado majestosamente sob o trono de espadas, ele franziu os lábios enquanto os guardas anunciavam a chegada da rainha. Ele já tinha um discurso pronto em sua mente e com as palavras na ponta da língua, palavras que morreram no momento em que Alysanne apresentou a criança como se fosse dela, sabendo que seu marido ficaria encantado assim como ela. E o rei ficou realmente atordoado pela magnitude da criança, que não tinha um traço de sangue valeriano em suas veias, mas despertou seus sentidos paternos com força avassaladora.
Depois desse pequeno encontro, Jaehaerys não parecia mais motivado a mandar a criança embora ou a entreter esses pensamentos e ilusões na cabeça de sua irmã-esposa. Antes mesmo de perceber, ele próprio já estava imerso em ilusões e pensamentos irracionais, o que não era de seu caráter.
Num piscar de olhos, a criança até então desconhecida aos olhos das cortes ganhou o nome Targaryen e todas as vantagens e títulos que acompanhavam o nome. O título real foi concedido pelo próprio rei e a rainha apoiou firmemente a decisão.
Alysanne e Jaehaerys rapidamente se autodenominaram seus pais, ambos o encorajando fervorosamente a chamá-los de mãe e pai e a desfrutar livremente de seus direitos.
E se você fizesse algo errado, você receberia apenas uma repreensão gentil de Jaehaerys e um sorriso gentil de Alysanne e uma ordem calma para não fazer isso de novo.
Aemon te amava com todo seu fervor, ele era muito jovem para entender completamente o que tinha acontecido com sua irmã mais velha, mas ele sabia que ela não voltaria mais para brincar com ele ou fazer seus truques. Mas no momento em que sua mãe te trouxe para casa e te disse que você era seu novo irmãozinho, Aemon apenas sorriu feliz e assentiu entusiasticamente.
Ele estava feliz além da razão, animado por ser um irmão mais velho agora, levando muito a sério as palavras de seu pai de que ele deveria protegê-lo, que mantê-lo seguro era sua principal responsabilidade acima de sua posição como herdeiro.
Baelon Targaryen estava igualmente feliz, ele não era o irmão mais velho, mas ele certamente o protege o máximo que pode, tornando-se sua segunda sombra, sempre feliz e animado para ter sua atenção. Com os muitos deveres de Aemon, Baelon teve prazer e grande felicidade em passar mais tempo com você, sempre se gabando desse fato para seu irmão mais velho.
ambos mantiveram sua promessa, ambos seguindo você de perto com fervor e dedicação como se fossem seus guardas pessoais. Eles frequentemente criavam discussões para ver qual deles o seguiria naquele dia, mas eles uniam forças quando tinham que remover alguém que não consideravam digno de sua presença.
Alysanne encorajou seu comportamento, ainda muito alerta e cuidadosa desde a trágica morte de Daenerys, ela sabia que não seria capaz de lidar se algo acontecesse com mais algum de seus filhos, especialmente com você, seu filho mais amado.
Jaehaerys simplesmente fez vista grossa ao comportamento de seus filhos mais velhos, ficando irritado apenas quando Aemon se recusou a ficar longe, mesmo sabendo que era hora do rei aproveitar sua companhia ou que Baelon estava insistindo que ele deveria passar mais tempo com você.
Jaehaerys foi inflexível sobre esse assunto, exigindo que Aemon e Baelon saíssem para que ele pudesse ter um momento a sós com você. O que acontecia frequentemente, sempre que o rei finalmente estava livre de seus deveres, ele exigia sua presença sem se importar se você estava ocupado ou não.
"Você pode fazer isso outra hora, agora faça um favor a si mesmo e leia em voz alta doze páginas do livro para seu pai, meu filho."
Vamos encarar, Jaehaerys simplesmente inventará desculpas para chamar sua atenção de volta para ele. Algo que causou muita discórdia entre o rei e a rainha.
Um pai completamente orgulhoso, sempre estimulando a curiosidade e o desejo de ler, exigindo ser o primeiro a saber quando aprende algo novo. O que lhe renderia um sorriso orgulhoso e um tapinha no pulso.
"Muito bem, meu filho."
Alysanne te ama, isso é uma certeza absoluta. Ela é uma mãe amorosa, superprotetora e orgulhosa de qualquer pequena conquista que você faça. Desenhe um desenho para ela e no dia seguinte. ele estará emoldurado e bem guardado, entregue flores para ela e então os Meistres estarão correndo contra o tempo para encontrar algum método ou poção que possa preservar uma flor para sempre.
E ela provavelmente será aquela que lhe dará seu ovo de dragão. Para a decepção do rei, pois ele queria que ele fosse o único a entregar algo tão especial para você, mas ele estava preso em uma pequena reunião do conselho, como de costume. Dessa forma, os senhores teriam que aturar o mau humor do monarca até as próximas luas.
E se você ficar doente, pelos deuses, é melhor se contentar com uma Alysanne completamente desesperada invadindo seu espaço pessoal a cada segundo, com um Jaehaerys perturbador e excessivamente sério te fazendo beber todo tipo de poções, chás que os meistres recomendam e um Aemon muito preocupado, mas tentando ser forte por você e um Baelon muito nervoso, tentando te entreter e te fazer rir para não ficar deprimido com sua doença.
A nova gravidez da rainha é motivo de comemoração na corte, ainda há um certo medo pela recente morte da princesa Daenerys e todos parecem convencidos de que, quando o bebê nascer, o rei e a rainha vão se livrar de você.
Isso não aconteceu. Alysanne ficou muito brava com esses rumores, ele nunca abandonaria nenhum de seus filhos! Principalmente você! Jaehaerys parece mais controlado por fora, mas por dentro ele está igualmente bravo. Fornecendo um aviso das consequências se essas palavras continuassem a se espalhar.
Ambos lhe garantiram que tudo isso era mentira e continuaram a amá-lo, assim como Aemon e Baelon.
"Eles mentem, meu filho, nada disso é verdade." A rainha e o rei garantiram.
"Você pode me dizer que foi você quem fez isso, eles não escaparam!" Aemon disse seriamente enquanto te abraçava, com Baelon atrapalhando seu próprio abraço.
Alyssa's birth was uneventful, which made everyone breathe a sigh of relief. The girl was healthy and lively, so energetic and so much like the late Princess Daenerys that she brought a bitter taste to Alysanne's mouth..
The princess could be as stubborn as she was lively, it was obvious that you were her favorite brother. Since she began to crawl, Alyssa has followed you with a tireless dedication that is impressive for a baby.
And when she learned to walk, this became more constant.
The young princess was always by her side, her more adventurous and relaxed side with your company. You were definitely joined at the hip. What was once a trio became an inseparable quartet as Princess Alyssa grew older and was able to accompany her brothers more freely in search of their safety and constant companionship.
An inseparable quartet even as Aemon and Baelon's obligations began to increase and the pressure for Alyssa to become a worthy princess began to take its toll.
Everyone had strict duties and rules to follow. Everyone except you. The king and queen still saw you as a precious baby who should be protected and nothing seemed to change their opinion in that regard.
Shortly after, Aemon was named his father's heir, something everyone already knew would happen in a moment or another.
His elevation to heir did not seem to be a reason for happiness for Prince Aemon as everyone made it seem. Increasingly busy with his obligations, he didn't have time to play freely with you.
Great misfortune for you and great joy for Alyssa and Baelon who, as secondary heirs, did not need so many classes nor so many responsibilities. Having more time to run around the fortress with you by his side, the three of you are always involved in trouble and games
Princess Maegelle's birth occurred shortly afterwards. A kind young woman, even when she was a baby.
Maegelle quickly became attached to you, just like Alyssa when she started to crawl, although her demeanor was softer, Maegelle could be as persistent as her older sister.
What slowly became it became a trio, with you, Baelon and Alyssa, it quickly became a quartet with young Maegelle included. Much to Alyssa's annoyance, she was starting to get the feeling that her little sister was constantly following her around like a little shadow.
Alyssa's way of getting rid of her little sister's constant presence was to pull you to places where Maegelle couldn't. I am not going. A behavior that Queen Alysanne reprimanded, wanting Maegelle to be included in the games.
And shortly afterwards Prince Vaegon was born, so different from young Margelle. The youngest Targaryen prince was indeed quite...sour...
Even as a baby shows constant signs of dissatisfaction with everything around him. And she never cried, he just had a permanent frown on his features and found little to no pleasure in playing with her brothers.
This made him a laughing stock by Alyssa, who didn't seem to like her little brother much, and Baelon agreed.
But you were different, welcoming Vaegon even on his cruelest days. This made the prince quickly cling to you with refuge, he didn't care about the other brothers, he thought he was more mature than them, but Vaegon had no problem acting more childish to get what he wanted.
He took advantage of being excluded by others to gain their empathy and attention. Constantly stealing you from your older brothers.
Much to the indignation of Alyssa and Baelon, who complained about this to their mother, but the good queen just laughed and said that young Vaegon was a baby and needed more attention.
And as already It was usual, shortly afterwards the queen consort had another son and another heir to the crown. A young princess so fragile and delicate that she scared Alysanne at first.
Little princess Daella Targaryen was such a fearful and whiny baby, but also so kind and adorable that she made everyone want to protect her
The Targaryens whined but never spoke, even when she was older. Much to Alysanne's horror, she let it seem that, after you, little Daella was her favorite child
Just like her siblings before her, the Targaryen princess considered you her “lodestar.” Someone she trusted completely and made her shell of shyness lessen. Much to Alysanne's relief, she spent a lot of time with her favorite children.
There was a time without any further additions to the Targaryen family. Something much to the relief of Aemon, Baelon and Alyssa, who now more than ever had to compete with the other equally clingy siblings for their attention..
And for a time, the quartet formed again, much to the king's chagrin.
Now everyone was older and more mature in theory. But never in practice, he still ran through the halls and made the same annoying jokes. But something felt different. As Aemon got older, marriage proposals for the prince began to appear, and even though the prince seemed to have a great affinity with Lady Jocelyn, the idea of getting married and having to abandon childish games with you and the others brothers disturbed him.
And before it was just for Aemon, but the lords, in their greed, also wanted to get their hands on the royal couple's most precious son. You.
Something that was quickly denied by the king and queen. You were still a baby in their eyes!
As a return to the familiar rhythm, a new child was added to the family. Saera Targaryen was a healthy and spirited girl. She was so brave and intelligent, but also so stubborn and tempestuous that she overshadowed her qualities.
Saera was a fierce and stubborn young woman who liked attention and became moody whenever she didn't receive any. She reached out to you. She demanded a lot of your attention and love.
Becoming cheerful at any compliment from her and sullen when attention was diverted from her.
She didn't exactly run after you like the other brothers. She demanded her presence. Why were you paying attention to Daella and not her?
If his attention was directed to another brother, he would make Saera that brother's enemy. Mainly, Princess Daella.
Saera couldn't stand her younger sister's constant crying. She was weak, not delicate. Just weak.
And shortly afterwards Prince Aemon's engagement is announced, much to the Targaryen's despair. The Targaryen thought Lady Jocelyn was a lovely young woman, but marrying her? No way. He couldn't love a woman when his heart was slowly turning more and more towards you.
It was a hard blow, he protested and tried to persuade his father. He even begged his mother. But nothing helped.
And that was the beginning of the end of the golden days..
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minnipe · 2 months
Hotd new episode rant (SPOILERS)
We need new writers. They need to fire and burn the ones they have right now. First they butcher the characters personalities so deeply it’s shocking. They are just so different, and in some aspects it’s interesting but others it’s such a deep change that it’s a bit frustrating.😫
And the scene with Dameon and his MOTHER. Oh my god I was so shocked they did not actually do that. Dameon needs to get out of harrenhal IMMEDIATELY 😤
And Alicent thinking that the small council would allow her to rule. The same people who usurped rhaenyra like girl if they didn’t want her why would they want you.😭
The aegon scene with alicnet made me so sad. Alicent never seems to be there for her kids when they need her leaving in the moments they need the support the most. The trauma just keeps coming 😵‍💫
We love you helaena and alys you guys are the best😔 you deserve to be able to collect bugs and haunt stupid men!
How I felt watching the scene with daemon and his MOTHER
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themotherofblood · 1 year
I saw you opened your requests again, so to finish off my series of requests inspired by Bollywood songs, can I please get Daemon x poc fem reader inspired by "Laal ishq" with lots of angst and nsfw please? (feel free to ignore)
you asked and I shall deliver!! I love the song, even though it’s melancholic. So to go with the theme of estranged lovers. Reader and Daemon have been friends for years, that eventually blossomed to love. Daemon is being forced to marry Rhea. There is no age gap since both have grown up together (also a really disgusting twist, fuck Jaeheryes!) THERE IS A PART TWO WITH SMUT I PROMISE!
Daemon Targaryen x Reader | WC: 5003
tw: mentions of incest, pregnant people and crass language
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Daemon’s blood boiled anew since he was knighted the year before and was handed his ancestral sword. Dark Sister. He flew Caraxes faster, he trained harder. While one-half of his time was spent being a more valiant warrior than he already was, the other half was spent with you. Head in your lap, as he fawned on your beauty over and over again. It wasn’t right, you were a noble lady - a princess at that; you were to be chaste and untouched. Yet the walls of the Red Keep often turned a blind eye to your and Daemon’s ongoings. Everyone expected it so, seeming how Daemon always got what he wanted. The court expected that you would be wed to the young prince before Baelon would sit on the throne.
The door to the Godswood slammed open with a thud, and gruff sounds of huffing followed by clanks of armour filled your ears as you smiled to yourself. Almost enjoying every time your lover, pouting and broody demanded your affection after a long day of being consumed with his knighthood. You looked up to find Daemon placing his helm on the wooden table of refreshments before yanking out a leather flask of Flea Bottom’s finest moonshine, growling from the back of his mouth as the burn coated his sore throat. He huffed before plopping down next to you. The stench of mud and sweat filled your nostrils, much used to the muck as you kept working on your embroidery. Lip tucked between your lips as you passed a red string through the fresh patch of linen.
Daemon’s demeanour shifted, without having said a word as his attention was drawn to your nibbled fingers working over the delicate patches of thread. The designs of a story rather than the simple florals most ladies wore at court.
“Who bested you this time?” your voice caught his attention, your eyes still fixated on your work and yet the frustrations bubbling within him were apparent. Daemon narrowed his eyes at you before taking three large swigs from his flask.
“No one, every one of them has tasted dirt by my hands today,” he quickly replied, his mind toiling with a different malady altogether, like a plague. Clinging to the crevices of his head. How does one ask a lady such a thing?
“Then what’s got you pouting today?” you mused at him, this time placing the cloak down and turning to look at his defensive expression. His faded brows pulled to a tight-knit and his mouth parted with no words dancing over his lip. You raised your brow at him, knowing him far better than he realised.
Back in the yards, young lords with Daemon sparred away their mornings. Determined and raging as they charged at one another or dummies. Sparking conversations of bloody war fantasies and of comely girls at court. Out of the few closest to Daemon, five were already married - even his brother. Not that the notion of marriage had him praying like the fanatics at the Sept but even as stories of Old Valyria painted his dreams. He pictured his sweet lover, you in the grab of his house. Muttering words of Valyrian as his love for you would be legitimised by the eyes of dragons and the Fourteen Flames. Perhaps as his own sister-by-law, Aemma swelled full of her first child. He pictured little white-haired children of his own, perhaps enough to put his grandsire’s abilities to shame.
Daemon was sure if he would bring the matter up with his father. That perhaps his Jahereys would offer his hand to your father. There was much to be gained politically, and he would soil the sheets with his blood to cover for the lack of your maidenhead. The plans in his mind were crystal, already insistent of you becoming his lady wife. Though it was a matter of if you’d wish it so, or if your family would approve it.
“I- I asked father to have your hand in marriage,” he replied in one quick breath, his ears ringing from the silence that followed. A blank expression that spread through your features didn’t help his turmoil either as he waited for you to say something or refused him outright. “Fuck’s sake, say something?” he frowned, taking hold of your shoulders and shaking you.
The words wouldn’t reach your lips as you blankly stared him down, blinking profusely back to reality as his worry turned into disappointment. You straightened yourself, folding away the cloak on your lap before gently laying in on the grass, your chest pushing against your corset from how hard you were breathing. Abruptly, you launched yourself at him, knees catching at your gown uncomfortably that you didn’t care for as you straddled his lap to kiss him. There was a fire in how your lips connected, Daemon was truly taken aback for a moment before chuckling and giving into the onslaught, hands caressing each other’s cheeks. You rested your forehead against Daemon’s, “You want this? Marriage?” you had to ask to be sure, that perhaps this wasn’t another one of his spurts of passion.
He nodded “Would you? Be my lady wife?” his eyes, wider than the Septa’s when she heard crass remarks. Bursts of anticipation flooded Daemon’s heart. You would be his, to have and to hold. The colours of his house staining the mustard silks adorning your skin, there would be no reason to conceal such ardour for one another, a flame concealed by forbidding it air. Young souls afraid of its fire would see all but the world, perhaps diminished before it could swallow you whole. The embers would finally take flight, burn anyone who would question Daemon’s affections for you. It was way past time that the two of you should have been wed, every lord was afraid of approaching you from the fear of being eaten by Caraxes, and the ladies stood ten breaths away from the fear of being poisoned by you.
You, a Princess of House Martell, Darmon a Prince of House Targaryen and yet your names for one another held not houses or titles but otherworldly, cosmic - cathartic titles ones of adoration and the rest, not High Valyrian, Ryonish or the Common Tongue could describe. Oftentimes than not it felt unreal, fabricated that perhaps it was the joy of having another, the thrill of breaking statues or perhaps it was finally a sense of home. You saw him for who he was and he, you, not within the wild inclinations but perhaps the calm hidden behind the mirror.
The elation of your supposed oncoming betrothal spread cheek to cheek, the corners of your eyes crinkling (even be fair to say teary-eyed) yet you purse your lips. Still lingering on the question on Daemon’s lips, it was yes - such agreement you could scream your throat sore from Rhaenys Hill - mischief however clouded your mind as you pulled back from him, scrunching your brows in deep thought. A look of offence adorned Daemon’s sharp features; a minx through and through. “Fly a piece of the moon back to me and I shall think about it,” a mere jest, followed by a giggle to seal the line. Daemon’s eyes flickered with another opportunity but for now his work was done.
The tunnels in the Red Keep had stood witness to the damning celebrations that followed after, sneaking baskets of blankets, spiced wines, lemons, and plum cakes being carried from the kitchens to your solar. Even if you were caught, there wasn’t a fret or consequence. You were to be married. Far too intoxicated to do anything by the end of the night, as the vulgarities whispered by Daemon against your ear as his fingers rested against your blushed lips, feeding you pieces of purple grapes to muffle the deep bellied giggles pouring out of your mouth.
The morrow bloomed in with you sprawled atop furs by the dying embers of the hearth, skin sticky from no doubt the sweets consumed last night as your chambermaids poured in to tidy your chamber and you make princess-like once more for the respectable court. Though comely and courteous charm oozed out of your every pour, you let out dishevelled groans and grumbles as you pulled yourself awake. Finding an indent in the furs where your lover had nestled with you the night before and now he fluttered away like every morning. Pristinely dressed in your riding clothes, your schedule today consisted of visiting Lady Aemma, avoiding the snarky air headed ladies and court and paying your precious steed and visiting the Kingswood.
Aemma Arryn, already swelling from her first babe, wore her discomfort with much grace. Hoping to birth a boy for Viserys but in her heart she knew the babe to be a bumbling girl. “I’ve heard something about you… and Daemon,” her lips curled in a sly smile. Yet you being devoid of romantical theatrics, heat still evaded your composure and flared across your cheeks. You shuffled onto the chaise next to her, giggling as you hesitantly held your arm out. She meekly nodded at your gesture, grabbing your palm to place over the bump, the skin firm yet softer under your touch. Living with dragons mere breaths away from you and yet an entire person being inside your friend fascinated you, perhaps such would be your fate without the lemon heads in your environs while engaging in the salacious acts with Daemon.
Your eyes crinkled at the corners, much aware of what Aemma had heard - from Viserys no doubt - the older Targaryen brother hid not one thing from his sweet wife. Both brothers were highly hen pecked by the women they took as lovers. “What could you have possibly heard, I swear I poisoned no one,” your lips curled to a wry grin making her tap your thigh mischievously with her foot. You pulled them onto your lap, kneading your fingers into the mass of her foot, alleviating pressure from her overbearing weight.
“Viserys overheard Prince Baelon talking with the King… Can you imagine us, sisters!” her smile widened cheek to cheek, already pictured dressing you in ivory herself like you did her.
“Whatever you have done to my brother, I applaud you,” Viserys’s voice chimed from behind you, leaning against the door frame, admiring his glowing wife with a graceful smirk on his face “The Street of Silk shall mourn his absence,” he teased making Aemma glare at his antics
“Do not listen to him,” she scoffed, “Have you told anyone yet?” You shook your head, wanting to keep this joy just between the people you trusted the most before the vultures found a way to make profit of such an event yet again.
“Do you know where he is?” you turned to Viserys who pointed out the window to the skies.
The air crashing against your skin as your hair followed free of its braided constraints, purple leather hugged your skin, shielding you from the chill of this day’s climate. The trees mere green shadows in your periphery blend all as one, just your own breathing echoing in your ears and the quicked hoof beats of your night black mare Nysa. While she couldn’t fly, her legs were no less than being afloat in the clouds, brushing past the dirt road at speeds incomparable to the naked eye. She neighed at a halt, right at the end of the meadow. The greenery reached as far as your eyes could see, you lingered in the quiet for a moment, the bird, the grasshoppers and even the leaves melodically sang a song for your ears.
The winds tore past the stink of the bustling livelihood of King’s Landing, amidst the rain that was sure to follow within the end of the week, the forest smelled of leaves, of warmth and damp. You shuffled off your horse, your own personal guard no doubt still catching up to the rampage that tore you through the thick tree lines. Deep breaths of fresh air flooded your lungs, you often dreamed of riding all the way home, to bask in the crisp sunshine at the Old Palace.
You walked holding onto Nysa’s reigns, finding a spot to sit with your legs over the rocks looking down into the ditch, while your marriage would bring forth much joy in your life. Perhaps a blissful life at Dragonstone, a cat, Caraxes and him. Mostly you’d enjoy being a royal lady-wife, perhaps it would make the ladies at court fear you more than a poisoning, Dornishmen - salacious varmints.
Higher above from where you were sitting, Daemon flew past the clouds, higher every moment. A feat encouraged by your jest but in reality a grace question, why hadn’t the Targaryens ever touched the moon? The dim witted Septons nor the droll Maesters had an answer for it. He took matters in his own hands, clipped to Caraxes as he rode the Red Wyrm to newer heights. The air around him was much colder and yet he kept climbing. Taking in large gasps of breaths, however lungs simply couldn’t get enough. A piece of the moon - he could do that much for his sweetest wife to be, a wedding gift better than any silk gown or golden necklace. What completely overshadowed the struggling mount underneath him was you. Caraxes fought to climb, the sky growing a deeper shade of blue, as Daemon’s mind fantasised his way through the journey; the lack of air in his lungs slipped right past.
Knocking him unconscious first, Caraxes yet climbed heights above than before until he realised Daemon slumped backwards on his saddle; severing any control the prince had on his dragon moments before. Such exhaustion consumed the Red Wyrm too, while still within his prime his wings tucked tight as he fell from the skies like the stories of angels the High Septon preaches.
The striking red of the dragon’s body clashed against the bright and clear skies that graced King’s Landing today. Just as you lounged at the edge of the meadow, a falling red figure wasn’t hard to miss. You stood to your feet immediately, fascinated at what it might have been. The Blood Comet in the scrolls wasn’t due for another decade or two. Only instead of gliding across the horizon of the sky, it grew bigger by the moment; until you saw the flutter (no book said anything about fluttering rocks falling from skies above). The dark membranes outline the red made you gasp “Oh gods,” this had been either a sick thrill Daemon had decided to partake in or he was truly falling from the heavens.
You mounted Nysa, rushing towards the falling figure from the skies. While to others the moment seemed fleeting but it felt ages as you neared the falling dragon. Caraxes spread his wings, in desperate attempts to halt the descent as he gained consciousness. Daemon, still attached to his saddle but nowhere near coherency. A loud crash accompanied a mushroom cloud of dirt blasting through the woods, Nysa nearly throwing you off her back as she neighed, startled to shit. You jumped off her, your personal guard merely catching you in time as Ser Alysen gripped your arms. Warning you of the dragon that laid huffing and curled, he would eat you, he would eat you.
You screamed from the back of your throat, pushing Alysen off your back and rushing towards Caraxes. “Do not fucking eat me,” your mind toiled, yet you had to know if your lover was alive or if you were widowed before you even had the chance to step on the alter. The red dragon’s nostril flared, low bellied chirps echoing through the settling dust, please - let me see him. You weren’t sure how you would fight a creature four times your size but perhaps his bigger mind sensed your harmlessness, putting up no protest as you pulled yourself onto Daemon’s saddle, him still slouched, breathing.
“Daemon, Daemon wake up,” you cupped his cheeks. Shaking him profusely, the behemoth he was growing into. You couldn’t carry him off the dragon even if you wanted to. “Come on now, wake up!”
Most of King’s Landing already witnessed a mythical creature falling from the heavens. Half of them ran for the Grand Sept, howling of the end times and the people in the Keep knew it to be Daemon. Within minutes more riders arrived with aid, the others contemplating the possibility of an attack. They found you on top of the Red Wyrm. Distraught and holding the young prince’s body hugged onto you, getting him off the mount proved a far harder challenge than anything the Stranger would ever test them to. A crying princess and an unwilling dragon.
You had raced behind the wheelhouse carrying Daemon back to the Red Keep. Maesters were already alerted and awaiting the prince in his bed chambers. While you had no business being in his quarters, even you had found him. You paced like a mad woman outside his bed chambers, if he died you swore to torment him in the afterlife as you counted every brick placed in the wall you were staring at.
Prince Baelon soon after burst through his quarters, hearing about his son as his conversation with father seemed to have turned quarrelsome. Both him and Viserys had raced down the corridors, the sight was none for relief but you sat on the floor. Knees bobbing in anxiety as you chewed through your nails. Having realised what Daemon might have been doing as dread and anger was replaced with guilt. You made him do this.
The questioning look on the princess’ faces was replied with one meek sentence “I asked him for the moon,” your eyes welling once more. Yet for the sake of your dignity and name you turned away.
After much waiting, yet not having left Daemon’s quarters. You waited patiently for him to awaken, for reasons other than to either press grateful kisses all over his face, or grovel at his feet for his blessed romanticism. Flattered (truly - completely) for broken bones set straight, and bruising along the side of his shoulders and two fat sheep, the cost of the moon on land. When Daemon grumbled awake, his family were the first to receive him until Baelon - being the true supporter of your union - ushered you in after demanding that the Maesters and attendants all leave. The father in him refrained from yelling at his son’s recklessness but you dutifully performed that right for him.
Daemon grinned, loopy from the milk of poppy no doubt. “Princess!” he dragged, very likely expecting an embrace or a pat on his shoulders for his efforts as he sat perched by pillows against the stone headboard. He instead was met with a swift and ringing slap across his cheeks, your eyes and nostrils flared.
“Have you lost your fucking mind!” the rage of a true Dornish woman radiating through your words, unbothered that the Heir to the Iron Throne stood witness to the crisp smack you had landed on his son’s face. You tilted your head, demanding an answer - palm stinging and yet itching to land another sharp smack on his other cheek as he grinned once more. While his cock nearly twitched seeing his sweet princess so ferocious about his life, your eye would soon begin to twitch as he kept up his antics.
“You asked for the moon,” he trailed away, clearly aware of the blunder he had created.
“A joke Daemon! A joke!” you dug your fingers into his cream tunic as you climbed on his bed “If I asked you to jump off Maegor's Holdfast, would you?” you scolded, Daemon’s mischievous glint now turned soft as your anger gave way to your concern. He nodded in agreement, nodding away like a spring headed doll. You smacked him on the shoulder once more, your bottom lip trembling as you remembered the terror you had felt as he laid unconscious in your arms “I thought - you moron,” your voice broke. “I thought you were dead,” you whimpered, making Daemon shuffle up higher.
He pushed stray hairs away from your face, his eyes soft as he glanced over your scrunched face. His thumbs caressing your cheeks before pulling you into him. You sobbed, near incoherent as relief washed over your fright. Daemon shushed you, apologising for scaring you, he looked up to where his father stood in his receiving chambers with a sheepish yet apologetic smile on his face. Baelon’s eyes glinted with knowing sadness, smithing Daemon wrote as disappointment for the stunt he had pulled. Baelon nodded knowingly at Daemon, reassuring him that you and him not to be disturbed before exiting and closing the door behind him.
Daemon milked his injuries for all they were worth, the warrior in him laid to rest as he demanded care from you at all times. From having you snuck through the tunnels to lay with him curled under the furs to insisting that you change his bandaging for him, read for him and braid his hair. The reality that Daemon was the younger sibling had never been more apparent than these past two moons as his bones realigned themselves, even Caraxes shared Daemon’s temperament during this time. Refusing to hunt and gobbling through the horde of sheep the dragon keepers would bring for him.
Whatever announcements of nuptials were to be made were postponed until he healed whole. So here you lay in the Godswood with Daemon oddly chirped than before as Prince Baelon’s feast begins tonight, having him affirmed as heir yet again as Jahereys health began to decline. Barely being able to speak more than a cough or two. The Old King’s time neared to an end, something that had deeply bothered all the Targaryens in the family. Bringing nearly the end of the century of dragons, even Aemma near the end of term. Much was to grace House Targaryen in the coming moons, so sitting here under the red leaves in the glaring warmth of the afternoon - there was silence, there was tranquillity.
You mindlessly sectioned Daemon's hair, braiding it far better than the handmaiden did for him. “You are going to be the prettiest Prince tonight, have women drooling and what not,” you giggled, knowing very well he found your teasing amusing but it often came at the price of having your rear smacked out of the blue.
“I shall escort you tonight,” Daemon whispered, lost in the sensations of your finger tips fiddling against his scalp, consequences and rules meant little to him now, let the world know and have the bother be done with, you were his. What else was there to say about it
“No, you may not,” you shook your head, tongue poked out as you dismissed him. He moved his head to look up at you, you shook your head once more “We cannot, not just yet,”
This one dismissal would result in a knight of pawing and pouting, you were sure of it. A prince of six and ten and yet he couldn’t behave like one. Your gown for tonight already laid awaits in your bed chambers, a gorgeous mustard and gold gown to compliment the symbols of your house. While Daemon often insisted you wear black or perhaps even red, in his head the two of you were already wed; it was only a matter of formality. What courting a woman that has been with him since his toddlerhood.
The Throne room once more had been decorated to charm the guests travelling from all over the Known World, to pay respects to the Old King and to find allegiances with their soon to be King, Prince Baelon. Many noble ladies of courts far and wide, dressed in their finest gowns, hoping to catch the eye of a Targaryen prince, perhaps the heir or perhaps his son. Prince Baelon appeared mellow, almost irked as he made his rounds. You greeted him upon arrival but his usually courteous smile to you seemingly turned to a grunt of an acknowledgment. You found solace within your known friends as they gushed over each other’s gowns while feasting over candied apples and cake. Daemon arrived later, a quirk of his as he walked in head held high and nonchalant, lips curled in a smirk as ladies began to hound him with questions of his well being.
The Kingsgaurd made their presence known as the crowd simmered to whispered conversations, everyone resumed their seats on either side of the Throne room. You sat with a few Dornish delegates and your brother Quentel Martell, he was rather chirpy about being housed by Targaryens, and odd joy or perhaps understanding bubbling in his chest as he socialised with the other heads of houses. The grand titles of the king were read out as his silhouette crowded your vision, the Old King stood in his regalia. A dying dragon yet stood commanding an entire room, people erupted in cheers as he walked to his Throne, his heir and son stood by the spiking swords by the ground.
The grandeur of the feast continued through the elaborate evening, tables coated in food and spilt wine drying sticky. Daemon and you made your rounds, inquiring of the latest salacious gossip and giggling over the older maidens that swooned over his father,when in was unsaid yet apparent that no woman in all of this court would ever be what Alyssa Targaryen was, her fire: her passion were truly unmatched. Another round of announcements were to be made, a grand toast to proclaim Baelon Targaryen as heir once more.
“It is with great pride, I once again affirm,” Jaeherys looked to his son admiringly, Baelon shuffled uncomfortably where he stood and yet you held a sorrowful smile, he truly deserved to have Alyssa beside him, she would have been a far valiant Queen than Westeros had ever seen. “My son, Baelon Targaryen is Heir to the Iron Throne and to be the future King of The Seven King,” the crowd applauded in unison as you joined them, Daemon nudged Viserys as he would be King after his father. As the applause died down, Jaehereys continued “I also with great pleasure, announce the betrothal of my grandson Daemon Targaryen,”
Heat creeped onto your cheeks as you caught Daemon’s lilac eyes across the room, crinkled at the corner as he smirked at you; both of you already aware of the verdict. Daemon contained all his animalistic happiness within him as he mouthed “my wife” to you. For moments, the hundreds of nobles and servants around you disappeared, all the remained were your eyes and his, separated by the wall from the watching gallery where you stood, here where you would be married, anointed by the King himself or the High Septon.
“With the noble lady Rhea of House Royce!” King Jaehereys’s voice boomed through the hall following thunderous applause. The crowds either turned to direct their applause at Daemon or turned to find the bronze dressed house and clapped.
Daemon's betrayed frown turned to his grandsire and his father, this couldn’t be - he was told otherwise, he wished otherwise. Lady Rhea, the great brown haired beauty she was - had already approached the makeshift altar, shuffling her way past the chairs to the Iron Throne; she stopped by Daemon, waiting from him to approach her. Daemon stood his ground, a deceived scowl began to tear through his princely composure and yet he had no choice over the demanding glare Jaehereys had fixed upon his grandson. Daemon felt the urge to empty his contents right onto the stone floor as Lady Rhea and him bowed in honour. Rhea, unaware of Daemon’s inner discomfort began to soak in the outpour of love for the new Targaryen wife to be.
While Daemon began to contemplate ways to weasel his way out of this, he found you standing at the gallery. The wine cup in your hand king dropped as you stool colourless and frozen. Not a blink nor a twitch as you stared at the window behind the throne, bile covered tongue as the sweet wine in your mouth turned bitter. The night was far from ended.
“With such auspicious news, my son, Baelon Targaryen presents you with your future Queen. To secure another reign of dragons, the Prince is betrothed to the Princess of Dorne!”
Another round of shivers jolted you from your trance, this time your reddening eyes shifted to look at the King - he who searched for your mustard clothed figure in the sea of people. Baelon had sooner caught your eye than him as he approached the stairs leading up to the gallery. People all around you are cheering and you hear muffled chatter. His hands tucked behind his back as he waited for you to come to him, how do you marry a man who held nothing but fatherly admiration for you wit, how do you marry the father of your lover. You eyes hadn’t dared meet Daemon’s just yet, refusing to look at the woman that stood next to him as you pulled away from the steel railing of the gallery. Your feet mindlessly carrying you to the unchosen prince, your palms shaking as you took his hand. Any lady in your position would quake with blushed prospects, “she’s just shy” you were terrified, betrayed and above all bleeding.
There will be a part 2 :)
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As Lovers Often Do - c. 1
Description: Alyssa Strong was born to be Aemond's wife. As the dance occurs, certain consequences are levied upon her.
"An eye for an eye. A son for a son."
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"Prince Alyssa and Prince Aemond were taken by the water, but her legacy lives on; in the Martells of Dorne, the Starks in Winterfell, the Arryns in Eyrie and in you, my sweet sister. Name is everything. Legacy is everything. You may think yourself clever in deceiving the King, but a thousand years from now they will still see your children as his and his legacy will live on, while your name fades."
-Tyrion Lannister to Queen Cersie.
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Alyssa was the second child of Princess Saera and Ser Harwin. Her mother was always a blunt creature, always making it known that certain responsibilities came with the luxury of being royalty, that she was expected to marry a lord from a good house - she couldn't blame her mother as the same expectations were levied upon her too - and the thousands of ladies that came before her.
Her worth would be measured by the lord that she'd marry. What was a wife but a mere extension of her husband?
"Are you nervous?" Saera opened her mouth, quickly fading into Alyssa's periphery with rehearsed grace. "Must we attend?" Alyssa pouts, unable to tame her silver locks.
"Must we breathe?" her mother returned the question, eventually taking another step towards her - combing through her hair easily. "Tis' only uncle's nameday, and you are not exactly fond of him." she persuaded, earning a small chuckle from her mother.
"Believe me, my dragon - if we had a choice we'd still be in Dragonstone. It is of utmost importance that we attend. Queen Alicent will be expecting us." she gently reminded.
Oh, Queen Alicent would be most offended with their absence - She didn't plan on leaving her daughter with a Queen that hated her. "It will be nothing but eating and watching people dance." she huffed. "You can dance too," Saera insinuated and a groan escapes her daughter's mouth. "I do not wish to dance." "Then don't,"
"- all that's important to me is that you attend, and you pretend to be happy about it." Saera hummed, braiding Alyssa's hair softly - Alyssa's hair was almost white, bleached by the sun as she lounged around the beach with careless action. "You are a cruel mother," Alyssa frowned and her mother laughs in return.
"Of course, I am horrible and I wish death upon you." she humored, pressing a soft kiss on her daughter's forehead. "Behave, Alyssa." she urged and Alyssa nodded her head. "Yes." she sighed.
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Alyssa looked around the Great Hall - impressed with the decorations and lavishness that her grandfather provided. Uncle Aegon wasn't exactly his favorite child. "It looks good," Daegon mumbled while pushing his sister towards the Royal Table.
"Do you think that the same effort will be given on our nameday?" Alyssa pondered and her brother shook his head. "Why would they waste the Crown's coffers on us?" he scoffed, sitting down on the chair beside Jacaerys. "Because we're the only ones who look like Targaryens," she mumbled to herself.
"I heard that," Lucerys crossed his arms - angry that his cousin was making such comments about them. "I was joking," Alyssa frowned, taking a seat in between Daegon and Lucerys.
"Happy nameday, my prince." she smiles falsely at her uncle. "Yes, yes." Aegon waves her away - quick to settle his hand on some servant's behind.
Saera rolls her eyes.
"I'm sure that we can afford some decorum, Aegon." she lightly scolded, and Alyssa didn't fail to recognize the sour expression on his face. "I apologize, sister." he could only smile in return - feeling the burning gaze of Prince Daemon.
"I will not have you doing this during celebration, Aegon. Now, why don't you dance with Helaena or Alyssa for the meanwhile." Queen Alicent smiled - but everything she does always has a purpose. She intends for Aegon to marry either Helaena or Alyssa - to keep the 'bloodline' pure (a bloodline that does not belong to her.)
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Daegon leaned slowly towards his sister.
"I'm bored," he whispered while fiddling with the tablecloth. "I've been bored three hours ago," she grits her teeth, at some point - she even tried to convince herself to bolt away. "- I want to leave but I don't want to miss the action." he whispered with a childish twinkle in his eyes. He knew something.
"Do you care sharing?" she grumbled, annoyed that he was keeping a vital information from her. "There's one person that refuses to attend this celebration." he smiled and she looks around their table. Right! Uncle Aemond wasn't here. "Aemond." she breathed and he nods.
"Why do you think so?" she gossiped, prepared to share this with her mother the following day. "Now you didn't hear this from me - but apparently during Aemond's nameday a few moons ago, Aegon brought him to a brothel." he continued sharing the story.
"Oh no, he must've thrown a fit - he probably believed that the Seven Hells would eat him whole." Jacaerys joked, earning a light chuckle from Daegon. "Probably, and now he refuses to attend his own brother's celebration." Daegon finished - taking a sip of his wine.
Alyssa takes a bite of her potato.
"I completely understand his reaction! Older siblings should protect their younger siblings." she defended and Jacaerys shoots Daegon a knowing stare. "Older siblings should protect their younger siblings." Jacaerys repeats to his cousin. "Hey! I protect Alyssa, remember that time when Aegon wanted to kill her cat?" he argued and the three of them erupt into bouts of laughter.
She rolled her eyes, turning her gaze towards the other parts of the hall. Her eyebrows furrow slightly, seeing the doors open and Aemond step inside of the room. "Seven hells," she mutters, poking Daegon's ribs and pointing at her grown uncle. "Holy fuck," he sneered, leaning towards Jacaerys' ears to whisper a few insults.
"It's a good thing we didn't leave, no?" he joked once more, Alyssa elbows his ribs - annoyed with his constant jabs at Aemond. "Jacaerys, might be best to keep Lucerys out of his sight." Alyssa humored - the prince beside her slightly pales.
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"Happy nameday, Aegon." Aemond halts in front of his brother. The atmosphere between the both of them was evidently tense - they didn't need to speak to each other in order to understand what they were feeling. "Thank you, brother." he answers with a gulp.
Aegon points at the big table; "Our family is right over there, you should greet Saera and Rhaenyra - they traveled all the way from Dragonstone." he switches the topic. Aemond was the tallest of all the Targaryen siblings - his shoulders were wide and menacing, his legs were long - one would even assume that he was the oldest one, if it weren't for his older sisters having children of his age.
"I assume that you've already thanked them for arriving," Aemond breathed through his nose. Aegon never had a knack of diplomacy - all he knows is to waste the people's money on his vices. "I saw no need," he avoided and his younger brother scoffs.
He was the youngest of the two and yet ... he was the only one who cared about civility - the only one who studied history and swordfighting while his brother spent his days around whores and wine. Why was Aegon born before him? When he was most worthy of the title 'first son'.
"Of course you didn't."
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"Princess Rhaenyra, Princess Saera, Prince Daemon - thank you for attending our brother's nameday in such short notice." Aemond's lips pressed into a thin line before sitting on the empty spot beside his mother. "We wouldn't miss it for the world, brother." Saera smiles.
"It seems like yesterday when Aegon was yet a babe, small he was - but according to the Queen he came without a fuss." Rhaenyra enunciated the last word, as if it had another meaning.
"A small babe, we thought that he wouldn't make it past the fortnight - but he's grown to be healthy and capable." Alicent responded, her words also with a second meaning. "Capable of being Rhaenyra's hand, I surmise." Saera notes while rubbing circles on her swollen belly. Aemond clenches his fists - Aegon as Rhaenyra's hand? It was almost laughable.
What would the realm turn into, then?
"Words are not done deals," Alicent's eyebrows raised. Aegon needed to be the next king after his father, it was only right. "Indeed," Aemond answered quickly.
He turns his head towards Lady Alyssa, who was sitting parallel to him. "Lady Alyssa," he greets and she smiles - they were the only ones who could understand each other in Kingslanding.
"How old is Aegon? Sixteen - seventeen?" Daemon suddenly opens his mouth after holding it too long. "Seventeen," Aemond responds. "By the grace of the seven gods, at that age I was already married to the Lady Rhea Royce for 2 years." Daemon comments, seemingly pointing out Aegon's lack of maidens.
"Which is why I planned on speaking to Princess Saera. Lady Alyssa is of a comfortable age, mayhaps we could betroth her to Aegon." Alicent recommends and the atmosphere turns cold. Alyssa's eyes quickly turn towards her mother - waiting for her response.
"No." Daemon answers instead.
"I agree with my husband, Queen Alicent. Aegon is far too old for my daughter - not to mention his reputation. And it would not benefit House Strong to marry into House Targaryen once more." Saera reasoned and the Queen smiles bitterly.
"Prince Daemon is much older than you, Princess Saera - and my memory serves me well. Your uncle's reputation was not exactly beautiful." Alicent reminds, not allowing the slander to permeate throughout the mind of her son.
Aemond looks at his niece.
"Princess Alyssa, do you wish to marry my brother?" he stares at her, gawking as he waits for a reply. "It would be an honor, but such decisions should be placed upon the hands of my mother and lord." she smiled, not wanting to make a fuss out of her hand.
"Mother, she does not wish to marry Aegon." Aemond interrupts plainly, and Alicent glares at him - mad at his boldness. "Oh, my sweet boy, if every parent followed the whims of their sons and daughters - half of us in this hall wouldn't exist." she says.
"Enough of this, Alicent. We intend to enjoy our evening." Daemon says rudely and the Queen turns away.
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"God, could you even begin to imagine me as your brother's wife." Alyssa chuckled while taking a sip of her ale. "Princess Alyssa Targaryen, fitting but not for the right reasons." Jacaerys agreed while sitting beside Aemond.
She takes a deep breath, after a few more hours of arguing - the children decided to spend their time outside - in the garden but bathed in moonlight. "What do you think, Aemond? Why is Queen Alicent so hellbent on having me married to Aegon? I've heard the rumors, does she really want him as king?" she questioned.
Aemond shook his head; truly unsure.
"I don't know," he responded and Jacaerys turns to look at him. "But you agree and recognize that my mother is the rightful heir." Jacaerys' eyes narrowed - it was his first time breaking bread with his uncle, after years of being trained to think that he was the enemy.
"The rightful heir will still be decided upon, you'll never know if the King changes his mind." Aemond sneered, earning a glare from all three of his nephews/niece. "That's a real class way of saying that you don't believe that Princess Rhaenyra is the rightful heir," Daegon points out - not fully trusting his sister's friend.
Alyssa rolls her eyes; "Everyone knows that Aunt Rhaenyra will be Queen after kepazma. (grandfather)" she says for certain, shooting her uncle a knowing stare. "Then Jacaerys and his children, which he is yet to have." Alyssa mutters while leaning on the wall.
Aemond stares at Alyssa and she already knows what he thinks. He believes that Jacaerys and his siblings are not real Targaryens - sullied by Ser Harwin's blood, but wouldn't that make her tarnished too? Because her father was Ser Harwin Strong.
"You bore yourselves with politics, but do you wish to know what I really think of the situation?" he inquires and the trio nod. "What?" Alyssa's eyes twinkle as she scoots closer towards her uncle. "That Daegon and Jacaerys will be married soon," he begins.
"Who would've thought of that?" Daegon teased and Aemond's eyes narrowed saying; do you want me to continue? "But keep talking," Jacaerys looked at the far distance. He would be a good king - always listening to the advice of others.
"Daegon to some Martell or Stark and Jacaerys to one of the Velaryon twins or a Baratheon." he surmised, gathering all of the information he heard from the servants.
"Whether we like it or not, war is evidently brewing - as long as our King stays lenient to mistakes. Prince Daemon wouldn't allow this of course, he has a mind for war." Aemond compliments with admiration to his own uncle. "You have a twisted liking to our kepus," Daegon humored - allowing the ale to take full control of his brain.
Alyssa chuckles. "Don't let mother hear you, she'll burn all of us alive."
"When you say that war is brewing, do you mean that your faction will start it?" Jacaerys keeps his eyes focused on Aemond's general direction. Instead of replying, Aemond takes a deep breath. "The night has been long - and I must retire." he bid his goodbyes, standing up - and feeling the pairs of eyes glare at him.
next chapter >>
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Between the books is love
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Prince/Archmaster Vaegon Targaryen x fem!reader
warning : mentioned children death, alcohol (drinking wine), fluff, comfort, holding hands, no use of Y/n
Summary : Jahaerys and Alysanne had many children princes and princesses but the seventh would go down as Archmaster Vaegon and early prince. A young man who favours books over others, but is that true? Is it true that he cannot love or is the young prince hiding something like everyone else at court?
Info : I wanted to write for Vaemond for a long time and I thought he needs some fluffy in his life have fun reading ;)
cover by me (again I really like it)
King Jahaerys the first of his name, the old king, the wise a man, a king and a father of thirteen children princes and princesses born to his beloved sister queen Alysanne Targaryen.
A royal couple who were probably among the most loved in history, rightly and wrongly, as duty, marriage and honour were something that would haunt the royal family, causing the deaths of many princes and princesses and rumoured to be a companion to the Dance of the Dragons.
But above all, the family was meant for the many different personalities of the children from the sweet little princesses who loved to have dolls and cats, the older sister who was a better fighter than some knights, the kind and respectful princes who could make it to king and the little runaways who caused trouble to the gentle simple ones.
Or the seventh son Vaegon Targaryen the only one of his family and one of the few with the blood of the dragon who neither had one nor was and would become king or prince for life.
The middle-born prince who never seemed to smile, who spent his silver-gold head behind books day in and day out seemed inquisitive, polite when it mattered and yet never did his duty again.
You never saw him fighting with his brothers, playing the harp or even in the dragon pit he was almost an oddity as if he was a shadow of his parents whose grief and emotions had turned away from him due to the many losses of his siblings. ,,An eccentric through and through who can't even fight properly...pathetic for a prince," she heard Alyssa say, sitting with her ladies in waiting in the garden under the white boy with the blood-like red leaves.
The princess and her high-born friends were surrounded by sweet food and bitter wine on a sunny day that had not started well. Taking a sip of the wine to stifle her words, she looked around.
She loved days like this when the sun was warm and she could just sit here with her friends and the princess, but thinking about tomorrow made her sad.
A kind of royal breakfast had been arranged in the great hall and the court had been invited to celebrate the alliance with a house, but there was an argument between Vaemond and her friend Alyssa.
The two-eyed woman had still not forgiven her younger brother for insulting his former fiancée and sister Daella as stupid. He shouldn't have said something like that back then, it was rude…but Alyssa is so mean, she thought, not realising how one of her friends was now trying to speak to her for the third time.
,,By the fire breath of Meyleys, where are your thoughts?" she finally heard the question and winced as the wine in her silver cup almost dripped onto the book on her lap and she quickly put the cup down.
,,Nowhere-nowhere, I'm just enjoying the day," she assured, but saw that her friends had seen through her and smiled. They all knew who each other fancied, some fancied a knight, others a lord, a merchant's son or Alyssa her brother, but they also knew that one of them fancied someone in particular.
,,Just enjoying the day? Or the thought of Vaegon giving you a look at breakfast today?" Lady Velaryon asked, her seahorse necklace moving slightly as she came closer, her eyes twinkling to depict the scene. While Alyssa put on an offended expression and mumbled about buffalo while making a grumpy expression.
Shaking her head slightly but not finding it funny, she rolled her eyes, ,,He doesn't like to smile and he's not always nice when he needs to be but he's a prince with a sense of duty and…well, pretty eyes," she defended herself and moments later was enveloped in a group hug by Alyssa and the others who all laughed together.
She appreciated her friends for that, they all supported each other and had even managed to have several meetings in the gardens and the courtyard, it was only a matter of time before they would all find a husband, the laughing flowers as they are sometimes called because of their different colour dresses and their hearty laughter.
The meeting that took place in the garden slowly came to an end in the afternoon as the princess had to go to Valyrian lessons and the others went about their own business. She, on the other hand, almost ran into the library where she had volunteered to dust books and refill candles.
A task she was quickly assigned by the servants who were happy not to do this as it was considered boring but not for her she liked reading love stories and dragons in addition to the ancient knowledge of the Archmasters. It was simply soothing and, above all, she could always see Vaegon sitting at a table with a pile of books next to him.
Opening the wooden door and going inside, it didn't take her long to grab the bucket of new white kezrne and a feather duster next to it and start crawling up the stairs into the upper, narrower and not insignificantly high compartment.
,,You always look like a spider," Alyssa had once said, removing spider threads from her hair as they only cleaned softly up there, but she didn't mind. It was a place where she could see everything and enjoyed reading alone or watching the prince in an almost forbidden way.
Time passed as she removed some of the cobwebs that almost enveloped the books, dusted them off and left them in there for a while before sorting them and replacing the candles in the shelves.
Some time passed and she heard the door open again, but a glance told her that it was neither one of the servants nor the castle's own master, it was her favourite Vaegon.
Just as she thought, he went to the shelves to get his books but she felt nervous when she saw him suddenly take the stairs up here.
looking down and smiling at him, ,,Good day my Prince Vaegon a pleasure to see you" she greeted him and felt the warmth on her cheeks as she looked into the violet eyes. Saw that he looked a little surprised when he saw her and looked at the books as he seemed to have found one. ,,My lady, could you give me the book on the ancient ores of Valyria, second shelf, third row?" he asked, pointing to the row in question.
Nodding hastily, she turned round and looked for it, feeling her heart beat faster as he called her My Lady and heard his quieter, ,,Thank you for making the effort" as he slowly descended the stairs again and waited for her.
She took the book he had meant to find and decided to fetch the ores and the dust mop later. Descending the stairs with the book in her hand, she had her eyes on Vaegon rather than her feet, which caused her to let out a startled cry as she stepped next to a ladder rung and lost her footing.
She clutched the book as if it would give her support, closing her eyes in fear of the pain as if that would make it any better. But instead of hitting the ground with a thud, she felt someone pulling her close.
Someone was holding her just too tightly, their fingers closed around her body and a smell of leather, wax and wine was coming towards her. ,,Are you all right?" was the first thing she heard as she looked into the completely worried face of Vaegon, who had slowly sat down on the floor while her body lay in his arms. His violet eyes showed life, emotion and concern for someone who was not himself for the first time.
He could feel some care that came from something deeper, otherwise she was sure he would have just let everyone else go down. His fingers holding her arms still didn't let her go and she just nodded slowly, ,,Yes-yes I'm fine thank you Vaegon" she replied, almost whispering, the shock and fear making her slightly fuzzy, her hands still closed tightly around the book and she held it out to him appathetically as if it was her life's work.
But then she heard something she had never heard before his laughter he laughed and laughed he thought it was hilarious that she was holding the book out to him and hugged her even closer. ,,Oh my lady you're ready for anything sweet and amusing" he said and she saw the surprised sparkle in his violet eyes as he slowly rose and pulled her to her feet.
His hand still gripped hers as he gave her another thank you and led her to his table, ,,Please take care lady and join me," he said, pointing to the chair next to him where he helped her up and slid one of his books over to her which contained Royal Houses of the First Men.
,,Light reading to ease your mind and distract you I wouldn't want anything to happen to you" he said and squeezed her hand lightly before opening his book and staying with her talking to her about books, wine and the citadel, his house, her house but above all he didn't let go of her hand and kept stroking and squeezing it to signal to her that he was there.
A prince would protect her whether with a smile or without one Vaegon was there for her he could very well feel something and it was a love hidden between two bookworms who saw each other more than once in the library and not just to read.
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lunarmoonanons · 6 months
Dragon Sisters
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YN finally goes out to the gardens in her colourful outfits. Wanting to spend the day with her dearest sister
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It was always a treat to see the Targaryen princesses in their colourful and elaborate outfits. YN liked to dress up in her lovely outfits for her sister’s amusement. She had taken a respite from her colourful outfits since the death of her dear sister Daella, having worn black for a year. In the bright year of 84 AC, YN retired her black dresses for her colourful dresses once again. Her friend, Coren Thorne, had been a comfort to her and had finally convinced her to allow herself to feel happy once again. 
So on a bright warm springtime morning, YN finished her letter to Coren and asked for her maid to bring her light purple dress, one that flowed ever so gently in the wind and embroidered with butterflies in the skirt. She gave her letter to her maid, asking that it be delivered to her friend, then finally left her room preparing for the gazes of the court. 
She left quite the impression on the people in the keep who had grown used to seeing the mournful princess. YN paid them no mind, occasionally acknowledging the compliments that were given to her, but she intended to go to the gardens and find her mother or sister there. She knew her happy visage would make Saera happy. But before she was there she came across her dearest older sister Alyssa. She was in riding gear, which made YN smile at her sister’s antics. Even now, as heavily pregnant as she was, Alyssa would go flying. Alyssa smiled at her favorite sister, and opened her arms for YN to run into. 
“My dear baby sister. It’s so good to see you in colours again.”  Alyssa laughed and kissed the top of YN’s silver hair. 
“You should be taking care of yourself. What would the Maester say if he knew you were flying so late into your pregnancy.” YN teased and pulled back. 
“He would be too scared to dare speak against me.” Alyssa laughed. “Where are you going my dearest?” 
“I wanted to go into the garden and find Saera, or mother. I think seeing me in colours again would make them happy.” 
Alyssa wrapped one arm around the girl’s shoulders. “Then let’s go and find them.” 
YN smiled and rested her head against her sister’s shoulder. She always knew Alyssa would be there for her. When it wasn’t her and Saera, it was her and Alyssa. The two were so close. YN loved her older sister Alyssa so dearly, she had been her protector, her confidant, her dearest sibling. She knew that if she told Alyssa about her and Saera’s deep love for each other then Alyssa would understand. 
But she didn’t tell her. Saera knew the world better and knew no one could be promised with the knowledge of their relationship. So she made YN swear to not speak of their stolen kisses and their daring romance.
So as the two made their way to the gardens. Speaking about their mornings and how YN was getting along with her friend and penpal, Coren. Alyssa spoke about her dear sons, and how she was certain the babe in her belly was another boy. YN was very interested in her nephews and always asked about them when she could. 
When they finally found their way to the garden, Alyssa and YN looked around for their mother or sister. YN stopped by one of the flowers that bloomed recently and plucked it from its root and twirled it between her delicate fingers. She knew she would give it to her sister, Viserra. Alyssa steered YN away and then walked till they heard slightly raised and angry voices. When they came across the source, Alyssa rolled her eyes at the sight of Saera arguing with their mother. 
“I can associate with whomever I want to mother! It’s not your business nor is it father’s what i do with my time!” Saera snapped and threw her hands in the air. 
“I have every right to know who you spend time with and what you do! I am your mother!” Alysanne argued. 
“You spend all your time with Gael and Viserra! Let them occupy your concern rather than me!” Saera turned away and stopped her angry expression when she saw her dearest love YN in colours again. 
“Oh my dear one. How lovely you look.” Alysanne smiled and walked toward her daughters. Kissing Alyssa on the cheek then wrapping YN in a tight hug. “I’m so happy to see you so happy.” 
“Thank you mother.” YN whispered and kissed her cheek. 
“I must away. Viserra promised to show me her embroidery.” Alysanne excused herself. Alyssa, not wanting to speak to Saera, having not the best relationship with her, decided to leave with her mother and hugged YN for a moment before turning away. 
YN walked toward Saera who had turned away from them and wrapped her arms around herself. She looked defeated and upset at everything, wanting nothing more than to be in YN’s arms. 
“Saera?... Would you like this flower I plucked for you?” YN asked. What she was really saying was would she like to be held. Only her and Saera understood that. 
“Oh YN.” Saera sobbed and held her close.”I hate them. I hate how they are always disappointed in me. I hate them, I hate them, I hate them.”
YN sighed and held her close then pulled away to look in her eyes. “I’m not disappointed in you. You could never disappoint me. I love you.”
Saera wiped her eyes and rested her forehead against YN’s. “I just wish they were more like you. I could be happy with only you. My dear one.” 
They both smiled at each other, before Saera brought her lips to YN’s and gave her a loving kiss. YN knew she was still very upset, but when they were together they could pretend it was only the two of them in the world. YN could always understand Saera better than the rest of her family. 
“Would you like to spend the day together?” YN asked as she placed the flower behind Saera’s ear. Twirling the locks of Saera’s silver hair.
“I would love to.” 
So they ran to their secluded part of the garden that very few would go to. The spot that looked over the blackwater. Only going out to order the servants to bring them food and drink. For a day the two could pretend it was only the two of them in the whole world.
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asoiafland · 11 months
For the people that love the conquerors and want to read a fic abt them with a female oc, today I present to you 😁
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noirrose21-blog · 1 year
Chapters: 24/28 Fandom: House of the Dragon (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Alicent Hightower/Daemon Targaryen, Laena Velaryon/Viserys I Targaryen, Rhaenyra Targaryen/Laenor Velaryon, Harwin Strong/Rhaenyra Targaryen, Aegon II Targaryen/Original Female Character, Helaena Targaryen/Original male character, Aemond "One-Eye" Targaryen/Original Female Character(s) Characters: Alicent Hightower, Daemon Targaryen, Caraxes | Daemon Targaryen's Dragon, Rhaenyra Targaryen, Aegon II Targaryen, Aemond "One-Eye" Targaryen, Helaena Targaryen, Syrax | Rhaenyra Targaryen's Dragon, Arrax | Lucerys Velaryon's Dragon, Sunfyre | Aegon II Targaryen's Dragon, Dreamfyre | Helaena Targaryen's Dragon, Vhagar | Visenya Targaryen's Dragon, Silverwing | Alysanne Targaryen's Dragon, Cannibal the Wild Dragon (A Song of Ice and Fire), Vermithor | Jaehaerys I Targaryen's Dragon, Baela Targaryen, Rhaena Targaryen (Daughter of Daemon), Rhaenys Targaryen Velaryon, Meleys | Rhaenys Targaryen Velaryon's Dragon, Vermax | Jacaerys Velaryon's Dragon, Jacaerys Velaryon, Laenor Velaryon, Joffrey Velaryon, Lucerys Velaryon (Son of Rhaenyra), Laena Velaryon (Daughter of Corlys), Viserys I Targaryen, Aemma Arryn, Otto Hightower, Alicent Hightower's Mother, House Hightower Characters (A Song of Ice and Fire), House Targaryen Characters (A Song of Ice and Fire), House Velaryon Characters (A Song of Ice and Fire), House Strong Characters (A Song of Ice and Fire), Harwin Strong, Larys Strong, Criston Cole, House Cole Characters (A Song of Ice and Fire), The Blacks | Supporters of Rhaenyra Targaryen Additional Tags: The greens are the reds | supporters of Daemon Targaryen, Viserys I Targaryen Being an Idiot, The Dance of the Dragons | Aegon II Targaryen v. Rhaenyra Targaryen Era, No Daemon Targaryen/Rhaenyra Targaryen, BAMF Alicent Hightower, BAMF Rhaenys Targaryen Velaryon, Rhaenyra Targaryen Being a Brat, Harwin Strong Lives, Rhaenyra’s sons are Harwin’s, Aegon II Targaryen is Not a Rapist
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oosleepyfaeoo · 1 year
From Another World
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Jaehaerys I/Family x Modern!Child!Oc
Summary: The Gods blessed the Jaehaerys and Alysanne with another child but... from another world.
Prologue Masterlist A/n: I just had this idea of making a story with Jaehaerys and Alysanne and their children x Modern!child. This is just a small sample but i hope you guys like it.
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“Lilith! Don’t go far!” Her dad yells as he helps her mom set up the picnic. 
A fit of giggle left her lips as she run into the woods, ignoring completely her dad’s words. Her big mismatched eyes looked around in awe, marveling at the big trees and rocks with small patches of muss on top. The rays of the sun trying to peek from the soft leaves while they move gently with the breeze along with her auburn hair. 
Lilith’s parents decided to take her on a small trip to a natural park, reasoning that taking their daughter to get some fresh air would be good for her. To run away from the city for a while. 
But they were so wrong. 
After some running around, Lilith gasps in wonder at the beautiful clearing before her. Her sharp eyes quickly noticed the big well in the middle of it. 
Moving her little legs as quick she could, the small child giggle in excitement as she move towards the well. As she come closer, she notice a big three-headed dragon engraved on the old stone.  
“Wow...” She murmurs as she traces her chubby fingers through it. “Ouch!” She hisses when the sharp corner of the head of the dragon cut her finger.  
She puts her finger on her mouth, trying to numb the sting a little. Her crimson blood run down the engraved dragon, making it look like the blood was coming out of his mouth.  
Lilith cleaned her hands on her shorts, examining the stone carefully. “P-Per-Perzys Ā-Ānogār?...” (Fire and Blood) The child attempt to read the strange words beneath the dragon. “I wonder what it means.” She murmurs. 
Suddenly a bright light begins to shine from inside the well, making Lilith jump in shock. She could hear two soothing voices echoing from inside the well which made her tilt her head in confusion. 
“Hello?” She leans down slowly, thinking that maybe someone it’s down there and perhaps they might need help.  
When she looks down, she could only see darkness. The bright light was long gone, only leaving behind the smooth voices. Which sounded so far away.  
Climbing the stone, she sits on it to take a better look. “Weird-” She yelp in fear as two cold hands grab her by the shoulders and pull her into the well.  
Her screams were cut off as a deep but smooth voice echoed in her head.  
“...They need you...” 
“Please, husband! Just give her more time.” The Good Queen, Alysanne Targaryen, begged her husband. “Daella is just a mere child. She will choose a husband when the time is right.”  
Jaehaerys let out a frustrated sigh, clearly annoyed that he and the Queen couldn’t find the perfect match for their sweet daughter.  
“She keeps rejecting every man that approaches her!” The King says, sitting down on their shared bed. “Because a Knight is too scary for her or some young Lord doesn’t share the same Gods that she has. Alysanne... We can’t keep letting her run away from her duties.”  
Alysanne took a deep breath and cups his face in her hands, making him look into her lilac eyes. “I know but-” 
A loud noise suddenly echoed through their chambers, making both of them jump. A strange black hole opens above them and a small red-haired girl falls down, into their bed. 
The girl lay there unconscious. The couple only knew she was alive because of her moving chest, her breathing coming out in deep short huffs.  
Alysanne was the first to approach the small girl, examining her carefully, and noticing her strange clothing.  
“Careful, wife. We don’t know if she is dangerous.” Jaehaerys warns, his rough gaze glued to the girl’s form.  
“Oh don’t be an idiot, Jaehaerys. She’s just a child.” She huffs as she picks up the child, cuddling gently her into her chest.  
A smile forms on the Queen’s lips, finding quite adorable the way the child trying to seek her warmth.  
Jaehaerys already knows his wife's intention. “Alysanne... We can’t keep her.”  
The Queen hums and give him a smirk. “Yes, we can! Now if you excuse me, I need to take our child to the maester.”  
Jaehaerys sighs in defeat. “Looks like I have another child.”  
I'm gonna do a tag list for this story. If you want to be tag click -> HERE
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goldensunflowe-r · 2 months
I can't get over this. This scene is more sad than disturbing to be honest. Daemon grow up without a mother's love. He don't remember her, he don't know how it feels to have a mom. He wonders how it's like, mother loving you, all he had was Viserys and he always pushed Daemon away, accusing him of being traitor and wanting the throne but all he needed was his brothers (and his parents) attention and love which he never got. Most saddest part is Daemon's confused face when "Targaryen lady" says - " if only you'd been born first, my favorite son" HE DIDN'T EVEN REMEMBER HIS MOTHER'S FACE 😭😭😭
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darkestspring · 2 years
Aegon II would be very fond of Alyssa II, as they are the closest in age. They were each other’s playmates almost from the cradle and it feeds Aegons possessiveness over her. So when she turned him and Jace down , married someone else and he was forced to marry Helaena , he just thinks that the world has denied him off his only happiness in life , that is until her husband died.
When she comes back home, he's already king. He can do whatever he wants, he thinks as you introduce him to your one year old child. There's no traces of your husband in your child. They look just like you. It feeds his fantasy that it's your and his child.
He decides then and there that he'll make you his wife. You had always been his, and you would be once again, the thought soothed him as you kissed helaenas cheek.
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alannybunnue · 2 years
About the post where alyssa x reader x baelon are a trio, what would viserys and daemon's reaction be to knowing that the reader is their mother?
I mean, like every child with their mothers? They had known that since they were children...unless...of course, the reader died 💀
Like, imagine she died when giving birth to Daemon, so Baelon and Alyssa didn't told the boys about their mother to Daemon not grow guilty of being the reason why she died.
If they discovered after they become adults and their parents are not longer around, i believe they would feel...indifferent in some way, since they didn't had any memories of her to being with, Daemon was a newborn and Viserys was a toddler. However they would be conflicted to the fact that no one told them about the reader.
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