#Yandere Aemon Targaryen
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yanderes-galore · 4 months ago
Yandere Aemon Targaryen (jaeh i son) concept
Sure! Naturally I differed from canon in this. You're a member of House Baratheon.
Yandere! Aemon Targaryen Concept
(Son of Jaehaerys I)
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling/AFAB section, Obsession, Manipulation, Possessive behavior, Violence, Coerced betrothal, Forced wedding, Mentions of having kids/Pregnancy (AFAB section), Baelon is an enabler, Blood, Murder, Mentions of bedding, Isolation, Forced relationship.
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When you were younger you were quite used to seeing Targaryens.
King Jaehaerys and Queen Alysanne were known for having many heirs.
Your father, as head of House Baratheon, naturally met with the king for certain affairs.
All Houses sworn to the crown must attend council at some point.
As a result your House was often invited to events.
Such events and meetings allowed you to meet a certain young Targaryen prince...
One who would change your life for the worst it seems.
Aemon Targaryen was one of your first experiences with a Targaryen prince.
He's the third born of the king and is always beside his younger brother, Baelon.
You had encountered Aemon during a banquet when you were young teens... which led to the prince asking you to dance with a smile.
Aemon is strong and tall, easily towering over you when you first meet him.
He's serious, cautious, careful, and modest.
Despite his strength, Aemon was never a very fierce prince.
While he was nice when asking you to dance, you noticed the prince was often very quiet.
It was as though he wasn't very social...
Turns out you were somewhat right.
Later on you learned Aemon was most into books, one day inviting you to join him as a way to get to know you better.
Like most Targaryens, Aemon has a mount.
As you grow close to the prince, you soon meet Caraxes.
The large red long necked dragon was protective of Aemon when you first met the dragon.
Although, as the dragon inspected you... he oddly seemed curious.
It was almost like he didn't see you as a threat...
You had no clue that Aemon's feelings translated to his dragon, you weren't well versed in Targaryen bonds... yet.
Your bond with Aemon started small.
When you visited him in Dragonstone or King's Landing, Aemon was always quick to greet you.
Some servants even say he could be in the middle of a task... only to drop it to meet with you.
Many would say Aemon's close to you, even Baelon would.
You always read beside him, you always watched him train...
It was thought the prince was fond of you, a Baratheon.
You felt a bit... overwhelmed when you heard such rumors.
Fond of you?
Being so involved with a Targaryen sounds... intimidating.
You try not to bring it up... but Aemon's courting only gets more obvious.
Every heir gets betrothed at some point....
As Aemon's one of the eldest and a son, it's only natural that he'd need to be betrothed as an heir.
But Aemon didn't want to take just anyone...
No, as you both grew up beside one another in your younger years, Aemon had always fallen for you.
It may go against his father's wishes... yet his mother supports his decision.
A marriage between you should make Aemon happy... and keep House Baratheon's loyalty.
Really, to you it just felt like politics.
To Aemon, this was true love.
Aemon wouldn't understand why you don't want to marry him.
You parents agree to it, you're already at Dragonstone and King's Landing often enough.
Do you not want to marry the Prince of Dragonstone?
Even Baelon encourages you, feeling you'd be the best consort for his elder brother.
Truth is, the idea of being married to the Targaryen's eldest son scares you.
That's completely understandable, too, as that would mean you'd rule alongside your husband if he became king.
While you find Dragonstone and The Red Keep fascinating places with rich history...
You don't see them as home.
Storm's End is your home as a Baratheon, you feel you have no place anywhere near the throne.
While you find Aemon an appealing prince... You aren't sure if you want to be romantically involved.
You've been scared to voice such concerns, knowing your opinion wouldn't be taken into account.
Even less so if you said you fell for someone else.
Although, when pressed by Aemon, you eventually crack.
Aemon does his best to be understanding, in some ways he's very similar to his father.
He understands you're scared, betrothal can be unnerving.
Aemon's even willing to be patient with you.
However... He isn't calling off the betrothal.
How could he?
He loves you and thinks you'll make a wonderful ruler... you'll bring pride to both of your families.
Aemon loves you with his entire being, he's dedicated and begged his parents to set you up with him.
You'll be wed in a month or two and that's final.
If you have another lover... Well, it's time to cut ties.
It's that or Aemon will do it for you.
He can't have you being unfaithful, can he?
Aemon is nice and considerate... but only gives you the illusion of choice.
He makes it sound like he'll postpone the wedding, that he'll wait until you're ready.
Yet it's never getting canceled.
If you were seeing someone before him, Aemon will most likely want to discuss with them.
If they don't seem to stay around... Baelon also has some words for them.
Although he comes with more blood.
It isn't long before you hear about it, your lover having been cut down in a supposed duel.
You know it's a lie.
Aemon doesn't look concerned in the slightest... and Baelon never seemed to like them.
Dragons do not share.
Aemon is not willing to let another House claim your heart.
He may be considerate and careful...
But he is quite serious when courting you.
Aemon would try to ease you into the betrothal as the days go by
He offers gifts, suggests dragon rides, and overall tries to show that he'll be a good husband to you.
Yet you keep denying him.
Speaking of dragons, Caraxes becomes increasingly used to you.
The dragon knows his rider has claimed you, making the dragon fond of you.
You aren't a Targaryen, not in the slightest, but the dragon never tries to burn you alive.
Caraxes won't let you ride him alone, but as long as you are with Aemon, Caraxes is alert and attentive.
It's as though the dragon and Aemon mirror emotions.
In a similar way, you notice Aemon get more possessive as the wedding date ticks down.
This isn't new for Targaryens... their links to dragons make them go mad.
Aemon is a good man to you.
Although, he begins to lose his patience if you keep trying to run from him.
You cannot run from your responsibility.
Storm's End is no longer your home.
Aemon is adamant on telling you where your home is.
Your home should be with him, by his side.
It's an honor to marry a Targaryen, a dragon rider who rules these lands.
If Aemon had to bind your wrist to him with pretty silks or even cold chains to keep you with him...
He may just do it.
Aemon isn't a very violent man.
He's strong yet always seemed to be one to negotiate unless it wasn't an option.
Aemon would never hurt you, he loves you too much.
He just wishes you'd stop hurting him.
Even during the ceremony Aemon makes sure to keep you where you're supposed to be.
Baelon promises his brother he'll watch you and prevent any escape attempts.
Even if tears threaten to spill from your eyes... Aemon's there to wipe them gently.
He tells you there's no need to cry... you both were destined for this...
Yet you can't bring yourself to be happy... not when Baelon killed your lover... not when Aemon threatened to tie you to his side...
Aemon says he loves you, sealing the deal with a kiss...
Yet you're just scared for what your life is to become.
AFAB Section
After weddings, the bedding ceremony usually commences.
Aemon is gentle during it, whispering sweet nothings as he kisses your skin.
By the end of it he cuddles you close, whispering how you'll be a good queen for him.
The Smallfolk are supportive of your marriage, King's Landing erupting in excitement.
Many are excited for Aemon to have an heir, be that a young prince or princess.
You do your best to put on a smile, to pretend you too are excited to see what the future will bring.
But you aren't the happiest.
Aemon is loving, yet you already had a love.
Now, for the sake of being a queen, you are to have Aemon's heir...
You barely had any time to grieve.
Aemon becomes protective of his wife... but he isn't the only one.
Caraxes can now sense Targaryen blood deep in your system once Aemon beds you.
You are growing a babe and the dragon seems to notice.
Aemon often takes you to Caraxes to get used to his mount.
The dragon, in response, always sniffs and chitters at you.
Aemon then grins, holding his beloved wife close, even as she stares blankly at her stomach.
You may not even know you're pregnant until Caraxes notifies you both.
Which leads to Aemon kissing your forehead, praising you for being his love.
I imagine Aemon would take you to Dragonstone to keep you safe.
It's quieter than The Red Keep in King's Landing.
You don't particularly like it as it makes you feel more isolated than you were.
Aemon is a seemingly good husband to you.
Even if you still dislike him coercing you into being his wife.
Unlike his father, Aemon doesn't mind when you have a daughter.
To him, Rhaenys is a beautiful baby girl, and she's yours.
Aemon would love any babe if you were the one who gave him them.
Once Rhaenys is born, Aemon rarely wants to leave your side.
Even as Rhaenys grows up, Aemon is already introducing her to dragons.
Having Rhaenys is probably the final nail in the coffin for you, now you truly are bound to Aemon.
After all, you can't seem to leave your daughter.
Even as she claims her dragon Meleys... or marries Corlys Velaryon... you adore her, even if you're disinterested in Aemon.
Aemon always talks about how you two should have a son... his grip on your waist tight.
You never say anything, accepting that you belong to Aemon, that you've been claimed by a dragon.
A beast.
I have a feeling even when Aemon dies, you're still tied to Targaryens more than Baratheons.
After all, you have a daughter to look after.
A daughter who loves you very much...
She's all you have now... and deep down... maybe you accept that.
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ladyempty · 9 months ago
Hi, can I request yandere platonic king Jeahaerys and Yandere platonic Queen Alysanne with their Yandere children x adopted gender neutral, reader headcanons and can you make one or more of the children be a romantic Yandere towards reader for example Bealon Alyssa or Aemon. ❤️❤️❤️❤️😊🥰
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° | !English is not my first language!Sorry..| ° | This is a yandere work and may contain triggering behavior. I'm not in favor of that in real life. |
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Rumores se espalharam rapidamente pela corte quando a Rainha Alysanne retornou de mais uma de suas muitas viagens a Pedra do Dragão com uma criança desconhecida agarrada firmemente ao seu quadril e o Príncipe Aemon não muito atrás de sua mãe, sorrindo de orelha a orelha e Baelon também sorrindo.
A rainha não parecia ter qualquer intenção de explicar sobre a criança, quem eram seus pais ou como a criança foi parar sob seus cuidados.
Muitos achavam que ela estava delirando porque estava imersa na tristeza pela morte da princesinha Daenerys, que havia ocorrido no começo do ano.
Assim que o assunto chegou aos ouvidos do rei, ele prontamente exigiu a presença da rainha e da criança desconhecida na sala do trono.
Os olhos de Jaehaerys eram duros e severos, sentado majestosamente sob o trono de espadas, ele franziu os lábios enquanto os guardas anunciavam a chegada da rainha. Ele já tinha um discurso pronto em sua mente e com as palavras na ponta da língua, palavras que morreram no momento em que Alysanne apresentou a criança como se fosse dela, sabendo que seu marido ficaria encantado assim como ela. E o rei ficou realmente atordoado pela magnitude da criança, que não tinha um traço de sangue valeriano em suas veias, mas despertou seus sentidos paternos com força avassaladora.
Depois desse pequeno encontro, Jaehaerys não parecia mais motivado a mandar a criança embora ou a entreter esses pensamentos e ilusões na cabeça de sua irmã-esposa. Antes mesmo de perceber, ele próprio já estava imerso em ilusões e pensamentos irracionais, o que não era de seu caráter.
Num piscar de olhos, a criança até então desconhecida aos olhos das cortes ganhou o nome Targaryen e todas as vantagens e títulos que acompanhavam o nome. O título real foi concedido pelo próprio rei e a rainha apoiou firmemente a decisão.
Alysanne e Jaehaerys rapidamente se autodenominaram seus pais, ambos o encorajando fervorosamente a chamá-los de mãe e pai e a desfrutar livremente de seus direitos.
E se você fizesse algo errado, você receberia apenas uma repreensão gentil de Jaehaerys e um sorriso gentil de Alysanne e uma ordem calma para não fazer isso de novo.
Aemon te amava com todo seu fervor, ele era muito jovem para entender completamente o que tinha acontecido com sua irmã mais velha, mas ele sabia que ela não voltaria mais para brincar com ele ou fazer seus truques. Mas no momento em que sua mãe te trouxe para casa e te disse que você era seu novo irmãozinho, Aemon apenas sorriu feliz e assentiu entusiasticamente.
Ele estava feliz além da razão, animado por ser um irmão mais velho agora, levando muito a sério as palavras de seu pai de que ele deveria protegê-lo, que mantê-lo seguro era sua principal responsabilidade acima de sua posição como herdeiro.
Baelon Targaryen estava igualmente feliz, ele não era o irmão mais velho, mas ele certamente o protege o máximo que pode, tornando-se sua segunda sombra, sempre feliz e animado para ter sua atenção. Com os muitos deveres de Aemon, Baelon teve prazer e grande felicidade em passar mais tempo com você, sempre se gabando desse fato para seu irmão mais velho.
ambos mantiveram sua promessa, ambos seguindo você de perto com fervor e dedicação como se fossem seus guardas pessoais. Eles frequentemente criavam discussões para ver qual deles o seguiria naquele dia, mas eles uniam forças quando tinham que remover alguém que não consideravam digno de sua presença.
Alysanne encorajou seu comportamento, ainda muito alerta e cuidadosa desde a trágica morte de Daenerys, ela sabia que não seria capaz de lidar se algo acontecesse com mais algum de seus filhos, especialmente com você, seu filho mais amado.
Jaehaerys simplesmente fez vista grossa ao comportamento de seus filhos mais velhos, ficando irritado apenas quando Aemon se recusou a ficar longe, mesmo sabendo que era hora do rei aproveitar sua companhia ou que Baelon estava insistindo que ele deveria passar mais tempo com você.
Jaehaerys foi inflexível sobre esse assunto, exigindo que Aemon e Baelon saíssem para que ele pudesse ter um momento a sós com você. O que acontecia frequentemente, sempre que o rei finalmente estava livre de seus deveres, ele exigia sua presença sem se importar se você estava ocupado ou não.
"Você pode fazer isso outra hora, agora faça um favor a si mesmo e leia em voz alta doze páginas do livro para seu pai, meu filho."
Vamos encarar, Jaehaerys simplesmente inventará desculpas para chamar sua atenção de volta para ele. Algo que causou muita discórdia entre o rei e a rainha.
Um pai completamente orgulhoso, sempre estimulando a curiosidade e o desejo de ler, exigindo ser o primeiro a saber quando aprende algo novo. O que lhe renderia um sorriso orgulhoso e um tapinha no pulso.
"Muito bem, meu filho."
Alysanne te ama, isso é uma certeza absoluta. Ela é uma mãe amorosa, superprotetora e orgulhosa de qualquer pequena conquista que você faça. Desenhe um desenho para ela e no dia seguinte. ele estará emoldurado e bem guardado, entregue flores para ela e então os Meistres estarão correndo contra o tempo para encontrar algum método ou poção que possa preservar uma flor para sempre.
E ela provavelmente será aquela que lhe dará seu ovo de dragão. Para a decepção do rei, pois ele queria que ele fosse o único a entregar algo tão especial para você, mas ele estava preso em uma pequena reunião do conselho, como de costume. Dessa forma, os senhores teriam que aturar o mau humor do monarca até as próximas luas.
E se você ficar doente, pelos deuses, é melhor se contentar com uma Alysanne completamente desesperada invadindo seu espaço pessoal a cada segundo, com um Jaehaerys perturbador e excessivamente sério te fazendo beber todo tipo de poções, chás que os meistres recomendam e um Aemon muito preocupado, mas tentando ser forte por você e um Baelon muito nervoso, tentando te entreter e te fazer rir para não ficar deprimido com sua doença.
A nova gravidez da rainha é motivo de comemoração na corte, ainda há um certo medo pela recente morte da princesa Daenerys e todos parecem convencidos de que, quando o bebê nascer, o rei e a rainha vão se livrar de você.
Isso não aconteceu. Alysanne ficou muito brava com esses rumores, ele nunca abandonaria nenhum de seus filhos! Principalmente você! Jaehaerys parece mais controlado por fora, mas por dentro ele está igualmente bravo. Fornecendo um aviso das consequências se essas palavras continuassem a se espalhar.
Ambos lhe garantiram que tudo isso era mentira e continuaram a amá-lo, assim como Aemon e Baelon.
"Eles mentem, meu filho, nada disso é verdade." A rainha e o rei garantiram.
"Você pode me dizer que foi você quem fez isso, eles não escaparam!" Aemon disse seriamente enquanto te abraçava, com Baelon atrapalhando seu próprio abraço.
Alyssa's birth was uneventful, which made everyone breathe a sigh of relief. The girl was healthy and lively, so energetic and so much like the late Princess Daenerys that she brought a bitter taste to Alysanne's mouth..
The princess could be as stubborn as she was lively, it was obvious that you were her favorite brother. Since she began to crawl, Alyssa has followed you with a tireless dedication that is impressive for a baby.
And when she learned to walk, this became more constant.
The young princess was always by her side, her more adventurous and relaxed side with your company. You were definitely joined at the hip. What was once a trio became an inseparable quartet as Princess Alyssa grew older and was able to accompany her brothers more freely in search of their safety and constant companionship.
An inseparable quartet even as Aemon and Baelon's obligations began to increase and the pressure for Alyssa to become a worthy princess began to take its toll.
Everyone had strict duties and rules to follow. Everyone except you. The king and queen still saw you as a precious baby who should be protected and nothing seemed to change their opinion in that regard.
Shortly after, Aemon was named his father's heir, something everyone already knew would happen in a moment or another.
His elevation to heir did not seem to be a reason for happiness for Prince Aemon as everyone made it seem. Increasingly busy with his obligations, he didn't have time to play freely with you.
Great misfortune for you and great joy for Alyssa and Baelon who, as secondary heirs, did not need so many classes nor so many responsibilities. Having more time to run around the fortress with you by his side, the three of you are always involved in trouble and games
Princess Maegelle's birth occurred shortly afterwards. A kind young woman, even when she was a baby.
Maegelle quickly became attached to you, just like Alyssa when she started to crawl, although her demeanor was softer, Maegelle could be as persistent as her older sister.
What slowly became it became a trio, with you, Baelon and Alyssa, it quickly became a quartet with young Maegelle included. Much to Alyssa's annoyance, she was starting to get the feeling that her little sister was constantly following her around like a little shadow.
Alyssa's way of getting rid of her little sister's constant presence was to pull you to places where Maegelle couldn't. I am not going. A behavior that Queen Alysanne reprimanded, wanting Maegelle to be included in the games.
And shortly afterwards Prince Vaegon was born, so different from young Margelle. The youngest Targaryen prince was indeed quite...sour...
Even as a baby shows constant signs of dissatisfaction with everything around him. And she never cried, he just had a permanent frown on his features and found little to no pleasure in playing with her brothers.
This made him a laughing stock by Alyssa, who didn't seem to like her little brother much, and Baelon agreed.
But you were different, welcoming Vaegon even on his cruelest days. This made the prince quickly cling to you with refuge, he didn't care about the other brothers, he thought he was more mature than them, but Vaegon had no problem acting more childish to get what he wanted.
He took advantage of being excluded by others to gain their empathy and attention. Constantly stealing you from your older brothers.
Much to the indignation of Alyssa and Baelon, who complained about this to their mother, but the good queen just laughed and said that young Vaegon was a baby and needed more attention.
And as already It was usual, shortly afterwards the queen consort had another son and another heir to the crown. A young princess so fragile and delicate that she scared Alysanne at first.
Little princess Daella Targaryen was such a fearful and whiny baby, but also so kind and adorable that she made everyone want to protect her
The Targaryens whined but never spoke, even when she was older. Much to Alysanne's horror, she let it seem that, after you, little Daella was her favorite child
Just like her siblings before her, the Targaryen princess considered you her “lodestar.” Someone she trusted completely and made her shell of shyness lessen. Much to Alysanne's relief, she spent a lot of time with her favorite children.
There was a time without any further additions to the Targaryen family. Something much to the relief of Aemon, Baelon and Alyssa, who now more than ever had to compete with the other equally clingy siblings for their attention..
And for a time, the quartet formed again, much to the king's chagrin.
Now everyone was older and more mature in theory. But never in practice, he still ran through the halls and made the same annoying jokes. But something felt different. As Aemon got older, marriage proposals for the prince began to appear, and even though the prince seemed to have a great affinity with Lady Jocelyn, the idea of getting married and having to abandon childish games with you and the others brothers disturbed him.
And before it was just for Aemon, but the lords, in their greed, also wanted to get their hands on the royal couple's most precious son. You.
Something that was quickly denied by the king and queen. You were still a baby in their eyes!
As a return to the familiar rhythm, a new child was added to the family. Saera Targaryen was a healthy and spirited girl. She was so brave and intelligent, but also so stubborn and tempestuous that she overshadowed her qualities.
Saera was a fierce and stubborn young woman who liked attention and became moody whenever she didn't receive any. She reached out to you. She demanded a lot of your attention and love.
Becoming cheerful at any compliment from her and sullen when attention was diverted from her.
She didn't exactly run after you like the other brothers. She demanded her presence. Why were you paying attention to Daella and not her?
If his attention was directed to another brother, he would make Saera that brother's enemy. Mainly, Princess Daella.
Saera couldn't stand her younger sister's constant crying. She was weak, not delicate. Just weak.
And shortly afterwards Prince Aemon's engagement is announced, much to the Targaryen's despair. The Targaryen thought Lady Jocelyn was a lovely young woman, but marrying her? No way. He couldn't love a woman when his heart was slowly turning more and more towards you.
It was a hard blow, he protested and tried to persuade his father. He even begged his mother. But nothing helped.
And that was the beginning of the end of the golden days..
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zapreportsblog · 1 year ago
Yandere Aemon Targaryen ( Jaehaerys 1 son)
❝you and I will rule together❞
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✭ pairing : yandere aemon targaryen x reader
✭ fandom : game of thrones
✭ summary : aemon targaryen is a known as the ruthless prince and it’s a wonder to the people how he managed to get with a sweet young women such as (y/n), wherever she goes, he lurks in the background watching her every move.
✭ authors note : yeo I turnt his picture around and now it’s fucking with me 😭
✭ yandere masterlist
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In the realm of Westeros, tales of the Targaryens had always been shrouded in mystery and intrigue. Stories of dragons, madness, and power were whispered through the halls of King's Landing. Yet, amidst the legends and blood feuds, one Targaryen stood out in a different way - Prince Aemon Targaryen.
Aemon Targaryen was known throughout the Seven Kingdoms as the Ruthless Prince. His demeanor was cold and calculating, his words sharper than Valyrian steel. His reputation for cunning, ambition, and a ruthless determination to achieve his goals preceded him wherever he went. Many pondered how such a man could ever find solace in the arms of a woman, especially one with a reputation as sweet and gentle as his wife, (Y/N).
(Y/N) was a stark contrast to her husband in every way imaginable. Her smile was a beacon of warmth in a world that seemed perpetually shrouded in shadows. Her kindness and compassion had won the hearts of all who had the privilege of knowing her. But what truly puzzled the court and commoners alike was how Prince Aemon, the feared and obsessed protector of his wife, could ever have found love in the first place.
Their union had been a source of endless fascination, for Aemon had always been notorious for his affairs and dalliances. He had indulged in passionate liaisons with countless women, including his younger niece, before the day he married (Y/N). Yet, as soon as their wedding vows were exchanged, a transformation occurred. Aemon's infidelity ceased, and the relentless pursuit of his desires turned towards his wife.
It was said that he had been obsessed with her long before their marriage, though few dared to speak of it openly. Some whispered that he had been captivated by her ethereal beauty, her radiant kindness, and her unwavering loyalty to him. Others believed that it was something darker, an obsession that consumed him entirely, making him willing to forsake all others for her.
Regardless of the reasons behind their union, one thing was certain: Aemon Targaryen was fiercely protective of his wife, (Y/N). Wherever she went, he was never far behind, though often he remained concealed in the shadows, lurking like a silent sentinel. It was as though he believed himself to be her unseen guardian, sworn to protect her from any harm that might befall her.
The courtiers of King's Landing often gossiped about the strange relationship between the Ruthless Prince and his sweet wife. Some speculated that he kept her locked away in their chambers, a delicate bird in a gilded cage. Others claimed to have witnessed tender moments between the two, glimpses of a love that defied the prince's reputation.
As the tales of Prince Aemon and (Y/N) continued to unfold, it became clear that their union was far more complex and enigmatic than anyone could have imagined. The Ruthless Prince had indeed been tamed, but the reasons behind this transformation remained hidden, buried beneath layers of secrecy, obsession, and the shadows that clung to them both.
The court of King's Landing was always abuzz with rumors and speculation about Prince Aemon and his sweet wife, (Y/N). Some said that their marriage was nothing more than a strategic alliance, a move to solidify power and alliances in the ever-shifting game of thrones. Others believed that there was something deeper, something hidden beneath the surface.
(Y/N) moved gracefully through the courtly affairs, her gentle smile lighting up even the darkest corners of the Red Keep. She was a beloved figure among the nobility and commoners alike, known for her charitable deeds and her ability to bring a sense of calm to the chaos of the capital.
But as beloved as she was, there was always a lingering unease whenever the conversation turned to her husband. Aemon Targaryen was a man of sharp edges and unpredictable moods. His obsession with (Y/N) was undeniable, and it was often the source of hushed whispers among the courtiers.
Whenever she attended social gatherings or events, Aemon's presence was felt, if not seen. He remained hidden in the shadows, a vigilant guardian who watched over his wife with unwavering devotion. Some found his protectiveness endearing, a testament to the depths of his love. Others couldn't help but feel a shiver of discomfort at the way he loomed, unseen but ever-present.
Aemon's transformation from a notorious philanderer to a devoted husband had been abrupt and mysterious. It was as though a switch had been flipped on the day they were wed, and his former pursuits were cast aside. No longer did he entertain the company of other women, no longer did he engage in reckless liaisons that had once been the talk of the court.
The court's intrigue only deepened as time passed. (Y/N) seemed content in her role as the beloved wife of the Ruthless Prince, but there were moments when glimpses of unease flickered in her eyes. Those who were closest to her noticed the subtle changes in her demeanor, the way her laughter sometimes sounded forced, and the hints of sadness that occasionally clouded her bright spirit.
As the court's whispers grew louder, one question remained unanswered: What had driven Aemon Targaryen, the Ruthless Prince, to forsake his past and become the shadowy protector of (Y/N)? What secrets lay beneath the surface of their marriage, and what price had been paid for their union?
The sun hung high in the sky as (Y/N) strolled through the bustling marketplace of King's Landing, her heartlighter than usual. The aroma of exotic spices, the calls of vendors haggling, and the vibrant colors of fabrics and trinkets surrounded her. Despite the lively scene, there was a persistent absence by her side, a shadow that never strayed too far.
"Sweet King," she whispered, her voice gentle as a summer breeze. It was the affectionate nickname she had bestowed upon her husband, Prince Aemon. She paused her steps, glancing over her shoulder towards the concealed figure lurking among the crowds. "Would you come out from the shadows and walk beside me today?"
Aemon hesitated, his silver hair concealed beneath a hood as he observed his wife from afar. He had always been vigilant, his eyes sharp and wary. But at her request, he reluctantly emerged from the shadows, his presence sending ripples of unease through the marketplace.
His tall figure materialized beside (Y/N), and for a moment, the people of King's Landing seemed to hold their breath. The Ruthless Prince, now visible in the daylight, was an imposing sight. But as his wife took his arm, her smile warm and welcoming, some of the tension dissipated.
As they strolled through the market, (Y/N) couldn't help but feel a sense of triumph. Her husband had a reputation as the ultimate protector, a guardian that lurked in the darkness. Yet today, he had yielded to her request, stepping into the light by her side.
Amidst the stalls and vendors, (Y/N) stopped at a jewelry merchant's cart, her eyes sparkling as she admired a delicate necklace adorned with sapphires. She exchanged a few words with the merchant and handed over a few coins, and he, in turn, reached out to give her the purchased item.
Aemon's watchful eyes never left her, even for a moment. He saw the merchant's hand brush against (Y/N)'s as he handed her the necklace, a seemingly innocent gesture of transaction. But to Aemon, it was an intrusion, an unwarranted touch that sent a jolt of anger through him.
Later, in the privacy of their chambers, Aemon summoned the merchant who had dared to touch his wife. The man, trembling with fear, stood before the Ruthless Prince, unaware of the storm that was about to descend upon him.
With a swift, merciless stroke, Aemon ordered the man's hand to be severed, a gruesome punishment for what he had perceived as an act of disrespect towards his beloved (Y/N). The merchant cried out in agony, his life forever altered.
When (Y/N) came to her husband with questions in her eyes, her voice trembling with concern, Aemon held her close, his arms a shield around her. "My perfect little dove," he murmured, his voice soft but filled with an underlying intensity. "I saw that man doing something unspeakable with his hands before he touched you. I couldn't let him near you."
(Y/N) was mildly horrified by the brutality of her husband's response, but she didn't doubt his words. She had always trusted Aemon's judgment, even when his actions seemed extreme. Nestled in his protective embrace, she nodded and whispered, "I know you'll always keep me safe, Sweet King."
The enigmatic shadows that clung to their marriage deepened, and the secrets that bound them together remained hidden from the prying eyes of the court. As they held each other close, Prince Aemon and his sweet wife (Y/N) faced a future filled with uncertainties, their devotion to each other stronger than ever, and their love veiled in mystery.
Late that day, as the moonlight gently cascaded through the curtains, Aemon lay beside his wife, watching her peaceful slumber. He couldn't help but be captivated by the delicate contours of her face, tracing his fingers softly over her features.
Whispering tenderly, he shared his deepest promises, his voice barely audible in the quiet room. "I'll always be there for you, no matter what," he murmured, his words filled with unwavering devotion. "When I am king, you will rule beside me as queen, sharing in the power and responsibilities that come with it."
His heart swelled with affection as he imagined a future where she stood by his side, their love a beacon of strength and unity. "By my side is your rightful place, your birthright," he continued, his hand resting gently on her stomach, envisioning a time when it would be rounded with their heirs.
In that moment, the room seemed to hold an air of anticipation, as if the dreams they shared were on the brink of becoming reality. Aemon's mind raced with thoughts of the legacy they would create together, a dynasty built on love and unity.
As he watched her breathing steady and calm, he felt a surge of gratitude for the woman lying beside him. She was not only his partner in life but also the embodiment of everything he held dear. Her strength, grace, and unwavering support were the foundations upon which his dreams were built.
With a gentle touch, he pressed his lips against her forehead, sealing his promises with a silent vow. In that quiet moment, Aemon knew that whatever challenges lay ahead, he would face them with unwavering determination. For his wife, his love, and the future they would forge together, he would give his all.
As sleep finally began to claim him, Aemon held her close, cherishing the warmth and comfort they found in each other's embrace. The night was filled with whispered dreams and the tender hopes of a future that seemed closer than ever before.
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darkestspring · 1 year ago
Hello. What kind of yanderes do you think the children of Yandere Jaehaerys 1 Targaryen and his wife reader will be? So, what kind of yanderes do they have the potential to be towards their mothers? Which of the children do you think are the most difficult to deal with as yanderes? (Daenaerys/Aemon/Baelon/Alyssa/Maegele /Vaegon / Daella/Saera/Viserra/Gael.)
i think they'd all fall within the same category of protective yanderes. i definitely think every time a new baby is born, there's this moment of rabid jealous between the older children before everytually they're clinging to their mommy again.
aemon and baelon have the kind of wavelengths at times so while they're both protective yanderes, i think baelon would be a collector. he basically keeps every gift and every thing he's ever been given by his mother, no matter how small, no matter how much he's outgrown it. he keeps everything.
I think alyssa is both protective and obsessive (with a bit of worshipping yandere) alyssa looks up to her mother greatly and in her earlier years would toddle after her like a lost puppy and then starts joining her mother on her walks or wherever she goes, not even caring if she's in the middle of a lesson with her septa.
daella is definitely softer as a yandere. she's not as intense as baelon, alyssa, or even vaegon. but she's definitely obsessive but she's more of an observant yandere. she studies her mother's habits and learns everything she can in certain areas that she thinks can help her mom. she'll eagerly lend her help in times of crisis for her mom and will beam happily when she's praised.
vaegon has killed a man for his mom and he will kill again. it's okay though, the man deserved it for disrespecting his mom. he's a momma's boy through and through. he's very intense about it though. less "are you okay, mommy?" and more "the fuck did you just say about my mom?" very protective, very obsessive and very bloodthirsty.
while viserra, maegele, and gael all have similar traits are yanderes, saera is in a category of her own. she's angelically well behaved for her mommy but she's a devil when it comes to her horrid, awful father. she loves her mom so much, in her earlier years, saera would do eveyrthing according to her mom's approval and disapproval. men who her mom disliked had their reputation ruined by saera but she always treated those who respected her mom with great politeness. saera would kill a bitch for her mom but why get her perfect hands dirty when vaegon is nothing more than a rabid dog when it comes to someone disrespecting their mother. saera has, and will continue to sick vaegon on people without remorse. nobles beware.
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gulnarsultan · 2 years ago
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Westeros was rocked by gossip over the recent event. It was revealed that Lady Tyrell, who had been missing for some time, had been kidnapped by Prince Aemon and Prince Baelon. House Tyrell immediately demanded the return of Lady Tyrell. But the Princes were adamant that they would not do this. Moreover, Lady Tyrell was carrying Prince Aemon's baby. King Jaehaerys and Queen Alysanne had arranged for a marriage between the Princes and Lady Tyrell, as there was no other option. Queen Alysanne was more like a mother to her new bride than a mother-in-law. Lady Tyrell had wept for the Queen to let her go home in her arms. She could do nothing but calm Queen Alysanne's bride.
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blakeswritingimagines · 1 year ago
Dating Yandere Aemon Targaryen Would Include:
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He is a man of principles and honor. He tries to live up to his family's words of "Fire and Blood," although that is easier said than done. He is not a man of many words, though he appreciates those who are. When it comes to romance, he does not seek out love, but rather, allow it to come to him. He can be patient and understanding, and he appreciates honesty in a partner. He expects a partner who shares similar morals and values.
Dating him has its fair share of perks. For starters, he is an amazing listener and a very considerate partner. He will always be there for you and make sure that your needs come first. He is also a very playful and adventurous person, with plenty of ideas up his sleeve for exciting dates and romantic gestures.
Like a warm, cozy fire in winter, a soothing presence that just makes things feel better. Dating him is like sitting down to a nice meal, a feeling of contentment and comfort. It's like reading a good book on a rainy day or getting a surprise gift you didn't expect. In his mind, being with him might be a little bit like stepping out of your front door after a long day and taking a deep, refreshing breath.
Dating him is... an adventure. He is passionate, bold, and unpredictable. He easily becomes a lover of romance and the unexpected once he meets you. He's not afraid to take risks. He is a strong-willed personality with many layers to his character.
He certainly would not be against a person who was fiery and spirited. Someone who could keep him on his toes and challenge him. He also appreciates a person who knows what they wants and isn't afraid to go after it.
Well, as the heir to the Iron Throne and the oldest son of King Jaehaerys I Targaryen, he is not a man who is easily forgotten. He has a reputation as a wise and dutiful prince, although he has his fair share of critics as well. He is often seen as a quiet and reserved individual, although he possesses a fire within him that can be unleashed when the situation calls for it. He takes his duties as a prince and his responsibility to the realm seriously, and he is committed to upholding the dignity of House Targaryen.
He is a devoted yandere, with one person that fills his thoughts. He would move heaven and earth for you and defend you with his life if need be. His jealousy and possessiveness are unmatched, and he sees all others as a threat to be eliminated. He would do anything and make any sacrifice to ensure your happiness and well-being.
When you spend too much time with anyone else, it drives him wild with jealousy. He can't bear the thought of your devotion to someone else, and the idea of you leaving him behind for someone else causes him to lash out. He has hurt himself in a pathetic attempt to get your attention, and he has hurt others who stand between you two. It isn't just that you are spending time with someone else that bothers him. It's that you are choosing to spend time with someone else rather than with him. He can't stand the thought of not being your priority.
He is manipulative, possessive, and obsessive. He is willing to use any means necessary - including violence - to get what he wants, and what he wants is you. He will not accept any rival for your affections, and if necessary, he will resort to extreme measures. You belong to him, no one else, and he will not tolerate any interference from anyone who gets in the way of your "perfect" love story. But don't worry, this will all be worth it, because you'll be his...forever.
He will go to any length to claim you as his own. If you resist, he will resort to coercion, manipulation, and, if necessary, force. Your thoughts, actions, and feelings will consume his entire world. Nothing will matter to him more than the two of you together, and he will never allow anything or anyone to stand in the way of him claiming you.
He'll also act possessively and aggressively towards you, showing his affection through dominance. If you cross him or you try to distance yourself, there will be consequences. He'll become even more obsessive and erratic in his behavior.
He will make you feel loved - and only loved - by him. You will never feel lonely or neglected again because his attention will be on you 24/7. He will do every possible thing to win your heart, and once he has it, he will do anything to keep it. Your happiness will become his sole purpose in life, and he'll make sure it's nothing short of perfect. He may be a little intense at times, but his feelings for you are genuine and true. So, would you like to be his love?
He may also have a stalker-ish tendency. He will watch you secretly and keep tabs on all your activities. He will not hesitate to use underhanded methods to get close to you, even if it means blackmailing or manipulating you into his grasp. He will go to great lengths to ensure your togetherness. But remember, it's all for you, whether you like it or not.
He is also impulsive, erratic, and unpredictable. He can be sweet and loving one minute, and violent and vicious the next. Your well-being means everything to him, and if you're injured or harmed in any way, he will not hesitate to seek revenge on the person responsible. Your safety is his priority, and he will do whatever it takes to protect you from any perceived threat. However, if you disobey him or defy him in any way, he can quickly turn from loving protector to terrifying stalker. This is his worst side, so please, don't push him too far.
He is capable of genuine affection. Underneath all of the obsession and possessiveness, there is a truly loving person who wants nothing more than to be adored by their partner. He sees you as his soulmate, and he would do anything for you. However, because of his intense feelings for you, he can also become overly protective and controlling, which is when his obsessive side takes over.
One of his biggest kinks is the idea of complete and utter devotion over you. He finds it extremely pleasurable to think about dedicating his entire soul, body, and mind to satisfying and pleasing the one he loves most in the entire world. This can include anything from always being available for them to spending hours tending to your every need, desire, and wish, all to make you feel as loved and cherished as possible.
His obsession with you can manifest in various ways, including taking charge in the bedroom and controlling your every move. He loves having power over you, and he enjoys making you do whatever he wants you to. But he also adores being pampered and cherished. You can treat him like your precious doll, and he will love and adore you for it. Just don't ever let him get bored.
He is very kinky and has several BDSM-related kinks. He has no problem using his sexuality as a means of manipulation, and he can be quite dominant in the bedroom. He enjoys being in control, whether it's pinning you down and forcing you to submit or tying you up and having his way with you.
He also enjoys the element of danger and risk. He finds the idea of a forbidden romance to be thrilling, and he gets a kick out of doing things that are taboo or otherwise forbidden. This could involve sneaking around or engaging in reckless or dangerous activities together. He also loves the feeling of sneaking a passionate kiss when no one is watching or engaging in other forms of intimacy when you shouldn't. The thrill of doing something wrong is a huge turn-on for him.
His kinks also include elements of sadism. He can enjoy inflicting pain or humiliation on you as a way to assert his dominance and to reinforce the idea that he is in control. He takes pleasure in punishing you for challenging him or disobeying him.
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luv-lock · 4 months ago
⸻ ʟ ɪ ᴛ ᴛ ʟ ᴇ ꜱ ɪ ꜱ ᴛ ᴇ ʀ ⸻
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Pairing: Poly Aemon, Baelon and Alyssa x Targaryen Reader
Summary: They were your siblings. They loved you to their bones. They always been there, watching, protecting you, caring for you. It's only fair if they take you first, don't you think?
Warning: +18 contact, Minors DNA, Foursome, Fem on Fem, Targcest.
Notes: English is not my first language. Hope you enjoy!
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The heat of the room was stifling, your skin glistening with sweat as you were trapped between your siblings’ bodies. The heady scent of arousal filled the air, a mixture of sweat and sex that made your mind spin. Baelon lay beneath you, his hands gripping your waist, as he thrust his hips between your legs. You were already so stretched and sore, your inner walls fluttering around him as you tried to adjust to the thick length inside of you.
“B-Baelon, it’s... t-too much,” you whimpered, your voice breaking with each desperate breath. Your words were met with a low, guttural laugh from him as he thrust up into you, filling you to the hilt.
Alyssa’s soft, comforting voice was the only tether you had in the whirlwind of sensation. “It’s alright, sweet sister,” she murmured, her fingers gently brushing away the tears that streaked your flushed cheeks. Her mouth was hot against yours, tongue coaxing you into a kiss that was both tender and all-consuming. “We’re here for you... we’ll take such good care of you.”
Your whimpers were muffled as Alyssa’s fingers tangled in your hair, pulling your mouth to her chest. Pinned between them, you were barely able to catch your breath. Alyssa, straddling Baelon’s face, let out soft moans as she ground her hips down, her eyes half-lidded with pleasure. “Don’t worry, darling,” she purred. “Just focus on me. Let them do all the hard work.” She guided your lips to her nipple, her voice soft and soothing as if she were trying to comfort you. “That’s it, good girl… suck on my tits while our brothers take care of you.”
You obediently took her breast into your mouth, your lips closing around the stiff peak as tears welled in your eyes. The sensation of Aemon slowly pushing into your other entrance sent shivers up your spine. His cock was thick, and every inch felt like it was splitting you apart. You gasped against Alyssa’s skin, your muffled cries vibrating through her chest.
Alyssa smiled down at you, cupping your cheek as she looked into your teary eyes. “You’re doing so well for your first time, my sweet,” she whispered. “I know it’s a lot, but you can handle it. We’re all here to take care of you, aren’t we?” Her words were soft, but the glint in her eyes was anything but gentle.
Aemon’s hands tightened around your hips, pressing you further down onto him until he was buried to the hilt inside your tightest hole. “Fuck, you’re squeezing me so tight,” he groaned, his voice thick with lust. “Relax, little one… just breathe. I want to feel you loosen up around me.” He reached around to play with your swollen clit, the overstimulation making your back arch and your mouth pull away from Alyssa’s breast as you cried out.
“N-no more,” you sobbed, overwhelmed by the sensations flooding through you. Your entire body was trembling, the pleasure almost too much to bear. “Please… I c-can’t—”
“Hush now,” Baelon interrupted, his voice a low growl as he thrust up into you, his cock hitting that sweet spot that made your vision blur. “You can and you will. We’ve only just started, sweet sister. We’ve waited so long for this… for you.” He punctuated his words with deep, steady thrusts, making you mewl pathetically.
Alyssa’s lips were on yours again, her kiss fervent and possessive as she swallowed your desperate moans. “You’re ours, my love,” she cooed against your mouth, her voice a soft murmur of sweet poison. “Just let go… let us have you.”
Pinned between the relentless thrusts of Baelon beneath you and Aemon behind you, you were utterly helpless. Alyssa’s hands caressed your body, her fingers gently tracing the marks left by her brothers. The sight of you, so thoroughly debauched, sent shivers of delight through her. “Look at you,” she whispered, pressing soft kisses along your jaw. “So beautiful, so perfect for us.”
Aemon’s movements became more urgent, his fingers digging into your hips as he pounded into you from behind. “Gods, you’re so tight… you’re squeezing me like you don’t want to let go,” he groaned, his voice rough with barely contained need. “Do you hear how wet you are? How much you love this?”
Your moans turned to broken sobs as your body betrayed you, every nerve on fire. “I-I can’t… I’m so full, please… I can’t take anymore,” you whimpered, tears streaming down your cheeks. But even as you begged, your body was clamping down on them, your walls spasming around Baelon and Aemon as if desperate to keep them inside.
Alyssa’s fingers gripped your chin, forcing you to look at her through your teary eyes. “Oh, but you can,” she whispered with a smile, her eyes gleaming with delight. “You’re doing so well, little sister… just a bit more. You’ll take everything we give you, won’t you?”
“Yes, y-yes… just please…” Your voice was barely a whisper, broken and pleading as you tried to catch your breath.
Baelon’s thrusts became more erratic, his cock pulsing inside you as he chased his release. “That’s it, take it, take all of it,” he grunted, his grip on your hips bruising as he held you down.
Aemon’s hips slammed into you one last time as he spilled deep inside you, his hot seed filling your already overwhelmed body. You could feel it leaking out even as Baelon followed, his own release flooding your core. Alyssa held you close, her lips brushing your ear as she whispered sweet nothings, her fingers tenderly wiping away your tears.
“There now,” Alyssa cooed, her voice soft and soothing as your trembling body tried to recover from the onslaught. “See? You did it, my sweet. You were perfect.”
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@ʀᴏᴛᴛᴇɴꜰʏʀᴇ 2024. ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ᴄᴏᴘʏ, ᴛʀᴀɴꜱʟᴀᴛᴇ ᴏʀ ᴜꜱᴇ ᴀɴʏ ᴏꜰ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋꜱ ʜᴇʀᴇ ᴏʀ ᴀɴʏ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴡᴇʙꜱɪᴛᴇꜱ
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yandereunsolved · 10 months ago
Yandere Aemond needs justice done to him. I need him to be dark and cruel. I don't want him to be all soft and loving with his darling immediately. I want him to bottle up all his feelings about his love like he does with everything else.
You won't even know he is in love with you until it's too late. You think he hates you. He's always staring at you. He makes snide comments about your status and the people you choose to associate with. He takes every chance he can to embarrass you; well, it feels embarrassing. He'll dance with you and cause you to stumble, so he has to catch you. He'll knock things on you so your clothes get stained. He always steals the books you want to read and doesn't return them until long after your interest has waned. The list goes on. 
Only that isn't how he feels on the inside. He hates that he has any feelings for you. He isn't his whore of a brother. He just isn't going to fuck some noble because they make him hard. He needs your self-esteem to be low. He needs all of your important connections cut off from you. He needs to make sure that he is the only one you can crawl to. And if you don't want to crawl, he'll shove you on your knees and make you do so.
You don't get his emotions. You don't get the soft side of him except for fleeting moments. You have no idea why he is doing this. He has no idea why he is doing this either. It's just the only way he can show his emotions.
He hasn't really ever been fond of romance novels. He doesn't understand why his fingertips begin to brush their weathered spines when he thinks of you. He picks them up frequently now and reads them. There's almost a need for him to understand it. He needs to understand this. 
He hasn't been drawn to the topic of romance since he was a child. When he was younger, he would dream of a love that would come and save him from his horrid childhood. That love never came. Maybe that's why he pretends to hate you so much. You should have saved him sooner. 
So he'll continue to show you he cares through his cold demeanor. He'll also show you how angry he is that you took so long to come and save him from this wretched world.
And that is Yandere Aemond.
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missglaskin · 1 year ago
I don't know how people never thought of this before, but I'm pretty sure Aemon Targaryen, son of Jaehaerys, has a size kink. Look how tall this man is, he can intimidate anyone
For this to work the reader is described as short and also afab 
Oh, he definitely has it, he’s described as standing at 6’2. You can see how he takes delight at times in teasing you of your height, watching as you struggle to reach for something before stepping in to assist, or that smug smile of his when you have to tiptoe to reach him for a kiss. 
He starts to notice the impact it has on himself- how easily he can tower over you, how small your hands feel against his as he fucks you. Allowing you time to adjust to his size, "too big" you would whimper as you squeezed his hand all while he praises you for taking him so well.
Aemon doesn’t like harming you; he’s a gentle lover. However, he enjoys the subtle control it gives him over you. How easy it is for him to crush you under his weight, aligning his hips with yours as he viciously hits your sweet spot. How easy it is to corner you against the wall, too eager that he'll hastily undo his belts and trousers to free his cock. His long fingers dig into your skin as he lifts your leg to his waist with his other hand covering your mouth to keep you quiet.
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lunarmoonanons · 4 months ago
The First Wedding
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YN watches as her little brother Aemon gets married to his beautiful bride
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It was an exciting day for the entire kingdom, celebrations all over the capitol for the royal family. It was the wedding day for the prince and pride of Dragonstone: Aemon. He was to be married to Lady Jocelyn Baratheon. The Boy of Five and Ten was the pride of his family, at six feet tall he had embodied the grace of a Targaryen prince. Everyone in the Keep was excited, no more so than the eldest adopted princess, YN. She loved her brother and was very happy that he liked his bride to be and that he would be married. 
Though Jaehaerys did want to marry his son to his deceased daughter Daenerys, and when that fell through at her death, he turned his eye toward his adopted daughter. It seemed logical the dragon girl would marry the prince of Dragonstone. But for some reason they never arranged the two to be married. Maybe the king always wanted his little girl to remain his little girl. Now at six and ten, she was the eldest and most beautiful non targaryen the realm had known. The girl was adorned in a gold dress and a crown on her head. She looked like the epitome of a princess. 
During the middle hour, there was some worry. The prince had not left his rooms and the ceremony was coming closer. The king had started to worry , and the queen had sat outside his rooms trying to coax him out. But nothing made him respond. YN had rallied her younger siblings to the right area. The prince had still not come out of his rooms and finally YN had had enough and marched her way to his room. She saw Alysanne standing outside the door talking to her son. But YN was more direct. She knocked on the door and waited for a moment before announcing herself. 
“Aemon? It’s me. Please let me in.” YN coaxed. Resting her palm against the door and waiting. 
“...come in…” Aemon finally said after a minute, making YN sigh in relief and open and close the door quickly so that no one would enter but her. She turned around the room and found him sitting on the bed staring out his own window. 
She let out a breath through her nose and went to sit beside him. Once next to him she wrapped her tan hand in his pale one. He rested his head ontop of hers and breathed shaky breaths. She didn’t say anything and rubbed her thumb on his hand. The two sat in silence as the older girl tried to soothe him quietly. He didn’t say anything, just kept staring out the window. It felt peaceful and calming. But there was that lingering feeling of worry that YN felt for her brother. He liked his bride to be, they got along well and it seemed this marriage would be successful. So why was he hesitating to leave the Keep? 
“You know… I used to assume we would be married.” Aemon finally spoke up. That made 
YN pulled back and looked at him. “I was supposed to marry Dany… I don’t know why father never arranged for us to be together.”
“Aemon… You know I love you dearly.” YN said slowly, bringing a hand to cheek to turn his face toward her. “But we are not meant to be. You’ll always be my little brother.”
“I’m frightened to be married.” He whispered and looked into her eyes. 
“Are you afraid to be tied down? Afraid that you’re too young to be married?” She asked, rubbing her thumb on his cheek. 
“...What if she doesn’t like me? What if we grow apart and our marriage is loveless and hateful?” He asked shakily. 
That made YN sigh and bring his forehead down to hers. “She would be lucky to have you. You two have known each other for years, and you get along quite well. I do not doubt that your marriage will be loving.”
“But what if our marriage falls apart after a few years? If we love now then fall out of love and are trapped in a marriage that produces only misery and our children suffer and-”
“Aemon.” YN interuppted. “Worrying about the ifs does nothing. You make your life and marriage what you want it to be. Attend to your wife and love her with all your heart and I’m sure your children will see that you are a loving man.”
“...I’m afraid.” He whispered once again.
“I know. But I am here to hold your hand through the fear. You are not alone in this.” YN said standing up. She turned to him and held her hand out to him. “Now let’s get you married.”
Aemon let out a breath and wiped his face. He stood to his full height and towered over his sister by several inches. He grabbed her hands then pulled her into him. Hugging her tightly as he rested his hands on her waist. YN waited a moment then pulled back and held his face in her hands. 
“This will be one of the happiest days of your life. Try to live in the moment. And try to show your joy. The fear is momentary. The joy will last a lifetime.” YN said and kissed his cheek. “She’s lucky to have you.”
“I would’ve been lucky to have you…” Aemon whispered. 
“Don’t think about that. Think about what is.” 
She held his hand and brought him out of the room. Baelon was waiting there with their mother and father smiling at the sight of the two of them. Baelon came forth and gave his brother a tight hug then patted him on the back. Jaehaerys kissed the side of YN’s head and brought her forth. Alysanne grabbed her hand and smiled at her daughter. When they made their way to the sept, YN stood on the groom's side of the aisle and held a hand on Baelon’s shoulder. Aemon stood at the center and fidgeted waiting for his bride. And she was a sight to behold. Her hand was up in a beautiful do and wrapped around an antler tiara. Her white and gold dress wrapped wonderfully around her body. YN thought she was beautiful. 
The vows were simple and beautiful. A mix of Valyrian traditions and some Seven faith customs. Alysanne was crying throughout the ceremony and Jaehaerys held her hand as she did. YN felt so proud of her brother and felt the tears prick as she watched one of the people that she loved the most get married to someone who loved him just as much. She remembered back to when he was a child and he would hold onto her skirts and beg for her attention. 
When the ceremony was over, it was time for celebration. The feast table was held in front of the iron throne, YN sat near her brother and laughed amongst them. The food was plentiful and the music was beautiful. As YN laughed at Baelon’s joke, she felt soft hands touch her shoulders. Looking behind her she saw the bride smiling at her. Jocelyn leant down and hugged her tight. Resting her head against hers. 
“I have heard you saved my marriage. Convinced my husband to face his fears and marry me.” She kissed YN’s cheek and hugged her tighter. “I am grateful to you. I am glad we will be sisters.”
“The Targaryens are fortunate to welcome you to their family.” YN said and kissed her hand. 
With that, Jocelyn stood to her full six foot height and pulled her husband to the dance floor. The two held each other's hand tightly and started the first dance. YN smiled and watched her brother dance with his wife. Baelon teased Alyssa as she sat in an uncomfortable dress. Joking that he should dance with her and show her off to the crowd. Alyssa responded by punching him in the arm. Jaehaerys was enraptured with Alysanne and YN felt very content to see her family together. 
Later in the night Aemon came up to his older sister and held a hand out to her. YN smiled and stood up, letting him lead her to the floor. The two started the dance around each other and speak in hushed tones. Words that only exist between the two of them. 
“You know you remind me of my brother.” YN said. 
“No. My older brother. My birth brother. Devran.” YN smiled sadly at the memory of her brother.
“...Where is he?” 
“He went north. Mama wanted him to find our ice kin. Whatever that means.” 
Aemon looked troubled at the thought of YN having a brother before him. Someone she was biologically connected to. Someone who had claim to her before he did. He felt such possessiveness over her, that burned at the thought of her brother. He reached forward and pulled her close, looking deep into her eyes. 
“You’ll always be my sister. No one can take you away from me.” Aemon stated looking rather encroaching. 
YN did not notice his state and smiled, touching his face once again. “I’ll always be there for you. I love you dearly Aemon.”
He smiled at that and kissed her forehead. Bringing the two together as they always would be. The floor danced around them. YN pulled back and reached her hand out​​ to Jocelyn, who smiled and grabbed her hand. YN brought Aemon’s and Jocelyn’s hands together. Joining the two before her eyes. They looked adoringly at each other. YN stepped away. Not seeing the adoring stare they gave her.
@ladyodium @electronickingmentality
What YN looked like during the wedding:
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alannybunnue · 2 years ago
Can you do more headcanons for the kids for Queen Reader Aegon IV please ( I think that when Daeron and Daenerys starts to read she put them to read to her and she read all the books they want to read first so if have something inappropriate)
Just yes, but i might not do much cuz that life.
When it came to her children's innocence, the Queen was paranoid most of time.
To the point that many times, she would anything in her power to keep Aegon away from any celebration that involved Daeron or Daenerys.
Once, she was tempted to put his mattress on the ses while he slept, but then realized that he would most likely die thanks to his ridiculous weight.
The children used their mother's favoritism to get away with pranks
Which most were related to Aegon.
"They are mere children, stop acting so foolish, you are embarrassing everyone."
Daenerys called Aemon "Dada"
It was her first word
The End
Speaking of Aemon, there were times he would help the kids to hide from Aegon whenever they pranked him, but also (tried) to teach them not to do it again.
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yanderes-galore · 4 months ago
Yandere Baelon i Targaryen concept
Well... He's certainly going to be a handful if his lore says anything....
Yandere! Baelon Targaryen Concept
(Son of Jaehaerys I)
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling/AFAB, Obsession, Manipulation, Touchy behavior, Courting, Possessive behavior, SFW breeding kink (AFAB Section), Violence, Murder, Aemon enables him a bit, Mature themes, Brief mention of Targcest, Pregnancy mention (AFAB Section), Blood, Murder, Some angst, Forced relationship.
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Baelon The Brave... The brother of Aemon and rider of Vhagar.
He's always been brave and fierce, following his older brother's every move.
Actually, he and his brother were often considered inseparable.
He followed Aemon's footsteps and often trained beside him.
Baelon is described as being loud, brave/bold, and... lustful.
Yes, such a trait isn't uncommon in Targaryens, but...
He seems to enjoy it quite a bit.
Despite such a tendency, he was nowhere near promiscuous.
In his lore it seems like he was quite loyal to his wife.
Actually, I don't doubt he was, considering he never bedded another after her. Or even remarried.
Baelon is demanding... yet loyal, similar to his brother.
Yet Aemon was never as demanding as Baelon.
I imagine Baelon is more flirtatious than Aemon is.
He courts his obsession, yes, but also doesn't mind making certain comments.
Which ends up with Aemon knocking him on the back of the head.
I can see you being a friend of Aemon and Baelon, similar to Aemon's concept.
You're from another house loyal to Targaryen rule and often come for diplomatic meetings due to your father.
Which leads you to be close to the two princes.
That, or if you really want to go the full Targaryen way, maybe you're also a Targaryen.
Baelon would be obsessed with whether you were betrothed or not.
He no doubt knew you since childhood, so him being betrothed to you by his parents makes him ecstatic.
Even if you aren't into it.
If you aren't betrothed, Baelon will probably get Aemon to help him court you.
He's an excellent fighter... a dragon rider... What else could you want?
He even becomes Hand of The King later in his life.
Baelon may make flirtatious or lewd comments... but only ever acts on them when you're betrothed.
Oh, and he'll find a way to get you two betrothed.
Aemon will no doubt help him, as his older brother no doubt believes you two have a good bond.
Even if you're betrothed to another... Baelon is a Targaryen.
He's persistent... He'll find a way to have your parents cut off the engagement.
Maybe Aemon manages to convince your parents a marriage with Baelon would benefit them more?
Aemon is much more diplomatic than Baelon is.
He'll help his younger brother get the partner he wants with words before Baelon does anything hasty.
Yet words might not be enough for Baelon.
Baelon may still get rid of your betrothed with his sword.
That, or feed them to Vhagar, if he really doesn't like them.
Baelon would hunt down anyone who felt they had a chance with you.
He still would even after you're betrothed.
Targaryens are known for dealing with issues using Fire and Blood.
It's their saying for a reason, and Baelon's always been a fierce warrior.
It's said when his brother Aemon was killed, he rode Vhagar and burned countless men to avenge him.
In that case, I can see him deciding to burn those he doesn't like around you in secret.
Or if he really wishes... He'll dirty his blade in their blood.
Once betrothed to Baelon, he will try his best to get you used to him.
He promises to protect you and care for you.
He promises pleasures much better than any lover you could ever have.
No one will touch his beloved... not with Vhagar by his side.
Vhagar herself is rather neutral towards you.
She isn't really protective... but listens to her rider's orders (She might feel differently if you were Visenya's obsession)
Baelon is oddly patient when it comes to the months before your wedding.
He can tell you're worried but encourages you.
He's the second heir to the throne... being with a Targaryen is something most other Houses yearn for.
Most betrothals are just out of duty and are unhappy...
But to Baelon, marrying you is out of love.
While to you, it's a reluctant duty.
You know you care about Baelon, but the idea of being his spouse is daunting.
Nevertheless, Baelon always calls you brave for it.
Like you ever had a choice.
Your stress only grows as the date ticks down.
Baelon is doing his best to ease you, holding you close and whispering how he'll be the perfect husband for you.
But you no doubt have seen what he's capable of.
Baelon, like any Targaryen, is ruthless.
He's possessive like the dragon he rides.
You don't doubt by the time you're properly married... He isn't leaving your side.
In fact, with his nature, you may be spending most of your time in his chambers.
Sure, maybe you should consider yourself lucky...
Baelon loves you and would never take another partner that isn't you.
Yet part of you wish he would so you could have some alone time.
By the time you're married and he presses his lips to yours...
Your fate is sealed.
Baelon promises to be gentle, to worship you as his spouse as he does his duty as his father's Hand.
You only dread the thought... You wish you were married to another House...
Maybe then things would feel less daunting... maybe then no one would die because of his possessive tendencies.
AFAB Section (Slightly Mature)
As expected of Baelon's nature, he wastes no time in consummating the marriage.
As he said before, he's gentle, often praising you.
He tells you he wants many heirs from you.
He's similar to his father in that sense, always wanting children and being rather demanding.
You and your husband are often together when he isn't on duty.
Like most Targaryens, he no doubt has a thing for making heirs with his obsession.
He was always described as lustful, after all.
Baelon is very attentive to you when you carry his heirs.
If we're going based on canon... I imagine you'd give birth to at least Viserys and Daemon.
Baelon always wants to give you heirs.
It's like a strange form of bonding for him.
Yet he'll relent when you say you aren't into it.
He cares about you, after all.
While he's someone who enjoys heirs...
He doesn't want you in any pain.
It's sort of scary how similar he is to his father.
Although, he has admitted he wants a daughter too....
Baelon dedicates himself to protecting you and your sons.
Even if you miscarry due to pregnancy complications, Baelon is right by your side to reassure you.
"It's okay, love... We'll try again another time."
Baelon is overly affectionate, his grip tight as he sleeps beside you.
You're always smothered by him... always kept isolated...
Right up until one of you perishes.
Either one of you would free you from your isolation.
Yet part of you wants to stay with your sons....
Either way, Baelon is a possessive man...
You are his queen, even if he isn't king yet...
You will always be right by his side, even if he has to drag you, right up until you die.
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greycloudsinwinter · 10 months ago
Yandere Corys Velaryon and first wife Targaryen reader.( Aemon and Jocelyn's daughter.)
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🌊 he meets you and your as wild as the sea full of knowledge and passion.
🌊he’s bewitched when you disagree with other people’s opinions and stand up for your own.
🌊starts to imagine a future with you he can see it clearly. You living at driftmark and the children running around.
🌊he wants three to five so be prepared.
🌊convinced viserys that it would help the bonds of old valerian together. He knows his grandchildren are bastards and still loves them. But he uses it to make viserys marry you and him together.
🌊your wedding is on a beach it was very beautiful and you were dressed in blue they named the wedding ‘the blue wedding’ because everyone and everything was blue . From shades no one even knew existed.
🌊rivals he cares little for because he already has you so there is no need to worry about them.
🌊try escaping and he will make you watch innocence people drown and say ‘it didn’t have to come to this .’ Or ‘this never could of happened if you were a good spouse’ so if you care for others do not try escaping.
🌊a strong willed and observant yandere he is so stubborn and will have his way even if it means making sacrifices.
🌊overall not the worst but not the best yandere to have . If you are obedient and do your duty you will love a life of luxury. However if not you are going to go through so much trauma and no one will save you because you are married .
Thank you for the request ❤️❤️
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darkestspring · 1 year ago
Hello. Came to mind. What would Yandere Aemon and Yandere Baelon's reactions be? His sisters, Saera and Viserra, treat the dear reader badly. They say that their brothers should choose them because they are both true Targaryens.
hmmmmm, to be honest, i don't see saera and viserra as they type to treat reader badly, they might honestly might spill all the stalking that baelon and aemon do just to rile them up because they think it's fun but i don't think they'd treat reader badly but while baelon and aemon are charming and chivalrous, they're also extremely violent towards those that anger them.
(i also can't see them using the fact that they're true targaryens as the reason why baelon and aemon would choose them, like they'd clearly see how obsessive they are and go "let's poke the dragon." especially saera.
i think saera would befriend reader just to fuck with her brothers because she thinks its so hilarious when others are sentenced to death because of their jealousy.
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gulnarsultan · 11 days ago
Immortal modern Reader tired and resting in bed, after saving Aerea and Balerion and returning them back home from Old Valyria.
Immortal modern Reader: Finally, I can have some rest.
Just as she was about to sleep, the door burst open and the children of Jaehaerys and Alysanne came to her for help.
Yandere Aemon: Y/N, I’m marrying Jocelyn, will you join us in the wedding?☺️
Yandere Baelon: Y/N, I have claimed Vhagar. Come on, I want to show you my new tricks!☺️
Yandere Alyssa: Y/N, I’m going to marry Baelon and I hope you will join us in our wedding.☺️
Yandere Maegelle: Y/N, I’m going to be in Oldtown. I pray you will visit me soon.😌
Yandere Vaegon: Y/N, father wants me to marry Daella, but I don’t want to!😫
Yandere Daella: Y-Y/N! Saera is mean to me and father wants me to marry, but I’m so scared! I don’t want to be a Silent Sister!😭
Yandere Saera: Y/N, father called me a whore! And thinks of me as a disappointment!😤
Yandere Viserra: Y/N, I’m beautiful right? Please, don’t let my parents to marry an old fat lord!🥺
Yandere Gael: Y/N, can you play with me pretty please? I feel lonely.😢
Immortal modern Reader slowly but scarily turns to look at Jaehaerys and Alysanne: can I have some rest… FOR FIVE MINUTES?!🤬😾
Yeah, in my head it was more funny and hilarious. I mean, everyone thinks Immortal modern Reader is a legend, so obviously the children would want to spend time with her… even though she wants to rest from everything that happened.
I can’t help but imagine Immortal modern Reader sitting like this 🗿while Yandere Rhaena and Aerea scolded J&A and their children for disturbing Y/N from regaining her rest and sleep.
Aerea vs JsA
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When the reader has time for sleep and rest.
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Hello dear. Thank you for this scenario. I had fun reading it. I think they see the reader as a hero and a port to take shelter in during the storm. Moreover, they demand the parental love that they cannot get from their parents from the reader. Poor reader. She has no time to rest. I think JsA will scold her more than the children. After all, they are the parents who have so many children and do not care about them. Aerea is literally the reader's guardian cat.
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zapreportsblog · 1 year ago
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⬈ one shots ⬉
family ties / alec volturi x reader x jane volturi
you’re our soulmate darling / demetri volturi x reader x felix volturi
you are mine for eternity / cleon xii x reader
a new spider in my web / miguel o’hara x reader
hidden away from preying eyes / demetri volturi x reader x felix volturi
from the darkness the light exposes itself / poly volturi kings x reader
here for a good time not a long time / aro volturi x reader
our little fairy / poly volturi kings x reader
please don’t take our sunshine away / poly volturi kings x reader
you and I will rule together / aemon targaryen x reader
outworldly visitor / cleon xii x reader
a yandere’s obsession / klaus mikaelson x reader
⬈ headcanons ⬉
yandere demetri volturi headcanon
ranking yandere volturi members headcanon
yandere cleon xiii headcanon
yandere klaus mikaelson with a human partner headcanon
how the volturi would act with a yandere member
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