#seriously don't ask for suggestions
dyrewrites · 1 day
oh hii! srry for the late reply!
i'm NOT against smut or erotica at all! i'm against romancitizing abuse.
a lot of people understood it as if i'm saying "women are too stupid to differ fiction from reality" but that's not it!
we know the effects pornography has on misogyny, toxic masculinity and usually we only talk about how it affects men - since they're majority in consuming it - but i realized many books of dark romance has common elements with porn: "forbbiden" relationships, misogyny, extremely dub-con...
( i know that because unfortunately i was a kid with no supervision of whatever i was doing on internet :p )
besides that, i was also into animes. idk if you ever heard of "hentai" but basically is 2d porn and dark romance is SO similar to it. "guilty trap" of the victims...as i grew up, i started questioning myself "what the heck". it's something made for insecure men to feel better within themselves as they abuse women.
i have NO problem with smut or women being sexual but i can't denial certain topics need to be treated with caution.
well, that's it! thank you for your time!!
I refuse to answer if I have heard of this 'hentai'. Totally unaware of this thing we will not speak of.
Also, your statement that these things are "made for insecure men to feel better within themselves as they abuse women" tells me you've made up your mind on this topic and are perhaps coming into this with a more personal bias than I am.
Because I just want people to be able to enjoy their filthy fictions, and I will die on the hill that romanticizing things makes them easier to explore and understand.
I'll keep going with the discussion, on the off chance you'll read it all and maybe see where I'm coming from.
I'm putting this under a cut for the sexual language, and because I am going to go on.
I don't know what you mean by porn affecting misogyny and 'toxic masculinity'. So understand that I have no idea what you mean by those words in this context.
As for the effects of porn on men, and women, I...have issues with that belief. In general, I have issues with the belief that seeing or reading a thing can make someone behave a certain way on its own.
So let's discuss that, shall we?
Now, if someone's entire concept of relationships and sex stems from porn then yes, they will be broken. They will be heavily impacted by it, because it is not reality. Nor does it pretend to be reality. It is very clearly a fiction. Yet they've been given it and only it as example, so to them it is reality...and they will learn the hard way that it is not.
Same goes for animated and written pornography.
It isn't real. It is very clearly fiction.
So the only way it is affecting anyone, other than the intended affect of course, is if that's all they know.
But that's not everyone.
The average person reading the Dark Fantasy Romance that began this discussion is in her late twenties, thirties or well into her forties. She is likely married, maybe even a mother.
She knows how sex works. This will not change her opinion of how it works, but it might make her ask her husband to slap her ass or speak a little rougher once in a while. Just to see if she actually likes it. Because we never stop changing, as people, and it's fun to try new things with your partner.
But the books are a fantasy she indulges in because it is taboo, because most of it is likely impossible in real life, and because it touches some little part of her brain that wonders what she'd do in such a dangerous--and somehow arousing--situation.
It is made to titillate and as people's interests are wide and varied, there are many delights out there to choose from and create fiction of.
Some of it romanticizes abuse, yes, for the reasons stated above.
It does not, however, advocate for abuse or suggest one go out and do those things. It is a game, a fiction, and a fun little release from reality to enjoy.
There is no harm in fiction romanticizing the monstrous or depraved.
Where else can one explore those interests safely? Would you prefer someone with a fantasy of being subdued and 'taken advantage of' go on tinder and see if they can find someone to drug and play rape them?
It's an extreme example, but it's part of why these topics should be out there in fictional settings, and treated as the sexual fantasies they are. It's how to experience the weird little things some of us imagine without actually getting hurt.
People aren't going to go looking for someone to abuse them, or misunderstand the signs of abuse because the pretty fae prince in their books acted like that too.
So yes, by saying there's an issue with it, you are saying women are too stupid to tell fantasy from reality.
Your opinion on hentai, however, tells me someone caught you and made you feel dirty for watching it. Or, perhaps, you need to find something more your interest. Not that I have any suggestions.
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didderd · 1 year
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(Click/tap images for better quality)
*Simping simping simping*
Fell might have some competition 👀 (jk I'm poly)
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ibrithir-was-here · 4 months
Funeral potatoes?
Funeral potatoes are a Mormon staple comfort food, so named because someone always brings to a funeral or something to buck people up.
They are a delicious blend of hash browns, sour cream, condensed chicken soup, and a heart attack inducing amount of cheese to make a the best darn casserole you've ever had 👌👌👌
Oh yeah and corn flakes, can't forget the crushed cornflakes in the top. I know it sounds crazy but it really adds to the whole culinary experience. Its crunchy and gooey and sweet and tangy all at the same time.
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Give GLaDOS a strap-on and I think she'll be 10x more powerful
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gingermintpepper · 2 months
What’s the significance of each color in Ancient Greece? So green is the only neutral color and it represents mostly natural and earthy things, thank you for telling me that part !! Anyway, as for my Hyacinthus design’s hair being brown, it’s due to the combination of it being a fairly common interpretation of his appearance and also because I find I like how it looks with his skin tone and the purple of his eyes.
Okay, firstly; thank you so much for answering my question too!
Admittedly you can't beat out good, old fashioned colour theory so that's completely fair haha! I still think it's very interesting that brown became the common interpretation of his features so I'm always glad to hear other people's view on it <3
With respect to what colours meant or symbolised in Ancient Greece, it's a super fascinating topic because the Ancient Greeks had a very different perception of colour than how a lot of people - and in this case I'll generalise and say english-speaking people - perceive colour. In a lot of languages, especially older ones, colour wasn't just a way to describe the physical perceptional reality of an observable object (that is, the light reflecting off the object that gives it its perceived hue - the way we perceive colour now) but colour was also used to describe the way in which the people experienced the world. A really good way to think about it is now, if you wanted to distinguish between two types of blue, you would instinctively make a distinction between their shades ("This blue is darker/lighter!") whereas these older people would distinguish based on things in their present, shared world that best matched what they were being asked to describe ("This blue is like the sky/the sea!")
That's an important concept to keep in mind because ancient greek was very unique in that, in addition to this concept of colour being completely intertwined with physical objects (and therefore also acquiring the properties of these objects in the minds of the people), the ancient greeks also did not particularly care about distinguishing between different colour hues (that is, differences in specific individual colour) but rather they were entirely focused on a colour's value - that is, whether it was considered light or dark.
Taking all of this into consideration, the question 'what is the significance of the different colours in Ancient Greece' is a bit of a tricky one to answer because unlike say, Ancient Egyptian which has very clear colours (red, white, green), very clear physical objects that give those colours their property (the desert sand, the sun, people's skin) and very clear symbolic meanings that arose from the natures ascribed to those physical objects due to their influence on the people's lives (hostility, power, new life), Ancient Greece's colours and the perception of those colours was much more abstract and poetic, contingent on their understandings and perceptions of things like light and dark, the sense of touch or taste (sweet and bitter/wet and dry) and what quality was ascribed to the object whose colour is being perceived. Colour was a matter of cosmology, of philosophy and there were many different schools of thought on it from Empedocles' physicalist theories to Anaxagoras' realist theories.
All of this is to say, take the meanings I outlined in this handy-dandy table with a tablespoon of salt! These are based on my understanding of the language used to describe things in classical writings that have survived and my own bias towards Empedocles' physicalist theory of colour and the nature of colour which I also think is very useful for people into greek mythology as a whole due to it making clear links between various gods creating things from mixtures of the four basic elements of nature and the colours that are the result of these mixtures.
I hope this helps even a little and I very much encourage you to do some research into different Greek schools of thought when it comes to colour and the perception of colour as well as how colour affects/reflects the innate nature of all things!
(Also, slight extra note, I left out Kokkinos (scarlet/blood-red) from the table because I didn't really think it was relevant for this outline despite it definitely being an ancient colour. It's a bit difficult to find examples of it with the kind of descriptors Empedocles outlines and I don't want to make assumptions based on third hand knowledge on the greek concept of the nature of things. I'd like to believe it was addressed in more detail in Empedocles' original document - only a fragment of the original some two thousand lines have survived after all - it is confirmed that Empedocles spoke on the recipe for blood and flesh, an equal mixture of all four elements as opposed to bones' four parts fire, two parts earth and two parts water (which is why bones shine white, there's more fire than earth or water) - and I don't want to conject or make assumptions.
I also left out Erythros or basic/primary red according to Plato's list of basic colours because that seemed to have specifically been preferred by Egyptian Greeks according to linguistic data. If I opened up that can of worms with respect to the shared Egyptian-Greek colour language including the way the Greeks like many early peoples did not culturally perceive blue until the invention of Egypt's blue dyes then I would be writing forever and you would never get an actual clear answer about Greek colour symbolism separate and apart from Egyptian cultural influence lmfao. )
A few of the documents that helped me consolidate this information include Sassi's 2022 Philosophical Theories of Colour in Ancient Greek Thought and Ierodiakonou's Empedocles on Colour and Colour Vision. There are also a fair few translations and discussions of the fragments of Empedocles' On Nature still floating about - my copy is a somewhat archaic volume of Leonard's 1908 translation but I never went out searching for updated interpretations and translations of the text since its constantly referenced in perceptional philosophy papers LOL
Anyway, yeah, hope this helps! :D
#ginger rambles#ginger answers asks#I don't know if this is what you wanted but I really really hope it helps!!#I wish I was able to find a way to actually have the table in this response but I'm just not good with stuff like that so I just decided#to link it instead; hopefully that's not too troublesome#There's a LOT to talk about when it comes to the greeks and their perception of colour#The discussion of colour and how languages evolved to accommodate them is also a very fascinating thing#Yes I am a historical linguist how did you know#Both kyanos and porphyrous are really fun because you can tell they were adopted later#because they come from the names for gemstones that were already in circulation and trading as opposed to words unattached to an observable#tangible feature in the world#Like pyrros is named after fire vs kokkinos which is named after the holly seeds#that were grinded up to make red dye that they used for their clothing#which is another reason I chose to use pyrros over kokkinos on the table#Seriously though#This stuff is mad interesting I highly suggest you take a day and just go down the rabbit hole a bit#Even small things like this can help massive recontextualise the often distant and detached way modern audiences are prone#to treating mythologies from the cultures that they were deeply ingrained in#greek mythology#linguistics#I guess LMFAO#Cosmology#Extra secret fun fact#My Hyacinthus is a realist aka he doesn't believe in all this four elements stuff#He quicker subscribes to the realist school of thought made apparent by sticks in the mud like Anaxagoras and Parmenides#ginger chats about greek myths
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grape-souffle · 9 months
Also here's a lil wip since I've been too busy to draw recently:
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In case you can't decipher my sketch writing: B is asking who's femur that is, to which Stoli simply says "guess"
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leqclerc · 4 months
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#i am once again asking what the fuck happened between february and the first week of may#this is why i don't get how people can say 'oh im sure charles knew ahead of time he just didn't know when xavi would leave exactly'#when nothing he's said today suggests he knew? or agreed to it?#and the timing is bizarre like if this was the plan all along why not do it before the season started#and not 6 races in with no explanation#charles even defended him in front of the press yet again when they were fishing for information#asking if this will mean communication will improve which...... lol fuck off#they didnt even have any major communication issues this year and the stuff that happened before was a result#of general pitwall fuckery - especially in 2022 when the mismanagement and chaos was egregious under mattia#feel like im just yelling into the void but this is seriously pissing me off#say what you want about xavi but this was objectively handled very poorly on fred/ferrari's part#not discussing the issue with the driver is already pretty bad but not even informing him prior to/during the miami weekend.....#that's just fucked up#i can't see mercedes or red bull blindsiding lewis or max like that#even mclaren like afaik whenever someone else has to step in as race engineer for the weekend the driver is aware in advance#like they literally just cut xavi off at the knees to do? what exactly? shove him in some dusty corner back at the factory or wherever?#never to be seen again? yeah fuck them ugh
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thinking of my blorbos but not in a "i love you you love me all is well" way but a "i love you hope you kill me" way lol
#cylas vents#negativity#negative#death wish#lmao#bitches be like '[potentially concerning thing]' and then add 'lol' as if it's funny or a joke lmao#like i mean technically it's not but then again it is bc it's me. like yeah don't worry don't take this seriously don't mind me ok#it doesn't really matter anyway kk. or maybe it's more like I'm the joke.#like idk the thought that like most of my f/os would probably kill me on sight should be less comforting than it is i guess#imagine casually making posts like this and still being like 'ok but maybe im not actually mentally ill maybe im faking maybe im lying to#myself maybe im making excuses maybe im imagining things maybe im just lazy' etc etc#none of the antidepressants since fluoxetine decided it's over have done shit and even my psychiatrist now is always like 'hm. so do you#want to keep trying other things' and like yeah what else can i do? therapy didnt do anything for this specific issue and the tagesklinik#lady didnt really seem to get my issue (well her suggestions for like therapy groups or whatever were more about socialising or whatever#like ??? girl that's really not the main problem here lmao but she also did have a point about how i would have to actually go there every#day etc but like#what else am i supposed to do#hi i am always tired and sometimes struggle to even get out of bed and thats why i worry about getting a job or something bc it could become#too much or whatever but like unfortunately thats kind of a requirement for everything lmao#when psychiatrist asks what i want/expect or whatever i am internally like 'a magic pill that just fixes everything and makes me a normal#functional human being' but like that's just not A Thing (tm)#so. like. what else am i supposed to do.#i don't want to be like this forever#idk how to tag lmai#using stuff like#tw suicidality#tw suicidal#tw suicidal ideation#just feels so over the top and like i dont have the right to use them lol
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kyouka-supremacy · 1 year
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Does anyone know where I can find the good quality version of this image? It's so frustrating because when cross searching on google it'll tell me the original quality is 850x478, but I can't find a way to download it in that quality. This is another version of the image (I'm guessing it's Mayoi promo art):
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But I liked the clean white background one...
#It's cute...#It's got Akutagawa stealing glances at Atsushi#Thought asking was worth a try ;;;;;;#Google cross image search has changed and as someone who used it as I use breathing it's been absolutely heartbreaking.#It makes cross searching images so much harder it's awful#Because before when you looked up an image it suggested you the best quality avaible of that image.#And the search got worse every year but it was still functional you know??#But now there's not that anymore. There's no “large” “medium” “small” and instead it only gives you “find image source”#Dude I don't want to find the image source. I've downloaded the image I KNOW the source. What I want is ANOTHER SOURCE with better quality#And I used to get it when I was 10 and I used to get it when I was 15 and I sued to get it when I was 20#And now I don't have it anymore?? It stripes away one of the most powerful search tools on the internet from the public????#It drives me insane. Like why does internet get worse every year that's not how humanity is supposed to work#Sorry. I needed to rant. This makes every quality-freak media archivist (like me) job harder beyond comparison#Btw if you're looking for an alternative Yandex images still does the work... It's not as powerful search engine as google#and it's often going to miss the particular hidden media (y'know- super niche Akutagawa merch from 2018 and stuff)#But for the rest it does a pretty good job. If anything there's still the best quality avaible option#But seriously looking up stuff for aktgw-daily has gotten so much harder ever since this fucked up change to google lens#and it makes me hate the world. I haven't been able to find a way to reverse it but if anyone more tech savy than me who has any idea-#what I'm talking about can help me. Please please hmu I'll be grateful forever#Sorry for the rant I have a lot of pent up rage over this. Stop making broke people's lives harder challenge#random rambles
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blueskittlesart · 1 year
whenever i see ppl say tp is the best zelda game im like "was it really?" like it was FINE but i enjoyed playing skyward sword way more than i did tp and that game truly sucks
the problem with tp is that it genuinely has some of the best dungeon design in the franchise. and so people who don't care about the story or people who think that zelda games generally lack story because they don't ever think about it too hard consider it a great game based on gameplay alone. and i recognize that the dungeoning in tp is really well-designed. the most fun i had playing the game was in the dungeons. but it's so severely lacking in narrative otherwise that every non-dungeon segment of the game was insanely boring and disengaging. i think for people who don't look too deeply at loz's storytelling it's easy to say "oh but tp has about the same amount of story as oot" because like, technically, physically, they have about the same amount of dialog and physical story segments between gameplay. the key difference is that oot had a very strong implied thematic narrative that tied all of that dialog and story-based gameplay together. tp did not. tp had a very loose plot that didn't really go anywhere or say anything and was oversaturated with filler. THAT'S why i don't like it
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everytime you pop up on my recommended it drives me insane bc one of my friends oc ships is also calvin x alex and it confused me so much how the fuck you knew about them
Oh shit sorry I've been meaning to replace that tag but I haven't any ideas for a tag yet sadly
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the-badger-mole · 1 year
What's your favorite recipe?
That is a tough one to answer. I have a lot of favorite recipes. Recently, though, I've been doing a lot of baking. I'm a stress baker and life's been pretty stressful. My current favorite recipe is for brown butter chocolate chip cookies.
2 c. (284 g) all purpose flour
1 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
12 tbs (170 g) unsalted butter, room temp
3/4 c (150 g) granulated sugar
3/4 c (150 g) brown sugar
1 tbs vanilla extract
3/4 tsp salt
1 large egg plus one yolk
8 oz (226 g) bitter sweet chocolate chopped into bite size pieces (or just regular chocolate chips. That's just as good. That's what I did)
Preheat oven to 350* (or 180*, if you're not in the US).
In a small bowl, whisk together flour, baking powder and baking soda.
Slice 4 tbs of butter into 4 pieces and put them in a large bowl. melt the remaining 8 tbs of butter in a skillet over medium-high heat. Heat butter until it's a dark golden brown and smells nutty (about 2 or 3 minutes). Pour browned butter and any of the browned bits on the bottom of the skillet into the bowl with the remaining 4 tbs of butter. Stir until all butter is melted and combined.
Stir in the granulated and brown sugars, vanilla and salt, until everything is combined. Wilk in the whole egg and the yolk until fully combined, and the mix is glossy and smooth. Let the batter sit for 2-3 minutes, then stir again for about 45 seconds.
Pour flour mix into the bow. and mix until all the dry ingredients are incorporated. Then pour in chocolate chunks (or chips, if you're using that instead) and mix them into the batter with a spatula or your hands (it should go without saying, but your hands SHOULD be clean). The dough will by shiny, slick and dense. It will take a while to incorporate all the chips evenly.
Form dough into 1 1/2 oz (2 tbs) balls and place on a sheet pan (aim for about 8 balls, but adjust as needed). Bake for 8 or 9 minutes, until the center is puffed, but the dough is still light, rotating the cookie sheet half way through. For crispier edges, bake for 9-10 minutes, rotating the cookie sheet half-way through. For firmer set cookies with crispy edges, bake for 10-11 minutes...rotating the cookie sheet half-way through.
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artemismatchalatte · 2 years
Wow. Sometimes I'm very lucky and my bipolar doesn't always affect me much. But no such luck lately. I'm worried that I might have to retake my modern lit course because I was so late with many of my assignments. I've been mentally messed up more or less with a mixed mood episode since last September. I'm currently on the line of passing and not passing the class (granted there are a few ungraded assignments, including my final so it's still possible that I'm overreacting). I'm usually a good student too so it's a point of pride for me. I went from the honor roll to this all due to me fighting with an illness... :/ (It is my fault for not managing things better so I'm not looking for pity here- just talking).
I cannot imagine how horrible this disorder is for people who didn't have the option of medication (I am medicated, believe it or not). I think about that about that a lot since I study history and look into many writer's and artist's biographies in my spare time. I feel very bad for them since they basically had to live with this disorder without the fixes I have simply because I was born late enough for treatments to exist.
Virginia Woolf and Sylvia Plath both haunt me. Other people too. Yes, Lord Byron was extremely shocking but consider- we don't actually know what he would have been like if he could have been treated. He wouldn't have died at 36, I'm almost certain of that. I am highly aware of what this disorder has done to people before me. It doesn't make it better. But I keep looking back any way, to see that many of them did incredible things, in spite of it all.
I just keep thinking that if they could do so much without any treatment- that I should be able to function with treatment??? I know: don't compare yourself to other people but I'm desperate to know that I can be successful even with this illness. That it's not going to force me to leave school (the one thing I have been historically good at) and waste my life toiling away for nothing.
So if it seems as if I have been hitting my head against something lately, you aren't wrong. The fall is not generally my friend, pretty as the leaves are. I have not been having a good time of it but we must go on any way because what other option is there? None, I tell you.
#leaves pretty brain shitty has been my fall for the last few years since 2018 at least...#consistently fall has been bad for my cycle though I like that time of year normally#granted a lot of things kept happening every fall since 2018 too#bipolar disorder#actually bipolar#I probably am a closet perfectionist in some cases#I am exhausted thanks for asking!#and yes for a few semesters I was an honor roll student in my grad school- not any more though LOL#seriously I'm going into debt for this degree and uh that promise to waive our debt never came to light so I'm very fucked rn#I have to finish this degree so I can work off my debt and build a good reputation for myself#I'm honestly afraid my illness might take away my ability to have a career at all; I'm desperate for a living wage!#it's not good#but this could be anxiety talking tbh#for real I'm amazed that like Virginia Woolf and others were able to do as much as they did in their lives#because without my medication I'd probably be useless??? Mania is not fun 10/10 would NOT suggest#I actually pity Lord Byron after reading his biography; he just seems like if mania was a person and um it explains his behavior completely#do you ever look back at other peoples' lives and see pieces of yourself in them and then feel really bad for them? cuz I do all the time#mychatter#I'm stubborn in that I refuse to quit school since I am aware that my family needs to know I can do this#please don't take this personally this is my problem and a pointless rant probably
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thatswhatsushesaid · 1 year
idk how you do it, i take one stroll into the side of the fandom that isn't in love with jgy and his cute hat and come back covered in toxic sludge. you're so cool for defending our lil guy <3
I have to give credit where credit is due, anon: no one could have better prepared me for not knowing when to let go of bad-faith marathon arguments on this hellsite than my mother 🤌 but in all seriousness, thank u
at this point tho I think the majority of that side of the fandom has me blocked, so I only see the most radioactive of the toxic sludge because my pals send me screenshots. for which I am eternally grateful tbh, please keep showing me the garbage, I have a pathological need to play in it.
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vivvy-of-the-lake · 1 year
Go on vivi… write the Bocchi inflation smut…
You know you want to…
the devil on my shoulder: don't write inflation smut, people won't care about it and it'll be weird
the angel on my shoulder:
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fenn-luxure-rp · 1 year
How do you keep your hair so silky and smooth? It's incredible
(omfg this is a late response but here goes nothing)
Let's just say it takes lots of time, money, and a little bit of magic (But don't try it at home, I don't want to get sued.)
Thanks for the ask!
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