#This stuff is mad interesting I highly suggest you take a day and just go down the rabbit hole a bit
gingermintpepper · 2 months
What’s the significance of each color in Ancient Greece? So green is the only neutral color and it represents mostly natural and earthy things, thank you for telling me that part !! Anyway, as for my Hyacinthus design’s hair being brown, it’s due to the combination of it being a fairly common interpretation of his appearance and also because I find I like how it looks with his skin tone and the purple of his eyes.
Okay, firstly; thank you so much for answering my question too!
Admittedly you can't beat out good, old fashioned colour theory so that's completely fair haha! I still think it's very interesting that brown became the common interpretation of his features so I'm always glad to hear other people's view on it <3
With respect to what colours meant or symbolised in Ancient Greece, it's a super fascinating topic because the Ancient Greeks had a very different perception of colour than how a lot of people - and in this case I'll generalise and say english-speaking people - perceive colour. In a lot of languages, especially older ones, colour wasn't just a way to describe the physical perceptional reality of an observable object (that is, the light reflecting off the object that gives it its perceived hue - the way we perceive colour now) but colour was also used to describe the way in which the people experienced the world. A really good way to think about it is now, if you wanted to distinguish between two types of blue, you would instinctively make a distinction between their shades ("This blue is darker/lighter!") whereas these older people would distinguish based on things in their present, shared world that best matched what they were being asked to describe ("This blue is like the sky/the sea!")
That's an important concept to keep in mind because ancient greek was very unique in that, in addition to this concept of colour being completely intertwined with physical objects (and therefore also acquiring the properties of these objects in the minds of the people), the ancient greeks also did not particularly care about distinguishing between different colour hues (that is, differences in specific individual colour) but rather they were entirely focused on a colour's value - that is, whether it was considered light or dark.
Taking all of this into consideration, the question 'what is the significance of the different colours in Ancient Greece' is a bit of a tricky one to answer because unlike say, Ancient Egyptian which has very clear colours (red, white, green), very clear physical objects that give those colours their property (the desert sand, the sun, people's skin) and very clear symbolic meanings that arose from the natures ascribed to those physical objects due to their influence on the people's lives (hostility, power, new life), Ancient Greece's colours and the perception of those colours was much more abstract and poetic, contingent on their understandings and perceptions of things like light and dark, the sense of touch or taste (sweet and bitter/wet and dry) and what quality was ascribed to the object whose colour is being perceived. Colour was a matter of cosmology, of philosophy and there were many different schools of thought on it from Empedocles' physicalist theories to Anaxagoras' realist theories.
All of this is to say, take the meanings I outlined in this handy-dandy table with a tablespoon of salt! These are based on my understanding of the language used to describe things in classical writings that have survived and my own bias towards Empedocles' physicalist theory of colour and the nature of colour which I also think is very useful for people into greek mythology as a whole due to it making clear links between various gods creating things from mixtures of the four basic elements of nature and the colours that are the result of these mixtures.
I hope this helps even a little and I very much encourage you to do some research into different Greek schools of thought when it comes to colour and the perception of colour as well as how colour affects/reflects the innate nature of all things!
(Also, slight extra note, I left out Kokkinos (scarlet/blood-red) from the table because I didn't really think it was relevant for this outline despite it definitely being an ancient colour. It's a bit difficult to find examples of it with the kind of descriptors Empedocles outlines and I don't want to make assumptions based on third hand knowledge on the greek concept of the nature of things. I'd like to believe it was addressed in more detail in Empedocles' original document - only a fragment of the original some two thousand lines have survived after all - it is confirmed that Empedocles spoke on the recipe for blood and flesh, an equal mixture of all four elements as opposed to bones' four parts fire, two parts earth and two parts water (which is why bones shine white, there's more fire than earth or water) - and I don't want to conject or make assumptions.
I also left out Erythros or basic/primary red according to Plato's list of basic colours because that seemed to have specifically been preferred by Egyptian Greeks according to linguistic data. If I opened up that can of worms with respect to the shared Egyptian-Greek colour language including the way the Greeks like many early peoples did not culturally perceive blue until the invention of Egypt's blue dyes then I would be writing forever and you would never get an actual clear answer about Greek colour symbolism separate and apart from Egyptian cultural influence lmfao. )
A few of the documents that helped me consolidate this information include Sassi's 2022 Philosophical Theories of Colour in Ancient Greek Thought and Ierodiakonou's Empedocles on Colour and Colour Vision. There are also a fair few translations and discussions of the fragments of Empedocles' On Nature still floating about - my copy is a somewhat archaic volume of Leonard's 1908 translation but I never went out searching for updated interpretations and translations of the text since its constantly referenced in perceptional philosophy papers LOL
Anyway, yeah, hope this helps! :D
#ginger rambles#ginger answers asks#I don't know if this is what you wanted but I really really hope it helps!!#I wish I was able to find a way to actually have the table in this response but I'm just not good with stuff like that so I just decided#to link it instead; hopefully that's not too troublesome#There's a LOT to talk about when it comes to the greeks and their perception of colour#The discussion of colour and how languages evolved to accommodate them is also a very fascinating thing#Yes I am a historical linguist how did you know#Both kyanos and porphyrous are really fun because you can tell they were adopted later#because they come from the names for gemstones that were already in circulation and trading as opposed to words unattached to an observable#tangible feature in the world#Like pyrros is named after fire vs kokkinos which is named after the holly seeds#that were grinded up to make red dye that they used for their clothing#which is another reason I chose to use pyrros over kokkinos on the table#Seriously though#This stuff is mad interesting I highly suggest you take a day and just go down the rabbit hole a bit#Even small things like this can help massive recontextualise the often distant and detached way modern audiences are prone#to treating mythologies from the cultures that they were deeply ingrained in#greek mythology#linguistics#I guess LMFAO#Cosmology#Extra secret fun fact#My Hyacinthus is a realist aka he doesn't believe in all this four elements stuff#He quicker subscribes to the realist school of thought made apparent by sticks in the mud like Anaxagoras and Parmenides#ginger chats about greek myths
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Hiii I hope this isn’t weird but I’m traveling to Australia soon and I would like to know
what to do{I got recommended The Blue Mountain(The3sisters)}
Is there things(places) I should avoid?
Is there any customs Americans have that should avoid doing while in Australia?
Thank you so much I appreciate your time and response ♥️
Hey! Depends on where you're going. By the sound of it, if you've been recommended the Blue Mountains you're going to NSW. I don't know anything about NSW unfortunately, but I can tell you some stuff about Victoria!
I'll try and write some general stuff up, but if you send me another ask about what sort of stuff you'd be interested in doing/seeing, and how you're travelling (if you're planning to hire a car, or if you're going to rely on Ubers and public transport), I'd be more than happy to point you to some specific things :)
This'll be long, so I'll put it under the read more.
It depends what you're after, really. If you want to immerse yourself in nature, then we have some really fantastic natural areas such as the Otways, the Great Ocean Road, the Dandenong Ranges (not to be confused with the suburb Dandenong), the Yarra Ranges, the Macedon Ranges, and Victorian High Country etc. These are really fantastic places to walk around in the beautiful land. All these offer different hikes/bushwalks/walking trails that you can enjoy either by yourself or a mate. All these areas are very safe.
AVOID: TBH Victoria and Australia as a whole are very safe places, the only places I would recommend avoiding are outer suburbs of Melbourne. If you're going to the countryside you're largely going to be safe, I wouldn't recommend Ararat at night (they do have a really fantastic Chinese Museum there though), or some parts of Shepparton.
If you're interested in hanging out by the beach, there's heaps here. I wouldn't recommend Brighton beach, just because if it's a pain in the arse to get parking there depending when you'll be here, nor would I recommend Rye because it gets mad crowded. I'd also suggest going to Phillip Island, which has some cool stuff to do such as A Maze N' Things, which I think is geared more towards young children/families but I can't really recall. Phillip Island is most famous for its penguin parades, where you get to watch all the tiny little fairy penguins arrive home from their long days of fishing and swimming about. If you're really keen on animals, I also recommend Healesville Sanctuary (near the Yarra Ranges, it's about an hour and a bit from Melbourne), Werribee Open Range Zoo, and Melbourne Zoo (if you go to Melb Zoo, leave the car at home and take the tram! There's a stop right out the front :) ).
If you're keen on relaxing there's Daylesford, which is known as Victorian Spa Country because of... I'm sure you've guessed, the spas! It's also nice and close to some beautifully country towns such as Kyneton and Romsey which are part of the Macedon Ranges I believe. I used to holiday every year in Kyneton and Castlemaine, and they're really beautiful places. Castlemaine has a really great farmer's market every first Sunday of the month.
Near there, about an hour away, there's Sovereign Hill, which I highly recommend as it's SO much fun! It's a historical town, where everything is built like it would have been in the 1850s during the goldrush. You can do fun activities there like ride in a horse-drawn carriage, make your own traditional wax candles, and pan for gold in the river. If you go, I recommend you buy at least two jars of raspberry drops from the gift shop there: they are the best that you will find in the entire world.
Sovereign Hill is also close to Ballarat, which is a massive country town with beautiful architecture and some pretty nifty restaurants if you know where to look. I recommend The Forge, really delicious pizza, all wood-fired so the bases have that beautiful smoky taste. It also has a really nice ambience, and is IIRC next to a cute alleyway that has 100s of umbrellas hanging over like a little ceiling which is a great place to take photos :)
I'd also recommend Echuca, which is a far drive away but is worth it. Another old-style town with old-style shops. They have a really fun old-timey PENNY arcade (for reference, we stopped using pounds and pennies and switched to dollars in 1966) with arcade machines from 1900 to 1950. They also show old silent black and white films there. Just be careful with the bloke who runs the store because he'll try and trick you into electrocuting yourself on the electrocution arcade game 💀 it doesn't hurt dw but it does feel really weird.
Now for Melbourne. If you're looking for nightlife recommendations, I couldn't really tell you--however I can ask around and let you know. I would recommend checking out Melbourne Museum, of course, which is FANTASTIC. Beautiful displays of insects, they're absolutely mesmerising. We currently also have a display on Horridus, the triceratops fossil. It's a beautiful exhibit and you might cry a bit (I def did). There's also the State Gallery of Victoria, which is great fun as well. Do Not Go To The Restaurant There. It's nice! But it's overpriced. From there, you can hop on the tram back towards Federation Square, where you can find ACMI (Australian Centre for the Moving Image--very interactive) and the Koorie Heritage Trust (which is a great place to go if you're interested in learning a bit more about the traditional owners of Australia and their art). If going to Fed Square, I recommend checking out Mabu Mabu which is an indigenous owned restaurant that uses native ingredients and flavours to make mega delish food. It can be a bit pricey tho, but definitely worth it!
Otherwise in Melb I would recommend the Queen Victoria Market (massive market with heaps of stuff for pretty cheap, can get really great food from here too!), Fitzroy Mills Market which is... it's a very trendy spot where you can get heaps of cool clothes and accessories. TBH it's not my cup of tea but there's also a bloke there that sells pretty nice toasties so it's fun to go to for that. I also recommend the Rose Street Market, beautiful handmade market with heaps of cool stuff. Can be pricey though, but even if you don't buy much from there, there's a lot of nice cafés and bakeries around that rule. It's also very close to the Fitzroy Market, so you can walk between them, as they run on the same days.
TBH for Melbourne, if you're interested pls send me an ask with stuff you're interested in, and I'll be able to narrow down some recommendations there. There's just a LOT of stuff to do in Melbourne as it is the State Capital.
Now for customs as an American that you should avoid while in Australia: this is a bit hard for me to answer as I've only been to the USA once so can't really remember that many differences so if any of these seem offensive to you, sorry. I would say you don't need to tip, but if you do it's appreciated. If you're on public transport, don't speak loudly on public transport, if you're driving, use your indicator/blinker. Our service culture is a lot different here, I would follow the etiquette of: the server/cashier/storeperson/whatever is doing me a favour, not the other way around, and this goes without saying but use please and thank-you with everyone for everything. Stick to the left!!! This goes for driving but for walking too, if you're walking around the city, stay on the left side of the footpath!!
God, that got long. Sorry!! Let me know if you have any other questions, esp regarding travelling around Victoria as I've done a HEAP of it with my family and can give you more specific recommendations if you would like :)
Most of all, when you're here, have fun! Strike up conversation with friendly looking locals and you will have a total blast.
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le-velo-pour-dru · 9 months
honestly, i followed you because of the amazing devil but ive seen so much idkhow stuff i feel like i have to let myself get dragged into it now. what songs/albums would you recommend?
Oh yeah hehehe 😅 Sorry I haven't been posting a lot of TAD stuff these days. That's kind of an obsession that comes and goes for me, but rest assured they're still one of my favorite musical groups of all time, I think they're phenomenal :3 🩷
OKAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ONTO iDKHOW >:3 ❤️ It excites me to no end that you want to get into his music, cause he's tied for being one of my favorite musicians of all time, and his music is sooooooooooooooooo important to me, it makes me so happy!! 😁❤️ There's not much for me to recommend you in terms of albums (all we have are two EPs and one album so far), so I'll just give you some songs that I'd recommend :D ❤️
Starting with 1981 Extended Play, I recommend Choke, Social Climb, and Do It All The Time. Choke was my (and many other people's) starter song when it comes to iDKHOW, and it's even the song he's recommended people who are interested in him should check out first, so it's a great starting place if you're trying to get into his music :3 ❤️ Social Climb is one of my all-time favorite iDKHOW songs, it's really good and it has the best music video in my opinion >:3 💖 And while Do It All The Time isn't one of my personal favorites, it's very fun and upbeat and has a VERY cool video to go along with it :D ❤️
As for Razzmatazz, I recommend Leave Me Alone, Mad IQs, New Invention, and Sugar Pills. Leave Me Alone is probably iDKHOW's second most recognizable song after Choke, so I'd say it's also a great starting place for someone trying to get into his music :3 ❤️ Mad IQs is just a very fun and energetic song, New Invention is a lot slower than most of the songs I've recommended but it is honestly such a groove, and Sugar Pills is another very energetic, upbeat song and one that I really love :3 💖
Gloom Division isn't out yet, but Dallon has released one song from it other than Gloomtown Brats, and I highly suggest you check it out too!! It's called WHAT LOVE? :3 💖 It's very different from the other songs I've listed here, as Dallon took influence from '90s R&B artists such as Prince and Color Me Badd, but it's a great song with one of my absolute favorite music videos!! Definitely worth a listen :3 💖
So yeah! Those are my recommendations!! If that feels like too long a list, feel free to just pick and choose from it based on whatever sounds personally interesting to you ❤️ I'm really happy that you're taking interest in his music, and that I'm able to share with someone this music that has brought me so much joy over the past year or two ^^ 💖
0 notes
Dark Shenanigans - Nandor x (f)reader
Summary: It’s Nadja’s something hundredth birthday, with that said, you’re on a mission to make it great.
Warning: fluff, general vampire nonsense
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“Yeah being a half vampire half human does have its perks. I mean for one I can do all that cool vampire shit and I can go out in the sunlight...so that helps for when they’re all being really annoying.” You admit with a casual shrug to one of the documentary cameras before turning to an isle of party supplies. “So anyways we’re at this store.”
The camera shifts to the multiple arras of supplies and materials at the local supermarket in Staten Island that you and your vampire lover’s human familiar, Guillermo, currently are. Specifically on the hunt for birthday decorations for Nadja and ghost Nadja who’s possessed a strange looking doll for the time being.
Since the other four actual full vampires can’t shop for themselves at this time of day or really in general, you and Guillermo have been given such an honorable task in making Nadja’s birthday the best one yet. Considering she’s the most well balanced in the head out of the four of them and is the only other lady of the manor.
“Hey Y/N, how’s this look?” Wonders Guillermo as he holds up a bunch of Mardi Gras beads of yellows, purples, and greens. “Comments, questions, concerns?” He adds with a small smile.
Eyeing up the beads, your head shifts over to the other various colors, “Hrmm, G I’m feeling the vibe you’re going for this year and I like it, but let’s go with Nadja colors.”
Guillermo’s dark eyes light up at your positive suggestion, “Right! So the red and black ones then?”
“Yup. She’ll love that shit.” You state with a satisfied nod of approval, “Let’s get some black and gold confetti from over there and oh, those masquerade masks look cool as fuck.”
You pick up and test out various masks in the background as Guillermo adds some bits of dialogue for the documentary crew, “Um yeah she’s really cool isn’t she.” He says with a smile while glancing at you then back to the camera, “Which is kind of odd since Y/N’s been with Nandor since 1793 so you’d think she’d be a little more like them but no, she’s super chill and really nice.” Suddenly his face goes a bit serious as he leans in to whisper, “But she did kill a whole street gang once when they threw a slur at me so I wouldn’t mess with her. For your safety.”
The camera pans back over to an oblivious you who’s put on a masquerade mask and is swinging a plastic light saber around with a whole lot more accuracy and grace then would a normal person. The camera then pans back to Gullimero, “Um, I’m just gonna....make sure she doesn’t smack anyone.”
Arms full of groceries of food for you and Gullimero, as well as random party decorations for Nadja’s birthday tomorrow night, you use the bottom of your boot to skillfully open the door as the documentary crew and Guillermo follows suit. Guillermo now on the verge of falling over with the large heart shaped pillow in his arms that’s covering most of his body.
You don’t feel tired in the slightest due to your half vampiric abilities so this is nothing to you, “Alright.” You state, turning on your heel to face the crew and Guillermo, “They’re asleep so we gotta be extra sneaky now, I don’t want Nadja catching us with all this cool spooky birthday shit. Everyone to the attic!” You whisper yell before leading the charge to the attic.
They all follow as quietly and as quickly as they can and then soon enough in no time are you and Guillermo back outside in the sunny garden trying to figure out if you should blow up the giant sea monster pool floaty.
“I mean it would look cool as hell and no doubt out-do whatever the fuck boring thing Lazlo probably has planned.” You quip with a shrug while the two of you stare thoughtfully at the small gloomy dark pond. “He’s got no chance with us. I’ve won best decorator and card maker for two hundred years in a row.”
Guillermo side eyes you in honest amazement, “Wow that’s a lot of years. And cards.”
“I know. I was an artist in the 12th century but my no good terrible good for nothing piece of garbage trash sexist human husband, who I was forced to marry when I was only sixteen, took all the credit for my artwork in that era.” You confirm with a growl, “But it stings less because once I finally grew into my powers and strength at eighteen I simply made his untimely demise look like an accident.” You add with a smirk.
“Oh, wow.” Mutters the intrigued familiar.
“Precisely. The old fool was thrown off his horse because I told Philip, the horse, to throw him off. And he did. Which killed the idiot so I got the house and all of his money.”
“That’s......neat.” Mutters Guillermo as he shoots the camera crew from behind you and him a nervous look. “Uh the suns going down so I should probably help Nandor out of his coffin.”
Raising your head to the sky you immediately see how the sun has begun to paint the clouds in beautiful colors of oranges, reds, light pinks, and darkening purples. “Oh, how bout that. Yeah alright let’s get inside.” You nod to Guillermo before turning to walk towards the manor’s giant mahogany doors.
Turning the handle and walking a couple feet into the large main room that holds itself as a sort of crossroads for all the other various connecting hallways and staircases. You don’t make it even three more steps towards the left ascending staircase before you hear the highly recognizable voice of your one and only.
“Y/N! My lovely wife and favorite person still ever so lovely!” Announces Nandor loudly with a grand smile showing off his pearly white fangs, “How I have missed you and your morning kisses. Where have you been off to?” He wonders softly as you smile a big dumb love-struck grin right back up at him, you’d absolutely die to hear that accent one last time.
“I can’t tell you right now it’s a secret!” You whisper yell back, causing his thick dark brows to scrunch up in confusion.
“But I am your lovely strong puff dragon Y/N.” Whines Nandor adorably as you roll your eyes at the cameras before looking back up at him.
“Fine. Come here then.”
In an instant he’s at your side, excitedly awaiting what secretive news you will tell him, “Okay, so we know it’s Nadja’s birthday tomorrow right?”
“Yes. I remember because she hasn’t shut up about it.”
“Right. So me and Gullimero got some fun surprise birthday party decorations and they’re in the attic and we can’t tell Nadja.”
Nandor gives you a knowing look of affirmation as he leans in closer to you, his demeanor suddenly shifting into a more saddened one, “You went shopping without me?” He says quietly.
Leaning up to give him a quick peck on the cheek your hands instantly find his, “Just for a little while, but I still need to find more stuff so....you wanna come?”
Nandor’s big dark eyes light up with joy as you hand him a kind smile, “Yes! Let us go in search of unknown treasures for our lady friend Nadja so she will not be mad at us for terrible dull gifts of friendship.”
Laughing you give his hands a playful squeeze, “Come on I’ll race you to Party City!” You say before leading him past the camera crew and Guillermo who simply watches the two of you leave, glad to have an hour of peace.
“There’s a whole city for partying? Y/N why have we never been to this place?”
“Y/N there are no people partying here.” Whines your vampire lover in puzzlement as he follows you from the entrance to a side isle. “You said this was a city for partying.”
“That’s just the name of the store Nans.” You retort with a small chuckle as he looks from right to left at all the color coded party plates and napkins galore.
“Well the title is very misleading.”
Turning to the right you guide him towards the decretory pirate themed isle in search of something that will peak his interest. Also you wanted so badly to make it to this spot but Gullimero was a man on a mission so your intention was thwarted for when you had Nandor with you.
Speed walking down the pirate themed isle you quickly halt all movement as Nandor’s large body stops within less than an inch from your back. Smiling brightly you snatch the desired object in front of you and as swift as a cat turn to face him.
“Have you come for a dual my old enemy?” You speak slyly, eyes narrowed as you hold the foam sword right in front of his face. “I sense a nervousness about you. Tell me, are you ready to face your inevitable bloody end?”
Staring at the pointy foam, his dark puppy eyes shift over to you as an adorable fangy grin breaks out across his pale face, “Seems you have come prepared, oh radiant and alluring seductress. Well, so have I!” Shouts Nandor before grabbing two foam swords from off the rack and swinging them in both hands like a mad man.
Taking a cautious step back you hold your pathetic five dollar sword in both hands like a true warrior ready for battle, “Only one shall leave this place alive.” You affirm with a smirk, “And it’s not going to be you.”
“Arrrrrggg.” Bellows your lover as he charges you like the true conqueror that he once was. But all to soon do you swiftly duck under his arms and swat him over his stomach with a confident thwack sound.
He makes a puny little “oww” as you turn around to face him once again, “Y/N you hit me kind of hard.” He complains, looking rather defeated and genuinely hurt that you could have intentionally injured him on purpose.
Bringing the plastic weapon down to your side once again, your face suddenly softens as you walk over to him, “Come here you big baby.” You quip sincerely as he leans down so you can give his cheek a quick kiss.
Rising back to his full height, Nandor almost blushes as the corners of his eyes crinkle into a happy smile, “Actually it didn’t hurt at all I just wanted you to kiss me.” Reveals the vampire with a proud grin as you simply roll your eyes.
“Should have known.” You add before turning and snatching up four more plastic foam pirate swords for the others. “Alright let’s get outta here, follow me my love, to the checkout line we shall purchase our weapons of war and partying on the high seas.” You announce with gusto as Nandor stands proudly at your side, ready to follow you anywhere.
“Yes. To check out.”
Kicking open the unlocked door, Nandor bursts into the vampire residence with bags full of goodies for Nadja’s birthday party. You right behind him but less dramatically, “We’re back!” You shout to no one in particular as Colin Robinson suddenly appears from out of nowhere, looking ready to leave with his funny little hat and usual beige jacket.
“Oh hey guys,” He starts with a friendly nod, “I’m just heading out on the town tonight. I guess there’s a fair or something in the park and I wanted to test my skill at the ball toss. I’ve been reading up on the body mechanics and how the game is set up which seems pretty basic all in all. Also I really want to win a stuffed bear this time, it might add a little pizazz to my room. Welp see ya’round.” Adds Colin before walking past the two of you without another word and out into the night he goes with some of the camera crew following close behind.
Nandor turns to you with a look of annoyance, “Jeesh I thought he would never leave. Let’s go to your room I want to kiss you some more now.”
“Why my room?”
“Because since you are half vampire you get to sleep in a bed and because I am a full vampire I sleep in a coffin.” Inquires Nandor while looking at you with those big beautiful dark eyes of his, “And my coffin is too small for cuddles so your room will suffice.”
“Yeah that’s a fair point.” You shrug before following him to your room.
After many cuddles leading to other more rated R type activities that lasted until just about sunrise, you finally got some well needed rest while the sun shone high in the sky until she began her dramatic descend back into oblivion. Opening your eyes you slowly rise from out of your comfy bed, already missing the presence of your obsidian eyed lover.
He gets too nervous about your closed windows for fear that the sun might burn him which would be impossible because you black out the glass. But alas, he’s very cautious about these types of things and won’t risk it for anything, though he feels bad about leaving you in the morning, you understand.
Suddenly it dawns on you that today or perhaps tonight, is Nadja’s birthday and you completely forgot to set up any decorations. Shit, how stupid. Throwing the blankets off of you, your feet move quick as you speedily change yesterday’s outfit for something a bit nicer and more clean.
Racing out of your room and into the dimly lit manor hallway, you make a bee line for the attic but before you’re able to reach the steps, Guillermo runs into you, just about knocking you into a wall of various stolen ancient weapons. Sharp ones at that.
That was close.
“Y/N are you okay!” Worries the familiar as you quickly gather your bearings.
“Guillermo! The decorations! Nadja’s birthday!” You whisper yell as the human man simply smiles. “Why are you smiling, this situation does not call for smiles.”
“Don’t worry. While you were sleeping I set up all the decorations.” He replies with a shrug, “No problem.”
“What? But that must have taken you all day, you could have asked me for help. I would have come.” Your brows furrow as he shakes his head, though you still feel bad for not helping with anything.
“Well I did try, but um,” Gullimero awkwardly clears his throat, giving the camera a quick glance, “Nandor was with you and last time I asked for you while you and him where having alone time he threatened to carve out my eyeballs and force feed them to me.”
Pinching the bridge of your nose in annoyance you take a deep breath, “Sounds like him. Very creative when he wants to be, alright, well....where’s everyone?”
“Oh, they’re not up yet. I was actually on my way to get you. I made blood popsicles and the pool floaty is all done and in the pond.” He says with a sense of pride for his decorating skills. “I think she’ll like what we’ve come up with this year.”
Standing in the living room with your three fellow immortals you search a dresser for her card, “Oh shit where’s my card? I could have sworn I had it yesterday on my dresser but I don’t remember seeing it there in the morning. Maybe it’s in this one?”
“Witches!” Hisses Nadja as you huff in frustration, where the hell did you put that damn card?
“Oh, Y/N my love,” Intervenes Nandor with a gentle tug of your sleeve, “I took it with me when I left your room before sunrise because I wanted to put my name on it too so she would know it’s from us.”
“What?” Replies Lazlo dramatically, “Now hold on just a damn minute, this card competition is individually scored so I won’t be having any of this nonsense. I worked really hard on mine this year.”
“Oh lick a donkey’s arse, look here,” You retort with, quickly holding up the card for Nadja, “there are two separate drawings on ours so either way if one of us wins she gets both our pictures. So you better hope your drawing doesn’t resemble a night clubs bathroom wall.”
“Yeah.” Mutters Nandor, who’s hiding behind you while resting both hands on either one of your shoulders as you glare at Lazlo.
“Fine.” Agrees Lazlo begrudgingly, “And mine will be amazing, this bitch of paper took me a whole six months to plan and produce. Can’t get quality this good anywhere else I guarantee it.” Adds Lazlo with a firm nod of self approval as you glance at the nearby camera.
“Right, okay everyone sit it’s time for presents. I want to know what you all got me.” Beams Nadja excitedly as she smiles a fangy grin in delight, plopping herself down in one of the arm chairs. Lazlo quickly finding the other one while you and Nandor seat yourself on the large couch. Colin and Guillermo finding somewhere to sit close by respectfully.
“Well, all I can say is hold onto your socks my dear cause this is going to blow you away.” Smirks Lazlo as he pulls a small box from out of his jacket pocket.
“If it’s a self made business card that says invitation to sexy town I will puke.” You deadpan while Nandor laughs from beside you, causing Lazlo to lose his smirk as Nadja hides her amusement the best she can manage.
“He he, sexy town, nice one Y/N.” Mutters Nandor with a proud grin as you raise a brow at Lazlo who’s giving you a hard glare.
“Oh, my dear pumpkin pie love, don’t listen to Y/N I will love anything you gift me.” Encourages Nadja with a bright welcoming smile, no doubt immediately boosting Lazlo’s once irked mood.
Rolling your eyes you shift a bit to find yourself leaning into Nandor’s body as Nadja opens up the rest of the vampire residents various gifts. A joyous fangy smile gracing her pale features every single time, revealing this birthday party was a thrilling success.
After much more fun that just about lasts throughout the whole night, and some rare but hilarious attempts at dancing between the five of you vampiric individuals. You’re feeling rather sleepy and you can tell Nandor is ready for a trip to dreamland as well.
Swaying to the lowly playing record instrumental, you hold Nandor tight while simultaneously enjoying the feeling of him so close, him doing just the same as he keeps you firmly pressed against his chest. His long dark hair tickles your face as he presses his head to your cheek, doing his absolute best to keep the flow without tripping up.
Sensing his growing fatigue, you gently squeeze his hand, “My love the sun will be up soon, let’s get you to bed, yes?”
A small lazy smile tugs at the corners of his lips while he looks down to meet your gaze, “But my dark angel I’m not tired. I want to dance with you a little longer.” He whines adorably before failing to conceal a big yawn.
Giggling, you lean back to slowly lead him towards the door, “That yawn says otherwise.”
“That wasn’t a yawn Y/N, I was just smiling really big.” He protests, though he still follows your lead to the door.
“I’ve never seen anyone smile like that.” You add with a raised brow.
“Well maybe that’s just how I smile.”
Letting out a breathy snort, you pull away from him to at last take his one hand, “Come. I can’t have a single ray of that dreaded sun to get a taste of your precious skin. Not on my watch.”
Glancing at the closed front door, Nandor squeezes your hand, “Well um, now since you’ve mentioned the sun...I think I’d like to go to my crypt now.” He says, the flash of worry crossing over his face for only a brief moment.
“You sure? I mean a sunrise is pretty beautiful if I’m being honest and I know you never get to see them...”
“Not funny Y/N. And not fair, you know I can’t because I am full vampire.”
“And you’re missing out.”
“And I’d like to stay alive Y/N.”
“Aren’t you dead?”
“Yes and I am your only husband so I need to stay not burnt to a crisp.”
Chuckling, you follow him down the hallway, “Oh really? Don’t want me finding myself with another vampiric lover? Some new beast to sweep me off my feet and take me away into the night.” You tease.
Side eyeing you, he frowns, “No. Don’t I sweep you off your feet?”
Stepping into his crypt you stop him with your hand against his bicep, “Always.” You whisper sincerely with a quick wink, causing him to break out into a big fangy grin.
“Good. And if anyone would try and whoo you I would make sure there would be no more whooing again!” Exclaims Nandor, making the candles rise in flame for only a short second at his rise in emotion for how much he loves you.
“I don’t doubt they would fall by your blade. Not for a second.”
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hey, so the whole time I've been following you you have had impeccable taste in stuff to be obsessed with (taz, the witcher, the amazing devil, etc etc), which has me warily considering investigating hermitcraft. But there is SO MUCH of it, I don't have tons of time and I haven't a clue where to start or how this kind of media even works. Pick particular people to follow? then how do you get a sense of the overall story? or is there, like, a greatest hits playlist or something? Any advice? Thank you so much :D
Okay SO. The sort of "story" you get from hermitcraft isn't really a normal narrative bc it's just.... A bunch of Minecrafters building a lot of really cool things over the course of a year per season, give or take. Yes you'll get like... Bits sometimes, or a war, or A BIT of narrative that usually only includes themselves or maybe a couple others, but the story is more just the day to day, week to week cool things they make and shenanigans they get in to between that.
That said, yeah you kinda do just pick a person and a season and go, and you by no means need to start with the current ongoing season (which is season 9). I highly recommend starting with season 8, even tho it was a bit of an oddball with both being only about 6mo long and by having some lore-type stuff happening across the whole server by the end (moon big. You'll get it when you get it.). It's long enough to give you an idea what most seasons are like, and give you glimpses of the various personalities at play.
My suggestion is to start with anyone from Boatem, which would be Grian, ImpulseSV, GoodTimesWithScar, MumboJumbo, and Pearlescentmoon. Of the bunch I'd say Pearl or Grian are my top picks, Pearl was new in S8 which is always a good jumping on point, and Grian is just really accessible, and both of them interact with a lot of other people so you can find other Hermits you might be interested in watching. Just go to their YouTube channels - they have playlists for S8 to make it real easy.
However if you're short on time and really want to get a crash course in some of these personalities, I would actually suggest starting with 3rd Life. It was a short-term game they ran where everyone had only 3 lives (green, yellow, and red) and once you were red you essentially went aggro and were meant to try to kill the other players. Last player standing won. Grian put it together, and the players were a group of Hermits plus a few other mcyters that there friends with, and it was MADNESS. I highly suggest watching Grian's playlist first, but they basically recorded/played all at the same time for a couple of his one night a week for 8 weeks, so there's only 7-8 episodes to watch depending on the player you're watching.
And if you enjoy it, there are also two follow up seasons, Last Life and Second Life, that also run about the same with their own additional gimmicks. Plus if you like a player who isn't a hermit you can check out stuff THEY do, I guarantee they'll be cool.
Lmk if this helps! Good luck.
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katsukisblackteddy · 4 years
Okay, I know I already sent you another request, but this one...I just had to drop this one on ya. Can I request Bakugo, Hawks, Shinsou, and Dabi’s reaction to seeing their black s/o getting hit on in the most cringiest, fetishizing way while they’re standing next to them? Since the s/o is dating them, they know the things that should and shouldn’t be said to a black person, but the weirdo goes to them and says things along the lines of:
“Do you taste as chocolatey as you look?”
“Lemme conquer you in the bedroom”
“Twerk on me like Megan Thee Stallion”
And “Our kids are going to be great athletes”
Like the she is just stunned into mortified silence since she couldn’t process the audacity for someone to say something so disgusting. She’ll let her man’s handle it cuz the last thing she needs is to be charged with homicide.
(Trust me, writing those lines hurt me but not as much as it hurt when I was told these things 🤢)
“Why Don’t You Just Do Us All a Favor and Shut Up?”
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You don’t understand how many times a trashy guy has said something like this to me thinking I would find it cute or attractive. So gross! As a society we need to do better and stop sexualizing and fetishizing black women and girls.
also the gif has nothing to do with this, I just thought it was cute.
Anyways...starts below the cut!
Warnings: swearing, fetishization of black women and girls, sleazy trashy guys, protective boyfriends, sexual implications
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“Katsu, can we get ramen at that new place that just opened up the street?” (y/n) questioned, her (eye color) eyes wide with anticipation.
“Ok.” The usually explosive blonde agreed, snaking his larger hand into her slightly smaller one. (y/n) had finished training earlier and since it was a light day, Bakugou had suggested they walk around the downtown area. “It’s over this way, right?” (y/n) nodded simply, looking around at the different shops they passed on their way to the new ramen restaurant.
Ever since Katsuki had begun dating the black girl, he had calmed down significantly, though only around her...with everyone else he was just as explosive as he always was. The black girl was fiercely protective over her friends and especially Katsuki, though he didn’t really need it; probably a part of her tiger quirk, though it came off as more endearing than annoying.
“What are you gonna order?” She wondered, making small conversation as they waited to cross the street.
“What I always order.” He answered simply.
“The spiciest thing on the menu.” (y/n) and Katsuki said at the same time, (y/n) rolling her eyes with a smile.
“You won’t have any taste buds left if you burn them all off.” She teased as Katsuki rolled his crimson eyes at her, holding her close to him as they continued to wait.
A whistle caught the couple’s attention, Bakugou’s eyes narrowing as they fell on two boys standing at a shop located behind where they were standing. The two boys looked the same age if not a little older than (y/n) and Katsuki, the taller one had lime green hair and matching lime colored eyes. His pale face had a smirk plastered on it. The slightly shorter of the two had pink hair the color of bubble gum, lavender eyes focusing on the black girl, a smirk on his face also.
Despite (y/n) usually being confident, there was something highly uncomfortable about the way they were eyeing her that made her uneasy.
“Hey Riku, you think she’d go for someone like me? You know I have a thing for exotics.” (y/n) turned around, deciding to ignore them, they weren’t worth the time. She gripped Bakugou’s hand, turning him around, trying to think of something to say to distract them both from the annoying boys.
The ash blonde sent her a bewildered look, confused as to why she wasn’t going to say something to them. “They aren’t worth it. They’re extras, right?” She joked, flashing a half smile at her boyfriend.
Bakugou tched, but decided not to say anything since (y/n) didn’t seem to want him to.
“You know why exotics are the best?” The lime green haired boy questioned, loud enough to make sure Bakugou and (y/n) had heard it.
“Why Riku?” The bubble gum haired boy said, a creepy glint in his eyes.
“Because of that fat ass.” He snickered. “You think she’d let me get a taste of that chocolate?”
(Jesus Christ, I cringed writing that. 🤢)
Bakugou’s head whipped around to glare at the two boys, (y/n) turning around to look at them, holding herself back, but too shocked by what she had heard to catch Bakugou before he did something that would attract the attention of police.
“You two fucking clowns better shut the fuck up before you get a taste of my foot shoved so far up your asses it’ll be coming out of your fat fucking mouths.” Bakugou growled, punching them each in the face, making sure to heat up his hand so that it would definitely leave a mark.
(y/n) looked around to see a few people watching, as she let Bakugou beat up the boys before she finally decided it was enough. She placed a hand on his shoulder, as he looked up, the feral look in his crimson orbs dissipating to a gentle one.
“I just wanna go. Can we please, before the police get here?” She questioned as he punched them and kicked them a few more times before standing up and nodding.
“You won’t be fucking needing these either.” Bakugou said, going through their wallets, taking the money out before snapping the cards in half and tossing them on the street next to the boys who remained on the ground. “Let’s go.” He held out his hand, as she grabbed it and they walked across the street. “I hate these fucking extras.” He grumbled as they got to the ramen restaurant. Bakugou Katsuki had every intention of using the money he had just taken to pay for everything, it was the least they could do.
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The woman was on her way to her apartment, getting off early from her patrol because not only was it a Friday, but the day after was her 23rd birthday and her pro-hero boyfriend seemed to have planned something, despite her telling him he didn’t have to.
Her phone rang, taking (y/n) out of her thoughts as she slid the answer button seeing her boyfriend’s picture pop up. “Hey Kei.” She answered happily, stopping at the corner, waiting to cross the street.
“Hey, Kid.” Came his response, causing the black woman to smile. “You got off early right? You wanna get (your favorite food/ drink)?”
“Really?!” (y/n) grew excited, her voice raising an octave as a laugh bubbled from her full lips. The couple was usually very busy and that meant they didn’t have a lot of time to just go to restaurants and walk around the downtown area, but since they had managed to get the afternoon and weekend off, Hawks was going to take full advantage of it.
“Yeah.” He laughed back. “I’ll meet you there?”
“Ok! Love you.” She told him.
“Love you too, Kid.” He said back before hanging up. (y/n) crossed the street, walking towards their favorite restaurant, her hero costume folded in the black backpack she wore on her back. She too was a pro-hero, though she wasn’t as popular as her boyfriend, she had recently gone pro in Japan, already a famous pro in her native country. She slid her phone into one of the pockets of her black jeans, her simple white t-shirt half tucked into her pants.
She increased her stride, her smile widening as she saw the crimson wings of her boyfriend up ahead. He turned around his own smile growing as she got closer. “How was patrol?” She asked him as he hugged her, the pair pulling away and intertwining hands.
“It was fine...kinda boring.” Hawks answered as they walked inside the establishment.
“Woah.” The cashier said softly, after ringing up your orders. Hawks paid, even though she protested though he responded by saying it was her birthday weekend and she wasn’t allowed to pay. The cashier, who seemed a little older than the two of the pros, named Ukyo, handed her her drink practically ignoring Hawks.
Keigo frowned, growing slightly annoyed, though he wouldn’t really peg himself as the jealous type, Ukyo just made everything very uncomfortable and Hawks was growing irritated that (y/n) was uneasy. It was the protective nature in him, which he would admit could get a little intense at times.
“Um, thanks.” (y/n) replied with a slightly awkward laugh before looking at Hawks to say she was ready to go. They had planned to walk through the park nearby. As they were stepping away, Ukyo called out.
“Hey wait, pretty girl!” He called out, catching the dark skinned woman off guard. “You forgot something.” She turned, raising an eyebrow before going back towards where Ukyo stood behind the counter. He held out a napkin to her, his messy chicken scratch handwriting on the piece of paper. “It’s my number. You should call me sometime, I’d love to get to know you more.”
“I already have a great boyfriend.” (y/n) replied, giving him a smile as he still pushed the napkin to her, managing to stuff it into her bag. At this, Hawks stepped closer, still remaining silent, wanting to let her handle it because he didn’t want to come off as overbearing or suffocating. “Really, I’m not interested. I love my boyfriend.”
“Who? Him? But our kids would be so cute! They’d be great athletes, you know?” He smiled widely at her, grabbing onto her wrist to stop her from leaving. Hawks had heard enough, at (y/n)’s silence and the way her eyes seemed to bore into his own, he dislodged some feathers, sending them at the cashier, stopping them a few centimeters away from him.
“Let her go, before you make me really mad.” Hawks said, glaring at the male, sharpening the feathers into blade-like devices, his golden eyes shining with anger.
“Chill out, Man! She’s hot! She was practically asking for it!” Ukyo put his hands up, Hawks’ eyes narrowing as a growl almost sounded from deep in his chest.
“You’re lucky my girlfriend’s here.” Hawks chuckled darkly, as (y/n) placed her hand in his own. “I would’ve cut your disrespectful racist ass.” Hawks walked away with (y/n), sending the feathers at the wall behind the cashier, just narrowly missing him.
Hawks smirked as he stepped outside, hearing the high pitched scream that came out of Ukyo at the feathers going near him, fearing he was about to be sent to the hospital. Hawks glared at him through the shop window, his wings flapping behind him as if he was about to send more feathers causing Ukyo to scream again, though this time a wet spot began to grow in his khaki colored pants.
Hawks’ eyes lit up as a loud laugh fell from his mouth causing (y/n) to laugh lightly. “Fucking bitch.” Hawks muttered as they walked towards the park. “I should’ve sent the feathers into him.”
“No, you did enough Kei.” (y/n) giggled, Hawks growing happy that he had gotten her to laugh after that rude cashier incident.
Every week after that Hawks would purposely walk past the shop, launching a feather through the window and into the wall, an adult sized diaper held to the wall by the sharp crimson feather, a note usually attached saying:
‘just thought you might need to start wearing these.
I hate you,
Ps: Show this to anyone, tell anyone about this, or do something like that to another person again and I’ll send the next feather so far up your ass, you’ll need surgery to remove it. xoxo’
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(i decided to insert another character, like Mineta but 100x worse and not jokingly either. His name is Shintani Narisuke.)
(y/n) was sitting in the common room where everyone from the general studies class usually hung out during their down time. Although, surprisingly it was empty except for the purple haired Shinsou and his lavender haired girlfriend, (y/n). It honestly was just a coincidence that the pair both had purple hair, though the girls from their class thought it was the cutest. (y/n) placed her head on one of Shinsou’s shoulders as they watched a random movie on his laptop, pushing her goddess braids so that she could be more comfortable.
The common room was empty only because one of (y/n)’s friends and classmates had told everyone that they couldn’t go into the common room because Shinsou and (y/n) were on a date. Everyone obeyed her...she was kind of scary when she was determined about something.
“How can he just get away with that?” (y/n) questioned, placing some popcorn into her mouth, pausing to place some in Shinsou mouth as they continued to stare at the screen. The pair alternated, the next time Shinsou threw some into his mouth and then fed some to (y/n).
“I hate that guy...he reminds me of that annoying little grape kid in 1-A.” Shinsou mumbled, causing her to laugh.
“We don’t speak his name.” Shinsou joked as the pair broke out into laughs again.
“Hey (your nickname)!” The pair turned, Shinsou pausing the movie, to see Shintari Narisuke enter the room. (y/n) raised an eyebrow at the use of her nickname, that ONLY Shinsou used for her.
“It’s (your full name).” She corrected him.
“Aw, don’t be like that.” The average height boy pouted, sitting down next to her, causing Shinsou to sit up more, a frown on his face.
“What do you want, Shintari? We’re busy here.” Shinsou chimed in, slightly annoyed as he rolled his tired purple eyes.
“Not that busy.” The aqua blue haired boy responded, flashing a fake smile at Shinsou. His eyes narrowed as the frown on his face deepened.
“What do you want?” Shinsou repeated.
“Hey (y/n)...” Shintari dragged out, looking at the black girl with big eyes.
“Has anyone ever told you that you kind of look like Megan Thee Stallion?”
“No…” The girl answered, confused as to where this was going. To her they looked nothing alike, though she was one of her favorite female rappers. “We don’t even look alike.”
“Your ass does though.” He answered smugly. “You think you could split on me like she does?” (y/n)’s eyes widened as she tried to process what he had just said. She was at a loss for words, completely surprised that he would go that far.
“What the fuck did you just say?” Shinsou grew angry, standing up and getting in the blue haired fool’s face. He had noticed that she was still slightly shocked, which is why he decided to handle it, because normally she was the one that would jump to put someone who needed it in their place.
“She heard me. Right, (your nickname)?” He said teasingly, his eyes not even looking at Shinsou. The usually disinterested male grew increasingly more angry, at being ignored and at the boy for using his nickname for his girlfriend.
“Do you think you could answer something for me?” Shinsou questioned catching the boy’s attention as Shinsou’s grip on his shirt tightened.
“Yeah, what do you want, Villain?” Shintari asked, falling for the trap. Shinsou’s purple eyes glowed softly as he activated his quirk.
“Shut the fuck up and…” Shinsou paused, really wanting to tell the kid to go take a long walk off of a short pier, but he knew he would probably be in trouble if he did that, so he took a deep breath. “Lock yourself in your room for the rest of the week and don’t come out.” Shinsou ultimately decided, letting the boy go with a smug smirk watching him walk down the hall.
The purple haired male turned, his focus going to his girlfriend who had a sick look on her face. “You okay, kitty?” He asked softly, sitting beside her. She simply wrapped her arms around him, listening to his steady heartbeat.
“I hate that asshole.” She mumbled.
“I do too.” Shinsou agreed. “I’m sorry he said something like that to you. That was fucking gross.”
“Thanks for handling it.” She half smiled at him. “I think I would’ve killed him...then he really would’ve called me a villain.”
“Who gives a fuck, let’s finish the movie.” Shinsou laughed lightly, causing her to laugh too. “Besides, he already calls me a villain.”
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(For this one (y/n) works in a bakery)
The black girl came from the back of the shop, a tray of fresh cookies in her hands, the sweet smell filling the store. She opened the glass cabinet, carefully transferring the cookies inside before going to return the tray to the back of the bakery.
Customers sat throughout the store, reading books from the bookshelves in the corner, drinking their coffees and teas while working, or simply just enjoying the warm atmosphere with their friends. (y/n) came back to the front, taking her place behind the register after washing her hands.
She looked up from where she had been adjusting a machine to the door, the sound of the ringing bell meaning someone new had entered. “Hi Baby.” The deep gravely voice said. She could hear the smile in his voice as she looked up, her own smile growing as she immediately recognized the voice.
“Hi Staples.” She teasingly replied. “What are you doing over here? I thought you were busy today.”
“I needed more.” He replied, holding up the bag at his side with the black hair dye inside.
“You want my help when I get off?” She clarified as he nodded, his blue eyes looking over her appearance. “What? You don’t like my uniform?” A soft smile on her face as she wiped down the counter.
“No, you look good.” His signature smirk appearing on his burned face. (y/n)’s heart fluttered slightly, the fiery boy never failed to make her heart skip a beat even after two years of dating.
“I get off in 50 minutes. You wanna hang around? I just made a fresh batch of cookies.”
“The ones I like?” His eyes seemed to sparkle like a kid in a candy store. Dabi loved to act big and bad, and that side of him was definitely...hot, but you loved to see the goofy childish side of him as well.
“Yeah, your favorite.” She replied, a large smile on her face as he nodded quickly, the dark hood of the sweatshirt pulled up on his head. “Alright. Here. I’ll be done soon.” She handed him a few cookies, pressing a kiss to his cheek as he slinked off to the seat he usually took in the corner of the shop when he waited for you.
(y/n) watched as he stood, picking up a book he had already started last time he came, sitting back down and flipping to the page he had left off on. Dabi...Touya wasn’t a bad guy, no matter what anyone told her, otherwise.
She was pulled out of her thoughts at the chime of the bell, a blonde man walking into the store. He must’ve been a traveler because he looked lost, especially with the way he had pulled up directions onto his phone. (y/n) gave him a friendly smile, “Hi, what can I get you?”
“I’ll take a...hot chocolate.” He said weirdly, giving her a smirk as his light eyes trailed up and down her body, at least the part that wasn’t hidden behind a counter. She nodded uneasily.
“Anything else?” Her mood had dropped, already tired of the male customer.
“How about your number?”
“No, sorry. I’m working and I-” He cut the girl off as she handed him his drink, ringing it up after she had made it.
“Come on, if it’s because I’m white...I’m hung like a black guy, if you know what I mean.” He said to the girl, Dabi’s eyes narrowing as he practically glared a hole through the blonde man.
“E-excuse me?” (y/n) repeated, blinking as she ran her hands over her apron, stepping back from him. She wasn’t even sure that had just happened, nothing that bad had ever happened at work before, just the occasional Wow, so pretty or Your hair is so fluffy, like a cloud from a few children when she wore it in an afro, that made her smile though, the kids were cute and everyone was generally respectful.
“If that’s why you won’t give me your number, you don’t have to worry about that.” He repeated.
“Yeah, I’m gonna need you to shut the fuck up.” Dabi chimed in, catching his girlfriend completely off guard. She hadn’t even noticed he had come up behind him or moved from his seat.
“What’s your problem man? I don’t think this involves you at all.” The blonde guy shot him a glare before turning back to the black girl behind the counter and stepping closer. Dabi’s blue eyes seemed to hold small flames in them as his anger grew. A dark chuckle left his lips as he harshly brought his hand down onto the blonde shoulder, heating it up until the man’s jacket was practically smoking.
“That’s my girlfriend, man.” Dabi told the man mockingly, his voice low and his eyebrows furrowed. “I don’t mind you calling her pretty, because she’s gorgeous but if you disrespect her, then you’re gonna deal with me.”
“Ew you fucking creep. I’ll call the police.” He threatened after turning and seeing Dabi’s face. Dabi tilted his head to the side slightly, a slow smile growing on his face, though it seemed more eerie than anything.
“I’ll give you something to call them about.” Dabi threatened. “Now, why don’t you leave and if I see you around here again, I’ll burn your ass so bad you’ll be virtually unrecognizable.”
“Fuck all of you. This place is shit anyway and the bitch behind the counter looks like a fucking monkey.” The guy announced going to walk out of the bakery.
“Not acceptable. Apologize.” Dabi demanded, his hand going around the blonde’s neck as he heated his hand up, making sure it would leave a burn.
“Sorry.” The guy cried out, Dabi rolling his eyes before shoving him towards the door, a scoff leaving his lips as the guy tripped on the way out.
“You know you’re gorgeous right?” Dabi questioned as (y/n)’s best friend and coworker told her to go home after that incident. Dabi grabbed (y/n)’s hand, waving back at her coworker before the couple walked towards their apartment, (y/n) excited to dye Dabi’s hair.
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star-scrambled · 3 years
What are some video essay theory ideas you have? My neurodivergent brain needs to hear this.
OKAY! SO! After sleeping on this (by that I mean taking advantage of my adhd sleep depriving me more hours than intended), I’m thinking I should probably start small and make bite-sized videos about various different aspects of my Sonic 2 theories SEPARATELY, instead of attempting to crack out an INSANELY LONG and Ramble-y essay on the bigger picture. I just need to get some experience writing concise and organized scripts first, along with proper audio recording and video editing of course :] so here’s some of my potential ideas!! (I’d love feedback or more idea suggestions adding onto these haha)
- What we know about Longclaw
- Recapping the Mad Libs spoilers
- S3&K parallels to expect
- “Tails will be fine” (not emotionally lmao but HE WILL BE WRITTEN WELL)
- The significance of Sonic and his aquaphobia/inability to swim
- Manifesting the echidna tribe is long gone lol
- Interesting details in the trailers (and not taking all of its contents at face value)
- Knuckles probably won’t stay on Earth
- My opinion on the Sonic 3 character debacle (Metal VS Shadow)
- How I view Sonic’s character arc and it’s potential
- Ice Cream Scene Stuff
- vic is petty about character design for 5+ minutes
The list can go on 🐱...but in the perfect world where I SOMEHOW do all or most of this, I would maybe be crazy enough to be able to put out my prediction on how the entire movie will play out. I highly doubt this though, which is fine cause I already have that as a WIP write-up that I’m absolutely sharing here when it’s done 😭!! Also cause I think I’d rather not rush out something like that but INSTEAD invest my plans of a bigger project into a review of the movie once it’s out!! Ideally I want to watch it two days in a row so I think that would keep my memory sharp enough (and MAYBE my emotional ass in check) to make a little something!! Idk we’ll see!! I’m being SUPER optimistic to a probably unrealistic extent here though, I’m still a busy high schooler who can’t balance hyperfixation stuff with my assignments- BUT!! The support on the idea I’ve been getting from you guys already makes me a little excited to actually bring this all to fruition 🥺
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symphonicmetal101 · 4 years
After watching some anime, can I request the brothers and Side characters with an MC that makes really great bentos in their aesthetic with their favorite meals? MC could make Lucifer a fancy dish of steak done to his favorite temperature, side dishes are organized neatly, and the bento is red and black to match his design or she made pink/pastel treats for Asmo is a very cute bento that matches his style. I think it would make their day when they receive something so cute from the human
ABSOFRICKINGLUTELY! ANON! I LOVE YOU! THANK YOU! However, I write gn! Whenever possible, so I hope you don't mind. Also, I've only made bento once, so I did a tinny bit of research. Most of them stray from traditional bento, however I tried to make sure I had the four components, (protien, carbs, salad/veggies, and fruit) (except Asmo), and different cooking methods for each. Some of them I forgot to explicitly say what colour the box was, so I'm sorry about that. I didn't do Luke because he had a role in Simeon's, and I blanked. (Sorry) Also, some of them have links bc I started to lose inspiration and motivation to write the same thing over and over again bc brain juice went bye. Hopefully I did this justice, I may have gotten a little carried away...sorry for rambling.
MC Makes Bento For The Boys
Lucifer had been working non-stop for the past few weeks
You had barely seen him, as he was so busy going back and forth from the castle, meetings, and he had banned everyone from his office. It had gotten so bad that he would "postpone" his meals, but nobody had seen him eat in a while.
You had a lot of spare time, so you did meal prep for the whole week just for Lucifer.
It was a little past noon by the time you finished, (and made Beel swear he wouldn't touch the food because you would treat him at Madam Scream's later), so you decided to make a bento box for Lucifer's lunch today with some leftover beef and rice you had.
With your protein and carbs taken care of, you prepared some roasted asparagus to add some colour to the box as well as a couple of carrots. You also added an umeboshi plum on top of the rice to match the colour of the box. (A/N I personally don't mind umeboshi on it's own, but if anyone wants to try it, I highly suggest you eat it with rice or have water on hand 😂)(oh yeah, umeboshi is a small, sour, pickled plum.)
In the final box you arranged a couple of orange slices, strawberries and grapes.
Satisfied, you brought the box and a glass of water up to his study. You didn't even bother knocking, knowing he would just send you away anyways.
You were greeted by a low growl. "Get out."
You rolled your eyes. "No. You need to eat Lucifer, and I'm not leaving until I know you've finished this."
"I don't have time for this MC. I have to-" he was cut off by his stomach rumbling.
He blushed slightly, and continued to busy himself with work.
"Please? I hate seeing you overwork yourself like this. Have you looked in the mirror lately? When was the last time you slept? Eaten? Had something other than coffee? Have you even gone to the bathroom in the past 48 hours?"
He sighed, folded his hands under his chin and looked up at you through disheveled raven locks.
"...you really aren't going anywhere until I eat." It wasn't a question, rather a statement with a trace of relief in it.
You extended the bento box out to him once more, though this time he accepted it.
"....thank you MC.....this is quite delicious. Perhaps once I'm done my work I can take you out to Ristorante Six to show my appreciation."
You pushed his hair back and planted a kiss on his forehead.
"Once you're done your work, you're going to sleep. That's an order, sir."
He silently cursed himself as he felt himself blush again
You were planning to stay until he finished, but then you heard Mammon and Levi fighting.
"I'll take care of that love. Make sure you drink that water too. Also, I prepped meals for the rest of the week for you, so you have no excuse to not eat. I bribed Beel, so they should stay there, but as an extra precaution I got Satan to teach me a protection spell. I didn't tell him what it was for, so it should be fine."
He watched you close the door behind you and wondered what he did to deserve someone like you.
He was complaining to you because his actions finally caught up with him, and tomorrow he had to go out and repay some witches with time and favours, (being a bagboy), instead of money
He started belly-aching even more when you told him you weren't interested in joining him.
Luckily you were on dinner duty tonight, so you had a legitimate excuse to leave his pity-party
However while you were making dinner, you decided to show Mammon a little bit of sympathy, and set some rice and pork cutlet aside that you could use later.
After dinner, Mammon followed Lucifer, trying to convince him to give him money.
So you had ample time to continue working on his bento.
He had a three compartment wooden box
You scooped the rice into the box, put the cutlet on top, and two thinly sliced pieces of lemon on top.
You cut up some yellow, red, and orange bell pepper to put in the top left corner of the box
In the last compartment, you cut up golden kiwi, pineapple chunks, and a couple blueberries
You were about to put it in the fridge, when Mammon came screaming into the kitchen.
You sighed. "It was supposed to be a surprise Mammon! I made lunch for you for tomorrow, because you're going to be doing some running around and who knows when you'll get a moment to yourself? I was going to cast a spell on it to keep Beel from eating it, so it would have lasted overnight too... I just want to make sure you have something healthy to eat and so you don't have to spend money on take out. If you don't want it though, I'll just give it to Beel..."
He blushed furiously. "Ya don't gotta worry bout me, silly human. The Great Mammon can take care of himself! But-uh, I'll probably end up taking it anyways, because it's umm, it's free food! And Mammon ain't about to pass that up!"
He tried to grab it, but you pulled it close to yourself and turned, blocking him.
"You only want it because it's free? Ok. Fine. You'll have to pay me if you want it." You teased
He whined a bit. "Aw come on, ya even said ya didn't want me spendin money tomorrow! And ya said it was for me! MC, this ain't fair!"
"I didn't say you had to use money."
The next day while Mammon was out and about, trying to carry multiple bags of stuff for the witches, he happily ate his food, a light blush on his cheeks as every bite reminded him of the way you felt against his lips yesterday.
Levi had lost out on another draw despite having spent copious amounts of money on the tickets
As such, he had locked himself in his room to temporarily drown in his sorrows
You decided to make Kyaraben, character bento, for him. (Kyaraben can also refer to animals, real life celebrities, or natural settings)
(I would do Ruri- Chan but I have no fricking clue, so here's a link to a recipe for Pikachu Kyaraben because that's what you did instead)
Hesitantly, you brought your creation to his room and lightly knocked on the door.
"...I don't wanna talk to anyone right now."
"Levi, it's me. I brought something to cheer you up! At least let me give it to you if you don't want me to stay."
You could hear some scuffling and mumbling from behind the door. "I highly doubt there's anything a normie like you can do to help."
You tried to brush that off, because, ouch, but you knew he was upset so you tried not to take it to heart.
He was pouty as he opened the door, his demon form on display.
His expression immediately changed when he saw the bento in your hands.
"WOOOOOAAAHHH!!! THIS IS FOR ME??!! YOU MADE ME BENTO??!! This is something straight out of anime!!! Uh...uhm...d-do you maybe w-want to share it?"
The last part of his sentence had him blushing furiously, and he refused to look you in the eye.
"Sure. Maybe we can watch that anime you texted me about a couple days ago too."
His eyes lit up with joy as he used his tail to gently grab your wrist and pull you excitedly to his couch.
Once he had arranged everything to his liking, he sat down and bashfully accepted the bento.
At some point, he asked if he could feed it to you, however, there was only one pair of chopsticks
Blushy otaku very much enjoyed the bento, not only because it was like his anime, but also because it was you who made it.
He also got a couple indirect kisses, and could not focus on anything but that for the next few days.
You and Satan had been spending a lot of time together lately because he was helping you study for a test
Thanks to Satan's tutoring, you had managed to get a much higher score on the test than you had imagined.
As thanks, you wanted to make a kitten Kyaraben
You found him in the library at a desk, hunched over a book, studying some foreign language.
He was so engrossed in his studies that he didn't notice you right away, so you tapped him gently on his shoulder.
"Ah, MC. I'm afraid I missed you coming in. Are you alright?"
You smiled and nodded. You brought the box out from behind your back with your test papers on top, the mark clearly visible.
"I couldn't have gotten that mark without your help, so I made you some bento as thanks. I hope you like it."
His eyes widened in surprise. "Oh MC, that wasn't necessary. Spending time with you was enough for me, but thank you."
He slid the lid off the bento and chuckled when he saw what you had done.
"That's quite clever kitten. Perhaps next time you can show me how to make it?"
His pet name made you blush a bit, but that didn't stop you from agreeing.
You two spent the next few hours discussing different meals you guys could learn to make together.
Asmo had been taking you shopping lately, hyping you up and helping you destress with spa nights
In return, you decided to make a dessert bento box in a pretty pink container.
It was a square container split into nine compartments.
Across the top three compartments, you arranged a rainbow of mochi.
On the bottom three you arranged a rainbow of macaroons.
In the two outside compartments left, you put a mini Wicked cupcake in each
Finally in the middle, you arranged Hershey's kisses into a heart.
Satisfied, you made your way to his room and announced your presence at his door.
"Come in darling~ I'm just finishing up my nails!"
You let yourself in and settled across the table from Asmo.
"I brought you something. I just wanted to thank you for helping me out lately and show you how much I appreciate you!"
You placed the box next to him so he could see what you had done.
His squeal of excitement almost decimated your eardrums, however moments later you were enveloped in a very tight, heartfelt, "smooshy" hug, but his elated expression made up for your temporary loss of hearing.
"Ohh MC! You're so sweet!!!! These look delicious, let's share them!! Just let me take a picture first with my favourite snack!!"
You sat back and expected him to pick up a cupcake, but yelped as he pulled you into the frame.
"I said with my favourite snacc MC, and I meant it!!" (Yes, he still took a picture of the bento)
You wanted to plan an outdoor date for the two of you that wouldn't require you to excersize.
So you decided to try and make Koraku Bento, or picnic bento, but even bigger in hopes you would be able to temporarily satiate Beel's hunger
Because you were making so much, you needed multiple boxes, and a couple days to prepare, so you asked Simeon if you could work at PH so Beel wouldn't get to it early.
Of course, he agreed
Day one, you prepared five different fillings for the Onigiri you were planning to make: sha-ke (salted salmon),umeboshi (Japanese pickled plum), okaka (bonito flakes moistened with soy sauce), kombu (simmered kombu seaweed), tuna mayo (canned tuna with Japanese mayonnaise)
Day two you prepared three large protiens, (chicken, beef, and pork), each enough to fill about two containers each. You cooked each of them differently. You also cut up/prepared vegetables you wanted to use for tempura.
Day three you woke up early in order to be ready to take Beel out after his game. You made rice and finished making the Onigiri, (which Luke was adamant you let him make with you).
And Simeon helped you make the tempura and a beautiful salad to accompany everything else.
However, now there was a lot of stuff to carry and you wanted to greet Beel out of his game.
So the angels took care of transporting the food to the roof while you went to get Beel
"Why are we going to Purgatory Hall? Are we having dinner with the angels?"
"Not quite. The date I wanted to take you on had a slight change of plans. We just need to get to the roof-"
"Do you want me to fly us up there?"
You considered it for a moment then agreed. If nothing else, you would be avoiding Solomon.
Once you landed, appreciation for the angels swelled as they had laid everything out so beautifully.
"...oh. It looks like someone else is doing something up here. It smells really good, so we should probably go. I don't want to eat someone else's food and ruin their night by accident....again." He tried to leave, but you pulled on him gently.
"I'm glad you think it smells good. This is for you! I made it for you, and the angels helped me bring it up here when I went to pick you up."
His eyes widened. "...All of that...you made it for me?"
You couldn't help but smile and nod at his bashful expression.
He hugged you gently. "Thank you MC. I know that took a lot."
"It was worth it! You haven't even tried it yet. Come on, I'm hungry!" You giggled.
Beel's stomach growled in response, causing a slight blush to light his cheeks. You're so good to him❤
Belphegor (this has a bit of crack energy, I'm sorry. So will Solomon's😅)
"MC....can you pass me my D.D.D?"
"MC....can you give me a massage?"
"MC....can you switch my laundry for me?"
"MC....can you pass me my pillow?"
"Belphie, I love you. I understand you're the Avatar of Sloth. But what the actual fuck? Your pillow is under your arm, just move it under your head. I've already gotten up, like six times to do stuff for you."
He groaned. "But it takes too much effort!" He smushed his cheek into his arm and attempted to give you puppy-dog eyes.
"Sorry, only Beel can pull that off. If you want your pillow moved less than a foot, you're going to do it yourself. You of all people should now how frustrating it is to get up as soon as you sit down."
He groaned again and grumbled as he moved his own damn pillow.
You tried to relax a bit. Normally your time with Belphie consisted of cuddles, movie nights, planeterium visits, or just plugging into some music and enjoying each other's company, like you were trying to do now.
Until you made eye contact with him again.
He was going to ask something-
"MC........... can you get me a snack?"
Dear God, he was not gonna like this.
"Of course Belphie. I'd love to."
You made your way to the kitchen with new found energy.
You were going to make Shikaeshi Bento (revenge lunchbox)
Basically, it's supposed to be inedible or embarrassing, and be used to convey anger or overall dissatisfaction
So you grabbed his bento box, dumped uncooked rice into it, cracked an egg and left the shell in the box. You used purple food colouring to make a heart.
You brought the box up to Belphie, who was surprisingly still awake
"That was quick."
You grunted in response and walked out
"Hey why are you leaving?!"
A few seconds later, you heard, "MC! ...WHAT DID I DO??!! I JUST WANTED A SNACK!!...MC PLEASE COME BACK I DON'T WANNA GET UP!!"
So, usually Barbatos is in charge of making sure the Demon Prince eats
However, you told Barbatos that you wanted to make something special for Dia
"My Lord would thoroughly enjoy anything you made for him. He's been very busy lately, so I'm sure he would appreciate the kind gesture."
Barbatos graciously gave you precedence over the kitchen, giving you full access to everything you could ever need or want.
You decided to make him bento with your favourite protein
One compartment you filled with rice, using sesame seeds and an umeboshi for garnish
You arranged pieces of your favourite fruits in one of the smaller compartments
Then you made your favourite type of tempura, and prepared the sauce to go in the last two compartments
You asked Barbatos where Diavolo would be, and he escorted you to his office.
"My Lord, MC has come to speak with you."
Diavolo's head shot up and his face lit up with delight as he watched you walk through the door.
"MC! A welcome surprise. How are you? Is everything alright?"
"Everything's fine! I actually just wanted to give you something." You gave him the black box.
"I made bento with some of my favourite things...you mentioned wanting to get to know me a little bett-"
You were cut off by Diavolo crushing you in a hug
"...My Lord, MC needs to breathe."
"Ah, my apologies MC. This is the most wonderful, meaningful thing anyone has ever given me. How can I adequately express my gratitude? Simply name anything you want, and it shall be yours."
Once you had regained your breath, you gave him a small smile.
"Anything? Could I trouble you for your time?"
"MC, Lord Diavolo must finish his work in a timely matter. I can clear his schedule for afterwards."
"Barbatos, could they stay long enough for us to share the wonderful meal they've prepared?"
Usually Diavolo's begging and sad eyes™ would be powerless against him, however the soft spot he had for you and your much- less-seen sad expression were enough for him to bend this once.
"My Lord, I'll be back in an hour. I'm afraid that's all the time I can allow."
He stepped out, and allowed a small smile form on his face as he heard the two of you celebrate, also knowing that later on he would be listening to a very happy prince recount everything you two talked about and how much he loved you.
You, the brothers, and the other exchange students had been invited to the demon lord's castle for another event
It wasn't for another day, but you felt your chest tighten as you remembered Barbatos
Did he even get to eat those days when everyone was there?
You didn't want to take that chance, and decided to set up a small, filling bento box.
It only had three compartments, so you stuffed each one.
One had rice and meat.
You made some sushi and tamagoyaki to go on top.
For the last compartment, you made a simple chickpea salad.
The next day, Barbatos welcomed you all to the castle, as per usual.
However, this time he stuck around once the brothers and others had left.
"I...Well you already know, but this is for you!"
He nodded and graced you with a smile. "My knowing does not take away from my appreciation MC. Admittedly, nights like this are very demanding. I will repay you later. Thank you."
He tried to walk away, but you yelled after him, "You're not supposed to repay someone for a gift! Just take it!!"
He smiled to himself as he started to eat some food.
Perhaps this night would not be as taxing as he thought
You had been experimenting new dinner recipes with Luke at Purgatory Hall; you were watching him while Simeon was away.
"If we leave these leftovers out, Solomon will get to them and ruin them."
"....why don't we make bento for Simeon? He's coming back tomorrow, isn't he?"
Luke beamed at you. "Okay!"
He went to get a small bento box divided into fifths (two large bottom compartments and three small top ones).
"Ok, so in one of the big ones, we can fit the rest of the rice."
Luke nodded. "Can I use this?" He held up a star-shaped cookie cutter.
"Of course!" You helped him mould the rice into a stable star shape.
He looked so happy designing stuff, you let him take the lead.
By the time you were finished, it was easily the most stunning dish you had seen.
"Wow MC! We should do this more often!" He was very proud of himself, and rightfully so. "I can't wait to give it to Simeon!....Is it ok if I give it to Simeon? It was your idea, so it's ok if you want to do it instead..."
You just smiled at him. "You can give it to him, you did most of the work anyways. For now though, you need to get to bed."
He pouted slightly, but complied.
The next morning you woke up to Luke speaking very animatedly to Simeon.
"Yeah! We tried a bunch of new things, and then MC suggested we make you a bento box with the leftovers, and it turned out really well so I can't wait for you to try it!!"
You leaned against the kitchen doorframe observing the interaction.
"Thank you Luke, it looks wonderful. Good morning MC. I hope you slept well. Thanks for ba- for helping Luke while I was away."
He smiled gently at you before Luke was trying to get him to try the bento again.
He took a bite and smiled at Luke.
"It's delicious. You guys must have put a lot of love into it, as always." He looked directly at you at that point, but Luke was too elated to notice the silent exchange between you too.
"Don't get mad at me! You agreed to test spells with me!"
"You asked me when I was half asleep Solomon! I also meant later, not right away!"
"Well, you're not a frog anymore, so I don't see what the problem is."
.... No, you weren't a frog anymore
That didn't mean you were happy about being a frog in the first place.
You texted Simeon, 'Who's on lunch duty today?"
"Me. Why?"
"I'll make us bento. We can picnic, the exchange students, that is."
So you spent the next little bit making normal bento for the three of you.
"Simeon said we should probably leave in five minutes" you thanked Luke and started on Solomon's.
You made Shikaeshi bento; you cracked four eggs and aligned their yolks into a rather phallic shape, added way too much fish oil, and threw a few sesame seeds on top.
However, once you made it to the picnic grounds, Solomon opened his box and gasped.
"MC, you know me so well!" And proceeded to drink right out of the box, the rest of you looking on in horror.
"I thought you were mad at me and you were going to give me something disgusting like Mac and Cheese. I guess all is forgiven. Thank you!"
At that point you couldn't even stay mad, that was just disgusting.
Aye, I hope you liked it anon, not sure if this is quite what you meant but....yeah.
Love y'all!
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sweetescapeartist · 3 years
*spoilers* I liked this chapter in isolation.
*spoilery spoilers* I dislike this chapter when comparing it to other chapters.
Here's the battle Vegeta fans have been waiting for...! (Glad I lowered my greatly expectations)
First, let's talk about use of panels real quick. When there is action, Toyo has done better and uses about 6 panels max to convey the fight. But when there is dialogue, he uses too many panels. Like 7 to 9 panels on one page. That is too much for dialogue. And he has pointless reaction shots often.
It begins with the axolotl inspired Sugarians leaving their fishbowl homes through cleaning-tube roadways. I like their aquarium-like city and their buildings.
And here we are on page 2 with the Toyotaro dialogue. 😒 How can I tell? Compare it to Dragon Ball and you can easily tell the difference between Toriyama's dialogue & Toyotaro's dialogue. (Toriyama has been more focused with working on the DBS movies. I highly doubt he contributes as much to the manga as some fans believe.)
Vegeta sounds like Mr. Satan when calling fusion and cloning "tricks" lol. And no, I doubt Vegeta's Forced Spirit Fission would work on Granolah. Granolah split himself in 2 with a technique. It is still all Granolah & he hasn't absorbed anyone. Forced Spirit Fission is useless here.
Granolah sure is chatty again after he kept saying how he really really wants to kill these Saiyans. Vegeta tells him he parted ways with Freeza and he is an enemy now, as to which Granolah laughs. Granolah thinks Vegeta is betraying Freeza to spare his own life. This just let's us know what kind of person Granolah is...
Granolah is a nonsensical idiot who doesn't know how to reason well & doesn't listen to truth because he assumes he is already right. I don't like ppl like him who refuse to grow mentally. I went from liking Granolah, to not caring about his bland personality, to disliking him. 😑
Oatmeel's input is pointless because he doesn't sway Granolah into believing the Saiyans may not be lying. He quickly gives up and becomes quiet. Vegeta informs Granolah that he was a child when Planet Cereal's ppl were killed and wasn't part of the attack. But he doesn't care and Paragus wants revenge against the royal family... I mean, Baby wants revenge on all Saiya... Granolah wants to kill all Saiyans.
Then we get Vegeta saying he will kill Granolah after barely talking to the guy who was willing to talk. I guess Vegeta just wants to fight and test his power instead of trying to redeem himself like earlier chapters implied and fans theorized. Throw that out the window.
He turns SSB Evolution & Hakai's large rocks around Granolah. But Granolah appears behind him and shows Vegeta true hakai. He elevates a big chunk of the ground & blows it up then the force pushes Vegeta to him and Granolah strikes him. Cool way to use the environment in battle.
Also, Granolah knows Hakai. He shows it off by using his own more powerful Hakai & suggests Vegeta's training with Beerus is lacking.
There is some cool looking art. Their fight moves from forest to river to lake. Interesting environment s for DB. Reminds me of the Cooler movie and the fights on Namek a bit.
This entire time, Vegeta is on the defensive and has to run. But, I find pages 16-21 silly.
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Why is Vegeta swimming when he can fly through the water?! Swimming is slower & Granolah is firing fast ki blasts at him!
YOU: "But, Vegeta is swimming so Granolah can't detect his ki."
Granolah can see him! His right eye is supposed to see blood flow and stuff. He nearly hits him multiple times. And lets not forget he was sniping them long distance and his Goku in the neck and almost took him out. Why does Granolah need aim assist now? I'll tell ya why. To make Vegeta look more impressive than Goku by making Goku look like a poor fighter. And this was a Goku who was using Ultra Instinct and still got messed up by Granolah while Vegeta is just using SSB Evolution. Character sabotage... 😒
Back to my complaints about Vegeta swimming. The swimmin' would work in OG Dragon Ball but not here. It would work on Namek with Freeza who can't sense ki, but not here with Granolah who can sense ki (& maybe even god ki) & his eye can percieve all kinds of movements of the body.
And why does Vegeta momentarily pop up out the water then go hide back into it? Don't say its 'cause he needs to catch his breath. He aparently did training holding his breath while on the Heeter's ship, so he should be fine holding his breath. It was for a short period of time anyways. It just doesn't fit and is unnecessary in multiple ways.
Vegeta Hakai's Granolah's big blast to escape it and it blows him out of the water. Interesting kinda... Until you realize that Vegeta's training that we were shown was lame. He just Hakai'd logs & rocks! It should've shown him trying to Hakai ki blasts from Beerus. Make his training look cool darn it!
Chapter 70 Established that Hakai has changed. It no longer is just erasing things from existence in different ways. It has to have a *boom* explosion to it. So when Beerus Hakai'd Zamasu in chapter 19, there should've been an explosion instead of turning him into sand? So, now whenever the Hakai is used, there will always be an explosion...? I don't like how Toyo is quick to change what he set up just for his convenience...
Granolah brags about himself then Vegeta brags about himself-...! That's why I dislike Granolah! He's just like Vegeta! Maybe if I stop thinking of Granolah as a "good guy" then he will be cooler? I did like evil Vegeta as an evil character. We were supposed to hate him. So, if I imagine Granolah as an evil Vegeta... It worked! Granolah's unappealing attitude works perfectly if you view him as an evil enemy! (Still kinda preachy tho)
VEGETA: "But I'm still going to win."
Vegeta fans rejoice! Your prayers have been answered by the great Zalama! Vegeta announced victory...! Wait... I've seen this before... Yo... Vegeta fans, prepare for Vegeta to be defeated just in case. He has a record of announcing victory then ultimately losing. Don't get your hopes up too high.
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Lol Granolah disses Vegeta's ego 👌. But Granolah is unknowingly talking about himself too XD. Dummies. Vegeta mocks him by calling him "Mr. Strongest" & Granolah has nothing to day. Granolah can dish it out but can't take it.
Goku wakes up and sees Vegeta fighting Granolah. Who cares? How are you gonna be caught off gaurd in a form that reacts on its own? Go back to sleep. I'm not mad at you, Goku. I'm just disappointed.
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Vegeta fires a barrage of ki at Granolah and Granolah Hakai's them. Then Vegeta fools Ganolah into destroying an ancient city of the Cerelians.
VEGETA: "I can tell, you know... That you only recently acquired this absurd strength."
GRANOLAH: "How? How can you tell?"
VEGETA: "Thank you for confirming."
There's the Granolah we know. Quick to give out valuable info. Also, this is to make Vegeta appear "smarter" & a "better fighter" than Goku. Realistically, a master martial artist like Goku would be first to notice that Granolah recently acquired this kind of power. But, Goku is being dumbed down for Vegeta's sake.
VEGETA: "Need I repeat myself...? You may be stronger but... there's no gaurantee that I'll lose to you!" *attempts to break Granolah's leg*
So says the guy who always loses unless the opponent is weaker than him. But, he even lost to weaker opponents on Earth before, so....
Vegeta fans calm down, calm down. This is basic Vegeta dribble. Let's be real. When has Vegeta ever defeated an opponent that was stronger than himself? Never. When has Vegeta become stronger than his opponent and defeat them because they're weaker than him now? Always. Does Vegeta ever win when he is too cocky? Nope. This is to hype y'all up. Don't be mad if he loses. Y'all know this routine. The arc ain't even over so the chances of him winning are low.
Now let's examine Vegeta's fight in comparison to Goku's fight.
Goku goes through all his forms & uses Ultra Instinct in base, SSJ, SSG, SSB, & then goes silver haired UI when fighting Granolah. Then, he loses in every form. Vegeta goes straight to Blue Evolution and only seriously gets hurt once.
Goku keeps getting hit despite having a technique that is all about evasion. Vegeta gets hit far less & doesn't have Ultra Instinct.
Goku was struggling to fight a clone that was half the power of Granolah. Vegeta fights Granolah at his full power and struggles less.
Goku complains about his training and how he is struggling using his technique. Vegeta who had less time with Hakai training isn't complaining about struggling with Hakai.
Goku far surpassed Vegeta in the Moro arc, yet they are crippling Goku to let Vegeta catch up & make him look better. Vegeta has literally gotten a handout that he didnt have to work hard for in order to catch up with Goku... This chapter is fine when isolated and you aren't thinking about any other previous chapter. But, it is a convoluted mess when you look back at the previous chapters, the piss poor storytelling, & Vegeta's poor Hakai training that leads up to this chapter.
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Where'd that "heroic" Vegeta and that "redemption" stuff go? Its as if Toyotaro decided he should stop tying to make Vegeta the hero & main character instead of Goku being the main. (Thank God.)
But... Vegeta says that he loves fights that are unpredictable?? That I disagree completely with. Vegeta wants fights to go in his favor through all of DBZ and will throw a fit when it doesn't.
In RoF: it was going in his favor so he loved it.
Destroyer Tournament arc: he didn't like that things didn't go his way in the end.
Future Trunks arc: he was upset when losing to Black, but loved it when he thought he was going to win.
ToP: angry when everyone else surpassed him, happy when he gained an upperhand, upset when he lost the upperhand.
Moro arc: Vegeta is upset that Moro is stronger but even more upset that Goku is stronger than him. When he is stronger than Moro he is loving it. Then when he loses the advantage, he is upset.
Vegeta doesn't love unpredictable fights, Goku does! Vegeta loves predictable fights in his favor.
Granolah asks how many lives were sacrificed for Vegeta's carnage. Vegeta doesn't answer. Why? Because its best to ignore the fact that he has killed billions of ppl so that Vegeta fans can ignore his bad actions (Yet many say that Vegeta has developed so much without acknowledging his terrible past). Can't have Vegeta looking like a bad guy in this chapter, right?
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Oh boy! Page 37 is more "Vegeta hype!" He doesn't care about strongest or second strongest ('cause he has never been 1st place) & he basically explains Dragon Ball to us.
Roshi already taught Goku & Krillin that there will always be somebody stronger, so they need to keep reaching higher and higher.
If Vegeta is stronger than he was a few minutes ago, would that mean the same for Goku when he was fighting? Why did he perform so poorly? I wonder... 🤔
Granolah jabs Vegeta in the stomach, but Vegeta manages to slow it down (how come Goku using Ultra Instinct couldn't do that?). And cool. Blood. Anime has better writing and cool character development/moments. The manga has blood... Well, I guess blood is cooler to some ppl.
Vegeta is looking like Goku in the ToP before he attained UI. He has his head down & all. Vegeta just isn't talking about hownl much he sucks. Why does Goku keep insulting himself? N-nevermind. This is about Vegeta who keeps complimenting himself.
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Why did Granolah become scared of Vegeta suddenly? Wouldn't he just see him as a mad dog and use his amazing power to put Vegeta down before he can do anything? He hates them so much, but keeps letting them live.
Uh oh... Vegeta doesn't like protecting and saving? BuT I tHoUgHt hE wAs a hErO! Where is his development going?? Ya mean the real development he had in the anime or the pseudo development in the manga?
But even after saying all that... I prefer manga Vegeta to be like this instead of a wannabe hero. Wannabe hero doesn't fit. This feels like Vegeta is in character again. I like this. I was just criticizing how Vegeta was written in past chapters in comparison to this one. A more chill Vegeta who loves battles? This is what I've wanted from DBS manga Vegeta for a long time!
Oh snap! Vegeta's transforming? I wonder what it will look like (thanks for the warning from the leaks 👍). Oil... Why are you even in this chapter? We don't care about you right now & you're boring without Maki. Goku says it ain't "any old god ki."
I wonder how Goku never knew about this new form if he and Vegeta trained on Beerus Planet together. Ya think he would've sensed and saw it & even wanted to fight against it.
So is this new form a spur of the moment thing? So Vegeta has a new form that he never trained... And he asks if Granolah has been training his new power on page 34... Sounds hypocritical of Vegeta, or he is being thrown a bone to make him look capable. Is Vegeta gonna pull a Golden Freeza by not training this new form? Or maybe a UI Goku at the ToP and lose the form?
Page 43, Granolah shoots tiny ki blasts at Vegeta's tower of flaming ki and he is surprised it did nothing. Why not try again but this time use that one big blast instead. No? Gonna let the guy of the race you hate finish transforming? Just gonna be scared and shocked to make Vegeta look impressive? Ok.
Pages 41, 44, & 45
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Oh! Here it is! The new form...! Aaaand I still don't like it. Also, he healed up like Goku did last chapter too. Odd. Why does transforming heal them now? Didn't before.
No build up to make the form more cool, it's just
"Here, Vegeta. Goku has one more form than you do & he has mastered UI, so we can't let you fall too far behind. So I just pulled this crap transformation fresh outa my butt and gave it to you."
Another undeserved handout. Can you please make Vegeta earn a new form in the manga? PLEASE?!
Vegeta looks like he is in his own UI Omen form (like how Vegeta fans begged for Vegeta to get for the longest time). Dark hair with sone lighter coloured higlights, light coloured pupils, new aura. But this is what I see...
SSJ3ROSÉ of DESTRUCTION INSTINCT OMEN (or just "SSJ-ChexMix" for short)
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Looks like in the end, Vegeta needed to resort to his own Ultra Instinct equivalent!
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Oh no... I criticized Vegeta's bad writing too much! I bet some Vegeta fans are gonna automatically assume that I hate him because I want him to be written better without plotholes! 😱
This chapter is good when isolated on its own. But, this chapter is filled with inconsistencies when you look back at previous chapters. Overall, it's... a mixed bag that I barely like. It's just so retarded that Goku had to be dragged through the mud just for Vegeta to look better. That is insulting to Vegeta and it either shows how much he sucks or or how weak the writing for Vegeta is. But we got what we got...
Wanna know how to make Vegeta look good without making Goku look pathetic? Goku never uses MUI! Goku defeats Granolah's clone with SSB. Then, Granolah merges back with his clone & catches SSB Goku by surprise and knocks him out.
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Then, the reason why Vegeta seems to be doing better is because Vegeta is using SSBE, unlike SSB Goku who was caught off guard. Why make the MUI form & Goku both look like trash just to give Vegeta his own Ultra (Destructive) Intinct? Is Vegeta really that trash?! 😓😴
I don't wanna see the Heeters anymore. My hype for them died, but maybe a later chapter can make me like them more. Idk.
Where is my homie, Moniato?! 🐌 (BEST CHARACTER OF THE ARC SO FAR!)
Oh yeah...I was supposed to complain about not seeing Freeza again like I do every chapter... Who cares at this point? If Granolah is stronger than Goku & Vegeta, what can Freeza do? Hide for 3 yrs and let Granolah die?
What are my predictions for next chapter? More Vegeta wanking of course. More gloating & looking down on Granolah too. A battle of overinflated egos. Bad dialogue and decent to good art. I'll probably find it mostly boring but I may be surprised (that could be a good or bad thing). Vegeta will appear to be winning before...
Vegeta gets defeated & certain Vegeta fans will rage & be annoying. Those ones will complain about how Vegeta always gets the short end of the deal (that's what he gets for being shorter than Bulma & 12 cm taller than Krillin). This one should happen imo based off of Goku's performance.
Vegeta's fight will get interrupted before the battle ends so that Vegeta fans don't get angry. Make Vegeta fans feel that Vegeta could've won and keep them grasping on to hope. (How manipulative.) This one is most likely to happen to "satisfy" all fans.
Vegeta will win and Vegeta fans will rejoice & some will be very annoying. Despite the fact that he had terrible training, was handed a new form just to stay relevant, and Goku had to underperform & UI had to be nerfed just to make Vegeta look good. This one may happen just to appease Vegeta fans. (That is the worst outcome imo.) If Vegeta gets "a win/a W" against a main villain, make sure his training looks impressive and he has some sort of connection to the main bad guy. That way the victory feels well deserved.
If the final enemy is Freeza, then Vegeta defeating Granolah isn't "a win" against a major villain. Granolah will just be a bump in the road. He's already set up to not be a "bad guy." In the end, the main bad guy will be either Freeza, Gas, 7-3, or someone. Vegeta fans shouldn't care if Vegeta wins or loses against Granolah. He isn't the "final boss."
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horrorslashergirl · 4 years
I have a request, since they're open! Anything with the Collector x Reader x Chromeskull. I love that pair! Surprise me with what happens. Preferably angst.
The Collector x Reader x Chromeskull- Hazardous Toxicity
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Authors Note: Getting some practice with angsty scenarios and these two see to fit the picture, because what’s not toxic about being in a relationship with a serial killer, neverthless with two of them.
Warning: Toxic Polyamorous Relationship
Words: 2.2k
You had a peculiar taste in men and that went with the fact that you didn't like routine or having a normal relationship with a normal guy with a normal job and a normal hobby. Normal wasn't an adjective or characteristic you were attracted to.
If you could describe what your preference in men was, you would start by saying that you always liked them older, maybe because you had enough of going on dates with guys your age that talked about the same topics; college, sports, nothing that would really spark a certain interest, but alas you were glad at the end of the date they preferred to remain just friends. Easier to get out and not make an awkward scene and probably explain why there was no chemistry.
The past relationships you had were to put it nicely, acceptable. The guys always let you take the lead; you ordered the food, you decided what movie to watch, what to do on a certain date. To be always in charge was tiring and you felt kind of empty. There was no excitement what so ever.
So, imagine the actual relationship you were having now. Never in your life would you predict that you would end up in a polyamorous relationship with two men that were much older than you. It was just a fantasy, one that turned out to be real.
To say that your partners were quite unique would be just an easy saying; they always stood out of the crowd, maybe one of the reasons you were so intrigued by them, but they were that type of standing out like 'He's so handsome and fuckable type'. Well, in your opinion, yes, but in your friends and people that knew you, they were downright intimidating. Possible another plus in your attractiveness book.
They had that certain vibe that if they wanted to crush someone's skull, they would do it, not that you minded because, in a certain twisted way, you felt protected because Lord helps the poor soul that would have the guts to hurt you.
At the beginning of the relationship, everyone said that you should be careful, be vigilant because you don't know them well; they were mysterious to say so, never putting all the cards down for you to see, making your stay on your toes and your mind always to wander to their personas. That was what made you be drawn to them, they excited your mind and the intimacy?
You never knew how much pleasure exists, nevertheless with two men like them. They always made you crave more, your legs turning to jelly and mind a mess, all morals flying out the window and letting your carnal instincts take over.
Everything was perfect because you felt cherished, they always treated you with all kinds of surprises, and sometimes it felt like they were competing for your affection and attention; the perks of having two alpha males.
They also had their differences, despite how similar Jesse and Asa were. Jesse was an extrovert, while Asa was an introvert. Despite Jesse being mute he always found himself teasing you, be it at first using the electronic reader and later on suggestive signing after you got better with ASL. Asa could speak very loud and clear but chose not to, only if he had something to say, which always was accompanied by an authoritative tone, more or less.
Both are very highly intellectual and that showed; Asa being a successful entomologist at the university and the many degrees and diplomas on the wall of his office spoke for him, not to mention how much he knew about history and art. Jesse was nothing less either, with running a successful chroming company, being a highly respected and feared CEO and it always amazed you how much he knew about information technology.
So basically your type was experienced, tall, intimidating, and smart.
After being for some time in the relationship, your known one always said that they were controlling you, which at first made you confused about this statement, wondering from where they deducted that.
Maybe you were a little blind, not able to see how they chose for you what to wear, what to eat, how you should do your hair. You saw them as a suggestion, but the ones outside begged to differ.
There also came a hard time when you were having trouble at your job, the economy was going down, your boss had to cut salaries and you couldn't afford to pay rent, not to mention that you needed to over-work; extra hours staying at work meant less time spending with your lovers.
They suggest that you should move in with them, switching from Asa's house to Jesse's depending on when they weren't working, plus they made you give up on your job, explaining how the money wasn't even covering how much you worked.
You agreed; maybe the lack of sleep, too much frustration, and injustice conducted you to agree with their proposition.
They took care of all your needs, be them material, spiritual or physical; they delivered it. You couldn't argue on that, but slowly, without you realizing it, they made you be dependent on them, seeking them whenever you felt like, but you were always the submissive, they owned the power and you only basked it what they emanated.
The apex of this relationship came when darker secrets came out because your curiosity got the better of you, not going to work that left you a lot of time to think and brown-noose into their stuff and business; the biggest mistake of your life, much worse than entering this hazardous relationship.
The first time your eyes looked over a photo-album of Asa's, you expected to see family photos, since he never brought this subject, you were interested in it, but seeing all the gruesome photos, you never thought a human could be shaped like this? This had to be some sick joke, right? But it wasn't.
You haven't told Asa about it or tried to question him, making sure you put the album exactly where it was. You debated if you should tell Jesse since Asa had to do some entomology related work for the weekend and you stayed by Jesse's house, but he had to go to work too, something about an unannounced meeting, leaving you to spend time all alone into his enormous house, so again curiosity got the best of you.
If you thought that Asa's photo album was gruesome, then the tapes you found in Jesse's Chrysler inside the glove box and trunk were sure going to give you nightmares.
You were pacing in Jesse's living room, drinking some whiskey to calm your nerves because you were sure that a breakdown was going to come, then it hit you. All the missing people, the murders on the news; you played detective and pin-pointed everything.
It all came down to you, the harsh reality; all the false sense of safeness and affection, it was pure-down manipulation, the undercover controlling that you were too blind to see because you were like a love-struck puppy to them.
The solution was simple; break up this relationship.
That's what you did, you wrote down a quick note, not explaining why you were leaving them, you just wanted to getaway. You left Jesse's place and walked for half an hour. Where? You didn't know, you had nowhere to go because all your friends left you; some that decided you were a lost cause, others too afraid of your men.
You had so much money just to stay at a cheap hostel for some days, but it was better than sleeping in a bus station on a dirty bench. Maybe you will go back to your parents? You didn't have a plan in mind.
The first night you couldn't sleep, not only because the bed was very much uncomfortable and the people in the room next to you were making too much noise, but because you felt like they were always watching; you were getting paranoid.
The next day, you managed to get some sleep in the morning, sleeping until it was the afternoon, the growl of your stomach waking you up. You walked to a cheap restaurant across the hostel, and as you took the first bite of the scrambled eggs and a little too burnt sausages, you grimaced.
Too accustomed to five-star meals and champagne, doll?
Alas, you swallowed down, reminding yourself that luxury wasn't an option in your current predicament. You sipped on the bitter coffee, the taste as truthful as the relationship which you ended, the dark liquid waking you up, and everything pouring down on you; it was only a game. The affection was only a camouflage for the twisted intentions, the protectiveness only possession.
After sitting there for hours and the waitress telling you that if you wouldn't order anything else you should leave, you walked back towards the hostel, walking upstairs to your room, entering and closing the door behind you, you were ready to hit the bed again, only to stop dead in your tracks when your gaze meets long black-clad legs, eyes moving up over the black clothes and wide chest and stopping on a bone-chilling chromed skull mask.
The bald head and tall frame of the mad was a dead giveaway to who he was, and when you heard heavy footsteps behind you, you knew who the second person was behind you, but your mind didn't want to acknowledge the scenario.
"Going somewhere?" the calm and familiar voice asked behind you, feeling Asa stop behind you, just a few inches away from his chest to press against your back.
'Piggy has been naughty.' Jesse signed, making your gut twist at the nickname he gave you.
"I-I...." you didn't know what to say, afraid of saying anything when your eyes saw Jesse twirl a large knife, clearly amused by your face that showed fear.
"You what? Trying to break things off without a specific motive?" Asa asked into your ear, gloved hands grasping your hips into a bruising grip, fingers digging into your skin behind your shirt.
Of course, they found out you were sneaking where your nose shouldn't be. Asa knew where everything he owned was, so it was no surprise when he found the photo album a little out of place, and Jesse? You cursed yourself for forgetting that he had security cameras all over his place.
Jesse moved off the couch and stalked towards you, looking down at your form and at this moment you really hated how tall and imposing of a figure he had. You were turned around and pressed to his chest, your eyes ready to meet Asa's face, only to be masked by a black-foam mask, making him look so very menacing, like a very dangerous spider.
You felt Jesse trail the tip of his knife up and down your thigh, his masked face pressing against the top of your head.
"You know what I am most curious about?" Asa asked, pulling out a knife of his own and trailing the blunt edge over your neck, the cold blade making your breath hitch.
"Any person in your situation would have called us in." he answered for you.
That's when it hit you, your eyes widening. Any person in their right mind would have gone directly to the police, telling them everything, you had enough proof to put them behind bars for the rest of their lives, but you hid out like a rabbit, ready for the wolves to find you.
"Aren't you such a loyal pet?" Asa murmured in your ear, the knife nicking your collarbone a little, feeling his hot breath and rough texture of his mask hit your skin.
'Someone has a little crush.' the electronic voice from Jesse's phone spoke, making you more aware of what was happening.
"P-Please....I won't tell anyone." you whispered, closing your eyes as you felt Jesse move his knife up and down on your inner thigh.
"I'm sure you won't. It would be a shame to kneecap you, queen bee." Asa said, sadistic promises behind the cruel words.
You whimpered at the nickname, one it used to make you smile brightly and nuzzle into his chest, feeling so loved and appreciated, but now it made you sick to the stomach.
'Very big shame to destroy such a cute face.' Jesse added, pulling his knife away only for his nitrile covered hand to come up and cup your cheek, running his thumb over your soft skin.
"Are you going to come home with us or do we have to train you through?" Asa asked, question rhetorical and by Gods, you didn't want to find out what it means 'training' in his mind.
Swallowing down, you nodded, doe-like eyes on his obsidian ones, his plush lips pulled into a winning lop-sided smile, then his lips pressed against your forehead, making you tremble a little.
Asa pulled away from you, walking towards the door, opening it. You were pushed forward by Jesse, who wrapped one long arm around your shoulder, making sure you wouldn't try to run away, not like you would get too far away.
As you passed the small reception you saw the owner of the hostel dead, into a pool of blood with his guts out.
This was a warning that this was not a childish game.
The meaning was simple; Try breaking things off with them and they will break your legs.
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loving-daisy · 4 years
Cry For Me | George Weasley x Reader
Masterlist | Cry For Me Masterlist 
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Chapter 6 - Bad Boy, You Make Me A Mad Girl 
Words: 8.9k 
Warnings: angst  
Instead of good bye, I wear an innocent smile
“Fred...hey” Y/N reluctantly greeted, slightly feeling uncomfortable under his gaze. 
As another school year has come to an end, the Hogwarts express stood at platform 9 and ¾. Students of Hogwarts came out rushing to their families, but not until expressing their farewells to the family they had in the wizarding school. 
On the way to the platform between 9 and 10, Y/N sat with Daphne and her sister, along with her cat and fairy, at one of the end compartments. The one where groups of Slytherins always occupy to avoid the storm of energetic Gryffindors with their side-kicks from the house of Helga.   
The Slytherin-Gryffindor couple already said their farewells in advance the night prior, not really expecting to bump into one another at the station as it was always packed with people. However, a certain redhead female (and the only Weasley girl currently studying in Hogwarts) pulled the girl apart from her Slytherins, bringing her to face the rest of the Weasley family. 
Right now, she found herself under the gaze of one of the twins, however, not the one she has given her heart to.  
“My friend, Icestone!” The older Weasley twin greeted with joy. “You haven’t spoken to me since what? Since…” 
“That one Quidditch match where you twins yelled at me.” Y/N completed his sentence in a teasing manner, an attempt to release the tension and awkwardness building inside her, an attempt to push whatever thought was advancing forward in her mind. 
“Hey! We apologized!” Fred argued, waving his hands in disbelief. Y/N crossed her arms, raising a brow towards him. “No, George, apologized!” She argued back. 
The boy gave a grunt, his shoulders slumping. “Truce?” He suggested, laying his hands in front of the girl. For a short moment, the Slytherin stared at it, contemplating whether or not to accept it, Fred’s personal image in her mind fueling her to decline. 
The Master mind of him and George’s pranks, the game planner, the director, the instructor, the mischief maker, and the twin who suggested to continue playing with Y/N Icestone’s heart.
Somehow, the girl couldn’t find it in her heart to reject Fred’s offering hand, even after recalling the news that had been delivered to her a few weeks prior today. Shutting the thought with force, she gave a nod, grabbing the ginger’s hand to shake. “Truce.” 
“Keep your hands off my girl, Fred!” George demanded, slapping the back of his twin’s hand as it held Y/N’s. In which the older twin gave another grunt.  
“Okay, okay! I’ll let you two have your moment. Impatient git.” Fred obliged, moving away as he muttered the last sentence under his breath, shaking his head from side to side. 
The couple now stood face to face, small and shy smiles plastered around them as they stared at each other's eyes. Before George was able to break the short silence, he was interrupted by his sister.   
“Y/N!” Ginny called, grabbing one of Y/N’s hands as she looked up to her before looking down at the bracelet she was gifted, that gives her the ability to talk to the Slytherin’s cat. “I’m going to miss you. And Lixie too.” Ginny confessed, sudden melancholy in her whole being. 
Y/N felt her stature soften, her usual confidence and overflowing charm of authority breaking down for the young girl. She slightly bent her knees to reach the young Gryffindor, wrapping her arms around her. “I’m going to miss you too.” She muttered behind the redhead, softly brushing her locks with her fingers. 
While Ginny was pressed against her figure, Y/N caught the sight of green orbs under black round glasses, burning holes at the girl in front of her. She then moved her eyes to the youngest ginger boy who gave her a shy smile, in which she returned with a small one. 
After the hug broke apart, Y/N kept her level to whisper to Ginny. “Now, if you need someone to tell your secrets to, you know...girl stuff, you know who to owl. I’ll send photographs of Lixie too.” 
Before the Slytherin was claimed by George, who desperately wanted to have their one-on-one moment, the mother of the family came in sight, querying. “Who is this?” Molly asked. 
After noticing how each passerby had their eyes glued on the girl, whispering Merlin-knows-what to whoever they were with at the moment, curiosity enveloped the woman’s mind, not really familiar with the feeling of attention. 
Y/N regained her composure, giving a small bow to Molly as she offered a small smile and her hand. “Hello, Mrs. Weasley. I’m Y/N. Y/N Icestone.” She introduced, Molly introducing herself after she shook the Slytherin’s hand. 
“Y/N Icestone? The daughter of John?” Arthur asked, sudden interest all over his eyes. Y/N nodded in response. “Yes, Mr. Weasley. I assume you know who my father is?” 
“Oh yes, dear. Very great man, he is. Greatly respected at the Ministry. Do send him my regards, will you?” 
Y/N gave the head of the Weasley family another nod. “Yes, sir.” 
“Oh, please. You can call me, Arthur.” 
“So…” Molly began, an intimidating tone in her voice that made the girl in question have shivers crawling at the back of her neck. Regardless, she projected a calm and collected self. 
“You’re not actually in love with one of my boys are you? Definitely not Ron since he’s too young for you but is it one of the twins?” Molly questioned, her hands on her waist as she shot narrowed eyes at the girl, however, a teasing smirk on the woman’s face. 
“Mum!” George groaned in embarrassment, pulling Y/N away from the rest of the Weasleys. In order for Y/N to not feel rude, she grinned at Molly, shrugging before waving her hand in goodbye.  
“Sorry about them. They’re really all over the place, gosh this is so embarrassing.” George quietly said, his eyes locked at the marble floor, hoping to hide his red face. 
“Don’t worry about it, George. It just felt so foreign but I really love their warmth.” Y/N comforted, placing her hand on top of George’s fidgeting one. 
For the nth time, before George was able to say another word, he was interrupted. This time, by Mira who came flying down in the girls face. “Y/N, your driver has arrived and is currently loading your items.” The Slytherin nodded in response, telling her to wait in the car before turning her attention back to the ginger who sighed in disappointment. 
“I guess that’s your cue.” George muttered, sadness in the tone of his voice. Y/N gave the ginger’s hand a squeeze causing him to look up at her, to which she greeted with a grin. “See you after the summer?”  
“Promise to write to me?” George asked in hesitance. The girl nodded, wrapping her arms around the boy’s neck to press their lips together, which made him feel better.  
“Promise.” Y/N reassured, bidding her last farewells before heading to her family car, to which the Greengrass sisters we’re waiting inside. 
“Explain yourself.” Daphne demanded, hands in her waist as she gave her best friend a disapproving look. 
Y/N raised a brow, crossing her arms against her chest. “What is there to explain?” 
“I’m not stupid, Icestone. I know you know about the twins’ stupid plan against you. They’re playing with you, remember? George is just playing with you! Wake up!” Daphne scolded, causing Y/N to sigh in frustration. She pressed two fingers in her right temple, massaging them as she contained her building anger. 
Silence enveloped the atmosphere of the black leather seat car, the sound of its engine being its only noise. Tension, however, was highly present in between the two Slytherins. 
After a few moments, Y/N noticed how the raven-haired girl was still giving her the same displeased look, which in turn, highly annoyed her. 
“What?” She asked coldly, trying to prevent herself from saying foul words as it was Daphne she was talking to. It was her best friend she was talking to. She has so much respect for the dark haired girl as she was one of her genuine friends. She can’t just let unfiltered words go flee in her mouth like she does with strangers who judge her. She just can’t. And so she contained herself together with her building nerves. 
“You know what.” answered Daphne in the same tone. 
Y/N, who had her eyes locked forward, gave the girl a side glare, rolling her eyes as clenched her fists. “This, Daphne, is in no way or form, your business.” She muttered, her voice full of venom. 
None of the girls inside the Icestone family service car knew that this day would be the last time they would speak to each other over the course of a few weeks. 
Summer break for Y/N was still the way it was before. She would be woken up every morning by her fairy, who hands in her breakfast, then would be forced into the morning tub for a nice but short bath. From Monday to Friday, she’d be force to have at least 1 advance study lesson with her tutor, Mr. Princeton, and 1 activity such as painting, playing a variety of instruments, or a physical activity. Her favorite was riding a horse. By 4 PM, she’d be free to do whatever she pleases. In Y/N Icestone’s case, it was reading. 
Everything was just the way it is except for one tiny thing. Letters. She still received letters, but not from the usual raven-haired girl, to which if Y/N was completely honest, disappointing. However, she was the reason for their petty fight anyways but being someone who is prideful, she dared not to send the first one. But to make up for it, fortunately for her, there was a certain ginger, who owled her almost everyday. It was bitter but sweet. At least she had George. 
Dear Y/N, 
How have you been? I didn’t want to admit this but I really miss you. 
Mum has been nagging me and Fred lately. Scolding us for not taking a lot of O.W.L.S and for working on our products for Weasley’s Wizarding Wheezes. Recently, she confiscated our order forms with our toffees. I feel really bummed out. You know me and Fred have been working on those for a long time, right? I just wished she supported us a little more… 
On the bright side, dad has scored us some tickets for the upcoming Quidditch World Cup. Are you perhaps going to be in attendance? It would be really great to receive one of your warm hugs right now. You know...the ones where you nuzzle your face in my neck or vice versa. I really wish you were here with me. 
I can’t wait to see you. 
The most good-looking bloke, who has an identical twin (reckon this wizard who sends you this letter is more good-looking though), and the tall awesome wicked Gryffindor ginger who loves Y/N Icestone with all his heart, George. 
The receiving end of the letter, which was messily written in an old looking piece of parchment, was currently seated in her study, a room inside her personal quarters, that had a huge desk in the middle. This letter she received was her favorite yet. It was sent a week ago and yet she read it over and over again, the same fluttering feeling in her heart every time, as she grinned from ear to ear. 
Her moment, unfortunately, was ruined when her pet Siamese cat entered the room quietly, jumping on her desk to block the girl’s sight of the letter. 
“Are you honestly still with that pathetic boy?” Lixie asked, a scolding tone in his voice. 
Y/N huffed in annoyance. “He’s not pathetic! Whatever you heard that day, none of it was true! He would never do that to me.” She defended, keeping the letter in one of the drawers under her desk. 
“How do you know what's fake and true then? Listen, Y/N. We’re only trying to protect you. Me and Mira heard it with our own ears! We saw them with our own eyes! They’re playing with you, Y/N. He’s gonna break your heart!” the cat reasoned, concerned yet angry at the girl. 
“Oh, c’mon, Felix. Do you really think that the Weasley twins would go to such an extent just to satisfy their pranking needs?” Y/N argued, blinded of her cat’s reality, all because of her fondness for ginger. 
Felix. Y/N called her cat with his full name, something that she doesn’t do often unless she’s crossed. She must be enraged. Furious, even. 
“Yes.” answered Lixie, earning a loud groan from the girl. 
Y/N leaned back at her big black leather chair, eyes planted on the ceiling as she breathed in and out. “You must be out of your mind.” She muttered in disbelief, shaking her head from left to right.. 
“No, you are out of your mind!” Lixie exclaimed. “I can not believe that you agreed to be actually one of those git’s girlfriend. For Merlin’s sake, Y/N, you are an Icestone! A Slytherin! And he’s just...George.” 
Y/N’s heart felt like it was being pricked by a thousand needles. It was as if one of her heart strings broke. She knew about how her social status compared to George was way, way, different and she didn’t give no care about it. She just hated the way others would judge the Gryffindor based on his status when they all should look past those and actually appreciate who he is. George Weasley, who has a bright personality and a big kind heart. 
“He might be ‘just George’ for you but to me, he’s more than that. He’s actually a great person if you get to know him more.” Y/N defended once again. 
“What makes you think that you know him?” 
“Because I really do!” She scowled. Right now, she was really feeling the stress and anger build up. After the cat delivered the news at the hallway, Y/N didn’t know what to believe in. She was confused like a lost puppy. At first, she was skeptical, thinking that Lixie and Mira might have misheard the twins but when it became the night, Y/N couldn’t help but think about it. She trusted George, yes, but right now she was having doubts. It was like she was in a carousel, spinning round and round.  
“No. You. Don’t.” Lixie stated. Highlighting each word with stern as he spoke. 
“You didn’t even know them when they played their stupid prank on you. You didn’t even know them before you met them even if they were already so popular all around school. You don’t know what they’re capable of, Y/N.” He reasoned. 
The girl closed her eyes, her icy eyes melting but shielded from falling away. She remained silent. Unable to utter another word to defend herself and her relationship with the boy. “Save yourself from the heartbreak, Y/N. You must end this.” 
Save yourself from the heartbreak. The girl scoffed at the thought. One way or another, whatever path she chooses with the ginger boy, her heart would still break. Somehow that’s always her end game. She always loses. She always gets her heart broken. 
Suddenly, a woman, who was wearing an emerald dress that was long enough to cover her ankles, opened the door to Y/N’s study. Which was peculiar, because Y/N Icestone’s mother tended to ask Mira to call her instead. 
“Y/N dear, come down. We have visitors.” Her mother ordered, immediately closing her door once she finished her words. Clearly not bothering to spare a glance at her daughter’s defeated state who still had her eyes closed. 
The Icestone heir made her way outside her main room and to the body mirror displayed outside her closet. She straightened the black dress she was wearing before heading out her quarters to greet the unknown guests. 
“They’re here? It’s today?” Lixie asked Mira, keeping his voice low in case that the girl was still an earshot away. Mira, who had an apologetic look on her face, only gave the cat a small nod. 
In one of the Icestone manor’s living rooms for highly appreciated guests, stood John Icestone, Aurelia Icestone, and Y/N Icestone. Side by side they waited for whoever was visiting to be escorted inside. The feigned the kind and innocent smile that she usually gives. The one she was educated and practiced to do ever since she was a little witch, due to her father’s role in the Ministry of Magic. 
Her smile, however, faded into a thin line when the guests entered but she quickly regained her composure as she welcomed the powerful pureblood family who was represented by the words Sanctimonia Vincet Semper. Purity will always conquer.
“Mr. Malfoy, Mrs. Malfoy, and Draco.” Y/N greeted one by one, shaking the hands of the Malfoy family.
Y/N slumped at the chair behind her desk, tired and completely drained from today’s events. For a few moments she stared at her white ceiling, her thoughts running 9.8 meters per second squared as she was free falling into the depths of despair. Right now, all she wanted to do was cry in George Weasley’s warm embrace but she can’t. She can’t even cry. She can’t because she had none left. She was empty. 
In hopes to distract herself from her own misery, she looked over her wide mahogany desk that was disheveled. Books were piling up at a corner, empty rolls of parchment scattered all over, and just some random knick knacks. The headline of yesterday’s Evening Prophet caught her attention, her eyes widening as shock creeped all over her body.
Almost immediately, she grabbed a piece of parchment, scribbling a note of concern, before asking her fairy to have it delivered by the Icestone family owl. 
I heard about what happened last night. Please tell me you’re not hurt. Deliver me news that not a single one of you is hurt. Just tell me, if you came home safe and in one piece. Please. As soon as you read this letter. I’m really worried about you. 
The morning after, Y/N laid on her bed, eyes wide open as she stared at the ceiling, even after minutes since her fairy delivered her breakfast on the bedside table. She didn’t have the courage nor the energy to face whatever challenge is going to be handed down upon her today. Yesterday’s battle was ruthless. She was defeated. And she still hasn’t recovered. 
She sighed, turning to her side as she stared at the bowl of strawberries Mira left. Immediately sitting up after eyeing a small roll of old parchment she was familiar with. 
It’s George. I’m fine. Everyone is fine, just a bit shaken up. Good thing no one got hurt. 
Please don’t worry about me, love. Hopefully this weekend turns out nicer, yeah? 
We’ll see each other this Monday. Can’t wait to see you. 
Y/N felt a relief envelope all over her body, sighing in contentment. 
Fortunately for the Icestone, Monday came quickly. Ever since the Malfoy’s visited the Icestone manor, her mind has become a blur. Her summer has become a blur. She can’t even remember the good times she spent. 
Somehow, no matter how hard she tries to push the happy thoughts in front of her head, the memory of the events and words spoken towards her remain superior. And so, she was just glad that she was back. She was grateful that she was away. At least for now.  
Y/N Icestone was seated somewhere around the Slytherin table, her chin rested on a palm as she waited. As usual, she was alone. I mean, she was surrounded by other people but she was lonely. She was quiet, only talking to herself for once in a while but only to come back staring into the space. 
The students of Hogwarts were seated at their assigned house tables, waiting for the feast to be served. All were happy, excited, and just grateful to have another year in the wizarding school. Groups of friends were chit chatting with one another, talking about how their summer was spent and how much they were looking forward to this year. The hall was greatly filled with noise from all over the place. 
It was not until the headmaster, Albus Dumbledore, ordered the hall some silence. Announcing how an important event is to be hosted by Hogwarts this year. The Triwizard Tournament. Where one champion from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Durmstrang Institute, and Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, will compete in three different tasks to win the cup. 
“Great. And here I thought that I’ll have a quiet year.” Y/N muttered under her breath, rolling her eyes.
“I know right.” muttered a voice, making her turn towards where it came from. 
“Daph- Daphne.” Y/N stuttered. “You’re here.” She said.
The raven-haired girl gave her a small shrug, a small smile displayed on her face. “Oh yeah, I am. It’s not like I can skip a grade or anything. They’d disown me!” She sarcastically said, obviously joking, to diffuse the tension. However, Y/N slightly felt uncomfortable, suddenly recalling the events at the Icestone service car during the 1st day of summer break. But Y/N held her head high, gaining the courage and confidence to speak further. 
“Look...about that day…” She began. Daphne blinked at her twice, slightly tilting her head to the side as confusion flooded her mind. “What about that day?” Daphne asked. 
“I’m...sorry for snapping at you. I was frustrated, lost, and just...heartbroken. I didn’t know what to believe, who to believe, and I just felt so lonely again. I knew you were always there to look out for me but I was happy that besides you, there was another, who didn’t have other intentions with me. I guess that’s what I thought.” 
“The summer...it was awful. I didn’t have anyone to tell my deepest secrets to, I didn’t have anyone to hangout with in the pool, I didn’t have you. And I miss you. I really do. My actions...were not thought properly and now I’m faced with its consequences. But then again, I was taught to never get stuck in the past and move forward. Being Y/N Icestone, you know I don’t finish what I have started so right now, I’m going to swallow my pride and make amends. So sincerely, I apologize to you, Daphne. For doing you wrong. If you could ever find it in your heart to forgive me, I would be really grateful. If not...then...I’ll work harder for it.” Y/N said, her voice being an outlet of what's in her heart and on her mind, never faltering as she apologized to her best friend. 
Daphne rolled her eyes in disbelief. “Icestone, honestly?” She began. 
“I thought you know how I don’t even hold grudges too long. If you would have sent me an owl during the summers, I would have replied before you could even say ‘quidditch’. Besides, I can’t lose someone like you. You’re my best friend. So yes, you’re forgiven. Now...you better not have plans tonight because you and I are going to hang in your quarters and tell each other how our summer has been.” 
Y/N agreed. “Of course, I’d love that!” 
And so, the two Slytherin best friends pulled each other into a tight hug, wide smiles in their faces as they finally made up. Y/N felt as if a weight had been lifted in her shoulders, her heart being filled with warmth at the missed presence of the raven-haired girl. 
Abruptly, most of the crowd situated in the hall belted out disagreeing statements and a series of “boos”, making the two pull away and turn their attention around their surroundings. 
“That’s rubbish! That’s rubbish, I tell ya!” Y/N particularly heard a familiar voice from the house of Gryffindor. 
“What did they say?” Daphne asked the boy beside her. 
“Underage wizards can’t participate in the Triwizard tournament. You must be seventeen and above to enter.” He briefly stated, turning his attention back to the headmaster. 
Y/N’s eye caught George’s from the Gryffindor table who gave her a wink, pointing to himself and Fred then to the front where Dumbledore stood. A smirk plastered around Y/N’s face, a thought crossing her mind. Of course. With George being George and Fred being Fred and the both of them being twins, it’s obvious that they’d do something as stupid like joining the tournament. 
The Slytherin scoffed at the thought. Wouldn’t be surprised if they actually cook up a potion tomorrow morning. 
Later that evening, through owl, Y/N and George agreed to not meet each other at their usual hideout for the reason that the Slytherin just made up with her best friend and would like to spend the night doing hot girl shit, and for the reason that the Gryffindor will try to manage a mischief him and his twin are planning that involves joining the announced school event. 
As much as the two wanted to spend time together, they thought that a day wouldn’t hurt as they had the rest of the year and maybe the next 2 years or so together. At least that’s what they thought. But both parties agreed to make up for it the next day anyways. 
“What’s with the face, Icestone?” Daphne asked as she brushed her hair, eyeing her best friend from the mirror, who was simply seated at her bed and staring into space. Again. 
Y/N parted with her thoughts as the raven-haired girl spoke. “What? What’s wrong with being pretty?” She conceitedly asked, huffing, to which Daphne paid no attention to. 
Daphne had a reluctant look on her face, debating within her head whether or not to bring up the subject and the cause of their misunderstanding at the start of summer break. She decided to go for it. “You..looked so troubled. Erm...did you…” 
“No, I haven’t.” Y/N answered immediately, knowing exactly what her best friend was about to ask. She sighed in frustration, a couple of thoughts re-entering her mind. 
Y/N sat up straight, shaking her head. “But that’s not what I was thinking about. In fact, over the course of the summer, my problems have been piling up and I can’t seem to solve at least one!” She exclaimed, her hands waving in the air. 
Daphne dropped the brush on top of the dresser, moving to sit next to the Icestone heir. “What? Your Arithmancy problems? I thought you had a tutor…” 
“No, not my arithmancy problems! My life problems!” Y/N left out a frustrated sigh, getting overwhelmed by her ocean of feelings. 
“What happened?” Daphne asked, concerned. 
“The Malfoys…” Y/N began, which made Daphne’s eyes go narrow, a feeling that her best friend was having conflict within herself because of the mentioned family. “Well...they visited the manor one day.” She said, her voice quiet, her voice shaking. 
“And?” Urged Daphne, clutching the girl’s hand and squeezing it. 
Y/N Icestone looked as if she was about to burst into tears.  
“What’s with the hair, Weasleys? Too poor to get a haircut?” Fred and George heard from behind, immediately recognizing the sour and annoying voice that belonged to a certain blonde Slytherin boy. 
The twins turned their attention to Draco and his goons, both crossing their arms and feigning disgust. “Do you smell that, Fred?” George mocked, covering his nose. 
“Oh that’s bad, mate.” Fred mirrored his actions before turning towards the Slytherin. “Do us a favor, Malfoy and don’t open your mouth again. It stinks!” 
George grinned in his mind. Proud to have applied what he learned from his girlfriend. 
The scowling look on Draco’s face deepened, as well as Crabbe and Goyle who had their arms crossed. 
“How dare you! Is that the best threat you got? Should I be scared now?” 
Fred and George both shrugged. 
“You better be.” George stated, followed by Fred. “Because there is no way we’re going to hesitate in making your life more miserable than it already is.” 
“Actually, Weasel bee, it’s YOU who have to be scared.” Draco suggested, an evil smirk on his face and a finger pointing at George’s face. “You don’t actually think that you and your identically git-like twin are the only ones who know about your secret, huh?” 
The blonde Slytherin let out an airy laugh, his thumb playing with the ring around his index finger. “Planning to make Y/N Icestone fall in love with you and break her heart in the end? Dangerous game that you started, Weatherby.”
George felt a million strings of guilt and worry creep around his body. His heart felt like it was dropped on a 40 feet cliff. He stood frozen as if a bucket of ice-cold water was splashed towards him. His mouth felt dry, unable to speak as if a snake had wrapped around his neck. Maybe there was a snake. Figuratively. 
Fortunately for the slightly taller ginger, the older twin was quick to defend his brother by threatening the young Slytherin. “If you ever open that filthy mouth of yours, you’ll- Where do you think you’re going?! We’re not done here!” 
Draco’s retreating figure looks over his shoulders, shrugging before giving the twins a malicious wink.
“Is everything alright, Icestone?” A young female bushy-haired Gryffindor asked as she sat next to the 6th year Slytherin, who was looking so exhausted and unlively. 
The next morning, Y/N Icestone found herself seated at the Great hall. The house tables were put aside, leaving a big space in the center in which the Goblet of Fire was located. To those who wanted to try their luck and enter the tournament, they were to place their name and which school they were from in a piece of parchment then drop it at the goblet. The goblet chooses the three champions who will participate. 
The Slytherin gave the girl a blank loo, shrugging as she waited for her fairy to fetch her food. “Yeah...all will be fine eventually. Why’d you ask, Granger?”
Over the course of the last few months of last school year, whenever Ginny would ask Y/N for her support in studies, social life, or whatever it is, Hermione would tag along, making the three develop a small friendship. Y/N was one of Hermione’s girl friends as she either spends her time at the library or hanging with Harry and Ron.  
“Nothing. It’s just that...you looked so deep in thought.” pointed Hermione as she opened the thick book she was holding after slightly getting uncomfortable under Y/N stare. 
“Just...tired.” The Slytherin reasoned, shrugging. 
A few moments after Mira came back with Daphne, students situated in the hall bursted into loud cheers as the notorious Weasley twins entered with a vial in hand. 
“Cooked it up just this morning.” The Slytherin heard Fred announce, making her to mentally slap her forehead and huff, visibly crossing her arms in disapproval. I knew it. 
“What do you think they’re doing?” Daphne asked, stuffing a muffin in her mouth. “Dumb stuff.” Y/N answered. 
“It’s not going to work~” Hermione sang as she clutched her book shut, an unamused look plastered all around her face as she raised a brow towards the twins. 
The twins moved towards the girl’s side with a teasing smile plastered around their faces, “Oh yeah? And why is that Granger?” George asked. 
“You see this? This is an age line. Dumbledore drew it himself. I don’t think anyone under seventeen will stand a chance.” Hermione confidently said, crossing her arms. 
“Dear, dear, Granger. You see this?” stated Fred as he lifted his hand to show the small vial of liquid. 
“This is an Aging potion.” George informed. 
“Do you really think that potion of yours is able to fool a genius such as Dumbledore himself?” 
“Yes.” The twins synchronously answered, blinking at the same time.
The girl let out an annoyed groan. “If you’re so confident, let's see then.” 
Fred put an arm around Hermione’s shoulder, squeezing her. “Have some faith in us, Granger. After all, one of us will be winning the cup by then.” 
The twins made their way towards a bench, both shaking their vials before popping it open. 
“Ready, Fred?” “Ready, George.” 
“Bottoms up.” 
The tall gingers jumped in Dumbledore’s age line, pumping their firsts up high when they saw no visible consequences. The crowd cheered with them, chanting “Fred and George! Fred and George!” 
Together, they dropped their piece of parchment in the Goblet of Fire, a contented and proud grin on their faces before the goblet roared and sent them flying across the hall. The crowd gasped then immediately bursted into laughter after seeing how the twins were ginger no more and had white beards spurted on their faces. 
Daphne tried to contain her laughter, nudging Y/N at the side. “THAT is your boyfriend? You really didn’t lie when you said they were doing dumb stuff.” She uttered, shaking her head. Y/N only gave her a knowing smirk, shrugging before grabbing her cup of morning tea. 
The hall suddenly muted itself as Viktor Krum from Durmstrang Institute entered, dropping his name at the goblet. He caught the eye of Hermione, who suddenly turned red, then landed his eyes towards Y/N Icestone and Daphne Greengrass, who both gave him a small wave. 
“You know who Viktor Krum is?” recovered from her flustered self, Hermione came back to her curious ways. Y/N gave her a nod. “Yeah...everyone knows who he is. He’s the seeker of the Bulgarian Quidditch team, isn’t he?” She answered. 
“Yeah...but like...do you know him personally?” 
“Oh she knows him, alright.” Daphne remarked, smirking. 
The Gryffindor continued to give Y/N a confused look, waiting for her to expound further. Y/N raised a brow, sighing in defeat before elbowing Daphne’s chuckling self. 
“It’s not what you think it is, Hermione. You see, my family has a lot of connections. Viktor is an acquaintance.” Y/N clarified. “Why are you asking anyways? Are you perhaps interested in him?”
“No!” Hermione defended, her cheeks back to a shade of pink. She moved closer to Y/N’s ears, whispering quietly. “I was hoping you could pull some strings and ask for his autograph? Ron is a big fan.” 
The Slytherin let out a small laugh. “Now I know who you’re actually interested in.” She teased. 
Suddenly, Y/N felt a small tap at her shoulder. She gave a glance, only to see George and Fred, who looked way, way, older. She gave a raised brow, crossing her arms against her chest. Daphne was trying not to laugh, again. 
George had a sheepish look as he faced Y/N, who was trying to suppress the upward curving of her lips. “Hi” He quietly greeted, slightly feeling embarrassed. 
Y/N shook her head, standing up to head towards the entrance of the Great hall. “Come on, you two. Let’s get you back into your normal forms.” 
“This won’t turn us into cats, right Icestone?” Fred questioned, examining the goblet in his hands. 
“I don’t need potions to turn you dimwits into cats.” Y/N declared, handing George his own goblet full of antidote that reverses the anti-aging potion the twins took. 
“Thanks, love. I don’t know what I would do without you.” The younger twin commented, pressing his lips on the girl’s forehead as he grabbed the goblet. Y/N only gave a small hum, a thousand thoughts coming back to flood her mind. 
As the twins’ face turned into unpleasant looks due to the foul taste of the antidote, Y/N stood by the door, arms crossed as both complained at the taste. “You wouldn’t have that foul liquid sliding down your throats if you didn’t drink that stupid aging potion.” she remarked, getting a “it’s not stupid! It was marvelous!” from Fred. 
After the two turned back to their normal looks, Fred immediately pulled the Slytherin into a short hug, muttering “thanks” before making a beeline towards the exit of the Room of Requirement, leaving the couple alone. 
George put his hands in his jeans pocket, leaning at a table. “What’d you say we hang out by the lake later? You know...catch up a little. I miss you. Let’s skip supper? Unless you’re hungry, love. We could sneak into the kitchens and ask for the house elves to -“ 
Y/N put an index finger above George’s lips, shushing him. “I’m sorry, George.” She apologized, giving him a sympathetic look. “I love the thought of spending time with you, but I’m afraid I have to decline the offer.” 
The ginger’s face fell, placing his hands at the sides of Y/N’s face. “But -“ 
“I have plans with Daphne.” She reasoned, completely lying in front of George, who was pouting. She leaned in one of George’s hands before leaning in to give him a quick peck, much to George’s dismay.  
“Fine.” George muttered before groaning. “See you in potions tomorrow?”  
“Of course.”
“First week of school and that Snape already gave homework.” George complained, resting his forehead on the desk library he and Y/N occupied. 
“That’s professor Snape to you, George.” Y/N scolded, turning her potions book. 
George gave a loud grunt. “Whatever. You only favor him because you’re a Slytherin yourself and that he favors your house too much.” He mumbled, turning his head to the side to examine the girl. 
Y/N raised a brow towards him, her chin resting on her palm. “Well, that’s because he’s head of the house. And you know how I love potions. If you actually read your textbook and listen to his classes, you’d actually learn something.” She said, earning a snort from George.
“Like what? Bewitch the mind, ensnare the senses?” He asked, mocking the tone of the potions master’s voice. 
Y/N nodded. “Yes, to bottle fame, brew glory,”
“and even put a stopper to death!” They simultaneously said, bursting into fits of laughter after making fun of Snape’s yearly speech to the new students of Hogwarts. It was when Madam Pince let out a loud cough that made them shush themselves. 
“So you do listen…” The Slytherin commented, amusement in her voice. 
George displayed a wide grin on his face. “In the first half of my first classes with him in first year, yeah. The rest...well...I just slide. I Slyther in.” 
“HAHA very funny.” Y/N monotonously said. 
Their atmosphere was enveloped in silence as the couple stared at each other’s eyes. Y/N examined the ginger, counting the freckles on his face that looked like stars in the night sky, admiring his honey skin illuminated by the lamp placed on their desk, and getting lost at his bright eyes. 
She was grateful for having someone like George. Someone that looked past her name and treated her like a normal girl. 
Unpleasant thoughts came back rushing in her mind. Worries, doubts, and distress majorly creeping into her feelings. 
She was worried. Worried of her future, with George, with other Slytherin families, and simply just being Y/N Icestone 
She had her doubts. She was doubting herself, doubting if she was the main cause and reason why the twins decided to play a heart-breaking prank against her, doubting if she was truly loved by George, and doubting if she was worthy of receiving love from anyone. 
She was distressed. Distressed from her worries and doubts, all caused by George Weasley, her boyfriend, the boy she gave her love to. 
Shaking the thoughts away, she gently reached for the ginger’s hair, caressing it softly which made George flustered. “Your hair...has gotten very long.” She pointed out.
“Oh...yeah.” George mumbled, nodding. He suddenly felt conscious under the girl’s observant stare. “It did get very long during the summers so I had it trimmed.” 
“But your hair still looks like what you had last year, which was long too.” 
“I like it being long. It looks cool, like my brother, Bill. You have to meet him. He’s actually a Gringotts charm breaker.” said George. “Why? Does it not suit me?” 
The Slytherin gave him a small smile. “I never said anything about not liking it nor you not suiting it. I was just wondering why...doesn’t it get hot?” She questioned.
“I like it being long because I love it when you brush your fingers against my hair. Like what you’re doing right now.” 
Y/N’s hand retreated much to George’s dismay. She sat up, crossing her arms against her chest. “Well, you’ve been struggling in focusing on your essay without your hair covering your eyes.” 
George sat up as well, shrugging as he did so. “Oh but that’s alright. Because having long hair covers my face. I get to look at my seatmate’s paper without the teacher notici- ow! What was that for?” He complained, rubbing his hand in his stinging arm after getting hit by the girl beside him. 
“I’m your seatmate in potions.” Y/N replied, unamused by the ginger’s antics. 
The Gryffindor only blinked, completely not getting what Y/N was trying to point out. “Okay, and?” 
“I will NOT let you copy my work!” She vocalized causing George to slump his shoulders and let out a grunt. “Why not? I thought you liked me?” 
Y/N nodded, grabbing her black hair tie from her robes pocket. “I do. And because I do…” The girl reached George’s ginger locks, gathering them together in one hand to tie it into a ponytail. George felt the pace of his heartbeat quickened. She combed his hair with her fingers, putting them in place, before wrapping the tie once, twice, and thrice, to keep it together. 
“...I’m going to help you study for it, with the first step of keeping your hair away from yours eyes.” She continued, a proud look on her face after seeing her boyfriend’s hair in place. He looked more neat and more handsome, his jawline being showcased. 
The boy was slightly embarrassed, not used to having his hair tied up. “But I hate potions…” George murmured. 
“Oh think about it, George. Knowledge in potions will help you make more Weasley products!” The Slytherin urged, finally turning her attention back to the laid out work in front of her.  
“You’re right! You’re so smart, love. That’s one of the reasons why I love you.” George claimed, finally facing his own series of potions work as well. 
I love you. Y/N didn’t know if she was going to believe what just came out of her boyfriend’s mouth. Nevertheless, her heart skipped a beat. 
“Please tell me you have a plan. You can’t just let him play you like you’re some kind of toy!” Daphne advised as she softly caressed Lixie’s sleeping figure. 
“That’s the thing, Daphne. I don’t even know if he’s still playing. I mean, he told me he loved me for a couple of times now. I don’t know if I should believe him but he really does seem so sincere with it.” Y/N pointed out, placing her hands on her waist as she stopped from her pacing.
“Maybe you should confront him about it.” Daphne suggested. 
“Why not?” 
“Because I know that he’ll lie in front of my face. He does it like a pro, believe me. You know how I hate being lied to.” Y/N muttered, sighing in defeat. “I hate this. I’m giving him until tomorrow to tell me. I’m going to give him hints to make him have an idea how I know. If he doesn’t confess to me by then, I’m going to have to resort to my plan.”  
After Y/N’s conversation with the raven-haired girl, she sneaked her way out the dungeons to meet George at the Astronomy tower. “Y/N You’re here.” He greeted with open arms, Y/N complying to wrap herself in his warm embrace. 
“Yeah...can’t sleep.” She mumbled. 
The couple pulled away, making their way towards their usual spot to sit down. “Why is that?” George questioned, concern laced in his voice. 
“Something has been bothering me lately.” Y/N informed. “A lot happened during the summers. Family gatherings, my father’s important events, and my mom’s own set of tea parties. Which meant me meeting blokes who tried to earn my favor.” She ranted, half lying, half telling the truth. 
“People with their bad intentions... Make me sick.” Y/N added before slipping her glass of chocolate milk. She met George’s staring eyes, giving him a small smile. “I’m glad that you’re not one of them.” She remarked. 
The familiar pang of guilt flooded in the boy’s mind, his chest hurting as if a million of needles were pricking it. George remained quiet as a series of thoughts flooded his mind. 
First, did Y/N Icestone finally find out about how him and Fred were initially planning to break her heart? 
Second, if she did know, who told her? Was it Mira? Was it Lixie? Or was it Draco Malfoy? 
Third, if she knew, why isn’t she confronting me about it? Didn’t she usually get straight to the point with other people? 
Fourth, is she waiting for me to say something to her? Does she want me to be the one who confesses it? 
Fifth, but if I do confess it, what would her reaction be? Would she break up with me? Or would she let it go and forgive me? 
Sixth, if I confess to her, she would never forgive me. That is certain. I know how her head works. 
Seventh, if she wouldn’t forgive me, I could make it up to her...but how? 
Eighth, what if she breaks up with me? What will happen to me? I know for sure that she’ll pull strings from her Icestone name to seek revenge. I don’t want my family to be involved. 
Ninth, this is stupid. Y/N would never use her Icestone power to hurt me. She’s kinder than you think. 
Tenth, now this really is getting stupid. George Weasley, you’re overthinking. She probably doesn’t know and will never know so that’s that. Besides, she fancies you. Nothing could go wrong. Right? 
Y/N took a notice of George’s behavior, feigning a look of concern. “Are you...okay?” She questioned, placing a hand in the boy’s cheeks. 
“I’m fine.” He said, leaning in Y/N’s touch. “Just thinking of ways on how I could kick whoever bothered you.” He added. 
Y/N gave him a smirk. “Even if that someone is you?” She phrased out, catching George off guard. 
“Did I do something?” George questioned, getting a shrug from the Slytherin as a response. 
“Huh?” Y/N feigned confusion. “Is there something I should know?” 
Relief spread through George’s mind. “Besides that I fancy you like crazy? None.” 
“I have a feeling that somebody gave her hints about our previous plan.” Fred suggested, thinking deeply of different possibilities.
“Do you think it was Malfoy?” George asked, concerned and a nervous look plastered around his face. 
Fred briefly nodded. “Possibly. But I think that you should be the one to tell her. You have to tell her today otherwise you can say bye-bye to your precious relationship”
“So?” Daphne asked, curious of last night's events. 
Y/N let out a groan. “Nothing. But I have a feeling that he caught the message. He only has today. He should really let it out or else I won’t hesitate.” She threatened, anger boiling inside of her. 
“You got everything you need? You didn’t forget anything?” George asked as he handed Y/N her bag after walking her to Professor Trelawney’s Divination class, which was located at a very high tower. 
The Slytherin gave him a smile, pulling him for a hug. “None. Thanks for walking me here.” She muttered against the ginger’s chest, making the boy grin. 
While the Gryffindor had the girl wrapped in his hug, he started to overthink about everything again. The beat of his heart quickened due to nervousness and uncertainty. 
As they pulled away, Y/N gave the boy a quick peck on the lips before making her way towards the entrance to Trelawney’s classroom, her pace slow in hopes of George calling her back. To which he did. 
“Yes?” Y/N asked, glancing over her shoulder. 
George looked like he wanted to say something.
“Something troubling you? Do you want to talk about it?” The girl suggested, moving back to stand in front and under the tall ginger’s worried gaze. When the boy remained silent, Y/N narrowed her eyes towards him as she crossed her arms against her chest. “George? Are you feeling alright? I’m...starting to get worried.” 
George gave Y/N a grin. “See you later? The usual?” He asked, insisting rather to himself to just tell her later at the Astronomy tower. 
Y/N didn’t bulge, the look on her face not faltering. “Are you sure you don’t have anything else to say to me, George?” She crossed-examine. George felt cold sweat dripping at the back of his neck, his heart beat faster than before. 
“You’re pretty?” George quietly muttered, the uncertain look coming back on his face. 
The Slytherin decided to give up, planning to try again later at the Astronomy tower. She feigned a smile, nodding in agreement to what her boyfriend just mumbled out. “Damn right I am.” She responded, a knowing smirk on her face, making George groan. 
“I said petty.” He vocalized before giving the girl a kiss on the forehead and walking away. 
“Are you happy?” Y/N suddenly asked, making the boy stop in his tracks. “Does this make you happy, George?” 
He looked at her, giving her a wink. “Anywhere with you makes me happy, Y/N.” 
When the ginger was finally out of sight, the Slytherin groaned in frustration, entering the classroom to hastily sit beside Daphne, who was giving her a sympathetic look. 
15 minutes past four hours after midnight with Y/N Icestone laying on her bed beside a snoring Siamese cat, wide awake as she stares at the ceiling with her head full of thoughts. Even after countless times of being put in an identical situation, somehow, she never got used to it. As the night shuts down and the sky becomes dark, that time is her greatest fight. Her head, her thoughts, herself, her own enemy. 
Usually, she would heave out a frustrated sigh and sneak to see the stars in the Astronomy tower and after her midnight escapades, she’d feel tired from the swellness of her eyes and fall into a slumber. However, she already did this method earlier but coming back from the tower tonight did not let her rest. In fact, she was even more bothered. He knows I know but didn’t even say something about it. Not even a word. Not even an apology.
Y/N turned to her side, caressing Lixie’s small head before giving it a small kiss and sitting up. Turning her eyes to her bedside table, she grabbed a vacant parchment and her wand to illuminate the dark room. With her quill, she started to doodle the interior of the astronomy tower with herself and a certain Gryffindor ginger seated on the floor beside each other. Above them were the beautiful night sky enveloped with billions of shining stars as well as the moon. She smiled to herself. 
“I’m gonna make you miss me.” She muttered, drawing horns on the side of the boy’s head. 
“I’m gonna make you so mad.” She continued, this time drawing a devil’s tail on the boy. 
“I’m gonna make sure that I’m the best you ever had.” 
For a few moments, the girl stared at the parchment, admiring her work of art as she tried to silence herself. She breathed in, and breathed out before crumpling the drawing and furiously wiping her fallen tears. She commanded her wand to turn the light off before draping her thick blanket above her head. 
Y/N Icestone always had a heart. A heart that treasures four-legged furry animals that purrs when they’re delighted and hisses when they have been wronged. A heart that aches to see innocent first years getting bullied by the students from her house. A heart that beats rapidly for the younger individual of the prominent Gryffindor ginger twins, who goes by the name George Weasley. 
Y/N Icestone. Always being labeled for having a stone cold ice as a heart when what she had was warm, pure, and strong. Y/N Icestone, who most people thought had no heart, just got her heart taken, thrown away, and smashed broken.
End of Chapter 6
Tag list:  @abrunettefangirlnerd​ @gloryekaterina​ @lilypad-55449​ @memekingofwwiii​
Author’s note: Enjoy ;)
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starkeristheendgame · 4 years
Hi! Are you still taking prompts? If yes, can you do a Starker one, where Tony is oblivious, and Peter doesn't know what to do, and ask for help to a close friend of Tony and they try to make him jealous by pretending to date and Tony is like of course he is with him he's everything i'm not and having a total breakdown and peter realize that they hurt tony instead and ask for forgivenes and end up together, pleasee? Thank you! If you aren't please just ignore this!
Against my better judgement, my prompts are never closed! Thank you so much for this super sweet/angsty prompt, Nonnie! I realised after finishing this that I never directly included Peter asking for forgiveness, but I hope this feeds you just the same! ❤
TW: Angst | Hurt/Comfort | Self-worth issues | Jealousy | Alcohol mention
Harley Keener is two years Peter’s senior and nicer than Peter could have ever imagined. When Tony had first started to talk about the ‘the first one he pseudo-adopted’ and how Harley had grown into more of a ‘mini me’ than he could’ve imagined, Peter had felt an uncomfortable twist in his gut. 
What if Harley was better than him?
What if Tony liked Harley more?
What if, with Harley around, Tony didn’t want Peter around anymore?
He needn’t have worried, though. Harley wasn’t as ‘outwardly’ nerdy as he was, but he was more than happy to gush over the latest Star Wars LEGO offerings, and Tony snarked them both in equal measure. It was surprisingly like having another Ned around, and it took less than a week for Peter to feel stupid for having worried about his place besides the two of them. 
Tony even joked that Harley was the ‘prototype’ and Peter was the ‘updated model’, to which Harley had just rolled his eyes, knocked Tony’s spanner off the table like a cat and gone straight back to talking to Peter about ComicCon.
They became fast friends, and Peter supposed that was somewhat why he tended to forget there was a second person in the lab with them here and there, starkly (heh) reminded of it when Harley flopped down next to him on the penthouse couch one evening and said; “so how long have you been in love with Tony?” 
He could have cried. The Avengers he was around almost every other day for the past two years brushed off his doting as a hero complex and ‘mentor crush’ and it had taken Harley Keener less than three weeks to call him out on its true nature. 
Naturally and mortifyingly it ended up with Peter sniffling against Harley’s shoulder, wailing about how Tony was out of his league, how every single possible thing that could was against them, and how worst of all; Tony wasn’t interested. 
“He’s interested,” Harley had shrugged, gingerly plucking a tissue from the box and holding it out to him. He’d been somewhat cryptic about the basis of his statement, but had enthusiastically proposed a manner of ways in which it could be proven. And Peter…
Peter agreed to one. 
He didn’t know why. He wasn’t exactly a glutton for punishment and he certainly didn’t get his kicks out of being humiliatingly, crushingly rejected, but...But Harley had said so make jealous. Tony always wants everything, and when he thinks he can’t have something he just tries harder to get it and Peter had inexplicably said yes. 
Unfortunately (or fortunately, Peter didn’t quite know which) the only real, viable option was...Harley himself. None of the other Avengers would work; since they were all taken, straight and/or highly unlikely to be receptive to fake-dating a teen half (or more) their age. 
Neither Ned or MJ had access to the Tower or could really be around any SHIELD, Stark or Avengers activity, and that left quite literally no-one else but Harley. 
“I mean, in a way, its perfect. I’m the grandmaster of the plan anyway, and you don’t have to wordy about hurting my feelings or me falling for you. We can collaborate flawlessly to get you some Grand-Daddy dick,” Harley hummed around the stick candy in his mouth, and Peter wasn’t quite sure what part of that sentence offended him the most. 
“Does literally nobody want me?” he pouted, bottom lip pushed out dramatically as he kicked Harley’s leg out of the way and picked up the PS5 controller. 
“Hey, chin up, munchkin. You’re prettier than half the girls I know. I’m just not wired that way.”
“You’re straight?”
“I’m not anything. It’s like asexuality and aromantic, but both,” Harley pulled a face, clearly trying to remember the term, then shrugged. “Ah, I can never remember it. Anyway, point is, I’m not interested in anyone. You’re a little cherub, for sure, but you’re cute like a cat, not suck-my-dick cute.���
And, well. Cute like a cat? He considered that a high compliment. 
Thus, Operation Get That Grand-Daddy Dick (Peter did not name it) was underway. They both agreed to keep it natural and subtle, since Tony walking in on them half-naked or all over each other was just likely to spook him off. They’d edge into it; hint that they were spending more time together, act a little cosier, maybe get caught holding hands after a week or two. 
In truth, it wasn’t all that different to how they had been before, except that Harley made his smiles even softer, a little more secretive and let his gaze linger when he was sure Tony would notice. They sat and stood closer together than before, and here and there Harley would press a lingering hand to his back or arm. 
They made sure when one or both left they secreted away just out of sight and took a little too long, standing close together by the elevator and making sure to hug ‘longingly’ (whatever that meant in context) should Tony happen to peek. 
And yet for all his smarts, Tony didn’t seem to particularly notice anything amiss until the first time that he spotted them ‘romantically hugging’. Harley was actually a very good hugger, and they stood in front of the elevator together, with Peter facing it and Harley facing the lab. Harley had his chin over Peter’s shoulder and his hands low and tight on his waist, holding him close. 
“Spotted,” Harley whispered quietly, and moments later Tony spoke up. 
“Well that looks cosy.”
Tony’s voice was carefully level, no betrayal of emotion as Peter shyly disentangled himself from Harley, taking a step away as though caught doing something he shouldn’t. He didn’t have to fake the heat in his cheeks when he glanced up at where Tony stood, arms folded, and he fumbled with the strap of his backpack, glancing across at Harley before he gave Tony a meek smile. 
“Um, I’ll-- I’ll see you Friday, Mr. Stark!” he chirped, shuffling around Harley and into the elevator. Tony was still staring at him as the doors began to close, and Harley turned, casting him a wink and a finger-waggling wave. Peter waved back sheepishly and the moment the doors were shut, he whipped out his phone. 
[To: Thing 1] Did he look mad? It looked like he looked mad. Omg. U gotta tell me anything he says :// [19:31]
Harley did in fact text him back two hours later, though there wasn’t much to report. Tony had made a few flippant remarks that could either be parental interest or slight jealousy, and had dropped the subject after a short while in order to focus on his latest project.
Peter slumped. There was snails who had a faster moving love life than he did. With a groan, he stuffed the last of his anxiety snacks in his mouth and flopped back against his pillow to discuss the next step with Harley. 
Social media was their next plan of attack. Tony followed Peter on Instagram and Twitter, and had his Snapchat even if the older man rarely used the platform, so they were going to up the pressure by hanging out outside of the lab (which they did anyway) and posting it to social media. 
It was too soon to cancel plans with Tony to hang out with Harley (and frankly, Peter didn’t want to anyway) so they simply both made themselves unavailable on certain other days, or hung out together without mentioning it to Tony beforehand. 
They got ice cream at the park, went to the art museum downtown, visited several different cultural/ethnic based stores and went to the arcade to kick ass at air hockey over the course of a few weeks, all while keeping up the poorly secretive touching and closeness at the lab. 
And he’d still have more luck getting blood from a stone.
Tony seemed...Either completely oblivious, or just completely unphased. Whilst Peter caught him watching them here and there with an unreadable expression, Tony never directly asked them or overtly commented on what was happening. There was the odd, “enjoy the park yesterday, kid?” or “saw your post the other day, you should try this place next,” but never anything along the lines of what Peter hoped for. 
Even Harley was starting to doubt his original statement that Tony was definitely interested. 
Especially when Tony was the one who started cancelling plans, telling them both to ‘go enjoy themselves’ and ‘live the lives of young people’. He didn’t do it all the time, but here and there they’d both receive a text telling them not to come today. The lingering looks got longer and more weighted, but even so, Tony made no move in either aspect. 
“I think I’m just gonna have to give it up,” Peter admitted to Harley one night over the phone, hanging upside down in his bedroom with the phone dangling on a web besides him. 
“Maybe he’s just not ready for anything right now?” Harley suggested on the other end, between the frantic sounds of tapping buttons. 
“Maybe-- Oh, hang on. I’ve got an inbound from JARVIS. It might be Avengers stuff,” Peter hummed, quickly twisting to tap on the screen to accept the incoming call from JARVIS. 
“Hey, J. What’s up?” He greeted the AI, blinking at the call screen. 
“Apologies for the disturbance, Mr. Parker, but protocol deems that when Mr. Stark is in distress I establish contact with someone on his emergency list in order to inform them.” The AI’s voice was as smooth and unhurried as ever, but Peter frowned at the screen. 
“Yes, Mr. Parker. Sir’s heart-rate is elevated and he is displaying significant symptoms of sadness, including light drinking, darkened lighting and angered viewing of your social media.”
“Angered viewing of my social media?” Peter echoed, fear ratcheting up as he dropped from the ceiling and moved to tug on a pair of shoes. Fuck, had he let something sip? Was there something in the background of his photos? Had someone figured out who he was? He was hopping towards the door on one foot when JARVIS spoke again, and he had to hop back to pull his phone down from the web. 
“Why is he sad over that? Did I do something wrong?”
JARVIS was silent for a short while, as though the AI was debating on how best to respond. 
“I... Believe Sir may be feeling lonely. Or unworthy of company. There have been a multitude of such instances over the past several years,” JARVIS replied after a pause, as Peter locked the web shooters around his wrist and tugged the Spiderman mask over his head to avoid any cameras, crawling out of his window and leaping out into the brisk air. 
It didn’t take long to swing to the Tower, especially not when panic and concern had him pushing it, testing his muscles and leaving him slightly out of breath by the time he slipped onto the top landing console. 
JARVIS directed him through to the penthouse and up the set of 12 steps that lead to the ‘upper level’ of it, to an open doorway that revealed Tony Stark sprawled out on his bed, staring blankly at his phone with a neglected, half-open bottle of whiskey loose in one arm, like a newborn babe. 
“Mr. Stark?” he asked softly, and Tony’s gaze flit up to him, clearing immediately. His mentor cursed and jerked upright, almost sloshing the whole bottle over his bedding. 
“Shit! Kid! Wh’r you doin’ here?” Tony’s voice was just hinting on slurred, the same easiness and lack of concentration that came when you’d had a shot too many. Or five. Peter’s heart cinched as he stared at Tony gingerly putting the bottle on the bedside table, at the redness of his eyes and the messiness of his hair where he’d been running a hand through it, over and over. 
“JARVIS called me. He said you were sad,” Peter managed after a moment, hands wringing the mask between his fingers nervously. He’d never seen Tony like this, this...uncomposed. He looked haggard, tired and sad, and it made Peter feel empty and adrift, unsure of how to approach this new version of the man he loved. 
“Fucking snitch,” the older man grumbled half-heartedly, and rubbed his hands over his eyes. “Shit. Don’t-- Ignore me, kid. Adults my age are entitled to a night like this once in a while. Go back home, I’m fine. Fuck, you didn’t leave Harley for this, did you?”
“Harley?” Peter parroted, brows furrowing as Tony waved a hand. 
“Go on, kid. Get. Make the most of being young and pretty with someone young and pretty.” Tony reached for the bottle again and Peter found himself striding across the room, placing himself in the way of Tony’s outstretched hand and the whiskey. Tony’s fingertips brushed his stomach and recoiled like he’d been burnt by the contact.
“Mr. Stark, do you think I don’t want to hang out with you anymore?” he asked after a moment, voice fragile. God, he’d hoped to maybe make Tony a little jealous, but nothing like this. He hadn’t wanted to hurt him. And he clearly had. There was nothing but rawness in Tony’s eyes when the older man looked up at him. 
“I’m not taking it personally,” his mentor attempted to joke, but it came out bitter and too flat to land lightly. Peter’s heart cinched in his chest and he shuffled to sit on the edge of the large bed, teeth on his lower lip as Tony turned away from his gaze. 
“Mr. Stark, I’ve never...I’ve never not wanted to hang out with you. Even if I have other friends, too,” he pointed out tentatively, and Tony scoffed lightly. 
“You’re too good for a world like this, shortstack. For someone like me. You should be trailing after someone like Captain Uptight,” Tony muttered lowly, and Peter scowled.
“You’re not less better than he is. Both of you are good people. Both of you make mistakes. Both of you save the world.”
Tony’s brows pinched, and he breathed out something that just barely sounded like then why aren’t I good enough?
Making an executive decision, Peter toed off his sneakers and crawled further up onto the bed, picking up Tony’s arm and settling down against his side, curling up under his arm and wrapping his own around Tony’s waist. 
He could feel Tony’s heart thumping wildly in his chest, could feel his breath hitch and the hesitant way that Tony let his arm settle over Peter, fingers curling in his hoodie. 
“You are,” he offered simply, squeezing gently. “This is my fault. I was acting like a dumb kid, and I thought... I should’ve known that it was just gonna end badly.”
“Is being my mini-me really that bad?” Tony choked out, and Peter pushed himself upright, alarmed. 
“What? No! Mr. Stark, being around you is the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I don’t ever ever regret being around you! I just... I have to…” He trailed off for a moment, frustrated, then prayed to Harley for forgiveness and sucked in a deep breath. 
“I’m not actually dating Harley. At all. He doesn’t like people that way. Any people. We’re not boyfriends and I don’t want to stop spending time with you to spend time with him. I like spending time with you and you’re still my hero. Tony Stark or Iron Man,” he stated firmly. 
Tony looked at him for a moment, then looked away. 
“You should be with Harley, kid. Or someone like him. Not someone like me. Not someone with my history. I’m a shit person, kid. All this Iron Man stuff hasn’t even wiped half my scoreboard clean. Someone like Harley... He’s the better parts of me. Like you. He’s worth your love”.
Tony seemed almost startled at saying that word, twitching a little before he attempted to turn away from Peter again, gaze finding the far end of the room like he wished he was anywhere but here. 
Peter fidgeted, then sucked in a deep breath. “Please don’t hate me after this,” he fumbled out quickly, then rolled half on top of the older man, hands fisting in the front of his shirt as he leaned forwards. 
The kiss was awkward and clumsy and couldn’t have lasted for than two seconds before Tony pulled away, eyes wide and voice rough. 
“Kid, what-- You can’t--”
“If you say you’re not interested, I’ll respect that,” Peter interrupted. “Or if you say I’m too young or whatever. But if you say anything along the lines you of not being enough, or not being worthy, or-- or-- Or whatever it is you feel you aren’t... You’re wrong. The reason me and Harley were acting like that is because I was trying to make you jealous.”
“And I know its dumb! I don’t it was childish and I never thought it would hurt you like this. But I’ve lo-- I’ve really liked you. For years. And I know you’re a lot older and we might never be able to be...To be...Normal. I guess. But I want whatever I can get with you, because you’re worth it,” Peter barrelled on, desperate to at least be heard before Tony kicked him out. Except when he trailed off Tony was just... Staring at him.
“It’s just... Hero worship. You still think I’m some magical superhero and you--”
“No offence, Mr. Stark, but you don’t know what I think. Not when it comes to you, clearly,” Peter cut in, cheeks heating at being so brash. Prior to this he wouldn’t have ever dreamed about being so direct and forceful against Tony. 
Well. Not in any PG-rated sense, anyway. 
“Just... We don’t have to talk about it now, okay?” eh offered, sliding off Tony just a little so he was back up against his side, wriggling around until he could grab the faux fur throw on the bottom of the bed, pulling it up over both of them. Tony remained quiet at his side, just watching as he got them both settled. 
“Just... I’m gonna stay, alright? Right here. With you. Because this is where I want to be, and its where I’m gonna stay until... Until you tell me to leave.” His lower lip threatened to wobble with mounting emotion as he lay his head on Tony’s chest, feeling the thick ridges of his scars beneath his shirt. 
A moment later, Tony’s hand settled lightly over his head, fingers sliding tentatively into his hair. 
“And if I never tell you to leave? If I’m selfish and never want to let you go?” the other man whispered. 
“Then I guess that makes us both selfish, because that would make me happy,” Peter mumbled into his chest, wrapping his arm tighter around Tony’s waist. The room went silent for a while, save for their breathing and Tony’s heart thumping beneath his ear. 
“Okay,” Tony rasped after a moment, and Peter smiled. 
“Okay, Hazel Grace.”
“Nevermind. You’re too old for that reference.”
“You’re a little shit.”
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a-blu-jay · 4 years
In the light of the whole doomsday arc and chaos I think it's important to like,,, clarify ? Some points ppl r makin even tho theyre prob not gonna see it.
Also!! This is all /roleplay and talking about the characters not the content creators
Yes, everyone has fucked up. That's what they're ALL going for, especially the ppl takin the lead when it comes to the writin of the script. Everyone is a fucked up character and everyone is a good character with the exception of Dream.
Now to get some more in depth:
Let's start with c!Tubbo. Since the beginning he's been put into tight and bad situations. Watching his friends get exiled, being made a spy for the sake of Intel to win a war which is So Much Pressure, eventually fighting in said war, being made president of the revolutionized country but then immedietly having to rebuild it, later be manipulated to exile his beat friend and brother in arms etc etc. It's a lot of trauma and greif, it's not false to call him a child solider because that's exactly what he is. Schlatt was right, the moment he died the country was doomed, wether that be from Pogtopia, Technoblade, Dream or the inevitability that the leadership would fall onto Tubbo. He's not infallible and he's not experienced. He's a severely Traumatised teenager. But this doesn't necessarily make him a good person.
Next is c!Technoblade because I have some Opinions. He's a fucked up character. Just like everyone else, just in a more transparent way. A lot of the characters hide the bad things they've done in a way to preserve moral righteousness and such. Technoblade has always been clear and transparent he wants nothing more than anarchy, chaos and the fall of L'manburg. Now, acts of terrorism aren't good, they're pretty fucked up. The great thing about his character is that he's so goddman complex. Just like Tubbo and Tommy he's been wronged. And just like Tubbo and Tommy he's a hypocrite. That's what happens when you have morally grey and ambiguous characters. He made his intentions about anarchy clear and Pogtopia made their intentions about Governments clear, they both chose to ignore eachother which in the end made them Hypocrites. A specific point I want to make about Technoblade teaming up with Dream is that Tommy has NEVER been clear with Technoblade with how Dream treated him. Technoblade couldn't have known what Dream did because of Tommy's trauma about speaking about it and Dream's manipulation. Technoblade teamed up with Dream because they shared a common goal, he doesnt trust Dream and has voiced that before. Also! Tommy's point in their argument in the middle of Doomsday was really interesting, he said (I'm paraphrasing) "why can't you just let people love what they love." A thing to note is that Technoblade DID. After the end of the revolution he left to go live in retirment and solitude and let them fight amongst eachother and destroy eachother. The very same Government he predicted to be corrupt then tried to execute him without trial even though they said he'd be given one. Which is a pretty corrupt thing to do. In the end Technoblade was used and just a little bit mistreated but he's not in the right because of that. Again, he can be seen in the lense of a Villain but that doesn't mean he really is one.
Now onto c!Tommy. His character is deffinetly an interesting one! I think his main fault is his own hubris. He's prideful to a default and stubborn when it comes to the idea he could have done something wrong because of how badly he wants to be the/a hero. Now, I'm not saying he HASN'T taken accountability for some things he's said and done because he most certainly has and thus has grown as a character. Another huge fault is his hyperfixation on the emotions and people attached to objects. Honestly? Tubbo logically wasn't wrong, they're just discs. But in Tommy's head they're a symbol of his and Tubbo's friendship. The problem is when he picks these discs over his actual friendship with Tubbo and how Dream has manipulated him. Dream plays a BIG part in why Tommy thinks the discs are so valuable. If you're told enough times and manipulated into thinking objects hold a significant value to the things important to you then eventually they become fiercely important to you and have some weight to them. I think in the beginning, in Tommy's brain destroying the discs meant his and Tubbo's friendship was over because of the part they've played in their friendship. Again, Tubbo only ever saw them as dics, plastic vinyls that drop from mobs and play pretty music. To another point, Tommy is also explicitly Hypocritical, just like Technoblade. He holds onto the fact that Tubbo and L'manburg and it's people are his friends and he cares about him but then calls Technoblade his friend and casts his emotions aside. The problem is the blatant fact that Tommy used Technoblade as a weapon and after being called out that friends don't do that to eachother he ignores it. In this instance he's no better than Technoblade. A kinda big problem is his character development, which really doesn't have a lot to do with c!Tommy and more with how the writers suggest developing him as a character. I think the main thing is that he goes to Tubbo's side saying how the discs never truly mattered to later saying they need the discs. The discs don't matter. What matters is defeating Dream. But just like Tubbo, Tommy is a highly and incredibly traumatised Teenager.
Next is c!Ranboo, the mad lad! I don't really have a whole lot to say? Just some quick analysis of what his characters ideals are and his actions in everything. Looking at his character he's incredibly paranoid, anxious and probably Traumatised from things we the audience don't know. At the end of the day he's a true neutral character. In one of the tweets cc!Ranboo sent it said that as long as Dream isn't hurting the people he (character Ranboo) directly cares about, he doesn't care what Dream does. For a good portion he was against Dream because he cared about everyone nd dream was hurting everyone. He's joined Technoblade and Ph1lza in the Arctic because he thinks that Dream has gotten what he wants, he doesn't know anything about Dream and Tommy's conversation by the end of Doomsday. Also! Ranboo's ideals/beliefs are anarchist by nature and principle. The reason he has a problem with choosing sides between L'manburg and Dream is because of the hierarchy within those sides, and the obligation that you have to fight that comes with picking those sides. Technoblade and Ph1lza both chose to fight under free will and because they chose too without coercion. Everyone is equal there. There's a really good post somewhere talking about it that'll I'll look for that explains it very well. (EDIT: found the post also hopefully i did the link right)
This is getting painfully long so I'm wrapping it up here with a few last things. Everything has always come down to Dream. The reason L'manburg was built was to get away from the oppressive power that is Dream (another point for Technoblade teaming up w dream, he wasn't there for Dreams stuff, he only knew of Schlatt but I digress). Dream has manipulated everyone, he's running the puppet show with the strings tied to his fingers. He's manipulated Tubbo, Tommy, Ranboo, Technoblade, Schlatt, EVERYONE. He's pitted everyone against eachother because he loves the chaos. Because he knows that if they weaken eachother it'll be a lot easier to take control with less effort put in from his part. Dream has always been the main antagonist from the very very beginning. Sure some could say Tommy started it with the discs but Dream was the one who took them in the first place etc.
He's also pitted the audience against eachother. It's really interesting in how he's actually manipulated the audience. It doesn't matter who's on what side or who's wronged who when the cause for all their greif has always been Dream. The fandom is fighting over traitors and betrayals and villain arcs. It doesn't matter, not when Dream is runnin free with the amount of power that he has.
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botwstoriesandsuch · 4 years
Whoopsie King Rhoam’s a dick but I gotta flesh him out so
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Read Part 1 here!
Part 2
If you’re on mobile, and tumblr hates this post, follow along on this google doc!
Rules/overview this rewrite in the beginning of Part 1
‘sup ya beautiful bastards it’s time to gush about the process of storytelling and writing as we fix up the fix it fic so let’s just jump into it
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A quick recap of Part 2, and I swear this recap is faster than the recap last time: Chapter 3 of Age of Calamity opens with a more substantial scene the beginning points of Revali’s character, and contrasting the old position that Link and eggbot have, so that their later changes in this chapter (well, at least for Link in this chapter) are more pronounced. We edited a bit of the dialogue to make Revali’s intentions make a bit more sense, while also putting some little foreshadowing points with some camera tricks for the Hollow Champions. The Hollow Champions can now speak, which means their potential for being used to bring out the flaws or bitter aspects of each character is more readily available further into the story. And of course, we’ve introduced the main antagonist of Astor, and coupling his presence and dynamic with Zelda’s insecurities. While his intentions of needing Zelda for something is clear, his motivations and backstory remain a mystery as of yet, the only true clue we have so far being some sort of connection to eggbot. 
I didn’t get any big asks or comments about Part 2 so I’m going to assume that it was mostly well received (although I will note that I promise I’m going to flesh out Revali to be more than he has been presented as of yet, this is just the very very start of this development don’t you worry your feather loving butts) that being said, you should totally critique me or give me your opinions or comments. I’d love to hear them! Although, keep in mind that I am restraining my rewrite to the guidelines already said, so don’t get mad at me for not killing off all the Champions or something. Thaaat’s a rewrite for another time. So yeah if you reblog you get a little kiss from me because believe it or not I spent a lot of time trying to rewrite an entire storyline while keeping it’s tone and integrity intact. So thanks much <3
Okie dokie then chaps! Let us finally delve into Urbosa lesbian vibes, a zest of Zelink angst, rants about pacing, and a couple tablespoons of Astor backstory, all starting in the latest stage of Chapter 3: The Road Home, Besieged 
So right of the bat, big problem here. This Chapter follows directly after the events of Korok Forest, so you assume that maybe “The Road Home” refers to the team, going home, back to the castle, to tell King Rhoam what’s up. But...that’s apparently not the case. 
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So this entire stage, firstly, it brushes over any scenes where Zelda, Link or the other Champions might talk to King Rhoam about the Master Sword, or the Deku Tree, or...hmm what else happened last stage that might be interesting to see—oh yEAH HOW ABOUT that mysterious magic guy that tried to kill Zelda and was going off about the future and stuff?? That guy that wielded a bunch of dark magic and malice looking stuff and, uh yeah, you’d think it might be important and interesting to see the King’s take on was is essentially a wanted traitor to the crown who may or may not be leading the entire movement for the Calamity’s uprising. But nope, no one asks questions, no one says anything or has interesting conversations that reveal stuff about the plot. It's just….just all about Zelda and ooooOOooo she can’t awaken her powers oh no what’s a gal to do!
And I do mean that quite literally, this entire stage is all centered around two scenes with Zelda. The first, an admittedly narratively important scene of Zelda having a quick flashback about eggbot after he sings her a song, but it lasts for five seconds. And the second, being a pep talk with Urbosa as Link eats rocks in the background. For the majority of this stage, it’s all focused on Zelda, and pacing wise, it does virtually nothing to progress the narrative/plot forward.
And on paper, there’s nothing wrong with that! Hell, people read entire fanfictions dedicated to character development and relationships that have absolutely no external plot. Having a scene dedicated to just character development is completely fine, it’s something that’s pretty common and even encouraged to an extent. The problem arises when you remember that this is a story being told through the medium of a video game. 
Now, I am going to try and  breeze by this because, similar to Age of Calamity, I have to also construct this post with pacing that keeps my audience engaged, while progressing with my core narrative and story. But I highly encourage you to watch through this video by hello future me (On Writing: How to Master Pacing) because a lot of what I know about this I’ve picked up from his videos, and if you’re a writer or just someone who thinks storytelling is cool, it’s a great guide to the art of pacing.
Anyhow. There are two levels of pacing within a story. There is the small type of pacing, like for the structure of a singular scene. And there is the pacing of the overall core narrative, how the larger beats of the entire story is revealed. Good pacing for your core narrative is about whether the reader feels like they are getting closer to the big thing, the big climax or answer or promise of satisfaction. The smaller type of pacing, for your singular scenes, focuses on that timing between how close you get to achieving new information, this refers to  your slow and fast pacing, tension versus rapid action.  
So, overall the rule of thumb is: the amount of time you invest into your smaller scenes, even put together, that must correlate with a big enough payoff in the core narrative. That’s what good pacing is. (And that’s why people make stuff like the Three Act Structure to help visualize this pacing process but obviously other forms of pacing guidelines exist like the Five and Seven Act Structures but that’s too complicated for this Nintendo Game anyhow that’s just some educational flavour for ya to impress your highschool English Teacher I guess) 
So knowing that, the question now is: Does The Road Home, Besieged contribute good pacing to the story? This is going to be my excuse for changing up other later scenes in the game, so when I mention pacing and narrative again, remember this. The time spent playing for thirty minutes, minimum, in the game, to only be paid off by two lines of character development isn’t good pacing. So the answer is “no.” 
Delving as long an amount of time as thirty minutes, means that pretty much everytime a stage is complete, you must introduce new substantial progress to your story. A game like this just doesn’t have time to waste it’s valuable cutscenes on character development alone. There’s an even further wrench in the issue when you consider you also need to account for sidequests, so you could really be forcing your player to go through hours of gametime before you introduce new details in the story. 
Obviously it’s not always gonna be cut and dry like that—sometimes you have to account for how enjoyable the gameplay is, and sometimes the amount of character development offsets any lack of narrative development—but for the majority of stages I’m gonna change, they all suffer this pacing problem. In a game that's entire story hinges on these cutscenes, bad pacing is just something it doesn’t have time for.
Anyhow anyhow anyhow, I got to get my dose of serotonin by talking about pacing writing structure and stuff and blah blah, so now I shall grace you with the changes that address these problems that would theoretically lead to vast improvement. I gave you this reasoning and backstory to writing because I am making hella changes, to hopefully make the experience more “poggers,” which is something the cool kids say these days if you didn’t know. 
Firstly, timeline wise this stage is gonna take place directly after the Korok Forest battle. The gang is returning home from the battle, with Link, the new wielder of the Master Sword, along with this new information regarding a certain Astor character. 
We open the same way it does in game, focusing on Zelda’s face, before the frame is suddenly blocked by the pommel of the Master Sword. A wordless way to express how the sudden revelation of Link being the hero has forced its way into Zelda’s mind, great use of camera Koei Tecmo 10 outta 10
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Now I don’t want to immediately jump into Zelda’s “oh poor me I can’t awaken my powers” dialogue because—and this is something even Breath of the Wild is guilty of—This game seems to forget that there are other characters besides Zelda. It’s marketed towards kids, sure, but I assure you that kids playing this game have a longer attention span than 2 minutes. You don’t need to keep reminding the audience every single scene about how Zelda is anxious about her powers. It gets redundant, you waste the audience’s time, and therefore you waste your own time, because you could have been using that precious screen time to develop some other thing further.  So anyhow, goes a bit like this. 
Zelda’s walking, the Master Sword comes into frame. Zelda looks down at the ground but keeps walking, but you can tell from her expression that she’s troubled. Don’t need to waste time on dialogue for her here, show don’t tell, we need to make the most of the scene here. Camera is still on Zelda, but the focus blurs shifts from Zelda to the Champions behind her. We can start with Mipha, I don’t have my heart set heavily on any specific dialogue, but I want her to say something along the lines of “how proud she is of Link” and what an honor it will be to fight by the side of not just her dear friend, but also someone selected by the goddess to be the hero. Subtextually, I want her to say this in a tone that suggests that she doubts the need for her to be here at all. She’ll say something like “He’s grown so…” glances up at Link who's just walking ahead, “...so much stronger than I could ever imagine. [Something Something] His power has grown so much over the course of a few days, more than I have achieved in a lifetime.” She looks down, but she still has a sweet smile. 
Now I’m doing this because I want to develop further this plot line of “getting stronger” that Age of Calamity sets up but never does anything with. Remember how in Chapter 2, Mipha asks Daruk to train with her to get stronger? I really like the possibilities of this arc with Mipha as it can not only parallel with her feelings for Link, but also make her character better as an individual. Mipha wants to get stronger so that she can protect Link, but now she thinks that Link’s already growing stronger to an extent that she might not be needed. She’s not jealous of Link, nor does she wish him to be weaker, she simply wants to be more than she already is. This is literally echoing her words that she left her father, about how leaving the Domain and experiencing new challenges would be “good for her.” So I wanna run with it. The dialogue here establishes Mipha’s motivation to grow stronger, almost equivalent to a rivalry of sorts. 
So after Mipha says this, Revali scoffs and butts in. Again, I’m not too set on any particular dialogue here, just something like “Hmph! Well, I don’t know about that. Seems to me all that’s happened is some magic sword gave the knight an ego boost. Blade’s only as strong as the little Hylian who wields it, and—based on my own extended experience and professional observations of course—I’ve yet to see this ‘stronger’ boy that you speak of.” Another camera pan to Link a ways in front of them. “If you ask me, hero or no, that knight is still exactly the same as I first met him.”
Revali places a wing on his chest dramatically. “Perhaps if you’re truly keen on seeing growth in skill and strength, Mipha, you’d do well to—”
“Flattering of an offer as that may be, Revali,” Urbosa interjects, “But I think Mipha might find it difficult to observe growth from one of the shortest Rito in Hyrule.”
Cue laughter from others or snickering or something. We just need some banter to add a bit more flavour to the characters. Revali can do a little huff and cross his wings or flip his scarf or something. But then Urbosa continues. 
“Although...he is right about one thing.” Urbosa looks straight ahead. “A sword does not alter a hand, just as strength does not alter character.” She puts a hand on Mipha’s shoulder. “Grow as he might, there is no doubt in my mind that he is the same boy as he’s always been.” Urbosa looks up in the direction of Zelda. “Whether you realize it or not.”
Ok so, scene’s not done yet, BUT quick gush on the dialogue flow here. I’m trying to establish parallels in these character perspectives based on the flow of conversation. We started with Mipha who, like I said, wished to grow stronger along with Link. This flows into Revali who also has a similar parallel as he wishes to grow above Link’s shadow. But the distinction between Mipha and Revali is that Mipha think’s Link’s strength is earned, and Revali thinks he cheated, gaining authority through a magic sword, and not through merit and skill. Thus, leading to Revali’s perspective of Link being exactly the same as he’s always been, he believes the sword doesn’t change anything. Urbosa then speaks, because she thinks exactly the same thing. However, her distinction is that Link is the same as he’s always been: a determined young boy earned his place and cares for his friends. Then she looks to Zelda who, as we know, will develop a perspective that contradicts this. So you get it? This scene is like 20 seconds long but it already mirrors nearly all the character parallels and perspective, that’s why the flow of dialogue is important. And I know half of you probably think these kinds of details are a stretch but I promise you it’s not, just look at any movie or show ever and I guarantee you can find similar stuff there too. Ok moving on moving on— 
Urbosa looks up at Zelda, comments her, “He’s the same boy, whether you realize it or not” piece of dialogue. Camera shifts back to Zelda and Link, who, idk if I mentioned this, but in the scene there’s enough distance between the Champions and Zelda and Link that the Champions can speak without the other two listening. So they didn’t hear any of this. 
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So the camera is back on Zelda, and now we can get her “How can I…..If I am unable to awaken my inner power….” line. Eggbot senses her sadness, does his little cheer up dance, Zelda gets a flashback.
One small change I wanna make to this flashback: Instead of just a baby Zelda going “nighty-night” I want there to ALSO be a figure in the background behind eggbot wearing a silk royal blue dress. And said woman has blonde hair and she’s by the table back there. We don’t have to show her face or anything because Nintendo hates that. Just place the woman somewhere in the back somewhere
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Also possibly you could add the shadow of another figure by the doorway, maybe? It would serve good continuity purposes for the plot points that I’m telling, but that part is not as necessary. I just need at least the woman there. 
Then Zelda is like “I remember you” to eggbot and all that and blah blah… Now, instead of Impa offscreen just yelling “enemy ahead!” I just want it to be a full on ambush. Not like a major one, but just enough where the group is surprised a bit. Maybe on the cliffs above, a lizalfo throws a boomerang, or a bokoblin shoots and arrow, or even just throws a rock. I don’t really care. I just need this to happen because…
As soon as this danger is presented, Link turns around to grab Zelda’s hand and they start running again. And he can like use his body to try and shield her a bit, I need it to parallel how he acted during Chapter 1 on the road to the Royal Tech Lab. However, this parallel has one important distinction because…
Zelda rips he grip from Link’s after a moment. “You don’t need to coddle me!” She says, or something along those lines. “Y-You...You’re the hero aren’t you! I’m perfectly fine, you don’t need to spend your precious time playing babysitter to me.” In the distance, a horde of monsters is beginning to form. Zelda looks between the monsters and Link’s Master Sword, her expression unreadable. “Well? Just...just go do what you need to do.” Link hesitates, looking between her, and the approaching monsters. Zelda speaks more sternly now, “Go!” So Link, not one to disregard an order from the Princess, gives one last look to Zelda before setting off towards the monsters. Maybe Zelda can take a deep breath to steady herself after he leaves, but as soon as Link unsheathes his sword, the metal glistening in the setting sunlight, it cuts immediately to gameplay. Start battle. 
For essays’ purposes this is the part where I explain why this is better than the original. So here’s my reasoning:
Uhhh, it just is. :3
Ok but seriously, I’ve already talked a tone about why the pacing and dialogue flow is better than the original. But also this scene doesn’t just say “Ooo Zelda is sad about her powers,” because that’s not interesting. Like I said, it’s redundant information. What is interesting is see how characters deal with that internal conflict and how it affects their relationships. AKA Zelda’s relationship with Link, who now basically embodies the success that she’s been working so hard towards but never achieved, is deteriorating a bit. I wanted to get that sense of the Zelda that we see in Breath of the Wild because all things considered, they should be roughly the same character.
So that’s that, you fight the battle, the Hollows show up a bit, so insert “dark evil Champion” dialogue because if you’re gonna use the evil clone trope might as well use it to the fullest. Then you fight the Talus and hurray horrah the day is saved. 
Then we have that iconic Urbosa motherly pep talk to Zelda as Link eats rocks in the background. Now honestly, I’m not that big a fan of the first half of the dialogue, so I wanna change it into something more interesting. But the rest of the beats and camera work go roughly the same. 
Zelda: “Link is...so much stronger now”
Urbosa: “‘And yet I have not.’ I presume that’s what you’re thinking, hmm?”
Zelda: “Well it’s true, isn’t it? More and more, monsters have been appearing around Hyrule. It is a sign that the Calamity draws near. So...there isn’t much time. And still, no sign of my power awakening.”
Urbosa: *sighs* “Little bird…”
Zelda cuts her off, in an attempt to change topics: “Why do you call me that?”
Urbosa: “Hmm?”
Zelda: “Little bird...I feel like I’ve heard it before. Why do you call me that?”
Urbosa, after a beat looks off in the distance or something: “A long time ago, my dear friend would call me to the palace, or perhaps invite herself over to mine, [she chuckles] ...and she would talk with me all day, and ask me to gaze upon her little bird with her. Her dearest daughter...a princess”
Zelda: “You mean my…”
Urbosa just smiles with a soft nod: “Back then, times were a bit different. The destiny that you have was still upon the Queen, who worked day and night to refine her powers and fulfill her destiny. In just a few short years, I went from being friends with a Queen, to friends with the destined sealer of the Calamity.”
Another pause, before Urbosa speaks again: “But...she was still the same woman I had grown with. Still the same loving mother who spoke about her little bird with joy. She had not changed one bit.”
Urbosa: “Even when your mother passed, her loving smile was there until the very end. She always loved you—believed in you, Zelda. She had great hope, great faith that her daughter would grow into the beacon of light Hyrule needed. That even with her gone, you would spread your wings and fly, because you were just that amazing to her.” *Urbosa puts her hands on Zelda’s shoulders.*
Urbosa: “Destiny did not change your mother’s love, just as it does not change Link’s courage, or your value.” *the camera can pan to Link eating rocks now*
Urbosa looks directly at Zelda now: “Look how hard we’ve all worked to get this far, how hard you have worked to get here. While we may grow in strength, in that regard, we’re all one in the same.”
Zelda: “...I….well…”
Urbosa: “What did the Great Deku Tree say? There is no need to fret princess.”
Urbosa: “Our faith, Link’s, your mother’s, it’s all as strong as ever. And everyday, with every moment that you travel towards your destiny, it just grows. It is always with us. So believe in that, have hope, yet, little bird.” *Eggbot can scurry up and make cute noises here next to Zelda*
Urbosa: “I know, you are where you need to be. You must accept that too.”
Zelda: “...”
Zelda gives a solemn nod: “Thank you, Urbosa.”
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So that’s that scene! Don’t let the length fool you, it’s technically even shorter than the original scene in Age of Calamity. So why is it, in my opinion, better? Because for one, we actually get an insight into Zelda’s mom and Urbosa’s relationship, something that was PROMISED To us but never given and I’m still a bit salty about it. Anyhow, in addition to just getting some lore details, that relationship between the Queen and Urbosa is important for this scene because, just like Urbosa spells out, it’s in direct parallel with Link and Zelda. 
Before the Queen suddenly got sick and died, she was destined to seal the Calamity. But she didn’t let that destiny change her, she was still the same loving mother to the end. Now that is something that Zelda needs to realize about Link, as his newly acquired destiny doesn’t change who he was before, the knight who cares for her and wishes to protect her. Zelda needs to realize he’s the same and that she can still trust and confide in him. Hence, that’s why this mom backstory is in this scene and not somewhere else, because it serves to the narrative but also more impactfully to the character development. 
The dialogue could probably be polished a bit more but come on, not half bad for an improvement yeah? So that concludes Chapter—
SIKE we’re not done yet. We still have to move into the entire point of this stage, the road home, to the castle. 
So, badabing badaboom, I’m adding an entirely new scene from scratch right here at the end, because it is VITAL that I set up something new about the story, as a sort of clincher. So anyhow 
Zelda is alone with her father, let’s set it in the royal library (Intact, not ruined, of course) because we don’t see enough of that location and it’s really cool. So Zelda is briefing her dad about the events in Korok Forest and on the journey back home. I know I always gush about cinematography but it can’t be fully appreciated since I’m….writing,,, this, BUT I think it might be fun if the side shots of Zelda have her background be some bookcases of the library, maybe half bookcases and the other half the ornate walls. Then the background for the King’s shots is the full symmetry of the elegant staircases.
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[And if you needed the specific reasoning for that, because it makes camera shots more fun. Like when Zelda says something that aids in her scholarly side, the camera angle can change slightly where the bookcases take up more of the frame, and then when the King’s will takes more power, then the book cases can be angled a bit more out of frame. And then the symmetry of the King by the staircase is a way to show his higher power dynamic to her, and contrasts well with Zelda’s shots since the bookcases are dark and the stone is lighter, so on a meta level is also makes it easier for the audience to understand where they are. Shot composition is fun ok, and that’s not even getting into color theory (Thinks about Baby Driver and LaLaLand....even videogames like Undertale and Hollow Knight have such wonderful shot composition and use of color theory hhhhh love it)]
Ok so Zelda’s briefing the King in the library, she’s standing while he’s sitting at a desk. There’s maybe two or four Royal Guards on the staircase entrances, but for the most part, they’re alone. You can tell that this meeting between them has been going on for a bit now, as from Zelda’s dialogue, she’s retelling events midway through the story. 
The King is flipping through some paperwork, not really looking Zelda in the eyes. She continues speaking. 
“And so...with the malice cleared and the monsters being dealt with, Link and I made our way into the heart of Korok Forest.”
The King hums a response, flipping through another page. “And this is when Link pulled out the Sword that Seals the Darkness then, I presume.”
Zelda paused, as of thinking of how to phrase her next words. “Not exactly. I...we both encountered someone beforehand. A man, with a pale face, and dark hair and robes, and he had the power to control malice, using a strange object in one of his hands.” 
Rhoam stops writing in his journal or whatever. He doesn’t look up, but the sudden stop he makes is obvious. Zelda notices, but continues. 
“He talked about...the Calamity, and my birthday...destiny, and the future….I’m not quite sure I can remember his intentions word for word. But he did introduce himself as—“
“Astor…” Zelda and the King say simultaneously. The King has fully perked up now, looking at Zelda. She’s pleased to see a reaction from him. The King rises from his chair, and starts pacing a bit, stroking his beard thoughtfully like the asshole he is. 
“So you know him then? This Astor man? Who is he, father? What does he—“
“Were you alright? Did he hurt you, or mention anything else?”
Zelda pauses for a moment before shaking her head, as if the concern he was expressing was uncharacteristic. “N-No. No, I’m fine, and Link was there. During the battle, as Link fought him off, that was when the sword was pulled. Then Astor fled, or...” Zelda pauses for a beat, “retreated...he expressed his wish to speak with me again.”
Another beat of silence, as Rhoam gets up, hands clasped behind his back. “He used to work at this very palace.” The shot is now directly on Rhoams back, as he faces a bookcase, although it’s clear that he’s just deep in thought, and not just staring at books. Rhoam is in third column of the shot (he’s to the right, not in the center) 
“A trusted advisor. Someone gifted with foresight, who many years ago, had first predicted the coming Calamity.” Cut to shot of Rhoams face, the camera being by the bookcase, so that we see Rhoam’s expression and Zelda’s.
“In truth, I thought him dead. For the last time I saw him alive—truly, truly alive—was ten long years ago...” The shot goes back to the original establishing shot, of Rhoam facing away from the camera, towards the bookcase, he’s standing to the right, hands still clasped behind his back.
“...when your mother still graced this earth.”
From left frame, a younger Astor walks up and stands beside Rhoam. He runs his fingers along the books. Rhoam looks to his left, as if he is seeing Astor. Camera cuts to Astor’s right, as if looking at him from Rhoam’s perspective. He continues brushing his fingers against the spines of the books, before he finds the one he’s looking for. Pulling it out, he opens the book, flipping through its pages, before giving a genuine smile. Cut back to wide angle behind them. With the book, Astor starts walking back out left frame, but this time the camera follows him. Filter fade to a memory tint as the camera pans right to left
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[when the camera fades fully into the Astor memory, the figures can have that silhouetted effect like you see in botw. Cause I know Nintendo hates making new character models for some reason.] 
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So if it wasn’t clear already, even though the memory filter doesn’t come immediately, Astor isn’t actually there, but it’s just a flashback. I’m a sucker for merges, which is something this game and botw NEVER do which bugs me because there are so many creative ways you could introduce flashbacks without just doing “ooOooOoo fade to sepia filter and then oooOOooOOO we fade back to reality and no time has passed.” I apologize if my explanation of the camera doesn’t make sense as it’s hard without much visual aid, but hopefully it makes sense so far. Anyhow! Let’s continue.
We’re now fully immersed in this memory, but King Rhoam’s voice still narrates overhead. 
Astor brings the book to one of the desks in the library, where a woman sits writing something onto paper. News flash, it’s the queen. Astor hands her the book and starts speaking about something, although you can tell the tone of their conversation is light, almost akin to Zelda rambling about Sheikah Technology. The Queen laughs about something unheard, as Astor continues ranting about something, his hands moving to like a professor giving a lecture. 
Rhoam Narration: “When he had first predicted the Calamity, things were much more hopefully for our kingdom. As although his foresight granted him only glimpses and fragments of a future, he was almost certain that with the Guardians, and the strength of your mother’s power, our victory would be absolute.”
Scene changes to the Queen walking down a corridor, Astor is leaning against the wall by a window. 
Rhoam Narration: “He and your mother would often work together tirelessly to study the ancient arts, to make the most of the powers given by the goddess.”
The Queen has walked up to Astor now. She crouches down and gestures to her left, the side not yet seen by the camera.
Rhoam Narration: “In fact…”
The camera changes to focus to where the Queen was looking towards—a young Zelda, crouched behind her mother’s dress, stares up at Astor. 
Rhoam Narration: “I would not be surprised if you found within yourself, a memory of such.”
I would prefer if you could see the expressions of Astor (giving Zelda not a smile, but not really a frown or anything rude either) and young Zelda. But I guess it can also just be silhouettes too cause again, Nintendo hates giving us younger character models outside of first person POV stuff. Anyhow. 
The scene fades, the light from the window dimming as everything darkens.
Rhoam Narration: “I often times wish we could go back to such a time, when victory and pride swam in every corner of this castle.  But of course…”
The scene brightens again, although not as bright as before. It’s the exact same corridor with the large window, but now it’s raining. A young Zelda stands alone in front of it, looking outside.
Rhoam Narration: “Such a time did end…”
We now cut to a new scene, King Rhoam is walking down a hall, the camera’s perspective is of a bird’s eye view, like we’re peering in from outside a window. We can see the shadow of Astor chasing after him, as he starts speaking frantically about something, not quite, but almost to the point of shouts. 
Rhoam Narration: “After your mother died, the visions of the future shifted drastically. No longer was there glimpses of rolling fields and shimmering skies, but instead, of rubble, red earth, and death.”
You can now more clearly hear the words coming out of Astor’s mouth. He is telling something about failure, and souls, and the Calamity to the King’s ear. He’s still walking forward.
Rhoam Narration: “He was adamant that our demise was now coming faster than ever, and that without your mother, we were doomed. That even you, should you take up your mother’s mantle, could not save everyone.”
Astor: “I’m telling you Your Majesty, if you go down this path, there is no going back.”
King Rhoam: “There is no other choice, we are moving forward.”
Astor: “I don’t think you quite understand the true gravity of the fate you’re choosing for yourself. It is a guarantee that you, me, and countless others shall die.”
King Rhoam: “I don’t want to hear it.”
Astor: “And of course, there are a multitude of possibilities, but the end result is the same.”
Astor: “Do you have a preference, perhaps? Crushed by rubble? Suffocation under ash?”
Rhoam’s tone is deadly: “Stop.”
Astor: “I’ve seen fire too. I’m not yet quite sure the exact circumstances that lead to flame appearing and spreading so quickly, but rest assured that if you—”
King Rhoam: “Stop.” 
Astor: “If you saddle someone else with this duty I am absolutely certain that you and I will—” 
King Rhoam, voice not shouting, but still with a booming intensity: “Just like you were so certain of our victory 10 years ago?”
Astor’s face darkens. He’s silent for a moment, collecting his words before practically spitting the first articulation: “...That, future, was the one that would come to be if Her Majesty was alive. If you’re so unsatisfied with my departed wisdom you can go ahead and flail around with destiny alone. You think I choose for these events to happen? You think I lie when I saw I want what’s best for this kingdom—”
King Rhoam: “What’s best for you.”
An ugly pause.
King Rhoam: “It is decided, Seer. It’s time you accept this. My wife is dead. That is the truth. Thus the role of sealing the Calamity shall pass to my daughter. She will work to awaken her own ability. It will be her duty to save us.”
Astor half laughs: “A child?! Surely you don’t need the supernatural to see how foolish that is.”
King Rhoam’s voice is even more stern: “You are living proof that the future is not absolute. Therefore I...must place all belief in her ability.”
The King walks away, leaving Astor alone. Weirdly, he smiles. Perhaps to mask some other emotion.  
After another moment, Astor yells to the King: “I’ll fix this! Alone if I must!” He’s chuckling as he shakes his head. “Your useless faith may cost many lives, but even so mark my words, I will fix this.”
The King looks back, but says nothing, his expression unreadable. He continues forward, leaving Astor alone chuckling, or perhaps something in between chuckling and crying to himself.  
Rhoam Narration: “We haven’t spoken since that day. I simply left him to his devices. If he was so determined to find another way to stop the Calamity, then who was I to stop him. I doubt my word could have swayed his mind regardless.
We’re now looking at a room, the camera is just by the doorway, looking at an office, circular and domed. It’s stone brick walls are covered in parchment and ripped books, covered in symbols and frantic writing. An old Sheikah tapestry hangs crudely on the left wall, and the window on the right seems to tint grey, or even a deepest crimson. Centerframe, is the back of Astor, robe hanging just above the paper ridden floor. He is flipping through something on his desk. 
Rhoam Narration: “Fixated as he was on the perfect future that you mother might have led, I still had hope that with time, he might still assist you with your destiny one day.”
The camera slowly comes closer to Astor. We can see more clearly the type of stuff that sprawls the papers and books and diagrams across his office. Some depict stars and constellations, and even a few notes on Ancient Technology, although in a noticeably cleaner font. However, as the camera moves close and closer to Astor, the papers and books depict only one clear topic: the aura of death that comes only with necromancy. 
Rhoam Narration: “It seems…”
Astor finally reacts to whatever he was doing on his desk. You don’t see his eyes, but as he fully turns around to face the camera, you see his smile, along with him holding a dark orb of unknown energy. It hovers in his hand. 
Rhoam Narration: “...I was mistaken.” 
The camera cuts to a wide angle, looking at Astor from behind a stack of books on his desk. The stack of books on Astor’s desk brighten in color (from the memory dull filter), until the scene fully fades back into the Royal Library. The camera is now focused on a similar stack of books on the desk behind Zelda, where Rhoam was working before. 
Zelda is still looking at her father, who is still turned away. Now, he turns back around to face her.
“He had disappeared completely one day, so it was my understanding that whatever he was working on killed him. However, if he is truly back as you say…”
Rhoam walks closer to Zelda, close enough that he might have put a hand on her shoulder, but his arms stay behind his back.
“It is in your utmost interest to prove him wrong. I know not what he plans on doing, but it would be wise to stop him before he does.”
Rhoam turns away now, pacing back to the otherside of the desk. “But, your more important priority is unlocking your powers, understand? Now more than ever, is not the time to get distracted.”
Zelda, taking this all in, takes a deep breath. She then nods at him. “I understand...Father.”
After a moment, the King makes a motion as if to dismiss her. She starts to walk away, her thoughts churning in her head, heart thumping to the same beat as her echoing footsteps. Suddenly, Rhoam calls, 
“Zelda.” It’s not a question, but the tone is asked like one.
She turns back, looking at him, expectantly. Rhoam only stares at her, an uncharacteristic moment of uncertainty for him. The words he wants to form seem stuck in his throat, until finally, he lets out a quiet breathe through his nose, before simply saying:
“You must.”
Zelda can only frown, her shoulder’s slumping slightly, as she ducks her head and leaves.
- - - - - - 
And that’s that! That’s the complete end of Chapter 3. So tune in next time for Chapter 4, including a new slight but important story changes, Yiga husbands, and shocking turns of events.
Edit: I forgot that posts with link’s dont show up in tag results so a rb is appreciated :p
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Open Heart: Second Year
I don’t think I’m saying anything that hasn’t already been said before but this is bugging me like crazy. I don’t use Tumblr very often but I don’t know anyone else who plays Choices, so here I am (I guess spoiler alert for those who haven’t played Open Heart).
Open Heart book 1 is one of my favourite books, possibly even my most favourite. I genuinely couldn’t decide between Bryce, Raf and Ethan. I switch between the male and female MC and I’ve been able to give them different personalities. The book had strong writing and a coherent plot with probably three main storylines: Patient X, Panacea Labs, and Mrs Martinez, which all tied together beautifully at the end. Even all our patients came back in the last chapter.
And then Open Heart: Second Year. Where to start.
Obviously Ethan is our boss, mentor and colleague so he will have a vital role in the story, but why push the other LIs aside? Why can’t Bryce romancers steal a few minutes in the hospital corridors where Bryce gives you a flirty wink and a pat on the butt? Why can’t Jackie romancers sneak into her room every so often?
And let’s get started on Rafael. First of all....what the fuck?
I love a little bit of angst so I wasn’t initially too mad when Sora was introduced (actually I think it made me want Rafael more, because apparently I only like men I can’t have...and I’ve gone off Ethan because he would be too easy). But there was none. Sora appeared in chapter 2, where it’s described as ‘stings a little to watch’, but doesn’t appear again until the baseball game in chapter 8 where they cheer for Edenbrook a couple of times. The only kind of ‘angst’ Rafael romancers got was dancing with Raf at the music festival where Sora is briefly mentioned and MC closes their eyes and listens to Raf’s heartbeat (which was a sweet moment, to be fair). Are you seriously telling me that none of their friends acknowledged that he and MC used to date? That they wouldn’t have asked if MC was OK at least once? That they would have invited Rafael over to the apartment without giving MC a heads up? And when PB was asked about this they gave some crap about making things realistic and exploring the mature themes of a medical drama. If Open Heart were realistic, MC would have been fired halfway through book 1 (one of the dialogue options with Ethan in book 1 chapter 6 actually leads him to say ‘consider yourself lucky you’re even getting a next time’) but NO, we get ‘realism’ by losing a beloved love interest and character that people have grown invested in and spent money on, and then completely waste the opportunity for drama.
And then there’s chapter 10.
And going back to realism, they couldn’t think of anything else apart from vengeance and terrorism? Not, I don’t know, just a highly infectious patient which is probably more likely to happen within a hospital?
I do think that chapter 11 is one of the strongest chapters of Second Year, and the book has got stronger since then. But knowing that it might have ended with the death of Rafael leaves a VERY bitter taste. I’m very glad they rewrote it...but what on earth was the thought process behind that?!? Going back to realism again, if they wanted drama and emotions, why not have Kyra die of surgical complications? At least we’d have been somewhat prepared for that as she was introduced as being a cancer patient, and there would have been more angst (especially for Bryce romancers) as he would have had the guilt of not being able to save her when he promised MC he would, even if it was out of his hands. But sure, have Rafael caught in an assassination attempt, that makes sense. And it still doesn’t really excuse Sora, I mean, imagine the pain if he was still an LI and he and MC were saying their last goodbyes in that room??
I was happy with the rewrite to chapter 11 and the kiss between Raf and MC in chapter 12 was beautiful. And PB have actually made something of an effort to include Raf in the rest of the story; I was half-expecting to not see him again until the obligatory 30-diamond scene in the last chapter.
Chapter 12 was so emotional and it was so clear that each character and LI was struggling with the events. And the end of chapter 12 and the beginning of chapter 13 made it very clear that MC was terrified of returning to work. MC has butterflies in their stomach as they walk in to Edenbrook and then...nothing. That was that. As if they just needed to face their fear and they’d be alright again. Now I could be wrong, but I’m pretty sure PTSD isn’t as simple as that? It would go far deeper than ‘Oh, I’m alright, just taking it one day at a time’. And the narration specified that MC was uncomfortable at the idea of going back into the diagnostics room where the attack happened, but chapter 14 we’re back in there without batting an eyelid.
Someone (I don’t know who...if you’re reading this let me know!!) pointed out that Danny and Bobby could have been mentioned at the gala...there could have been some kind of ‘in memory’ and donors could have been guilt tripped by MC. But no, not a peep. I keep thinking that we could have had Baz, Zaid and Inez (I miss her) catching up with MC and asking how they’re doing and how worried they were. If you’re going to the gala with Raf there could have been a highly emotional scene between them about what happened in the room. Raf alludes to it in a line of dialogue but there was potential for so much more.
And how about the fact that a group of doctors cured the incurable OVERNIGHT and it worked without proper testing? NO ONE has mentioned that since! Surely there would be papers being published and deeper research being conducted now that lives aren’t on the line? We had a whole chapter about how a research grant would save the hospital but now...nothing?! Ed Farrugia hasn’t been mentioned since chapter 12. No one in the team is talking about how it was June’s idea to convince him to switch to Edenbrook. Surely that would be a huge elephant in the room? Wouldn’t she at least say something like ‘I never wanted this to happen, we went too far’? Something?!
The fact that there has been no follow-up to the attack suggests to me that it was purely for shock value. They just wanted drama and didn’t care about keeping it grounded. And assuming that Rafael died in the original, that’s more upsetting. I can’t believe that he was the least profitable character in the history of Choices ever. And even if he was, was it because no one bought his diamond scenes, or because he didn’t have diamond scenes to buy? I romanced Bryce in my first playthrough, but I remember choosing to assist on his surgery without even thinking about it, I didn’t even look at the diamonds it would cost. So a beloved character would have been killed, and it would have brought nothing to the story.
Furthermore, Sora would never have been explained. Rafael almost explained in chapters 2 and 12 but both times MC cut them off. If Rafael was originally going to die in chapter 11, Rafael romancers would never have got that explanation, unless they were to hear it from Sora themselves afterwards (doubtful). And it’s highly unlikely it actually will be explained. PB will probably say ‘it’s up to you what happened!’ like they’re doing us a favour by creating our own headcanon, but to me that’s just lazy writing; they wanted to write off Rafael and they didn’t care how they did it.
If Second Year hadn’t opened with a funeral scene we might never have been clued into what was going to happen and demanded a rewrite.
Aside from that, there’s Esme. She’s introduced as breaking Dr Thorne’s hand and then has to diagnose and treat him in chapter 10. Depending on your choices, he gets surgery and thanks Esme for saving his life and apologises for the bar incident. Otherwise she doesn’t run further tests and he messes up a surgery which eventually forces him to resign. And then Esme gets her plotline with Levi. If Dr Thorne wasn’t her main plotline, what was the point in introducing him? It’s another storyline that had huge potential--sexual harassment in the workplace, for example--but had little to no payoff and fell off the radar. If PB wanted to introduce MC and Esme the night before they both started working then MC could have just literally walked into Esme and either apologised, asked if she was OK, or told her to watch where she was going, and that would have affected how she greeted you in the hospital the next day. But no, we get this storyline hinted at which is then written off and replaced. Maybe it was a rewrite, I just don’t see why it would have been.
Like I said before, the main storylines of book 1 all tied together in the end, but the storylines we’ve had in book 2 have just felt like completely separate events, just a bunch of stuff that happens and is quickly forgotten. I think the balance of the LIs has been better since chapter 11; even when the gang went to Vegas, Raf romancers got a quick phone call with him. As a Raf romancer, I appreciated that, and it only goes to show how PB could accommodate for all LIs whilst having Ethan integral as our boss (see before, bonus scenes for Jackie romancers sneaking into each others rooms, bonus scenes for Bryce romancers having flirty interactions in the corridors). 
There is such a difference in dialogue if you’re playing Ethan’s romance route or not. I had him stay behind in chapter 11 and I thought it came across as a sweet conversation between a mentor and his protégée. But the other LIs don’t have anything close to that level of detail. Ethan romancers get pretty close to being official in chapter 17 but I’ve heard Jackie and Bryce didn’t get that. And Raf romancers didn’t even get caught sneaking back into the gala. I’m still holding out hope that book 2 will end with all LIs saying ‘I love you’ and being official with MC, but the inequality makes me sad.
I might have had some more to say, but this post has been longer than I intended and I don’t remember what that might have been. I really wanted to like Open Heart: Second Year. Book 1 will always be a favourite, but book 2? It’s like going from the classic era of The Simpsons where Homer was a lazy dumbass but genuinely loved his family, to the modern era of The Simpsons where nothing makes sense and Homer is a straight-up jerk. I just hope that, if we get book 3, they would have learned from their mistakes and Open Heart can be saved. It doesn’t deserve this.
Well, that’s my two cents. Sorry for the long post. If you got this far, thanks for reading.
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nomoregoldfish · 4 years
Imagine Pacho Sends You as a Gift to (Spy on) Amado 2/3
This is getting out of hand again, smh. (Not really) Warning: everyone loves Pacho. Un-betaed, I’ll post the entire thing on AO3 later. For now, you can find part 1 here.
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Amado is occupied with all sorts of business affairs after you land in DF, leaving you to his younger brother Vicente. You quickly learn Vicente is in charge of security of all cartel business, that's something, you assume.
When asked why you don't go to Juárez directly, Vicente tells you Amado has several meetings with some important figures in DF. You have to figure out a way to infiltrate the plaza to learn more about Amado, staying at a luxury apartment owned by the narcos won't get you anything useful.
"She's crazy!" Vicente's whining when Amado finally shows up late that night, "She woke up at 5 in the morning for a fucking jog and dragged my ass to a wet market before it even opened. And that's not the end of it, she bought so much fish and my car still smells like a stinky fish tank right now."
Vicente is a bit exaggerating but you do have a fruitful trip to the local market. 
"Yet you finished everything she cooked." Amado points at the empty plates on the dining table, not annoyed at all.
"Do you have some leftovers?" The tall Mexican turns to you. Vicente interrupts, "No, we ate all salmon sashimi because Ryoko said salmon has to be served as fresh as possible, and I ate all wasabi. Oh man, that shit is hotter than serrano peppers. But don't worry, we have a lot of more fish in the jacuzzi." Right, it comes handy to have more than one bathtub in the luxury apartment.
Finally Amado sends away his bratty little brother. Then it's just the two of you. 
"I've got something for you." You remember to smile, which seems to work fine as Amado approaches. "All done?" He asks, you haven't figured it out what he's asking about, the dishes? Yes. Then the Mexican lowers your ponytail, running his fingers through your hair. 
"You don't wanna hair in your grilled pacific saury." You joke, bringing him another set of hot meal you specifically make for him.
"Tell me more about it." Amado takes a large bite, looking satisfied and more relaxed.
You two are chatting over some mezcal and a plate of edamame afterwards. Amado asks about your day, and trades some anecdotes about Vicente when you tentatively ask about his. The fucker is smart and vigilant. 
"I have to tell you something," Okay, you get his full attention, "The bluefin tuna you ate three days ago wasn't served in the best condition. Pacho wanted a show, everything grand and pretty, so I had to cut the red part of the fish and make a bright-colored akami plate right away. It's meaty and chewy, which should have been aged for three days in the fridge to allow the texture to soften and release more flavor," You opens the fridge, showing Amado several chunks of tuna you already cut out, "You can have friends over in three days, I bought enough for a full table."
"What about the pink ones?" He seems genuinely interested. You continue to explain that different parts of tuna offer variable tastes from super fatty pink otoro around the head and collar to chutoro, mixture of fat and meat from the back and belly.
To your surprise, Amado asks for a slice of the fat part, "You said it's the most expensive one. I shouldn't waste your hard-earned money, right?" Both of you laugh.
You take a really fat cut. When you're looking for a plate and the soy sauce, Amado just eats it from your hand. Your fingers are freezing from the tuna and when he swallows them with the slice, the hot and soft sensation around fucking turns you on like nothing else. The sashimi-hater even licks your fingers a few more times, "to clean the fat."
As he claimed, "It's better."
"Now you're gonna show me how you destroy my jacuzzi on day one."
You feel great sitting by the edge of the jacuzzi a.k.a. your temporary fish tank and checking out all the aquatic animals you bought earlier.
"It could've been us in it." What a tease. You laugh then get up, "I don't think it's a good idea to get naked with lobsters and octopuses." 
"Wait," Amado turns you around, still sitting by the edge, "Let me make it up for you."
When Amado decides to give you a head, you simply don't say no. It's like sitting on his face because you can barely stand still. He notices then pulls you closer. The lips used to wrap around your fingers now make you feel like in heaven, and God bless his fucking tongue. The Mexican is driving you mad.
"Shh, you wake up the octopus." You're at the tipping point and the fucker pauses. You open your eyes, an octopus is on the move, two tentacles approaching the edge of the jacuzzi, sucker rings very close to your bare legs.
Then imagine Amado gets up and pushes you up against the tiles in the shower, silencing you with a rough kiss. You taste yourself, and something raw, could be the tuna or the cigarettes he smokes. You get even more aroused by that. 
You're desperate for more of his touch. So you grab his big hand and put it between your thighs, and he's willing to comply. 
This is too much. You cum just after a few rubs against him.  
"I'm sorry for the other night. You're a genius." Amado's playing dirty, sweet-talking while he continues to rub against your oversensitive part, "Would you do me favor? I'm thinking about hosting a few guests, somewhere private, the tuna will be ready by Friday, right?"
You can't believe he falls for the trick. This could be an important business meeting and you're gonna be there.
"Sure. Can I ask something in return?" You already come to your senses while giving Amado a painfully slow handjob.
"Anything you want. Flowers? Jewelry? Cars? I have some better collections than Pacho's Corvette C4. Too flashy." Amado offers generously.
You can't help laughing, "Gosh, how could men make everything a dick comparison contest?"
"You saw his dick?" Amado bites your lower lips. He's rock hard, throbbing.
"I thought you did, too. You two seem very close. I mean, Pacho is a gorgeous man." You keep going, and teasing. You enjoy the fact that you just plant something really dirty in Amado's head. You bet he's having an imaginary threesome with you and Pacho. Not a bad idea though.
By the time you make him come, the Mexican almost forgets what you're asking.
"I ask 'Do you have some dumbbells?' I need my daily training and I don't have time to find a new gym here. What? How do you think I'm able to handle a 150lbs tuna in a line of work mostly for men?" You give Amado a little squeeze before licking it off.
You have a dream that night, being penetrated by Amado in some warm water while a giant octopus sucks you off. You wake up with wetness down there.
You visit several Japanese restaurants in town, unsurprisingly boring. You get the idea that local middle-class see Japanese cuisine as an exotic and cultural novelty. 
You even invite Amado to have lunch at one of those restaurants during his break. He frowns at the food after the first bite, "You can't do this to me."
What? "Asking me to eat this crap is inhumane. I'm spoiled." Amado makes it sound like you're the bad guy, but these smiling eyes give him away. He looks at you the way that makes you feel wanted.
You two end up eating cheap Mexican street food and that's where you find some early blossoms of jacarandas with excitement.
"You want those?" Amado asks, picking up some dried petals from the street. All you can think of is jacarandas flower could be an interesting alternative to sakura, which adds a domestic touch to the food you're gonna prepare for Friday. 
"Yes, please." Amado must find it weird but he just nods.
Once being brought to the outskirt location of the private meeting, you spend more time making rearrangement of the decor, trying to create an authentic Japanese ryotei experience. 
You call Amado once for extra resources. It's tricky because you don't know if you're in a position to ask anything when he's away, busy.
"I'm glad you called. I may not be an Asian culture fanatic like Pacho but I promise you will have anything you want. Whatever rare shit he's bought you, just name it. I'll have an entire Boeing 727 team ready to fly it in from every fucking corner of the world." Yeah, the dick measuring thing is still going on. 
What you don't mention is that you're also glad to hear his voice. "Will you come over?" You almost let it slip, "I mean, to see if you like everything."
"No. I trust you," Amado pauses, "I'll be an hour early."
"Mind the traffic." Bright laughter breaks from the other end of the line.
And thanks to the highly efficient Carrillo Air Express, stuff you request is brought to you the next day including a whole box of violet jacarandas petals.
You ask for a guest list before starting to set the table. "Just set tables for eight people." Vicente clearly has no idea of being a host. You explain that it's part of your job to make sure no one is allergic to seafood. "How the fuck do I know that?" The young man is still complaining.
"Don't worry. Give me a list. I'll look for their office numbers, call their secretaries and find out."
Vicente is easily convinced. You get what you want, a list of high-up politicians and business executives. Not sure how this is relevant but you memorize the names and companies anyway.
Amado makes his arrival almost cinematic. With a chopper still swirling outside, the man in black steps out from the driving seat on the right and waves to you like a king. 
"You're early." You can hide your smile this time.
"Because someone suggested I should 'mind the traffic.' It happens I've owned a few choppers." The fucker looks like a dashing pilot out Hollywood movies. 
You joke that he's nothing like what Pacho used to say, "Low-profile my ass." 
"Oh, Pacho talks about me?"
"Stop. I'm really not interested in which one of you has a bigger dick."
Later Amado hands you a wrapped frame. "I heard you're looking for some Japanese art for decoration. I don't know anything about art but..."
You can't believe he brings you a shunga, tradition Japanese erotic painting, depicting a giant octopus performing oral on a woman with pink tentacles all over her naked body. "You're ridiculous." You frown, it's too explicit you're not sure if it's appropriate for such an occasion.
"I saw something similar at Pacho's house. Well, minus the woman. Just boys." The cheeky bastard winks at you, "You're also serving octopus sashimi tonight? It's a fit then." That's how a print of the famous Octopus and Girl Diver ends up in the main room.
Dinner starts at 8 and everything is ready. You're asked to briefly introduce each dish to the guests when one's presented. Guests praise everything from the chopstick rest made of porcelain with traditional Mexican patterns, to the floral-shaped bream sashimi slices. The tuna sushi is a hit, everyone loves it. You give Amado a knowing smirk when you catch him taking a few himself. The octopus sashimi is a bit tricky but the guests are so "polite", they still pretend to enjoy the exotic food. 
The rest of the time you stay outside the room. You hear things but not in a coherent manner. Amado mentions NAFTA, export-oriented furniture and auto parts factories in Juárez, and two of them are head of the biggest tequila exporters of the country. Nothing makes sense for the drug business. Is the most successful Mexican drug trafficker gonna shift to other legitimate businesses? That might have an impact on Pacho's business.
When dessert is brought to the table, everyone wows — the improvised jacarandas mochi with dried petals is a nice surprise to end the dinner. You tell them the story that instead of the much-anticipated sakura which wasn't well-adjusted to the Mexican weather, how jacarandas was introduced to Mexico City by a Japanese gardener in the 1930s. All the guests finish their plates while giving you a few nods.
Amado seems very pleased with everything you've done. He lowers his voice to ask you to wait for him afterwards.
"Where are we going?" You ask through the headphones. Seems Amado is flying you back to downtown DF.
The Mexican smirks, "To the sky."
You finally land atop the roof of a skyscraper, "This is the tallest building in Mexico." Amado holds you tight when you exit the chopper. The wind at night in early January is insane, let alone you're 700ft above the ground.
It must be some five-star hotel but turns out it's an office building of Pemex, Mexico's state-owned oil company. WTAF? "Put it this way, the biggest exporters of the country hang out sometimes." Amado's sense of humor is something you didn't expect, "Well, I'm not saying they bring as many unattached US dollars as I do, not even close."
When you let the fact sink in — that the Juárez cartel probably earns twice as much as the biggest oil company in the country through exporting "goods," having access to a secret suite on the top floor of the Pemex Tower is not surprising at all.
"You bring people here often?" You ask when Amado pops a bottle of wine. The city view from the 54th floor is stunning.
"I didn't know you're the jealous type." He brings you a glass. You two stand in front the giant window, raising your glasses like you're celebrating. 
"You haven't asked what we're celebrating." Amado takes a step closer.
You put index finger on his lips, which are incredibly soft. Immediately remind you last time you kissed, "I don't want to get myself killed in a foreign country."
"Did Pacho teach you that? Not asking questions, just do your thing." Amado starts kissing your hand.
"Oh, my God. You're so obsessed with him, and it's kinda cute."
"Nonsense." The Mexican disagrees, and turns to the window. 
You sets both of your glasses aside, then leads Amado to the bed. You get undressed first, lying on the bed, waiting.
"You're sure this is something you want?" You ask, completely stripped. Amado stares at your flat-chested body like the first time he found out who you are. 
"You make it sound like I haven't sleep with supermodels. That funny?" The fucker tickles you, "You have no idea..."
Imagine Amado makes you feel adored, marking every inch of your body with his big hands and soft lips. He takes time, mapping your body till he finds the most sensitive spots and makes you moan, shivering.
"Let me warm you up." Amado probably thinks you're cold, so he spoons you. The long limbs of his are like tentacles wrapped around you, fuck, you can feel his erection grinding against you.
You're so wet for Amado. When he finally pushes in from behind, neither of you can resist the sensation.
"Wanted to do this to you the whole week. You're such a fucking tease, aren't you? Dropped at my door in that kimono robe then left without letting me even touch you." Amado pounds into you, with hand reaching your little bean from behind, making you a total mess.
 "Why didn't you make me stay then?" You're nearly breathless, "Is it...because it's within Pacho's territory?" You obviously cross some line with that. The thrusts become harder, feels like Amado is gonna fuck you senseless.
You're not sure if Pacho wants to know you are talking about him when you reach orgasm. 
You decide to leave it out before you pass out.
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