#that kind of thing is private my frens
dyrewrites · 2 days
oh hii! srry for the late reply!
i'm NOT against smut or erotica at all! i'm against romancitizing abuse.
a lot of people understood it as if i'm saying "women are too stupid to differ fiction from reality" but that's not it!
we know the effects pornography has on misogyny, toxic masculinity and usually we only talk about how it affects men - since they're majority in consuming it - but i realized many books of dark romance has common elements with porn: "forbbiden" relationships, misogyny, extremely dub-con...
( i know that because unfortunately i was a kid with no supervision of whatever i was doing on internet :p )
besides that, i was also into animes. idk if you ever heard of "hentai" but basically is 2d porn and dark romance is SO similar to it. "guilty trap" of the victims...as i grew up, i started questioning myself "what the heck". it's something made for insecure men to feel better within themselves as they abuse women.
i have NO problem with smut or women being sexual but i can't denial certain topics need to be treated with caution.
well, that's it! thank you for your time!!
I refuse to answer if I have heard of this 'hentai'. Totally unaware of this thing we will not speak of.
Also, your statement that these things are "made for insecure men to feel better within themselves as they abuse women" tells me you've made up your mind on this topic and are perhaps coming into this with a more personal bias than I am.
Because I just want people to be able to enjoy their filthy fictions, and I will die on the hill that romanticizing things makes them easier to explore and understand.
I'll keep going with the discussion, on the off chance you'll read it all and maybe see where I'm coming from.
I'm putting this under a cut for the sexual language, and because I am going to go on.
I don't know what you mean by porn affecting misogyny and 'toxic masculinity'. So understand that I have no idea what you mean by those words in this context.
As for the effects of porn on men, and women, I...have issues with that belief. In general, I have issues with the belief that seeing or reading a thing can make someone behave a certain way on its own.
So let's discuss that, shall we?
Now, if someone's entire concept of relationships and sex stems from porn then yes, they will be broken. They will be heavily impacted by it, because it is not reality. Nor does it pretend to be reality. It is very clearly a fiction. Yet they've been given it and only it as example, so to them it is reality...and they will learn the hard way that it is not.
Same goes for animated and written pornography.
It isn't real. It is very clearly fiction.
So the only way it is affecting anyone, other than the intended affect of course, is if that's all they know.
But that's not everyone.
The average person reading the Dark Fantasy Romance that began this discussion is in her late twenties, thirties or well into her forties. She is likely married, maybe even a mother.
She knows how sex works. This will not change her opinion of how it works, but it might make her ask her husband to slap her ass or speak a little rougher once in a while. Just to see if she actually likes it. Because we never stop changing, as people, and it's fun to try new things with your partner.
But the books are a fantasy she indulges in because it is taboo, because most of it is likely impossible in real life, and because it touches some little part of her brain that wonders what she'd do in such a dangerous--and somehow arousing--situation.
It is made to titillate and as people's interests are wide and varied, there are many delights out there to choose from and create fiction of.
Some of it romanticizes abuse, yes, for the reasons stated above.
It does not, however, advocate for abuse or suggest one go out and do those things. It is a game, a fiction, and a fun little release from reality to enjoy.
There is no harm in fiction romanticizing the monstrous or depraved.
Where else can one explore those interests safely? Would you prefer someone with a fantasy of being subdued and 'taken advantage of' go on tinder and see if they can find someone to drug and play rape them?
It's an extreme example, but it's part of why these topics should be out there in fictional settings, and treated as the sexual fantasies they are. It's how to experience the weird little things some of us imagine without actually getting hurt.
People aren't going to go looking for someone to abuse them, or misunderstand the signs of abuse because the pretty fae prince in their books acted like that too.
So yes, by saying there's an issue with it, you are saying women are too stupid to tell fantasy from reality.
Your opinion on hentai, however, tells me someone caught you and made you feel dirty for watching it. Or, perhaps, you need to find something more your interest. Not that I have any suggestions.
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fallenrain40 · 1 year
yip yip !!! <3
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Welcome to my blog! you can call me Autumn, Fallen, Wolf, or Dove! BEST FRENS BLOGS: @unofficial-crow @llama-li daily click reminder :3
main tags for organization!: #aroace foxes (self explanatory), #autumn's art (my art), #random posting or #random thoughts (tags I use for various things. they can be kind of spammy and venty so feel free to filter 'em out if you need to!, #coyote things (therian stuff), #others art (self explanatory), #lyrics posting (just me spamming lyrics from songs i like lol) :3 my toyhouse page is HERE my artfight page is HERE silly pronouns page is HERE sideblogs: @wolfwhisper-daily , @aroace-coyote , @misty-brightdawn-fans , @girlfluxjuno ... i have more but shhhhh 💫🌕✨ (updated 9/4/24) So yeah intro time! Pronouns: It/its atm. I'm aroacespec, genderfluid (greygender/nonbinary currently i guess?, also a ton of xenos bc i hoard them), and a coyote polytherian. also autistic and t1 diabetic so, yippee. and I probably have adhd, anxiety, and several other problems but we dont talk about that. other stuff I may post about include my interests: cartoons, fandom stuff, plushies, animal related video games, and therian stuff :3
🌟🌄🌟 my theriotypes: Coyote, Cryptid, Wolf/Werewolf, Cat (ragdoll and domestic shorthair). my fictionkin types: (Keeping these private for now) my otherkin types: Ghost. my heartypes: ??? questioning: Deer (Fawn??), Fox, Snow Leopard, Unicorn. Maybe another mythical creature as well. Probably several of my OCs. Possibly a storm, blizzard, and shadow conceptkin. Alien? Not all are listed here due to me being unsure enough to want to say anything about it. Also some are just a little odd. If some are removed, it does not mean I am not still questioning them, just not publicly.
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if you like any of my posts, I'd appreciate if you reblogged! <33
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bonus: inserting my main two sona's refs here- wolfwhisper on the left, autumn dove on the right.
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ficklecat · 8 months
Hi fickle! 🖤🧟‍♀️🌊🖇️
henlo fren :3 thank you for the ask!
🖤 favorite hobbies outside of your blog
Writing primarily. I also enjoy reading and making origami paper stars, and in the warmer months I try to pick pottery back up with a friend of mine but I'm bad at being consistent. I really ought to get myself a wheel but I don't think I'd have anywhere to put it.
🧟‍♀️ scariest thing that’s happened to you
Hm...to avoid revealing anything too uncomfortable or traumatic, I once got some kind of chemical burn on my hand from a rotted battery. The corrosive acid mixed with something in our first aid kit that had leaked and this chalky white burning substance felt like it was crystallizing as it spread beneath my skin in seconds. I literally watched it spread across my finger like a fucking plague. I used white vinegar to neutralize it and it shockingly worked (thank you fanfiction research) but that was fucking scary, I thought I was about to lose a finger. No idea what it was.
🌊 a kink you would like to write but you think you’d be judged
I don't really worry about being judged in this sort of sense. I tag things for a reason. And I don't think any kinks I'd want to write about or explore would be so egregious as to be judged anyway, at least not in any sort of major way. That being said, I've written horror fic before that contained some challenging subjects in another pairing/fandom, and though I've had some similar ideas since then, I feel like the space I've curated now doesn't support that kind of work anymore. I'm aware I invite some judgement being a creative and posting content to share, so I try to make sure the stuff I put out is stuff that I enjoy, but that will bring me joy to share as well. If I think something will paint a target on my back or cause drama or whatever, I just won't post it, or will share it in a more private way.
🖇️ what are your favorite asks to answer
I don't get a ton of asks, but I enjoy talking about my writing. I put so much into my fics and works, themes and symbolism, recurring imagery, etc., and I always wonder if people pick up on them or enjoy experiencing them as much as I do coming up with them. It's hard sometimes to create something and get no feedback on it, which is why comments on AO3 go such a long way! I love reading about what people have gleaned from my works, but more than that I really do enjoy sharing my process or thoughts on them. Each work I share is deeply personal to me in some way, so of course, I'd love to answer questions about them (at the risk of sounding narcissistic!)
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choiceskatie · 3 years
Invasion of Privacy
Book: The Nanny Affair/Mother of the Year
Warnings: Extremely NSFW. Smut. Lemony as fook. The filthiest thing I’ve ever written so the embarrassment may induce my next leave of absence (I’m also very out of practice, pls be kind)
Word count: 9.6k. I don’t know lol. I really don’t know.
Summary: Reimagining of Sam’s birthday. Takes place during TNA book 1 chapter 3.
Author’s Note: this idea randomly came to me one morning (can’t stop a ho from being a ho) and as I went to write it, it dawned on me this would be the perfect birthday fic for Miss Nitah. So, I forced myself to wait 5 months to write it (and then had a writers block for months and wrote this in 3 days this week lol). @ao719 happy birthday, my sweet fren. I wrote out many words about how great you are and then decided publishing them publicly would just make both of us uncomfortable so resigned myself to a paragraph or two lmao.
Fun fact, you were my first ever follower on here. You followed me when I didn’t even know how to reblog, all I knew how to do was send you messages obsessing over your writing and send you anonymous asks about when the next chapter of FD would be out lmfao. I think you’re one of the only blogs I followed for like two months, bc all I did for weeks on end was work through the pandemic and come home and read every single fic you’d ever written. I even read New Beginnings before I’d read MotY (what a sad time of my life) just because I needed my fix of your stories 🤣
I love keysmashing with you, obsessing over pixelated characters, trying to interpret lines to decipher which of them has the biggest dicks lmao. I love you obsessing over Scottish tiktoks and me teaching you what the words mean. You’re seriously amazing, and I’m so thankful to know you.
Anyway, these are just some of the characters that you and I obsess over, and I hope you enjoy this, my dude! I hope it doesn’t disappoint after me telling you how excited I was about it for 6 months 😂 (and sorry this is late lol) happy birthday weekend! I adore you 🤍
Also thanks for being born and forcing me out of my writers block. My screen time for docs this week is a little concerning but that sounds like a problem for future me.
Thanks to @lsvdw-blog for prereading this for me every time I wrote five lines, love you baby g.
All characters belong to Pixelberry.
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The sound of the elevator dinging stops Anna and the twins in their tracks, panicked eyes meeting one another in alarm as they realise Sam has picked the most inopportune time to finally leave the office at a normal hour.
“Is that your dad? He’s not supposed to be home yet!”
“You have to stall him!” Mason gestures to the doorway with the large oven mitts dwarfing his hands. “Or else the surprise is going to be completely ruined!”
“Go, go, go!”
Mickey gently pushes her out into the hallway before she has a chance to protest. She stumbles into the corridor as she comes face to face with Sam’s handsome face, quickly forming the private smile she’s grown to love as he quirks an eyebrow at her.
“Coming to greet me at the door now, Anna?” His friendly grin is quickly replaced with something darker, something hungrier, as she watches his gaze travel from her head to her toe, taking in the special gown she’s put on to celebrate his big day. “You look…”
He gnaws at his lower lip as he struggles to finish his sentiment, eyes meeting her own again as she feels her body heat rising rapidly under the intensity of his stare.
She shakes herself from the daze as she remembers the mission she’s been sent out here to accomplish.
“Sam! I wasn’t expecting you so soon…” She trails off as she hears the telltale chime of the elevator reaching the penthouse suite again, her dark eyebrows knitting together as she looks at him in confusion.
Before she can question who else is joining them for Sam’s birthday celebrations, her attention is pulled to the opening of the doors and the commanding figure that slowly emerges from them.
Her breath hitches as she takes in the vision of the tall man. She suddenly feels the need to avert her eyes to the floor, flustered by his piercing gaze that quickly centres on her.
Naturally, as she stares at the hardwood flooring, she notices his shoes first. Large, brown brogues adorn his feet and she can’t help but to theorise they undoubtedly cost more than her old apartment’s rent. She surmises that they were either bought this morning, or that’s what shoes actually look like with a few zeroes added on to the end of their price tag.
Long legs are donned in pristine navy slacks, clearly tailored to perfectly carve the muscular shape she can already see through the expensive fabric. They lead up to an equally pristine suit jacket, sitting snugly against a taut waist before widening to accompany the man’s exceedingly broad shoulders.
Her gaze once again drops as she tries to survey the man’s hands, groaning inwardly as she notices they’re tucked behind his back and denying her the opportunity to find out if he’s married. She quickly realises that it doesn’t make much of a difference for many a reason: she’s not said two words to this man and isn’t sure why his marital status is of any note or interest to her; Sam’s not married and yet she’s still found herself in the middle of a train wreck.
As she finally wills herself to snap back to the present and focus on the man’s face, her attention is pulled to a second body exiting the elevator shaft.
“Mickey! Mason!”
A small frame barrels out into the hallway, a flash of yellow blurred by a wild brown mane chasing by her.
“Get back here right now, little lady!”
The figure stops abruptly as her sneakers squeak loudly on the floor. She turns back with an impish smile as she retreats to the man’s side.
When he speaks, his deep voice sends a shiver down Anna’s spine. “Uncle Sam has a guest, darling. Introduce yourself before you run off to wreak havoc on the penthouse.”
Anna’s gaze snaps towards Sam, confusion etched on her features. “Uncle? I didn’t know you had a niece, Sam.”
“Oh, he’s not my uncle!” The young girl interrupts, grinning up at Anna as she steps towards her. “We pretend that Mickey and Mason are my cousins, but they’re not really. I think my dad just likes to call them that because he’s an only child and he doesn’t want to feel he’s deprived me of a major part of childhood.”
Anna stifles a laugh as she looks up at the girl’s father, his exaggerated eye roll completely ruined by the warm smile on his face. “Is that so? That’s awfully insightful for a girl your age.”
“Thanks, Miss…”, she breaks off as her nose scrunches up in thought, trying to remember if she’s been told the woman’s name before her dad gives her a lecture for not remembering it.
“Schuyler,” she smiles down at her.
“Thanks, Miss Schuyler! My dad always tells me I’m street smart, which is good because I ain’t so good with the books.”
Her eyes flicker up to the girl’s father once more to see his mouth drop open in shock.
“I have never once said that, Luz!”
She waves him off without turning her back as she grins at Anna. “He didn’t need to. I figured it out myself because I’m-”, she stops to tap her temple, beaming with pride, “street smart.”
That gets a hearty chuckle from all of the adults around her, her father’s eyes crinkling in delight at the witty daughter he’s raising.
“Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you, Luz.” Anna extends her hand to shake, promptly being shaken by Luz. “I’m Anna, the boy’s nanny.”
“Oh! Where are they?”
At the reminder of the boys, Anna nearly curses in front of the young child. She’d completely forgotten about the meal being made in the next room for Sam’s birthday.
“They’re in the kitchen, sweetie. Why don’t you go in yourself and see what they’re up to?”
She flashes her a wide grin before she turns with a start, calling out to the boys as she runs down the length of the corridor. “Mickey! Mason! I brought my brick!”
Sam throws his head back with a loud laugh at the look on his guest’s face, pure fear as he drops his head in his hands.
“If I make it to her 18th birthday, it’ll be a miracle.” Anna giggles as the stranger drops his hands, chuckling as he walks towards her. He offers her his hand, smiling as Sam introduces him.
“Anna, this is Thomas Mendez. He and I met in college and I’ve been stuck with him ever since.”
She takes his hand in hers, suppressing the shudder longing to course through her as she feels the warmth of his skin and looks up at his friendly face. She meets his eyes and can’t help but to stare. Although they are icy in tone - grey blue looking straight into her soul - an unrivalled warmth radiates from them, a kindness she’s never been privy to before now.
“College, huh?”
He nods with a smile. “Stanford.” He leans in to whisper conspiratorially, but purposefully loud enough for Sam to hear. “I got in on my own accord though, nothing to do with Mommy and Daddy’s money.”
Anna’s eyes widen at the remark before she hears a guffaw coming from Sam, turning to see him shaking his head friendly at his old friend.
“Clearly Tommy isn’t planning on giving me a break just because it’s my birthday.”
“Wow, you guys must have known each other a long time.”
“Are you implying that we’re old, Anna?” He smiles slyly as he raises a challenging eyebrow at her.
“Thomas, I bought Sam’s birthday cake; that includes the many candles the boys insisted on for every year of his life. Trust me, I know how old you are.”
Thomas’ face is bright with amusement as he turns to smirk at Sam. “Oh, she’s trouble.”
“Tell me about it.”
Anna’s reply is forgotten as she hears the twins calling her from the dining room and instructs both men to follow her through.
The twins stand at the head of the table, grinning from ear to ear as they proudly present their home cooked meal for Sam.
“Tada! Happy birthday, Dad!”
He grins wide and pulls them both in for a bear hug, before pulling Anna into a close embrace, thanking her quietly as he knows she was the one to pull this off.
Luz stands a few feet in front of them, scowling at her father as she crosses her arms over her chest childishly.
“Dad, why didn’t you tell me this was a fancy dinner party?” She huffs. “Mason and Mickey are in suits and you let me come in my soccer uniform!”
“And would you have worn a pretty dress had I informed you of the dress code?”
“Well, no but-”
“That’s what I thought, munchkin.” He reaches out to ruffle her hair and she only manages to frown for a few seconds more before a giggle breaks through.
They all sit down at the table as Sam quickly strides to produce a vintage bottle of wine for their meal, offering Anna a drink first.
“Oh, no, I shouldn’t…” She shakes her head as she waves him off. “You deserve to enjoy yourself tonight so you go ahead and I’ll put the boys to bed.”
“Don’t worry about that. When I found out Thomas was coming into town, I asked Carter if he’d watch over the kids after we’re done with dinner and he offered to stay so you could have the night off. Bedtime is taken care of.”
Anna is taken aback that Sam has always included her in his plans for the evening, but quickly grins in delight as she holds her glass out to him. “Well, then. Fill me up.”
Sam quickly finds out that tipsy Anna is just as much of a joy to be around as her sober self.
Thomas quickly finds out that any form of Anna is the most fun he’s had in years.
The three adults sit long after dinner is over whilst the children sleep soundly at the other end of the penthouse, Carter acting as their faithful guard.
They sit in Sam’s study, Anna between the two men on the large sofa as her feet curl under her legs, uncaring of her appearance as her mind grows slightly dazed with alcohol and relaxation. Both men gaze longingly at her, an arm from each resting behind her head on the plush fabric.
Four bottles of an expensive red Anna’s never heard of lay empty on the coffee table, a fifth half full and spread generously between their large glasses as they laugh loudly at another story about Luz’ fights at her school.
Thomas is the picture of a doting parent as he pretends to scold Luz’s attitude, but the twinkle in his eye is unmistakable as he talks about his daughter.
Anna sheds a tear as Thomas bravely confides in her that he too has been widowed, although choosing only to divulge a few details about the nature of his late wife’s death.
At some point through the night, he realises this is the freest his heart has felt since that fateful day. Luz may be the light of his life, and try as Sam might to cheer him up with countless weekends away and trips to see his family, he’s never felt as happy as he does right now talking to Anna.
He allows himself to be carried away with the notion before he recognises the heated glances coming from her boss. He knows his friend, and he knows the heartbreak he endured when he lost his wife. He swore off love forever, fully believing that lightning never strikes twice. Thomas had always taken him at his word; that was until tonight.
He knows the nature of the situation between Sam and Sofia; he’s known Sofia for nearly as long as he’s known Sam and the two couldn’t be further from a compatible match.
They may share similar career aspirations and bank balances, but that’s the full extent of their resemblance.
Where Sofia is brash and self-centred, Sam is kind and generous.
He’d never enter into an agreement like the one his best friend has found himself involved in, but he’ll always support him.
However, he begins to wonder what situation he’s found himself to be involved in with his children’s nanny as he watches them interact.
It’s obvious to anyone close to Sam that he’s not interested in Sofia, so he begins to wonder if he’s fulfilling certain needs elsewhere. He’s only a man after all, and perhaps until he’s married he still plans to play the field.
Thomas admires that about his friend, his ability to shut off his emotions, a trait he unfortunately hadn’t picked up in his life. But a thought occurs to him as he revels in the warmth of Anna’s smile directed at him: maybe it’s not too late.
If Sam can blow off some steam, why can’t he?
On a particularly witty comment falling from Anna’s lips, Thomas finds his free hand gravitating towards her, finding its place on the curve of her thigh.
Her breath hitches as she feels the heat of his body through the flimsy material her dress is made of. He notices instantly, and makes the quick decision to leave his hand there for a beat longer, testing the waters as he tries to gauge the energy he’s been feeling from Anna all night.
He sees her gaze flicker down to his lips before she bites down on her own and he suppresses a victorious grin.
He’s not sure if it’s the wine coursing through his veins or the desire thrumming in his body at the thrill of a woman’s touch again after so long, but his drunk mind tells him that it’s now or never.
He moves his hand up slowly, stifling a smirk as he watches Sam’s eyes follow the movement and his jaw tick ever so slightly.
“You know, Anna, there’s a lot of things that Sam and I used to do in college that we don’t get the chance to anymore.”
“Mm.” he hums thoughtfully as his fingers start to trace tantalising circles against her. “We weren’t always boring fathers with corporate jobs, you know.”
“Oh, I know that.” She giggles as her gaze flickers over to Sam, her hand gripping onto his knee affectionately as she winks at him. “Sam’s told me some crazy stories from his youth, and I don’t doubt that he’s leaving some of the best ones out to save my opinion of him.”
He sees Sam attempt to move imperceptibly to fix himself without moving Anna’s hand from him, and Thomas smiles to himself wryly. Doesn’t take much.
He doesn’t miss the way Anna’s hand lingers on Sam, and he’s more sure than ever that this is no normal employer-employee relationship.
“Oh?” He smiles at her as he tightens his hold on her thigh ever so slightly. “And what is it you think he might be keeping from you?”
“Nothing I could say aloud, counsellor.” She winks and he feels desire unfurl deep in his core, and he can finally see why Sam keeps Anna around.
It’s no mystery to see why Anna was hired in the first place. She’s energetic, kind, bubbly, personable; her personality is downright enchanting. She’s brought Luz out of her shell more tonight that he’s seen anyone else achieve in the past few years. She clearly has a way with children and he’s grateful for her presence in the boy’s life.
No, seeing why she was hired in the first place is a no brainer. Since the moment he laid eyes on her, Thomas has been wondering why Sam is stupid enough to keep her around when she’s clearly so damn tempting.
Her looks alone are enough to drive a man wild. Sure, she’s dressed up especially for tonight but he can tell that no outfit could hide the large breasts and pert rear she’s sporting. He can’t quite repress the way his vivid imagination immediately conjures up the idea of her naked and writhing for him, and he feels his slacks become a little tighter.
Body aside, her face is a thing of beauty. Her big brown eyes; so angelic and alluring. The way they glitter with flecks of gold as the warm light catches her face. The soft slope of her nose that leads to her plump lips. Those lips.
He’s entirely confident that her mouth alone could bring a man to his knees.
Although he quickly surmises she seems like the type of woman who would rather be on her knees.
She’s absolutely sinful.
Yes, Thomas finally understands why Sam keeps her around. It’s that he has no choice: any man in her radar is utterly powerless before her.
One look at her and he knows he’d like to see if she’s willing to submit that power to him in another room.
“And has Sam told you any stories involving me?”
She shakes her head with a wry grin. “Considering I’d never heard of you until tonight, funnily enough no.”
Cheeky. I like it.
“Now, that’s a shame.” He sneaks a glance at Sam and he can see his friend’s curiosity peaked with an inquisitive quirk of his brow. “There’s a few stories I think you’d rather enjoy.”
He can see Sam’s eyes widen in momentary surprise before they narrow in recognition, a smirk gracing his lips as his head shakes visibly in amusement.
“I’m not sure if Anna would be interested in those stories, Tommy.”
“Why don’t we let Anna decide for herself, Samuel?”
“Why don’t we let Anna in on this little inside joke you two seem to have?” She chuckles as she interrupts, the men joining in as she looks between them.
Thomas inclines his head slightly towards Sam, letting him take the reins as he tries to broach the topic. Sam leans towards the table, placing his tumbler of scotch on the wooden surface before leaning back and edging closer towards Anna, his far arm never losing its place on her shoulders at the back of the couch.
The arm around her slips down behind her back, curling around her waist as he pulls her into his side tightly. His free hand raises to graze across her cheekbone before tangling in her hair as he angles further towards her, close enough to feel her sharp intake of breath against his lips.
He whispers against her as goosebumps erupt across her skin. “It involves,” he breaks off as he closes the little distance remaining between them and presses his lips against hers. She only manages to hold back for a second before her body betrays her and melts against him, the gasp in her throat opening her mouth and allowing his tongue to slip inside and dance with her own.
Her eyes open as she feels Thomas’ fingers circling against her bare thigh again, and she manages to pull back from Sam as her head begins to swim.
She doesn’t manage to tear her eyes away from him but she’s acutely aware that Thomas is closer to her than he was only moments ago.
“It involves the three of us doing a lot more than that together.”
She feels like her eyes are about to bulge out of her head as her head snaps round to look at Thomas, expecting to find him with the same bewildered expression she’s sure is on her own face.
Instead, all she finds is lust blown pupils dilating as they stare at her, enticing her as she feels a magnetic pull towards him.
“What do you say, angel?” He leans towards her to press a soft kiss to her cheek before gently grasping her chin between his thumb and forefinger, directing her gaze to his. “Would you like to have some fun with us?”
She attempts a deep breath as she feels her heart begin to race, beating furiously against her chest as she struggles to believe what she’s hearing.
But one look at Thomas’s face and the unmistakable feeling of Sam’s hand creeping upwards from her waist and she has her answer.
A single nod is all she can muster before Thomas’ lips are on hers. It’s different from Sam’s kiss; where his pressure was firm, Thomas’ lips are soft. And yet, they both make her ache with need for them.
Their tongues meet and she feels his hand travelling further up her thigh as she bunches fistfuls of his shirt between her dainty fingers.
She sighs in pleasure as she feels Sam’s lips latch onto her neck, smattering wet, hot kisses as they travel up to her jaw. As he sucks on her pulse point, she feels Thomas’ hand reach the apex of her thighs and she trembles in anticipation, only for his palm to skim over her before travelling to the opposite leg.
He pulls back with a smirk as he hears her groan in disappointment. “Something you need?”
She palms him through his slacks and it’s her turn to smirk as she watches his body shudder. “Yes, both of you inside of me.”
Sam and Thomas catch each other’s gazes as they look over Anna, eyebrows raised as they grin in delight.
“She’s a natural,” Sam’s breath tickles her as his teeth graze her earlobe, tugging as her eyes flutter closed.
“Ah,” she tuts as she moves to stand, grabbing the half drunk wine bottle and walking around the coffee table. “But that, you see, implies that I haven’t done this before.”
Sam stands after her, walking towards her and easily pulling her petite frame into his hard body. “You just get more and more intriguing everyday, you little minx. What else are you hiding?”
“A lady never tells,” her voice is a sultry whisper as her fingernails skin his arm, the bottle of wine dangling freely from her other. “Care to take this somewhere more private and find out for yourself?”
He bends down to kiss her fiercely before pulling back with a tug on her plump bottom lip. “Wait for us in my bedroom.”
She nods in excitement as she turns and walks to Sam’s bedroom, thankful that the master suite of the penthouse is on the opposite side to all other bedrooms.
Sam turns back to look at Thomas, the same sly smile gracing both of their faces.
“Are you sure about this? We’re not in our twenties anymore.”
Thomas stands up to walk over to him, laughing at the question when the two of them are standing with physical proof in their slacks of how sure they are. “And have you ever wanted to as much as right now?”
Sam shakes his head with a laugh as he sees his point. He offers him his hand, which Thomas promptly takes with a questioning expression.
“This is a one time thing. After all is said and done, she’s still my nanny.”
“Fine,” he concedes sincerely. “You can tell yourself that, but I’ve seen you making eyes at her all night. Frankly, I don’t know how this hasn’t happened already with you two living under the same roof.”
“Because of a certain blonde that has half a million dollars of mine wrapped around her ring finger?” Sam jests and earns a chuckle in response.
Thomas rolls his eyes good-naturedly as he begins to walk backwards to Sam’s bedroom. “We’ll see.”
Both men’s breath catch as they enter the room, as Anna has taken the honour of undressing upon herself.
Her dress and underwear lead a trail towards the bed where she awaits them, propped up by her elbows and legs spread as their eyes fixate on her glistening centre. The two of them swallow heavily, infatuated with the mess dripping down her legs.
Sam’s the first to move from the door frame as he manages to peel his eyes away, landing on her face as he nearly groans in excitement. “Decided to get started by yourself, did you?”
She nods innocently, but the way her hands reach up to cup her own breasts show there’s nothing innocent about her. “You were taking too long," she shrugs. “I thought you were leaving me to show myself a good time.”
“Yeah?” Sam reaches the edge of the bed as he stares down at her. “Why don’t you show us how you like it? Make yourself feel good for me.”
She takes one hand away from her chest, trailing it up and over her collarbone before sliding it into her wet mouth. She releases it with a soft pop before beginning its journey down her stomach, agonisingly slowly as the two men hold their breath in anticipation.
Thomas reaches down to palm himself absentmindedly as his eyes watch her every move. She finally hits between her thighs and her head drops back with a strangled moan as she strokes two fingers through her soaked pussy.
Sam’s breath grows ragged as his gaze is transfixed on the movement of her fingers, brushing through her wetness before finally flicking her clit. As her hips buck up and she gasps, he practically forgets Thomas is in the room.
He’s on his knees on the bed in seconds, mesmerised as he watches Anna circle herself, her body writhing in pleasure as her eyes flutter shut.
They open as she feels Sam’s large hands against her thighs, spreading her further as his usual light eyes are nearly swallowed whole by desire.
“I need to taste you,” he groans and he watches as her pussy clenches. “Can I, princess?”
“Yes, please.”
“Yes, what?”
“Yes, sir.”
Right answer.
He leans down and licks a long swipe through her folds, his cock throbbing at the first taste of her. He pulls back lightly, enough to utter, “just as sweet as I imagined.”
Something comes over Thomas as he watches Anna’s elbows drop, unable to hold herself up as her hips gyrate against Sam’s dutiful tongue. She lets out a whimper as Sam’s fingers join the mix, gliding in with ease and curling as he brings towards her climax at an alarming rate.
“Does that feel good, angel?”
She forces her eyes open with difficulty to see Thomas approaching her, one knee resting on the bed as he kneels beside her.
She hums her agreement, but not before adding. “But I bet you could make me feel even better.”
Sam grins into her wetness. A healthy dose of competition had always kept the two men at their best in situations like these. He catches Thomas’ eye and nods imperceptibly.
Thomas kneels fully on the bed now, his lips brushing against Anna’s ear as he pushes her hair back to whisper. “You’re obviously not getting it good enough if you can still speak, sweetheart.”
He slides behind her on the bed, resting her back against his chest as his mouth presses hot open-mouthed kisses to her neck, biting down before soothing the spot with his tongue.
He rests her large breasts in his palms, kneading and massaging as he hears her moans rise in volume.
Sam feels her clench around his fingers as he watches Thomas’ thumbs flicking her hard nipples, rolling and tugging on them until they’re rosy.
He can feel she’s close by the rhythmic fluttering against his fingers and the roll of her hips against his face, so he picks up his momentum, and within seconds, she screams his name as she comes on his face.
He presses soft kisses against the inside of her thighs as his fingers slow before he finally withdraws them, a gasp leaving her throat at the sudden empty ache between her legs.
“Come here.”
She rises on shaky limbs and crawls towards Sam, his large body caging her as he kisses her passionately. She can taste herself on his lips and it makes her core throb with need once more.
She feels a set of hands grasping her hips, before Thomas tongue blazes a scorching trail down her spine and she shivers. He rises again and whispers, “my turn.”
Sam releases her and she begins to move backwards on the bed again, but is stopped by a firm hand on her lower back. “Ah, ah, just like that.”
Her eyebrows furrow in confusion as Thomas lays on his back, and then meet her hairline in shock as he slots his face between her thighs. “There, that’s perfect. Now do me a favour and sit on my face, sweetheart.”
She mumbles something under her breath, her words completely incomprehensible other than a soft praise to God.
She lowers herself down slowly, her eyes meeting Thomas’ as her hands take refuge on Sam’s broad shoulders.
She feels his hot breath against her folds and already moans in ecstasy, her knees digging into the mattress as she hovers above him.
His hands grasp her waist as his tongue wets his lips. “I know you can do better than that, Anna. Come on, sit on it.”
She nervously giggles but sees no ounce of humour in his expression. “But won’t I… suffocate you?”
He winks as he whispers huskily, “what a way to go.”
He pushes her down and she lets herself fall, his lips immediately latching onto her tingling clit and her eyes roll back in her head.
“Fuck, Thomas, just like that.”
His tongue laps at her, cupping her tightly and flicking her bundle of nerves as she writhes on his face. Her vision goes unfocused as she surrenders herself to the waves of intense pleasure building deep within her core.
She opens her eyes to see Sam staring at her, utterly awestruck as he watches her ride another man’s face. She feels their familiar inexplicable pull as she pulls him down to her height, their tongues meeting once more as her nails dig into his shoulders.
Thomas pulls back enough to mumble against her lips, his nose bumping her clit as he speaks. “Aren’t you going to give the birthday boy a treat?”
Sam smirks against her lips as she snakes her hand between their bodies, cupping him through his pants as he lets out a deep grunt. He covers her hand with his own, lacing their fingers together as he presses further.
“Is this what you want?”
Her hands reach for his shirt buttons, deft fingers plucking them apart with surprising dexterity as she races to see what’s underneath. The shirt flies off quickly, his strong body unabashedly on full view for her.
She presses her lips against his chest, mouth trailing downwards as her hands reach for his belt, unbuckling it before she unzips his pants and slips her hand inside.
Her breath catches as she feels the weight of him in her hand, and impatiently she pulls his slacks down alongside his boxers in one hand and the other wraps around his length and strokes him.
His cock twitches as he watches her eyes widen in amazement, gasping at the sight of him.
“I didn’t… I had no idea this was the situation we were dealing with.”
Sam reaches out to cup her cheek, pulling her gaze back to his.
“Trust me, it’s the perfect size.”
He clenches his jaw and softly pumps his hips as she softly works her hand up and down the velvety skin. Sam’s eyes darken with an intensity she’s never seen before as her tongue darts out to circle his tip before licking him from base to tip. Her full lips close around the head and she moans as she revels in his taste.
She relaxes her throat as she moves to take all of him inch by inch, her eyes watering even as she keeps them trained directly on his.
He reaches out to thread his fingers through her hair, clutching a fistful of it but still allowing her to set the pace.
“You can take it all, can’t you, pretty girl?”
His abdomen tenses as she bobs her head up and down, Sam watching down in quiet astonishment as she works him into a frenzy.
He begins to thrust gently, his cock hitting the back of her throat and she moans around him, Thomas choosing that exact moment to graze his teeth across her clit.
She pulls back from Sam to whine loudly, her hand continuing to work him over as the cool air blows against his hot skin.
Her other hand falls blindly to Thomas’ hair, tugging gently as her hips gyrate against his face.
She leans back in to take Sam in her mouth again, moaning against him as Thomas’ tongue enters her, twisting and curling as she rides it.
She hollows her cheeks and increases the pressure against his cock, riveted by the guttural groan she gains from her touch.
Her name is a warning on his lips as he feels a familiar tingling at the base of his spine, yet she only goes deeper as she urges him to give her it all.
Her hands embrace his ass as she pushes him to the edge, gripping tightly as her own orgasm rips through her and the vibrations from her moan drive Sam to follow her.
Anna swallows all that he gives her as she comes down from her own high, Thomas softly lapping at her as she trembles against his face.
She feels Sam begin to pull back and she does the same, raising one knee up and pulling it over Thomas’ chest as she lies down beside him, blissfully exhausted.
Thomas runs a hand down his face as he lets out a deep breath. “You’re incredible.”
“Says the guy who just did that,” she wryly shoots back.
He chuckles as she grins at him and he rolls over, pressing a soft kiss to her swollen lips.
He looks over to see Sam sitting down on the soft sofa in the corner of his room, eyes closed as he returns from ecstasy.
“Tapping out, big boy?”
He shakes his head, shooting him a crooked smirk.
“You should be so lucky,” he jokes. “But by all means, go on ahead as this old dog takes a minute to recover.”
He glances at Anna before gesturing towards his fully clothed body. “Well, I am still awfully overdressed, wouldn’t you say?”
Her only reply is a seductive little smile as she hoists her leg over his hip and rolls herself on top of him, fingers already on a mission to work his shirt open.
She peels it off hungrily, revealing his taut chest inch by inch as her lips mark every new bare patch of skin.
His shirt is thrown on the floor, forming a pile of haphazardly thrown clothes that is soon joined by his trousers.
Her head drops to the crook of his neck, Thomas’ breathing growing laboured as her mouth works its way down the length of his chest and stomach, her tongue dipping into his belly button, before she takes the waistband of his boxers between her teeth.
“You have no idea how fucking sexy you are.”
Anna maintains eye contact with him as she pulls them down, his own eyes heavy with desire as his throbbing length springs free.
His underwear falls to the floor as she crawls back up to face him, Thomas hissing in pleasure as her wet centre makes contact with his cock, gliding over him easily as she rolls her hips.
He reaches up to gently grasp her by the nape of her neck, levelling their gazes as her nipples meet the skin of his chest.
“Enjoying yourself?”
“What do you want, Anna?”
She revels in the shudder that runs through his body as she leans down to whisper in his ear, her tongue teasing the lobe as she goes. “I want you to fuck me senseless.”
He sits them up suddenly, her arms looping around his neck. “Don’t bite off more than you can chew.”
Before she can muster up a response, her back hits the mattress, the sheets cool against the heat radiating from her body.
He’s on his knees before her, hands squeezing and caressing her outer thighs as she places them on his shoulders, eyes hooded as she stares up at him.
“What are you going to do with me?”
He presses a kiss to her inner ankle before lowering her legs to the bed. With a hand on either hip, he flips her onto her stomach effortlessly. Crawling behind her, he licks a hot path up the back of her thigh, between her cheeks and up the length of her spine before wrapping her locks around his hand and tugging. Her back arches as he pulls slightly, his other hand stroking himself as he lines up with her, the head of his cock teasing and nudging at her entrance.
“I’m going to ruin you.”
Any thoughts and chances of a reply are annihilated as he pushes inside of her slowly, her walls pulsing around him as she struggles to adjust to his size, stretching and filling her deliciously.
“Christ, Anna. How are you so fucking-”
His words are caught in his throat as she showcases exactly what he’s thinking. She clenches around him, his free hand falling to her waist as he chokes on a loud moan.
When he’s fully inside, he spreads his legs apart, knees on either side of her as she tightens around him even further. He pulls out nearly completely, slowly but surely, before burying himself to the hilt with one hard plunge.
Anna cries out, hands grasping at the sheets as he finds her spot immediately. Thomas moves deeply yet slowly at first, allowing her to get used to him as he fights to delay his impending release.
Every thrust of his hips shakes her entire frame, the cries falling from her lips like music to his ears. As he starts to pick up his pace, every flex of his hips has her clit catching the sheets, only adding to her intense pleasure.
But she needs more.
He watches her as one hand leaves the white knuckled grip of the bed, falling beneath her as her hips raise and she finds relief in the friction of her fingers. His head drops back with a groan as he realises he can finally go full throttle. He leans down against her, their slick skin pressed closely together.
“You want more, sweetheart?” His breath tickles the back of her neck, hairs standing at full height and every nerve tingling as she nods her head desperately. “Ask me for more.”
He speeds up the movement of his hips, making it near impossible for Anna to appease his wishes. The room is filled with her whimpers and moans, the only other audible note the slap of his hips against her ass.
“Tell me what you want, Anna.”
Still no reply, his hand reaches beneath her, removing her own and taking its place. She cries out, her hand grasping the hair at the nape of his neck as she arches against him.
“Tell me,” he growls as sweat drips down his temple.
The fingers rubbing circles against her quicken as another thrust fills her and she’s rendered speechless.
“You want to come, angel? Is that it?”
His thrusts slow as he awaits her answer, the stillness in his movements punishment for him as much as it’s meant for her.
“Please, Thomas. Please let me-”
He doesn’t allow her to finish, her begging so prettily is enough for him to resume his actions and fuck her like a mad man. His body moves relentlessly, pushing her down onto his hand as she grinds against him.
His teeth tug at her ear, his breath hot against her neck as he finally lets her go.
“Come for me, Anna.”
His words push her over the edge and her mouth drops open in a silent scream, her surroundings turning to nothing as all she can focus on is the overwhelming pleasure tensing her entire body.
It could be seconds or hours by the time she reenters full consciousness, but she can feel Thomas still inside her, rock hard and throbbing with need.
He cranes his neck, watching as Sam approaches the bed, his cock standing at full attention again.
Anna winces as she feels Thomas easing out of her, missing the weight of him atop her as he climbs off of her. She turns around, confused by his sudden withdrawal.
“But you didn’t-”
“Birthday boys honour,” he gestures to Sam with a slight smirk before his gaze settles on hers again, stroking himself as he kneels before her. “Now, why don’t you open wide for me sweetheart?”
He falls back onto his haunches as he settles in line with Anna’s luscious mouth, all too eager to take him in and do whatever he likes.
She wets her lips as she takes him in her hand, her throat dry from hanging open as Thomas fucked her into oblivion.
They both rise onto their knees as she braces herself on one hand. He groans loudly as her lips wrap around him and she moans against him, tasting herself as she takes him in deeper.
Her jaw falls slack around him as she feels Sam’s hands stroking the length of her body.
“Are you ready for me, princess?”
She nods but decides it’s not enough to accurately convey just how much she wants this. She releases Thomas momentarily, only long enough to answer Sam before her mouth is back working its magic.
“Give it to me, Sam. I want to feel all of you.”
Her eyes shut tightly as he guides himself into her, her drenched core making the task effortless even as she flutters around him. Her mind goes hazy with pleasure as she hears Sam moaning loudly behind her.
She moans against Thomas as she feels Sam begin to move, taking it easy as her oversensitized body trembles.
His hands take hold of her hips, using them as leverage as he begins to move quicker. His voice drips with need as he mumbles in awe.
“Look at you taking both of us so well. Do you like getting fucked by us, Anna?”
All she can do is whine as his thrusts become more urgent, his moans picking up volume as he plunges into her again and again.
She opens her eyes to look up at Thomas, his muscles taut as his hands pull her hair away from her face. She can sense he’s close by way the muscles of his abdomen ripple under her touch and she pulls back to whisper against him.
“Fuck my mouth, Thomas.”
He gives a timid thrust and feels himself hit the back of her throat. Looking down to search Anna’s face for any sign of distress, she grabs him from behind, urging him to move against her.
His icy eyes stare down at her in disbelief, a string of curses filling the room as he picks up speed. A guttural groan leaves his lips as he hurtles towards the edge, her mouth taking all of him over and over again.
Anna moans against him as Sam drives into her with purpose, his hands reaching out to cup her breasts and massage them in his large palms.
It’s only seconds before Thomas feels his release approaching, and he manages to choke out a warning before he comes hard, filling her mouth as the weight of his climax takes the breath out of his lungs.
He rises onto weak legs, treading to the master bathroom as he leaves Sam to reach his own peak.
Sam slows his pace and doesn’t allow Anna the time to question his motives, turning her onto her back without fully pulling out, before slamming into her again and again from the new angle.
He takes both of her hands in his, interlacing their fingers as he presses his forehead against hers.
“I need to see you.”
She moans at that, her orgasm closer than ever as she brings her hips up to meet him.
He releases one hand as the other takes hold of it, falling to the small of her back and lifting her hips fully off the bed.
He grunts as he chases his climax, brows furrowed as he holds back purely to bring Anna there first.
“Whose pussy is this?”
Her voice is laboured as she fights the urge to close her eyes, instead entering a stare with Sam as she whines in pleasure.
“It’s yours. It’s always yours,” she admits in a whimper that only further fuels his desire.
Their lips meet in a frenzy, teeth clashing and tongues dangling as they both move wildly against another, desperate to feel the other come with them.
Sam feels Anna clenching around him as her fingernails dig into his hand, her moans getting louder and louder until her back arches off the bed.
“That’s it, Anna. Let me feel you come all over my cock.”
Her body thrashes as she comes, Sam’s praise in her ear prolonging her moment of ecstasy. He soon follows after her, pulling her tightly into him with a hoarse groan.
She fights to catch her breath as she feels Sam move off of her, and the last thing she remembers is a lukewarm cloth cleaning her gently before she falls into a satisfied slumber.
Anna is pulled from her rest suddenly, grimacing in pain as she stretches her arms above her ahead and then smiling to herself as she recalls the cause of her aching body.
She feels a warm weight resting atop her and looks down to see Sam’s arm resting comfortably across her waist. His head is facing her, face peaceful as his breath tickles her skin.
She shakes her head with a silent laugh, giddy with herself for finally bedding Sam after weeks of palpable tension. She sits up quietly, noticing Thomas’ absence and looking around the room for any trace of his belongings.
When she finds none, she surmises he probably went back to his guest room after they were done, and her brows knit together in thought as she wonders what time it is.
She eases out of the bed discreetly, attempting to not wake Sam as she retreats to her own room. The last thing she wants is the twins bursting into her empty room in the morning, or worse: bursting into their father’s room where he lies naked with the nanny.
She throws on Sam’s dress shirt and walks to her bedroom slowly, wincing slightly at the pain between her legs as she moves. She startles as she hears a noise coming from the kitchen, unaware of the time but sure enough it’s the middle of the night.
As she walks into the kitchen, she’s met with the sight of Thomas’ broad and unclothed back as he searches in the fridge. She stares at him for a moment, her light footsteps letting her walk in unnoticed. His hair is disheveled and pyjama pants hang low on his hips, so she allows herself another heated glimpse before announcing her presence.
“Work up an appetite?”
He turns at the sound of her voice, deeper as she still comes out of her dream-like state. She can see his face flush from this distance anyway, no doubt remembering their activities only a few hours prior as his gaze struggles to stay on her face.
She can’t resist the thought of how utterly adorable he looks, shy to even come face to face with her after he’d prompted her to sit on that face only a few hours ago.
“Got hungry when I woke up for the little boy’s room,” he chuckles. “You’ll get that too when you’re a pensioner like us.”
He earns a crooked eyebrow at that, Anna resisting the urge to remark you certainly don’t act like a pensioner.
She smiles before she speaks. “Just don’t be eating the boys waffles, I promised them that they could have them for breakfast with Luz in the morning.”
“Understood.” He forces a serious expression onto his face. “I’ve learned to never come in between Luz and her food if I want to keep both arms, a trait she picked up from her mother.”
She watches as he smiles sadly, almost privately to himself as his eyes grow distant. She stands there silently, unwilling to break Thomas out of his thoughts and allowing him however much time he needs.
“Sorry,” he shakes himself out of it. “I don’t mean to depress you.”
“Don’t be silly, Thomas.” She reaches out to place her hand on his arm, caressing as she encourages him. “It must be so difficult, and you don’t seem to speak much about her.”
“Not so much anymore,” he agrees. “Sometimes it’s easier not to. I need to learn to let go of my rage at what happened and I can’t do that if I constantly think about the past. It won’t bring her back; all it will do is make me a bad father and I can’t risk that. I’m all Luz has now and she needs me to be the best I can be as I play both roles. Her needs come before everything else.”
“I know what you mean. That’s exactly how Sam feels.” She swallows over the lump in her throat as she shakes her head. “It’s terrible that both of you had to go through this.”
His expression is almost pained as he agrees. “It is awfully tragic that two close friends have had to go through this at our age. The only takeaway is being able to support each other through similar struggles.”
“It must have brought you two closer.”
“It did.”
“For what it’s worth, I think you’re amazing, Thomas. I can tell how much Luz adores you.” Their eyes meet at that, his eyes sparkling as he takes in her words.
“Thank you, Anna. You don’t know how much that means to me.”
His hand covers hers placed on his arm and he intertwines their fingers, resting them on his bare chest.
“Plus, if you ever do need a break, I know a nanny that loves your kid and would be more than happy to take her off your hands for a weekend.”
“You’d really do that for us?”
“Of course I would… as long as a certain lawyer comes to see me when he picks her up.”
He chuckles heartily, shaking his head in fondness.
“You’re something else, Anna, you know that?”
Her eyes crinkle as she grins at him, “I try.”
He reaches out tenderly to brush a stray lock of hair behind her eyes, leaving his hand resting on her cheek.
“You don’t know how much I wish…”
He breaks off as he forces himself to stop what he’s saying.
“What is it, Thomas?”
You don’t know how much I wish I’d met you first.
The warmth of his hand on her skin radiates through her body like fire. Time seems to stop, both of them holding their breath, as their gazes lock.
She turns her head slowly, placing a hot kiss to his palm and he needs to stop himself from moaning aloud.
It’s still tonight.
Thomas’ breath catches for the briefest moment of hesitation before whatever doubts he had leave his eyes, and he surges forward to press his lips to hers.
His teeth scrape against her bottom lip, one hand buried in her hair, the other gripping her waist. Her lips part for his tongue.
She lets out a moan as Thomas slowly backs her against the countertop, urging her closer. His hands come under her thighs and he hoists her up. She wraps her legs around his waist, and her arms encircle his neck as she slides back on the smooth surface.
His breath is rough on her neck as he trails kisses up and across her jaw. “Is this alright?”
“This is perfect.”
She trails one hand down Thomas’ back, feeling the warmth of his skin, before encouraging him closer with her heels digging into his ass.
He leaves a whisper of a kiss in the hollow just below her earlobe and whispers in her ear.
“I could barely sleep for thinking about you tonight.” He pants as he rolls his hips against her, his length straining against his pants as he presses into her.
She arches her head back as he kisses down her neck, heat blossoming on every patch of skin his lips meet, and she reaches up to tangle one hand in his hair.
“What about me?”
He pulls down the sleeves of the shirt, easily done as it hangs off of her, edging them over her shoulders as his mouth rains fire against every inch of her bare skin. He pulls it down further, his eyes growing heavy as he cups her full breasts and circles her nipples with his thumbs. Her head drops back with a gasp as his lips leave a hot trail of wet kisses over the rise of her breasts. Her hands fall to his thick hair as he latches onto her hardening pink buds, biting softly before soothing them with his tongue as she lets out a whimper.
“About those pretty noises you make for me.”
She gently tugs his face upward to bring their lips together again, hungry, searching.
He gasps from the fervour of her kisses, crushing her against him with shaking hands, his breaths quick and hot against her skin.
His hands push up the hem of the shirt, bunching it around her waist and he chokes on a groan as he realises she failed to put her panties back on.
He strokes two fingers up the inside of her thigh and through her centre, pleased to find her wet and ready for him again.
“And if you really taste as sweet as I remember.”
He withdraws his hand, lifting it to his lips as he maintains eye contact with her and sucks on his glistening digits.
He smirks as he pulls her by her knees to the edge of the surface, her bare chest now tight against his. “Even better.”
She crushes her lips to his in a bruising kiss, her need for him frantic as she works her arms out of her shirt completely and throws them around his shoulders.
“I need you.”
He pushes his pants down urgently, sitting below his hips as his cock springs free. He bends down slightly, foreheads coming together as he sinks inside of her slowly.
She lets out a sigh as she lifts her hips to take him in, her fingernails digging crescents into his skin as she works through the tenderness from their escapades only hours before.
“Relax, sweetheart. You can take it, I know you can.”
He reaches up to cradle her head in one hand, the other on the small of her back as he holds her in place and begins to move.
The energy in the air feels different as he keeps his pace unhurried and languid, a more intimate connection brewing between them as his hips meet hers time and time again.
Soon enough, her desperation gets the best of her and she urges him to go faster, her body rattling as he pounds into her.
One particular deep thrust has her on the cusp of a scream, and Thomas reaches up to cover her mouth as he huffs out a laugh.
“As much as I enjoy you screaming my name, you need to be quiet for this one.”
His eyes roll back as she bites into his palm, eyes locked on him as she stifles the lusty moan bubbling in her throat.
Her breath comes in shaky gasps as she feels her orgasm near, and he moves more intently as he recognises it too. “Are you going to come for me, Anna? You’ve been such a good girl. You deserve it.”
His words push her over the edge and her body tenses as she comes, the rhythmic clenching of her pulling Thomas over with her. He clings to her tightly as he lets out a deep grunt, burying his face in her shoulder to stop himself from crying out.
His heart races as he pulls out of her slowly, his length softening as he keeps one arm around her, the other pulling his pants up.
He takes one look at her and can see the blissful exhaustion seeping through her bones, so he bends to extend an arm beneath her knees and takes her in his arms, deciding on the way whose room he’s going to carry her to.
“Anna! Are you ready? The bridal boutique is holding this appointment for us!”
Sofia’s shrill voice brings Anna back to present day as her head snaps in the direction of her closed bedroom door.
“Just a minute!”
She scrambles onto her feet and rushes over to the vanity in her bedroom at the Italian villa, looking in the mirror and attempting to wipe the streaks from under her eyes even as new tears cling to her lashes.
Her hand aches and her eyebrows knit together before she looks down to see the item still in a vice-like grip between her fingers. She slowly releases it, placing it on the tabletop as she breathes like she’s run a marathon.
Two pink lines agonise her before she meets her reflection in the mirror, a broken woman on the cusp of devastation staring back at her unrecognisable face.
Author’s Note II: I had a full other ending written out and changed this at the last minute lol. So… who do you think the daddy is? 💀
Tagging perma and TNA: @charlotteg234 @queenrileyrose @forallthatitsworth @ao719 @burnsoslow @mia143 @stateofgracious @mainstreetreader @emkay512 @jerzwriter @lsvdw-blog @chemist-ana @txemrn @thefrenchiemama @thenannyaffair-fanfics
124 notes · View notes
Survey #331
my head hurts way too badly to think up some intro lyrics, so just g’night.
Have you ever become good friends with someone you never met in person? Oh yeah, I've had best friends over the Internet. Hell, I'm closer to many online friends than I am most irl ones. They know "the real me" more. What do you consider your default mood to be? Stressed, probably. Discontent. What’s the longest amount of time you’ve ever kept a goldfish alive for? Not long. Proper goldfish husbandry is a very neglected topic, and I sure as hell never knew how to set up its tank adequately. Have you ever been paintballing? No, don't plan to. It looks like it hurts like a bitch. Do you want a large wedding? No. Did you ever collect any sort of cards? I had a very small collection of Pokemon cards. I didn't collect them avidly. What’re the best and worst books you ever had to read for a class? The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton was the best. The worst was some book we had to read in the 6th grade about a kid during some war that moved around a lot... I don't remember the name or who wrote it, but it sucked. What’s the best meal you had at an amusement park, or If you haven’t been to one, how about a good meal at another place like a zoo, aquarium or museum? I don't know. I haven't been to many. Who, whether a person or company, emails you the most? My PHP therapist emails me a check-in sheet and Zoom link every day there's a therapy session. What kind of sound or noise freaks you out the most and why do you think it scares you? Let's seeeee... I don't know if there's a sound that actually freaks me out. There are some I don't like, but none that like, frighten me. At least that I can think of. What’s the strangest art piece you’ve come across? Biiiitch there's a painting in Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs I'm not gonna go into, but shit fuckin wild. What’s the most clever or unique name you’ve come across for a business? I've definitely heard some cool ones, but I don't know about one that really stands out to answer this. If you had to name one of your hypothetical future children after a song, which song would you pick? Maybe like... okay, I'm blanking. Good thing I'm not having kids to name then, right? What’s the last song you heard? "Down in the Park" by Marilyn Manson is on atm. What is your favorite line from a TV show? *shrug* Any current family issues? No. How many hours do you spend online a day? How do you feel about that? I'm doing something on the computer pretty much... always. I hate it, and I hate it a lot. I don't want my life to be tied solely to the digital plane. I want to do more than bounce back and forth from website to website. Do you think that people have the power to make their own lives better? Absolutely, but there are some things they simply cannot change. It's about perspective and how you play the deck you're dealt. What is the biggest problem in your life right now? Right now, the most limiting thing is my physical health, probably. Just walking being torture affects my ability to exercise, and my body is a major reason - if not the biggest, at this current time - for my depression. This also plays a massive role in jobs I can handle. Not to sound like my emo self writing middle school poetry, but my body feels like a prison. Do you feel that you are loved? I know I am by some people, though I have a hard time understanding why a lot. What is the one thing you want most from life? Life satisfaction. Pride in what I've accomplished. A regular state of being content. Birthplace? I'm just gonna say in eastern NC. Do you believe in love at first sight? No, merely infatuation. Love is much too deep for that. Do you think dreams eventually come true? Some can, but usually only if you put effort into making that so. Favorite fictional character? like ummmmmmmm have you heard of this sassy bastard called Darkiplier- Go to the movies or rent? Before Covid, I loved going to the theater. It was something to do, plus a giant screen is nice. McDonalds or Burger King? McD's. I'm not a big BK fan. I only really went there during my vegetarian phase for the veggie burger. Current annoyance? This motherfucking headache. Last thing you ate? I have a meal replacement shake with me right now, if you consider that "eating." I didn't have a proper dinner. The last solid food I had though was some cookies and cream Greek yogurt. Last thing you bought? With my own money, I think I bought Mom and I some cheap McDonald's order semi-recently? Or maybe paying my $100 deposit for my tattoo was most recent, idk. Soonest thing you are looking forward to? For Mom to get her CT scan and find out what's going on in there. What did you do today? It was a pretty average day. I woke up way too early, though. The only thing even semi-unique about today was I played World of Warcraft for a few hours again; I've been quite unattached to it lately, but I went through an episode today of actually having fun playing. Oh, and I've been battling a migraine. It's more of a severe headache now, at least, but it still sucks big time. Do you like to see it snowing outside? Oh yes, absolutely! When you were in high school did you ever have bomb threats? I believe once we did from a very volatile student that honestly caused quite a lot of trouble. He's dead now. Who knows ALL of your secrets? Nobody. Did you have a job before you were in college? No. Have you ever thought about what it would be like to have a baby right now? That's a terrifying thought, no. Are you on birth control? Yeah, but just because it tames my menstrual cramps. Without it, they could be debilitating some days. Who is your last sent text to? My best fren. Have you ever eaten at Chipotle before? Possibly? Idr. Do you swear often? Excessively. I had a dirty mouth prior, but my swearing got really bad when I started staying at Jason's house a lot. He and especially his mother swear like mad. Do you own any shirts with a peace symbol on it? No. Do you have your national flag hanging up anywhere outside your house? Not at this house, no. Would you ever go to Japan? Oh, yes. I would love to. It's... very morbid, but I would really like to walk the (public) paths of Aokigahara Forest, nicknamed "Suicide Forest" for the horrible amount of, well, suicides that happen there via hanging. Like, you might just casually run into a dead body. I want to just... feel it there, walk in silence and empathize with people who didn't know what else to do and hope so deeply that those departed know they were never alone in their pain. I know with absolute certainty I'd probably be teary-eyed the whole time and cry a whoooole lot, but it's just an experience I want to have. What was the last thing you went to Walmart for? Some basic groceries. What should you be doing right now? Sleeping, given this headache... I just don't want to yet. Are you afraid of getting your heart broken? I'm fucking terrified of that ever happening again, far more than words can properly express. Have you ever been in a choir? Yes, actually; when I was a Catholic kid, my sisters and I were in the church choir for a year or so, idr. Do you have a Twitter? Yes, but only to like Mark's tweets, haha. Oh, and very rarely enter giveaways I'm interested in. Describe your retainers to me, if you have them, that is. I have a permanent metal one behind my front row of bottom teeth to keep those straight. My upper teeth had one of those normal retainers you take in and out, but I didn't wear it enough, so now it doesn't even fit. Would you like for someone to call you right now? No. I'm tired, my head hurts, and I'm enjoying the song I'm bingeing. It's so weird, I rarely ever go on music hunting trips (no real reason, I just... don't), but I've found great shit lately. Do you like to brush your teeth? No; it's a chore. I only do it because I don't want my teeth decaying, falling out, or getting too yellow, and the taste in your mouth and gritty texture on your teeth isn't exactly great when you don't brush. Have you ever had a surgery? Two. Give out your phone number over the internet? I have over private messages. Do you look older or younger than you actually are? Given my wardrobe (like graphic tees and band shirts), I probably look younger in the eyes of especially older people. I personally say I look my age, though. When is the next time you’ll be up on stage? I never plan to be again. What is the last show that you watched a full episode of? Some cooking show with Mom. Nailed It!, I think? Do you know anyone who lives in Utah? No. I love Utah, though; it's actually a place I'd be willing to live in with just how pretty it is and not super populated. Do you get your feelings hurt easily? VERY. I'm probably one of the most sensitive people you can meet. Do you still talk to the person you last made out with? Yeah. Have you ever seen your best friend cry? Ugh, yes. What kind of vitamins did you take as a kid? First we took those nasty, chalky Flintstones kinds, but as time passed, Mom moved onto giving us gummy bear vitamins that were perfectly fine. Did you get any compliments today? No. Are you friends with your neighbors? Not "friends," no. What towns have you lived in? Three different ones. That's all you're getting. Have you ever thrown up from drinking? No. Done any illegal drugs? No. I mean I've had some alcohol underage, but I've never done anything remotely hardcore. What’s the longest amount of time you’ve been on an airplane without changing flights? Idk. Who have you texted today? My mom and best friend. What time did you wake up this morning? Ugh, like five in the fucking morning. I couldn't go back to sleep. What is your favorite condiment to go with french fries? Ketchup. What do you have a habit of doing when engaging in a conversation with someone? Making shitty eye contact, and I'm one of those people who "talks with [their] hands." I also lose my train of thought a whoooole lot. Have you ever layed in a hammock? Yeah; we had one growing up. Have you ever lost a pet in a tragic way? How did you cope? Well yeah, I've had lots of pets, so thus lost some in particularly painful ways. The most scarring loss of a pet though is as follows: Teddy, my dog, picked up one of our cat's very young, wandering kittens in his jaws in a manner that looked as if he was trying to carry it like Aphrodite (the mother cat) does when she would bring them back behind the couch, where she gave birth/had her little "nest." I absolutely freaked and had to pry the kitten from his mouth, and it slowly died in my hands. I think Teddy accidentally crushed its ribs. I. Was. A. Mess. Then, there was Aphrodite herself. I've told the story before of our former neighbors calling animal control because our cats would wander through their yard, and all of our cats were taken away while I was unaware at school. Came home, and they were all gone. Aphrodite was my baby, so I was devastated. Screaming, sobbing, cursing on the porch for like 20 minutes... It was awful. What type of curtains do you like? I don't... know? I don't know the actual names of any types... What type of quality is a must-have in a friend? I absolutely cannot be friends with someone who thinks they're above everyone else. Are you any good at reading someone's body language? I think I am. What goes good with a nice cold glass of milk? Cookies! Especially Oreos. Dip it in there for around five seconds, and it's perfection. What fruit is too sweet to you? Grapefruit came to mind first. How did you feel after your first kiss? I had butterflies galore and was so giddy and smiley. After the first, I just wanted to kiss him a billion more times. What’s your favorite constellation and why? I don't have one. Shower curtain or door? Curtain. The glass doors are too revealing. Have you ever thought to yourself that you’re the luckiest person in the world? Most deeeeefinitely not. What time of day do you most enjoy looking at the sky? Sunset if there are clouds present, but sunrise if the sky is pretty clear.
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viktor-noctis · 4 years
Harvest Moon
Anakin Skywalker wanted to kill everyone in the room. And then himself.
Even if they didn’t know who he was, because the chance they might find out was too terrifying to consider.
But they hadn’t. He knew they hadn’t. Because if they had, they would all have died of laughter before he could slice them into little pieces with his lightsaber. Which he didn’t have.
This night just keeps getting better and better.
He had completed well over two-hundred missions since he joined the Jedi Order, from escorting diplomats, brokering peace between nations, and fighting on battlefields the galaxy over. He had traversed forests full of dangerous, man-eating flora, ice cloaked mountains with beasts that could rip one apart in seconds, and even desserts. Full of sand. Which he believed was far eviler than the worms waiting beneath the surface of the dunes, ready to swallow one whole, or any of the previous threats combined. He would take any of them, all of them, even a dustbowl, over his current assignment.
On paper, it looked standard: use secured invitation to get inside of a party of ambassadors, senators, and potential members of the Separatists. Easy. Sneak past heavily armored centurion guards wielding plasma canons and ion missiles that may or may not have heat seeker technology embedded in them. Interesting, without a weapon, but not impossible. Find information regarding the movements of enemy shipments, containing stolen kyber crystals, and potential hostages of their side. Somewhat difficult… If one didn’t possess an encrypted pass code, capable of rapid copying the necessary data in record time. All-in-all, the usual kind of Jedi mission that included a bit of espionage on the side.
Except the teeny, tiny, minute detail of the invitation being formatted for a Lady Skylar Erie.
A woman from a small, noble house on Naboo. She was twenty-two years old, six feet tall exactly, and didn’t speak due to a childhood incident. Her hair was a light brown with touches of golden blond, possessing eyes the color of dark turquoise gems, and skin bronzed by the sun. Lady Skyler had full, dark lips, now shaded to a deep crimson, and high cheekbones. Her shoulders were broad, her legs long, and –
“Luckily,” the stylist had smiled at him in the mirror, “handsome young men make beautiful women.” Obi-Wan didn’t look like he agreed with that statement. His arms were crossed, eyes wide beneath his furrowed brow, and lips pursed within his beard… which he was stroking. Which meant he was looking for something comforting to say. Anakin was almost curious what sort of backwards, reorganized Yoda-phrase he would use, no doubt intended to distract him from that fact that he made a passable woman in a pinch. His former master opened and closed his mouth several times, forming nothing, and eventually just let a burst of air out behind his sealed lips. Which was probably the wisest thing he could have done.
The dress was another monstrous affair. The fact that Padma had been the one to gift the pattern to the tailor made him want to jump off the nearest bridge. Because that meant it was from Naboo, which was notorious for having so many hard to navigate layers, it was like trying to solve a puzzle maze. He’d overheat and die. Either that, or it would be a flowing slip of silk that would immediately give away the fact he was a man, and he could already see the billboard tagline all over the tabloid side of the holonet.
A form fitted, off the shoulder, obsidian gown arrived. There was a deep cerulean, satin sash that wrapped around the top, no doubt to hide his lack of cleavage, and draped down to curl over the low arches of his hips, falling down his buttocks like a tail. The entire thing was accented with ivory stones across the top, coiling in abstract patterns down his ribs, growing smaller till they faded at his thighs. Made from the finest silks, the whole thing had been custom fitted for him a week before.
“It’s a shame you want to destroy it.” Obi-Wan’s voice held six feet worth of lamentation that Anakin was ready to bury him in. “It’s rather beautiful.” One look from Anakin had shut him up for the entire evening. He had his word that when they made it back to the Temple, he was allowed to slice it to pieces with his saber until it was nothing but a smoldering, crumpled ruin of unidentifiable cloth and cracked stones. He was also not to take a single holo of him in it, no matter how much Senator Amidala plead or bargained.
However, he had quickly realized that the most dangerous part of his mission didn’t entail trying not to fall flat on his face while wearing three inch heels (how Padme managed the ‘dagger stilettoes’ that were over five he would never know, but he was going to bow down on his knees the next time he saw her), nor glaring at the men who gave his backside leering glances (he just about managed not to Force push that last one’s face straight into the buffet table), or even punching the last piece of kriffing, snorg-birthed, moose-goose snot brained –
I hate this, I hate this, I hatethis, IhatethisIhatethisIhatethis –
He almost tore his dress. Again.
No, the most dangerous part of his mission was none of the above. It was navigating the toxic snake pit filled with people he knew almost nothing about. Oh, some of them he had seen, certainly: thieves, murderers, drug dealers, and slave traders. They were up to their ears in nothing but filth and injustice, the lowest of the low, scum that he had to smile and play nice with like a mute, pretty girl with only three brain cells to her name would.
Anakin’s face hadn’t stopped burning the whole evening. He only prayed his embarrassment couldn’t melt away the layers of foundation and contour applied to his features. She’d even combed and fixed his hair, plating the strands into a short braid with ribbon that matched his dress, and flowers that curled into the elaborate cuffs around his ears. He hated the jewelry almost as much as the gown… the dainty chains in his lobes had snow drops on the ends, bearing sapphires so deep they appeared onyx. The choker around his neck was emblazoned with them as well, with diamonds that offset the ones on the dress.
He had to wear gloves. To cover up his mechanical arm, as if it were something to be ashamed of. Anakin managed to contain a growl, keeping his fan close to the lower portion of his face. He didn’t dare lower it, least someone find his jaw too strong, his neck too thick.
How can anyone believe this? Maybe everyone around him thought it was just as ludicrous, just as impossible that Anakin Skywalker liked to spend his Tuesday evenings dressed as a woman, strutting around some of the worst moss-pit vipers in the galaxy. He swallowed what remained of his pride.
Get the information. Get out. You’ve done this a thousand times before. Never like this he hadn’t.
He had the advantage of his height at least, his gaze straying over the facades in attendance, knowing his mark would favor a more private location. The mask they had given him was just insult to injury… It covered everything above his cheekbones, wrapping over the bridge of his nose. Carved from delicate ivory, with swirls and coils painted on in black at the top, fading to midnight blue around his eyes, and then a rich silver at the edges. The top of the brow split in a mane of feathers, mimicking the shades already present. According to Obi-Wan, it was meant to represent a delicate, blue bird found on a planet covered mostly in water in the furthermost reaches.
Anakin almost felt relieved when he saw his target in the throng of dignitaries. His mask wasn’t strapped on like his own was, dangling from his right hand, while his left arm remained occupied by a Togruta girl with red skin and yellow horns. He really did not need to be thinking of Ahsoka right now. What would she say if she could see him? She’d never stop talking about it. She’d probably sneak a holo or two just to save for future blackmailing purposes, because what sane Padawan would pass up the opportunity to have a picture of their Master all dressed up for the ball?
The man in question, with more gold than white or black in his mouth, was one Fren Pollock. After obtaining a hard-won pardon from the Republic – something that made Anakin’s teeth grind – he had somehow acquired a governorship on a small lunar colony. Drugs, munitions, and people, nothing was beneath him. Anakin found himself reveling in the notion of bringing him down, of dismantling his little empire into the dust, and taking all of his accomplices with him.
“Woah there, blondie.” A bodyguard. One of four. No armor, no weapons, as was the standard, per the request of the hosts.
[ I’m really terrible at writing scum bags, but Fren allows Anakin closer, only to drug him. Someone intervenes, of course, but after unmasking Anakin things go from bad to worse. Also, Dooku wears a Loth-wolf mask. - ]
“I believe the young Lady has had enough.” Anakin’s stomach dropped. He couldn’t breathe. His next whimper was stifled against a hard chest. Hands, warm and solid, one on his wrist, and the other on his back. Protective, almost tender, they held him steady against the taller man.
 The chuckle that emanated from the Count tightened around his chest. The air left him, slipping free in a low, hoarse whimper. Dooku just laughed harder. Anakin didn’t dare raise his head to see the slice of his grin through his cheeks.
“My, my, this evening is just full of surprises.” Dooku’s sneer rippled through his already weak knees. They shuddered beneath him, leaving him to sway dangerously. “I didn’t expect to find you here, Skywalker, but considering this turn of events, I’m rather glad I did.” Red and blue. Anakin’s teeth clenched, jaw ringing with the pain, straight into his temples. He should jerk forward, smash his head into Dooku’s nose. Crimson and azure. Their sabers should clash, they always had, easy and familiar. Darkness and light, trading breath and edge, till one consumed the other. Mars and Venus. Planetoids too far to know, yet the tales of them were wreathed in the fantastical. The coin flipped, came down in a shower of sparks that were the shades of stars.
Dooku tasted like something bitter and yet sweet. It reminded Anakin of the grapes Padme had given him while they were visiting Alderaan, off a vine five years old. She said they were native to the planet, that they would keep the same fruits without dropping them for hundreds of years, but when they were plucked clean… they died. Those same plants were the reason the planet was known for its wine. She had challenged him to taste as many as he could, all the way up to the first century. They made his nose wrinkle, his vision darkening as his eyes squinted, then misted with tears he blinked away. He didn’t even get to twenty.
He still had the gift… the one Bail Organa had given him. He had winked at him, saying something about how even Jedi needed to have fun every once in a while. The crystal, ruby embossed bottle was hidden somewhere under his bunk, protected by his worn, old Padawan robes. He still didn’t know how a beverage made from fruit as old as Yoda was supposed to be a good.
“What are you doing?!” His head throbbed. His parted lips trembled, prickling with something he couldn’t name. Anakin’s cheeks were still burning, but a new heat had been added from the friction of the Count’s beard. Dooku’s hand gripped his bicep, the muscle throbbing beneath his hard palm. Anakin could feel the bruises forming, the pulse of blood beneath the surface. He’d torn away, smashing him into the wall, and he had… he had kissed Count Dooku, a known Sith Lord, and leader of the Separatist Systems Alliance. A tremble lanced through him, clinging to his muscles, till he felt as if he were going to shake straight out of his skin.
Anakin’s head twisted, turning away from Dooku, but his body wouldn’t follow as easily. His tongue clung to the roof of his mouth, thick with the ichor of whatever had been in his drink. He swallowed it back, trying to free himself of the Count’s hand with a sluggish, surly throw of his shoulder. He stumbled instead, pivoting dangerously close to the wall, but durasteel bands took hold of his waist. His body jerked, a whimper exiting his lungs as they compressed. The darkness crept into his vision, stifling him in the heat and musk of whoever held him.
“What have you done?” Far away, harsh and whispered. The syllables grated against his scorching ears. His throat ached with the sound that left him, high-pitched and terrible. His mouth contacted something solid and warm and smooth. He couldn’t help but rub his face into the warmth of that broad shoulder. Whoever held him smelled like heat and spice.
Padme and Obi-Wan sat across from him, laughing as his face twisted. He had grown up a poor boy on Tatooine, you didn’t just waste food, no matter how much you didn’t like it. Which meant swallowing down whatever you were given, which meant he was willing to try anything once. Even the boiled bark of a strange planet. It was not the taste, but the brittle texture on his tongue. Citrus and tang, almost metallic in its bite, sliding down his throat with the same viscosity of honey, and the viciousness of alcohol.
That was the smell that surrounded him now, sharp and distinct. There was something overtop, layered on to smooth the undercurrent of that wild, intoxicating aroma. Anakin almost thought it was… roses. Yes, roses. Extravagant and sweet, enough to hide the Loth-wolf’s true scent.
[ Dooku makes a strategic retreat, taking Anakin with him back to his room… Mistake. The drug is in him now, and inhibition is taking a nosedive straight into hell. He puts Anakin in his room, where he struggles out of the dress, tearing off the jewelry, and rubs at his face. The Count returns after a thunderous crash, effectively shattering every bottle in his private bar. Not good… He returns to the room, submerged in darkness, standing at the end of the bed… ]
Anakin trembled beneath his own pride.
The moonlight splayed over his shoulders, weaving through his white hair, curving over the hard edges of the right side of his face. His eyes, cheeks, lips, chin, his entire face lost to the shadows. Anakin could see nothing of him, but he could imagine the furrow of his brow, the pull of his mouth into that familiar sneer. Or would his cheeks ripple with a snarl? He almost wished he could see him, the revulsion of his features, the cruel amusement preferable to the void that stared back at him.
He could feel something though, intangible as the Force, but as palpable as its presence. Dooku’s gaze. Those hard, dark orbs, piercing his bunched shoulders, his heaving chest, the tremble of his stomach.
He lost.
[ And this is as far as I got because I’m terrible. I’m not tagging this much either, because its a WIP. ]
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ohprettyweeper-fics · 5 years
Summary: Things between you and Tyler heat up after an outdoor show.  Pairing: Tyler Joseph x Reader Word Count: 1200 Warnings: Hot and bothered times, implied smut. Grab a fan, frens. 
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GiF found via Google Image Search. 
Since you had started dating Tyler, you had eagerly anticipated the opportunity to accompany him to an outdoor festival show. There were so many people, and while the crowds would normally induce a serious amount of anxiety, being able to watch the show from a more private and isolated viewing area solved that problem. 
An occasional cool breeze was the only reprieve from the thick, humid air. Autumn was coming, but not soon enough. The wispy strands at your hairline stuck to your forehead, and you were glad you had decided to forgo all makeup except for mascara. Your tank top wasn’t fitted, but it stuck to your skin anyway. Sandals would have been a better choice, but you weren’t too sorry about wearing your favorite Vans. At least the distressed tears in your jeans offered some ventilation for your legs. 
Tyler and Josh were having the time of their lives, that was easy to see. The crowd’s energy fed them, and they put on one hell of a show. Tyler’s white v-neck tee stuck to his chest, outlining his muscular chest and arms. You could see his tattoos, too. He was a handsome man, there was no doubt about that, but seeing him like this … you bit your lip to keep yourself from yelling out along with the rest of the fangirls. Something tightened low in your belly, and your heart picked up the pace. You tried to keep any hints that you were so turned on from your face, but when Tyler ran his hands through his hair, leaving behind a sweaty, mussed pile of brown locks, you nearly lost control. 
After the show, you were quiet. You couldn’t help that you couldn’t stop the thoughts in your head, and Tyler’s sweaty kiss when he came off stage didn’t help matters. 
“You sure you’re okay?” Tyler asked when the two of you made it back to the hotel room. 
You nodded. “Yeah, fine. Is it warm in here to you?”
Tyler shook his head, pulling his shirt off and tossing it to the side. “No, the cool air actually feels good. You’re warm?”
“Maybe a little,” you mumbled. Your cheeks heated from the inside then, and Tyler must have noticed the pink reaction of your skin. Paired with the way you were still chewing on your raw bottom lip, and fidgeting so you didn’t have to stand still, he must have known exactly what was going on. 
Tilting his head to one side, Tyler approached you. He stopped with not quite a foot between the two of you, crossing his arms over his chest. His muscles flexed with the action, leaving you almost undone. 
You snapped your eyes from his chest to his face. “Yeah?”
“Something going on with you?”
You swallowed. “I don’t — no. I’m fine. What?”
Tyler moved to close the gap between the two of you, but you backed away from him. You weren’t sure why; this was not brand new territory between the two of you, though it was new enough to be not quite familiar yet. Your back found the wall before Tyler stopped moving toward you. 
“Y/N,” he said, voice low and hoarse, “what has got you so worked up?”
“Worked up?”
Tyler nodded. “Yes. Tell me, so that I can make sure it happens over and over.”
Damn it, he’s good. The whole thing came tumbling from your lips. “It was hot outside. And I love watching you play. And you climbed that thing. And your shirt was all sweaty, and I could see your muscles and tattoos. And your hair was sweaty, and I love it when you have it longer like this. You ran your hands through it, and I wanted to be the one running my hands through your hair. You don’t understand how much I want you as it is, how much I love you. But when you’re on stage … that’s a whole other level.”
Tyler’s mouth tugged up at one end. The smirk was sexy and coy. You suspected he had known all along what had you quiet and worked up. 
He dropped his arms and stood just close enough so that you had only a suspicion of his body touching yours. That perfect smirk hovered over your lips, out of reach of your mouth, even if you tipped your head up. You made to close the last of the gap between the two of you, but Tyler’s hands on your shoulders stopped you. His fingers loosely molded around your arms, leaving goosebumps in their wake. When he got to your wrists, he took hold of them. Gently, but with clear purpose, Tyler lifted your arms above your head and held them there by your wrists. Thank goodness for that wall, or your weak knees would have dropped you to the floor. 
“Still too warm?” Tyler asked. His lips brushed yours as he spoke. “You’ve got goosebumps, baby.”
Ironically enough, your mouth was too dry to answer him. Tyler let his smirk linger only a few seconds longer before he pressed his lips to yours — again, gentle, but with a purpose. He didn’t wait long to run his tongue over your bottom lip, and you were quick to grant him access to your mouth. As the kiss deepened, Tyler let go of your wrists to grip your hips. You let one arm rest lazily around his shoulders, while the fingers of your other hand carded through his hair, pulling a bit and eliciting a near-growl from deep in Tyler’s bare chest. 
Tyler moved his hands to your ass, squeezing before bending his knees so that he could grip the backs of your thighs and pick you up. Your legs wrapped around his hips so quickly, it might as well have been a natural reaction. Tyler moved you away from the wall, but stood there with you wrapped around him for a good few minutes. When the two of you could finally pull away from the kiss, your eyes met. His pupils were lust blown, and you were sure yours were just as dilated. 
“I should do outdoor shows more often,” Tyler chuckled, carefully moving to sit on the edge of the hotel mattress. 
“I wouldn’t complain,” you giggled. 
With you still straddling his lap, Tyler pushed one hand into your hair, and sprawled the other out over your back. You knew that cue; you kissed him again, harder even than before. Your anticipation was hitting dangerous levels; you were even more eager now than you had been before the festival show. You chuckled to yourself, thinking of what a sight you must have been in that little viewing area at the show. You could only imagine what kind of pictures would come from that. 
“I need to shower,” Tyler commented, chest heaving. “Shower with me.”
You nodded acceptance of his direction and made to get off the bed. Tyler’s hands held tight to your legs, and in one smooth move, he stood from the bed with your legs still wrapped around him. Your heart quickened again. 
You had never looked forward to a shower more than you did in that moment.  
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evesbeve · 5 years
It’s YOUR art!
So I’ve had this cork board in my room since forever, and no matter how many times I rearrange it, I NEVER end up with something that I like.
But yesterday that changed! I decided to use it to pin all the wonderful art you guys have made for me, whether it was a gift or a commission! So without any further ado, here it is!
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Credits and extras under the cut!
Top Row (horizontally)
Me, Ali (@clumsinessinperson) and Ver (@xxwhisperapplexx) by Ali 
I mean, this isn’t exactly for me, but I love you guys and I needed a pic of us up there ;w; next time we’ll add hollie and bri too bc we need the whole squad
Christmas gift by @dahrissy
Fanart of my fic boundaries mean nothing by @we-never-stop-fighting
THIS IS THE FIRST TIME ANYONE’S EVER DRAWN SOMETHING OUT OF A FIC OF MINE? I pinned it on top of the cork board because I wanna look at it every time I write and get encouraged to continue! It means so much to me ;w; Also it’s Ben, and he’s one of my fave characters of all time so!! Thank you so much for sharing this with me, I literally cannot express how much it means to me!
Second Row
Clumsy and my OC Dam by Ali
THIS DRAWING IS LOWKEY THE REASON WE BECAME FRIENDS AND ILY? It means SO much to me, you don’t understand!!
Freddie the Corgi by @sarcasticscribbles
Not really a gift (it was a request though) but it’s Freddie and I love him so much!! He’s there to make me smile ;w;
Me and Ver by mE
This is the only thing on this cork board that’s actually drawn by me, because it’s simply iconic-
Birthday gift by @diamantdrache
AAAAA?? I love this one to death?? A shirt that says “Cole from Ninjago is GAY!” what more can I ask for? I love you?
Cora by @nerdwaifuu
Also a birthday gift! I can’t believe we’ve known each other for sO LONG? Like holy crap Bella, you’re one of the only people in the Ninjago people I’ve known since the Wattpad days (you and Lindsey, that is) and just!! I love you!!
Remaining drawings at the left
Revali by @dyradoodles
This was a gift for my birthday in 2018, and I love it so much ;w; Revali is still one of my top fave characters, and it warms my heart still!!
My profile pic by @itsaduckblrr
Okay, this is the only one I can 100% call iconic. I can’t believe it’s been more than a year since you made this? ‘Cause like? It’s such a long time, holy crap 0-0 It’s one of my favourites up there, for obvious reasons, aND I STILL DEMAND THAT YOU TAKE MY MONEY, I LOVE YOU
More Cora by @sweet-mymble
This is under arrest for being way too adorable, it has stolen my heart ;w; ily
Dam and frens!!! by @loud-quiet-and-fragile
This!! Is!! Adorable!! I love how you drew our characters together, they’d be great frens!!
Remaining drawings at the right
Me and Dam by @kara-is-so-ninja
Kara: I don’t have enough time to make you a bday gift, but happy bday!
dUUUDE THIS IS LITERALLY SO ADORABLE, I had to put it there. Also you’re awesome and ily and I wanted your art on my board ‘cause you’re amazing ;w;
Me by @donnapaella
THIS IS SO OLD?? AT LEAST TWO YEARS HAVE PASSED?? HOLY MOLY?? I remember sitting at the exact spot I’m sitting at right now and you sending me this and me going “!!!!!!!!!!! :O WHA?” I ADORE it. It’s just the best thing ever, and it makes me feel special every time I look at it, ily dude ;w;
Some good ol’ Pixane by @nightlybirdie
I mean, there was no way I wouldn’t put something about these two up there, but this was also a birthday gift and it’s just sO CUTE, and it makes me SCREAM! It’s the best bday gift ever, tysm Nightly ;w;
Dam and Revali by @esmiden
This was also for my bday in 2018 and AAAAAAAAA IT’S ADORABLE?? This is another one of these drawings that warms my heart, thank you so much Esmi!!
Mystery Drawing by Storm
I didn’t want to post a picture of this on tumblr because I don’t have a way to credit Storm through tumblr anymore (I only have their Discord and that’s private information) but it’s a drawing of me as a Hylian and Revali and it’s the most beautiful thing ever ;w;
The second big drawing on this board
Mikey, Donnie and Freddie commission by @sarcasticscribbles
THIS TAKES THE TEA, it’s one of my favourites up here (thus why it’s so huge), the reason we became friends, and also it’s beautiful, I LOVE IT AND I LOVE YOU!
The cutouts by Ali
They’re all made by Ali. All of them. No exceptions. That brings the total of Ali drawings to 5. Thank you for your contribution to my room, fren.
The polaroids
The one at the bottom left corner are some pictures of me, @totallyevan and our Dad. We look... Interesting, to say the least XD
The other one, (second row, last pin) is of me and my best friend. We tried to take a polaroid selfie. I still can’t decide whether it worked or not.
Fortune Cookie Fortune
That tiny piece of paper under Candaru’s drawing is actually a fortune from a fortune cookie!! It says “Everybody loves you.” and I found it very encouraging ^^
Undertale Pin
(right bottom corner of the TMNT drawing)
OKAY BUT I WANT MORE PINS, and this one is from Undertale!! It’s a sleeping annoying dog, ‘cause Toby Fox owns me,,,
That One Random Red String
YOU KNOW HOW THEY HAVE THESE IN CRIME STORIES WHEN THEY TRY TO SOLVE THE MYSTERY? Well, it means absolutely nothing here, but I figured it looked cool and it was lying around my room!
A Conclusion™
So, obviously I’ve saved some space for future drawings, and I’m planning on putting some drawings at the sides of my workplace as well (you can’t really see it but it’s there) but I just wanted to say THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH!
I could have never imagined how much support I’d get by posting my content here, but you guys surprised me anyway.
This blog (and my presence in social media in general) was made to share my work with the world, but most importantly, to spread positivity.
I’ve never asked for anything in return, yet you guys have given me so much.
And especially if we’re friends (because the majority of these are from friends!!), thank you so much for being here!! Some of these are the REASON we became friends, and I LOVE YOU.
It would be impossible to pin every single doodle, so if your art wasn’t up here, don’t take it personally! These were just some that have some story behind them, but I appreciate every single piece of art I am sent.
And not just art!! Your guys’ comments and support is more than enough for me. So for the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!
I’m trying to improve the environment I live in, and you guys are helping me so much with all your kind gestures. I don’t know how I could ever repay you, but I thank you for the bottom of my heart <3
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ladymdc · 5 years
The Seventh Circle
I don’t usually do a lot of fic promoting, however, since this is a joint endeavor with my amazing fren @dismalzelenka​​, I’m going to do it 🙃
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Pairing: Nathaniel Howe x Reyna Cousland AND Anders x Adrestia Tabris Rating: Explicit (will have canon-typical violence & probably smut) Word Count (at the moment): ~2,900 Chapters: 1/? Summary: Run if you can. Madness has filled the silence. Do not return to this place.
[A modern w/magic AU where the Wardens & darkspawn are a myth, a bedtime story parents tell their children. However, an incident in the Western Approach sends Reyna Cousland and Adrestia Tabris on a search to uncover a truth lost to time and secrecy before it's too late to stop events from spiraling further out of control. Reyna belongs to MC & Adrestia belongs to Diz.]
We’ll be tossing updates up on Ao3 (here) whenever the muse strikes us. CH.1 is under the cut for funsies.
Solace 20:19
Reyna Cousland placed her sunglasses in the center console and got out of the vehicle. The estate was lovely in summer, lush and beautiful. She couldn’t deny it, but the beauty felt bitter and false as she took it in.
She opened the back door to let Acheron out then wordlessly led him up the flagstone path to the manor. At the dark walnut doors on the veranda, she paused. She just needed a moment to brace herself. To prepare for what she was about to face.
Inside, the foyer was well lit and immaculate. A circular table sat in the middle of the open area. On it, there was a large bouquet of dark blue flowers interspersed with olive branches—a play on the colors of their house.
It was a double-edged weapon, just as able to drive one to succeed as to destroy them.
When she looked up, she found her father standing in the doorway to the breakfast nook. His eyes were a stormy grey. Calm, yet powerful; precisely contained—never show weakness or fear.
Conquered By None.  
“Reyna,” he said, absently scratching Acheron’s ear. “Take a walk with me.”
Reyna nodded stiffly and followed after her father. He led her outside then along one of the lanes lined with trees heavy with plums ripe for picking. Her father didn’t make any effort to converse until they were well away from the manor.
“I don’t want you to transfer,” he abruptly declared.
She had already decided to walk pride’s razor edge and told her father as such. “It has already been approved. I leave in two weeks.”
Her father came to a halt as his expression grew bitterly resigned as if preparing himself to be stuck on some quarter.
“I had it on good authority that General Howe—” her lip curled up with disdain of its own volition, “—was going to send me there to add insult to injury. This way, I control the narrative.”
There was a long silence. Her father stared down the lane, his eyes far away.
“What happened should not affect your career,” he said eventually, turning to look down at her. “It had nothing to do with you.”
The betrayal had been so exacting and deeply personal that she could barely bring herself to think about it.
“It has everything to do with me,” Reyna told him. “I am a Cousland.”
“True.” A slow smile curved his lips. Then it vanished, and he glanced away.
But Reyna saw it, the sudden lines of tension around his eyes.
“So, the narrative; what do you need me to do to help offset—” he flicked his hand dismissively at his side, “—everything?”
Reyna blinked. “I don’t need you to do anything,” she said in a tight voice. “Did you really think I was going to distance myself from you? A Cousland always does their duty. You taught me that. You did your duty, and now, it’s my turn.”
Her father nodded thoughtfully. The sunlight catching his hair, silvered with age.
“You know, just when I think I couldn’t be more proud of you, you prove me wrong.”
Her throat tightened so much it was hard to swallow. She managed to tip her chin down in acknowledgment.
When she was a little girl, Reyna had thought he was cold. However, as she matured, she realized he wasn’t unfeeling. Her father felt things; he just did so privately.
In that regard, they were alike; driven by emotions, but never allowed them to dictate. The head always won out over the heart. At least, until General Bryce Cousland was court-martialed for insubordination and suspended without pay for five years.
Then everything changed.
While she composed herself, her father made a convincing job of admiring the blooming hydrangeas. Reyna knew he was proud of her. She never questioned that. But being reminded of it as she tried to be his steady rock in a sea of shifting alliances was overwhelming.
“Come,” he said, briefly placing his hand between her shoulder blades when she stepped up next to him a moment later. “Let’s finish our stroll through the gardens before your mother decides to hunt us down.”
“Did she also assume I was going to cast you aside like some black stain on my career that I couldn’t wait to expunge?” she asked dryly as they began walking down the return lane.
The corner of his mouth twitched faintly. “She didn’t. I believe she just wanted the satisfaction of being present when I was proved wrong. Thank you for allowing myself to be spared further embarrassment.”
Reyna smiled then. Truly smiled for what felt like the first time in months.
Her father chuckled. “In my defense, neither of us have handled this exceptionally well, and I’m unaccustomed to you being—angry.”
Through it all, her father had appeared unaffected. If Reyna had been less angry herself, she might have believed it, but their personalities were basically the same. Which, oddly enough, left her uncertain how to address the strain that had asserted itself between them. But there was an instant comfort she found in learning that it was all misplaced, that he had simply felt as lost as her.
“Likewise,” she said. “I wasn’t sure how this conversation was going to go when you asked me to come home to discuss it.”
He shrugged. “I didn’t mean to alarm you. It’s just easier to discern what is going on in your head when we speak face to face. And we’ve avoided the general topic long enough.”
“I agree. I shouldn’t have tried to talk about it over the phone. I just didn’t want you to hear about my transfer from anyone else and misunderstand. Obviously, that backfired.”
“That is on me, not you,” he said as they began to ascend the large stone steps up to the patio.
Reyna’s mother was setting the small table in the breakfast nook when they stepped inside. Her parents stared at one another for a moment, then her mother arched a single blonde eyebrow.
“It is as you said, Eleanor,” he allowed drolly.
A slow cat-like smile graced her mother’s lips. “Welcome home, Reyna,” she said, stepping forward to give her daughter a quick hug. “Lunch is almost ready, I’m just finishing up the chicken.”
“Do you need any help?”
“Not at all. It’ll take me ten minutes, tops.”
Her father nodded. “Alright, then I’ll be right back,” he said. Then he turned and walked out of the room. Her mother’s blue eyes glittered knowingly before exiting through the adjacent door leading to the kitchen.
Reyna shrugged inwardly before taking a seat. At her elbow, she found today’s newspaper. Something twisted inside her as she read the headline on the front page.
‘Rift Platform 52’, or ‘P-52’, is expected to launch operations on Saturday, August 6th, according to a press release by Antonius Faber, CEO of OFT Enterprises. 
This venture is made possible thanks to Orzammar based Paragon Branka Kondrat’s revolutionary structural engineering research. This state of the art drilling facility, the most advanced of its kind to date, is affixed to the cliff-side of the Abyssal Rift using massive caissons and a carefully threaded steel cable suspension system. It is roughly the size of a 15-story building and will deploy three separate drilling units to depths of up to 5,000 meters. P-52 is expected to reach oil reserves that have remained untapped for centuries due to the unstable landscape of the Western Approach and widespread environmental toxicity located within the Rift itself. 
While few would question the wealth of resources finally available, Ferelden concerns on the matter initially went largely unheard until King Cailan Theirin and Empress Celene Valmont established the Great Orlais-Ferelden Oil Alliance earlier this year. 
In exchange—  
Reyna heard footsteps and looked up as her father reentered the room.
His eyes flicked from hers down to the newspaper. He stared at it for several seconds, then sighed.
“For once, I’m not mentioned.”
Reyna nodded, keeping her expression carefully closed as she quietly seethed.
On the surface, increasing oil imports from Orlais at a lesser cost in exchange for military support in the hazardous environment seemed to make good sense. However, production sharing agreements were horrendously advantageous to the host country. The host country did not need to make a significant amount of investment for exploration or production activities because the oil company carried all operational and financial costs and risks. Then, if that weren’t enough, the host country gleaned knowledge, technological advances, and expertise through the agreement.
In summation, the host country— Orlais —would reap endless benefits and profits from this groundbreaking endeavor.
Ferelden would be guaranteed access to cheap oil, and nothing more. This was a fact her father had bluntly relayed to some reporters at the persuasion of his lifelong friend, Rendon Howe, who then used the souring tide of public opinion in the matter to motivate King Cailan to call for his court-martial. It succeeded.
Predictably, Rendon was promoted to take his place.
Reyna rolled her jaw and forced herself to set aside her sudden rage.
“It’s fine, Reyna; I shall live on,” he said, crossing the room.
“We shall live on,” she corrected.
There was a pregnant pause.
“I have something for you,” he said, then reached into his pocket and withdrew two metal, half-inch bands inlaid with runes.
She looked up at her father in astonishment.
He smirked, then held out his empty hand to her. “As you said, it’s your turn.”
“I can’t accept that.”
“It was always going to be yours someday,” he said, then beckoned with his fingers to encourage her along.
At that, Reyna swallowed down the rest of her objections and let him help her to stand; Acheron perked up from where he was doing a rather good job at blending in with the wood flooring.
“Part of why I asked you here today was to tell you that I’m resigning from the service,” he told her, slipping the bands onto her left arm.
“When did you make that decision?”
“When the verdict was handed down. I was just waiting for the news cycle to die down. None of this was supposed to be about me.” He began to precisely situate one on her forearm just a couple inches from her elbow; the other was dangling from her wrist like an oversized bracelet.
“It was about Ferelden, and I did right by her,” he said. “That is all that matters.”
Reyna slowly nodded. She understood the implications behind the decision. Going along with it all would be as good as admitting wrongdoing.
Once in position, the bands resized themselves to her perfectly where they would remain unless she went in to have them reset and removed. Reyna could tell there were enchantments woven into the silverite to prevent her arm from chafing and to keep it the ideal temperature.
“Can you feel it?”
Now that he mentioned it, Reyna could recognize a presence pressing against the outside of her forearm. “I can tell I’m connected to it, but I can’t tell how to make it do anything.”
“It takes some getting used to. You’ll just have to practice.” He took two steps back. “Curl your fingers in one at a time, starting with your pinky, and you’ll be able to separate it out better.”
Reyna took a deep, even breath and did as instructed. As her thumb curled inward, she felt it.
The semi-translucent, iridescent blue field flickered to life for a half-second, then vanished.
Her father smiled proudly, and Reyna could feel the pressure in her cheeks and eyes as she struggled not to cry over it.
She knew what it looked like in its full corporeal form. A modernized replica of the shields their ancestors used to carry back in the Dragon Age. It had been a gift from the late King Maric Theirin when her father was knighted for exceptional services to the Crown. In that alone, it was priceless, and yet astronomical amounts of time and effort and magic went into making the one of a kind device.
She parted her lips to speak—
“Don’t thank me, and I won’t…” he trailed off and waved a hand.
Reyna exhaled; part relief, part amusement. “Deal.”
“Good,” he said, shoulders dropping as if he had also found the entire conversation emotionally draining. But then her father put his arm around her and pulled her in for a quick, slightly awkward half-embrace.
As if awaiting this cue, her mother breezed back into the room to begin serving lunch: garlic bread and caprese chicken avocado salad with a balsamic reduction. Reyna’s mouth quirked at the corner when Acheron dug in. It always did. Without fail, he happily ate anything her mother put in front of him.
Later, Reyna would sit in her West Hill apartment and think back on the meal. In that moment, they had all but forgotten what had happened. The only deviation from the thousands of other meals they’ve shared in that room was the bands were affixed to her arm instead of her father’s. Where they should be.
Reyna idly traced the runes wrapped around her wrist.
All this time, she had been supportive but distant, trying to separate out her own personal turmoil over the matter so her father wouldn’t carry that too. He had done so anyway. Penance perhaps for negatively affecting her career, one he knew she didn’t even want even though Reyna had never admitted it.
At least, they managed to set things right. It was far past time, but neither of them were much good at talking about how they felt.
“I think we should stay at the manor until we leave,” she said suddenly.
Acheron barked, stump waggling, and Reyna reached for her phone.
It was a strange feeling, to move back into her childhood home. A home she loved and would someday inherit to become Lady of the Manor. A fact that made her painfully aware while she was an heir, she was not a true heir. No matter what she did, the Cousland name would die with her.
Reyna tried not to think about it.
Instead, she read, ran with Acheron, and cooked with her mother. She practiced activating the shield, which was like strengthening a part of her she hadn’t known existed and had muscle atrophy as a result. Reyna and her father even discussed potential ways she could excel in her new post, to climb rank despite the looming expectation that she stall out or quit.
When Reyna left, it was as if she’d be back the next day. Goodbyes were another thing they weren’t very good at.
The flight was uneventful, as was settling into her new place in Valemont. A two-bedroom, 1.5 bath duplex with exactly one parking space designated as hers behind the home, which was all she needed.
There were some incredulous looks when 2ndLt. Cousland provided her identification at the gates of Griffon Wing Army Base the following Monday, but Reyna ignored it. Then she parked her new jeep and slung her bag onto her shoulder before dropping Acheron off for training on the local wildlife. And now, she made her way deeper into the facility in search of her office.
As she rounded a corner on the third floor, she allowed herself a quick glance around, taking in the layout. Reyna stiffened when she saw him. Seeing her certainly hadn’t seemed to surprise or upset him.
He’d been waiting for it.
Howe simply leaned back on his heels and studied her, his eyes bright as they swept over her in a rapid catalog, lingering a moment on the band visible around her left wrist. Nothing about him had changed since she’d last seen him, and yet she could feel the weight of everything that had in the air between them.
He hadn’t tried to contact her.
Not once.
Whatever they’d been had never been defined. Not friends, but something that had mattered enough for Reyna to feel a growing well of hurt as she blankly met his stare. Not that it mattered.
None of it had ever mattered.
Eventually, Howe looked down, and his lips thinned. Then his posture shifted slightly. There was something he was trying to communicate to her, and her grey eyes flicked over to the plaque on the door he stood nearest to.
316 2ndLt. Nathaniel Howe  
Her mouth twisted derisively. Of course, their offices would be across the hall from one another. She should have expected it.
From the corner of her eye, she saw Howe twitch, and his expression harden.
Reyna turned on her heel and entered her office.
She set her bag down and went to the window. The Western Approach was a sea of unstable, shifting sands, rocky ridges, and strong, howling winds. On the horizon, P-52 sat in the middle of a steel web. Without a doubt, this office was also chosen to remind her how she got here.
She should be enraged, but she couldn’t summon it. She hadn’t realized how powerless she was to fight her circumstances until that moment.
People did not believe in facts. Order and truth could be tarnished.
She didn’t know how to rise above it, but she would still try.
She sank into the chair at her desk and went to work.
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xaeneron · 5 years
A Smol Nerd Talks about Backstory and Character Development
Hello frens,
I had someone ask about how I write character backstories, but since they included their discord information in the ask, I thought it might be better to answer that privately and put up this as a public post because the more I wrote, the more obnoxious it got. And because I thought it was interesting! I don’t claim to be an expert at any of this, especially since this is purely a hobby to me, but I do absolutely love character design and development and it makes me happy that the characters that I’ve put time and effort into are encouraging others to develop their own. So this is absolutely a post to skip if you’re not interested, but read on if you’re curious as to how my weird little brain works.
Essentially: Bits of insight into how I write character backstories, which blends a lot into character development and creation. Not really a step by step process, more word vomit.
...under a cut because holy fuck it got long. I’m sorry, I talk too much ><
Visualizing Characters
I’m not sure there’s really a starting place beyond “I would like this character to exist,” but I think it’s important to first stress how I view my characters in perspective to myself. No one method works for everyone, but it is kind of relevant to my own process. 
My friends in undergrad made fun of me for this constantly, but for me, characters sort of...how do you put it, take up space in the mind. Even though they are functionally me since I created them, they’re...not? They exist as their own entities, telling me what they like and don’t like, what they’d like to do next, etc. Ive, who has dominated this space for years, has a tendency to claim any music that I listen to as his own (so I associate it with him), throws parties, and wants to play and write more stories when I want to sleep. I get that this is a really weird way of looking at characters because I’m essentially blaming myself for keeping myself awake, but I think it’s the best way to describe how I see the characters that I create. They’re friends that talk, and they develop their own opinions instead of me dictating what it is that they say (even though...well, I am. I’m sorry this is really fucking weird LOL).
Obviously I’m not saying that this can or would work for anyone, but it’s just how my brain works. It helps me visualize them, along with details like how their voices sound, the facial expressions they tend to make, the tone that they take when saying the same phrase as someone else, etc.
Assembling Personalities...
I know the original question was essentially just about backstories, but backstory writing and character creation bleed into each other a lot. Enough that I don’t really think you can do one without the other, and why as a result I’m kind of writing about both.
So that being said, when assembling those characters, I tend to go piece by piece and let things happen, instead of distilling in all the characteristics I want them to have. That’s a pretty surefire way to make a Mary Sue, and I have plenty of experience with making Mary Sues. A lot. It’s embarrassing. ;A;
Let’s take Ive, for example. His initial personality when I first made him was a happy-go-lucky, debonair, massive flirt without a care in the world. He waltzed through life, never getting attached to anyone or anything. A fairly simple and shallow character base. As I played, pieces just kind of came together - some from the Commander’s in-game characterization, and some from my own ideas. I let him pick up different facets of his personality over time, some good, some bad.
This works because Ive’s personality wasn’t set in stone from the get-go and changed drastically as time went on, but if you do have a personality you have your heart set on, then make sure your character responds to new challenges accordingly. Consistency is key, and the way they act in the present can also help you road map their past, figuring out how they got to where they are. And who knows, if you take another look, they might surprise you.
...Including the Weird Shit
Sometimes the tiniest quirks help make characters memorable to you, and help shape who they were and grow up to be. One of my OCs, Beck, is an obfuscating idiot who legitimately knows his way around a blade and is insanely clever when he wants to be. He also has a random deadly allergy to mangoes. Does he have a story that he (somewhat) fondly looks back on where his adopted daughter chases him around with a mango in retaliation for making fun of her? By golly yes he does. Is it important to the overall narrative? No. But does it establish more of his relationship with his daughter, even when she’s an adult? Yes. It also is the sort of anecdote that can snowball - what was he saying that was bad enough for her to chase him with tropical fruit? How did she even get a mango in the first place? Does she have a crush on someone? What sort of person is that? Is it someone new in town, or is it a stranger? What makes them different? Is Beck just assuming, and if so, is it because he’s dense or because he’s just trying to be a doting father? Even little things count, especially when sometimes it’s the anecdotes and sides stories that help make the world and characters you’re creating feel more real.
Write What You Know
This is pretty common advice, but it’s also pretty solid advice. It’s also something that I do often. None of my characters are straight self-inserts (arguably), but many of them have one or more facets of my personality, which makes it much easier for me to write them. Anyone who knows me personally will attest to this, particularly when you begin to note the amount of deadpan snarkers that my cast contains. My primary OCs (who don’t show up much here unfortunately) range from politely snarky to full on deadpan. Ive and Etiery are prime examples of this, while Richter also has his moments. Sharing traits with you helps writing their dialogue and motivations more organically, because again, it’s not what you want them to do, it’s how they would react as a living individual. If you’re not a naturally sarcastic person, it’s going to be harder to develop and accurately write a sarcastic character, etc. (Flashbacks to when I was a kid and my attempt at sarcasm and wit was “Go home old man, nobody needs you.”) Not impossible, of course, but something to keep in mind.
It’s not just personality, either. Rayne (one of my OCs) and Etiery are a chemist and engineer respectively because that is what I am. Part of the way their brains work stems from the fields that they choose to specialize in, and as someone in that field, I do have a certain amount of experience in thinking from that perspective. It’s okay to base characters on yourself or people you know, or take bits and pieces from people here or there. Again, it grounds you, and if you can write a realistic personality, you can write a more fleshed out backstory for said character, taking into account their motivations and decision-making.
Balancing Story vs. Personality
Part of storytelling is, well, getting across the story that you want to tell. In that, characters are instruments to help you move that plot forward. But if you’re fleshing out your characters, you also want the plot to be a vehicle to help them develop. Really, it depends on the story you want to tell and how you want to tell it, but if you’re like me and you focus first on characters, then my mindset is probably more applicable.
Essentially though, find a balance. You might need someone to do something for the sake of the plot, but think about if the one you’re picking is a good candidate for it, or if it’s better suited for someone else. If no one fits, maybe you need to take a look at the story step you’re making, or at the characters you’ve created. Remember also that although it’s easy to look at things objectively as an author and say things like “that’s so obvious, they shouldn’t go that way,” a character may still make that choice in the moment. Judgment - present, past, or future - can be questionable as it happens.
Pay Attention to the Timeline
This one’s pretty straightforward. One of the easiest things to mess up is to make your character too old or too young to be doing the things that they’re currently doing. Check and double-check. If you’re writing into an established timeline like GW2′s, make sure your character’s timeline fits with the established lore (unless you are very specifically breaking it for some reason). Ive, for example, is not one of the older generations of sylvari, but he is older than the sylvari protagonist in-game to account for his extra time spent training to compensate for his lack of eyesight. Keeping track of when events happen, often simultaneously, will help you decide how characters act and react - Etiery would not have been so kind (relatively speaking) to Ive had she met him before her fallout with her father, and as a result, they might never have become best friends, or friends at all.
Look at Things from All Angles
It’s important to look at a character and ask where they got certain characteristics from - are they naturally this kind/sarcastic/flirty/angsty/mean/etc., or did something happen that catalyzed that? If you’re writing backstory to explain that, take a look at the world you’re in or that you’re building - does the story you’re telling fit reasonably? Really challenge yourself to stay within your (universe’s) rules, instead of being tempted to bend them to make your character (and their story) exactly what you want. All universes have rules, and unless it is a specific plot point to break them, make sure you follow them! Making impossible loopholes to make sure your character has a degree by age 12 or can resurrect someone perfectly when the magic is explicitly stated to not exist can weaken your story and your character!
Richter is a good example of my personal thought process, being a glasses-wearing necromancer whose backstory is a street rat. He’s tall and awkward as an adult, so it’s not unreasonable that he was once a tall and gawky kid, the kind of kid whose arms are too long and everyone picks on. How does a kid like that survive on the streets? One of his major traits is the fact that he’s a bookworm: if he was orphaned, where did he learn to read? If he had parents long enough to teach him rudimentary reading skills (which he did), how much practical experience did he lose out on since he spent less time alone on the streets? As someone with a strong moral compass, Richter had to find a way to justify committing crimes to survive. A child like that would probably be too frightened to ask Grenth’s clergy or anyone at the schools in Divinity’s Reach (which he could not afford) to teach him in necromancy. How does he learn as a result? Is he afraid of his powers? Do people treat him differently because of them?
It’s kind of what I mean when I say pieces start falling into place. Start with a detail that you want for sure, and build up from that while maintaining its feasibility in the world that you’re working in.
And Don’t Ignore the Random
Seriously, I think this is my favorite part. Sometimes the things that you don’t expect sneak up on you and make it in. Fun fact for anyone fond of Ive: he originally wasn’t blind. OG Ive had nothing physically wrong with him. One day I was showing my friend my GW2 characters, including Ive in his full Rubicon set. I was nervous that she wouldn’t think it was as cool as I did, so I joked (although I would have anyway) that I didn’t know how he would see with the brim of the hat pulled so low. She replied, “Well, what if he has the hat pulled so low because he’s blind and it doesn’t matter to him?”
I chewed on that idea for the next day and a half, and suddenly a lot of things fell into place - why Ive and Eet get along as well as they do, more justification for Ive’s growing, below-the-surface jaded personality, an obstacle for him to overcome. I drowned in feels and texted her, and to this day it is still very much her fault that Ive can’t see. 
His lack of vision is now one of the central pillars of his character, and it’s something I hadn’t even considered before my friend mentioned it in jest. So don’t ignore random inspiration!
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lyouna · 5 years
Tyler and his love for his fans
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On the Thank You Note of Trench album, he said ” To our fans, thank you for letting me disappear and come back when I need to. You guys mean so much to me on a level that is difficult to explain.”
Tyler is surely one of the most talented and nice people I’ve known. He always seems to care about each one of us and make sure we all doing great.
On May 2013 he posted a picture of him held by tens of fans on Instagram with this description “|My-clique/> yours”
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In February 2014 he thanks his clique if feel local everywhere “Feeling like a løcal band in Europe. Favorite kind of shows. Still missing home. UK up next. Stay løcal.”
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In April he posted a picture of him kneeling in front of little a girl and taking a piece of paper that she was tending him “she drew me a picture.”
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On July, 8 of 2014 he posted of him and the beautiful Jenna Black (at that time) “:.:She said yes:.: I want to share ans celebrate this with all of you right now. How public or private should this be? Well, you guys deserve to see where you have taken me and I like sharing with you who I am. Who we are. We’ve always felt an overwhelming support from all of you and we can’t wait to take this next step together…and yes, that was the most nervous I had never been.”
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On October 2014 he posted a picture of 24 clikkies “:.:mutant•kids:.:
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On December 2014, a photo of a clikkies tag”:.:clique•art:..i seewhatyou create” 
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On April 2015, he tweeted about Blurryface Album telling them to “wait until your hear everything”. Few minutes later, he tweeted ” phone corrected ‘until’ to ‘unlit’ for a second, and now i’ll use that word to describe things that are great. twitter game unlit right now”.
And after that, he starts using his new word in a lot of his tweets.
He started by using that word towards one of the person he loves the most on earth, “josh is unlit“, and after that, he used that word to qualifies a lot of his shows and by it giving love to his fans.
He also posts on Insatagram “clique••art:. stay unlit, keep creating” And he posted a lot of clikkies’ art.
He always seems very thankful for everything and thanking everyone for it. ” thank you, my friends. all of you.” Later he addressed to his fans” couldn’t survive without you, friends. will you still be here on the 19th? need to lean on you that day, friends.”
I try to make everyone sure that they get noticed by him “i see you all; in one fashion or another; so thank you, my friends; my peers;” / “it breaks my heart to see that Not posting would lead some of you to believe that i do not Love and Support you. that is simply not true. any day when love defeat hate, you can know i am celebrating, just maybe not on twitter. as for the silence: through personal experience, i want to create and influence something that might help others navigate through the battlefield that is the brain. and for those who understand that terminology, you know what battle i am talking about. but while at this mental ground zero, i have found that any other influence added on, no matter how noble, becomes to heavy for me to carry. i am not strong enough. be patient with me as i grow, that some day i might be able to carry more weight. but for now, i write what i know. both josh and i mean this, with Love and Support, .tyler”
On July 2015, he said ” you all have become so important to us. thank you. now go on, git. you gon make me cry now.”
On August of that same year, he continued “my frens i appreciate you all so much. i use music. you use music. thank you for letting me be a part of that with you.” On Instagram “:newfrens:__|__:øldfens: cometogethernow”
On September, he said “gangsters don’t let their gangster frens cry but my frens and i cry all the time. bye.”
On November, he thanked his fans for making a video for his anniversary “saw the video some of you guys put together for my day of birth. got me all misty. thank you for making me feel. all you, i like all you.::” ” thank you all for the bday weesh’s my frens. now go create.” On Instagram “the German clique always puts on amazing shows. hate that i can’t be with them these next few nights. we’ll be back very soon, i promise. dang, this photo makes me all emotional roadshow.” / ” love getting clique:art at shows, especially when it creeps me out a little. took a close up of this one on my phone. sorry I didn’t catch who to credit.”
On December he posted a clique art on Instagram “i see what you guys create and it convinces me i should keep creating too. you have no idea.”
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On the last day of 2015, he thanks his fans to made what he hope for possible “2thousand5teen the year i fell asleep and had one long dream. thank you |-/ “
He also said, “i wish i could have a real conversation with all of you individually.“
“and if you or someone near you needs out of the pit for an emergency, hold up your hand and point down at them. i’ll stop the show for you.“
” just drove slowly past the entire line for our show today. i’ve fallen for you guys. each one of you.“
On February 2016, he posted a photo of him “shows in europe:.:can’t wait to see you frens”
On August “i will never forget this tour. the first installment of the emøtiønal røadshow will forever be a part of who i am as an artist, a friend, a performer, a fan. you guys know how to put on a show. so if you watched from a distance, checked in online or helped hold us up in the pit: thank you. because we are “famous” now we have to do all kinds of interviews with random people but the thing that those people always ask us about is you guys. it’s my favorite type of question because i love to brag about you. i know i may have been distant online recently but i can only take that kind of break to focus on doing shows because i know you guys always hold it down, keep the fire burning, keep tending to that flame. if you guys continue to look out for each other, support each other’s art, and stay together you’ll be unstoppable. and the distance is just a season. more shows to come, more songs to write. only for you guys. |-/“
The clikkies did again a video for his birthday in 2016 and he replied” if you hurt any of these people i will hurt you. thank you frens. so much. |-/”
” . you deserve more than a :thank:you: my frens. the ones who hold this thing up. i brace for the fall but you keep on holding. . “
On February,14 of 2017 he posted 3 times, one for Jenna, one for Josh and one for us” and to you. Happy Valentine’s Day. lets all date.“
On October 2018 he said ” ok im out. i should get on here more. first show of the bandito tour tomorrow in nashville. i like you guys.” / “TRENCH ||-// out now:: tell some people you know, if you can. and if you already spread the news, thank you my fren:: josh was up all night calling everyone in his contacts” In November “hit me hard last night, where we came from, how this started. playing last night in phoenix was a perfect representation of that. thank you, frens. |-/ “
On December “you all are so weird” “and i love every bit of it thank you for making this birthday great/weird and, you know what, happy birthday to all of you, whenever that may be. because when that day truly comes around, i won’t really care that much”
“the bandito tour is very special to me, including any of you who made it to the show this year. thank you. things get quiet around this time, and i’m reminded why i write so much about the lack of sound. it’s deafening. all of the questions. is what i’m doing any good. this last album, was it good enough, what’s the point. i hate typing them out, which might be why i refuse to grant them any punctuation. but then i’m reminded of the show and the people who come. this odd theatrical convention we have landed on as a species, a concert, is somehow healing and protecting, boosting the immune system of the psyche. maybe it’s the ethereal sensation of hearing you all singing in unison, or its the natural warmth of the collective body heat from the pit billowing toward me. whatever t is, i’ve learned it can be harnessed and preserved so that the echoes of its effects can be tapped in to when needed. kneeling down in front of you during the show, i’m collecting. and now as i type this out i’m unpacking, to combat those questions that show up in the quietest of places. feels silly just saying”thank you for coming to the show” so i thought i’d explain it a little. see you at the next one |-“
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I hope I made you believe that Tyler loves you because he truly does. He isn’t a singer who doesn’t care about his fans, he does love us. He wants us to stay alive, it’s not some jokes that people told because they think it would make you feel better, it’s the reality. If he learns you didn’t stay alive, it would devastate him.
Stay Alive frens ||-//
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Rules: answer 21  23 questions and tag 21 23 people
Got tagged by @unexciting-houseplant! Thank you love <3
Nickname: Val, some stil call me Sushi
Zodiac: Gemini
Height: 5′6″
Last movie I watched: uuuuh not sure... either Bohemian Rhapsody or Scott Pilgrim vs.the World
Last thing I googled: nicecream (an ice cream company that makes non-dairy ice cream with fruits!)
Favorite musician: My Chemical Romance will always have a special place in my heart
Song stuck in my head:  The Hit by TWRP
Other blogs: oh boy i got a few but i mostly post everything on this one. Here’s a list for the interested:
@immasweaterslut (The Neighbourhood blog), @spaceismyreligion (need to find a theme, but it’s a witchy blog), @sorry-im-exist (game grumps and friends blog, super new so it’s empty for now) and a few more that are a bit more private and I’m not super comfy too post them
Followers: 900
Amount of sleep: depends... sometimes it’s 3, other times it’s 10. usualy, i get 6 and take a nap in the afternoon. 
Lucky number: ummm. 16? idk
Dream job: tbh at this point idk...video editing???  i really wish that the youtube gaming community wasn’t so harsh so i could do my own show :/
What I’m wearing: camo short overalls, black long sleeves shirt, stockings and grey kneesocks
Favorite food: hamburger...? sushi...? CHICKEN NUGGETS...???
Language: French and English (german a little, but i stopped studying it and i forgot a lot of stuff)
Can I play an instrument: can kinda play ukulele
Favorite song: ugh! idk. . . . . . . .Kings and Queens by Thirty Seconds to Mars? maybe?
Random fact: i hate melons.... any kind idc.... even candy 
Describe yourself aesthetically: umm idk if that’s good enough but hey! .... clumsy and messy retro gamer girl, vintage clothes and oversized hoodies, unicorn hair and loose locks, phone’s storage too full because of 3,000 songs, laughing out loud after a big ol’ crying session
AND THAT’S ONLY 19 QUESTION so here’s two more, y'all should add two too if you want! :)
Book I’m currently reading: i don’t read books but i bought a new Queen magazine?
Series I’m trying to finish: American Gods, Brooklyn Nine-Nine (when school will give me time)
Favorite color: Purple!
I tag: @avarak ;P @addict-with-no-frens @see-it-all-so-clear @sophiemars @mazzelloplots @regional-dream @bowieandqueen11 @crazymindtoclean @thatfairlylocalgay @emodipshitwolf @thatflowerpower @neon-gravest0nes @no-no-no-noo-no @send-emo-memes-pls @thatdamreader @tacobelltylerr @music-save-my-soul  @thatlasthope @lokeynopressure @fall-out-of-formation @multifandommeels @villagegrim @purplendicular
Do it if you want to, if not you’re still awesome and i love you! <3 
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joshdunverified · 6 years
This might be kind of a silly question (and feel free to ignore me lol), but how did you start listening to tøp? I can't remember if you've mentioned it before, but I always think it's so cool to see how different everyone's experiences are. And sometimes, when I need to distract myself, it kind of helps to go through and trace my history with something I care about. If you'd rather message me privately, though, just let me know and I can come off anon. I hope you're doing well, fren. 💛💖💙
I actually started listening to them cause of youtube recommendations, I was watching some music videos and the guns for hands video was on the sidebar thing and it looked interesting so I watched and then just started listening to a lot of their songs and instantly fell in love with the lyrics and music
and thank you love, I hope you’re doing good as well 
lets talk
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dansphlevels · 7 years
*idk if this is private or what bcs idk how to Tumblr that well sorry* anyway could u maybe have like pastel!bottom!Dan and gang leader!Phil. Dan's like rlly kinky but acts rlly innocent so when he final meets Phil's frens and they have a heated game of truth or dare they learn how dirty he rlly is. Then dap just go do the frick frack paddy wack idk if that made sense oops 😂
*I addressed this ask about a month ago, saying that I didn’t do smut fics, but would keep it and see what I could do. Well, about ten attempts later, this is the result. Another finalist, criminal!Dan x civilian!Phil, will be posted within the next few weeks.* 
“You’re soft too,” Dan announced, almost too quietly to hear. “You just pretend like you’re not. But I know the truth.”
Phil snorted. “You know all my secrets, Baby.”
Dan laughed aloud. “Please. You’re in a fucking gang, I don’t think I want to know all your secrets. I don’t have that kind of time.”
Themes: gangleader!Phil, pastel!Dan, pastel but still really badass!Dan
Length: 1k words
TW: mentions of blood, death, violence
The air in the room was tense, everyone’s posture rigid and stiff. They pretended to be casual- leaning up against the exposed brick wall or the torn up couches. One man fiddled with an old dart but didn’t bother throwing it. Another loaded and unloaded his gun, muscles taught and expectant. The target in the corner, shaped like a real person, was riddled with holes- but none were fresh. Everyone was simply waiting.
Dan paced, his worn pink converse tapping against the concrete impatiently. He too was waiting, but unlike the others, he wasn’t anxious. He was just /bored/- bored of all the stupid gang members and all the stupid waiting. Dan had tried out plenty of different people, and the one thing that Phil’s lifestyle gave him that no one else could was constant excitement.
Everything about Dan was soft, from his flower crown, sitting lightly on brown curls, to his clothes, pretty and pastel, just the way he liked them. Phil liked them too- liked pulling on them and calling Dan ‘baby’. Phil didn’t just date Dan because he was pretty, just like Dan didn’t just date Phil because he lead an exciting life. But it certainly didn’t hurt.
Dan huffed. “How long has it been?”
“Don’t get your panties in a knot,” one of the men, Alvin, said as he tried to get the blood out from underneath his fingernails. “They’ll be done when they’re done.”
“I’m bored!” Dan marched over to the smaller couch and laid back over the edge, hanging upside down from the back. His loose pink shirt fell upwards, revealing his stomach. “What’s the meeting about anyway?”
“Not our place to tell you,” another man, Charlie insisted. He walked behind the couch, reaching over and pulling Dan’s shirt back up to cover his stomach. Dan smirked, still upside down. “Why don’t you ask your boyfriend when he gets here?”
“Why don’t you ask him for me?” Dan flirted, fluttering his lashes.
“Why don’t you ask him for yourself?” the man retaliated. His voice was harsh from years of smoking.
Dan huffed once more. “Fine. I will.” He sat up, maybe a little too quickly, and danced his way over to the single phone, the ground wobbling slightly beneath him. Grabbing onto the phone he stumbled forwards, catching himself on the table, and staying there. “Phil,” he sang quietly, listening intently to the ringing.
“Wait, he’s at the meeting!” Alvin protested, striding over to where Dan leant on the phone table. “You can’t call him when he’s at a meeting, put the phone down.”
Dan hummed lightly, ignoring him.
The click meant a bullet went into place. Dan tilted his head slightly, looking down the barrel of the gun pointed at him.
“Alvin, stop!”
“Don’t touch him, the boss will kill you!”
“Shut up!” Alvin demanded, and they did, however reluctant. He turned his attention back towards Dan. “Now put the phone down.” The big man gestured with the gun, muscles flexing.  
Dan, his flower crown slightly crooked, considered it. The phone continued ringing, buzzing annoyingly in his ear. “Shoot me,” he whispered.
“What’d you say?”
“Shoot me,” Dan muttered again, licking his lips. “Come on. Do it.”
Dan squealed. “Philly!”
“Oh, hey baby. Anything wrong?”
Dan looked up at the man with the gun still trained on him. Slowly, Alvin lowered it. “Yes, Phil. I’m bored.”
Phil chuckled on the other line. “I’ll be home soon, okay baby? Just have to finish up the meeting.” There were some muffled noises in the background- something like an impact, then begging, then quiet. “I love you.”
Dan giggled, biting the tip of his finger lightly. “Mm'kay. Bye!” He cut the call, amused enough for the moment.
Dan practically tackled Phil when he came in through the door.
“Boss!” Charlie said from behind them. “The meeting went well?”
“Don’t act so surprised,” Phil scolded. Dan was clutching on to him, practically hanging off of him like a koala. “Baby,” he whined, “You’re going to get blood on your clothes!”
Dan pouted but didn’t move. “Why are your clothes bloody?”
 "Because I hit a vein, Baby. You know blood splatters when you hit a vein.“
Dan smiled dreamily, resting his head on the taller man’s chest. "As long as it’s not your blood.” He paused for a moment, then continued. “If it was your blood, I’d have to go and find whoever hurt you and kill them.”
Alvin snorted behind them. “Yeah, good luck with that, princess.”
Dan and Phil both looked up, glaring at him. “Can I shoot him?” Dan asked quietly, but still loud enough for the others to hear.
Phil shook his head, looking a little disappointed. “No, he’s part of our gang. But if Alvin betrays us and joins another gang, then you can shoot him.”
They were laying on their bed, with Phil sitting against the pillows and Dan curled up, his head rested in the other man’s lap. The TV show playing across the room came to a commercial break, and Phil picked up the remote, muting it like he always did.
His hand was rested on Dan’s head, sometimes stroking his hair lovingly, sometimes just letting his presence be known. He was careful not to mess up the boy’s carefully placed flower crown.
“You’re so soft,” Phil commented quietly. “How do you do it?”
Dan smiled hazily. “Dry shampoo and hard drugs.”
Phil flicked his ear, and Dan tried to make a face of annoyance, but he couldn’t be serious. “You don’t do drugs,” Phil reminded him. “Bad for your health. Addictive. Expensive.”
Dan rolled his eyes. “Please. If you cared about health, we’d eat a vegetable once in a while. You just don’t like the taste of weed.”
“You don’t like it either,” Phil reminded him. “And the health thing is an added benefit.”
They went back to silence, watching the muted commercials with vague interest.
“You’re soft too,” Dan announced, almost too quietly to hear. “You just pretend like you’re not. But I know the truth.”
Phil snorted. “You know all my secrets, Baby.”
Dan laughed aloud. “Please. You’re in a fucking gang, I don’t think I want to know all your secrets. I don’t have that kind of time.”
“I thought you were supposed to be pastel,” Phil retaliated, a small smile dancing across his lips. “What’s with all this cussing?”
Dan sat up slowly, letting Phil remove his hand. Instead, Dan snuggled up to his side, kneeling next to his boyfriend and resting his head in the crook of his neck. “I like flowers and pink, and I run an aesthetic Tumblr blog filled with flowery, pink things. What more do you want from me?”
Phil tilted his head to the side further, exposing the side of his neck invitingly. “Nothing.”
Dan snorted. He leaned forward, his breath ghosting against Phil’s neck, and whispered; “Bullshit.”
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fidelishaereticus · 7 years
@cycas @vampiraptor @namair710 @meaninglessprose & also frens who messaged me privately thank you for your kind words im a pathetic attention whore anAD REALLY APPRECIATEDDd im just like,...tryna focus on small things that i need to do and not think about it. there are at least two backup programs i can apply to its just this was THE ONE, the one that was GOING OT SAVE ME, TO HELP ME CHEAT TIME, GET MY LIF EBACk, MAKE UP FOR WATED YEARS, but no
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cack1e · 7 years
Rules: Tag ten followers that you want to get to know better.
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