alonglistofbirds · 11 months
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[2038/11056] Cape canary - Serinus canicollis
Order: Passeriformes Suborder: Passeri Superfamily: Passeroidea Family: Fringillidae (true finches) Subfamily: Carduelinae (cardueline finches)
Photo credit: Yann Kolbeinsson via Macaulay Library
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ana-beatrizzbb · 2 years
LEVE SEU CANÁRIO AO PRÓXIMO NÍVEL: https://bit.ly/Manejos-Para-Canarios
 Grupo whats + telegram: fixado 1º comentário.
 Tempo do vídeo:
00:00 Introdução
00:19 apresentação
00:23 Material Inédito
00:35 supresa
01:00 Início encarte
13:23 Conclusão encarte
13:30 Diga o que achou
13:40 Material extra
13:48 Vídeos recomendados
 ISNCREVA-SE: @canarioportaldopassarinheiro
 Encarte canário da Terra
 O canário[1] (Serinus canaria) é um pequeno pássaro canoro, membro da família Fringillidae. Este pássaro é originário dos Açores, da ilha da Madeira e das ilhas Canárias. O seu nome vem destas últimas, sendo que o nome das ilhas vem da palavra em latim canaria, que significa "dos cães", já que os romanos encontraram ali muitos cães selvagens.
 Nomes comuns
Na maioria dos países lusófonos, dá ainda pelo nome comum de canário-da-terra[2]. Porém no Brasil outra ave é conhecida por esse nome, o canário-da-terra ou canário-da-terra-brasileiro (Sicalis flaveola brasiliense).
 No Brasil o canário(Serinus canaria), é também conhecido como canário-belga[3], canário-do-reino[4], canário-do-império ou canário-doméstico.
 O nome canário-do-reino foi-lhe dado no Brasil, para haver distinção ao canário-da-terra-brasileiro (Sicalis flaveola brasiliense), ave nativa desse território.
 Encarte canário da Terra
 No ano de 1042, nas Ilhas Canárias, foram encontrados os primeiros canários. Após a ocupação da ilha pelos espanhóis, em 1478, foi que ficou conhecida a docilidade da espécie, e que era possível cria-los em cativeiro. Porém, foram os monges que obtiveram sucesso na criação dos pássaros reproduzindo a espécie em cativeiro. A venda dos canários era realizada somente pelos espanhóis, para evitar que outras pessoas conseguissem reproduzir o pássaro, apenas os machos eram vendidos enquanto as fêmeas eram mantidas. Isso acabou somente quando um navio carregado de canários naufragou, em 1662, e os tripulantes soltaram os pássaros que se espalharam por toda a Europa, encerrando assim o monopólio espanhol e dando inicio a reprodução de canários por outros países, além do surgimento de mutações da espécie, como o Canela, e o Roller.
Encarte canário da Terra
 Serinus canaria canaria
É um pássaro com um comprimento total de 12,5 centímetros e com um comprimento de asa de 71 milímetros. A sua plumagem é geralmente amarelada com a parte inferior do ventre de cor clara.
 As fêmeas têm uma coloração semelhante, mas mais acinzentada e menos brilhante.
 No hemisfério norte o acasalamento ocorre entre Março e Junho dependendo das condições atmosféricas, porém no hemisfério sul a época mais favorável ao acasalamento ocorre entre agosto e dezembro, já a postura é de quatro a cinco ovos que têm um período de incubação de 13 a 15 dias. O ninho colocado, geralmente, a entre 4 e 6 metros do solo entre ramos de loureiros, pinheiros e grandes tojos arbóreos, é confeccionado com fibras vegetais, ervas e folhas de estevas. Aparece muitas vezes atapetado por líquenes, pêlos e penas. O macho não colabora na incubação mas quando os juvenis nascem é solicitado a procurar alimento. Os juvenis com três semanas de idade são já capazes de voar, permanecendo ainda um certo tempo na tutela materna.
  No ramo da arte da criação de canários.
 canario belga,canario,encarte canario da terra,canto do canario da terra,canário da terra,encarte canário da terra,canario da terra,canto de canário da terra,canário,canto canario da terra,canario da terra cantando,encarte canario,canário belga,canary singing,canto do canario belga,canário belga cantando,canario belga cantando,canto de canário belga,encarte canário fibra,encarte,como encarta canario da terra,canário da terra cantando, canario,canario belga,canarios,presa canario,el canario,dogo canario,canto de canario criollo,canario criollo,rap canario 2021,presa canario dog,canario cantando,canary,canario belga canto,canario belga salsa cantando muito,canto de canarios,cante de canarios,canary singing,canto do canario belga,canarios cantando,canario belga cantando,igor kannario,canto para canarios,musica para canarios,rap canario,canario rojo,trap canário, canário da terra verdadeiro, canário doméstico, canário belga cantando, canário da terra cantando, canário belga preço, canario cantando, canarinho pistola, canario gloster, canario amarelo,
 #canario #canariodaterra #encartecanario
  LEVE SEU CANÁRIO AO PRÓXIMO NÍVEL: https://bit.ly/Manejos-Para-Canarios
 Grupo telegram: https://t.me/+kCpg9BX5EmI4NmEx
 Grupo Whatsapp: https://chat.whatsapp.com/Huge4zSkE5dFbdgTVf29xu
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podartists · 15 days
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Girlitz, Serinus canaria serinus | Die Vögel (1913) | Alfred Edmund Brehm (1829-1884) | Biodiversity Heritage Library
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birdstudies · 1 year
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June 28, 2023 - Ethiopian Siskin (Serinus nigriceps) Found in the Ethiopian highlands, these finches live in mountain forests and grasslands. They eat mostly seeds, foraging in pairs and small flocks in grass and other plants and on the ground. Breeding from May to June and August to October, they build compact cup-shaped nests from fine grasses, roots, plant down, feathers, and spiderwebs in bushes, other low vegetation, or small trees. Females lay clutches of two or three eggs.
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hellaswalker · 1 year
Sarı Kiraz Kuşu Yaşam Alanı Ve Beslenmesi
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Sarı Kiraz Kuşu, bilimsel adıyla Serinus mozambicus, Passeriformes takımına ait küçük bir kuş türüdür. Bu tür, Afrika'nın güney ve doğusunda yaygın olarak bulunur ve özellikle Mozambik'te sıkça görülür. Boz Alamecek Kuşu hakkında bilgi almak isterseniz tıklayın. Read the full article
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emetsbrows · 1 year
Really dreaded the moon bits during the msq, and dreaded going back for fate farming even more - but damn, actually being back there... the place is actually pretty.
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natstolemysocks · 1 year
Forest cat took a detour
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Can say, picking up the scythe after learning gunbreaker maybe wasn’t the smartest thing I’ve ever done. But it’s fun.
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The Canary Problem
The Untamed(陈情令/Chén Qíng Lìng)(2019) is a mainland chinese xianxia drama, based on the popular danmei novel 魔道祖师/Mó Dào Zǔ Shī. The series isn't exactly peak birdwatching, but it has a select few appearances of Weird Birds.
The main problem I will be tackling here is the presence of a small, but incredibly confusing, problem: a wild Canary.
In the fourth episode of this show, a character—Nie Huaisang— smuggles a songbird into class.
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He claims to have captured the bird from the wild on his journey from his home(Qinghe) to the current location(Gusu). This problem is that the bird he has in this scene is a domestic variant of the wild Atlantic Canary, Serinus canaria. This species is native to the Canary Islands, off the coast of northern Africa, and to make things worse, this particular individual has a color pattern known as Red Factor, which was created from humans intentionally hybridizing domesticated Atlantic Canaries Serinus canaria forma domestica with south american Venezuelan Red Siskin (Spinus cucullatus). This is essentially like he was wandering around in the woods of northeastern china and found a purebred Chihuahua.
But the actual species of the bird is not necessarily the only important factor in fiction. The species the birdy actor is intended to be portraying also comes into play. While the official english subtitles do refer to the bird as a canary, the words actually used in chinese are 金雀/jīn què, directly translating to gold bird. This name is colliqual, not scientific, and can therefore be referring to multiple different bird species of similar appearance. I am led to believe that the species intended to be portrayed here is, in fact, the Eurasian Siskin, Spinus spinus. If this is the case, a canary is a fine choice for casting, as wild type Domestic Canaries and Eurasian Siskins are quite similar in appearance.
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Additionally, a Eurasian Siskin is a very realistic species to be found in between the real life northeastern china.
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Unfortunately, by casting a clearly domestic red-factor, the similarity is lost.
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I do believe Eurasian Siskins remain an ideal candidate for the intended species, if not aesthetically, then thematically. For you see, while Eurasian Siskins are sometimes referred to as jīn què, they are more commonly known as 黄雀/huáng què.
The word huáng què is used in the classic chinese idiom “螳螂捕蝉黄雀在后了/tángláng bǔ chán huáng què zài hòule” which is often translated to “the mantis stalks the cicada, but the oriole is behind”. This alludes to an individual that is so focused following their goal, they fall prey to others. In the context of this story, and the placement of the canary there appear to be two major options.
Warning: Its major plot spoiler time
In the early series, Nie Huaisang is characterized as an unserious and rather careless young man, but at the end of the it is revealed that he has spent many years(during a plot-relevant time-skip), engineering the downfall of one of the series’ major antagonists, Jin Guangyao.
The most straightforward option, is that Nie Huaisang is holding the bird as a representation of himself, being the “huáng què” to Jin Guangyao’s “mantis” in the eventual reveal, but i think there could be more to it.
Huaisang refers to the bird specifically as a jīn què, not a huáng què. While this may be intended to distance the bird from the idiom, in order to make the foreshadowing more obscure, it does not seem coincidental that the jīn in jīn què uses the same character as Jin Guangyao(and the entire Jin sect, but regardless-).
So i propose that the bird is more specific foreshadowing, meant to represent Jin Guangyao, the huáng què who, while stalking a prey intent on another, did not look behind himself for the greater predator, a man.
Nie Huaisang, specifically was said to have stalked the bird for several days before capture, a far cry from the rest of his characterization at this point in the series. It could be simply intended as a demonstration of his tenacity when given the appropriate motivation, but it becomes a far more pointed commentary if it was intended to mirror his quiet hunt for Jin Guangyao in the later series.
A lot of symbolism for a bird with 3 seconds of screen-time, or not, it could be simply flawed bird casting. Please don’t get me started on the chicken.
Thank you for reading!! If anyone has any good medias for me to look at birds in, send me an ask! I would love to hear about them!
I will be posting all my bird metas under the tag #meta as well as #bfw(my general works tag).
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fr-likes-chocolate · 8 months
The Crow and the Canary
Chapter 1: the Canary
Serinus canaria domestica
Jimmy closed his bag and slung it over his shoulder, he was all ready to go. As Jimmy stepped outside his abode, he was met with frosty blue eyes, Scott Smajor. “Hey Jimmy- uhm where are you going?” he asked, Jimmy gulped, he had forgotten to tell Scott, or anyone else for that matter.
“U-Uh… I- I have had an opportunity to leave the life series for a week to stay with some family.” Jimmy said, guilt overwhelming him for not telling his husband manifesting in him nervously messing with his feathers. “I completely spaced on telling you Scott I'm sorry-”
Scott put a finger to his lips, ”It's fine Jimmy, just tell me next time. I’ll see you later I guess.” the blue-haired elf kissed Jimmy’s head, and just like that, he was gone.
Jimmy blushed and grinned, that was a nice goodbye. He soon walked down the path that led out of the hub for the life series and into the wood that surrounded it. He had about a day or two’s walk to get to a small coastal port where someone would escort him to the island where his brother was.
“Hey Jimmy!!”
“Tim, wait up!”
Jimmy hardly had time to turn around before he was pulled into a hug by his older brother, Martyn. “Were you seriously going to just leave?” Martyn asked, releasing Jimmy, who was immediately attacked by Pearl and Grian.
Jimmy let out a disheveled squawk as he pulled free from his elder siblings, “I really need to get going if I want to make it on time, make it quick please…”
“Of course, we just wanted to say goodbye, and also for you to deliver something to Phil for us,” Martyn said, opening up his backpack and shuffling around inside it. “Ah! Here it is!” Martyn said a couple of minutes later as he pulled out a small package and handed it to Jimmy, “It's packed with letters from me, Grian, and Pearl for him. As well as two small communicators that Grian had Mumbo whip up, one is for you and the other is Phil’s since our letters don't seem to be getting to him.”
Jimmy nodded, “It will be nice to see him again. I’ll make sure to talk to him about meeting up.” he said as he put the package in his bag.
“Tell him we miss him! And that we are sorry.” Pearl added, “And tell us more about these Eggs he has.”
“I will, don't worry,” Jimmy affirmed, giving his siblings one last goodbye before starting down the path.
‘Maybe on this island I can find help for the Canary curse,’ he thought, ‘Phil seems to be skilled with magic, maybe some of the other residents could be persuaded to at least give me some more answers as to how I was cursed…’
Pt 2
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deerlie-main · 3 months
Marsh's list - for Hamartia
24- Ester (8)
23- Flick (3)
22- Rye (9)
21- Cord (5)
20- Jade (2)
19- Linnaeus (5)
18- Serinus (12)
17- Daisy (12)
16- Cotton (8)
15- Issie (3)
14- Parson (6)
13- Basil (11)
12- Maizie (9)
11- Kinley (10)
10- Suzi (6)
9- Anissa (11)
8- Penelope (4)
7- Kadia (&)
6- Coy (7)
5- Vash (10)
4- Vicuna (1)
3- Perseus (4)
2- Hearth (2)
1- Caelus (1)
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chenanigans-draws · 5 months
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Here's the Flockless as each others respective species! Dungeon Meshi was a huge inspiration for this and just my love for my dnd party!
I'll talk about the designs briefly under the cut!
Cherry (Mechanically an Aasimar)
In every form, Cherry is still an Aasimar.
She almost surged due to the Howler, but instead she got a buff, being able to add her Charisma modifier to her attack cantrips.
Frogfolk - Based on the Cape Rain Frog (Breviceps gibbosus). This isn't new info!
Tiefling - She's still small, brown, and has huge eyes. Cherry would always be black and black-coded like all my characters.
Jackalope - Fluffy lil bunny with lil bud antlers.
Kenku - Based on the Canary (Serinus canaria forma domestica).
Yuan-ti - Based on an albino Ball Python (Python regius).
Shelley (Mechanically a Zariel Tiefling)
Shelley's eyes are red and blue, formerly purple, due to a surge caused by the god, the Howler.
Frogfolk - Based on the Amazon Milk Frog (Trachycephalus resinifictrix).
Tiefling - Formerly a Dhampir, she is now some kinda blessed and kinda cursed Zariel Tiefling.
Jackalope - Kept her elegant look as a Jackalope.
Kenku - Based on the Secretary Bird (Sagittarius serpentarius).
Yuan-ti - Based on the King Cobra (Ophiophagus hannah).
Luren (Mechanically a Harengon)
Frogfolk - Based on the Cinnamon Frog (Nyctixalus pictus).
Tiefling - I wanted to keep his cheeky nature in this tiefling design.
Jackalope - Same old Jackalope with a lucky white foot.
Kenku - Based on the Scarlet Macaw (Ara macao).
Yuan-ti - Since he also has an association with the god, Jack the Dealer, I wanted him to have more snake-like proportions.
Silence (Mechanically a Kenku)
Silence's skin is blue due to surge caused by the god, the Howler.
Frogfolk - Based on the Diablito Poison Frog (Oophaga sylvatica).
Tiefling - Their horns are black and white due to their patrons.
Jackalope - They're just fluffy with a blue nose!
Kenku - Based on an American Kestrel (Falco sparverius). This isn't new info!
Yuan-ti - He's a chubby, blue snake!
Cres (Mechanically a Changeling)
Frogfolk - Based on this frog (Hyloscirtus hillis).
Tiefling - Based on one of their forms aka Elia Crescentmoon.
Jackalope - Also based on Elia Crescentmoon if they were a Jackalope.
Kenku - Based on the Common Ground Dove (Columbina passerina).
Yuan-ti - It's their base form, what else can I say?
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alonglistofbirds · 1 year
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[1169/10977] Black-headed Canary - Serinus alario
Order: Passeriformes Suborder: Passeri Superfamily: Passeroidea Family: Fringillidae (true finches) Subfamily: Carduelinae (cardueline finches)
Photo credit: Marna Buys via Macaulay Library
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melodyofthevoid · 1 year
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Allow me to introduce my latest dnd character: Eurypheus (or Euripheus he hasn’t decided yet) Serinus! He’s a half orc bard and I love him dearly. Words under the cut
1st image: pre transition
did not get ears pierced (thought about it)
loose shirts
Curious soul, hard to pin down
2nd image: briefly tried to take up his mothers job. Tended to zone out and write music
Started growing hair out
3rd image: wants to become a bard, parents are dubious. “Not a real job”. It’s a thing. They settle on him traveling until he “sees reason” once he’s old enough.
It’s a sore spot, he does not like talking about it.
4th image: out on his own
Busking on streets and doing small time gigs
Sends letters home once in a while.
Meanders his way to the under dark
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klaineccfanficlibrary · 9 months
Is there any where one of them are really hairy and the other really likes it
Mostly fics are about facial hair, or Blaine's curls. Here's some others. ~Jen
Don't go changing by lostinfiction
Kurt starts noticing some changes about his fiancé and decides to support him in the best way he knows how. *Can someone write a fic in which Blaine decides to get rid of the little tummy and starts exercising like a madman and Kurt’s all supportive and stuff but secretly he’s really upset because he loves the tummy and then Blaine finds out and is totally amused at first until Kurt starts cuddling Blaine’s tummy and talking to it convincing it to stay and Blaine’s like “HEY MY EYES ARE UP HERE!!!” I want to read that. AncientGleek-youngatheart--And can we have him not wax? and cuuurrls sorry, did I say that out loud?*
Serinus by @hazelandglasz
anonymous asked:yay for bikini wax klaine au! XD > i lost a bet and i am a man of my word so here i am about to get a bikini wax for the first time. i knew it was going to be painful but what i wasn’t expecting was that a really hot guy going to do the waxing and now i’m trying failing to not get a hard on au.
Movember by mander3_swish
It's Movember and Kurt and Blaine have a little beard growing rivalry going on, only it's not really a rivalry...more of an excuse for Blaine to fantasize about Kurt and his talented tongue...
Here's a list of fics where one has facial hair, beard fics
The Symphony Verse by shandyall
Blaine has spent most of his life feeling like the only thing people notice about him is that he stutters. He’s working hard to overcome his (mostly self created) roadblocks when he meets Kurt in an online class the summer after his freshman year of college.
Bound For Glory by  Cleverboots (Amberlovesocean)
Kurt is assaulted after singing at a school dance and is left for dead, thrown aboard an empty train car at the railroad freight yard to hide the crime.
He wakes up to find he’s been tossed off the car somewhere in an Oregon logging camp, 2500 miles from home. A curly-haired kid named Blaine finds Kurt and protects him by hiding him in his cabin and teaching him how to survive. 
Note: Part 1 of the Glory series
Room In The Attic by Cleverboots (Amberlovesocean)
While working a summer job with Puck, Kurt finds a pigeon with a message tied to its leg, written in blood. The race is on for the two boys to find and save the victim of a cruel imprisonment and sneak him to safety. The deception doesn’t end there as Kurt finds himself lying to his father to try and save Blaine’s life as help comes from a most unusual source.
Note: Part 1 of Room series.
A Place To Rest My Head by BregoArodShadowfax  
Homeless!Blaine prompt fill for the GKM. Kurt and Blaine never meet, until Kurt’s helping serve Christmas dinner at the homeless shelter during his senior year and encounters a boy who will change his world forever.
The Awakening by LauGS
Kurt Hummel has put his perfect life together carefully, making sure all the pieces fit exactly how he wanted them to. But all it takes is one name from his past to make all his hard work go to waste - Blaine Anderson.
Citizen Erased by @mmerainbows
Kurt’s life isn’t what he expected it would be when was a young Glee club boy at McKinley. It’s dangerous, it’s dark, and it’s the last place he’d expect a sweet reminder of the boy he used to be to show up.
FF.net also has this whole hair section, again mostly about Blaine's curls.
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blogbirdfeather · 9 months
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Serin - Chamariz (Serinus serinus): male
Vila Franca de Xira/Portugal (5/01/2024)
[Nikon D500; AF-S Nikkor 500mm F5,6E PF ED VR ; 1/1250s; F6,3; 400 ISO]
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spooky-somewhere · 4 months
serinus canaria domestica: void bingo day 1
The last thing Jimmy remembers before waking up is the sharp, shooting pain, like ice shooting through his veins and bursting through his skin. He remembers the contracting of every one of his muscles, the contortion of his face into a cruel mockery of a scream, the burning chill behind his eyes. Then, his world went dark, and he was falling, falling, falling. He's not sure how long he was falling, but he's sure that he's not anymore.
The landing isn't hard, but it's sudden, like being shaken out of sleep by a bad dream. When he wakes up, he thinks maybe he missed the start of the next game. When he sees Lizzie’s face through his blurry vision, he's sure he hasn't.
“Jimmy?” she asks, a hand on his shoulder. He's on the floor, he realizes, on top of a sleeping bag and a couple comforters, maybe a pillow as well.
read the rest on ao3 :3
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