#september writing prompts
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ivystoryweaver · 8 months ago
Angstember Prompts (not really a challenge)
30 days of September Angst prompts to use and share
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This is just for fun! Feel free to share and use, or archive for angsty inspo later. This is just to get the thots flowing, not to make you feel burdened.
You can use 1 prompt or 30, and on any day/in any order. We stan Kinktober in this house (and Flufftober) and I just wanted to throw out some prompts for Angst my beloved. No, I'm not writing 30 of these. This is super low key.
Angstember graphic text:
I'm so sorry
Wait, I didn't mean to
Wrong timing
Forbidden love
I was/am scared
I won't leave you
Hold on a little longer
Can't let you go
I never forgot you
I never knew
Forced apart
You never said anything
I waited for you
You don't understand
I didn't know what to do
Can you forgive me?
Can't find the words
You don't know me anymore
I'm not enough
Do you still love me?
Missing you/missed you
Can't breathe without you
Already gone
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nunyverse-scribe · 6 months ago
“Imagine Your Characters” September Fall Writing Prompts!
Imagine your characters…
Going to a pumpkin patch together
Doing a fall-based book challenge together
Going on a nature trail and collecting any uniquely shaped fallen leaves to put in a scrapbook
Planning duo/group Halloween costumes already
Character A knitting/sewing warm clothes for Character B
Lounging about inside as jazz plays as background ambience (bonus points if a character is the one playing the jazz music!)
Setting up fall decorations around their home/job place/etc. together!
Making soup together!
Cuddling under warm blankets on cold nights.
Making leaf piles and jumping in them/playing in them
Making fall crafts together
Buying new fall-based candles.
Baking pies and cakes for loved ones
Getting lost in a corn maze
Planning vacations in advance for the winter season
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fanfictionlibrary01 · 6 months ago
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OTP Year Challenge, September prompt
New month, new prompt! August has come to an end, and September is starting to creep in with the very first autumn chills. School is starting up again, summer vacation is no more... For this reason, this months prompt is:
Is your OTP arguing about something this month? Did outside influences force them into a tough situation together? Is one of them finally opening up about something they have been struggling with? It's up to you to decide if their hardships lie in the past, present or future. Time to get writing!
Check out this post for more details on the Challenge or join our discord server instead to meet your fellow participants!
The AO3 collection will be open the entire year, you can post your fic for the prompt any time within this month.
If you haven't joined the Challenge yet, you can join any time during this year! In any case, please credit us if you participate in this Challenge.
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shay-the-writer · 6 months ago
September Writing Prompts
I really want these last four months of the year to be more productive. Let's continue on.
WRITING PROMPT 1: Standing in front of each other, holding both their hands.
WRITING PROMPT 2: SONG FICS: If You See Him, If You See Her (Reba McEntire and Brooks & Dunn) <- (this song has potential to be one of those angsty post-breakup fics)
TV QUOTE: Oz: Our lives are different than other people's. (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
MOVIE QUOTE: Margo Channing: I detest cheap sentiment. (All About Eve)
NOTE: The TV and movie quotes can be used out of context from their original source.
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betweenbooksandmoths · 6 months ago
September prompts, all by @creativepromptsforwriting
AKA, I'm dragging myself back into writing if it's the last thing I do
Day 1: Coffee
The world always looked so small from up there, it made Iztel feel strange. The hike up to the cliff overlooking his tiny town was too much work, and there was a time when the idea of walking through the forest for several hours would make him want to die. It still kind of did, some days, but now he had a reason to do it, even if he didn't walk up there daily. He sat down on the edge, waiting for a few seconds, until he felt the air moving slightly around him, and suddenly there was a winged man next to him. Well, Itzel wasn't really sure if he was a man, but he did look like one, a didn't seem to mind being referred as such when he asked. He was very pretty, the light from the sunset illuminating his hair, making it the same color as mahogany. Itzel always thought it was a pretty color. The bird-man, as he had been calling him, opened his mouth, not looking yet at the young man, and a shrill noise came out.
Itzel woke up, feeling blindly for his alarm clock, hitting a book, his medicine, and an empty water bottle before finding the culprit of the awful noise. He turned it off, frowning slightly. He had been dreaming about something nice, he remembered. Something about a cliff? He wasn't sure, and the more he tried to remember specifics, blurrier the dream became. There had definitely been a cliff. Maybe there was someone else with him? He really couldn't remember. Sighing, he got up, walking slowly towards the bathroom, trying not to look at the mirror, and the mess he was sure to look like. He never slept well, and on the rare occasion he did, he couldn't remember what he dreamt. Except for the cliff. He always remembered the cliff and the sensation of maybe-someone-else next to him. It was weird because there wasn't a cliff where he lived. There wasn't even a mountain or anything else where there could be a cliff. Maybe there had been one wherever he has from. But he couldn't remember. He had appeared on the road a few miles from this town, remembering nothing except for his name. He had been in the hospital for a bit, and then specialists had tried to figure out why he couldn't remember anything. Eventually, they gave up, and the police couldn't find any records of him. He couldn't imagine it was easy to find anything since he hadn't had any form of ID, just his clothes and the memory of his name. Some days, he wasn't even sure it really was his name. So, since he didn't have anywhere else to go, or if he did, he didn't remember, he ended up living in the same town he'd appeared in. And it wasn't so bad! As long as he doesn't get any headaches, he can usually get through the day. And in the off chance he does get a headache, he has medicine for it. And he has therapy appointments to deal with the whole amnesia thing. So, it's fine. It's not like he gets a crushing sense of nostalgia for things he can barely remember. Nope. Not at all.
The walk to the cafe isn't long, just a few minutes, enough to mentalize himself for several hours of strange orders and the occasional rude customer. When he gets there, the front door is not open yet, and he goes for the one in the back. For some reason, he doesn't really feel like dealing with people just yet. Maybe it was his weird cliff related dream. He puts on the seafoam green apron that indicates him as a worker and turns on the lights. Sara, his coworker, is putting the chairs on the floor since they put them up on the tables at the end of every day. She smiles at him, and it makes him feel a little better. Sara didn't act weird around him when he first arrived, didn't act as though she was walking on eggshells around him, and she understood if some days he couldn't deal with people, and let him prepare the orders without having to talk to the customers. It was nice. She was nice.
All in all the day was uneventful. He did have to clean a spill or two, and Sara had to redo a few orders, and then he had to go to the back for a few minutes after a costumer had almost gotten physical because he'd taken to long finishing his coffee. It was weird that after all that, he could consider it a calm day. But he'd had worse days, both working there and before. Before? Yes, he was sure. He did not remember what his life was like, but he was sure it had had more difficult days than today. He was finally done with the day, Sara had left a bit earlier since she had a date, so he'd been taking the final orders and cleaning up. The small bell above the front door chimed, and he bit back a sigh, he was sure the "Closed" sign was on since he'd turned it on himself less than a minute ago, so whoever this was, they were either stupid, or a jerk. He didn't want to deal with either.
"Sorry, we've closed already. You'll have to..." He turned, and as he did, felt himself freeze in place. The man that had just come in, well, he was the man of his dreams. Literally. The second he saw him, the memories of last night's dream came back. The cliff, the winged man, the words that came out of his lips. Sure, he didn't have wings, but everything was the same, even the way the sunset made his hair look like fucking mahogany.
"Are you going to finish the sentence? Feels like you were supposed to say something more"
"Who are you?" He didn't mean to ask like that, but he was really confused and felt what was probably the beginning of a headache coming in.
"I thought you said you were closed? Unless you are going to take my order."
"Uh... maybe? Would you let me ask you something?"
"I won't stop you"
"Do... do we know each other?"
Itzel wasn't the best at reading people, he could admit as much. So the fact that the mysterious not-winged man seemed to also freeze at his question was answer enough. They did know each other. Or at least, the other man recognized him. The way Itzel saw it, he had two options, he either made the coffee and got some answers out of Mystery Man, or he ignored him. It was an easy decision really.
"Alright... What do you want to order?"
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luna-azzurra · 6 months ago
Cozy September word prompts
Sweater Weather
Pumpkin Spice
Crunching Leaves
Bonfire Nights
Flannel and Fuzzy Socks
Cider Mornings
Golden Sunsets
Warm Blankets
Candlelit Evenings
Caramel Apples
Chilly Breezes
Cozy Nooks
Apple Picking
Forest Trails
Warm Scarves
Fireplace Glow
Rainy Afternoons
Baking Cookies
Fall Markets
Autumn Skies
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scealaiscoite · 7 months ago
゚。  september prompts
¹⁾ cartoon-patterned plasters 
²⁾ a switchblade shining under streetlamps
³⁾ hands stained with pen ink
⁴⁾ red-painted nails
⁵⁾ waves lapping a boat’s hull
⁶⁾ scraped knees
⁷⁾ a stack of battered paperbacks
⁸⁾ a coat draped gently over a sleeping form
⁹⁾ weathered brown boots
¹⁰⁾ a six pack of beer and an apology
¹¹⁾ daisies growing from between pavement slabs
¹²⁾ bracelet-laden wrists
¹³⁾ frozen peas pressed against a fresh bruise
¹⁴⁾ laddered tights
¹⁵⁾ sweet pomegranate arils
¹⁶⁾ a palm reader’s warning
¹⁷⁾ a flea market wedding dress
¹⁸⁾ broken rollerskates
¹⁹⁾ the light that filters in through stained-glass windows
²⁰⁾ rich vanilla perfume 
²¹⁾ steaming cups of sake 
²²⁾ an airport terminal at midnight 
²³⁾ a wall covered with yellowed newspaper clippings
²⁴⁾ acrid smoke pouring in through open windows
²⁵⁾ a cold cement floor against skin
²⁶⁾ a horseshoe half-buried in the ground
²⁷⁾ sirens at midnight 
²⁸⁾ dark lipstick smeared on a cheek
²⁹⁾ the last night before the circus leaves town
³⁰⁾ trembling hands
³¹⁾ three people sat on a two-seater sofa
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sapphic-september · 7 months ago
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Welcome to Sapphic September 2024!
These prompts are open to any fandom and any medium as long as the works center sapphic, WLW/NBLW, F/F+, or femslash ship(s). There are no other rules — you can use all, some, or only one of the prompts; do one or more a day or spread them out; begin late or post them after September; or mix ‘n’ match prompts; it’s up to you!
Make sure to tag your work(s) with #sapphicsept2024 or #Sapphic September 2024 so that others can find your contributions and to spread the word!
Prompts: {Day 1: astrology; || Day 2: fortune; || Day 3: attic; || Day 4: teeth; || Day 5: divination; || Day 6: cryptid; || Day 7: whispers; || Day 8: undead/zombie; || Day 9: UFO || Day 10: clairvoyance; || Day 11: bones; || Day 12: ritual; || Day 13: mirror; || Day 14: omen; || Day 15: paranormal investigation; || Day 16: possessed; || Day 17: occult; || Day 18: psychic; || Day 19: underworld; || Day 20: ESP; || Day 21: werewolf; || Day 22: moonlight; || Day 23: cursed; || Day 24: ouija board; || Day 25: surreal; || Day 26: vampire; || Day 27: the divine; || Day 28: ghost/spirit; || Day 29: prophecy; || Day 30: awakening.}
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thepromptfoundry · 7 months ago
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Hope you're ready for some out-of-this-world creativity, because we're having ourselves a Sci-Fi September at the Prompt Foundry!
If you use this list, please tag me here @thepromptfoundry, I’d love to see your writing and art!
Feel free to combine different days' prompts with each other, or combine them with other events! Use your OCs, your favorite characters from media, your own experiences, whatever tickles your fancy.
Respond to as many prompts as you want or as interest you, don’t worry about missing or skipping any. Remember, this is supposed to be fun!
If you have any questions or musings, check our FAQ, and if you don't find your answer, shoot me an ask.
Plain text list below the cut:
1 Five Minutes Into The Future 2 Flying Cars 3 Starships 4 Virtual Worlds 5 Blending Nature And Tech 6 Androids 7 Space Pirates 8 Laser Swords 9 Aliens Among Us 10 Total Automation 11 Ghosts In The Machine 12 Post-Apocalypse 13 Guardian Robots 14 First Contact 15 Government Secrets 16 Time Travel 17 Mutation 18 Universal Translator 19 Cyborgs 20 Raygun Gothic 21 Medical Experimentation 22 Genetic Recombination 23 Precognition 24 Technobabble 25 City In A Dome 26 Robot Rights 27 Transporter Malfunction 28 Clones 29 Suspended Animation 30 Ancient Super Technology
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nosebleedclub · 7 months ago
September Prompts
1. Back to life
2. Strange kid next door
3. Final weeks of summer
4. Garage
5. New frat boys
6. Grand exit
7. Laboratory
8. Labrador
9. Typewriter
10. Distance between us
11. Stuffed animals
12. Maneuver
13. Back pain
14. Porcine
15. Commitment to darkness
16. Marsh Hawk
17. Business class (train)
18. London fog
19. The last of the flower garden
20. French
21. Healing lamb
22. Stained glass
23. Jealousy
24. Poisoned water source
25. Pleading
26. Belief in ______
27. Expensive furniture
28. Silver pitcher
29. I couldn’t say it
30. Everything you’re worth
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western-fence-lizard · 2 years ago
september’s comin up folks……….👁👁
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Hey. Hey Folks……Are You Ready For Some….SEPTEMBER PROMPTS?????!!??
same rules as always: do your best, don’t worry about doing every day on time, no pressure to do it within the month itself - these are for fun not to stress about!! hope y’all enjoy! i’ll probably be vaguely doing them too so keep an eye out :•]
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pwh3 · 6 months ago
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The first signs of autumn in the city (September 29th, 2024).
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smittenbypoetry · 6 months ago
Poetry Game!
September 2024 Edition:
The rules are as follows: write an eleven line poem. Each respective line includes, but, unless stated, is not limited to the following in order:
A day of the week
The word: skin
Any herb
Any weather phenomenon
A word starting with the letter 'Q'
(A reference to) Persephone
Any childhood game, or toy
Free line, use however you like
Rhymes with line 11
Must be: "We're all mad, here."
Excited to see what everybody will come up with, and, of course, how this one will turn out. Let the magic commence.
Have fun!
Tag your poem #smittenbypoetrygame, and I will reblog it here. Be sure to use one of the first five tags to do this, else there’s a chance it won’t show up when I search for it. If I haven’t reblogged your poem within 24 hours, please send me a message and I’ll add it to the queue.
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isaacarellanesismyhusband · 6 months ago
day 13: draco’s slytherin attitude
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pair: Draco Malfoy x reader
summary: Draco's blood purity beliefs get him into an argument with his girlfriend, y/n(she/her)
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You had always known Draco’s views on blood purity, even before you began dating. Growing up in a Muggle-born household meant you'd heard all about the Malfoys, their ancient bloodlines, and their disdain for those without magical heritage. But you never expected it to come between you—especially not now, when you’d spent so much time together, building something special.
It starts innocently enough, a casual conversation in the Slytherin common room. You’re talking about the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, and Draco’s tone is sharp as he dismisses them as another “weak half-blood who doesn’t deserve the position.” His words sting, and you can’t hide the flicker of hurt that crosses your face.
“Draco,” you start quietly, trying to keep the peace, “you don’t really believe that, do you?”
His eyes flash with annoyance. “Believe what?”
“That someone’s blood status makes them less capable. Less worthy.”
He sits up straighter, his posture rigid. “I’m just stating facts, Y/N. It’s the way things are. Blood matters.”
You feel the anger rising in your chest. “It shouldn’t. You know I’m Muggle-born, right? Or does that make me less to you too?”
Draco’s expression hardens, but there’s a flicker of something else beneath it—uncertainty, maybe even guilt. He doesn’t speak for a moment, and the silence between you grows heavy.
“You’re different,” he finally says, his voice softer now but no less certain. “You’re not like the others.”
“That’s not good enough, Draco,” you snap, standing up. “I won’t just accept that you think you're better than me—better than anyone—because of something as meaningless as blood.”
He stands too, his frustration evident. “It’s not meaningless! It’s tradition, it’s—” He breaks off, running a hand through his hair. “It’s what I’ve always known.”
“And maybe that’s the problem,” you reply, your voice shaking with emotion. “Maybe you need to realize that you’ve been wrong all along.”
For a moment, you think he’s going to fight back, throw out more sharp words, but instead, his shoulders slump. He looks at you, his eyes conflicted, torn between what he’s been taught and what he feels for you. You wonder if this is the moment he’ll finally change, if he’ll finally see that there’s more to the world than the narrow views he’s clung to for so long.
But you’re not sure if he’s ready yet. You don’t know if he ever will be.
“You’re asking me to forget everything,” Draco says quietly, almost pleading.
“I’m asking you to see people for who they really are,” you whisper. “To see me.”
Draco stares at you for a long moment, and you can see the battle raging inside him. You only hope that, in the end, love will outweigh the prejudices he’s carried for so long.
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shay-the-writer · 2 years ago
September Writing Prompts
August was ... not great. I wouldn't say it was an epic failure because I knew the poem thing wasn't happening for me, and one of the prompts (with a movie quote) got placed in the ever-increasing backlog fics folder. Moving on ...
September's main writing prompt is:
The Alphabet Game. I had to do this once in Creative Writing in my senior year of high school. You write a short story that is 26 sentences long. Each sentence starts with the next letter of the alphabet. So, if the first sentence starts with an A, then the last sentence starts with a Z. If the story starts with M, the last sentence starts with L. (the story I wrote in high school was absolute chaos, and it was one of the few classes I had a near consistent A in the whole semester, so let's see if I can do it again).
The optional prompts are:
2. Super Soft Intimacy: Sliding hands underneath each other's clothes to keep warm/to feel their warm skin.
3. Pick a minor character from a fairy tale and rewrite the story from their perspective.
4. (MOVIE QUOTE) Rizzo the Rat: Why are you whispering? / Gonzo: It's for dramatic emphasis. (The Muppets Christmas Carol)
5. (TV QUOTE) Melinda Warner: If you bite me, I'll hurt you. (Law & Order: SVU)
The TV and movie quotes can be altered and (obviously) used out of context from their original source.
These prompts can be used for original works as well as fanfiction.
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wittywords · 6 months ago
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A period of warm, springlike weather occurring in the autumn; (figurative) a late period of growth, youthfulness, etc.
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