#sephora germs
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batbux · 2 years ago
In the League of Assassins, to return home to find one's personal quarters breached, door ajar, is a violation of the highest order - a threat, a declaration of war all rolled into one.
In Wayne Manor, it was WORSE.
Damian stood in the hallway, backpack clenched in one hand, glaring at his bedroom door with everything he had. In a just world, the door would have the decency to at least burst into flames. Alas, it did not and Damian came no closer to developing x-ray vision in the intervening moments.
He clicked his tongue and stalked forward, determined to spew vitriol of the highest caliber at the interloper.
Grayson and Todd had plans today - it was why Pennyworth had been the one to collect him from school. Brown and Cain were currently staying in the manor, but they usually only appeared around meals like the stray cats Damian fed behind the now defunct grilled cheese restaurant on the corner of Washington and 147th. Thomas and Drake usually returned later in the day - school and work respectively.
In short - Damian's room had either been breached by a stranger which was staggeringly unlikely, or there was a flaw in his information.
Throwing open the door, Damian's eyes met Drake's and every scathing insult died on his lips.
Because the older boy was sitting in Damian's desk chair with a pastel pink box on his lap. The same one that Damian had secreted away last night and hoped to return today with his older "brother" none the wiser.
"So, do you want to talk about this or..." Tim trailed off, seeming oddly relaxed.
"Get out of my room."
"Ok, because this Hello Kitty caboodle was a cherished gift from Stephanie and I was beside myself when I found out it was missing this morning."
Damian could see the bruising now, creeping up the side of Drake's neck where he'd turned to avoid taking a pipe to the throat.
"I decided to work from home," he explained unnecessarily, catching how Damian's eyes lingered on the too dark shadow around his collar. "Why did you take my makeup?"
Damian glared at him, lip curling in disgust.
"Ok," Drake said again. "At least tell me you didn't use my brushes and sponges. I don't want the cross contamination of your face germs."
"How dare you!" Damian hissed, clenching his free hand into a fist as well now. "To imply I'm unclean-"
"Oh my god, shut up. Everyone has weird face germs and whole ecosystems on their skin. People have mites in their eyelashes."
After a quick Google search, Damian determined that to be true and resolved to never think about it again.
"It's not sanitary to share," Drake concluded. Finally, he stood. Hopefully that meant that he was done with this whole mortifying ordeal. "But, Damian..."
"Leave," he ordered. Drake didn't. He just looked at Damian. It was- it was uncomfortable. Rude, even. And it certainly didn't make Damian sweat with the knowledge that a properly motivated Red Robin was nearly as observant as Batman himself.
"I'm going to make you an offer," Tim said, seemingly finding something in Damian's face or body language. "I'll take you out to a proper store for brushes and makeup - they'll be able to help with your shades and stuff better than I can - and as soon as we get home we'll never speak about it again."
Damian's eyes narrowed.
"Arguably so you'll be better able to go undercover - Bruce had me posing as Caroline Hill when I was a little older than you are now. But also, maybe it's a gender thing."
"It's not."
"Okay," Drake agreed easily. "But I'm going out as a woman if we do go - I have a rapport with the workers at the Sephora in Burnley."
Drake had no pride as a man, that much was obvious. Internally, Damian could admit that wasn't... Bad.
"Do you... Prefer to be a woman?" he asked stiffly because he may think Drake was a consummate waste of air, but he wasn't a monster. He would use the right pronouns.
"I don't really care," he said. "I don't feel strongly one way or another."
Leave it to Drake to half ass the entire concept of his own gender.
"If you go as a woman, would I present a hindrance to your cover?" Damian asked before he remembered that leaving for a little makeup outing with Timothy Drake was one of the last things he wanted to do.
"I could swing it," he answered. "But I think you might have fun dressing up. Have you seen my collection of wigs?"
Without knowing how, exactly, Damian found himself sat down at a proper vanity in Drake's private bathroom, hair framing his face in gentle medium brown waves. As Drake struggled with an unopened tube of eyeliner in the background, he looked at himself in the mirror.
A face achingly reminiscent of his mother's peered back at him.
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ghostradiodylan · 1 year ago
Hey it’s the anon who sent in the ask for sick headcanons-thank you so much for the headcanons i really love them and i agree 100% with them!!!
I also can see Emma owning those overpriced touchland hand sanitizers that are in Sephora lol-Kaitlyn thinks Emma is wasting her money but she doesn’t care
I saw another post with headcanons about Nick being a stoner and I think it’s worth mentioning that marijuana works wonders for stomach pain and nausea! I can see Nick having tummy issues 100% and I feel like he would be lactose intolerant too and would drink almond milk instead
Jacob turns into an ASPCA commercial whenever he gets sick and Kaitlyn is so over it lmfao
And I feel like Ryan would be a huge germaphobe. Idk why but I can see him wearing a hazmat suit if Dylan got sick and he had to take care of him xD
YW anon! Thanks for the ask! These check out to me too, if Ryan wasn't in a hazmat suit he'd at least be aggressively sanitizing everything. You get used to sharing some germs with a partner but not sick germs!
Good point about the marijuana. Nick’s just taking his medicine! That and a buuunch of Lactaid pills!
Cracking up at ASPCA commercial Jacob!
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Sarah McLachlan voice: Every day, helpless jocks near you suffer horribly from the Man Cold. For just a few dollars a day and several hours of your life, you can coddle your giant manchild friend in his hour of need. Your donation will provide soup, crackers, Gatorade, so many tissues, and a long-suffering friend to sit through his favorite comfort movies for the thousandth time, at a safe distance.
[Cut to Kaitlyn, sitting on the other end of the couch, wearing a mask and squinting at Ethan Suplee in Remember The Titans: “Huh. I'm pretty sure I kicked that guy in the crotch.”]
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pansy2005 · 1 year ago
instagram showed me a video of someone doing a full face of makeup with the ulta testers (with the little clean sponges and shit) and almost every single comment was like “ew gross!!! germs!!!” and there was even one that was like “unmm that’s not what the testers are for you’re basically stealing from ulta” and i was like ok hold on a second. like i understand the grossness especially now in covid times but… did y’all not go into sephora with your friends as teenagers and do your full face dramatic looks to walk around the mall in. truly i thought this was a universal experience. so now i’m curious
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sheandthestrangeworld · 9 months ago
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Jetta and Saint are two halves of my whole childhood. Saint wants more adventure in life. I wanted to explore forests real bad as a kid. Sleep away camp kinda gave me that opportunity. Granted my mom chaperoned, it was a Bible study sleep away camp, and the one time I got lost I freaked out. Still, as a kid who was kinda...smothered by a helicopter parent, I loved it. Since Mom had to look after other kids as a chaperone, I had some time alone. I could talk to friends, play on the swing set, or just chill in nature. One year a friend and I tied plastic craft "strings" to sticks, attached pieces of bread to the end, used one of the paddle boats, and tried to fish in the lake. We caught nothing, but we had fun trying.
Now as a kid I was also a huge germaphobe. Weird combination but whatevs lol. I freaked out and thought everything could either kill me or make me sick. Cool thing is Bath and Body Works was like... millennial Sephora. Got a lot of fancy scented sanitizers from there. Birthday cake was my favorite smell. My camp counselor took a whiff of it straight from the bottle and I was so freaked out about nose germs that I refused to use it afterwards lol.
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adrenaline-traveler · 1 year ago
Keeping Up With Skincare on the Road
Traveling can become very stressful for many reasons. For one, you can be running late to catch your flight, or, if it is a road trip and you get stuck in horrible traffic or weather delays. Similarly, traveling takes a toll on our skin because of all the germs we face at the airport and on flights, especially long flights. One way that I have been able to maintain clean skin is by washing my face regularly and using the Sephora Glow Recipe Drops. If it is an all-day long flight, I will bring my face wash and skin care in my carry on, but if it is just a short flight I will do my skincare as soon as I get home. I use the CeraVe face wash, Neutrogena moisturizer and Sephora Glow Drops and it always leaves my face clean, smooth, and glowing!
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radiant-reid · 3 years ago
weird question but bedtime…
1. what does spencer where to bed?
2. is he a morning or a evening showerer
3. does he has a skincare routine (i work at sephora sooooo this is my shit.)
4. is he the one to initiate sex or partner? bedtime or morning sex do u think he prefers?
5. how many pillows does he sleep with?
6. blanket hogger or no blanket?
7. what’s his morning routine?
8. who wakes up first? him or his partner?
oh my gosh i love you so much ! these questions are so fun to answer
took me wayyy to long to think about this. maybe a matching silk set but then i kinda can't see him wearing silk or satin but i also feel like maybe he sleeps in just a long sleeve shirt with some sort of science pun and sweatpants
evening. after all the germs of the day, i don't think he'd be able to get in fresh bed sheets without showering. however, i could see it as a possibility that he does both
yeah, he for sure has a skincare routine, not exactly sure what would be in it but he definitely has one
i kind of think he's a bit of a perv with his partner and the tiniest thing would get him in the mood. but i mean if he was my boyfriend, i would be ready to go 24/7 as for preferred time, i think early morning because i think he's asleep as soon as his head hits the pillow, he's a morning person anyway, coupled with some morning wood and it sounds like a dream morning. then some more in the shower
i think he only sleeps on one but it's gotta be soft which means he usually doesn't sleep well on cases because old motel pillows are not soft. also, on cases, he needs another one to hug or he cannot sleep. for his bed, at least two on his side, two on his partner's, and a bunch of throw pillows that end up on the floor.
blanket hog!! and will deny it, but he's so tall that his extremities are always cold so he needs blankets and/or cuddles
wakes up, (morning sex), gets out of bed, puts his slippers on, makes his bed, goes to the bathroom, brushes his teeth, showers, (shower sex), skincare, contacts, hair, picks out a tie, picks out the rest of his clothes, finally checks his phone, opens the curtains, walks to the living room, makes his coffee, makes his breakfast, collects his newspapers, reads all the newspapers he gets, cleans up after breakfast, goes back to his room to pick out socks, brushes his teeth again, gets his keys and wallet and leaves the house
him, i think. mostly because i imagine him waking me up instead of an alarm and i think he's an early morning person
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fluoresensitivearchived · 4 years ago
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ROUTINE + ROBOT + ITCH / 917 words!
Renee noticed the rash on Monday morning while she was doing her morning skincare, but didn’t think much about it until that evening, while she was doing her night routine. What had begun as slight puffiness and an unflattering redness to her cheeks was now full-on rises and bumps, the skin around her cheeks and T-zone uneven, discolored. Renee recoiled from the sight of herself, frowned, then dug into the drawers of her bathroom vanity for her kit.
Drunk Elephant, Paula’s Choice, Clinique, Glossier, some of Sephora’s brand and a few K-beauty brands she didn’t know by name. Renee scrubbed and lathered, rinsed, dabbed, dribbled, plucked and smoothed until she was, well, still red, but cleaner feeling than before.
When Renee woke on Tuesday, her skin looked to have cleared up. She was pleased, of course, but she went through her morning care, took her selfies (carefully positioning that week’s sponsor in the frame with her, casual enough to avoid having to put that annoying little ad hashtag in her caption), posted said selfies, and then got to work.
Influencing wasn’t so easy as a job as it seemed. There were sponsors to vet, deals to broker. Not to mention the camera work, the constant photo shoots, meeting after meeting, and so many emails! Renee was exhausted, and worse, her skin was beginning to itch. She tried at first to resist the need to scratch. Her nails were too long for it, and really, she couldn’t preach to her followers the danger of hand germs and then go digging around in her face. Renee fidgeted with her phone instead. Tapped her foot. Picked nervously at the flesh of her leg.
A shower would help, she thought, but as she started the water and stripped out of her clothes, she noticed the splotches on her arms and legs, the welts and hives that traveled down her throat down to her belly. Her body was hot suddenly, and Renee saw that there wasn’t one square inch of her that was smooth. All over there were red bumps, blisters, some leaking pus and others leaking a funky, colorless fluid. She shivered at the sight of herself, thrust herself into the shower’s spray and scrubbed until her body felt rubbed raw.
Wednesday morning, she avoided the mirror. Renee’s first call was to her dermatologist, to set up an appointment. She twitched, writhing in her skin, as the doctor’s secretary told her he wouldn’t be back in until the following Friday. She forced herself to take deep meditative breaths so she won’t chuck her phone across the room.
She did it anyway, chucked her phone, then she went to her bathroom to go over her products. It was possible that this was all just some allergic reaction. She used so many things —it was possible that something didn’t agree with her. Hadn’t Renee always had such sensitive skin? It hated to be handled, was prone to dryness and overheating. Who couldn’t say that one of her little skincare experiments failed?
Yes, that was it, Renee decided. Resigned, invigorated, she cleared out her vanity drawers, checking each product’s expiration date and ingredients, chucking those that she found too heavy and scented, and stacking those she could still use. The former pile grew higher and higher while the latter dwindled. Everything was just so much! Must everything smell of roses, waterlilies? In a fit of pique, Renee yanked out a whole drawer and dumped everything in it right into the trash.
I’ll just start over! That’s it, I’ll just start over! There was something freeing about not having to sort anymore. Renee tossed and tossed, and when she was through, her skin still itched. She took a frustrated breath, holding back tears, and scratched her face.
Sweet relief! She scratched hard as she could with her nails, angrily rubbing her fingertips and heel of her hand against the skin of her face. She was not, she knew, being gentle at all, but the feel of it! The feel of her skin in her hands, of being able to not burn for just a single second.
In her rubbing, scratching, her finger caught on something around her right eye. Renee rubbed over the spot again. There, right under her eye, was a skin tag. Still caught on the euphoric high of manhandling her face, Renee rubbed at the tag, observing it with her fingers, then pulled it.
It gave, just a little, revealing a little flash of bright silver metal.
She peeled the strips off slowly, starting right beneath her eye and following the path down all the way to her chin. There’s no blood, like she thought there’d be, and Renee wondered if that wasn’t some sort of oversight on the part of her creators. The humans would expect blood. Blood humanized and bonded. Without it, Renee was nothing more than talking tin, a cyborg with more metal than man. The people, thought Renee, would not respond well to her if she were more metal than man.
Strips of light skin laid curling on Renee’s bathroom vanity as she leaned forward into the mirror. She blinked her brilliant eye, sensitive enough to complain at eyelashes and tear up at sad movies. The metal was cool again, after a couple of minutes. Renee pulled out a little tub of adhesive and carefully reapplied the strips of skin, and, when her face was back together, began her nightly skin routine.
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senatortedcruz · 5 years ago
thinking of going to Sephora, swatching everything I see, and spreading my germs everywhere. 
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anoldfashionedlife · 5 years ago
COVID-19: Sunday, April 12
I read an article from the February issue of 1843 about headphone use in public spaces: "Headphones have destroyed our sense of common purpose,” the author writes. "A bedlam of babble in a handful of headphones.” Now, I read everything in the context of a global emergency: if we can’t be together together, how can we be alone together.
I run to Times Square. I leave my house and run my normal route to and across the Manhattan Bridge. I run a few blocks down Canal to Broadway, where I turn right and head north. Broadway will take me all the way to Times Square where it meets 7th Avenue and a whole mess of other things. It's an arterial avenue that cuts through the city from bottom to top.
I run through SoHo, which is empty. SoHo hasn’t been a “cool” neighborhood for a long time, but it’s still popular with tourists. It’s also the closest neighborhood when I need something from a big brand like CB2 or Uniqlo and don’t want to pay for shipping or wait a few days for it to arrive.
I pause at Houston because I’ve always paused at Houston. There’s little traffic so I could cross, but it seems safer to wait for the signal. “Look both ways before crossing, even when crossing a one-way street.” Advice given to incoming freshman at NYU—patronizing and comical, but useful because bikes and assholes don’t always follow the traffic rules.
I get the signal to cross, and I cross to the median where I pause once more. Out of habit I wait for any cars turning onto Houston, not paying attention to pedestrians, but there aren’t any. Everybody has different criteria for “when you become a New Yorker.” For me it was the first time I didn’t hesitate to yell at a driver turning into me as I crossed the street: “Fuck you! I’m crossing here!"
I didn’t live in New York on September 11th—I was a sophomore in high school in suburban Indiana—but I’d read accounts of New Yorkers in the days after who came out into the streets for no other reason than to be with other people, to commiserate and to mourn. Union Square was one place where they'd congregate, not only because it was a public space but because it was the largest and closest public space to the World Trade Center not cordoned off by the NYPD.
When I approach Union Square I slow down to keep my distance from others, mostly people coming out of the Whole Foods. I cross 14th Street into the park and most of the people there are homeless men, sitting on park benches with no place to go.
On the north side of Union Square I run past a bucket drummer, a nuisance in normal times but now a sort-of beacon in a sea of silence. I can hear him all the way past 19th Street three blocks away, and if there wasn’t a light breeze I could probably hear him for another few blocks.
Between 22nd and 23rd the sidewalk widens. There is plenty of space, but I run into the street to keep as much distance from others as I can. As I pass between two parked cars I lock eyes with an Asian woman who, behind a mask, looks at me as though she’s caught her pre-teen son out with friends instead of staying home to study for the PSAT: disappointment mixed with anger.
Continuing up Broadway I skirt between the Flatiron Building and Madison Square Park. Broadway between Flatiron and the ACE Hotel is an interesting mix of Yuppie District—sweetgreen, Milk Bar, Opening Ceremony—and the 28th Street Flower and Bargain Districts, but everything is closed. I run past a homeless man huddled next to an access ramp and think about white flight. In the 50s and 60s we fled to the suburbs. Today we've fled to our apartments.
I run through Herald Square and notice that the garbage cans outside Macy’s are empty. Garbage cans in Manhattan are never empty; they’re almost always overflowing with the detritus of petty consumerism: plastic Starbucks iced coffee cups, Chick-fil-A sauce, Hop-On Hop-Off bus maps.
I think about one of my favorite bars in the city, it’s nearby: Keens is one of New York’s oldest steakhouses, but if you’re not eating there—which I’ve only done twice—you can still order a drink at the bar, and they mix a good Manhattan.
I continue up Broadway and run past security personnel guarding empty office buildings and police officers patrolling empty public spaces. I make it to Times Square, and I think to myself: there are too many people here. There aren’t many people, but it still seems like too many.
I read the displays. Disney says: “Thank you to all the healthcare workers and first responders around the world / We are grateful for you.” T-Mobile says: “Please practice social distancing.” American Eagle says: “We are in this together. We are stronger together.” Clear Media says: “Not all superheroes wear capes.” Sephora says: “To all the healthcare, emergency, and social workers: \ You have our immense gratitude \ Thank you. \ We belong to something beautiful.” Green Giant says: “To all on the frontlines, you are the true giants.” Below the ball-drop is an impressive four-piece vertical public service display: “PL \ EA \ SE \ Practice \ social \ distancing \ & help \ save \ lives. \ cdc.gov/covid19 \ Prevent the spread of germs \ Please \ Stay \ Home \ When \ You \ Are \ Sick \ Prevent the spread of germs \ cdc.gov/covid19.” Amazon advertises a new album from The Strokes called The New Normal. #nystrong
What isn’t missing from Times Square is the guy who walks around carrying an “end is near” sign: “Because of sin Noah’s ark was built. No one believed him. Flood came—they perished. End is near. Judgement day is coming. Repent today. Confess Jesus as Lord and Savior. Only way to heaven.” That he isn't at whatever off-brand church he belongs to on Easter makes his message a bit less convincing.
I think about another one of my favorite bars in the city: Jimmy’s Corner, an old-school bar with boxing memorabilia covering the walls. You’d think in a place like Times Square it was actually owned by Yum! Brands or something, but you can find Jimmy there most nights.
I leave Times Square and run east on 42nd Street. Bryant Park is utterly empty. No homeless men, no vagabonds. Nobody except me and a park employee tending to the garbage cans, replacing one empty bag with another.
The emptiness isn’t surprising, but I should explain why. Since its inception the Bryant Park Corporation has been particularly aggressive in keeping out undesirables. First by removing park benches and adding metal tables and chairs. William H. Whyte, an urbanist in the 1970s, championed them as giving park users a semblance of agency in public space without actually providing it.
More importantly, removing park benches eliminated a surface on which homeless people could sleep. Over time, more and more features were added: upscale food for sale, movie nights on the lawn in the summer, a skating rink in the winter, Fashion Week. Sharon Zukin describes it as “pacification by cappuccino.”
Urban thinkers and advocates have been asking this question for years: Who’s city is this anyway?
I run a few blocks east to Grand Central. Once inside I don’t break pace as I run down the ramp towards the main concourse. For some reason this doesn’t strike me as unusual until I reach the main concourse. Shocked, I stop and take in the sight of an empty, cavernous space normally brimming with activity: commuters catching a train upstate if they don’t live in the city, the subway if they do; tourists careening their necks up to the ceiling painted with the constellations; me grabbing a drink at The Oyster Bar or Campbell’s Apartment, just because.
I’m lucky that my friends and family haven’t been infected by coronavirus; the hardest thing so far has been weeks of quarantine. I haven’t cried during this pandemic—I’m no “boys don’t cry” kind of boy, but doing so seems like an admission that things won’t resemble “normal” for quite some time. But standing here, taking in the sight of my city hollowing out like this, I tear up.
I turn around and run back home. I run down Madison Avenue to Madison Square Park. I turn left onto 23rd Street and then right onto Park Avenue South. Left onto 18th Street, right onto 3rd Avenue, left onto 12th Street, right onto 2nd Avenue. I cross Houston and take Forsyth to the Manhattan Bridge back to Brooklyn.
Back home I put a bottle of sparkling wine in the freezer, but it doesn’t fit because it’s full of frozen food, so I put it in my oversized ice bucket that once graced the tables and suites at the Waldorf Astoria. I bought it salvage a while back and don’t use it as often as I’d like: it fits two bottles comfortably, but one bottle looks silly, like a kid wearing his dad’s tuxedo jacket. I was hoping it’d be a fixture of backyard barbecues this summer, but that seems unlikely.
For dinner I make Ethiopian food. The doro wat turns out quite well, but the injera that’s been fermenting for a few days is an utter failure. I eat the stew with rice.
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trendmood1 · 5 years ago
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Available Now! 🚨 LINK ➡️ https://bit.ly/2PDvOsx online #Sephora 💗🖤💜 NEW! Mini #Blendercleanser 😍 by #beautyblender A vegan cleanser that removes makeup, grime, and germs from deep within blenders and brushes $9 each : 1. Unscented 💗 Ideal for sensitive skin 2. Charcoal 🖤 charcoal-infused formula 3. Lavender 💜 Subtle notes of calming lavender help uplift and destress . And a new set! 💕 Besties Makeup Sponge and Cleanser Set $20 blendercleanser solid Unscented the original beautyblender Textured silicone mat Pink pouch . What did u get? 💗 XO #Trendmood THANK U for this beautiful update: @jennyhco77 😘 . . . . . . . #beauty #makeupoftheday #motd #makeupoftheday #mua #ilovemakeup #makeup #makeupaddict #makeuplover #makeupblogger #makeuponpoint #onpoint #makeuplook #makeuplove #makeuptalk #makeuptutorial #makeuplover #makeupaddict #makeupaddiction #makeupdolls https://www.instagram.com/p/B-yEegghtOm/?igshid=1q71kwwza9ve9
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theprettiestshit · 7 years ago
Customer Allegedly Contracted Oral Herpes From A Lipstick Sample From Sephora!
This is the stuff nightmares are made of!
We were blissfully toasting with tequila on a Taco Tuesday when the news broke. A California woman has a lawsuit against Sephora for allegedly contracting herpes from a lipstick tester.
Who is to blame on this issue? Sephora or the customer?
The woman says "other lipstick companies have proven methods of avoiding herpes exposure -- like individual samples or assistance from trained professionals" (TMZ). If you shop IRL at Sephora, you know that there are a bunch of employees floating around the gondolas to help you if you were to ask. You can even clean the lipstick sample for yourself with the alcohol dispensers that are at least a quarter of the way filled at each station. Where there also are the very doe foot applicators you use to apply a lipstick sample. Stil, should Sephora + and it's employees have been more attentive to clean the floor sample?
Where did this all go wrong? The writers of Meetpepperb.com discuss:
Half of me feels bad that she will now live with this disease for the rest of her life just because she participated in the quintessential Sephora shopping experience of swatching. The other half of me wants to go in on her lack of common sense. When she uses a public restroom, is she sittin' or squattin'? How aware are you of the dirtiness of public areas? Hello! We learn not to share chapstick in the 6th grade! Ya'll know 'cooties' has always been code for herpes, right? What upsets me is that this lawsuit threatens the Sephora shopping experience. What if a lawsuit like this prompts the Disney World of makeup stores to take away samples? Don't take swatching away from me *sobs.* Leaving Sephora with stains on my hand from swatches too pigmented to for a quick cleanse to remove is a badge of honor. I'm spiraling. I've walked around a dozen Sephora stores that look clean and for all their soft glow lighting on products, NOT ONCE have I ever thought to put a lipstick directly on my lips! I've seen teeth marks on a lipstick before! This was completely a customer error. To the herpes totting fool who 1) either double dipped with an applicator or 2) put a lipstick directly on your lips -please be more considerate the next time you enter a Sephora. Also, self-care is very important so make sure you are doing just that. No hard feelings. Most of us know better. 
The recent article about the woman in Cali that supposedly  got herpes from using a lipstick at Sephora is a little odd to me.First of all, I have known for many years sharing makeup can lead to disease & infection so I don't do it.  I borrowed an eyeliner when I was in my teens and got pink eyes so that put a quick end to that!  Secondly, that is very hard to prove. She could have gotten it from someone she dated, her cheating husband,  the friend she loaned her lipstick to, etc.  It is next to impossible to know if Sephora's tester lipstick was the true culprit. My recommendation is to never try anything that the public can taint in any way, especially if it can effect your health!  Become a germaphobic!  You will live a drama free or in this case a herpes free life!  
 Via @Oohkayla
I personally have never used a tester directly on my face before, but even if you were to use a q-tip or whatever the business offers you are still at risk. I think that any company that offers testers for customers to use at their own free will should have a sterilization process to avoid situations like this, especially since there are an abundance of diseases that don't have symptoms. In addition, I feel like that risk of it alone should be a challenge on survivor or fear factor.  
I would argue that an extend you are consciously putting yourself at risk when using testers but overall it should be the company's job to protect their customers to the fullest extend, because without them there is not company.
Via @Twist.it.tea 
Yikes. You couldn't pay me to put an in-store tester on my lips, but if that's how the woman from California who contracted HSV-1 from doing so, wants to collect her coin then sooo be it, I'm not hating.  But what concerns me is that I don't think this woman was trying to scheme on Sephora.  I believe she genuinely wasn't aware of the viruses and bacteria living on in-store testers.  With that being said I'm pretty disappointed in the fact that common sense was not on the fore front of her mind in this moment, but to play devil's advocate if you're an inexperienced makeup purchaser, you may not know how to clean & apply the products correctly if there's no sales associate around to assist.  Sephora can be over whelming at times, but never be afraid to ask for help - they're there to sell you on the product you wanted, plus 3 more you didn't know you needed.  But in the end Sephora needs to be held accountable 100%.  We put labels on blowdryers to warn of electrocution if we use them in a tub or near water ... the same kind of 'obvious warning' should go for sampling testers and the possible implications if the sample is not cleaned or applied correctly.  I'm not saying  you need to hire more  sales associates who can help in these minuscule tasks (or hint hint: maybe you do) but invest in more signage around testing areas that have clear written instructions and warnings against publicly shared makeup.  
After reading about this I wanted nothing more than to disinfect my soul. I don’t understand how this woman feels she can sue Sephora when she herself tested the lipstick DIRECTLY from the tube, onto her lips. Is she too oblivious when it comes to cleanliness. I feel that the risk of using testers is more so common sense. She apparently is suing for “emotional distress caused by their failure to offer safer testers”. Sephora provides Hand Sanitizer and Alcohol as well as cotton swaps, pads and disposable lip applicators and mascara wands. They’re there to be used, and if empty simply ask a worker for help no matter how unapproachable some may be. Health over everything. While I do not blame Sephora for this incident, however I do feel that Sephora should halt letting just anyone who walks through the door whether wealthy or homeless, from using testers especially without the consult of a worker. Herpes doesn’t discriminate and that shit is for life. if you are in the know of your diagnosis, you shouldn’t be going to Sephora or any store and testing out lipsticks, It is YOUR responsibility of looking out for others. As for us, who are uninfected it’s OUR responsibility to look out for ourselves. 
(Above) The face you make after realizing you are the only person who has used a tester on Meetpepperb. I feel bad for this situation. However, I am a firm believer that if you don't know the answer to something find it. I haven't tried a lipstick but I have used testers in Sephora and thoroughly cleaned anything before using it. Most of the time Sephora is extremely busy not that this is an excuse, but why put your safety in someone else's hand ? I prefer to sanitize my own items. I feel better being responsible if something happens. There is google, we take time to research a lot things but why not research something that would prevent you from having long term issues. On several occasions shopping I've witness Sephora employees stop customers and request that they use disposable wands. I am sure they can't keep an eye on every single situation. As the shopper I think its important for you to sanitize your own items.
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decadentbananacrusade · 3 years ago
Essential Cosmetic Containers For Skincare & Beauty Packaging
There are few industries out there with as much potential to develop loyal, die-hard customers as beauty and cosmetics. Beauty products are a staple in bathroom cabinets around the world; whether a person is going for an “I woke up like this” look or the avant garde “makeup is art you wear on your face” feel, just about every woman (not to mention tons of men!) use beauty products on the daily.
Which means if you own a beauty or cosmetics line, the potential for some serious business is there. But it also means if you want to grab that business and take it for yourself, you’re going to need to find a way to break through the clutter, jump off the shelf at Sephora, and tell your ideal customer “THIS is the lipstick for you!” And the best way to do that is your packaging.
Your packaging is the first thing the beauty die-hards you want to turn into customers are going to see. If your packaging grabs their attention and speaks to what they’re looking for, they’re likely to take your product home and give it a try. If not? It’s likely to gather dust on the shelf.
But how, exactly, do you design the kind of packaging that makes your ideal customer scream “I need that blush yesterday?” Never fear, 99designs is here with all the information you need to design packaging that stands out on the shelf and gets your product into your customer’s bag (and, eventually, on their face).
Just as important as your customer’s identity is your identity. What’s your branding? Are you dark and edgy (like Urban Decay)? Simple and classic (like Bobbi Brown)? Luxurious (like Dior)? Accessible (like Wet n Wild)? Who you are as a brand—and the personality you want to portray to your customers—is going to determine what design elements you use in your packaging.
Define how your ideal customers are buying your product
You’ll also want to consider how you’re going to sell your products. Are you selling online or in store? In small boutiques or in large retailers? Your design strategy might change depending on where you’re shelling your goods.
Create a mood board for your brand
A great thing to do before you start designing is to create a mood board for your brand. Pull together images, colors, advertisements and whatever else you feel embodies your brand personality; these will act as inspiration as you go through the design process.
Let cosmetics packaging trends inspire you
If you need a little inspiration for your packaging design there’s no better place to start than looking at the latest cosmetics packaging trends. Once you know what’s currently trending, you can create packaging that caters to what’s important to your customers right now and that speaks to them in the right way.
Remember that you want to pick a look that’s both modern and on trend, but also timeless and universally appealing, so your packaging design looks up-to-date for as long as possible.
Makeup containers expand to a range of jars, bottles, pots, tubes, pens, compacts and liquid dispensing solutions. Each container offers a different design and solution; however, in the world of ���cosmetic containers’, each product sits under the skincare, hair and beauty categories. This article will explore the different types of cosmetic containers available in the packaging industry. Raepak offers an extensive range of distinctive packaging products that enable us to explore innovations and keep an eye on exciting designs that are beneficial to the current market cycle.
Cosmetic Jar Containers
Lipstick containers in the form of jars are perfect for skin care and beauty products. Jars can contain gels, creams, lotions and deep skin cleansing products. Most jar containers come with a shive (a flat plastic shelf that fits inside the jar) used to keep the contents free from foreign debris (dust & germs). Moreover, jars are designed with airtight lids, which keep the contents fresh and ready for future use.
Bottle containers can be produced as an airless recyclable container or a high-end luxury acrylic bottle. Acrylic bottles look fantastic with a matching jar and can store nourishing body lotions or face creams. PP airless bottles can also store creams and lotions. However, they are cheaper to produce and lighter in raw plastic material. Acrylic airless bottles are seen as a hybrid between both full acrylic and pp airless containers.
Lip gloss containers in the form of pots can be funky, stylish, trendy or sophisticated. Small pots for cosmetic packaging tend to be perfect for eye serums, aromatherapy oils, lip balm, hand creams or hair products. Moreover, small plastic pots tend to be made with a wide range of different plastic types; PMMA/PETG/PP/AS & ABS. Using these plastic combinations helps with the shape and aesthetics of the final jar design.
Cosmetic tube packaging containers come in different shapes, colours, materials and profiles. Cosmetic tubes are manufactured from high-quality materials, including AS, ABS, PETG, and PCTG. Each item is designed to work with makeup for the beauty & cosmetics industry. Furthermore, mascara containers are manufactured to have an excellent quality finish and be competitively priced.
Cosmetic pen containers come in a beautiful range of styles and design. Each pen gives off a trendy vibe, is easy to use and fits perfectly into any purse or handbag. Cosmetic pen packaging is manufactured from high-quality materials and can be used for eyebrow, lip gloss, concealer, highlighters or liquid blushers.
Compact containers are manufactured to be used with beauty and makeup products. Makeup powder is available in a vast range of colour palettes, and it helps give the wearer a look they desire. Compacts can be produced in a range of different styles included; square, round, rectangle and bespoke finishes.
Cosmetic liquid dispensing containers come in different shapes, colours, materials and profiles. Furthermore, they can work well with other eyeshadow containers to offer brands a set of makeup and beauty products – offering a collection of different makeup and beauty product solutions that can help target a wider audience.
Around one-fifth of the cosmetics market is made up of skincare products. With £920 million made from sales in 2018, non-medicated face care products (like moisturisers and exfoliators) were the best selling skincare cosmetics. Haircare and colour cosmetics also make up 18% and 16% of the market.
Home is where the heart is, sure — but it's also where we live our beauty lives. So, we teamed up with the editors at AD to bring you tons of great design tips, trends, and tricks for making over your bathrooms, showers, and vanities. For more like this, click here.
We've seen the overflowing shelfies and packed skin-care fridges, and we know firsthand how hard it can be to find the best makeup organizers to streamline your vanity. Limited space and a never-ending stream of exciting new product launches mean that our makeup and skin-care collections tend to grow much faster than the space we have to store it all. But your countertop no longer has to be a sea of beauty supplies and brushes, because we have the perfect solutions.
Until the day when we all have Huda Kattan's glamorous bathroom set-up, we're opting for makeup organizers. These beauty organizers can help sort the many (many, many) products into efficient storage spaces that also happen to be easy on the eyes.
The best news? Limited drawer space isn't even an issue since these gorgeous designs were made to be displayed. Not only do they provide optimal storage for your foundations, eye shadow palettes, lip products, and makeup brushes, but they're way more sanitary than throwing everything into a canvas bag and hoping nothing leaks. Next time you get that organizational itch, or are overcome by a Marie Kondo-inspired need to tidy, turn to one (or a few) of these storage solutions for your beloved beauty products.
We've rounded up the best makeup organizers, including spa-like bamboo boxes, old-school Caboodles kits, clear plastic drawers, and more. There's something for every budget, every design taste, and every size bathroom. So go ahead — take the first step toward decluttering your vanity. Your beauty routine (and your countertop) will thank you.
Climate change is hard to deny when we see how much change has happened in the time we’ve been practicing social distancing due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Last month, the carbon dioxide levels in New York City were 50% lower than they were in March 2019. Environmentalists are also tracking the air pollution above Wuhan province in China; it went down significantly for two months while everyone was in isolation and is now creeping back up.  
While we wrestle with these challenging times, many are starting to see what the human impact on our planet really looks like.
You’ve likely heard the statistic that less than 11% of plastic is actually recycled properly in Canada. But did you also know that every year in the U.S.A., according to the Environmental Protection Agency, over two billion razors and refill blades are sent to landfill? Even worse, that stat is actually from a 1988 report, and that number has likely gone up exponentially since then. If you do math and consider that we have similar spending habits to our neighbours to the south, Canada has about 10% the amount of people as the U.S., so it would track that we throw away about 200 million disposable razors each year, at minimum.
The above data notwithstanding, Canadian stats on how much plastic waste actually comes from the beauty and self-care sector are very elusive. Unless brands release their numbers on products sold, it’s hard to estimate the actual amount of plastic that ends up in landfills. Nonetheless, it’s safe to assume a lot of plastic gets thrown out because of our Sephora sprees.
So what does all the doom and gloom have to do with you and your beauty and personal care habits? Well, there are a few ways to make sure that you’re doing the most you can when it comes to not adding to our already massive recycling problem. “One of the best ways to make sure that change happens is to make the companies understand that you really care about this issue,” says Vito Buonsante, plastics program manager at Environmental Defence Canada. “People can only do so much. It’s not really their responsibility to control the waste; it’s more on the company.”
Buonsante recommends that we take a look at what we’re purchasing and start giving our money to brands that offer recycling programs or that use more easily recycled materials, like glass and tin, as opposed to plastic. If it’s absolutely necessary to buy plastic, check that the container has a 1 or 2 plastic rating, which can be found on bottles inside the recycle symbol. Those numbers are the most desirable for recycling programs (the system ranks up to a 7). “The problem with packaging in the beauty industry is that it is often made of mixed materials, therefore it becomes pretty difficult to recycle,” says Buonsante. In short, try not to buy cosmetic products with a plastic rating of 3 or higher.
Strongly expressing your environmental concerns to your member of parliament and local city councillor is also helpful, says Buonsante, as is signing plastics-focused petitions and supporting environmental charities (like the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society, Ecotrust Canada or any local conservancy groups) so they can continue to help push things forward.
And now, while we’re taking social distancing measures very seriously, perhaps we can also help curb our plastic waste anxiety (because really, we don’t need another thing to fret about) by looking into the following ways to make our beauty routine a little more environmentally friendly.
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electronictragedycoffee · 4 years ago
Honey quite a while in the past asserted the seat as the queen honey bee of the magnificence world. Distrustful? Simply go on an outing to Sephora or the pharmacy for evidence of the numerous excellence employments of honey. You’ll see it in face veils, shampoos, salves, lip medicine, and more.
Why, precisely however, is honey utilized in so numerous magnificence items? “Honey(Nectar) has common recuperating properties,” says Mona Gohara, MD, partner clinical educator at Yale Department of Dermatology, especially for wound mending. It can likewise advance collagen-building, Dr. Gohara adds, making it an incredible enemy of ager.
That is not all the sweet stuff can do: “Honey has common germ-free, antibacterial, and calming properties,” says Dendy Engelman, MD, a New York City-based dermatologic specialist
In any case, that doesn’t mean the stuff that comes in the bear-molded jug at the supermarket will mysteriously fix all your skin issues. Carly Stein, organizer of Beekeeper’s Naturals, says the best nectar for excellence use is crude and unpasteurized.
Stein suggests staying with buckwheat nectar (a dark honey produced using the nectar of…well, buckwheat) due to its high cell reinforcement levels. Furthermore, in case you’re having trouble difficulty discovering a few, Stein says to simply search for a dull, crude nectar—the hazier the nectar, the higher the cell reinforcement check and better for your magnificence schedule.
Inquisitive about how nectar can help you venture up your magnificence game? Look no further:
1. Moisturizing Face Mask
“With its saturating and calming impacts, raw honey can hydrate the skin, leaving it delicate, brilliant, and shining,” says Ildi Pekar, VIP facialist and proprietor of
Ildi Pekar Skin Care. “The sugars in honey go about as normal humectants and emollients that expansion the water content and diminish dryness in the skin even after they have been washed off.”
Furthermore, (for all the mark perusers out there), on the off chance that you can discover crude nectar with a high convergence of other honey bee items like illustrious jam, which is prime for boosting collagen; propolis, which is calming and antibacterial (thus, a significant success for skin inflammation inclined skin); or dust which “contains a compound called rutin that helps channel the vessels” and smooths out imperfections, you can take your daily schedule up an indent.
Try it: Apply raw honey straightforwardly on the skin leave it on for up to 20 minutes, at that point then rinse and massage it off thoroughly with water.
2. Gentle Exfoliant
Since raw honey crystalizes over the long time, says Stein, the minuscule granules act as a delicate exfoliant. They begin to separate when they come into contact with water and the heat (warmth) of your skin making for a gentler scrub than that of the harsher locally acquired stuff. What’s more, since it’s antibacterial, you can utilize it for your day by day face wash.
Try it: Warm the honey in your hand by scouring it between your fingers first, at that point apply it directly on the skin in round movements. Leave it on for a couple of moments prior to kneading it off with wet towel.
3. Scar Fader
The antioxidant properties in honey (especially buckwheat honey) nourish harmed skin, helping the scar healing process, as per Stein. Also, for the special reward of against irritation, watch out for nectar implanted with propolis—it can assist tone with bringing down the vibe of stretch marks and skin staining.
Attempt it: Massage raw honey directly to the influenced territory in a roundabout movement for one to two minutes, at that point flush it off.
4. Wound Healer
Honey’s common germicide properties help to prevent diseases and secure injuries, says Dr. Engelman, which can decrease scarring and cut down on mending time. The cancer prevention agents in nectar (especially Manuka nectar) are more than prepared to fill in as a characteristic solution for support your harmed skin and take it back to its flawless greatness.
5. Acne Spot Treatment
Buckwheat Honey is an incredible DIY solution for skin inflammation. It’s a calming, which decreases the redness and swelling of pimples, says Stein, and its antibacterial properties can help fight skin break out causing microscopic organisms particularly if it’s injected with propolis. “Likewise, in light of the fact that nectar keeps the skin very much hydrated and adjusted, it helps control the creation of oil,” adds Pekar.
Try it: Apply crude nectar straightforwardly on the breakout and afterward flush it off after 10 to 15 minutes.
6. Bath Soak
Up your unwinding objectives and take a honey injected splash. Honey’s hydrating forces will leave skin smooth delicate, says Pekar.
Try it: Make it at home by blending two big tablespoons of raw honey into one cup of heated water until the nectar is disintegrated. Empty it into a tub of warm water to splash. You can likewise utilize a pre-made adaptation if that is more your style.
7. Cuticle Moisturizer
Since honey is a characteristic humectant (otherwise known as it brings dampness into the skin), it can help keep the skin around your fingernail skin upbeat and strip free.
Get a container of nectar that is pressing imperial jam, another honey bee item, Stein says, since it’s a collagen-manufacturer. That additional fixing will carry new life to your nails and reinforce the skin around them.
Try it: Rub crude nectar over every fingernail skin and leave it on for five to 10 minutes prior to flushing it off.
8. Everyday Conditioner
“Honey is normally an ideal conditioner since it’s a humectant and holds and draws in dampness, keeping your hair feeling smooth and sound,” says Felix Fischer, VIP hair craftsman. “Your strands will feel delicate, supported, and have a lot of life and bounce.”
Try it: Mix one-quarter cup of Organic raw honey with barely enough new water to thin it out so you can spread it around your hair. Work it into sodden hair after you cleanser for a couple of moments, at that point wash with warm water.
9. Lip Balm
All that makes honeys an top skin lotion makes it best for dried out lips, as well. “The hydrating benefits blended in with normal catalysts, cell reinforcements, and minerals function admirably to saturate lips,” Pekar says.
Try it: Apply raw honey directly to lips, leave on for a couple of moments, at that point wash off.
10. Hydrating Hair Treatment
Honey can keep your hair from drying out in light of the fact that it is extremely viable in holding dampness and keeping locks delicate and fun. It goes about as a characteristic conditioner, says Fischer.
Try it: Make a banana andhoney hair veil by joining two extremely ready bananas, a large portion of a cup of natural nectar, and one-quarter cup of olive oil. Mix the fixings until smooth at that point apply this onto your hair and scalp. Leave it on for around 20 to 25 minutes, at that point wash the veil out with cool or tepid water and cleanser. Search over the hair to dispose of any excess cover and flush once more. This cover can be utilized a few times each month.
11. Sleep Aid
“At the point when you eat nectar it causes a sluggish, consistent spike of insulin,” Stein clarifies, which converts to serotonin and melatonin, two synthetic compounds that help you nod off. Furthermore, in case you’re one to awaken in the evening, a tablespoon of nectar will help you stay unconscious since “[honey] assists with loading the glycogen in the liver—” something the cerebrum needs to keep you snoozing for a fantastic eight hours.
Try it: Eat a spoonful of honey 15 minutes before bed. Or then again, if awakening in the night is raising a ruckus, have a spoonful at that point.
12. Burn Relief
The mitigating, antibacterial, and dampness reestablishing properties of nectar are excessively calming on a bothered and disturbing consume (even a burn from the sun). Additionally, it’s thickness goes about as a hindrance from any diseases that may attempt to advance into the consume, so no compelling reason to cover with bandage after you apply the honey.
Try it: Clean the consume, at that point rub a couple of drops of nectar onto the territory and let sit however long you like (which—cautioning—will get muddled) prior to washing off. Reapply depending on the situation.
10 Benefits of Organic Honey for Health:
Since old occasions, nectar has been utilized as both a food and a medication.
It’s extremely high in gainful plant mixtures and offers a few medical advantages. Nectar is especially solid when utilized rather than refined sugar, which is 100% void calories.Here are the top 10 health benefits of honey.
1. Honey Contains Some Nutrients:
Honey is a sweet, thick fluid made by bumble bees.
The honey bees gather sugar — for the most part the sugar-rich honey of blossoms — from their current circumstance (1).
Once inside the bee colony, they over and over burn-through, process and spew the nectar.
The finished result is nectar, a fluid that fills in as put away nourishment for honey bees. The smell, shading and taste rely upon the sorts of blossoms visited.
Nutritionally, 1 tablespoon of nectar (21 grams) contains 64 calories and 17 grams of sugar, including fructose, glucose, maltose and sucrose.
It contains essentially no fiber, fat or protein
2.High-Quality Honey Is Rich in Antioxidants:
Honey is a sweet, thick fluid made by bumble bees.
The honey bees gather sugar — for the most part the sugar-rich nectar of blossoms — from their current circumstance (1).
Once inside the bee colony, they over and over burn-through, process and spew the honey.
The finished result is honey, a fluid that fills in as put away nourishment for honey bees. The smell, shading and taste rely upon the sorts of blossoms visited.
Nutritionally, 1 tablespoon of nectar (21 grams) contains 64 calories and 17 grams of sugar, including fructose, glucose, maltose and sucrose.
It contains essentially no fiber, fat or protein
3.Honey Is “Less Bad” Than Sugar for Diabetics:
The proof on honey and diabetes is blended.
On one hand, it can diminish a few danger factors for coronary illness normal in individuals with type 2 diabetes.
For model, it might bring down “awful” LDL cholesterol, fatty oils and irritation while raising “great” HDL cholesterol.
However, a few examinations have discovered that it can likewise build glucose levels — only not so much.
While nectar might be somewhat better compared to refined sugar for individuals with diabetes, it should in any case be overwhelmed by alert.
In actuality, individuals with diabetes may do best by limiting all high-carb food varieties.
Keep as a primary concern that specific sorts of honey might be corrupted with plain syrup. Albeit nectar corruption is illicit in many nations, it stays an inescapable issue.
4.The Antioxidants in It Can Help Lower Blood Pressure:
Pulse is a significant danger factor for coronary illness, and honey may help lower it.
This is on the grounds that it contains cell reinforcement intensifies that have been connected to bring down pulse.
Studies in the two rodents and people have shown humble decreases in pulse from devouring honey.
5.Honey Also Helps Improve Cholesterol:
High LDL cholesterol levels is a solid danger factor for coronary illness.
This kind of cholesterol assumes a significant part in atherosclerosis, the greasy development in your veins that can prompt cardiovascular failures and strokes.
Curiously, a few examinations show that honey may improve your cholesterol levels.
It diminishes aggregate and “awful” LDL cholesterol while altogether raising “great” HDL cholesterol.
For instance, one examination in 55 patients contrasted nectar with table sugar and tracked down that nectar caused a 5.8% decrease in LDL and a 3.3% expansion in HDL cholesterol. It additionally prompted unobtrusive.
6.Honey Can Lower Triglycerides:
Raised blood fatty substances are another danger factor for coronary illness.
They are likewise connected with insulin obstruction, a significant driver of type 2 diabetes.
Fatty substance levels will in general increment on a tight eating routine high in sugar and refined carbs.
Strangely, different investigations have connected normal nectar utilization with lower fatty substance levels, particularly when it is utilized to supplant sugar.
For instance, one investigation contrasting nectar and sugar discovered 11–19% lower fatty oil levels in the nectar bunch.
7.The Antioxidants in It Are Linked to Other Beneficial Effects on Heart Health:
Once more, nectar is a rich wellspring of phenols and other cancer prevention agent compounds. A significant number of these have been connected to a diminished danger of coronary illness.
They may help the conduits in your heart expand, expanding bloodstream to your heart.
They may likewise help forestall blood cluster development, which can prompt cardiovascular failures and strokes.
Moreover, one examination in rodents showed that nectar shielded the heart from oxidative pressure.
Everything considered, there is no drawn-out human examination accessible on nectar and hearth wellbeing. Think about these outcomes while taking other factors into consideration.
8.Honey Promotes Burn and Wound Healing:
Skin Honey treatment has been utilized to mend wounds and consumes since antiquated Egypt is as yet normal today.
A survey of 26 examinations on nectar and wound consideration discovered honey best at mending fractional thickness copies and wounds that have gotten contaminated after a medical procedure.
Honey is likewise a powerful treatment for diabetic foot ulcers, which are not kidding difficulties that can prompt removal.
One investigation detailed a 43.3% achievement rate with nectar as injury treatment. In another examination, effective honey recuperated an astounding 97% of patients’ diabetic ulcers.
Specialists accept that nectar’s mending powers come from its antibacterial and mitigating impacts just as its capacity to feed encompassing tissue.
Furthermore, it can help treat other skin conditions, including psoriasis and herpes sores.
Manuka Honey is considered particularly compelling for treating consume wounds.
9.Honey Can Help Suppress Coughs in Children
Hacking is a typical issue for kids with upper respiratory diseases.
These diseases can influence rest and personal satisfaction for the two youngsters and guardians.
Notwithstanding, standard meds for hack are not generally compelling and can have results. Curiously, nectar might be a superior decision, and proof shows it is extremely viable.
One examination tracked down that nectar worked better compared to two basic hack meds .
Another examination found that it diminished hack manifestations and improved rest more than hack medicine.
In any case, honey ought to never be given to kids under one year old enough because of the danger for botulism.
10. It’s Delicious , But Still High in Calories and Sugar:
Honey is a heavenly, better choice than sugar.
Try to pick a great brand, since some lower-quality ones might be blended in with syrup.
Remember that honey should just be devoured with some restraint, as it is still high in calories and sugar.
The advantages of honey are most articulated when it is supplanting another, unhealthier sugar.
By the day’s end, honey is essentially a “less terrible” sugar than sugar and high-fructose corn syrup.
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love-skincareroutine · 4 years ago
How To Test Skin Ph
New Post has been published on https://skin-care-routine.com/skin-care-routine/how-to-test-skin-ph/
How To Test Skin Ph
A. What Is Skin pH? How to Tell if Yours Is Healthy, and Why It Matters
Products that claim to balance the skin’s pH are in vogue today. Here is an introduction to what they do and whether they are worth it.
It’s official: pH is the new black. From the dermatologist’s offices to the Sephora corridors, “pH balance” is the expression on the well-moistened lips of all Beauty Maven. The market started to flood with detergents, toners, moisturizers, pH strips and even high-tech portable pH sensors. When it comes to beauty treatments and products that aim to restore the skin’s pH balance, today’s market is a bit like the Wild West: there is a rush to make some important statements and certainly some snake oil is being sold.
Although beauticians, dermatologists and wellness gurus have different philosophies, everyone agrees that pH is important for the overall health of the skin. So we thought it would be a good time to take a step back and ask some basic questions, such as: What is pH balance anyway? And why should you worry about that in your quest for amazing skin?
1. What is the pH, anyway? A short science class for beginners
Let’s go back to science class for a moment. PH is a numerical scale that shows how acidic or alkaline something is. On the pH scale from 1 to 14, 7 is neutral, below 7 is acidic and above 7 is alkaline. What does this have to do with your skin?
PH is not the only trend word – beauty experts are also increasingly talking about how the pH value can affect the so-called “acid mantle”, a thin barrier on the skin’s surface that helps maintain the acidity of light. Dr. Youn explains that if you disturb your acid mantle with very aggressive products, you will suffer the consequences and they will not look good. Although recently reintroduced into the dictionary, the term “acid mantle” actually dates back to 1928, when it was coined during one of the first studies on the pH of the skin’s surface. This is evident in an article published in Current Problems in Dermatology in August 2018.
2. How pH has become one of the most recent trends in skin care
“Its acid mantle is made up of amino acids and lactic acids, in addition to tallow, also known as fat-free acids,” says Tiffany Masterson, founder of the Drunk Elephant skin care line in Houston, Texas, which ensures that its products have balanced pH. Masterson is a pH-trained freelance and has become a leading voice in the field, thanks in large part to her brand success. “The acid mantle accidentally protects the skin from environmental influences that lead to aging and general irritation,” she says. The brand’s Slaai Melting Butter Cleanser debuted in April and immediately impressed beauty experts with its pH-balancing powers.
Other products, such as Tula Pro-Glycolic 10% pH Resurfacing Gel, are so popular that they are often completely sold out, both online and in department stores. The excitement is so great that retailers, including Sephora and Dermstore, have dedicated areas on their websites for pH balanced products. La Roche-Posay launched My Skin Track in 2019, a wearable sensor prototype that detects traces of sweat from your pores and promises an accurate measurement of skin pH in just 15 minutes.
3. Why pH balance products are less important for healthy skin
As far as the pH and the acidic matter of the mantle are concerned, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Much depends on the natural condition of your skin. Karcher explains that healthy skin is more than just pH. “PH is the flavor of the month, but it has to be part of the big picture,” she says. “Yes, you need to have acid pH to have healthy skin. However, if your skin is healthy and you use an alkaline cleanser, your skin will be back in a few minutes.”
Karcher believes that pH is one of several components that keep skin healthy, but it is not the only one, nor is it necessarily the main one. “There are so many factors that contribute to the overall health of the skin that if you focus only on pH, you will lose many others that are as or more important than pH,” they say.
4. How a growing understanding of intestinal bacteria sparked interest in pH imbalance
As a plastic surgeon who specializes in holistic beauty, Youn believes that one of the reasons why pH is so popular in skin care may be the growing research on the microbiome that protects us from germs, food breaks down to release energy and affect the skin. “Now there is something called the gut-skin axis, where we found that gut health also affects the trillions of bacteria that live on our skin, and if its pH is unbalanced, it can affect that,” Youn cited a review published in July 2018 in Frontiers in Microbiology.
Youn says that while many in the world of holistic beauty are obsessed with pH, ​​the acid mantle and the microbiome, they are not yet in the medical world. “The real question is how strong and how long the pH of a skin product affects the skin. I don’t think we know. If you ask 10 plastic surgeons who recommend skin care products about skin pH and mantle acid levels, they probably won’t have a clue what you’re talking about. ”
5. The best way to find out if your skin products have low pH
You may not have to worry too much about the pH of your products if you have healthy skin. However, if you already have inflammatory skin conditions like acne or eczema, use cleansers, serums, and moisturizers in the 4.6-5.5 range to prevent skin peeling, says Cates.
Since most skincare products in the U.S. don’t write the pH of the formula on the label like many K-Beauty products, you can find out the pH of a product on the brand’s website or call the company and ask. If you want to be sure, you can also buy pH strips and test a product yourself. “If you live in a place where tap water is hard, your skin’s pH may become more alkaline,” says Cates. (If you see white spots on your glasses or calcification in your showers, you probably have hard tap water, according to Sciencing.com.) One solution is to try to clean with micellar water, which French women have been announcing as a big secret. skin for decades.
And when all else fails, it is sometimes better to remember that less is more. “There is something I call a ‘hospital phenomenon’,” says Masterson. “Each time I gave birth to my babies, I spent several days in the hospital and then in bed at home to recover. I really didn’t pay much attention to my skin at that time and guess what? My skin has never been happier. That’s because I let it work on my own and left the acid mantle alone to do its job, which it did very well. When you’re struggling with skin problems and don’t know what else to do, the answer is often “do less”.
  B. Easy Ways to Test Your Skin pH Level
The pH of the skin plays an important role in the overall health of the skin. Our skin works and looks better in the middle of the pH range. 5.5 is ideal. But what exactly is “skin pH” and how do you determine your skin’s pH value? We will answer that today!
1. What is the pH?
pH means “potential hydrogen”. This term describes the acid-base ratio of a substance. The pH scale works in a range from 1 to 14. A pH of 1 would be the most acidic. A pH of 14 would be the most alkaline (basic).
2. pH and your skin
Your skin is protected by a thin layer known as an acid mantle. It is a film of amino acids and lactic acids responsible for the absorption of lipids and moisture, blocking germs, pollution, toxins and bacteria. Science has shown that the acid mantle should be slightly acidic at a pH of 5.5. If it is too alkaline, the skin is dry and sensitive. You can suffer from dry, sensitive skin and even have eczema. When your skin is alkaline, it inhibits your ability to fight matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs). These enzymes destroy collagen and cause wrinkles and sagging.
In a study recently published in the British Journal of Dermatology, women were followed for 8 years. Those with alkaline stratum (the outermost layer of the skin) developed thinner lines and crow’s feet and were more prone to sun damage than those with acidic skin. It is very common for the skin to be excessively acidic. The result of acidic skin usually manifests itself in rashes and acne. If the skin becomes too acidic below 4.5, it can become red and inflamed.
3. How do I test your skin’s pH?
It is not easy to test the pH of the skin. For a perfect answer, you would need to consult a doctor or dermatologist who uses a pH meter to determine your skin’s pH. This simple eight-question test will help you determine where your skin fits on the pH scale.
4. How was your skin score?
a. If your main answer was B, then your skin’s pH is too high
You have alkaline skin. The skin’s acid mantle is released from its protective lipids and is a victim of bacteria, ultraviolet rays and aggressive ingredients. Take a look at the products that are used to wash, exfoliate and moisturize your face. Try Nayelle’s gentle CLEANING for a pH-balanced facial cleanser. Our HYDRATE Probiotic Moisturizing Cream and REJUVENATE Anti-Aging Night Cream are also formulated with a neutral pH so that your skin reaches the perfect pH value.
b. If you answered A most of the time, then your skin’s pH is perfect
This is your skin’s happy place. Having such good skin is no coincidence for you. We know that you are washing and exfoliating with the right products.
c. If your main response was C, your skin’s pH is too low (acidic)
You have oily skin, rashes and tenderness. You may be overdoing your exfoliating products (think of acids) to absorb excess fat. Although this type of exfoliation can keep your complexion healthy, your skin suffers very well. You may have relied heavily on facial cleansers and scrubs.
5. Other ways to test your skin’s pH
As mentioned earlier, testing your skin directly is difficult. You would need to consult a doctor or dermatologist who uses a pH meter. Many dermatologists agree that observing your skin’s behavior is the best way to know your skin’s pH level.
6. Test your salivary pH
Your body’s pH is a good indicator of your skin’s pH. An easy way is to test your saliva. You can try the pH ion balance strips. Simply dip a strip in your saliva and get an instant reading of your internal pH in 0.25 increments.
  C. Discover How to Balance Your Skin pH – Naturally
Dry or oily skin leaving you down? Find out why skin pH is important – and how Puracy products can help balance skin pH. If you suffer from skin problems, balancing your skin’s pH may be the key to beautiful, healthy skin. If your skin is dry, oily or prone to acne, the expert tips in this article should help you restore your skin’s pH balance naturally.
1. What is the normal pH of the skin?
By measuring the pH (meaning “hydrogen potential”), you can determine how acidic or alkaline a particular substance is. On a scale of 0 to 14, water has pH 7. Therefore, it is considered “neutral”. Anything below 7 has a higher acidity. Anything over 7 is considered alkaline. The general assumption is that the skin’s pH is slightly acidic and ranges from 5 to 6 on the pH scale. Some recent studies have suggested that the ideal pH level for the skin may even be slightly below 5.
2. Why is the balanced pH of the skin so important?
When the skin has an ideal pH value, it has an improved barrier function, better moisture retention and less flaking. A slightly acidic pH value of the skin helps normal (healthy) bacterial flora to adhere to the epidermis. When the pH of the skin is more alkaline, it can potentially be related to, and even cause, the following dermatological conditions: eczema, irritant contact dermatitis, diaper rash, acne and fungal, fungal and bacterial infections.
3. Water quality has a big impact on your skin’s pH
Your daily bathing routine will have a dramatic impact on your skin, and one of the biggest culprits for unbalanced skin is the quality of the water in your home. Puracy makes cleaning and hygiene products that work very well. Our passion for natural cleaning services is our profession and we are here to share it with you.
If your scalp and skin feel dry, regardless of the type of shampoo and liquid soap you use, the water may be hard. Owners should consider investing in a water softener. In the meantime, a shower filter is an excellent and affordable option – especially for renters.
Professional tip: your community should be able to tell how hard the water is.
4. The best water for skin pH
During the bath, the best water for skin pH is soft, non-alkaline and low in minerals. Since hot water dries out the skin, it is best to use warm water whenever possible.
5. Find the best products to help balance skin pH
Cleansing and moisturizing creams understandably affect your skin’s pH. The ideal range for skin care products with a balanced pH value is between 4 and 6. Unfortunately, typical bar soaps can have a pH value of up to 12 and are particularly hard on the skin of the face.
To keep your skin healthy, use a pH balanced soap such as Puracy Natural Body Wash with a pH between 5 and 6. This formulation is a gentle blend of natural coconut cleansers, clinical grade moisturizers and pink Himalayan sea salt. Hypoallergenic soap with a balanced pH value is free of chemicals that can remove the natural oil from the skin.
Professional tip: With simple pH test strips, you can quickly determine if your skin care products have a balanced pH value.
a. Why toner is important for the skin
Immediately after cleaning your skin, apply toner that will help to calibrate your pH. Read the list of ingredients before applying any product to the skin. If alcohol is at the top of your ingredient list, it is likely that you are dehydrating (rather than nourishing) your skin.
b. Also, look for a shampoo with a balanced pH level
Also, check the list of ingredients for your hair products. Many cosmetic companies consider sulfates (such as sodium lauryl sulfate) to be perfectly suitable for use in “natural” shampoos. Since sulfates are alkaline, they can dry out and alter the skin’s natural pH.
Puracy Natural Shampoo uses natural botanicals and coconut-based cleansers to gently cleanse the scalp and hair follicles. Be sure to follow our natural conditioner to block out moisture.
Professional tip: Depending on your hair type and the health of your scalp, it may be best to wash it every few days.
c. Don’t forget to make lotion
Within minutes of getting out of the shower, ensure vital hydration by applying a nourishing moisturizer with a balanced pH.
6. Restore your skin’s pH with Puracy products
Puracy Body Wash, Natural Shampoo and Natural Conditioner range from 5 to 6 on the pH scale, while Puracy lotions range from 6 to 7. Our products are scientifically designed to work with the skin’s natural pH – all without harsh or irritating chemicals .
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perfectirishgifts · 4 years ago
Holiday Gift Guide 2020: Best Gifts For Business Travelers
New Post has been published on https://perfectirishgifts.com/holiday-gift-guide-2020-best-gifts-for-business-travelers/
Holiday Gift Guide 2020: Best Gifts For Business Travelers
It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Yes, even in 2020. Business travelers have had a year like no other, and this is a perfect time to show them your appreciation. Whether you want to gift them something extravagant or have a small, meaningful token of appreciation in mind, there is something for every business traveler and gift budget in this guide.
Pilot’s Explorer Pen
The Explorer Pen
Pilot’s Explorer pen is a great gift for a business traveler who wants to write in comfort and style without the worry of keeping track of an expensive pen during action-packed work trips. The Explorer is priced under $25, but it looks as chic as expensive fountain pens. You can choose either a Fine or Medium stainless steel nib, and it conveniently comes in a gift box. It’s refillable, so you may also choose to gift some refill ink along with the pen. Price: $23.95 from Amazon.
Floral Street Mini Eau de Parfum Discovery Set
Mini Eau de Parfum Discovery Set
Business travelers often need to freshen up on the go, so what better treat than a bouquet of mini heavenly perfumes to choose from? Floral Street’s Discovery Set features eight mini 0.5-ounce bottles of perfume that include Neon Rose, Wild Vanilla Orchid, Black Lotus, London Poppy, Wonderland Peony, Iris Goddess, Chypre Sublime, and Ylang Ylang Espresso. They were designed with 20 percent perfume oil so that they last all day, making them ideal for those who are flying or in meetings all day. The perfumes are also vegan and sustainable, and they’re priced for most holiday gift budgets. Price: $19 from Sephora.
ESPRO Ultralight Coffee Press P0
ESPRO Ultralight Coffee Press P0
The ESPRO Ultralight Coffee Press PO is a to-go mug that was designed to brew coffee on the go, making it ideal for many coffee-loving business travelers. If tea is preferable, it’s also designed to make tea. Double-filtered and vacuum-insulated, it has a waterproof lid and brews coffee without any grit or sludge. It comes in eye-catching colors that include blue, green, and gunmetal grey. Price: $44.95 from ESPRO.
Rafi Nova Black Sapa Crossbody Bag
Black Sapa Crossbody Bag
The colorful Black Sapa Crossbody Bag from Rafi Nova is a fun choice for an eco-friendly traveler who is going for a quick weekend getaway. It converts from serving as a pouch to a crossbody bag with its removable strap. It has a hidden pocket for smartphones and two zippered pouches for storing whatever you want within easy reach. It’s crafted from vegan leather and handmade, vintage, up-cycled textiles that have been carefully chosen from Northern Vietnam. A matching backpack and a matching mask are available. Price: $72 from Rafi Nova.
Nest Bedding Easy Breather Travel Pillow
Nest Bedding Easy Breather Travel Pillow
The Easy Breather Travel Pillow allows the business traveler to get comfortable rest on a plane or even in the airport on layovers. As a luxury on-the-go pillow, it was designed to be sturdy and be easily cleaned for frequent travelers. Its removable slip cover will even allow the recipient to adjust the firmness to their own preferences. Also, a safety clip holds the pillow in place while they rest. Price: $59.99 from Nest Bedding.
HP Sprocket Photo Printer 
HP Sprocket
One of the hardest parts of being on the road for many business travelers is how much they miss their family and friends. The HP Sprocket Photo Printer empowers them to easily print out recent photos of their loved ones anywhere they happen to be. They can easily sit them out in hotel rooms. Since the photos are small at 2.3 inches by 3.4 inches, travelers can easily carry them in their wallets. Also the photos are printed on sticky-back paper, so they can stick the photos on laptops, notebooks, and other products so their kids, spouse, or friends are always in sight. Price: $99.99 from Amazon.
The Lavender Sachet Rock Soap Minis
The Lavender Sachet Rock Soap Minis
The Lavender Sachet specializes in creating luxurious, eco-friendly soaps that look like small works of art or statement pieces. The rock soap minis are small soaps that look like gemstones. Because of their small size, they are ideal for travel, too. Business travelers can grow weary of bland hotel soaps, and these beautiful mini soaps are sure to brighten up their future hotel stays. Price: $12 from The Lavender Sachet.
Sovány Sparkling Flavored Beverages
Sovány Sparkling Beverage
As the. first sparkling water made with USDA organic fruit, Sovány would be a healthy, fun, and useful gift to give any business traveler, especially one who is taking frequent road trips. Having a healthy, tasty beverage on hand can prevent stops for unhealthy sugar-laden drinks at fast food spots or gas stations that are so accessible on trips. Available flavors include raspberry, orange, and apple. This woman-owned company was founded by entrepreneur Marcella Fodor who wanted a beverage that was both delicious and healthy, and these sweet drinks don’t disappoint. Price: A 12-pack is available for $14.50 from Sovány.
Ocushield Anti Blue Light Filter
Business travelers often have to look at screens for most of the day at work, and they can also then be glued to them on planes for entertainment and in their hotel rooms to catch up with family. The Ocushield can be an ideal companion to all that screen time. It is a screen protector that’s created to block blue light. Designed by optometrists in the United Kingdom, every user can decide whether they want the screen protector to be semi-permanent or removable. Price: The anti blue light filter for MacBook Air & Pro is $70 from Ocushield.
Dazzle Dry Mini Manicure Kit
Dazzle Dry Mini Kit
There’s not always time for a manicure when traveling for business, and the Dazzle Dry Mini Kit helps travelers give themselves a salon experience from the comfort of their home or hotel. Dazzle Dry is a healthy nail care system that was created by Dr. Vivian Valenty, a bio-organic chemist. The mini kit has everything you need for the complete four-step system in travel-friendly sizes. That also includes the nail polish, and all their products are vegan and cruelty-free. Price: $35 from Dazzle Dry.
Bendshape Mask – Clear Mask
Quartz Clear Mask from Bendshape Mask
If you know a business traveler who has to continue traveling or dealing with the public during the pandemic, the BendShape Mask can help protect them and offer them something extra. The masks were created by a team of scientists, and they can help business travelers connect more to people they meet along the way, including clients and peers. With a transparent cover that allows others to read their lips even when they are masked up, the Bendshape Mask is a thoughtful and timely gift. Price: $21 for a three-pack at BendShape Mask.
JUVEA Pillow
JUVEA Pillows on Bed
JUVEA pillows are a good gift for the business traveler who has come to savor the comfort of luxury hotels. They are among the best luxury hotel pillows available in the comfort of your own home. Each JUVEA pillow is designed to help you sleep well and wake up rejuvenated. It does this in a variety of ways, For one, it is made of natural pulp cellulose fibers that provide a soft service that won’t likely bother even sleepers with sensitive skin. Its open knit cover was created to promote airflow to help the pillow stay warm in the winter and cooler during the summer months. The JUVEA pillow is naturally antimicrobial, hypoallergenic, and very breathable. Price: $99.99 on Amazon.
Gateway Ultra Slim Notebook
Gateway Ultra Slim Notebook
Gateway’s Ultra Slim notebook is ideal for travel since it can easily slip in a backpack or other carrying case without weighing the business traveler down or taking up much space. The 14.1-inch notebook comes with Windows 10 Home in S mode and a built-in fingerprint scanner. It has 4 GB Onboard RAM and 128 GB Solid State Drive. It’s versatile and great for working on projects or streaming a film during a flight. It can travel with the recipient pretty much anywhere. Price: $369 from Walmart.
Everyday Humans – The Germ Buster Trio
The Germ Buster Trio
Gifts that will keep your loved ones safe mean more than ever this year. Have you considered giving the business traveler something practical and luxurious? If you’ve ever coughed after using hand sanitizer, you know how unpleasant some can be. Since it’s a necessity in 2020 and particularly useful for those who need to travel for business, the Germ Buster Trio from Everyday Humans will be appreciated for how it stands out from many other sanitizers. For one thing, it smells nice. It was formulated with to have a refreshing black tea scent, and it’s made in the United States with ingredients that include geranium, clary sage and lavender. For safety concerns, it’s made to kill 99.9 percent of germs. Price: $21.50 at Everyday Humans.
Cubii’s Squishii Grip Strengthener Bundle
Cubii’s Squishii Grip Strengthener Bundle
Finding the time and place to workout during frequent business trips can be difficult. Having easily packable, small equipment that makes it easier to workout in a hotel room can help a business traveler get and stay more motivated to exercise while traveling. The Squishii™ Grip Strengthener Bundle offers a fun solution for business travelers who want to do strength training workouts. It includes 3 grip strengtheners of different, increasing resistance levels and a set of cards that offers instructions for a thorough workout. One of the Squishii offers 10 pounds of resistance. The mid-level on has 15 pounds of resistance, while the highest level one provides 20 pounds of resistance. The cards have instructions and also codes to scan that provide instant video demonstrations for following or modifying each different exercise. People can also take the grip strengtheners to relieve stress during work meetings. Price: $29 from Cubii.
Sunday Scaries – CBD Gummies
Sunday Scaries Vegan AF CBD Gummies
When. business travel gets stressful, it’s important to relax and try to enjoy the journey as much as possible. Sunday Scaries Vegan AF gummies are sugar-coated gumdrops with 10mg of CBD. As their name suggests, they are vegan and cruelty-free. They were created to help when one feels agitated or on edge. Price: $39 at Vegan Scaries.
Hocsocx’s Blue Argyle CompressSocx
Hocsocx’s Blue Argyle CompressSocx
As their name suggests, the Blue Argyle CompressSocx are stylish compression socks. Wearing compression socks on long-haul flights can keep business travelers comfortable, and CompressSocx are designed to help keep legs energized by increasing circulation. The argyle style is versatile, so the recipient can wear them for work or relaxation. They are available in a wide variety of other styles, too. Price: $22 from Hocsocx.
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ladybossblogger · 5 years ago
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