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adrienaline-rushed-art · 23 days ago
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ok ok ok guys ive watched the s6 eps we have, I'm excited to draw comics for it just like old times, but I just can't stop thinking about when Adrien FINALLY FINDS OUT about his... origins but when we get past all of that angst, imagine his humorous coping mechanism applied to this knowledge...
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cardiac-agreste · 8 months ago
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I'm particularly proud of the idea I had for today's Olympics-related ficlet, so I decided to share the full text here instead of just leaving it on Ao3.
FWIW these are hastily written and not beta'd, but for me that was part of the challenge. I'm writing a story a day during the Olympics, intended to be a reaction to the day's events. This is the least reactive, since it takes place during the Olympics but doesn't mention a single competitor. Most involve ML characters as spectators (e.g., Kagami going apeshit cheering for the Japanese fencing team that won gold in team foil).
Citius, Altius, Fortius, Miraculous - Aug 6 - Day Eleven [Adrien & FĂ©lix - Equestrian]
Adrien and FĂ©lix walked the grounds of Versailles, having decided to take a break from watching the equestrian events.
“How was lunch with Zara?” FĂ©lix said, fiddling with his fingernails as the grass swished beside his feet with every step he took.
Adrien smiled softly. “It was nice. It felt like coming home.” He stopped walking. “You know, she was the first from the extended family to reach out after Father died. It was really nice
 It’s not like we really know each other. Mother never got to take me to see anyone in England. Father wouldn’t allow it. But still
FĂ©lix turned slowly and looked at Adrien, considering the way the light filtered through the trees on his cousin’s face. He clenched his fists a few times, relieving anxiety that had wrapped tightly around his forearms like shackles. “Colt wasn’t too keen on seeing the family, either. He’d received the imprimatur of our grandparents to marry Mum, but it wasn’t enough for him. As I got older, he was more
forcefully against it. Thought they were always judging him for being arriviste
 And he knew that selling weapons could never buy him passage through certain doors.”
Adrien closed the distance to FĂ©lix and put his hand on his cousin’s shoulder. “I used to be so jealous of you, that you lived closer to family.” His eyes were half-lidded in sympathy. “I’m sorry you had to—”
“I’m a sentimonster.”
Adrien’s hand flinched at the abrupt admission. “You’re a
” He swallowed. In the distance, a horse’s hooves thudded on the green.
“Well, sentibeing. Though I doubt Ladybug would be so charitable.” FĂ©lix smirked, but shifted nervously from one foot to the other.
“You’re a
 a sentibeing? H-how?”
“Well, when a man loves a woman very much, he acquires a magical jewel
Adrien took a step back and looked straight into FĂ©lix’s eyes. “FĂ©, I’m serious. How?Is that how you knew there was a Peacock Miraculous? Did you know Mayura’s identity and stole it from her? Or
did you know Hawkmoth?”
Adrien had gotten to the important questions faster than FĂ©lix had expected. The spectators in the distance politely applauded a performance, and he waited to see if Adrien would ask anything else—anything more pressingly personal. A minute passed, and Adrien was still looking at FĂ©lix with concern.
“Um, does this change how you see me?”
“What? Of course not. It’s like magical IVF, who cares? You’re still human.”
FĂ©lix breathed a sigh of relief.
“Does Ladybug know?”
“And she still trusts you to have a Miraculous?”
Adrien’s words had breathlessly fallen out of his mouth, and FĂ©lix wondered if this conversation was about something he hadn’t picked up on. Well, if Adrien was surprising him like this, then he might as well be honest with his cousin. “She does. Not that she has a choice. She’s not getting the brooch from me.” FĂ©lix huffed. “And to the extent she’s worried, it’s because—you might recall—I killed pretty much everyone on Earth so you and I could have some peace.“
Adrien looked down at the three rings on his hand.
FĂ©lix had been wondering lately about the one his cousin had been wearing before he put on the Graham de Vanily rings.
 I think I might be
FĂ©lix held his breath and let Adrien keep talking.
“We’re nearly twins. And your father had the Miraculous before he died
” A lone tear snaked its way down Adrien’s cheekbone and toward his chin. “FĂ©lix, who did you steal the Peacock from?”
A frustrated rider yelled at a horse in the distance.
“I didn’t steal it. I traded for it.”
Adrien looked down at his hands and fiddled with his fingernails. “But she told me he helped defeat Monarch
FĂ©lix remained silent.
“Why wouldn’t she
FĂ©lix put his hand on Adrien’s shoulder. “She was terrified to tell you, so I volunteered. Actually, I begged her to let me be the one to tell you.”
Adrien didn’t make eye contact. He kept his face toward the ground, sniffling. His shoulders and chest trembled. But as soon as it started, the quivering stopped, and he took one final sniff. He wiped his eyes and looked back at FĂ©lix, giving him a watery smile. “It’s like magical IVF. That’s what I just said, right?”
FĂ©lix wasn’t sure about this swift change in emotion. “
Right. But still, he was—”
“An asshole. And abusive.” Adrien laughed, a little wild, a little mirthful. “I guess that explains why I avoided Marinette. And why, after talking to Nathalie, that weird feeling stopped.” Adrien swallowed, his developing Adam’s apple bobbing as if it were tracking his acceptance of the truth. “Oh. Nathalie
“Mayura—well, Nathalie—made a girl like Ladybug, and then
and then she killed her. She knew she was like me, and she killed her!”
FĂ©lix felt his blood pressure rise. He hadn’t known about that. But he swiftly pressed the emotion down. “How are you feeling?”
Adrien smiled. “You know, I beat his ass the day he sent me to London.”
FĂ©lix’s eyes widened. “Really? Wow, cousin, I didn’t think you had it in you. And I’m surprised he didn’t stop you
Adrien pressed his tongue against the inside of his cheek, and then he spoke. “Who else knows? You, me, Ladybug, Nathalie
 I’m guessing your mom
“There’s this Super Guardian guy who probably knows about both of us.”
Adrien fiddled with his original ring, sliding his index finger and thumb along the smooth metal as he spun it. “Do you think I should tell Marinette?”
“That’s a decision I think you should make on your own. But I think she’ll surprise you. When I pretended to be you at the Diamonds’ Dance, she broke in, you know. She’s obviously in love with you. And she doesn’t care about the family name or anything. Actually I think she hated your dad.” 
Adrien laughed. “Yeah, there was this whole thing about pancakes she told me about. I don’t really get it, but you’re right.” He beamed with pride. “She’s so perceptive. She’d give Ladybug a run for her money in that department
 I called her that once, you know. My ‘Everyday Ladybug.’”
FĂ©lix choked back a laugh.
“Wait, have you told Kagami?”
“Oh, she has zero problem with the senti-stuff if you know what I’m saying.” FĂ©lix crossed his hands over his chest to signify a certain kind of prowess. He leaned in and cupped a hand to his mouth, pretending to share a secret. “Prestidigitation
It was typical of Adrien to turn everything back to others. Always trying to understand how everyone else felt, how everyone else was acting. He supposed it was the model training in Adrien, that he’d done so well because he’d learned to mimic and follow orders.
But could he blaze this path himself? FĂ©lix had struggled with it, and he had that rebellious streak, titanium lacing his backbone.
But Adrien had him. And Marinette. Ladybug. A family that loved him.
Just so long as Chat Noir didn’t come calling with a Cataclysm. Well, he’d skin the cat alive if he went after his cousin.
FĂ©lix looked down again at Adrien’s ring.
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saytr · 2 years ago
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fortuna-et-cataclysmos · 2 years ago
I just had an epiphany about... season 1, the Bubbler to be exact (better late than never eh?)
You think that Gabriel refuses to celebrate Adrien's birthday because he associates it with the day Emilie got sick and when he started to losing her?..
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sleepysebris · 2 years ago
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that's one way to find out @halfahelix brought up imagine adrien with the peacock and I didn't get very far with the rest of that thought cause this was the first horror to enter my brain after
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ponytailzuko · 2 years ago
"sentihumans are just like regular humans but made from magic!" is literally so boring to me. if youre gonna make sentis then have fun with it. i think adrien played a wax statue so well because he doesn't actually need to breathe and he only remembers to when people remind him about it.
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farancia · 2 months ago
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1 / 2
Completed the sentimonster collection from La Terreur ( @sillysiluriforme )
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wisteriasymphony · 7 days ago
Senti Claudia scenarioooo! I beg of youuuuu!
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Adrien spends the rest of his life wondering what riverbank the real Claudia's body washes up on while the replacement his dad made keeps being so nice and kind and openly affectionate in the ways the girl he fell in love with never would. Some real Silent Hill "Do I look like your girlfriend?"/'No, my late wife" type shit. If he can get through to her, though, maybe they can bond over being inferior copies of dead women.
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yunyin · 1 year ago
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Some sketches I've made for the (Fixed) Peacock AU! They're meant to be slightly aged up. I also gave Adrien a little brother (for plot reasons but also I love him)
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cu-sketcher · 2 years ago
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We’re the same, aren’t we-
Adrien and Felix fanart
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faiirygrahamdevanily · 8 months ago
🚘tatsu the car might be a senti here's why:
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🚘that car is simply too independent to be possible
🚘if it were an actual car, then why is tomoe gatekeeping that innovative car technology? why is her rich friend group still using regular cars with drivers?
🚘the amok might be in the seats, seatbelt or somewhere you automatically touch as a passenger so that you can speak your command and tatsu can obey
🚘gabriel saying "adrien noo!!" = kagami saying "tatsu let's go" which matches the theme of saying a sentis name followed by your command
🚘credits to this twitter post for the idea
🚘🩚argos being tatsus least favorite passenger post here
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artisyghostlybird-gelat · 27 days ago
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When your cousin is your mirror in more ways than not
1 /2 /3 /4 /5 /6 /7 /8 /9 /10 /11 /12 /13 /14 /15 /16 /17 /18 /19 /20 /21/22 /💛23💛 // ALL
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richardsphere · 2 months ago
S5: "Marinette is now considered an Adult by the narrative. Magic says so" S6:-Sublimation: "Marinette and Adrien are both cannonically their best possible selves. Magic says so". Congrats Tommy Ass-boy. You have succesfully denied yourself ANY excuse for Marinette's bullshit, both within the Watsonian and Doylist realm. She is now officially inexcusable. Cause now she's no longer "just a kid", nor is she "still learning/growing". In the eyes of the narrative, as stated textually and explicitly, She's now an adult (with all the responsibilities that entails) and incapable of further growth (with all the stasis that implies).
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purplecatghostposts · 3 months ago
Adrien, after Duusu accidentally stumbled across him detransforming: Shit— can you keep this a secret from FĂ©lix? No one is supposed to know!
Duusu: I already knew you were Chat Noir, don’t worry! FĂ©lix doesn’t know a thing!
Adrien: Thanks. I
 How did you know I was Chat Noir..?
Duusu: Oh that’s easy, it’s because—
Duusu, abruptly realizing that Adrien isn’t supposed to know about being a senti yet and that FĂ©lix is currently only on the second act of the long and elaborate play meant to explain everything to him:
Don’t worry about it!
Adrien, now sweating: I think I’m worrying more.
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sleepysebris · 2 years ago
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felix exuberating theater-kid energy nonstop this season just makes me imagine his pv chat noir design being a parody of adrien's chat noir
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eightofpents · 6 months ago
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season 6 let's gooooo
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