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artisyghostlybird-gelat · 15 days ago
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The Breakthrough
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faiirygrahamdevanily · 8 months ago
🚘tatsu the car might be a senti here's why:
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🚘that car is simply too independent to be possible
🚘if it were an actual car, then why is tomoe gatekeeping that innovative car technology? why is her rich friend group still using regular cars with drivers?
🚘the amok might be in the seats, seatbelt or somewhere you automatically touch as a passenger so that you can speak your command and tatsu can obey
🚘gabriel saying "adrien noo!!" = kagami saying "tatsu let's go" which matches the theme of saying a sentis name followed by your command
🚘credits to this twitter post for the idea
🚘🦚argos being tatsus least favorite passenger post here
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miraculous-floconfettis · 2 years ago
I just thought of something when watching Emotion again:
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When Félix tried to bring back Marinette and failed, we (as viewers), figured out fairly quickly it was because she was not Marinette at the moment but Ladybug. But Félix doesn't know that, so he was only thinking of Marinette as Marinette when he tried to bring her back, and he came to the conclusion that he couldn't control his powers as well as he thought he could (but we know it wasn't the case).
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So would that mean if Félix knew that Marinette was Ladybug, he could have brought her back? (I'm almost certain the answer is "yes").
And here comes the interesting part:
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Would that also mean for Adrien that as long as Gabriel doesn't know he's Chat Noir, Gabriel can control Adrien but cannot control Chat Noir (which is a significant advantage for Adrien even though he's not aware of it) (yet)?
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fortuna-et-cataclysmos · 2 years ago
Season 5 and the symbolism of pancakes
Guys, I swear I have a life outside of speculating the meaning behind pancakes in Miraculous...
But seriously, they're important. They symbolise the future (as made explicit in Pretention).
[Small note: they look like pancakes, they're called "pancakes" in the French dub, I don't know if they taste like pancakes, but I do know that they are not "French toasts" as the English dub claims. So I'll stick to "pancakes"]
So we are introduced to the pancakes in Illusion, where for the first time Adrien sees his father in the kitchen, preparing breakfast.
Seems benign enough. Gabriel is even considered enough to ask Adrien how he likes his pancakes. He likes them "well-toasted."
Illusion is an episode where Gabriel fakes having changed, and him giving Adrien a choice is in line what that change. Of course, he still manipulates him into making him think that he has the freedom to not be the face of the Alliance, by basically threatening to withhold his newly expressed fatherly love if Adrien refuses to agree with him (more on that in this post). Pancakes are just a device for Gabriel to add to his illusion of good parent, and the illusion that Adrien has a choice.
Adrien and Gabriel are in the kitchen. Adrien is looking at his extremely decorated pancakes.
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As we learn from Nathalie a second later, he likes his pancakes plain. She tells him to not eat them "to please his father", while Gabriel seemingly naively points out that if Adrien didn't want bananas, he could have told him.
Sure he could tell him, except that the last time Adrien asked for something from Gabriel -to not be the face of Alliance-, he emotionally manipulated him to withdraw his request, and even made him wear the said Alliance.
The bananas and the fancy toppings are basically a metaphor for the fancy model life Gabriel wants to give Adrien, while Adrien really doesn't want any of it. And just as many people like toppings on their pancakes, they also would like to have a life of fame, hence think Adrien is lucky (as seen in the S4 Finale). Meanwhile, Adrien doesn't want any of it, he likes his pancakes and and his life plain and simple, "au naturel".
Nonetheless, Adrien still continues eating his father's pancakes, saying that he doesn't mind, that he likes them.
This is where the pancake business gets serious.
First, we learn that indeed, Gabriel's pancakes taste bad. Plagg cheers for being saved from eating another serving of Gabriel's pancakes. This is bordering to over analysis but, given that Plagg couldn't eat them while Gabriel is in the kitchen, I assume that's Adrien's opinion which he must have confessed to Plagg at a more appropriate time. And still, Adrien keeps eating his father's pancakes.
Later in the episode, the pancake/future metaphor is expressed very clearly by Gabriel. He tells Marinette that she can have her pancake and life however she wants it, but the one thing she can't do is to share it with Adrien.
He says very clearly:
You think that you have a choice, but all you have is the illusion of a choice. And I decide which choices you get.
And where do we get this exact claim in practice? In the episode Illusion, where Gabriel manipulates Adrien into thinking that he has a say over his future, while Gabriel is the one making all the choices that matter.
And he gives two "choices" to Marinette:
To eat the pancake, receive Gabriel's backing and be a famous designer
To refuse the pancake and have nothing
Once more, the way he frames it, Gabriel gives the illusion that Marinette has a choice, while neither of the two choices includes being with Adrien. So he basically leaves her with no choice but to break up with him.
Now comes the breaking point. Marinette fully understands that the pancakes are a metaphor for her and Adrien's future, and she continues the same metaphor to get her message across to Gabriel (talk about power move).
First, she refuses to eat them. She has "lost her appetite."
This refusal is in contrast with Adrien who kept eating them even though he didn't like them. Unlike him, Marinette "doesn't even need to try them to know that they are bad."
Normally, this is to be understood as her making the choice no 2: refuse the pancake and have nothing.
As such, she is escorted out the kitchen. The scene composition clearly shows that she is stuck between Gabriel on the one side, and the Gorilla on the other.
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Because, she refused the pancake. Per Gabriel's rules, she is supposed to have nothing.
But Marinette defies that. Not only she runs upstairs to hug and tell Adrien that she'll never abandon him, but she also gets back downstairs without needing to be restrained by the Gorilla, hence protecting her composture.
Look at how she goes down the stairs, having not only the physical but also the moral high-ground:
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She looks so intimidating that in the next frame, even the Gorilla steps aside to let her pass. Both Gorilla and Gabriel are surprised by her move, if you zoom in you can see it in their faces. Gabriel did not expect her to do something outside the two "choices" he had given her.
And then comes the death blow, where Marinette tells Gabriel:
You know what's your pancakes problem? They have too much flour and not enough butter. You use an outdated recipe, no one likes them like that anymore.
Yup. She calls Gabriel's entire fashion, but also life practices, outdated with one simple metaphor. My girl slays.
At the end of Pretention, during dinner (no pancakes here sorry), we see that a parallelling breakthrough happens in Adrien's front.
Gabriel tells Adrien that he can spend as much as time as he wants with Marinette, for he will be in London next year. Again, Gabriel is creating the illusion that he is free to date Marinette, except that, as Adrien now realises, he is not. Adrien gets visibly furious at his father for the first time.
He does quickly calm down, but what is his reaction? He says that he has "lost his appetite," just like Marinette did. The boy who kept eating badly made pancakes with the toppings he didn't like finally refuses to eat the illusions his father is feeding him.
This, coupled with Adrien's terror at going to his room at the beginning of the episode, leaving Marinette alone despite himself, become a turning point for him: he finally acknowledges that he isn't free, and that his father keeps forcing his decisions onto him. Maybe also getting one step closer to discovering/accepting that he is a sentibeing.
All this story, told through pancakes.
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cardiac-agreste · 2 months ago
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The Demon Takes Two Chairs (Ao3)
Après moi, le déluge.
I'm excited to announce the release of chapter one of my new Miraculous longfic for @mlbigbang2024.
First, I want to thank @uptoolateart for generously beta reading this story. @supergirl9130 has provided art for the first chapter (click through to the work to see it!).
Thanks to @amarilke for some last-minute help as a fact-checker on ch1.
The story is canon divergent, but also somewhat canon adjacent given that much of canon has happened, but some of it in different ways. But, crucially, most of the identity reveals have not happened. I'd rather do those myself :) Think of it as Justice League meets Twelve Angry Men. Superheroes weighing the fate of the accused, except they all have reasons to resent each other (when you start thinking about it, there's a shocking amount of reasons in canon for there to be grudges and grievances!).
Nathalie Sancoeur has turned on Gabriel and gave information to Ladybug that led to his downfall. Now, her ragtag team of Miraculous holders must decide what to do with her while she is being held prisoner by Bunnyx in her time burrow.
Ladybug feels overwhelmed by all her allies’ differing opinions and by the revelation tonight that her boyfriend is a sentibeing. She sets out to convince them that Adrien Agreste’s closest quasi-family should be shown leniency. As the team debates Mme Sancoeur’s fate, old wounds are re-opened, and the team feels like it's falling apart.
Most painful of all is that Ladybug hasn’t seen Chat Noir in days.
Image: Mahna no Varua Ino (The Demon Speaks) [verso] by Paul Gauguin, 1893–94
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celestialtitania · 10 months ago
thinking about the collector and how gabriel was collecting all these things in his book for his meaningless collection. its the same way he went digging for the miraculous, originally pre canon i mean. i highly doubt his inital goal was ever to use the miraculous for anything let alone for a child.
no, i think he found out they existed and he, emile, and nathalie went searching for them on a whim...and then found them. and after finding them gabriel was more than happy to leave it all in his vault until he needed. so long as he was the one who "owned" them.
its very clear to see that he treats adrien the same way. making him take all those lessons, using him as the face of the company or for the alliance rings and otherwise ignoring him. but not ignoring enough to let adrien do his own thing, no, ignoring him by making stay in his room. making sure no matter what gabriel is still in control.
and clearly, he doesn't shy away from using the rings to give adrien commands either. when felix first took the ring i thought he wore emilie's as some form of obsessive romanticism to show he'd never get over her, but now i get that he needed it to immediately ensure his control over adrien didn't slip for a second.
and you know who else gabriel has complete control over? that's right, nooroo. i just think it would be so *healing* for adrien and nooroo to talk about their shared treatment and learn to move past it, since they're the only two who can truly understand what it was like. just something i like to think about, nooroo and adrien having long chats post them retrieving the butterfly.
adddd bonus, kwamis aren't technically human either, so forcing adrien to think of it that way would really help his sentibeing angst.
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fabseg-creator · 7 months ago
Cerisette/Lilanette: "Girls"'s Party ?
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From left to right: "Hoaxer", "Ladybug"/Sentibug, Marinette, Cerise/Blue Hera and "Volpina"
I made a unimaginable sketch today.
We can see Marinette and a Peacock Cerise (a.k.a. Blue Hera) are hugging each other. But some unexpected guests make their entrances.
The two lovers are joined by three unordinary "girls": Ladybug, Volpina and Hoaxer.
These three
Marinette feels strange about being dated by Cerise transformed into Blue Hera but it looks like this situation wasn't enough for her. Now she is seeing two akuma clones of Lila and her own superheroin counterpart existing at the same place. That makes the bakery girl confused.
Marinette becomes more confused and blushed when her "other self" and Lila's "akumatized counterparts" come closer to her and Blue Hera: the trio hug the couple.
And Blue Hera confesses to Marinette the special gift for their date: The three unexpected people are in fact sentimonsters the Peacock girl created. All their births were based on the emotions of love, passion, fantasy, affection and attraction that Cerise had towards Marinette.
Blue Hera has brought her three sentibeings to her date with Marinette for making this moment more exciting. More funny. More loveable.
The date takes the form of a girl's party or a night trip.
Girls just want to have fun !
The Blue Hera (Peacock Cerise) post here:
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xylem-sap · 9 days ago
Guys u don't understand I live for the the day Adrien finds out hes a sentibeing, you csnt tell me it won't be the msot heartwrenching thing you'll ever see (as long as they do it right smh)
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ilikelookingatthings · 11 months ago
Does anyone else feel like its weird that Miraculous Ladybug acts like I should be fine with Adrien's mom dying? and that's its wrong to try to save her?
Like....fridging trope aside.....Arguable Gabe has the most sympathetic reasoning for wanting to become a villain...he is trying to get the ladybug and Chat noir miraculous to make a wish to fix/heal his wife out of her coma which she only entered due to Magic from using a broken Peacock.
His plan makes sense...he can't go to a guardian for help because he doesn't know fu exists at that point and all the other guardians are gone. He's rich so had already used all the science money can buy plus anything he can glean from their not properly translated miraculous book, and its not working. And he clearly had tried to find the miraculous by normal means but couldn't find it outside of narrowing it down to France(unless the plan was that the TV would showcase his akuma villain so the miraculous holders would be activated and come find them from afar which also works).
So, the only way to find the creation and destruction miraculous was to use the pattern shown through history that if a villain appeared that the cat and ladybug miraculous would be activated to deal with it. He pretends to be a villain, amplifies his own negative emotions and simplifies what he wants so it's easier to project it on his victim. He chooses negative emotions because someone vulnerable will be more likely to say yes as he still needs consent, and a villain is the best option to get attention and draw them out. Then he would get the chance to steal the miraculous...which then he could release the victim (who wouldn't know what they did minimizing trauma) where he could reverse all the damage with the newly stolen creation miraculous.
and he knows if he loses the damage would be reversed by the ladybug anyway. and by showing his hawkmoth persona people have someone to blame aside from his Akuma victim. and Gabe knows he can take the powers if it goes too far and that he can talk to his victim and use a brain zap connection check them if they get too out of hand..so while Gabe is still horrible for taking advantage of a (usually a teens) negative emotions to try to steal the miraculous after making a scene and alarming the city of Paris...he arguable has a plan that minimizes the risk and damage where he has to get consent from his victim(they have to agree to the powers and that he persuaded them). and the plan is to heal his wife who can walk back into her life using the 'missing' cover...probably something like her going away for a secret treatment she didn't know would work ect. and Gabe knows i he wins that he just wants to save a loved one(doesn't erase the fear since people don't know what he wants and just because he has the illusion of control it doesn't change people were in real danger.
Its just....Yes he's horrible but he also knows any damage he makes will be reversed and he had no contact with the guardians so it would have been pretty understandably if he didn't really understand how the wish works since the 'Detroy and rewrite the world' sounds like bullshit and a price to heal someone from something the miraculous caused would be hard to fathom or easy to brush aside at first. We've seen Mari justify risky moves because she knows Damage will get reversed at times...and unlike a lot of villains at least Gabe had a failsafe with the Ladybug miraculous and how he hadn't planned to torment Paris and just wanted a quick in and out wish.
Its just weird the show acts like the BEST course of action is just to completely accept Emelie's death....like this isn't natural sickness...this is a miraculous caused one so I wouldn't just accept it easier...even more she isn't dead yet...if she was dead and buried I'd understand the point of him having to accept and move on...but contrary to how its coffin shaped...it's not actually a coffin...it's a healing coma stasis pod.
I mean sure we could argue that if the wish destroys the world that its bad completely even if everything is rewritten (side eyeing the time travel episodes a bit but eh)....but considering how strongly he tries to convince Adrien about his mom being 'missing' and his desperation when the power almost went out due to the power surge during the guys' party....Gabe at least through most of the seasons didn't seem to be banking on the 'remake everything' part and was aiming for the healing her/waking her up part...like was it that someone else would have to go into a coma which would be better than death at least?
it's just I understand that a message can be accepting to let people go when there are no other options but the whole point of science and doctors is to have a fighting chance...and it feels weird to be told to give up is the right thing to do when she isn't dead, and a common 'miracle' is someone being healed.
Like...why is the show trying to get me to ship Gabe and Nathalie at times when Gabe's ONE redeeming feature is that he loves his wife and wants to save her...I mean i like the drama by why act like its some fix? that if Gabe has a replacement, he should stop trying to save her? Even more its not like Gabe is the only one who wants her back...Nathalie clearly thought she was worth it enough to side with this crazy plan, and wanting to bring back the emotionally competent parents' kind of makes sense for Gabe since he clearly didn't prepare to be a single parent.
And like....I'm gonna be honest the thing that bothers me the most if her having videos saying she wants Gabe to give up....like I get...a just in case video...but would it be wrong if the mom WANTED to be saved? Would Emelie wanting to live be selfish?
Also she tends to be treated like a saint character...perfect sweet person dead mom architype. We are all familiar....
But it feels odd people don't address the aspects of her character we DO know. We know Gabe compared Chat noir to Adrien's mom Favorably when Chat ripped him to shreds so to speak in Simon Says when Gabe was being too lighthearted about the danger Gabe was personally in. implying, she often roasted Gabe in a similar way...and considering Gabe as strong parallels personality wise to Marinette...it strengthens the hint that Emelie is also closure to Adrien in their dynamic.
Like....What if the issue is that Emelie was the one super excited about miraculous and using them and didn't check it was safe to use the peacock. Where she overlooked the side affects and kept using it anyway until it was too late? Something that could parallel how Adrien when he first got Plagg got so excited he accept the powers without finding out the details as well as Adrien being a bit reckless when it comes to his OWN well-being in his confidence. Like...she wanted a baby, but she couldn't have one naturally so wanted to use the peacock instead of invitro or adoption and she was stubborn about it. Ignoring Gabe who would be more cautious about its view (similar to how Marinette is more cautious and collects info and makes plans to contrast Adrien who jumps right in first). Her kindness in making a baby for others like Kagami for Kagami's mom and Felix for her sister. Maybe Emilie tried doing good with the peacock or heck even the butterfly before...but Emilie being reckless led to her not realizing the affect it would have on her family if something happened to her. Emilie was also really talented in her own right both as a model and an actress(even if she only acted a little in that one movie)...but if she's similar to Adrien in how he tends to be naturally supportive and empathetic....what if she was a great source of help for Gabe who struggled a bit with that...especially with him trying to impress her old money family with his new money riches....
like it would make Sense of Gabe wants to help her /save her or might blame himself for not stopping her...even more if she believes in him like how chat believes in LB/Mari.
It just feels unfair that the show seems to act like it's just the only option that Adrien's mom would be understanding about them letting her die/go instead of trying to save her when most of them would have no reason to understand or believe the weight of the wish would be THAT bad.
and if Gabe's plan was always to switch with the mom (similar to how Nathalie was healed but he was gone) ...would the mom know and be worried because she wanted Gabe to be, okay?
Like I wish there was a bit more nuance we were shown...like was she reckless in using it...whether through genuine good or selfish intentions but not bad? what about how she was also super protective of Adrien...like its not just Gabe who made Adrien homeschool...it was the mom...and Adrien was more or less fine with it still his mom disappeared and he was struck with his grieving dad who was NOT taking it well and who (WE know) was probably trying to find way to fix the mom and putting Adrien second to try to fix her faster for Adrien's sake...forgetting Adrien couldn't be that understanding since to Adrien his mom disappeared while Gabe at least knew she was alive and Adrien didn't know his dad was taking care of his mom.
Was she a little vain or shallow? at all dramatic like Adrien? would she sneak out at times? Was the mom at all paranoid or overprotective about Adrien? Was she overly affectionate hence why Adrien might struggle with certain personal space issues at times?
Its just..Gabe has the energy of someone who kind of had to pick up being hawkmoth out of necessity like Mari did to help save Paris(or alya Infront of her)...only for him his Paris was Emelie...also according to how Gabe responded to Chat in Simon says...did she put Gabe in his place? get annoyed at him or think that Gabe was too reckless with himself like how Mari at times can be confident and not realize the danger she puts herself in?
We know the mom was adventurous and directly was part of that expedition to find the miraculous with Gabe and Nathalie and that they liked to travel often. We also know as much as Gabe loves his wife....he isn't a big fan of her sister even if Adrien and Felix would hang out more often before.
I mean...Emelie doesn't have to be evil or anything, but I would like a bit more nuance to her...
Honestly, I half wonder if Emelie had actually made a wish before and that's why she wants Gabe to give up.
What if Gabe had actually been the one to suffer the consequences of the peacock before and Emelie had been the Hawkmoth...only to succeed and change things so SHE used it instead so Gabe would live in her place...trying to stop him from burning himself out with those videos.
Also...people give Gabe flack for not going back in time to stop Emilie from using the peacock...but if she did that...wouldn't that have stopped Felix, Kagami and especially Adrien his own son from existing?
Like its the easiest route to fix Emilie but it could risk the existence of their kid so is it really the most obvious choice that Gabe failing to see means he's just too far gone that the show is trying to pretend it was?
Also has anyone heard the Theory that Emilie and Amelie were also sentibeings as well?
or that Adrien is based on them losing a kid together? or him being half a sentibeing?
Also....if they were going to save Nathalie with Gabe dying....Why not just have Gabe trade himself for his wife anyway? why can't both Nathalie and Emelie be saved?
like morally I think Gabe thinking it would be better if Adrien had emelie instead of Gabe could be interesting since she seems better at emotions and was the more emotion focused parent...but that could also show the flaw of when you focus on your 'role' of what your good at and forget to practice the other aspects of parenting...relying on the other person for the other aspects instead of you both equalizing it out? would Adrien agree? or be devastated his dad felt it would have been preferable if Gabe died instead of Emilie?
also...why not just have them offer the guardians to help save Emelie? show that the wish isn't necessary and get experts in who can help combined with science since she technically isn't dead?
also... what if that's a decoy and the real Emelie is somewhere else?
I'm just saying them finding those videos all the way in season 5 after THIS long just saying Gabe should let Emilie go feels pretty convenient.
Also...what happens if Adrien finds out the truth and uses a wish to bring both of his parents back but at the cost of himself?
Would potentially Amelie pretend to be Emilie and make the videos? similar to felix?
Or get desperate to save her sister now that she knows she was in trouble/in a coma?
Also...I get Adrien tends to be the 'move forward type when you can't change anything' and he was probably just trying to be calmer and accept things to contrast how his dad was stuck and how Adrien pieced together his mom was sick and her 'disappearing' was probably his mom running away to die where her family couldn't see her since they had tried to keep it from Adrien...and that his dad was in denial about it and Adrien came to terms by himself.
but it feels odd they have Adrien be so accepting I guess? like if he was more in denial how would that have affected marinette on the subject? though I get his dad not giving up easily when emilie isn't dead and he has seen her in the pod.
Though imagine if the mom DID come back a the end with the 'missing' excuse as a cover still.
Also... Nathalie basically enabled Gabriel into his death...i wonder how Nathalie would feel about that now or about Emelie after the taps...like I haven't forgotten the guy almost gave up being hawkmoth but Nathalie encouraged him to continue!
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monpetitchattriste · 2 years ago
At first I wasn't a fan of Adrien being a sentibeing but now I really connect with it.
Adrien has to deal with this struggle of being pulled by so many different strings. From what his father wants and expects him to do, to what others expect from him.
He is constantly being forced to do what others what him to do without any say. He does try to push back and resist it but eventually he givens in.
Having Adrien be a Senti is an easy way to show that it's hard to say no to things you don't want to do, especially when it comes to parental figures.
We all want to live up to what our parents want from us and that's a hard thing to do. But we also want to love our life in the way we choose. But making that choice is hard when you don't want to disappoint people.
He wants his father's love and support so at first he is willing to listen. But as Adrien grows he starts to see that his father doesn't always have his best interests in mind and wants to use him as a pawn. Yet Adrien still for the most part obeys because he is reward with love when he does.
I guess my point is that it is hard to go against other people's wishes and its hard to say no sometimes even when we really want to. And Adrien being a sentibeing is a great way to show that in my opinion. Cause he can break free from the control I know he can.
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thechatsmeouch · 13 days ago
if i see one more post on reddit asking if it’s canon that adrien is a sentibeing, i’m gonna flip a table
YES IT IS CANON are we all watching the same show??
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artisyghostlybird-gelat · 16 days ago
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When the news break
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faiirygrahamdevanily · 8 months ago
💍🪶graham de vanily twin rings casually being purified
💍🪶Everyone comparing the galaxy ring ad to alliance BUT what about the graham de vanily twin rings being purified into a feather right in front of our eyes?!?
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mmikmmik2 · 11 months ago
Black comedy fanfiction idea
Félix randomly finds some jewelry containing an amok in the Agreste mansion or in the Grand Paris. Who the fuck is that?? From research and interrogating Nathalie and Duusu, Kagami and Félix narrow it down to Chloé or Zoé.
Félix and Kagami being forced to ask bizarre and intrusive questions and make themselves look even weirder than usual while trying to figure out which of them it could be, without crossing an ethical line by using their amok. What if it's both girls and there's still a lost amok floating around somewhere??
Félix, believing it is wrong to hold on to another person's amok forever even if he would just be keeping it safe and not using it, coming up with absurd and melodramatic schemes to give Chloé (presumably hates him and Kagami, currently lives on a different continent) or Zoé (not close to either of them and has no reason to trust them afaik) a random piece of jewelry and convince them to keep it safe forever and never ever ever lose it or damage it or let anyone else touch it, without having to answer any followup questions, possibly while in disguise
Félix, grasping at straws, keeps suggesting murdering Audrey and Kagami is like "you cannot start a relationship with unsolicited parent murder, we have been over this"
Zoé finding out she's a sentibeing would be so funny because like. She is a relatively normal person and she already had So Much family drama and now this is happening to her. Can she get a break.
I think Chloé finding out about sentibeings would not give a shit about what Félix and Kagami want and would start yelling about it to whoever she wants. I think her and Adrien should both be like "we're sentimonsters" together in a kinda-reclaiming it way and kinda-beating themselves up way and have terrible sentibeing terminology discourse with Félix
Everyone wants to know why tf Audrey has a sentibeing kid and an until-further-notice mundane kid and is coming up with elaborate theories. It turns out she was asking tons of invasive questions about the Graham de Vanily twins' fertility, Gabriel and Emilie (who didn't want her to suspect they personally own multiple powerful magical artifacts because she sucks) panicked and basically claimed they Know A Guy for magic kids, and Audrey accidentally came away with the impression that senti-kids are exclusive and trendy. Like purse dogs.
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bellzsad · 1 year ago
I believe Emilie just created a fetus/fertilized egg Sentimonster that was implanted into her womb that slowly developed into Adrien
yeah, i agree, i think that IF adrien is half sentimonster/half human then this is how it wouldve happened.
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cardiac-agreste · 8 months ago
Tell me, why do you bring up real life issues whenever people talk about sentibeing stuff?
Based on your username, I assume that you are a writer (and tall, but that's not relevant here). So I'll answer your question with a question:
Do you use real-life issues to write your stories?
If you do, why do you disapprove of a reader doing the same thing?
Art is made to move people emotionally. You can't be moved emotionally without connecting yourself to the story. I'm not even sure something can be art when its beholders separate the work from real-life issues.
I'm not saying the work has to be overtly political, but it still needs to relate to the real world. Joanie is sad because Chachi was late for their date. "Oh, that reminds me of a time my wife was late for our plans!"
The sentibeing stuff is so transparently a metaphor for alternative conception methods. I'm old enough to remember that "test-tube baby" was used as an insult, and religious groups tried to get the practice banned. Before my time, federal research funding was denied. The practice left the US to be developed abroad for a while because of this. I think the first IVF birth was in the US, but after that it shifted to the UK and Australia.
And even decades before that, the term "test-tube baby" was used pejoratively against births conceived via artificial insemination. (I also remember this term being used pejoratively in media in the 80s and early 90s.)
Gabriel and Emilie couldn't conceive. Eventually, they used a technology that enabled it.
Because she was an actress and a member of the English nobility, we can assume she carried a baby for approximately nine months and delivered him. We can assume this because there's no way she could have magically had a baby one day without having been pregnant; British tabloids would've had a field day about the "fake kid" "staining" the BRF or whatever.)
I don't understand why people have a problem with that, but it smells too much like religious bigotry of the 70s. Actually, it smells like 2024. Did you know the largest religious group in the USA, the Southern Baptist Convention, just voted to oppose IVF in June?
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