2 posts
ABOUT KISHIBE CAFE— Kishibe Cafe, based in Taipei Taiwan, is a specialty coffee house with a name similar to Kishibe Rohan. The cafe also serves as an alternative space where we host multiple exciting live performances and art exhibitions from time to time. The cafe does not (and will never) have human managers in charge. We would be super glad to have cute cats, dogs, and other nonhuman animals to be our one-day managers. uwu.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
kishibecafe-info · 2 years ago
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在岸畔咖啡,每個月都會不定時的有靜態展覽或動態活動,同時也是絕對動物友善空間,歡迎有空來坐坐。 如果要說開設在同安街這邊有甚麼未來期待嗎?黃動物說:「也許我們可以來做一種不同於典型的在地文化創生試試看?」所謂典型,即是環繞於經濟與政治面向在臺灣所推動的地方創生;但就古亭一帶來說,實則沒有這方面的問題,所以這個嘗試並不是將地方商業化,而是另一種挖掘的過程。「遊戲的重點在於過程」,這過程中,自由與審美是其必要條件,如果將「開一間咖啡廳」變成包含了這些要點的行動,那麼,我們何嘗不能認為這是一個集體創作的有機作品呢?大家一起來玩吧! 
Kishibe Cafe is a coffee house embedded in an alternative space that adheres to the idea of art. The owner, Eri Huang (aka Yellow Animal), is simultaneously a researcher, musician, and coffee roaster. According to him, the purpose of setting up Kishibe Cafe precisely fulfills what he needs in terms of self-identity. Due to serendipitous encounters, the scenic riverside of Kishu An Forest of Literature becomes the ideal location for the coffee house, from which the surroundings and the cultural ambience rightfully live up to Huang’s expectations. 
In Kishibe Cafe, we will arrange various art exhibitions and live performances on a monthly basis; we also offer a pet-friendly (animal-friendly) environment for you to chill and relax. Feel free to join us and enjoy a nice cup of coffee. In addition, we might ask, what sort of expectations do we have while we choose to start our coffee house in this neighborhood on Tong’an Street? Huang contends that, “perhaps we could try to construct a different paradigm of local and cultural innovation?” The idea of paradigm here pertains to the placemaking of economic and political innovation proposed in Taiwan; however, the area of Guting might not need to endure such revitalization. Hence, the innovative attempt will not be focusing on the commercialization of this locality; rather, the attempt presents another way of excavation. “The highlight of a game lies in the process.” In this process, freedom and taste are the necessary conditions. If “opening a coffee house”  becomes the activity that embodies what we have discussed above, then, why don’t we consider this act as an organic piece of work that is collectively and synergistically produced and created. Let’s join and play this game together! 
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kishibecafe-info · 2 years ago
Kishibe Cafe 岸畔咖啡
岸畔咖啡,一家坐落於岸邊路畔的自家烘焙咖啡館,也是黏著於藝文的咖啡替代空間。我們不定期舉辦各種活動,動靜皆宜。本店無人類店長,永遠都不會有,非常歡迎可愛貓貓狗狗及其他非人類動物來當一日店長。ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ
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岸畔咖啡 Kishibe Cafe
咖啡 • 甜點 • 場地租借 • 藝文展演
Kishibe Cafe
Specialty Coffee.Desserts.Art Space.Event Venue Rentals
No. 90-1, Tong’an Street, Taipei Taiwan
1-8 pm, Tues-Sun (Closed on Mondays)
For inquires, collabs, or reservations, please send us a message on Instagram or Facebook.
If you have other questions or comments, please contact Mr. or Miss Huang at [email protected]
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