#sensory arfid
themogaidragon · 1 year
Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) Pride Flag
PT: Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder Pride Flag /end PT
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ID: a flag with seven horizontal stripes of the same size. Their colors are, from top to bottom, green, light green, greenish grey, dark red, greenish grey, light green and green. END ID
I’ve redesigned the AFRID pride flag a second time. You can find my first edit of it here (link). The AFRID flag has been designed by @nightmare-cubed (link). Also the base for the template used for eating disorders flags is inspired from someone who apparently supports the transabled movement (link), this is also why I'm currenlty redesigning the eating disorders flags. Please check the blog @transcendent-mogai-pride-flags (link) for more information.
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autball · 1 year
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Pick your battles...but not this one. Put this one back.
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 11 months
Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID)
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Spectrum Sloth
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signedjehanne · 1 year
people on tumblr will literally post things like “you have to eat vegetables and expand your palate i dont care if you are a picky eater because of autism (if i can overcome it you can too)” and everybody will reblog it being like “yes this is true for everybody no matter what” and think its okay. like sorry but that wont work for everyone and there is no one size fits all and some people will never be able to eat these things no matter how hard they try. im only allowed by my doctors to eat recreationally and not for nutrition, because my ARFID is so severe that i get my nutrition solely from a specially made formula drink. your suggestions of “try vegetables roasted!” or “try them in soup!” and assurances of “i did it, you can too!” don’t work for those of us with more severe mental illnesses and disabilities. stop tying a person’s worth to their diet and stop assuming everybody has the ability to do what you can.
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lokilysolbitch · 9 months
i keep explaining personality traits and quirks as "it's the autism" and i think it's starting to get taken as me exaggerating but i'm NOT. i buy tennis shoes too big bc i will have a meltdown if i can feel the end of the shoe on my toes. it's the autism. i got my first pair of non-jean pants recently and i am a full grown adult. every pair of pants except these will have me crying in the fitting room from sensory issues. it's the autism. the pants are high waisted and i wear them low. sensory need. it's the autism. 90% of my shirts are plant themed. special interest. it's the autism. i don't try new foods until a specific time when the Vibe Is Right. because most the time new sensory input will make me literally gag regardless of if i like the taste. autism. i'll pause a movie to do a deep dive of a side characters medication. pharmacology special interest. i took intro to pharmacology, human diseases, medical terminology, etc in college for FUN. i am not normal about it. it is not a normal interest. it's the autism. it's the autism. it's the autism. do you want me to show you where it falls under in the dsm criteria for autism each time i say it's the autism? do you want me to cite my sources when i say that the fact i've been eating cheerios for most of my meals is the autism? because i can ! do you wanna know whyyyy i will eagerly back myself up?
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autism-affirmations · 2 years
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genshinatemybrain · 1 month
neuvillette headcanon: sigewinne doesn't just ask after neuvillette's health because she's worried, she asks because he has always struggled to maintain a healthy diet amidst his significant food aversion issues.
neuvillette struggles immensely with dry, thick, chewy, creamy, etc. food textures, and will usually reject them in favor of thin, watery options like light soups and juicy produce. unfortunately, these items aren't particularly calorie-dense, leading to nutritional deficits that always and inevitably catch up with the iudex.
bonus wriolette/neuvithesley headcanon: wriothesley sets his preference for barbecue aside while he learns to make sensory-friendly dishes that still fulfill neuvillette's nutritional needs.
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five-pillows · 4 months
Food sensory issues is just everyone calling you a picky eater whenever you refuse to eat a food that makes you physically retch or gag or any other visceral reaction of disgust and/or pain
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michaelitheocelot · 1 month
An opinion I have that would probably be a hot take anywhere else but is lukewarm on tumblr is that i think hating on picky eaters is more childish than being one. Like why does it make you so upset that someone has a limited list of foods they enjoy. Unless you’re a parent/guardian who has a hard time making meals for everyone in your care, that does not affect you in any way dawg.
It’s especially childish when it comes to hating on people who complain about the texture of food. “I hate it when people blame their picky eating on hating a texture!!” Thinly veiled ableism aside, that has to be the most valid reason to not like a food!! Someone eating mushrooms makes them feel like they’re gonna throw up, and you’re MAD?? You’re MAD about that??? GROW UP!!
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yourfavisasamefooder · 11 months
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Leatherface/Bubba Sawyer from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre series, Hannibal Lecter from Silence of the Lambs/Hannibal, and every member of the Wiskayok Yellowjackets team from Yellowjackets are samefooders! Their safe food is human meat!
Happy Halloween!
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xmcu-fietro · 1 year
I wish more people knew about ARFID and how much it can affect you. As someone who has it, it’s so discouraging seeing people every now and then online (or irl) make fun of people for being “picky eaters” who see it as a sign of immaturity. It doesn’t matter how old and mature I get, that doesn’t make my sensory issues and lack of hunger cues from bad interoception somehow disappear.
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autie-hobbit · 2 months
I was watching a video yesterday, and in it was a clip where a guy was like, "The other day, I made a video making fun of picky eaters, and I got a bunch of comments going "But I'm Autistic". Well, obviously you're exempt, I wasn't talking about you."
Okay, so, who were you talking about? Who isn't exempt? What is your criteria for an acceptable and an unacceptable picky eater, and why? How do you know that the person you are making fun of isn't Autistic? Or doesn't have some other medical condition that causes food restrictions?
The short answer is that you don't. You don't know. You have absolutely no way of knowing. That person you deemed acceptable to make fun of for being a picky eater because they refuse to eat vegetables is very likely Autistic.
"Well, if they’re being entitled-" So it's actually entitled people you don't like, and not picky eaters? Also, I have seen so many picky eaters get called entitled despite not acting as such, simply for being picky in the first place, so I don't even really trust this assessment.
Literally, the amount of times I've seen people accusing picky eaters of being entitled for bring their own food to like a dinner or something is too many to count. Like, they literally accommodated themselves! What more do you want?!
Most people that are extreme picky eaters, are not picky by choice. And I'd say that most of those people are picky due to medical conditions like ARFID or other sensory issues. There is no "acceptable" picky eater to make fun of. Ever.
Unless you are the one directly caring for, and feeding said picky eater, it literally does not affect you. Leave picky eaters alone.
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Today, I did a thing: For the first time in six months, I tried my once favourite same food that was inedible for me.
I said, "I have to try it again."
Mikey got my "favourite" brand of joghurt for me a few days ago from the store. I didn't dare to touch it & every time I opened the fridge, it smiled at me.
"I know you want to, Donatello."
It's a plant-based vanilla joghurt. The best there is according to my autistic brain.
I took a deep breath, took the joghurt out of the fridge & opened it.
The same smell, the same look, the same texture.
I acquired my favourite spoon from a drawer & stirred around in it.
"Will I be able to eat it?"
I did want to. That's why it is here, in our kitchen.
I swallowed my fear & put a tiny amount of joghurt in my mouth.
The vanilla flavour exploded in my brain, a pleasant surprise, since the taste & texture of joghurt had left me gagging & crying months ago. The pure scent of it had scared & disgusted me.
And now my brain vibrated happily, yet it was still concerned about it.
With reason.
What if it turns out to have a sudden icky texture or flavour? What if I'll get sick?
I tasted every part that made up the flavour.
The vanilla. The soy. The sugar.
"I knew you'd love me again."
The first impression made me feel like a hero.
I was confronted with a decision. Will I try to add things to it? Just like I used to do it?
My brain hissed at the thought of it.
'No, I can't.'
So I ate an apple & some nuts & a tiny amount of joghurt all separated from each other in a row: first the nuts, then the apple, then the joghurt. In that exact other, any deviance is forbidden.
And in this moment, all by myself in our kitchen, I happily jumped up & down, crying tears of relief.
I feel like I've made a big accomplishment.
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21stc3nturyd1gitalb0y · 5 months
not sensory seeking, not sensory avoidant, but a secret third thing (both at the same time)
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awenaeon · 5 months
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This is my first post, figured I'd open with some jokes.
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no unsafe foods will make it to my mouth thanks
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