#I’m sure it’s not uncommon
21stc3nturyd1gitalb0y · 3 months
not sensory seeking, not sensory avoidant, but a secret third thing (both at the same time)
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otaku553 · 11 months
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3 of them!
The third and final part of turning me and my siblings into demon slayers: my brother! He’s the only one out of the three of us that exercises regularly and actually does martial arts so he gets to be the strongest :P he’s also the tallest, like 10 whole inches taller than both me and my sister but he’s actually the middle child! And he’s only a year and a half older than me :)
For his weapon I wanted something similar to a staff but also containing a blade, because he showed me some staff forms one time for his martial arts club and it was really cool :0 so I’m not sure how viable the twin-blade staff would actually be in battle or how it would be made (but if the sword smith village can make kanroji a whole whip out of a metal blade then I think they can definitely make a scabbard out of metal). The way it works is that when sheathed, the blade is a full staff, and either side individually can unsheathe to make a spear. It can also separate down the middle to become two swords, which is much more effective for traditional breathing styles. Shougen is the only one strong enough out of the siblings to fight effectively without the assistance of wisteria poison.
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frnkiebby · 4 months
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kicktwine · 10 months
alphinaud and alisaie are an example of siblings written by people who know siblings very well and choose to have them call each other brother and sister, proving that telling people not to write this quirk because it gives away that you’re an only child is just shorthand for how it’s a common warning indicator of thoughtless sibling writing and isn’t actually the problem itself
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crtter · 28 days
I’m pretty much unable to burp, actually. Could never do it properly. I make an involuntary noise that sounds like a gurgling stomach at random when opening my mouth to speak or yawn sometimes instead, and that’s about it. Kind of weird, huh?
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planet4546b · 4 months
ffxiv 24 person raids are so funny to me. we need the whole team AND the bench for this one
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mangakachan · 9 months
I’m not even done plotting the outline for AUU and my brain has decided, “Hey! You should do a side story of Fakir and Duck’s wedding?”
agshsuahdhdksjs, like, I’m not even done with the main story, stop throwing more ideas at me, brain! 😫
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unforgivingchorus · 10 months
I’ve slowly been catching up with miraculous ladybug after like 6 years of not interacting with it, and why is my girl Mari doomed by the narrative. She was going through enough she doesn’t need this
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oscargender · 9 months
Oscar and Andre are so necrocav coded send tweet
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Why do I never understand what is normal? What media is popular? what hobbies are considered weird? what normal people are interested in?
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ofliterarynature · 9 months
I’m poking around eBay trying to price my copies of the Shadow and Bone series (original covers in paperback) and someone sold *one* for $40 and I’m 😮
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elendsessor · 10 months
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the complete pax haul! aka things you can bully me for getting.
yeah vlr’s still haunting me somehow and i take finding a copy of 999 as another reason. (watched a youtuber i used to watch often play it. don’t remember much about 999 except that it was really good. may play it sometime soon.) also have a boxed copy of the first fossil fighters game so good to have the sequel boxed is neato. the atlus booth was handing out free p3r tote bags so i got one. bought the 30th anniversary poster but it got slightly curved in the (not pictured) second tote bag they gave me lol. finally got a foxy plush after wanting one for so long yet never getting it since i thought it would be cringe but fuck it gonna make 12 y/o me happy. also used this as an opportunity to expand my pin collection and stuff to attach onto my messenger bag :)
there was a lot of stuff i also wanted but i didn’t want to spend too much plus 90% of merch that was being sold is also easily available online (i’m sure there’s some pax only merch i unintentionally glossed over not including merch promoting pax). only got some in person because why tf not. at least i learned about a couple more game stores i can check out once i get that collecting kick again. and on a semi unrelated note thank you to the aerith cosplayer who was super in character by handing me one of the flowers in her bouquet. i’m somewhat allergic and the smell of flowers overstimulates me yet i appreciated it a lot.
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inga-don-studio · 11 months
Then again maybe I’m getting overly excited because for the first time this week it’s finally cool enough to have a coherent thought about anything besides ‘how do I keep my brain from boiling in this heat?’
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bassforte · 1 year
My mom just unearthed a recipe called “Better Than Sex Cake” from my grandparents.
I want to make this cake so bad now.
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zahri-melitor · 1 year
Wow. Robin #112-#115 are…certainly more into the magic and monsters of DC than is usual for the title.
A Valkyrie talking to Jack! Tim probably accessing fairy roads to get around the countryside with the help of Stephen, who seems to have some sort of magic/wizardry. That rather complex and disgusting gun runner/survivalist/Amish Wrestlers plot.
It’s an interesting direction. I’m not against it, but it’s rather out of left field for the usual tone of Robin.
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wlwgang · 5 months
New coworker named Ronan I’m gonna be so normal abt it
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