#sensitive bunny
adhd-coyote · 24 days
General Kenobi was antsy. It was hard to see, but vode were excellent at observing and translating body language. Something was making the General nervous.
Should Cody ask? The General wouldn’t keep something from them, right? He seemed to care for the clones, at least from what Cody had observed.
Cody would ask. It should be fine.
“General Kenobi, sir?”
The General startled—just barely—and looked his way. “Yes, Commander?”
“Are you…” Cody searched for the right word, “…alright? You seem… anxious.”
“Oh.” There was that smile, the small one General Kenobi used when he was trying to be reassuring. “I’m alright. I just…” His smile dropped, and his gaze turned distant. “I have a bad feeling.”
“I have a bad feeling.”
Cody looked to his left, where Fox always stood. Fox, who had a furrowed brow, a small frown, and a distant look in his eyes.
Cody tilted his head. “What kind of bad feeling?”
Fox’s frown deepened, before he sighed and shook his head. “I dunno. Just… bad.” He looked to Cody, relaxing ever so slightly when their eyes met. “Be careful during today’s exercise, yeah?”
“‘Course, Fox’ika,” Cody smiled and pressed their shoulders together. “I’m always careful.”
Careful didn’t account for a malfunctioning speeder bike. Cody was lucky the crash hadn’t taken his eye out, but he’d be laid up in medbay for a few days and have a wicked new scar.
They all started paying more attention to Fox’s bad feelings after that.
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beforeimdeceased · 10 months
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pairing: mean/cruel ellie x sensitive/emotional reader.
synopsis: the song was one thing, but calling you up on stage?
a/n: none!
better keep your head down + give me a call if you ever get lonely
the paparazzi are everywhere, all snapping shots of you as you rush into the band’s car. ellie stops to talk with them, ignoring jesse and dina’s pleads for her to get in. the sounds of the excited fans and the paps priding questions ring in your ears.
“so that’s the girl that fucked up your face?”
“i wouldn’t say it’s fucked up. it’d take a lot to fuck this face up. i think i look pretty hot with a bloody nose anyway.”
“and the song you performed earlier today is about her? crybaby?”
“ellie, get in the fucking car.”
“—yes and i’m looking into getting it released soon.”
jesse hops out of the car, grabbing her by the arm and dragging her in. “shit, gotta go guys. it was amazing to see you all—“ is cut off by the door slamming. dina let’s out a heavy sigh and throws her head back.
“i should punch you too.” dina starts. it makes ellie chuckle and she looks over at you. “it’s enough for you to write the song and perform it, but to call her out and bring her up on stage afterwards? ellie, seriously, you’re fucking horrible.”
jesse interjects. “not to mention you doing that during one of our most important songs. you ruined the set i’ve been perfectly curating for months. for what? for fun?”
ellie doesn’t respond. she just stares at you. puffy eyes and pouty lips while you sniffle down your remains of sadness. it felt like this night couldn’t get any worse, and yet you knew when you got back to the hotel she’d somehow find a way to prove you wrong.
“if you wanna sleep in our room tonight it’s fine. i completely understand.” jesse whispers to you as he opens the trunk to grab the bags. you think about it for a moment before shaking your head. you don’t want dina and jesse to feel like they always have to babysit you around ellie. you can handle yourself. you proved that today when you socked her in the face.
“alright kiddo. let me know if you need anything, okay?” he smiles, leading everyone to the rooms.
when you and ellie make it to your room, you both say nothing to each other. you’re sure she’ll break the silence, though. she always does. maybe the silence is uncomfortable for her? or maybe she just likes to hear herself talk.
“you gonna eat something?” ellie chimes up as she sees you walking towards the bathroom. you just ignore her and wash yourself up. you can’t seem to pull your eyes away from your bruised knuckles, or the lingering drowsy feeling after you’d been crying. all you want to do is collapse into the couch and sleep.
when you’re all done, you grab a blanket from your bag and settle yourself onto the couch. then ellie comes over, sitting on your blanket.
“remember when i went to jail?”
you sigh. “get off my blanket. i’m tired i want to go to sleep.” you tug at it but she refuses to move. continuing what she’d previously been saying.
“jesse and dina were on a trip and i called you. you bailed me out.”
it was 4am when you got the call. eyes barely able to open wide enough to see your screen. when you answered your heart dropped. “jail? ellie what the fuck?” you frown. she laughs. “i know right. gotta put this in our next song.” even with her sarcasm and smart ass mouth you could hear how scared she was. and you couldn’t say no. why couldn’t you say no?
you shrug. “so? what does that have to do with anything?”
“remember when you said you never hated me?”
you nod but you were rethinking it all now. flexing your sore hand. looking down at your blanket that she’d decided to hold hostage. confusion written all over your face. you said you never hated her, but not that you’d never hate her.
“i didn’t write that song to be mean—“
you interrupt her with a chuckle. “then what the fuck was it for?”
she angrily gets up and rushes away. “fucking forget it.”
you stand up, throwing a couch pillow at her. “why are you such an asshole, williams? seriously. were you dropped on your head as a baby or something? why do you walk through life as if everybody has done something wrong to you? you’re the tragedy of the story? that’s just not the case.”
she grabs the pillow and rushes at you, hitting you over the head. “why don’t you hate me then, huh? if i’m so terrible why don’t you hate my fucking guts?”
an uncomfortable silence falls between you two. you, bewildered at her question, still finding it hard to believe she cares. failing to understand why it’s your opinion she cares so much about. her, anticipating your answer. on edge. wanting things to make sense. both of you staring at each other. breathing heavy. twisted faces.
you see the scared look in her eyes and you almost want to hold her. want to see her for what she truly is: scared. that’s why she’s always angry. because she’s scared. because she’s alone. because she didn’t mean to, but she’s run everyone away.
but her lip curls into an all knowing smirk. the kind that could only come from predicting your thoughts through your eyes. piercing into your soul to ping at the bit of empathy you had left in you. for her. for the girl who’s angry and scared and alone. the girl who called you onstage in front of a crowd of people to humiliate you.
the girl who embarrassed you at karaoke. turned a video of you drunk falling into a meme. pushes you off to the side so she can be in the middle of dina and jesse on the sidewalk. trips you if you aren’t paying attention. lies. fights. and fucks you over.
your face changes completely, and hers falls when she realizes.
“you’re pathetic. you’re sad and you’re sick. i can’t believe i trusted you. i can’t believe i had sex with you. fuck you.” you yell before storming off. leaving her there. all alone.
“so you’re starting a band?” you ask dina. she nods, smiling. “with jesse and a friend of ours. i can’t wait for you to see us perform. maybe you could come to one of our practices this weekend?”
“yeah, i’d love to meet your friend!”
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poltergirlst · 1 year
oh to train him to be overly sensitive with every touch of yours, then touch his thigh in public just to see him become an embarrassed mess.
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min-angel · 1 month
ooooh nooooo the back of my neck is sensitiveee it'd be a shame if someone bit down there while violently fucking me
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bunmurdock · 1 month
*long dramatic sigh* oh nothing,, just thinking of size kink w Matt,, thinking of how his hands splay on ur lower tummy just to feel himself slide in n out of you,,,,
don't think about ddba!matt getting it in three-fourths of the way, and ordering you to try harder. "'mon, sweetheart, grind down on it. push back. push—back." and you're trying so hard to take him further, but it's do much :( n so maybe he has you lay under him with your legs spread wide over his broad shoulders, and takes a hand to squeeze and guide himself into your now-puffy entrance, angling it in more bit by bit, his legs taut in a plank over the sheets in an attempt to get it in all the way. fucking into you so. full. you swear you feel you start to feel it the back of your throat. when he's gotten it all the way in, his hands splay over your body, groping all your unsuspecting curves—it's raw. dirty. almost degrading how he grabs you so roughly, his thumb rubbing over the shifting hill in your lower tummy as he slides in and out.
don't imagine how warm and large his hands would feel, a coarser feel against your skin. maybe you grip his forearm, feeling the slightly sweaty hairs on his forearm under your palms. when he suddenly thrusts hard into you—deeper than you've ever felt—the groomed hairs on his groin brushing up against your pussy, it feels so good your eyes squeeze shut and your legs kick a lil :( he just chuckles—adorable, he thinks. he's not pulling out anytime soon.
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kangals · 5 months
Kep unexpectedly got a chance to score himself an A+ grade in Being A Collie tonight!
I let the dogs out for the last potty and suddenly Keps tearing off after what’s obviously a rabbit he startled. Now my yard is the ONLY one on our street that’s fenced but rabbits just fucking love to dig in under the gate and fuck up my flower garden, so I hate them. And this rabbit is clearly so panicked it forgot where it came in, because it’s racing in laps around the yard and slamming into the fence to try and escape. This goes on for a good 1-2 minutes and Kep is tailing this thing like a gd coursing hound, he is INTENT (Stellina also chased but visibly lost interest halfway through once the rabbit kept repeating its laps). And then finally the rabbit just freezes in some brush along the back fence in sheer panic/exhaustion… and Kep just stands there, looming over it, muzzle punching it. Not biting, not pawing. Just “hey, move.” now I don’t particularly care what happens to this rabbit but I’m also not the kind of asshole who let’s my pets torment wildlife so after it clearly wasn’t going to move anymore I picked up Kep and carried him back to the house, which he was quite miffed about. Hopefully bunny catches its breath and remembers how to leave the yard overnight.
but I am proud of Kep, because that was exactly what a collie should have done! Herding drive = prey drive, the only difference is that in herding dogs their drive is modified to be fully stalk-chase and no catch-kill (as compared to a dog like a greyhound, whose drive is (CHASE-catch-kill). But a herding dog who bloodies the livestock is useless, so that’s bred away from. Maybe he would try to bite if he were older, or if it was a rat or mouse as opposed to a (comparatively) large rabbit. But he showed excellent collie instincts and I definitely need to test him on sheep once he’s a bit older.
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dreamlifebunny · 1 year
it doesn't matter where you came from, what matters is that you're here now.
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one thing that really bugs me about spiritual communities in general (reality shifting, law of assumption, non dualism, etc.) is that a lot of people shame others for not understanding things or for believing in things that are limiting when they first start out. i mean, i understand the frustration - anons can ask a thousand questions that could be answered if they read pinned posts, and we all just want everyone to abandon their limiting beliefs and just get it.
but the fact is that we were born in a society that teaches us that we are limited and that some things are impossible, from the time that we are small until we find these teachings, and we are slowly undoing them through exploration and self-inquiry. it's an overwhelming and tricky journey, filled with so many beautiful highs and a lot of devastating lows, and i feel like everyone deserves a whole lot of compassion when searching for answers. i know i needed love and compassion when i first started, because my ego was scared and sad and was searching for answers in order to feel loved and secure. being told i was dumb and having someone be frustrated with me for my questions was the last thing i needed to become self-actualized. i know that everyone is different, but this is just my experience, so i wanted to share it.
my beliefs are constantly evolving into what brings me more peace and understanding. in the beginning, i wouldn't have been able to believe that my assumptions create my reality (law of assumption) if i hadn't been introduced to the idea of reality shifting. i wouldn't have understood the fact that this life is just beautiful dream and that my true Self is the dreamer (non dualism) if i hadn't first been able to separate my "imagination" from my "real life" (3D and 4D from law of assumption). these were all stepping stones in my understanding of the greater ideas that i needed to get to, and i feel no shame in formerly having beliefs or practices that i don't identify with anymore. i don't believe that you should have shame, either, regardless of where you are at in your journey of self-discovery and creative power.
i get so sad when i see bloggers shaming others for not understanding things when all of this is so fucking difficult to grasp when one is first starting out. i mean, we come from societies that have beliefs as foolish and damaging as skin colour making you inferior, or that gender is binary and you can't express yourself the way you feel inside. with beliefs such as these, of course the beliefs of anything being possible and the fictional being real are going to sound impossible and profoundly false. in my personal opinion, the tough love approach has never helped me - compassion and patience has. i feel like so many people believe and understand that we are all one and have a great understanding of the truth of things, and yet go around and are rude to those seeking answers. it just feels so pathetic to me to see bullying of those seeking answers when they're literally just an extension of the answerer. anons are showing up with silly questions because bloggers expect them to have silly questions. and i realize that even this is hypocritical of me to say because i could just choose to see a spiritual community full of love and compassion instead of what i'm seeing, but i still wanted to share this while i unravel my own hypocrisy.
i feel like if you are wanting to be a teacher of others, you have to take on the responsibility that being a teacher holds, which includes patience, patience, and more patience. that's just my own perspective at least, and everyone is welcome to have their own, but my favourite teachers have been ones that guide me to my own answers with patience and compassion. i am also profoundly sensitive and feel wilty when others are cruel to me, so maybe i'm just trying to speak out to those who feel similarly, because this is a post i wish i could have read when i first started my journey. ultimately, everyone can do, be, and say whatever they like - it's their own blog after all - but i just want to be a voice of compassion to anyone who is in the beginning stages of learning about the law of assumption, non dualism, or reality shifting. it all comes down to the same profound teachings that we are, at our core, limitless.
all of this is to say that i am proud of you. you are doing a good, great, amazing job. you are worthy of love and goodness in your life no matter what others may make you feel. you are worthy of the absolute best and nothing less. it is a hard journey at times, but it is a worthwhile journey, and you are brave and creative and beautiful for taking the steps to expand and give yourself the best life. you deserve compassion and love and patience, and i am rooting for you every step of the way. i hope you are rooting for yourself, too.
ultimately, it doesn't matter where you got your beliefs. what matters is: does it feel right to you? does it make you feel connected to your true, unlimited Self? does it open up your world and your heart to the endless possibilities available to you? does it give you peace? if so, it doesn't matter what practice or teaching you believe in. you are your own greatest teacher.
it doesn't matter where you came from, what beliefs you once held, or who you've been in the past. what matters is that you are here, learning and growing, learning how to give yourself the most beautiful experiences that your creative power has to offer. be kind to yourself and remember that we're all just trying to expand and love and open ourselves up.
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trashmagic-333 · 4 months
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d4ddysbunny · 1 month
m shirt is rubbin against m sensitive nipples nd it’s makin it reeaallyyy hard to focus ૮ ྀི◞ ⸝⸝ ◟ ྀིა
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swiftcast-selene · 23 days
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baby tsetse fresh from one of his first few hunts! he's about 15 here, two years before the accident that sheared off his horn.
i wanted a mix of grown-up and baby dotharli clothes here to symbolize how he was kind of at a transitional age at this point in his life, so he's in a mix of the big fluffy coats the children of the tribe wear, but paired with the dark blue top and skirt the adults are usually in. he's very bitter about it! he's a grown man now, he doesn't need his comfy clothes anymore! (he does. he's very cold.) since neither of his parents were around, i like to think the rest of the tribe would take turns helping him with his hunting paint, as well as giving him each little pieces of beading to adorn him as a way to include him :)
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honey-bunny-6 · 2 months
self-tickling is fun~ 🤭💜🙈
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babygirl4life888 · 7 days
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His hand🎀
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bunmurdock · 17 days
heyy friend !! just wanted to ask for the sake of all the fan girls out there: what is ur fave spicy thought of the day😚
i'll be so honest. dark!matt murdock red suit sex >.>
i've had this silly thing in my drafts for ages and at this point it might never get published bc it's not to my full liking, so i figure i'll jus do it here with bits and pieces i like :I
cw: dark!matt murdock, orgasm denial, overstimulation
he had come back early tonight, hadn't he? he’d stood there at the window, chest heaving, intensity high, silhouette large and uninviting. you’d gone to greet him, dressed in only his t-shirt which fell down to your thighs. rubbing at your sleepy eyes, you’d reached for his mask when he grabbed your wrist mid-air. he’d all but tossed you on the bed, and pulled you into his lap, teeth scraping at your neck and stubble pushing like tiny pins against pulse point. your shirt was pulled over your head, and he swirled your nipples with rough fingers, pinching a little too hard for comfort. there was the sound of a zipper, and then the blunt head of his cock was pushing past your entrance, dry. “relax.” you jerk, fingers gripping the sheets.  “gonna go in slow, ‘kay?” he says, lifting his hips, his rough fingers on your hips holding you in place. but it was anything but slow. “—’s too big, d,” you whimper, burying your face into his cowl.  he’d hissed at the friction, before working an arm under each of your spread thighs to lift your body up and down his cock. you’d cried, your legs quivered in his hold, while he thrust up so fully into you the neon lights outside blurred bokeh in your field of vision. you came quickly at the sheer speed and force of it all, and then he had you back to his chest, still pounding into you, and it was around the time he’d worked a bicep around your neck that the memory faded to black.
later, on your back:
“please,” your voice is a choked plea, fingers twitching toward him, craving more contact. he leans forward just enough to dangle the possibility, bringing his face close enough that you can see the sharp angles of his mask, the glint of the horns above his brow. with a smirk tugging at his lips, he lets you think you’ll get more. your fingers brush the hard edge of his chest, desperate for some anchor in the torrent of sensation. but just as you start to grind up harder, chasing that sweet release, he pulls his leg back, leaving you empty.
later, grinding on his ribbed thigh:
he presses your soaked core firmly against the hard ridges of his suit, the cool tactical material unyielding and rough in all the right places. your hands fly to his helmet, hugging his head and gripping the horns tightly for balance. you start to grind against him instinctively, the scent of leather and sweat filling your lungs. “faster.” your legs shake uncontrollably. his arms around your waist tighten, locking you against him as he rocks you back and forth, dragging you closer to the edge with every measured movement. “faster.” “you're gonna go until you break.”
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bunnyinatree · 6 months
Can someone who is well-versed in Witcher lore confirm or deny whether Geralt has albinism? He is listed on the wiki page for characters with albinsim, but seeing as every character with albinism that I know of isnt included, I dont trust the list very much…
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drippybunn · 2 days
I’m glad your princes parts hurttt it’s what happens to little whores so you deserve it
ts bit meanieee, m jus a bunny wit needy drippy holes
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lion-buddy · 2 months
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I figured it out.
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