#sense8 AU
persimminos · 2 months
ino your comment got me brainrotting. reg at an important business meeting and james shows up behind him. runs his hand over reg’s shoulders. leans down to whisper in his ear “you’re so tense baby let me loosen you up” and reg is just staying so cool and calm on the outside. james is kissing down his neck, kneeling between his legs. mouthing at him through his pants YEAH
i have died. never to be seen again. waltzing into the afterlife. reg probably did smth to deserve this or it's james who was bored and wanted to see him riled up. reg tries so hard not to startle in his seat and looks so composed and james praises him for it. calls him "good boy" and "will you stay quiet for me as i taste you? though i must admit i really, really miss those sounds you make for me..."
james will be on his knees, face buried between his legs, mouthing at him through his pants as u said and reg will clench them which earns him a good smack to the thigh. it's enough to make reg gasp outside the 'visit' and all heads at the table turn towards him . james the little shit will chuckle and leave but makes good of his promise later that night when visiting reg again <3
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sixlane · 2 months
Just got home and thinking about James wanting a sparring session bc barty got one and reg saying smth along the lines of ‘the bigger they are the harder they fall’ and james just ‘head over heels? For you always, habibi’ he will win at least once by foul play (he is flustering reg to no ends by flirting and saying some very obscene things)
a new day and we are back at it again
reg reluctantly agrees to spar (he is foaming at the mouth to get his hands on james) and james is so much bigger than him but reg is fast and agile. takes him down so quick. straddling him with and arm across his throat like “you left your right side open 😐” and james just reaches up to push a curl behind his ear like “you look so good on top of me. we should make this a regular thing” and reg gets all flustered and drops his guard. james gets the upper hand and flips them so he’s on top all “nevermind i think i like this better” RAHHHHHHH
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veryinnovative · 27 days
ino…. we must discuss the evan marlene intersection. animal medicine vs human medicine. high empathy vs low. i feel like he would visit her on a clear night and they’d sit in silence on the roof under the stars while marlene chain smokes.
hello lane my love..............this made the gears in my brain turn. do you think about marlene losing one of their livestock and being a little upset about it...like not full-blown sobbing but still feeling sad for not having been able to do more at the same time evan has to deliver the news of his patient's passing to their relatives. just the first time he experiences this pang of emotion, like a tight, sudden clench somewhere in the center of his chest. the scene panning to him just sitting next to marlene on the roof, this eerie silence cloaking them, somewhat a tad louder than it usually is between the two of them. marlene taking a deep drag of one of her cigs and wordlessly passing it onto evan, murmuring something about how skill will sometimes not be enough to beat circumstance and just how shitty that is. she tries and be facetious, even then. still, none of her flippant remarks hold any substance because the loss of one of their old cattle hurts more combined with what evan feels...
marlene trying to say smth like 'well, there goes your off-switch for emotion, sorry for being a bother' and evan's staring straight out ahead, processing so many things at once. Tbh i like the idea of everyone take something out of being a sensate. reg needs to be open to receiving love. evan needs to be open to emotion. etc. etc.
ok how do we think pandora reacts to evan opening up a little tho..
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lavendertownsghost · 9 days
Brain has decided, "Hey, instead of working on your RvB Daemon AU, why don't you make a Sense8 RvB AU :)"
And i love Sense8 so I'm already figuring out who's in a cluster and weather or not to have more than one cluster among the main characters.
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invisibleraven · 8 months
🔹"It's damn cold out here!" Reggie and Anyone
"It should be E major."
Luke looked up from his guitar and smirked. "Oh so you know music now?" he asked Julie as she sat beside him.
"Well you do," Julie said with a shrug. "Plus my mom was a musician. So was I once upon a time."
"And now you're a graphic designer?" Luke questioned.
"When she died..." Julie stopped, smiling as Reggie appeared, laying an arm over her shoulder. "It was like music died with her. So I took to my other passion-art and design, made a career out of it."
Luke laid a hand on her knee, squeezing it. "Do you want me to stop playing then?"
Julie shook her head. "No, it was hearing your music... even when I didn't know where it was coming from that made me feel okay about it again."
"What about you Reg?" Luke asked. "You like music?"
Reggie looked up at the sky, the gentle snowfall catching on his eyelashes and hair. "My MeeMaw taught me piano and my Pops taught me how to shred on the banjo. I always wanted to learn bass, but we could never afford one. I play with numerators and quadratic equations more than instruments now."
"Weird how we all have some connection to music, but I'm the only one who made it a career," Luke commented.
"Maybe that's why we have this connection," Julie said with a hint of contemplation in her voice. "Other clusters may have another type of connection, or maybe they have nothing in common."
"Weird that we're all over the globe and can still have things in common," Reggie said, and then shivered. "But maybe we can head inside? It's damn cold out here!"
"Georgia boy," Luke teased with an eye roll.
"I'm in San Juan, so I'm with Reggie," Julie said. "Why are you outside in the middle of winter when you live in Canada?"
Luke shrugged. "I grew up here, it doesn't bother me as much. But I came to my family's cabin to get some writing done. Reconnect with nature, help get the creative juices flowing."
"Yeah until you get frostbite in your fingers," Reggie said. "Inside, or someplace warm."
"I think Willie is on a beach in LA," Luke offered. "Though Alex is actually there visiting, so who knows what they're doing."
"Let's go to mine, MeeMaw just made a pie," Reggie said, blinking out.
"Pie sounds good," Luke said. "See you there?"
Julie grinned. "Sure. Maybe we can get Reggie to take up the banjo again?"
Luke screwed up his face. "I'm not one for country music."
"Well you're stuck with us now, learn to love it," Julie replied, blowing him a kiss. "Race you to Georgia!"
Luke laughed as she disappeared, and though he was tempted to beat her there, he decided maybe it would be a good idea to visit while his body was inside. Not that he would ever admit to Reggie that he was finding it cold.
But the steaming peach pie did wonders in warming him up!
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Where's the Ted Lasso Sense8 AU?
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elementsofemily1193 · 13 days
Hello Tumblr! I hope you’re all having a nice weekend! I know you are all waiting on a new chapter of Business and Brushstrokes, but I had this idea come to me in the middle of the night and the words have been nonstops flying out of me and I had to share! This AU is going to be such a commitment but I am determined and inspired!
Please read the first chapter if you get a chance!!
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gavynvivi · 2 years
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From my bnha/sense8 au and the chapter where dabi is introduced like Hernando. (Read right to left) 
Plus some behind the scenes below:
love how my sketches went from detailed as hell to scribble. Ok but imagine if I had kept that style in the final version. 
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sadbigemini · 21 days
Hiya! I think this will be a short one but let's see. This is a fic prompt for an au, let's get into it, Readers!
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Sense8 AUs
This is a TV show I binged in two days and I absolutely loved it... I would even more if there were less nudity and sex scenes. So, FAIR WARNING if you want to try it out.
There are some Sense8 AUs on AO3 but none I've really wanted to read. But I'm probably going to try some out anyway bc I looove this concept.
So, some things you'll need are:
To watch the show lol, it's great and really gay. So, it's a good watch for pride! It's on N*tflix. It's only two seasons since it got cancelled 😭
Anywho, some lore from the show is that eight people from around the world are psychically and empathically linked. Kinda like a soul bond AU.
They all need to be the same age, so if you're doing a crossover make sure they are.
For example, Buffy The Vampire Slayer goes from 16-22 in her show and Steve Harrington (Stranger Things) goes from 17-19. So, you could use these two.
It's not required but a variety of locations is preferred and I think would be more interesting. Like Buffy is in California and Steve is in Indiana. But also like Nakajima Atsushi (BSD) is in Japan while they reside in america. Y'know, what I mean??
I also understand if most of the things you watch are located in the country you live in. One solution for this is using headcanons. Like, a popular headcanon is that Sero Hanta (MHA) is at least half Hispanic. So, he could reside in a different country of those origins. Or Aoyama Yuuga (MHA) acts like he's French (not confirmed I don't think) so there you go lol
Since it's fanfiction you can just make them all have the same birthday. Maybe you can even find characters the same age with the same birthday?? Kinda like how Shirakumo Oboro (MHA) and Atsushi were both born on May 5th. They are close in age, I'm sure aging Shirakumo up a year or Atsushi down a year would be fine.
They don't need anybody hunting them like in the show but I think that instantly gives you a plot.
Polyamory representation is not needed but I love to see it! Also QPR representation would be appreciated as well! Just like how both are in Sense8!
Also with crossovers, you'll have to decide which world your story is in. Like, are Buffy, Steve, and Atsushi in the 90s fighting vampires and demons from Hell? Or are they fighting monsters from another universe in the 80s? Or are they fighting people with superpowers like they themselves might have in a more recent year? OR all the above just in the same time period? Alternatively, you can set it in like the Sense8 world where the world is mostly normal but sensates exist in secret (sensates are what the psychically linked people are called lmao).
I think that is all, lmk if you think anything should be added!
Some Character Ideas You Can Pick From
You will have to do the world-building and creating on your own tho, you can do it!
OMFG Scooby-Doo! I don't think Scooby himself would be a part of it tho lmao. Also that's only four people. So, idk add OCs, the older teen Stranger Things cast, or the Buffy cast??
17: Robin Buckley (Stranger Things, america), Willow Rosenberg (BTVS, america), Harry Potter (the UK), Young Aizawa Shouta (MHA, Japan), Akutagawa Gin (BSD, Japan), Donna Troy (DC, Greece?), Isaac Lahey (Teen Wolf, France), and Young Sam Winchester (SPN, america)
20?: Yamada Hizashi (MHA, Japan), Spencer Reid (Criminal Minds, america), Dean Winchester (SPN, america), Natasha Romanoff (Marvel, Russia), T'Challa (Marvel, Africa), Marlene McKinnon (Marauders Era, the UK), Higuchi Ichiyou (BSD, Japan), and Sherlock Holmes (BBC, the UK).
Around 200?: James 'Logan' Howlett (Marvel), Stefan Salvatore (TVD), Marcel Gerard (Originals), Aang (ATLA), Rowena MacLeod (SPN), Cole Turner (Charmed), Steve Rogers (Marvel), Raven Darkhölme (Marvel)
Now, I'm just going to suggest different fandoms bc that was a lot of hard work lmao
Supernatural: Charlie Bradbury, Garth Fitzgerald IV, Kevin Tran, etc
Teen Wolf: Stiles Stilinski, Scott McCall, Lydia Martin, Bobby Finstock, Derek Hale, etc
MHA: all the pros like Mirko/Rumi Usagiyama and all the students like Hatsume Mei
Demon Slayer/KNY: Kamado Tanjiro, Tomioka Giyu, Uzui Tengen, etc
DC: the Batfam, the Superfam, Teen Titans, Justice League, Selina Kyle, Talia Al Ghul, etc
Marvel/MCU: Avengers, Shang-Chi, Shuri, MJ, Yelena Belova, Rogue, Gambit, etc
I hope this all made sense!
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missgoalie75 · 3 months
gilmore girls fic: the scrambled voice of your fears
title: the scrambled voice of your fears characters/pairings: rory, jess, jimmy, lily, paris; rory/jess rating: t spoilers/warnings: sense8 au, part 5, takes place late/post-season 3; references to multiple, terrible deaths. word count: ~5,000 disclaimer: standard disclaimers apply. title is from “i don't know how i survive” by death cab for cutie. summary: Jess has a hard time finding a balance between having his mind open to Rory and keeping it closed off. Her mind is an open door most of the time; she doesn’t find it natural to shut the door behind her when she comes back to herself. note: thanks annie for looking this over and sorry for making you sad. shout out to that person on tumblr somewhat recently for somehow knowing that i was working on this.
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komaedamizuki · 1 year
the original 8 digidestined as sensates
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persimminos · 2 months
ino i’m thinking about dorcas dealing with cat callers on her way home from a shoot and they start getting a little too close and reg shows up like “want me to end these guys for you?” and usually she’d just ignore them but she’s like “sure could be fun” and then reg helps her decimate them
LANEEEEEEEEEEEE. AUGHH. she's just so inconvenienced and looking at her watch like, i can't be late for my dinner reservation and don't have time to get this dress dry cleaned so please no blood. And reg's just nodding stretching a little bit before proceeding 2 kick the asses of four dudes without even breaking a sweat. Dorcas is pleasantly surprised and raising her eyebrows at the subtle sting in her knuckles like 'i think i now understand why barty enjoys this so much'
marlene is sooooo bummed that she missed out and is even asking if there are cctv cameras that mightv caught that shit and if they know any potential hackers because she'd pay reg her entire life savings to see dorcas obliterate those fuckers
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sixlane · 2 months
James has 0 shame and will be on the defensive going ‘you’re so beautiful, fucking gorgeous, even when throwing punching it makes me want you more.’ And reg’s furiously blushing looking for an opening and james is just grinning not shutting up rambling ‘turning red, habibi? Tired already or are we blushing because of something else? I can tire you out so well you only have to ask’ and regulus willcbe seething in anger telling james to take this serious and james will just taunt him even more
THE BANTER oh my godddd reg is like maybe if i incapacitate him he will stop talking. he’s got james all tied up head pushed into the floor with a knee in his back and james is STILL TALKING. “it’s okay baby you can hurt me i can take it” “let me up and we can see what you can take”
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cakeofrage · 1 year
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"Daddy, can we go see the swans?
"Of course."
Following where the dopamine takes me, and this week I guess it's a Digimon x Sense8 crossover ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Vamdemon is Whispers, and Sistermon Blanc is his daughter. I'd ask who let this man be a father but it was me who drew the dang thing, this is so cute but so cursed at the same time
There were supposed to be 2 parts, with the second part of the scene where Jonas (Taomon, tentatively) is saying, "He wants us to see this." Unfortunately I picked all the hardest digimon to draw and rage quit 😭
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ralphiesaces · 4 months
both is hilarious
seb thinking its hallucinations caused by lack of sleep and thinks ok that f1 driver ia hot but i really need to get a grip
jenson who can't stop thinking about seb and drives people around insane because he keeps spacing out
and in sense8 they weren't actually teleporting or something but their minds were traveling sort of - look up scenes of riley and will or kala and wolfgang. they stayed in the same place physically and were just talking to invisible people which was yeah, a scene
oh yeah that would def be a scene
jenson just prays it won’t happen during a race or when he’s on camera bc
yeah sorta dangerous and would be hard to explain
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tahelms85 · 8 months
When you're writing a DC/Marvel Sense8 AU and planning jobs for people and don't make Lois Lane a reporter, but you make someone else a reporter instead.
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