#send recs if you have any BLS
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Girl Help, I can't stop thinking about Stan's drifter years
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guzhufuren · 7 months
hey beloveds would any of you be cool with helping me out by sending a 1-2 sentence long ask to the tumblr wip blog this monday? i will tell you what to write, but basically i really need them to bring the option of large text posts with unlimited amount of images back (opposed to current 30 image limit for a post of any kind) OR making old post editor available because i have prepared a guide to bl/gl/ql world for people unfamiliar or relatively new to it. and the guide includes 84 recs with one animated gif poster attached to every show, which can't be post with the tumblr's limit. my previous guide from a few years ago gained 9k notes, and since it worked then i'm hoping to bring more people to our fandoms this way again and introduce them to this alternative instead of limiting themselves to only western queer television. please leave a like on this post if you wouldn't mind sending an ask to tumblr staff and receiving instructions from me on monday
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jimmysea · 2 months
Helloooooooo do you have any new(2023-2024) BL drama you can rec me?? There's too many and I can't decide xD
Hiiii darling 🩷 ahaha you’re right there have been so many releases already it’s hard to choose!!!! Of course I can rec you some of my favourites from 2023-2024
Already aired or are almost finished shows
From thailand
- last twilight
- moonlight chicken
- my stand in ( last episode tomorrow)
- wandee goodday ( last episode next Saturday)
- laws of attraction
- we are ( last episode on Wednesday)
From South Korea/Japan
- love for love’s sake
- a shoulder to cry on
- the eighth sense
- our dating sim
- boys be brave
- my personal weather man
- love is better the second time around
- living with him
- if it’s with you
Upcoming shows I’m personally looking forward to:
- 4 minutes (starts airing on July 26th)
- century of love ( first episode aired yesterday)
- thamepo the series (currently filming)
Hope I could be of help 🩷 there are so many many more but these were some of my favorite ones!
Have a nice day darling if I can help you in other way let me know and don’t hesitate to send me and ask! 🫶🏻
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shippudens · 1 month
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sending another ask so i can rb this but do you have any blvns suggestions :3 heehee twirls around very happily
UMM. i’m a very slow reader so i haven’t played very many myself but a dear friend of mine likes to liveblog them to me Frequently so i like to live vicariously through her. my favorite is sweet pool but its kind of miserable and harrowing and violent… like idk if i would Recommend it because of the content. but also i like it because of the content. its bl but its hard to call it Romance in any way shape or form its more like horror… but i like it :3 and the soundtrack is sooo good. i have friends who are big into slow damage, which is supposed to be less miserable (afaik) but still pretty violent but i haven’t played it yet and also its long as hell… Ueah :3 i am not very good at recommending things i think? because i like gore in games and shows and stuff and very little makes me upset or uncomfortable. so i’m not good at gauging what’s socially acceptable amounts of fucked up versus what will make people think there’s something wrong with me or something outside of like, The Big Ones . but yauh. sorry for yapping so much i love to say words! for sure look up content warnings for sweet pool & slowdamage but those would be my recs i think :3
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ryuichirou · 11 months
What are your tastes in media? (Music/TV/Film/Books)
Sorry for the late reply!
When it comes to TV/Film/Books (…any storytelling type of media in general) I really like a combination of horror/thriller and comedy. Especially dry humor, but not necessarily. I love a lot of raunchy and stupid stuff too. My favourite shows are probably South Park (rewatched this one 1000 times) and Parks and Rec (we don’t watch a lot of live-action (???) series though, and it’s been a while since we watched this one). Of course, these two aren’t really horrors/thrillers lol, but a good example of a thriller show that I love would be Hannibal. This one we also rewatched 100000 times, it’s honestly perfect: the story, the aesthetics, the gore, and of course of course the relationship between Hannibal and Will.
I wanted to say that I don’t really love stories that focus on romance, but then again, one of my favourite movies is Heathers, so I guess based on this + my love for Hannibal one might say that I do love romance, but a very specific type of it lol
In general, I tend to especially enjoy the ones that have a strong visual style and aesthetic, like The Shining, Parasite, Midsommar, Suspiria and stuff. But I don’t only watch horrors; Katsu (who is also a person that introduced me to horror in the first place) recommends me a lot of very good films.
I don’t read books very often (oof), but out of everything I’ve read over the past couple of years, the things that I liked the most were “Misery” (by King) and Lord of the Flies.
When it comes to music, I guess I don’t even listen to it very often either. I love soundtracks, I love anime music and vocaloid music (mostly old tracks that I’ve been listening to for years), sometimes I listen to stuff from musicals. One of my favourite bands, Sound Horizon, pretty much tells stories with their music, and I really love them for both this and their sound in general. Well, and of course things that Katsu and my friends send to me.
Hmm… I guess I love strong female vocals. I still love Evanescence very much + love Ado’s songs a lot.
I won’t talk much about my favourite anime and manga (I actually have written posts about it before; they are a bit old though), but I’ll say that a lot of things that we love is either seinen or some kind of BL-ish comedy lol
To help myself with this reply, I opened both MAL (for anime and manga, duh) and Letterboxd accounts, although my ratings there are a little bit over the place, so I couldn’t trust them...
There are moments when we watch or read something that is super out of our comport zone, and it’s usually a pretty interesting and refreshing experience, so even though all of my answers were pretty much “YES DARK STUFF TEEHEEHEE”, I’m not opposed to other stuff. I guess the most ultimate important thing that could make me love any type of media (as long as I have time to dive into it) would be the unapologetic self-indulgence that the author has for their work. Somehow it’s very easy to sense when you watch or read something. I really love experiencing media and just know that the author is having fun. I love passion projects where you can clearly see it is one for the author.
But this sounds a bit cheesy, I know lol
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bloody-wonder · 11 months
First of all, thanks so much for sharing your books recs and reviews. I love reading your blog (especially since I did not find many books blog that as good as you in tumblr). 💐🥰
Can I ask your opinion on something? So, I saw some discussion on why shounen series (or series with strong bromance vibes) have more romantic vibes than BL manga/mahwa (MLM books). (Sorry, do you like any BL manga/manhwa or shounen series?) And I kinda agree. But what do you think?
Sorry for this random ask, feel free if you want to ignore this ask....
wow thank you! i love sending my bookish posts into the void and i love it even more when the void expresses its appreciation haha
i didn't know about this discourse but in general i agree with the controversial (?) opinion that non-canon queer-coded or homosocial relationships oftentimes make for more compelling ships than their canon counterparts. one could argue that it's bc something that is just out of reach feels more appealing than something that you already have but in regards to my personal frustrations when reading romance stories and plotlines it often comes down to how the relationship of characters who the author already decided are going to fall in love has little room to breathe beyond that - the sword of damocles of romance is constantly hanging over them and determining their entire narrative. there's little intrigue in that bc when you're an experience reader or a genre-savvy media consumer you know exactly how it's gonna go, bit by bit.
furthermore, i think it's interesting that women and people who used to identify as women when they were young are likelier to write an explicit romance or a canon queer relationship bc they have been socialized to value that type of fiction and in doing that they will, whether by intention or not, regurgitate all the possible tropes and clichées which doesn't necessarily make their original story a compelling romance. by contrast, people who grew up socialized as men have been taught to suppress emotions and value no homo male bonds with their bros which is why a stereotypical cishet male sff author will 1) write an absolutely yucky romance for his male lead and his female love interest, 2) rather die than acknowledge that queerness exists and 3) pour all the most profound and intense feelings his conscious and subconscious mind is capable of into the depiction of the male lead's relationship with his male sidekick. ambiguity tends to make things more interesting so no wonder people will feel more drawn to a ship that is ambiguously homosocial in eve kosofsky sedgwick's sense rather than to a ship that is merely a love story between two people of the same gender.
which brings me to my last (more personal) point: as someone who has been socialized as a woman i am slightly obsessed with romance. however, as someone who identifies as aroace i don't find most romance books or even romance subplots relatable or compelling. this contradiction is a source of constant frustration that accompanies my reading experience - i often seek out romance books bc i do so enjoy a good love story and end up disappointed and alienated most of the time bc of this built in failure to connect with fiction that is written by allos for allos. for example, i have tried to take refuge in historical mm romance bc i figured that neither comphet nor modern identity politics would spoil the magic of two people falling in love for me in this case. however, having read quite a few of those, i have noticed this compulsion the authors have to 1) let the reader know by any means necessary and as soon as possible that the characters in question are in fact into men and 2) state explicitly that these men find each other attractive - a compulsion that speaks to the allo experience of being aware (most of the time) what type of person you're attracted to and being able to interpret a perceived connection as romantic or sexual attraction almost immediately. a compulsion which i, as an aroace reader, find utterly bizarre and terribly frustrating. not to shame allos for how their sexuality works or anything, but i think trying to convince the reader that two characters are into each other without relying on these two conveniences would be a good writing exercise.
by comparison, a relationship that is just allowed to develop without its participants interpreting it as a romance (bc the author who wrote it didn't intend them to at all) feels like freedom. yes, it's unfortunate that they won't kiss or fuck in the end of all that quality time but ah well, i can go to ao3 for that. and yes, if they're not canonically queer it's not real rep etc etc but i think that by now we have all understood that media consumption is not activism and queer rep in your favorite tv show will not bring about the age of tolerance. what i'm talking about in this post is why it sometimes feels like queer fiction fails to depict queerness and romance in a compelling way.
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bl-bracket · 1 year
So I know this is sort of unrelated to the brackets, but you seem familiar with a lot of bls since you run this blog and have a large following of bl enthusiasts. I think it would be cool if there could also be a way to give people recommendations (you or your audience) so we could be more familiar with all the people in the polls (besides just watching a show blindly).
Oh this sounds like a lovely idea! I've definitely already discovered dramas that I hadn't known about before through this (I mentioned in my response to the question about my favorite BLs but I discovered DNA Says Love You from someone submitting one of the characters from it lol). I've only really been in the BL fandom for about a year and a half, so I have lots more I can learn and would love to hear more about dramas that I might not be as familiar with from y'all too!!!
During the submissions period when we don't have any active polls going on, feel free to send me any recs for dramas and I can publish them here! Could be especially smart if you have some lesser known characters you want to give a better shot at winning! I'll use the tag #show propaganda
I can start by giving a few recs of some of my favorite lesser known dramas! (Though y'all can give recs for well known dramas as well!)
Ghost Host Ghost House (2022): Kevin has come from America to visit his extended family in Thailand and to also do some ghost-hunting for his ghost hunting show online. While he's there, he meets Pluem who works for his family and is also terrified of ghosts. Things get more complicated when it becomes increasingly clear that Kevin's family is hiding something from him. I loved this show so much (binged it all in one night when I couldn't sleep)! The chemistry between Kevin and Pluem is insane and so sweet! The story itself is also great and emotional and really hits you in the feels. The main problem this drama suffers from is being too short. I think it would have greatly benefited from an extra couple episodes to flush out some more of Kevin's character and backstory, but it still is a fun watch!
My Tooth Your Love (2022): Bai Lang is a restaurant owner with a crippling fear of dentists and a bad toothache. He gets dragged by his older sister to the dentist office where one of her juniors from university is the owner/head dentist, Jin Xuan. Bai Lang reluctantly begins to trust Jin Xuan more and the two get closer, but Bai Lang is struggling with a lot more than just a toothache. Despite its silly premise, the show definitely gets a lot more serious and dark at times and definitely made me cry at a few points. Again, the leads have great chemistry and the main thing the story suffers from is its length as some of the B and C plots get lost, but it still gives a satisfying story for the main plot and is definitely worth it!
Jack O' Frost (2023): Salaryman Fumiya and illustrator Ritsu have been dating for some time now but after a fight, the two break up and Ritsu runs out of their apartment. While he's out, he gets into an accident and gets amnesia, completely forgetting who Fumiya is entirely. Fumiya, who regrets breaking up with Ritsu, sees this as a new opportunity to start again and hopefully get the relationship right this time and decides not to tell Ritsu that they had been dating and had broken up. But Ritsu wants to regain his memories and has the growing feeling that something is off about his relationship to Fumiya. This normally isn't my cup of tea (I'm not big on stories about breaking up and all of that) BUT I really liked this one. It's just such a pretty show with such a profound sense of loneliness in it, especially as it hops between flashbacks of Fumiya & Ritsu's relationship when it was going well and when it was falling apart and then cuts to how things are now. The guy who plays Fumiya really hits for me. I know the last episode was a bit of a hit or miss for some people but I liked it (and also it seems like final episodes aren't always the strongest element of the BL industry). This is also not a show to watch if you like happy stories or healthy relationships lol.
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milkstoner · 8 months
Hi~ hi~!! Have you ever played any BL game? (or otome game)
Hi!!! Yes, though not many.
I was twelve when I played dramatical murder for the first time lol. I was there when the fanlation team dropped the torrent for the game and the translation patch; it took hours to torrent on the family laptop… good times. My boy was Koujaku of course, beautiful long haired, big tittied, bisexual man… and he was a hairdresser. I remember a specific line he told Aoba in the sequel, like it’s burned into my mind; “I want to do you,” LIKE OH MY GOD… thirteen year old me could not get enough.
Actually, that might be the only BL I’ve ever played.
As for otome… tears of themis :/ I had a huge phase in 2021. I loved Luke very much and I had a soft spot for Artem (his atmospherics card still sends shivers down my spine). Ultimately though… the mihoyo gacha formula is a boring, tedious one.
Mystic messenger my beloved… I know I should be faithful to Zen because he has long hair, but against all odds, I was a Saeyoung girl. I mean, he is the true route. Yes, all he ate was honey butter chips and Dr Pepper, but by god I knew I could’ve fixed his eating habits. The whole cult plot was fascinating too and I don’t regret spending money on that game.
I tried Obey Me but the sprites were so ugly they made me sick. I tried unholyc but I ragequit on the fourth day.
If anybody has recs, I’d be happy to try out and review 🫡
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stormblessed95 · 1 year
Hi, Storm...do you mind to receive manga recs?For my favorite BL manga is "Therapy Game" by Meguru Hinohara, for BL manhwa is "Love for Sale" by Dal HyeonJi, and for BL manhua is "The Secret Tales of a 30 years old Gay Bachelor" by S-monkey.
Sorry if you already know any of this, and don't like them.
Thanks so much for your books recs and your post about shipping, it really helps me.
Also can I ask your opinion on something? I came from one of the Asian country that see LGBTQ as something taboo and sinful, so I just learned more about LGBTQ this past 3 years. I'm not a fan of K-pop or K-Drama (sorry, I know your blog from your fav fictional couples post and books recs, not from your BTS posts), but a lot of my friends and cousins love them. They love shipping between boy band members or between actors but when I tried to talk about BL manga/manhwa or MLM books, they scold me and said that those media are sinful and gay people really need help and can be "changed".
I'm confused now, how can they love shipping those guys (and are their fans) but said queer media and queer people need help?
Sorry for this long ask, if you want to answer, thank you very much, but if you don't, it's up to you. Thanks again for your LGBTQ posts and books recs, they really inspire me.....💐
Hey love, people are welcome here for whatever reason they want to be here for. Lol so as long as the BTS, jikook posts don't bother you, you are welcome to chat or send in asks about books, fics, shows and anything else whenever you want. And I ALWAYS am down for good recommendations!
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I also am happy to answer questions to the best of my ability about the LGBTQ+ experience. I will say that it honestly just sounds like simple homophobia and queer fetishization from your friends and cousins. And it's probably not something that will change for them without them working on themselves ALOT. Which is unfortunate. You can try to help point them in the right direction if you are mentally up for that, but you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink 🤷🏻‍♀️ for more details on both of those things, like homophobia and fetishization, you can start with these posts here, if you've seen them yet or not.
And if you read these posts and have more questions or want clarification on anything, please send another ask or DM me. I will open my DMs back up for a little while I guess 😅😂 I'm more than happy to answer any other questions you have or just trade more queer media recs!
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onmentalsafari · 1 month
I saw your fengqing yuri post (cute!)
Any yuri/ GL reccomendations? Especially for someone who mostly reads BL/yaoi (aka GL recs for fujo/fundanshis lol)
thank you! I don't read a lot of yuri, fengqing is actually my first yuri ship (I'm committed to the bit now, send help). The zine was probably inspired by my having recently read yaoi zine 2 which has some discussion of the contrasts between yaoi and yuri.
A yuri manga that I have read recently and can recommend is Kitanai Kimi ga Ichiban Kawaii, it's a kinky and psychological story which should suit your tastes if you like that in BL.
My other recommendation is a fantasy novel series called The Locked Tomb, starting with the book Gideon the Ninth. If you like TGCF's combo of fantasy + colorful ensemble cast + humour + fucked up immortals unable to move on from their past + mega gay + etc, read The Locked Tomb!! It is the closest thing I know to TGCF but with girls (this is my "getting a lot of boss baby vibes")
TLT is the perfect example of yuri for fujoshis AKA girl yaoi. The main two girls fight, power struggle, insult each other like crazy and are obsessed/devoted to each other, it's also full of other lesbian situationships. And yes they are literally lesbians it's not ambiguous or shipping bait.
EDIT: omg forgot webcomics: Battle Princess Peony by Mira Ongchua (or Roadqueen which you can now read the whole thing for FREE), Mickey + Jessica by HamletMachine, and Lady of the Shard by gigidigi
Also forgot a VN, Ladykiller in a Bind!
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fairyhaos · 4 months
same anon who asked about anime — it's okay, even i havent watched many but i was just curious, hehe. i watched mostly studio ghibli films, makoto shinkai films, 2 or 3 bl anime, tokyo revengers and jujutsu kaisen.
wbu yena 😊 what did you watch? btw how was your day? hope it went pretty good and also could you please recommend me svt fluff writers 😢 all i see is smut when i search seventeen imagines and i dont like it. so pls will you tell me!!
ive read your works to and they are the cutest 🫶🏽 hope you have a great day or night 🌙 ❤️
sending lots of love. alaso can i be your anon. if yes, i would love to take this emoji : 🪷 anon?
heyyy 🪷 anon and ooh omg i love studio ghibli!!! tbh i feel like it's a whole genre all by itself jshfhd and i gotta say that whilst i love howls moving castle like literally every person in the world, kiki's delivery service is just sooo important to me fr </333
ive watched a few bls toooo but tbh they're all the classic danmeis like tgcf and mdzs and link click with is also technically not rlly bl but could very well be 🫡 (and im always on the lookout for more so if anyone has.... any recs.... pls.....)
as for normal anime hmmm ive watched saiki k, kamisama kiss, tried to watch fruits basket and kind of failed, and also this one anime about a girl tryna defy one of those otome games come to life ??? can't remember the title but it was funny lmao and that's about the extent of my actual anime experience. but i do know ab a lot of animes bc loads of my friends are weebs 😭
(and svt fluff writers,,,, just any of my moots tbh!! they r the best fluff writers i know <3)
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strhwaberries · 4 months
hii lucie i have watched many a bl and i can definitely recommend some if you need any recommendations!
oh thank you !!!! i already have a to watch list based on what i see from gifsets that seems interesting but it's always hit or miss, sometimes i really dislike dramas that are super popular so idk what's wrong, one thing that is a no for me is when it's set in high school, other than that i'm pretty open so you can always send your recs, i will put them in my list, and thank you again for reaching to me <3
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ghcstvalleychief · 8 months
yeah, this page is currently going through a metamorphosis, of sorts. to be fair, the only way i would have been convinced to keep this page is if i discovered a newfound interest and affinity for dramas, any kind of dramas. which brings us to the random influx of "het" dramas i've been reblogging lately.
i know some people followed me for kinnporsche and other bl dramas, but i'm all about romance and chemistry over here. as long as both things exists in a show, i don't care about whether it's het or bl/sapphic. i never have, honestly. that's never been important to me. yes, as a lesbian myself, i've never cared about that because the chemistry was always lacking sometimes but i digress.
this is the new norm, friends. it doesn't mean that i'll stop watching bl/sapphic dramas. but if you really want to see something like that, i'd suggest you send some recs my way. otherwise, i'll be digging through the bargain bin at mydramalist to find more.
until next time!
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