crnl-chicken-tots · 2 years
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Tiny bbs
Was in the Hinata x Shiratorizawa mood today, didn't draw the others but they live on in my mind. Also kinda revolving around a fic I'm drafting but
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storytimewithnova · 11 months
Love's Crescendo: Conquering Angrophobia Together
Tori quickly shut the door to her room upon hearing her mother's screams coming from the kitchen, where their presumably drunk father was causing a commotion. Concerned for her younger siblings, the Miya Triplets, Tori rushed to their aid. She found Atsumu and Osamu huddled together in her room, with Atsumu trying to protect Shoyo from their parents' loud voices by covering his ears.
To make her younger brothers more comfortable, Tori decided to play soothing music, even though she was unsure of how much it would help. She wanted to ease her brothers' burdens. As the music played, she could hear whimpering from Atsumu, the oldest of the triplets. Tori moved Atsumu closer to Shoyo, despite the physical resemblance between Atsumu and Osamu, Atsumu gravitated towards being overprotective of Shoyo. This adjustment seemed to calm Atsumu's whimpers. Tori then took a moment for herself, using her vape pen to de-stress.
Tori silently made a vow to herself and her brothers that she would never turn out like their parents. She worried especially about Shoyo, who was still very young and appeared to be affected by their parents' tumultuous relationship.
As time passed and Tori got older, she witnessed her parents' relationship deteriorate to the point where they filed for divorce. The image of their parents as heroes began to fade as they realized their parents were just like them, flawed and imperfect. Tori began to understand that love was challenging, and it didn't always work out. She also recognized the importance of letting go of toxic relationships.
Shoyo, the youngest of the siblings, struggled with angrophobia, a fear of anger. This fear led him to question why their family was never happy. Shoyo, who wasn't particularly religious, even started praying for a new, happier family. This deeply concerned Tori and made her realize the extent of the family's troubles.
Tori then recited the lyrics to herself, reflecting on the fact that their parents weren't heroes but flawed individuals, just like her. She understood that love was complicated, and sometimes it was better to let someone go. The lyrics resonated with Shoyo, who went to his big sister for comfort, voicing his fears and seeking reassurance. Shoyo's angrophobia was severely affecting him, and the family was in turmoil due to their parents' issues.
This plot explores the impact of a tumultuous family environment on the siblings and how they gradually come to terms with the reality of their parents' imperfections and the challenges of love and relationships.
Title: "The Promise of a Silent Melody"
Once upon a time in a small suburban house, Tori lived with her parents and her younger triplet brothers, Atsumu, Osamu, and Shoyo. It was a house filled with secrets, pain, and shattered dreams.
🎶I used to shut my door while my mother screamed in the kitchen🎶
Tori's life was marked by the daily turmoil of her parents' tumultuous relationship. The sounds of her mother's screams from the kitchen often sent her rushing to her room, desperately trying to escape the chaos.
🎶I'd turn the music up, get high and try not to listen To every little fight, 'cause neither one was right🎶
Tori found solace in music, cranking up the volume to drown out her parents' arguments. She would also occasionally indulge in her vape pen to find a brief moment of relief, an escape from the painful reality she lived in.
But there was something more significant than her own escape that Tori held close to her heart.
🎶I swore I'd never be like them But I was just a kid back then🎶
Tori had made a silent promise to herself and her brothers. She vowed never to become like their parents, to break the cycle of dysfunction that seemed to engulf their family. Above all, she worried for her youngest brother, Shoyo, who was still just a child.
🎶The older I get the more that I see My parents aren't heroes,they're just like me. Tori's understanding of her parents evolved as she grew older, realizing that they were flawed individuals grappling with their own issues, just like everyone else. She learned that love was a complicated and often challenging endeavor, and that it didn't always work out as intended.
🎶I used to wonder why, why they could never be happy. Tori often found herself pondering why her parents could never find happiness in their relationship. She closed her eyes and wished for a different kind of family, one where everything was fine, one that felt like home.
🎶I swore I'd never be like them But I was just a kid back then🎶
As the years passed, the situation at home deteriorated. The constant fighting and tension between her parents took a toll on the entire family. Eventually, her parents decided to file for divorce, marking the end of their tumultuous marriage.
Tori couldn't help but reflect on how her perception of her parents had changed. They were no longer the heroes she had once imagined them to be. Instead, they were just ordinary people, struggling with their own demons, and trying to make their way through life.
🎶The older I get the more that I see My parents aren't heroes, they're just like me. With each passing year, Tori grew wiser and more aware of the complexities of life and relationships. She learned that loving someone was not always easy, and that it often involved navigating through challenges and pain. She realized the importance of trying her best to protect her brothers from harm and hurt, just as she had done by moving Atsumu to comfort Shoyo during those loud, distressing nights.
🎶I used to wonder why, why they could never be happy. Tori's introspection deepened as she wondered why her parents couldn't find happiness together. It was during these moments of contemplation that she saw her youngest brother, Shoyo, changing. He was diagnosed with Angrophobia, a fear of anger, which had developed from the constant turmoil in their home.
As Shoyo's condition worsened, he began questioning why their family was never happy. He was not particularly religious, but he found himself praying for a new family, yearning for a life that was free from the constant tension and anger that had become their daily reality.
🎶The older I get the more that I see My parents aren't heroes, they're just like me. Shoyo's struggles with Angrophobia became increasingly apparent to Tori and her brothers. It was heart-wrenching to see the youngest among them so profoundly affected by their family's dysfunction.
🎶The older I get the more that I see
My parents aren't heroes, they're just like me🎶
The lyrics echoed in Tori's mind as she witnessed her parents' divorce, the final confirmation that they were far from the heroes she had once believed them to be. Tori understood that their family, like any other, had its share of flaws, and their parents' imperfections were just a reflection of the human experience.
Shoyo, overwhelmed by his fear and the chaos around him, sought comfort from his big sister. He hugged her tightly, whispering the same lyrics, expressing his realization that their parents weren't heroes and that love was hard. Tori embraced him, her heart aching for the pain he was enduring.
Shoyo's Angrophobia was taking a toll on him, a stark reminder of the need for healing and a chance for a brighter future. As the family navigated the complexities of their past and the challenges of the present, they held onto the hope that, with time, they would find their way to a happier, more peaceful life.
Tori clung to that hope with all her might. The challenges they faced as a family were immense, but she was determined to be the pillar of strength for her brothers, especially Shoyo, who needed their support the most.
As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, the wounds of their troubled past slowly began to heal. The divorce brought some relief as their parents' constant battles ceased. It was a bittersweet ending to a chapter in their lives that had been filled with pain and uncertainty.
Tori continued to learn valuable life lessons as she grew older. She realized that loving someone wasn't about avoiding all the conflicts, but rather about working through them together. The journey toward understanding and forgiveness was a difficult one, but it was a path she was willing to walk to ensure a brighter future for her family.
Shoyo's Angrophobia remained a challenge, but Tori sought professional help to guide him through his fears. With therapy and the unwavering support of his siblings, he slowly began to regain his confidence and find peace in a world that was once filled with anger.
🎶The older I get the more that I see
My parents aren't heroes, they're just like me🎶
Tori often reflected on those lyrics, acknowledging that while her family had been through hardships, they had also grown stronger. They were no longer held captive by the past, and the older they got, the more they understood that their parents' imperfections didn't define them.
Through the trials of their childhood, they had formed an unbreakable bond as siblings, and together, they learned that sometimes, it was better to let go of the past in order to embrace a brighter future.
Hope began to shine on the horizon as Shoyo entered Shiratorizawa and met Eita Semi, an ash-blond-haired setter and musician. Eita was a second-year student who took an interest in the new first-year student, Shoyo. He saw potential in Shoyo, not just as a volleyball player, but also as a person.
Eita recognized the struggles Shoyo had faced, and he believed that joining the volleyball team could be a step toward healing and finding a sense of belonging. With gentle encouragement, Eita convinced Shoyo to become a manager for the team, a role that allowed Shoyo to spend more time at the school, even in the dorms.
Semi's friendship and support were a lifeline for Shoyo. He discovered that Shoyo had trouble sleeping at night, likely due to the trauma of his past. In these moments of vulnerability, Semi would pick up his guitar and play soothing melodies to ease Shoyo's restless mind. The music became a source of comfort and solace, gradually helping Shoyo find a sense of peace that had long eluded him.
With the guidance and support of Eita Semi and the sense of purpose he found in his role as a manager, Shoyo began to rebuild his life. The healing process was ongoing, but the glimmer of hope in his eyes was a testament to the transformation that was taking place within him.
Eita Semi had grown closer to Shoyo, but he was unaware of Shoyo's struggle with Angrophobia. As the two attended a training camp together, their bond had deepened, and Eita cherished the time they spent together.
During the camp, an unexpected altercation between the captains of Nekoma and Nohebi led to a sudden and heated argument. Shoyo, unable to control his instinctual reaction, flinched and instinctively covered his ears, an action that startled Eita and drew the attention of those around them.
Eita, initially caught off guard by Shoyo's reaction, quickly realized that something was amiss. He immediately reached out to Shoyo, pulling him aside to a more secluded area to ask if he was okay. Concern and care filled Eita's eyes as he recognized the need to understand what had just happened.
Shoyo, feeling vulnerable and exposed, hesitated but eventually opened up to Eita about his Angrophobia and the fear of anger. Eita, displaying empathy and understanding, reassured Shoyo that he was there for him, no matter what. He assured Shoyo that they could work through this together.
Eita's support and willingness to stand by Shoyo, even when faced with unexpected challenges, strengthened their bond and solidified the trust between them. Shoyo's siblings, who had also witnessed his reaction, learned that they had a network of support and love that extended beyond their family. Together, they embarked on a journey to help Shoyo overcome his fears and continue healing.
As the days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, Eita and Shoyo's bond grew stronger and deeper. They had become inseparable, supporting each other both on and off the volleyball court.
Eita, who had initially approached Shoyo with kindness and concern during that unexpected incident at the training camp, began to realize the depth of his feelings for Shoyo. He found himself thinking about Shoyo constantly, feeling a warmth in his heart whenever they were together. Eita had fallen in love.
One evening, beneath the starry sky, Eita finally mustered the courage to confess his feelings to Shoyo. They sat on a quiet, moonlit bench, with Eita's gentle melodies filling the air around them.
"Shoyo," Eita began, his voice filled with sincerity and love, "I want you to know that I care about you deeply, more than I ever thought I could. I love spending time with you, playing the guitar for you, and being by your side through the good times and the bad."
Shoyo looked at Eita, his eyes filled with emotion. "Eita, I... I feel the same way," he admitted, his voice trembling. "You've brought so much light and happiness into my life. I can't imagine my days without you."
With a shared smile, they both leaned in and shared their first kiss under the moonlight. It was a moment of profound connection and a celebration of their love, a love that had grown from understanding, acceptance, and unwavering support.
Their relationship blossomed into a beautiful romance. They faced life's challenges together, knowing that with each other's love and support, they could overcome anything. Eita and Shoyo's love story had begun in the midst of their individual struggles, but it had grown into a heartwarming tale of two people finding love, acceptance, and healing in each other's arms.
As Eita and Shoyo's relationship deepened, they discovered that their love was a source of strength for both of them. Eita's unwavering support and Shoyo's newfound ability to trust and confide in someone allowed them to overcome their individual challenges.
Eita continued to play soothing melodies on his guitar, not just to help Shoyo but also as a way to express his love and affection. His music became a soundtrack to their love story, a melody that captured the depth of their feelings.
They shared countless moments together, whether it was practicing on the volleyball court, studying for exams, or simply enjoying each other's company. Eita's presence provided Shoyo with a sense of security and calm that he had never experienced before.
Their love also extended to Shoyo's siblings, who saw Eita as a big brother figure and appreciated the happiness he brought to their family. They knew that Eita and Shoyo's love was a testament to the healing power of love and acceptance.
With each passing day, Eita and Shoyo's connection grew stronger, their love deeper. They learned to overcome obstacles, not just individually, but as a team. Their love story was a testament to the transformative power of love, acceptance, and the healing of a wounded heart. They had found not just a romantic partner in each other but also a lifelong friend and a source of unwavering support.
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saeweedbrains · 9 months
thinking abt semihina…. they’re so cute
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bluealmondpie · 4 years
hi it's me with the rarepairs
semihina hcs
* soft head pats. everyone loves to touch hinata's hair but they all do it differently. semi does it almost as if he was tucking hair behind hinata's ear. he starts from the crown of hinata's head, running his fingers down and back behind his ears, and then threading and gently arranging the orange locks around the ear, pulling just a teeny bit when his fingers finally part from hinata's hair. he likes hinata with long hair, so he can play with it more. hinata likes to lean into the touch.
* semi is weak to hinata angry pouting. he is resistant to the sad puppy eyes though.
* semihina jams. semi playing guitar or piano, smiling while watching hinata dancing(? bouncing) around the room with idk air guitar or drums or tambourine (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) they exchange cheeky looks. hinata glomps semi and the music is replaced by laughter.
* i really like the idea of hinata as a top in this ship. vers top hinata. they r equals and i cannot :') i love this ship
* hinata always dragging semi around the beach bars in rio
* don't get me wrong they r both party animals just that hinata is so much more ENERGETIC
* how they got tgt: after olympics atsusaku/iwaoi/bokuaka left early for celebratory shenanigans, the rest of the team was still washing up, when the shiratorizawa team came to catch ushijima. hinata was all 🤩🤩 and tendou invited him along to team dinner (he's a ray of sunshine!! you'll all love him ♪( ´▽`) ). hinata was like YOUR SERVES WERE SO COOL! I WAS SUPER IMPRESSED and semi just stared at like like wow this isnt just a ray of sunshine this is the actual sun. semi gets over the initial shock pretty fast and realised his soft spot for our sun. they talk. hinata really liked listening to semi for some reason (he's got a nice voice. and semi couldn't resist ruffling the fluff that is hinata's hair. and hinata really. really liked it). by the end of the night semi and hinata exchanged numbers, and started meeting up frequently. then one day hinata let slip that he likes semi and semi just went omg the sun loves me ok let's date ◡̈ . and there we go. standard love story with no twists and turns. soft and fluffy. slow burn. blushing babies
* kisses? yes. all the kisses. semi's fav place to kiss hinata is on the forehead. hinata's fav place to kiss semi is on the cheek. semi will lean down to make it easier for hinata.
* they r rough in bed (。•̀ᴗ-)✧ marks, scratches, bruises all over each other. semi leaves hickeys on hinata all the time. the other players were stunned at first but got used to it. hinata just doesn't care to hide the marks. hinata also leaves marks on semi... he's just better at hiding them.
* fav date activity: netflix and chill
no one ever ships my rarepairs. hinata harem is real, so i'm gonna write for them. plus, we all need more rarepair content ♪( ´▽`)
requests are open!~
masterlist (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
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hinatasharem · 7 years
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Made a Hinata Shouyo harem ship-chart so have fun with it lol
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hello! your info box says you are open to requests and your info page says you might be interested in pairings other than those you listed, so would you be interested in writing semi eita/hinata (semihina)? maybe them meeting up after the shira match and just clicking together and hinata inviting semi to play volleyball together or hang out? i read your tensemi fic on ao3 and i love your characterizations of both tendou and semi. and also a++++ writing. and i'm sorry if this is a bother.
Thank you for requesting! And yes, I love this pairing, so I really enjoyed this ;3 Thank you for all the patience!! And I’m so glad you liked the tensemi week works, as well as their characterizations! That really means a lot! And you’re not a bother at all - thanks for dropping in, asking, and leaving me with some awesome feedback!
Read on AO3 only
“Hey! Kid! Number ten!”
The kid leapt up, almost as though he’d been electrocuted, before he hit the ground and whipped around, amber eyes wide, hair still damp with sweat. His mouth popped open and he straightened up, limbs snapping in until he was almost ramrod straight and stiffer than a board. “H-hi! You’re the pinch server, right? Ah… Sumi?”
Semi managed to keep it to a thin-lipped smile as he shook his head and stilled a few steps from the young player. “Not
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ao3feed-haikyuu · 8 years
Woe is me.
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2nzcody
by Darkestsweetdream
It's rich, the sound of fingers gently gliding on keys as the ginger starts the song.Shigeru instantly relaxes, zeroes in on the small boy, the way his hands naturally dance along the keys. His hands are calloused, like a volleyball spiker's would be. He watches, and examines. Watches how he has no sheet work with him, and he seems a bit nervous but his back seems to relax, not quite slouching but a pianist stance and light brown eyes cant seem to move from their spot on the younger boy. But if Shigeru looks hard enough he can spot the trembling bottom lip and the startling reveal of molten orange eyes, wide and a bit watery as he focuses on the keys.
Words: 2068, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Haikyuu!!
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Hinata Shouyou, Yahaba Shigeru, Oikawa Tooru, Iwaizumi Hajime
Relationships: Yahaba Shigeru/Hinata Shouyou, one sided Oikawa Tooru/Hinata Shouyou
Additional Tags: Tooru is more half obsessed with Shouyou, he shookt how amazing shou chan is, its so short but ill add more later...maybe another chapter, im also working on a surprise fic, but its semihina, for a spoiler, rAREPAIRS FTW
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2nzcody
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theeccentricflyer · 8 years
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I have long waited for the day these two would interact.
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storytimewithnova · 11 months
Hidden Moonlight"
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Plot Summary:
"Hidden Moonlight" is a captivating story filled with secrets and hidden identities. It revolves around Semira Semi, a cheerful and bubbly young woman who is in a relationship with Shirabu Kenjiro, although most people mistakenly believe that she is dating her brother, Eita Semi. Semira's best friend, Shoyo Akaashi, shares a similarly radiant personality and is the brother of the Akaashi twins and Seijiro Akaashi, a famous basketball star.
Unbeknownst to her boyfriend, Kenjiro, and best friend, Shoyo, Semira carries a significant secret – she is a Lycan, a creature of the night. She has concealed her true identity from those closest to her, fearing their reactions. As the story unfolds, Kenjiro discovers Semira's hidden nature, leading to a complex web of emotions and decisions.
"Hidden Moonlight" explores the challenges of revealing one's true self and the impact it can have on relationships. It delves into the questions of acceptance, love, and identity, as Semira's world is turned upside down when her secret is unveiled.
As the tension rises and secrets unravel, the story raises questions about the true nature of love and the strength of relationships. Can Kenjiro accept Semira for who she is, and will she remain his girl, Lycan or not?
Throughout the story, Semira's brother, Eita, provides support and encouragement, reminding her that she is Kenjiro's "Lycan girl," his little wolf. With these words, Semira must navigate the challenges of her dual identity and the impact it has on her relationships with those she holds dear.
**Chapter 1: Sunshine and Misconceptions**
Semira Semi, with her bright and infectious personality, was a beacon of cheerfulness in her small corner of the world. Her smile, genuine and warm, was like a sunbeam breaking through the clouds. Friends, acquaintances, and even strangers couldn't help but be charmed by her presence. It was said that even on the worst days, a glance from Semira was enough to make anyone forget their troubles.
Semira's life was intertwined with her brother, Eita Semi, through their unwavering sibling bond. But a peculiar twist of fate had led to a common misunderstanding among those who knew them. People often believed that Semira was romantically involved with Eita's best friend, Shirabu Kenjiro. The confusion created amusing anecdotes among their friends and, sometimes, raised a few eyebrows.
Apart from her family and her puzzling love life, Semira had another cherished sunshine in her life. That was Shoyo Akaashi, her dearest friend and a kindred spirit. Shoyo was the younger brother of the Akaashi twins, Keiji and Hajime. Their family's eldest son was none other than the basketball sensation Seijiro Akaashi, the man who had founded the legendary Generation of Miracles.
In this intricate web of relationships, it wasn't just Semira's love life that appeared to be entangled with misunderstandings. People often made the incorrect assumption that Shoyo was dating Kei Tsukishima, who was in reality in a relationship with Tadashi Yamaguchi. Meanwhile, Shoyo's heart was already claimed by none other than Semira's brother, Eita. The combination of their similar personalities, their shared roles as team managers, and their status as the 'sunshines' of their respective groups had drawn them close.
But beneath this façade of love, laughter, and sunshine, Semira harbored a secret, one she hadn't revealed to her boyfriend or her best friend. A secret that could change everything she held dear. She was a Lycan, a creature with the power to transform into a wolf under the moon's gentle caress. The fear of their reactions had kept her supernatural identity hidden.
**Chapter 2: Moonlit Discovery**
As life continued, Semira's secret remained concealed like a well-guarded treasure. But one night, under the ethereal glow of the moon, Kenjiro accidentally stumbled upon Semira's transformation. What he saw left him in shock and disbelief. His world, once filled with the simple joys of love and happiness, had now been touched by the supernatural.
**Chapter 3: Unveiling Fears**
Kenjiro's emotions were a turbulent sea of fear, uncertainty, and societal prejudices. He questioned whether he could continue loving someone with such a hidden and supernatural identity. It was a struggle that seemed insurmountable, and he was torn between his love for Semira and the weight of societal expectations.
Semira, on the other hand, was equally terrified. Her fear was twofold. She feared losing Kenjiro, the love of her life, and she was terrified of the potential dangers of exposing her true self to the world. She found solace in her brother, Eita, who was always there to offer comfort and support. His words rang like a soothing lullaby, "You are his Lycan girl, my little wolf."
**Chapter 4: A Shining Friendship**
As the story continued, the bond between Semira and Shoyo deepened even further. Shoyo became her unwavering source of support, standing by her side through this trying time. He knew well the hardships of being different in a world that often failed to understand, and he shared his own secrets with her. These shared experiences strengthened their friendship, and they leaned on each other with unwavering trust.
Meanwhile, the Akaashi family was not without its own secrets and complexities. Seijiro Akaashi, the basketball star, was the focus of the public eye, but his family had its own challenges to contend with. These challenges began to surface, entwining their fate even further with those of Semira, Kenjiro, and Shoyo.
**Chapter 5: Love and Acceptance**
With tension mounting and secrets unraveling, the story explored the true nature of love and the importance of acceptance. Kenjiro was faced with a life-altering decision: could he accept Semira for who she truly was, beyond the surface? Would Semira ever gather the courage to reveal her true self to her family and those she held dear?
The story was a tapestry of emotions, acceptance, and identity. It challenged societal norms and prejudices, emphasizing the enduring power of love and the strength of relationships.
**Chapter 6: A World United**
The final chapters delved deeper into the challenges of revealing Semira's secret to friends and family. It explored the diverse reactions that came to the forefront and the significance of acceptance. Shoyo's unwavering support, as well as the Akaashi family's role in overcoming prejudice, ultimately led to a world where humans and supernatural beings learned to coexist.
The story concluded on a heartwarming note, showcasing a world where differences were not just tolerated but embraced, driven by the enduring power of love and acceptance. The tapestry of relationships, secrets, and acceptance painted a vivid portrait of love's resilience, demonstrating that sometimes, love can overcome even the darkest of secrets.
**Chapter 7: Illuminating Shadows**
As time passed, Kenjiro wrestled with the profound truth he had discovered under the moonlight. The days seemed darker, weighed down by uncertainty and fear. He could no longer look at Semira without seeing the hidden wolf within her. Doubt gnawed at him, whispering that perhaps love couldn't bridge the chasm between their worlds.
Semira, on the other hand, found herself caught between two worlds - the vibrant, joyful human life she had always known and her Lycan heritage. The duality of her existence seemed to cast shadows on her relationships. She yearned for understanding and acceptance, both from Kenjiro and her family.
**Chapter 8: Unbreakable Bonds**
As the challenges continued to unfold, Semira's relationship with her brother, Eita, faced its own tribulations. Eita was the protector, the one who had always shielded his younger sister from harm. Yet, he grappled with mixed feelings, caught between his fierce loyalty to Semira and the anxiety of her concealed identity. Their bond was put to the test, and Eita had to navigate the fine line between sibling love and the world's prejudices.
Meanwhile, the Akaashi family confronted their own set of shadows. The charismatic Seijiro Akaashi, idolized by millions, was dealing with the weight of his own secrets. The spotlight on him only grew brighter as the story of Semira and Kenjiro's love unfolded. And yet, Seijiro found himself reflecting on the importance of acceptance and the hidden struggles of those closest to him.
**Chapter 9: Moonlight Confessions**
The tension in the story reached its climax when Kenjiro could no longer hide the turmoil within him. The weight of his discovery had grown unbearable. It was during a moonlit night, reminiscent of that fateful evening, that he mustered the courage to confront Semira about what he had seen.
In this pivotal chapter, Kenjiro's confession and Semira's revelation brought the story to a turning point. The moonlight, both their confidant and their nemesis, cast a serene yet mysterious glow on their conversation. Would love triumph over the shadows of fear and prejudice?
**Chapter 10: An Unforgettable Promise**
In the moonlight's embrace, Kenjiro and Semira shared a poignant conversation that could change the course of their lives. The weight of their emotions, the depth of their love, and the strength of their connection were all put to the test.
With tenderness and vulnerability, they made a promise to each other. A promise that transcended societal norms and prejudices. Their love, illuminated by the moonlight, became a beacon of hope in a world where acceptance was not guaranteed.
**Chapter 11: Embracing the Unseen**
The final chapters of "Hidden Moonlight" painted a picture of transformation and acceptance. The story wasn't just about Kenjiro and Semira; it was about the resilience of love and the power of accepting the unseen.
As the tale concluded, the characters in this intricate web of relationships discovered that the shadows of the past could be illuminated by love and acceptance. Prejudices were challenged, and a world where differences were celebrated began to emerge.
**Chapter 12: An Eternal Moonlight**
In the story's concluding chapter, the moonlight, a silent witness to their journey, became a symbol of enduring love. The world that had been divided by secrets and misunderstandings was now united by the power of acceptance. The relationships that had once been shrouded in confusion and fear had transformed into bonds that could withstand any challenge.
And so, "Hidden Moonlight" ended with a message of hope and resilience. It was a reminder that love had the power to conquer even the darkest secrets, and the moon, with its eternal glow, would forever light the path for those who chose to embrace the unseen.
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bluealmondpie · 4 years
requests are open (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
rules are here (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
important: posts that have post-timeskip content will be mentioned at the start of the post. the ones set entirely in post-timeskip haikyuuverse are categorised under post-timeskip hcs, but it's a fine line, some of them start out as drabbles (ok ok but) types of posts. sorry (;-;)
karasuno: ukai • daichi • asahi • hinata • kageyama • suga
seijoh: oikawa • iwaizumi
fukurodani: bokuto • akaashi
nekoma: kuroo • kenma
shiratorizawa: coach saitou • semi • ushijima
dateko: futakuchi
clingy hq boys
teams as texts i've sent
karasuno • seijoh • nekoma • dateko • inarizaki
team switch
karasuno • seijoh • nekoma • dateko
emotional support bois (and girls)
karasuno • seijoh
ok ok but;
iwaaka interactions • fujoshi!kiyoko • kitagawa daiichi!hinata • atsuoi bonding • kinhinakuni sleepovers • teacher's day at shiratorizawa • kenhina animal crossing • terushima x miya bros friendship
oihina 1 2
iwasuga 1
bokuaka sharing clothes
semihina 1
sunahina 1
akaken 1 2
long form/prose
soft kisses with sakusa • soft kisses with mattsun • soft kisses with osamu • soft kisses with iwaizumi
post timeskip hcs
hirugami family • sakuatsu origin story
tendou, asahi, kenma, tsukki, iwaizumi: doing it for the first time
goshiki, sugawara, terushima: s/o with split dyed hair
hi i'm almond! ◡̈ if the links don't work, drop me a message ♡
my jjk drabble blog here; 18+ MDNI
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hinatasharem · 7 years
oops lol SemiHina was a typo, I meant the ShiraHina anin, but SemiHina would be cute, too lol
both need more love regardless - if I could draw I would happily provide content lol
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Hey, I saw that you're on hiatus rn and I hope that it'll help you to feel better and to focus on the more important thing irl! And tbh I'm here because I found your SemiHina fanfic on AO3 and it was so adorable and I wanted to let you know that I'm happy that you share it with me and other readers who like that ship :') Bless Todoroki Shouto and I hope you have someone to talk to about how you sometimes feel down. I know that and I promise it helps a lot! Sending you good vibes ♡
This has been sitting in my ask box way to long oh my gods but!!!!
I’m so, so glad you enjoyed the fic aaaaah (*•̀ᴗ•́*)و ̑̑ I worked super hard on it, and I’m just!!!! That ship deserves more love okay and I want to write more for it soon kskskssk but!!! Todoroki Shouto also 1000% deserves to be blessed he deserves better okay????
Thankfully, I do have people I can talk to, and it’s slowly helping ^^ Not quite back in the swing of things, but I’m getting there. Thank you so much
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shittykawaii · 8 years
I got semihina omg this is the best day ever!!!! :D
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selpuku · 9 years
Another rarepair I recently heard of is SemiHina with Semi Eita and Hinata. They have never interacted, but I feel like Semi is a combo of Suga and Oikawa. I feel like Hina would run up to him one day and start talking about how amazing Semi's jump serve is and Semi would just just be like, "I am in the presence of an actual ball of sunshine." It would be cute if they started practicing together every one in a while or meeting up because I think their personalities would work together well.
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I really like Semi because his hair is super cute ((like the unholy offspring of Bokuto and Suga lmao))
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Imagine Hinata thinking that Semi Eita looks super cool and cornering him during prelims to ask him how he does his hair. Semi ends up offering to do Hinata's hair for him because wow, this enthusiastic decoy is actually really cute?
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storytimewithnova · 11 months
In another Life: Shona's Last Message
Here is a follow up story to fated soulmates though stars tissues maybe required
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Semi finds Shona's dairy and reads its contents
Of its pages
Dear my star if you are reading this i guess that means i lost my fight not first time but definitely for the last
I hope you don't mind me taking you for a little trip down memory lane because let's face it we did things even my brothers don't know about
Semi giggled while sobbing and continued readjng
Shona:You know it's crazy, 'cause nights like this
Would start out with a little private party You sneak me in your mom's house
Semi: how could i forget our little parties I know I mighta spilled my drink, but Really wasn't tryin' to spill my heart out I mean it started as a conversation I was really tryin' to get my thoughts out But then we make moves and we make plans
Had the whole thing mapped out or at least you did
After Semi said what he said he kept reading Shona's dairy
Shona:See, you were gonna go to college And to pay for bills I'd figure the job out And you knew I had to say it, but them day's gone Now I moved on and you switched phones Hopefully reincarnation will bring us back to the place we belong
Semi: that was when i left Tokyo for Miyagi i left you then i that's when i heard from shirabu you had cancer it broke me knowing my soulmate my other half was dying
Semi said to himself more so to the dairy he read what shona put next
Shona: oh remember this my star Summer before high school when we first met again We hung out in your Mustang listening to K-pop bands And on my 18th birthday we got matching tattoos
Semi looked at his universe tattoo Shona had the stars tattoo because if semi was her star she was his universe
Semi: Used to steal my parents' liquor and climb to the roof Talk about our future like we had a clue
Never planned that one day, I'd be losing you
Back in Shona's dairy
Shona: In another life I would be your girl We keep all our promises Be us against the world
Semi said as if shona was there
Semi:In another life I would make you stay So I don't have to say You were the one that got away
The one that got away
Semi forced himself to keep reading the dairy and holding back his tears and continued to talk
Semi: you was my June and I were my Johnny Cash
Never one without the other we made a pact
Sometimes when I miss you I put those records on
As he read the dairy he wanted to to yell that is faulse information a lie who told you that why was Semi Eita getting angry well this was the next line
Shona:Someone said you had your tattoo removed
They Saw you downtown singing the blues Its time to face the music I'm no longer your muse
Semi: ight who is spreading lies its on sight
He continued to read
Shona: In another life I would be your girl We keep all our promises Be us against the world
Semi:In another life I would make you stay So I don't have to say You were the one that got away
The one that got away
Semi laughed bitterly although he didn't know why he was laughing and started saying
Semi:I'm falling for you like dominoes From the top of the hundredth floor Look out below Geronimo
Tryin' to get behind the closed doors to your soul
Why'd you have to end the show We had such a beautiful plot There was still more story to go
There was more to semi and Shona's story on fate is a cruel twist Mistress and delt Eita the worse hand possible where he will end up going crazy or doing something crazy maybe the latter
Semi:Now look, I'm not insinuating that You're some type of fair weather player But even if the whole world falls over I wouldn't be aware of a glacier
I just wanna see you wake up Doing your hair in the mirror with your makeup Then, maybe in the next lifetime we could make up
Ah yes their stupid fight they had before semi left Tokyo before Shona was taken seriously ill before the cancer became a issue semi regrets every thjng he said now of course it was petty he loved shona with every fiber of his being and deep down shona knew that to coming to shona closing lines of her dairy
Shona:In another life I would be your girl We keep all our promises Be us against the world
Semi:In another life I would make you stay So I don't have to say You were the one that got away
The one that got away i miss you my Universe
Semi read Shona last message that said
Shona:I miss and love you my Dear star stay safe and look after my brothers
Semi sat there, holding Shona's diary in his hands, his emotions in turmoil. He wiped away the tears that had welled up in his eyes and closed the diary gently. The weight of what he had just read and the memories it had brought back weighed heavily on him.
In that quiet moment, he realized the depth of his feelings for Shona and the pain of losing her. He also understood the regret of the choices he had made, the words he couldn't take back, and the time he couldn't get back.
With Shona's words echoing in his mind, he made a silent promise to honor her memory, look after her brothers, and keep her in his heart. The diary had revealed a love that transcended time and distance, a connection that couldn't be erased.
As he placed the diary back where he had found it, Semi whispered, "I miss and love you too, Shona, my universe. I'll make sure your memory lives on, and I'll keep your brothers close, just as you would have wanted."
Semi left Shona's room and stepped out into the world, his heart heavy yet somehow lighter. As he thought about reaching out to Shona's brothers, he remembered something she had written in her diary. Even though her brothers were older, they had a tendency to keep their emotions bottled up, and that's why Shona had wanted Semi to look out for them. She feared they could break down at any time, overwhelmed by the loss of their sister.
Semi realized that he not only had to keep Shona's memory alive for himself but also be a pillar of support for her brothers. They had lost their sister, and they were likely struggling in their own ways. With Shona's words in mind, he made it his mission to be there for them, offering a shoulder to lean on, a listening ear, and a reminder that they were not alone in their grief.
He knew that honoring Shona's wishes meant not just remembering her but also being a source of strength for her family, and that was a responsibility he was willing to embrace.
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