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electricstrokeconnected · 1 year ago
How 'Yet' Changes Everything
Ever found yourself face-to-face with a challenge, thinking, "I can't do this"? We've all been there, staring down the barrel of self-doubt. But what if I told you there's a tiny, three-letter word powerful enough to transform these moments of doubt into stepping stones for growth? It's simple, it's magic, it's the word "yet."
Humaira Syed hit the nail on the head when she said, “Every limiting belief becomes the growth mindset tool by adding just this small word 'YET.'" It's a simple trick, but it sure packs a punch!
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The Power of "Yet"
Adding "yet" to any of your limiting beliefs does a little bit of magic. It's like flipping a switch from a fixed mindset ("I can't do this") to a growth mindset ("I can't do this yet"). See the difference? It's all about keeping the door open to possibilities, learning, and growth.
Why "Yet" Works
Encourages Growth: It acknowledges that you're on a journey. Skills can be learned, abilities can be developed, and knowledge can be acquired.
Builds Resilience: It's a verbal reminder that failure isn't the end of the road; it's just a pit stop where you learn what doesn't work.
Promotes Positivity: Instead of hitting a dead end, you're on a path with plenty of future exits. It's a way to stay optimistic, even when things look grim.
Putting "Yet" into Practice
Face a New Challenge: Next time you're up against something tough, add a "yet" to your internal dialogue. "I don't know how to do this... yet." It's a promise to yourself that you're going to figure it out.
Embrace Learning: Remember, mastery takes time and effort. Whether it's a new language, a sport, or a musical instrument, "yet" gives you the mental space to improve.
Celebrate the Small Wins: Every step forward is progress. Didn't nail it today? That's okay because you're not there "yet." Each attempt is bringing you closer to your goal.
"Yet" is more than just a word; it's a mindset. It's the difference between giving up and pushing forward, between stagnation and growth. So, the next time you catch yourself doubting your capabilities, sprinkle a little "yet" on those thoughts and watch how your perspective shifts.
Let's not limit ourselves by what we can do today but inspire ourselves by what we'll achieve tomorrow. After all, the only real limits are the ones we place on ourselves. And with "yet" in our vocabulary, those limits are about to expand
Ready to turn your "can'ts" into "cant's... yet"? Let's embark on this journey of growth together!
Stay Weird & Wonderful,
Boost your wellbeing! 💖 Get fun tips straight to your inbox. Sign-up for my weekly newsletter!
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nurseshannansreviews · 1 year ago
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🎄The holidays are stressful so I've been using @loyobofit for my body, mind & soul! It's a community all about body acceptance, joyful movement, and food freedom. I love how the #Loyobo virtual platform & community has so many options including live fitness classes, on demand videos, group coaching, cooking calls, mindful eating support, and lots more! My favorite video so far is Holiday Rage & Release with Courtney! It's all about finding a release and giving you an outlet to get it all out. It's an hour of stretching, breathing, and movement with elements of yoga, kickboxing, meditation and stretching (release) and encouraging you to get loud and vocal with grunts and lots of yelling (rage)! Supplies needed are a yoga mat, bolster, pillow, and yoga blocks or similar supports.
🎅 I have a 30 Day pass and it gives my full access to everything I need to better my mind, body and soul. You can get your 30 pass here
#selfcare #selfcarethread #selcaretips #selfcarematters #selfcareroutine #selfcareaccount #selfcareblogger #selfcareblog #selfcareholiday
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deanneroye · 2 years ago
Tips on self-care will help you be fine, fierce, and fun. We all want to. Look our best, feel our best, and show up as our best. 
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thatweirdoaltgrl · 4 years ago
Say this for 21 days. It is okay if it takes you longer:
I am enough. I forgive myself. All I need is within me. Thank you.
This is an affirmation of self care and growing. I promise you’re going to glow and be the best you that you will always be. This also comes with getting rid of toxic items, beings, etc.
Protect your energy 🖤🤍
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selfcareprincess-blog · 6 years ago
My intention for you.
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This blog is to help you, sensitive sweet soul, to see that your worthy of serving your own needs in all planes ; Physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.
I will inspire you to take care of yourself, listen to yourself and serve yourself.
-your healing fairy friend Jenna 🌱
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owlsandaxes · 4 years ago
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What is self-care? I asked the chicken, to which it promptly pooped on my notebook. Not sure if that's a metaphor for something... What do you think it is? Self-care, not the pooping, although I'd love to hear your thoughts on that too 😂🐔 . . #thoughtsplease #selfcarecommunity #exploremore #deepthoughts #selflove #healthtalk #selfcarethreads #mentalwellbeing #emotionalwellbeing #physicalwellbeing #naturephoto #journalphoto #journalpage #chooks #wellnessblog #selfcareblog #naturelover #ipreview via @preview.app https://www.instagram.com/p/CMnBr2hHzWc/?igshid=162xxbrqndxxw
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latinachikaspeaksmagazine · 6 years ago
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☆ LatinoChiko reviewed LatinaChika's winner of the Battle of the Aluminum Free Deodorant and he has some things to say! ☆ Check out the link in our BIO ☆ SWIPE RIGHT FOR SNEAK PREVIEW ♡ ART BY LATINACHIKA ♡ . . . #deodorant #deodorants #naturaldeodorant #deodorante #vegandeodorant #deodorizer #selfcare #selfcareblog #blog #blogger #beautyblog #beauty #review #reviews #art #sillyart #funnyart #cuteart #reviewofproducts #lushcosmetics #piperwai #organic #homemade #vegandeodorant #vegan #aluminumfree #aluminumfreedeodorant https://www.instagram.com/p/ByIn8depXyC/?igshid=te5xd1ol7ob7
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littlemissshortstuff · 6 years ago
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Top 5 Posts of 2018⠀ ⠀ #4⠀ ⠀ College & Minimalism: How They Go Together and Why It’s Important⠀ ⠀ https://buff.ly/2JszrzF⠀ ⠀ #TopPosts #TopBlog #Top5 #SelfCare #SelfCareBlog #LifestyleBlog #LifestyleBlogger #CTblog #CTBlogger https://www.instagram.com/p/BsJRd6AAzSo/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=5yq38pdsqbcz
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dofeace-blog · 7 years ago
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Take me back to summers in flight ✈️ #bloggerlife #blogger #bloggersgetsocial #bloglife #theblogissue #thehappynow #thatsdarling #getinspired #livecolorfully #livethelittlethings #selfloveblog #selfcareblog #mentalhealthblog #darlingmovement #pinterestinspired #darlingweekend #goingwithhappy #mentalhealth #pdxblogger #ontheblog #lifestyleblog #petitejoys #pnwblogger #selflove #selfcare #bloggerslife #abmlifeiscolorful #bloggerstribe #abmlifeisbeautiful #bloggers
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dead-flower-diary · 5 years ago
Die meisten Selflove und Selfcareblogs kann ich nicht ernst nehmen. Viele Menschen die behaupten, dass sie Selfcare betreiben hassen eigentlich nur andere und brauchen eine Ausrede, irgendwas was es legitimiert andere Leute wie Dreck zu behandeln. Das hab ich jetzt schon zu oft gesehen. Sicher, gibt es da draußen auch Menschen die einfach einen gesunden Lebensstil et cetera wollen, aber was ich so auf Social Media sehe macht mich oft krank. Es ist natürlich cool, wenn man sich selbst gut behandelt, wenn man dazu in der Lage ist, aber das gibt einem kein Recht andere Menschen wie Müll zu behandeln. “Aber es tut mir gut.” Meiner Erachtung nach, ist das trotzdem die falsche Herangehensweise. Ich finde das wirklich “toxisch”. Anführungsstriche. Das Wort toxisch triggert mich nur. Ich finde es nicht okay andere so abzuwerten. Das ist doch krank. Anderen Menschen zu sagen, dass sie giftig wären ist einfach nicht fair. Wir können alle nur versuchen die beste Version unserer selbst zu sein, wir können alle nur versuchen uns selbst zu lieben, aber es ist nicht okay anderen Menschen ihren Wert zu nehmen und ihnen “Liebenswürdigkeit” abzusprechen. Dadurch liebt man sich auch nicht mehr. Das erinnert mich an die Menschen auf dem Schulhof früher die andere fertig gemacht haben, damit es ihnen besser ging.
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littlemissshortstuff · 6 years ago
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Top 5 Posts of 2018⠀ ⠀ #5⠀ ⠀ 12 Days of Christmas Self Care⠀ ⠀ https://buff.ly/2BTwdlE⠀ ⠀ #TopPosts #TopBlog #Top5 #SelfCare #SelfCareBlog #LifestyleBlog #LifestyleBlogger #CTblog #CTBlogger https://www.instagram.com/p/BsJI24rgrwP/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=11gas2cj2k5u9
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thereallamala · 8 years ago
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My #Mcm #friends #mum #mummy #son #blogger #pbloggersuk #mumblogger #fblogger #2ndpregnancy #king #gorgeousboy #aff #mama #ohheymama #instamoms #mommyblog #thatmomlife #momgoals #selfcareblog #alwayslearning #keeplearning #nycmom #learning #momsrock #newyorkmoms #naturepic #naturegirl #favoriteplace #loveoflearning
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dofeace-blog · 7 years ago
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Happy freakin’ fall friends 🍁 . . . . #livethelittlethings #bloggersgetsocial #getinspired #bloggerlife #theblogissue #livecolorfully #thehappynow #selfloveblog #selfcareblog #blogger #mentalhealthblog #darlingmovement #pinterestinspired #darlingweekend #goingwithhappy #mentalhealth #pdxblogger #ontheblog #thatsdarling #lifestyleblog #bloglife #petitejoys #pnwblogger #selflove #selfcare #inspiration #abmlifeiscolorful #gardening #bloggerslife
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