#self-shipping positivity
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ghostinspacee · 1 year ago
For the self-shippers who see this...
If you ever feel like trying to get more in touch and connected with your f/o(s), you can always try creating a self-shipping journal. I'm in the on going process of making mine, and it's so nice and fun to do! It can be a fancy little notebook or a spiral notebook, doesn't matter.
I'll make a list of things you can add to your journal if you decide to start one:
- Write down how you and your f/o first met
- Add pictures, doodles or drawings of your f/o
- Add doodles of things that remind you of your f/o or relationship
- Write down any dreams or daydreams you have about them
- Write down a playlist or list of songs that make you think about your f/o
- Write down scenarios that go with a certain song
- You could buy cheap stickers of your f/o off Etsy or something and put them in there
- You could write about your s/I if you have one and how your s/I met your f/o
-Write letters from your f/o or write letters to your f/o
- Things you both enjoy doing with each other
Honestly you could do what you want with it but these are some of the things I've done with mine. It's fun to do cause if you're ever feeling down or anything, you could look at the journal and remind yourself that your f/o loves you <3
There's probably a bunch more stuff you could do so if anyone has other ideas, leave them in the comments/tags. If I think of anything else, I'll update the list. Hope you guys enjoy this idea! 😊
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bungoudogs · 7 months ago
Como alguém que em um dia muito ruim não sente vontade de falar com ninguém, nem mesmo via mensagem, gostaria de dizer isso:
Seu f/o respeita isso e nunca ficaria com raiva de você por falar pouco ou por não conseguir responder as mensagens dele ou dela. Mesmo que você fique completamente não-verbal, ainda irá te amar e respeitar isso.
Ele ou ela, entende que conversar nesses momentos é difícil e opressor e não iriam lhe forçar a conversa se você não estiver bem para isso. E vai garantir que outras pessoas saibam disso para que você não tenha que falar quando não quiser. Pode até mesmo responder por você, se for necessário.
Se você quiser conversar, mesmo que um pouco, ele ou ela vai lhe dar um caderno e uma caneta se dizer as coisas em voz ainda for muito para você. Ou apenas te pedir para usar o bloco de notas ou algum aplicativo de mensagens. Se você usar a linguagem de sinais nesses momentos, seu f/o vai se esforçar para aprender.
Se qualquer tipo de conversa, por menor que seja, lhe causa angustia ou cansaço, seu f/o vai te fazer perguntas de sim e não para poder atender suas necessidades ou apenas descobrir se você está desconfortável com alguma coisa. Também pode trazer lanches e comidas reconfortantes para você ou algum filme que ame muito. Vai te dar muitos abraços e garantias de que te ama.
Vai prestar atenção em você futuramente para indentificar quando você fica sem ânimo para falar, assim poderá lhe ajudar. No início, pode ter ficado preocupado(a) quando você não respondeu suas mensagens ou o ignorou quando lhe deu bom dia, mas agora entende o que está acontecendo e está pronto para lhe ajudar. E com certeza vai te defender se as pessoas te chamarem de mal-educado(a) ou rude por lhes ignorar.
Quero lembrar que seu f/o te ama muito e lhe apoia em tudo, principalmente nos momentos difíceis e que você pode sempre contar com sua compreensão e carinho!
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annasanthology · 2 months ago
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rowenasdarling · 3 months ago
btw ur allowed to take ur selfship as seriously or as unseriously as u like. as long as it’s good for u and it makes u happy, u can do whatever u want. it’s not “too much” <3
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kimiko24-art · 3 months ago
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and the demons are winning
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jamestown-base · 28 days ago
Shout out to selfshippers who don't get much attention in the community. It's perfectly ok to feel hurt when other people get asks and art. It's ok to feel sad that other people get their ships called canon and their art reblogged and you don't.
A lot of people say that you shouldn't care about that cause interaction doesn't define your relationship. It doesnt, but being upset about being ignored/less liked doesn't mean you value your relationship any less. You're allowed to want the kind of interaction others get!! You're allowed to want friends and a place in the community!!
Pr0ship/variants DNI
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dolliepiilled · 5 months ago
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your f/o having a crush on you but they’re the worst at hiding it .. always perking up at the mention of your name , getting you gifts and paying for your food , offering to take trips with you and do things for you , rambling on and on about you with their friends with the sweetest smile and flushed face , always stuck to your side whenever you’re around .. and somehow , it’s obvious to everyone but you ;3
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starshakez · 2 months ago
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I love you selfshippers with "unconventional" or weird f/os
I love you selfshippers with anime f/os
I love you selfshippers with cartoon f/os
I love you selfshippers with live action f/os
I love you selfshippers with nonhuman f/os
I love you LGBT selfshippers
I love you disabled selfshippers
I love you selfshippers with obscure f/os
I love you selfshippers with well known f/os
I love you selfshippers with 100 f/os
I love you selfshippers with only 1 f/o
I love you selfshippers that don't use self inserts
I love you selfshippers that make ocs or self inserts to fit into your f/os world
I love you selfshippers that ship with a main character
I love you selfshippers that ship with a background character
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kittyplushy · 6 months ago
New drug just dropped its called ur f/o being obsessed with how nice and soft you feel when you two cuddle. Youre like a living plushie to them
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rexscanonwife · 6 months ago
I'm gonna need fellow self shippers to NOT apologize or put themselves down for making their s/is basic/mary sue/OP as fuck because we're here to have FUN!! If you wanna give ur s/i a taste of the power or to make them the hottest person in your f/os canon then DO it! Make characters u don't ship with have a crush on you, make yourself the sole savior of this universe and be unapologetic about it!! [OK TO RB]
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cherrylight · 6 months ago
i think the reason why selfshipping can be so difficult for others is the mere fact that they think they don't deserve it. or don't deserve their f/o to love them unconditionally, or be there for them, or offer support and guidance, or be their crutch.
selfshipping is hard for those who are always the giver and never the receiver. you feel uncomfortable about selfshipping or thinking about scenarios with your f/o. or how you have no idea what to add to your selfship, what lore to even do, because you don't think you should do something like this for yourself.
but you do deserve this. you deserve to feel loved and cared for by your f/os, you deserve to create the most silliest of scenarios, you deserve to be so canon-divergent and self indulgent with your selfships. you deserve to love yourself, you deserve to receive love and care, you deserve to receive these things even if it may feel uncomfortable to.
you deserve to do things for yourself. it may take time for you to be fully yourself while doing so, but you got this! i believe in you. i believe we can overcome this together. <3
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loveisunison · 7 months ago
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🍂 Idk who needs to hear this but, self shippers.
Talk about your f/os for hours, be cheesy in your posts about them, express your feelings in "weird" ways, show off your art, write that imagine you've been thinking of, explore very niche topics even if you think others won't care . . .
Don't hold back and love loudly. Your love hurts nobody, this is your life and you're allowed to take up space !!!
So go ahead and love your f/os with all you have, as much as you want and in all the ways that make you happy 🤎
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annasanthology · 2 months ago
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kimiko24-art · 4 months ago
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I will explode u
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layla-st4r13 · 27 days ago
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imagine... confessing to f/o... and they love you back... that's all thank you
divider by @enchanthings-a
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shot-by-cupid · 1 month ago
There’s nothing wrong with wanting unconditional love from your f/o, there’s nothing wrong with being ‘the exception’ there’s nothing wrong with making ur self ship super lovey dovey- there is nothing wrong with making your f/o love you in the way you want to be loved!!!!! It’s your ship do whatever you want
proship/variants + neutrals and RPF DNI
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