#self help books personal growth
theambitiouswoman · 1 year
11 Lessons from the book Atomic Habits 🌟
"Atomic Habits" focuses on incorporating small, consistent habits into our lives to bring about significant change over time. The book introduces a four-step model for building habits, emphasizing cues, cravings, responses, and rewards. It also guides you in overcoming bad habits and self-limiting beliefs, demonstrating how simple habits can lead to substantial progress toward our goals.
Lesson 1: Habits Over Hobbies: You are not inherently bad at your hobbies. Instead, it's the lack of consistent habits that has held you back.
Lesson 2: Identity Matters: Our self-image greatly influences our habits. While it's important, you shouldn't let it hinder your growth.
Lesson 3: Stacking Habits: The concept of habit stacking involves adding a new behavior to an existing habit, which can help you build a more effective morning routine.
Lesson 4: Embrace the System: Rather than solely focusing on goals, it's important to love the process—the journey itself. It's about embracing the system that leads to progress.
Lesson 5: Something is Better Than Nothing: Even small efforts are valuable. The "Two-Minute Rule" encourages starting new habits that take less than two minutes.
Lesson 6: Overcoming Boredom: Staying motivated in habits requires keeping them interesting and within the right level of challenge. "The Goldilocks Rule" emphasizes that tasks on the edge of our abilities are most motivating. Habits won't always be exciting, and that's okay.
Lesson 7: Bouncing Back from Misses: Missing a habit occasionally is normal, but missing it twice can turn into a new habit. The key is to rebound quickly, maintaining the compound gains from previous good days.
Lesson 8: Shaping Your Potential: Our genes affect what we're good at and the chances we get. Instead of feeling stuck by genes, we should use our strengths. Special traits are like superpowers. Questions in the chapter help us find what we care about. Quotes remind us to focus on self-improvement, not comparing. Genes alone don't bring success; effort matters. Genes give hints, but we shape our success by using our strengths.
Lesson 9: Creating a Supportive Environment: Our surroundings are important. If we change our environment to match the habits we want, we're more likely to succeed. By setting up our space to help our habits, we can make good habits easier. People often limit themselves by thinking they can't do better. He also says that just luck doesn't explain success – hard work does. Whether it's moving stuff around or using visual reminders, these changes can really help us succeed in the long run.
Lesson 10: Creating or Breaking Habits: The Four Steps
These four steps are the foundation upon which many of his ideas are built. They are not only applicable to creating positive habits but also to breaking negative ones.
Cue: This is the trigger that initiates a behavior. It can be a specific time, location, emotional state, or preceding action that prompts your brain to start a habit.
Craving: Craving is the motivation or desire behind a habit. It's the feeling that drives you to engage in the behavior triggered by the cue. It's important to understand the underlying craving to effectively change a habit.
Response: Response refers to the actual behavior that you perform as a result of the cue and craving. This is the action that you take in response to the trigger and motivation.
Reward: Rewards are the positive outcomes or feelings that you associate with completing the habit. They reinforce the habit loop by making you more likely to repeat the behavior in the future.
He explains that these four steps form a habit loop, where each step is interconnected. The loop starts with a cue, followed by craving, which leads to a response, and ultimately ends with a reward. If any part of this loop isn't satisfying, the habit is less likely to stick.
Lesson 11: Success is a product of daily habits and overnight success is not overnight:
Success is not a result of overnight transformations but is instead rooted in the daily habits we cultivate. By recognizing the power of consistent, incremental actions, we can build a solid foundation for lasting success. This perspective challenges the allure of instant success and encourages us to focus on the journey of continuous improvement through daily habits.
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femmefatalevibe · 2 years
What are your favorite self help books? :)
Hi love! Sharing some of my favorite self-help books below:
Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck
The Magic of Thinking Big by David Schwartz
Atomic Habits by James Clear
You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay
Don’t Believe Everything You Think by Joseph Nguyen
The Mountain Is You: Transforming Self-Sabotage Into Self-Mastery by Brianna Wiest
Boundary Boss: The Essential Guide to Talk True, Be Seen, and (Finally) Live Free by Terri Cole
The Confidence Formula: May Cause: Lower Self-Doubt, Higher Self-Esteem, and Comfort In Your Own Skin by Patrick King
The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson
Choose Your Story, Change Your Life: Silence Your Inner Critic and Rewrite Your Life from the Inside Out by Kindra Hall
When You’re Ready, This Is How To Heal  by Brianna Wiest
Hunting Discomfort: How to Get Breakthrough Results in Life and Business No Matter What by Sterling Hawkins
The Four Pivots: Reimagining Justice, Reimagining Ourselves by Shawn Ginwright
The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron
A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose by Eckhart Tolle
The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
Unbound: A Woman’s Guide To Power by Kasia Urbaniak 
Pussy: A Reclamation by Regena Thomashauer 
Becoming The One by Sheleana Aiyana  
Attached by Amir Levine 
Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy by David D. Burns 
Whole Again by Jackson MacKenzie 
Take Your Lunch Break by Massoma Alam Chohan
Stop Overthinking by Nick Trenton 
Codependent No More by Melody Beattie
Designing the Mind: The Principles of Psychitecture by Ryan A. Bush 
Radical Acceptance: Awakening The Love That Heals Fear and Shame by Tara Brach 
Recovery from Gaslighting & Narcissistic Abuse, Codependency & Complex PTSD by Don Barlow 
Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents: How to Heal from Distant, Rejecting, or Self-Involved Parents by Lindsay C. Gibson 
Inner Child Recovery Work with Radical Self-Compassion by Don Barlow 
What Happened To You?: Conversations on Trauma, Resilience, and Healing by Bruce D. Perry & Oprah Winfrey 
Atlas of the Heart by Brené Brown 
Hope this helps xx
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studyinrain · 2 months
“Pushing through fear is less frightening than living with the underlying fear that comes from a feeling of helplessness."
Read it again. I know it’s hard to take in at first. It means that no matter how “secure” any of us feel in the little cocoon we have built for ourselves, we live, consciously or unconsciously, with the fear that the day of reckoning will eventually come.
People who refuse to take risks live with a feeling of dread that is far more severe than what they would feel if they took the risks necessary to make them less helpless—only they don’t know it!
—Susan Jeffers
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letsberealgenz · 6 months
nobody tells you this
“Whenever you’re trying to do better in life, you’d be challenged in the most terrifying manner where giving up feels like the only option left.”
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But take the alternative route. Keep grasping for air. Keep walking on your path despite the thorns beneath your feet. Keep going love because part of being a champion is really just about never giving up.
I know it’s easier said than done. I feel you but nobody tells you this. It gets easier when you start doing this:
Be really clear about your long-term goals.
Craft your path based on your life goals and true purpose.
Plan your days/weeks ahead.
Implement habits that would move you closer towards your goals.
It’s time to remove toxic relationships.
Spend more time alone getting to know yourself truly.
Put yourself in the right environment.
Join the right organizations/causes/societies that actually feeds your purpose and move you closer towards your goals.
Be really picky with your time. Choose who/what have access to it.
ALWAYS invest in yourself.
Spend time with nature as much as possible.
Read the right books.
Listen to the right podcasts.
Watch the right videos.
Detox your social media following.
Reduce your mindless scrolling on social media.
Clean up your current space.
Recycle/donate/dispose the unnecessary stuff sitting in your space.
Live an intentional life.
Practice minimalism.
Move your body often. Sweat it out.
Learn a new skill/activity/anything that helps you to get closer to your goals.
Look after your finances. Track your spending. Save what you can. Multiply and grow the rest through investments.
Reduce alcohol/nicotine/caffeine consumption as much as possible.
Make a vision board based on your goals and purpose.
Affirm yourself daily.
Simplify and only focus on the most important task that needs to be carried out for the day based on your goals.
Always prioritize your “me-time” whenever you can.
Spend more time with your family/friends/loved ones. Everybody is just getting older.
More self-talk.
Always track your goals from time to time. See what needs to be eliminated. What needs to be improved. What needs to be doubled.
Find a way on how your talent/skill/purpose/goals can be monetized.
I can go on and on but just remember everything and anything is possible. If one door closes, the other is still open. You just have to keep trying. Nobody tells you this:
“A major part of self-improvement is really just about improving yourself from time to time. It is a never ending cycle. There would never be a time when you’re satisfied with your progress. You just want to be better and better. Do more and more. Just like the sequence of numbers that never ends, and is infinite, so is your growth.”
Keep going love, I believe in you!
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classyblen · 10 days
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✨ Starting My Journey with Atomic Habits ✨
🌹 𝙷𝚎𝚢 𝙱𝚎𝚊𝚞𝚝𝚒𝚏𝚞𝚕 𝚂𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚜! 🌹
Today, I'm diving into the transformative pages of Atomic Habits by James Clear. This book has been on my radar for a while, and I finally snagged a physical copy! 🔥📖
📖 Details:
Author: James Clear
Page Count: 320 pages
Current Mood: Ready to level up! 💪
🌟 Excitement Level:
Feeling pumped and ready to absorb all the wisdom this book has to offer! 🔥📖
📝 Reading Goals:
Explore strategies to build good habits and break bad ones.
Implement at least one new habit each week as I progress through the book.
💬 Join the Conversation!💋
If you’ve read Atomic Habits, share your thoughts below! Let’s inspire each other on this journey of habit-building! 🎀
✨ Stay tuned for my upcoming reviews and updates! Let’s make the most of our habits together!
if you guys wanna download the book its free click the link below
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pranabhazarika · 10 months
Becoming a better conversationalist:
1. Become genuinely interested in other people.
2. Smile.
3. Remember that a person's name is the sweetest and most important sound in any language.
4. Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves.
5. Talk in terms of the other person's interests.
6. Make the other person feel important, and do it sincerely.
7. Avoid criticism, condemnations, and complaints.
8. Make the other person feel valued and appreciated.
9. Show respect for the other person's opinions.
10. Admit your own mistakes.
11. Begin in a friendly way.
12. Find common ground.
13. Let the other person do a great deal of the talking.
14. Let the other person feel the idea is theirs.
15. Try honestly to see things from the other person's point of view.
16. Be sympathetic to the other person's ideas and desires.
17. Appeal to the nobler motives.
18. Make your ideas more exciting.
19. Present a challenge that they might enjoy.
Book; How to Make Friends and Influence People –Dale Carnegie
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eneasbastianini · 10 months
watching a luca marini podcast. feeling a frankly concerning combination of troubled intrigued and horny
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ismailfazil1-blog · 2 months
Building Self-Confidence: A Roadmap to Believing in Yourself
Discover your full potential with "Building Self-Confidence: A Roadmap to Believing in Yourself." This guide provides practical ways for overcoming self-doubt, embracing your strengths, and achieving your goals. Discover how to overcome limiting thoughts and confidently face life's obstacles. Transform your life and become the powerful, confident person you've always wanted to be.
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menmusthave · 4 months
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Discover the revised and updated edition of Napoleon Hill's classic masterpiece. Learn the secrets of success from iconic figures like Bill Gates and Mary Kay Ash, as Arthur R. Pell, Ph.D., expertly weaves timeless principles with contemporary insights for 21st-century achievers.
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natasa-pantovic · 11 months
To Purchase check Amazon Link https://www.amazon.com/Natasa-Pantovic/e/B00TUA1528
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samgardnerbooks · 1 year
In the world of personal development and self-help literature, few books have garnered as much attention and praise as "Ignite To Win" by Sam Gardner. Released in [year], this transformative masterpiece has been hailed as a roadmap to success, happiness, and fulfillment. In "Ignite To Win," Gardner delves deep into the human psyche, guiding readers on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Throughout this article, we will explore the key themes, insights, and impact of "Ignite To Win," highlighting the book's profound lessons that have touched countless lives.
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The Author: Unveiling the Mind Behind "Ignite To Win"
Before diving into the book itself, it is essential to understand the man behind the words – Sam Gardner. A prominent figure in the field of personal development, Gardner's background and experiences have significantly influenced the book's content. We will explore his journey, his motivations for writing "Ignite To Win," and how his unique perspective has shaped the book's message.
The Premise of "Ignite To Win"
"Ignite To Win" opens its pages with a compelling premise, inviting readers to embark on a transformative journey towards a more fulfilling life. We will delve into the book's central concepts, where Gardner lays the groundwork for self-discovery, personal growth, and the pursuit of success.
The Pillars of Success: Unveiling the Core Principles
At the heart of "Ignite To Win" lie the pillars of success that Gardner asserts are essential for achieving one's goals. From mindset shifts to time management techniques, we will examine each core principle in-depth, understanding how they contribute to personal growth and empowerment.
Overcoming Obstacles: Navigating Challenges on the Road to Success
No journey toward success is without its challenges. In this section, we will explore how "Ignite To Win" equips readers with the tools to navigate and overcome obstacles that inevitably arise. Whether it's fear, self-doubt, or external setbacks, Gardner's insights provide a framework for resilience and tenacity.
The Power of Visualization and Goal Setting
One of the standout features of "Ignite To Win" is its emphasis on visualization and goal setting as powerful tools for achievement. We will analyze the techniques Gardner proposes, exploring their psychological underpinnings and real-world applications.
Cultivating Positive Habits: The Key to Sustained Success
Success is not a destination but a journey, and "Ignite To Win" emphasizes the importance of positive habits in creating a sustainable path to victory. This section will delve into the habits Gardner advocates, backed by scientific research and anecdotal evidence.
From Mindset to Action: Transforming Intentions into Results
A critical aspect of personal development lies in bridging the gap between mindset and action. We will explore how "Ignite To Win" motivates readers to translate intentions into actionable steps, fostering a sense of accomplishment and progress.
The Ripple Effect: How Personal Growth Impacts the World Around Us
Beyond personal success, "Ignite To Win" underscores the broader impact of individual growth on society. Gardner's book advocates for a more compassionate and interconnected world, where personal fulfillment is linked to collective well-being.
Real-Life Success Stories: The Testimonials of Transformation
Throughout its pages, "Ignite To Win" is interspersed with real-life success stories of individuals who have implemented Gardner's principles and witnessed remarkable transformations. We will share some of these inspiring stories, illustrating the tangible results of applying the book's teachings.
Critiques and Controversies: Examining the Book's Reception
In this section, we will explore both the praise and critiques surrounding "Ignite To Win." While many have lauded its impact, some have questioned its efficacy and applicability in diverse circumstances. By addressing these concerns, we can gain a more nuanced perspective on the book's strengths and limitations.
"Ignite To Win" by Sam Gardner is a testament to the enduring power of personal development literature. Through its timeless wisdom, actionable advice, and profound insights, the book has ignited a spark in countless individuals seeking a more fulfilling life. Gardner's journey of self-discovery and empowerment has resonated with readers across the globe, and its impact will undoubtedly continue to shape lives for years to come. As we conclude this exploration of "Ignite To Win," we are reminded of the boundless potential within each of us to achieve greatness and create a positive ripple effect in the world.
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solianapaeris · 2 years
Learn from the past and be patient.
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letsberealgenz · 6 months
slow mornings
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Probably you’re already judging this story through the title and the first thought that came across your mind is this:
“Oh I can’t have slow mornings. You do not know how busy my life is. This is so unideal for me. How can I even have slow mornings?”
If you’re one of them, I want you to stop whatever you’re doing and read this with an open mindedness. Sometimes you got to recognize new opportunities knocking on your door even when it feels so foreign because you never know it could be that life-changing opportunity that you’ve been waiting for.
As someone whom was starting up in life, I had a crazy busy schedule as soon as I got off from bed. This idea of time passing by fast and I have limited time for the day really got control over my life till the day I hit a wall.
I realized that the busier I got, the more things piled up and that’s okay. But the things that were piling up were so unnecessarily repetitive, in fact it was ruining my productivity level. Just because I was busy chasing time.
“How foolish a man can be thinking he can get ahead of time but little did he know it’s time that always catches up.”
As soon as I realized this, I took a different approach. Instead of panicking and getting crazy all over the place. I looked at the most important time of the day which was generally the mornings. It didn’t took me long enough to realize that the way you begin your morning holds such an integral ripple effect that triggers every movement of yours throughout the day.
Stack those days up, it turns into weeks. Stack those weeks up, it turns into months. Stack those months up, it turns into years. Stack those years up and that’s your life eventually. BOOM! That’s why we often hear this:
“It’s those little things that makes the most difference in life.”
I knew it’s not the “surface-level” problem that was causing me the distress but it’s the “root-level” that I need to tackle on. Turns out to be it is the #1 problem most people are having in todays world.
scrolling through your notifications as soon as you switch on your wi-fi first thing first in the morning
This was the “root-level” problem that was causing anxiety or even crippling fear which triggers your emotion to start rushing for the day.
rushing while preparing yourself
rushing while having breakfast
rushing while commuting to work
And you know how this goes, all through the end till you get on your bed. Now, we are going to change the narrative. How does a slow morning looks like?
waking up way earlier than usual
taking your time to brew your coffee
read while looking at the nature
moving your body
meditating and having that solitude time
The only difference is instead of you waking up at the very eleventh hour and rushing to work. Now, you can spend some quality time with yourself boosting your vitality and setting the right tone for the day before things gets messy.
The most astonishing part for me was when I started experiencing some major changes in my day to day. The way I carry myself. The way I feel. The way I speak. The way I handle situations that piles up for the day. The way I started managing various high-pressure tasks.
All I can say is, the changes were super positive. In fact, I felt like I was living a new character. The only character I would want to live forever in life now. Slow morning is the answer my friend.
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blackboujeebeauty · 2 years
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✨New Blog Post Alert! ✨How Reading Can Elevate Your Mindset. Reading is one of the best ways to stimulate your mind and elevate your mindset. It’s a powerful way to expand your knowledge base, gain new insights, and enjoy some downtime. You can read for pleasure, work-related purposes, or as a hobby. Head over to www.blackboujeebeauty.com to learn how you can gain new perspectives, increase your literacy, and indulge in the act of self-care through reading. https://www.blackboujeebeauty.com/post/how-reading-can-elevate-your-mindset
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pranabhazarika · 1 month
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