#seiya... u will always be loved by me...
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miracle-bromance · 1 year ago
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(+ haruseiya )
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landoom · 1 year ago
For the fic writers askes: AEIOU please
Fic writer ask - feel free to ask me more!
A: Of the fanfic you’ve written, which is your favorite and why?
That's a very hard question... I have more than 500 works posted on AO3 + fics written before that in French...
I have a very fond memory of a Feliciano Lopez/Marat Safin fic that I wrote with a dear friend during months like ten years ago.
For the most recent ones, I really enjoyed my Logandoscar polyamory "Love is an infinite resource "
Loves the pairing, the poly side of it and it was my longest fic ever (before "Red White and Williams Blue").
E: What character do you identify with most?  Is there a certain fic of yours that captures these qualities particularly well?
I mostly write fanfiction about male character in order not to really identify with them!
That being said, I quite feel like George would be the closest to me.
Especially in my dom/sub fic " I find my way back to a higher ground" because he struggle with letting go and loosing control and it's something I had to work on myself (went to a therapist rather than finding a dom, though lol)
I: How many fandoms have you written in?  Do you have a favorite?
Here is a little list :
Saint Seiya - Tennis RPF - Football RPF - 30 seconds to Mars RPF - The Hobbit Actor RPF - Merlin - Merlin Actor RPF - Formula 1 RPF
Merlin has been my longest fandom (as an active participant) and it keeps a special place in my heart as I spend so many great moments in that fandom and I'll always be impressed how alive it stayed even after the show ended.
F1 RPF is the only fandom I'm active in at the moment so... This is clearly my actual favourite!
O: What are your thoughts on people writing fanfic of your fanfic?
I'm honoured, of course!
I like to be notified about it but for me, fanfictions are created to be shared so I like that idea!
U: Is there a pairing you would like to write, but haven’t tried yet.
As a multi-shipper at hearts, I can always be tempted by some new parings!
At the moment, I have enough WIP's so I don't have concrete plans to write many new pairing.
I'd like to explore Logan/Lando and Logan/James a bit more (longer works).
I'm also tempted by Logan/George/Alex!
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vanillahub · 1 year ago
respond to the prompts out of character!
what made you pick up the current muse(s) you have? Obviously, I'm heavily influenced by a set list of characters I personally love, which means I come up with a take/portrayal as I delve deeper into the lore. I tend to have a preference for side characters, rather than protags or lore heavy ones, bc of the freedom I get... BUT at the same time I've had numerous muses that carry a lot of weight in their respective franchises (see: Seto Kaiba, Captain Rex, rival Barry, Richter Belmont and Sea Dragon Kanon just to name a few).
I mainly write as canon characters, I genuinely have little to no interest in making or RPing as an OC. At most, I have 1 OC in two out of the RPCs I'm currently part of. Which explains this huge disparity.
is there anything you don’t like to write? My hard nos are Incest, Adult/minor types of relationships. Bodily fluids/toilet stuff and fetish focused RPs. One-liners and really short replies aren't fun for me, sure, they can be fun for crack/joke interactions. But they won't last long. I really love working and expanding on the source material, so RPs for me really need to have that good plotting to back it up. While I'm totally open for exploring darker/taboo subjects (e.g.: adultery, toxic relationships, etc.), they MUST carry weight on the characters and be handled accordingly.
is there anything you really enjoy writing? GIMME ALL THE WEIRD COMBOS TO INTERACT WITH!!! Characters that never met or barely interacted with one another in canon but, they can interact in our RPs!!! My jam is doing worldbuilding and expanding on the source material!!! I also enjoy writing comedy, fluff, romance, slice-of-life, over-arching stories that connect/get refferenced in other threads.
how do you come up with headcanons? I look for plotholes or anything that was barely touched upon, in the source material, and I go off from it. I try establishing connections or make them clearer, to serve as future reference for me and my RP partners. I also love taking influence from other medias I'm into.
do you write in silence or do you play music? I used to be able to multitask a lot easier in the past. Now, I mainly prefer writing in silence. Only in very rare cases, I may play some kind of lo-fi beat or lounge music.
do you plan your replies or wing them? It depends on the thread in specific! Most of them have been plotted out, so I go off what we have laid out. Only in a few cases I try to wing it.
do you enjoy shipping? YES YES. GIMME. However, due to some bad experiences in the past, I'm really picky with platonic and familial stuff (popular fanons my beloathed).
what’s your alias/name? Vani
age?  27
birthday? 19th of July
favorite color?  Purple, blue, white, red-
favorite song?  Tô de pé - Maneva
last movie you watched?  I genuinely can't remember it LOL. It must have been Saint Seiya: Legend of Sanctuary.
last show you watched?  Saint Seiya Omega
last song you listened to? Discoholic - Disco Soul (Mr. Hoosteen's "Disco's Revenge
favorite food?  Pesto Pasta
favorite season?  Summer
do you have a tumblr best friend? Check these fellas out <3
These ppl know me for the longest time Gen ( @gems-of-lirema ), Simone (@unchcsen ) , Shiba ( @celestiialnotes ), Retto ( @245s ), Bobo ( @roleplayersoul ) and Smeargle ( @ofpokemon ) !! Really special mentions to @radi0activesmile, Val and @mxlik you guys will forever hold a v special place in my heart!!
Then I'm always chatting with Ama ( @gwiazdowe ), who genuinely is one of the best ppl I've met!! Honestly, I couldn't feel anymore happier to have met you! Can't forget urs truly Mica, who lives rent-free in my walls LOL. Lea ( @todefendlife ) and Mars own my house smfh.
And also special shout out to folks I've met more recently, but still deserve a place here: @shouxryuuxha / @wayfaringstrangxr / @eternalstarlights / @triko-the-fluffy-artist <3 Love u guys!
TAGGED BY: @mayxthexforce TYSM <3333
TAGGING: Anyone wanting to do this!! Just say I tagged you <3 !
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pauking5 · 1 month ago
Pauuuu! I’m dropping by again to just scream at your page. I’ve shared to you how I’ve been having a hard time lately that’s why I couldn’t drop an ask or say hi more often and I wanted to give you my biggest thanks and many love for giving me comfort in your own way (💛 yellow heart because yellow is the color of happiness and I associate it with u).
I see you’ve been writing and writing AND writing again. I’m excited for whatever you have in store! I do miss our resident mophead (truthfully I saw that you’re aiming to write for Seiya too and I AM THRILLED 👀). Still, I hope you are taking the time to just allow yourself to rest and breathe. Take the time to just be you and fall in love with life.
You have my support as always!
— 🌻
you do have a habit of coming by whenever my happiness is running low, don't you?
i missed you, my sunflower. how has your life been?
i've been thinking of you so much that i started to figure out a hunt for you, though i doubt you'd want to give me a hint as to whom you might be. but it's okay. i'm happy whenever you come through. i've been contemplating what to write to you all day and i've been typing all this still thinking.
i hope life isn't too hard on you. i want you to know that you're always welcome here. even if it's not for the fics or macken's characters. always. you're my special sunflower. you weather the storms to follow the sun and that's one of the things i admire most about you. but if the storm ever turns into a raging tempest, know that your yellow heart is here to hold you up. if there's any way for me to give you comfort just say the word and it's done. anything to keep my sunflower smiling brighter than the sun in the sky.
oh my gosh, i have been writing like crazy. nothing seems to get finished though but i keep going at it, maybe it will start coming together more. as a matter of fact, our resident mophead has been what i've been working for the past few months on and he is one stubborn creature to behold. i've been diving deeper into his emotions, so deep i started to love him even more. he thinks he's a complicated person but he's not all sharp swords and hard fists but deep down he's human too.
oh, dear seiya is one playful trickster. he comes in the door with inspiration at the direst of times and its for the most funniest and out of pocket things. i'm still documenting myself around what i want for the story, since i don't want to cut it too short, but it's coming along well ideas wise.
here's your first look at knights of the zodiac: wings of steel
what i can say is that it's saint seiya x fem oc reader. her name is gray and she is a gryffin knight.
there's a few twists in it, both fantastical and in the literal sense, and it's probably one of my favorite stories. it goes along with the movie but not quite, following its own plot beyond it. we have wild myth encounters with fairies, close calls with death, and a bit of a love triangle.
aside miyu, gray is probably the character i relate to the most. she's fearless, loyal, brave, happens to have innate wiseness and a dear attachment to everything golden. literally anything golden. everything that comes out of her mouth makes me snort. she probably worked every job under the sun, including babysitting a really annoying girl holding the spirit of athena inside her. they're sort of sisters, not by blood, but by alman's need to adopt children bearing myths inside their hearts.
gray and seiya have an interesting relationship. it starts off indifferent, both really uninterested in what the other really wants from life since they're both used to fend for themselves, until alman brings them together to protect sienna, against their will. well, really more against gray's will.
they're pure comedic chaos together. they bicker a lot. they fight a lot. but they will learn to trust each other as they embark on an adventure that may save a life. it takes teamwork to make the dream work and they will find that out the hard way.
Little spoiler:
"The eyes in the sky need the feet on the ground. My wings need your imaginary hooves, Seiya."
- Gray
thank you for coming by, my little sunflower. you may be small and rare, but you shine the brightest to me. i hope you're resting too, taking each day at a time and saving some energy for yourself too. i'm still looking for you. i will always be looking for you. stay safe, healthy and happy ❤️
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hxdrostorms · 1 year ago
Answer the following for your muse so people know how shipping works on your blog.
Read more bc of the length!
Castlevania: Richter/Alucard Saint Seiya: Aldebaran/Mu, Camus/Milo, Krishna/Shaka, Aphrodite/Deathmask
My only real hard limits are incest (Aiolia/Aiolos, Saga/Kanon, Richter/any other Belmont) and minor/adult type of ships. Besides those, I have some specific few NOTPs that I'm just straight up, not interested in writing (Annette/Richter).
Large age gaps between adults? HELL YEAH, GIVE ME. The more the merrier for me, I don't mind it. What about teens in that 16-19 period? In my eyes this is in a grey area of sorts. I get this is like, High school level of new ppl coming in and dating students that are graduating from it. So, in a context like that, I wouldn't mind it too much, like it is not the end of the world for me. But I'd rather not do anything, coming close on the NSFW side of things. We could inferr it as a thing between them for plot progression/character development reasons, but actually write it? Nah, that's too much for me.
It heavily depends on whether or not we click as partners and if our muses have a chemistry as well. Shipping with me requires the person to stick for the long run, because I really enjoy delving into things. With that said, I've mellowed out A LOT, from way back in the day. As a result, I'm way more receptive to ships than ever! With that said, as a personal preference, I still hold onto my CanonxCanon bias. It's just overall easier for me to write.
Anything in the slightest suggestive, quickly gets tagged as suggestive cw. Smut is meant to be done in my nsfw tumblr side blog, however. I’ve been prefering to delegate those kinds of threads, to Discord.
My shipping partners can be found in the muses’ respective about pages! But here are some of the lovely ships, I got out of rp so far: Shura/Deathmask (Discord), Milo/Camus, Kanon/Hades, Aldebaran/Mu (Discord).
OFC, if you don’t show interest in it, then how else are we supposed to plot and do our things?
It depends on the muse you’re asking this for, but generally speaking I’m always open and willing to ship! The only characters I'm not actively looking for ships RN are Shaka and Aiolos.
NGL I tend to lowkey obsess I try not to, b u t I tend to slip up a few times here and there.
With the exception of Shaka and Aiolos, everyone else here IS multiship!
Aldebaran/Mu my beloved, they are holding my braincells hostage.
We sit and talk, then hope for the best!
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straykidsnerd255 · 2 years ago
Hiii !! ❤ How are you ? Is it possible to request how Misty , Sorrento and Isaak in Saint Seiya, would be as dads with their daughter ( reader ) in general ? Thank u ! 😊❤
Sorry this came out so late! I hope that you enjoy it and thanks for requesting it!!<3
Reader is 8 years old in this!!
Misty as a dad:
Misty as a father would go one of two ways. One: he’s an extremely tentative father and would let you do things as long as it was safe for your little 8 year old self, or Two: he would not take any responsibility and let you do anything you wanted, even if it meant getting yourself hurt. 
Thank the heavens he would always go for the first option. He would keep his eyes on you everywhere you went. He would want you to stay safe. He loves you to the moon and back and would literally fight hell to keep you safe and out of harm's way. 
He’s also very good at doing hair. (Don’t at me, you know it's true.) He would be sitting in the living room of his home with you sitting in front of him playing with some toys he had bought for you while he is doing your hair. He’s so gentle that you can’t even feel the tugs of your hair when he does accidentally tugs your hair.
Sorrento as a dad: He is the type of father that would play a song for you when it's time for you to go to bed. He will tuck you into bed and make sure that you are comfortable before pulling out his flute and playing a simple but gentle melody to put you to sleep. 
He is the type of father that would make you the best meals ever. He would prepare each of those meals with so much love that even you couldn’t help but eat everything that he gave to you. “Thank you for the meal papa! It was yummy.” You said, smiling happily.
He is the type of father who would absolutely protect you from anything. If he can’t be there for you, he has his closest friend stay with you and protect you. He made a promise to himself that he would protect you no matter what. If something were to happen to you, he would never forgive himself.
Isaak as a dad:
He is so sweet, holy shit. He is bringing you to meetings and everyone there loves you. Including Poseidon himself. When your father and everyone else is in a meeting, you have taken it upon yourself to go see uncle Poseidon.
You make your way into the room you know they are in and race towards the sea god. A smile immediately appears not only on your fathers face, but Poseidan’s face as well. “Y/n, why do you go sit with your dad for a moment. “Poseidon would say before you do as told. 
When you are not feeling good, Isaak is at home with you the entire time you are sick. He will lay with you when you are sleeping, he will read to you when you are awake. He makes sure that you take your medicine and everything before placing a kiss on your forehead and falling asleep with you. He loves you so much.
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sirmedicknight · 4 years ago
Shun, Seiya, Shiryu and Ikki for the ask meme
Sorry left to work but here you go.
send me a character and i’ll list: Shun
favorite thing about them: kindness doesn't mean pacifism. One thing I always hate about characters similar to him is that they let bad people free for their own morals. "You'll be no better than him." Shun: "Bitch I am."
least favorite thing about them: Shun is still guilable tho.
favorite line: "I can feel your emotions. The way you feel for me." (Although his revenge speech is a close second)
brOTP: June
OTP: hyoga Hyoga HYOOOOgaaaa!
nOTP: Ikki, APhrodite, Hades?!!?!?
random headcanons: He can bake better than he can cook. Also Shun doesn't dream until after Hades cause I headcanon that when he sleeps he goes into the underworld fake body of himself.
unpopular opinion: Shun is sassier than the fandom gives him credit for. Also always down to spar not fighting.
songs i associate with them: Chikyuugi (Hades opening. Honestly I didn't like this song until after I finished Omega ) .I'm not dreaming (Elisha Laburn, This song is from Persona 5 in the Persona 2 radio station).
favorite picture of them: I just really like the Saintia Sho art style from the manga shame the anime isn't as pretty.
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send me a character and i’ll list: Seiya
favorite thing about them: Ray of sunshine. I love how happy and excited about things he is.
least favorite thing about them: Seiya gotta stop babying everybody.
favorite line: "I've never cared that she was Athena. I admire Miss Saori because she always faced her destiny without fear. (From Omega but I think it was reworked to the Netflix Reboot)
brOTP: Shun. (but sorry Seiya you're not his bestie). Also Shiryu (I like them both platonic or romantic)
OTP: Miho (in Classic). Saori (in everything else cause she doesn't emotional and physically abuse him as children.)
nOTP: Shaina (She's like Marin's age)
random headcanon: Seiya is a Pineapple guy. He's tried of all these watermelons Shun.
unpopular opinion: I actually don't mind Seiya being more of the focus of the series. It forces the writers to actually think about him and not leave him to side like what always happens.
song i associate with them: The Hope (from LoS soundtrack). Sun (from Persona 3 Potable)
favorite picture of them: Look at him he's so happy
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send me a character and i’ll list: Shiryu
favorite thing about them: He's so proper. Says Please and Thank you.
least favorite thing about them: Please keep your armor it's pretty.
favorite line: "Everyone of us Bronzes Knights are orphans, but we never lamented the hand we were dealted. " (AKA Shut up Fenrir we're all orphans.)
brOTP: Seiya. Also has some good team ups with Hyoga
OTP: Shunrei, she's so cute and they're so soft. (Seiya too ot3 works as well.)
nOTP: Not that I can think of except Shipping him with Gold Saints cause ewww.
random headcanon: Shiryu braids Shunrei's hair. He's darn good at it too.
unpopular opinion: IDk where the Idea of him being a master tacticion came from. He does one move over and over again until he rage quits.
song i associate with them: Pegaus Fanasty (Brightspring remix from Awaking/Tencent). Shenhua (from Shenmue).
favorite picture of them: (It was a gif but for some reason I can't get it.) Los!!!!! (link)
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send me a character and i’ll list: Ikki
favorite thing about them: He does the Phoenix Punch first. Like everyone else scales moves up Ikki says nah.
least favorite thing about them: Him being aloof cause he has guilt about trying to kill Seiya and the others. News Flash Ikki they all have tried to kill Shun.
favorite line: "A memento from your mother. How touching." (Like you didn't give yours to Shun. I know its from Hades but like he didn't)
brOTP: Seiya. Treats Seiya better than Shun sometimes, but still little brother status I love to see it.
OTP: Esmeralda, from all the flash backs she made him happy.
nOTP: Saga, Kanon, and Pandora. They ruined his life idk how someone like Ikki would forgive them for that. Also Shun.
random headcanons: Ikki whittles flutes cause Shun likes when he used to make them as Childern. Also when it was just him and Shun he used to leave Shun at rich people's doorsteps wait until nightfall after he was feed, got new clothes and other supplies, then run away to a new town to do it again.
unpopular opinion: Ikki isn't as tough as everyone thinks, but fakes it until he makes it. (LMAO his birthday is one day before mine so I just gonna self project a bit).
song i associate with them: Ikki's Theme (Surprise one of the character's actual theme songs is in here.) Arrow of Hope (from LoS ost).
favorite picture of them: From @yayitaita post about Hyoga taking Shun to the zoo.
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mequetrefis · 4 years ago
Can I ask what some of your favorite moments from the anime was? :0c
HOO BOY u about to regret asking,,, I’ll keep it just to the og moments and not the posterior sagas so this doesn’t get too long djjsksk but maybe I’ll make a post for those too some other time (oh I’ll post screenshots of some of them so brace yourselves)
- seiya and shiryu’s fight in the galactic tournament
- shiryu’s arrival to jamir and mu and kiki’s first appearance
- Geist’s filler !!! all of it
- Lizard Misty
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- hyoga calming ikki down about shun and telling him he’s not a child anymore !!
- hyoga and shun fighting together and protecting each other during their fight with those silver saints :’)
- deathmask spinning shiryu round baby right round like a record baby right round round round and roshi dokho just watching
- mu first appearance with his gold cloth 🥵
- seiya worried with shun’s delay and hyoga’s sassy ass saying “he’s not like you seiya shun’ve always been punctual” lmao
- the boys’ arrival at the sanctuary and kiki checking their trashed armors for mu to fix it
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- hyoga suggesting they split in pairs to go through gemini’s two houses and then he and shun smiling at each other LIKE THIS
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- shuns fight with saga’s illusion at gemini !!! and he refusing to leave the house in the first chance bc he wouldn’t let hyoga lost in another dimension!!
- hyoga being a momma’s boy and camus freezing his little duckling ass ):
- DEATHMASK being a goth edgy boy with a corpse deco on his house
- the whole shiryu’s fight with deathmask
- aiolia baked af 😭
- aiolia’s fight with shaka 💦
- the filler eps of ikki vs shaka’s disciples and how badly animated these are 😭😭
- SHAKA. That’s it he’s the moment.
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(both of them being each other’s knight in shining armor 😭)
- this hilarious frame of shiryu and seiya processing it all
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- hyoga’s fight with milo!!! and all those subtle camilo feelings on it!!! camus watching the battle the whole time!! and milo talking to him the whole time like camus look camus it’s our boy )): he is a man now ): I’ll honor him beating his ass )):
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(this might be my fav hyoshun moment in the whole saga, even more than the libra house)
(fvck I think I hit the image limit djsksk I’ll proceed without images)
- hyoga’s fight with camus!!!!
- that moment I talked earlier of seiya’s talk with shun and shun saying he would fight and he would win
- Aphrodite 🥀
- shun’s whole fight with aphrodite, probably my favorite fight in the anime
- that hilarious scene of shaka’s voice calling for mu from the beyond sounds like he’s just mooing like a cow 🐄
- seiya yeeting saga to the moon and saga yeeting himself back 😭😭
THATS IT I think... this took me more time than I’m proud to admit but... it was fun! I’m probably missing summ but these moments are just gold (sorry not sorry for the long ass post lmao)
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01kitty-moon · 4 years ago
My thoughts on the Og Sailor Moon/Sailor Moon Crystal/Eternal Part 2
I want to start with saying this-
I do enjoy both anime. I really do.
My thoughts about Sailor Moon OG anime.
First things first I LOVE 90's anime art style, so of course I love the style of OG sailor moon, it looks really good, the backgrounds are beautiful.
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Artsyle is lovely. PERIOD.
The OST for the OG anime is awesome, it can be beautiful or just plain cool.
I love the first transformation OST SO MUCH.
(I don't like the others in the OG anime transformation ost though tbh.)
The other thing I love about the original is the fashion, the sheer amount of outfits is awesome and I always enjoy a show that is able to have different outfits.
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Now I really like the first few episodes when it's just Usagi and Jadeite, in fact I like the first arc a little bit more in the OG simply because idk, we get to see more of the four "eite's" though I don't enjoy some of their Arc's tbh or how their characters were handled in the end.
I found their arcs would start strong and then just kinda end leaving you like??? Okaaaay.
If I'm being honest I dont enjoy the pacing or the writing for alot of the OG anime if I'm being truthful.
Like the end of season 1 in my opinion wasnt written well, in fact it felt very meh and blotchy.
Did I like the full party kill? Yeah.
But it wasnt well written.
I REALLY don't like OG Tuxedo Mask. Like during the first half of S1 I thought his snark was funny, and I enjoyed their interactions at first.
But by the second half I came to REALLY dislike him.
No wonder everyone wanted Usagi to be with 90's Seiya, OG Mamoru was an ass.
(I refer to him as Tuxedo Ass and no I dont take constructive criticism)
Also dont get me started on the moonlight knight filler crap. (That filler arc had potential to be REALLY amazing and impactful and they totally wasted it)
Also his relationship with rei is kinda.....weird. I didnt like it. (And not for shipping reasons, but because it genuinely irked me)
Now I do love that we got more episodes exploring the girls personalities and friendships, but I often times didnt enjoy how they were written as "friends?" Alot of it felt fake despite the "development" they got.
Dont get me wrong I like the OG anime in general and some episodes I think are AMAZING.
But I'd go into an arc and be really hyped for what I thought was coming, only for the outcome to be really lame or immature. The writing just felt bland and childish, but since OG is targetted more for a younger audience I do get it.
I got disappointed alot tbh ahaha.
Also if chibi moon from OG appeared I'd simply kill her, rip to OG usagi but I'm different.
(Also they made the kid feel way more incestuous than in crystal? Like this girl is 900, she isnt really a little kid though she is a young girl. Like she knows that's her dad, stop trying to fuck your dad pls)
Plus she is super annoying, always, never likable, never. (Some scenes were definetly comedic gold but as a character I wanted to set her on fire)
Prince demand isnt that great of a character and should have been set on fire right away, end of story.
This is a lazy way of writing my feelings but yeah it's what it is.
However overall it's okay. I like it.
(This is only my opinion of course pls dont attack me)
Sailor Moon Crystal
I made alot of my points when talking about the OG anime so the crystal one is short tbh.
Now I'll be honest. I truthfully enjoyed crystal most as a whole than I did the OG anime.
When it comes to the animation of season 1 and 2 I understand why people weren't fond of it.
It was wonky in many parts and the CG transformations were really ugly.
However I loved the artsyles in the still scenes.
And some backgrounds were really lovely.
Now the animation could be off, but it isnt the worst thing ever like people make it out to be.
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Mamoru was great again (look I love the boy and his manga self)
While i didnt like the lack of development in the 4 "eites" the arc was okay. I kinda liked some of their arc here more than in OG, but I wish we got more of them and their story ( or at least Bi Zoisiete, I know that's OG original but it would have been cool)
Though it did feel lackluster at times, and season 1 could be off with pacing, when it comes to the other seasons however I found the pacing to be really good.
I loved the scene where she "killed" him and then herself, though I wish it had been animated better, it was great.
I also like how they touched more on her fear of being alone, and showed hints of that trauma as well as their identities meshing with their past selves.
The music is 👌 though I miss some of the OG music.
I can't tell you the real reason I love it more than the OG. I guess I just enjoyed the tone overall?
I like the more story focused version if sailor moon I guess, I felt like the fucked around too much in the OG, while Crystak they dont fuck around enough lol.
But I'd rather watch the plot centric one rather than the overly leisure OG fillers.
I liked some of the characterizations better in crystal as well, I found rei more likable (look can we admit she was a bit TOO much of a bitch in the OG? And often wasnt justified but she got away with it?)
Haruka and Michiru weren't....super likeable in the OG sometimes for me and while that can be a good thing in writing, (and ik alot of people prefer them in the OG) I immediately fell in love with them in crystal.
Also this is probably just me but I like that everyone was less boy crazy, giving way to just, easier to bond with characters.
(Being Bi/Pan-Ace and watching girl only EVER be boy crazy is really annoying tbh I just, like for them to at least have 1 character who's just kinda eh about the whole dating thing, and tbh alot of the characters came off as more bi in crystal which was lovely)
I hear alot of people complain about how they dont feel the friendship between the group the way they did in the OG but I kinda felt the opposite, and their sudden leap into being SUPER into Usagi really stems from their identities from their past lives mixing with the present.
Also just saying, if someone like usagi came into my life? I'd immediately die for her too, just saying, she's so so kind and fun, and precious like? Duh of course she's going to make those introverts fall all over her.
Also CHIBI MOON I LOVE HER! (I do not like this kid in OG, like ever, set that creature on fire pls)
But crystal chibi moon? I adore that girl.
Season 3 was great, I LOVED IT so much.
I got my lesbian's in FULL glory.
I got Sailor Bi Moon.
I got hotaru and well, better writing in that arc compared to the butchered OG version
(If u prefer the OG version that's fine this is just how I feel)
And I'm really excited for eternal, its SO beautiful, the music makes me so emotional, the animation and art is beautiful, tbh it feels more like Sailor Moon than any of the other parts. It just instantly takes me to the manga.
(My brother and I both prefer crystal tbh)
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Anyways we talk have our own opinions, and this is mine (made at 3am guys I'm tired)
The manga is BEAUTIFUL and so is Crystal, but OG has it's good points too, I like them all.
From a story and writing standpoint I think Crystal is superior to Og anime.
But if you want something more lighthearted and more slice of life the OG is probably for you!
Or you can be like me and love both.
(I also prefer crystal Usagi to OG Usagi more often than not, though OG usagi is definetly relatable like 100%, but I liked that maturity in Crystal Usagi that got stronger when her memories of her past life came to her, you can tell they all kinda go through an identity crisis and have to grow up "again" which is interesting to me)
Both stories however bring up great messages and promote femininity so much I love it ahhhh sailor moon is a treasure.
Crystal made me fall in love with the story, while OG made me lowkey ship Jadeite and Usagi in the first few episodes.
(Pls dont ask, ok, just don't, that one seen was a bit too hot for me to not immediately think they should kiss)
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beni-draw-ikemen-please · 4 years ago
Ikemen Vampire Canon x OC
K I N T S U G I 
Chapter 1 - Don’t tell anyone. 
Word Count 2064
Pairing: Leonardo Da Vinci x Seiya Amanogawa x Comte Saint Germain
Tags/TW: Graphic Depictions of sex, intercourse, smut (you name it), angst, mentions of death and suicide. Please proceed with caution.
A/N: This is a work of fiction. 
If you don't like OC+Canon fanfiction, this might not be the fic for you.
If you don't like OC+Canon fanfiction, this might not be the fic for you.
If you don't like OC+Canon fanfiction, this might not be the fic for you.
If you don't like OC+Canon fanfiction, this might not be the fic for you.
This is fan fiction for Ikemen Vampire, character designs are owned by Cybird. My story however, features my own OC/MC Seiya Amanogawa who is from Modern Japan/Europe, who travelled to the Louvre for inspiration.
Seiya is female so I will be using she/her as her pronouns. I will also be describing her accordingly. I designed Seiya and she is my Original Character. 
If you don't like OC+Canon fanfiction, this might not be the fic for you.
This work is intended for mature readers. No minors please. Graphic Depictions of sex, intercourse, smut (you name it), angst, mentions of death and suicide. Please proceed with caution.
K I N T S U G I 
Chapter 1 - Don’t tell anyone. 
His golden locks fell beautifully in place, like a masterpiece set within the confines of an ornate golden frame. Right there, in the middle of the museum. The spotlight is carefully placed to highlight the gold that accentuated the piece. And there, in front of it all, with just the right amount of distance, is a lone bench. 
That’s how Seiya saw him. A figure to be admired from afar. A treasure, so valuable and so bright, she steps back, almost instinctively, it made her feel smaller and smaller. 
She would open her leather-bound book. And very carefully, she would write short letters. They weren’t really addressed to anyone in particular. Maybe they were addressed to her future self, who knows? But she wrote them, every single day. It wasn’t her journal either - no - it was far more complex than that. 
Seiya knew in her heart, she wouldn’t be able to bear it, if he ever found out. How much she loved sitting just by the balcony of Vincent’s room during afternoon tea time, so she has the perfect view of the his hands as he gracefully pours tea into the day’s chosen china. 
Viridian, with golden leaves and soft speckles of purple, almost white. She knew they were one of his favourites. Wedgewood. She took mental notes every time Sebastian gave her a pointer not to miss, especially when it came to afternoon tea. 
She would duck her head, ever so slightly, and she would catch a glimpse of his lips, almost looking like they were kissing the fine things and smiling, so perfectly, complimenting the blend Sebastian had carefully prepared. 
It was one of her guilty pleasures. And, it was only after she had shown Vincent what she really drew in her sketchbook that the angel allowed her to use his balcony. 
Vincent noticed her when she first arrived. She was this scared, trembling frail little creature, and he wanted to make her feel more at home. Which turned out easier than expected. She spoke modern Dutch, at the very least the sounds were similar to the older variant.. Sometimes she would hear him speak words that made her head tilt in confusion. 
But she enjoyed his company. And Vincent felt the same. 
They would often draw together. Vincent with his easel and brushes, and his apron that’s stubbornly stained with paint, and her ink and paper. 
She told him how she hated it when her hands stained of charcoal, or anything, so she stuck with inks. She would often grumble, how she missed modern pens and this thing called a brush pen. And Vincent wondered about it often. 
They threw the case towards the makers of the mansion, first, Isaac - who felt comfortable around her, enough to actually draw and fiddle with objects around so vulnerably. Isaac asked for more time, maybe even more materials to create different prototypes. Then, the trio approached Leonardo. And they were able to make something similar to the modern brush pen in about a week’s time. 
And so she drew more and more and more with the brush pen. Funny how she thought, she was using another man’s present to draw another man. And those two men happened to be best of friends. For over a century. Maybe, even more. 
Seiya kept her notebook to herself. The red leather stood out, so she would often wrap it with a soft lace handkerchief that was too big to be folded and tucked into her pocket. She would keep it in her tray whenever she assembled the residents’ meals or changed sheets. Her notebook never leaves her sight. Vincent grew curiouser and curiouser every time he would catch a glimpse of the red leather peeking through the black lace. For someone who looked like her, her choice of colour would almost be too bold for a maiden in 19th century Paris. Always black, she would say. Or, if black wasn’t an option, wine red. Or the darkest violet possible.
Vincent remembered the first time he accompanied her to shop for a new dress with Leonardo. They picked up a white dress, made from the finest leavers lace, that she wore with a frown on her face. She covered herself with her arms and asked to change immediately. 
“It’s too bright for me…” she said, and Vincent couldn’t make out if she softly cursed in Dutch, or in Japanese, or a mixture of the two. She would, however, hum in satisfaction whenever she saw black velvet chokers, or black leather gloves, and thinking of that contrast made him smile. 
He noticed how intently she would spend on each of her drawings. And Vincent would hear the silent flicks of her brush. It would be a long steady stroke for a while, and then flicks of texture. And then she would stop, and sigh, wait for the ink to dry and she would close her sketchbook ever so quietly. 
“What are you drawing, Seiya?” he wouldn’t be so bold as to peek over her shoulder as she worked, unlike how Arthur had attempted so many times. 
Seiya didn’t say much and it was rare to hear her raise her voice even just for a bit, but when it came to her sketchbook, she was vocal and protective. 
Arthur attempted many times to uncover the mystery of that book, but Seiya never let anyone, not even Vincent take a peek inside. 
Maybe it’s her diary? He thought about this many times. Maybe it’s some sort of visual diary where she draws her feelings instead of writing them down. Thinking about it like that, Vincent stopped asking her and instead, just enjoyed the tranquility and meditative togetherness of their afternoon painting sessions. 
The only person he thought knew about the notebook’s contents would be Leonardo. They spend an awful lot of time together, after all. 
Comte had assigned the man to be Seiya’s caretaker, and Leonardo took that duty to heart, sometimes too seriously. 
Sometimes, during their drawing afternoons, Leonardo would suddenly just pop out of nowhere, grab her notebook and throw it in the grass. The first time he did that, Vincent was so shocked his hands stopped painting, his paintbrush falling on the grass unnoticed. 
There was only the sound of the wind, and the shifting of fabric as Seiya smoothed her skirt and walked towards her notebook. She would have a pained expression on her face, and she would wipe her book clean with the hem of her skirt. And Leonardo would just stand there, puffing his cigarrillo in, and blowing it all out with a heavy sigh. 
“Fanculo…” she whispered. And Vincent froze. His neck slowly guided his eyes toward Leonardo, who now looked more annoyed than when he first walked in. 
Vincent usually did not know how to respond to situations like these. Their silence made it impossible for him to intervene. Leonardo was not violent, no, and he wasn’t the type to insult women. But Seiya didn’t like it when someone ordered her around. 
Dealing with Theo at first proved to be one of the hurdles she had to overcome before making the mansion her home too. Vincent would always remember the face she made when Theo called her a ‘hondje’. And the long road it took for them to actually make an effort to sit down, have an actual conversation and eventually get to know each other. 
But with Leonardo, it was something different. 
Seiya was composed, and usually calm - at least Vincent thought so - he always felt relaxed whenever they were together. Seiya would often say something and he would apologise for not listening carefully to what she had to say. In the end though, they both agreed that it was more that she spoke too softly, rather than him spacing out and not listening. 
Vincent knew that feeling too well. And maybe, it was one of the reasons why they enjoyed each other’s company. Soft souls, his little brother called them. 
But with Leonardo, it was different. 
Seiya acted more like a child around him. She would pout, call him names and he would let her. And then they would retreat to his room. Sometimes the library. Sometimes, her room, very late into the night. 
“I told you. You should stop these silly doodles.” When Leonardo finally spoke, it sounded more like a request than actual lecturing. Seiya would look away, and she would hold her dear treasure closer to her chest. 
Vincent, without a word, held out his hands to both of them, as if trying to stop the eruption that was about to happen. Seiya would whisper, that it was none of his business. That made Vincent realise that her notebook was something more valuable than they all deem it to be. And that it was very personal. And, for whatever reason and content it held, Leonardo was against it. 
He hated it. Vincent could see it. Enough for him to go out of his way to get it off her hands and into the dirt. 
This would happen every now and then, and oddly enough, Vincent knew he should get used to it. 
In the evening, Vincent brought her a pot of flowers. Hoping she would calm down. Vincent knew his friend did not like cut flowers so whenever he wanted to cheer her up, he would pick a small pot from their growing collection, and walk it to her room. 
That day, he could remember she argued with Leonardo again. She was upset that he did what he did during their “good days”. Vincent felt great earlier in the day and wanted to paint, and she too, felt inspiration course through her hands. And Leonardo just shattered that moment. 
Vincent frowned a bit as he leaned against the wall a little further away from the door of Seiya’s room. He could now understand why she was so upset and his heart ached for her. But what he didn’t understand was why Leonardo hated her notebook. Did he dislike that she drew? He couldn’t put his mind around it. 
Seiya stormed out, and ran to the opposite direction in tears. After a while, he found her behind the lush greens of the Gazebo. Almost how a little kid would hide themselves after a fight with a another kid after an afternoon at the sandbox. He remembered how quietly she cried. And how warm her hand was when he helped her out of the grass. 
They sat underneath the stars, just by a bench near the gate of the mansion. And there, she showed him. He didn’t really say anything, no, Vincent just sat with her. Hoping his presence would alleviate the stress and agitation she felt. Seiya felt like she needed to tell Vincent what was happening. 
“I’m sorry you had to see that.” Her voice was always soft, like a silent prayer you hear inside a church. You should make out the words, but they would always sound like some foreign incantation made to sound familiar.
Vincent would often lean in and apologise. Asking her to repeat herself one more time, for his sake. Seiya would chuckle a bit and she would take a deep breath and would speak a little louder. 
“Do you dislike Leonardo?” He asked her one time. And she looked at him with the strangest expression on her face. It was as if it was obvious that she did, but she also looked like she was shocked to hear him ask this question. It was hard for Vincent to understand her, most of the time.
 Seiya did not say anything, but she gave him her notebook. Vincent’s eyes widened with interest and curiosity. He was excited and Seiya chuckled when she saw the eagerness in his blue eyes. 
“Are you sure?” He asked just to be sure. It was dark, but he could still see the pink on Seiya’s cheeks. Her hair looked like starlight illuminating her from the nipping dark of dusk. 
Vincent never felt like this before. The build up curiosity all stemming from the enigma that was her notebook, made the first look inside the pages of this mysterious book all the more exciting. He felt like a pirate, opening the treasure chest, seeing the valuable contents for the very first time. 
And then, he stopped. 
“You can’t tell anyone. Please?” 
To be continued. 
I’ve been wanting to write this for so so so so so so so long.  I’m currenlty writing a very self-indulgent longfic for Twisted Wonderland and my OC so I had no excuse not to write this one. The title came very naturally and I felt like that’s when the chapters really took off in my head. At first there were just notes, or screaming/typing I shared with friends. But I felt I needed to do baby Seiya right and write her story out. 
I hope you like my IkeVamp writing attempt! I also posted this on Ao3 (onibeni). In the days I can’t draw for Kinktober, I’ll write (at least I’ll try). So this will be good practice oho~ 
Thank you for reading! ♡
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roses-and-lightnings · 5 years ago
Summary: Nishikage could never have guessed how Nosaka would make that day the happiest and most special of all.
Pairing: NishiYuu (Nishikage x Nosaka)
Word Count: 1655
A/N: Today (February 10th) is Seiya Nishikage’s birthday! Here’s my gift for him and for all of you. This story is also availabe in brazilian portuguese. Rated G for general audiences. 
Warnings: Fluffy, romance
P.S: This story takes place after episode 16 of Orion no Kokuin.
It was certainly a melancholic day. Nishikage was lying on his bed, holding the back of his head and covering his ears with his arms, waiting for time to pass by while feeling the warmth of the sun's rays coming through the bedroom window. Everything had been very quiet lately.
Since the new advisor to the Emperor of Tactics had been appointed, Nosaka spent his time with Ichihoshi, discussing new strategies, devising new plans and having meetings to talk about the opposing team's skills and how to overcome them, and the boy found himself alone in most these days. It was not a very easy feeling to deal with at first, after all it seemed that Nosaka was abandoning him to be with someone else, but Nishikage soon realized that it was not like that.
Nosaka would never forget him that easily. He was the Emperor's knight, after all. Just because he had gotten a new “squire”, it didn't mean he would put his most loyal companion aside. And most important of all, the strategist had been very happy since the international championship started, and Nishikage knew how much soccer had an important role in his life now. Much more than helping him to achieve his goals, the goalkeeper wanted his happiness at all costs and would fight to the end for it. There would be nothing to compare with the value of his smile when he played. If Ichihoshi was also part of that, then Nishikage would be forever grateful. There was no reason for anger or jealousy.
But still, he missed his friend. Especially on days like this. As there was never much to do, he had already hung out with several team members during the week, had already gone to the gym, trained, and now he was just bored. Maybe it would be a good idea to see how his partner was doing, after all.
Suddenly, a slight knock on the door caught his attention. Immediately, he recognized the voice that spoke right away:
- It's me. May I come in?
Nishikage quickly sat on the bed to properly welcome him.
- For sure.
Nosaka Yuuma gently opened the door, warming up his friend's chest as he entered with a smile, something significantly unusual. He carried a medium-sized white box, tied impeccably with a red ribbon, indicating that he had made it himself. In the other hand the redhead boy carried three balloons of different colors: blue, yellow, and another one white, the same colors as the team’s jacket.
The youngest one pulled the chair from the desk and sat near the goalkeeper. Strangely, he hadn't brought his tablet and was way too informal for the occasion. Nishikage wondered what it was all about, while watching him tie the balloons to the chair’s arm. Even if he did not understand, the presence of his admired emperor was very comforting.
- They’re nice, aren't they? - Nosaka's voice got his attention.
- Yes, very nice. - Nishikage replied.
- I tried to find some other colors, but those were all that I could find around here. I hope you like it, in any way.
- Nosaka-san, should I ask... what this is all about?
The redhead looked puzzled at his companion, and then gave him sort of a gracious laugh.
- You don’t know? -  The strategist asked.
- No.
- For real?
Negative. Nosaka kept the smile on his face as he handed him the gift.
- Happy birthday, Nishikage.
Before meeting Nosaka, Nishikage had never celebrated his birthday properly. Negligent parents and the fact that he spent most of his time away from home never provided such things. Upon entering the Ares education system, it was taught that birthday parties and other celebrations were nothing special. They were superfluous events and only suited for mediocre people. Gradually, he started to not care about his day. But there was Nosaka, giving him that cute little gift box and holding those balloons as if that date was the most important thing in the world.
There was no way he could describe how surprised Nishikage felt at that moment, taking the gift that his companion had extended to him, with his trembling hands. Putting it on his lap, he swallowed when his heart beating strongly, while staring at the beautiful red ribbon.
- N-nosaka-san...
Nosaka sighed.
- I must admit I was a little uneasy about it. I've never done anything like this before. - He looked at his friend. - I wondered you should be feeling lonely lately, and I thought I could...
He cleared his throat and restored his almost lost composure. At that point, Nishikage did not know what to do other than pay attention to every word coming out of his mouth.
- There are some things I want to say to you. Birthdays are important occasions, right? So it took me a while to plan this. Still, it's not like I have experience in the matter.
He was unexpectedly quiet, so the emperor continued.
- Nishikage.
- Yes?
He kept his gaze serious when saying the following words:
- It really is not like me to do and say such things, but I want you to know that... it is a privilege and a pleasure to be with you. I am grateful for all of your work, and your company is important to me. I offer you my congratulations and I wish your happiness today.
A broad smile took form on the older one's face. Happiness had flown throughout his body when he heard his emperor's kind words. This was, without a trace of doubt, one of the best days of his entire life, and one more time, all thanks to that person. Meanwhile, Nosaka felt as if a load had been lifted from his shoulders when he realized that he had managed to make him happy. He had already admitted being nervous, and the truth is that he would not have known what Nishikage's reaction would be to something so sudden. There were things that not even the great Emperor of Tactics could predict.
- Aren't you going to open it? – Nosaka broke the silence, taking them out of their trance, just looking into each other's eyes.
- Yes, of course! - He replied, awkwardly.
Nosaka watched as the goalkeeper carefully undid the bow and opened the box.
- Chocolate. It's your favorite, isn't it? - Although Seiya never told him that directly, Nosaka never missed any details. - I wanted something we could share, and I thought you would like it.
He did not answer.
- Nishikage?
Nishikage didn’t wish to be too emotional, but after opening that box, he could no longer fight the tears, which ran down his face. His eyes were shining brightly, and his face had taken on a slightly reddish tone, unsettling the redhead in front of him.
- What happened?
The youngest one got up from the chair and sat down next to Nishikage on the bed, trying to find out what was wrong. Nosaka was immediately very surprised to see that the phrase written in red syrup on top of the beautifully decorated with chocolate icing cake was "I love you", instead of "happy birthday".
He knew that asking Asuto and Ichihoshi to bake the cake had been a bad idea.
- N-n-nosaka-san ... - He stammered, incredulous.
It was the emperor's turn to blush. He partially covered his mouth with his fingers trying to look for a way to justify the mess. Meanwhile, Nishikage's heart was racing wildly, wondering if that was true, but without the courage to ask.
Although he did not accurately know the meaning of love, Nosaka dared to say:
- Well, that was not my intention, but there is no lie in those words.
Nishikage's grayish eyes turned to his emperor, not believing what he had just heard.
- It may not seem so, Nishikage, but do I care a lot about you.
Hesitantly, he put his hand over the older one's hand and took a deep breath, something he had never done before, manifesting that there was something very important to be said. He looked up seriously until he met Nishikage's eyes, and said:
- Even if I don’t unveil that... Nishikage, you are the most important person in my life. You were always by my side and changed my world like no one ever did before. If those words can tell you that, Nishikage, I do lov...
He was interrupted when the older one threw his arms around him, pulling his body close to his in a tight hug. The tears that had already dried up fully returned, now in the midst of sobs and the laughter that insisted on coming out, without knowing or caring if he should or was authorized to do so. Since he met him, Nosaka had never seen Nishikage so happy, and he had also never been hugged that way. And feeling that heat was a good and brand-new sensation. Something he could get used to from now on.
Getting carried away, Nosaka put his hands on Nishikage's back and hugged him back, allowing himself to close his eyes and enjoy the funny feeling of being in someone's arms. It didn't take long for the redhead to smile too.
When he was released, Nishikage wiped away his tears and admired once again the beautiful gift that his friend had given him. Nosaka looked at him cornerly, trying to understand the mixture of feelings that ran through his veins at that moment.
- Nosaka-san... Thank you so much! - And that was all he managed to say, in a kind smile.
The emperor put his hand on his knight's shoulder.
- I’m the one to thank you. Happy birthday!
In fact, Nishikage could never have guessed how Nosaka would make that day the happiest and most special of all.
A/N: This is it! I hope you liked it! I’m proud to bring my first fanfiction to this blog. Thank you all, and happy birthday, Nishikage Seiya! 💞💕🎉✨🎂
Edit: I’d like to tag some of my friends and inspiration. @sn-u @misutorekun @krimkl @shawn-and-aiden-frost-9 and @peachesandglitter. Their lovely art, good work and support helped me a lot 💗 I would be honored to dedicate this fic to them. Thank you all a lot 🌺
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aviyel-art · 5 years ago
Okay, so I was tagged by @miyomiikonran. I’m not into suff like this too much, because I don’t like to talk about myself too much, but maybe it will be fun? o 3 o
Rules: Repost and tag 10 people
Birthday: 30/05
Star sign: Gemini
Gender: Female
Height: 163cm (Around 5′4′’ I guess?)
Sexual Orientation: Asexual (tbh, it’s always hard for me to put a label on myself in this case, but I think this is closest to reality. Also, I don’t like to talk about sexual orientation, because I don’t care too much about it - I just want people to treat themselves nicely, ok?)
Romantic orientation: Demiromantic
Favourite colour: Purple (so unexpected, huh? X’D)
Time and date at the current moment: 22/03/2020 6:40 PM
Average hours of sleep:  5-9.  The less I sleep, the more rested I feel, but I like sleeping, lol (even if i don’t feel refreshed at all, no matter how much I sleep) 
Lucky number: 8 (but I also love 3 and 13)
The last thing I googled: “Cannelloni”, lol X’DDD
First word that comes to mind: Misery
One place that makes me happy: Hm. My friend’s grandparents’ parcel, where we go every year for 4-5 years? (omg, when did all those years pass?)
How many blankets do I sleep under: One. It would be too hot for me If I would get any more >____>
Favourite fictional character currently: Hmmm... usually I choose few characters from Saint Seiya, because I have my faves of all time out there X’D But let’s say Asra Alnazar from “The Arcana”?
Favourite famous person: Hm. Hard question. If it comes to sports, it’s deffenetly Yuzuru Hanyu. In music - Freddie Mercury. I can’t decide who is my fave actor or painter. But the truth is - choosing only one fave person is impossible for me - there is too many of them that inspires me X’D
Celebrity crush/es: None.
Favourite books: The Lord of The Rings series by J.R.R. Tolkien
Favourite animals: Ha.ha. Very funny. how am I suppose to choose only one? I love wolves, cats mostly I think. (But I also love otters and rabbits > 3 <)
Favourite shows: Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas
Favorite musician/band: Starset is my beloved band since I found them few years ago and noone can take the crown from them <3 (But I would need separate sections for all of bads I love most in their own way. E.g. Queen, which I was rased with <3)
Favorite games: Well... I wasn’t playing many games, tbh.
Last movie I’ve seen in the cinema: Omg, that was...National Theatre Live series, I think? I watched “Frankenstein” with Benedict Cumberbatch as doctor Frankenstein. That was great~ = w =
Dream Holiday: Omg, there is so many places I’d love to see. It would be great to visit some interesting places from around the world with my friends > u <
Dream job: I wish it would be something creative and attached to art. Mostly, I’d love to be concept artist, or splash artist, I think?
Wearing right now: Red t-shirt with coca-cola logo on it, brown sweater and some loose black pants (Am I a victim of trash-fashon or smthn?). I like to feel comfortable at home.
Last book I read: The Lord of The Rings: The Fellowship of The Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien time to read the all the trilogy again. Well, I won’t nominate anyone (REBELLION AGAINST THE RULES!). If you are reading this and you’d like to do it, then feel nominated~ > w o
And now, it’s time to go back to my sketches, so I can share some of them with you soon <3
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ladyloveandjustice · 6 years ago
Animazement 2019
It was pretty fun! I did a lot more than I normally do thanks to Bethany’s enthusiasm (her first con!), so I should always go to cons with her I guess haha. She drags me out of my introverted comfort zone.
I was kind of an anxious mess throughout in some ways though, need to really deal with my problem of fixating and obsessing over dumb things and learn how to live in the moment and have fun like my friend does but idk. therapy. someday.
BUT ANYWAY,  we did a lot the first day! I saw a rakugo performance, heck yeah! I’ve seen it in video games, seen it in anime, AND NOW REAL LIFE. The guy, Someta Hayashiya, was pretty fun!
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I went to a Kotono panel and autograph after that, then that night, tried out a Sailor Moon panel . It was not super fascinating and I was anxious about not having a wide toothed comb for my wig so I left early and got them. Then I went to a Class 1A “After Dark” panel, basically My Hero Academia cosplayers making a lot of raunchy jokes and having fun. Events: Kirishima proposed to Bakugo, Deku won a pressing contest against Bakugo and also swore for the first time in his life (”I WON FUCK YEAH”), cosplayer wrapped each other in TP, shenanigans.
Anyway, then we went to the thing where we watched weird clips and answered questions about them to win prizes (stuff in the vein of the He Man “what’s goin on” vid). If you answered wrong u had to do stuff like take a shot of hot sauce.
Next day! I got into my cosplay (complete with in-a-very-sorry-tangled-state wig) for the morning! And went to a maid cafe with Bethany!
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It was really cute, they did a dance and everything.
I left early for the concert with Jennifer Cihi, though, which was also a lot of fun. She was very passionate about being there, gave some background about how Dic approached her (they specifically told her to sing “very young and very white” which uh. bout what I’d expect from Dic tbh). She had no idea Sailor Moon had gotten so big until a friend approached her years later, then got into going to the cons and stuff. She chose a bunch of Sailor Moon cosplayers to come on stage and dance with her, which included me because my friend pointed me out. I bought my Luna and glowstick from the Super Live, but had to drop them when we were asked to hold hands. She hugged us all but then got caught on my wig, which nearly claimed many lives the short time I wore it.
Anyway, after that was another Kotono panel, which I was surprised wasn’t as full as the concert one. But it was still lively and you can read more about it here. Her selfie with us from her twitter!
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I’m the civilian Usagi with the Luna.
 Then we went to the Fight Like a Girl: The Importance and Impact of the Magical Girl genre panel! It was pretty thorough, talking about the different perspectives surrounding magical girls and gender. She cited Akiko Shimada! It also talked common tropes regarding lady heroes magical girls subvert, talked about women in refrigerators and asked if anyone knew who Stephanie Brown was, at which point I yelled “I created a wiki!”. It was wild to see Steph bought up in a magical girl panel, I thought I was the only person who would ever cite her when talking about magical girls but APPARENTLY NOT.
But my favorite panel was definitely the La Soldier panel, about the Sailor Moon musicals. It was super informative- a lot of behind the scenes stuff about the early musicals and mentioning their connection to Saint Seiya of all things- told me a lot of things I didn’t know, and the guy who ran it was great! He even griped about the scandal with Mercury being replaced for the most recent SuperS musical cuz fanboys whined about her having done gravure shots (”sexism KILLS”) and was really cute talking about his crush on one of the guys who played Tuxedo Mask. AND gave PGSM a shoutout.
Unfortunately, there were two assholes throughout the panel who were talking loudly and laughing (Bethany said they were mocking the guy and the way he spoke, and they’re lucky my hearing’s so bad and I was so focused on tuning them out so I could hear the guy cuz if I’d known that I’d’ve gone off on them MUCH harsher and sooner). I turned and glared a bunch and said “hush” quietly bc I was afraid of disrupting the panel further, but it didn’t do anything, finally a Sailor Venus cosplayer told them loudly to stop and I joined in and then security kicked them out. Ugh. What losers. Why were they even there.
We couldn’t really get in late night panels bc it was so packed, so I (very badly) played a board game with Bethany and another guy at the tabletop gaming section (I was so tired I was even worse at following board game directions than usual, but fortunately they were both very patient. Then we went to a panel dedicated to ridic fanservice clips, but it was crowded and I couldn’t see subs and tbh already seen enough of all that for a lifetime, so I left a bit early.
And that was basically it! I did some kareoke on the last day and also got my GOODS:  a CUTE ART of all the Ace Attorney girls (Maya, Pearl, Kay, Athena, Fran, Ema, Iris, Susato- still gotta play Great Ace Attorney to meet those last two but I’M SURE I’LL LOVE EM), an adorable fanmade Athena keychain, an OFFICAL Makoto Kino in her school uniform keychain, a small Natsume art, some cute kitty arts, some smaller, nicer plushies of Venus and Mercury so they can hang with my other small plushies (unlike the huge in-hindsight-bootleg ones I already had) annnd some stickers for the laptop I’ll have to get to replace this one- Sailor Moon, Alphys/Undyne, Frisk w/ Flowey in a flowerpot, and Garnet). I’ll maybe post pics later.
Cosplay wise, there was SO MUCH My Hero Academia and Persona 5. Art was also dominated by those two, plus Mob Psycho. (I did see SOME MP cosplay, a mob and a reigen, but i guess the characters don’t stand out enough to be super popular for that?) 
Anyway it was a good con, glad I went to one for the first time in a while. Maybe next time I go to a con I’ll have my anxiety straightened out and have an even better time.
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murasakiyuzu · 6 years ago
List your top 5 Anime Characters, then tag 10 people
thanks for tagging me @glassmoonfortuneteller! sorry it took be a while to do this lmao -w-
in no particular order bc that would kill me:
1. Oikawa Tooru (Haikyuu!!)
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i love every single character in this heckin anime, but oikawa rly messes up w all my feelings. im too weak for characters w gap moe, even if its the ‘looks very nice, is actually a bit of a demon’ kind and not the other way around, lmao. the thing abt oikawa is that he twists in and out of himself; he is handsome, charismatic and endearing at first glance, but hes also cunning and easily overcome by feelings of jealousy, inferiority and egoism. even so, hes an observant and hardworking leader who places his strength on the strength of his team as a whole, never thinking himself higher than his teammates. oikawa looks like he got everything easily, looks like hes a genius, but everything he has he worked very hard for. oikawa built himself to be a winner but never got the victory he wanted the most. nothing w oikawa is as it looks, and that why i cant help but love him.
2. Noiz (DRAMAtical Murder)
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u knew he was going to be here, its gotta count for something that i, at least, didnt put him on number 1 too lmAO
just like oikawa, i fell victim to noizs gap moe as well. i mean, u give me a delinquent in weird clothes whos rude to everyone, pushy and even violent, and then turns out hes like a little kid at heart who buys foods without knowing their names, who doesnt know when to stop fighting bc he doesnt feel pain and no one ever cared abt his safety and thinks hes a monster bc of his insensitivity and silently suffers bc of it, ofc im gonna lay down my life for him. im gonna die for noiz ya hear me
theres not many scenes in anything that fucks me up more than the scene (that didnt make into the anime, sob) where he fights w aoba as theyre hiding in the oval tower, and then he tells aoba abt his insensitivity to pain and aoba pulls him down to him and tells noiz the world isnt as bad as he thinks and makes noiz slowly open up to him and learn from aoba how is it like to care abt someone else. its beautiful to see him, whos so young but is both hardened by the ugliness of the world hes seen and ignorant to the good things the world still has to offer, finally open himself up and make the first steps towards growth, and meaning to grow beside the one he fell in love with. im soft. my heart was found full of love.
3. Olivier Mira Armstrong (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood)
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ive been in love w this woman since i first read the manga and when i watched the anime i died, thats the story
just like haikyuu!!, i love every single character in this anime, like, im physically Incapable of hating any of them. but olivier stands out for me. i think theres people who prolly had a bad impression from her as she antagonized ed and al right when she showed up, but young me was in awe of her attitude and her strong resolve in seeing for herself what ed and al were worth. shes known as ‘the ice queen of briggs’ and she leads her men with an iron fist, but its also clear that shes fair and values the life of every one of her subordinates, like when buccaneer and the others were late in coming back to the surface after their rescue mission and thought they would be left for dead, only to find that olivier had subtly made sure they would be received any time they came back.
her confidence in her own judgement, how she dealt w miles’ conflict as an amestris soldier and part ishvallan and the way she doesnt rly give a fuck abt whats lawful and correct and goes through with the things she herself considers right, are all things i love so much abt her. when i was a kid i even tried to get my hair to be like hers LMAO
tldr; queen of my life
4. Kinomoto Sakura (Cardcaptor Sakura)
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cardcaptor sakura was my first true anime. i did watch saint seiya and naruto on tv around that time as well, but cardcaptor sakura was the first one i actually watched in full and then rewatched again and again and obsessed over, lmao.
i was rly, rly young then. not a baby anymore, def; i was about 10-12? it was an age at which i was building my own personality. honestly, at that point in time i think i was already kinda Messed Up, lmao; id get on Moods and be rly depressed and then super cranky, and i was always socially awkward. sakura made a huge impression on me; it just seemed like her attitude made everything better. she talked to everyone and had lots of friends and it seemed like she had a lot of fun like that. i tried to be more cheerful like that (i wanted roller blades too but i dont live in a place where i can use it a lot, and my parents never bought it for me lmao), and while i never got the hang of being super bright to Everyone and im still kind of moody, i think she rly taught me to be lighter and not take myself too seriously, to always try to see the bright side of things and believe that everything will be alright.
5. Nino (ACCA: 13-ku Kansatsu-ka)
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thats not an anime a lot of people watched, i think, and on that note, if @ u all didnt watch it, GO WATCH ACCA ITS SO GOOD UR LOSING OUT???, so theres prolly not a lot of people who would put nino in their top 5 favorite characters lmao
but hes absolutely worthy of it. its fascinating to see the mystery of his identity and actions throughout the anime slowly unravel itself. i even wrote a oneshot that delved into what he was doing and what he was thinking as the events of the show progressed, trying to fill the blanks that the canon didnt show. ill try not to be spoilery w this one bc i want u all to find out for urselves, but i love ninos intelligence, his attitude and his strong loyalty, and in that loyalty, the conflict he feels between his duty and his desire. the episode that shows his past is one of my favorites bc its so heartrending. i love how naturally he fits in with jean and lotta and how the three of them look like a family. anyway, watch acca and love nino w me ♡
I’m tagging @lithuanina, @satyr-syd, @realm-of-spells, and thats it bc im not in contact w a lot of people and tumblr is apparently not letting me tag some others either lmao rip
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prince-lis · 3 years ago
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I posted 809 times in 2021
52 posts created (6%)
757 posts reblogged (94%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 14.6 posts.
I added 287 tags in 2021
#samus my beloved - 51 posts
#selfship imagine - 36 posts
#saint seiya - 33 posts
#samus aran - 31 posts
#metroid - 28 posts
#lisa talks - 27 posts
#selfship prompts - 26 posts
#cdz - 20 posts
#knights of the zodiac - 19 posts
#yes - 16 posts
Longest Tag: 134 characters
#i'm not an expert on russian culture or cuisine (sorry) but i can see hyoga having a special spot for certain japanese dishes/desserts
My Top Posts in 2021
I'm giving the gays everything they want.
Here you go, Samus girlfriend headcanons.
Samus is tough but that doesn't mean she's cold towards you, absolutely not. Samus is an ABSOLUTE softie for you.
If you're athletic like her, you're going to have lots of exercise dates. But don't worry, if you're not into sports, she'll enjoy having a stay-at-home date uvu
She might go on nerdy ramblings about her missions and the species she's met (or killed), she's really happy to share her experiences with you, it makes her feel very loved when you pay attention to her.
She doesn't really know how to cook (since, y'know, space missions) but Samus is always happy to help you :D or going together to a restaurant.
She's really proyective over you, doesn't matter if you can defend yourself or if you're a weakling (like me), Samus will protecc u and attacc anyone or anything that dares to lay a finger on you.
Samus is kinda shy (at least that's how I picture her) but won't hesitate a moment to show off her impressive abilities along with her power suit uvu.
Samus enjoys cuddling up together even if she isn't very vocal about it, she just snuggles without warning and won't let you go.
54 notes • Posted 2021-10-31 03:34:48 GMT
Ok, but imagine...
Your going through some shitty and stressful life events, everything's changing before you notice, the people you knew before seem like strangers and people you didn't talk to before are your new friends. You feel stressed and burned out, but you remember your f/o loves you.
The moment you start crying and sobbing from the huge overwhelming emotions, your f/o finds you, gently cups your face and tells you to look at them. While teary eyed, you notice their warm smile and before you know, you're being gently embraced, your hair is being petted and your forehead and cheeks filled with kisses.
- I'll always be by your side. Don't ever forget about it Y/N.
59 notes • Posted 2021-10-26 03:53:16 GMT
Since Mermay is around the corner, here's another edition of Mermaid AU prompts, but this time...
Your f/o the mermaid/merman/merperson >:)
Have you ever thought of sea dates? Because that's what's been on my mind for the past two weeks. Just imagine walking to the beach to meet your marine partner. They're waiting for you on the sand, near the water and their tail swags a little bit when they notice you.
They feel so flustered and happy when you compliment their tails and even more flustered if you touch it.
Folks, pleaser hear me. Wether you like swimming or you're afraid of the water, your f/o helps you swim in the sea, they hold you so close to their bodies and bro. They never let you go.
If you'd like, they can have you seated on their backs while they're swimming bear the surface.
If you're really comfortable with it, your fishy beloved will take you underwater to show you a whole nEW WOOOORLD, they hold your hand and guide you through coral reefs, you see little fishies of all colors.
While you're underwater, your f/o never lets you go and is really alert throughout the whole adventure and checking up on you whenever you need to go up for air.
Both of you make a tradition where each other gives a small object from their respective worlds. Whatever you give to them, they treasure it so much.
BRO. Rescuing y o u i f y o u c a n ' t s w i m.
They have such a humongous amount of curiosity towards the human world and humans themselves, and many times your date ends up being an interrogatorie about each other's worlds.
72 notes • Posted 2021-04-30 04:28:16 GMT
Imagine your parental f/o...
Going shopping with you to get some gender-affirming clothes, they're so excited for you. When you find something you like, they encourage you to try it on and when you come out of the dressing room they tell you how good you look with that outfit.
Cooking your favorite meal when you have a bad day. If you're feeling extra sad, they tell you to rest, astay in bed and next thing you know, they enter your room with delicious food specially made for you.
Listening to you if you want to talk about something that's making you feel upset. They reassure you they love you and only want the best for you, their beloved child.
Comforting you in your bad and worst days. They let you cry on their shoulder and if you like it, run their fingers through your hair.
Showing genuine interest on your hobbies and making space to spend time together doing what you're so excited about.
180 notes • Posted 2021-02-09 06:17:15 GMT
Royalty AU ideas for people who need to cope, today's edition: you're a royal and your f/o is part of the royal guard/knighthood (?)
You meet them for the first time at a ball, they're making guard because that's their job. Of course, it's just a knight/guard but gosh do they caught your eye with their stunning looks. You don't notice but their eyes start to wander around looking for a beautiful royal member of the family (you, dummy)
Imagine how you two start getting close as your family appoint them to be YOUR OWN PERSONAL GUARD.
Just picture a beautiful meadow filled with colorful flowers, you start walking, enjoying the scenery and the aromas. You're having a blast and you see your f/o standing there (actually doing their job) but they can't hide a small smile when they watch you having so much fun.
They don't doubt for a second to jump between you and some kind of threat.
...They offer you their arm for you to walk with them and make you feel protected.
196 notes • Posted 2021-03-21 06:09:19 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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hana-bean · 3 years ago
This is so beautiful. I'm loving the light colors chosen for Usagi and dark for Seiya—the contrast of the blonde and pink against the black and red really catches and keeps my eye. I can't stop staring!! Once again: perfection. I love it!!!
It couldn't have been posted at a better time either as I'm coming up for air from a very stressful last couple of months. Seeing this reminded me that things will always be okay and will start my long weekend off with such great hope and happiness :)
Thank you again, @yumeve! <3 Beautiful as always! Also, we oldies can reminisce on some old S/U content together. I found some fanfiction I wrote from just about 20 years ago myself. However, to reveal their whereabouts would put a curse on the internet. It's best for all of us to not know LOL
I hope you continue to enjoy the story as I will continue to enjoy your art! <3 :))))) I hope you are well!
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So here it is! My fanart to @hana-bean​ ´s story (don’t) Leave me alone, chapter 5! ♥ I actually realized my very first pictures with Seiya and Usagi date already 20 years back. Omg I am so old lol XD But just look at them!.. And read the story:) I loved the latest chapter so much btw. I can just feel a storm approaching. Poor Mamochan and Motoki)) They will surely face some truth soon. 
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