#segmenter la vie
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dandanjean · 5 months ago
L’idée de disparaître n’est pas facile à se défaire. Pourtant, nous avons de l’expérience. Combien de fois avons-nous quitté un lieu pour ne plus jamais y revenir ? Nous avons disparu d’un lieu et nous avons continué ailleurs. Quelles que soient les conditions à l’origine de notre départ, tout est possible si la direction est claire en notre esprit. Lorsque nous gardons l’esprit ouvert, sans…
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thewertsearch · 1 year ago
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Ooh, I'm loving this visual style. It feels even more Earthbound than when Karkat did it.
Anyway - whacha got for us, Vriska?
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JOHN: for what? you mean… JOHN: that windy thing? did i actually do that somehow? VRISKA: Well, yes, you did. And I suppose congratul8tions are in order for that too. VRISKA: 8ut mostly, I am congratul8ting you…….. VRISKA: FOR GAINING ALL THE LEVELS!!!!!!!! ::::O
The Heir has tripped over the level cap, and can now accidentally cause a planetary cataclysm. Our protagonist, everyone!
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However, it seems like he still has some more tripping to do. Some sort of bonus levelling system, I guess?
VRISKA: Yes. You are now ready to 8egin your ascent through the god tiers.
Apparently so.
This is probably why Future Dave considers him so uniquely accomplished. John's going to unlock a tier of power usually reserved for munchkins like Vriska - a tier which only the most competitive Players are even aware of.
VRISKA: The thing is, from this point on, you can't make any progress while you're awake. So you've got to get to sleep!
Sounds like the god tiers are only achievable with your Dream Self.
Rose's sacrificial plan will permanently lock her out of her full potential. Is she aware of this?
VRISKA: 8ut not just any 8oring old nap will do. You will need to go to sleep in a special 8ed. VRISKA: You must find your Quest 8ed, John.
A special bed, which presumably has some effect on the game's dreaming mechanics. Perhaps there's an area of the Medium we haven't seen yet - a third dream location, imperceptible from anywhere but the Quest Bed.
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earlgreytea68 · 2 months ago
If you are of a certain age -- if you were of a certain age in the late 1990s -- there is honestly nothing quite like the hold that "Rent" has over a certain segment of the musical-loving population. Like, if you encounter "Rent" for the first time as a jaded adult who's already grown up and gotten a job, then "Rent" is whatever. But if you encounter "Rent" for the first time as a teenager, it sinks its teeth into you and you spend your entire life with this helpless reaction to just the mention of it, like, for all its flaws, it's Rent. It was this revolutionary burst of musical theater from someone who never got the chance to say anything else to the world, but what he left us with was this, and those first few notes of "One Song Glory," and the round-robin of "Will I?," and the joy of "La Vie Boheme," and that reprise of "I'll Cover You" that tears your heart out, and THAT NOTE in "Seasons of Love," like, omg, tear my heart out every time this musical, I can't with any of it. Every time I listen I hope there's a heaven entirely because I hope Jonathan Larsen knows somewhere what he did.
Is it like this for all new generations? Like, do the youths of today hear "Rent" for the first time and it knocks them over the head and never lets them go? I feel like probably not. I feel like this is probably how they feel about "Hamilton" (which, to be clear, I also love "Hamilton," but it doesn't make me feel like this). I suspect it's just a phenomenon particular to coming of age in the late 90s when "Rent" just crashed into all of us and we've just never recovered. Or at least I haven't. I have no idea. All I know is yes, they should all get jobs in "Rent," but I don't care, my love for this musical is pure and true, every time I hear it I am 16 again with the top of my head being taken off and I weep copious tears lol
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petit-atelier-de-poesie · 2 months ago
La part la plus fière des humains n'est pas la plus humaine. Elle n'est ni l'esprit, ni l'intelligence qu'il déploie, ni les sciences qu'il permet, ni le langage où les hommes segmentent l'immense masse indivise et disloquent, hiérarchisent, corrompent et assujettissent leurs semblables. Elle est cette part d'ombre ; elle est le flanc obscur que dresse la vague ample, impersonnelle, imprécise, continue qui fut à leur source et à laquelle ils appartiennent comme le poisson ne se dissocie pas de la mer, comme l'oiseau appartient à l'air, comme la feuille sourd de l'arbre. Elle est la part que maudit la lumière. La part moins perverse que ce que les yeux voient et qu'ils font reculer dans l'espace ou bien qu'ils mettent à distance sous la forme d'une proie. L'ombre de la vie que les consciences fuient en cherchant à la rendre distincte, c'est-à-dire visible, c'est-à-dire dicible, c'est-à-dire personnelle, c'est-à-dire argumentable, c'est-à-dire symbolique, c'est-à-dire vénale.
Agustina Izquierdo. L'amour pur. 1993
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ernestinee · 7 months ago
5h45 et ça fait 1h que je suis réveillée pcq Nougat s'est réveillé dans la pièce d'à côté, il en a marre d'être seul. Alors pour lui c'est suffisant de dire "chuuuttt nougat encore dodo" mais ça réveille les deux autres qui voient ça comme un "go la journée peut commencer", qui commencent à courir partout, se battre etc. et moi je ne sais pas me rendormir bien sûr. Et c'est comme ça que toutes les journées commencent depuis qu'il fait clair un peu plus tôt, j'en suis à espérer la fin de la saison.
Lundi il y a eu le briefing pour la semaine de stage de cirque en camping. Je me disais "une semaine sans chat whouhou" bah on se lève à 6h, un peu plus tôt si on veut une douche tranquille, et le feed back de la journée est à 23h. Alors moi je ne vais pas faire de cirque cette semaine là, j'y vais dans l'équipe d'intendance, qui est en fait l'équipe de profs dans l'école de cirque où je jongle. On va faire les courses et les repas pour les 130 jeunes et animateurs du camp. Ça va être une semaine de dingue et c'est assez bien payé. L'ado participe au stage chez les jongleurs mais on ne se croisera pas beaucoup en journée, et les nuits, il a une tente avec ses potes.
Les examens continuent, il en reste trois. Pour l'instant ça va mais on sent la fatigue et les erreurs d'inattention qui arrivent. Je continue de trouver cette période de l'année totalement inutile. Les remplir comme des seaux et les faire vomir le tout en fin d'année au lieu de fonctionner avec des bilans. Mon amie, qui est prof en supérieur, trouve que c'est important de pouvoir ingurgiter des grosses quantités comme ça. Ça les prépare aux études supérieures. Je trouve qu'il n'y a pas de rapport entre faire son boulot convenablement dans sa vie professionnelle et utiliser sa mémoire de manière aussi intensive et endurante, jusqu'à la nausée. Les études supérieures aussi pourraient segmenter la matière et leur éviter cette période de stress. Elle a utilisé comme argument "si je devais me faire opérer, j'aimerais que le chirurgien soit assez endurant au cas où" et je n'ai quand même pas vu le rapport avec la gestion d'une session d'examens du coup je trouve cet argument complètement claqué.
Il y a une psy de l'un des centres pluridisciplinaires où je bosse qui est partie récemment, il y a aussi l'animateur des ateliers BD et là c'est une logopède qui quitte bientôt l'équipe. A chaque fois c'est parce qu'iels ont trouvé une place comme salarié.e.s. Ce centre était déjà en questionnement, par rapport au fait que beaucoup d'indépendants partent (ça coûte très cher d'être indépendant en Belgique) et donc il n'y a pas suffisamment de loyers qui rentrent pour les bureaux et ça se pourrait que le centre ferme bientôt. Pour moi ça ne représente qu'une petite aprèm mais l'amie qui a ouvert ce centre et qui y met énormément d'énergie depuis des années est dévastée. On est en juin, les nouveaux professionnels sont diplômés et vont chercher une patientèle, j'essaie de la rassurer comme je peux mais on verra. Ce soir on a une réunion-barbec justement avec toute cette équipe, l'ambiance va être bizarre.
Je suis moi aussi dans une remise en question, une impression de ne pas être bonne dans mon job en ce moment. Les examens de l'ado me stressent et me font faire le taxi et j'ai l'impression que mon cerveau est totalement absorbé par ça , je n'ai pas de longue période "pour moi" dans la journée du coup mes factures ne sont pas envoyées, mes bilans ne sont pas faits, je n'ai pas harcelé les médecins pour avoir mes prescriptions signées. J'ai été absente 3 semaines en mai, j'ai l'impression d'avoir abandonné mes patients à un moment où ils avaient besoin de moi. Et il y a ce petit bonhomme dont le bégaiement revient alors que d'autres choses se règlent.
Et mon alarme sonne dans 2 minutes.
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c3stlav1e · 9 months ago
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written by EnVieOus
The Met Gala, taking place the first Monday of May each year, is undoubtedly one of the most watched events of the year in the realm of the filthy rich and those finely attuned in to the lives of celebrities. Celebrated in New York City and hosted by international phenomenon Vogue Magazine, recent years of the event have seen more and more internationally recognized celebrities welcomed to grace the number one red carpet of the fashion world, something that gives us Kpop fans a reason to cheer. While a swath of idols were seen at this year's gala, 3 that never fail to catch my eye were La Vie's Anya, Star, and Mari.
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from left to right: Anya Na in custom YSL, Star Shinawatra in custom YSL, Mari Bang in Schiaparelli haute couture '21
Anya and Star both stunned in custom Yves Saint Laurent, unsurprising from the luxury brand's princess and her closest confidant. While this was Star's debut at the Met, this is the third year in a row that Anya has been invited by the designer house.
However, Lovies were left with plenty of questions when the group's maknae Mari arrived later than the former two in a striking yet conflicting outfit by Schiaparelli. Although the three only briefly passed on the carpet, no acknowledgments were shared.
To older fans, this icy greeting is hardly news. Its been recently made clear that tensions between La Vie and their maknae have been raised ever since she first made her solo debut in the American music industry back in 2021. Some fans had bashed the idol for "abandoning" the group to focus on western fame and validation.
Lovies were led to believe that things were on the mend between them all when Mari returned to the group for their most recent comeback celebrating the group's 7th year anniversary, making it the first OT6 comeback in nearly 2 years. The group released a 2 hour long documentary highlighting the group's history and the album's making which had an emotional segment on Mari's absence, how it had effected the group's dynamic, and her intentions to right any wrongs in the hearts of her members and her fans. It was all very touching.
And yet, almost a year later, we are seeing the conflict back in full swing. 4 days before the Gala, La Vie posted a teaser for their newest comeback to all of the group's socials. The teaser very notably only featuring 5 of the members (missing Mari once again), much to the disappointment of hopeful Lovies everywhere.
"Teaser ; White Swan" posted to La Vie socials on May 2, 2024
While this in itself stirred up controversy, nothing would compare to the shitstorm that arose when 2 days later, Mari dropped a teaser for her newest single, set to release only a week after the rest of the group's mini album.
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Teaser posted on May 4, 2024 to Mari's Instagram, @ maribang, captioned " ugh, what a b!! SOMETHING NEW COMING TO U JUNE 4TH "
Fans and netizens have conveyed a wide range of emotions the past few days, from outrage to disappointment to jumping for joy, and this most recent interaction (or lack thereof) has only added to the overflowing dramatics of the public's opinion. Calls for Mari's official removal from the group have only increased since her apparent cold shoulder on the carpet. Some are blaming conflict between Rainbow Entertainment and MGM, Mari's record label in America, for the issues, fruitlessly arguing that the girls would never want to treat each other so coldly of their own accord.
After years of this drama, the people are beginning to demand answers, but the radio silence on both ends continues. Was it simply an accident, where one didn't see the other? Or a blatant cold shoulder between former best friends?
Let us know what YOU think here !
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ltov6: this is a reachhhh!!!!!! they were on the same part of the carpet for like .2 seconds before star and anya were rushed off. don't put words in their mouth!!
bangbangmarmar: anyway. mari outsold on her own, she doesn't need those washed up bitches🙄🙄
expensiveanya: well my princess was serving as per usual so that's all that matters🤭
lvis6: wait... SHES THE BLACK SWAN!!!! ot6 cb is coming!!!!!!
feelinlikepsychoo: good god can they just kick her out already...... like they clearly do not need her. dragging their name down for no reason.
2sunz: if sol was there she wouldve straightened them out fr. acting like children without their mama
lovelylovie: to everyone saying she probably didn't know... she's literally dressed as a black swan. she knew.
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cagemasterfantasy · 6 months ago
3rd life Remastered Irl segment 2 part 2/2
Warning. The people portrayed in this story (aside from Slimer) are real and are used in a fictitious manner. This story is entirely satire. This story also features topics of suicide and self harm. You have been warned.
As soon as the banquet begins I am going over mingling with all of the other lifers and the first lifer I run into is none other than Pearl. Pearl: Oh my god how much food are you putting on a plate?" I grin "As much as I can carry and stomach" Pearl: Of course leave it to the foodie to eat everybody's food" My plate is filled to the brim with food that I set down at the nearby table where Jimmy is talking to Bigb and Martyn. Jimmy: OH NO NO NO YOU ARE NOT EATING ALL OF THAT FOOD" "And what are you going to do about it" Martyn: I think we are all going to jack your food while you aren't looking" Pearl: I think that's for the best" That's when doodl3 shows up watching what's going on with Mumbo and Grian. "Do not touch my food" Mumbo: There he goes again rambling on about needing to eat so much. *Sigh* I wish him the best of luck" Grian: The part I dread is the desserts" Bigb: Just tone it down on the food and save some for everybody else" "Tone it down? do you know how much food this hotel produces and hey there's plenty of food left for everyone" Pearl can't help but chuckle. Pearl: Oh hey there Jill nice to see you"
Uh excuse me this banquet hall is for Lifers only. Who let you in?" Mumbo: You mean to tell me you don't know who Jill really is?" What are you talking about?" Grian: Zach (no that's not my Irl name that is Slimer's real name) Jill right here is your editor doodl3" "Grian me and doodl3 have never met how do I know for sure tha-" That's when she pulls out her phone and shows me her Youtube Account showing indeed that she is doodl3. I begin to laugh at this revelation and look over to see Bigb Martyn and Jimmy jacking my food while nobody is watching. "OI. hold on one second" I walk over "You took 2/3 of my food" Martyn: It's not like you need all of that" "I have a large stomach thank you very much" Bigb: Yeah well this food is ours now" "I hate all 3 of you. I hate you Martyn. I hate you Anthony and I especially hate you Jimmy" I head on back over to doodl3. "You know what i love about Jill so much she's not afraid to get into a little mischief. So doodl3 let's make this like Secret Life ok?" I bring her away from prying ears "I'm about to go on stage with Pearl to perform a violin song me and her both agreed on earlier ok? Your task is you see those small whipped pies over on the dessert table?" Jill: Yeah?" "I want you to be the mischief maker that you are and I want you to pie Jimmy Martyn Anthony and Tango. All of them have pissed me off today and I think it's time for some payback" Jill grins with mischeif Jill: Alright just what I needed" Me: Remember be discreet. Don't let them catch on to what you are doing."
I get up on stage with Pearl and take out my violin and begin playing La Vie En Rose and see doodl3 take some of the whipped pies as well as a few other desserts and sit down with Joel John Scott and Impulse. John: Heya there Jill whatcha got there?" Jill: Just a few desserts I'm going around eating and talking at the same time" Scott: Don't be like Zach save some food for everyone" Jill: Oh don't worry I'm not like that glutton" She takes one of the whipped pies and wanders over to where Tango is but not before seeing Rylee go over and sit in Joel's lap. Jill says it for me "Traitor". I see Jill where Tango is but focus on my violin but I'm grinning as Pearl continues to sing. Jill: Hey Tango" Tango: Hey Jill whatcha got there?" Jill: Just a little whipped pie that's what" Tango: So how does it feel now that I'm one of your boss's partners in the remaster" Jill: You mean how you almost got Cleo killed? Yeah she said this is to get even with you" She then takes the pie and slams it in Tango's face. Grian looks over in shock. Grian: Jill what happened?" Tango: I think I just got pied" Grian scowls over at me knowing very well I'm the one who told her to do it. He notices the other pies and tries to piece together who else is next as Jill grabs another pie and a Brownie off of her plate. I grin as Pearl finishes singing I get up before Grian pulls me aside. Grian: Just what are you having her do?" "Can't tell you that it's a task" Grian: What do you- oooooh. So her task is to pie random people?" Me: No. Although you get one more guess with her but no more guesses with me" Grian: So the people aren't random I see"
Jill heads on over to Impulse Grian doesn't say anything as he watches her. Me: Hey lay off the girl alright? Go over and mingle" I head over to the dessert table and grab a whole bunch of desserts but more importantly a whipped pie of my own. Jimmy: You have to be kidding me stop grabbing a bunch of food or we're all going to eat it off of your plate" "You're more than welcome to try" Jimmy: Right time to assemble the food squad again" Jill sees Jimmy going somewhere and tails behind him as I sit down at my table. Jill sees Jimmy headng back with Martyn and Anthony. Jill approaches and pretends to trip on one of her heels and pies Martyn right in the face. Anthony: Hey are you ok?" Jill: Yeah just tripped you ok Martyn?" Martyn: A little whipped cream never hurt anyone. No hard feelings"
Grian is now walking over to me and whispers into my ear "You are absolutely sick" I then hear my voices as Grian is whispering to me and I space out "Do it. Kill yourself right now. They won't care about you." Grian notices and shakes me back into reality. Grian: Get ahold of yourself now isn't the time to be spacing out" Grian knows full well why I'm spacing out but doesn't say anything about it wanting to let me have peace. Grian: You're going to tell me who you told Jill to pie" "Awww but that ruins the fun I will tell you this I instructed her to pie 4 people but I'm not saying who" Suddenly Anthony gets pied by her and Jimmy starts to realize just what is going on.
Jimmy: No you stay away from me" I begin to walk over to assist Jill and whisper to her "psst Grian is on to you I told him you were to pie 4 people but I didn't tell him who try going over to him and pretend like you're going to pie him" Jill has a mischeivious grin on her face as she heads over to where Lizzy is pie in her hand and a cookie in the other. As she goes to "pie" her Grian runs up Grian: Hey Jill are you suppossed to pie Tango Anthony Martyn and Lizzie?" I shake my head at him and Grian is absolutely stunned as Jimmy approaches. Jimmy: Hey what's going on over h-" That's when Jill pies him right in the face JIll: Ugh Why?" "It's payback for not only dumping slime on me when I wasn't ready yet but also for jacking my food" Jimmy: Why am I being punished for protecting the food population" "Because that food wasn't yours" Jimmy: Now 4 good pies wasted" "Jill help yourself to my dessert plate you earned it eat as much as you want" Jill chuckles happily and goes over to where my plate is.
As she goes back my vision begins to glitch a bit. I start to see blood everywhere for a split second. Everyone now in their tuxedos and dresses is now a skeleton. My eyes go wide for a few seconds before Jill leads me over to our table and I snap out of it. I have my hands on my head wondering what I just saw. Jill: You ok?" "Yeah just my voices getting worse"
I head back to my room later Jill behind me. "Right I'll see you at Minecon tomorrow hope you're ready to mod" Jill: Don't worry I'll be ready you just get some rest and mentally prepare yourself. Remember anything can happen" I smirk "I'm a lifer I already know what I'm getting myself into Goodnight Doodl3" Jill: Goodnight Boss Slime"
As soon as Scar enters he gets hit in the face with a cream pie I snuck from the Banquet. Jill then hears from outside my room/ "That's what you get for turning me into a Lobster hahahahhahhahahaahahaha"
When she gets to her room she sees Rylee running up to her.
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sapphiretanto · 2 years ago
I saw your post on writing prompts for TMNT. Can I ask for rottmnt TMNT 2012 character bonding? Like r!Leo with 12!raph, r!Mikey with 12!Donnie, r!Donnie with 12!Leo, and r!raph with 12! Mikey?
Hello, I hope you don’t mind, but I’m going to keep building on this in segments. I will reblog and let you know. But here is Rise Donnie being protective of 12! Leo
12: Leonardo/Lee; Raphael; Donatello/Donnie; Michelangelo/Mikey
Rise: Leo/Leon/Nardo; Raph/Raphie; Dee/Donald; Mike/Angelo
It was subtle, Lee noted, but it was there. And honestly, it was a bit sweet. It had first confused the eldest in blue, but it grew on him. Upon meeting their younger counterparts, Leonardo wasn’t blind to noting he had a little duckling following him around. Once he had praised one of Dee’s inventions and the purple banded soft shell was his shadow, constantly soaking up more praise. It made Lee ache a little bit to think that Dee wasn’t praised a lot for his brilliance. Although, it prompted him to offer words of encouragement more often than he did to his own genius brother. But Leonardo was moved, if not embarrassed by the younger turtle’s protectiveness.
Dee had a great deal of respect and admiration for Leonardo. But he also felt a twinge of concern. While Leonardo was the oldest of them all, ‘Nardo was his younger twin— no matter how much they argued over it— and he looked out for his brother in his own way. Granted, giving him a shock collar to put an end to his stupid jokes wasn’t the best idea at the time… but c'est la vie. He’d find something to aid his brother’s skills. It was just a matter of designing the right thing, easier said than done. Still, he carefully observed Lee and while he felt that he himself couldn’t direct him, Lee’s brother’s could. It was mostly things that dealt with his injuries. Lee wasn’t one to complain or talk about his knee hurting, even with a knee brace, so Dee would find Donnie or Raphael and tell one of them. They’d curse under their breath before stomping off towards Lee to help him. Dee felt a bit better to see his twin’s counterpart be taken care of and fussed over by his brothers. Dee commended himself on a job well done.
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permafrown · 7 months ago
"essays" in question btw in regards to Irene + Irene/Jonathan 👇 they're very informal bc I just copied and pasted my own messages LMAO
Their whole thing is that they moved to Gotham, right.. initially being from the Midwest and so they're there as an Embalmer for the GCPD. They end up picking up a side gig as a body disposal service for Gotham's criminal underbelly just like. Completely by accident. They did it once for Penguin but after that it's what they became Known For and like they'd get shady mfs at their door like. 🕴️ we got a job for ya and they're like. 😔 I guess this is what I do now ⚰
They don't kill anybody they just take care of a deed that's already been done, in exchange for money and favors they can cash in. They consider themselves a "Modern-Day Charon" bc of the morbid but neutral role they play.
EVENTUALLY they decide they want to do a little more with themselves and one thing leads to another and . . . they get into experimenting w/ reanimating corpses specifically after modifying a sample of Jonathan's fear toxin into what they call Vie (short for Vie a la Mort bc they're fake french). It bites them in the ass and they die and then are brought back with their own creation and now they're The Cooler Irene
if I were to like generalize instead of basing it around pre-existing comics .. I'd say Irene and Jonathan probably met at something like a gala/charity event that Gotham University was hosting and members of the GCPD were invited to including Irene bc Jim Gordon was like. We have got to get you out of that morgue and socializing spending all that time around dead bodies isn't good for you. And they're just like. Ok 😗👍
SO THEY MEET JON AT THIS PARTY that they're both like half-heartedly attending for one reason or another. and they're like wowww.. this guy's weird (twirling hair). Theyre talking to eachother getting along well. And well since Irene doesn't know abt Scarecrow and (at this point) Jon doesn't know about Undertaker they're both just kinda thinking to themselves - this guy's definitely hiding something.
SO IT'S THIS STUPID LIKE. ROMCOM ASS DEVELOPMENT of them gradually spending more and more time around eachother falling in-love in the process being in denial about it ETC
and then one Halloween. Irene's first Halloween in Gotham there's a fall festival that Jonathan had invited Irene to and they're like oh hell yeah. They dress as a plague doctor with a small twist that ends up saving their ass (the mask actually functions as a mask) so they go and they're waiting for Jonathan just chillin and then BOOM there's a scarecrow attack and everything's in shambles around 'em there's people screaming and what not. Except for Irene who like in the midst of it all sees Scarecrow and their ass FALLS IN-LOVE thinking he's just a scare actor
They just kinda go home after like wow what a wild night lol. and then they hear police sirens outside at where the festival was and they're like . I'm starting to think that whole ordeal wasn't part of the festivities.
SO they see a news segment talking about a scarecrow attack and they're like scarecrow.... AND they rmbr how they hadn't seen Jonathan that night and it's not like him to no-show esp not when he made the plans so they're connecting the dots like . . . Uh oh 😨 ( <- experiencing heart palpitations but brother it's not fear)
SO THEY JUST. HAVE TO GO ON PRETENDING THEY DONT KNOW SHIT LIKE ahh damn jonathan shame I didnt see you last night. Yeah no I wasn't even there I had to feed my fish.
AND THENNNNN as Undertaker they have scarecrow as a client once and they're normal about it. like maybe he doesn't know. and then it happens again shortly after but this time they're like 🤨 this body you want gone isn't even fresh man the rove beetles are getting to it it's been out for atleast a week and Scarecrow's like. How would you know that if you weren't involved in the forensics or perhaps even mortuary field. Irene. and they're like FUUUUCK 😭
SO THAT'S HOW HE FINDS OUT BC HE SET THEM UP and then they take off eachother's masks/veil and it's all tense and they kiss sloppy style THE END
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ruminiscence · 1 year ago
Discovering the hidden treasures of Musee d'Orsay: Maurice Denis
'"La vie devient précieuse, discrète : les couchers de soleil ont une douceur d'anciennes peintures" Translation: "Life becomes precious, discreet: twilight has the softness of old paintings."
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Maurice Denis
- I saw this lithograph at the Musée d'Orsay last year, paired with a wee segment of a diary entry which reminded me of a quote by Jeanette Winterson:
“I have noticed that when all the lights are on, people tend to talk about what they are doing – their outer lives. Sitting round in candlelight or firelight, people start to talk about how they are feeling – their inner lives. They speak subjectively, they argue less, there are longer pauses. To sit alone without any electric light is curiously creative. I have my best ideas at dawn or at nightfall, but not if I switch on the lights – then I start thinking about projects, deadlines, demands, and the shadows and shapes of the house become objects, not suggestions, things that need to done, not a background to thought.” [Jeanette Winterson]
"To sit alone without any electric light is curiously creative." particularly strikes a chord, as well as "the shadows and shapes of the house become objects, not suggestions... not a background to thought."
There's a chance I misinterpreted the entire purpose of this art installation, but I like the direction it had me thinking in.
It sometimes feels odd and counter-intuitive to share subjective thoughts on a social network that runs on said 'electric light' with an audience focused on the 'outward', but I digress.
How strange to think that we almost halt specific thoughts/modes of expression because we, as a society, have accepted that we are to talk least about the things we think about most? But I digress.
Some other Maurice Denis pieces that I enjoyed:
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baronessblixen · 7 months ago
Frasier episode roundup! :DDD
Mel's a reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal stinker, huh. Niles picks all the bad ones, and Frasier picks (and leaps from) all the good ones.
LOVE Ferguson; and will always love Ferguson. One of my favorite S8 episodes.
Donny got engaged and married? So soon...? Uh oh. This smells like a rebound.
Roz and Frasier and Roz's ex Luke... within two seconds I wanted to get away from that dude; but I guess flattery will always catch (in this case desperate) people.
Mary's back! Sometimes I do and don't like her... but this episode was a x2 speed type of watch. (Just saw Stephen King as a call-in? Huh.)
I love Frasier's Harvard mentor. Love him, love him, love him. He needs to be in many more episodes. Wearing Roz's robe? The actor killed those scenes.
Frederick turning into a gamer shouldn't be as surprising as it was. I wonder if maybe Marty's genes skipped a generation. >:D
x2 speed on the car and Dalmatian episode; but it wasn't all that bad. (There really isn't an all-bad Frasier episode, though.)
The chaos trying to prevent the Shakespearean scifi actor from getting onstage was quite amusing. In similar scenarios, I'm usually annoyed or frustrated that things won't work out; but him quite literally crawling to the chair won me over.
The two parallel universes episode was intriguing-- two people meant to be, getting together regardless, awww-- and Bernadette Peters was a guest caller???? I gotta rewatch her segment.
Kenny! I liked him... then he got a wandering eye; and now I don't respect him. His wife was really nice, though. Liked her a whole lot.
Niles wins the basketball competition only to join Frasier in making a fool of himself. C'est la vie.
John Glenn going off on an alien rant while Roz and Frasier are bickering is just... so good.
x2 speed for the rich widow. I expected better of you, Martin. You should have known two women in the dark always ends in disaster, especially when Frasier flubbed it so badly last(?) season.
Martin shaming his sons in front of their wine club. I'm not sorry for them. >:)))
Daphne's back! And what a touching look into her and Niles's psyche. Him blurting out his problems with her, her taking it wrong, then both "having at" each other was freeing even for me.
Also, whichever episode had Niles struggling with Daphne's sleeping habits was gold.
Niles deciding to let Daphne keep her psychic opinion of herself was also sweet, awwwww.
FRASIER, WHY'D YA RUIN A GOOD THING WITH CLAIRE. (Also... she can do better. Also: it didn't seem like you two really meshed.) FRASIER, WHY ARE YOU SABOTAGING YOURSELF WITH LANA.
Lana's son was a fun character, though.
The finale was x2; but the rest of the arc was juicy, SO I finished it. XDD Fascinating little dig into Frasier's psychology. Intrigued to see what he does-- more likely doesn't-- with these revelations.
Overall: leagues better than the season where everyone at the station lost their jobs; but not the besssssst, either.
I had a good time, regardless. :DDDD
Glad you had a good time! This really shows me that I don't watch season 8 often cause most of these didn't even ring a bell 😂 it's definitely not my favorite season.
How do you watch an episode on double speed? I'm not sure I could follow the episode 😂
In my opinion, season 9 has better episodes.
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krakenguard · 1 year ago
Nah, but in all seriousness... Like the concern IS there, but I don't quite think Izzy's gonna end up dying.
I DO feel like they'll do an "Oh no! He's dead!" "No wait! HE'S ALIVE!" moment. 😋
... Case in point though, but what if Con's La Vie En Rose plays during the whole segment.
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aurevoirmonty · 10 months ago
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Nous sommes aujourd'hui au bord d'un désert qui doit être traversé. Cela n'a pas de sens de le nier, de se croire en terre accueillante, de rêver pouvoir le contourner ou d'espérer que le temps le changera en paradis. C'est un désert. Mais nous savons que le désert, dont nous n'apercevons pas aujourd'hui les limites, tôt ou tard prendra fin. […] Nous savons qu'un temps viendra, qu'une façon viendra, de reconstruire une cité, de refonder une civilisation. Mais pas maintenant. On ne construit pas dans le désert. Les conditions élémentaires font défaut, les matériaux, l'eau, le ravitaillement manquent, le vent te fouette le visage, le sable t'aveugle, les mirages te trompent, les pillards sévissent, les assassins s'activent, tes com­pagnons et toi-même êtes sujets à d'humaines faiblesses.
Dans le désert, on peut seulement continuer à avancer, sans espoir de bâtir. On peut seulement chercher un abri, parce que la nuit tombe, pour reprendre la marche dans le matin incertain. Toujours vigilant, sur ses gardes. Remercions les Dieux pour ces rares oasis, pour ce filet d'eau. […]
Dans le sac à dos, il y a ce que tu as pu sauver. Il y a ce en quoi tu crois. Ta vie. Qui doit être conduite par-delà le désert. D'autres hommes, d'autres générations, d'autres individus inconnus, des gens que tu ne verras jamais, pas même tes propres fils, viendront. L'histoire l'enseigne. Des âmes semblables à la tienne, segments sur une même droite, fidèles aux mêmes Dieux. Il en naîtra encore. Il y en a toujours eu. Ce qui est certain, c'est que l'Extrême Conflit fut une défaite totale. Totale pour la géné­ration qui l'a mené, pour les millions de morts, pour les millions de survivants qui se sont avilis, pour notre génération, pour celle qui viendra après nous. Des catastrophes suivront dans quel­ques décennies, puis quelques autres décennies ne connaîtront que l'anarchie et les ruines, avec l'écroulement de toute institution civile. Mais certains seront là: pour récupérer ton sac et l'ouvrir.
Gianantonio Valli, Invasione
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lunamagicablu · 10 months ago
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Acerola Malpighia punicifolia o Malpighia glabra L. FAMIGLIA: Malpighiaceae NOMI POPOLARI: Ciliegia delle Barbados, Ciliegia delle Indie Occidentali, Manzanita, Semeruto. Arbusto o piccolo albero che può raggiungere fino i 5 metri di altezza. Foglie: dalla forma ovale-lanceolata, opposte, con un picciolo molto corto e con dei piccoli peli che possono irritare. Fiori: con 5 petali dal colore che varia dal rosa pallido al rosso vivo. Frutto: sono delle drupe rosse, somiglianti alle nostre ciliegie. Molto succose e dal gusto acidulo, divise internamente in spicchi. Il frutto della pianta di Acerola è conosciuto anche con il nome di "ciliegia delle Indie Occidentali" o "ciliegia di Barbados". PARTE UTILIZZATA: frutto PRINCIPALI COMPONENTI Vitamina C Vitamine del gruppo B Provitamina A Sali minerali Flavonoidi Tannini Carotenoidi PROPRIETA’ SALUTISTICHE PRINCIPALI Antiossidante Vitaminizzante Favorisce le naturali difese del corpo Ricostituente Favorisce l’assorbimento del ferro. Utile come rimedio naturale da erboristeria in caso di: Astenia Convalescenza Carenza di vitamine e ferro Prevenzione dei disturbi da raffreddamento. CONTROINDICAZIONI: il frutto dell’Acerola non presenta particolari effetti collaterali, se non in casi di ipersensibilità individuale. Per la sua elevata acidità è controindicata in caso di acidità gastrica e gastrite, mentre un uso eccessivo può provocare la formazione di calcoli renali. Non utilizzare insieme ad Uva ursina, Corbezzolo ed altre piante ad idrochinoni in quanto può ridurne l’effetto purificante sulle vie urinarie. https://www.erbecedario.it ******************************** Acerola Malpighia Punicifolia or Malpighia glabra L. FAMILY: Malpighiaceae POPULAR NAMES: Barbados Cherry, West Indian Cherry, Manzanita, Semeruto. Shrub or small tree that can reach up to 5 meters in height. Leaves: oval-lanceolate in shape, opposite, with a very short petiole and small hairs that can irritate. Flowers: with 5 petals whose color varies from pale pink to bright red. Fruit: they are red drupes, similar to our cherries. Very juicy and with a sour taste, divided internally into segments. The fruit of the Acerola plant is also known as the "West Indian cherry" or "Barbados cherry". PART USED: fruit MAIN COMPONENTS C vitamin B vitamins Provitamin A Mineral salts Flavonoids Tannins Carotenoids MAIN HEALTHY PROPERTIES Antioxidant Vitaminising Promotes the body's natural defenses Restorative Promotes the absorption of iron. Useful as a natural herbal remedy in case of: Asthenia Convalescence Vitamin and iron deficiency Prevention of cooling disorders. CONTRAINDICATIONS: the Acerola fruit does not present particular side effects, except in cases of individual hypersensitivity. Due to its high acidity it is contraindicated in cases of gastric acidity and gastritis, while excessive use can cause the formation of kidney stones. Do not use together with bearberry, strawberry tree and other hydroquinone plants as it may reduce their purifying effect on the urinary tract. https://www.erbecedario.it 
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cffabioblog · 1 year ago
Sábados Gigantes's Greats Moments
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With Sashi, Penn and Boone from the Series "Penn Zero Part-Time Hero talks to Don
Francisco at studio.
In a obther "Sábado Gigante" episode, the argentinean singer Sandro sings "Me Juego Entero Por Tu Amor", "Te Espero Bajo El Sol", "El Maniquí", "Volverán  Los Días" and "Dime Que Mas Quiero"
The Songs
Me Juego Entero Por Tu Amor
- www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xpesx…
- www.youtube.com/watch?v=JFkWCG…
© Sandro / Anderle / Sony Music / CBS. Alls Rights Reserved.
Te Espero Bajo El Sol
- www.youtube.com/watch?v=IkoQMn…
© Sandro / Anderle / Sony Music / CBS. Alls Rights Reserved.
El Maniquí
- www.youtube.com/watch?v=pyUPXK…
© Sandro / Anderle / Sony Music / CBS. Alls Rights Reserved.
Volverán Los Días
- www.youtube.com/watch?v=On_M8s…
© Sandro / Anderle / Sony Music / CBS. Alls Rights Reserved.
Dime Que Mas Quiero
- www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYYzWd…
- www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQ2z5a…
© Sandro / Anderle / Sony Music / CBS. Alls Rights Reserved.
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In special to the patriots party of Chile, in "Chacal De La Trompeta".
With Hiccup (From HTTYD2)in the orchestra, the Chilean Singer Antonio Zabaleta sings some songs.
The Song Piensa
- www.youtube.com/watch?v=52PMt7…
©ARCI. www.youtube.com/watch?v=52PMt7…
With Laurie as House, exam to a pacient (Daniel Vilches). Jorge Porcel as Joy.
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Afther of the performance, the famous band "Kiss" talks to Mario.
In a special, La Cuatro and The Huaso Filomeno talks a humor sketch.
8.- The Famous Chilean Singer Antonio Prieto sings at the studio
The Song
- www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3gWeR…
© ARCI / Nanovicencio. Alls Rights Reserved.
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9.- In a archery contest, in reference to "San Valentine's Day"
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10.- With the protagonists of the Disney's Film "Big Hero 6" Visits and talks with Don Francisco at the Studio.
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11.- y 12.-
Con ocasión del aniversario n° 65 de la tira cómica "Condorito", se realiza
un sketch, donde se celebra un "almuerzo" por lo de la mano de Yayita.
Entre Los Invitados, esta Don Gabito (alusión al presidente Chileno, Don
Gabriel González Videla), El Profesor Topaze y El Creador de Condorito,
Don Rene Ríos Boetigger, Pepo.
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In a interview to the famous BoJack Horseman and Takeo Gouda at the studio.
-  www.youtube.com/watch?v=9fhCXp…
(© Univision / Canal 13 / Mario K. Alls Rights Reserved.)
How all "Sabado gigante"'s Episodes, presents a contest with "The Car's Games" 
or in spanish "La Final Del Automovil". The car is a Renault's model.
At the studio, the famous American singer Gloria Gaynor sings "Nothing In This
World" and "Let's Make A Deal"
- www.youtube.com/watch?v=UbeUmp…
(© ℗ A Republic Records Release; ℗ 1976 UMG Recordings, Inc. / Universal Music Group)
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With occation about of the finale season of the Disney's Series "Star VS
The Forces Of Evil", Star and Marco disturb at the program.
In a classic segments, is a Interview, in this occation, from Germany, Don
Francisco talks with the Chancellor Angela Merkel.
With Sashi in the orchestra, with Polar affirm the music sheet, In the
sccenary of the studio, The Argentinean singer Leo Dan sings his
songs "Tu Llegaste Cuando Menos Te Esperaba", "El Amor Es Todo
Y Nada", "El Amor Y La Felicidad" and "Mi Pequeño Y Gran Amor"
-  www.youtube.com/watch?v=n81M2k…
-  www.youtube.com/watch?v=lo-uEr…
-  www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8tCTC…
-  www.youtube.com/watch?v=RO5KrT…
(© Leo Dan / CBS / Sony Music)
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With the Director and creator of the Pixar's Film "Inside Out" Peter Docter talks with Mario about the film and the characters at the studio.
From Belgium, The Italian-Belge Composter and singer Salvatore Adamo sings "C'est Ma Vie".
- www.youtube.com/watch?v=qz8pMT…    (Original, in French)
- www.youtube.com/watch?v=osA8kr…        (Spanish)
- www.youtube.com/watch?v=MkwB_3… (Italian)
© Adamo / EMI Odeon Belgue / Universal Music.  Alls Rights Reserved.
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With occation of the 10'th anniversary of the premiere of the Cartoon Network's Series "Camp Lazlo", in the "Sábado Gaigante" set, makes a mini episode when Lumpus goes to gym to all scouts. Hoo Ha learns, but ends a disastrer
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With Lofty at "Demolition", some with Clarence. Don Francisco, ends the finale of season 2015 of the program.
Reccorded at The Studio 1 of "Television Centre"
Sábado Gigante
© Canal 13 / Mario K. Alls Rights Reserved.
Don Francisco
© Mario K. Alls Rights Reserved.
© Cartoon Network / Silver S. Alls Rights Reserved.
© HIT / BBC. Alls Rights Reserved.
Camp Lazlo Characters / The Series
© Cartoon Network / Joe Murray. Alls Rights Reserved.
Inside Out charcaters
© Pixar / Docter.  Alls Rights Reserved.
Star and Marco
© Disney / Daron Nefcy / Dave Wasson. Alls Rights Reserved.
© Sesame / PBS.  Alls Rights Reserved.
Polar Bear
© Cartoon Network / Daniel C.  Alls Rights Reserved.
BoJack Horseman
©Raphael Bob-Waskberg. Alls Rights Reserved.
Takeo, from Ore Monogatari
© Kazume Kawahara / Aruko.  Alls Rights Reserved.
© World Editords / Pepo. Alls Rights Reserved.
Don Gabito
© Pepo. Alls Rights Reserved.
Topaze (revista política)
© Jorge Delano, Coke. Alls Rights Reserved.
Big Hero 6 (Fred, Wasabi, Honey Lemon, Gogo Tomago, Baymax and Hiro Hamada)
© Disney / Marvel / Man Of Action / Jim Kim. Alls Rights Reserved.
Fū Hōōji
© CLAMP. Alls Rights Reserved.
Robin Hood (from Robin Hood Mischief In Sherwood)
© Method Animation. Alls Rights Reserved.
Robin Hood (film 1973)
© Disney. Alls Rights Reserved.
Ren Hoek
© Nickelodeon / John K. Alls Rights Reserved.
© Pixar / Chapman. Alls Rights Reserved.
Hiccup (How To Train Your Dragon 2)
© DreamWorks / Cressida Cowell. Alls Rights Reserved
Gregory House, from Dr. House
© FOX / Disney. Alls Rights Reserved
Penn, Sashi and Boone (Penn Zero Part Time Hero)
© Disney / Sam J. Levine / Jared Bush. Alls Rights Reserved.
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latribune · 9 days ago
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