steampunkserpent27 · 2 years
Spiraled Thoughts
This is written for @drarrymicrofic 's prompt: Sally's Song CW: Implied Bad Things, Visions of Blood and Death, Open Ending and Angst The future was ever changing. Every action and choice was an unraveling spiral. Nothing was ever certain and his visions were never clear. They gave him only mere glimpses of what could be. The images fractured and changed with every day, with every decision.
Trying to control the future was a fruitless endeavor. Nothing good ever came of it and more often then not, it only led him to what he was trying to avoid. It was a cruel gift. He was cursed to see every possible outcome, every possible way his loved ones could die, with no way to avoid it. Seeing himself die was a constant; he had grown used to it. He was meant to be hit by a bus this morning. His spilt eggs had saved him. Mother had never understood why he was such a cautious child. He had never understood why everyone else wasn't. It had taken him far too long to realize that his visions were not a common occurrence. It had taken him far too long to find the words. He no longer payed any mind to the cryptic warnings; he would either be hit by a bus or he wouldn't. For if he had tried to skip breakfast, tried to outrun the bus, he would have rushed right into his own demise. But his recent visions were never changing. It was the same every time, as if they were set in stone. They only grew clearer every day, showing him more and more blood spilling over the floor, more broken bodies. Potter was always at the center of it. He couldn't make sense of it. The images were still too sporadic and unreliable to understand. Potter had always been in his visions, of course. He'd seen his lifeless body in the forest, seen him triumph over the Dark Lord, before any of it had happened. Potter always plagued his thoughts, he was inescapable. Even now, he found himself worrying about him. Being such a public figure, his face was always plastered all over The Daily Prophet. Their futures had been intertwined for so long, always weaving together, but now it was as if they'd been severed, and all he could see was blood. There had been a time when he had wished he would see glimpses of them together, as something more than rivals, but it never came to be. They were childish thoughts, really. The differences between them were too vast to mend. Still, sometimes he found himself wishing that things had been different, that he had been different. Would there be hope now, if he hadn't made so many wrong choices? Would Potter even listen to him if he tried to change things now? Or would he think he was mad? He had once thought himself mad, so he wouldn't blame him. He could feel that the bloodshed would happen soon, and he felt as if he were meant to do something. But what could he possibly do? Would it even be wise to try? Still, he found his feet leading him towards the Ministry. Towards Potter, and he didn't try to stop them.
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bluezeldana · 2 months
“Your heart is racing.”
“You just kissed me, Granger.” Draco cocked his head, smirking when she blushed. “What did you expect?”
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Chapter 8 of Unavoidable Fate is up on Ao3. The last chapter will be up this Friday!
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sitp-recs · 1 year
hi love! how's your day? do you have some pics where draco is a seer? thank you
Hello anon! Sure, I do know a few fics with seer!Draco. Hope you like these:
Love has left a printed trace by @maesterchill (M, 1k)
In France, in bed, they are one.
Phoenix by @iero0 (T, 2k)
It’s salvation, it’s redemption. It's what it takes for Harry and Malfoy to be reborn.
The Seer's Flat by @vaysh11 (M, 3k)
A Seer in love is a dangerous thing.
suburbia by @iero0 (M, 3k)
A street full of houses. All look the same. Red brick, white frames, dark roof. House after house, front lawn after front lawn. Suspicious peeks through curtains, ill-disguised. Dogs bark and cats roam. Draco's ability, the Sight, is the worst in areas like that, where what’s on display is so disgustingly different from what’s hidden behind closed doors and minds.
A Malfoy Always Pays His Debts by Candamira (E, 9k)
I owe Potter and a Malfoy always pays his debts. Even when doing so comes at a high price.
Déjà Vu by @maesterchill (E, 11k)
After being released from Azkaban, Draco Malfoy begins having peculiar visions, which turn out to be premonitions. Gradually, with the help of his unusual gift, Draco becomes a rather useful member of society. He also has dirty fantasies about Harry Potter, but that's nothing new.
embrace the deception by swoons (M, 13k)
Draco Malfoy shouldn’t feel like the stable one, not when he spends his days pretending to have clairvoyant powers and solving mysteries with Neville Longbottom. Harry Potter, however, seems to be on the edge of a breakdown, and he’s growing increasingly obsessed with his former rival.
Visions No. 33 to 35 by Ischa (E, 17k)
In which Draco is a Seer and artist, living with Pansy and Luna in a secluded house, working on occasion with the Ministry of Magic (not that he's thrilled but solving crimes from afar seems like a worthy cause on some days) until Vision No. 33 brings Potter to his doorstep.
Peeking behind the Curtain by @wellhalesbells (M, 23k)
Draco sees things he really, really wishes he didn't. If only to get out of all the homework that comes with it.
tissue of silver by fearlessdiva (M, 76k)
A love story concerning possessed furniture, black silk pyjamas, courtroom drama, premonitions of doom, assassination attempts, Death Eater yoga, absinthe, bare feet and a sensible werewolf.
all the western stars by @oflights (E, 78k)
Draco is a Seer who has been struck with terrible, uncontrollable visions of the deaths of everyone around him, triggered by touch. He retreats to an Unplottable Black family cottage to research his condition and fix it. Things are going relatively well until Harry Potter shows up at the cottage with a furry condition of his own.
Bonus: fake seer Draco 👌🏼
i demand to dig my own grave by @bonesliketambourines (M, 21k)
Draco finds himself in hot water with the Aurors, and in a burst of panicked inspiration manages to wiggle out of it by claiming to be a Seer. There's just one little problem– Senior Auror Harry Potter, the Prat Who Lived, who's known him for a decade, knows full well Draco doesn't have a single psychic bone in his body and seems determined to pull him up for it.
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braveclementine · 1 month
Chapter 5
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Warnings: Smut (Severus), non-con from both parties (Lucius), trigger warnings of rape (Greyback), 18+ readers only
Copyright: I do not own any Wizarding World characters that J.K. Rowling wrote. I do however own Elizabeth Kane (main character) and Trang Nyguen (best friend). There should be no use of these two names without my permission. I also do not condone any copying of this.
There were four of them and I was dragged harshly between two of them. My feet stumbled on the gravel, hopping when a particularly sharp stone hit the bottom of my feet. Their grip on my upper arms was unpleasantly tight. 
As we approached the black wrought-iron gate that guarded the large mansion forebodingly, they all lifted their left arms and passed through the gate. I was dragged through, feeling as though I was being scraped by Iron blades. 
My heart was beating, not in fright, but in anticipation. I would get to see Severus. And while I had no hopes that he would be helping me escape, or even that he would talk to me, seeing his face would be enough. 
It was stupid, irrational. My visions never deviated from their course. There was no reason to worry that Voldemort would kill my fiancé until the planned time. 
But still, separated from war and being on opposite sides. . . it made me nervous and I would be glad to see his face. 
As I was dragged up the long pathway, I started mentally calculating all of the possible outcomes. 
Voldemort might keep me. Try and use my visions or even a little shiny trinket to wave in front of Harry's face and tell him to come and get me. Those were good-ish scenarios. I would still be able to plan how to save Severus, Tonks, Fred, and Dad's lives. It would be more difficult, of course, but still doable. 
Or he could kill me flat out. At least my family wouldn't have to out live me by long, that was the singular comfort. The uncomfortable part was wondering where Remus would end up. He would be with Dad and Tonks surely for a little bit. But after dad and Tonks died too? Maybe Andromeda would keep him? Or would Mrs. Weasley take him in? Or would Harry do it? Trang was to tell him I was his sister and explain the whole story if I did die. 
I prayed that she was okay as I was dragged through the doorway into the manner. 
I knew where I was of course- Malfoy Manor. Though I had never stepped foot into the place, it was both grand, cold, and luxurious all at the same time. 
Like all of the portraits in the Wizarding World, the ones on the walls watched as I was dragged down the hallway. They didn't talk to each other, only judging me and my worth with cold, calculating stares. 
Two figures appeared at the end of the hallway. One was a feminine figure that I saw first as the second followed behind slower. Her wild black hair was curly and it made all of her facial features stand out dramatically. Her lips were puffy and red, her eyelids heavily lidded and dark. 
Bellatrix clapped her hands excitedly, but her good humor was quickly diminished as the Death Eater on my left addressed her, "Is he in?" 
"No." Bellatrix said, her eyes becoming narrowed and shrewd. "I will take her from here." 
"The Dark Lord's orders were very clear. We are to put Kane or Potter in the dungeons." The Death Eater clearly didn't know who he was talking to. Or he was stupid. Or he was brave. I wasn't sure. 
"I will take her from here." Bellatrix repeated, her smile also fading now, turning more into an ugly frown. 
The Death Eater made motions like he was going to ignore her and simply take me to the dungeons anyways, but the second one let me go and started to back away slowly. 
I looked at Bellatrix and then my eyes flickered behind to see the man behind her. 
I used Legilimens shields to make sure no emotions flickered over my face. 
Severus stood there, straight back and shoulders tense. His black eyes had no emotion in them, even as mine met his. His long black hair was oily as it came down around his face. 
I flicked my eyes back to Bellatrixs', and only met them for a second before I suddenly felt cool tile under my cheek, while the rest of my body felt like it was on fire. 
I knew that Severus had this way of separating his mind from his body while under the Cruciatus Curse. It was part of his superb Legilimens skills. But, I had not mastered that level and my throat burned as the screams erupted from it. Ungodly noises that didn't sound like they should come from any human. 
I couldn't tell if I had gone blind from pain or if I had squeezed my eyes shut, but when my body was released from the curse and I was just laying there in agony, learning to breathe, my eyes fluttered open to see the chandelier above me. 
"Bellatrix." Severus' voice was like music to my ears after such pain. It was the same voice he used in the classroom, like he hated everybody- including me. Harsh and baritone, deep, conveying nothing seemingly, but ultimately all of his hate and contempt for the person he was talking to. 
"What Snape?" Bellatrix snapped. 
"I would be. . . appeased if I could have her for thirty or forty minutes." I could picture the curl of his lip and my eyes fluttered, because I wanted to see it. See him. His face. 
I saw Bellatrixs' face first, amused in her misunderstanding of Severus' words. "I wish I could witness it. But I suspect you'll want a more private audience." 
"Very private." This time I saw Severus' face. He was coming the closet he ever would to smiling, in the presence of someone he detested. And it was a mocking, cruel smile, that I almost never saw from him. 
Bellatrix cackled at that, flaunting off to the side. Severus dragged me to my feet harshly. I didn't even have the strength to fight him off. He threw me over his shoulder, rather unflattering, but I didn't care at the particular moment. 
I only knew things had changed when the sound of a door clicked behind us and suddenly, he was placing me gently on my back on the bed. His large, rough hands were cupping my face delicately. The tunnels of black were suddenly full of warmth, love, and worry. 
"Elizabeth?" His voice was soft, musical in reality now. 
"Sev." I whispered back, throat so dry my voice cracked. "Oh Sev." 
His lips gently pulled mine into a hug. Enveloping them warmly, protectively almost. Mine responded in kind, submitting, letting his dominate. His tongue dipped lightly against my lips and they parted, allowing the intrusion desperately. 
My strength was coming back and my hands slid up his arms, before they wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer. The kiss became more desperate. Our tongues entwined with each others, noses smashed against each others cheeks. Our breathing was ragged, neither of us wanting to let go to breathe fresh air. 
His hands were sliding behind my back, undoing the zipper for the sleeveless dress. "What a beautiful colour on you." He breathed out, finally sitting back. 
I stood up, letting the dress slide from my body and his arms pulled me to him again. He made his own clothes disappear with a simple snap of his fingers and before me was a rugged man. 
He would never be beautiful enough to be called a God or to be carved into a pedestal of marble. Because Severus Snape was not a beautiful man. He was not perfect or glorious. He was scarred and strong. Rugged. He was. . . distinguished. Regal. Dignified. 
It was as though, while the two of us were staring at each other, memorizing each other again, we were thinking the same thing. 
"Mine." both of us whispered it together before Severus was pushing me back into the pillows of the bed. He grabbed his wand, lazily waving it towards my arm. Thin, black rope twined around them, wrapping intricately around my wrists. It didn't cut into my wrists, even as my arms held firm. 
"Just in case." Severus whispered softly, dipping his lips down, catching my nipple between his teeth, before sucking. I whimpered, a soft sound and one I hadn't made in months. 
His other hand palmed the other breast. Squeezing the soft flesh and he ran his thumb over my peaked nipple over and over again. It was such a strange sensation for both of us. The softness to him and the stimulation for me. 
I ground my hips against his, his cock rubbing against my clit. Now that it was just the two of us, seemingly alone, I was aroused for him. Never mind that Bellatrix and Lucius and Greyback and all of the other Death Eaters were in the house somewhere. Never mind that Voldemort would be approaching when he heard of my capture. 
It was just Severus and me. Living in our own world. 
"Please fuck me sir." I whispered quietly against the shell of his ear. "Professor." 
Severus grabbed my jaw harshly, a lust in his eyes. "What a naughty girl, begging for her Professors cock." 
"Yes Professor. Please give me your cock." I begged. Our voices low enough so that they could only reach our ears. But they held the same weight and lust and desire as if we were screaming it at the rooftops. 
"Naughty girls don't usually get what they want." Severus smirked, running his lips down my stomach, nipping at the skin. "Why should you be any different?" 
I refused to say anything depressing or anything that would break the spell. "Because I'm only naughty for you." 
Severus' eyes glinted in understanding. This was our fantasy for now, to be broken by reality only after we were done. 
"That is true. Which makes you a good girl by definition. And good girls always get what they want." Severus hummed, licking my neck, before sucking a hicky under my ear. 
He lifted my hips up slightly and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He thrusted into me and I couldn't help it, couldn't stop it. I moaned loudly, tossing my head back into the pillows. I knew the others would hear- I knew they had to be curious about it. Severus wasn't exactly known for this. But I didn't care. 
I even smiled a little at the rumors that would follow Severus after this. 'Damn, Snape is so good in bed, he can even got that victim of his, the Kane girl, to be pleasured'. I almost laughed. Severus would glare at everyone. 
Severus had seen it in my head and rolled his eyes. "You're imagination is adorable." 
This time, I did smile full out, before pressing my lips to his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around me and I let out a whimper as he hit a good spot inside of me. He had them memorized, hitting them in the perfect timing and succession so that I was whimpering and thrashing underneath him. 
"I'm going to cum." I whimpered, both of us ignoring the creak in the doorway. Neither of us turning to see who it was. 
Severus said nothing verbally, but he nipped at the soft skin of my breasts and I knew that it was permission. I screamed, squeezing my eyes shut, feeling the pleasure radiate through my body. 
As we both calmed down, we saw that the door had been shut again. Whoever had been here had left. 
Severus' time was up. We stared at each other for a long time, simply holding hands. Finally, I whispered. "Don't do anything stupid. Don't. . . don't compromise a thing. You. . ." I looked around and lowered my voice even more, "You do not compromise the entire world over me." 
We stared each other in the eyes. I knew he was waiting for me to back down, but I refused. He would not. I saw how this ended and he could not risk it. 
"Just keep your promise." Severus whispered, and finally moved so that he was off the bed, getting dressed again. 
I didn't say anything. I had crossed my fingers when he'd made me promise. It didn't count, there was no promise. 
I sat in the corner of the jail cell. 
Jail cell? Or was it more of a dungeon cell? Cell in the dungeon? 
I digress. 
Either way, it was a cell. It was in the farthest back corner in the dungeon from the door as possible. There were three walls of thick, damp stone around me, the one wall that was not, consisted of thick metal- probably Iron- bars along with the door, which was locked. 
It was a small cell, with nothing in it. Not even a bench to sleep or sit on. There were manacles connected to the walls, though surprisingly they had not chained me. Perhaps they figured, wandless and having nothing on me but the dress, I would not be able to escape. 
Well, they were right about that. 
I sat in the corner of the dungeon, curled up in a ball with my head resting against the wall. Not out of fear, but it was freezing, and it was hard to stay warm in the dress. 
My long hair came in handy. It was thick and luscious, especially having been washed earlier that morning. So it was warm, almost like a blanket and was nice feeling on my shoulders. But it wouldn't last for long. 
From what I understood by Bellatrixs' scathing words, Voldemort was not in the country at the moment. And since I was not Harry Potter, he didn't feel the need to come back as quickly. Which meant I was going to be in here for a few days before he even bothered to see to me. 
It made me feel a little better. Perhaps it would give me time to figure out a plan to escape. . . but it wasn't looking promising. 
Suddenly, I heard footsteps coming down the pathway. They were quick, but they were heavier than Severus' and Bellatrixs'. 
My heart started to beat heavily. Perhaps Voldemort had changed his mind. Perhaps he was here for me now. 
But it was Lucius, who stood in front of my cell. 
He looked different, than the last time I had seen him, standing in front of me at the Ministry. His hair was still long, but it didn't look as well cared after. His face was gaunter, more shadowy. He looked. . . almost ill. Paler for sure. And his hands seemed to be shaking just a little bit. 
I wondered for a second, if he was letting me go. But as he opened the cell and stepped inside, closing the door behind him, I figured that was a foolish take. He would  not let me go. 
I noticed his eyes were off. The pale blue-grey orbs weren't focused. But I couldn't imagine what the cause of that would be. He didn't smell drunk, so he had to be coherent. 
But I had no more tries to think of anything before his hands and lips were on me. 
My brain didn't react right away. At first, it was just stuck in motionless shock. His hands felt like Severus' hands and his lips tasted like tea and honey. His hair was soft against my cheek, tickling it, just like Severus. My brain was trying to comprehend what was happening and for a second, my eyes fluttered closed, lips molding under Lucius'. 
It took only three and a half seconds for my brain to reboot. By that point, Lucius had removed my dress for the most part and he was freeing his length from the confines of his wizarding robes. 
I finally reacted. Stupidly. I knew that I had no chance of truly fighting this. I grabbed his shoulders, pushing him backwards and then winced as he truly fell back, hitting his head harshly against the bars. 
Oh shite. 
Lucius lunged for me, pinning me against the stone floor. I twisted in his arms, but his grip was strong and his legs caged me in, preventing me from retaliating. His thrust was sudden and not as painful as I thought it would be. 
Then I remembered that Severus hadn't cleaned me up. So the slick that was leftover from him was lubricating Lucius, giving him an easier time and for me- it was less painful. It hadn't been that long for me being in here anyways. Ten or fifteen minutes. 
"Wait." I gasped out, still trying to fight him. He was moving as though on autopilot, his thrusts even and fast. I hated that I was actually feeling some semblance of pleasure from it. I focused on his face, which was stoic and glazed. 
I grunted, trying to wrench out of his grasp again, and then gasped, a wave of pleasure shooting through my entire body. I clenched my teeth together, back arching. Fuck. 
"LET ME GO!" I shouted, trying to turn now. 
"Stay still." He finally spoke and it sent chills up my spine. His words weren't harsh or spiteful or even gloating. He seemed calm and collected and I was staring to think that something was wrong. 
That was confirmed as he suddenly froze, mid thrust. I panted, staring up at him. My entire body was shaking and breath hitched in my throat. I watched his eyes become more aware. 
And then suddenly, he launched his body away from me, ripping himself out of me which made me whimper in pain, curling up, putting pressure on the sensitive parts. I heard him curse as he smacked his own head against the bars this time. 
"How long was I down here?" He spat at me. There was the tone I was expecting. 
I struggled backwards to sit up, gauging him with my eyes. "W- What?" 
"How long was I down here?" He looked like he was about to panic. His eyes were darting around the entire cell and he looked down at himself. He shoved his length back in his wizarding robes, glancing at me again. His eyes were horrified and suddenly full of self-hatred. 
"You weren't. . . aware?" I asked, trying to figure out what was going on. Imperius Curse? But who here would force him to force himself on me? It didn't make sense. 
I scanned him again, trying to get my brain working again. 
"I'm ill." Lucius whispered. "Fuck." He put his face in his hands, looking like he wanted to die right then and there. 
"Somno Maledictum." I whispered to myself. 
"Smart girl." He muttered, rather bitterly. 
"I don't understand." I whispered again. Somno Maledictum was an illness that had to do with sleep. It was a form of sleep walking, but instead of actually looking like you were asleep and walking, you did everything. But it also depended on what you were thinking about. 
The disease could kick in whenever, with no warning. For example, a housekeeper that had Somno Maledictum, might be thinking about a house she had to clean. She could black out upon entering the house. She might come around a few hours later and find the house completely done. 
It was disorienting and it was a rare disease. Cures weren't even ready made for it because it was so rare and one of the flowers in the ingredients was rare. But for Lucius Malfoy, that shouldn't matter. He had all the money in the world. 
"But you're rich." I protested, trying to wrap my head around it. "You can afford the cure so-" 
"What is wrong with you?" Lucius spat at me. 
I blinked, a little hurt. "I- what?" 
"I just. . . raped you." He struggled with the words and my sympathy increased tenfold. "I just violated you and you're just. . ." 
"Well it wasn't you, was it?" I demanded. "You were blacked out, how were you supposed to stop yourself?" 
"Severus is going to kill me." Lucius muttered, not answering my question. He put his face in his hands again. "If the Dark Lord doesn't kill me first." 
I rolled my eyes. "Pretty sure the Dark Lord is going to congragulate you on raping me." 
Lucius flinched and glared at me, "That wasn't what I was referring to. I'm useless and I'm a liability. I thought. . ." He drifted off and said, "He asked for my wand. I was blacked out then. I came to with his hand in front of me. I made a fool of myself, he thought I was asking for his wand. I thought he was going to kill me then. I keep this up. . ." 
"Why haven't you asked Professor Snape for a cure?" I asked. "He's sure to make you one and I know he would keep it a secret for you." 
"Oh yeah." Lucius responded bitterly. "I just raped his wife, really don't think he's going to feel like helping me." 
My heart started to pound in my chest. I tried to laugh. "Professor Snape isn't married." 
Lucius sighed. "He's my best friend, Miss Kane. No one else can pick up on it. It's. . . the Dark Lord did allude that you could be used in such a manor. But I wasn't going to touch you because Severus is my best friend. . . if I can use such a childish term. He's really more like a brother. But now. . ." 
I found myself getting to my feet. I forgot I was naked and knelt back down in front of Lucius. My hand cupped his cheek and he flinched, staring at me with such confusion. "What- why-" I ran a finger down his neck and he shuddered, falling silent. 
"Mr. Malfoy. . . Lucius. . ." I whispered, horror coming over me. I looked straight into his eyes. "You have. . . months-" 
"I know." Lucius whispered, putting his head down, falling away from my hand. "I know. Look, I'm not-" 
"Lucius." A new voice joined us and we both froze for a second before we saw that it was just Severus, standing in the doorway of the cell. I was relieved that he didn't look angry, just a little sad. But Lucius wouldn't meet his eyes. 
Severus handed me my dress which I took, but didn't put on. Somehow, it was easier to just hold it to my body than try to dress right now. Severus paid attention to Lucius now. 
"Why wouldn't you tell me?" Severus asked, taking his face into his hands, gauging how sick Lucius was. 
"What does it matter? He's going to win. I'll wish to be dead anyways." Lucius muttered. "And I wanted to protect you." 
"Yes, you're always doing that. You should cut it out." Severus replied, the smallest of smiles coming over his face. 
"Severus, he's. . ." I didn't say anything else. We could all hear footsteps coming down the hall. They weren't hurried or anything. More like prowling. 
Lucius groaned. "This is my fault. They're going to form a line." 
Severus jerked Lucius to his feet and hissed under his breath, "Act Luc. You're victorious." 
I wasn't sure if Lucius was going to manage it, but I let myself sprawl back on the ground. It was easier to simply curl up on my side and close my eyes to pretend while Severus and Lucius left. I heard the door sliding shut, but they didn't move from the cell. 
"Go a second round Snape?" I shivered, recognizing Greybacks' voice. I think I would've rather of taken anyone else over him. Even multiple others over him. Even the Dark Lord himself. Anyone but Greyback. 
"Nonsense. She's to weak for another round." Severus said in a scathing voice. "I was looking for Lucius. He seems to have worked her out quite well." 
"I think she's got some more in her." Greyback said. I tried playing dead at this point. Did werewolves like dead meat? 
"I'm warning you-" Severus started and I winced. Severus showing any sort of sympathy was dangerous. 
"Protective?" Greyback sneered. 
"Of my own neck." Severus retorted with his own sneer. "It's your head if something happens to her before the Dark Lord gets to her. And you're not exactly known for keeping your victims alive, Greyback."
"She'll live." Greyback said and I resigned myself to my fate, hearing the cell door slam open. 
I needed to get used to this. It was going to be my life now. And trying to be a girl in a book and think she could fight her way out of it wasn't going to do me any good. 
I whimpered, letting out a cry of real pain, feeling Greybacks' nails, which dug into my skin as he grabbed my arms. 
Severus was still standing there, frozen. His black eyes bore into the back of Greybacks' head and his hand twitched towards his wand. 
I knew he had to leave, even as Greyback was ripping the dress away and I was grateful that I hadn't put it back on. At least it'd still be in one piece later when I had to face Voldemort. 
"What are you two still doing here?" I snapped, lacing anger and also embarrassment into the words. "Want a fucking show?" 
Severus met my eyes and straightened his shoulders. He was still to tense in my opinion. Lucius fared better, sneering, "Like any show would be passable by you." 
I cried out again as Greyback bit into my neck. Not the way that Severus did, when he wanted to be possessive. Greyback was doing it to taste me. To hurt me. 
Lucius grabbed Severus arm, dragging him down the hallway, quickly. I could hear the sounds of their shoes pounding against the stones. Severus was furious. 
Greyback's nails were sharper than any others. Everywhere they touched, even with him trying to be gentle (ish), they were still leaving scratches, most of them cutting open enough for little droplets of blood to pool on my skin. 
I waited for him to thrust himself into me. But he never did. 
I felt water on my face, tears. Greyback cupped my face, making me wince. He sneered and then flipped my body over so that I was on my stomach. I cried out as he pulled my hips back. 
I had a singular, incoherent thought before I felt some of the worst pain in my life: He's a dog and he likes doggy style. Go figure. 
Severus and I had never done anal and quite frankly, even if we had, I was sure it would not have stopped the immense pain that I felt radiate through me as he forced himself into me. 
The scream that came from me sounded inhuman. I didn't even have the strength to hold it back. I desperately hoped that Severus could not hear me. 
The pain was great and black spots danced in front of my eyes, which I squeezed shut. There was an aching pain in my lower back as well. 
It felt like hours, but couldn't have been more than ten minutes. By the time he was done, I was weak and half unconscious. I could smell sweat and blood, which was probably a bad thing. I let out a final whimper as he pulled out of me. 
"What a sweet little thing." Greyback purred. His breath was terrible and his teeth so close to me made my neck throb in remembrance. "I can't wait until the Dark Lord lets you be mine." 
I shuddered, but said nothing and moved not an inch as he exited the door. The cell door closed with a clang. 
I laid there on the stones, feeling the coolness of them under my body. The pain had faded now. Mostly. 
Now that I had gone through it, I wasn't actually all to sure I could get used to this. And what if Greyback was right? What if the Dark Lord handed me over to him? 
I had to get out of here. I just had to figure out how. 
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jegulusfics · 5 months
the golden king by maladaptivewriting
word count: 319,416
finished?: No
main pairings: James/Regulus, Remus/Sirius, Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
warnings: graphic depictions of violence
When Regulus Black woke up in 1991 after he was supposed to die twelve years prior, he realized two things. One, the locket he had worked so hard to steal had never been destroyed so the Dark Lord was still alive. And two, Harry Potter, James Potter's son, was in danger.
Regulus goes to school with the Golden Trio.
my personal thoughts below
oh my godddddddd i love this fic with my whole heart and soul. you get regulus, sirius, and remus raising harry. you get so much angst. there is so much content. it is one giant slow burn between every pairing. its so fun to read. the author is so great at doing what they do. it goes through the events of the books, but certain things are changed because of regulus, and they are done so well. im just dying for the next update i wont even lie.
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fatestouch · 6 months
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"It's nice to see you again, Your Highness. It's been a while."
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"I suppose it has been... you look well, Draco."
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"As do you! I do wish these were better circumstances, though... be sure to not overwork yourself, okay? I--well, everyone worries about you."
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"Smooth." Mutters under his breath.
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Kicks Seth's shin hard, still smiling at Typhon. "If you need anything, please don't hesitate to put us to work, alright?"
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These brothers were odd, as always... "Right..."
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shinymoonbeam · 11 months
Just a general query...
Was searching for some Drarry fanfics and got curious. Anyone knows of any Drarry fanfics where Draco is either a seer or a Demigod? Oh and Draco is obviously a top...
Can anyone give me some recommendations??
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shitty-hp-prompts · 6 months
Seer Draco AU where his mind regularly slips back and forth between seeing the present and seeing the future — it's why he's had to lean so far into the whole bigoted Pureblood schtick, lest his father or any of those other actual bigots suspect him...
Afterall, Draco's got a secret plan:
He's going to do whatever it takes to prevent the full scale war and defeat Voldemort before he can do any real damage — all without anyone finding out that he's even involved...
It's why he slipped Hermione Granger that page on Basilisks — small, sneaky little changes that no one will notice, but will nonetheless have a big impact on the sequence of events.
Let's see how long he can keep his motives hidden, eh?
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dreamingbrownie · 10 months
Summary: Captured. The thrice damned teenagers had gotten themselves captured. Bowed over Albus’ tombstone as he was every morning and every for longer than he cared to actively recount, Gellert took the news from one of his many birds scouting the grand, wide world out there for him without moving from his spot. Though he wanted nothing more than to rest his forehead on the white marble painted golden by the sunset until he faded into the stone itself, slowly, painfully slowly, his folded hands detangled to settle on the cool surface instead. “My heart, I must do something,” he rasped over the polished stone. His knees creaked and hurt as he forced them to move like rusted hinges. “To the snake pit I go, is that not the funniest thing you ever heard – this might finally be my last sunset, my love.” // Albus Dumbledore was dead, Harry Potter captured at Malfoy Manor, but the last King had not yet been let off the chess board.
Shards No 12.
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ambition-heiress · 4 months
No Pairing |Alternative Universe - Canon Divergence | Seer!Draco Malfoy | 4th Year | Dark Magic |
Sight Can Be Deadly by InfiniteInspirit
At a young age, Draco Malfoy discovered an interesting fact: he was a Seer, with confusing abilities that no one else seems to have ever heard of...abilities that could kill him.
Determined to keep his secret, Draco is forced to seek out unusual help.
Seer!Draco. AU, Fourth Year (begins before the Triwizard Tournament). First book in the Unleashed verse.
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Summary: Salazar Slytherin bound Earth, Air, Fire and Water to himself and through him to his descendants. Now that Voldemort has been resurrected he shall assume his inheritance. But who are his elementals?
Warning: Slash (male/male), Sex Scenes, Violence, Gore, Character Deaths, Manipulative Dumbledore… You've been warned.
Pairing: Voldemort/Harry Potter
This one reminds me of another I can't remember not so much the dracken hybrids as they were all children of Voldy's followers. I believe Harry was a fire elemental that time rathe than Earth. On another note as fascinating as I find this story it is incomplete you have been warned. Also we never got around to anything to sexual more like possessive hugging and petting in dreams. Also the gore and violence levels were pretty neutral as Chapter 20 leaves off with the warning of War about to take place.
Spoiler tags as they are more to help me remember when I go hunting for things.
0 notes
bluezeldana · 3 months
Draco woke up gasping for air, sitting up with his heart pounding in his ears.
It had just been a dream.
“Shit.” He let himself fall back on the mattress and groaned. “It was too good to be true.”
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Chapter 7 of Unavoidable Fate is up on Ao3.
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lunar-serpentinite · 2 months
a harry potter rewrite AU but i write it like one of those regression manhwas where the gravity of harry's regrets while hes being avada kedavra'd in the forbidden forest was so strong it affected the flow of space-time and sent him back to when he was idk 8 years old
id call it "i hated how the world ended so time turned back and im redoing things properly this time" and harry has absolutely no qualms using all the plot points and past knowledge he has to make sure shit turns up right this time
hes still in gryffindor (because reasons) but he plays everyone like a slytherin. dumbledore thinks hes voldy 2.0, snape thinks hes james 2.0, everyone else thinks he has gone off the deep end much earlier than canon
... and then everything hes doing starts to make sense ...
and then ... "HARRY POTTER IS A SEER ⁉️"
bonus points for draco becoming (to his greatest chagrin) more intrigued and smitten by this weird ass gryffindor who shldve been a slytherin, and who wipes the floor w draco's ass (verbally) every other day
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braveclementine · 1 month
Chapter 17
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Warnings: None. However, future chapters will contain sexual content so readers that are under the age of 18 may have to skip those chapters (Please keep note of the warnings).
Copyright: I do not own any Wizarding World characters that J.K. Rowling wrote. I do however own Elizabeth Kane (main character) and Trang Nyguen (best friend). There should be no use of these two names without my permission. I also do not condone any copying of this.
𝕴 𝖘𝖆𝖙 𝖉𝖔𝖜𝖓 at the Hufflepuff table the next day and unfolded the newspaper, skimming for the important things.
Mundungus had been arrested and placed in Azkaban. Reading the rest of the article, it seemed as though he had impersonated an Inferius while attempting to rob someone. I snorted before taking a bite into my muffin. Just lovely.
There were multiple disappearances though none of the names rang a bell.
A nine-year old had been arrested for trying to kill his grandparents. They'd put him in a ward in St. Mungo's with top security. Of course, it looked as though he was under the Imperius Curse so they couldn't blame him. Especially at nine! I mean, full adults had a hard time throwing off the Imperius Curse. I wished I was on the jury that was going to try him. I'd find him not guilty.
On top of all the bad news, it was Monday which meant using the time turner to get to Care of Magical Creatures class and Ancient Runes before Defense Against the Dark Arts class.
Hagrid talked about Nundus in class and all I could say was that I was glad that he hadn't found a real one to bring into class. They were terrifying creatures and the only thing I was glad about learning was that I should most definitely stay away from one if I ever came across one, which I wouldn't because I was never going to East Africa.
I hurried to Defense Against the Dark Arts after that, arriving on time, and sitting in my seat, quickly pulling out the dementor essay and my book. Harry entered the room, the last to come in and Severus said, "Late again, Potter. Ten points from Gryffindor."
I glared at Severus but he would not look at me. He probably knew the look I was giving him.
Severus waved his wand so that our essay floated from our desks to his in a neat pile and said, "Before we start, I want your dementor essays. And I hope for your sakes they are better than the tripe I had to endure on resisting the Imperius Curse. Now, if you will all open your books to page- what is it, Mr. Finnigan?"
Seamus had his hand in the air and he lowered it as he said, "Sir, I've been wondering, how do you tell the difference between an Inferius and a ghost? Because there was something in the paper about an Inferius-"
"No, there wasn't." Severus said in a bored voice.
"But sir," Seamus protested, "I heard people talking-"
"If you had actually read the article in question, Mr. Finnigan, you would have known that the so-called Inferius was nothing but a smelly sneak thief by the name of Mundungus Fletcher."
I rolled my eyes. Mundungus and Severus were on the same team and he certainly should act like it.
"But Potter seems to have a lot to say on the subject." Severus said, pointing towards the back of the room and I instinctively turned to see Harry's bright red cheeks. I faced forward again, glaring at Severus who was still not meeting my eyes. "Let us ask Potter how we would tell the difference between an Inferius and a ghost."
"Er- well- ghosts are transparent." Harry said awkwardly.
"Oh, very good. Yes it is easy to see that nearly six years of magical education have not been wasted on you, Potter. 'Ghosts are transparent'."
I sighed, leaning on my left hand while I drew absentmindedly with my right hand.
There was laughter, a shrill shriek from Pansy and the rest were scattered through the others.
"Yeah, ghosts are transparent, but Inferi are dead bodies, aren't they? So they'd be solid-" Harry said, sounding very much like he'd like to curse Professor Snape to oblivion.
"A five-year-old could have told us as much. The Inferius is a corpse that has been reanimated by a Dark Wizard's spells. It is not alive, it is merely used like a puppet do to the wizard's bidding. A ghost, as I trust that you are all aware by now, is the imprint of a departed soul left upon the earth. . . and of course, as Potter so wisely tells us, transparent." Professor Snape sneered.
"Well, what Harry said is most useful if we're trying to tell them apart!" Ron exclaimed, "When we come face-to-face with one down a dark alley, we're going to have a shufti to see if it's solid, aren't we, we're not going to be asking, 'Excuse me, are you the imprint of a departed soul?'"
I nearly laughed and quickly lowered my head so that I could laugh without Severus knowing that I was laughing.
"Another ten points from Gryffindor. I would expect nothing more sophisticated from you, Ronald Weasley, the boy so solid he cannot Apparate half an inch across a room." Severus snapped.
I looked up at him, exasperated.
"Now open your books to page two hundred and thirteen and read the first two paragraphs on the Cruciatus Curse." Severus said, his lip curling. His eyes met mine briefly and he went back up to his desk.
I sped-read the chapter on the Cruciatus Curse before pulling out an artpad and started to draw again. I was very carefully trying not act as though I wasn't doing my work, because people tend to notice when Professors favor students. If Severus simply walked past me drawing and not working, people would notice. After all, I wasn't a Slytherin.
But today, Severus didn't seem keen to walk through the class and I had a very nice outline done for my next painting. It was a farm scene, a place I'd like to live one day. Own horses and cows and sheep and chickens and rabbits. No pigs.
I also wondered about the apparition lessons that were going to be held in Hogsmeade. I was upset, mostly because they weren't open to those who weren't seventeen by the date in April. Of course, this had surprised Mr. Twycross because of my superb ability to apparate. He was talking to the Ministry about bending the rules for me. I'd told him good luck with that, but it wasn't going to happen. He was quite confident I was wrong.
There was no way that Scrimgeour was going to bend rules for me. Though of course, I would've liked to have seen Umbridge's face when told I apparated on the first try of the first day without any prior tries. It was probably carefully concealed fury. Kingsley would've been proud though.
I hadn't seen Kingsley in a long time and I missed him. I could always contact him on my two-way mirror though. . . maybe I would soon.
The bell rang and I slowly packed my things away, making sure that I was the last student in the classroom.
"You'll be late for your next class if you don't hurry along Miss Kane." Severus said indifferently, not looking up at me as he continued to write on the parchment.
"Really?" I snapped, "I told you to lay off Harry just a little bit." I swung my bag off the table and stomped out of the room.
He was a right pain in the ass, he was. My husband and yet the person who hated my brother, one of the people I loved most after him. Or maybe before him, I wasn't sure. Did siblings take preference over mates?
The rest of the day passed in a blur and I went to the art studio before dinner. I had all the teachers drawings in a manila folder, labelled and ready to be set out this weekend. I also had duplicates in a folder in my bag and the other duplicates for the message board were spread on the table. I planned on writing the names of the Professor's underneath in calligraphy or maybe a broad font inside a banner.
I took out the two-way mirror, propping it up on an art easel, completely uncertain if this was going to work.
"Er- Kingsley?"
I waited a few seconds and then there was some movement in the mirror and he pulled it out. I smiled, looking at his handsome, kind, intelligent face. A weight was lifted off my chest.
"Elizabeth!" He said in that slow, deep voice of his. It was quite a handsome voice. Sexy, almost. "Is everything alright?"
"Yes." I said, remembering that the last time I had seen him I'd been fighting four Death Eaters by myself. "I just. . .I wanted to see you for a bit. . . talk to you. . . I haven't seen you in a long time. This isn't a bad time, is it?"
"Not at all." Kingsley said. "I'm just working on a simple case. We're trying to track down Bellatrix Lestrange. The Ministry's furious that her and Greyback got into the Burrow. They don't know how they did it yet. The security at the Burrow's been upped triple."
I shivered, blushing a little. "That doesn't sound simple at all."
Kingsley smiled. "How's school?"
Ah, a subject change. Very well then. "It's alright." I said with a shrug of my shoulders. "Boring, actually."
He chuckled. "Where are you? I don't recognize that room."
I held the mirror up a little higher, showing him around the art studio, showing him most of my drawings (including the funny Professor ones) and also the drawings up on the walls and everything in between. I'd finished one of the windows (a middle one) for the stained glass project.
"Quite splendid." Kingsley said. "I think Tonks mentioned something about your art skills sometime after Christmas."
"Yes." I said. "She was at the Burrow. She said I should sell my artwork." I rolled my eyes. "But everyone knows that art doesn't sell until after the artist is dead."
Kingsley chuckled again. "Is that an unwritten rule?"
I grinned. "I can name a dozen artists who were penniless when they lived and rich after they died. Picasso, Van Gogh, Modigliani, Paul Cezanne-"
"Alright, alright, I take your point." Kingsley said. There was a sound behind him and another face popped into the mirror.
"Hello Elizabeth." Uncle Moody growled, his magical eye rolling, his normal eye focused in the mirror.
"Hi Uncle Moody, how's work?" I said genially.
"Better when not interrupted." He said, but he sounded amused rather than disapproving.
I grinned. "Blame Kingsley. Not me."
Kingsley chuckled again and shooed Uncle Moody away.
"Tell Tonks I said hi, alright?" I asked. "I'll let you get to work, I just really wanted to see someone."
"No problem." Kingsley said, picking up a quill now that the conversation was almost over. "You can call whenever you want."
I smiled, but said nothing else, and put the mirror upside down. It was like hanging up a phone call.
I went back to the Professor drawings, throwing myself into my work.
The door opened and I looked up in surprise. My friends were more accustomed to letting me know before they came and when I realized that it wasn't anyone I was expecting, I turned the folder with the Professors over and swept the papers that were laid out on the table into my arms.
"Sev." I said, shock lacing my voice. "What are you doing here?"
He didn't answer for a moment. He looked quite out of place, wearing all black and magical robes and all. He looked around at my paintings on the walls and the rest of the art studio. "Looking for you." He answered, tapping his knuckles against one of the desks, looking uncomfortable. Good.
I became aware that my bun was being held in place by a paintbrush and I quickly reached up, taking it out. My hair tumbled down my shoulders, reaching my knees in waves. "Oh." I left the papers on a chair, pushing it under the table and made my way to an art easel that was far away from the table.
I picked up a paint palette, moving my hair out of the way to work on the farm scene.
"Are you still mad at me?" He asked quietly.
I watched him out of the corner of my eye as he made his way towards me and I kicked a stool at him for him to sit on which he did.
"Not really." I said, slightly untruthfully.
"You know that I know that you're lying, right?" Severus asked.
I gritted my teeth, holding the paintbrush inches away from the canvas and then pulled away. I'd spent a lot of time replicating the drawing onto the canvas and I didn't want to have to start over because I painted something wrong.
I put the palette and brush aside and sat down on a stool across from him. "Look, I lost my temper, alright? It's really not that big of a deal."
"When you storm out of my classroom in anger, it's a big deal to me." Severus said, high voice rising an octave.
"Well when you insult my brother, I tend to get slightly defensive." I snapped.
We stared at each other for a moment and I put my face in my hands before running my fingers through my hair and looking away.
Part of me wanted to apologize, say I was sorry, that I didn't mean what I had said. At the same time, I figured it was time to set it straight with Severus. Couples had fights and still made it through. I shouldn't live in fear that I was going to lose Severus if I lost my temper with him occasionally or told him exactly what I thought.
"Sometimes I forget." Severus finally said softly.
I could've left it at that but I didn't. "You avoided my eyes the entire class! You knew exactly what you were doing!"
Severus stood up angrily. "Why can't you just let this go?"
"Why can't you just be nice to him?" I said and then said, "Forget nice, how about just plain decent? You target him on purpose and it's stupid."
"Fine!" He snapped, swinging his cloak behind me, moving to leave the art room and my heart screamed at me to say something, to stop him. I opened my mouth but he was sweeping from the room and I closed it. I sat back down on the stool, staring at the canvas on my easel.
"Hey!" A voice said some minutes later and I snapped my head up and saw Hermione and Ginny had entered the room.
"Oh, hey." I said rather unenthusiastically. "What are you guys doing here?"
"We wanted to see how the portraits were coming along." Ginny said, peering curiously at me. "Are you alright?"
"I'm fine." I muttered, standing up and striding over to the table, picking the portraits up again off the chair and spreading them out on the table. "I'm almost done with them."
"What happened Elizabeth?" Hermione asked kindly.
"It doesn't matter." I muttered. "Just forget it."
She dropped the topic, though I'm sure she wouldn't forget any time soon. "They are finished, aren't they?"
"Yes." I said, a bit more enthusiastically. "I was thinking either Sunday night or Monday morning."
"Sunday night." Hermione said. "We can use the cloak."
"I can pin them up on the board." Ginny said.
"And I'll put them in each Professors place." I said. "Just let me work on the ones that your going to put up on the board for a moment."
I placed them all out and started working on the banners and putting the names in calligraphy inside. It was a win-win situation. Now, we just needed it to be Sunday night.
"We can leave them in the room." I said. "That's what I've been doing."
"We'll just have to make sure that Malfoy won't be in here when we need to get the drawings." Hermione pointed out.
"Right." I said. I put the drawings in another sheaf and labelled them 'board' and then put them right next to the other package.
"What are you working on currently?" Ginny asked, looking around.
I motioned for them to follow me over to the art easel and showed them the farm scene I was working on.
"You're painting it?" Hermione asked, bending down and peering at the details.
"Yes." I said simply. I was still quite unhappy.
"Well, we'll leave you to your work." Hermione said, grabbing Ginny's arm.
I shrugged, "It's not just my studio you know. You guys are welcome to stay and do whatever you want, even study if you guys want."
"Sure!" Ginny said. "That sounds great."
"We'll have to go get our schoolbags." Hermione fretted.
"I'll be here." I said.
I briefly wondered if spending all my time in here was going to screw things up for Malfoy. I supposed it didn't matter. Perhaps I should really only be in here on weekends.
They left and I started to paint the canvas in small, light strokes. The night moved on. Ginny and Hermione came with their homework and left and still I painted. When I was done, it was one of the most beautiful things I had painted. I left it to dry.
I headed over to the desk and pulled out my Defense Against the Dark Arts homework and started writing an essay for the Cruciatus curse. Sometime in the middle of it, I fell asleep.
"𝕰𝖑𝖎𝖟𝖆𝖇𝖊𝖙𝖍 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊." 𝕬 soft voice whispered in my ear.
I rustled uncomfortably.
"Elizabeth, come on, you have to wake up." the voice whispered, still soft and beautiful almost.
I tried opening my heavy lids but I didn't really want to surface. My dream had been nice. Severus and I had been spending a nice afternoon together. I think there was an amusement park even though I knew Severus had never set foot in such a place.
"Elizabeth!" The voice was more anxious now and I finally blinked my eyelids open.
I was on the floor, looking up at the ceiling of the art studio. Severus was leaning over me, his hands on either side of my face, his anxious face relaxed when he saw my eyes were open.
I looked around as I sat up quickly. Ink had spilled down off the table and I wondered if my Cruciatus Curse essay was ruined. I quickly stood up and looked down at the table. Much to my relief, the ink had missed the essay by a few inches.
I quickly picked the essay up, rolling it up and stuffing it into my bag. For the first time, I didn't have my homework done for tomorrow. Panic started to set in.
"I didn't do my homework." I muttered, pulling the bag onto my shoulder. With a wave of his wand, the ink was gone.
"It doesn't matter." Severus said, putting an arm around me, "Come on, let's go."
"Where?" I asked, feeling slightly dazed.
"Our room, of course." Severus said, sounding worried.
"Oh, right." I said, blushing though I was still dazed. So we were fine?
We didn't meet anyone on the way to his office and once we were inside, I checked the time. It was only eleven o'clock. I supposed that the amount of time I'd spent in the art room really had mixed up my sleep cycle.
I sat down on the bed, pulling out homework that Severus grabbed from my hands, "Go to sleep. I don't care if you have the essay done."
"You wouldn't let Harry get away with it." I said, clumsily grabbing for my homework. Severus moved it away from me.
"Yes, but I don't love him and wish his best health either." Severus said, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me into the bed. Once the covers were around me, I nestled into him, feeling quite warm and fuzzy. I fell asleep quickly.
𝕴 𝖜𝖔𝖐𝖊 𝖚𝖕 in a dark room, tied to a chair in a circle of light. There were people standing in the shadows, wearing black and I could not see their faces.
"Hello Elizabeth Kane." A cold, shiver inducing voice said and from the shadows stepped Voldemort.
I kept my mouth shut, trying to figure out how I had gotten here.
Voldemort seemed to almost glide towards me, my heart pounding by my brain acting rationally. Surely, I couldn't actually be here, could I? After all, I had been at Hogwarts, I had been at school.
"Mr. Malfoy brought you to us." Voldemort continued, walking around the chair, one pale hand moved along the back of it. "He found you sleeping in the Room of Requirement when he went to work on what he was supposed to be doing. He could not get in. He had heard rumors of what you had turned the room into and he found you. Careless of you, really. . ."
Had I fallen asleep in the room? I could've sworn I'd woken up though. I could've sworn I'd left the room. . . with. . . with Severus, hadn't I? Unless that had been a dream while Draco was transporting me out of the castle. And if this was real. . . I couldn't think about Severus.
"Draco made up for part of his father's mistakes, enough to get Lucius out of Azkaban. You've met Lucius, haven't you, Elizabeth?" Voldemort said in the same, cold voice.
Lucius moved in the shadows, his pale blond hair should have been a dead giveaway from the beginning. His steel gray eyes met mine, but he did not smile the way I would have expected him to.
A snake hissed nearby and I felt something coil around my feet. I would not flinch. I would not say anything.
"I've wanted to meet you for a long time, Elizabeth Kane." Voldemort said softly. "The rumors that surround you. Harry Potter's long lost sister, the future-see-er, the brilliant one."
He circled me again. My fight or flight response was trying to kick in but I could not move. Voldemort took a step back, making a motion to Lucius. A small light appeared, revealing Severus laying on the ground. He was alive, barely, blood seeping from his stomach. His eyes were half open, meeting mine and he mouthed 'I'm sorry'. My heart started to beat double-time, throwing a panicked look at Voldemort.
"What do you want?" I choked out. Voldemort started to laugh. I started to cry.
"Elizabeth. . ."
That voice was different, that voice was far away, more like a voice on the breeze than anything else. And that meant that I wasn't actually here. That meant that I could make this my own.
I willed the ropes to fall off of me and they did and I stood, drawing my wand. Voldemort's eyes widened in shock but his wand was already in his hand.
I willed myself to find a way out of the room and I was outside, by the sea, somewhere I'd wanted to be in a long time.
I willed myself to wake up and I did so, sitting upright in bed with Severus, gasping, shivering, sweating, shaking. My face was wet with salt water. My voice was hoarse, it was possible I had been screaming.
"Elizabeth!" He said, trying to face me. "What happened? You were crying and screaming in your sleep. I couldn't get you to lay still. You were thrashing around."
"Voldemort." I choked out, wiping my face.
He bit back his usual retort and said, "What?"
I explained what had happened and Severus listened intently and then said, "It was just a dream."
"I know." I muttered, "I'm not stupid."
"I never said you were." Severus said patiently. "I was trying to reassure you."
"Right." I muttered, flopping back down on the bed, "Sorry."
"No." Severus said, laying back down next to me, "I'm sorry."
He didn't elaborate and he didn't have to. He held me in his arms as I sobbed into his chest, shaking, trying to get rid of the image of him bleeding on the ground. The story had been so real, but my imagination was horribly active, and many of my dreams were quite vivid. I was shaking, but he hugged me close and I managed to calm down, falling asleep with no more nightmares.
𝕿𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝕾𝖆𝖙𝖚𝖗𝖉𝖆𝖞, 𝕳𝖊𝖗𝖒𝖎𝖔𝖓𝖊 and Ron went with other students to Hogsmeade to do apparition lessons while Harry and I stayed behind. Twycross hadn't gotten back to me yet about whether or not I was going to be able to apparate before the designated time.
Harry had gone off to the room of requirement, hoping to catch Malfoy in the act. Meanwhile, I went over the plan for tomorrow in my head.
About half an hour later, I headed up to the Room of Requirement and knew Harry was under his invisibility cloak.
I heard a loud "OUCH!" and watched as Harry appeared, the invisibility cloak having slipped off of him.
"Harry?" A different, unexpected voice came and I hurried to see that Tonks was coming up the corridor. Harry had spun around and toppled over onto his ass and quickly scrambled to his feet, his cheeks flushing.
"What're you doing here?" Harry asked.
"I came to see Dumbledore." Tonks said.
She looked absolutely horrible and I closed my eyes as though I could block out the unhappy image. I preferred her with her bubblegum pink hair and cheery appearance. Now, she was thin, even thinner than dad. Her hair was hanging lank and loose.
"His office isn't here, it's round the other side of the castle, behind the gargoyle-" Harry said as though Tonks was stupid.
"I know. He's not here. Apparently he's gone away again."
"Has he? Hey- you don't know where he goes, I suppose?" Harry asked curiously. I snorted.
"No." Tonks said.
"What did you want to see him about?"
"Nothing in particular, I just thought he might know what's going on. . . I've heard rumors. . . people getting hurt. . ." she sent another look my way. I shook my head slightly.
"Yeah, I know, it's all been in the papers. That little kid trying to kill his-"
"The Prophet's often behind the times. You haven't had any letters from anyone in the Order recently?" Tonks asked, sound slightly desperate.
"No one from the Order writes to me anymore, not since Sirius-" Harry started and stopped when he saw Tonks eyes were filling up with tears, "I'm sorry. . . I mean. . . I miss him, as well. . ." He glanced at me like I was going to help him.
"What?" Tonks asked blankly. "Well. . . I'll see you around, Harry. Elizabeth. . ."
She turned around and went back the way she had come. Harry stared at me, "What was that about?"
I shook my head, "It's not really my place to say. She's worried about someone, though. She was hoping you'd have a letter from that person, that's all. I wouldn't know if I didn't have my powers so I don't feel comfortable intruding into her personal life without her permission, make sense?"
"Yes." Harry said. "But doesn't she work with Mad-eye and Kingsley?"
I shrugged, "I don't know. Neither of them have written me either. Dad can't write either, he's underground. See ya around Harry."
I headed away from the Room of Requirement and made my way down to the Great Hall and found that Ron and Hermione were already sitting down to lunch. Halfway through it, Harry came down and sat with us.
"I did it- well, kind of! I was supposed to be Apparating to outside Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop and I overshot it a bit, ended up near Scrivenshatft's, but at least I moved!" Ron said enthusiastically before Harry even sat down.
"Good one, How'd you do, Hermione?"
"Oh, she was perfect, obviously." Ron interrupted before Hermione could speak for herself, "Perfect deliberation, divination, and desperation or whatever the hell it is- we all went for a quick drink in the Three Broomsticks after and you should've heard Twycross going on about her- I'll be surprised if he doesn't pop the question soon- if he doesn't ask Eliza first that is and-"
"And what about you? Have you been up at the Room of Requirement all this time?" Hermione asked though I wasn't sure if she was asking me or Harry.
"Yep and guess who I ran into up there?" Harry asked, ladling his bowl with soup. "Tonks!"
"Tonks?" Ron and Hermione repeated together.
Harry explained what had been said and included my thoughts at the end of it before Ron said, "If you ask me, she's cracking up a bit. Losing her nerve after what happened at the Ministry."
I glared at him angrily.
"It's a bit odd. She's supposed to be guarding the school, why's she suddenly abandoning her post to come and see Dumbledore when he's not even here?" Hermione asked.
"She didn't know that he was gone." I suggested.
"I had a thought." Harry said. His voice sounded strange, almost hesitant, "You don't think she can have been. . . you know. . . in love with Sirius?"
I nearly spit out my soup while Hermione stared at him and asked, "What on earth makes you say that?"
"I dunno but she was nearly crying when I mentioned his name. . . and her Patronus is a big four-legged thing now. . . I wondered whether it hadn't become. . . you know. . . him. . ." Harry said awkwardly.
"She wasn't crying from you saying his name, she was crying because you haven't received any information that can help her." I said. "And neither have I and that's what worries her even more."
"But who is she worried about?" Ron asked.
"It's not my place to say." I said quickly. "I try not to intrude into other people's personal lives unless I don't like them, if I'm allowed to, or if you guys find out eventually anyways."
"It's a thought, the love thing." Hermione said to Harry. "But I still don't know why she'd be bursting into the castle to see Dumbledore, if that's really why she was here. . . it was more likely what Elizabeth was saying. After all, Dumbledore would be the one who would know everything."
"Goes back to what I said, doesn't it?" Ron asked, shoveling mashed potatoes messily into his mouth and I was so glad that I was having a girl and not a boy. Boys were so messy. "She's gone a bit funny. Lost her nerve. Women, they're easily upset." Ron finished to Harry.
I rolled my eyes and Hermione said, "And yet, I doubt you'd find a woman who sulked for half an hour because Madam Rosmerta didn't laugh at their joke about the hag, the Healer, and the Mimbulus mimbletonia."
Ron scowled.
The rest of us laughed.
𝕴 𝖕𝖚𝖑𝖑𝖊𝖉 𝖔𝖚𝖙 the mirror again in the art room and called Kingsley's name. He appeared much quicker than he had previously.
"Everything alright?" He asked, his voice much deeper than before. He looked tired. He must be working a lot of hours.
I paused, wanting to be careful with how I was going to word my question, "Is. . .have you seen Tonks recently?"
"No. . .not too recently." He said carefully. "Why?"
"I'm- I'm worried about her. She came to the school a few days ago and she. . .well she seemed really upset. I think she wants to hear from someone and she hasn't heard from them. . .I think she wants to hear from Dad. Is he okay? Do you know?"
Kingsley looked slightly uncomfortable and he said, "Well. . .no, I don't know. Your father hasn't made contact with us in some time, though it is possible that he is contacting Dumbledore directly rather than through us. And I haven't seen Tonks since around Christmas. She's been staying on guard in Hogsmeade and I'm here at the Ministry."
I sighed, downcast.
"I'm sure your father is fine." Kingsley said in a reassuring voice.
"Oh, I am too." I said lightly. "I just wish I could help Tonks, that's all." I sighed again and then said, "Well, I'll let you get back to work. I just wanted to know if you'd heard anything. I'm just worried about her."
"I'll ask Mad-Eye for you." Kingsley said. "And I'll see if I can contact Tonks and help her out, alright?"
"Thanks Kingsley, you're the best." I said with a tired smile.
He smiled back and then I put the mirror upside down in my pocket, 'hanging up' on him. Then I made my way back out of the art studio and to the Gryffindor Common room.
"𝕬𝖑𝖗𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙, 𝖜𝖊 𝖓𝖊𝖊𝖉 to be careful." I whispered to Ginny as we made our way down the marble steps towards the Great Hall under the invisibility cloak.
"I know Eliza." Ginny said, sounding exasperated.
"Stay under the cloak while you slip into the hall." Ginny said. "Elizabeth, I know."
"Right." I said, nervous. I wanted everything to go as planned, I wanted everything to be perfect. This surprise had to be just perfect.
We paused on the tenth stair as peeves glided by and then continued after he had passed. Ginny stopped near the doors to the Great Hall so that I could slip through the doors. Crouching down, I saw that no one was there and I hurried up to the teachers table and started laying out the portraits.
After that was done, I slipped back down the stairs and out of the Great Hall, leaving the doors closed behind me and hurried over to the notice board. Ginny had nearly posted all of the drawings. I helped her pin up the last couple of ones and then we headed back up the marble steps, retracing our path.
We split off, her under the invisibility cloak, and I as a cat. She went back to the Gryffindor Tower and I went back to Severus' room.
Severus was asleep when I arrived and I quickly climbed into bed, making sure I could be up early enough so that I could get to the Great Hall early.
The alarm went off and I quickly shut it off, rolling out of bed while Severus groaned. "Why are you up so early?" he muttered.
"Early day, lots of homework." I said cheerfully, grabbing new robes and my bag. "See you in class this afternoon." I kissed his cheek.
I ran out of the room and down the stairs before he could stop me, my heart pounding, and hurried into the Great Hall. No teachers were in there yet- breakfast didn't start for another seven minutes. I hurried up the stairs, double checking to make sure the portraits were still there. I also doubled checked to make sure that the portraits were the same one's I'd drawn and I hurried down to the Hufflepuff table, satisfied.
Ernie, Hannah, Susan, Justin, Zacharias, Rose and a few other Hufflepuff students were there. Trang sat at the Ravenclaw table and many Gryffindors were already sitting down.
Dumbledore entered first, striding to his spot. We all watched him as he stopped in front of his place. I quickly ducked my head, peeking up to see him pick up the drawing and laugh joyfully, his laugh filling the room.
His eyes flashed over to the Hufflepuff table and I flushed.
"This is great." Susan said, bouncing up and down on the bench.
Food appeared on the table and more students started to file in slowly. Some where chattering about the art, laughing, having spotted the notice board already. Others were confused, darting back out of the hall to take a look.
Other teachers came in and we watched as they picked the portraits up, either covering their faces in embarrassment or laughing. Severus stalked into the room and we all bent low over our breakfast, wondering how he'd react.
He held the portrait up to the light and then pulled out his wand and set the drawing on fire. Our table broke out laughing. Professor McGonagall started to scold Professor Snape.
"Think this was enough to throw them off for a bit?" I asked with a smile.
"Definitely." Susan said. "I can't wait for the real thing."
"I wonder which one they'll like better." Zacharias said.
"I think Professor Snape will like the other one better." Ernie said with a smirk. The entire Great Hall smelled like burnt parchment.
"Good thing we have extra copies." I said with a smile. "Hopefully he doesn't burn the one on the notice board too."
Professor Dumbledore was leaning over, showing Professor McGonagall his drawing. I was quite pleased with my doings.
"I should um go to Care of Magical Creatures Class." I said with a smile. I got up and quickly left the Great Hall. People started to clap as I dashed out the door. I blushed. There was a crowd of people standing outside the notice board, laughing and looking at the drawings.
I passed by quietly and quickly and felt liberated as I entered the fresh air. Hagrid joined me soon on the grounds. He had a piece of parchment in his hands and looked quite pleased.
"Yeh draw wonderfully Elizabeth." He complimented, opening his cabin door and putting the drawing on his table before exiting and coming over to where I was standing, "My favorite was Professor Dumbledore's."
I grinned. "That one did come out good, didn't it?"
Throughout the rest of the day, there were compliments from students and teachers alike. Professor McGonagall had put hers up on the wall. Of course, there were complaints that the drawings didn't move, but the complaints didn't bother me. They didn't seem to bother the Professors either.
The ones that drew the most laughs were Professor Flitwick's and Professor Dumbledore's because they were the most unusual.
What surprised me the most was when Filch came up to me and actually shook my hand before moving past. Any student that saw that thought they were dreaming, and the story spread around quickly, though never talked about in Filch's presence.
However, the most talked about drawing was Professor Snape's. Unbeknownst to him, there was a duplicate drawing on the notice board that he hadn't burned yet, and it was the drawing that people were secretly duplicating and stuffing into binders.
"The thing is," Luna chirped at lunch, sitting with us along with a few Gryffindors and Trang at the Hufflepuff table. "No one has ever seen Professor Snape smile but you make it look so natural."
"Yet!" Zacharias interjected, "It's disturbing at the same time because he never smiles."
"Did you all duplicate that drawing?" I asked, amused.
"Yes." Came about seven different voices.
I snorted.
I seemed to earn quite a few points for Hufflepuff that day too, just random things.
It was one of the best days of my life. 
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sitp-recs · 1 year
Masterlist Drarry Recs - Pt 3
• Angst with a happy ending
• Angsty secret relationship
• Angsty first time
• Addiction themes
• Ace Drarry
• AU
• Bartender AU/Pub fics
• Birthdays
• Break up make up (epilogue compliant)
• Break up make up + arranged marriage
• Forced marriage
• Divorced Drarry getting back together
• Bucolic fics
• Chef AUs
• Dark Draco
• Death Eater trials
• Draco on probation
• Disasters
• Drarry + gossip
• Drarry + mythology
• Drarry coming out as a couple
• Draco is open about his feelings | Hopelessly in love (Draco)
• Oblivious Draco | Self-sabotaging Draco
• Draco takes care of Harry | Harry takes care of Draco
• Dark Academia
• Fics with horror elements
• Esoterics and astrology
• Established relationship with spoiled Draco
• Epilogue-compliant
• Friends to lovers slow burn + redemption arc
• Idiots to lovers
• Harry-centric fics | Different takes on Harry
• Jaded Harry & morally ambiguous Draco
• Odd jobs | Militant Harry | Powerful Harry
• Harry falls in love first | Draco as Harry’s bisexual awakening
• Harry lives in Godric’s Hollow
• Hospitals (setting)
• Hurt/Comfort
• Holiday fics: Christmas | NYE
• Horcrux hunting
• Harry betrays Draco | Draco hurts Harry
• Harry breaks up with Ginny
• Jealous Harry 1 & 2 | Early jealousy
• Homophobia
• Infidelity 1 & 2
• Intense UST
• Intimacy issues
• Melancholy love
• Memory loss
• My favorite romantic fics
• Meet-cute
• Organic and routine sex
• Kink discovery
• Pansy & Blaise as side characters
• POV Outsider
• Physical hurt/comfort | Injured Harry
• PTSD & sex as coping mechanism
• Post-war loneliness
• Power imbalance
• Professors (both)
• Queer themes
• Rainy romance
• Reality show AU | Romcom AU | Sci-fi AU | Cowboy AU | Heist AU
• Religious imagery and symbolism
• Sex, drugs and rock ’n’ roll | Sex Magic
• Seer Draco | Seer Harry
• Surviving together
• Soft 8th year | Field trips | 8th year Draco pov
• Sports AU
• Soothing reads
• Step dad Harry
• Successful Draco comes back to Britain
• Toxic family dynamics
• Voldemort Wins AU | War fics
• G and T long fics | Draco-centric
• Plot-oriented M and E fics
• Short fics under 5k
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fatestouch · 11 months
because for no reason, i just wanna write about some fucked up shit:
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Let’s talk about Seth.
Now face value what you see if pretty much what you get: he’s goofy, kind of obnoxious, and while he’s definitely hiding a few things, doesn’t seem like anyone you should not take at face value.
And yet, while he is those things, he also has a lot of issues.
To start off--and this is admittedly something he’s working on--but he actually hates himself. A Lot. It’s partially a guilt complex from his dad passing away when he was little, to his mom just dumping him with his grandmother and abandoning him, but he never really felt like he was Enough. And he hated that, and hated himself for that.
And SPEAKING of his mom! He, uh, killed her. Like recently killed her super dead. And to make it even more fucked up, he not only killed her, but sealed her soul in a magical tarot card, so that she can never move on. Like. Wow.
Last thing on his lift of bullshit is his inferiority complex towards Hayden. Now, this isn’t something he can really help, and he is getting better on it, but it’s not a secret that Hayden’s powers are more powerful than Seth’s. And even though Seth shakes it off easily, he does have some moments where he thinks “I’m older, I was actually taught about my powers, how’s he so much better?”
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