#seeing them all flirt a little bit in between throws was very cute :)
yuri-is-online · 8 months
Grim being greedy with Yuu's attention and love is pretty cute and very cat of him. Though it would be funny if the guys are the ones getting jealous/are envious of Grim. Image one of them seeing Grim getting held, smooched on his cute little face, and being told what a handsome little man he is. The boy wants that to be him so bad. 🥲
I love the misplaced jealousy trope so much. It's about the contempt, embarrassment, and guilt all rolled up into one package. Anyway have a list:
Not Jealous
Kalim- the only thing he is jealous of is that he is not the one spoiling Grim, he wants to let him know what a special little boy he is too! Look he even brought some crackers-
Trey- has kid siblings, knows how fun they can be to spoil so he doesn't mind. He saves his actual jealousy for other people that try to monopolize your time and assume that since he is so laid back he will just be ok with it.
Lilia- he is too old to be jealous of a practical child, but he is a bit hurt Grim won't let him spoil either of you with some food. He worked really hard on it ˙∧˙
Rook- watching you interact with Grim is truly beautiful, he has so many pictures of the two of you together from different angles in different light and he loves them all. Also I feel like he would be the type to actually like feeling jealous? Like he would write excessively about how beautiful he finds his feelings for you to the point you wonder if he is actually jealous or just... really extra with his obsessions.
Rollo- he doesn't see Grim as competition. Point, blank, period, there is no reason to be jealous of a monster because he doesn't want you to see him as someone who needs babying. If you are going to pepper his face with kisses and tell him he is handsome he wants that to be for other reasons (and hopefully in private he isn't big on pda.)
Deuce- he has this little game with Grim where Grim tries to get him jealous but Deuce waits his turn like a good little boy and gets twice as many kisses and compliments as Grim does. Idiot falls for it every time and Deuce is way to smug about it for Yuu not to notice.
Only a Little Jealous
Ruggie- is aware enough of himself to know he has no reason to see Grim as competition. Everyone likes spoiling kids, even bratty ones, but hey. Ruggie is a greedy guy and he wants to be spoiled by you, even if he is a bit too shy to admit it.
Cater- you spoiling Grim is very camable and Cater loves taking pictures of it; even if he doesn't have your permission to post them he just likes to have them to look at. But on days where Cater is a bit more depressed it can be hard to watch, he needs some tlc to recharge and he will never say he hates seeing it go to Grim- he does hate seeing it go to Grim.
Epel- really wishes Yuu would hang out with him because they think he is cool... but cool guys like being told they're handsome and getting kisses too... right? Well doesn't matter because he does and he is torn between playing cute to get it and hoping he wakes up buff enough to flirt with Yuu the way he wants.
Silver- he isn't aware that he is jealous because he knows why he shouldn't be, he has animals following him around everywhere so it would be hypocritical of him to be jealous of the attention you give Grim. But he is, he really likes your affection and is jealous for it.
In Denial
Vil- world famous super model Vil Schoenheit does not get jealous, people get jealous of him. And he certainly does NOT get jealous of monsters who aren't real rivals for your attention and he does not look at how you spoil Grim and think to himself how nice it would be to be able to be that free with his affection. On a completely unrelated note are you free in about an hour? He has some lipsticks he needs to swatch.
Jade- let's get one thing straight, Jade never gets actually jealous he just pretends to be because it's funny. He definitely is not watching you kiss Grim's little face and actually think of throwing him halfway across campus. Now if you could just look the other way for a second- oh why are you looking at him like that he would never actually hurt Grim. But just to make sure maybe you could buy him off with a kiss? Pretty please?
Sebek- thinks that he is above being jealous but has that ruffled wet cat look complete with the trembling lower lip as soon as he sees you and Grim. He isn't fooling anyone, please also spoil the croco he will call you an idiot but he is only doing that because he is too flustered to talk properly.
Jack- you are his mate, his one and only, the moon in the sky that is his life so why oh why does watching you spoil Grim make him want to die? Maybe it's because it is a bit hard for him to admit when he wants your affection so seeing you be so free with Grim makes those same words bubble up in his throat. Thank goodness he has a tail, otherwise you would never know when he wants a smooch.
Riddle- touch starved? Check. Proud? Check. Obsessed with rules to the point that it makes him a bit stiff when it comes to how he rationalizes his desires for affection? Oh you don't even know. He doesn't realize what he is feeling is jealousy and just assumes Yuu is breaking some sort of rule of social etiquette and that's why he is so mad at Grim. If he gets a kiss out of this he will probably pass out.
Visibly Seething
LEONA- is a petty bitch. He needs to feel like he is in charge and has a weird sort of competition with Grim because of how vaguely feline he is. Leona is the bigger cat so he should be the one Yuu is kissing on and not the whiny baby. leona says fuck them kids
Floyd- Floyd isn't always jealous. Sometimes he thinks watching Yuu spoil Grim is really funny! Just look at baby seal, all whiny and spoiled just like a real baby, so cute ♡ But when he has decided that he, Floyd, is the one who should be receiving kisses the eel is an absolute menace. Running won't help you.
Azul- he is touch starved and repressed and while it should be cute watching you spoil Grim... he doesn't think it is. Or rather he can't, he is too caught up in white knuckling his grip on his cane because oh seas he wishes that were him, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE LET THAT BE HIM
Jamil- thinks he is playing it smooth and isn't coming off as jealous at all but he is. I once wrote that he would be jealous of the air you breathe and Grim is much more solid than that. He tries to play off his interruption as him just having had a rough day but Grim knows what he is and is not impressed. he totally sticks his tongue out at grim when yuu isn't looking what a loser
Ace- Grim has this weird game he plays with Ace where he behaves extremely well and gets a bunch of kisses and praise while Ace seethes in the corner until he finally snaps and whines for your attention. Ace does not wait his turn like a good boy and he and Grim are constantly competing for who gets the most kisses.
Malleus- Mal Mal is a bit of a spoiled brat. He hasn't had a lot of friends, so him wanting to be around Yuu and have their attention whenever he wants is natural but... he really isn't the best at sharing. But never mind that isn't his face much more kissable than Grim's child of man? ( ̄ε ̄)
Idia- no I didn't forget hims shut up. He goes through all four stages in that exact order. Not jealous because Mr. Grim is so cute he deserves all the kissies in the world, to a little jealous because he wishes Grim would let him spoil him too, to in denial because pssh there's no waaay you would ever want to give a weeb like him kisses or think he was handsome, to outright seething because Grim starts making fun of him. He is too brave enough to handle Yuu's affection! He instantly passes out after he gets one kiss
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victorluvsalice · 2 years
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It’s officially Fall Sunday in the Chill Save as of this update, and that means we are wrapping up the Valicer Granite Falls vacation and heading back home! But not without a few final morning hurrahs from the trio:
-->Smiler finished adding mods to Incredible Sports and went for another fish, catching a walleye for plasma pack purposes
-->Once Victor and Alice got up, I decided the three should play a final game of horseshoes together to see the vacation out! (Alice stalking over mid-breakfast, in fact -- I had her release a somber howl to get rid of the spare Fury near the end.) Again, nobody definitively “won,” but they all had a good time, with both Alice and Smiler flirting with Victor between turns. :) Love me a bit of Valicer content.
-->After they were all done with horseshoes, I went looking for some final unidentified plants for Victor to pick up (managing to get him past the first milestone of the Outdoor Enthusiast aspiration), then had him and Smiler do a bit of fishing at a different spot than normal while Alice did a bit of scavenging for werewolf XP. Victor got himself another nice salmon while Alice found some turquoise. Not a bad way to end their time in Granite Falls, I think!
But yes, before too long 8:30 AM rolled around, and it was time to send the gang back home. And what awaited them back there, you ask?
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madhattervanessa · 3 months
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Summary: Simon returns from deployment- but, there is a catch.
Warnings: sneaky nosy reader, flirting with a strong ?, pda, a little bit of voyeurism but it's all still very PG I feel
Words: 1489
A/N: Y'all already know...
Requests are open as always.
Masterlist - Mobile Masterlist
prev. Part - next Part
It's been just over 3 months when you hear his familiar footsteps echoing through the apartment complex's hallway.
This time, however, he doesn't seem to be alone.
At least, you had not previously heard a Scottish accent coming out of his mouth. And certainly not at that speed.
"-an' I'm telling you, she fancies me, this is all just a misunderstandin'."
"You repeating tha' don't make it true."
You really shouldn't be standing this close to the door, spying on them. But... Simon isn't the most talkative person in contrast to his very chatty friend. And you're a nosy person.
His friend babbles on about some girl until you hear the keys jingle in the lock of Simon's flat.
"Don't get too comfortable. I'll be just a minute."
You smirk to yourself and listen carefully for Simon's footsteps to move back down the stairway before opening the apartment door.
You sneak out and gently knock at your neighbor's door.
It's torn open almost immediately.
You correct your gaze up a little and meet pale blue eyes.
He's cute. Young, though, for, what you had gleaned from conversations with Simon, they do.
"You're not my neighbor."
He grins and crosses his arms over his chest as he leans against the doorframe.
"Aye. I'm bloody well not, lass."
You hum.
"Feels like I've seen you before, though", he adds.
There's a roguish handsomeness about him, a cockiness- really, a telltale thing you have noticed about the military personnel roaming around town.
"Seems like you haven't left an impression."
He scoffs, obviously amused.
"I usually have some coffee with Simon when he returns from service." You nod towards the kitchen behind him.
"I can see why he would. Come on in, then. I bet the- I bet Simon could use a cup of coffee."
He steps out of your way and closes the door as you beeline to the kitchen.
"Did you guys just get back?"
"Yeah. It's been a long few months."
"I believe that", you murmur and open the cupboard, instinctively picking up your usual mugs.
"What's your name?"
"You can call me Johnny."
You shoot him a look before setting down the cups and starting to pull shots from the espresso machine in the kitchen. When you set down the first cup for Simon, you look up towards him.
"How do you take your coffee, Johnny?"
You're interrupted by the door opening.
Johnny throws a wide grin towards Simon as he enters. His brown eyes briefly flick back and forth between the two of you before he drops two heavy duffel bags on the ground.
He shuts the door with his boot and the heavy footsteps that follow serve as a visceral reminder of the sheer mass of the man.
"Black coffee will do for him", Simon grumbles.
You try not to grin at the glare that settles on Johnny.
"Get out of her face Johnny. Take a shower. Y'smell like shit."
"Aye, L.T.." Johnny briefly turns back towards you and winks. "I'll be right back, lass."
You hum, smiling now, and lower your gaze toward the coffee machine again.
When you glance back up, Simon's eyes are still on you. There's some eye black smeared around his eye sockets. It makes his eyes look bottomless and sharp, his blonde lashes a harsh contrast.
After a moment, he leaves to follow his friend.
Low murmurs sound from the bathroom next to the bedroom, but they are just quiet enough for you to be unable to discern anything.
Eventually, the shower starts up and there's some brief laughter before music starts to play, low and tinny.
The door slams shut and you start steaming some milk.
"Did he bother you?"
You jump and curse under your breath, thankful for the mostly empty pitcher in your hands.
"No. No, he didn't."
Simon is radiating heat from behind you.
A single, high note hits your ears before the singing continues, quieter but no less off-key.
"He seems nice, though. Funny. Talented singer."
"He's a bloody idiot."
"Does he get into a lot of trouble?"
"'s exactly why he's here."
The tune in the background changes to Material Girl, as you start to sip on your coffee and step aside for Simon to grab his own.
You stand in comfortable silence for a moment, just looking at each other.
He shakes his head slightly at the first Matieri-a-a-aal echoing from the bathroom.
"Any chance you have space for a roommate?"
You snort and shoot him a conspiratory look.
He smirks before taking a big gulp of coffee.
You keep looking at him, drinking in the details, now that he is back: The eyeblack has smeared down over his cheeks and you can see where it has faded around the corners of his eyes as if he'd been laughing a lot. You set your cup down.
"I don't know, I don't want to get in between some quality time with your friend and you. Should really let you guys settle in."
"Can't settle in, yet."
You perk up a little, immediately alarmed. Simon downs the rest of his coffee before he turns towards you.
"Still missing a warm welcome from my girl."
My girl?, echoes faintly in your head.
Your hesitation seems to amuse him. There it is again, the crinkle around his eyes.
He is careful as he approaches, slowly reaching out.
"C'mon, love. Where's my welcome back kiss?"
You roll your eyes despite laughing, weakly pushing your hands against his chest, not even slightly managing to nudge the big man towering over you away.
"Oh, ew, Si-"
He catches both of your hands in his and intertwines your fingers before leaning his head down. You don't resist and simply tilt your head up towards his.
He's rough with you; his teeth clack against yours and when your lips connect right, he pins you against the counter with his hips.
You moan into his mouth and let go of his hands to instead push them into his hair and let your nails scratch over his head. He is devouring your mouth, his hands wandering until he can hold on to your waist. One of them wanders down to paw at your hip, kneading at the soft flesh there.
He delves his tongue into your mouth and you gasp. You return a nip to his lip before both of your tongues start to tangle.
It's messy and needy. You're melting into his hard grip. As you hesitantly roll your hips towards his, you can feel his cock twitch against your stomach.
He backs off and when you open your eyes, he briefly nudges the tip of your nose with his. You feel girlish joy at the sweet gesture and wet your lips as you lock eyes with him.
"That's one hell of a welcome."
"Missed you."
"Yeah?", you tease, grinning.
He grunts and pulls you into another kiss, muffling your laugh. His hand that had previously held on to your hip wanders down to your ass to squeeze, eliciting another moan from you. You let your own hands cradle his face, feeling his jaw work as you kiss.
You jump and stiffen against Simon in surprise.
"Don't stop on my account", Johnny adds. Simon backs off with a quiet curse and you open your eyes to peek at Johnny, standing in the doorway.
"Bugger off, Johnny", Simon grumbles before pressing another kiss to your cheek.
Your eyes lock with his friend's who is still notably shirtless, hair damp, as he leans against the doorframe.
"I was just comin' back for my coffee, Lt."
There's something underneath the amused glint in his eyes that makes a hot flash run over your spine.
"I'm uh-", you're distracted by Simon dragging his tongue over your neck before he brushes the stubble on his jaw over the skin behind your ear, "I'm going to leave you guys to it."
Simon straightens up and your eyes snap to his.
"Alright, love."
You stagger towards the door, both of the men close behind.
"If you guys need anything, just knock, alright?"
"We'll just be sleeping the flight off, hen", Johnny answers, supported by a gruff sound from Simon that sounds like an agreement.
You nod and lean up to give Simon another innocent peck.
Before you have the chance to think about it, Johnny envelops you in a brief hug. A cloud of cologne envelops you with it and he squeezes you in his arms.
"Don't be a stranger. Come by for pizza sometime, soon, yeah?" Johnny puts you at arm's length before grinning. "I'll tell you a bunch of embarrassing stories about the old boy."
You nod, feeling a bit too hot underneath the intense gaze of the two men at the same time.
"Yeah. Sure. Sounds fun."
The warmth in your cheeks doesn't fade until you are back in the safety of your own bedroom.
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velvetures · 1 year
Hi baby!! I like your writing sm it's amazing 💓💓 If RQs are open I would like to request König stealing from readers dirty panties to use when he's self pleasuring~ she finds out and confronts him and one thing leads to another and next thing you know he's got her thighs locked on the side of his head while she rides his face so he can finally taste what he's been wanting for weeks. Thank you so much I know you'll do great with this req
Do Me?... A Favor
A/N: God, I love this! I had such a great time writing this and might've needed a lil' break halfway through. This trope has a special place in my heart. (I'm mentally unwell) So I hope you enjoy! Forgive me for being so late on this. Summary: König steals your panties and does dirty things with them. You catch him, and... well... you and I both know exactly what happens after that. T/W: !!NS/FW 18+ ONLY!!!, thievery of panties, male masturbation, fem-reader, dirty talk, fantasy mentions, face riding, exhibitionism if you have 20/20 vision, fem-recieving oral, spanking?, prob missed something... I don't proofread, ya'll better know this by now.
GIF and Story Below Cut
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Extended missions with KORTAC usually meant that König would be within touching distance of you for days on end. Hearing you talk with his squad and watching you make jokes that got almost every single one of the stone-cold men melting with affection for you. There wasn’t a single one of them that didn’t absolutely adore you; Jump at the chance to help you, offer to take watches, ask to be paired with you, or just try and be the lucky one that got to either sleep with you or next to you. As Colonel, König always had his hands full maintaining order when the girl from the United States sector was sent to help them out.
On a personal level though, König struggled to hide the desperation and pathetically overwhelming feelings of jealousy he had when seeing anyone get that close to you. Having known you the longest, spent the most time alone with you, trusted you with his own mind and vice-versa, the Colonel -problematically- believed he had a bit more of a right to you than any of this men. Perhaps your own behavior towards him didn’t help out much either. So little and gutsy, you always liked teasing him. Tempting him to wrestle and always so confident you’ll win, and toying with his mask; begging so innocently to see the “handsome face” under there.
You’d been like that with him for so long, he couldn’t tell the difference between close friendship and flirting anymore. Blurring lines and also his own ability to control the compulsions to get just a little bit more of you. In any sick or twisted way he might be able to get his hands on. No man could resist your charms and beautiful little face. Especially König, who melted from a towering 6’10 to a weak and desperate boy crawling after you like a lost puppy.
He wasn’t proud of it. Then again, he didn’t care all that much. Especially when he found a way to satisfy his more carnal and disgusting desires for you that couldn’t even be tortured out of him.
In his defense, you’d been the one who started it. Calling out his name when you were in the small bathroom of the safe house and asking him to grab some clothes out of your rucksack, having forgotten to get them yourself. Half dazed knowing you were naked with just a thin, open, door between you had the Colonel making a beeline for your bag and ripping it open to do exactly what you’d asked of him.
Now… if any of his men would’ve asked him if he had a thing for panties, he would’ve very sternly disagreed with the whole idea.
But when he laid eyes on your panties, balled up and stuffed in a little side pocket in white, black, pink, and some cute patterns, the darker side of his mind slipped. Throwing him into an entirely different kind of temptation that he’d never entertained before. He’d hardly been able to deliver your clean clothes to you without incident, and spent the rest of the evening with his brain consumed with fantasies of what you looked like in all those pretty things. Surely your ass looked downright sinful with that material stretching over it and cradling your body closer than he’d ever have the opportunity to. Fuck… even your thighs would be that much more brilliant with the crease made that much more obvious by the hemline of the panties. The images kept flowing long into the night after he should’ve been asleep, his own watch hour ticking closer with each minute.
Struggling with the urge to palm his hard cock and just try to ease some of the pressure. Begging for some type of solution to his weakening self-control. König was up and headed to the bathroom, ready to take care of his painfully throbbing erection before he could even stop to think about how wrong it was to jerk himself off less than fifteen feet away from you and his men. The moment he unzipped his jeans and freed his drooling cock, his mask was shoved up so he could spit in his hand, and stuck his mask between his teeth to try and muffle his own sounds of pleasure.
Thoughts of what you’d look like gasping for breath on top of him, impaling your little body on his cock, spurred König to smear his own spit over his length. Fisting the head and rotating his palm around the tip with a deep rumble in his chest. He wished he could’ve seen you in the shower… soft skin wet and dripping with lathered soap. Rubbing those tiny hands over your body and rinsing away the sweat he’d seen soaking your shirt and running down your neck earlier during your rotation. His hazy vision cut to the shower, looking at it with a mental picture of you taking use of the handheld shower head. Putting it between your plush thighs and watching your tremor.
Only some small and purple sitting in the corner of the floor next to the bathtub froze his movements. Every muscle tensed at the sight of it, and while precum drooled from his swollen head, the Colonel couldn’t believe what he was seeing. The massive man didn’t even need to get off his seat on the toilet to pick up the delicate scrap of material and dangle it in front of his face. Taking into account his interaction with you, he couldn’t believe that your dirty underwear had fallen out of the balled up clothes you’d worn all day.
König’s cock twitched at the disturbed idea of smelling them. His body goading his mind to forgo the moral line of doing such a thing, and just do it. You wouldn’t know… his men would never find out… As long as he put them back in your rucksack before morning, there’d be no reason for anyone to question it. Besides, he was so turned on. And it wasn’t hurting anyone for him to just use a piece of your clothes to help let off some steam…
König ripped his mask off his head and let it drop to the floor next to his boot, and hesitantly lifted your panties up to barely touch he tip of his nose. The silky fabric was so damn feminine… so much like you in many ways. He rubbed them between his fingers, slowly moving his other hand up and down his cock; Nearly teasing himself with the full experience. Denying the satisfaction of experiencing your scent intimately. The otherwise self-composed Colonel couldn’t wait another moment, and buried his nose into your dirty panties with a lustful growl muffled by his hand.
His balls tightened with pure excitement, spitting more clear fluid down his shaft and filling the small bathroom with vulgar sucking sounds of his fingers sliding up and down with more desperation. Your scent was nothing short of a sweet and salty pheromone jolt of a daydream that made his brain go to nothing but static and arcs of electricity. His dick throbbed as his second inhale came as a much deeper and purposeful acceptance of this new and still very taboo action.
“F-fuucckk…” König had to whimper into your panties, his hips twitching up into his own fist.
“S-so fucking good…” Even with the very real risk of someone hearing him moaning, König continued whispering and whining his praise and pleads for you into the crotch of your panties. Going so far as to lose his willpower and reach out his tongue to feel the soft fabric and give his tastebuds one, lingering, taste of your sweet cunt. The tangy and candy-sweet remainder lingering in the threads of your panties utterly ripped König’s orgasm out of him.
His toes curling in his boots, his stomach flexing and his one fist tightening around the base of his shaft as thick and pearly release dripped hotly over veins and the between his balls before dripping in quiet drops onto the floor. The Colonel sat for full minutes, working over himself slowly and hiding his panting breath against your used underwear. He felt so goddamn monstrous for using you like this. Going behind your back and cumming over his fist like an animal in rut. Denying just how good of a release he had wasn’t possible either though. Not only had his most recent solo attempts been miserably unsatisfying, but his most horrific thought after cleaning up his evidence was that he wanted nothing more than to pocket your panties and keep them.
The Colonel blamed his own rotation on watch as the reason behind why he pocketed your panties instead of putting them back in your rucksack.
Two days later, you were still quietly in search of your panties that had apparently disappeared into thin air. You’d turned your bag inside out, went through the bathroom at least five times, and checked every other room of the safe house thinking someone might’ve found them and just tossed them somewhere they believed you’d see them. Searching came up with zero sign of your panties, and you felt like you were going insane. Not that it really mattered if they were gone… You had packed plenty of spares in the case you -for some reason- needed two back-ups for every day you were gone and couldn’t buy more. It was more so just the simple fact that you’d been so unobservant to misplace a pair of bright, purple, fucking panties.
Being surrounded by nothing but men only added to your silent mortification.
“You alright Sergeant?” One of the KORTAC guys paired on your rotation nudged your shoulder with his elbow, drawing your attention back to the -quite serious- task at hand.
“You look a little distracted, everything okay?” The look on his face made you think he was concerned that the cold weather was getting to you.
You shook your head. “M’fine. Just lost something, and I can’t fucking find it anywhere.”
He chuckled, adjusting his rifle against his chest. “Something important?”
“No. Not at all,” You sighed, seeing your breath fog up in front of your view of the forest and the heavy snowfall. “Just can’t figure out where it went and I’ve turned the whole house over.”
The Lieutenant at your side looked back towards the edge of the perimeter and then back to you with a little shrug. “Well, i suppose you could go in early. Get warm and have another look around. You’ve already had more shifts than plenty of the other guys.” He patted you on the back and jerked his head back in the direction of the safe house and outlying buildings.
You couldn’t help but grin under your face mask, eyes squinting to show your appreciation and giving him a quick ‘thanks’ before jogging back through the snow. You passed a few of the other guys out on rounds and either waved or called out a short word or two so as to let them know you’d come in for a few hours. Typically König was the one who dictated the different schedules to ensure no one got left out in the snow too long. Kicking off the frozen slush and snow off your boots, you waddled yourself inside and set out to get warmed up and find the Colonel.
Maybe he’s seen my underwear… You muse a bit mortified, unclipping your heavy overalls and yanking your tac vest over your head. God, it was a thought that made you shiver not just from the cold nipping at the wet cuffs of your winter layers and damp socks.
It wasn’t very secret that you had a very soft spot for König. He was just so damn sweet to you, and might’ve always given you a little bit of preferential treatment when you got sent to KORTAC on collaborating missions. Whether he did it because of his belief that you were a woman -and much smaller- than any of his men, or maybe for a more personal motive, you didn’t know. Really having the courage to bring up the topic was extremely intimidating. Joking around and teasing the massively tall and handsome solider was one thing. Asking him to lay out how he truly felt about you as more than an occasional partner was very different.
By the time you’d changed into some dry and comfortable clothes to hang out in for the rest of the evening, you noticed that the few guys lingering in the living room had left out. Leaving you alone, with the entire couch to yourself and a quiet house that gave leeway for a really good nap right in front of the wood-burning stove blaring heat right at you. Thank god for the KORTAC guys being so nice to you, and making sure that you didn’t have a hell-on-earth experience for your first winter in Russia.
You’d not really even gotten settled on the couch when you heard a somewhat loud thump from down on the other end of the house. Nearly like a head or hand smacking against the wall in one of the little rooms -made bedrooms- once you’d all arrived a little over a week ago. It didn’t happen again, and trying to just ignore whatever fools the guys could be making out of themselves outside to make that sort of noise, you just went ahead and closed your eyes again.
Your eyes snapped open and stared at the ceiling, tuning your ears to the sounds emanating from the far end of the house. You waited patiently, and a third heavy and thud met your ears. Immediately you were up and on your feet, standing in the entry to the hallway leading that way, seeing that only one door was halfway shut, and it was König’s room at the very end. Eyebrows furrowed and hands resting on your hips, you stared at the door waiting for some kind of sign as to what exactly was happening. Surely one of the others weren’t setting up some kind of prank for the Colonel to come back to… right?
Oh god… he’d be soo mad. We’d all get ripped new asses if that happened.
And it wouldn’t have been the first time you’d faced König’s wrath for nothing more than someone thinking a harmless prank was acceptable. Even if the Colonel was extremely lenient on you, he wasn’t to be toyed with. He was a hard and cold man when it was called of him, and you really didn’t want to risk being thrown back out in the snow within the next twelve hours. What had your feet moving was another small and muffled sound, almost like a clipped and high-pitched sort of thing. It didn’t settle right, and you’d got to the door and pushed it open just a few more inches to tell whoever was in the Colonel’s room to get the fuck out.
You were the one struck speechless.
Through the small gap in the door and frame, you saw none other than König laying on the too-small cot with his shoulders propped up against the wall, mask rucked up over the bottom half of his face, and a distinct, purple, material pressed against his mouth and nose. The sensation of your heart and stomach jumping into your throat nearly choked you of oxygen. You could hardly drag your eyes away from his massive hand teasing his thick and hard cock. Once again, that thud reverberated through the room and it was nothing more than the erotic sight of him throwing his head back against the drywall with an -almost- silenced moan.
“Jesus Christ…” The whispered words fell from your awestruck mouth before you could stop yourself. Breathless, but damn sure loud enough for the Colonel to hear you and his dark eye to snap right to where you’d been peeking through the doorway. His whole body stiffened, and his hand stopped. Even dropping your dirty panties right into his lap. The purple fabric fluttering down to rest at the base of him.
“Shit!” You gasped, turning right around and hiding your face in your hands.
You could hear fabric shuffling and enough of a panicked movement to realize König planned on at least talking to you. Somehow having the sheer guts to not immediately act like nothing had ever happened. You heart thumped right at the back of your throat for what felt like and eternity before you heard the door behind your creak open and the distinct pattern of labored breathing. You jumped when his massive hand rested on your shoulder, nudging you to turn around.
“W-we… need to talk,” He mutters downright guilty. “About, what you just - just saw.” Swallowing the massive wave of conflicting feelings welling up in your mind, stomach, and in your pussy, you nod your head and wait until your hear König walk back into the bedroom before turning around and walking through the door to face him.
Right away your eyes fall down to his belt and take note of the -very large and still very hard- outline of his erection straining against his belt and the zipper of his jeans. Your face flushed bright red, realizing he’d pinned his cock beneath the leather strap around his waist to keep it as under control as possible. Before you could draw your eyes away, one of his hands falls down to shield his arousal, and you hear him clear his throat nervously. It draws your attention back up to his re-masked face. Noticing his eye darting anywhere but your eyes and the rise and fall of his wide shoulders. Comparing reactions, it seems that the Colonel is far more effected than you are.
Maybe you weren’t as… upset as you should be.
“I must apologize for my… disturbing behavior,” He blurts out with a raspy tone, visually shrinking a bit. “I… can’t begin to…” Trailing off, you watch him rub at the back of his neck, in thought and obviously tense.
“I just couldn’t help but - you’re just so…”
Eyebrows furrowed and your interest piqued, you take a step closer; Seeing your used panties tucked under his pillow and a small little glimpse of purple peeking out. Screams in the back of your mind make the very dangerous assumption that he’s still somewhat possessive over the item. It makes the growing wetness in your panties more significant, forcing your to flex your thighs together.
“I’m so, what?” You press softly, your head tilting up at him with the shortening gap between you.
The Colonel audibly swallows, “So… pretty.” You’ve never heard such a whimpering and weak sound from him. Almost like it’s a desperate thought he couldn’t help but admit to you. It stokes a fire inside your belly, and you’re very quick to push just a little more.
“So you stole dirty panties?” A low, gravelly whine escapes from under his mask as shakes his head.
“They were on the floor… And I was so frustrated, I didn’t mean for you find out. I just - just needed to know…” His voice stiffens, but he’s still struggling to defend his actions, and not totally own up to the fact that you’d caught him using your scent to get himself off.
“How many times have you used them, Colonel?” Your voice lowers a little, pussy clenching in anticipation of his answer; Fluttering wet walls that silently beg for more stimulation than the pressure your thighs can provide.
König squirms where he stands, sighing heavily. “Six. Six times… Fuck, I’m so sorry.” His head drops in guilt that actually squeezes your chest with sympathy. He’d always held the biggest piece of your heart, and seeing him so hard on himself for being -not only human- but having been no more desiring for you than you’d been for him… you just couldn’t stand letting him do this anymore.
“Well that just won’t do, will it?” You’re pulling your sweatshirt over your head and dropping it on the floor before König can look up and register what you’re doing. Halfway through pushing your pants down your thighs, you hear a sharp gasp and a little grunt of a sound.
“What are you doing?” His voice has flattened, and you peek up to see his wide eyes roaming all over your exposed skin. You just smile, standing there in a soft bralette and some panties and shrug like this wasn’t making your knees quake under your weight.
“I’m gonna give you fresh pair.” You lick your lips nervously, slipping your fingers under the waistband and begin to tug them down.
“Wait!” He almost shouts, taking a couple steps closer to you and grabbing your wrists to keep you from moving. “F-fuck… just, hold on a second.” He’s panting heavily, staring at you with dilated eyes.
For a long moment, you just stand there feeling his hot skin burning against your own. Silently staring at each other like trying to read the other’s thoughts without attempting to just do it the easy way and ask. You can smell the mint of his toothpaste and that all-too-comforting scent of sandalwood lingering on his body from some kind of cologne or deodorant you’d never quite seen him apply. You’re about to ask him a question when you feel his fingers trailing down your inner wrists towards your hips, and finally resting on the waistband of your panties. Heavy hands being much more gentle than you’d ever experienced, raising chills on your massive expanse of bared skin.
“Can I…?”
His eyes dart between his hands and your eyes with such an innocent look that you’re nodding your head before you actually think it through. Implicit trust had always made you and the Colonel a good pair on the field. Never pausing to think there might be a day like today were you’d test just how good things cold be in the bedroom. He’s down on one knee and nearly eye-level with you, fingers rubbing the fabric withholding the ultimate of your intimate regions… His face so close that it’s brushing against you stomach. Steadying yourself, you grab ahold of his shoulder; Needing some kind of grounding since you can’t really feel your bare feet on the freezing cold floor.
Squeezing the meat of your hips, the Colonel hisses.
“Always thought you were the tiniest thing… Wanted to know how someone so small could be so deadly,” His teasing evolved into slowly pulling at your underwear. Dragging them over the swell of your ass and leaving them there for a moment.
“Lucky me, knowing better than anyone how you can kill a man so slowly.”
He’s slow but purposeful in pulling your panties down your legs, his head following them instead of taking the first look at your bared skin. Reverently, he picks up your bare feet one-by-one and helps you out of the material, immediately rubbing the fabric between his long fingers. Your stomach drops when you realize that he’s purposefully feeling the crotch. Giving away the sheer arousal you’d collected there in mere minutes. It should’ve bothered you, made embarrassment floor your system. Only it just proved to make your legs feel weak under you. Almost visually shaking when the Colonel slid your panties under the hem of his hood.
“Want to tase what I do to you,” He murmured, giving you the exact answer of how pressed you were to find out what was happening under that bleached t-shirt of a shield.
“Need you to watch me…” Your cunt clenched hearing him sound so broken.
Nodding dumbly, your gaze never left König’s eyes. Seeing his heavy lids close, just to open back up drunkenly with a low groan that nearly penetrated your very bones. Wet sucking sounds emanating from under the mask, his tongue lapping at your soaked gusset and leaving no question as to just how fucking hungry he was for it. Spit-covered cotton sucked dry by one of the most powerful and intimidating men on the face of the planet; Down on a knee in front of you and literally lost to your taste. Lips parted and awestruck, you tried to force some words out.
“You look so hot like that, sir.” Breathless, it’s clear just how much it’s effecting you too.
Using his title has his eyes snapping up to you. Dark and dilated pupils, wide shoulders rising and falling quickly, and one hand still circled around your ankle to prevent your -impossible- escape from him. The Colonel is off his knee and has you lifted off the ground with only one arm before you can blink. Spinning you around and dropping you down on his cot; His massive body looming over yours. Downright terrifying save for the sight of your pink underwear hanging limply in his fist. That intimidating shadow of his erection -somehow- bigger than before, twitches against his belt. You’re driving him wild sitting so innocently with your thighs clenched together on his bed. Looking like you hadn’t the slightest idea just how badly he wanted to utterly destroy you right there and now.
“Sergeant?” Maintaining his composure takes every last fiber of concentration. Seeing your head tilt to the side in silent question and anticipation nearly doubles the weight of his balls.
“You must be so needy. Waiting so patiently for someone to give you satisfaction,” He steps closer, hips less than a foot away from you. Tempting your baser instincts to lean forward and swipe your tongue over a wet spot resting just over the tip of his cock.
“Your sweet cunt tastes like she’s been neglected… Have you been neglected Sergeant?” Almost mocking, you can’t begin to challenge him. Right away your nodding your head, flexing your thighs and crossing your ankles to attempt some small relief of pressure.
“König - I -” You’re fumbling for the right words when he chuckles lowly, bending just far enough to place his palms on across your thighs and squeeze just a little.
Meeting your forehead with his own, you’re right back to where you always felt with him. Safe and like he somehow understood everything about you without ever asking. Unique to König, he could always tell when something was wrong or you just weren’t quite on your game for some reason or another. You always thought it’s what made you such a good pair. And if you had to admit it, you’d have thought you knew just about everything about him too; But now after this, there’s a question lingering if all of his sweetness was just out of friendship, or something much more significant swirling around behind that shroud of a mask. Either way, you wanted to find out more. Get closer and explore the Colonel in a way you’d never believed possible.
“If you want this… me,” Just above a mere whisper, he paused to look between the small gap withholding you from him. “I need you to say so, meine perle.” Hearing your longstanding pet name in this connotation felt so very different, yet so much more impactful than on just your feeling of standard closeness. Giving you the suspicion that König hadn’t just thought it was a simple throwaway nickname.
“Please, please. I want you.” Your answer feels confident. Specifically choosing to ask for him, and him alone.
König met your lips with heavy intention. Cradling your neck with one hand and leaning your weight back against the bed; All the while crawling overtop of you. You could barely taste your own tangy arousal on his tongue, fighting for the chance to take the other fully. While König did try to resist your little bites at his bottom lip and your fingers prying at his shirt, it didn’t take long for him to finally happily give up. Rolling onto his back and pulling you to straddle him. Helping you along with the subtle movement of your bare cunt against his clothed cock and the ridges of his zipper.
“Mm,” He pulled away from you far too soon, admiring you sitting atop him so delicately. Pink cheeks, kiss-swollen lips, and a look in your eyes that made his whole body truly feel desired ****************and appreciated. Maybe even loved.
“Come here, meine perle. Let me give you everything you want.” Pulling your head down to meet his lips one last time, you sighed.
Sinking against him with so many fuzzy feelings of happiness and surreal recognitions of just how crazy this was. Of how one single change of your day had brought you to König’s room.
“Süßes Mädchen, ich will dich probieren..” It was the last coherent thing you could remember König saying as he effortlessly pulled your bare cunt closer to his face with an utterly wrecked look on his face and his tongue licking at his lips.
Hip flexors and thighs quivering, you could hardly keep your eyes focused on the Austrian below you. With your legs spread and framing his head and his hot palms cradling the entirely of your ass to keep you from squirming too much, König had spent the better part of half and hour with his tongue buried in your cunt. Snarling and growling like a hungry dog who’s chain had finally snapped. Between your almost totally fried nerves and the nudge of his thick nose rubbing against your clit while tongue-fucking your hole, you’d nearly pleaded and moaned yourself mute with a sore throat. ail scratches had been scraped into the drywall in front of you, and the strength in your legs had long faded into boneless mush that König hardly needed the endurance to hold steadily. The Colonel had been nothing but painfully patient and determined to give your more orgasms than your body could withstand.
You’d been ordered to count them, and it’d never been more challenging to count to four.
“Bitte meine Perle, komm, fick mein gesicht.” You never wanted to follow an order so badly. But fuck if you came again, you weren’t sure you’d ever resurface from the sensation. The previous had almost left you sitting full-weight on his face and blacked out in overwhelming pleasure. Mentally preparing wasn’t an option though. König wasn’t stopping for anything. Including your weak whimpers and whines that protested the command despite your desire to listen to him as closely as possible.
“C-can’t do it again-” Your voice cracks pathetically.
A loud crack of his palm smacking against the flesh of your ass releases a guttural moan from you. Spanking you firmly for the denial, and nipping at your swollen and abused little clit in punishment. You whine again, knowing your choice in the matter is being denied. König’s hunger for your release dripping out from the corners of his mouth motivates him to wrap his lips around your swollen bud and suck. Using the tip of his tongue to flick against the painfully sensitive end. That movement had brought you to release the first time, and it worked just as efficiently again to rip your pleasure out of your body right into the Colonel’s waiting mouth.
Your shaking and tears being to roll over your cheeks as König uses his own strength to help ride you through the aftershocks that cause your thighs to tremor and your stomach to flex and waver. The only somewhat meaningful things you’re able to do is use one hand to run your fingers through his hair and try to keep yourself grounded to the cot and König. By the time you feel sensation in your toes again, König has already gotten you settled back in his lap with his massive arms snaked around your bare body, holing you tight against his chest.
You feel slickness not just of your own between your thighs, looking up at the Colonel with a question tugging at your eyebrows. There was no mistaking that König had finished some time through your turn and he’d either been really good at hiding it, or you’d been totally inconsiderate of noticing.
“Schön, meine Perle. Das hast du so gut gemacht,” His wet lips press to your forehead reassuringly.
“Did perfectly, so good at following orders.” His hands cradle your flushed cheeks carefully.
Thumbs brushing over your cheekbones and sliding up until he can wipe the sheen of sweat clinging in the hair of your eyebrows. You look downright angelic to him like this. Raptured by nothing more than his own desire to give you everything he possibly could of his physical and emotional being. Giving himself the most intimate position to see just what he’d fantasized about for so long. You, being loved by him. Adored just for being yourself. Pleasured, because you deserved it.
“König… didn’t you..?” Your little pants and confused look made him smile, leaning forward to capture your lips in a sweet kiss.
He chuckled lowly against your mouth. “I did. Twice, actually.” He pecked the tip of your nose like a little praise for you.
You weren’t in any shape to fuss with the Austrian, however you did your best to put up a fight. “Let me… I wanna give you-”
“I’ve had just enough to satiate me for now,” His voice rasped a bit. “Besides, my men will be coming in for shift changes. And I don’t have enough faith in either of us to stay that quiet, meine perle.”
It was your turn to go shy and quiet, looking towards the shut -and locked- bedroom door, but forgetting that you weren’t the only two people in the area. Actually, thee was a good chance many of the men could’ve heard you making little to no effort to quiet yourself. One glance at the Colonel still holding you close to him, and you must’ve given him some sort of expression because he started laughing softly again.
“Kein Problem. Meine Männer reden nicht über uns.” You believed him.
But it was still a little intimidating. Now that it seemed everything was out it in the open, you had a lot of questions about what was going to happen, how things would work between you, or if there was even a possibility of somethingserious. The observant Colonel didn’t miss a single beat of your heart in that moment.
“Das bedeutet nicht, dass ich ihnen keinen Gesprächsstoff gebe, meine Perle,” His head nudged yours sweetly, despite his very flirty tone. “I’d like to keep you to myself. That is… if you’re okay with that?”
Nothing could stop the grin that spread onto your face.
“Ich liebe es, dein zu sein, mein König,” You wrapped you arms around his neck, kissing his ear softly. “Auch wenn du mein Höschen stiehlst.”
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aayakashii · 2 months
Hihi! For your kissing/yandere prompts, can I request ❤️34 and 🔪46 smutty for Taiga? It would be so perfect 🙇🏻‍♀️👀
❤️34 A kiss after a bite
🔪46 “So…do you want your underwear back?”
Warning: spicy but not very explicit! Taiga is a pervert lol
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Taiga could never kiss you normally.
It was always an entanglement of limbs and tongue and a little bit of blood he drew from your lips when his teeth nicked you. It was always overwhelming and breathtaking, as if he was making sure you couldn’t think of anything else besides his tongue in your mouth, his lips against yours and his body pressing you to the wall of his room.
And when he got jealous, he would take this up a few (many) notches.
It all started because some random man had the nerve to walk up to you and flirt. With you. Of all people!
It was laughable, truly. He probably didn’t know you were Taiga’s little precious possession, or maybe he just had a death wish. Either way, all that was needed was the barrel of Taiga’s golden gun pressed tightly against his temple and the glint of those sickly yellow irises to send the coward running out of the door of the casino.
A pity, Taiga thinks as he clicks his tongue and scratches his head with the barrel, a habit you seem to hate. He would have loved to see that man’s brain splattering all over the tables, but at least Romi wouldn’t throw a fit over him dirtying the place and scaring the customers. Little victories or whatever.
Now, onto the other pressing matter: you.
Yes, yes. He already has an idea of what you will say. That it wasn’t your fault, you didn’t want anything to do with that guy, you didn’t even know him, yadda yadda.
The thing is? He knows that. He knows it’s not your fault. And he knows you’re not a dumbass, despite it being his old nickname for you. He knows you’d never cheat on him.
But now he's angry and jealous and he just needs to give you a little reminder of who you belong to.
Just for good measure, he reassures you, licking his lips predatorily.
And there he goes, back to the tables, ready to bet his money away and win, because he has his most perfect and infallible lucky charm right there in his pants’ pocket.
Your cute underwear.
He doesn't care about the stares he gets every time he takes out your panties and gives them a long sniff, just like a pervert. What if people think he’s a pervert?, you ask. He doesn’t fucking care. He is a pervert anyway.
And if he did care, all he had to do was show them his dear, loyal gun. That usually shuts them up quite quickly.
Every bet was a success that night. Obviously. With his infinite luck, he could drain the pockets of every fool that dared to go against him. But at that specific moment, he managed to convince himself that it was all because of your panties right there in his pocket. The thought of poor little you, all exposed under your dainty clothes right next to him, gave him the rush he needed to just keep on winning and winning.
He loved being able to reach out to you and squeeze your ass or the inside of your thighs, getting a little yelp from you that went straight to his crotch.
How could he not win time and time again when he had the prettiest arm candy right beside him?
Once he had his fill of draining the pockets of frustrated customers, he dragged you back to his room, where he had planned to end his little punishment.
Taiga drowns you in his kiss, grinding shamelessly against your thighs while he swallows all of your moans and whines. His mouth travels to your neck, where he pierces your skin with his sharp teeth - a harsh bite that will most definitely leave a scar to prove to everyone who you belong to.
His hand goes to his pocket, fishing your panties out, and he twirls it on his index finger, taunting you.
“So…do you want your underwear back?” he murmurs into your ear, voice dripping sex, and leans back to observe your face, fingers casually tracing the area between your legs.
You look to the side, face flushed, and rub your thighs together. You can feel your core tingling, a pleasant warmth that makes your walls flutter at the idea of those dangerous fingers inside you. Begging for him to just stop teasing so much.
“N-no...” you mumble, clumsily grabbing his hand and pressing it a bit closer to the place that needed relief.
Taiga smiles, sharp teeth glinting against the low light, as he slowly begins to remove your clothes.
“Good pet.” he mutters, as if you ever had any other choice.
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chaotic-starlight24 · 3 months
Sodapop Curtis General Headcanons
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Well y'all, here he is. Our pretty little boy. I love Soda so much though, I linger a bit on the sad stuff though :( I'll be covering Two-Bit next!
Freetime Headcanons
Warnings: Spoilers and Some angst
There was one book that he managed to read and actually enjoy, and that was The Phantom Tollbooth. He read it in middle school and his parents were very proud of him for finishing it AND not forcing him to read it. (He was probably forced by a teacher)
He pulls out snacks and drinks from EVERYWHERE. Like he has legit just been talking to Pony on the couch and pull a Pepsi-Cola from between the cushions.
I mentioned in my freetime post that he is really good at doing hair. So sometimes he helps out Two-Bit and his mom by doing Dolly’s (Two-Bit’s sister) hair. She always likes when he does it because if her brother does it she usually ends up with 2 crooked ponytails.
When they grow up, he and Steve plan to own a car shop together. Soda would also like to start a horse-riding club for rodeos and everything. As I mentioned in my Steve headcanons, Johnny and Steve did a design for fun of the future car shop but Soda and Steve do end up using it (with a couple tweaks). 
Is Soda innocent and sweet at all times? NO. He is not shy when it comes to flirting with people. But he is also very respectful of women whenever they come to the car shop. He only flirts if they try to flirt with him first. Only if they’re the same age as him ofc. But one time Steve had to take over because an older woman was making some really weird comments to him. 
He was the first one to make friends with Dally in the gang. Him and Steve were hanging out and they managed to get Two-Bit to come with them because Mrs. Curtis didn’t like the idea of them walking around alone. So they walked over to the diner to see if they could get a free drink or something and Soda looked over and saw him. This scruffy looking 13 year old, crouched at the end of the bar thing. Soda is the most golden retriever person ever so he immediately went to try and talk to him. Dally tried to push him away but soon enough he was dragged into their little group.
He can get very self-conscious since he is supposed to be the “pretty” brother and will occasionally be found by Steve, just looking in the mirror. He doesn’t really have dysmorphia of any kind and is actually quite confident but he still has those moments.
Soda was not shy at all when it came to pulling his teeth as a kid. It’s just a bit loose? He yanks it out because it's annoying. One time the dentist told him to expect a specific tooth to be loose and he just pulled it out right then and there. (ONE OF MY FRIENDS ACTUALLY DID THIS)
He is one of the most talented of the gang with gymnastics. His favorite trick to show off with is front-flipping into a handstand and spinning on one hand. Can this actually be done? Idk. Would it look sick? Oh yeah it would.
He has the most amazing and cute laugh ever. He looks majestic, sounds beautiful, just top-tier enjoyable laugh. He throws his head back a bit and has the most adorable crooked grin.
Now for a bit of angst >:) After Sandy he was a lot more sensitive when it came to flirting or mentions of romance. He really thought Sandy was the one. Soda does not get angry easily but after Sandy, that was the first time Steve saw him snap at a stranger. Some girls really wouldn’t leave him be and he went off on them.
After his main breakdown when Darry and Pony came after him, he was happy they came. Happy they helped him back up and heard him out. But a small part of him wish Pony wasn’t so dang fast and Darry wasn’t so dang strong. He wanted to just keep running. Run until he found Sandy. Run until he made it so far from Tulsa that no one knew what a greaser was. He knew a hug and some tears weren’t going to stop the fights between Pony and Darry.
He gets colds really easily but he can’t get cough syrup down his throat for his life. It doesn’t help that Darry has this really nasty stuff that tastes like honey and rotten eggs and is like 20 years old.
He has freckles. That’s all. They’re beautiful.
He is one of the few to actually take Two-Bit’s love of Mickey/Disney seriously. Two-Bit has even dragged him to a couple movies. His favorite one was Mary Poppins. He has attempted to dance like Bert does.
He is the most physically affectionate out of everyone in all of Oklahoma. The more friendly he is with you, the more he’s affectionate. When he and Steve are sitting together he just drapes himself across Steve while talking. When he listens to Pony he’s usually holding Pony or hugging him. If he’s dating someone, he’s kissing their face and holding their hand all the time. He’s just more comforted by it. Mr. Curtis was the same way. Just a little less.
A couple months before he dropped out some Socs stopped him in the hallways. They were trying to steal the pocket money he had. He tried his best to hold them off him but one of them started getting physical. Until one mentioned his big older brother and that they should be careful. But the main soc told him that Soda was too dumb to ever think about telling him, or anyone for that matter. Not a thing going on in that pretty little head of his. Eventually they did end up leaving him alone. But those words stuck with Soda. Dumb. That was the word that came up in his mind first when thinking about himself. He wasn’t much more, was he?
As mentioned in my Johnny headcanons, he was one of Johnny’s first friends. He was one of the few to hear all about Johnny’s thoughts. He just had that way of making people talk to him. He heard all about how worthless Johnny thought he was. How little confidence he had. He tried his best in encouragement but he knew Johnny wasn’t going to listen. Which made it all the worse once Johnny died. He toughed it out when around the gang but one day after his work, he walked to the graves. He kneeled in front of Johnny’s. And sobbed. The boy who died feeling worthless, in agonizing pain. His friend. One of his first. And now he was 6 feet under. Nothing would bring him back. And next to him? The other friend he brought into the gang. He never really understood Dally all that well, but that was one of his friends. Now both would never meet him again. No more giving Johnny a sandwich at the DX cause he had nothing better to do. No more dragging Dally away from Buck’s to go to rodeos with him and Steve. No more gang hangouts with them all together playing games.
When Pony came home and then Johnny and Dally died, Soda felt horrible for his little brother. He had to watch him become much more closed off and defensive. He could barely get Pony to open up to him. He was terrified Pony would never have a good friend again. Eventually Pony got a couple of friends (As mentioned in my Pony headcanons, he and Esther became better friends) and Soda felt a little more at peace.
With the whole Vietnam war thing… I do think he would end up going, BUT end up surviving. We can’t have Pony lose everything ok! He was put on the less violent jobs and not thrown head-first into battle. Let’s just say he was allowed to go home after 2 years at most. That is all I will cover on that subject.
He’s a pretty good singer and he and Darry jam out to Elvis all the time. He really does sing his heart out. If Blue Suede Shoes comes on you know he has a comb in hand and tries to dance like Elvis. He also loves “Please, Mr. Postman” and if he’s feeling dramatic “It’s My Party”.
He doesn’t really listen to his own emotions much or tell anyone about them. He feels he’s supposed to be the listener. Everyone’s going through so much more than him! So he needs to be there for them, not himself! The only person he’s been vulnerable around is Sandy. Steve as well. Which meant it hurt so much more when Sandy left him.
The Curtis Brothers have an elderly neighbor named Nellie, she's 92. Soda brings cake to her once a week and just sits and chats with her. She brings them berry jam.
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danpuff-ao3 · 1 year
Are you a bit Snarry curious, but also sorta wary and unsure where to start? Good news: I have some recs for you!
Snarry is a tricky ship for some folks. All of its most problematic themes are what draw me in personally, but that's not to say there aren't some safe places to start for a newcomer!
What I've chosen are:
Nothing too long, so you can get a little taste to see how you feel. So I'm looking at 50k or under.
Nothing "problematic" or as few "problematic" themes as I can get. No underage. No power imbalance. No consent issues. (...or at least nothing egregious haha.)
Works that also maintain some integrity to Harry and Severus' individual characters, and the tension between them. If I play it too safe it won't feel properly Snarry to me! Half the fun is the tension between them, so we must keep that!
So...If you wanna check some out, keep reading!
An Awkward Customer
by AnyaElizabeth. Rated: E. Words: 10,768. Postwar. EWE. Romance. Humor.
Snape can't figure out why Potter is hanging around his shop.
Why Read? A nice rom-com based on the prompt: "Harry makes a bet with someone that he could seduce anyone if he put his mind to it, and that someone selected for him is Snape, naturally." Severus owns an apothecary so we get some nice flirting at the workplace!
a scratch for every itch
by bleedcolor (@bleedcolor.) Rated: T. Words: 11,478. Fluff & humor. Magical maladies. Friends to idiots in love. Romance.
Severus Snape is an itch that Harry just can't scratch.
Why Read? Surely fluff is a safe place to start! And as a person who isn't often drawn to fluff, this is one I love, and is a comfort read of mine. Very sweet and silly and a great place to dip your toes in!
Dumbledore's Folly
by Dementordelta. Rated: M. Words: 47,446. Romance. Courtship. Oldie but a goodie!
Snape must court Harry according to wizarding traditions.
Why Read? I've reread this fic countless times over the years and it's still such a fun read. If you like arranged marriage/courtship fics, this is the one for you!
The Interrupted Kiss
by emynn. Rated: E. Words: 24,291. Postwar. Romance. Hurt/comfort. Mystery.
Once upon a time, Severus Snape shared a kiss with Harry Potter. Then Harry had disappeared after killing the Dark Lord, leaving Severus the reluctant darling of the Wizarding world. When Dumbledore insists on throwing a ball in Severus’s honour, Severus is convinced the world has gone completely mad. But when he comes across an ashy-faced young man whose half-answers about his identity haunt his every thought, Severus realizes that a ball might be the least of his worries.
Why Read? What safer place to start than a fairytale? If we ignore that most original fairytales are pretty effed up, actually. This is a Cinderella-inspired work. Severus is the Prince (naturally), and Harry is the wandmaker (cool career, right??) who attracts many cute animals! (He does not sing to them, though; what a shame!)
This Time of Ours
by emynn. Rated: E. Words: 35,442. Time travel. Hurt/comfort. Romance & drama.
Severus Snape wasn’t supposed to die. Neither was Harry Potter.
Why Read? Emynn has plenty of great Snarry fics, which is why you're getting 2 recs! We start with some fun snarking, move onto sweet bonding, and then...second chances! Very light, enjoyable read.
On the Deficencies of Translation Spells
by LilaDiurne (@liladiurne.) Rated: E. Words: 41,130. Getting together. Magical theory. Professor Potter & Professor Snape. Beaubatons. Pining. Light angst. Minor Harry/others.
Divorced, single, and free, Harry lives a completely unapologetic life in Paris. Between casual hook-ups and an easy, comfortable job, he likes to think he is as close to happiness as he'll ever be. And when he gets offered a teaching job at the prestigious Académie Beauxbâtons, he thinks he may have found exactly what was missing. But Harry is thoroughly unprepared for what he finds there - a familiar face that's been haunting his dreams for six years.
Why read? It's very Harry-centric. It's Harry's POV, and very about Harry and his journey as he moves to a new place, in a new phase of his life, and settles in. There's an existing connection and attraction between Harry and Severus, and one that unfolds so sensually and beautifully. Harry's very much an adult and mature and has lived a lot of life when he and Severus reunite.
by mia_ugly (@mia-ugly.) Rated: E. Words: 48,123. Time travel. Romance.
Snape sees the man, for the first time, on his twenty-fifth birthday.
Why Read? It's a classic! It is very beloved in the community for good reason. Gorgeous writing. The relationship develops so naturally, and the pure emotion will knock your socks off. Potentially the best place to start for Snarry. I'm not a big fan of time travel, but I love this fic!
Revealed, Gently
by sarkysue. Rated: T. Words: 22,243. Postwar. Romance. Humor.
Snape isn’t dead, he’s back at Hogwarts and in need of an assistant. Coincidently, Harry is hanging around Hogwarts, reluctant to move on with his life. Cue sniping and snarking, tears and laughter and, possibly, love.
Why Read? It's fun. It's cute. It's a bit silly. It makes great use of how not easy it would be for these two, and having a blast with it! There is arguably a power imbalance what with Harry being Snape's teaching assistant, but it doesn't really feel like much of one. It's only a great opportunity to force these 2 to hang out long enough to fall in love!
The Sleeping Prince
by who_la_hoop. Rated: T. Words: 42,758. Postwar. Deaging. 8th year.
It's hard to ignore your past — and impossible to do so when you can't remember your future. But a meddlesome portrait, a dragon with an ancient grudge and true love's kiss teach an unlikely Prince that a regrettable past doesn't have to mean an unhappy ending.
Why Read? While probably the most questionable on the list, it's still fairly tame. Student Harry and his developing feelings for Student Severus, who is deaged postwar. It feels very much like a feel good teenage romance, wherein the characters very much act their age, awkwardness and all! The only caveat being things change a bit at the end, but there's no underage and it is rated Teen, to be fair!
The Beating of This Fragile Heart
by Writcraft (@writcraft.) Rated: E. Words: 33,146. Hurt/comfort. Fluff & angst. Serious Injury. Romance.
After the war, the last thing Severus Snape needs is the memory of a fleeting wartime kiss and a very persistent Harry Potter thwarting his plans to live a peaceful and solitary life. It’s only when Harry’s life is endangered that Severus is finally forced to confront his feelings head on.
Why Read? If you're coming from Drarry, you might be familiar with Writ's works! They've written plenty for drarry and some rare pair works, and they are a fantastic storyteller. This fic in particular is very romantic. Full of hesitancy and insecurity, and seeing how the relationship begins and how it unfolds and changes (for the better) when Severus is forced to deal with his issues. It's quite a journey but so full of love from start to finish and it's just so lovely and full of feels and one I return to again and again.
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legendofmorons · 5 months
You're drunk and tell them you have a boyfriend (it's them) Part 2
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Pairing: chain x reader
Rating: T
Summary: You've had too much to drink at a party in their hyrule, and your boyfriend finds you. He tries to bring you back to the inn but you tell him you have a boyfriend (it's him).
Warnings: previous drinking, drunk! Reader, reader is assumed to be of legal drinking age
Other: Reader is of legal drinking age in this (if you are going to drink, please be safe and drink water too)
This part has: Time, sky, and warriors
Time blames Malon for this
She'd happily dragged you and the boys out to a tavern for a "fun night"
You'd left a grumpy Wind with Talon and his cuccoos.
Fortunately, Time hears your shouting from where he's grabbing water.
When he turns around you have decided to get up on the table
Dear reader, you're trying really hard to teach Malon tik tok dances while drunk and on a small table.
You can imagine there's a lot of eyes on you
Malon is delighted though.
Twilight is trying to catch Time's eyes and motion him over.
Time just sighs, but he brings the water over to where you are.
"Hello, dear." Time says as he stops beside the table.
"I have a name. And a boyfriend." You say, turning to look at him.
"I know, (Y/n). But you should come down. I have some water for you, love."
"I just told you I have a boyfriend. Please leave me alone."
Twilight looks like he's trying not to laugh.
Malon has no such compulsion and is laughing. Her amused giggles are anything but helpful.
Time just takes a slow breath. Obviously you have had way too much. Though he could have guessed that from when you got up on the table.
"(Y/n)." Twilight says slowly, "Are you okay?"
"I'm okay." You say, turning to Twilight. "Where's Time?"
"He's right there, (y/n)." Twilight motions towards the old man.
You squint, but decide that man is in fact your lover. "Link!"
Time smiles, a little too amused, "Hello, dearest."
"There was this guy that was flirting with me. Did you see him?"
Time has to bite back a laugh. "Yes dearest, he just left."
"Yay!!! Can we go lay down? The room is spinning all fast like." You explain, stepping confidently off the table.
You fall directly into Time's chest and arms. He saw it coming so he catches you quickly.
"We can. I'll carry you, beloved."
Time moves 6 he's got you held princess style.
He bids farewell to those you were with and carries you to the inn. He's careful with you, making sure you're comfortable.
He bathes you himself, mostly because you're too uncoordinated to be trusted
But he's gentle with you
When he tucks you in you pass out real fast and he just chuckles.
He also wants to find out what you drank so he knows what to be careful about he doesn't want you to feel gross
Sky had stepped away long enough to go to the bathroom
That's it
And he comes back to find you trying to have a dance off with Pippit and Groose.
Unfortunately, you have resorted to a VERY drunk macararna , song, and all.
And now you're doing the chicken dance
Pippit is also drunk, and is trying his best to beat you. He has resorted to what looks to be a very painful attempt at the worm.
"Hey dove," Sky says as he comes up beside you, "Let's go to bed, mh?"
You turn your eyes to him and slur, "No, I have a boyfriend go 'way."
Groose just looks between you and Sky. He looks concerned.
"(Y/n), it's me, Sky." He tries to soothe you.
"Oh- sky! Hi baby!" You're cooing
You forget about the dance off and throw yourself into him. Your arms go around his neck as you smile up at him.
"Hey, (Y/n)."
He smiles at you softly, glad to see you happy.
"Help me beat these two!!!! It's a battle of dance!" You ask Sky.
"I was actually thinking we could head back? I'm feeling a little off." Sky says.
And sure, he feels fine but he knows ypu won't object to helping him.
He DOES feel a bit bad for the white lie though.
"Oh... okay! Lemme just uh- lemme just win this real fast!"
"You already won." Groose says, eager to end this odd experience.
"Oh! Hell yeah I won!" You giggle, looking truly excited
"Nooooo!" Pipit groans.
You just smile, taking Sky's hand in your own.
Sky leads you out of the building and to his room at the knights academy. He has you bathe before crashing.
You're gushing to him the whole time about how wonderful he is.
Sky is relieved when you wake up the next morning, mostly coherent if a little hungover.
Warriors dosen’t know what happened. He left you with Time and his Impa.
He left to go get you water, like you asked!
He comes back to find you trying to connect Time and Impa both that you are in fact, a wolf hybrid.
What the fuck?
"(Y/n), darling, what are you doing?"
"I'm a fucking wolf!" You declare loudly, thinking back to the playground games you uses to enjoy.
"Oh my Hylia." Impa groans, "Link get your partner. "
"You're not a wolf, beloved." Warriors says.
"Excuse me,I have a boyfriend." You say quickly, turning to give Warriors a look of displeasure.
"(Y/n)?" He asks.
"Please leave me alone."
"(Y/n)." Time says with a snort, "Come on.
"(Y/n), it's me, Warriors."
You squint, trying to figure out if that is in fact Wars.
"Oh yeah? What's my favorite color then?" You challenge.
Warriors tells you your favorite color and you beam.
"Wars!" You declare as you throw yourself at him.
He catches you with a grunt, wrapping his arms around you. "Hey."
"How much have you had to drink, darling?"
"Oh... uh- some?"
"I can tell."
You just laugh.
Warriors decides he needs to get you home.
Like- now probably.
"Wanna go to bed?"
"Am I that irresistible?" You giggle.
"Oh dear." Warriors frowns. "Dearest your very drunk."
"Am I?"
"Let's get you showered and in bed." Warriors says.
So, he takes you to the inn and gets you showered and tucked into bed. His entire body relaxes when you snuggle into the bed.
"Night Link!"
"Good night, dearest."
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Courage is a Prerequisite
CW: Eddie being kinda a jerk to reader at first, Aged up Characters, reference to nude pictures, mostly fluff, no smut
Eddie Munson/You
Word count: 1615
⚔️ ⚔️ ⚔️
You found that cursed flyer in the Roane County Community College Library, tacked to the bulletin board.
You joined the group with some hesitation, but they were mostly cool.
Mostly dudes, quite a few graduates from Hawkin’s High, and a few current high school seniors. Including, your favorite - Dustin Henderson - the adorable little brother you always wished for.
Dustin was funny and welcoming and had a way of knowing (like magic) how to shut down arguments among the party. He was the social director for the group. Always throwing parties for everyone’s birthdays and organizing secret gift exchanges and creating sign up sheets for potlucks. He had a gift for getting people to be involved and do things.
Dustin could even influence the group’s Dungeon Master.
Eddie was 25 years old, a mechanic by day, a gifted lead guitarist every other Friday, an artist, whip-smart, and devastatingly hot but SOOOOO Annoying!!
Somehow Dustin had figured out how to make Eddie Munson (who absolutely still complained everytime) to come to these other events and on time and with his assigned snacks.
Eddie was respectful as a Dungeon Master but out of game, sometimes, he was just mean to you for no goddam reason. Sometimes he would be all teasy-flirty with you and then make fun of you if you flirted back.
The third session you attended maybe dressed up a bit (just to look cute) maybe a little to get his attention. Eddie looked you over and called you a ‘dirty slut’. He was ‘joking’ or whatever... when you got angry he said he meant the outfit looked hot (not you though - specifically your outfit) and he was “sorry for joking around” but ever since you had been holding this grudge...
Anyway - Dickish DM aside - the group was great.
⚔️ ⚔️ ⚔️
About two months into the current Campaign (and 2 dead characters - murdered by the dick DM in collusion with your bad die rolls), at the end of a long but admittedly exciting game night, everyone was packing up to go.
Jeff and Eddie were in a heated argument about who would win in a fight between Captain Kirk and Han Solo.
But you stopped listening to that silliness because Dustin approached you, “Can I ask for some advice?”
Aww - he came to you for advice. It warmed your heart that he wanted to open up to you about his worries. He was such a cutie-goober. Equal parts of both.
“Suzie’s mad at me,” he sighed.
“What’d you do?” You asked. Because little-dude was a Goober. And Suzie was pretty easy-going from what you could tell.
Dustin looked uncomfortable, and he near-whispered, “We were sending dot matrix converted pictures of each other - our school pictures - through web email and I asked if she would show me something... lower.”
“Dustin.” The rebuke in your voice was mild. As was the offense in your opinion. They’d been together (long distance) for years, you’d have asked for naughty pictures too in that situation.
You still clicked your tongue at him, though.
“I know, I know,” he took off his ball cap and ran his hands through his long curly hair, “... but I can’t help wondering... you know upstairs-outsidies is as far as we got at Camp Know Where and I said I want her to be my girl and she said ‘forever’ and so...”
“The ‘net is a wild place right now, man, that’s a crazy trust exercise for you to ask for! What if someone hacks in and takes the pictures?!” You shook your head at the audacity.
“Or my mom could find them printed out. I know, I know and I apologized and told her I'd keep my hormones in check - but I don’t think she’s forgiven me and she’s just so pretty and I love her - and I don’t want her to be mad at me anymore for being a stereotypical gross hornball dude.”
“I don’t think she’s mad at you for wanting to see her naked. I know she’s in that very religious *cough Cult* household but like Guys don’t have a monopoly on hormones and desire and shit.” You tapped your pencil with the troll eraser topper against your cheek pondering this... “Personally, I’d feel more comfortable mailing polaroids of my body than sending them in electronic mail. It feels safer...”
A familiar voice danced into your ears. “Oh, would you?? Is there a mailing list I should sign up for?” Of course DM Eddie was eavesdropping and interrupting players, his favorite pastimes.
“This is an A and B conversation, Munson, you can C your way out of it.” You snarked.
“I don’t think so, Sweetheart. Ya’ see - Dustin is asking for advice from You,” he narrowed his eyes and leaned in - it would be menacing if he wasn’t equal parts goofy and pretty - those freckles across his pretty face..., “ You - our newest member, and I’ve known Dustin longer - I’m gonna have a better understanding of his whole situation.” He cocked his head forward and his hair flew around - it was so stupid pretty.. .Annoying. It was so Annoying. “I’ve got seniority here, dollface.” he looked back and forth between you. “So what’s the situation?”
Dustin cleared his throat to start explaining but you forced a laugh and put up a finger in the air, “I wouldn’t ask Munson to advise me out of a wet paper bag.”
Eddie made a noise between a scoff and a hurt gasp but his eyes sparkled. “I would never give Dustin bad advice.” he looked at Dustin, “Didn’t I help you THIS session, to avoid pissing off that Djinni prince??”
“Of course you know the answers In Game when you are a Big Bad Serious DM.” You put your hands on your hips. “This is real life. Dustin doesn’t want to mess things up with Suzie.”
“Wait? Is Suzie a real person?” Eddie smirked. This was a common bit- the whole group (with yourself, Will, and Mike as the notable exceptions) teased Dustin about his long distance girlfriend not being real. Of course they hadn’t been in chat rooms with her like you had. She had a LOT of personality and no AI was that sophisticated...
Dustin didn’t even dignify the jab with a response. He just looked at you with pain in his eyes. “So, how do I make her forgive me?”
“You don’t.” You said. And both guys looked like you slapped their individual faces (!). “I mean, you can’t MAKE someone forgive you, Dustin! You need to be brave. You can only work to figure out what really happened, then apologize - a real apology that shows understanding of her feelings and concerns - and promise to do better. And I think she doesn’t want to hear you say you are ‘sorry for wanting to see her naked’ because that’s probably not what pissed her off and ... it’s not true, is it?”
Dustin nodded. “Yeah. Okay, okay, I can do that.” Clearly listening and processing this, “Hey - can I get a ride home?”
“I’d love to, Buddy, but my car is broken again.” You shrugged. “I biked.”
“What’d you do to her now??” Eddie groused.
“Nothing!! she’s just old.” You snapped.
“You need to do regular maintenance, I’ve told you this before - fer cryin’ out loud! Is the engine smoking again?” Eddie griped.
“Yes - Eddie! You Know I can’t afford regular oil changes. Not at the rate you recommend.”
Dustin cleared his throat. “Eddie, can you drive us both home?” He smiled with his little brother energy and Eddie replied,
“Of course, dude, grab your stuff.” And to you. “You coming?” All weird and stilted like he didn’t want to give you a ride and You’d Honestly Rather not impose and subject yourself to more of his BS, but It was Raining.
Eddie helped you heft your bike into the back of his van. He wouldn’t make eye contact with you though.
Dustin kept you both on safe-non-argument-inducing topics on the ride to his place. But then you were alone with Eddie. So it was inevitable that he would start some shit with you.
He licked his upper lip and turned towards you in the back. “Can you come up here, please, I’ll feel less like your chauffeur.”
“You’d make a terrible chauffeur.” You said conversationally as you got into the front and sank into the plush seat, crossing your arms over your chest.
Eddie looked like he was gonna start a fight with you again but then sighed, drooped, his hair falling in his face. “I’m... sorry.”
Did he just say that?? Really??
“I’m sorry I said you looked like a dirty slut.” His words were suddenly coming at you like a verbal deluge. Drowning you in sincerity?? He was capable of Sincerity?? “I’m sorry... that I said ... that I was joking. What I should have said is... I always think you look hot and it’s distracting sometimes when I’m trying to be a big bad serious DM, and you are in these tight jeans and shit and I don’t want... to fight with you anymore. I want us to be close. Like you and Dustin apparently are. Friends. If you can be friends with a guy who finds you attractive. Please. I’ll... I’ll do better.”
He turned toward you and his eyes were so big and pretty. His sexy lips were saying impossible things. Maybe you hit your head earlier and are currently passed out or this is a dream or...
“I promise. I can be a good friend. I can.” He sounded a tad unsure.
“Eddie, I can't just be friends with you. I’m into you. I’m totally bonkers crazy about you.”
“Oh.” For a moment he looked confused. Still sad. Contemplative.
And then the trademark smirk came back. “So, that means you want to be more than friends with me?”
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sugdenlovesdingle · 2 months
What about a crossover ?
Buck and TK owning a coffee shop and Carlos and Tommy being regulars, both flirting with the cute barrista they prefer but the boys don’t pick up on the flirting for a little while
(it always throws me off for a second when people talk about coffee shops as in a place where you buy coffee - Dutch coffee shops do not sell coffee)
this turned out a little more tarlos than bucktommy but I hope you like it!
"I'm telling you, it's the best coffee in town. And the staff is friendly too." Tommy said, opening the door and gesturing for Carlos to go in. "And it's closer to work than starbucks."
Carlos nodded and looked at the menu, trying to decide what to order.
"Hey, Tommy right? What can I get you? The usual?" the barista behind the counter asked when he saw Tommy. Carlos looked at the guy. He looked like he lived in the gym and he had some kind of birthmark above his eye. Friendly, not bad looking, but not his type.
However, he seemed very happy to see Tommy. And the feeling seemed mutual.
"I don't know, I think I'm feeling adventurous today. Why don't you just surprise me, Evan. You know what I like by now. i trust you."
The guy smiled and blushed a little.
"Alright. I'll make you something special."
Carlos wanted to ask if there was something going on between Tommy and the barista when he noticed it was his turn to order. He stepped up to the counter and looked into a pair of gorgeous green eyes with a spark of mischief in them.
"Hey there, what can I get you? Coffee? Pastry? My number?"
Carlos laughed.
"Do you treat all of your customers like this?"
"Only the cute ones." The barista grinned and looked him up and down. "I haven't seen you here before."
"I just moved here from Texas. Tommy is my neighbour and he said he'd show me the city."
"I don't think you'll be seeing much of it besides this place." the barista laughed nodding to where Tommy was leaning on the counter talking to the other guy, looking every bit a teenager talking to their crush. "I'm TK, that's Buck."
"I'm Carlos."
"Nice to meet you Carlos, I was worried I'd have to keep calling you Tommy's neighbour." TK said with a grin. "What can I get you?" he asked again.
"Uhm... what do you recommend? What's good?"
"I, personally, am a big fan of caramel frappuccinos. And ours are way better than the ones from starbucks, even if I do say so myself. And these cookies are my speciality." he pointed at a tray in the display case. "Family recipe."
"Yeah? Sounds good. I'll try that."
"Ok just take a seat, I'll bring it over in a minute. Unless you're in a hurry?"
"Ah no, I don't start my new job until next week. I have all the time in the world." Carlos said and looked over to Tommy who was somehow leaning even closer to Buck and laughing at something he'd said. "And maybe you have time to tell me about the city? I think my tour guide is busy."
(should I write a bucktommy pov/focus version of this too?)
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aihoshiino · 5 months
chapter 148 thoughts!
New chapter! New arc! New - Osh no Beach Episode?! Uh - sure, fuck it! Why not!
Chapters Since The 143 Kiss Happened And Went Completely Unacknowledged And Unaddressed Count: 5
It felt weirdly jarring to realize it was late summer in series for some reason lol… I think it's a combo of it still being pretty chilly here in the UK and me just having entirely lost track of the passage of time while we were in Movie Arc Purgatory.
I actually don't have a ton to say about this chapter as it's kind of just an echo of what we got with 138; a little breather beat between emotional upheavals that sets up the oncoming drama at the end. I definitely think it does so less gracefully than 138 and I ultimately enjoyed it less. That's not to say it's a bad chapter and watching everyone have goofy fun in the sun was cute - it just didn't quite Hit in the way I was itching for, especially after last chapter was… well, the way it was. There's some stuff I have to complain about which I think will make this post read as more negative than it maybe is, but it's one of those chapters where the good stuff doesn't really warrant a lot of comment other than 'i liked it'.
On that note, things I liked: everyone hanging out was really cute! I was honestly hoping we'd get more interactions like this during the Movie Arc with everyone scrunched together onto a single project but I'm happy to see it now.
Gotanda being being Dads With Cats this chapter was also really cute. It's a throwaway line but that little lore crumb of him having been looking forward to starting a family at some point is… honestly really sad and interesting? I think it adds a lot to the way he takes to Aqua and looks out for Kana, on top of the way he throws himself into his art.
frill taking a big ass break between projects is really good, too. i hope she has a very good time doing absolutely nothing.
that said. the fact that the only time we've gotten an acknowledgement of ruby and taiki's sibling relationship in the manga after like 80+ chapters is him making a comment about her tits makes me want to put aka akasaka through a pasta maker.
but no, for real. joking aside. Taiki and Aqua's relationship and Taiki going from being standoffish to accepting Aqua as his younger brother is one of the more understandably sweet relationship arcs in the series and it feels like a waste that we didn't get anything similar for him and Ruby. In general, Ruby is starting to feel very isolated from the rest of the cast which I'm not a fan of.
frill's full body wetsuit was a god tier joke though i gotta admit
Kana hyping herself up to flirt so overtly with Aqua was… funny, if a bit weird, especially given the note the chapter ends on. But Akane going right in and getting all over her thighs. holy shit, girl.
tsukuyomi at the beach what will she do
Akane's chat with Aqua also made my ears perk up in the way it continues a theme established by 143, of Aqua being challenged on his dedication to his self destruction by the people around him. Ruby and Kana were able to poke and prod at the issue but Akane, having the full picture as she does, is able to more directly shake Aqua and point out what he has to lose. In trying to self destruct, he will only end up destroying the thing he's trying to protect.
Also worth pointing out; Aqua is back to double black hoshigans as of this chapter which seems to line up with my thoughts on them representing his wavering dedication to his revenge play.
And then Kana….. whooooooooooo boy.
Like I said earlier, this ending feels super jarring off the back of both the last AQKN interaction and Kana's attempted flirting in this very chapter. As part of her overall arc, I think it makes sense but within the scope of this chapter it's too abrupt and lacks any real trigger. I can assume she saw AQAK talking to each other and made some assumptions but we don't actually see it. As it's presented in the comic, Akane basically walked up to her and triggered a cutscene lol
It is interesting to me that we're getting this overt push towards romantic resolution happening now given that… well, I'm not keeping that 'chapters since 143' count going just for goofs. I'm honestly torn between frustrated and darky amused at how much of a nothingburger 143 has turned out to be in the long run given that its only persistent status quo change (Aqua's white hoshigan) has fallen back by the wayside again. Neither Ruby or Aqua are acting like anything at all has happened. Literally right now it feels like you could skip 141-143 completely and not miss anything. It's baffling and it really does feel like that kiss was used as cynical reaction bait. Ruby's feelings are being treated with little to no respect and I'm honestly tired of it.
Obviously we're going to be getting some future resolution eventually because any Aqua-related romantic resolution is going to end up dragging Ruby into things but man. The fact that THIS is how Akasaka is choosing to drag it out is just insane to me. What was even the point of that kiss if it was going to have literally no impact on either character or the status quo whatsoever?
As for what this means for relationships… who even knows at this point. If you put a gun to my head and forced me to make a call, I'd say that in a romance manga, this would make me very confident in a Kana endgame. 'Girl tries to selflessly give up her love' is a pretty huge 'winning' flag in these kinds of situations. But Oshi no Ko is not strictly a romance manga and there's so much other relationship baggage floating around, who even knows what this is all going to mean. You could tell me this is the flag for an Aqua/Minami endgame or something and I wouldn't be surprised at this point.
At least we'll find out next week, assuming Akasaka doesn't offscreen the rest of this talk lol
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sseomtada · 4 months
what you need [dusan vlahovic]
a stranger flirting with you leads to a very passionate argument.
warnings: 18+ | wc: 2139 | part: 1
an: originally posted 11/2022
You dropped a kiss on your boyfriend’s shoulder before heading off to the pool.
Dusan should’ve known better by now than to try to keep up with you on a night out. Two gin and tonics in, you noticed that his cheeks were pinched, and he was way more upbeat and giggly than normal.
He was annoyingly adorable as you eased his large, drunken frame into the bed. The only way he could sleep in that state was on his stomach with a pillow tucked under his arms. Dusan mumbled about how much he loved you among other random things as you rubbed his back until he passed out.
Having not partied during the season, his tolerance seemed even worse. He slept through breakfast and you blow drying your hair. You left him a note saying fresh juice and fruits were in the fridge, and that you would be on the beach if he woke up with you still gone.
It felt so good to have this vacation. Nothing beat having fuck all to do but lie in the sun and get a gorgeous tan. You flipped onto your front, hiking your bikini bottoms up your cheeks just a bit more to lessen the lines.
While you read your book, you got completely absorbed in it. So much that you barely registered a small ball had smacked your butt. A little girl came into view, immediately wiping any annoyance you began to feel at the intrusion.
“Sowwy ‘bout that.” She held the purple ball in her small hands.
“It’s okay, sweetheart.” You smiled, swatting off the sand the object had stuck to your backside.
“Oh my God, I’m so sorry!” A guy quickly jogged over.
He picked her up in his arms, kissing between her pigtails. She looked just like him, presumably his daughter. They looked so cute standing together on the beach, like a happy family.
“It’s quite alright, she was just reminding me that it was time to flip over.” You laughed.
“Can’t have an uneven tan, now can we?” He made a small chastising face.
“Exactly.” You nodded.
The guy made some more idle chit chat, telling you about how this was his first time taking his daughter on vacation since he’d split with her mom. Most people would be put off by his rambling, but you were used to strangers opening themselves up to you. It was nice to hear their stories too, so you didn’t mind.
“So are you here on a girl’s trip or solo?” Talkative dad asked.
“I’m actually-“
“She’s here with me.” Dusan’s voice sounded from behind. “Her boyfriend.”
You craned your head to see him coming to stand over you, blocking your sun in the process. He didn’t spare you a glance. His gaze was focused on the man on the other side of you, unflinching.
“That’s great!” The guy chuckled. “Well, I hope you guys have fun and sorry again about all of that.”
You waved him off with the apology once more, and wished him well as he and his daughter left. Dusan lifted your legs and sat beneath them, placing them on his lap to run his hands over your calves.
“Good morning to you too, grumpy.” You raised a brow at him.
“Don’t start, you knew what he was doing.” He scoffed.
That poor book of yours was forgotten as you dropped it off to the top of your tote. You sat up on your elbows as you looked at him. His wet hair was slicked back, evidence of a shower, and to his credit he didn’t look the slightest bit hungover. Just upset.
There was no reason for him to be. Sure, maybe the guy from earlier was checking you out. That much you expected to happen at a beach. Who didn’t occasionally get their eyes caught by someone with decent body?
“You don’t start.” Your eyes rolled. “It was nothing, he was just being nice.”
Dusan laughed bitterly and shot to his feet, throwing your legs off in the process. Shock etched every inch of your features, uttering the silent question, are you serious right now? He shook his head as he stalked off back in the direction of your room.
You muttered angrily while you shoved your things back into your tote, barely tossing on your cover up and sandals as you followed in hot pursuit. His long strides didn’t slow even after you called out behind him, only just catching him in the elevator.
“What the fuck, Dusan?!” You hissed. “Why are you acting like this?”
“Oh, I’m sorry. Excuse me if I don’t want to watch my girlfriend entertain being flirted with by some desperate dickhead.” He spoke rapidly.
“You’re such a fucking child.” You threw your hands up.
The way he was behaving was completely unfair and uncalled for. To come out there after sleeping half a day away on your vacation after you nursed him all night, and make a scene was far beyond okay. To take whatever issues he had out on you was even worse.
“I’m a child? Me?” His eyes widened. “That’s rich coming from the girl that was too naive to see that her little friend was just using his daughter to try to fuck her.”
Your upper lip curled. This time it was you storming off when the doors opened. You all but ran to your room, slamming the door shut behind you and tossing your bag onto the floor. He didn’t have to go that far, to insult your intelligence and be so crass.
“Is that what you want?” Dusan came in, yanking your body back to his.
You struggled against his hold, clenching your teeth when you felt his arm circle your waist to pin you there. No amount of wriggling and writhing would help you escape his firm grip now.
“Do you want to go to him,” His mouth latched to your neck, sucking. “So he could taste your skin like this?”
Your shoulders fell limp, head tilting on instinct to make more room for his lips to roam. It was aggravating that as livid as you were with him and as stupid as his questions were, all it took was this to disarm you.
“No.” You swallowed thickly.
The hand he had clamped around your wrist freed itself to travel down your body. You leaned into him, feeling him harden against your lower back. Dusan trailed his fingers along your bikini bottoms, not touching where you needed him most just yet.
They were feather light as he teased you, his eyes watching your reactions intently. You didn’t flinch, keeping yours open no matter how badly they threatened to flutter shut. He took that as a challenge, which it was, and pushed the fabric aside.
With barely any warning, he shoved two of his girthy digits into your core. You cried out, not caring one bit that it was the middle of the day and you were in a hotel.
“Do you want his fingers in your tight pussy?” Dusan breathed.
Fuck you, you know I don’t is what you would’ve said if you could’ve found the strength to speak. But he was fingering you so fast and so deep that your voice got caught in your throat.
You saw nothing. Your vision went black even without the cover of your eyelids. The sound of your juices being fucked out of you made him hum.
“So fucking wet, I guess you do.” He bit your shoulder.
“No!” You gasped. “I only want it to be yours, I always want it to be you.”
You whimpered post ramble, legs starting to tremble in warning. Dusan’s arm pinned your body even tighter to his as he felt you begin to falter. He pressed down on your clit with this thumb, and you were seeing stars.
“Please…” Your voice was hoarse.
“Please what?” His soft lips met yours.
“Don’t stop.” You exhaled as he pulled away.
Your feet were dangerously close to cramping from your toes curling. Dusan beckoned you to cum for him, curling his digits inside you, increasing the tempo. You felt the knot in your stomach coming undone, one bit at a time.
And then all at once. You were doubling over, soft walls squeezing his fingers in waves as you came. Curses and cries fell from your lips too quickly to keep up with as you clawed at the arm he had around your waist.
He pressed against your g-spot with his fingers at a rapid pace, palm digging into your clit to draw your orgasm out longer, and longer until your knees completely gave out. You finally were able to breathe when he pulled them out of you and swept you into his arms.
It would only be a brief reprieve. Dusan had you in as many ways as there were possible, or so you thought up until now. You’d never experienced him this worked up.
In fact, it had belatedly occurred to you while he was all but ripping your bikini and its cover from your body that he was jealous. The realization would’ve made you laugh had you not been scrambling to put the pieces of your mind back together.
That was going to be impossible with the way his mouth ravaged every inch of skin they could find. Dusan nipped and sucked at your collarbones, your shoulders, your breasts. He was everywhere, hands kneading your thighs greedily as he slotted between them.
“Do you want me to stretch you out?” He ran his cock through your wet folds. “Make you cum all over me?”
You whined as his tip slid over your sensitive clit, “Yes…”
Dusan continued to tease you, making your hips buck and writhe in desperation. You tried you reach down to tucked him inside you, but he pinned your hands above your head in one of his. His lips ghosted over yours, pulling just out of reach every time you tried to kiss him.
And then you were gasping, him moaning, as he filled you with one thrust. You could feel every inch of him, every vein as he rolled his hips into yours powerfully. He freed your hands only to push your knees to your chest, opening yourself up to him even more, taking him entirely.
You clasped your fingers around the back of his neck, pulling him in to taste his lips. It was a disordered affair of you sucking his tongue, teeth clashing, biting. Dusan grunted the filthiest things into your mouth, he couldn’t make you scream like this, make your pussy soak the sheets like this, look at you, my good fucking girl, taking it all.
All you could do was shake your head and nod where appropriate. He was deeper than deep, fucking you harder and harder until his skin grew damp with sweat. You arched into him, eyes losing focus as you floated higher and higher.
Dusan let go of your knees, and just when you thought he was going to ease up, you were swiftly corrected. He placed a hand around your throat, squeezing ever so slightly along the sides, the other falling to rub on your clit.
“Cum with me.” He moaned.
That was the final blow. You crashed down into your body, his name becoming a chorus on your lips as your pussy clenched around his cock. He called out for you in return, thrusting his release into you with the last of his strokes.
“Holy fucking shit.” You panted, blinking away tears.
Dusan pulled out and collapsed beside you. His chest heaved with his breathing, a smile appearing for the first time today. He pulled you into him, tucking your unruly hair behind your ear and kissing your cheek gently.
“Are you okay? I didn’t hurt you, did I?” A worry line appeared between his brows.
“I’m fine.” You eased it with a swipe of your thumb.
“I’m sorry for being an asshole.” He grinned sheepishly.
You knew he didn’t mean any of the things he’d said. You didn’t either, and apologized for blowing up instead of trying to defuse the situation. He kissed you so sweetly, in the way that made you fall in love with him.
“Can we just skip the argument and go straight to the mind blowing sex the next time you get jealous?” You laughed.
“Deal.” He looped his pinky around yours.
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kittyamore0 · 2 years
𝐻𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓈𝒸𝒽𝑜𝑜𝓁 𝓈𝓌𝑒𝒶𝓉𝒽𝑒𝒶𝓇𝓉𝓈 ˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
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Summary: You had a crush on this guy during highschool, but what you don't know is that he felt the same way about you. Just a little bit more...obsessive Paring: Yandere! Male x GN! Reader
Fandom: Horror, romance, yandere's, OC's, male! OC's,
Tumblr genre: Head canons, horror, romance
Rating: SFW with NSFW mentions
Pov: Third and second person
CW: Manipulation, obsessive behavior, attempted murder, stealing private personal value - a.k.a clothes, bleach poisoning
✩‧₊˚ ✩‧₊˚ ✩‧₊ Loading.. ✩‧✩‧₊˚
Yandere! Crush who never believed in love at first sight, until he saw you. Oh, how amazing you looked, and your looks are just as good as your personality!
Yandere! Crush who starts becoming obsessed with your looks, your hair, your eyes, your lips, your neck, your style, your voice, your personality, how funny, smart and cheerful you are. just...you.
Yandere! Crush who loves being around you whenever you talk to your friends, just to hear you mention how much you think hes cute, nice and funny...
Yandere! Crush who attends every party you go to, and loves when you start freaking out whenever you see him
Yandere! Crush who crushes that red, plastic cup with a thick white outline at the top whenever he sees someone go and try flirting with you
Yandere! Crush who accidentally put too much bleach in that person's cup, sending them to the bathroom and then the hospital. Whoops!
Yandere! Crush who finds out that the person flirting with you was your friend...
Yandere! Crush who goes and attempts to comfort you, but secretly is proud of their work.
Yandere! Crush who is very excited because he had just become friends with you after comforting you, yay…!
Yandere! Crush who offers to walk you home, to which you happily agree.
Yandere! Crush who gets all giddy when you invite him to come inside your home.
Yandere! Crush who goes through your stuff when you go to the bathroom
Yandere! Crush who finds a few tops, shorts, pants and even some underwears (or bras) that he favorites
Yandere! Crush who smells some of the clothes, basking in your lovely sent while thinking about intimate times between you two…ah, how he just cant wait to share those heated movements with you!
Yandere! Crush who finds a small bag in your room, and stuffs the clothes he found in your room. Then throws it out the window and into the nearby garden to collect it later.
Yandere! Crush who admired you throughout all the activities you’ve done with him
Yandere! Crush who ends confessing to you about his feelings after
Yandere! Crush who engulfs you into a very big bear hug after you tell him that you share the same feelings as he does for you
Yandere! Crush who starts imagining both of your lifes ahead. One kid— No! Maybe two?— or— four? Whatever you’re comfortable with, of course. Oh, and how about some pets? A dog? A cat? A bird? A hamster, or a fish! You name it!!!
Yandere! Crush who will be thrilled if you loved the idea of starting a family of him!
But if otherwise, then i guess this yandere! Crush will just have to show how he is meant for you, and how you are certainly meant for him as well.
✩‧₊˚ ✩‧₊˚ ✩‧₊˚ C o m p l e t e d.. *✩✩‧₊˚
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eideticmemory · 19 days
blurb about kinky spencer what do you feel about that like early seasons to late seasons what his into it ☝🏻💥
ik everyone has their ideas about spencer reid’s sexuality between ages ~18-24 and cm rly never says much about it BUT i’ve always imagined that during college/grad school and the early seasons spencer was actually very sexually confident. i don’t mean that as in he could see someone across the room and cruise them and take them home but i think he knew what he liked. he is beautiful, that’s obvious so i imagine that when he got onto a college campus and started getting validation from all these pretty girls and pretty guys that he was like “wait…..i actually kinda have sex appeal?” and that was good bc even tho he was super insecure and younger than his classmates he was still as horny as everyone else!!! im a bi spencer truther and i think his first sexual experience was with a man and i think he felt anxious about sex with women for a while. his first time she probably had to throw herself at him but his brain was just like ???? ok??? i think shes having a good time?? but?? she cant get a boner so i cant quite tell?? this is getting long i’m sorry 😭
but i think anatomy helped him a lot. it was something he could contextualize and i can see him looking up vagina diagrams or even watching porn to figure out What To Do. and as he becomes more sexually active he becomes very good at reading body language. fucking someone and thinking “ok their legs are shaking, thats good, thats a good sign. oh they’re breathing’s faster, better keep this up” but what he liked the most was just being spoken to. he liked verbal validation during sex very much, someone who would grab his hands and put them where they wanted bc he could figure out the rest from there. once he gets out of his head a little bit is when he starts becoming vocal himself. i imagine he got a lot of questions during sex like “ru ok? ru enjoying it?” bc he would just lay there and whimper quietly bc he was overthinking everything. then one time its so good that he forgets to think and he’s moaning like a whore and it finally clicks for him “oh wow it feels even better to just let it out. oh wow they like it when i let it out” i think his kink was just pleasing someone, being good and feeling good, being able to tell himself that he did good.
in the early seasons i think he enjoyed sex and the idea of being that close to someone. i think he was touch starved and craved intimacy and he seeks it less as the show goes on. his experiences at the bau (especially the anthrax case) encouraged his germaphobia and yeah he would still get horny but he struggled to find anyone whose touch didn’t gross him out. i think that was a struggle for him for a long time. then especially after maeve he was constantly chasing the touch of a woman he had never even seen or gotten to hug. it was weird to think about while grieving her but his mind and heart craved her so much through their relationship so his body did too. he thought one day he would let someone touch him. someone he loved! and then she died in front of him so that was shot to shit. he grieved sex he would never have. i would describe his kink here as “someone i love so much i’d die for it. they could have anthrax on their tongue and i’d kiss them just because its them.”
in the later seasons after cat adams and the prison arc, i think he loses a lot of his inhibitions. basically a revelation of “i don’t have the energy to ponder on what i like and who i like” bc he feels it instantly. the moment he makes eye contact with someone, he can feel it in his tummy that he would have sex with them if they wanted. and when he feels it he flirts with humor. there’s nothing he loves more than when he banters with someone cute, making them laugh and catching a sparkle in their eye. like if they can understand each other’s minds then surely they might understand each other’s bodies. in bed he’s superrr vocal but not necessarily dirty more like “do u wanna be on top? yes i want that to” “can i take your shirt off? thank you” and putting a titty in his mouth. “can i bend your legs back a little more? i just wanna get a little deeper. tell me if its uncomfortable though” a lot of “yeah yeah yeah” when he’s drowning in it and then looking down and saying “yeah? yeah? yeah?” bc at the end of the day he stills needs to know he’s doing good
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overshelter · 10 months
REVIEW: Married Thrice to Salted Fish
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Well, about this one...
Seriously! Despite how labored, painful and even harrowing the plot may be, MTSF is definitely a novel with a very, very cute and sweet plot!
This story is truly about love, development and how a relationship should be. The way Jiang Xing and Lin Qingyu fell in love little by little, and then got into a relationship, was definitely a sight for sore eyes, a pure delight for anyone reading! The author managed to write in such a sincere and natural way. You can clearly see the love growing between them with each reincarnation of Jiang Xing and you're able to fall in love with each interaction, as well as being fascinated by the changes in the way they treat each other with each one. I still can't get over the way they flirt! It's so sweet, funny and definitely daring that you can't help but smile with every paragraph of narration. I really love the way this author has developed them. I think I rarely come across novels where the relationship is written in a way that gives you that sense of reality, where you can feel that the couple are truly and intensely in love. And what's worse? It's not even toxic or intensely bad! It's just right!
I also love, ABSOLUTELY LOVE, Jiang Xing and his salted fish dream! I can totally relate! Too bad I'm a mere mortal and can't really reach the brain of our favorite slacker. I really wish I could, though... but even though I can't, I like having the privilege of reveling in the fact that he's still going to have to "work hard" for his Baobei for a long, long time! Anyway. Jiang Xing is also a beautifully developed character, with a captivating personality and way of thinking that easily draws anyone in. I completely understand Qingyu and why he is so enamored of this "mere student", even more so with how proficient this student is at appeasing and pampering our great beauty.
Apart from our Jiang, I obviously love Lin Qingyu, our cold and poisonous beauty, who could easily end your life with a single comment. Petty? Who cares! It's his great charm! After all, just like Jiang Xing, I can't help but get excited and anxious to see such a beautiful person poison his offenders to death and stomp on them. Honestly? If I were them, I'd even be grateful. After all, it's not every day that someone so beautiful and so prestigious is willing to pay attention to you, even if it's just to throw you in a grave. But anyway. Our beauty is not only cold, it's also unbearably cute and sweet. Of course, that's just for student Jiang and, later, a little bit for their adopted son, Shen Huaishi – another one I totally wanted to hold and spoil in every possible way! –.
Another point here is the narrative. It flows very well, and the writing doesn't leave you alone until you've consumed every chapter! I'm being honest! I finished one hundred and forty-seven of them in two or three days! I couldn't stop unless I finished it in one go and, if it hadn't been for the fact that I had obligations and had started reading in the middle of the week, I would definitely have finished it in one day after spending the night obsessively and psychotically involved with the story of these two. So believe me when I say that this is a poisonous novel that won't let you go until you have no more content left!
Well, I don't want to say too much because, even though I've already given away a HUGE spoiler just by mentioning "Jiang Xing", I still really want to preserve some things and experience before you read on. So I'm not going to say anything other than that this novel should be a must-read and high on your priority list. Especially if you're looking for a couple with real development, a compelling dynamic and a great story to tell.
In short...
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wiselyghost · 2 years
Bros the type
@simonsdoll said: "If your accepting request can I request any ghost head canons and him having a crush on y/n? SFW and NSFW head canons. Please?"
This should be fun⏖
Ghost x Solider! ReaderFem!
[Sorry didn't know if u wanted male or gn :/]
c/n = codename
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Bros the type to stare into your eyes when you first joined 141
Bros the type to always have a weird fuzzy feeling in his stomach when ever he is around you
Bros the type to stay around you even if your a couple feet apart to always make sure your safe
bros the type to help your wounds from a rough battle blushing a tiny bit when you have to take of your shirt to show where the bleeding is coming from
Bros the type to let you say his first name after a few years giving you trust
Bros the type that likes having his knees brush against yours when you are squished between him and soap in the jeep
Bros the type to chuckle about your little jokes through out missions and tells you some of his own to (He likes to hear you laugh through the coms)
"Two gold fish are in a tank.."
"Go on"
"one turns to the other and says.. do you know how to drive this thing?"
"little army humor"
"Very little"
Bros the type to get those warm gloves you wanted for a while and gifts it to you in private making an excuse saying how it will be useful when the next mission is somewhere cold.
Bros the type to confess to you after a very deadly misson thinking if something happens to you or him he will never tell you his true feelings
Bros the type to caress your face and gently press his lips against yours if you agree to be his and his only (bros being waiting for this moment FOREVER)
Bros the type to be heartbroken if you turn him down on his confession and be really more cold hearted towards you and everyone on missions he would be rough with you but still worry if anything happens to you PLEASE SAY YES TO THIS SAD BOY
Bros the type to be rough with you during love making time like bro THROWS you onto the bed doing doggy while pulling your hair not like you would complain 😏
One time on a misson 141 meets Graves for the first time and you can tell he was checking you out and your ass he started flirting with you in front of ghost and bro was ready to murder that guy right there and then everyone felt that tension between them
Ghost know you can handle yourself but mannnn can this guy get jealous
Tells Graves to back the fuck off and that your already taken but he still can tell that Graves is still taking a good long look at your ass when you guys walk away
Bros the type to grab your arm and lead you somewhere private where a jeep was located where 141 was transport from
Locks the Door behind him was kinda upset that the windows were dark he wanted to show that little shit who you belong to
Takes your gear off but almost rips your daily clothes like he hadn't had you for yearss
Leaves TONS of hickeys all over your neck, collarbone, stomach, thighs, ass, and tits. You could basically be called Violet Beauregarde with how much the color purple was covered over you (it's the girl from Charlie and the chocolate factory)
141 and others saw the car shaking not Graves being jealous 🤭
Bros the type to huff and gruff rather then moan but would get later for you if you were into that
Bro is a ASS man so he would be really into doggy or any position to see your cute ass bounce when he slides his hug cock into you
Bros top he likes to take control and is dominant in bed and would take alot of convincing if you decide to want to be top
Dick is about 7 in a half when soft 8 in a half when hard
Love height difference
I personally think he would really like shower sex like just imagine it
After a long day you guys get to go home and both need to shower and you guys haven't touch each other in days so you guys were both hot and bothered
Hot water sprays on you while ghost wrestler with you tongue trying to win dominance while he pumps your wet cunt with his cum
"Your lose cunt can't take all my cum can it sweetheart?"
"Your one lucky whore that l even show you my cock so what makes you think you get to come?"
"You want my kids in you huh? Oh l know you do you slut"
Bro loves to degrade 😩😫
King in aftercare
Would clean you up and whisper sweet nothings in you ear saying how well you took him still have his cum in you though
In the end he always want to show you how he appreciates you and cherish you and would tell you that everyday even thought it was the 7 time today
OK that is all for today l hope that you like this sorry l was busy with college and work but l finally got it done! Love you all have a good night/day/noon :)
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