#see yall around after thanksgiving maybe?
mahikamihan · 10 months
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thank you so much kiuda! i really needed that 🥺💕
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casual pt. 5
paige x azzi
we end where we started
love yall
Between their intense schedule of games and the impending doom of finals, the UConn women’s college basketball team was stressed. So, Nika proposed that they all go out to blow off some steam the same place they always do. The team went out to Ted’s. 
While the team took shots, Azzi’s absence was palpable. The team knew that she went to Montana for Thanksgiving, but they decided it would be best if they avoided the topic with either of the girls. So, when Azzi left the bar shortly after arriving they figured whatever happened in Montana was not a step forward in their relationship.
Azzi stood outside, the cold wind blowing against Paige’s her jacket. “It’s fine, no I swear its fine,” Azzi says into her phone. “What happened?” She says as muffled crying can be heard from the other line. 
Azzi was the only person in Lauren’s life, besides her elementary school friends, who knew about her boyfriend. Now, Azzi was the only person who knew about her breakup. She held it together long enough to ask her mom to borrow her phone before she absolutely collapsed on the other line as Lauren detailed the highs and lows of her three weeks with Brady. Azzi listened intently on the other line, providing the support and advice that Lauren needed. Azzi didn’t even mind the cold or the fact that the rest of her team was having fun without her. She didn’t have the heart to hang up on Lauren until her tears subsided and she became her giggly self again. 
Azzi reminds Lauren of her promise to beat that punk at horse the next time she’s in Montana, which prompts Lauren to giggle a little too loudly for being up past her bedtime. Amy comes in and asks Lauren to give her back her phone and go to bed for the night. Azzi almost hangs up, but Amy begins to speak, “Azzi, thank you for taking care of my girls. Have a good night, sweetie.” Azzi’s heart warms at Amy’s gratitude. She returns the well wishes before hanging up to walk back into the bar. 
Whatever warm fuzzies that invaded Azzi’s heart are eradicated as soon as she steps through the door. She sees Paige. She’s talking to another girl. She’d seen her before, with Paige. She saw Paige’s hand reach for the girls arm. She stares, hard. Her feet stick to the floor while she decides whether to walk towards the door or Paige. Azzi can’t hold her tongue this time. She can’t run away until she calms down.
She’s a woman on a mission as she walks through the crowds to get to Paige. “How… How could you???” Azzi nearly screams as tears well up in her eyes. The people around Paige begin to turn around to see what’s happening around them. Azzi knows she knows she’s causing a scene. “How in any world can you just flirt with another girl after I went all the way to Montana with you because you can’t deal with being alone with your mom? And- and- the only reason I left was because your sister called me. She didn’t even call YOU. You didn’t even know about her boyfriend or her break up, I had to play sister when you couldn’t! And you had the audacity to say we’re just casual?? It didn’t feel casual when I fucked you in the bathroom at Thanksgiving dinner. Your MOM was at the table. You wonder why I’m bitter. I hate that I let this drag on so long. Now I hate myself. Fuck you Paige, go to Hell,” Azzi spits out. Maybe it was the few drinks she had earlier in the night or maybe it was the blind rage that she felt when she saw Paige touch that girl, but Azzi couldn’t care less that she just exposed explicit details about their sex life to their teammates and strangers. 
Paige reached for Azzi as Azzi jolted her body away from her. “Don’t touch me Paige. Go fuck one of your girls until you feel better, I’m done,” Azzi spats as she turns towards the door. “No, Azzi, please,” Paige says desperately as she follows Azzi into the cold wind outside. “Get the fuck away from me Paige,” she says as she makes her way down the side walk. Paige finally catches up with her as she grabs her arm. “Azzi please just listen to me,” Paige says breathlessly, tears in her eyes. “I don’t know what you could possibly say that I want to hear,” Azzi says as she rolls her eyes. 
“I was telling her we were done. That girl… I was telling her that I can’t see her anymore… That I had a girlfriend,” Paige explains. “A girlfriend?” Azzi asks, “so that’s what you’re calling me now. Seems like just a couple weeks ago you were telling some guys that we’re just casual, nothing more than a hook up,” Azzi scoffs. “You know we were never casual, Az,” Paige replies. “Then why did you say it?” Azzi snaps, “why did you act like I’m just some girl you fuck on your couch like all the rest of them.” “I didn’t know if you were ready… I knew you were seeing some other people and I didn’t want to be too overbearing. I didn’t want to define our relationship for you. So I figured I just wouldn’t define it at all,” Paige admits. “I love you, Azzi and I’m ready. I’ve been ready, please, just say the word,” Paige looks at her, absolutely helpless. “I love you too, P,” Azzi says as she pulls Paige into a kiss. 
Paige quietly opens the door to her room, and pulls Azzi around to the other side of the door. She presses Azzi up against the door as she drunkenly leaves a trail of sloppy kisses before pulling Azzi onto her bed. Azzi crashes against the mattress as Paige kisses her neck. She removes her hand from Paige’s hair as she digs below her back pulling something out from underneath her. “Is this a bra, P?” she breaks away from the kiss. “Didn’t have the decency to take another girl’s bra out of your bed before you laid me in it?” Azzi scoffs, only half joking. “S’your’s,” Paige drunkenly replies. “Oh shit, its my good bra! I’ve been looking for this” Azzi replies upon further inspecting the item, “you sleep with my bra ,P, God you’re corny.”
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chiiyuuvv · 13 days
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falling for 'ya ★
&team x fem!reader 4.8k words
notes! bonus points if you can guess what song the title is from. ANYWAYSS can you believe this took me four whole months to write?? yeah i was cooking up a storm, happy thanksgiving yall
brief warnings for each member (i was aiming for about 200 words per member but i got carried away.. :/) k (yudai) mentions nightmares. fuma's has food. nicholas is a meanie but reflects on himself dwdw + has some cursing. euijoo is my fav mentions stress about studying. yuma has some cursing if you consider that to be. jo was proofread by the amazing @slytherinshua !! tysm for helping me <3 harua's has some side characters that are a lil mean.. maki is my second fav great OKAY HAPPY READING MWAH
▸ 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘺?
yudai  (roommates)
“Yudai,” your head peeps into his room in the middle of the night, your tremulous tone signifying whatever you need may be urgent. “Can I come in?” 
“Yeah, yeah,” yudai repeats, jumping out of bed as he walks toward you with caution. “What's the matter?” He grabs your hand and pulls you into a hug, his chin resting on top of your head. Hugs from yudai were always rare as you usually tense if he tries to initiate anything, but this time you accept it, melting into his embrace as your eyes squeeze shut.
“What's the matter?” Yudai repeats in a softer tone, a hand coming up to run his fingers through your hair, the other rubbing your back at a slow pace.
“I had a bad dream,” you state in a whisper, your eyes still shut as the boy begins to rock your bodies back and forth.
“Do you want to talk about it?” You shake your head no. “Do you want to lay down?”
“In your bed? It's fine, I can just go back to mine and leave you alo–”
“Go lay down, I don't mind,” yudai shushes your rambles, dragging and tucking you into his bed before doing the same for himself, his hand coming back to rub your back. 
You share a moment of silence, your soft breaths the only thing being heard as your eyes droop shut. Yudai smiles, a strange, yet familiar ping in his heart as he watches you sleep. “You're.. you're pretty,” he admits, although he was sure you couldn't hear him, your mind in dreamland. 
Maybe yudai will tell you again when you're conscious, but he doubts it, lost in his feelings before his eyes close. 
Fuma  (brother’s best friend)
“Hey,” your feet dance down the stairs, leaning against the wall to eye your brother and his friend having a conversation. “Can you guys keep it down? I’m trying to-”
“And my sister’s here too!!” your brother cuts you off, waving his hands around as if he's trying to prove a point. “Come on, you should totally do it.”
“Do what exactly?” you question, annoyed. You were supposed to be upstairs studying for a test, not getting wrapped up in whatever mess yudai’s in. Your arms cross with a sigh. You didn’t mind your brother having company, but the least he could do was be quiet enough to keep your concentration. 
“My super duper, amazing, handsome best friend over here,” yudai pauses after each compliment, pointing his finger at his victim that he’s trying to butter up, “is going too..” his voice trails off dramatically, wiggling his eyebrows, “cook us a meal!!” your brother finally yells, lifting up his hands in excitement. 
Well that wasn’t what you expected. You thought yudai was trying to convince his friend, fuma, to run around the neighborhood naked or something. This was rather tame.
It didn’t seem like fuma found this tame, though, as he stuffs his face into his hands, shaking his head as he whines out a no. “Yes!!” yudai yells, “you’re literally the best chef ever!” Despite being chaotic, you thought your brother was being really sweet. He points to you, “remember that time he made those sunny side ups?”
You nod your head yes, “and they were amazing, right?”
“They were really good,” you chime with a sincere smile on your face.
“See! Everyone loves your meals, so that’s why you should cook for us tonight!” yudai beams as you nod in agreement, before your face drops.
“I actually need to get back to studying..” you mutter but yudai doesn’t let you go so easily.
“But you’ve been at it for hours. Come take a break and eat some great food made by my dearest friend, yeah?” His question sounded more like a demand as he pats the spot on the sofa next to him, while shooing fuma off to the kitchen. You sigh in defeat as you go to sit beside yudai.
“What if it’s gross?” fuma stands up, voicing his doubts. 
“That’s impossible. Now go, go, go!”
“You got this!” you cheer fuma on along with your brother, fist bumping the air. Fuma smiles at the playful energy being created, before walking to the kitchen with pride. You were sure he was going to ace this, he could do anything after all.
And boy did he.
Fuma unravels his apron as he stands up straight, wiping some sweat from his brow. “So?” he looks at the dinner table and you two expectedly, raising an eyebrow. You were sitting quietly in your seat, already in a daze at how good the food smelled.
Eating it was a completely different experience. “Fuma..” yudai slams his fist against the table. “Fuma, fuma, fuma, I'm going to kiss you,” you would have laughed at your brother's reaction if it wasn’t true. “Marry you, actually,” he corrects himself, taking another bite.
Unable to say anything, you eat rather messily, stuffing your face with the food as your toes curl in pleasure. You never considered yourself a sloppy eater, but the sauce smeared alongside your lips says otherwise. Able to find words again, you look up to find the male already looking at you, stifling a laugh.
“You’re so cute,” you hear him whisper, wetting a cloth before standing in front of you, gently tilting your head to wipe the mess from your face. Fuma’s fingers felt soft against your skin, a hum leaving your lips as you closed your eyes in bliss, leaning into his warmth. 
Fuma wanted to scream like a fangirl. 
A blush arises to his cheeks as he clears his throat and walks back to the kitchen, busying himself by washing the equipment he used. Something about the way you acted towards him felt so adoring, his heart soaring high. He couldn’t tell if what he’s feeling is platonic or romantic. 
When you first started warming up to each other, fuma felt happy he managed to make a potential friend. You would laugh at each other's dumb jokes more, or share items with each other without a second thought. Fuma knew he was special when you refused to do the same with your brother. But now he's questioning your interactions. Were you feeling something, or was it all platonic love? 
After today’s incident, fuma feels the former. He can’t get your cute expression out of his head, a giggling leaving his lips as he dries off his hands. 
“Fuma!!” yudai’s voice breaks his thoughts as he looks over to his best friend jokingly on his knees. “Please, please, please make more food for us in the future,” yudai sticks out his bottom lip as he pleads, but fuma’s eyes land on your figure instead. 
Unbeknownst to all the noise, he finds you licking your plate clean. You realized there was no more food as you stopped, a frown on your face as you stared at the dish like it would magically spawn more chunks of deliciousness. Fuma felt his heart crumble, a sudden need to put you in his pocket and show you the world from his point of view. 
“Yeah,” fuma chuckles, a huge grin plastered on his face in adoration. “I’d love to,” as long as he was feeding you, that is. But he doubts that would ever be a problem. 
nicholas  (academic rivals) 
“Nicholas..? Mr. Wang?” The said boy paused his speech, his words stuck in his throat as his eyes locked with yours. Guilt painted him although he had no control over the circumstances. He wasn't supposed to feel this way – he was supposed to win with a smirk quipped on his lips.
You were having a debate, the class splitted up into two groups to convince the teacher why their point mattered more than the other. Nicholas’s table was already in the clear after watching how badly yours struggled. Or how you struggled. Your group was made up of slackers, causing you to do the entire project by yourself. Not to mention showing up late to class due to sleeping past your alarm, the teacher scolding you in front of the class. To say your day was terrible was an understatement.
Taking that into consideration, he regrets purposely bumping into your shoulder when getting into groups, or tripping your feet as you were walking to the front of the class to present. He knew he would be fuming if the same thing happened to him.
“Since nicholas is no longer with us,” the teacher said, half jokingly, “group b is forfeited, giving the win to group a.”
“What the fuck, man?!” Nicholas is pulled from his thoughts when he feels his best friend, euijoo, push his shoulder. “We could have won! Why did you freeze?”
“I don’t know,” the boy stammers, blinking his eyes like he saw a ghost. “I was talking and then I wasn't,” euijoo sighs in defeat, before walking back to his table. Nicholas does the same before stopping, your team cheering gaining his attention. Unconsciously, he turns his head the same time you do, your eyes meeting once again. He could see the visible confusion in your gaze, while you could see something else, but you weren't too sure what it was.
“Nicholas!” Euijoo shouts, signaling him to sit down. He shakes his head no, “I'm going to the restroom,” a flimsy excuse leaves the students lips. He needed to get out of there, he felt sick.
As nicholas walked out of the class and down the hallway, you found that the perfect opportunity to run after him – confront him. This wasn't the nicholas you knew, if anything he would have taken your despairs to his advantage. He would never coward away from the chance of winning.
“Hey!” Your heavy footsteps make the boy stop, your hands on your knees as you pant from your little run. “What was that for?” Nicholas turns to face you, his cool headed demeanor trying to turn on, but it seemed like his facade was chipped. 
“What was what for?”
“You know what I mean,” you snap, rolling your eyes as you brush strands of hair away from your face. His arms cross as he takes in your appearance. Sure, you threw on random clothes after waking up late, but nicholas still thought you looked pretty. Your hair was kept in a messy bun, your cheeks rosy and lips chapped. Wait.. have you always looked like this?
“Nicholas!” You wave your hands in front of his face in annoyance. “What's up with you lately? You keep zoning out,” you question, feeling strange on how his eyes keep lingering to yours. He only does that to stick his tongue at you, not a trace of longingness in his gaze.
“You had a rough morning, so I decided to let you win, happy?”
“But why would you care about that–” nicholas turns his back on you, continuing his walk to the restroom without any final words, leaving you stunned in place. “Weird..” you mumble to yourself, what has gotten into him?
Euijoo  (friends)
Adjusting his shirt one final time, euijoo makes his way to the front door. He opens it with a smile once he realizes you were already standing at his doorstep. “Hey–”
“I'm so sorry for bugging you this late in the day,” you cut him off, an unsatisfied look on your face. You feel as if you've hit rock bottom from the amount of stress school has been putting on you lately, the never-ending assignments becoming unbearing. Not to mention important exams happening soon; there was so much pressure to do everything correctly.
“You aren't bugging me,” euijoo reassures, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear before his hand lingers against your cheek. “I'm happy to help you study,” he says in a gentle voice as you look up at him with gratitude, leaning against his warmth.
“Thank you,” you wrap your arms around his waist for a hug. He feels something blossoming in his stomach as he returns the gesture. It felt weird, but a good kind of weird, if that made any sense to the poor boy.
“I'm so proud of you,” euijoo whispers, more to himself after watching you go through the study guide with ease. His hand falls on top of yours as he stares at you, loving the way your skin felt against his. Euijoo felt like he was in a daze whenever you were near, but it never fully registered until now.
“I wouldn't be able to do it if it weren't for my amazing tutor,” you answer with a smile, a giggle leaving your lips when you watch euijoo bashfully look around the room, waving his hand to shoo your words off.
“You're just flattering me,” the table breaks into a chuckle before going back to silence. 
“Can you help me with question 30?” Your serene voice breaks the quiet, your words like a melody to a lovely song. 
“30?” He repeats, scooting his chair closer to yours as his head hovers over your shoulder to get a better look at the problem. “Ah! It's the same formula as number 5 but instead of subtracting after the second step, you add,” euijoo explains, giving small pointers here and there before concluding his tutorial. 
“Do you need help with anything else?” The boy asks, looking up only to have his breath sucked into his lungs. He didn't realize he was so close to you, the way your breath and sweet perfume fanned his face made his heart skip a beat. Not to mention how your eyes stay glued to his lips, the action luring him to your figure.
His hand holds the back of your neck to pull you closer while yours rests on his shoulders. Euijoo watches as your eyes slowly flutter shut, your noses bumping against each other as you close the distance.
A notification from your mom stops euijoo from kissing you, breaking the intense moment, “I'm so sorry, I.. I–”
“No, it's okay,” euijoo tries not to stutter, though he knew you'd be understanding considering your face was red from embarrassment.
“I’ll.. see you tomorrow,” you rush out, euijoo getting one final glance at you before you disappear, hearing the front door open and close seconds later. What.. What just happened?
yuma  (enemies)
“What did y/n do this time?” Yuma’s friends gather around the lunch table, tuning in for the usual slander. 
“She stole my pencil,” yuma frowns, rolling his eyes as he stuffs a fry in his mouth. He mumbles, “she's so annoying,” earning nicholas's attention.
“Last time I checked, she's pretty nice,” nicholas defends, “she offered me notes when I was sick.”
Yuma tchs, clearly irritated. “Well, you don't know her like I do.”
“What does she do?”
“She,” he huffs, anger provoked by just the thought of you. “She keeps sending me this teasing look. You know, she does something to piss me off and then she puffs up her cheeks like a squirrel, it's hideous.” Yuma pauses to take a sip of his drink, but his eyebrows raise when he hears a snicker. “What are you laughing at?” He sends maki a look, the said boy using his hand to shield his mouth as he speaks.
“Can you,” he pauses to chew the rest of his food, “describe the teasing look a bit more? I’m just trying to picture it in my head is all.”
“Oh.” Yuma replies. “It.. it looks like mochi. It gets all rosy when she smiles, and then her eyes shrink. It's honestly–”
“Cute?” Taki cuts him off, the table erupting in laughter after they made yuma fall into their trap. “You don't blush when talking about your enemy,” taki continues, watching as yuma hides his face in realization.
jo  (classmates)
jo looked like a baby without his mother, a pout on his lips as he nuzzled his head into his arms. He felt himself shiver in the well air conditioned classroom, almost like his usual warmth booked for vacation and left without further notice.
“Hiya, jo!” A joyful voice calls out in the gentle sound of students talking to one another, the said boy lifting his head to identify who was talking to him. His eyes land on the students classic bunny smile, coming to realize it was harua, someone he befriended in the class. Or should he say one of your friends?
“Y/n’s not here,” harua notes, pulling a chair in front of jo to sit and placing his bag beside the table separating them.
“Yeah..” jo says, feeling awkward as ever. Even when he was around someone he was comfortable with? It's like his confidence was low on battery, adverting back to his old, quiet ways. 
For context, jo was known as the introvert of the class. Each and every conversation he's ever had were cut short with a small hum. It's not like jo hated to be alone; he enjoyed his quiet time. He loved eating his lunch in peace, the birds and insects his entertainment as he feasted. He loved plugging in his earbuds to listen to some soft tunes. jo loved being away from the toxic gossip and judging eyes. He felt happy in his own bubble.
That was until your teacher decided to rearrange the seating chart. Now, he was seated next to you, the extrovert of the class. You loved making new friends and being the center of attention, the complete opposite of what jo was. Although you were much louder than jo, you still respected his space, settling on small hellos and goodbyes because you still wanted him to be included while everyone treated him like a ghost. You were just too kind.
He still remembers his first proper interaction with you. The teacher was asking questions to the class, and when it was jo's turn he wanted the ground to eat him. Although he had the correct answer, he fumbled his words, looking like a complete idiot. Everyone was laughing at the poor boy, his ears red from embarrassment as he lowered his head, letting out a sigh that was loud enough for you to hear.
You were laughing too, but if jo remembered correctly, it was a different type of laugh from the crowd; an endearing one. “He means the answer is 24,” you speak up for jo, a sweet smile plastered on your lips as you let out more endearing chuckles. jo was still embarrassed, but he felt a little better when you stood up for him, patting his back with reassurance.
Ever since that episode, you swept the boy under your wings, introducing him to the chaotic yet lovely social life. He's met all your friends and surprisingly gotten along with them super well (take harua for example). He rarely ever eats lunch by himself anymore, and his earphones were left at home after he stopped using them for an entire week. He's a new person, all thanks to you.
But without you, he's back to square one, and he hates it. He hates the silence, he hates doing things by himself, he hates being away from you. It's almost like you adopted him, and now he's grown attached. He likes your presence, he likes it when you reassure him, or when you help him with a problem he already knows the answer to. Say he even likes you, but that's too weird, isn't it?
“Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry for being late!” Almost coincidentally, you bust through the doors, your voice breathless from running to class.
“What happened?” Harua looks up from his worksheet, looking at you worriedly.
“There was this massive car accident on the highway,” you inform, a sigh leaving your lips to emphasize the size. 
“Hey, jo,” your eyes lock with the said boy mindlessly staring at you, patting his head as a greeting before taking off your bookbag and sitting next to him.
“Hey..” jo stutters, shyness swallowing him whole as the only thing he could do was clear his throat and look away. You and harua share a confusing glance, before harua continues with his work.
“Number 5 is D by the way,” you whisper, leaning closer to the boy. jo swears his heart stopped, butterflies swarming in his stomach when he feels your warm breath against his cheeks.
“Thanks,” jo didn't realize how much he was sweating the more you stared at him, and you seemed oblivious to the effect you had on the boy.
“So, what did I miss?”
harua  (love at first sight)
Your scenic moment comes to a stop when you hear a foreign sound that is different from the usual hollers of delightment from the playgrounds. You sit your book down and straighten your back, forgetting to mark your page as your big sister instincts turn on. That sounded like your little brother.. WAIT A MINUTE
You jump up and out of your sitting position, your feet having a mind of its own as they run to the direction of the sound, landing you in front of the crime scene.
Your brother stands alongside the slides with a little girl around his age, his tiny fists balled up and tears clumped against his eyes to showcase his anger while the girl folds her arms, refusing to look at the boy.
“It was my turn to slide down!”
“You've been hogging the slides for hours!” The youngers bicker amongst one another before a voice halts the commotion.
“Guys, stop it!” Your head turns to find a boy that looks to be the same age as you, a frown on his face as he takes the little girl's hand and pulls it so they are standing next to each other. You assume that's the girl's older brother. 
“I am so sorry about her,” the boy turns to face you, bowing at a 90 degree angle apologetically.
You return it, “no, I should be apologizing about this stinkabutts behavior. He had no business hogging anything anyways.”
Your lip twitches at the comedic value, the older boy uncurling his back as he looks at you. You watch as his pupils dilate, a small gasp leaving his lips as his ears paint pink. He immediately looks down at his sister, seemingly trying to avoid eye contact. What, did your breath stink or something?
“I'm hot,” the girl gazes up at the boy with a pout.
“I'm hot too,” your brother chimes, giving you the same treatment. You hear a sigh leave the boy's lips as he pats his sister's head before turning to you. 
“They're both humid, so can I take you guys out for ice cream?” He gestures to you and your sibling with a smile, his ears still pink.
“Can we? Can we? Can w–”
You groan, “yes, we can.”
“It seems they forgot about their quarrel,” you break the placid silence with a chuckle, watching as the two run along the path leading to the nearby ice cream parlor.
“Yeah,” the boy returns the chuckle, looking down to conceal his smile. You learned his name was harua, who indeed was your age. He seemed to be a shy person, answering in only short responses. But you could tell he was engaged, looking out of the corner of your eye as he stole glances at you. It was an adoring sight.
“You know,” you break the silence once more, getting the boy's attention as he hums. “I like you.. we should definitely talk more.”
“I agree,” harua smiles wide, no longer trying to hide his joy. His hands busy themselves by fishing his pockets, finding his phone. “Could I call you?” he asks, opening the device to go to his contacts.
You grin, “absolutely.”
taki  (fake dating)
“What are you two giggling about?” yudai stops in his tracks when he sees you and taki tucked off in a corner. Taki would whisper something in your ear, only for you to snicker in return. Yudai found it very suspicious to say the least.
“Oh, nothing,” taki turns to face yudai’s direction, before swiftly interlocking your fingers together. Your head rests against taki’s shoulder, the said boy giving your forehead a peck. 
“Oh my god, oh my god.. is it finally happening?!” Yudai hyperventilates, his hands coming up to his hair in stress.
“Does it look like it?” Taki replies and you shrug, before yudai runs away, shouting, “THEY'RE FINALLY DATING!!”
“And..” you hold out the word, making sure yudai was out of sight. “Scene! I can't believe they're actually falling for this,” you burst out laughing, looking at taki to see him wiping tears from howling.
“This is the greatest prank of all time,” taki says before pausing to share a glance, chuckling again. “Who should we prank next?”
“Uhh.. oh! Yuma and Jo, they went to that new pizza restaurant. And plus, I'm really hungry.”
“You're always hungry,” taki teases, before grabbing your hand again. “Shall we go, pretty?”
“Shut up!” You slap his arm before walking to your destination.
“So I slashed the dragon, right, thinking the boss fight would be over but a chest popped out of the dragons heart and–” taki's rant about the latest video game stops when you turn his head, your fingers delicately wiping off the tomato sauce smeared on the corner of his lips. 
When your eyes lock, you finally realize your actions and the lack of distance between you two. Your head whips back to your plate of pizza from embarrassment, while taki stays in his original position, frozen in place.
While you were having your k-drama moment, you seemed to forget you were in public.. with yuma and jo sitting in front of you. The boys send each other a look. Something wasn't right.. if you were dating, you wouldn't have such a shy moment, right?
“Anyways,” yuma breaks the awkward silence and jo clears his throat. The table goes back to it's usual banter, but there was an obvious border between you and taki. 
Was this what the other members were referring to? When you're with the person you like, and the noises buzzing in your head goes dead? But it confuses taki because he doesn't like you, you're his best friend. His shoulder brushes against yours when the table goes quiet, your eyes locking for the second time. Instead of cowering away, though, he offers a tiny smile, inching his hand back to yours to hold.
The warmth from taki’s skin immediately swarms your cheeks, butterflies forming in your stomach as you finish the rest of your food. You knew taki was still acting to prank the others, but for some reason it didn't feel like a joke. No, it felt real.
maki   (childhood best friends)
Maki’s fingers hover on the phone screen, the green call button looking eager to be pressed, but the sigh leaving his mouth stops him in his tracks. He didn't know what was wrong with him, he didn't know why he missed you so bad.
It was revealed maki would leave the country to travel to Germany – which would only last a couple weeks considering he was visiting family – but he feels as though he's been separated from you for years.. although it's only a few days of his adventures.
Should he call you? He doesn't want to come off as clingy, and everytime he looks down at his phone a hard lump forms in his throat. But he hates being alone, the loud silence in his room making him feel uneasy. Maybe a simple text could cure things?
A notification pops up, pausing maki's thoughts as he glances at his device. You were calling him! His lips curl up as he answers the phone, pressing it against his ear. 
“Maki!!” Your voice beams. For a second, he can feel the hard lump forming again. “Maki..?”
“H-hey! Yeah, I'm here. What's up?” He silently shames himself from the random stutter, shutting his eyes in embarrassment.
“Nothing much, just thought I would say hello before going to bed.” Oh right, he forgot about the timezones. “How's your family doing?”
“They're fine. You know, they were actually upset you weren't able to come along this time.”
You gasp, “really?!”
“Yeah, I guess they aren't the only ones missing you,” a chuckle leaves his lips as he plays with his fingers, not fully registering what he said. “Y/n?”
“You.. you miss me?” 
“I um, yeah!– no, uh well–”
“I miss you too, maki,” your soft voice manages to freeze time, his heartbeat accelerating after each word. “I have to go, but I'll call you tomorrow, yeah?”
“Yeah.. see you tomorrow,” he ends the call, breaking out of his trance. The room goes back to silence, his shaky breaths filling up the air. Maki places his hand against his chest, stunned his heart was still skipping beats. Why was he blushing? Why were you the only thought in his head?
Maki falls back on his bed, his eyes boring into the ceiling as he ponders to himself. Why does he feel like he just ran a marathon? No, a better question: what is he feeling?
Love. He doesn't know it yet, but he's fallen in love.
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︴bonus! this was 12 pages on google docs btw.. phew. so happy i finally finished this bc it felt like the world was on my shoulders. now i can write the other things i have planned and focus on my little big project :> until then!
▸ taglist 📬 @rizzkisworld , @cherrycolaberry , @kehnarii , @wtfisgoingright ,
@slytherinshua , @luvnicho , @enhacolor
🎬 navi
@chiiyuuvv on tumblr . do not steal works/headers/line dividers
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gyunglitter · 10 months
love in the afterglow ♥︎ choi beomgyu
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-you adored me before, oh my good looking boy
you and your boyfriend being so in love after having car sex
word count: 485
warnings: mentions of sex, but no smut, otherwise none!
tags: beomgyu x reader, fluff, mature-ish, drabble
notes: just a lil something to tide yall over while i’m stuck trying to write chapter 5 of stupid cupid lol. i don’t write smut, so this probably the most “mature” content yall will be getting from me for now haha. this could be a lowkey preview for another fic? maybe? idk? we’ll see🤭 happy thanksgiving!!
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heavy breaths fogged up the windows around you. the car was hot, and the air smelled of sex, but you were beyond content.
your boyfriend’s panting was slowly dying down, each exhale falling on to your ear as you cradled him close to you, a hand running through his tousled hair while the other lightly rubbed random shapes on his bare back, which was a bit clammy from all the energy he just exerted.
you love this man. you love him and his kisses. his caresses. his laughs. his hands. his hair. everything about him. even the fact that despite this car not being his and having to beg yeonjun to borrow it, he still chose to risk getting his ass beat, just so he could make love to you in it.
was the place ideal? not very, but he told you he couldn’t help it. with the way you were star struck with everything he took you to see, and then the way you rubbed your stomach after heartily eating all the food he bought you. beomgyu told you through deep, heated kisses that he felt so much love for you in his heart, he gave his mind a break to let his heart take control.
you love this man.
you were brought back down to reality when you felt a kiss pressed to the beauty mark in between your boobs, followed by more going further up.
judging by his kisses and his steady breathing, you knew he’d recovered.
grinning, you gently pulled on his hair to bring his eyes and focus back to yours.
you were met with the sight of your lovable boyfriend, with a toothy grin on his face, eyes alight with such sincerity, it made you want to smooch his little forehead.
“hey baby,” he whispered.
there was an innocent type of mischief in his voice, like he was proud. whether it was because of what he did, or what he had, you weren’t sure. but his tone and his endearment toward you brought you to follow through on your desire. the smile on your face only widened when you heard him hum in content.
“i love you,” he whispered, reverently.
his hand that had been stroking your hip moved to gently cup the left side of your face. his touch was so featherlight, it made you feel as if you could fly away away. like you could be exalted with how loved and at peace you felt from his caress.
“beoms…” you breathed.
taking his hand you tenderly brought them to your lips, watching demurely through your eyelashes how his chest expanded as he sighed in awe. your lips spoke truly of utmost love for him and his love for you. not with words, but with the soft kisses you left him.
you love this man. and he knew it. because he loves you too. and you knew it.
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meekahy · 10 months
ALSO Happy Thanksgiving yall! I'll work on part 4 during the next few days!
taking requests!
Here's some sweet Noah for ya
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After you lazily woke up from your nap, you checked your phone. It had blown up with messages and calls from your parents. 
“Shit,” you whispered as you untangled yourself from Noah. He groaned as he woke up seeing you shift to sit on the edge of the bed. 
“What’s going on?” he questioned while rubbing his eyes.
“My parents have been trying to get ahold of me,” you responded quietly. You dialed your mom’s phone number quickly before hitting the call button.
“Savannah, we’ve been trying to reach you for hours,” your mom said as you rolled your eyes.
“What’s going on?” you grumbled into the receiver.
“Don’t start with that attitude, young lady. We were hoping you could help your brother with money,” she asked.
“Mom, I told all of you I’m not giving him any more money,” you hissed.
Your mom kept making up excuses for you to help your brother. But you just couldn’t anymore. Andrew uses and you couldn’t support that. He is a habitual liar and he’s so compulsive; he tried to drain you of your money. Who knew he’d drain you of all your energy as well?
“Maybe if you came home and helped out like a daughter should, we wouldn’t be calling you all the time,” your mom retorted. You stayed silent.
She continued, “You’d be a better daughter if you helped us out more often and considered our feelings. But you’re just a stubborn, self-centered baby.”
After letting your mom talk like that for a while, you said goodbye and hung up.
“What did they want?” Noah inquired.
Sighing, you recalled, “They just want me to give Andrew more money and put me down again. This time she called me a stubborn, self-centered baby.” “I’m sorry, honey. You’re worth so much more than that,” Noah reassured you. He sat up next to you and wrapped an arm around your shoulders. You rested your head against the crook of his neck.
“I’m just getting tired of dealing with them,” you confessed with tears threatening to fall down your cheeks.
“I know,” he whispered as he leaned his head against yours, “so what would you like to do for dinner?”
“Whatever you're in the mood for,” you responded as you lifted your head to look into his eyes.
“Wanna just order a pizza and watch some movies?” Noah quickly asked.
“Yes, that sounds good,” you smiled and pecked his lips. 
He whipped out his phone to put in the pizza order, “Do you want to see what movies are on?” he mumbled.
“Sure!” you replied as you turned the TV on. You flipped through the channels to see what was on since hotels rarely had Netflix. You stumbled on the beginning of The Conjuring. “Oooo, this is one of my favorites!” you exclaimed as you tossed the remote on the nightstand.
“Pizza is ordered! What did you find?” Noah asked as he sat himself against the headboard and threw an arm out waiting for you to join him.
“The Conjuring,” you replied as you scooted yourself closer to Noah. You sighed and Noah squeezed your shoulder.
“You okay?” he whispered.
“I just keep thinking about everything that keeps happening with my parents, my brother, and Josh. It’s really heavy,” you confessed as Noah listened to every word. 
“I know, but I’m right here with you, remember?” Noah reminded you. 
You looked up into his eyes with genuineness lacing your voice, “Noah, I honestly don’t know where I would be without you.”
He kissed you hard and fast, “Sav, I’m not leaving you.”
A few tears escaped your eyes and Noah quickly wiped them away with his thumb. You sighed as you replied, “You’re stuck with me, babe.”
Noah chuckled as he turned his attention from you to the door. Someone knocked loudly. “Pizza!” Noah exclaimed as he jumped from the bed to the door. He paid the delivery person and closed the door bringing the pizza to the bed.
Your stomach growled as you inhaled the smell of the pizza. You both grabbed a slice and turned your attention back to The Conjuring. It was at the part where the dog died. 
“I hate it when animals die in movies!” you yelled. 
“The fucking worst, babe,” he mumbled as he munched on his pizza.
“Ugh!” you exclaimed in response.
The more you watched the movie, the quicker you ate and your pizza disappeared.
Each time there were little jump scares, they turned into big jump scares because Noah made you jump each time. Which resulted in a smack to his chest every time.
After the movie, you asked Noah if he wanted to go on a walk. He said it sounded like a good idea.
Hand in hand, you and Noah started to walk around with no destination in mind. The silence between you wasn’t awkward but it was healing. You put your free hand on Noah’s bicep as you sighed. “What’s on your mind, love?” Noah questioned.
“A lot of things,” you responded. He looked at you to continue.
“Well, I just don’t understand why my parents would treat me this way when my brother is the way that he is! I don’t understand my parents, my aunts and uncles, and my cousins when they won’t come visit one of us who is sick and in the hospital. I don’t understand my brother, who uses drugs, never sees his own daughter, and who treats me like shit. I just want to be treated like a human. I want the bare minimum. Is that so much to ask for?” you asked him waiting for a real response.
“No, I don’t think that’s too much to ask for. You deserve the bare minimum and then some. There is no reason for your family to be treating you like shit. They should care about you. They should take care of their own shit. They should visit Josh. None of it makes sense. I’m sorry about that. But just know you are so loved,” he stopped walking and clasped both of your hands in his, “You are such a good person. You think of everyone before yourself, you believe in the good in people, and you are so incredibly strong.”
By the end of his speech, you are sobbing. You’re so grateful to have someone be honest with you and to have someone who loved you. You felt Noah pull you into his chest as sobs rack your body. Noah pressed soft kisses to the crown of your head as tears fell from your eyes. 
You peeled yourself away from Noah’s chest ready to praise him for being by your side, but your mouth opened and closed.
He just said “I know. It’s okay. I love you.”
You mouthed the words right back at him as he brought you back into another hug.
“Are you ready to go back to the hotel? It’s getting dark out,” he inquired.
“Yeah, let’s go back. Can we go see Josh in the morning?” you asked.
“Of course, sweets,” he stated as you laced your hands together walking back to the hotel.
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anadrenalineslut · 2 years
Truly I'm in a place in life where I just prefer not to interact with allistics, like my support network is all autistic and I just really cannot fucking stand the allistic social rituals at all. It's so boring, like I went to Christmas dinner at my boyfriend's sister house and oh my god... like the entire time, all they talked about were the same things they talked about at Thanksgiving dinner. Like, and they seriously get joy out of these conversations. They feel closer to you after they engage in the same 5 topics over and over and over again. Like, it's just so alien and foreign to me. Holy shit, how do yall seriously enjoy these conversations? I'm so serious. How do yall enjoy small talk? Like, for fuck sake, I'm learning nothing from this. Like, besides what you did last week or whatever, I learn nothing about who you are as an individual, like if ur not gunna spill ur guts to me everytime we meet at the VERY least find an interesting topic and tell me something factual or useful to know later in life. Like how how do allistics function in society, it's crazy now how aware I am of my own wants and needs.
I think I was so good at masking because society tells me that my wants and needs are selfish and like maybe they are but like seriously why do you guys hang out with people you don't feel comfortable talking to? Like, I have always struggled to make friends because I come off intense to allistics since I truly want to get to dissect the way people are. Like if our conversations do not leave me knowing something new about who you are at your core, WHY hang out? I see it as like, if you're not comfortable enough to talk to me about your actual factual emotions then you're not meant to be my friend and that's fine. Like, some people just don't vibe but like my whole life I was made to feel like I was too sensitive or emotional for friends or lovers and it's just sad that it was never the case that there was something wrong with me. I just did not have access to autistic spaces with people who would understand my wants + needs because they have the same ones inside of them.
Its not that I ask people for too much, it's that the people I was around my entire life did not understand why I act the I do or talk the way I do so therefore it's off-putting to them. Like, answering questions honestly is the way I connect to people and I just do not understand why allistics ask questions they don't want to know the answer to. Right. Like I don't ask people how are you if I'm not prepared to handle ANY emotional response and I dont get how yall just walk around expecting people to lie to you on a daily basis. It's so exhausting all the time.
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airis-paris14 · 3 years
See You Again
A/N: Just something short I never posted. It probably sucks, but I thought I'd share anyway. WE OUTSIDE YALL. (Please be outside RESPONSIBLY. COVID is still a thing. Please get vaccinated and or wear a mask.) Love Y'all.
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“My King,” Okoye called, handing T’Challa a bag he forgot. “Next week.”
“ I know Okoye. I promise I will be ready to leave.” Okoye nodded before reboarding the jet. The king watched before beginning the short walk up to his friend's front door.
He rang the doorbell before staring up at the building. It’d been years since he’d last been in this apartment. Freshman year of college to be exact. Anaya’s parents had invited him to spend Thanksgiving with them after finding him and their daughter studying together on a surprise visit to their daughter's dorm. They weren’t in the room, lucky for them, but it seemed that her parents were invested in a dream that wouldn’t come true. Not that either of them was ready to admit they couldn’t be together either. At least that early on.
So much has changed since then. They graduated. Got two Ph. Ds respectively and then moved on. Anaya became a celebrated fashion historian and critic, and T’Challa a king. Halfway across the world, they’d reconnected by chance in Paris and hadn’t let go since. Somewhere T’Challa had been holding on to a silly notion that maybe he and Anaya could give being together another go, but he knew it was a fruitless endeavor.
Same as his ringing of the doorbell had been. Worried, the king began knocking on the door. “Quit your racket! She’s not here!” An elderly woman crooned from her front porch. “Pardon?”
“She ain’t here! The baby called.” The woman chuckled to herself, “Ran outta here like a firecracker. Her two friends following close behind.”
“She was pregnant?”
“Don’t know how you missed it sonny, big as a blimp, carrying high though. My bets on a girl you know,” she paused to size up the young king. “And you must be that no good bastard baby’s father. Walking out on her like that you know I should-!”
“Ma’am, I promise you I am not him. As much as I wish I could have been,” the king mumbled the last part.
“Well then now’s your chance son. The real father ain’t here, and I hate to see that child grow up without a father figure. What’s keeping you from claiming that child?”
“A lot more than you’ll ever know..” T’Challa looked up, despair written across his face. The woman's gaze softened. “You’ll never know till you try. At least go and see her. I mean you came to her house. All dressed up with flowers and a bag of gifts. You must really care for her.”
“I do.”
“She’s at the university hospital.” The old woman instructed. “Thank you,” the king nodded. “Anything to see her happy, ever since her parents died she’s been sitting up in that house all alone. Make it right.”
Two hours and four phone calls later, T’Challa pulled up to the hospital in his hired car. The driver opened the back door of the SUV to allow the king and his baby present out into the air. He nodded at the driver before making his way up to the reception desk. “Hi, how may I help you?” The woman looked up from her computer. “You must be looking for our maternity ward. This your first?” She nodded at the gifts. “You could say that,” T’Challa chuckled.
“May I have your name and the patient’s?”
“T’Challa, and Anaya Johnson.”
“Great, Ms. Johnson is in room 408 in the maternity wing. Go down the hall, on the left, there will be an elevator. Take that up to the fourth floor, make a right and it should be the fourth door down. You can’t miss it.”
“Thank you,” the king smiled hoisting up the big teddy bear, careful not to crush the flowers and various other bags. “Would you like an escort Mr. T’Challa?”
“I believe I can handle this one,” The king insisted. “Very well, and congratulations.”
The king frowned. “Thank you.”
Four floors up, and three doors down, T’Challa finally stood outside of room 408. He took several steadying breaths before knocking. “Who is it? A familiar voice called. He heard footsteps on the other side of the door before it carefully creaked open.
The king smiled in surprise. “Tella? Hi.”
“Hey, what are you doing here?” The brown skin woman beamed, opening up the door, her eyes widening slightly as she saw all of the gifts.”She said she hadn’t heard from you in months.”
“Yeah, I was on my way to visit Anaya and her neighbor told me she was here, having a baby.”
“Yeah, um come in. She and Jean went for a walk, the doctor said it would help with contractions.” Tella grabbed the bear from T’Challa and moved to set it in a corner, while he found space to set down his other gifts. “So how’ve you been? We used to get status updates from Anaya for you. Then you just vanished.”
“Well, there is a lot I haven’t told you all. Wakanda is a monarchy, and my father, and his father, and his father, and his mother, and her father, and his mother, and so on, have all ruled our country. Now it is my turn.”
“To rule?”
“To rule.” The king nodded. “So you vanished because you became king?”
“I vanished because there was a coup, an attempt on my life, which was almost successful. The coup sent my country into a civil war,” The king explained.
“T’Challa, this doesn’t even sound real,” Tella interrupted. “I mean, how is anyone supposed to believe you?”
“May I see your phone?” T’Challa stopped her.
“Just let me prove it to you. I did not ghost Anaya by choice. I still want to be with her.”
“After all this time-”
“Please, I know it seems implausible, but let me show you,” the king reached out a hand.
“Fine T’Challa-” Tella handed over her phone. “Ask siri,” the king instructed.
“Seriously?” Tella frowned. “Just ask her.”
“Siri, who is the king of Wakanda?”
Her phone glowed before responding, “T’Challa Udaku was crowned King of Wakanda after the passing of his father last summer during a United Nations Assembly. I found this article online from the New York Times and several other sources.”
“T’challa if this is true, I mean since this is true, the prospects of you and Anaya getting together is now even more impossible. Why are you here?”
“Because she is my friend, and I love her. She is having a baby, and I will support her.”
“You are not its father!”
“Don’t you think I know that? Do you know how much it hurts me to know that I’m not? That I may never be the father of any of her children.”
“This isn’t about you T.”
“I know, but the child’s father is not here. I am. Even if he was, I still would be, because she is my friend too Tella.”
“I just do not want to see her hurt. Don’t give her false hope T’Challa.”
“On the contrary, I believe it is she who gives me false hope,” the king sighed. Tella pulled him in for a hug. “Just give it time, and who knows, you’re a king now aren’t you?”
“That I am,” T’Challa nodded as the room’s door squeaked open. A nurse helped Anaya back into the room and T'Challa couldn’t help the way his eyes widened at Anaya’s pregnant form. His heart erupted in butterflies, imagining if that had been his child. Tella slapping his arm startled him back to reality. Tella jerked her head towards where the nurse was trying to help Anaya and maneuver the IV stand back into the room with her. T’Challa hurried over to wrap an arm around Anaya’s waist and grab her other hand. The nurse smiled in thanks and surprise. No surprise could top Anaya’s expression. She gaped as T’Challa shot her a smile. “Long time no see,” The king teased as he helped her further into the room and onto her bed. A grimace stole her smile as another contraction hit.
“I’ll grab Dr.Ben and she’ll be right in to check on your progress, Ms. Johnson.” The middle-aged black woman smiled at the expecting mother. “Thank you,” Anaya smiled before turning back to her best friend. “What are you doing here?”
“I came to surprise you, only to find out from your neighbor that you were in labor,” The king smiled.
“Mrs. Patterson told you where I was?”
“I guess so,” the king frowned. Anaya and Tella laughed. “What did you do to her? Mrs. Patterson doesn’t like anyone. Especially men.” Tella explained.
“She did almost try to beat me up when she thought I was your ‘bastard baby’s father’.” T’Challa told the two women who groaned. Anaya grimaced her way through a contraction and T’Challa stepped over and offered her his hand. The mother smiled at his touch and threaded her fingers through his as the contraction dissipated.
“I’m gonna go find Jean in the gift shop,” Tella excused herself, leaving T’Challa and Anaya alone. “What’s been going on with you King T’Challa,” Anaya teased as she tried to push herself into a seated position.
“Nothing much. The world of politics cooled off for a while and I wanted to apologize for being awol these past months.” T’Challa helped rearrange the pillows so she could sit up. “What about you soon to be umama?”
“Well, this has been my life pretty much, still don’t know how I’m going to manage working at museums and shows towing this one around.”
“Where’s the father?” T’Challa asked softly. A tear formed in Anaya’s eye, “He doesn’t want to be involved. We were drunk that night and you know…..”
“You don’t have to explain,” T’Challa squeezed her hand. “Thanks,” she murmured. “What are you having?” The king inquired, sweeping some box braids back over her shoulder. “I don’t know. I wanted to be surprised.”
“Your neighbor thinks it’s a girl,” T’Challa laughed. “She’s been telling me about me carrying high since it became visible I was pregnant.” Anaya laughed. “I guess we’ll find out today or tomorrow.” T’Challa chuckled. His face quickly fell as she slipped into another contraction. He tried to help her breathe the way he’d seen on television but ended up making her laugh. “You’re really bad at this,” Anaya reclined back onto her pillows rubbing her stomach absentmindedly. “Thanks for the vote of confidence,” T’Challa smiled. “It’s two quick ones and long out. Not in out in out,” Anaya explained. “I’ll do better next time,” T’Challa promised.
“How long are you visiting, you don’t have to stay. It could be another day or so before I give birth.”
“I’m here for the week, until next Tuesday. And Anaya I want to stay. Besides, I can give Tells and Tonya-Jean a break to walk around.”
“Thanks,” the pregnant mother smiled. Her face contorted as another contraction washed over her. “There you go,” T’Challa soothed as she squeezed his hand. He helped her breathe through and eventually, she settled back. “At this rate, it’ll only be a couple of hours until they’re here with us,” the mom to be sighed. “Then I’ll be here as long as you’ll let me be here,” T’Challa kissed the back of her hand. Sweat had gathered on her forehead and he reached for something to dab it away. “I want you here as long as you can be, distract me.”
“Why? You are not enjoying the miracle of life.”
“Says the man not currently pushing a baby out of his body.”
“Fair enough,” he raised his unoccupied arm in surrender. “Tell me about Wakanda and being a king,” Anaya asked, groaning through another contraction.
“Well,” T’Challa started.
Eight hours later, the room was silent. Tonya and Tells had gone home to catch up on sleep. Anaya was sleeping off her exhaustion and the king of Wakanda sat rocking a sleeping baby girl. Well, she was sleeping. Sydney Iesha Johnson’s big brown eyes fluttered open and stared at the man holding her. She stretched out her tiny body and T’Challa’s heart soared at the feeling of her moving around in the swaddle.
“Hi pretty girl,” he whispered. “Hi,” he cooed, smiling as she yawned. “You are so beautiful, just like your mommy. She was the most beautiful girl in the world and now she’s tied with you.” He rocked the infant softly. “T’Challa?” Anaya croaked. “Hey,” the king stood up and walked the baby over to her mother. “She was fussy in the crib, and the nurse suggested I hold her, I hope you don’t mind,” he rambled. Anaya laid a hand on his arm and shook her head. “It’s fine. I love seeing you with her.
“You know I’m here for you right? Both of you now,” the king searched her eyes. “I know I’m not her father, and I’ll never try to be that for her, but she’s a part of you and that makes her important to me.”
Anaya teared up and nodded.
“I want you to move to Wakanda.”
Taglist: @almostpurelysmut @blackbypurpose @tchoking @sisterwifeudaku @wikiwakanda @royallyprincesslilly @90sinspiredgirl @thedelightfulone @autumn242 @purple-apricots @kumkaniudaku @queertrex @kaciidubs @halfrican-heat @skysynclair19 @dramaqueenamby @leahnicole1219 @kreolemami @mzbritt @derangedcupcake @chaneajoyyy @lalapalooza718 @ororowrites @leahnicole1219 @sarcastic-sunshines @sarahboseman @faatassbitch @lady-love-and-glitter-roses @cxnismajcr @tchallasbabymama
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santigarcia · 4 years
Dessert is on the Counter
an abel morales x f!reader fic~
word count: 2k
rating: m for smut
summary: you’re a college student and you go home with your friend Elias Morales for Thanksgiving, and you meet his recently divorced older brother Abel....
a/n: this idea was given to me by the lovely @sergeantkane. she was kind enough to let me write this AND make a moodboard for it! this is my first time writing abel so i hope yall like it!
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Holidays are never what you expect them to be. This is by far your most eventful thanksgiving to date.
You agree to be a fake girlfriend to your friend Elias. Your good friends, and honestly it would be a fun weekend away. You know his brother has a nice house, and you’d rather stay in New York than go back home. Too many flights to plan.
The house is nicer than you expect when you pull into the driveway. The housekeeper answers the door and she’s a pleasant woman. You can’t seem to find your “boyfriend,” but you do see three young girls run by, playing with their dog. They greet you happily and so does the dog. You set your bag down to bend down to pet the animal when you hear a male voice.
“Did you find the house ok?”
You look up to see the most handsome man you’ve ever seen. He’s dressed sharp in a suit, a tan coat draped over his arm. His cologne smells expensive, and his hair is perfect.
“Oh, yes! You have a lovely home. You and your wife must have put a lot into it!”
“Oh, it’s just me.”
“I’m so sorry- “
“Don’t be,” he holds up his hand to ease your worries.
“Don’t be,” Morales repeats. “She’s a bitch. Abel here wised up and left.” He says hopping up on the kitchen counter. Abel only chuckles, but the look in his eyes tells you that Elias speaks the truth.
“How long are you with us…?” Abel pauses realizing he doesn’t know your name.
“Oh shit,” Elias laughs and hops off the counter. He says your name and then introduces you to Abel. He takes your hand in a strong but gentle handshake, and you flush when his fingers stroke your palm as he slides his hand away.
“And I’ll be here just for the weekend!”
Abel nods and returns your smile, “make yourself at home. We’re so glad you’ll be joining us.” He nods and puts his coat on walking towards the front door.
“He’s always working,” Elias says. “Especially after the divorce, threw himself into his work. Come on, let me take you on a tour.”
You walk through the halls and peek in rooms – noticing the life lived here. It’s full of memory, but it’s almost too quiet. Empty. It’s too clean and you can feel the hurt this family has endured.
“She left him and the girls without a word one morning. The papers were on the kitchen counter.”
All night those words run through your head. You lie on the floor, a makeshift pallet in Elias’s bedroom – staring up at the ceiling. How does someone just leave their whole family behind?
You keep thinking about it as you sit across from Abel at the thanksgiving meal. His daughters and a few other children you assume are cousins sit at the designated kid’s table. The adults table is full of the Morales family, they are cheerful and warm. What about this family made his wife want to leave? They’ve been nothing but welcoming to you.
“What are you studying in school?” Abel asks you as he holds out a plate of homemade bread to you. You take a slice, it’s warm. Just like everything else in this house. Your fingers brush his and you hate how it makes you flush. So much so you almost forget the question.
“I’m an anthropology major.”
“Oh?” Abel raises a brow. His interest is piqued. “What made you chose that?”
“People fascinate me and learning about other cultures in the process has opened up my world view. I think it’s important.”
He nods in agreement as he takes a sip of wine.
“Knowing people is a key part in my business. Works better that way.”
“Abel,” groans Elias, “you’re so boring!” He laughs. A couple family members chuckle but mean no harm. You hold Abel’s eyes, and something sparks behind them. Suddenly you get the feeling he’d like to eat you alive. And watching his jaw move while he eats his meal doesn’t help the desire growing between your legs.
As their guest, a couple of the women take your plate and bring you a slice of pie. Abel smiles fondly at you as you enjoy the first bite. Elias has left to go watch the game on TV, but you didn’t notice.
“You’re not really dating him, are you?” Abel chuckles.
“How did you guess?”
“He’s in there, watching the game.” Abel nods his head in the direction of the living room. You can hear voices cheering and a clamor of excitement. “When he could be here with you. And hey, maybe you don’t have to be around each other all the time. But he didn’t even ask if you wanted to join.”
You can’t look at him, he’s too handsome. So, you look past him into the kitchen where more family members wash dishes and start cleaning things up. Someone laughs loudly and Abel turns to see with a smile. It’s so comfortable.
“I bet you’re wondering now why I’m here then.”
“Yes, I am,” he nods with a polite smile and folds his hands together, his dessert finished.
“I wanted to get away. Spend time somewhere else. And Elias is a good friend. I have an anthro project due at the end of the semester, and I wanted to see how different families are at over the holidays.” You pause, “but nothing looks all that different from Thanksgiving at my home.”
Abel asks you more questions and you end up talking for some time. You don’t even notice the relatives leaving. The only thing that stirs you from the conversation is your want for leftovers now that you’re hungry again.
“Thank you for the lovely conversation Mr. Morales,” you smile when you stand finally.
“Abel, please. And it’s been a pleasure. I’m glad you’re here.” He nods.
That night it’s even worse. Laying on the floor, staring at the ceiling thinking about him. You couldn’t sleep if you tried, this floor isn’t comfortable now. You shouldn’t be thinking about Abel, but you can’t help but think about him in his room, alone. His touch was so warm, you can’t imagine what his touch would be like sexually.
Why did his wife leave him? It bothers you.
Elias is snoring, and you can’t sleep – so you get up to go downstairs for a drink. You quietly tiptoe down the hall. You see the girls’ bedrooms, each of their doors has a pink sign with their name on it. A stair creaks when you step on it and you freeze, it’s as if your thoughts of Abel will expose you.
You carry on down the stairs and into the kitchen. There are only a few small lamps on to illuminate the space. But the fridge light pours onto the floor when you open the freezer for some ice in your glass.
“Can’t sleep?”
You gasp and spin around to see him in comfortable pajama pants and a plain white t-shirt. He looks so handsome in the soft light.
“Sorry,” he laughs. “Didn’t mean to scare you.”
“It’s alright! I hope this is ok…”
“Oh, of course” he points to the sink and you fill your glass. You feel your face warm, knowing he’s watching you. Seeing him while you’re in your pajamas wasn’t what you had in mind.
“And no, I can’t sleep.”
“Something on your mind?” he asks casually, reaching in the cabinet for a mug.
Does he know? No. He can’t know. Can he?
You realize you haven’t answered and instead you’re just standing frozen overfilling you glass of ice water.
“The floor isn’t comfortable,” you say instead, which is also the truth.
“The floor?” he pauses, setting the mug down. “Why are you on the floor?”
“Well, we aren’t- “
“No, I know you’re not dating, but why did he give you the floor? I outta kick his ass for treating a guest that way. Especially one so pretty,” he smiles, there’s a glint in his eye of flirtation- harmless, but you want more of it.
“You know, Abel, it’s not my place to say this but I think your wife made a mistake.”
He takes a step closer to you and you feel your heart pounding in your throat.
“Things happen the way they are supposed to,” he says, taking a step closer. You take a drink from your water, but he pulls the glass from your lips.
“I shouldn’t-“ you whisper.
“Why not?” Abel sets your glass down. There’s a chill on his fingertips when he touches your cheek. “I’ve seen the look in your eyes all day. If you don’t want this, then please say so. But if you do, then please- kiss me.”
Throwing all caution to the wind, you wrap your arms around him and kiss him deeply. He grunts into your mouth and helps you hop up on the counter. Your legs wrap around him tightly, pulling him towards you. His mouth hasn’t left yours and the moans leaving your mouth already are full of need.
“Please,” you whine and buck your hips against him. His hands slide into your waistband and he’s quick to find your clit. The gasp you let out is obscene, and he claps his hand over your mouth. He gives you a little grin of satisfaction and he rubs your clit perfectly.
No one you’ve been with have touched you like this. You’re a 23-year-old college student, all your past relationships have been too inexperienced for good pleasure. This is a man who knows how to touch a woman.
He keeps up his pace and he doesn’t stop until your panties are soaking wet.
“Do you want to keep going?” he asks, looking in your eyes. You know he’ll stop if you ask. But you’d rather die than him stop right now.
You shake your head yes, and he moves his hand. He pulls down his pajama pants enough to pull himself free. He’s already hard and ready for you. You moan again and he raises an eyebrow at you.
“You gonna be a good girl for me?” he’s testing the waters and you’re ready to drown. You nod quickly as he slips off your pants and pushes your panties aside. He then lines himself up with you. He thumbs your clit with one hand as he guides himself in with the other. You stifle a moan, and he can’t help but chuckle quietly at your attempts to be quiet.
He thrusts into you, hard. You see stars and clench around him. Everything about him is too much, but just in the right way. His voice is smooth, his skin is warm. His hair is perfect and you’re messing it up with your fingers while he pounds into you on the kitchen counter next to the leftover desserts from today.
His thumb stays there on you while he thrusts, his other hand gripping the counter for support. When you near your end, his big hand finds the small of your back and pulls you as close to him as possible.
He makes sure you come again before he does. His moans are soft, his eyes asking you permission. You nibble on his ear and whine a yes when he spills himself into your heat.
“You wanna come sleep in my bed?” he whispers into your neck as he places a kiss there.
You nod and he pulls out, helping you slide off the counter.
He takes you again in the bedroom. Twice. He strips you naked and enjoys the touch of your skin. He worships you in his big bed. Once it crosses your mind he slept with his wife in this big bed. But you soon forget when he’s balls deep and making you come a fourth time that night.
You don’t want to explain this one to Elias tomorrow, but it’s better than sleeping on the floor.
@punkpascal, @writefightandflightclub, @velvetmel0n, @huliabitch, @himbodjarin, @pascalz, @bisexual-space-slut, @shadow-assassin-blix​
169 notes · View notes
malfoymanortings · 4 years
lavender and velvet //part seven
SUMMARY: she had her fathers eyes, his aristocratic looks, her grandmothers spite, her mothers heart, but the one thing she didn't have was the love of her father that her god brother received. juliet black finally meets her father who has already decided who his child is.
PAIRINGS: to be decided.
hello all! hope you all are doing lovely and had a good thanksgiving. dont forget, im accepting requests for just about anything, and you can find the info on my masterlist post pinned to the top of my page. i would love to write stuff for yall! anyways, enjoy!
taglist: @person1839 @big-galaxy-chaos @spooderham @iamashlynmarie @acciosiriusblack @obsssedwithjustaboutanything @ivettt @msmarklee1213 @briargardens 
as always, just let me know if you want to be tagged in the next part!
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“Miss Black, wake up.”
Juliet was jolted from her sleep to the sound of her head of house’s voice, opening her eyes to see Snape looming over her menacingly. The sight caused her to jump to attention immediately, and she quickly sat up while eyeing him suspiciously.
“Professor Snape, why are you..” Juliet trailed off, very confused.
“Arthur Weasley has been injured,” Snape responded distastefully, motioning for her to get out of bed. “You are due in Dumbledore’s office with the rest of his children and Mr. Potter.”
“Is he alright?” adrenaline now waking her thoroughly, Juliet hurried off the bed, ignoring Snape’s grimace when he saw she was only wearing a shirt. She quickly tugged on shorts, grabbing her robe and her wand.
“I am unsure of his condition,” Snape was clearly annoyed now. “I had to get you quickly so that you could leave with the rest. Unless you want to be left behind, I suggest you come now.”
“What about my trunk, my owl?” Juliet questioned, following Snape out of the dormitory and down the steps. The castle floor was cold on her bare feet, and she cursed herself for not thinking of putting on her shoes.
“It will all find its way to you.” Snape responded dismissively, opening the door leading out to the common room.
The two walked swiftly to Dumbledore’s office in silence, Juliet’s heart pounding in her chest. How had Arthur been hurt? Was it something to do with the Order? It had to have been bad, for them to rouse the Weasley’s and her out of their sleep to leave the castle.
Snape entered Dumbledore’s office first, where Harry and the Weasley’s were gathered around the headmaster’s desk. Juliet followed suit, immediately drawing her eyes on George, who stood next to Fred with similar expressions of worry and fear on their faces.
“Oh Georgie, Freddie,” Juliet breathed out, gathering the tall boys in a group hug. They held back to her tightly for a moment, before they all pulled away from each other. “What’s happened?”
“Harry saw dad being attacked,” George answered, looking quite shaken. “We dunno if he’s going to be alright or not.”
“He will,” Juliet replied forcefully, taking George’s hand in her own. “He has to be.”
“You have all used a Portkey before?” asked Dumbledore, interrupting whatever George was going to say. Everyone looked at the old man, nodding as they reached out to touch some part of the blackened kettle on his desk. “Good. On the count of three then… one… two… three.”
Juliet felt a powerful jerk behind her navel, the ground vanished beneath her feet, her hand was glued to the kettle; she was banging into other others as all sped forward in a swirl of colors and a rush of wind, the kettle pulling them onward and then-
Her feet hit the ground so hard that her knees buckled, the kettle clattered to the ground and somewhere close at hand a voice said, “Back again, the blood traitor brats, is it true their fathers dying…?”
“OUT!” roared a second voice.
Juliet winced as she felt a pain in her feet; it seemed as though she had scraped them quite good after their harsh arrival into the gloomy basement kitchen of number twelve, Grimmauld Place. The only sources of light were the fire and one guttering candle, which illuminated the remains of a solitary supper. Kreacher’s loincloth swished around the corner leading out to the hall, and Sirius hurried over to them all, looking anxious. He was unshaved and still in his day clothes, and Juliet scrunched her nose as the scent of stale drink wafted towards them.
“What’s going on?” he said, stretching a hand to help Ginny up. “Phineas Nigellus said Arthur’s been badly injured-”
“Ask Harry,” said Fred.
“Yeah, I want to hear this for myself,�� said George in a tight voice. 
Without much thought, Juliet slipped her small hand into his large one, giving him a comforting squeeze. George held back tightly, his eyes trained on Harry with a hard look.
Everyone was staring at Harry, even Kreacher's footsteps on the stairs had paused. Harry looked overwhelmed for a moment, before he launched into his tale of seeing Arthur be bitten by a rather large snake. Juliet eyed him carefully, as she had noticed a look Ron had given him when he described the scene. What was the chosen one leaving out?
Fred and George immediately began demanding they head straight off to St. Mungos, which caused an argument with Sirius. He explained that Arthur had been hurt while on duty for the Order, and it was all too dangerous for them to have already got word before anyone else. It made sense to Juliet, but of course, Fred and George were forces to be reckoned with when it came to their family.
“We don’t care about the dumb Order!” shouted Fred, cutting Sirius off.
“It’s our dad dying we’re talking about!” yelled George.
“Your father knew what he was getting into, and he won’t thank you for messing things up for the Order!” Sirius said angrily in his turn. “This is how it is -this is why you aren’t in the order- you don’t understand- there are things worth dying for!”
“Easy for you to say, stuck here!” bellowed Fred. “I don’t see you risking your neck!”
“Enough,” Juliet stepped in, standing in between her father and the twins, who glared at her. “This is hard for everyone. Think of how Umbridge has been. Do you really think it would be wise for us to rush St Mungos when no one should know about your dad yet? Whose to say they wouldn’t assume he was working against the ministry, and they either make sure he dies, or fires him?”
Fred and George still looked mutinous, but Sirius shot her a grateful look. He glanced back at Fred, and for a moment it looked like he wanted to hit the ginger haired boy, but when he spoke, it was in a voice of determined calm.
“We just have to stay put, until we hear from your mother. Alright?”
Ginny was the first to sit down. Harry and Ron sat next, at the opposite side of the table. Juliet sat next to Ginny, wincing as pain flared up from her feet. The twins glared at Sirius once more, then George sat next to Juliet while Fred sat next to Ginny.
“That’s right,” said Sirius encouragingly. “Come on, let’s all…. Let’s all have a drink while we’re waiting. Accio butterbeer!”
He raised his wand as he spoke and a dozen bottles of butterbeer came flying onto the table from the pantry. They all drank, and for a while the only sounds were those of the crackling of the fire and the soft thud of their bottles on the table.
At some point, George’s hand had found Juliet’s once more. She ran her thumb consolingly over the back of his hand, resting her head on his shoulder. In turn, George wrapped his arm around her, keeping hold of her other hand. Juliet rested her other hand on his thigh, tracing circles over his pajama pants. 
Harry seemed to be deep in thought, across the table from them, his brows furrowed and guilt written all over his face. Juliet frowned slightly. Had it not been for Harry, they would have had no idea that Arthur had even been injured. Harry shouldn’t feel guilty.
A flash of light appeared, and with it came a note from Molly, delivered by Fawkes. She told them all to stay put, and she was with Arthur now. It didn’t sound very hopeful, and that was clear to everyone in the room.
“Still alive..” George said slowly. “But that makes it sound…”
He did not need to finish the sentence. It sounded as though Arthur was hovering somewhere between live and death. Juliet held onto George’s hand tighter, and he laid his head on top of hers. Fred examined the letter himself, taking it out of George’s hand. Ron stared at the letter, as though he hoped it would bring him words of comfort.
At some point, Sirius suggested they all go to bed, but the murderous glares from the Weasley’s were enough to answer. They sat in silence around the table, watching the candle wick sink lower and lower into the liquid wax. They spoke only to check the time, wonder aloud what was happening, and reassure each other that if there was bad news , they would know straight away, as Molly was at St Mungo’s then.
Fred fell into a doze, his head sagging sideways on his shoulder. Ginny had curled up on her chair like a cat, but her eyes remained open. Ron had his head in his hands, and it was difficult to tell if he was awake or not. George kept his head rested on Juliet’s, the grip of their hands onto each other letting her know that he wasn’t asleep. 
Finally, at ten past five in the morning, the door swung open and Molly entered the kitchen. Everyone half stood in their chairs, but Molly waved them back down, giving a wan smile. She informed them that he would be alright, he was sleeping, and Bill was sitting with him now. 
They all let out shaky sighs and sounds of relief, and George, Ginny, and Juliet walked over to give Molly a hug. Sirius declared they had breakfast, and although he called for Kreacher, the house elf didn’t appear. He began breakfast himself, and Juliet slipped away to help him, Harry, of course, joined him. 
Eventually, Molly came over, waving Harry and Juliet off, to begin breakfast. She told Sirius that they would probably be spending Christmas there with him, and he beamed brightly at the news. 
Juliet felt the sudden urge to talk with her father, maybe vent about Umbridge, but before she could, Harry had taken him out of the room for a talk. Her face fell, and perhaps it was the mix of disappointment and lack of sleep, but she felt tears fill her eyes.
“Come on now darling, there’s no need for tears,” George appeared at her side, giving her a kind smile. “Let’s sit at the table while we wait for breakfast.” he reached a hand out, his thumb swiping at a tear that had escaped and rolled down her cheek.
Juliet swallowed hard, and followed George to the table with the rest of his siblings. Soon, breakfast was served and they all ate rather quickly, the nerves of the night having made them ravenous. Once they were done, and the table was cleared up, Molly ordered them all to bed. She told them that once they woke up, they would go back to visit Arthur.
The kids all trudged upstairs, Harry and Ron entering the same room they had spent the summer in. Juliet went to follow Ginny inside the room they had shared with Hermione, but George tugged on her arm.
“Would you mind..” George trailed off, suddenly looking shy. It was very unlike him. “Can you sleep in mine?”
“Oh,” Juliet paused, thoughts of Theo swarming her head. Well, he wouldn’t care anyways, would he? She and George always did this. Surely Theo wouldn’t mind, not that he would find out anyways. “Of course, Georgie.”
George smiled down at her, and she followed the twins into their room. Fred immediately fell into the bed, pulling the covers over his head, and it sounded as though he was asleep the moment his head hit the pillow.
Juliet laid in the bed first, shrugging her robe off before she did so. She was aware of George’s eyes on her, but she ignored it. After all, he was just waiting for her to get in bed so he could lay down. He was surely worn out from waiting all night for news on his father. That was all.
George slid in next to her, turning on his side to face her. Juliet peered up at him, getting lost in the many freckles that dotted his nose. He reached out a hand, swiping her hair out of her face, resting his palm on her cheek. Juliet’s heart quickened, and she glanced at his lips before looking at his brown eyes, glistening with an emotion she couldn’t decipher. 
“Jules,” George’s voice was soft, full of exhaustion, and his eyes fluttered shut as he pulled her into his chest. “You’re so beautiful.”
“Georgie..” Juliet swallowed hard, looking at the face of her best friend. That didn’t sound like something you said to your best friend. 
George’s lips parted, and he let out a deep breath. His face relaxed, making him look much younger than his seventeen years. He was asleep, no doubt ragged from the exhaustion of the night's turn of events.
For a long moment, Juliet stared at his face. He was so handsome in a ruggedly, manly yet boyish way. His smile could brighten the darkest day and his laughter would make you laugh yourself, especially because it normally followed a joke. This close, his lips in such proximity to her, she couldn’t help but wonder what it would feel like if she just inched further and pressed them to her own-
Merlin, what was she thinking? This was her best friend she was talking about. Besides that, he had Alicia Spinnet. And she had Theo, even though they hadn’t given each other a label yet. 
Juliet screwed her eyes shut, and before long, she had fallen asleep in his embrace.
For the first time, Juliet woke up before George. It had felt like she had jolted awake, and she glanced around the room wondering what had caused it. Of course, the cause of it was Fred, who was tugging on a shirt with his trunk next to him.
“Afternoon, Jules,” Fred winked at her, looking at how she was wrapped in George’s arms. “Nice sleep?”
“Why’d you say it like that?” Juliet was immediately defensive, and despite not wanting to, she pulled out of George’s arms. She missed his warmth at once. “We always sleep together- not together, but in the same bed- oh for fucks sake, you know what I mean!”
Fred let out a roar of laughter at her words, grabbing his stomach as he fell onto his bed. He shook the frame, he was laughing so hard.
“Merlin, can you be any louder..” George sat up, his hair ruffled from his sleep. His eyes fell onto Juliet, who was an unflattering shade of maroon as she sat next to him. “What’s going on?” 
“Freddie’s just being an arse,” Juliet grumbled, carefully climbing out of bed. “I see our trunks have come. I’ll have to get ready, I’m sure we’ll be leaving soon.”
“Alright, see you,” George gave her a half wave, sitting up and glaring at Fred. “Merlin's beard Fred, what is your problem?”
Juliet left the room before she could hear his response, nearly running into Ginny in the hallway. The redhead was brushing her wet hair, her dirty clothes bundled up in her arms.
“Good, you’re up,” Ginny nodded to her, walking into their room. “We’re leaving in about ten.”
Juliet dressed quickly, jeans and a hoodie, and walked downstairs. Molly was speaking to Sirius in hushed tones, and their conversation cut off rather quickly once she came down the steps.
“Hello, dear,” Molly smiled, looking out of place on her haggard face. “Good to see you.”
Nearly at once, everyone else came bounding down the steps. Within minutes, everyone except for Sirius was heading to St. Mungos. It was most unassuming, appearing to be an abandoned muggle shop, but it was the entrance to the Wizarding hospital.
Moody and Tonks had arrived with them, but they stayed out in the hallway while the others entered the room. Arthur was doing well, sitting up and reading a book, and he thanked Harry for saving him. Soon enough, Molly was herding the kids out of the room so they could speak privately with Moody and Tonks.
It was a pleasant visit, but Fred and George had the great idea of using their Extendable ears to listen in on their discussion. Juliet was huddled around with them, as they all fought to listen in on the conversation.
“The boy’s seeing things from inside You-Know-Who’s snake… Obviously, Potter doesn’t realize what that means, but if You-Know-Who’s possessing him, then there’s no telling what can happen. Dumbledore has to take whatever precautions he can.”
Juliet pulled away from the Extendable Ear, glancing over at Harry who was now white as a sheet. The others were looking at him too, giving him a fearful once over. 
Was it possible Harry was being possessed?
They left back for Grimmauld Place shortly after. The mood was subdued, mainly due to the information they heard through their eavesdropping. Molly didn’t seem to notice much, and began prattling on about their Christmas plans and how they were going to be going to Diagon Alley the following day for the kids to do their Christmas shopping.
After they arrived back, Harry went up to take a nap, claiming he didn’t feel well. Juliet could assume it probably had more to do with what they had overheard. Fred and George headed upstairs to work on more ideas for their shop. She, Ginny, and Ron went into the living room, and began playing Exploding Snap.
“So, Jules,” Ginny nudged her knee with her own, a grin on her face. “Theodore Nott? Are things getting serious?”
Juliet blushed, suddenly wishing this conversation hadn't come up. “I wouldn’t say that, no. We haven't really given ourselves a label. Just kind of going with the flow.”
“You guys snog all the time. Seriously, I feel like he’s always touching you in some way. Plus, he carries your books for you. Literally. I didn’t even know guys did that.”
“Well, we haven’t really discussed if we were dating or not.” Juliet was starting to get very uncomfortable with the way the conversation was going now. 
“What’s this I hear?” Sirius suddenly appeared in the doorway, his arms crossed and a smile on his face. “Have you and George started dating, Juliet?”
“No!” sputtered Juliet, her face heating up as she threw out her arms in protest. “Absolutely not! We’re just friends.”
Sirius cocked a brow, his eyes narrowing. “I’ve never looked at my friends the way that boy looks at you. If you aren’t talking about George, then who are you talking about?”
Ginny began to speak, but Juliet cut her off. “No one. No one, just drop it.”
She really didn’t want her father to know she was kinda but not really dating Theodore Nott. His father was a Death Eater, she was pretty certain, and her father would certainly blow a fuse if he knew she was even friends with him.
“Alright, alright, I have other ways of finding out. Perhaps I should go have a talk with the twins…” with that, Sirius left the room.
Juliet groaned, falling backwards on the floor. She grabbed a pillow off the couch, and shoved it in her face, letting out a frustrated scream. Ginny laughed from beside her.
“Blimey, girls are difficult.” Ron muttered. 
Juliet could only hope for the best.
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puccbunni · 4 years
“Friends” Pt.2
| Auston Matthews | Maple Leafs |
{ Senorita - Shawn Mendes, Camila Cabello }
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Hey guys I am so sorry for the gap in between parts 1 and 2 I’ve just been crazy busy moving, but here is part 2 for everyone!! This has been edited with the precision of a kindergartener.
Also to anyone living in the US Happy Thanksgiving Yall ❤️
Smut (sorry!! Not sorry 🙄)
A light knocking wakes you from your sleep, you grab your phone to look at the time and see that it’s almost two in the afternoon. After leaving Austons condo at four that same morning you booked an Uber back to your apartment and was able to thankful sneak back in without waking Steph or Mitch.
“Yeah” you call out to who you presume is Steph.
The door opens and Steph walks in with a bottle of water and painkillers and sets them on your nightstand.
“Hey hun how you feeling?” She asks handing you two painkillers.
“Just tired,you?” You take the two painkillers from Steph and pray they quickly mend your throbbing head.
“A little hungover but nothing too bad.” She says as you reach back over for your phone to check through your notifications.
Steph continues talking to you but you are barely listening as you see a message from Auston.
Didn’t want to say goodbye?
Your cheeks start to darken as memories from the night before come flooding back.
“Who are you talking to?” Steph asks trying to peer over the top of your phone.
“Ahh no one, just a friend.” You say locking your phone and tossing it to the other side of your bed.
“The same friend you disappeared with last night?”
“What?” You stare at Steph, not knowing how you were going to explain your way out of this one.
“I left because I felt sick.”
Maybe she saw you and Auston leave the bar together, or maybe she just put two and two together after you and Auston both disappeared at the same time.
“Oh Please, Mitch heard you sneak back in this morning!” She laughs. “So was this ‘friend’ good?”
“Maybe.” You mumble, bring the covers up to hide your face.
“Do I get to know his name at least?” She asked pulling the covers away from your face.
His name... there was one problem with that, did Auston want people to know you had hooked up? That was a question you didn’t know the answer to because you were too chicken shit to wait until the boy woke up to leave.
“Umm just a guy from my history class, you wouldn’t know him.” You lie hoping she won’t push the topic any further.
“Mmhmm, well who ever he is at least you are finally getting some, I thought you’d turned into a nun there for a second.” She laughs leaving you alone with your thoughts.
Steph did have a point besides your little escapade from the night before, you hadn’t slept with anyone since your ex boyfriend, Elliot, had broken up with you 6 months ago via text after 3 years of being together, claiming ‘it was too hard for him to do it in person’. He too had started out as a friend but after spending every day together it quickly turned into more, although you hadn’t slept with Elliot before you had started dating. After the breakup it took you a few months for you to get your life back to normal and not feel like you would burst into tears whenever you were alone. It was for this reason you had decided against the whole dating thing to protect your still slightly broken heart.
But now you had really gone and put your foot in it by sleeping with Auston, it wasn’t like you regretted it, hell it had been the best sex you’d had in a long while, but you knew that sex complicated things, it always complicated things. That’s part of the reason you had left before he woke up, so you could just avoid the awkward conversation and pretend like nothing ever happened and that’s exactly what you plan to do.
It had been almost a month since the night you had slept with Auston and you would be lying if the events of that night hadn’t crept their way into your mind especially while you were laying in bed, trying to lull yourself to sleep. But no amount of cold showers helped stop the images flashing through your brain, this had you pent up and frustrated beyond belief which is why when a few friends from your classes in college mentioned going to a bar you jumped at the chance to find some male attention to help give you some relief between your aching thighs.
You had been sat at the bar with three of your friends for a few hours now just sipping on your beer and talking about one of your recent classes and your mutual dislike for the professor. It was a slow night with no one particularly catching your eye. Just as you were about to give up on your search you heard your name shouted from across the bar.
“Y/N!” You turn your head in the direction it had come from to see a familiar mop of blonde hair.
“Willy, hey.” You slip from your stool as he pulls you in for a hug.
“What are you doing here?” You ask.
“We just got back from a road trip and thought we’d celebrate with a few drinks.” He replies.
“We?” You raise your brow looking at Willy and seeing no one around him.
“Yeah, Auston’s here.” He motions towards the door and that’s when you notice his brunette curls above the rest of the crowd.
As Auston gets closer he’s scanning the room looking for Willy and your eyes meet, the side of his mouth pulls up into a slight smirk and you can already tell the rest of your night is about to get a whole lot more interesting.
“You’re alive.” Auston says stopping about a foot in front of you eyeing you up and down.
“Last time I checked.” You shrugged trying to play cool as you calmed your raging nerves.
“Huh just hadn’t heard from you, thought you had to have been dead.” He crosses his large arms across his broad chest.
“Nope, just busy I guess.”
Will starts up a conversation with you and you introduce them both to your friends who invite the pair to join your group much to your frustration they agree to join. Auston had chosen to sit next to you and with the close proximity you could smell his cologne and feel the heat radiating from his arm that would lightly brush against yours every so often. You spent most of the next hour trying not to make eye contact with Auston or trying to put a tiny bit more space between the two of you without anyone noticing the thick tension between you both. No matter how hard you tried or how many more drinks you downed you couldn’t stop the wetness pooling in your lower half, so you excused yourself and went outside the bar just to get some much needed fresh air. You closed your eyes and inhaled deeply taking in the cool Toronto air, you really needed to get a grip, it was one time, one brief lapse in judgement, one night, you really shouldn’t be giving it this much thought and it didn’t have to be this awkward, you were friends, that’s all just friends. So you just needed to treat him like a friend right??
“Y/N.” A voice pulls you out of your thoughts and you don’t need to open your eyes to know who it was.
“Auston.” You reply.
“You okay?” He asks as he stands just in front of you forcing you to meet his eye for the first time in the last hour.
“Why wouldn’t I be?” You ask back, dropping your eyes to the ground.
“Hey, look at me.” Auston gently places a hand under your chin encouraging you to look at him. There’s a look in his eye it looks like he’s almost worried, nervous even.
“If you regret what happened...”
“I don’t regret it.” The words fly out of your mouth before you can stop them.
“Sleeping with you, I mean, I don’t... uh... I don’t regret it.”
You see the worry quickly leave his eyes.
“Then why are you avoiding me huh?”
“I am not avoiding you.” You lie.
He cocks his eyebrow.
“Pfft, you left before I woke up.”
“And?” You shrug.
“And then you didn’t reply to my text.” He continues.
“That’s not me avoiding you, like I said that’s me being busy Auston.” You say as convincingly as you could.
“Okay and what about tonight, you haven’t said more than a handful of words to me and you cant even look at me.”
“What do you want me to say?” You ask.
“What ever the hell is going on in that head of yours, we’re friends Y/N...” but before he can finish what he’s saying you cut him off.
“We were friends Auston, but we fucked that up.” You take a step back from him.
“How did we fuck up anything?” He asks looking genuinely confused.
“Sex. It always complicates things, it fucks up everything.” You say bluntly.
“I disagree.” He states.
“Of course you do.” You roll your eyes.
“No seriously, we had fun, well I think we had fun...” he pauses look at you for an answer.
“It was fun I guess.” You say quietly avoiding eye contact. You hear him laugh slightly at your response before he continues.
“Then what’s the problem? What’s wrong with two friends having a little fun together?” He asks.
You look at him for a second and a thought enters your mind for the first time, friends could have fun together right, and it could just be friends, no emotions no feelings, just fun. So with the courage granted to you from the copious amount of alcohol flowing through your bloodstream you look Auston in the eye and ask
“Is that what you want?”
“What?” He cocks an eyebrow, confused by the question.
“Friends, that have fun. Is that what you want?” You ask taking a step closer towards him.
“Do you mean friends with benefits?”
You simply nod.
“Are you offering to be friends with benefits with me Y/N?”
“I like being friends with you Auston, and I don’t wanna loose that friendship and this.” You motion between the two of you.
“This is awkward and I hate it, and that’s partly my fault I shouldn’t have left before we spoke that morning I am sorry. But I am not ready for something serious and I didn’t want to have that conversation hungover. And I am sorry I didn’t reply to you I just didn’t know what to say. But you’re right that night was fun and if you want we can keep having fun, no emotions, no expectations just fun.” You say trying to gauge his reaction.
“You’re being serious?” He asks. His eyes dancing with mischief and excitement in a way that was turning you on.
“You want this Y/N?”
You simply nod again.
“I need to hear you say it baby.” He says closing the gap between you.
You bite your bottom lip hearing his nickname for you as the wetness in between your legs becomes more and more intense.
“I want this.” You say as his lips crash down onto yours.
You wrap your hands around his neck feeling the back of his brunette curls brush against your fingertips as his large hands slid down to your waist, slowly running up and down your curves until they landed on the curve of your ass. You bit down on his bottom lip needing more, more for from the kiss, more from Auston, a low moan came from the back of his throat as he took your cue and deepened the kiss and as his tongue entered his mouth you tugged tighter on his hair.
“Umm Y/N?” Your friend Sarah said as she opened the door to the bar.
You quickly jumped apart from Auston and brought your hand up to you lips as if to hide any evidence of what you and Auston were just doing.
“Yeah Sarah what’s up?” You ask trying to act as normal as possible.
“We were just heading off but didn’t want to leave Will by himself.” She explains looking between you and Auston.
“Oh okay uhh... we will come in.” You say as you walk past her and back into the bar.
As you pass her she gives a quick smirk and whispers
“You have some explaining to do on Monday.” You cheeks go a deep red shade as you drop your head and walk back to where the rest of the group was sat.
After your friends had left you sat with Willy and Auston sipping on your drink, looking at Auston over the top of your bottle trying desperately to pay attention to whatever it was Willy was saying, and not climb across the table and crawl into Austons lap in front of the entire bar. But Auston was making this far to hard, the way his hand was twirling his drink in his hand made you think of how his hands ran up and down your waist, how they gripped your ass tightly as he deepened the kiss you two had shared no long ago. The way his leg brushed against yours under the table. Or how you knew his eyes were mentally undressing you right in that very moment. You tried to squeeze your thighs together to bring some relief to your aching core, but it was no use because you knew the only thing that was going to bring you relief was the man sat right in front of you only a few feet away.
“Y/N?” Will asks snapping you out of your trance.
“Huh, sorry Will what did you say.” You ask shaking your head.
“I asked if you wanted another drink, are you okay?” He asks looking concerned.
“You look a little flushed.”
“I uhh I think I’ve had a bit too much to drink maybe I should go.” You say purposely stumbling as you stood from your seat.
You locked eyes with Auston, hoping he would get your drift and play along and thankfully he did.
“Yeah maybe I should get you an Uber.” He says standing and coming over to your side putting an arm around you waist to steady you.
“Maybe Matts should go with you, you really don’t look so good Y/N.” Willy suggests.
“I am so sorry Willy.” You apologise leaning closer into Auston.
“Don’t be as long as you’re all good.”
“Thank you.” You mumble
“You got her Matts?” Will asks Auston.
“Yeah of course, the Uber’s on its way, I’ll see you tomorrow man.” He says as he helps guide you towards the door.
As soon as the Uber pulls up you open the door and slide in practically dragging Auston in behind you and as soon he shuts the door behind him you attach your lips to his. Auston pulls back slightly and you give him a quizzical look
“What’s wrong?” You ask worrying that he had changed his mind about your new little arrangement.
“I thought you were drunk.” He says looking at you.
“I mean yeah that’s what typically happens at a Bar Auston.” You state as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world.
“Wait so you’re good, I just don’t want to take advantage of you if you’re too far gone.” He says tucking a stray piece of your hair behind your ear.
“Aust, I am good, I swear. But thank you for checking.” You say pecking his lips.
“I just needed to get out of there because I was about 30 seconds away from crawling over the table and fucking you in that bar.” You whisper into his ear as you lightly bite on his earlobe.
Auston groaned and squeezed his eyes shut, as he opened them you saw that his pupils had blown and had darken. He lightly grabbed you by the throat and brought your lips to his. His tongue quickly entered your mouth as he moved his hand from your throat to your hair tangling his fingers into your long strands. You ran your hands over his hard chest as you moaned into the kiss tugging on he’s black button up shirt wanting it off.
“Patience, baby.” He mumbled
His lips detaching from yours and he kissed along your jaw and down your neck sucking and nipping softly until he reached your sweet spot just above your collar bone, a soft whined echoed through the small space of the car, you could feel Auston smile against your skin as he began sucking harder you had to bite down on your bottom lip to stop the moans from falling out of your mouth. You felt his other calloused hand run up your the inside of your thighs and begin to stroke your clothed core. You tried to grip his wrist to stop his advances as you became painfully aware of the driver sat less then a foot away from you. But this didn’t stop him as he slipped a finger past your laced panties and into you dripping folds.
“Jesus.” He moaned against your skin as he felt the wetness that had pooled in your core. He spread you wetness running is fingers from your clit back down to you entrance teasing it slightly every time he brushed over the opening. Your hips bucked trying to find just a tiny bit more pleasure from his fingertips as you began rubbing yourself against his hand not caring how needy you being. Auston bought his finger back to your entrance and slipped his middle finger in slowly pumping it in and out, your nails raked down the front of his chest as he added a second finger bringing his thumb up to your clit and started rubbing firm circles on your sensitive bud. Maybe it was the fact it had been almost a month since anyone had touched you or the fact a stranger was sat right in front of you but you could feel your orgasim building quickly, like a steam train with no breaks. You run your hands up to cup Austons cheeks as you guide his lips back to yours in hopes you can drown out your moans in the kiss. Feeling your walls contract around his fingers, Auston increased his speed pumping in and out faster and deeper than before, whilst applying more pressures your clit.
“Let go baby.” He groaned softly in your ear. And at those words your orgasim crashed over you like waves on a shoreline. You dropped you head onto Austons shoulder and bit your lip so hard you were truly shocked you didn’t draw blood. Austons fingers didn’t stop moving until you had ridden out every last drop of pleasure he could give to you in the back seat of the Uber. After you had finished you looked up at Auston and giggled slightly your cheeks flushing from embarrassment, Auston removed his fingers from your sensitive core and you whined quietly at the sudden loss. He bought his fingers to his mouth and licked them clean, never breaking eye contact with you. You adjust your underwear and dress so that they sat back where they were supposed to.
“We might have to give him a tip.” You mumble into Austons neck as he swings his arm around you. You sit in silence for the rest of the painfully long car ride back to Austons.
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sanjiaftersex · 5 years
So, when are we going to hear your thoughts about ShiIta and everything that has to do with it? I love to hear your thoughts and opinions! Thank you and have a nice day!
am here to fry y'all's brains.
why ShiIta is controversial : for the myth that tHeY aRe cOuSinS. First of all,are y'all dumb? itachi and shisui are NOT cousins,they just belong to the same clan.They are NOT like neji and hinata,Shisui's father kagami and itachi's father fugaku were NOT FUCKIN RELATED IN ANY WAY EXCEPT FOR SHARING THE SAME CLAN NAME AND MAYBE LIVING IN THE SAME VILLAGE ON THE FACE OF THIS FUCKING EARTH.also itachi's mother Mikoto (who was by born an uchiha) and Shisui's mother (who was a non uchiha,name unknown) were NOT related (obviously). So,itachi didn't go to eat fuckin Thanksgiving turkey with Shisui's family every November and we shiita shippers don't condone any nasty incest stuff.and the fuckin uchihas prefer marrying into the same clan so y'all need to bippity boppity back the fuck up
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Onto the ship now : the thing about shiita is shisui and itachi's bond didn't actually get to bloom in an adult light,this is why some y'all still doubt them.But even after that,their bond was SO unique i just HAD TO ship :
as kids,they referred to ShiIta as brotherly love(note that sasunaru gaylords were told to have brotherly love too,But we can see when they got the chance to grow,what that eventually resulted in) *cough* Gayest Gay Love *cough*
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The amount of shared pressure and stress,the expectations of being the ideal uchiha- this was on both of their shoulders(both being genius shinobi and all).So,ShiIta clearly shared a special connection over that shared stressful life (even before shit went downhill).Shisui is that person who itachi can return home to,the one who accepts all the flaws and loves the imperfect person underneath the perfect uchiha doll (and vice versa)
The world was on their shoulders,shit was getting messy but even at that moment,shisui was protecting itachi,AND they were laughing together and confining in each other,which is a key point of their bond,itachi didn't confine in anyone else with his naked thoughts and same goes for shisui(who was older than itachi,yet he found comfort in Itachi and not any same aged friend) no matter what,they took the stress away from e/o whenever it got too much
itachi is the type of person whose mind is always in chaos and shisui has always been his anchor.Guiding him, supporting him through life.
the thing that strikes me most is when shisui just goes like he doesn't know what to do anymore but he knew one thing that he'd never betray itachi like-
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Also can we talk about how AMAZING shisui is? like he's fucking strong and talented yet he's SO soft for itachi? He is The most understanding, accepting,level headed and sane uchiha. (cz uchiha culture is going off the fuckin rails,starting wars and commiting international crimes and mass murders when they feel sad) but my baby just sacrificed himself in silence.
itachi is the type of person who is ready to be a doormat for others' happiness (DUH he became a terrorist for his village),so he definitely needs a partner equally selfless (like shisui) who won't take advantage and leech off of his kindness.
this is the thing,this is the type of bond itachi needs in his life... despite all of itachi's crazy fuckery,shisui would be that one person itachi could return home to and rely on. the person who won't leave or betray him,who will understand and give him benefit of doubt,who will accept and forgive. (again,this ain't even a guess,shisui literally said and proved this) it was a character trait of shisui to love and protect itachi,a part of him just devoted to itachi and vice versa(and I'll deck yall if you say that ain't love)
and just my opinion when you find a selfless soul consuming love and unconditional support like this from someone outside family,it eventually turns into something more than just 'friendship'. And let's face it the amount of adoration and devotion shisui had for Itachi (and vice versa),it would have totally developed into something romantic. Such passion usually doesn't stay platonic for too long.
also Shisui (My Libra king) is exactly what itachi (My Gemini Lord) needs.The warm accepting Libra love is what a gemini needs and the intelligent playful Gemini love is what a Libra needs.
i LOVE itachi and so of course i will want the most selfless,understanding, accepting, reliable, forgiving, level headed,kind, devoted, empathetic, self sacrificing and best partner for itachi (that'd be shisui) and this is why ShiIta is one of my top ships.
The most heartbreaking part is that itachi,shisui and their connection did not get the chance to grow or it would've been an equally good bond like sns if not more.While naruto kicks sasuke's ass over everything,shisui would just go around saying shit like IF YOU HATE ITACHI YO MOMMA FAT or LOOK AT HOW MY BABY COMMITS MURDER or some shit
they'd be the disgustingly-in-love couple that is forever stuck in the honeymoon phase lol
anyway Much love for the ask,my dear anon,i hope you have a great day. (and sorry for this longass essay i couldn't stop myself from writing about my otp)
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kaz11283 · 4 years
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You-15, Sam-16, Dean-19
It's been a few years and your friendship with the boys grow stronger all the time. You and Sam have a close friendship but you and Dean are inseparable.
Best Friends
Chapter 3
"Boys are so freakin stupid." You huffed walking into Dean's room. The boys had decided to come along and stay with you at the end of the school year. Your dad deciding to just let you stay at Uncle Bobby's during to keep you from having to transfer you everywhere around the country, the boys however werent as lucky with their dad.
"Why? What happened to ol what's his face?" Dean asked not taking his eyes off the movie he had been watching.
"He ditched me for Karen." You sassed and made a face saying her name. "Your all hormon driven. Every. Single. One." You said sitting down next to the bed.
"We're not all like that. Look at Sammy. Hes more into books and studying." He laughed scooting over and patting the bed so that you could lay down next to him. "Want me to kick his ass?"
"No, hes not worth the time. It was a joke anyways thinking he would actually like me." You said hanging your head. "Jesus how could I be so dumb. I should just start traveling with dad again. Get outta this town. I dont like anyone here anyways, no one would miss me."
"Stop that self hate bull right now. Y/n there are other people out there. Besides you have friends here. Like actual real life friends. Out on the road it's just me, dad, and Sam. Kinda lonely really."
"Ah yes very lonely going state to state deflowering girls and saving the day. Must be hard with so many conquests under your belt." You rolled your eyes, you knew that dean didnt have a problem traveling all over the states.
"I am not having that talk with you. You like my little sister I never wanted and it makes me feel wierd."
"Dean, I'm 15 now, I've fooled around with guys. It's not like I'm completely innocent in a sense." You laughed sitting up.
"Stop really. Like gross. Dont you have homework you need to do or studying or something. Really y/n of your gonna start talking about that get out. Makes me wanna get names and go beat some boys asses." He said pushing your shoulder with his.
"Na. I'll stay. Finish watching this movie with you, if you dont mind. I haven't seen it in a while anyways." You said propping on the head board. "Where is Sammy? We could make this a movie night like we use to have, stay up till morning when Uncle Bobby wakes up he could even yell at us." You laugh.
"Had a date with some chic in town, probably sobbing all over some girls face." He said grabbing his drink off the floor. "If we're making this a movie night we need popcorn and some snacks." He stated pointedly at you.
You rolled your eyes and got up. "The only reason I'm getting everything is because I wanna change into my comfy clothes." You walked out of the room.
"Pie! Dont forget the pie!" He yelled.
"Tired. So tired." You mumbled over the book Bobby had sat in front of you.
"Well if you and Dean hadn't stayed up all night watching scary movies and cackling like a bunch of Henson you wouldn't be. Now help me figure out what this thing is or I'll stick you out there with the boys." You had to admit at least you was inside instead of in the heat working in the garage. Your uncle hadn't been the happiest when he woke up to find you and Dean still wide awake at 6:30 watching a Hatchetman marathon.
"All I'm saying is if you dont want me to conk out I'm gonna need some coffee." You said getting up and going to the front door.
"Y/n, we have coffee in the kitchen." Uncle Bobby grunted after you.
"I also need fresh air, uncle Bobby." You walked out of the door
You had convinced the boys to go with you to a little outside diner in the middle of town ri grab some lunch and just hang out. "So do yall know when yall are leaving me behind again?" You knew it was inevitable that they would leave and you might not get to see them till Thanksgiving or even Christmas.
"Last we talked to dad we were staying through summer and leaving out around the first of August." Sam said taking a bite of a fry. "But he also talked about taking off the last few weeks of summer along with your dad. Taking a type of family vacation."
"Ha, you both know just as well as I do that's not gonna happen. Dad was suppose to be out of the business a long time ago. Even bought a house and wound up selling it because there wasnt a point in owning something he never used." You laughed taking a drink of your milkshake.
You looked up in time to see the guy you had plans with the night before walk into the diner. "Come on, I'm sure Uncle Bobby is wondering where we are. I still have some research to do and yall gotta finish working in that car for him."
"Haha y/n. Nice try. What's going on? Your never willing to get back to work." Dean said still eating on his burger.
"I'm turning a new leaf, let's go." You gritted through your teeth as the guy from the night before started walking toward you. "Ugh, damnit," you whispered putting on a fake grin. "Hey Ethan."
"Hey y/n, look about last night-"
"You had something come up. It's fine."
"Can I have a rain check? Maybe take you out for dinner tonight?" He asked looking at the guys that was with you.
"Ummm. I dont know my family just got into town and I haven't seen-"
"We dont mind. Besides I have plans with some friends and I think Dean might have a date." Sam said smiling at the guy standing in front of them.
"Yup y/n we dont mind. Were here all summer anyways, and we have that vacation too. We have plenty of time to catch up " Dean said standing up. "It was nice to meet you Nathan." Holding out his hand
"Ethan." Ethan said shacking his back.
"Whatever." Ethan walked back to his group of people.
"I hate you both right now." You said grabbing your bag and throwing it over your head before storming away.
Ok guys that was chapter 3. I felt like the ending was a little dry. I have never felt so happy and excited though about something I wrote! Thank you so much for the likes, the rebloggs, and the follows. It's really giving me a reason to write, putting a flame under my ass really to make sure this continues.
Please share, like, and leave comments. It means so much to me and makes my heart swell. You guys have no idea! 💚💚💚
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casual pt. 3
paige x azzi fic
yall already knowwwww i did not proof read
this is mostly filler
“No… no… no…” Colleen replies mindlessly as Azzi holds up different shirts, “Az, I seriously don’t think going to Montana is a good idea. How did you even get your parents to agree to this? They take holidays pretty seriously.” Azzi takes a breath, “I told them I’d spend the entirety of Christmas break with Jon and Jose.” “Yeah? Until Paige comes over,” Colleen says under her breath. “Are you gonna help or no?” Azzi asks her. “Fine,” Colleen says as she settles back onto Azzi’s bed. 
Azzi stands under the awning of their dorm building as Paige pulls the car up. Its cold Connecticut morning and the snow is falling in thick and heavy flakes. After what seems like a very cold forever, Paige pulls around and parks. Hopping out of her car, she goes around to open the trunk. As her hand lands on Azzi’s suitcase, she’s met with resistance. Azzi tugs the suitcase from Paige’s hands, “I can put it in myself y’know.” Paige gives her a confused look as Azzi doesn’t pay her any mind, instead going around to get in the passenger’s seat. “I turned the heated seat on for you, I know you like that,” Paige says, as Azzi stares out the window. 
Azzi doesn’t want to be mad. She would be thrilled to be going to spend Thanksgiving with her girlfriend’s family. But that wasn’t the case. She was going to act as a buffer between her best-friend-turned-friends-with-benefits-in-hopes-of-them-being-together-one-day-in-the-future-but-one-of-them-pretty-much-ruined-that-after-acting-like-what-they-had-was-not-worth-actually-pursuing-and-they-are-just-casually-hooking-up-otherwise-known-as-a-situationship and her mother, who albeit is caring but struggles to connect with her daughter. To make matters even worse, Paige’s mom doesn’t know they’ve ever been anything beyond friends. She figured if Paige could bring her best friend, it would make Montana a little less boring. 
After an uncomfortably quiet ride, which luckily Paige just chalked up to Azzi being tired, they arrived at the airport. Paige watched in the mirror as Azzi grabbed both bags and mumbled something under her breath before she closed the trunk and gave Paige the go-ahead to go park. After finding a parking spot Paige noticed that Azzi had forgotten her unicorn neck pillow on the seat. She reached over and grabbed it. It’s the neck pillow she’s had since high school. Paige had seen it on more flights and bus rides than she could count. And on each on of those flights and bus rides without fail Paige had talked Azzi’s ear off as much as she would let her. Even though Azzi would tell Paige to just shut up and close her eyes, she never stopped listening until Paige stopped talking. She was such a good best friend. After enough reminiscing, Paige grabs the pillow and reaches for the car door. 
Azzi sits near the airport entrance as she toys with the tags on Paige’s bag. Azzi thought having multiple tags on her suitcase was a little redundant, but as she flipped through the tags she stopped at the one with the Hopkins High School logo on the back. It still had Paige’s old Minnesota address. Azzi reminisced on the times that she had gone to Minnesota to visit her, or the times she had traveled to see Paige play for Hopkins. Azzi started to look at the tag with the UConn logo on it, the address almost identical to hers. Only the room number differed. Azzi thought to herself for a moment, what it would be like to finally live together. Would their bedding be pink or purple, or maybe they’d mutually agree on a different color or a mix of the two? It was dumb, Azzi thought, it wasn’t worth wasting her time thinking about. You wouldn’t know how stupid she finds it, if you knew how much she thought about all the hypotheticals in her in Paige’s lives; all of the what ifs, all of the far-off futures, all of the daydreams, and delusions. Azzi flipped to the deep purple tag, it listed her Maryland address. She remembers Paige’s face when she told her that she finally wouldn’t live so far away. She could barely contain her excitement. Finally, Azzi flipped over a pinkish-purple tag, listing Azzi’s house under the address. It was from when Paige stayed with her and her family during covid. She couldn’t help but feel a little sentimental over all the milestones she’s been through with Paige. 
“Stalking me or something?” Paige laughed as Azzi looked up at her like a deer in headlights, “you, uh, forgot this in the car,” Paige says as she hands Azzi the neck pillow. “Thanks,” Azzi shortly responds. Azzi feels caught in the act, wondering how long Paige saw her looking at the different tags she had on her bag while Paige wonders if Azzi can feel that Paige held onto the neck pillow a little longer than she should’ve and reminisced over all the places they’ve been together.
“You know, flying back from Argentina was probably the best flight I’ve been on. To this day,” Paige admits. “Really?” Azzi looks at her. “Yeah, a hundred percent. I’d do a twelve-hour flight with you any day, over a one-hour flight with anyone else. Azzi starts to wonder how bad it would be if she opened up an emergency exit would be, like who says that???? A few beats too late, Azzi responds, “Me too.” As the captain prepares the cabin for take off Paige looks nervously at Azzi, “you know I’m still scared of take off right?” “Still?” Azzi looks at her? “Yeah, still,” Paige responds. Azzi uncrosses her previously crossed arms as she allows Paige to slink her hand under her own and intertwine their fingers.
Paige squeezes her hand as they take off. Azzi squeezes it back as a sign of reassurance. Even as they finally reach their cruising altitude Paige doesn’t remove her hand. As the flight goes on Azzi feels Paige’s hand go limp as she drifts off to sleep. Their fingers intertwined until they touched down in Montana, Azzi couldn’t make up her mind if this trip would be her saving grace or her biggest regret. 
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jamiebluewind · 5 years
Pok The Nightmare King?
@skysfallingbaby proposed an interesting concept. "Maybe Pok Gukgak is the Nightmare King". And while this theory make a lot of things a lot more messed up (like trying to use Riz in a sacrifice), it got my theorist senses a tingling.
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So, without futher ado, let's get started.
First off, What is Pok exactly? We can assume that the Nightmare King doesn't just look like a goblin as he doesn't actually look like any one race when people have tried to describe him. We could guess some kind of magical effect that alters his appearance, but the Nightmare King was also banished (a spell with no time limit outside homebrew rules, unless the spell is not held for a minute or the creature is banished while already on their own plane) and seeing as Pok lived on the material plane for years, he couldn't be the Nightmare King... technically. The thing is, the Nightmare King doesn't have to be there to be there. Ragh's mom was piloting a clone of herself in real time while her real body was unconscious and housed miles underground (possibly in the molten core of the planet). A goblin suit could be piloted by the Nightmare King using the same principles. Even a direct connection to the Nightmare King is established in game via his corrupting influence constantly leaking from his plane of existence into the material plane (specifically in Silvar).
The next question that comes to mind is Why did Kalvaxus eat Pok if they were allied? and to that I say Do we know for sure that he did? What we do know is this...
Kalvaxus taunted that he ate Pok, but he did it in the middle of a battle to throw off Riz.
Kalvaxus would have eaten Pok while bound. Barring being able to enlarge/reduce Pok (and even then, he would only shrink to about the size of a cat), it would have taken a 6 to 7 foot tall dragonborn a WHILE to eat someone 1/2 his height and 1/5 his weight, bones and all (and dragons and dragonborns don't even have the established voracious appetite goblins do).
Riz and Sklonda were told Pok died at sea until Kalvaxus said otherwise.
Pok and Shadow Cat/Calina worked together
Shadow Cat/Calina was absent at Pok's funeral and never contacted Sklonda or Riz afterward.
Shadow Cat was spotted immediately after the battle with Kalvaxus (making it possible that she was given a heads up about Kalvaxus' plans).
So, using this information it's not that hard to theorize that Pok might not have been eaten or was eaten under the orders of the Nightmare King. Reasons to taunt might have been something The Nightmare King told him to say once free or just something he said to rattle Riz knowing it couldn't be proven. Reasons to ask to be eaten could have been to dispose of a clone he was piloting without risking leaving a magical trace behind (which could have been done regularly for one reason or another, but if Kalvaxus got caught red handed, they would have had an established story set up and a witness to it happening).
There's also a few things that happen during the Shadow Cat/Riz dialogue that take on a whole new meaning. I'll link the dialogue below, but one exchange really stands out. She said "Pok Gukgak. It's a good man" and when Riz asked what went wrong between them, she said "Nothing went... wrong between us" immediately followed by her offering "a little information swap" and to answer a question about his dad in exchange for answering her own. This was despite Riz previously saying "I wanna know where the crown is. I wanna know where Fabian is. I wanna know why people are coming for us in our sleep." and thus already knowing what information Riz would trade for.
Finally, let's look at Riz.
He is the son of Pok and Sklonda Gukgak.
He is an inquisitive rogue and on more than one occasion has been described as being "one with the shadows".
He has always has issues with sleeping, often avoiding it or just not getting enough of it.
He has always been able to see Shadow Cat and has met her at least once.
He was going to be sacrificed on an alter by a Nightmare King controlled Fig to complete some kind of ritual.
He was not attacked in his dreams when he failed his throws, the first time getting Baron while awake and the second time pounced on by Shadow Cat while asleep (while even Ragh was attacked in his sleep and got up while already under dominate person as Adaine watched).
Shadow Cat knew a lot of stuff about Riz, including current stuff ("I know that YOU only do things to kinda distract yourself from how DEEPLY sad you are that your dad is gone, I get that. The maidens and then you find the maidens and then it's on to the next thing and the conspiracy board and you don't sleep and you're digging digging digging- it's like when you were in that palimpsest. You will dig until your own hands are bleeding...").
Shadow Cat's first offer to get his intel was to answer a question about his dad if she got to ask him a question in return (followed by saving Fabian despite that being one of the things he asked for).
Some of these wouldn't hold water alone, but combined they paint a very interesting picture. Shadow Cat being so familiar with Riz makes more sense if she has been keeping an eye on the son of her boss off and on for a long time. It also explains why Shadow Cat immediately offered to give him intell on his dad in exchange for answering a question and clicking her tongue when he turned it down like he did. Riz being the son of the Nightmare King (maybe only a tiny part or an infused thing due to how it happened) would mean he's probably immune to some Nightmare magic and skilled with others (like how half-elves are immune to Sleep, but can't trace), which explains why he has yet to get attacked while dreaming and his natural stealth skills, perceptiveness, and sleep issues. The Nightmare King trying to use Riz in a ritual sacrifice instead of just some guy on the street might mean his son is required for it.
This all leaves me with so many questions.
Considering how strategic the Nightmare King is, why exactly would he pick Sklonda?
Could Pok have fathered Riz specifically to sacrifice later, as a backup for something, or as a cover for being around certain people?
Why did Pok leave and was it planned?
What was Pok really up to during his life as a spy?
Is Riz required somehow to bring back the Nightmare King?
Does the ritual actually require Riz to die and if so, could they revive him without causing the ritual to fail (like if it required a lethal amount of blood from Riz or a mortal wound)?
What will Gorthalax reveal once he's freed (which will most likely happen once Ayda learns Plane Shift and has a slot free to use it)?
Could someone in the party potentially question Kalvaxus (maybe with the help of Gorthalax or a specific spell)?
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Special thanks to @skysfallingbaby for the bardic inspiration for this tinfoil time. I honestly hadn't considered the possibility until you mentioned it, but the moment I did I just HAD to follow the logic to see where it led. It really surprised me how many pieces fell into place the further I went. It really was an absolute delight to research. Thank you ^_^
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blackrosesfanfic · 4 years
Chapter 229
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I laugh and eat some of the grapes I went and got from the table. Men don't like to come around when women are together talking. They assume when we are alone we share dick and period stories. I mean it's true but there's other things as well. The door opens. We all stop laughing and look at the door. I jump up.
"What's wrong?" I ask Cammie as she walks in.
"I..." she just shakes her head.
I hug her. "Okay, you don't have to talk about it."
Alex comes over. "Do me and Hidia have to kick someone's ass?"
"Maybe no one in here is in the best condition to whip any ass." Fadiya giggles.
"Yeah, well, maybe not." Alex says hugging Cammie. "Okay, bitch, perk up cause you not unmarried possibly pregnant by your ex's baby brother, unmarried pregnant by who fucking knows until you figure out how far a fucking long you are, married and just stupid as fucking because now you considering moving out of the fucking country cause your bitch ass husband likes Mexico, or unmarried and dating one of the richest jackasses on the fucking planet with a jacked up past and a heavy as engagement ring."
Cammie frowns and spins around the room. "Wait what? Who? What? Richest jackass? Amber?"
"Yeah, that one was mine." I wave my engagement ring.
"You moving to fucking Mexico?" Cammie snaps looking at Hidia. "All yall bitches not pregnant."
Alex eats a frittata. "I hate eggs."
We look at her. Fadiya sucks her teeth. "Stop eating them things before you have high blood pressure."
"Everybody is fucking crazy." Cammie says. "I'm not fucking pregnant but my fucking husband thinks it's okay to kill himself and not okay to talk about me possibly dying an accidental death. Me of all people don't understand what drugs can do to your life."
Everybody kinda goes silent. The door opens relieving everyone from their deep thoughts. It was MiMi carrying her baby.
"I go to breakfast and I'm told the women all left the table. I'm like damn you can't keep your women in check through fucking breakfast?"
"And Chris had something to say?" Alex nods.
MiMi nods. "Of course. Cammie what happened with your breakfast?"
Cammie shrugs. "I left out. I didn't..."
"No ma'am." MiMi snaps scaring the baby. "You need to take your spoiled ass back in there. You know your fucking pathetic ass husband can't do shit without you. Talk about his true feelings to a therapist and his mother?"
"I know."
"Okay, this is bigger than you. You know that."
Cammie sighs. "Yeah. I don't want to be in here with them anyway. You shouldn't stay."
"Why not?"
"Cause they all taking pregnancy test. I mean unless you got something you want to share."
MiMi makes her eyes big. "Don't fucking go there. Do you not see this fucking 7 month old in my fucking arms. Hey, Baby. Mama Cammie can't see you."
Cammie takes her from MiMi. "I see you, pretty girl."
"Yes, take that drama. We got too much as it is." I say waving my hand.
"Girl, why the hell Amber in here?" MiMi whispers to Cammie.
"I don't know, just go. It might be in the air." Cammie says shutting the door.
I laugh. "Bye, sluts."
Alex bangs her head on the bed. "Oh my gosh. That shit winking at me. It has a face on it!"
"Pregnant." Hidia giggles.
"So that means mine is ready." I say going into the bathroom. I turn right back around. "You guys I don't know what I want this thing to say. Just last month I was happy he had a daughter and wouldn't be asking me cause I didn't want to do this shit. I'm going to be the mistake who got pregnant. Oh shit. By the richest jackass in the world."
Fadiya sucks her teeth. "Don't do that to Chris. He is very sweet. He took time out of his busy life to do this for his friends and not ask nobody to pay nothing. He deserves for us to support something. Go look at your damn test."
"Yeah." I nod turning around.
"Pregnant." Hidia says from behind me.
My heart drops. "Fuck."
"You so damn happy check yours." Alex snaps. "You get pregnant in multiples. You fucking pregnant by association."
"If I'm pregnant we not moving to Mexico and we probably gonna fucking fight about that."
"Not fist fight though." I ask.
Alex looks at me. "We should be asking you that."
I suck my teeth. "Chris has been sober for months. Before we got together. He knows that's one thing I don't fucking play with and besides I'm not a psycho bitch. I mean. Most times I'm not. Anyway he doesn't hit me, shake me, or nothing."
"Not even if you ask?" Alex says seductively.
"You are like the spawn of Chucky." I snap.
She slides on the floor. "I might be having Chucky fucking baby. At least it might have cute red nigga hair."
I laugh. "Shut up. Hidia what does yours say?"
"I did two." She says walking across the room. "This shit is… who peed on these?"
"Bitch!" Alex yells. "You are fucking lying. There is no way."
Hidia smiles. "I'm just kidding. If I am pregnant it won't pick it up for a few weeks. Mine just went off days ago."
"You sick. So who going out there to tell their man now?" Fadiya asks.
"Why didn't you take one?" I ask Fadiya.
She stands up and holds her shirt up. "It's a bit late to second guess this. It's a boy."
I cover my mouth. "Oh my gosh. He knows?"
"My ex? No. His brother? Yes." She sighs. "Like I said I'm back in Chicago with my parents away from my ex. Away from Houston."
"You not with the father?"
She sighs. "He wants to be with me but... it was a fucking mistake. Getting into a relationship with the fucking brother of the man who broke my heart 2 years ago? That's fucking..."
"Girl, shut up. You having this man baby." Hidia says. "Be happy. Family reunions are already gonna be awkward. Thanksgiving, Christmas, Birthdays, and shit. That man cheated on you with your fucking gay friend."
"No..." I cover my mouth.
Alex sucks her teeth. "Yall selfish. What yall need to do is find me an abortion clinic."
"Fuck no." Hidia says.
"Why?" I ask.
Alex sits up. "Have you seen my mothering abilities?"
"No." I shrug.
"Exactly." She nods. "No one has cause they are yet to exist."
"Bitch cause you not a mother." Hidia snaps. "You fucking stupid. I'm going to tell that man right now. Anyone else need me to break their news?"
I shake my head. "No, I got to be extra with mine."
"Oh so just send him a random text from a random ass number. Bitch I'm pregnant and you know its yours." Alex says. "Classic Chris Brown."
I giggle. "That will piss him off."
"You wanted to be loving?" Alex snaps. "Send a drone over the fucking beach with a flag after you think he had enough."
"Why are you so good at this?"
She makes her eyes big. "I'm a fucking public rep. I do this in my sleep. And Hidia if you tell him I will kill you."
"Fine, I want to be home when he finds out anyway."
"Then what are you gonna do, Alex?" I ask.
She makes her eyes big. "I like to fuck who I want when I want. Who knows when this thing got here."
"Stop bullshitting. You said you had unprotected sex for the first time." Hidia snaps.
"Whatever. I'm not tryna deal with this. Amber has the floor to make it romantic. I'm just going to continue to shit bricks. Get a calculator and calendar."
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MiMi pushes me into the room. She promised to go back in with me. I pause looking around the room. Trey wasn't in there. It was just April and Wanda talking about shoes. They pause when April sees me.
"Are you going to join us?" April asks.
"No." I say backing up a bit. "Where is Trey?"
April points towards the patio door. "Tremaine!"
He comes into the room carrying Caden. "Yeah. Oh."
He smiles really hard at me. I swear I don't know what to do with him. Trey steps back outside then comes back with a chair in his free hand. Caden is woke chewing away at Trey's shirt.
"That was intense." Wanda says. "Do you think so?"
"Yeah." I nod. "It's us."
"But it doesn't have to be." Trey says so sweet. "It's not always gonna be us."
I roll my eyes. "And what changes that, Tremaine."
"No, you are a pair. Together you need to change it. We are here because Trey deals with it all himself. He can't change it all himself." April says.
I nod. "I do hold a lot in."
"It's okay. We all do but marriage, it's the glue that holds your broken pieces together."
"Yeah but marriages don't always last. Then I'll just be broken pieces." I say.
"Marriages don't always last but are you not still in yours? So some marriages do last. My marriage almost broke me. Had me going to my colleagues thinking I was crazy for being in it. You have to grow with the marriage. When it gets deep you grow tall. When it dries up you replenish it."
I sigh. "How you figure out which is which?"
"We are here talking, helping your through it. Positive people help keep a marriage together." My mother says sitting down. "You don't have to have the answers Cammie. Nobody said you had to do it alone. You just have to initiate it. I had to stop blaming April and initiate getting you back. I just let you do what you wanted for too long. I'm ready to fight you now. So we are going to fight until you let me in your life. I always said God is on your side when you are walking in the right direction."
I just shrug my shoulders. I didn't want to cry no more. Trey kisses my cheek then a big face touches my cheek. Caden grabs my face suddenly then lets go. He better fucking let me go. I kiss him. He was back to trying to grab Trey's face.
"I should have brought my husband." MiMi says.
"It's not too late." Wanda says.
MiMi giggles standing up. "He too hood for emotions."
"The harder they act the more emotional they are." My mother says.
"So Trey... we need to set some realistic goals."
Trey clears his throat. "I'm letting this life go when my son starts kindergarten. Maybe first grade. Focusing my attention on them starting with Lane. I'm not waiting on another one to reach that age. Lane."
"That's realistic?" Wanda asks. "And how will you make money?"
"I married an educated achieved woman who don't mind working for what she has. We can make it."
April sighs. "Thank God to that."
My mama clears her throat. "I'd like to take some credit here. Not from God. She's just mine."
"Okay, Debra." April says rolling her eyes. "That's all you get today."
"That's below your current means."
"Royalties determine my means as it is so it'll just stay that way. I know how to make my money grow through investments and real estate."
Wanda moves on. "You know men experience postpartum depression as..."
Dee and MiMi walk in. A mad Dee. "Morning." He says.
"Good morning." April, Wanda, and my mother say.
I share my seat with MiMi. Wanda nods.
"What I was saying was men experience postpartum depression as well as women. Feeling like nothing is prepared, feeling useless, or just feeling negative about the new family structure. I see you have an infant as well. Are you feeling like your place is solid?"
Everybody looks at Dee. He sits up in his seat. "Who me? Yeah my position..."
"But you feeling like I'm cheating though." MiMi says.
Dee chuckles. "That's my ego. Just testing..."
"Trey's suicidal thoughts started after a birth and after hearing rumors of infidelity. We don't take anything lightly in this circle of friends. It's a very open environment. If you say you are okay mean it." Wanda says.
"I mean... I'm good. Why we talking bout me? This not..."
"It's about marriage right now." Trey says.
Dee was definitely uncomfortable. "Just saying I'm good."
"What about your wife?" Wanda asks. "How does she feel? She knew you wouldn't like talking about emotions? What about hers?"
"She just wants to be in California."
"We are here." Wanda says confused.
Dee cuts MiMi a look. "Aight, fine." He says sits up in his seat. "I used to sell drugs and all that now I'm making legal money in Atlanta. Good money. Taking care of my family planning a wedding, by myself. All she wants to do is move to California and I don't want to. Don't want to walk away from my new means."
"What's in California, MiMi?" Wanda asks.
"Dancing job. My best friend."
"Wait Dr. Ross? Why are you in California?" Cammie snaps.
"Conveniently a medical conference with Jim's practice." She smiles. "It's in a few days. We came early when he heard about the babies being sick. He wanted to see them himself. You've changed your life around and now your wife wants to change it again."
Dee shrugs a bit. "I'd walk away from money for her. Right after I buy everything for this wedding."
"Sounds like you and Trey are both making some executive decisions around the same time in life."
Dee sighs. "I think we married the same woman that's forcing us both in the same direction."
"That's a positive thing. You will have each other."
"Dee has been playing with his life for years though."
"Past tense." Dee says. "I go to work fearing my life as much as a mother packing her kids in a car to go to a grocery store."
"And you were scared to open up. We won't attack you. It's safe. My advise to everyone is to remember those around you that want to help. Don't try life alone. Trey you get me a good solid plan in writing. I don't want to be worried about your well being as you travel away from your family."
Trey nods his head. I look at him. Caden was getting bored with Trey and trying to see how far he could reach in other directions. I play with his foot distracting him. I can't say that this has been a bad session. It would have been nice to get deeper into Trey's thoughts but maybe that's for an even more private breakfast. Maybe just between us later.
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babygirlofwakanda · 5 years
A Time To Give Thanks | Chapter 2
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CHARACTERS — Giselle X Chris Hemsworth
CONTENT — Thanksgiving Shenanigans, Family Ties, Soul Food, Tradition and Southern Hospitality
PLOT — The Hollywood couple and their children fly out to Giselle’s hometown for Thanksgiving this year.
NARRATIVE — The soul food filled the house; replacing the vanilla scent that once filled the house.
With silver trays of steaming collards green, sizzling turkey and corn brought by arriving family members the side dishes added to the lingering smell of food already in the house from the night before.
Downstairs checking on the glistening ham the barefaced beauty stepped back from the heated source before closing the oven. Taking her mittens off Giselle went onto stirring the mac & cheese but before she could, she was frantically waved over by her sister who stood by the drink table dumping a couple of ice cubes in the two dozen red cups.
Twisting her face up out of instinct the actress maneuvered through her aunties and uncles before she reached Iris, “What’chu want Iris? I’m busy girl.”
Cutting her chocolate eyes at her sister’s sly smirk and quirked eyebrow, “Hm, I know what your nasty ass doin’ last night.” She started, instantly making Giselle’s face scrunch up in confusion before she remembered why her vagina was aching today.
Instantly dropping her mouth as her eyes went wide, Giselle pinched her sister’s shoulder, “Iris! You need to keep your fuckin’ voice,” She said, as she looked around to see if anyone noticed her words, “—your voice down and stop ear hustlin’ on what does or doesn’t happen in my room.” Giselle sassed.
Jerking away from her oldest sister’s hold Iris rebutted, “Huh-uh don’t start that GiGi! You and Chris out’here makin’ all that damn noise at two in fuckin’ morning like my bedroom isn’t next door!”
Before either of them could even respond the siblings were interrupted by Chris strolling into the kitchen with two more bags of ice and Niel following behind with a few more boxes of cups. Squinting her eyes at her sister, Giselle greeted them, “—hey y’all!”
“Wassup G and Iris,” Niel smiled, “Hello.” The Aussie greeted, with a headnod at Iris and a wink at his wife.
“I see dad got y’all working today.” Iris chuckled, making the men sigh and stifled out a laugh. “You just don’t know big head,” Niel let out an exhausted laugh, before he wiped his forehead, “—but imma be right back. I’m gonna go check on Elianna.” He said, before side hugging his sisters and dapping up Chris.
“So, what time did my dad wake you up?” Giselle questioned, as she shifted towards her husband.
“Around eight-ish.”, “Aw, thats too bad. I had some plans for us to do before we got started with our day, but I guess that’ll have to wait for later.” The actress promised, making her brow quirk while her tone of voice softened; lingering in his ear and sadly, Iris’s.
Kissing her teeth, “Uh, do I need to leave the kitchen or what?” Iris questioned, with borderline annoyance inflected in her voice making the couple pull away.
After stepping back, Giselle sighed with a hand on her forehead while her husband excused himself and exited the kitchen leaving the annoyed Brown sisters.
Squinting her eyes at her Iris, Giselle scoffed and folded her arms. “Oo! Yall lovebirds make me sick!”
“Y’all were lucky mama and daddy’s room was down the hallway otherwise y’all two would be ass out in the street.” Iris cackled, with her head tossed back before she returned back to filling the cups.
With her eyebrow quirked Giselle instantly spat out her rebuttal, “Oh Iris, honey you don’t want to start with me, but since we airing shit out riddle me this.”
“Why exactly did you ask daddy for those batteries today hm? Lying and saying it was for your remote— when we both know it’s for a certain remote alright.”
Folding her arms as her hip poked out, Giselle hummed out as Iris failed to respond leaving her stumbling over her words. “That’s what I thought.”
“So, you what was that bout’ me and Chris again?”
“—you made me happy, this you can bet. You stood right beside me— yeah and I’ll never forget..”
Synchronized dancing and collective singing ranged out of the kitchen and echoed through the rest of the house as Frankie Beverly and Maze’s Before I Let Go played from the speakers. Struggling to squeeze past eachother to put whatever dish they wanted on their plates; the Brown and Hemsworth family crowded the space as they broke up the single-file line.
“What’chu want on your plate baby?”, “Uhh I want that and ham!” Giselle saw Amelia point to the ham and the platter of Devil’s eggs. After putting the food on her plate Giselle went onto making Sienna’s plate before she did her own. Glancing over at Chris while she scooped some green beans on her plate Giselle watched her husband struggle to make his plate.
“Y’know maybe it’ll help if you put her down.”
“Aht! Don’t worry about what we doing, Mia tell auntie to quit worrying about us.” Chris kissed his teeth while Mia drooled and bobbed her fist around before he walked towards the drinks. With her eyes still on Chris, she twisted her mouth around as she saw how her husband has interacted with Mia.
Catching her husband mumble a few words to her niece, Giselle watched Mia’s heavy head drop within seconds before she reached up and gripped Chris’s neckline as she fought from closing her heavy eyes.
Melting at the sight Giselle found herself questioning her decision to hold off on having another baby once more. Exhaling, the actress took her eyes off the two only to glance down at her three brown babies for a second; could she really handle another one?
After she finished making the children’s and her plates Giselle left her kids sitting with their second cousins before she walked outside and sat down at the outside dining table. Settling down next to Chris who still managed to eat his food while keeping Mia close to his chest while responding to her cousin, Kj.
“Aye! Quit naggin’ him Kj! We didn’t come down here to breakdown every Marvel movie.” Giselle rebutted, making her cousin smack his lips while Chris stifled out a laugh. “—and that goes for the rest of y’all.”
“We just wanna know what happens to Thor!”
After finishing their food and feeding baby Mia, the couple’s rest of the evening was spent separated.
With Chris being pulled away by her cousins and siblings, he stayed outside with the men of her family who were laughing and sharing a case of Heineken’s.
Meanwhile, Giselle sat at the kitchen table chatting with her female cousins and younger sister. Gulping down the burgundy beverage the actress laughed at her cousin, “—then Marcus had the audacity to start that ‘I’m tired’ bullshit like man ion’ wanna hear that shit after I’ve been working all day, saddle up nigga!”
“I’m tired of that mothafucka holding out on me then he called himself tryna edge me and shit— I almost choked him when I was able to stand on my feet.”
“I swear I can’t stand that fine ass nigga. Just look at him outside laughing like shit is so sweet; ah hee hee haa haa ass nigga.” Giselle’s cousin, Rachel mocked, before kissing her teeth and throwing her wine back.
Tossing her head back at her cousin’s story Giselle went to bring her glass of Chardonnay to her mouth when suddenly a bitter fluid entered her mouth and began to puddle over her tastebuds. Wincing at the vile taste the actress closed her mouth and harshly swallowed before she started for her glass again.
—but her body had other plans, before Giselle could even lift her hand up by an inch she abruptly tasted the sour fluid back in her mouth followed by the sudden thrust of her food beginning to retrace.
Immediately throwing a hand over her mouth the actress slammed down her wine glass and stood up; spilling and staining the alcohol on the table while her chair screeched from her brisk moves.
Quickly gaining the attention of her family members, “GiGi is everything fine? Sweetheart, you’re looking a little gre—,” before her sister could finish getting her question out Giselle ran to the nearest bathroom.
Reaching the powder room the nauseous woman didn’t even get the chance to turn on the light before she fell to her knees, cradled the toilet and started to release the chunks from her mouth. With the plops of her contents splashing into the water while she threw up, Giselle missed the heavy footsteps coming down the hall before she felt a warm palm on her back.
Heaving against the toilet Giselle fluttered her eyes open and caught her husband kneeling down beside her side while combing her hair into a loose ponytail.
—and right behind Chris stood her mama searching for a washcloth to clean her baby’s face afterward.
“Baby! Giselle are you ok? Look at me.” Beginning to turn her head Giselle felt her stomach jolt and before she knew it she was hunched over the toilet again.
“—shit!” Chris hissed, while he caressed his wife’s back and waited until Giselle was done throwing up.
Hearing Giselle groan as he propped her body up against the wall, Chris moved fast as he flushed the toilet before he grabbed the wet cloth Mama Janice was pushing towards him. Holding her face with his left hand Chris wiped Giselle’s mouth with the other before he folded the cloth and dapped it across her face. “Do you feel better babe? Do you feel like you have to go again baby?” Chris questioned, voice slightly shaking as he stared into her dim eyes.
Watching her head slowly move side to side, the Australian nodded before he helped his wife to her feet only for her knees to starting buckling causing Chris to move on his feet and swiftly pick Giselle up.
“Oh, God!” Mama Janice rasped, as she stared at her oldest daughter before moving to open the door.
“Thanks mama. Hey, uh— can you bring me a can of ginger ale and some of those saltine crackers? Imma go ahead and take Giselle upstairs,” Chris requested.
“Yes, of course honey. Now gon’ and take my baby to her room, I’ll be up there soon.” Mama Janice sassed, before she shooed her son-in-law out the confined space and dismissed the lingering relatives.
Entering the hallway Chris headed towards the staircase when a voice called out to him, “Daddy! Is mommy gonna be okay?” before footsteps followed.
Immediately spotting a confused, but somewhat distressed Amelia coming closer, “Hey! Mommy is gonna be alright yea? She’s just a little sick okay, so why don’t you go with—um,” Chris paused, while he looked up and spotted Iris. “—come with me, baby.”
“Let’s go see what your siblings and cousins are doin’ in the kitchen huh? You feel like coloring Lia’?” Chris heard Iris question, while she walked Amelia away.
Sighing, Chris went on and took Giselle upstairs and got her tucked into the bed. After persuading his wife to sip on the ginger ale, Chris watched Giselle sleep for a minute before he placed a kiss on her forehead and headed out of the bedroom; letting Giselle be.
A daze greeted Giselle as she stirred awake before a yawn rippled her features. Curling up before pushing her arms out the brown beauty slowly propped up on her forearm and blinked while she looked around the bedroom. Noticing the can of ginger ale and pack of saltines, Giselle recalled what happened earlier.
Instantly tasting the bitter residue from earlier she frowned before sitting up, swinging her legs around the bed to brush her teeth. After freshening up for a minute, she reached the bottom of the staircase and went to look for her husband. Following the laughs, Giselle walked into the kitchen and quickly spotted Chris; standing in a corner laughing with Quinton.
Sliding past her family members Giselle reached Chris, “—uh, baby..” She whined, as she playfully nudged her younger brother aside to hug her man.
“Aye!”, “You feeling better baby, hm?” The Aussie asked, before he leaned back and held her face up with his palms on the sides of face. “Much better.”
“Plus, your color came back; you’re not as green.”
Nodding her head, Giselle exhaled before she pouted her lips and blinked up at her husband.
Without a second thought, Giselle felt Chris’s damp lips on hers, “Ugh! Can y’all cut that shit out. Now, I know what Iris was talking bout’— shit that might be why your sick GiGi.” Giselle heard Quinton complain.
Quickly freezing, the couple stared at eachother and let a wave of silence pass by before they busted out laughing, “Puh-lease!” Giselle giggled, before she placed her head back onto Chris’s heated chest.
Little did the couple know that Giselle’s younger siblings were onto something life-changing.
AUTHOR’S NOTE — This was just a quick little wrap up! More Chris and Giselle is coming in a couple of days. Anyways, thanks for reading and supporting!
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