#see this is why i cannot pick a bias
thoughtsforsoob · 9 months
hello i have a request !! how would txt react to u opening and album and pulling a pc of another member and getting all excited nd them being like “….i thought i was your bias.”
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a/n: this is so cute :(( I’ve seen a couple posts like this but I wanna put my own opinion out there so I will complete this request! thank you so much for sending a kind request :) I appreciate you, anon. Please enjoy and as always, request remain open (please be mindful that they will take some time as I have a few more request to complete at the moment) (pictures are not mine. found on Pinterest. credit to posters)
he is so offended omg
"excuse me? did you buy this album on purpose? you didn't;t want my photo card?"
"yeonjun..you can't pick which pc you get. you should know this. this is your album"
... silence !! boy knows he was wrong
you pull taehyun and as soon as he sees you smile, he is so jealous
"okay then, you love taehyun so much? go ask him to be your new bf."
the biggest pout on his face
please just tell him you change your mind :( he will be sad
he likes when you being your new albums for you both to unbox together bc he loves to see your pulls
he suddenly did not like this activity so much when a hueningkai pc appears in between the pages of your new album...
he is kind of sad yo see you get all excited about someone else that isn't him
"aren't I your bf >;("
he can't be mad for too long
runs off the next day top get you more of his photo cards, which you are very grateful for
he's not even mad that you got someone else photocard
like, he fan girls with you
but then you break the news to him that he's not your bias and he goes silent
"im not your bias? okay then, bf privileges revoked."
"oh really? alright then. bye!"
he switches up so quick and takes it back
he cannot let you not talk to him on your terms so he makes it up to you
not concerned at all about any part of this
he knows you love him at the end of the day so why should he worry about you biasing one of his best friends?
then it sets in...you bias one of those guys :| they're stinky
"baby, you should't bias beomgyu. he literally tried to put his foot in his mouth the other day"
he is trying his best to dissuade you from biasing him but nothing stops you
huening kai
fanboys with you part.2
he seems like he has a very silly/excited personality
you'd open the album and see your yeonjun photo cards, he is jumping out of his chair and cheering
"omg! yeonjun hung photocard!!"
"omg.,.I pulled two of him"
"TWO ???"
he is overall happy for you but always offers you his photocards
"you should always have a picture of me! how about I get you one of my rare cards?"
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saltpepperbeard · 9 months
Call It Through as a Crew: Alleviating Some Phone Anxiety
Hello everyone! So as you probably already know, there has been a recent call to make, well, calls! Another member of our crew figured out that the max customer service line (855-442-6629) is a very effective way to get our feedback heard, as the feedback gets transcribed and shared to a multitude of teams.
I already sort of briefly shared my experience on this post, but I wanted to go a bit more in detail to offer some solace for those who are also phone averse, as well as share resources and get the word out even more.
And y'all, when I say I'm phone averse, I mean PHONE AVERSE LMAO; MY FEET WERE SWEATING JSDKLS LIKE I WAS FIGHTING FOR MY LIFE. So I totally, TOTALLY get it, and am here to walk you through everything in detail!
So I called that number and was on a brief hold--probably like 5 minutes or so. The customer service representative (Margot my bestie Margot) then picked up, and asked for the email associated with my account as well as my full name.
I was extremely extremely worried and anxious about being bothersome/annoying the person on the other end and just being able to feel it in their tone, so I was shivering and sweating all the while. But then when she asked for my reason for calling, I said, "Oh, it's actually in regard to some feedback," and she went, "Is it for Our Flag Means Death?"
And we both laughed, and I was like, "Haha how did you knooooowww?" And she laughed some more and was like, "Let me tell you, I have never seen anything like this in all my years working here. We are getting so many calls. It's incredible."
And by that point, a large weight was off my chest because she was friendly, I was friendly, EVERYONE WAS FRIENDLY.
I laughed and told her that we were a very passionate and concerned bunch, and she told me that she thought that was so cool and also super important. She then allowed me to tell her my feedback, and she transcribed it as I talked. This was the little script I had prepared in case you'd like to reference it:
I just wanted to call and express my disappointment, dissatisfaction, and concern with the recent cancellation of Our Flag Means Death on Max. As a queer person myself, this show has a tremendous impact on me. And in a climate where so many diverse and LGBT-centric shows have unjust ends, I’d just like to express my wish for reconsideration, and just the hope that…Max will allow LGBT stories like ours to live and flourish. And I’m really worried about there being some kind of…homophobic angle to the cancellation, so it would mean the world to myself and so many others if the decision could be reversed, and we could get our third and final season.
I went a little graver than originally planned, because I saw talks that taking a DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) angle, as well a "hey I'm a queer person and this feels like a decision made for a nefarious purpose" angle, are supposedly more likely to be noted.
Anyway, she allowed me to say my piece and wrote it all down, and then actually stayed with me on the line to chat a bit more. So, the phone call didn't feel rushed or anxious which was SO so huge to me; it felt far more conversational.
She was like, "I don't want to toot our little horn or anything, but Max really takes all this feedback into consideration. It will be passed to the properties team (or something equivalent, I can't remember the EXACT term she used), and they're in charge of what goes on Max and why. So, I really feel like you guys have a fighting chance with these efforts."
And of course I was thanking her profusely for telling me all of this, and for listening; polite menace, that will be my brand!
But man, the coolest part of all? She told me that she was POC, and a queer person herself, and that this was all so cool and so amazing to see. She applauded our efforts, and expressed interested in the show. I laughed and said, "Well uhhhh I might have a BIT of a bias, but I cannot recommend it enough."
And then she proceeded to tell me that it might be even MORE effective to hit from different angles. So, keep calling (they're available 24/7), and also keep utilizing the online feedback form. Basically just keep FLOODING them with how much this means to us and why.
I then expressed a lot of gratitude, we exchanged pleasantries, and there was a brief survey at the end. I don't think the survey is necessary, so you can probably hang up by this point, but I stuck around for a little more horsepower. It tells you to rate the customer service on a scale of 1-5 with 5 being the highest, and you know I gave my bestie a fivvvveee. It also tells you to press 1/2 if your issue was resolved or not. I said HELL TO THE NO, DUDE SJDKLS. And THEN, it asks you to leave a voice message after the tone describing your experience. I said that I was with the customer service representative Margot, and that she was extremely friendly and helpful, but that the issue at hand will not be resolved until Max reserves their decision about the recent cancellation of Our Flag Means Death (I'm also always saying the show title in full as opposed to just the acronym, just for more OOMPH).
...And thennnn I proceed to shake it/shriek it all off LMAO.
Buuuut yeah! Probably took a total of 10 minutes or so. @xoxoemynn also shared with me that she's seen people say that these customer service representatives likely deal with older folks who need help with technology, and are subsequently stunned (and maybe even excited) to talk to younger people who just want to voice concerns instead of chew the poor customer service people out lol! And Margot also mentioned that they were eager to take calls no matter what, so as long as we're all polite and succinct, I don't think we'll have to worry about a very tense and awkward call.
I hope this alleviates some fear a bit! We got this, crew. We're doing so, so much. And it seems like it's being heard all over the place; it also seems like we've got so many people on our side, too. Big big hugs, and I'll share the necessary resources once more-
Customer Service Number: (855) 442-6629
The Online Feedback Form:
The original tumblr post with all the information:
The tumblr post where Fox and others were sharing even more information:
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ccfever · 3 months
Why do you support someone who gives no fucks about black woman who are just trying to have fun playing basketball. Cc has white privilege and I assume you do too
lmfaooooooo i’m not white and i don’t even live in the USA. caitlin has credited many black women for paving the way for her to be able to be in the position she’s in right now. difference is she mentions them by name. her basketball hero is literally maya moore. she went on national television and paid tribute to sheryl swoopes, lisa leslie, dawn staley, and maya moore for breaking barriers and being icons in women’s sports. she continuously, on record, have said that the wnba have many women in the league who are deserving of recognition and praise, and she has never took any credit for any of the growth happening in women’s basketball right now. i’d link you all these statements, but i have a life and don’t have the time.
asked about the fever’s first charter flight: i think it will be better if everyone has it, the product on the floor will only be better.
not once did she ever make that about herself.
she defended angel reese after the backlash from the 2023 championship game.
she defended chennedy carter and said the flagrant foul only happened because of competitiveness, and praised her for having a good season.
she denounced the racist and misogynistic people who are using her as a proxy for their agendas. i understand that she is not the most vocal player when it comes to social justice issues. does that immediately make her a racist person? why?
she’s never presented herself as a spokesperson, and to be quite honest with you, it would do everyone good if people stopped banging on caitlin clark’s proverbial door demanding statements and speeches, and start LISTENING to the many women in the wnba who are actually VOCAL, and have EXPERIENCED being marginalized. lift up and shine light on these women.
she has never done anything wrong herself, but you label her as a racist person. that’s disgusting to me because there are actual racist people out there. the chicago tribune editorial team. freaks on the internet. they’re everywhere and they’re the ones being racist but they don’t get any substantial pushback because caitlin clark is the one who takes the heat.
not gonna lie, you calling me a white person offended me in levels you cannot imagine. my country was colonized by americans, we are still suffering from the effects of everything done to us by predominantly white countries. i have a bias towards white people – i don’t tend to like them, especially if they’re not self aware.
you accusing me of having white privilege when you don’t even know who i am is rich. you don’t know me, and you don’t know what i see everyday. i live in literal hell. block me and move on with your life. this isn’t a fight you want to pick.
edit: it’s okay not to like her. it’s okay to feel like she isn’t doing enough. it’s okay to stop supporting her because of that. but being so extreme and calling her a racist person is unreasonable. and calling me racist and white? that’s just stupid. have some nuance.
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madeofjules · 2 months
Thg non-canon things that are claimed as canon?
Oh man this will probably start some fights lol, but just to be clear I'm not saying that all of these can't be true or people are wrong for believing they are. It's more just that we don't know for sure because they're never confirmed in the source text and therefore (IMO) cannot be labeled as canon. Here are some common ones off the top of my head:
Finnick was the youngest victor ever
Rue's death sparked the rebellion
Everything Katniss did was for Prim (it all started with her protecting Prim, yes, but Prim stopped being her sole motivation after she stepped into the arena)
The Quell was rigged for Finnick to win
Peeta refused to kill (he literally said he would so idk where people got this from)
Katniss was indigenous or Katniss was white (these are the two most common ones I see people claim as canon, but her race was never stated)
Peeta's family didn't care about him or he didn't care about them
Katniss always assumed she'd marry Gale (she said that other people probably assumed it, not that she did)
Career academies
Foxface killed herself
Katniss was the first ever volunteer in district 12
Annie wasn't a Career (there isn't a single reason to believe this)
Peeta was still hijacked after the war
Katniss never experienced desire or wanted to kiss anyone (saw a fan art about this and I was just like, did we read the same books?)
Peeta wasn't a good tribute (boggles my mind that this is a popular take)
Katniss's mom didn't love her, didn't try to reach out to her after the war, and all the other stuff people make up about her to demonize her further
Disclaimer: canon can be murky when there are both books and films. The THG movies repeatedly contradict the books and some characters are completely different than their book counterparts, so it's really not possible for both canons to exist simultaneously in one universe. That's why I view the source material as the ultimate determinant of canon.
Of course, there are some movie-only details that could be true in the books as well, like Finnick being the youngest victor. My issue is more with people claiming that movie details refuted in the books are canon, or combining movie-only canon with book-only canon, or simply picking and choosing what is and isn't canon based on their preferences. I see people do this disingenuously to push certain narratives, like "the weird thing my favorite character did in the movie isn't canon but the bad thing my least favorite character did is".
All of that brings so much inconsistency and bias into the story that it starts to lose meaning and purpose, so I think it makes the most sense to only consider the books "true" canon when viewing the story as a whole.
None of this is to say people can't have headcanons or things they prefer over book canon or anything like that. The fun part of fandom is being able to engage with the material in a way that means something to you personally. So please don't take anything I'm saying as an attack on your opinions because that's not my intention.
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hawkeyeslaughter · 9 months
mash ask game !! 😚😚 send me an ask w one of these questions !!
1 . who’s your favorite swamp rat ?
2 . what’s a detail that you would consider insignificant but you like ?
3 . what continuity error do you think about the most ?
4 . what’s your favorite line ?
5 . do you have a favorite patient ? which and why ?
6 . who’s your favorite nurse ?
7 . which character would you be most likely to hang out with and why ?
8 . what’s your favorite ridiculous storyline ?
9 . episode you could genuinely write an entire essay on ?
10 . least favorite storyline involving your favorite ( or one of your favorites ) ?
11 . favorite random object in the swamp ?
12 . if you were a member of the 4077 and had a nickname like trapper or radar , what do you think everyone would call you ? why ?
13 . what’s your favorite running joke ?
14 . you can get rid of one ( 1 ) episode . which one is it ?
15 . pick a theme song for one of the characters . why do you think that song suits them ?
16 . you can pick one of the write off characters to stay on the show and develop , the others’ roles don’t change . who are you picking ?
17 . ah we’ve been waiting for this one . favorite episode ? if you can’t pick , how bout top three - ish ?
18 . who’s your favorite cast member writer and / or director ? ( ex . directed by alan alda )
19 . favorite character that’s talked about but never onscreen ?
20 . who would win in a fight , the character you deeply love or the character you cannot fucking stand ( this does not have to be a main character ) ( i will be realistic i promise . no bias 😒😒 )
21 . what’s the episode you put on for a good cry ?
22 . a klinger outfit you’d want to “ borrow “ ( and probably never give back ) ?
23 . a storyline you wish they’d gone a little deeper on ?
24 . what’s your favorite prank ever pulled ? why ?
25 . what’s the first episode you remember seeing ? if you can’t remember , which episode do you think you’ve seen the most times ?
26 . wildcard ! blog gets to pick whichever question they want to answer
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mochiwrites · 6 months
have anything new to add for the secret husband au 👀
👀 we’ve kinda touched on season 6 a bit here and there, but why not dedicate a whole response to it :3c
I think season 6 is their softest season. not that they aren’t ridiculously soft and loving in other seasons because they definitely are. but season 6… they’ve been reunited after two long and very difficult years. grian’s got some trauma, scar’s got some fears. they have to relearn one another
and it starts small. they have dinner together a lot. scar takes grian out on dates. grian builds his first ever nest in scar’s lil pirate cave. they spend a lot of nights just… together
the first time they go flying together is amazing, so breathtaking. scar hasn’t seen grian look so happy like that in a while, he looks at peace in the sky
scar is there when grian struggles with himself and his place on the server, there to pick him up and hold him close
season 6 is also the first time where scar preens grian’s wings <3 there’s a… lot that they learn that night, whoops
I think a few of the hermits come up to grian and thank him. they mention how upset scar was, how bad he was doing before grian came along. and they’re genuinely grateful because scar is so cheerful and bright, and he’s doing much better. and when grian sees scar later he all but tackles him and smothers him in love (and also apologizes for being gone for so long, that scar was that bad without him)
and the prank war!!!! concorp may be supplying supplies to both sides, but we all know scar is g team. he listens to grian plan pranks and builds and offers his own input, helps build on his ideas. he’s also totally shown his bias in giving g team stuff that team star doesn’t get :p
sahara vs concorp is fun too. when they do that prank with the sand, scar comes home covered in it. and he does quite a bit of complaining. face plants right into grian’s lap with a loud whine of “griiiian” while his pesky husband just laughs at him and starts to brush some of the excess sand out of his hair. and— “something wrong, scar?” “sand? really? sand?! cub and I spent hours cleaning it up!” “aw, poor baby. sahara had to send a message somehow!” “you couldn’t have, I don’t know, used signs?!” “where’s the fun in that?” “griiiiiii sand is so coarse! and it gets literally everywhere!” “ah, but a small price to pay for competition in business”
and demise??? oh my goodness demise. grian has a field day with teasing scar when he dies. and they have to set ground rules “no scar you cannot kill me when we’re sleeping in the same bed or nest. husband time is sacred time, demise does not exist in our home.” scar is over the moon when grian joins the dead team because they can scheme together and be menaces with one another
also with the area 77 stuff, grian Definitely tried to flirt with scar in order to get into that big building where his time machine was being kept. we’re talking the whole pushing up against the wall (a funny thing to do when your husband is like a foot and then some taller than you) and grian’s leaning in to whisper “don’t suppose you could let me into that there building, mm? just for a few minutes?”
scar is a Strong, Strong man in that moment
I don’t think they talk about what exactly happened with the watchers for a good bit into season 6. of course they have a small talk initially, one where grian kinda explains what happened with evo. but he never goes into the nitty gritty. just implies things for scar to pick up on. and it’s not until it’s been a long good while that grian ever mentions the watchers and what they did to him. scar never pushes, just sits and waits until grian is ready to talk and open up. and he tells grian as much multiple times
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beautifulpersonpeach · 4 months
Hello! How are you feeling about RPWP?
I really enjoyed indigo but I’m actually obsessed with RPWP. I cannot get enough of it and parts of it haunt me in my sleep in a good way. It may even end up my favourite solo album so far over Face and Jack in the Box which is a big call.
As Jimin said, RM should release his dark side more often.
Really this is just a selfish ask as I love it so much I need someone to talk about this album with! I hope you’re happy and healthy BPP
Namjoon is very carnal. I mean, as a person, he shows a very carnal disposition. And this quality paired with his intelligence, is one key reason why he’s able to make music that electrifies, to quote Kendrick, and show such a mastery of every music genre he chooses to express himself in. At the same time, he’s incredibly conscientious and that leads to all the restraint we see in him. In Right Place, Wrong Person, he lets that restraint slip a little and my god has it been an experience listening to the result.
Listening to this album from top to bottom, (and that’s exactly how I’ve been playing it btw, I’ve not added it to any playlists, just been playing the album from start to finish every time), makes me feel things that frankly feel improper to write on the internet. The musical influences on the album - I pick out Thom Yorke, Pharrell, Nathan East, Miles Davis, Fela Kuti, Jon Batiste - aside from showing the breadth of music this man consumes, also shows he has an acute understanding of who these musicians are and how they used their music.
The first time I played RPWP, it nearly undid me. It’s too good. Joon has created one of the most interesting albums this year. By a mile and then some. And yeah it’s overtaken all of the solo releases so far for me.
Maybe this is unsurprising as I’m a Joon bias, but I don’t have a favourite song on the album. The entire thing is excellent. From Right People, Wrong Place, to ? interlude, to Come Back to Me.
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anneangel · 1 year
Then Sherlock says: "The emotional qualities are antagonistic to clear reasoning. I never make exceptions. An exception disproves the rule".
Also Sherlock:
"Watson, you have never yet recognised my merits as a housekeeper" (says after preparing the dinner with his own hands).
"Look here, Watson, you look regularly done. Lie down there on the sofa and see if I can put you to sleep" (says Sherlock after picking up the violin and knocking Watson into unconsciousness sleeping, by playing impromptu for him).
"Except yourself I have none friend. And I do not encourage visitors." (says Sherlock, after Watson inquired whether any of Holmes' friends were knocking on the door given that Mrs Hudson was away, and it was too blustery a day for unscheduled client visits. The only other person Sherlock called a friend before Watson, that I can remember, was Victor Trevor. And they weren't close after Holmes solved the mystery involving his friend's father. As seen in that sentence, Watson is Sherlock Holmes only current friend).
"Watson, It's an ugly dangerous business, and the more I see of it the less I like it. Yes my dear friend, you may laugh, but I give you my word that I shall be very glad to have you back safe and sound in Baker Street once more." (Say Sherlock, worried about sending Watson on a case alone).
"My dear friend, you have been invaluable to me in this as in many other cases, and I beg that you will forgive me if I have seemed to play a trick upon you. In truth, it was partly for your own sake that I did it, and it was my appreciation of the danger which you ran which led me to come and examine the matter for myself" (Says Sherlock kindly, after sensing Watson's displeasure, anger and sadness at the thought that Holmes did not trust him enough).
"You're not hurt, Watson? For God's sake, say that you are not hurt!" (says worried about an injury to Watson leg).
"By the Lord, it is as well for you. If you had killed Watson, you would not have got out of this room alive" (says in a threatening tone to the man who injured Watson).
"I feared as much. I really cannot congratulate you." (says Sherlock with a most dismal groan, when Watson tells will marry with Mary. Watson is so hurt by Holmes' tone that he asks why Holmes doesn't approve of the marriage! To which Holmes responds with: "love is an emotional thing, and whatever is emotional is opposed to that true cold reason which I place above all things. I should never marry myself, lest I bias my judgment." But a good reader realizes that this is not an adequate answer to the Watson question! Holmes swerved! And remember, that's because Holmes tried to discourage Watson, claiming throughout the case that womens are not a reliable option) Lmao!!
"Watson had at that time deserted me for a wife, the only selfish action which I can recall in our association. I was alone" (says Sherlock needy lamenting Watson's absence by his side for one of his cases).
And, Sherlock Holmes only refers to Watson by his surnames, as was the decorum of the time, but he also uses the possessive pronoun "mine" a lot when addressing Watson. See: "my dear friend", "my dear doctor", "my boy", "my dear fellow", "my dear friend".
Sherlock also says in many cases that he has John Watson as a trusted man. He also drags Watson to concerts, outings and Turkish baths, enjoys Watson's praise, and even allows and encourages Watson to write about cases (although he says he doesn't like it, he never asked Watson to stop and even motivated him to do so), Holmes also seems to enjoy having Watson around him in Baker, cases or non-professional situations too.
John Watson can now, officially, change his name to "Holmes Exception". Lmao.
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doll-elvis · 11 months
have you ever read child bride by suzanne finstead? do you find it accurate.
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thank you very much for this ask ꨄ︎!!
I have indeed read "Child Bride” and as for its’ accuracy I wouldn't go as far to say it's entirely inaccurate but I do have several bones to pick with Suzanne Finstad as a biographer as I believe she has let her bias (obviously not liking Priscilla) get in the way of her better judgment, which in turn, has corrupted the overall validity of her book. For example, giving Currie Grant a platform to tell his version of events regarding Elvis and Priscilla in Germany, including a claim so egregious that I truly have trouble understanding why so many in this fandom praise this book 😭
I think a lot of Elvis fans consider/recommend “Child Bride” as the antithesis to Priscilla’s “Elvis and Me” which is fair considering Finstad highlights some very valid criticisms against Priscilla i.e her hiring a second, much more aggressive, lawyer to get more money out of Elvis, and her introducing her family (Lisa Marie and later on Navarone) to the “church” aka cult of Scientology etc. etc.
- however -
The book as a whole comes at the expense of Elvis and what I mean by that is that Suzanne Finstad is not someone who has his best interest at heart (I mean look at what she has said in some of these recents documentaries about Elvis) and in order to push her narrative that Priscilla was some fourteen-year-old s*xual deviant, she has made some incredibly inflammatory statements about their relationship, and it literally starts with the title of her book (referring to Priscilla as Elvis’ “child bride”)
And the main reason as to why I cannot comprehend how fans praise this book is that Finstad goes with the story that Currie Grants tells, which includes him saying that Elvis (24) and Priscilla (14) were having penetrative intercourse after their 3rd or 4th date ⬇️
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excerpt is from “Child Bride” by Suzanne Finstad
So this is why I tend to cringe when I see other fans praise this book… I know it’s not their intention but they are inadvertently promoting a falsehood that says Elvis was committing statutory r*pe against a fourteen year old Priscilla
Not only does that go against what Priscilla and others have said about the physical relationship she had with Elvis in Germany, but it goes against the pattern that Elvis followed for almost every single (long-term) relationship prior to Priscilla and even after
A girl that Elvis deemed “special” or in other words- good enough to marry- was not a girl that Elvis was going to have penetrative s*x with, especially not when he had the more worldly starlets of Hollywood and the showgirls of Germany and Paris at his disposal
PRISCILLA PRESLEY: “In the past, he said that he wanted a virgin (to marry)”
DEBRA PAGET: “He always said he’d marry a virgin”
LAMAR FIKE: “Elvis respected virginity. He used to tell Alan, “I’ll never break a virgin. There are too many whores around”
We saw this with Dixie Locke, we saw this with June Juanico and Anita Wood, all of whom, in their many years of dating him never had penetrative s*x
We even saw this with women like Linda Thompson and Ginger Alden who he waited several months with before consummating
So because of that I have an incredibly hard time believing that Elvis would abandon his morals after just 3 or 4 dates with Priscilla, especially when he was having s*x with age appropriate girls like Elizabeth Mansfield, who often took Priscilla’s place in Elvis’ bed after she left
Another issue I have with “Child Bride” is that she has often either misquoted people, or written things that contradict what they have said to other biographers- basically many things haven’t added up when cross referencing between books
I have mentioned this one before but it is just so blatant, that I feel compelled to mention it again ⬇️
So here we have Joe Esposito re-telling a throwaway comment about Priscilla made by Elvis
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excerpt is from “Good Rockin’ tonight” by Joe Esposito
And then here we have Suzanne Finstad’s retelling of that comment, where she has misquoted Esposito in order to make Priscilla out to be the s*xual aggressor
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excerpt is from “Child Bride” by Suzanne Finstad
Instances like this give me extreme pause when determining if a biographer could be trusted or not- and when I was reading through her book again this comment about Sheila Ryan nearly made me bust out laughing
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excerpt is from “Child Bride” by Suzanne Finstad
“Sheila never had an orgasm when she was with Elvis”… like are we talking about the same Sheila Ryan or-? ⬇️
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excerpt is from “Baby let’s play house” by Alanna Nash
All in all, “Child Bride” definitely makes for an interesting read (mainly the second half of the book) but it’s one that I will probably never pick up again as I cannot get over Currie Grant’s involvement, especially his claims about Priscilla and Elvis that are completely unfounded
Scandal sells quite frankly and I no longer underestimate what people will say for money, ESPECIALLY when it comes to Elvis- I mean look at the claims made by Dee Stanley who got a whopping $100,000 from the National Enquirer to tell stories about a woman she never even met (Gladys)
So I would not be surprised in the least if Currie has been handsomely compensated for selling his stories to biographers like Finstad, because again, scandal sells, and him approaching Priscilla first isn’t nearly as page-turning as Priscilla offering up s*x in order to meet Elvis
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Do you think the Peacock Miraculous would be better if it had a better power. Before Season 2, I thought it would have some kind of "sight" like can see things from far away or never missing their target.
I think that the peacock would be so much better if it had a truly unique power. I'm incredibly biased about what it should be because of my own rewrite passion project, but I'll try to set that bias aside and just give you some general thoughts on the topic.
Here are some ways that a different power would drastically improve both the peacock and the overall narrative that the writers are going for, but failing to land.
Improvement One: Audience Sympathy
As-is, the peacock makes the Agrestes look unhinged and selfish. Even fans who love the later seasons think that Emilie was probably a terrible person in spite of the fact that canon clearly wants them to think otherwise. Changing the power to something else allows Emilie to be this better person by letting her use the peacock for less blatantly selfish reasons, making her fate less an instance of karma and more a true tragedy. This new power could still be something that ties back to Adrien, but it could also not. She could have just been a generally good person who liked helping people.
Improvement Two: Audience Investment
In terms of how the miraculous are used in a fight, the peacock and the butterfly are extremely similar and that's not very interesting story wise. I've found that stories with heavy magic use tend to be more interesting when you create limited powers and then force your characters to work within the confines of those powers. The less restrictive the rules, the less invested the audience is as they don't have any way to anticipate what's coming and anticipation is something you generally want your audience to feel.
Season five was a great example of this. I think that a lot of people were excited to see Miraculous pull a Cardcaptor Sakura by having our heroes hunt down each of the missing miraculous. That anticipation vanished with the arrival of the alliance rings. Suddenly our heroes had no idea what to do and the season quickly devolved into ignoring the missing miraculous in favor of shipping nonsense. Imagine how much more fun and engaging the season would have been if every episode had the potential to end with a miraculous being recovered!
Improvement Three: Audience Understanding
Most of the miraculous are pretty straightforward. The tiger is a magic punch. The black cat is destruction. The rabbit is time-travel. But the peacock? I cannot explain it to you. In fact, when I first started watching the show, I asked the friend who got me into it what sentimonsters were. She had no idea how to explain them and she was not a casual fan!
We're told that they're an emotion brought to life, but what does that even mean? Who picks their form and special powers: the person whose emotion is being brought to life or the peacock holder? Why are they somewhat immune to the power of pure destruction? What kinds of emotions overwhelm the creation process and create things like Feast? I can't tell you. It's not in the show.
We're three seasons into dealing with sentimonsters and people are still using the head writer's Twitter feed to justify their stance on this major part of canon. There is no reason to introduce such a complex element to your show if you don't care to engage with it.
This is extra true because it's not a fundamental part of making canon's story work. Canon's official line is that Emilie had no idea that the broken miraculous would kill her or anyone else, so they didn't need to make her use case be some major thing like making a baby. She could have just wanted to play with magic and we'd get the same story.
And if they did want her to make her death an active choice? Then we're back to improvement one where her use case needs to be something that's a relatable sacrifice. As is, she doesn't feel even remotely sympathetic. She's just a privileged, wealthy white woman who used that wealth to get magic in order to create her perfect child because she's too good for the kind of suffering and hard choices us normal people deal with. (Like come on writers, at least make the Agrestes middle class. You went the least sympathetic route possible here.)
In another post, someone mentioned using a sentimonster as an artificial heart for Adrien and that's a perfect example of a relatively small change that makes a world of difference for how people view Emilie. Using forbidden magic to save a real child is so much more powerful than the route that canon took.
Improvement Four: Thematic Consistency
I was a huge fan of the initial idea that every miraculous required a specific type of person to weld it. It's something that I lean on heavily in my own writing when I do stuff that focuses on the magic. I want the fox to feel like it belongs to Alya and Alya alone. Similarly, I want the peacock to feel like it belongs to Nathalie or like Nathalie is totally botching its use. Because the peacock is so nebulous and ridiculously overpowered, it doesn't feel like it belongs to any of its holders. Nathalie, Emilie, Gabriel, and Felix have nothing that ties them together and yet I can't say which of them were a true fit and which of them were failing to use the peacock to its full potential. It seems to fit all of them because there's nothing special about. It just makes you a minor god. Huh, maybe that's the theme? Ego of a god? It certainly fits.
So, what should this new power be?
I won't bias you by telling you what I did, I'll just give you my starting point and let you make you own suggestions. The original seven miraculous are largely designed around myths (tricky fox, bad luck cat, etc) so go look up mythology around peacocks and come up with a power that fits! Or don't. That lovely theme was dashed to pieces with the zodiac miraculous as far as I can tell. After all, Fluff is pretty clearly designed around the ancient myth of Alice in Wonderland. 🙄
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bl-inded · 2 years
Why Wen is the best adult on Moonlight Chicken
This show had four weeks to make its impact and boy did it! I will be the first to admit that when the show started I was verryyyy ready to hate Wen. The trailers and first few made very clear implications that were meant to be picked up by the audience. I was extremely happy that they subverted it. But i think even if they hadn't i would love Wen. It is some great complex character writing (and no, he doesn't have to be messy for him to be complex, fight me).
When we first see Wen we get a hint that he is not necessarily in the best place in life. He's still doing pretty well for himself, but he's looking for something. I will preface this by saying, Wen is still flawed. How he handled the situation with Alan left much to be desired.
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But the reason why I will stand by Wen is because he makes it a point to keep his mess separate from the rest of the characters as well as he can. Jim, Alan and Wen are the only ones who are even involved in their relationship drama, and that is by design.
Wen's interactions with Li Ming especially are proof to this. He has absolutely no reason to help this kid. But he did. And you cannot tell me he wouldn't adopt Li Ming and Heart in an instant even if Jim and Wen never got together.
My favourite choice about this is that it would have been sooooo easy to use Wen and Li Ming's interactions as a means to make him more attractive in Jim's eyes. But never once in the show did they do that (🥲 let me take this time again to thank P'Aof. Sir. You are everything 🤌🏼)
This moment
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This was the exact moment I was like, yeah. He is gonna be the best mentor to Li Ming (and maybe Heart).
He is not afraid to ask for advice, but is smart enough to not take the advice at face value. He never pushed his drama onto anyone else. His relationship with Alan exists in isolation with his relationship to Jim (much to Alan's disappointment) but when push comes to shove he still chose to stay by Alan because he had no one else to take care of him at the time.
He gives Jim all the time he needs to adjust to Wen. He is nothing more than a gentle nudge in the "ik you were hurt, but find it in you to let me in" agenda. He understands that Jim needs that time and let's him set the pace.
He recognises Kaipa needs someone and for that someone to be Jim (credit where credit is due for Jim doing the same thing with Wen and Alan) and not once questioning his own security in that undefined space Wen and Jim are in.
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I will admit, i have a Mix bias. But it is impossible to disagree that this is probably the best role he's played to date. Both in acting and characterization. He is the most well realised character Mix has played.
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I just love Wen okay 😭
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onewomancitadel · 21 days
A scattering of TWC impressions, which I played because a mutual posted fanart featuring a guy with long hair and I wanted to see if he had long hair in the game. The character my protagonist romanced only had long hair in a flashback. I told you, they are trying to contain me
That being said, I'll try to be fair:
By Book Two I was calling that the mother is a traitor, and I presume the epilogue in Book Three confirms this. My favourite silly thing that authors do is something like:
"I'll never forgive anybody who ever does this."
[Character who is later never forgiven for something immediately speaks]
"I sure hope nobody betrays us."
[Traitor speaks]
or in the case of TWC, every time a Rogue leader was mentioned, Rebecca immediately began speaking. It's just a subtle way of linking information together that most people aren't going to pick up on, outside of actual hard clues (e.g. there's the bit where Rebecca gets the pure DMB, and somehow Murphy had pure DMB on hand, the repeated emphasis on doing anything for her child, caginess about leaving being a leader of the Chamber/the dad thing, etc.)
I cannot imagine how much work it was to twine together a CYOA game and try to structure the prose as part of that experience, so I tried to be really gentle on that aspect when I am at my most critical with such a thing.
Present tense works best with first person (there is one time that I've read third person present tense and it's transcended my issues with it, I think because there was a real deft employment of where it's good for - especially sex scenes) in my experience because it reflects that natural English conversational tone, though my preference would still be first person past tense, for the sake of CYOA I can see why it was chosen. That being said, I think it really did struggle at points trying to marry a past tense reflectional tone to the present, and there were times that the description of the environment was especially clunky. I wrote a post about dialogue tags that was implicitly about this series lol.
I did pay for all three books so I'm not knocking on something a fan put their heart into, hahaha. To its detriment I think the quality of the prose depreciated by Book Three - having gone back to do a second playthrough to do a male protagonist/Morgan playthrough, I don't think this is recency bias. In terms of actual structure, Book Three probably has the overall better dramatic moments but experiences a weakening of connective tissue - lots of 'and then'..., and fewer scenes where I can smash my dollies together.
This really brings me to my issue which is that I didn't go in knowing it was all about romance, and I really wish - ironically - it had leant more into being about romance.
The plot is there to carry the development (which I enjoy, unless you are able to write something truly literary) up until it fell more like it was beginning to overwhelm it by Book Three - then again I hated the fake dating in Book Two because it's a beloathed trope of mine, so maybe I'm just hard to please. I think this might be an issue of the will-they-won't-they Adam romance, which - whilst I love slow burn and most of all absolutely love slow burn which dicks around - really needed to torture Adam more and torture my protagonist more to get the message through, I think in part a consequence of the tone of this sort of story which is trying to feel grounded, but I would choose sensible character development in exchange for tonal compromise (especially as it would be constrained to one route). I'm willing to be seated for people who try to stay away from each other - yess please yummy yummy - but you need to feel comfortable in getting the emotional cattle prod out.
And I wouldn't be so upset about the realism of portraying a 900 year old vampire knight unless the setting leant hard into that 'supernatural-but-realism' modern style of cynical writing... like, you can't have characters laugh about believing in God (when God structured that period of Adam's early life and magic is real and a Gnostic-esque Echo World is also real...) and then get mad at me when I want you to portray a 900 year old vampire knight properly. He sounds like a traumatised soldier from 20-30 years ago; did he change with the times? Did he never fit in back then anyway? I guess I just wanted to go weirder! Also what's his attitude to sex. Lol
Also the fact that human bloodsucking didn't come up until the end of Book Three made me very disappointed. I wanted him to try sucking her like as early as Book One. I wanted to suggest it as a thing to help them fighttttt but it could also be so so sexy. 🥰 It felt a little like dramatic scenes kind of get postponed. No idea what Murphy is doing now
That being said, the most important thing to me were the nonviolent resolutions and being nice to the monsters. I think the real reason I kept playing is because it did keep offering outcomes that let me try to be peaceful and show compassion to the big sad mean monsters... whether that was in the romance itself, or towards the antagonists, that was actually great fun.
It's not even something you necessarily get to do in a Bioware game because combat is considered the lifeblood of video games (maybe in some older games you can talk down the antagonist, thinking of the original Fallout here - but notably its sequel eschewed this, almost like a joke) and the type of character I tend to construct for this setting is the gentlest I can think of, just because such gentle characters are so rare. So it's very very valuable to me to get to play that.
That actually brings me into what I liked about the romances, which is that I never had to consistently hit a 'flirt' option - something I hate about how RPG's construct romance now - because that's not even how people become attracted to each other! - and it asked me what route I was going to take. Notably on my second playthrough, it asked me why I had been avoiding Morgan - so it actually integrated how you met those hidden romance checks into the storytelling, even when I went through a romance with fewer checks seemingly hit. (I think this might've been because I let her wait outside? But why would I force my character on her? Lol).
And because Detective Majestic (okay I was thinking of Destroy All Humans because cops/supernatural/special agencies, I wanted something silly, and then they kept using her surname the whole goddamned playthrough...) is so gentle, she never pushed Adam not even once, and it let me keep playing that way without punishing that playstyle because it didn't ~meet the romance checks~, but it also had romantic scenarios where neither of them let themselves do anything hahaha, which was amazing. This is probably the rarest portrayal of romance I've ever seen in a CYOA/RPG, and pretty much redeemed my experience because it was so fun to actually play something unique which met me halfway. That in itself is very hard to do - the reason you'd structure something linearly with absolute checks is just because this method is very complex to write. Now you've got more than 'romance - no romance' to write a route for.
So the discovery element was really the strongest, and I enjoyed it for that reason above all else. It let me be nice, pacifistic, and play a romance with a unique approach - and though I am not always the kindest on some requisite romance tropes (part of the reason I liked playing a gentle character is that I like the subversion of pushy romance tropes lol) it was admittedly quite fun!
I'm glad I checked it out, so now I know who is the one with long hair and who isn't, and though I am rather curmudgeonly, I had a little bit of fun. I can definitely see how this would service a rich transformative fandom - especially because I don't know if you could reasonably write a sex scene in the main story proper. Blood sucking might have to supplement it... that's what the vampire can be a facsimile for, just with a much more negative portrayal, lol. Probably a separate thesis to be written on why the vampire has enjoyed a burgeoning positive reception in modern romance.
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wejustvibing · 1 year
So I've been wondering why ppl think fans should be okay with the sideways and unnecessary coments about Lewis "because he's a grown man" however when it's one of his yt colleagues that are being "maligned" it's okay to speak up and defend them.
I've come to the conclusion that most ppl assume they aren't racist and therefor once they don't see racism it's not what's happening abd we're overreacting.
I'd like your thoughts on this angle because after this weekend my brain cannot fathom how in 2023 ppl cannot identify blatan racism driven decisions.
you're spot on.
they think all that is okay because it's lewis. yes, there's racism but isn't he successful? what more do you want? and that's the long and short of it. still i've rambled on.
i mean some try, but they don't realize that spotting the most obvious racism is thee easiest part. it doesn't end there. they simply do not realize the amount of mind space the color of one's skin occupies. of the person as well as the society and this sport. in case of lewis, just because he's a success story in places nobody's walked before, doesn't mean they've accepted him, in fact it's the opposite and they've proved it.
and people forget that. they will acknowledge he doesn't trust people easily but ignore where that stems from. he's a rich man why do you have to defend him? well because he's thee most successful in his sport and still not safe from bias and covert racism within his own environment? they keep missing that it's the undertones and assumptions. how they perceive him and his emotions & actions vs a yt man's. how they psychoanalyze him and stop at nothing but always end up giving benefit of the doubt to his counterparts.
i blame f1 pundits and ex drivers just as much though because they clearly set the tone with their borderline and sometimes overt racist comments, stereotypes and misgivings. the whole natural talent vs technically strong debate, the whole it's the car debate, the whole he's insecure debate, the whole he's bad for his teammates' mental health debate. these narratives have sickening undertones if you think about it. and eventually the fans pick them up and write their own fiction around it, in a way, weaponizing it.
theres this edit by his own fan/s that i keep seeing, with a caption like 'the day lewis hamilton finally earned everyone's respect' and it's just that video of him sitting in disbelief in his car after the ad21 robbery. i know the intention isn't that but the ignorance from his own fans? so the most successful f1 driver, a black man, couldn't express what he felt after getting robbed and humiliated in front of the whole entire world and that's how he finally 'earned' respect? really?
and i mean, of course, he is a grown successful rich man. it's made his life easier and he does not have the same basic struggles as the rest of us anymore but that doesn't mean he needs to pay a price for it. doesn't mean he deserves excessive scrutiny, weird as fuck narratives, harsher punishments and superhuman status in exchange. and it's always in extremes too, he'll either be held at the highest standard or just straight up insulted for being in places he shouldn't have dared to be.
tl;dr: they're mostly ignorant
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heartkyeom · 2 years
lunch break
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chwe hansol x fem!reader
word count: 2k
tag list: @junkissed @hyucks-rose @maijunejuly
warnings: enclosed spaces, reader has vagina, idk how else to say someone's getting head lmao, overstimulation, slightly mean banter, hate sex, fluff, the tiniest bit of angst? maybe?
a/n: first new fic in over a month? you love to see it! cannot believe this is my first vernon fic, this is SO overdue lmao... this is mostly for june + any other dollys that have been waiting for a vernon fic from me lol I'm sorry! it's been bothering me since he's in my bias line, but I just didn't know how to write him! anyways hope this is worth the wait <3 hope you enjoy as always!!
“Vernon, can I have a word with you?” You ask him politely, putting on your most reasonable office voice to face him. You hate doing this, you hate being the one to ask to cross the line, but he wouldn’t do it.
The office has been tense for at least a year, you stopped counting after that. He’s convinced that you care too much about your work, you’re insistent that he doesn’t care enough and both of you are shocked at how much the other gets done with their approach.
It’s meaningless, you’re both fighting towards nothing in the eyes of your coworkers, but it gives you both something to do. Thus, you like to take the steam off every once in a while.
He’s too nonchalant, too unbothered, too himself to do anything substantial, so here you are, asking for permission to be alone with him like a schoolgirl.
He eyes you up and down for a moment before nodding. “Sure.” 
He gets up from his desk to meet you at his door, gently closing it behind him to follow you.
Once the eyes of your coworkers are off you in the secluded hallway, you adjust your path to the 3rd floor supply closet. He lets you in first, stopping to make a final perimeter check to ensure the coast was clear before closing the door behind him, locking it for good measure.
He pins you against the door with a desperate kiss, you moan immediately and tilt your head, pressing yourself into him even further than before. He pulls away to laugh at you for a second. “Took you long enough,” He smirks before leaving a peck on your lips again.
“You’re greedy as fuck, you’re lucky I even asked you at all,” The last word barely makes its way out of your mouth as he’s kissing down your neck, barely letting your skin breathe.
“It’s been almost two weeks, I thought we had an agreement?” His question is valid, seeing as you both eventually found a rhythm of having workplace sex once a week, twice or even three times if someone was feeling particularly desperate for attention.
You were both single, both operating under the assumption that you could end this at any time if someone wanted to take dating seriously with someone else, but this was a bit too convenient to end.
“You act like you’re my boyfriend,” You pant with a hint of irritation, but still make sure to leave a kiss behind his ear before he retreats from your neck. 
“I don’t want to be, it sounds like hell,” He lowers to his knees, hooking his fingers underneath your skirt to slip off your underwear without much effort, you instinctively pick your feet up one by one to free the fabric completely. He marvels at the sight of it being a black thong. “Good day for you to ask though, you dressed up for me,” He eyes the thong again before tossing it aside.
“I wasn’t thinking about you when I did it, trust me. And why do you keep doing this then?” You watch him think through his next move, he doesn’t stop to think, just runs his hand along your thighs in anticipation.
“Because I like tasting your cunt, don’t be dense,” He mutters before hiking up your pencil skirt just high enough to give him proper access. You were grateful that the weather was still easing into fall so that he wasn’t ripping your best tights just yet.
He’s mean as hell when he wants to be and his bluntness is only helpful when work requires it, not whenever you two meet up. You were used to the harsh banter, of course, but the delivery still stung on occasion.
Like always, he parts your legs open before his tongue hits your clit harshly, barely giving you the chance to adjust to the new pressure. Vernon always gave you head as if he’d never see you again which was only slightly frustrating before you remember how great the orgasms are. 
“Fuck,” You sigh out deeply, and your eyes flutter shut for a moment. He’s rebellious now that no one’s around, taking the opportunity to palm your ass with his spare hand and knead the flesh roughly for a few moments. His other hand is on your hip, helping you stay steady so that you don’t fall on top of him again, a mistake that he has never let you live down.
He makes quick work, he always has when you’re in the supply closet. You haven’t done anything else past this, past you getting head or him getting a blowjob, but he’s mostly just open to the former.
You’ve imagined it though, the idea of cockwarming him in the comfort of your own bed, waking up next to him and not worrying about being caught.
He seems to catch on to your daydreaming though. “You look bored,” He deadpans. “Am I boring you?”
“No, just got distracted for a second,” You adjust your positioning. You try to play it off the best you can.
“Do I want to know what it is or is that a mistake to ask?” He switches to stroking your clit slowly to engage you in this conversation, but you can tell he doesn’t want to keep discussing this.
“No, because that would fall under boyfriend stuff,” You squint your eyes at him and he nods.
“Works for me,” He puts his face against your cunt again, you move to put your hands in his hair and look down at him.
You’re back in the throes of pleasure when he increases his speed and you’re grateful for his non-attachment at this moment. If you didn’t want him to talk about something, he would never bring it up again.
He knew when to leave well enough alone. 
“I’m close,” You whine, throwing your head back and tightening your grip in his hair, almost pushing him further between your legs.
He responds by tapping his fingers on your hip, a silent affirmation that he heard you and wouldn’t be slowing down anytime soon. 
His nose brushes your clit and you almost lose your balance again, the action always makes you lose your breath no matter what.
“Fuck,” Your voice suddenly loses its bearing and that’s how you know you’re cumming, the sensation hits you so suddenly that you can’t alert him again, your knees simply buckle from the release. He’s able to steady you again though, gripping your thighs so you don’t fall over.
You look at him with heavy lidded eyes and shockingly, he’s looking back at you. You watch his fingers dip into your slit and you have to brace yourself again.
Vernon didn’t opt for overstimulation very often, but when he did, it was always intense. You feel your walls instantly flutter around two of his fingers, they suck him in a little too quickly.
“Someone’s eager,” he chuckles to himself.
“Fuck off,” You whine, turning your head away from him to look at the assorted cleaning products that lined the shelves. 
“No, don’t avoid me now,” He warns. You reluctantly look back at him, squaring your jaw from the pressure of his fingers inside of you. 
“Fucker,” You whisper. He knew his gaze was powerful, he knew he could get you to fold just from looking at him for just a bit too long.
“Just one more, you can do one more,” He insists. You groan at the sound of your arousal covering his fingers as he plunges himself in and out of you.
You’re already dizzy at the feeling of two fingers, but you’re a goner once he goes for three. While he was simply trying to get you riled up before with quick but shallow movements, the third finger pushed him to hit your g-spot over and over until you lose it.
You scream into your hand as you cum on his fingers and hit the back of your head against the door, not hard enough to actually cause any damage, but enough to get Vernon to stare at you with wide eyes. 
“Shit, you alright babe?” He’s obviously somewhat panicked, slightly too much in your opinion. If he’s pulling out nicknames, he’s clearly not joking.
“Yeah, I’m not dead,” You play off his concern easily. You decide to kneel onto the ground until you’re sitting next to him in an attempt to catch your breath.
“Why did you do that?”
“Thought I’d spice it up since it’s been a minute, but I didn’t think you’d be concussive from it,” He laughs awkwardly. 
“I’m not concussive and maybe you’re too hard on me!” You poke his shoulder and he playfully frowns.
“Oh, even though you beg me to go faster nine times out of ten, I’m suddenly too hard on you? Bullshit,” He isn’t convinced and it’s true, your argument doesn’t hold up much. 
Past you was simply too whipped for him. It was a clear weakness of yours, that you were weak for him to begin with.
“Fine, whatever, it still hurts like hell though,” You cradle the back of your head with a slight twinge of pain present on your face.
“Do you want me to kiss it better?” 
“You’re a dickhead,” You roll your eyes.
“I’m serious, Y/N, come on,” He lifts your head up, turning your body quickly to face the back of your head. 
“Where does it hurt?”
You hover around your head for a moment before your fingers land near the crown of your hair. 
He silently takes your fingers in one hand and holds them gingerly, tilting your head down to give him better access. He leaves a gentle kiss on the spot that you pointed out.
It’s far more tender than you expected.
“Sorry about that again,” He drops your fingers like he wasn’t holding them in the first place. 
“It’s fine,” You close your eyes and adjust your position back to where your head can rest on the door.
“I wanna make it up to you,” He sounds halfway earnest about it too. You’re only hesitant because this doesn’t sound like something he’d do, but maybe that was a good thing.
“What are you thinking of?”
“I’ll make dinner for us at your place and we can have sex all you want,” he sighs loudly, “however you feel is the right amount.”
“You really are sorry, huh?”
“Is that a yes?”
“A reluctant yes because I don’t know if you can cook or not,” This is a valid concern in your mind, especially since he was coming over to your place to cook.
Now he’s the one rolling his eyes, but he pivots the conversation. “Ok, your misguided assumption aside, does Friday night work?” 
“How do you know I don’t have any plans?” 
“I’ve seen you outside of work, you do not have plans,” He smirks knowingly. You curse the moment he saw you grocery shopping in your pajamas one Friday night months ago, he really wouldn’t let you forget anything. 
“Fine! I’m free,” You shake off your offended reaction and agree to the plans.
He smiles so wide that you don’t think you’ve ever seen him this happy. “Great,” he responds with a nod. 
“Fantastic. You can leave now, lover boy,” You move out of the way to let him out and he responds again before he’s completely out of the door.
“Right, don’t be a stranger,” His words linger even after he shuts the door.
You’ve had his number for a while, you don’t even remember why you had it to begin with. He gave it to you for “emergencies”, but let’s be honest, you’re not calling or texting each other unless it’s a sex-related emergency.
Now, his number seems to burn a hole in your pocket. 
You plan to text him the day before, mostly for your own sake to remember that this was actually happening.
He could surprise you. 
That’s what you hang on to, the idea that things could be different, that you could both lean into the change and expand things between you even slightly.
He’s making it up to you, so you figure you should enjoy it.
You’ve managed to keep your heart safe for this long, so you decide you can test the waters, at least for one night.
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peachjagiya · 29 days
The way I understood the soju thing was pretty simple. Tae doesn’t drink soju and he doesn’t drink beer either but Jimin and Jungkook do and Jimin and Jungkook are drinking buddies so I guess he asked if Jm taught Jk because he knows that they drink together so Jk must have picked up the haibt from Jm.
Jm and Jk did talk about not calling each other around July and this episode was filmed at the end of September, months after that and from the look of things they had already applied for the buddy program together and I also remember Jimin’s album exchange with Joon where he mentioned him and Jungkook drinking together and talking about music for hours so I guess Jm and Jk probably started communicating and keeping in touch with each other more after NY (else I wouldn’t understand how they even decided to enlist together). So it is possible that they had been meeting up drinking together and Tae knew about it and thats why he asked Jm if Jk learnt that from him. I don’t think Tae could have taught Jk because Tae doesn’t drink Soju so I doubt that is something he would teach Jk when he doesn’t even drink it himself and even before the solo era Jm and Jk had mentioned drinking together sometimes so maybe that is why Tae said that. I don’t see why it is a big deal though. So what if Jm taught Jk? They are friends and they probably drink together so why do jokers think it is a gotcha moment? Is there any law that states that Jm and Jk cannot have drinks together and what does their drinking together or possibly teaching each other stuff have to do with Taekook?
Did you watch the YouTube video? Tae knew the soju trick*, and Jimin didn't, back in 2018. He also drunk a shot in that video. It was fruit soju which he has said he enjoys. He may well have stopped drinking soju since. Or he meant he doesn't drink stronger proof chamisul soju, the kind you'd have with beer, which is what JM&JK drink here. Regardless, he knows the bottle trick.
This is what I'm saying. It's very blurry fact wise. I don't think Tae did genuinely think he'd learnt it from Jimin so regardless of whether Jimkook went drinking more between July and end of September**, I still don't think Tae thought Jimin taught him. I don't think much of what is said in this show is exactly true.
I'm approaching it like this. I went in with two fact-based suspicions:
That Jimin and JK barely saw each other
that JK and Tae are very much closer than we're allowed to know and they saw each other frequently.
When I watch AYS, does what they just said stand up to facts? The idea that Tae assumes Jimin taught him that? No there are facts to suggest otherwise.
Jimin and JK don't see each other? There are facts to suggest that's true.
Does what they just said make Tae look weird and isolated? Then it's probably the company narrative because there are facts to suggest otherwise.
You'd call it confirmation bias... But the facts, Mary. The facts.
Actions are speaking way louder than words in this show because the words are half blathering yammering weirdness.
And then there's just a whole raft of stuff people are just wilfully misinterpreting like "prescription glasses" which has many better explanations than "JK doesn't know Tae wears prescription!!!!"
You're right though. Even if it was true, how does the suggestion of Jimin teaching JK debunk Taekook? I have no idea.
In all, I have enjoyed watching AYS. It's cute and I'm happy to have seen our guys when we were all missing them. But I contain multitudes, and my other opinion is that AYS is going to go down in BTS lore as one of the most constructed, produced and therefore nonsensical pieces of content out there and my eyes are at peak risk of rolling out of my head. Though I enjoy it, I don't know why it was made and don't think it has proven it's worth enough to bother revisiting in the future. Not even if they were like "Tae is in it full time!"
*infodump: It is a throwback to when soju was corked so you'd need to give it a swirl and do these taps and flourishes to get the cork sediment out of the way. They're screw top now so no need to do it.
**Incidentally, because Jimin mentions Yoongi being there, I believe the album discussion happened at the Yoongi pre-enlistment meal JK had with Jimin and Yoongi on September 20th, before JK flew out to NYC for Global Citizen.
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zerokissingbooth · 4 months
rant under cut ab dr ratio
i know we don't know much about his actual personal life just yet, but it feels less like earning nous' gaze is earned by intelligence but rather drive to your field. your passion willing to push the boundaries of what's known- ruan mei as an example.
until ratio does something worthwhile like idk, preventing the mass extinction of sentient inorganic life in hopes of stopping an egopowered supercomputer (screwllum vs emperor rupert i) or continued to actively reject the genius society despite MULTIPLE INVITATIONS (ruan mei) or having mass intellect, developing the simulated universe from an OUTSIDE LOCATION and being acknowledged as insanely smart but refusing to actually use it (stephen lloyd) he won't ever be acknowledged by nous.
it isn't a matter of humanity, empathy, or anything like that- hell there's still genius members we haven't met because they're all various levels of too invested in their work, introverted/anti-social, or something else that has nothing to do with morality.
dr ratio's prime drive outside of spreading knowledge is spreading himself outwards. he has ego, he actually put an entire space station in danger just to try and prove a point. like why hasn't anyone talked about that? dr ratio putting the station in crisis just to stick his nose up at a small group of people-- two of them not actually caring at all, by the way. the entire conflict of the space station issue with dr ratio's introduction was entirely focused on ratio and screwllum.
and you cannot say ratio has empathy-- he makes his students cry without care, his class has an insanely low graduation rate, he's quick to insult first due to his own admitted bias before actually listening to someone (see: ratio actively insulting aventurine's race and lack of intelligence first). he refuses to debate people because he automatically declares himself a winner. his entire philosophy of 'spreading knowledge and curing ignorance' is counteracting his own actions with how harsh and refusing he is to accommodate to students. even if students that do graduate out of the 3% become experts... that is an insanely low number for a guy who taught 52 courses.
and we know why some of the geniuses are the way they are or why they seem less empathetic. like ruan mei's trauma with the death of her parents and the failure to keep family promises (seen in chara stories 1 and 2) caused her to spiral hardcore into trying to bring them back and nearly broke the biology of the abundance on her planet. she didn't eat until needed, didn't sleep, she was literally in a daze working.
or screwllum! while we don't know much we know that not only does he hate any mechanical constructs that follow rupert i's orders (which are to destroy organic life) he is utterly fascinated and enchanted by life. his own invitation by nous to join the society actively prevented the IPC from wiping out all mechanical lifeforms, further prevented due to his own intervention.
ratio is insanely fascinating, but he is not as empathetic as it seems. he's rational, logical and a jackass; knowledge and being able to carry a title is first to him, with how narrow of a birth he has within education. many degrees he has, but they're ranging from philosophy, mathematics, biology, and whatever- nothing within the realm of history, the arts, languages or literature. an argument could be made here that ratio specifically values mathematics and sciences above other aspects of knowledge, leaning into his bias, but that's just me.
"but his note to aventurine!" was a note explaining how he had an answer to aventurine's previous question. acheron had more of an impact on aventurine's almost-death in the dreamscape which makes sense, seeing as her entire thing is with nihility and death. it doesn't surprise me he figured it out, as he is a philosopher.
"what is death in a dream?" is a great philosophy question and would've been a treat for him to pick at and solve.
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