#see this is actually not new for me technically this is an older fandom i was in from a Previous Blog
nuctua-larc · 4 months
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Tangled redesigns but theyre just my oc's
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bixbiboom · 4 months
So. Life update.
Today (technically yesterday now) was the first day of my final year of my fourth decade. Happy birthday to me.
I take my duties (even self-assigned ones) way, way too seriously, and running this blog was killing me. Literally. I was given doctor’s orders to cut back on social media (actually she wanted me to cut out social media, but we compromised), and a very beloved friend actually paid me to take the month off. So I did. I turned off all my social media notifications, unfollowed a lot of ppl, muted a bunch of servers, and told my source suppliers I was going on hiatus.
Since the beginning of May, my daily average time actually using my phone has gone from over 17 hours to just seven hours, my blood pressure has gone from the 150s/90s range to the 130s/70s range, and I’ve stopped having nightly nightmares and daily coughing fits. I’m also walking 19% more than I did last month, and every doc appt shows I’ve lost more weight since the last one. I’ve also started writing again for the first time in months, and I’ve churned out over 10k words this month.
So I’m cutting way, way back on the CR content. Still a critter, still watching every week, ask box is still open for chatting, you can tag me in on questions if you want. I’m still actively participating in the fandom and keeping up with the goings-on. But I’m not referring to myself as a source blog anymore. Back to a mixed bag of whatever grabs my fancy, like a normal human person, while I try to become one of those again.
In other news, I’m getting a new kitten at the end of next month! A friend rescued a pregnant cat and I’ll be taking one of the litter when they’re old enough to leave their mama.
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I don’t know which one I’ll be picking yet (I haven’t actually met them in person, mama’s a nervous kitty and still settling in to her new home and I don’t want to stress her out by showing up out of nowhere and handling her babies), but odds are good it’ll be one of the torties.
If anyone is so inclined, I’ve got »an Amazon wish list« for supplies for both the new kitten and a few things for my older cats, and »my ko-fi jar« is always around. (Also I’m down for suggestions for things the list is missing; my youngest cat is 11 years old, I’ve been out of the kitten game for a while.)
Love you guys, see you on Thursday!
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spooky-bunnys · 25 days
Title: This is my honeymoon
Fandom: Tokyo Revengers
Pairing: South x Izana's little brother
Warnings: arguing, mention of dieing, and protective older brother Izana.
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(Name) winced when he felt his fiancée's shoulder dig more into his stomach. "Honey Bear, you're starting to hurt my ribs with your shoulder." (Name) sighed in relief as he was moved into a bridal carry which made him snort. Considering he had just accepted his boyfriend of 3 ½ years marriage proposal.
(Name) moved his white bangs out of his face and stretched up. Lavender eyes met angry Lavender eyes and (Name) sighed. His brother and his gang members had tried sabotaging the proposal and that led to this moment.
"IZA-NII CALM DOWN!" (Name) called out to his older brother figure. Izana and Kakucho had instantly added (Name) into they're family when he arrived. Only to later find out (Name) technically is Izana's brother. Which made the older VERY protective of him.
"I'LL CALM DOWN WHEN HE'S DEAD!" (Name) frowned and wrapped his arms around his fiancée's neck. "Honey Bear you might want to speed up. Kaku is running full speed ahead." The taller male nodded and threw his head back with a laugh. "Groom running away with his bride coming through!"
(Name) smiled softly as he slow danced with his new husband. He leaned against the warm chest and sighed happily. Although, the happiness didn't last long, when his groom was ripped away from him. Izana took the others place as the music sped up. Curtesy of his new DJ Rindou. (Name) grumbled softly.
"Iza-nii you need to stop. I'm a grown and now married man! Besides South can protect me too you know!" Izana frowned and glared in the direction of the other groom. Not wanting to admit that his little brother actually married the man. "Well I just want to spend time with you before I can't anymore."
(Name)'s frown softened. He had almost completely forgot about that. (Name) was moving in with South and they had bought a new house on the other side of Japan. So (Name) wouldn't see his brother and their friends too often anymore.
Ran who was dancing with Kakucho behind them tapped Izana's shoulder. "I just found out from Kakucho here that the house was in fact for sale. So we had Kokonoi buy it." Izana perked up and smirked in the semi raging South's direction as (Name) groaned loudly. He really couldn't catch a break could he?
(Name) happily leaned against South's chest. They were drinking champagne on the balcony of their Honeymoon sweet in the Philippines. Everything was perfect. Was is the keyword.
"WHERE ARE YOUR PANTS?! OI MOVE YOUR HAND OFF HIS ASS YOU PERV!?" (Name) snapped his head to the hotel across the street and sure enough his older brother, Kakucho, and all their friends were standing on the balcony. Most were staring at him with binoculars.
"WHY ARE YOU HERE?!" "WHY ARE YOU PANTLESS?!" "IT'S MY HONEYMOON?! WHY ELSE WOULD I BE PANTLESS IZANA!" The two siblings aruged across the street. Nobody noticing the marching Kakucho who had a new mission. 'Retrieve (Name) before its too late.'
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(The others in Tenjiku while (Name) and Izana are arguing across hotels)
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captainsophiestark · 2 years
Pay No Attention to the Magizoologist
Theseus Scamander x Reader
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Masterlist - Join My Taglist!
Requested by anon!
Fandom: Harry Potter
Summary: Y/N and Newt have been friends for a long time, and for almost as long, Y/N has also had a crush on Newt's older brother Theseus. Years and years later, after their Hogwarts days, several run-ins with Grindelwald, the death of Leta Lestrange, and the wedding of Queenie and Jacob, Newt is still subverting Ministry rules in the name of helping his creatures. And, as usual, Y/N is an accomplice in his schemes. So, when Newt goes running out the door with his creatures and Jacob in tow, it falls to Y/N to distract Theseus and keep him from following Newt's trail. And this distraction might just lead to a bigger change than any of them bargained for.
Word Count: 2,439
Category: Fluff
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
"What do we do?"
"I don't know!"
I looked between Newt and Jacob as they debated, coming off as a little bit more than panicked. They needed to get out of here with Newt's briefcase, without getting held up by the Ministry of Magic. Unfortunately for both of them (and me), Theseus was on his way here as we spoke, and there was no doubt he'd slow down the boys' mission.
"Why is your brother coming after us in the first place?" demanded Jacob.
"Because technically, what we're doing here is illegal. The Ministry of Magic has specific procedures they want me to follow before releasing any of my creatures into their natural habitats, but this time, waiting for their bureaucracy to process things will take too long. My newest rescue won't do well waiting around in captivity for longer than they already have," answered Newt. Jacob looked more stressed than he'd been before.
"Oh great!"
"You two get out of here," I said, jumping into the middle of their argument after watching their back-and-forth for a while. "I'll stay here and slow down Theseus."
They both stopped what they were doing and turned to stare at me, incredulous expressions on their faces. After a few beats of silence, the three of us just looking between one another, Newt spoke up.
"Y/N, are you sure?"
"Yeah, Newt, I'm sure. I can distract him just fine, and you guys need to get out of here. You need Jacob for this a little more than you need me, and I can always meet up with you both later."
Newt stared at me for a few moments, then closed all the distance between us to clasp a hand on my shoulder. He met my eyes with an earnest look, and it made my heart warm to see my best friend like that.
"Thank you, Y/N."
"Of course. Just be safe, the both of you."
Newt nodded, his way of promising, before heading out the door, Jacob with him. I watched them go, and then just like that, I was alone in our little loft hideout.
I'd been best friends with Newt for the majority of my life. Since Hogwarts, in fact. He and I got along like wildfire, and had since our first year together at Hogwarts. I would do anything for him. Theseus and I, on the other hand, were a different story.
I'd had a crush on my best friend's older brother for basically our entire time at Hogwarts. Theseus, on the other hand, had barely noticed me beyond my role as his kid brother's friend, and our relationship had only cooled as I'd spent more time helping Newt and less time fawning over him. In the wake of Leta Lestrange's death, however, Newt and Theseus had gotten close again, and I'd done my best to be there for both of them as well. Theseus and I had gotten to the point of actually being able to call each other friends recently, and I only hoped my decision to distract him today in order to give Newt a clean getaway wouldn't ruin that new step in our relationship.
Oh well. Sometimes, there was no other option but to back your crazy best friend's crazy play, no matter the cost.
I paced around the room for a few minutes, trying to brace myself to see Theseus, but before I was anywhere near ready I heard a loud knock at the door. I couldn't help jumping, but then I did my best to quickly compose myself and went to answer it.
"Theseus!" I said, feigning surprise when I saw the serious face of the Auror before me. He kept trying to lean around me to see inside the little apartment Newt and I had turned into a temporary hideout, and I kept leaning to block him. "What a surprise! It's so good to see you, it's been so long!"
"Y/N, where's my brother?" he demanded, his eyes at last settling on me instead of the space behind me. I fought back a gulp as I forced a smile onto my face instead.
"Newt? Uh... I haven't seen Newt in a while now, actually. I thought he was spending some family time with you?"
Theseus gave me a look that clearly said he wasn't buying any of my nonsense.
"We both know he's not spending time with me. He's been hiding out with you while planning some nonsensical scheme that's going to get both him and his muggle friend into deep trouble. Now tell me where he is."
"What? I mean, uh..."
"Y/N, I'm sorry, but I don't have time for this."
With that, he stepped forward, forcing me to step back or else be run straight into. He pushed into the living room, leaving me standing by the open door behind him, then poked his head into the kitchen in search of Newt.
"Newt! Come out, we need to talk!" he called. He stopped, apparently deciding Newt wasn't in the kitchen, before heading into the living room. I rolled my eyes and closed the front door.
"Please, come right in and make yourself comfortable," I deadpanned. Theseus just shot me a look over his shoulder as he continued to move around my living room. I huffed a sigh, but got dragged back into action as Theseus made his way across the room, getting closer to the back door Newt and Jacob had disappeared out of. If he got there, to the spot they'd left from, odds were significantly higher he'd be able to track them down, especially with a little magical help.
I just needed to buy Newt a little more time. He and Jacob were catching a portkey in twenty minutes, and if Theseus couldn't get to them before that, they'd be in the clear.
"So, uh, the Ministry is still trying to prevent the release of some animals, yeah? That's uh... that's what this whole thing is about?"
"My brother is trying to release dangerous animals into the wild," said Theseus, not halting his search through my living room. I took a few steps closer to him as they spoke. "Keeping them safe in his sanctuary is one thing, but turning them loose on the world is another..."
"I've met all of those animals, none of them seem particularly dangerous to me," I countered, crossing the room all the way to Theseus now. I moved in front of him, standing between him and his search of the top of my fireplace mantle. His eyes landed on me, an exasperated expression on his face.
"Y/N, please. Newt just needs to get a permit, and go through the proper channels. Then he can release whatever animals he wants."
I couldn't help rolling my eyes. "Oh please, you and I both know the Ministry will take ages. Some of those animals will be much better off if they're released now, and not a year from now."
"All the same, I need to do my job and get my brother back. Then maybe I can help him get his permit expedited, but until then, he has to wait. So, if you're done attempting to stall me..."
With that, he turned to start hunting through the rest of my living room, following Newt's trail. I moved after him, hovering over his every step and trying to erase any trace of Newt when I caught it before Theseus.
"Actually, I'm not done stalling you. I think we should talk a little more. Now that we're back to being friendly, you know, I think-"
"Nice try, Y/N, but it's not going to work," said Theseus, a slight smile on his face as he continued to make his way through my living room. "I can talk to you and search for my brother at the same time."
I looked around the room for some sign of inspiration to slow down Theseus, but started to panic as he headed for the door Newt and Jacob had left through. He flung it open and was about to walk out, which meant I had to do something, now.
"Wait!" I cried, rushing across the room towards him. He paused with a sigh and turned back to me, wand in-hand and ready to track Newt and Jacob.
"Y/N, I'm sorry, but I really can't stick around right now. I have a job to do."
"Okay, but just one second. This is important!" I said, slipping into the doorway between him and his target. He leaned forward and into my space, and I couldn't help feeling a little giddy at his proximity. I blame that feeling for clouding my judgment and impacting my next decision.
"What is it, Y/N?" he asked. I panicked, trying to think of something, but I couldn't focus on anything beyond the handsome, wonderful man in front of me and the fact that I could NOT let him through the door. He sighed and took a half step forward, placing his hand gently on my waist to move me aside, and I did the only thing that came to mind.
I grabbed Theseus' shoulders, leaned up, and kissed him full on the mouth.
My brain short circuited all over again as we kissed, and I swear fireworks surrounded us. Then, a moment later, reality set in. I jerked away from Theseus and my hand flew to my mouth, horror sinking in at my actions. I couldn't believe I'd just done that.
"Theseus..." I looked up at him to find him staring blankly off into the space just over my shoulder, looking completely shocked. "Oh my God... I am so, SO sorry!"
Theseus didn't respond, which got rid of any of the remaining fireworks lingering around me. I couldn't believe I'd just done that. Theseus and I had just started to get to a place where we had a good relationship, and I'd probably just destroyed it.
"Theseus, please, I'm so sorry. I know I shouldn't have done that. I just... I needed to keep you from going after Newt, and... and it was the only thing I could think to do. Oh God." I facepalmed. Then, against the rational part of my brain screaming to let me give it control again, I kept talking. "I- well, I've had a crush on you since we were kids, and we were standing so close together and it's like my mind went blank, and it was the only thing I could think of-"
My ramble finally, mercifully got cut off as Theseus wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me back to his side of the doorway before pushing me up against the wall right next to it. Before I could get my brain restarted, he was kissing me, with a level of passion and emotion that I'd only ever dreamed about.
Once I got over my own shock, I wasted no time kissing him back. I tangled my hands in his hair as his grip tightened around my waist, and we stayed like that for a long few moments before finally coming up for air.
We were breathing hard as we met each others' eyes, our faces barley an inch apart. He seemed as shocked as me that we'd actually just done that, and I couldn't help the joyful laugh that bubbled out of me.
"Theseus... what was that?" I asked, a smile steadily growing on my face as I fondly ran my hand through his hair again. He smiled back at me, a slightly sheepish grin on his face even though he looked just as happy as I did.
"I've had feelings for you for a few months now," he breathed. "I didn't know how to tell you, since we'd just gotten back on friendly terms and I didn't want to ruin anything..."
"I've been doing the same thing," I said. We shared disbelieving laughs, and I surveyed Theseus fondly while he looked me up and down with the same care. Theseus leaned in and rested his forehead against mine, the smile still on his face and his voice still a little breathless when he spoke.
"So... I kind of need to go chase my brother now, but... any chance you'd let me take you to dinner tomorrow night?"
I beamed back at him, leaning up to give him a light, soft kiss before responding.
"I'd love that, Theseus."
"Good! Great. Then... it's a date."
"It's a date."
We shared another smile, Theseus still looking a little giddy as he at last stepped away from me and moved towards the door again. The sweet smile turned into more of a smirk as he took one step outside, on his way to follow the path his brother had taken not long ago.
"So... you're not going to try to stop me going after Newt anymore?" he asked, a little of the confident swagger I loved so much back in his tone and body language.
"No," I said with a shrug. "He's gotten far enough away by now that you can't catch him."
Theseus groaned and looked up at the sky, then settled his gaze back on me.
"I hope you're wrong, Y/N. But if you're not... you're buying the first round of drinks as compensation."
"You're on," I replied with a grin of my own. "Have fun on your wild goose chase! Don't let the Ministry people get you down. Newt's doing the right thing."
Theseus just sighed, although he wasn't quite able to keep a fond smile off his face. Whether it was for me, his brother, or the both of us, I wasn't sure.
He gave me one last smile and nod before finally heading all the way out the door, shutting it behind him as he resumed his work. I smiled after him and slowly sank down the wall, my fingers brushing over my lips where Theseus' had just been. It didn't seem quite real to me that the past few minutes had really happened, but I knew for a fact it was real. And that I had a date with Theseus Scamander tomorrow night.
Newt was never going to believe me when I told him the story. Helping him with his crazy shenanigans had never turned out so well.
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leodette · 3 months
well, part 2 for you! pretty sure this will actually turn into a series as I have some ideas :) your support and interactions are always welcomed! love you :*
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I Never Wanna See You Walk Away | LN4 | Part 2
fandom: Formula 1
pairing: Lando Norris x OC (not named)
names/faceclaims: -
summary: pancake 'date'
warning: age difference (older woman x younger man)
requested: yes / no
Strawberry pancakes were considered a success. Both Mila and Maxie stuffed their mouths full of the sweet snack, their crash earlier that day long forgotten.
Lando smiled at his little niece. She was basically her dad reborn, the blonde curls making her look like an angel. Only looking though. When they entered the bistro and found a place, Mila insisted on sitting next to her new young friend, while smiling brightly at Max’s aunt. Those two were gigling when the menus were brought to them, Mila’s eyes wide as she looked at the older woman who pointed out different options. The orders were made, Lando getting himself only a cup of cappuccino and her banana split plate, while the kids excitedly talked about the animals.
"Have you ever seen Uncle Lando race, Mila?" the question came, and Lando nearly choked on his coffee, turning towards the little girl and waiting for what she would say.
But Mila only nodded her head, mostly because her mouth was full of strawberries and whipped cream, with a little bit of it sticking to her nose. Lando was about the wipe it off, but his company was quicker, and in no time the kids were talking between themselves again.
"You're good with kids," he murmured towards her, and she only smirked, a small crow feet appearing in the corners of her eyes.
"Oh heck no. Max and my other nephew are the only exceptions. I always steal them away, stuff them full of sugar and return them safely to their respective parents," she smiled and cut off a piece of her banana split.
When they arrived, it started raining outside again, and she shrugged off her rain coat, leaving her in a soft looking grey blouse with a very tastefully deep V neckline. Not too much so her cleavage wasn't right in Lando's nose, but also revealing enough that his imagination was busy making scenarios. And so he now watched, almost hypnotized, how she put the fork in her mouth, her lips closing around it, that damned smirk still on her face and her eyes not leaving his. She knew damn well what she was doing, and Lando prayed to all Gods he knew that she would keep doing it. She quietly asked the waiter for a second fork and gently pushed the plate in his direction.
"C'mon, one banana with chocolate will not wreck your diet plan," she continued smiling, although her eyes softened, and handed him the fork.
Lando felt a sudden warmth in his stomach. No one in a very long time offered to share a piece of basically a junk food with him, all afraid that he would have problem with his diet. But this woman did not. Instead she turned the plate so the bigger piece was in front him, and then patted her nephew's hair, leaving the man in her company with his thoughts for a milisecond.
"So, I guess you probably want a break from all the race talk, right?" her raised eyebrows prompted him to hum in agreement, his eyes drifting to the plate as he cut a piece of the dessert. Lando had summer break, more importantly the two week mandatory leave.
"Technically I'm not even supposed to think racing. Sorry," he smiled back at her, and she chuckled.
"But you can tell me what you do. Since it's quite unfair you know my job," he pointed the fork at her, the second too early for him to understand that it could be considered rude. He knew her for what, an hour maybe? But she seemd a good sport about it. Her fork remained on the table as she pushed the plate completely in front of him, winking at the younger driver before grabbing his coffee cup and taking a sip, then leaning back. Lando was speechless. Someone else could consider it too straightforward. Maybe a bit over the line. But him? No. Mostly because he did that quite a lot to women as well. This time though, his own game turned against him.
"Well, I work for the local travel agency, and do a part-time dj at PRYZM," the smile didn't leave her face when Lando's jaw dropped.
"Wait... you're a dj?" he stumbled, being caught totally off guard. Of all jobs he could think of, playing in a night club wasn't one of them.
"Shocking, right? Who would've thought that on a brim of my thirties I would play for eighteen-year-olds," she chuckled and shrugged, clearly not giving a damn about what people think.
Lando's mind was completely blank. He couldn't imagine the elegantly-dressed woman opposite him behind the mixing board. And his mind continued to produce images. What would she wear? How would she behave? What beats would she play? ... How would she look after her part? Sweaty? Breathless?
"Lost for words?" she raised her eyebrows, one corner of her lips taunting him before she turned to Mila and helped her cut the leftover strawberry in half, Lando's niece immediately taking the other half and putting in on Max's plate.
"I... I'm sorry, you just surprised me," he shook his head, trying to shake the not so pg13 images from his mind.
She waved her hand and took her bag from underneath the chair, rummaging through it for a second before taking out a square of paper and a pen. She scribbled something at the shiny white back of it before sliding it towards him, that seducive smile not leaving her face for even a second. Lando felt like a mouse who just ran into a particularly mischevious cat. Real-life Tom and Jerry.
"Well, maybe real experience will help you," she added, mentioning to the paper before turning back to the children. Lando took it.
It was a pamphlet from PRYZM, the local night club. With a date. And a name. He turned it over. +44 .... .......
"You're welcome to come and see. There's a private booth for my eventual guests. Never used it," she motioned to the paper, almost careless, like she was just talking about the weather.
But Lando knew. Seemed like he had plans for Saturday evening.
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londonfoginacup · 2 years
A New Larrie’s Guide to Tumblr
A probably incomprehensible, certainly incomplete list of what you need to know; whether you’re coming from a different platform or discovering Larry for the first time. 
My credentials
Hello! I’m Emmu. I’ve had tumblr since… 2008? Maybe 2009. I moved over from deviantArt and used Tumblr as a personal art blog for many years. I joined the One Direction fandom in 2014, so my 1D blog has 8+ years at this point. That being said, I will get on my soapbox a bit during this. Please excuse me, I’m quite passionate about cultivating a happy and healthy fandom.
What makes Tumblr different
The biggest thing that makes Tumblr, as a site, different from Twitter or Instagram is the rejection of algorithms. The “following” tab on your dashboard is in chronological order (and if it isn’t, you can – and should – change that), and the “for you” tab is both a recent feature and rarely used. Tumblr has very little algorithm, and the algorithm they have isn’t very good. It means that you’ll get the most god awful ads you’ve ever seen on this site, because they don’t utilize your data well. And that’s to your advantage.
Tumblr is a great place because you can curate what you see more than other social media. The people that you choose to follow are the only people that you see on your dash (unless you choose to follow tags, which I guess is an option? @lululawrence says “it is and it used to not do anything unless you went to the search page and then it would like autofill your followed tags options, but NOW they take those followed tags and plop them on your dash... SOMETIMES. usually only on mobile. but if there's only one new post in the tag, it shows you that post OVER. AND OVER. AND OVER AGAIN. IT'S SUPER ANNOYING ACTUALLY. SO I STOPPED FOLLOWING TAGS. lol anyway”).
So, the site is in chronological order. This is its biggest selling point.
There is also the opportunity for long posts. Masterposts. Things that are searchable without having to read through pages of screenshots or condensed twitter threads. You can write a whole lot more without worrying about character limit. People publish whole fics on here (I suggest ao3 for that, but tumblr is technically an option!).
Another important thing to know about tumblr is that the archives on tumblr run deep. There are newer larries here, and a lot of them, but you can also find older larries. People whose 1D blogs go back to 2010 or 2011. You can dive into the archives and read firsthand accounts of what was happening with One Direction or larry at that very time. Doing a bit of research means you find cute fetus pictures of the boys, but also you’re able to figure out for yourself whether something actually happened. Rumors always seem to spread quite easily and fandom memory always seems impossibly short, but here on tumblr you’re able to find out for yourself. That means the next time you hear about how xyz thing happened a long time ago, check out some of those archives and see what you can find.
Also, my personal favorite part of tumblr is that old posts are just as valid as new posts. Find a masterpost about RBB and SBB from 2015? Go ahead and reblog that; bring it back to the circulating dash. People will love that. Find a fanartist that you really like? Search through their tags, reblog anything you want. It’s not considered stalking or weird in any way. We love bringing back old posts here. Tumblr is a website where you’re not meant to just talk about the present. 
The cultural difference between Tumblr and Twitter
Speaking of the ways that tumblr and twitter are different, let’s talk for a moment about the 1D fandom in particular.
I’ve held this theory for a while that the twitter (and instagram) algorithm is fracturing the fandom. Because twitter is so dependent on the algorithm, people are more likely to split apart and join smaller and smaller communities based on smaller, more specific opinions. Tumblr, being a place where you don’t just get a post on your dash because someone else liked it, doesn’t have those smaller cliques. There are larries, and there are antis.
(if you get really in the weeds, there are also larry shippers [who don’t believe they’re together but like to read it in fic], and houis [who think they were together but broke up], but I just don’t hear about them as much).
While I do occasionally hear about blouies on my dash, for the most part this is a culture that exists primarily on other sites. 
On another note, because tumblr doesn’t have that handy algorithm, we have to work to make it a more active space. Likes don’t do anything here for anyone other than you, and it doesn’t really change anything about what you’ll see on your dash. Think of them more like the bookmark setting on twitter or instagram. Reblogs are necessary to get anything spread. Anything that you enjoy, or that looks interesting for any reason? Reblog it! That’s the only way other people will see it! And leave a happy comment in the tags if you’ve got one (more on that later). 
And, while lurkers do exist in this fandom (and we love them), it’s important to get an icon and blog header that make you look like a real person. People on tumblr have long been in the habit of blocking shady blogs, mostly because of a bot problem, so if you want to lurk, you have to look like a lurker. Maybe reblog a post or two to establish yourself, and make sure you don’t accidentally look like an icon-less bot posing as a sugar daddy. 
How to set up your account
Okay, so you’ve got a tumblr. Let’s take a minute to fix up the settings so that you’re not getting, well, the worst version of the site. 
My advice is to start by going into your dashboard preferences and:
Turn off the best stuff first (it’ll just show you things you’ve already seen)
Turn off “include stuff in your orbit” (you’ll see terrible posts that are mostly NOT in your orbit)
Turn off “Included based on your likes” (again, you’ll see posts you hate)
Turn off “shorten long posts”. It’s a ridiculous setting that, like many things on tumblr, had potential but was rolled out in an incredibly unhelpful and user unfriendly way.
Once you’ve got that squared away, go into filtering and block any tags and content you don’t like, as that is always proper fandom etiquette. Not seeing things you don’t like is your responsibility, not the responsibility of the person posting them. I personally suggest adding the topics you don’t want to see to both the content list and the filtered tags list, as that gives a much better likelihood of posts that are particularly unsavory for you getting caught by the filters. Please also note this might need to be done on both desktop and the app separately as, depending on where tumblr is at the moment, these filters do not always carry over from one application to the other.
Now scroll down to tumblr labs. These are their experimental things. Some are good! Some are very bad. They do change, though, so this might get out of date pretty fast.
Personally, I enabled fast queue
And disabled everything else
ALSO, an important note, if you are using the apple app, you need to go in and turn off the adult content filter. No idea offhand where that is, but it means posts that include tags like “mine” and “girl” are blocked. It’s ridiculous. 
Who to follow and how to find them
So, you’ve got a new tumblr and need people to follow. This makes sense! To really fill up your dash, I’d suggest the following
Find one person you like. There’s a good chance you know at least someone from twitter who also has a tumblr, so you can start there. If you’re not from twitter, or are looking to start fresh, you can dive into the search function (I’ve never tried finding someone this way myself, but searching larry stylinson or something similar would probably get you started)
Find the people they reblog from and check out each of their blogs! Follow people that make you happy
Follow some update accounts! Thinking of some off the top of my head, there’s @HLUpdate, @Stylesnews, @dailytomlinson, @HLDailyUpdate, or @neilswaterbottles (there’s definitely more though). 
Follow some fanart or fic rec accounts! 
I’d always suggest @1d-fanart or @hlcreators for art. 
For fic, you could check out @hlficlibrary, @ficsyoumayhavemissed, or @thelarriefics. 
Or, recurring fic fests! @onedirectionbigbang or @wordplayfics, which happen every year.
And if you end up not enjoying someone you’ve followed? Unfollow them! It’ll make you happier.
How to interact with posts
Tumblr is all about tags. Do you have a comment or thought? Reblog a post and say your thought in the tags. That way anyone you follow will see it, and the person who made the post will see it. This way a post doesn’t end up with a lot of cluttery additions that don’t mean a lot to the average person reblogging it, but if you browse the tags of posts you’ll find lots of interesting things. Tags can be used to keep track of things, too, of course — some people tag all pictures with who’s in them, or tag art or fic with tags that mean they can find them again. Tags are versatile! But reblog, don’t just like, and tag! The more you interact, the happier content creators are!
What not to do
Don’t repost. If you see something you like on tumblr, reblog it. Even if it’s a really old piece of fanart (like circa 2011). Reblog that old post! Reposting means people don’t get credit, and it doesn’t link back to them. That’s not cool, and in the long term makes fandom less happy.
How to cultivate a happy and healthy fandom
Send happy anons! Ask how people are doing, do question memes, say how much you loved fic/art/edits, etc.
Reblog art. Reblog fic. Reblog what makes you laugh. The more you reblog, the more other people see, the more the fandom moves! Content creators just want their things seen; every time you reblog, their phone gets that little notification and you’ve given someone a bit of happiness.
Unfollow people who annoy you. Follow people who make you happy!
If someone has a take about 1D that you don’t agree with, don’t tell them or send them argumentative anons. Find people who will agree with you, and complain to them privately. Or make your own post, not shading anyone, just presenting your own opinion and theories!
Remember that everyone is a real person. Cut them some slack when you find them being annoying. But also, unfollow. Curate your dash.
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getvalentined · 6 months
Okay so the FF7 fandom is having a meltdown and I gotta talk about it. See, the Rebirth Ultimania came out yesterday in Japan, and one specific piece of information has people freaking out.
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This is, apparently, beyond the pale. People are insisting that it doesn't make sense, it's a retcon, it doesn't align with the games at all, et cetera, with a lot of people specifically citing Before Crisis as proof that this can't possibly be correct. After all, Elena is in her last year at Shinra's military academy in the game, and the academy is structured like a high school, meaning she'd be 17-18 during her Before Crisis appearance.
The issue here is that the majority of people don't actually know the timing of the aforementioned appearance. Because Before Crisis starts in 0001 and Elena is in it, people seem to assume that means she's in it from the beginning. This isn't the case at all.
In its entirety, Before Crisis is 24* chapters long—Elena appears in Chapter 22, specifically with her appearance starting on October 4th, 0007. (*In spite of technically being broken in 24 chapters by title, Before Crisis is actually 26 chapters by presentation, with two of them split into two parts.)
Meteorfall took place January 21st, 0008. We know this because the date is visible on the monument in Edge shown in Advent Children:
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This means Elena's introduction in Before Crisis was less than four months before Meteorfall.
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These portraits are months apart. She cut her hair and got out of the school uniform, but her face is completely unchanged; it's easy to say this was to lower artist workload, but the dates in-game are very specific.
The new Ultimania literally just reiterated information we've already had since around 2006. This has been canon for almost 20 years—it's not a retcon, it's not a "weird new decision," it's not another case of the Ultimania timelines contradicting the actual source material. This has been confirmed in-game as canon for longer than a lot of current players have even been alive.
I don't care what people do with this information, mind you. I don't care who you ship Elena with or anything like that, it's irrelevant to me. I don't care about age gaps or what the fuck ever, she's a pixel doll, do what you want with her.
But this isn't new. And everyone freaking out about it as if it isn't information we've had for so long that the game in which it was revealed is older than the character is kind of ridiculous.
I am begging you, do not cite sources with which you are not familiar in an attempt to make your assertions carry more weight. There are nasty people out there who will take your ignorance on the topic and use it to be even worse than they could have if you just stated that her canon age makes you uncomfortable so you portray her as being older and don't care that it's noncanon.
(Also, seeing the same people who declared that only the Ultimanias are correct even if they contradict the games or each other, now flipping to declaring this specific Ultimania to be wrong because "it's just meta" is indescribably frustrating. Sephiroth being 30 in-game was something the Ultimanias "fixed," but Elena being 18 in-game is something that the Ultimania has "screwed up." Pick one.)
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thel1ghtningthief · 2 months
lol what kind of idiot makes a fake camp schedule its me im the idiot
🏕 Camp Half-Blood Daily Schedule in the CDVerse 🗓
Opening: As a camp kid, I've always been bothered by the way canon/fanon portrays the camp schedule. THREE FREE CHOICE OPTIONS? For a camp with a maximum capacity of 400 kids? Yeah no thanks, Uncle Rick. And the fandom... I don't know if any of you ever been to summer camp because 'free choice' does not mean run around camp grounds with no organization 😭.
With that said, heres the rough schedule I threw together (based off of my own camp experience) + some notes!
Note: when an activity says its led by a cabin, i just mean the head counselor not the whole cabin lol
7:30 - Breakfast
8:30 - Cabin Clean Up - +technical free time if they clean up quickly
9:00 - Cabin Rotation #1 - See below
10:00 - Training # 1 - Half of Camp does Training #2 - See below
11: 00 - Free Choice - Chosen at breakfast. See below
12:00 - Lunch
1:00 - Free Time - Inside the Cabin area. Visiting other cabins is allowed as per counselors discretion
2:00 - Cabin Rotation #2 - See below
3:00 - Training #2 - Half of Camp does Training #1 - See below
4:00 - Free Choice - Chosen at lunch. See below
5:00 - Dinner
6:30 - Capture the Flag Prep - making teams, forming strategies
7:00 - Capture the Flag
9:00 - Bonfire - Sing-along led by the Apollo cabin
10:00 - Bed
11:30 - Lights Out
Cabin Rotations - 1st
1. Archery - Apollo Cabin
2. Sparring - Ares Cabin
3. Climbing - canonically with the satyrs, i was thinking led by Hermes
4. Arts & Crafts - Athena Cabin
5. Sports - Nike Cabin - takes place in the volleyball court, but other sports are played. occasionally plays beachside volleyball
6. Pegasi Riding - Demeter Cabin
Cabin Rotations - 2nd
1. Axe Throwing - Ares Cabin
2. Waterfront - Poseidon Cabin - either swimming or boating depending on the day
3. Dueling Strategy & Etiquette - Athena Cabin
4. Dream Interpretation - Hypnos Cabin - im so proud of coming up with this lmao
5. Forge - Hephaestus Cabin
6. Weekly Excursion - Argus - 3 cabins get to go to downtown New York, supervised by Argus and some of the older Satyrs and Nymphs
Training - 1st - Takes place in the Arena - Activity depends on the day, usually rotates
1. Monster Assault Techniques - Hermes Cabin
2. Swordfighting - Ares
3. Personal Weapons Training - Ares & Athena
Training - 2nd - Takes place in the Southern Woods
1. Real Life Practice - Argus & Chiron - i am aware a real summer camp would not let them do this, but they need to get experience somehow
Free Choice - 1st
1. See 2nd Cabin Rotations
2. Camper Lounge - Argus - they can just chill in the Big House for an hour lol
Free Choice - 2nd
1. See 1st Cabin Rotations
2. Camper Lounge - Argus
Other Notes:
- the whole 'visiting other cabins' thing is genuinely mainly so the vibe of the camp maintains that more chill, familial vibe we get in the book while still having a schedule and pretending its an actual summer camp lol
- there is a buddy system! the camp i went to had one so the rules for chbs are gonna be mostly the same: at least one buddy, doesn't have to be from your cabin but cant be the opposite gender, buddies are mainly to the washrooms & refilling waterbottles
- activities might be added & removed, this was a really quick lore dump tbh
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utilitycaster · 1 year
What ACOC fanon are people getting so upset over?
Come traveler. Let me tell you a tale. For I, too, was unaware of it until they went absolutely bugfuck all over Twitter. But if you don't want the whole long-winded epic: people shipped Belizabeth Brassica and Saint Citrina and while there has been no evidence indicating this will or not be confirmed or even mentioned they FREAKED OUT about how Matt would OBVIOUSLY destroy the "widespread" fanon (it is not widespread), specifically implying he'd do so in a bigoted way. Then some D20 guests noticed because the people saying this are not like, unknown fanartists (in fact one implied they had been asked to create art for the season but forgot to check their DMs) and were like "this is entitled and stupid and needlessly cruel to Matt, who is like, a guy we personally know and generally like." The people then, rather than saying "my B" and taking this to the DMs like a normal person who wants to talk shit, repeatedly doubled down. As of a few hours ago they were accusing Jasmine Bhullar of subtweeting them when she was in fact merely promoting an entirely unrelated show, it's sparked both a heartfelt discussion about how Matt's discussion of body dysmorphia has helped people and a conversation about how there's toxicity in all fandoms but the D20 community refuses to even acknowledge it; and also I think they've burned their chances of ever doing fan art for an actual play of any size in LA, Chicago, New York, London, or the centroid that represents an equidistant point from all the McElroys which is, I believe, hilariously for Amnesty fans, in the Monongahela National Forest.
Anyway POV we're around a campfire, I'm drinking something lightly alcoholic, and you wish to hear of The Drama At Length:
Do you remember Belizabeth Brassica, aka Broccoli Pope loosely based in appearance on Queen Elizabeth I (technically renaissance rather than high medieval but like...people constantly mix those up in D&D so it's fine)?
Great. Now do you remember the Rocks Sisters? Not the twins played by Siobhan and Emily; Amethar's four older sisters who died in the Ravening War, before the story started: Rococoa, Lazuli, Citrina, and Sapphria. Rococoa was a general; Lazuli an archmage (and Caramelinda's wife before she died; Caramelinda then married Amethar because while Lazuli had been a love match, this was a beneficial marriage for political purposes); Citrina a devotee of The Bulb; and Sapphria a spy and diplomat. They get talked about a lot, for sure, but their presence in the story is to be absent and to haunt the narrative.
Anyway the fanon is that Citrina and Belizabeth were in a relationship. In canon, I believe all we know is that both were devotees of the bulb; that Citrina held positions that might be considered heretical by some (she was a passionate believer in love matches and supported Amethar's marriage to a commoner in the Dairy Isles) and that Belizabeth ordered that she be killed.
Here's where this gets fun. So ACOC aired pretty much exactly three years ago, and while I think it's considered by many to be a high point in D20's oeuvre, a lot of fans have, you know, kept up with D20 on the whole and not dwelt on it in depth. But a small group of people have been consistently focused on this ship between an NPC who is vitally important to the narrative but shows up in fewer than a third of the total episodes; and a character dead before the story ever started. Which, I need to stress, is fine; the joy of headcanons is playing in the empty spaces.
Flash forward to 2023: a creative director who was generally opposed to revisiting past campaign settings and preferred standalone has just amicably parted ways. Neverafter has gotten mixed reviews (I have to see the last 8 episodes; this is anecdotal but some of the editing choices, plus the both dense yet meandering plot, brought the momentum of a truly fantastic TPK and resolution early on to a shuddering halt), and really nothing but A Court of Fey and Flowers has truly stuck for some time. The fandom has been clamoring for Fantasy High Junior Year for quite some time to no avail. The switch to 10-episode sidequests from 6 episode sidequests has met lukewarm reception. In short: D20 could use something flashy to revitalize their next sidequest. Enter: Matt Mercer as DM.
Now, a lot of D20 fans who are not part of the (significant) overlap with CR fans hate Matt Mercer. This is in part because a lot of people who got Big Mad about ships in Campaign 2 went to D20 and proceeded to badmouth Critical Role, a show they happily watched and made art for until roughly episode 107-ish of Campaign 2, proclaiming it homophobic (wrong two women kissed); racist (one of the women who kissed is a dark-skinned woman played by a white woman, which would have still been true if she kissed the other woman but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯); and probably problematic in other ways. To be clear I am not saying Critical Role is above criticism, and it has made its missteps, but like, the fact that these complaints showed up conveniently only when a ship didn't happen and mostly from like, white teenagers who proceeded to simultaneously call the cast transphobic and deliberately get their names wrong means this is not the criticism that is valid and worth considering, as is the fact that technically Matt had nothing to do with the ship not happening, but they've realized being an asshole to Marisha about her character's romantic choices will rightfully get you flayed alive. Also some D20 fans just hate Critical Role in the way that if you live in Boston you're supposed to hate New York and vice versa but if you say "why? what if I just want the baseball boys to have a good time together?" no one can answer.
Anyway here's a diagram to illustrate the group I'm talking about; they're the green dot:
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So: a couple of them decided a smart thing to do on Twitter in front of God and everybody was to say that they were worried Matt would contradict this "widely established" fanlore because he is not plugged into the ACOC fandom. They then proceeded to specifically (jokingly, but like, in a shitty way, still where everyone could see it) say that Matt would probably introduce Belizabeth as being married to her husband because she is 100% straight.
Now there's a bunch of problems here, and people pointed them out. Namely:
This is a weird thing to assume Matt would do, ie, automatically make an arbitrary NPC definitely straight, even if you're joking about it; like, he has a pretty decent track record for making NPCs of varying genders and sexualities, especially by C2 and C3.
This is not even widely established fanlore; this is a tiny group of fans of ACOC. See below for more on that.
Even if it were widely established fanlore, it's unlikely Brennan would know either.
Even if it were widely established fanlore and Matt or Brennan were aware of it, they are under no obligation to adhere to fanlore, because it's fanlore, not the established canon of A Crown of Candy. This does not make fanlore bad! It just means that creators are allowed to ignore it in the same way that fan creators are allowed to ignore canon; this is a two-way street.
Therefore, because this is fanlore, even if Matt did say "here is Belizabeth and her husband, and she has only ever been involved with men" this would not be homophobic because the character's sexuality has never been established and straight is one of the possible sexualities she could have. Obviously if he went super hard on her straightness that could get weird but that's a fucking bonkers stretch.
When people pointed it out, this group and a few other people who just fucking hate Matt kept dismissing them as CR fans. Then it caught the attention of various D20 guest cast members or people in the broader TTRPG scene, who have pointed out that like...the actual play and TTRPG industry is a place where basically everyone in a particular region knows everyone else and they are all good friends and this is shitty. The D20 fans mad that Matt is DM-ing The Ravening War kept doubling down and started making outright ad-hominem attacks on Matt (notably his appearance and dress which is like, shitty and irrelevant to this fanon thing anyway even before you consider the body dysmorphia) and whining that because they've made some charity fanzines, a thing people have been doing since the dawn of Star Trek TOS, they deserve...something. People rightfully called them out as 1. entitled brats and 2. needlessly cruel. They keep whining that CR fans are dogpiling them when in fact like, the entire TTRPG community including, as far as I can tell, the D20 community who overlaps with CR fandom and even the D20 community that does not but is neutral on CR, is like "you suck, you started it, this fandom is not exempted from typical fandom toxicity, and you will look back on this in 5 years and vomit from embarrassment."
Anyway this is all kind of tiresome, but also pretty funny because literally I'm expecting a bunch of fanartists who are immensely high on their own farts to be 100% blacklisted from ever receiving a commission from like, any Actual Play of note and also a lot of fans; there's an outpouring of support for Matt that far outstrips what there would have been without a handful of idiots starting shit; and also the season is fully filmed anyway so if this ship was confirmed noncanon, it happened a few months ago anyway and there's nothing anyone can do.
Oh, and in case you're wondering, pretty much all these losers are still 100% going to watch The Ravening War anyway so like, this has all amounted to a net positive for everyone but them.
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I have thought of something I think is incredibly stupid. Or what I think the Predator/Yautja fandom would consider stupid and dislike heavily. But that's me overreacting and it's how I would see Prey 2 going.
Keep in mind, I am all for what Dan Trachtenberg wants to do for Prey 2. I'm excited for Badlands. Keep in mind, these are just my ideas. And it's mainly combining elements of Predator: 1718 with what I heard was going to be the original premise of Prey. That Feral and Naru were going to team up. I am also aware of the scene during the credits.
My idea or how I imagine a sequel could go for Prey is maybe it takes place a few years. But it would likely take place immediately after because of what we saw during the credits.
But the idea is that Naru has gotten older. A new Yautja comes to Earth to prove itself. And it's Greyback, the Elder from Predator 2. But unlike Feral who was more upfront and brutish during the later parts of Prey. Greyback (Or what he's known as to some people during this time, gaining the title of "The Golden Angel") is more reserved, patience, and more cunning than some of his more eager Youngblood brethen. Especially having more advanced tech than Feral. He's heard the story of what happened to Feral and Naru and claims to seek her as a trophy.
Yet something happens in the situation where Greyback and Naru both realize they must team up against a common foe. With Naru soon realizing Greyback isn't like the last creature she had faced. With Greyback at least understanding her in a way.
But in the end, after the dust settles, Naru likely dies a warrior's/hero's death and in her last moments. Seeing the creature not as an enemy, but as an ally. She gives him the flintlock pistol as a gift before she dies from her wounds. And after this, instead of viewing her as a lost trophy he should've gotten. Greyback views Naru as an equal to where instead of leaving her body. He decides to bring her body, and help her tribe bury her body (Sounds crazy, I know) in peace. And because of Greyback's involvement of aiding Naru and helping bury her. Her tribe dubs him as "The Golden Spirit". I'm no expert on Comanche beliefs, so you have every right to criticize me for suggesting that. I just wanted to keep the "Golden Angel" angle.
And years later in 1997, where Harrigan meets the Lost Tribe in Predator 2. All the Yautja have seen him killed Ghost. Before he leaves, Greyback gives Harrigan the same pistol Naru gave him. And that scene is given so much more weight because with this idea. Greyback considers Harrigan a worthy equal as much as Naru. To the point he gives him the gift she gave him.
So, that's my idea. The reason I said this sounds incredibly stupid because I think people would REALLY hate the idea of Naru dying. And this is technically just taking elements of Predator: 1718 and being like, "What if we replace Rapheal with Naru instead?" I think it might be better if Naru lives, giving Greyback the pistol as a thank you gift. I was also thinking I don't know if a Prey 3 will happen. I wanted to give Naru a fitting, heroic, yet touching sendoff where after her death. This same Yautja considers her his equal and was willing to help her tribe bury her.
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This is merely just fanfiction. It's going to be really interesting if we do get a follow up and if we ever see Greyback in a film again. Because it can go in two ways.
Greyback killed Naru.
Naru gave Greyback the pistol as a gift/trophy. The same way Greyback does with Harrigan in Predator 2.
But idea sounds a bit crazy. Yet I just wanted to share it and if the sequel to Prey actually does something similar or not at all.
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k0ff1n · 2 years
First of all, sorry if there are any errors, english is not my first language and I'm still learning it.
Seeing how people reacted to this post I'll add some things first, to at least not be called a pedo:
I'm literally a minor, so please don't call me a pedo because that's not really possible I think
If you were to actually read the post, not because you agree but because you want to complain then you have two options, to not read it at all or to consider the first point and the fact that I too would prefer the people writing about him to imagine a older looking version.
As stated before, if you want to complain pls don't interact
So I suppose that everyone who plays twisted wonderland knows who Ortho is, but in case someone doesn't, here's a little description:
He was and still is Idia Shroud's little brother, he died when he was a child and his body was remade by his brother to somehow "keep him alive".
I know that reading this gives the idea of him still being a child and that, if he was one, writing fanfictions about him would be wrong, so this is why I'll try to explain why having this idea while knowing the full story is kinda stupid.
After saying that he died as a child and was made anew it gives the idea that he's still a child, but he technically isn't.
In the birthday card form the first year of the game, which is almost three years ago at this point, Yuu asks him in the interview what was his best memory from a past birthday party. To this Ortho answers the party that was held when he was five, which was eleven years ago. If you know basic math you should understand that 5+11=16, which makes him as old as the first years. Ok I know, some of you don't understand that being sixteen isn't the same as being five years old but for the sake of this post we'll say that, yes he's still a minor and we shouldn't write romantic stuff about him because bla bla bla (Also I'd like to point out that I'm not talking about writing nsfw stuff about him, just relationship scenarios instead of only platonic ones) but if you consider the year in which the card was released then it means that this August he'll be eighteen, so yeah legal age for stuff.
In case you want to argue about what he says in the story I'll leave the screens of the translation:
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Writing this might seem stupid but some of you don't understand it so I'll do it anyway. We said that his body is new, and this applies for his mind too, well kind of. Some of his memories as Ortho Shroud, the one who actually lived, are still inside his head, we know that because Idia somehow put some of them back inside of him to "preserve his little brother". With this said we are left with:
50% old memories
50% all that's known to mankind
We know that in his head he can search everything, you can clearly see that during history lessons and in some of his cards (if I'm not wrong it was a birthday one but I'm not sure which of the two). He talks about how much he likes playing games with other students and that since he can predict everything they'll do they decided to create a handwritten list of moves to use against him. From this we get:
He can know everything from the entire internet, from every site and from every data storage around the world
Can without much trouble go against entire groups of people at once and still win, something that I don't think someone with the mind of a kid can do
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To conclude this first part about his head I'll just say that you can't have the mindset of a child if you know everything, and this applies to him too. 3: HIS PERCEPTION OF HIMSELF
This is still about his mind but with a different point of view. When we finish the sixth chapter of the story Ortho gains a real heart, a real himself we can say. He's finally free from his brother's restrains and he starts to become a real person. The school realizes this too and accepts him as a student, starting from the first year. This might seem obvious but we know that two years before, when him and Idia arrived at the school, he wasn't perceived as a person, he was just a tool, another piece of metal and cables that his brother bought with him. Now having a heart and a mind of his own he still has the knowledge he had before but he can also appreciate things from another prospective, one only a real living being can have. I feel like saying this might not mean much but to put it simply: he arrives at the school and is fourteen, he stays a total robot for another year and then we meet him when he's sixteen. After another year he gains a heart and he's almost an adult and now, one year after he's become a person, he's to become eighteen. He's almost a literal adult, this is what I wanted to say. Another thing that I'd like to point out is the fact that during chapter six he acts a different way when with or without his brother. The "childish" version of him is only visible when he's talking to Idia and that single time that he slips in an annoyed expression, one his brother has probably never seen, he gets asked if there is need for maintenance. His real self is later introduced, he's way more similar to his brother if not worse at some points. Various times he expresses amusement in seeing someone struggle, something that even Idia had never done. We can clearly see that the version of Ortho that we've always seen wasn't the real one but something that his brother remembered about him from their childhood and that he had to take as his only option regarding personality. His real personality is yes, friendly, but not childish in the slightest. The most childish character in the game is probably Kalim lol. Btw these are some screens from one of the cards where be talks about himself and stuff, even before becoming a real person:
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We know he's short, he's 148 cm. Oh wait you want to say that his face almost looks... like the one of a young looking person? Please don't. Seriously, this might mean something if he was the only character in the game with a young looking face but he isn't, we literally got Epel and Riddle a similar design. And oh look, people write about them, even nsfw stuff, but no one complains for some reason. Epel is sixteen, a minor, but no one says anything if someone decides to simply add the "every character here is aged up so everything's fine" thing. Riddle is seventeen, oh look, another minor people don't have a problem writing about. You can clearly see how stupid this is, he's the same age as them, has the same type of design as them but for some reason is treated different from the fandom. Also, to add things to this mix of reasons, his body isn't even human, he's a literal thing made of metal, wires, fans and a heart. Idia could customize him any moment, and maybe in the future he will who knows, but for now this is what we got.
There's also a "problem" with his voice if we want to call it that. Yes, in this case I'll say that he sounds like a kid, but there's a reason. When Idia created him the only voice he has ever heard his little brother speak with was the one of a five years old, we can clearly hear the similarities between Ortho's real voice when he was a kid in chapter six and the one that AI Ortho has. But during chapter six we also hear the voice that he's supposed to have now, and it's not a childlike one, he really sounds like a teenager.
5: THE FINAL (not the dir en grey song) PART
After all these paragraphs I sincerely hope that at least some of you understand how all this doesn't make sense. I know I'm not the only one who thinks this, I know other people with this same idea but at this point no one can really write anything without being called slurs or assuming random things about them. This post was just a simple explanation of how I see this "issue", if we want to call it that.
Also as stated at the start of the post I too would really prefer an older looking version of him, one with the voice we hear in chapter six from his real and current self and not the one that resembles his old one. This said I understand why some of you want to complain about me wanting fantictions about him and this is why I say that if there will ever be some I will only be imagining the "older" version and not the one that we have now in the game.
Thanks for everyone who read till this point and have a good day :)
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give-grian-rights · 2 years
Hermitcraft Fic Rec!
HELLO. i have hundreds, HUNDREDS of hermitcraft fanfiction bookmarked and living in my brain without rent. Breaking this up into categories for some of my PERSONAL favorite fics in the fandom- including categories for shipping, crossover, and worldbuilding.
Some of these fics are from 2019 but generally speaking you don't need knowledge of past seasons you should be able to pick up on just about all of them. a lot of these are mostly included BECAUSE they're older and therefore, harder to accidentally stumble upon. put in no particular order.
If your fic is on here and you'd like it removed, send an Ask with the fic, a dm, etc
World Building
The Parting Glass / To Pass The Jungle You Have To Go All The Way Around - Sekrap.
Doc has been trying to forget. He has done everything everyone told him he should do to make the memories go away. And still the jungle calls for him. / He was a monster. Then, a man. Now, a machine. Doc, once a normal Creeper, was not meant to live. Let alone become a Player. He learned to speak, he learned to fight, he learned to build. Some things stayed the same. aka- the Domestic Creeper au.
Carpet Trick - CrazyCatMeow
You all know the double carpet trick right? What happens when that joint with a tired mad scientist meet.
Mob hybrids can't see carpets <3 extra silly and very lighthearted
Window Pane - blueticked
Tango and Impulse discuss the brand new presence of Helsknight.
It's not a coincidence that all the evil personas have red eyes.
Tango is a Hels, struggling with self-acceptance and his place in Hermitcraft, which was never meant to be for him. in my head ALL THE TIME
"I know" - KindaJustHere
Bdubs was used to death. He was used to being killed by his fellow hermits. He was very used to being killed by Grian. Maybe a little too much.
(This is based off Grian’s episode 61 of hermitcraft season 7 where Bdubs says “I know” and shoots himself) BDUBS SELF ESTEEM ANGST!! Griangst !!!! Emotionally fucked up Grian from YHS !!
Hiss and Scratch - TheNerdyTurtle96
Doc is a mad scientist who isn't afraid of anything. Actually, that's not true. His only weakness is cats.
exactly like it said it is . SO GOOD AND CUTE
For the Record - Anonymous
Tango shrugged. “Yeah, I guess I did. Xisuma’s teaching Impulse some Galactic Standard so he can cheat at enchanting or something. Apparently Xelqua’s, like, some sort of god in Xisuma’s culture? It was kind of unclear, I wasn’t paying attention when Impulse told me.”
“Huh,” Grian said vacantly. “How about that.”
oops! Grian is Xisuma's god. amazing
____ GrianMC - SixteenthDays
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Techno says frankly.
“You know,” Grian says again. “Your- Watchers.”
Techno squints for a moment before understanding visibly dawns behind his eyes. “Ohhh, you mean Chat?”
(On watchers, and Watchers.)
This IS technically a crossover but its more worldbuilding than anything else. its literally so funny. i love it
These Days I Don't Feel Like Myself At All / Mercury (No One Can Unring This Bell) (Series Ongoing) - RoguishOne (DarkWolfMoon)
TommyInnit had died. Again. To Dream. Again. And it sucked exactly as much as he thought it would because he'd wanted to move on and have a chance to actually live this time. Seems he won't be getting that.
Then he gets pulled out of Limbo, but he doesn't wake up back in the cell with Dream or next to his bed on the server. He doesn't wake up on the Dream SMP at all.
Little does he know that this is the least of his worries.
i want to scream and cry and hypervenilate thinking about this fic series. literally cannot recommend it enough. your life will be ROCKED. THE WRITING IS SOOOOO OGOOOD . i just want to shake. i cannot put into words what this fic makes me feel.
Shells in the Foam (a Hermit!Tommy fanfic) - Cedarwhisp21
When Dream attacks Tommy in Logestshire, Tommy runs. Badly injured, he somehow manages to slip between worlds and wakes up in a badlands biome, on a server far from home, with no other players in sight.
The Hermits are surprised when a new player logs in, and confused when no-one's at spawn. Five days later, after waiting for the new player to introduce themselves, Xisuma uses his admin abilities to access their coordinates. He takes Impulse with him to welcome the new player to Hermitcraft, but instead of the beginnings of a base, they find something a lot more concerning.
NEEDS NO INTRODUCTION. the NUMBER ONE kudo-ed hermit fic . by my beloved. and using the one of the beloved au by pertrichormeraki . its so good and im sooo glad i was here for the ride of seeing it unfold <3
let me give you a piece of my mind - Interjection
Dream and Grian practice building for MCC, and hold a conversation in the process.
Grian gives an outside perspective on Dream’s actions. Dream is having none of it.
Grian is a fucked up lil guy <3 Dream is a piece of shit
He would not die - Nicoforlife
If phil could save only one person from this place, that would be enough.
Tldr I made phil a watcher :)
Watcher Phil and Grian !! ! !!
Scared as hell - Nhi_theuserof_this
Grian was one of the closest people to Fundy at this point. He wants to be honest, really, but with the rest of his family history being a total train wreck, he spends an awkwardly long time dancing around what he wants to say.
Tldr; Grian is Fundy’s uncle, Fundy comes out to him
OK SO THIS ONE. WAS BASED OFF ONE OF MY AUS but i had to include it. ok .short and sweet
It was just a game - QuasarsFaults (UNFINISHED)
Taurtis Has been on the server awhile now, he's made new friends, a really tasty toritos shop, a new job working with Concorp, and he's even made this really cool pirate rollercoaster. So why did his and Scar's idea go so wrong?
OK. so i honest to god cannot remember if this is my au or if i just partook in it. i think its my au. who knows. either way seeing this again makes me want to work on my own Taurtis-Became-a-Hermit-Instead-of-Grian fic
heartfelt confession - mysteryguest
it shouldn't come as a surprise to iskall, he thinks, when he finally settles on a term that feels just right. and yet, it is. and it's dreadful, feeling that urge, that need to tell someone, without knowing if they would accept you or not.
at least he knows the person he can trust the most with this info is his boyfriend, mumbo.
non-binary and bigender Mumskull !!! coming out. finding identity. finding pronouns.
I Hate You (I Promise I Don't) - BewitchingNotes
If someone asked Grian why he was relentlessly pranking Etho now that he was finally back in Hermitland, he'd say it was just for pure fun.
To Etho, it meant Grian was mad at him.
To everyone else, Grian had a huge crush on the redstone user and obviously didn't know how to communicate it.
OR: Grian just wants Etho's attention, Etho misreads this as Grian being mad at him, Grian thinks Etho hates him because of his pranks and everyone else just wants these boys to communicate properly already. Grian's love language is pranks...i love it
____ A Study Of Love in the Universe Itself - 2point5
Love had a strange meaning on Hermitcraft, where everyone loved each other. 
Joe looks into the different ways he loves some of his fellow members, and what that means for him as a human.
ITS A SERIES TOO AND ITS SOOOO GOOD i love it . Joe x Cleo x Bdubs x Etho . what more could you want. and their sexualities and how they perceive love is . OAUGHHGHGGHHGHGHBHGHFHHVIJXFSHDF IUSDHIUSAHDUIA
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l-in-the-light · 23 days
Love your account ❤️🥰 What do you like best about Law?
Thank you <3 Sorry for the late reply, I was sitting on this one for a while, because I thought giving it time would help me write a better answer. But this is so difficult, because where do I even start? How can I say what I have in my heart so it doesn't actually just sound weak and pretentious, but also not extremely dramatic?
Maybe let's start from the fact I didn't fall for him at first sight. I totally didn't care about him in Sabaody when I first read that arc. The first moment he truly earned my sympathy was his confession in Dressrosa, I went all whoa, I was hoping for some open show of emotions, but I didn't expect this intensity hiding under the surface. Then Wano happend and he was so cool in Wano. And then I caught up with the manga in Egghead arc. He still wasn't my favourite, but things were slowly changing. I started noticing how much I actually miss him in the story. I started worrying for him. Finally, I gave up and just reread his parts from earlier arcs and damn it just hit differently the second time around. Before I noticed it he became one of my top 3 characters. Soon after, he sneakily took the number 1 spot as well without me realizing.
I love how unyielding he is, especially against Doflamingo, someone who constantly gaslights him. And oh boy I have been in that spot before, when a mentor figure tries to push their own way of seeing things without listening even for a moment to other reasons. I'm always surprised by Doflamingo-Law conflict in Dressrosa exactly because of that; Law keeps pushing in what he believes in instead. Even fandom buys Doflamingo's point of view on Law: yes, he's just a pitiful vengeful ghost, he's just lashing out, he needs to be put back into his place and silenced. But no, Law's not having any of that. It feels like a catharsis for me to see that and it restored my own faith, at least a little bit, because if Law could deal with all that shit and didn't truly lose (technically he did, but it was to his own good heart imo), then inevitably I also feel myself becoming more unyielding, it rubs off.
He's so unbelievably strong, but it's not about his attacks or power, but mental strength. And I wish I was at least a bit as strong as him. Between Doflamingo, Law's traumas, fears and putting up a confident front when he feels anything but that, smirking at those who lose to their own arrogance, I'm really amazed he is as strong as he is. And it's not just about him never giving up, because of course he has moments like that, but he always, always gets back up and it's probably never for himself, but for others that are dear to him.
And there's also his resemblance to Ace (and Sabo) somehow, because they're inevitably all older brother types. But while Ace is rough around the edges but his love is so warm, Sabo's soft and supportive but is also a bit self-centered, Law's something else entirely. He's just so avoidant, but at the same time kinda soothing and gently watching from afar, like the moon, you don't usually see it in the day but you know it's always there. That's his kind of love. It's captivating, but it doesn't exactly warm me up when I think about it like when I think of Ace, it doesn't make me feel the fluff like when I think of Sabo, but instead it's like a strong, tingling light that shines not in the sky but inside the heart, when you need it the most: in the middle of utter darkness.
His loyal love to Cora-san, his unobvious but gentle ways of showing affection, his good heart, his sharp smiles and unyielding spirit, reckless and petty paybacks, his shitty and brooding attitude, his serious but trolling sense of humour, I definitely like all of this about him. And sometimes he's just simply insufferable and I enjoy that about him as well. Every time I discover a new thing or detail about him, I like him only more.
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fractalkiss · 1 month
i'm curious how does one actually get into f1, particularly the fandom side of it. it all seems so interesting but i don't know how to take the plunge, is there a good beginner's guide re: rules/basic team lore or anything you'd recommend outside of race watching?
hi anon! for learning the rules, i think one of the easiest ways is to look up technical stuff and learn the sporting terms when watching the races. it sounds daunting but i only properly got into the sport by doing this (alongside my sibling who got invested first lol) and being tuned into a community to keep up through season happenings, which then kind of folded into the fandom experience. f1blr is where i hang out for fandom, but it's definitely not what makes the entire experience!
i think the best place to start would be to look at any team or drivers that you're intrigued about and start diving deeper from there. you'll find that a lot of the lore inter-connects through the years and by learning about one thing, you can pick up more about another driver/team/event etc. to help follow the sport i recommend:
the f1 official website and f1tv: everything from news, article writeups, interviews and race content is on their site, and you can keep up with the live race sessions through f1tv and even watch older races on the f1tv archive, though it is a paid subscription. the f1 website even has a glossary to refer to sporting terms and if you're interested in more, f1tv has analysis videos where they review key moments after the race sessions. if you're reluctant to pay for anything, there are sites that stream the live races for free lol and even more free and accessible media too below.
youtube channels: for actual motorsport lore and history, the only channel i recommend is CYMotorsport, who does highly digestible deep dive videos that run through past seasons, championships, rivalries, scandals etc in a way that isn't oversensationalized. this channel was literally my friend lol, i have spent many hours just watching their stuff and they even have a new to f1? playlist you can start with! chainbear was what i used to check out back then to get to know more about the technical stuff, useful for beginners!
news/communities: i usually check my news on the r/formula1 subreddit. like any other highly active sports community across platforms it's rife with discourse if you want to keep a pulse on all that. it's much easier to get my news from there in an efficient way (tumblr can be impossible for me to do this quickly) since the source under a reddit topic is usually linked in the post or in comments so you can see for yourself if something is coming from a credible and non-contentious source or not. because integrity in f1 journalism has always been terrible, just take most things with a grain of salt. the main publications like motorsport.com and autosport are okay. i also check twitter to see what journalists are saying although there's a lot of drivel and questionable he-said-she-said stuff that tends to get spread lol so honestly i really only check Chris Medland's tweets... the one guy i trust. i also subscribe to r/F1Technical, much less discourse since it's very sport and technical-focused for people who want genuine answers about anything asked.
documentaries: nflix's dts is fine for learning names and faces on a pretty surface level, and it was my introduction to the sport as a New Fan but not a necessary watch since it's more sensationalized. instead, you can watch documentaries centered around a driver; i watched one (1) season of fernando alonso's docu series for fun lol and schumacher's docu film. my little sibling and i like history a lot so we watched a life of speed: the juan manuel fangio story, an interesting watch about old motorsport - i haven't checked out other driver-focused docus besides these but you can pick up anything that interests you! but if i have to recommend one docu miniseries, it's "brawn: the impossible formula 1 story." don't be fooled and put off by keanu reeves being narrator skfskf the miniseries is an excellent mix imo of technical stuff explained coupled with really good storytelling featuring some of the most well-known names in the sport behind the teams.
i think once you start building grounds over time to get a basic grasp of how the sport works, everything else that comes with entering a fandom like meeting people will follow after pretty naturally :) it took me a while to do this and garner slow investment in a fave guy/team. i hope this is helpful, anon! i'd be happy to chat and answer more questions if you have them!
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AO3 Tag Game!
Tagged by @mvshortcut :) I'm gonna stick with just this fandom/this account for this one to make it less confusing
How many works do you have on AO3?
44. (Including snippet collections.) For this fandom/account. Far more if you count bi-demon-ium or my old account or my older account or
What’s your total AO3 word count?
Okay this one it won't let me separate by pseud or fandom so you're just gonna have to live with being lumped in with all my MBS and a few other misc fics at "653,461". Didn't get the other accounts though. Man, I'm a mess
How many fandoms have you written for, and what are they?
Okay, well, this one by nature is also not solely for this fandom,
(number in parentheses is number of ao3 works posted)
Ted Lasso (obviously) (44) (including snippet collections)
The Mysterious Benedict Society (116) (also including snippet collections)
Instinct (2) (one is a small snippet collection--)
House MD (1)
Death by Dying (1)
Gravity Falls, technically, but it was one crossover (1)
ditto with The Legend of Zelda (1)
King Falls AM (1)
The House in the Cerulean Sea (6)
Shadowhunters (??? at least 36) (some now hidden/lost)
Professor Layton (1)
The Librarians (2)
The Sandman (1)
The Mentalist (2)
Star Trek (AOS) (1)
Sanders Sides (at least 1)
Miraculous Ladybug (1)
Rosewell: New Mexico (2)
The Dresden Files (1)
That's stuff posted to ao3/finished. There's also, technically,
for stuff I published when I was twelve and I now refuse to acknowledge (not all bc of the fandom but bc the fic was Bad):
Doctor Who
Welcome to Night Vale
A Series of Unfortunate Events
And then stuff I've written for but never finished:
Warehouse 13
Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency (2016)
Dirk Gently (2010)
Zoo (podcast)
Once Upon a Time
Scooby Doo
Person of Interest
The Goes Wrong Show
Spy Kids (???)
Ace Attorney
The Adventure Zone
Criminal Minds
Star Trek (TOS, TNG, and DS9)
exactly one (1) joke The Magnus Archives fic
Percy Jackson and the Olympians + The Kane Chronicles + Tales of Apollo
Pushing Daisies
The Sarah Jane Adventures
Avatar: the Last Airbender
Some of these are deeply questionable and/or only have like two (2) wips or even posted works at most, but I'm thorough. Also, I will write about almost anything bc my brain loves to process things like this. I may have even missed something
Top five fics by kudos:
Ted Lasso Kisses Trent Crimm On The Mouth (1125)
semaphore (977)
off the handle (719)
linger (699) (nice)
a preacher, a bikini, and a kiss or two (641)
Do you respond to comments?
I really try to, but then I get all in my head about it and/or am really really tired and put it off so long it then feels like it would be weird to respond because it's been forever. However, if there's a direct question or something I want to address/respond to, as in, I have something particularly unique to say or a question to answer, then I'll usually respond really fast
What’s the fic with the angstiest ending you’ve ever written?
Honestly, I'm not a huge unhappy ending person, a lot of the time I'll have a first chapter I was initially going to end really angsty (see ink sunset and make a mess of you) and then added more to fix it at least somewhat. As is... maybe the somewhat unresolved emotional tension (for Ted and Trent, at least, Roy's doing great) in something to get off my chest, the +1 for betrayal's sting / absolution's balm? I have some worse ones in an old fandom on an old account but. meh.
Do you write crossovers?
Not often, but I rotate them in my brain. Honestly, though, I'm more inclined to write a fusion than a crossover proper. And even so, I tend to just be thinking about it rather than actually writing it. I've only written one crossover in recent memory (recently, that is) and it was mostly a joke about a shared actress made into actual angst.
Have you ever gotten hate on a fic?
Yeah lmao
Do you write smut?
😏 sure do
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
👁️👁️ not in this fandom
Have you ever had a fic translated?
yes!! also not in this fandom
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
In this fandom? Trent/Ted. overall? no idea, because recency bias, my all-time favorite is whatever I'm into right now, which isn't really objective but hyperfixationitis.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish, but don’t think you ever will?
:( so many. AND there are a lot of posted fics I want to write a sequel/companion piece for and idk if I'll ever get the energy...
I guess off the top of my head, for this fandom, I'd go with lost sight of (who you are) (motivation died because it's old enough no one knows it exists anymore lkfgjh) and ink sunset (I WANNA FINISH IT I DO I DO I DO)
What are your writing strengths?
I think I can write a really funny string of dialogue, and I'm also fond of fun metaphors, both in the elegant poetic way and in the more Douglas Adams/Terry Pratchett way (which is to say, still potentially elegant but also comedic as hell)
What are your writing weaknesses?
Motivating myself to write anything; being overly self-indulgent
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fics?
I'm extremely bad at linguistics in general, so if I must include someone talking in another language in my fic, I think I'd tend to cheat and do italics or some other indication that this is 'in another language' (ie "Where are you going?" she asked in Russian), but that's admittedly a lazy approach. But I also think it's probably better than butchering it with an auto-translator? Also, when people just include the translation in the end notes, even with a link (although that makes it marginally better) it breaks the flow of the story and makes it hard to read. Making an effort to at least match grammar is good (which I would do if it was for longer than a single scene, probably) but I think the best solution is when people know what they're doing and like, have an actual translation with a little html code so you can click on it and it reveals what it means? Or if you're clever, revealing what it means using context around it, but that has its own limitations. So that both like, uses the actual language and doesn't break up the flow. It balances accessibility, flow, and respect for the other language in question well. But you've got to both know what you're doing with the language (either asking someone/hiring someone/knowing the language yourself) and the html (although there are guides for that you'd have to spend time figuring it out + know it exists in the first place to look). And this is fanfiction, something we ultimately do for free in our spare time, so the lazy approach, I think, can be understandable. Maybe not in every context, but it's not worth stressing a lot over in a few random lines or anything, you know? It is really cool when people do know a language well enough to include it properly in a fic, though, it can say a lot about a character or dynamic; and their background(s) and like. it's neat :)
What was the first fandom you ever wrote for?
Ever? Doctor Who. In a shitty little notebook in middle school. Then there was some Star Trek (both TNG and TOS) and Avatar: the Last Airbender and Marvel and such, and then Supernatural (my first smut? extremely terrible Destiel smut. rip) and I think the first thing I ever posted was Welcome to Night Vale? Not sure.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written so far?
Oh, man. I have no idea. Here's a few favorites from this fandom:
matters of the heart
trick & treat
vita nova
melt like this
"second impressions"
probably those time travel snippets, just in general
PLEASE, if you want to do this, I'm begging you, tag me in it and do it. i'm too tired to come up with names im so sorry
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localgardenweed · 6 months
Ok I was originally gonna write how I wanna go back to Eddsworld and do stuff for it again but felt out of the loop with the modern fandom and shit but ended up being a rant about how I hate Beyond so like gonna write this again but keeping part of the rant cause i need to share how much i cant stand Beyond again
So like I wanna come back to Eddsworld cause as much as it was a dumpster fire for me it was my first real fandom I was apart of online so it holds a place in my heart. I mean probably technically whatever I did on Framecast was my first ever online fandom space but shhhh that dont count i was but a wondering traveler looking for my place in the world. It actually got me into Eddsworld someone made a animation to Youth by Daughter and had me hooked. But still was very important to me and my art development.
Its so crazy to me cause i was into Eddsworld HARD in the 2016-2020 era where alot of the ig modern fandom was born i watched cities fall and crumble I was deep in the amino trenches, Pork Sodaing and seeing so much historical fandom events happen before your eyes. I was watching everyone consume every piece of Prince of Mints and Moho art I was a sucker for them which probably wasn’t okay for like a 5th grader but i definitely turned out all right /j.
I left for a little bit on and off cause Hetalia was choking me and like keeping me prisoner but like it still had a place in my heart for it but like ya know i still was there but idk now I just dont find the same spark anymore from the first go around. Something changed and maybe cause i just had my tastes change and maybe cause my ex-best friend was making fun of my oc all the time but i made him when i was like 11 and figuring out identities and ways to express yourself without sticking to the gender norms and dealing with alot of stuff at the time i finally caved and just didn’t feel the same any anymore about the show.
Cause I loved that fandom more than anything but, I don’t know I just don’t know how to get back that spark and go frolic in the fields with my TomTordOc love triangle of my 5th grader dreams and just be cringe and free and feel joy again but I just cant enjoy the material anymore like THEY ARE MASSACRING MY BOYS WHAT HAVE THEY DONE TO THEMM
It doesn’t hit the same and i know i dont need to consume Beyond i doubt anyone actually does at this point but i cant stand beside while they murder everything i loved about the Classic and Legacy eras.
Also just, I think I hit a road block with it too like, I got stuck on where to do and what to do with Eddsworld like. I make aus i made ocs i made a ask blog i made animatics, now what? And like idk i felt weird and like stuck in the mud with them. Also just had the friend falling out who was also the co-creator of the ask blog so now i dont know how to pick it back up all by myself again but them again i really was just doing it by myself all the time anyway so i just have to figure out how to get back into the swing of things
I have some ideas for aus and maybe just finally be free and bring my oc back from the grave for realsies and make you all consume it but, I don’t know. Im scared to come back cause also weirdly alot of the new fans are younger than me or the older fans are older than me so its kinda awkward, also im just awkward im scared to talk to people online, there is and were some people i desperately wanted to be friends with both in and out of Eddsworld but im too scared and either just watch from afar or abuse the Anonymous function in ask boxes. 
If i cave enough i might come back to Eddsworld to at least finish my lore for the ask blog cause IM SORRY I LEFT YALL HANGING I HAD SCHOOL AND THEN JUST FORGOT ABOUT IT but forever haunted by the people who like every single post and then i get excited cause i see like 99+ notes waiting for me and i think one of my new posts blew up but no its just the ew boys who screw around likes and reblog and the occasional comment
One day ill return to my rightful birthplace and one day I shall be free and one with nature and draw as much as I want for it and as many ocs i want without someone telling me its cringe or make more for the ask blog or hell start doing animation and animatics again
Ok here is the Beyond rant now if you wanna read it
I feel the difference between Beyond and Legacy is that, Beyond is trying to horriblycopy their older brothers Classic and Legacy and almost dumb it down a bit with more childish humor, and Legacy takes inspiration from Classic: It’s different but a natural difference/evolution. Or the fact a whole new guy was writing it all with a slightly different style so he wrote what he knew idk maybe a bit of a factor idk
Also i cant stand the Tord bait sorry I cant, especially when they used to like get annoyed by the fandom by asking and then just realized he was a cash cow so like now we get Tord merch and the hints and Tori and the skit with the cavemen like OMG TORD- and he got crushed by a rock thanks gang, cause like dude I think as much as we love Tord like maybe this go around respect Larson’s choice to like not use him in the series anymore and take him out but like ig that doesn’t apply to merch so yeah lets do one more go around bring out the red one. Or idk maybe they contacted him and was like “yo dude can we like use him for merch” but i dont think that happened. I think it was just better to leave him absent from the show and be like “yeah no Tord guys, no Tord” and we could have all had our thumbs up and be like “Ok Eddsworld Beyond we are okay with that”. Like I know Red October was for charity but idk it still felt weird to use Tord, like could this really not have just been the main 3 or like bring in some deep cut old characters or side characters did we really need Tord here.
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