#secure personal data
techtoio · 4 months
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incognitopolls · 7 months
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The ticket sales giant said through emails to its users and in a press release that it recently discovered "an unauthorized third party" was able to obtain information from a cloud database hosted by a third-party data services provider. "Based on our investigation to date, we determined that the unauthorized activity occurred between April 2, 2024, and May 18, 2024," Ticketmaster wrote in an email sent to its users on Monday. "On May 23, 2024, we determined that some of your personal information may have been affected by the incident. We have not seen any additional unauthorized activity in the cloud database since we began our investigation." The California-based company confirmed the cloud database contained personal information of customers who bought tickets to events in Canada, the U.S. and Mexico. "This may include email, phone number, encrypted credit card information as well as some other personal information provided to us," it wrote in the press release, adding it is in the process of reaching out by email or mail to customers it believes were affected.
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Tagging: @newsfromstolenland
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scipunk · 6 months
Person of Interest (2011-2016)
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sl33py-g4m3r · 3 months
windows/linux rant
unrelated to SMT or anything on my blog currently I guess...
I keep seeing the "prep for windows 11" thing show up on my computer, and it upsets me every time that you have to have a microsoft account to install it.
windows 10 reaches end of support next year~~
I hope by then the computer I"m using will actually let me run linux on it instead of an outdated windows os....
I want to run linux on this machine so bad but whenever I try to install it, it seems to install fine and dandy
and then it won't boot
I've snooped around in the BIOS, disabled the "smart startup" or "secure startup" or whatever else I thought was borking the boot for linux.
but it still won't boot~~~
and sadly i've got games on here that only work on windows anyway.
I'd much rather be able to stay relatively safe online and maintain an OS, than play the games I bought on steam....
something is preventing linux from booting on this machine, it upsets me when I think about it, and it upsets me more when I try to install linux and it goes fine, but then doesn't boot
cause I have to take the time to reinstall windows again.....
why computer? why won't you let linux boot? what do I need to do to you to have linux actually boot? I don't understand...
*confused screaming*
running an ASUS ROG Stryx gaming pc that I bought on impulse years ago. so you'd think linux mint would boot just fine, right??
how do I fix it? if I can fix it? especially if I don't destroy the data on the second hard drive of this thing. I've got stuff I don't want to lose on here, preferably....
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alwaysbewoke · 7 months
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ranseur · 5 days
I- fucking.. i never realized i could download and organize fics
I feel stupid now
Never used any app cause ao3's website is amazing and i love it but I CAN DOWNLOAD AND ORGANIZE FICS?? WHAAAT
this is so stupid cause i already have a few downloaded fics i just haven't thought about doing it for more
noo don't feel stupid! but i hope you find that an app boosts your quality of life the app i use on android is called ReadEra. i haven't tested or compared other apps, but i like this one because the UI is so unobtrusive, customizable, and intuitive. tap right/left or top/bottom for page flip, tap middle to hide/show UI, swipe left side to decrease/increase brightness, tap top right to make a bookmark or edit one, top left to swap between two chosen visual themes (i use dark vs darker, but there is light theme and 'paper' offwhite too), if i browse my collection or author list it will keep me in the author and collection i'm 'in' until i back out myself, etc etc i really love how easy this app is to use. the only ad i get is the occasional prompt to go premium but it doesn't impede my reading experience but it could be true that any old app will do all this- find what works for you! enjoy!
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oldfarmwitch · 4 months
I just want a job where I’m valued and indispensable, but also am not trusted with things for which I’m not really qualified just because they know I can figure them out successfully. Is that too much to ask?
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friendrat · 1 year
But I don't wanna live in a dystopian world!!!
#i just saw this video about amazon having this pay with your palm technology#guys why would you give away your biometric data for convenience?!?!#we're really at this point where we will sell our privacy to save 30 seconds#and i know people have been saying this for forever#but what happens when that becomes the only way to pay?#like we are getting so close to what they describe in revelations it's scary#and yeah i get that people said that about barcodes and credit cards#but having your payment method be your literal hand?#that's too close for comfort#and it's literally not smart to give these companies that info#if they have a data breach who knows what a hacker can do with that?#i know this is a crazy scenario but what if a hacker gets ahold of your fingerprints and currupts the digital record for a crime?#on top of that you only need your fingerprints registered with the police for a few reasons like if you are a criminal or work with kids#you have the right to not have the government have your info without reason#but what happens when the government demands that Amazon (or Apple or any other company pulling this crap) give over their records?#now they have that whether you are a criminal or gave your permission or not#that would be a violation of your 4th amendment rights: to be secure in your person houses papers and effects against unreasonable seizures#don't think the government would do that? police in my area will absolutely violate that right by running plates#to see if you have an expired registration even if you weren't doing anything that required they run your plates#so yeah i fully believe the government would violate the 4th amendment#and what's more... i don't even think that they would have to demand the info i think amazon or apple would offer to sell that info to them#ok sorry for the rant#this world is just getting scary y'all
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raskies456 · 6 months
I keep seeing that post that’s like “everything should be open source, cars don’t weld the hoods shut so you can’t look at the engines” and while I get what the post is trying to say the metaphor always throws me bc cars def straight up have a bunch of embedded computer units in them w a lot of inaccessible source code
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nando161mando · 8 months
'World's biggest casino' app exposed customers' personal data | TechCrunch
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The field of Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) is progressing at an astonishing pace, driven by the availability of vast amounts of data. This abundance of data serves as the fuel for training and refining models, propelling the advancements in this exciting domain. Amazon Web Services (AWS) has played a pivotal role in this ecosystem, offering a wide range of services and…
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crowcryptid · 1 year
90% of hacking is scanning to see if someone misconfigured their security settings or if they’re using out of date software
9% is social engineering
And the last 1% is actually trying to find an exploit and write your own code (idk how to do this part yet)
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1o1percentmilk · 1 year
i don't even want to take half my classes that im registered for autumn quarter
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froggyrights · 2 years
Reminder that since twitter has already been having serious security issues that could only have gotten worse since musk fired 75% of his staff you should change your password if you use the same one for other sites, and definitely remove your credit card details, important email adresses and phone number as well.
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tomorrowusa · 1 year
If you don’t want your personal data being accessed, be careful about the digital doors you leave open to it.
It’s not without good reason that an increasing number of government agencies have banned TikTok on their devices.
Financial Times journalist Cristina Criddle had personal data being tracked and observed via a TikTok account she had in the name of her cat named Buffy.
TikTok has confirmed members of its internal audit department looked at the location of Cristina's IP address - the unique number of a device - and compared it with the IP data of an unknown number of their own staff, to try to establish who was secretly meeting with the press. They "misused their authority" to do this and were acting unauthorised.
Cristina does not know for how long she was tracked, or how often, but she does know it happened last summer.
"If my location was being monitored 24/7, that's not just limited to my actions at work - which wouldn't be OK even if it was - but this was in my personal life as well," she says. It was when I was out with my friends, when I was going on holiday, all of that stuff's in there.
"The real threat and the real chilling thing is that I was just trying to do my job."
If you’re a journalist who relies on the confidentiality of news sources, being monitored is a danger to your profession and to the sources themselves.
Western users' data is never accessed or stored inside China, it says. And the staff responsible for the data breach of Cristina and a handful of other Western journalists, last year, were fired for misconduct.
TikTok owner Bytedance said it "deeply regrets" what was "significant violation" of its code of conduct and was "committed to ensuring this never happens again".  
Well, that’s nice of them. But if it can happen once then it can certainly happen again. And this was probably not the first time it happened.
Cristina kept her account because it may be necessary to access the platform for her work. But she has limited it to one isolated device.
For now, Cristina has kept her account open because she still needs to be able to access TikTok for work - but the app now lives on a dummy handset kept at her workplace. And she has curtailed both her own and Buffy's social-media use across other platforms as a result of what happened.
"I have really had to think about my safety - mostly my digital safety," she says.
"I'm super-careful now. I have to make sure that there is no chance that my devices are being tracked. I have to make sure that my sources are aware of the possible challenges to their safety as well."
Somebody at the platform did not simply accidentally dig into the account of Buffy the Cat. 
Cyber-security expert Prof Alan Woodward, from Surrey University, said this level of tracking "cannot be described as accidental or even incidental".
"Someone had to do some extra digging to work out that the cat account was in fact Cristina," he said.
TikTok is fighting for survival in the US and there is restricted access to it on official devices in several other countries. ByteDance is headquartered in Beijing - although, it also has offices in Europe and the US - and there are concerns it could share Western users' data with the Chinese state if requested.
If you value your personal privacy and data security, maybe TikTok is not the right platform for you.
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