#secrets of the world
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bvadmin · 4 months ago
I finally decided to publish this. / Я всё же решился опубликовать это.
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But I'm still a little scared and anxious because of the purple winged one, because it appeared by accident. And all because I liked one AU (well, and purely because I adore Brunyat too much, that's why he came out) / Но мне до сих пор слегка страшно и тревожно из-за фиолетового крылатика, ведь он случайно появился. И вовсе из-за того что мне понравилась одна АУ (ну и чисто из-за того, что слишком обожаю Брунят, поэтому, вышел он)
I'm serious. I'm scared, anxious, and embarrassed that I came up with it and put it up like this, but in any case, I can remove it and forget about it. / Я серьёзно. Мне страшно, тревожно и стыдно, что я вот так его придумал и выставляю, но в любом случае я могу его убрать и забыть.
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All in all... / В целом...
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I'm ashamed. / мне стыдно. 😖
Purple winged (Invented by my imagination) from AU Cloud Tower. AU belongs to @alextydaisuda123 .
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the-lost-dimension · 3 months ago
[Warning! This ASK blog may contain content for 16-18+, but it will depend on your questions and actions!!!]
Welcome to...
✨ The Lost Dimension! ✨
Even though I've been here for a long time, I can't say for sure what kind of place this is. Although many people end up here by accident or fall from the sky - AKHEM... I'm speaking from experience!
So who can you meet here? As I said earlier: "many people end up in this place" so there are many different people here, sometimes even creepy or... Crazy...
... 😀
*Slapped himself* No, I'm sane, calm...
Ahem ahem. Basically, you can look around here and see if you know anyone... Maybe you'll accidentally bump into yourself, haha!...
Seriously... This is not a rare picture to be honest. Sometimes you can even find some kind of ship...
*Slammed his hand on the "bar" counter* OKAY THAT WAS TOO MUCH, I KNOW!
... Uh...
... Sorry, I've just been a little... How should I put it...."emotional" lately. Or something like that. 👉👈
*Looks from one side to the other, then looks at you*
I think it's time for you to see this whole place and ask questions, tasks or perform an action. In general, good luck and have a fun time! ;)
[Внимание! Этот АСК блог может содержать контент для 16-18+, но это будет зависеть от ваших вопросов и действий!!!]
Добро пожаловать в...
✨ The Lost Dimension! ✨
Я хоть и нахожусь тут давно, но точно не могу сказать что это за место. Хотя в это место много кто попадает по случайности или сваливаются с небес- КХ��М... говорю по факту!
Итак кого же вы тут можете встретить? Как я сказал ранее: "в это место много кто попадает" поэтому тут персон разных много, порой даже жутких или... Сумасшедших...
... 😀
*Дал себе пощечину* так нет, я в адеквате, спокойно...
Кхем кхем. В общем то говоря вы можете осмотреться здесь и поискать кого-нибудь, кто знаете... Может вы случайно наткнетесь на самого себя, ха-ха!...
Ну серьезно... Это не редкая картина если честно. Порой можно найти даже какой-то шип...
*Стукнул рукой по "барной" стойке* ЛАДНО ЭТО БЫЛО ЛИШНЕЕ Я ЗНАЮ!
... Эээ ...
... Простите, я просто немного... Как бы выразиться...."эмоционален" в последнее время. Или что-то в этом роде. 👉👈
*Переводит взгляд то в одну сторону, то в другую, затем смотрит на вас*
Думаю вам уже пора посмотреть всё это место и задать вопросы, задания или выполнить действие. В общем удачи и веселого времяпровождения! ;)
Who can you ask a question, task, do an action to: / Кому вы можете задать вопрос, задание, сделать действие:
Pruno / Пруно - [Piss Towel(AU). Local bartender; can sometimes behave inappropriately; escaped from his dimension together with the rat Brick when the madness began; the very first one who appeared here, can be considered the founder. /Piss Towel(AU). Местный бармен; иногда может вести себя неадекватно; сбежал из своего измерения вместе с крысой Кирпичем когда началось безумие; самый первый кто здесь оказался, можно считать основателем.]
Xen / Ксен - [???(Exe AU). He's quite the bad guy; he has his own companions; the crystals on him glow; it's unknown how exactly he got here, but at first he was more aggressive than he is now; the third in a row. / ???(Exe AU). Довольно плохой парень; есть свои компаньоны; кристаллы на нём светятся; неизвестно как именно он сюда попал, но в первое время он был более агрессивным, чем сейчас; третий по счёту.]
CT!Bruno / CT!Бруно - [Cloud Tower (not officially). Winged; the left wing is damaged, but Pruno tried to repair it, as we can see, unsuccessfully; most likely fell from the "sky", but it is not a fact; He was discovered by Xen when he was unconscious, it is not known how many hours he lay there in that position; the fourth. / Cloud Tower(не официально). Крылатый; левое крыло повреждено, но его попытался восстановить Пруно, как видим, неудачно; скорее всего свалился с "неба", но не факт; его обнаружил Ксен, когда тот был без сознания, не известно сколько он часов там в таком положении лежал; четвёртый.]
Firuno /Фируно - [Crossbreeding. A frequent visitor; eyelashes and shadows are sacred; he just came from the forest... It's strange; as far as one can tell, he's a fusion; spruce is an interesting tree; The sixth in a row. / Crossbreeding. Частый гость; ресницы и тени – это святое; он просто пришёл из леса... Это странно; насколько можно понять, он слияние; ель – интересное дерево; шестой по счету.]
SOTW!Bruno / SOTW!Бруно - [Secret Of The World. Rarely, but you can see him; often writes something down; he just comes to this place to relax, nothing less; second in a row. / Secret Of The World. Редко, но можно увидеть; часто что-то записывает; он просто приходит в это место чтобы отдохнуть, не меньше; второй по счёту]
Pilot!Bruno / Pilot!Бруно - [Sky Tower. The life and soul of the party; has his own plane; accidentally found this place while flying past on a plane; Pilot!Peppino also ended up there; stunts in the air; the fifth in a row. / Sky Tower. Душа компани; есть свой самолёт; случайно нашёл это место пролетая ��имо на самолёте; Pilot!Пеппино также там оказался; трюки в воздухе; пятый по счёту.]
Psycho!Bruno / Psycho!Bruno - [Psycho Tower. Psycho, logical; obviously escaped from his dimension, but unfortunately for him there was a mental hospital in TLD, so he is there and is unlikely to escape; is it even possible to approach him?; the seventh in a row. / Psycho Tower. Псих, логично; явно сбежал из своего измерения, но к его сожалению в TLD была психушка, поэтому он находиться там и вряд-ли сбежит; к нему подходить вообще можно?; седьмой по счёту.]
Horror!Bruno(???) / Horror!Бруно(???) - [???. Can only be encountered at night; creepy guy; almost no one has encountered him, so little is known about him; the eye on the bow tie moves!; are you sure you want to meet him at all? / ???. Можно встретить только ночью; жуткий тип; его почти никто не встречал, поэтому о нем мало что известно; глаз на галстуке-бабочке двигается!; вы уверены что хотите его вообще встретить?]
Xen!Peppino(exe) / Ксен!Пеппино(exe) - [???(Exe AU). More often silent than talking; companion #1; left arm torn off (in fact, it should have been the right one, but apparently they decided to tear off the working arm); not particularly aggressive, but calm. Also present in Peppinoverse.] / ???(Exe AU). Чаще молчит, чем говорит; компаньон №1; левая рука оторвана (по факту должна была быть правая, но видимо решили оторвать именно рабочую руку); не особо агрессивный, но спокойный. Также присутствует в Peppinoverse.]
Pilot!Peppino / Pilot!Пеппино - [Sky Tower. Slightly nervous; has his own plane; flew past with Pilot!Bruno, thus discovering this place; prefers easy and not too dangerous tricks in the air. / Sky Tower. Слегка нервный; есть свой самолёт; пролетал мимо вместе с Pilot!Бруно, тем самым обнаружив это место; предпочитает лёгкие и не слишком опасные трюки в воздухе.]
Psycho!Peppino / Psycho!Пеппино - [Psycho Tower. A mental hospital doctor (there has to be someone sane); slightly nervous; accidentally got here while chasing Psycho!Bruno, eventually caught him, but couldn't get back out; works at the local mental hospital; there's not much people there, so it's easy work, for now. / Psycho Tower. Врач психушки (ну должен же быть адекватный кто-то); слегка нервный; случайно попал сюда, пока гнался за Psycho!Бруно, в итоге поймал его, но обратно выбраться не смогли; работает в местной психушке; там особо никого нет, поэтому работать легко, пока что.]
Pilot!Pepperman / Pilot! Пеппермен - [(Information will come later)]
The Vigilante's
Pilot!The Vigilante /Pilot!Виджиланте - [(Information will come later)]
The Noise's
Xen!The Noise(exe) / Ксен!Нойз(exe) - [(Information will come later)]
Pilot!The Noise / Pilot!Нойз - [(Information will come later)]
Psycho!The Noise / Psycho!Нойз - [(Information will come later)]
Fake Peppinos
Pilot!Fake(Feppino) / Pilot!Фейк(Феппино) - [(Information will come later)]
??? - [Crossbreeding. Seems adequate; can often be seen with Firuno; quite sociable; also came with Firuno from the forest...; green and dark blue colors - a strange combination, but it is there. / Crossbreeding. Вроде адекватный; часто можно увидеть с Фируно; довольно общителен; также пришёл с Фируно из леса...; зелёный и тёмно-синий цвета - странное сочетание, но оно есть.]
[The list above will be replenished with other characters later\with time / Список выше пополниться другими персонажами позже\со временем]
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not-p1 · 3 months ago
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bouncinghedgehog · 1 year ago
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paintedcrows · 5 months ago
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Whenever Bill sees KingOfNJ's fics through Stan's eyes he just thinks they have the same taste in fanfiction (disgusting. unthinkable) continued
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somanypolls · 11 months ago
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aquamon · 1 year ago
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dragondawdles · 1 year ago
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peace and love on planet earth
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probablybadrpgideas · 7 months ago
Tips on making your horror game genuinely scary.
Put in a ghoul.
Remember to utilize fundamental human fears, like the fear there might be a ghoul around. Put in a second ghoul.
Undermine the player's sense of safety by introducing something dangerous to areas previously considered safe, such as a third ghoul (in a ghoul-proof room or the like).
Draw on modern social anxieties, such as political radicalization or global warming. You can easily personify these things as, say, a fourth ghoul.
Create a sense of unease by...fuck it, that sounds hard, fifth ghoul.
Sixth ghoul, just in case the first five aren't scary enough.
Create disturbing imagery like a seventh, eighth and ninth ghoul.
Something something sense of powerlessness something something the uncanny something something. Tenth ghoul.
Remember to study the horror greats - King, Poe, Lovecraft. What did they all have in common? All wrote about ghouls probably. Imitate them and put in an eleventh ghoul.
Well, if you have eleven ghouls already, you might as well spring for a full dozen ghouls. That's just good business sense.
Thirteen is the spookiest number! Obviously a thirteenth ghoul would be the scariest thing! Your players will be talking about this for months!
Ok, fine, I guess you could put in a werewolf or shoggoth or something. Just don't blame me when the players are saying "hmm, that was pretty scary, but you know what would have been really terrifying? A fourteenth ghoul!"
Make the game room fit the tone of your game by having sinister music, low lighting and a fifteenth ghoul under the table who will eat anyone who complains about the number of ghouls in the campaign. That'll spook 'em!
Happy spooking and always remember the three rules of horror: ghouls. Ghouls! GHOULS!!!!
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idontmindifuforgetme · 1 year ago
friend wanted to see my tumblr, and when i told him i can’t show it to him bc it’s basically my personal diary he went “oh so I can’t see it but a bunch of strangers on tumblr can??” he literally does not get me. no one will get me like the people in my phone get me
#It’s just so different#even though it’s public it still feels secret and safe. i feel comfy sharing a lot more on here than I do in my actual day to day life lol#in my head I’m also just speaking to myself 90% of the time which helps#if a friend off tumblr saw my thoughts I’d feel so weird ab it#esp bc they might get the vagueposting about certain situations and tell mutual friends#no thank u. this is for me. I’m not about to start censoring my thoughts bc someone I know knows my tumblr#u guys literally saw me have LIVE BREAKDOWNS#meanwhile I’ll have the worst fucking day in history and tell no one about it. I’m already cripplingly private but way more so in real life#this is basically a low stress journaling outlet for me. it’s so important for me to maintain the separation#like this is actually my diary & has been so handy for letting out emotions / articulating thoughts / staying on track !!#& I’ve met so many kind people on here who actually get me. which is so hard to find irl bc I’m surrounded by pre-med gunners/overachievers#who are by standard not very good w emotion & can be competitive/judgmental. or at least it’s hard for me to be vulnerable in front of them#and I’m part of that crowd so I reserve my emotions only to a handful of very close friends#it’s nice to hop on here and express negative emotions!! or positive emotions!! just whatever I want and it’s low stress and people get me#I don’t have to worry about judgment or competitiveness etc etc#like everyone on here is so kind & nice & understanding. & just a breath of fresh air from the types I run w. it’s just nice to have this#so idk that’s why I think I’ll always be strict about keeping the worlds separate. it just works#p
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im-totally-not-an-alien-2 · 2 months ago
"What were you doing at Wayne Enterprises?" A gruff voiced asked from behind him.
Danny cringed. Of course, Batman would catch him off guard. He turned away from the guy he had just saved from the poisoning, feeling confident that the antidote was doing it's job, "I was just exploring. I wanted to know what a corporate place looked like when I saw that guy put something in Mr. Drakes-"
"Tim." Tim interrupted.
"Mr. Drakes," he said more firmly, ignoring the teen co-CEOs pout, "drink. He was lucky I knew what it was and how to cure it."
"How did you know?" The dak knight pressed.
"Because," Danny gritted his teeth, "That wasn't created to be a poison, it was created to be a fuel source by my parents and they created an antidote the moment they realized it was toxic and a safety hazard." Danny took a step towards the Gotham vigilante, not an ounce of fear in his eyes, "That man is Slade. He murdered my parents and stole some of my thier work. I'm going to kill him and I won't let you stop me." And with that, Phantom vanished.
Bruce tensed, anticipating an attack, but after a few minutes where nothing happened, he turned to leave. He pressed a finger to his ear, "Spoiler, Red Robin, since you two know the most about Phantom I'll be expecting a full report."
Tim did his best to hold back a groan, cause now he had to tell his Dad all about how he's been flirting with a supernatural entity when in the mask. Awkward.
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reality-detective · 2 months ago
Donald Trump signed an Executive Order to finally withdraw the United States from the World Health Organization...
Official Testimony Bill Gates was behind the World Health Organization global power grab
The WHO also involved in “WHO sex crime scandal, where 83 WHO staff has sexually exploited girls and women — including rape — victims as young as 13”
“Gates bought the WHO, and they now recommend his products. It is that simple. WHO's current sugar daddy is Bill Gates, who has made billions out of his investment in the same vaccines that WHO promotes.”
This official testimony is absolutely INSANE🤔
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somnoir · 3 months ago
Gotham's newest Crime Lord - part 3
Part 2 | Masterpost
"You know your way around the city." Dan commented, eyes narrowed once he realizes that Kitty and Johnny adapted a little too well to Gotham. Going to places even he didn't know existed, exploring and giving them intel he never realized was relevant. They knew history of Gotham in a way a local would. 
Johnny shrugged, turning back to Kitty who welcomed Ember with a bright smile. The two were squealing, talking about how they were going to help mess with Firefly after burning down a well-loved studio down town. 
For Dan, he wasn't going to intrude too much on his former rogues but... "You're from Gotham. Both of you." 
Johnny twitched, watching as Shadow moved to play with Elle in the air. 
"Yeah, we’re not too sure if our folks are still kickin’, but Kitty and me took off after they flipped over our thing. This place still gives me the heebie-jeebies, but hey, you guys are here. Gotham’s cool these days with all the furries and rogues runnin’ around." Johnny laughed, his cocky nature still burning bright, even when he looked almost melancholic at the memory of this place. 
No ghost was truly comfortable in their hometown, whether they died there or not. This was where they were born, where their lives began. 
"I see..." Dan mumbled, glancing to the space where Danny was usually in. His younger brother was off doing kingly duties again, slumped by work and the Observants pestering him about shit. 
There's a quiet knock on his door and Jeremy was poking his head into the room again. The ghosts didn't even care, continuing to be visible and floating around. Discomfort and a bit of fear was clear on the man's face but he turned to Dante with as much courage as he could muster. 
"Boss, we've got a lead on the missing kids." 
Ah, yes. The recent disappearances of children. He doesn't know where they go, what happens to them. All he knows is that children were picked of the streets and never to be seen again. 
"Someone's been takin' kids?" Kitty grimaced, not minding how Jeremy shuddered. "Dan, dear, darling! Send me and Johnny. We know this city better than Batman and his little birdies."
Again, Dan sighed. "Gimme a minute, Kitty. Not enough information." He grunts, turning to Jeremy to hand him the report. 
"Anything else?"
"Well... About the Bats..."
"They snoopin' around again?" 
"Trynna sniff out Phantom." Jeremy shrugs. "Red Hood's been pretty active. Heard he's been wonderin' about Phantom not visitin' the kids last week." 
"Thanks Jeremy. Tell Marigold I said hi." 
"Will do, boss!" 
Once Jeremy left, the other ghosts were swarming Dan like bees. Their eyes glittering with anticipation, excitement, and vengeance. It felt strange for them to pay attention, to follow him. Danny's always felt like the better leader, struggling and suffering in the role yet rising above it all. That was why he was the king now. 
"Alright, let's get to work. Most of these kids have one thing in common. Their skills. Flexible, acrobatic, and have some sort of combat training. Usually in self defence." Dan plugged in the USB into his laptop, projecting the screen on to the tv. "The latest disappearance is Layla Smithson. Fourteen. Gymnast and was sent to take taekwondo classes by her parents. Before that was Evan Chavez. Another gymnast but was also known to get into multiple fights."
"So whoever is takin' the kiddies, they go after the ones with pretty good skills." Ember hummed, turning to Kitty and then nudging her. "You've got anything to say about that?" 
"Well... Maybe." Johnny shrugs too. 
"Ooh! What about that nursery rhyme every Gothamites gets to listen. Y'know. About the court."
Dan frowned. "What court?" 
"The court of owls!" Kitty grinned, "Beware the Court of Owls, that watches all the time, ruling Gotham from a shadowy perch, behind granite and lime. They watch you at your hearth, they watch you in your bed, speak not a whispered word of them or they'll send the Talon for your head." 
"Who the fuck uses that kind of shit for a nursery rhyme?" Dan scowled, but considered the possibility. "Any idea if they're real."
"Very." Johnny warned, "When Kitty and I died, we came back here a couple of times. Explored the place and tried to dig up secrets that would have killed us if we were livin'. One of 'em was the court. A secret society of a bunch off rich bastards."
"Johnny," Dan warned, knowing that something was still being kept from him. 
"There's another thing..." Johnny hesitated but Kitty took his hand and continued. 
Kitty grimaced, "The Court of Owls has a bunch of soldiers. They got this chemical they use on people, turnin’ ‘em into their own assassins. From what me and Johnny dug up a while back, these assassins were trained when they were kids. They call 'em Talons."
Dan wanted to yell, scream. Burn down the cursed with it's cursed bricks. Fuck. Fuck. Was the world always so shitty? 
"You're telling me... There's an entire secret society that uses chemicals to turn children into assassins?" 
Children.... Fucking children. They were weaponizing kids!
Ancients, he might just commit mass genocide again. 
"Alright. Alright. We leave the living people out of this. The court? Their talons? I want all of you prepared. I'm gonna contact Danny to drag Skulker and Wulf's asses here immediately."
Elle grinned, "GRAB AMORPHO TOO! We're gonna need his help if we want to dismantle the court."
The office is vacated quickly, with Elle dragging Ember and Kitty for girl time and Johnny runs off with shadow. Dan is left alone, frustrated at the new information before he does his best to summon his brother, the very annoyed ghost king that appears before him in full royal regalia. 
"A bit busy, Dan. Still tryin' to fight the laughing magician to help with getting rid of the Anti-Ecto Acts. Constantine is running around trying to destroy the GIW now." 
Dan snorted. He knew about John Constantine. The crazy motherfucker who's soul fragments were scattered around and Danny had to deal with the paperwork and mission to collect them all. 
"I know, yeah, sorry. I get that's important. But we've got a situation here."
"What would that be?"
"Secret society of rich fruitloops that are worse than Vlad. They're kidnapping children and making them into brainless assassins."
Immediately, the room grows colder than the far frozen. Danny's eyes are as green as they could ever be, but his pupils were an icy blue that would have made Frostbite shudder. 
"What do you need?"
"Skulker, Wulf, and Amorpho." 
"I'll send them on your way. They'll be here within 3 hours." Danny sucked in a deep breath, trying to calm himself. "I'll finish up things on my end to help."
"Sure thing, twerp."
"Fuck you." Fondly. 
"Fuck you too." Affectionately.
"OH! Your revenant was looking for you." 
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It was an entire week of silence. Of Wraith not doing anything at all. Even the rogues felt apprehensive to act on anything after Wraith's new subordinates started popping up to pester them. The reports were the same. Distorted footage, meta-human abilities, and a ridiculous amount of chaos. 
Apparently, Two face has waged war on one of them, named Ember. Riddler was also ready to throw hands with Specter. And then Harley and Ivy were hunting down a couple names Kitty and Johnny 13. Why they were named that, none of them knew. But considering Wraith and Phantom's titles, the entire group was Ghost themed. The majority of Gotham have taken to calling them the Ghosts. 
But then...
"Bruce... Get a look at this." Barbara's voice shook, horrified as she stared at the screen. Majority of the family was already in the cave, preparing to patrol once more. But their eyes were drawn to the screen. They all froze, struggling to fathom what the fuck was it they were looking. 
"Holy shit." 
Everyone was frozen, staring at the clear, untampered screen. 
Bruce sucked in a deep breath, reading the bloody message written on the wall of... He couldn't recognize it properly. "Farewell to the Court of Owls that once watched from their shadowy perch. Their talons covered in the blood of children they once purge. Farewell to their judge, the parliament says goodbye. To Talons, to owls, the ghosts says hi." 
And right beside the message was the hanging body of what Bruce recognized was the Judge of the Court of Owls. 
The Court of was in ruins. 
"Holy shit. HOLY SHIT!" Tim screeched, almost stumbling as he stared at the morbid message. "The Wraith and his ghosts took out the fucking court."
There was a loud rev of an engine, momentarily dragging their attention to Jason who was hurriedly getting of his bike and taking of his helmet. "Fuck, you've already seen it."
"You saw it in real life?! Where the fuck is that? The location is distorted but the entire thing is being broadcasted to the entirety of Gotham." 
"There are two of 'em. That one's on the clocktower."
Barbara snapped her head towards him, "MY clocktower?!" 
"Sorry 'bour that Barbie. But it got the job done for them, all of Gotham know about the court now."
Bruce grimaced, "And the other location?" 
"Arkham... The Talon is the one being hanged up there. The message is shorter: Bye-Bye owls. Shouldn't have messed with the dead." Jason clicked his tongue, "That's either about the fact that the court has been messing with the dead or it's cause Wraith's group is called the Ghosts." 
Jason shook his head, knowing for the fact that he'd have to track down Phantom soon. His eyes turned towards Dick, who stared at the screen as if a burden was just freed from him. Jason thinks it has. 
They had found out about the Court a little while ago, then found out about Dick's situation with them. How the circus he grew up in was one of the facilities that groomed Talons. How Dick was supposed to be recruited as one when his parents died. 
"Dick?" Jason murmured, gently taking Dick's hand. The other man jolted, his domino mask hiding whatever emotions there was in his eyes. 
"Little Wing..." 
"C'mon. Let's go grab some of Alfred's cookies. The rest of the family can deal with this." Jason quickly hurried his older brother out the cave, urging him to change our of his suit. 
Dick, once again, feeling the weight of the world on his shoulders, struggled to understand that his nightmare that was the Court was finally dead. Most likely slaughtered by the hands of a new crime lord, a rogue that seemed desperate to keep children safe. He held the tea tightly, closing his eyes as Jason sat opposite to him. 
The court was dead. 
Talon was dead. 
"I'm gonna go look for Phantom in a bit." Jason hummed, trying to appear comforting to Dick. 
And the image of the Judge of the court's body hanging from the clocktower flashes in his head again. 
"Jason." Dick whispered, "Get me a meeting with Wraith."
"What?" Jason blinked, "Dickie, no. Wraith might seem like a pretty nice guy with how he's protecting the kids, but he's still..." He paused, "He's still like me." 
"I need to meet him, Jaybird. I need to confirm that the Court is gone for good. He's the only one who can do that for me." 
"Why would Phantom even let you meet him?"
Dick frowned, sucking in a deep breath before taking Jason's hands. 
"Tell him that Nightwing was supposed to be a Talon."
Part 4 | Masterpost
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ghiblin · 1 year ago
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The Secret World of Arriety (2010) Howl's Moving Castle (2004) Kiki's Delivery Service (1989) Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea (2008) The Wind Rises (2013) When Marnie Was There (2014) My Neighbor Totoro (1988)
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dimension20stuff · 1 year ago
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Called it.
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