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firfirov · 5 months ago
So, I was bored today and yesterday, and I usually post the challenge in the evening/night. That's why I have with me now...
A couple of pictures, not very even but still:
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TT!Pizzaface - @toppinstowerau and "The Uninvited Guest" (I didn't say the name on purpose + The bottom had to be thought out) - @brunoverse
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FC8/Bernando/Fakey - @onelittleornotthing and Mr. Bruno (I think I'll have to open the reference completely soon because of this view)
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CT!Noisette - @alextydaisuda123 (She's a cutie, that's why I chose her)
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Boxinno - @pizzabox-box (It should have looked different, but we have what we have)
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FP (Days with P and FP) - @neocrash1101 (Oh, how I love frogs, if only you knew)
There could have been more, but it turned out like this :p
Sorry if something is wrong, you understand, it’s out of boredom.
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bvadmin · 4 months ago
I finally decided to publish this. / Я всё же решился опубликовать это.
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But I'm still a little scared and anxious because of the purple winged one, because it appeared by accident. And all because I liked one AU (well, and purely because I adore Brunyat too much, that's why he came out) / Но мне до сих пор слегка страшно и тревожно из-за фиолетового крылатика, ведь он случайно появился. И вовсе из-за того что мне понравилась одна АУ (ну и чисто из-за того, что слишком обожаю Брунят, поэтому, вышел он)
I'm serious. I'm scared, anxious, and embarrassed that I came up with it and put it up like this, but in any case, I can remove it and forget about it. / Я серьёзно. Мне страшно, тревожно и стыдно, что я вот так его придумал и выставляю, но в любом случае я могу его убрать и забыть.
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All in all... / В целом...
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I'm ashamed. / мне стыдно. 😖
Purple winged (Invented by my imagination) from AU Cloud Tower. AU belongs to @alextydaisuda123 .
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n07453cr374cc · 2 months ago
Idk whether to finish this or not💔
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brunoverse · 3 months ago
[Well, here comes the New Year! I wish everyone happiness, health and much more!!! / Ну что же, вот и наступил Новый Год! Желаю всем счастья, здоровья и много чего ещё!!!]
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[About the picture... Well, nothing unusual, just someone drank 1 glass of cherry juice and got carried away. And yes, it was really juice, and not something else, because he doesn't drink, so to speak / Насчёт картинки.. Ну ничего необычного, просто кое-кто выпил 1 стакан вишнёвого сока и его понесло. И да, реально именно сока, а не чего-то другого, ведь он не пьет так скажем]
[...Eh... Yeah... I didn't have enough strength to go into detail / ...Эээ.. Да... Моих сил на детализацию не хватило]
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bv-thefrog · 3 months ago
How about a bow instead of a cape?
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I really don't know what it might look like, but I have a question...
Why are they trying to put something extra on me? More precisely... Uh... Damn, I missed my train of thought'''
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bv-evan · 7 months ago
Literally, we are waiting for questions... At this rate, I'll soon go on a drinking binge, figuratively speaking.
At the admin's @brunoverse It's clearly a vacation, especially with the quality, damn, how did IT even take pictures of us...
Or is the camera just bad?
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firfirov · 4 months ago
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I forgot about this a bit, so I had to draw it quickly.
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firfirov · 3 months ago
Heya everyone!
And this is a surprise collab with my best friend from the ROBLOX fandom! -> @nasmuh24 <-
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You can say this for both Christmas and New Year collab.
Of course, it looks a little uneven from my side, but oh well.
In general, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone!
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bvadmin · 4 months ago
Can't The Frog get goopy (or slimy or his face changes) like Evan's face can?I mean sure the others can,right?I mean Bruno can because he's Bruno....doing Bruno things.
*Pats Bruno's head* :)
Unfortunately, The Frog can't do this, because out of all the others (shown below), he is the only one who is, to put it mildly... Ordinary. / К большому сожалению, Фрог так не может, так как он из всех остальных (кто показан ниже), единственный, кто, мягко говоря... Обычный.
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There are two options here: either he was lucky, or life didn’t make him into anything else. /Тут два варианта: либо ему повезло, либо жизнь не стала делать из него что-то иное.
Oh yeah, and apparently you, dear anonym, have tamed one a little, or something like that:) / Ах да, и судя по всему вы, дорогой аноним, немного приручили одного, ну или же что-то в этом духе:)
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Literally in the background:
BV!Evan: Well pleaseeee
BV!The Frog: No.
BV!Evan: The Frog, please🥺
BV!The Frog: No.
BV!Evan: Well The Fro-
BV!The Frog: No, I said. I'm not going to let you go, because YOU'RE going to cause trouble again!😡
BV!Evan: ☹️
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brunoverse · 4 months ago
[If anyone asks what we do in our free time, just show them this. / Если кто спросит, что у нас происходит в свободное время, то просто покажите им это.]
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[but seriously, there's silence everywhere. We even managed to get The Frog to make a blog (or maybe Admin is going crazy), so we're having too much fun. / Но если серьезно, то везде тишина. Мы даже умудрились Фрог�� заставить блог сделать (ну или Админ головой едет), поэтому, у нас слишком весело.]
[Oh yeah and one more thing... It seems The Frog decided to use other methods, or he was just so pissed off, hehe. / Ах да и ещё... Кажется Фрог решил другими методами пользоваться, или его настолько сильно взбесили, хехе.]
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brunoverse · 6 months ago
I'm watching you....
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(Literally what happens behind the scenes or in the Sugar Spire(AU?): )
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BV!The Frog: I thought they would interrogate me, but I'm glad that everything went smoothly. But still... PIZZANO WE ALREADY HAD A CONVERSATION ON THIS TOPIC! *Ran after Pizzano*
[And what happened next we will never know-]
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bvadmin · 5 months ago
As I said, I posted it, although in fact I have nothing else except this (I didn't feel like drawing the fourth one, ahem..). / Как и говорил запостил, хотя на самом деле у меня ничего нет кроме этого (Четвёртого было не охотно рисовать кхем..).
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I know about the flaws, but I still drew it for fun. / Насчёт косяков я знаю, но я все ровно это рисовал по приколу.
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brunoverse · 6 months ago
[Those who have seen one of Evan's posts will understand/Те кто видел один из постов у Эвана поймут.]
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BV!Admin: I told him earlier that I was going to create it, he thought I was joking... (Я ему говорил ранее что собираюсь создать, он думал что я шутил...)
BV!The Frog: I think this idea is going too far, especially since there are so few of us...
BV!Admin: And? I just did it, so shut up. (И? Я просто это сделал, так что цыц.)
BV!The Frog: ...
[I'll answer right away why it's done in black and white, I didn't want to do it in color + it somehow fits the situation. Why is the text in color then? So that I can understand more or less./Отвечаю сразу почему чёрно-белым сделано, мне было не охотно делать в цвете + под ситуацию чем-то подходит. Почему текст тогда цветной? Чтоб понимать более менее.]
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bvadmin · 2 months ago
I have something to tell you...DAMN IT!
I ship The Frog and Evan/Evil Bruno together! (I apologize)
Dude... / Чувак...
I sincerely agree with you 🤝 / Я искренне солидарен с тобой 🤝
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Honestly, I started shipping them by accident... It happened around the beginning of December / Честно я их сам случайно начал шипперить... Это произошло в начале декабря примерно
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In general, uh... What else can I add, well... From a duet to a shipper / В общем эээ... А что мне ещё добавить, ну... Из дуэта в шипперство
I don't even know what else to call it- / Я даже не знаю как это назвать иначе-
Ahem... I allow people to comment on this, it doesn't matter in Russian, in English... Even in Morse code- / Кхем... Разрешаю людям это прокомментировать, не важно на русском, на английском... Да хоть на морзе-
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bv-thefrog · 4 months ago
I killed your cousin by pepperoni pizza.
. . .
I won't even ask why you did it... But...
You probably understand that this was not the best decision...)
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I think it will be fast . . .
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say bye bye . . .
B A S T A R D !
*Anon was hit on the head with a hammer*
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brunoverse · 3 months ago
Hey guys!
Are you already preparing for Christmas or New Year? (It's just that some people usually prepare in advance, that's what's interesting).
Do you have any other relatives besides those we already know about?
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BV!Bruno: - I hope they will answer, although I don't know for sure. You never know when this will end for them, well... "Feud", or... What other synonym can be found for this. But I think Christmas or New Year will pass without incident.:)
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