#second time was my dad coming into his bathroom to get ready for bed while i was taking nyquil so i can sleep later;
oh-three · 10 months
I have been jumpscared twice today. 😂
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starlostseungmin · 5 months
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✰ notes: the second entry of husband!skz series!! this is just for the meantime since my brain is still not ready to write a lot. i hope you guys enjoy!! not proofread. DO NOT FORGET TO REBLOG, COMMENT AND LEAVE TAGS! thank you <33
seungmin( chan )lee know , jeongin , han , changbin , felix , hyunjin.
Husband Chan who got down on one knee and asked, “Will you marry me?” on a private beach—just the two of you—because it was his ideal proposal and you gladly said yes. 
Husband Chan who took you to (name of country) for your honeymoon. 
Husband Chan who would take you to Sydney for a vacation and meet his family. 
Husband Chan who suggested to make Berry as your child while you were still thinking about having literal kids. It doesn’t matter how long, he only needs you and Berry to make him happy.
Husband Chan who has seven children to feed and declare you as his wife. 
Husband Chan who puts you first before everything. 
Husband Chan who loves to send pictures with the caption “For your eyes only,” and giggles to himself while reading your replies saying how much he looks cute or handsomeーhe can imagine your reactions. 
Husband Chan who loves movie nights and lets you decide which one you’d be watching so you better wear the most comfortable clothes and prepare a bucket of popcorn. 
Husband Chan who cooks you a lot of food and loves spoon-feeding you because you are his precious baby. 
Husband Chan who pretends he doesn’t know about you stealing his hoodies. He doesn’t mind and gets all giddy when you wear them since they look cute on you. “I’m not giving them back,” You said. “What’s mine is yours, baby,” He smiled. 
Husband Chan who invites you out on a dinner date on a casual weekend because he knows you would enjoy it. After dinner you would stroll around the city, holding hands. 
Husband Chan who carries you to your shared bed when he finds you sleeping on the couch while waiting for him to come home from work. 
Husband Chan who writes love songs about you and gets teased by Han and Changbin. 
Husband Chan who gives you the silent treatment but can’t put up with it for hours so he just pretends nothing happened and cuddles you. 
Husband Chan who knows what exactly you want when you’re upset and would gladly take you in his arms. He never leaves your side unless you want some space but you can’t be away from him for too long. 
Husband Chan who scolds you when you are not resting enough when he’s out there overworking himself. You decided that both of you should take a few days off which he willingly agreed to so he can spend more time with you. 
Husband Chan who lets himself be vulnerable when he’s with you because you’re the only one with whom he could let it all out. 
Husband Chan who loves to spoil you with hugs whenever you need them. 
Husband Chan who listens and understands whatever situation and dilemmas you have without any judgments rather he reassures you that everything will be okay. He gives you his full support for your decisions. 
Husband Chan who knows everyone in the industry so he knows a lot of controversies. He would share them with you on a random Sunday to gossip and giggle. 
Husband Chan who loves to make dad jokes and relays pick-up lines just to make you laugh. He gets embarrassed when it’s not funny so he hides in the bathroom until you get over it.
Husband Chan whose love languages are physical touch, words of affirmation, and acts of service. 
Husband Chan who has the most precious smile and laughs adorably makes your heart leap. 
Husband Chan whom you love the most in the world and will not let anything hurt him. 
Husband Chan whom you want to spend the rest of your life with, forever and always. 
Husband Chan who will never leave, never lets you go, and never allow you to divorce him because there’s no reason to begin with. He loves you, you love him, same story. 
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✰ taglist: @notastraykid , @ameliesaysshoo , @l3visbby , @reignessance , @lix-ables , @skzfelixlove , @rachabreathing , @hyunverse , @minluvly , @sleepyleeji , @starseungs , @midsoulz , @oddracha , @armystay89
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gyeomsweetgyeom · 11 months
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[9:33 pm]
You knew Jeno was a good dad, he knew it, your friends knew it, anybody who had seen him interact with your guys' daughter knew it. Right now, it wasn't feeling like he was a great dad. He was tired, cold, his feet hurt, and he just wanted to go to bed.
But he wasn't in bed, he doubted he was even close to getting to bed due to the toddler standing in front of him with her hands on her hips which she definitely got from you. Jeno sighed deeply, pinching the bridge of his nose, not believing that he was arguing with his almost 3 year old. He expected this 10 years from now!
He thought the terrible twos were a myth. How could his perfect baby girl ever turn into a little menace? When people warned him he'd wave them off. Not his baby girl Not his baby girl who gave him her first smile, who never struggled to be put to sleep, who didn't struggle to get rid of her pacifier. She was just too perfect to ever become a menace.
"And I eat my candy!" The toddler yelled while stomping her pink, sparkly shoe-clad foot.
In any other situation Jeno would have thought this would be funny, cute even, but not right now. You had both already let her stay up an hour and a half past her bedtime to take her trick or treating and splurged on her over the top princess dress with accessories.
She was hard to say no to but he had to be firm, "Baby, no. It's time for a bath and bed."
"I eat one candy," she held up her tiny pointer finger, "then bedtime."
He shook his head, "You ate candy while we were walking baby, it's time for bed. You're tired."
She shook her head and pointed her wand in his direction, "Appa, I said one candy then bed."
"Appa said no, let's go. Now," Jeno stated firmly. He wishes you had taken care of bedtime, but it was only fair considering you helped her get ready. He heard the little fit she threw when you made her wear tights under her dress and when you redid her hair 4 times because it didn't look like "princess hair."
The toddler sighed and waved Jeno off and made her way to the kitchen, where you had both set he bucket of candy on the counter. He sighed again, she could not be more predictable. 3, 2, 1... there went a chair scraping along the floor.
"The bath is ready baby, let's go!" You called from the bathroom.
"Candy?" The toddler called back.
"No, come play with the bubbles."
An excited squeal sounded out and a quick rush of pink and purple tulle flashed before his eyes. Jeno couldn't believe all it took was bubbles. Freaking bubbles!
He threw himself onto the couch with a long, deep sigh. It felt like only a few seconds before he felt the familiar weight of his two year old on his back.
"Tell Appa you're sorry for arguing," you instructed. The toddler complied quietly, placing a very wet kiss on his cheek. "Now, it's time for bed baby, goodnight," you told her with a flurry of kisses on her smiling cheeks.
Putting her to bed was easy, by the time she was tucked in and Jeno turned around to flick on the nightlight, she was knocked out. He laughed under his breath and trudged back to the kitchen, to catch sight of you and a small pile of candy wrappers.
"I am so glad this night is over. Chocolate?" You offered with a tired smile.
“Next year we can just tell her Halloween was cancelled.”
A/n: happy Halloween!!
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softspiderling · 8 months
rafe cutting up fruit in the kitchen from the valentine's day i love you prompts??
prompt: shoulders hunched over a chopping board, carefully dissecting fruit to deliver it to you in a bowl from the valentines "i love you" prompts
☆⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄
The other side of the bed was cold when you woke up, which was odd. Usually, you had to be the one dragging Rafe out of the bed, when he didn't have any plans in the morning, always lamenting that he "needed his beauty rest". You checked your phone to see if he left you any messages that he had to run out, but nothing.
"Huh," you muttered to yourself, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes and getting out of bed. You considered trying to call him as you made your way downstairs, pausing when you heard cluttering from the kitchen.
"... Rafe?"
The cluttering stopped and you heard Rafe curse under his breath, your lips curling up in a grin as you stood frozen on the stairs.
"You think you can give me like, five more minutes, baby?"
"Trying to hide your side piece?"
You could basically see Rafe rolling his eyes at you, and you bit back a laugh.
"Feeling like a real comedian today, huh?"
"I'm hilarious, actually," you deadpanned, padding towards the kitchen, only stopping when Rafe called out your name, almost pleading.
"Five minutes. "
Sighing softly, you tipped your head back in disbelief. "Seriously?"
"Just- Go back to bed. I'll be right up. Five minutes, I swear."
"Fine," you sighed, turning back around. "Not a second longer, Cameron, you hear me?"
You headed back upstairs, stopping by the bathroom to brush your teeth and tame your hair, before you crawled back into bed, checking the time. Even though you had just threatened to return back downstairs as soon as the five minutes were up, you decided to be less of a menace for once, scrolling on the phone until you heard Rafe coming back upstairs. You were all ready to tease him as soon as he stepped into the bedroom, but your words died in your throat when he came in, back first, turning to face you with a breakfast tray in his hands.
"Rafe..." you said softly, eyes wide as he slowly placed the tray on the bed. Pancakes, fruit salad, coffee, bacon, even orange juice were spread out in front of you.
"Morning baby."
He kissed you on the cheek before sitting back, grinning brightly at you.
"You hungry?"
You only nodded dumbly, opening your mouth when he lifted a spoon full of fruit salad and you almost moaned when the tiny pieces of fruit hit your tongue.
"Oh my god, this is amazing."
"Touch of lemon juice and honey does wonders," Rafe said, eating a spoon himself, but you only narrowed your eyes at him.
"Did you do this yourself?"
Rafe gave you a look and you gave him one back, lifting the bowl of fruit salad, as if to make your point.
"You cannot seriously tell me that you cut all this fruit up yourself. And made pancakes."
"You sound surprised."
You snorted, putting the bowl back down. "Didn't you guys have a cook and everything in the prime time? Sue me for thinking you're helpless in the kitchen."
"Well, joke's on you for underestimating a Kook," he teased, handing you a coffee mug, which you sipped you accepted, holding it carefully. "I uh.... Used to make breakfast for my dad. Me and Sarah. He always thanked Sarah like she did it all on her own and never said a word to me, so after a while I just... Stopped. But I figured you'd be a little more grateful than him."
Holding your mug, you stared at Rafe, your heart almost breaking for the poor boy in front of you.
He looked up and huffed, shaking his head. "Stop looking at me like that. 's fine, I got you now, right?"
"Of course," you said with a big smile, picking up a strip of bacon with your hand, to which Rafe only pulled a face.
"God, you can never take the Pogue out of a girl, can you?"
⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠂⠄☆
a/n: it was so easy to go down the route of rafe not knowing how to do anything in the kitchen except destroy it but i took a diff approach heheheh thanks anon for the request i hoped you liked it!! inbox is open my friends!! also tagging @sunderlust bc i can
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cameronspecial · 5 months
Dad!drew and readers kid wants a sibling, so drew and reader have THE conversation
Can We Really Do It?
Pairing: Dad!Drew Starkey x Reader
Warnings: Suggestion of Sex at The End
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 0.6K
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Anything Megan wants, she gets. There are boundaries, of course; however, if it is within his power and she is being good, Drew makes it his mission to buy it for her. Today, the little girl comes home from daycare wanting something that her parents can’t just pick up on a run to the store. “Mommy, I want a baby brother,” Megan announces nonchalantly, focusing her attention on eating her snack. The hand drying off a glass freezes, “Why do you ask, Baby?” Megan shrugs and stares at the carrot in her hand. “Stephanie has one and she gets to play with him at home all the time, so I want one too. Can we go to the store tomorrow to get one? I have been a good girl,” she suggests. Y/N sighs and sets the glass on the drying rack, “Unfortunately, Baby, Mommy and Daddy can’t just go to the store and get one. I will have to talk about it with Daddy and if we decide to get one, then it could be a while until we get one.” When her daughter doesn’t reply right away, she knows that Megan has already moved on from the conversation. “Okay, can we play outside after snack?” Megan innocently asks, kicking her legs while she eats the vegetable. 
As Y/N returns to her bedroom from the adjoining bathroom, Drew starts taking off the decorative pillows his wife insists on keeping. She joins him at the head of the bed and fluffs their pillows. “So…” she begins, eyes remaining on her task. “Meg asked me about getting a baby brother.” He pauses his actions, getting into bed beside her. “And do we know why she is asking for one?” he pries. She snuggles into his side, “Because Stephanie has one and Meg wants someone to play with.” Drew nods along with her explanation. “I see. I mean… We always talked about wanting more kids. The question was always when,” he reminds her. She leans her head back to rest against the headboard, “We did, but is two years too early? I mean, we always said we would wait until she starts school to start trying.” “That is true. You and your sister have a two-year age gap and you guys turned out fine,” he says. 
“We aren’t my parents though, so it is more so what we are ready for. I love Megan. But sometimes she can be a lot and if we have another kid, we would need to deal with both.”
“Yeah, we would. I’ll be honest. I think that we can do it. We are great parents and we have so much love to give. Maybe another kid would be good for us. However, having a baby affects you physically, so if you aren’t ready to go through that again, then I am perfectly happy to wait.”
Her heart squeezes at his consideration of her needs. Being pregnant was hard, yet the reward of getting to be a parent made it worth it so the pregnancy wasn’t her issue. “I’m fine with the pregnancy. It’s just… Can we really do it?” she thinks out loud, tracing the skin on his forearm. His lips find her temple, “I mean… Can we physically have sex to have a baby? I’m going to say yes considering we did it last night without the baby-making part.” She gives him a shove at his joke. “Be serious. Do you think we can do it?” she chuckles. His smile turns to a straight line, “I do. And in the instant that we think that we can’t, we will have each other to rely on.” She takes a second to process what he is saying and makes her decision. “Okay, let’s do this.”
Taglist: @winterrrnight @loves0phelia @thelomlisrafecameron @wickedlovely121 @thepatriarchykeychain @drewsmusee @starkowswife @maybankslover @forstarkey @loving-and-dreaming @magicalyoura
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thehorrorgirlstyles · 1 month
Peter Parker x Stark!reader
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Summary: Your dad has been keeping Peter away from you, making you want him even more, so you come up with a plan that will have Peter drooling at the site of you.
Warnings: a little smut, but not really
This is really short.
Peter has been working on some project in the lab all day. All you wanted was to spend your thanksgiving break with your boyfriend in your bed, but Tony has been stealing him from you all week. Your break is about to be over with and school is getting ready to start back up. You need to spend time with Peter before you go back, so you thought you would gain his attention by putting on the smallest shorts you could find and a tank top that made your boobs look like you were wearing a push-up bra. You took one last glance in the mirror and headed downstairs to the lab.
As soon as you entered the lab you saw your boyfriend and dad working on his suit upgrades.
You started to head over when your dad spoke, “Y/n get out, you can have peter in a minute” he said that on Monday and it was now Friday. Peter glanced up at you and his eyes widened. You smirked knowing the effect you had on him.
“Y/n what did I say, your distracting pete-..” your dad pauses when he sees what you're wearing.
“Go change right now, you're not wearing booty shorts!” he says sternly.
“These were the only shorts I could find” you lie.
You notice that Peters still looking at you and you smile.
“Pete” you say.
He coughs and looks up to meet your eyes. “Yeah”
You smile at the way he blushes. “Can you come spend time with me?”
Just as he is about to answer your dad speaks, “Parker is busy right now, you can talk to him later”
You nod understanding that your boyfriend will never get time away from the lab or your dad. You walk out angry that you wore this outfit for no reason.
It’s 4 hours later when you hear the lab door open. You seen Peter walk out and you know that this is the only chance you're going to get.
“Hey Pete, are you finally done?” You walk towards him.
“Uh, no, I was just going to the bathroom” he looks at you and you see the desire growing in his eyes.
“Well that’s too bad, I was hoping we could spend some time in my room” you smirk at him with a knowing look.
His eyes light up and you can tell he’s thinking of your offer. “I guess a few minutes wouldn’t hurt” he responds.
Your happy at his answer and grab his hand to lead him to the elevator and up to your room.
Just as you push the button, Tony walks up to you. “Y/n I told you Parker is busy” he looks at you and you want nothing more than to tell your dad that you just want to spend time with your boyfriend.
You’ve been suffering all week, I mean how could you not be horny, your boyfriend was Peter Parker, fucking Spiderman, any girls dream man.
Peter walks away with your dad, back to the lab, and mouths a small “sorry” before leaving.
It’s the next morning and this time you decide to try the best outfit that you have, a skin-tight black dress, to get Peter’s attention. He is an ass guy and you know he won’t be able to resist you in this.
You walk into the kitchen where he is sitting, eating cereal. When he sees you his mouth opens in awe.
You smile at him.
“You l-look really good, y/n” his eyes trail down your body.
“Thanks” you smirk at him. “Do you have time for me today?” you look at him and he’s staring at your ass.
“Peter!” you say trying to gain his attention.
“What..oh yeah, yeah I have time for you every day princess” you roll your eyes.
“Ok, meet me upstairs” you say as you make your way back to your room. He downs the rest of his cereal and runs up after you.
You wait in your room for Peter. A few seconds later he knocks on the door and you waste no time, getting straight to work.
You push Peter back on the bed and straddle him. You kiss him, while grinding on his lap. He puts his hands on your ass and guides you, letting out a soft moan at the friction.
He starts to suck on your neck, leaving hickes.
“Peter, I’ve been needing this all week” you moan into his neck.
“I’m so sorry, I’ve been neglecting my baby” he responds while spanking your ass and you let out a loud moan.
“I need you so badly Peter” you whine. He smiles into your mouth and plays with the hem of your dress. You take off his top and fumble with the zip to his jeans.
You finally get his zip down when a knock sounds on the door.
“Y/n, have you seen Peter?” your dad voice startles you.
You look at Peter silently telling him to hurry up and get his clothes back on. Tony walks in and freezes when he sees Peter sitting on your bed, while you stand next to it.
“He was up here with me” you respond.
“Yeah, we’ve been uh watching a movie” Peter adds, knowing damn well that you were 5 seconds away from having sex. You just hope your dad won’t be able to tell.
“Oh, well, I need you back in the lab, there’s a problem with the suit” your dad says, while looking between you and Peter.
Peter nods and stands up walking toward the door, when you dad stops him, “Is that a boner” he points to Peter’s boner.
“What have you guys actually been doing up here?!” he looks between you guys, angry like any parent would be. You wonder when you're ever going to get time alone with your boyfriend and hopefully it’s soon.
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mouthfullofmunson · 3 months
More pest Eddie thoughts bc honestly, he’s my dream man!
He leaves little sticky notes all around the house for you 🫶
And yes, a lot of them are sweet like when he leave notes on the mirror “good morning beautiful. Let’s make today amazing. Love, Eddie” with a little shitty heart drawn in the corner
A sticky note on the coffee pot “I’ll be thinking of you all day <3”
Or just random sticky notes around the house to remind you of how much he loves you
But then… there’s the other kind of notes
A sticky note in your panties drawer that reads “wear your sexiest ones and be ready for me”
A sticky note in the shower “nice boobs”
A bite written in the steam on the mirror that just says “put them on my face”
He would randomly sneak up on you when he gets home
Toeing off his shoes and stepping around the creeks in the floors to be a silent as he can before he wraps his arms around you yelling “give me all your money!”
And of course it scares the shit out of you, but luckily he does this kind of shit a lot so you aren’t running around trying to call 911
One time he snuck up on you in the shower and he almost got a broken nose, but luckily it just bled for a couple minutes and it was over
He did not learn his lesson from that and continues to to it…
He complains about your hair all the time
About how it clogs the drain and how he finds it everywhere
But he has no idea the damage his hair does
His is the real reason the drain is always clogged, and he leaves it on the shower wall, and you find wads of it in the laundry, the pockets of your pants, you’d think he’s a cat with how many hairballs of his are laying around
When you guys are walking next to each other he always bumps your shoulder with his and then smiles and looks away with a pink blush on his cheeks no matter how long you’ve been together🫶
When he’s doing literally ANYTHING no matter how experienced either of you are in it he will always fuck it up just a little bit so you’ll come help it
He’s making dinner, which is just a lazy dinner after one of his shows and he’s very experienced in making grilled cheese and frozen French fries
But he purposely burns one side “fuck, babe, can you come help me?” And then the second you get over to the stove he wraps his arms around you with a big smile, shoving his face in your neck
As annoying as he is his goal is always just to see you smile or be closer to you 🥹
Anytime he does laundry after letting it pile up and pile up he finds clothes he forgot he had and he instantly pulls the “are these your boyfriend?”
And of course you get super annoyed and grumble
“What? Is he hotter than me? Is he better in bed?”
If he has a scratch on his back that he can’t reach and you aren’t around to itch he will just go to the nearest corner of the wall and itch his back
He’s had to try to explain him a number of times when you walk in on him rubbing against the wall groaning and going “oh that’s the spot. Finally!”
When he goes to kiss you he will give you a big romantic smile before leaning in and closing his eyes just to put his mouth around your nose. Then he pulls away “babe, your lips feel different… maybe you need chapstick.”
Or he will do something super weird and just suck your bottom lip for a second then pull away again
Or bite your tongue
He’s a weirdo but he’s my dream man!
Since you’re still in the honeymoon phase he sneaks out of bed to brush his teeth before slipping back in and acting like he woke up like that
But it’s never that easy
Because he can’t just brush his teeth quietly
He gags as loud as ever, breathing hard as hell like he is struggling to stay alive while he brushes his tongue
Just loud ass gags coming from the bathroom then he walks back
“Oh, hey. Did you just wake up?” He smirks, sliding back into bed while he pushes your hair away from your eyes and tries to put on his bedroom eyes
But after you just heard what you could’ve almost mistaken as your dad brushing his teeth at 6am on vacation you are not in the mood
“Did you get any on your tooth brush or…?”
He’s a drink stealer
He’s a food stealer!
He will eat and drink basically anything
Constantly stealing your drinks, stealing the food right out of your hand
It’s like five day old leftovers that you see him eating over the sink like he’s a starving rat that hasn’t gotten food in months
Socks stay ON during sex! He gets cold!
He gives off the vibe as like that one episode of family guy or something when they saw the period blood in the trash can and started crying because he thought you were dying 😭😭😭
He seems like SUCH a photobomber tbh… like you cannot get one nice photo without his sticking himself in and sticking his tongue out with his eyes all lit up like the weirdo he is
I’ve been working on this for MONTHS just adding little thoughts here and there… there will be more to come!!!!
Let me know YOUR pest Eddie thoughts, or your thoughts on MY pest Eddie thoughts!!
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superdupersunny420 · 4 months
A Little Visit - Sam (Stardew Valley) x GN Reader
wk - 1.6k
Blurb - Poor farmer hasn’t had a lot of motivation to do… anything really. A certain blonde skater wanted to check up on them.
Sam is such a cutie and he’s all over my tiktok right now so, first fic had to be him <3
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You hadn’t written a letter to your parents in a while. Your mom made sure to write often and your dad often put little messages into her letters for you. The motivation to get up to a desk or table never really hit, at least that was at the start.
No motivation to write a letter moved to no motivation to plant any seeds for the season and when it hit the 11th day of summer, you had no motivation to get up and go to the Luau. Spending all day in bed, only getting up to go to the bathroom or get something to eat, felt better than having to get up and ready for the day. If someone of Pelican Town were to ask why you have been hiding away in your little home on the farm, you wouldn’t have much of an answer for them, a shrug of your shoulders at most. As much as it sucks for you to not have an answer, it’s just the way it’s always been. Periods of time where even the simplest of tasks would be so difficult for you, where even simply getting out of bed is such a chore that you can hardly achieve it.
‘Maybe that’s why my parents have been sending me letters more often.’ They probably realise that you’re in one of your… moods.
However, your mopping around was interrupted by a knock on the door. Debating on whether you actually wanted to get up and answer, the knock progressively got louder until you flung the blanket off you and waddled your way over. You didn’t know what you were expecting but it definitely wasn’t the blonde hair boy you’ve been crushing on practically since you’ve come to pelican town.
Sam stood at your door, a sheepish smile on his face scratching the back of his neck.
You quickly shut the door in his face. You knew you looked a mess; in the same clothes you’ve been sleeping in for… who knows how many days. Your hair greasy and messy from doing nothing except lying in bed in the heat. He couldn’t see you like this and oh god, the farm. You haven’t been out to tidy the farm in a while and your lack of crops must have been a pathetic sight.
“Um… you okay?”
But that’s also when you realise you can’t just leave Sam standing outside. He was obviously here for a reason, one of which you weren’t even willing to hear him out on before rudely slamming a door in his face. So after a few seconds of peptalk and mentally preparing for socialising, you opened the door once again.
“Sorry bout’ that. Um, ignore the appearance, I… haven’t got ready today?”
It sounded a lot more like you were trying to convince yourself than him, but Sam didn’t point it out, he just smiled. The same cute grin he always has on his face, the one that brought butterflies to your stomach and made your heart skip a beat. It was a weird thing to think about, the fact that whether you’re fully presentably or looking the messiest, he still has the same look in his eyes.
“Ha, no problem! I just thought I would swing by, see how things are.”
Oh. Well, guess he must have noticed you haven’t been out much.
You pushed open your door to allow him to come in and offered him a Joja Cola (knowing he liked them) all the while getting yourself a drink and trying to make yourself look at least a little more presentable. After grabbing drinks, you both take a seat at the small table. Sam looked around, feeling a bit awkward with what to do. He’s come over to the farmers house but doesn’t really know what to do now. ‘Hey, I’ve noticed you’ve not left your house in like 11 days? What’s up with that? Also, I lowkey miss our chats and you so where have you been?’ wouldn’t really be the way to go about this all.
“So is everything okay? Did you need something?”
No time for him to think though, Sam looked at you with an unreadable expression on his face.
“Uh, yeah- no. But…”
He took a second, taking a sip of his Joja Cola and putting the can down, looking at his hands for a second before looking back at you with a face of concern.
“I don’t want to be nosey or be pushing you in anyway, but I’ve noticed you’ve not really been, out? You weren’t at the Luau either. I just… I don’t know, I was worried for you. You’re always about the town, it’s weird not seeing you around anymore.”
You stare at Sam for a second, processing what he just said. You never really realised that other people would care, or even realise that you weren’t up and about. You really didn’t really know what to say, only having it in you to look at him with a frown on your face.
“Obviously, if you don’t want to talk about it that’s fine! But, I’ve got no plans today and I’m not at work so if you’re wanting some company?”
Sam smiles, the same stupid grin on his face and you can’t help the small smile on yours as tears well up in your eyes.
“Sam, I- You’re too sweet.”
Pink rushes to Sam’s checks and he waves one of his hands in the air.
“Hey! What friend would I be if I left you in here all alone.”
You shuffle a bit in your seat and look down at your hands, knowing that Sam was still waiting for an answer to his original question (are you okay?). You’ve never really opened up too many people before, only your mom and dad knowing about your problems, it’s hard for you to be honest. But, Sam sits, a small reassuring smile on his face, one hand holding his can of Joja Cola, and his other being used as a head rest. His eyes held no judgment, and he gave no indication that you were in a rush. He was willing to sit there for as long as you needed.
“I don’t know, I just… I always have periods where I just, lose all my motivation. It sounds stupid I know.”
Sam shakes his head and goes to butt in; however, you don’t let him. If you don’t get it all out now you don’t think you’ll be able to push yourself to get it out later.
“And I know it’s not that simple. I can’t just stop being a functioning human being but its’s so, so hard. I can hardly get out of bed, which means I’ve just let the farm handle itself and I couldn’t even push myself to go to the Luau. God, I haven’t even written to my family in ages. I just… can’t. Everything feels like such a chore, and I- “
You stop to take a deep breath, tears welling up in your eyes. You’d been looking down at the table since the start of your rambling, not having it in you to look at Sam.
“Woah, man. Seems like a lot you’ve been dealing with.”
Sam’s smile is gone, instead it’s replaced with a face of concern. He doesn’t push you to look at him or anything, he just continues with what he’s saying.
“It’s okay to feel down in the dumps, you’re human it’s bound to happen. And you’ve done so much since you’ve first moved to pelican town, if I’m being honest, I’m amazed you’ve only just reached the burnout stage. But you don’t have to deal with this all alone, you’ve got the whole town to help you with things! And you can always come to me if you ever need anything, I’m happy to help.”
You look up at Sam, eyes red from crying, face looking puffy and messy, but Sam says nothing. He just smiles at you, looking at you with a face of compassion.
“I know me saying all this isn’t just gonna cure your problems but, I hope it helps. And as I said, I’ve got no plans today so I’m happy to help or keep you company!”
You stand up and walk over to Sam’s side of the table, instinctively he stands up at well, and you wrap your arms around him. He’s quick to crush you into a hug back.
“Also, I’ve missed our talks, I have new music to show you AND I beat my high score on my game!”
Sam quietly whispers and you let out a little laugh and smile, even though you know it’ll take a little bit more for you to break out your habits, you’re happy you’ve got a friend there to help you along the way.
“So! What should we do, farmer?”
Sam grins at you and puts a thumbs up. You laugh at the nickname and take a second to think.
“I need to write a letter to my parents, and maybe if I have the effort, I’ll plant some seeds tomorrow.”
Sam nods and puts up an okay sign.
“If you want, I can go to Pierre’s and buy the seeds you need while you get busy writing?”
You smile at Sam and nod, quickly scribbling down a list of the summer seeds you need and handing over the money he’ll need. You walk to the door and see him pick up his skateboard as he turns to wave.
“Be back soon! You better get writing!”
You turn into your house with a smile, grabbing a pen and paper before sitting at the table. You’re thankful for your visit from Sam, and even more thankful for everything that he’s willing to do for you, his friend.
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chvnnie · 1 year
I had an awful week😭 is there any chance you can do a comforting dad!han fic? Something short please it’ll really make my day🥺
i’m sorry you had an awful week, love. this dad sung will be rejuvenating for the both of us 🫶🏻
Propped up against the headboard, Jisung rubs soft circles into the infant’s back. His hand is almost the size of her tiny body. She fits perfectly on his bare chest, already asleep though her father doesn’t stop the motion. The more she can sleep, the better.
It’s been a rough few weeks for his family. The baby came earlier than expected — only 32 two weeks and she decided it was time to arrive earth side the most complicated way possible. You were miserable in the hospital, the birth complicated and exhausting. A lengthy stay in the NICU only tacked on to that.
It’s nice to be home.
The shower shuts off in the en-suite bathroom. You’ve been in there a while. Not that Jisung minds, he’ll take any alone time with the little bitty he can get. And it’s nice to be able to give you a break — however hard it’s been on him, he knows it’s been ten times harder for you. It’s truly the least he can do.
Jisung looks down at the baby. A newborn sized onesie is still a little too baggy on her, the tiny hands slipped under the cuffs. The first thing his friends commented on when they met her (via FaceTime — you’re still a little worried about anyone other than immediate family being around her) was how much she looked like him. A full head of dark hair, a small version of his nose. Full cheeks, so much bigger than her body.
Baby quokka, she was lovingly nicknamed. “It fits.” You said, reaching into her hospital crib and adjusting the gloves on her hands. “She really is your mini.”
What in the world did he do to deserve her?
The door creaks open slowly, steam following you into the bedroom. Jisung feels his heart come to a halt when he looks at you — every time, without fail. It did that the day he met you. The day he proposed, the day you got married, everyday in between and on.
“How long has she been asleep?” You ask, shaking Jisung from his awestruck state.
“About ten minutes.” He answers with a shrug. His hand hasn’t stopped moving. It’s practically second nature at this point.
“Why haven’t you moved her to the bassinet?”
Another shrug. “I’m not ready to yet.”
Your smile is so fond. It’s no surprise that Jisung is a wonderful father, but you think this was his true calling. If you could freeze this moment, spend forever watching him softly push his daughter’s hair out of her face, you would. There’s nothing that could make this better—
Expect for the burst of energy that just tumbled through the bedroom door, her hair spilling from the braids she fell asleep in. Though she looks just like you, her expressions are your husband’s. Pouty, eyes narrowed.
“Dada.” There’s fire in her voice. “Didn’t stay.”
Uh oh. You climb into the bed next to Jisung, mimicking your eldest daughter’s glare. “You left her?”
His eyes are wild, bouncing between the two of you. Is he really getting ganged up on right now? “I told you I would leave after I finished singing to you—“
“Nuh uh.” She turns to you. “Dada ‘pposed to sleep in my room.”
“Oh no.” You say dramatically, picking up the four year old and hauling her into the bed. “Isn’t he the worst?”
“Okay now—“
“Is.” She lays her head on your chest, resting on your body the exact same way her sister is laying on Jisung. Making sure her head is turned in her direction, she pouts even more.
It’s a pout that Jisung returns, shifting lower in the bed so she’s eye level with her. The baby stirs from the motion, but doesn’t wake. Perfectly content on her father. “Sprout, don’t hurt my feelings.”
“Hurt mine first.”
Jisung looks at you for help, trying to resist breaking into a smile. Her little pout is too cute to be mad about. You shake your head with a chuckle, untangling her messy hair.
“I’m sure Dada didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.” You reassure her, fingers smoothing out her dark hair.
“I’m sorry.” Jisung says sincerely, holding out his free hand. “Forgive me?”
Her big eyes stare at his palm, and he can practically see her little brain spinning. Weighing her options. He knows she can hold a grudge — she is her father’s daughter, after all. After what seems like an hour of careful deliberation, she puts her hand in his. Squeezing it as tight as she can.
Jisung smiles, bringing her tiny hand to his lips and giving it a kiss. He makes a loud “muah” sound, his daughter giggling. The tiny problem fixed with her father’s love.
“Promise I’ll never leave you again, Sprout.”
She doesn’t know how deeply he means that.
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chaotic-mystery · 1 year
On the Road Again | J.M.
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ꨄ Pairing: dbf!Joel x f!reader
ꨄ Summary: it’s the morning after you stayed in a motel with Joel, so what now? Will he tell your dad you came onto him or can he keep a secret?
ꨄ CW: SMUT 18+ MINORS DNI. Porn w a lil bit of plot. Road head, reader has hair long enough to pull, choking, gagging, dirty talk, roughness, no seatbelt wearing ass (pls don’t do this, I love you too much for you to not wear it) swallowing bc we aren’t quitters! slight speeding while driving, Joel miller whimpers!
ꨄ WC: 2.1K
A/N: This is part 2 to Room 77! So happy to see all the love it’s gotten, so here we go! Hope you love it. I promise next part (if you want one idk let me know) we’ll set some story up and have more plot + sexy time
“Baby, wake up. We gotta go, cmon.”
Your eyes were blinking open gradually, finally seeing Joel who was sitting next to you on the bed and stroking your hair to wake you up. The energy was different now that you weren’t strangers to each others bodies. Joel held you the whole night right against his chest, never letting go until he woke up. With not nearly enough energy, you got up to start changing and get up to speed with him so he wasn’t waiting on you. Turning your back to him as he picked up the clothes from near the bathroom, you squeezed your hand into a fist, teetering on the idea of almost hating yourself for asking this question that was sitting in your throat. “J-Joel um, are you gonna tell my dad…about last night?” The room lingered with silence and Joel ran a hand over his scraggly mustache, looking at the back of your head from across the room.
“No, darlin’ I’m not. He’d kill me and I think he’d be pretty pissed off ‘atcha. I can keep this between us if you can, deal?” His tone was serious to get his point across. The last thing you wanted to see this weekend was your dad and Joel throwing punches at each other.
“Deal. I just hope you don’t regret what happened, because I don’t, not one bit.” You tugged your shirt on and attempted to fix your beadhead before packing your other clothes back into your duffle bag. Every emotion you could think of was going through Joel’s mind at that moment. On the one hand, he was nervous that your dad would find out and think he took advantage of you, but on the other hand he was ready for more and wanted to get to know you, the real you; not the version of you your dad tells him.
Joel’s hand ghosts over your shoulder for a split second before resting it on you, thumb rubbing on your soft skin. “Angel, I don’t regret anything. I meant everything I said and did, okay? It’s gonna be hell keepin’ my hands off ya in front of your family though, pretty girl.” His hand slides down your arm to your hand and grabs it firmly, spinning you around to face him. Joel tilts your chin upwards to look at him in his dark brown eyes, the sunlight hitting one just a little from behind the curtains. Your heart felt like it was about to come right out of your chest if he continued looking into your soul the way he was. There was nothing you wanted more than to lay him down on that bed behind you and ride him until your legs gave out and your body was trembling, but you had to go before everyone got suspicious. If he were to ask you right now to say ‘fuck it’ and stay with him at the motel all weekend, you would in a heartbeat.
“We gotta go, come on bunny.” Joel kisses your forehead lightly before pressing a chaste kiss to your lips. He grabbed both duffle bags and held the door open for you to leave the motel room. As you both walked to his truck, the warm air covered your body and your mind felt like it was coming clearer with every step you took. What’s going to happen when your dad sees you and you have to pretend like you didn’t just sleep with his best friend? How the hell were you going to pull off that lie? How were you going to manage three nights in the house with Joel in the other room, your mind on nothing but him?
“Ya just gonna stand there or you gonna get in so we can at least enjoy some time at the beach before the sun goes down?” Joel joked and looked at you from inside the truck, your bags already put away. You snapped out of it and grabbed the chrome handle, tugging it open to get inside. His rough fingers turned the key to start the engine and soon enough the truck was on the road flying to the direction of the vacation house. The sunglasses shielding your eyes made it easier to steal glances of Joel, the way his veiny hand gripped the steering wheel while his other hand was on the back of the seat by your head. Everything about him was sexy to you, it was hard not to stare. The way he drove with one hand, the way his curls blew in the wind, the way he squinted from the sun because he refused to wear sunglasses. Maybe it was because you slept with him or maybe you just never noticed how effortlessly he made everything seem; but he made daydreaming about him come naturally to you.
You suddenly had the idea to scoot to the middle seat and cuddle against him while you read your book, just wanting to feel him next to you. It was going to be the longest three hours if you couldn’t touch him in some way. It wasn’t going to be too long now before you had to painfully push aside the feelings and memories still fresh in your mind from last night. He was so gentle playing with your hair, you could almost still feel it. Not even asking if he was okay with it, you grabbed your book from your bag and unbuckled your seatbelt, scooting into the spot next to Joel. You leaned your back against him and propped your right leg on the seat, getting cozy while flipping to where your bookmark was. Joel coughed briefly and looked down with furrowed brows for a moment before looking back at the asphalt in front of him. “Just make yourself comfortable I ‘spose.” His deep voice vibrated through his lungs and against your back, making you smile to yourself.
“Well I have to take advantage of this while I can before I have to pretend like I don’t have bad thoughts about you coursing through my mind.” You tilted your head back until Joels head came into your view and he chuckled before kissing your head once more.
The book you cracked open to get caught up on had your interest maybe the first two hours of the drive and you were at a point you could guess how the book ends. Joel’s arm managed to wrap around your neck and have you in a comfortable headlock, keeping you close to him. The salty breeze mixed with his cologne just right, making you feel at peace, you were comfortable with him. Managing to sit up and look at Joel while your hand rested on his thigh, you got close to his ear and whispered, “How do you manage to make me want to blow you while you drive?” It was like you could see his ears perk up at your words and his eyes widened in surprise before meeting your eyes quickly. “S’that right sweet baby?” His hips lifted up to shift in his jeans as the bulge grew the more he thought about it. You dragged your nails against his thigh and traced over his cock through his pants and he whimpered your name so quietly you almost didn’t hear it.
“What was that? Speak up for me, Joel.” you teased, grabbing a handful of his bulge.
He grunted at your actions, wishing you’d stop teasing him and do what you said to him. “I bet you look so cute with somethin’ in your mouth, baby doll. Let me see how much of a good girl you can be, hm?”
You’d be lying if you said his words didn’t send your whole body into chills and excitement flooded your shorts. He knew just what to say to get you going and want to devour him like a fucking animal. With no hesitation you unzipped his jeans and plunged your hand in his boxers, greeted by his rock hard cock that was leaking precum from the slightly swollen tip. You gathered the precum in your hand and coated his cock with it as you began jerking him off, his moan echoing through the truck as a relief. “Fuck baby- that feels so goddamn good, jus’ like that.” Joel's Adams apple bobbed in his throat as he focused on the road and what your hand was doing to him.
“You’re so hot, Mr.Miller. The way you speed up the faster my hand goes up and down your cock, you’re such a filthy man. God I would kill to have you pull over and take me on the hood, leaving me dripping your cum in my shorts while I’m face to face with my family. Bet you’d love that, huh?” You were so unsure of where the sudden urge to speak such filthy thoughts in his ear came from but you weren’t mad at it. Joel was grunting and hanging on to every word, you could almost see it playing out in his head as he imagined taking you over the hood. “God dammit your voice drives me fucking crazy, you’re such a nasty lil thing- fuckkk” For a second his head tilts back before he squeezes the steering wheel tighter. Leaning down and shoving his cock in your mouth, you begin to work your tongue around the head. Pre cum was dripping out and onto your tongue and you swirled over the hole, collecting as much as you could. Joel switched hands and reached his right hand down to your head, grabbing a handful of your hair and tugged roughly while he groaned your name through gritted teeth. The rush of adrenaline made your shorts grow even wetter, squirming in your seat and dying from needing some type of relief.
Joel’s cock slammed into the back of your throat as you deep throated as much as you could, gagging and coughing over him and drool spilling everywhere. His grip on your hair tightened as he yanked your head back so you released his cock. “You keep goin’ like that and I’m gonna cum down your throat sweetheart.” He kissed you roughly, tongue forcing its way into your mouth as he kept an eye on the road. “We’ve got about ten more minutes before we get to the house, I know that’s plenty of time for you, dolly.” He kissed you once more before you made your way back to his cock, licking the bottom of the shaft all the way to the back of the head. Joel’s throaty moans filled the truck more frequently and his stomach caved with every deep breath he took.
“F-fuck baby jus’ like that, cmon jus’ like that. Nasty girl, fuckkk. Open wide for me, let me see you swallow my cum like a good girl.” Joel whimpered and his cock twitched in your mouth before his cum was shooting down the back of your throat. His hand never let go of your hair as he held you there, shouting profane words and your name mixed in there. For someone who had never gotten a blowjob on the road before he met you, he did pretty well driving and focusing on the road. Joel finally slowed down with his load and when he was milked dry, you came up and swallowed the rest as he looked you in the eyes.
Taking your thumb and wiping the corners of your mouth, he groaned at the sight of you making his load disappear inside you. “You- I’ve gotta keep my eye on you, don’t I?” A smirk of playfulness grew on his lips and you smirked, nodding in agreement. Joel came down off his high and tucked his soft cock back into his pants, looking over at you as you acted like nothing happened. The only issue was that your pussy was soaked and you needed his long tan fingers inside you or rubbing your clit but unfortunately that wasn’t going to happen right now.
The familiar house was making its way into your view and you felt at home. Joel honked the horn the entire driveway up until your dad came out, holding his arms wide open for a hug from you. Now you weren’t close with your dad, but he was kind enough to offer you the invitation to come. Was it all that special though if he was extending it for his friends to come? Joel got out and greeted your dad before grabbing the suitcases from the bed of the truck. You had to mentally prepare for this and it was not easy. Joel didn’t make it easy to act like nothing happened.
“You wouldn’t believe the fuckin’ rain we got caught in last night. Had to pull over and stay at a motel until it let up.” Your eyes darted to the gravel under your shoes as you walked up to your dad and hugged him. “Yeah it was insane but I’m glad Joel was with me.” Your dads smile froze and he blinked at Joel, who did not dare look at you.
“Separate rooms I hope?” Not wanting anything to be left for questioning, you and Joel answered almost too quickly over and over with yes. “Well come on in! I’m just grilling some meat for dinner!” Your dad hollered and walked back up the white wooden deck and disappeared inside. A deep sigh of relief came from both you and Joel and he placed your suitcase next to you with the handle up. “You heard him, let’s go bunny.” Joel mocked and smacked your ass to give you some pep in your step. This was going to be a fun weekend.
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loveyouanyway · 5 months
i’ll kiss your scars
buck x eddie | 900 words | teen rating
trans buck my beloved for @steadfastsaturnsrings <3
“But y-you like men.” “Yes I do. Particularly the amazing and gorgeous man in front of me.” Buck stumbles across his words, all flustered. “But Eddie, I’m not— like I don’t have a you know.” He glances down there. “That doesn’t make you any less of a man, Buck." (Buck comes out to the love of his life)
read on ao3 or below
Buck, Eddie and Christopher are enjoying their dinner together in comfortable silence.
Christopher finishes his plate of spaghetti and meatballs first and now that he’s not eating, the silence feels weird so he speaks up.
“I’m not the only Christopher in my class anymore.”
Eddie hums. “Oh new student?”
“Nope. His name used to be Chloe but now it’s Christopher.”
Eddie and Buck look to each other in understanding.
“So he’s…”
“Trans. Yeah, it’s not a big deal, Dad. Now people just call me Chris and him Christopher.”
“How did people react?” Buck asks curiously.
“Everyone was cool about it. Some people had questions though so Christopher answered them. Then Mr. Nolan told everyone that he will not tolerate any transphobia or homophobia but he’s happy to tell us more about it. And if we ever have to talk to him about it, we can.”
Buck blinks back tears thinking how happy he is that in school, kids can come out and people will be supportive or at least respectful enough that they won’t say anything negative. He thinks about how bad it would be if he came out in middle school. He’s so glad Christopher has a teacher like Mr. Nolan.
He should probably tell Eddie that he’s trans. It’s been over a year since they’ve been friends. He knows Eddie will be accepting and everything but it’s still hard. He doesn’t want anything to change between them.
“Buck?” Eddie and nudges his foot with his own under the table.
“You okay?” he asks.
Buck quickly nods. “Yeah no I’m good.”
Eddie thankfully doesn’t push and instead asks what movie they should watch tonight.
They watch Spiderman: Into the Spider-Verse and Buck suggests they watch the second one next movie night which Christopher enthusiastically agrees to.
Christopher gets ready for bed reluctantly and Buck reads him a chapter of Percy Jackson. Eddie watches them with a sickening fond smile.
Once the chapter’s done, he and Eddie both hug Christopher and tell him “good night” and Buck yearns for him to have this every night.
They walk into the living room and Buck plops onto the couch with a sigh.
Eddie sits down next to Buck and faces him.
“Hey, you know that you can tell me anything, right?” he says earnestly with his stupidly pretty eyes and it feels like Eddie's staring into his soul.
Buck breaks eye contact and nods. “Yeah of course, uh thanks.”
Eddie doesn’t reply as if he’s hoping Buck will say more.
“Just give me a moment.” he adds and to that Eddie hums and rests his hand on Buck’s thigh. Oh fuck. This isn’t helping his nerves.
Buck takes a deep breath. “I’m trans.”
A second passes.
“Thanks for telling me.” Eddie smiles, trying to act like he didn’t know this but Buck sees past it.
“You already knew. How?”
“I saw your testosterone gel thing in the bathroom once. I guess you forgot to put it away like you usually do,” Eddie answers softly.
“You’re not mad I didn’t tell you?”
“Of course not, Buck. You don’t owe me anything regarding that.”
“We’ve been best friends for months.”
“Yeah well did I come out to you as cis? No. Besides gender is fucking stupid. Am I even a man?”
Buck sighs. He supposes Eddie has a valid point.
“Uh, while we’re talking about more serious topics, I have something to tell you,” Eddie admits.
Buck doesn’t have enough time to panic before Eddie calmly says “I’m in love with you.”
Is this a fucking dream? Buck doesn’t know what to say. “I- What do you mean?”
Eddie continues, “Yeah that was one of the factors in the whole me discovering my sexuality process. Hen called me out so many times about my gay panic for you.”
“But y-you like men.”
“Yes I do. Particularly the amazing and gorgeous man in front of me.”
Buck stumbles across his words, all flustered. “But Eddie, I’m not— like I don’t have a you know.” He glances down there.
“That doesn’t make you any less of a man, Buck. I know how I feel about you. I love you beyond your body but I mean, I do really love your body too and I hope I can make you feel safe and comfortable with it.”
Yeah this is a fucking dream come true.
Eddie lifts up the bottom of his shirt. “Can I…”
Buck has no idea what he’s about to do but he’ll let Eddie do anything to him. That probably should be concerning but he doesn’t care.
“Yeah,” he says with a shaky breath.
Eddie gently takes Buck’s shirt (which actually belonged to Eddie originally) and looks at him with such adoration, it makes Buck want to cry.
He lowers his head and brings his lips to Buck’s top surgery scars. He softly kisses along the two lines, whispering “I love you” after each kiss.
Now Buck is crying. He is just so overwhelmed with love—both his love for Eddie and feeling so loved by Eddie. He manages to say, “I love you” back before the tears make unable to speak coherently
Of course Eddie understands and doesn’t tell him “No it’s okay don’t cry,” instead he embraces him into a hug that makes Buck feel all warm and fuzzy — like all hugs from Eddie do.
They stay there, holding each other and Buck realizes things have changed between them but in the best way possible.
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chaoticharrington · 3 months
Chapter Five: The Club and Terrible Timing
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Pairing: Professor! Steve Harrington x Best Friends Dad! Eddie Munson x Fem! Reader
Warnings: SOOO much angst in this chapter IM SORRY! smut! oral f receiving, dry humping, kissing, alcohol consumption, slight inspection kink,dirty talk, also lots of fluff!!! Eddie and Steve are in their early to mid 40s and reader is in her mid 20s
Summary: Violet tries to get over her break-up by taking you to clubs all across Indiana which you happily oblige. Your latest adventure not turning out how either of you had planned.
Author's Note: Hi my loves! I hope you're all doing well! i'm sorry for not uploading in a month, i've not had the motivation or the energy... and i've re written this chapter a bunch! but i hope you all like it! plenty more chapters to come! 9k
**Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four**
(banners and headers by @cafekitsune)
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“Okay I gotta go Eds, I’m gonna be late” you say, pulling yourself off the older man’s lips. Eddie’s grip being too strong, pulling you back into his arms.
“Nuh uh, this is a crime of the highest order, a King needs his Queen!” He announces dramatically. You giggle into Eddie’s skin, breathing in his scent. You thought of abandoning school all together today, and spending the day with him while Violet was at work. The two of you barely got any time together in the basement anymore now that Violet wasn’t over at Quinns anymore, or away at her mom’s. You snuck in sleepovers when she would be  working overnights. Otherwise you and Eddie squeezed into your tiny apartment, spending every second together that you could. As if the universe knew exactly how to punish you, your phone rings. 
“Hi babe” you answer kindly.
“Hi, so we’re going out tonight.” Violet announces bluntly on the other end of the phone.
“Where are you taking me now?” you ask, a slight amusement in your tone. Violet had been doing her best to get over Quinn by taking you out to various bars and clubs across the state of Indiana. You weren’t really the type to go to a new bar every weekend. But you love Violet, if this was helping her stop hurting, then you’d do it forever for her.
“A bar in the city, I’ll come pick you up at 7!” she says excitedly before hanging up. You sigh, putting your phone back down on the bed, smiling at Violets infectious energy. You felt guilty at the tug in your stomach, disappointed that you didn’t have another night to yourself with Eddie.
“Alright mister I gotta go, I can stop by after class” you say reluctantly, going back to moisturizing your face.
“No stay” he protests scooping you up in his arms, and showering you with kisses all over your face.
The two of you had just spent a very domestic morning together, eating breakfast in the basement while Eddie worked on a new campaign, the two of you getting ready in the bathroom. You had just put on your bra and panties while Eddie was shedding his clothes to get into the shower.
You watch him pout from the mirror, your back turned to him. You didn’t really want to leave him, but you wanted to go to the library before class and now that Violet was taking you out tonight, you needed to get it done now. You blew a kiss to him as he reluctantly got into the shower, tail tucked between his legs like a dog.
You sneak peaks of your beautiful boyfriend in the shower while you brush your teeth. You never could get over just how good looking he is, body covered in tattoos, his greying curls, his slightly toned arms from playing guitar all his life, and his long fingers currently running through his hair. You tried to fight it, but you were now a full blown Eddie Munson addict. Addicted to his touch, his smile, his laugh, the crinkling around his eyes from years of smiling, his kisses, and most importantly the way he made you feel. You could feel your body heat up with desire, a storm at your center.
Your eyes meet Eddies, a smirk plastered across his face, eyebrow raised playfully. You roll your eyes lightly in response, shaking your thoughts of Eddie out of your head. You try to hide a smile that’s threatening to seep onto your lips.
Half naked you start to head back into Eddies room to get dressed for the day. When a pair of wet hands grab your waist pulling you for a hug. You scream out in surprise, wrapping your arms around Eddies very wet ones. You can hear his giggling in your ears, your resolve diminishing, giving into your boyfriend antics and laughing alongside him.
He slips the few items of clothing you were wearing off quickly, pulling you into the steaming hot shower. Eddie’s more beautiful up close under the water, his long eyelashes glittering with water droplets, and his lips red and plump from the steam.
Not being able to resist him anymore you go onto your tippy toes to kiss him, his arms scooping you up bringing you closer to him. The kiss was one of softness and affection. Not like times in the dungeon where his kisses were rough and bruising. These ones were like he was trying to show you how much he cared about you. Soft but firm, passionate but not dominating. You smile against his lips, feeling his smiling right back at you, savoring this moment.
“You’re so beautiful” he says breathlessly as he pulls back, pushing some of your now wet hair out of your face.
You cringe at his words; you’ve been working on trying to believe him but it’s hard. You shove your head into his chest, allowing him to encase you. Tears threatened to spill from your eyes, you felt safe, you couldn’t remember the last time you felt this safe and at home. Not even when you were a kid or when you got a hug from either of your parents, it was something entirely different. If only you could stop this moment, and live in it forever, or go back when you were feeling sad. You realize now what people mean when they say, “When you know you know”, it just feels different, it feels easy.
Guilt always followed this feeling, how could you feel so deeply for someone and not be able to tell your best friend. It was starting to eat away at your heart and soul. You and Eddie had decided that you were going to tell her tomorrow, and you were both excited and terrified at the same time. You just hoped that over time she would be able to see just how happy the two of you made each other.
Eddies hand forces your face up to his, letting the water wash away your guilt and be present with him. He smiles at you warmly, you smile back, the entire world in his eyes. Reminding you that everything was going to be okay. He holds your head in one of his hands caressing your cheek, bringing his lips to your forehead and leaving a kiss there. How did he know you so well that he knew what you were thinking without you even having to tell him? You swoon at his action, redness spilling onto your cheeks.
He turns you around, dips your head back so the running water drenches your hair. He massages slow circles into your scalp, forcing a moan from your lips. You let him lather your hair in shampoo and massage it into your scalp. He takes his time, being meticulous not to miss a single strand of hair. Leaving little kisses on your neck in between lathers. Even simple acts like this, no sexual touching or tension, just the two of you together. It was enough to quiet your brain for the rest of the day, he knew how to calm you down when your brain was working too hard or when your mind needed a break.
Once your hair was squeaky clean and conditioned, Eddie took a washcloth and started washing the rest of your body, scrubbing soap into every area of your skin, being just as meticulous as he was with your hair. Touching you gently and affectionately, you could feel all the unsaid feelings and words by each touch of his hands or body on your skin.
You turn your attention to him, asking him to bend down so you can get the curls at the top of his head, he grandiosely kneels down for you to properly reach the top of his head. The two of you giggling at the action. Your fingers get to work trying to mimic the massage he had given you, making him moan into your chest, leaving open mouth kisses on your tummy. Your body tensing slightly, all your negative body image issues threatening to pour out of your ears. But Eddie’s strong hands grab your waist softly, quieting those thoughts once more. You marvel at his touch, forcing yourself to concentrate on washing all the shampoo from his hair. His curls feel silky and soft in your fingers, the grey marbled into his curls like a galaxy.
You finish conditioning his hair and washing his body, the two of you stand under the water together, completely clean but not ready to get out of the shower. You have your arms wrapped around his waist, and his around your shoulders, resting his head on top of yours.
Eddie eventually turns the water off and gets out of the shower, offering you a hand. Taking his hands in yours letting him help you out of the shower and wrap a fluffy towel around you.
“Thank you for stayin’ with me” Eddie says softly, leaving a kiss on your forehead.
“Thank you for making me stay” you mutter into his chest, as much as you wanted to go to the library, you could never pass up time like this. You hear Eddie hum around you, his chest vibrating against your face, warming your insides.
You let Eddie dry you off and dress you, leaving kisses on your bare skin before putting each article of clothing on. Then you do the same for him. Each kiss to open skin, every piece of clothing, a sign of devotion to the other. So many words not said but shown instead, you didn’t know for certain if Eddie felt the same way you did, but your heart hoped that he did.
The adoration for him seeping through your pores, it filling you up threatening to burst, three words stuck in your throat. THE three words almost slipping off your tongue, but you couldn’t let yourself say them. Not before Violet knew, not until you weren’t a secret anymore.
 Plus, the two of you had only been together for a few months and you didn’t want to jump the gun and make a fool of yourself. Eddie just made you feel important and cared for, which just made it harder to hide it.
“Earth to Y/N,” you hear Eddies voice, pulling you from your thoughts. His rich brown eyes looking at you like you put the sun in the sky, paired with his goofy as ever smile, Forcing a smile onto your face.
“So, listen as much I’d love to see your cute little butt after class. I promised a friend of mine I’d help them out with something. But text me at any time if you need a ride or if you need anything tonight, okay?” he says, his voice kind but slightly serious. You know that he really would drop anything if you really needed him. A pout forms across your lips, you were hoping to stop by and thank him for the sweet morning the two of you were having together, thoughts of his cock on your tongue swirling in your brain.
You reluctantly give Eddie one more kiss before heading out the door for the day. The day was dragging on, classes were almost over for the semester and for the most part a majority of your professors had given up actually teaching or just droned on about upcoming projects that you were due. Sociology was never the same after Steve left, you noticed some students had even dropped the class, you didn’t blame them. It made you sad, thinking about Steve, you know what he was likely doing right now, probably drinking himself to the bottom of another bottle.
 And it was all your fault, if you hadn’t had stupid crush on your teacher, Steve would still be doing what he loved. At least the semester was almost over so you wouldn’t have the burden of being reminded multiple times a week in class. The second your new professor dismissed you all, you hurried out of the room quickly not wanting to be tortured any longer by the images of Steve at home, slumped over his desk with tears in his eyes.
You had re played that moment so many times since it had happened, trying to make sense of it, trying to figure out why you felt so deeply about him. When Eddie made you the happiest you had ever been. You felt so guilty feeling so strongly about someone else, especially after the morning you and Eddie shared. Your heart just couldn’t help but ache for the man you left in that big house, all alone, drinking his sorrows away.
I’m a fucking monster
You pinch your eyebrows with your fingers, willing all the scattered pieces of yourself back together. You blow out all the air in your lungs and push your key into the ignition, driving away from school, leaving all thoughts of Steve behind.
Violet had decided to come to your place early to get ready, it reminded you of when the two of you used to get ready for school dances together when you were younger. She insisted on the both of you wearing the least amount of clothing as possible, much to your dismay.
“Since when did you become a prude? We are both hot, young, single women. We deserve to have men and women alike ogle at us from time to time. It builds self-confidence!” she declares assuredly.
Not single Not single Not single
Violet decided on a black lacey strappy dress that hugged all of her curves just right, her eyes sultry lined with two smokey black wings, and her purple hair curled to perfection sitting right above her butt. She looked like every nerdy guys gothic dream. You decide on something a little less scandalous, but still approved by Violet. Wearing a black bralette with a black mesh long sleeve over it, extenuating your breasts, pairing it with a short black mini skirt with a slit going half way up the side; and your black combat boots.
 She had convinced you to take a few shots before going to the bar, your head already delightfully buzzed. You were just putting one more coat of lip gloss, when you hear Violet call out from the other room.
“Ubers here!”
The two of you squeeze into the back of an uber and head to the bar. Violet told you on the way that evidently it was a new bar in town that everyone has been talking about and posting all about over social media. Violets extensive knowledge of the bar scene completely going over your head.
The Uber let the two of you off in front of a building covered in red neon lights, you could already hear the loud music coming from inside of the building. Violet grabs your hand and the two of you head inside. The bar was more crowded than you expected, all of you smooshed into the building like sardines. The floor vibrated with how loud it is, the music combined with people chattering away made your head hurt. You make your way past other patrons and head towards the bar, Violet sits down confidently, flipping her hair behind her back.
“I’m gonna see if I can get someone to buy us some drinks, follow my lead.” She ushers the two of you closer to a group of guys who looked like they have had one too many beers already.
“Hey boys,” Violet says slyly, she was always good with getting her way. She never acted spoiled or threw a fit if she didn’t, but you always admired how confident she was and how good she is with people. She never went home with or even danced with any of the men she flirted with, her heart still stuck on Quinn, just using them to keep her mind off of her broken heart. You look around at the rest of the bar, uninterested in any of the men that were stood before you.
The bar was dimly lit, with a few candles placed on various tables around the room. The actual bar took up a majority of the back wall, filled with any kind of liquor you could possibly want. The people occupying the bar varied in age, some younger, some older, all seemingly having a good time. Couples held up in the corners of the room, talking quietly, kissing or other various salacious activities. On the right side of the room was a small dance floor, where patrons were dancing, some more lewdly than others.
When you finally returned your attention back to Violet, she handed you a drink and fluttered her eyelashes at the group of men before whisking you away to the corner of the room.
“Why are men so gross? I swear I could barely get one of them to look me in the eye, like I know my tits are great but they aren’t THAT great,” she slurs slightly, the shots catching up to her already.
The two of you sit in a corner of the room, finishing off your very strong drinks. You sat back in amusement at every guy that would pick up the courage to stop by at your table, trying to pick up one or the both of you, some more pathetic than others. You looked over at Violet every once in a while, making sure that this wasn’t all for nothing and that she was having a good time.
Violet put up a good front, it was pretty easy with her eyes disguised in black eyeliner, but you could see through to the sadness underneath it all. Beneath all of her confidence and extroverted tendencies, was agony. The type of sadness that sits in your stomach and rots, eating you from the inside out. You tried not to push her too much, asking if she was okay and told her that you were here whenever she needed to talk. But she brushed you off every single time. But you knew, she didn’t even need to tell you how she felt.. you could feel it ripping her apart on the inside. You see her smile fading slightly after turning down yet another guy. You see and in and you take it.
“Vi.. are you okay? Like really? And please no more bullshit, if I have to hear one more “I’m okay” or “I’m fine” I’m gonna scream,” you plead with your best friend.
Her shoulders drop, all hints of happiness leaving her face, behind her eyeliner she looked tired. Not just physically tired, the tired you get from pretending to be okay when you’re not, not sleeping at night because your mind won’t shut off. She turns towards you, wetness forming in the corners of her eyes, her mask finally off.
“No, I’m not, and I don’t know when I will be, I keep waiting and waiting that one day it won’t hurt so much.. I just thought that if I pretend, that eventually one day it won’t hurt so bad... but it hasn’t. For fucks sake I thought we were going to get married!... Well I wanted to get married,” she sniffles.
You grab her hand and squeeze it tightly inside yours, just grateful that she was letting you in. She looks at you gratefully and pulls you into a tight hug. You didn’t have any words to make it better, to numb her pain.. you just squeezed her tightly back and hoped it was enough.
“I dunno what I’d do without you bubs, you’re literally the only reason I’m holding it together right now,” she admits.
Guilt floods your system like a tsunami, even more unsure now how she was going to take the new about you and Eddie. Not only would you be rubbing your very happy relationship in her face, but it’s with her fucking dad, her fucking dad. No, she deserved to know. No matter what happens now, Eddie is just as important to you as she is, and you weren’t going to let him go. Violet would just have to understand.
“Alright no more sad talk, we’re here to have fun!”
She grabs your arm and takes you back over to the bar, ordering another round of shots for the two of you. Tequilla burning your throat as the two of you stumble onto the dance floor.
 It’s a blur of sweat, glitter, and bodies. The two of you sway your hips back and forth to the beat of the music, giggling at one another, the alcohol officially taking effect. More and more people gather onto the dance floor, filling the room with sweat and haze.
You and Violet smile at each other, holding hands and singing obnoxiously loud to the songs playing. You can see the worry and the sadness evaporate off Violet’s face, you smile to yourself, wishing all the happiness in the world for your best friend.
After a few more songs, Violet excuses herself to go to the bathroom. You linger at the edge of the dance floor, not wanting to dance by yourself. You take the time to people watch, looking at the various patrons at the bar, guys trying to score, girls laughing with their friends, older men sitting at the bar nursing their drinks, the bartenders running around behind the bar like chickens with their heads cut off, and Eddie.
Wait.. EDDIE?!
You do a double take and then a triple take to make sure your alcohol goggles weren’t skewing your vision, and you weren’t imagining your very sexy boyfriend at a random bar with some guy. You smile and start to walk over to the table where Eddie was at to say hello. But you stop in your tracks, the closer you get, the back of the other man’s head becomes increasingly more familiar. Steve fucking Harrington.
Your body freezes, your brain working a million miles a minute.
Steve knows Eddie?
Eddie knows Steve?
Your body stiffens even further when you see Steve’s large hand envelop the upper part of Eddies thigh, traveling farther and farther up his leg. Your breath caught in your throat, a lump making its home there.
How could he?
What the hell?
What the fuck is going on?
Eddie looks at Steve, kind of sad but also startled, his eyes wander behind Steve’s head and locks eyes with you. His mouth hung open agape. That’s the last thing you see before the tears cloud your vision. You push past the crowd of people in the bar, making your way to the front door. Pushing the door open, the cold air forcing goosebumps across your skin.
Unable to hold the tears anymore, you let them flow freely down your face. You look around you and you don’t know what to do or where to go. You can’t leave, but you don’t want to stay either. You wrap your arms around yourself, trying to self soothe and protect yourself from the cold.
That’s when you hear the loud music from inside the bar followed by the front door closing, you hear a familiar voice call out to you.
“Y/N, it’s not what you think-, “ Eddie says desperately.
“What was his hand doing on your leg? I thought you were helping out a friend tonight?” You cut him off, trying to keep your voice level and hold back anymore tears.
You knew it, you knew Eddie was too good to be true. He’s too nice, and warm, you felt too safe around him. Every happy moment with him comes crashing down in an instant, you never really mattered to him. You were always just his daughter’s best friend, a little kid, someone to mess around with. How could you be so blind, your own stupidity kicking you in the face and knocking the air out of your lungs. You didn’t even know who you were madder at, Eddie, or at yourself.
“Fuck I was! I mean I am!” Eddie says, panic setting in his voice.
“So, him feeling you up, that’s you helping out a friend? How charitable, Eds” you spit back. You could allow yourself to be angry, but you wouldn’t break, not right now. Not if you had to go back inside and face Violet.
“Yes! No, I- we are JUST friends, baby I promise” Eddie pleads.
“I’d say we’ve been more than friends Ed” you hear another familiar voice, as Steve steps out into the midnight air.
Your heart could crumble into a million pieces by Steve’s confession, you’d fall to the ground if your brain wasn’t working so hard, buzzing like a million bees working overtime.
“You need to tell me what’s going on right now or I’m grabbing Violet and I’m never speaking to either of you ever again.” The hurt in your voice noticeable, you bite your lip to stop your lip from quivering. Eddies rubs his hands across his face, trying to find the words to explain.
“Wait, you two know each other?” Steve says, hands on his hips, all three of you looking at each other with so many unsaid questions.
“Yeah, we know each other very fucking well Steve,” you seethe, trying to hide your hurt. Steve flinches slightly, looking guilty.
“Eddie, what the fuck is going on… If-if I was just going to be a little fling for you, a heads up would have been nice! I-I let you in, I let you see every part of me and then you do THIS? I’ve been hurt in the past, but I never, ever, thought I’d be hurt by you” you choke back a sob, as angry tears start streaming down your face. You know by now that your mascara and make up were completely ruined, you felt more vulnerable than you had ever felt in your entire life.
Your heart might as well have been ripped from your chest and stomped on right in front of you on the cold hard pavement. You look at the two faces staring back at you, Steve still utterly confused and bewildered, and Eddie, well Eddie’s face mirrored yours. His eyes misty, you can see his Adams apple bobbing in his throat. Steve runs his hands nervously through his hair before speaking.
“Look this is all my fault, okay? I, shit, I’ve been so hung up on everything that happened between us that I just wanted to feel good. Eddie and I, we used to have something in the past, but it’s not happened in a long time. I don’t really know what I was thinking, I was just being stupid.” Steve admits, looking down at his shoes, his cheeks red in embarrassment.
“Between the two of you? What the fuck happened between the two of you?” a fire lit up behind Eddies eyes.
You sigh, not having it in your heart to be angry with Steve, he must have just not known that the two of you were together, or maybe Eddie hadn’t mentioned it yet.
“Remember that guy.. that kissed me... and I came over to your house crying?” you say defeated; you point over at Steve. He raises his hand with a sympathetic look on his face.
“Guilty is charged,” Steve says lightheartedly, trying to lighten the mood.
“YOU kissed her? Jesus Christ this is so fucked up” Eddie says, pacing between the two of you, trying to clear his head. Steve nods his head, his eyes moving back and forth trying to put his thoughts together.
“Did I kiss you when you guys were together? Did you come over and check on me while you were with him?” Steve’s finger pointed at Eddie, his eyes sadder than they were a minute ago.
Eddies eyes now huge wildfires and looks at you, crossing his arms.
“What the fuck is he talking about Y/N, when did you go and see him?” he spits.
Now it was your turn for your mouth to open and close, your brain no longer able to form any words.
“No Steve, we weren’t together when we kissed. Eds listen it wasn’t like that, I just felt bad and was worried about him because he stopped coming to class. When I got to his place he was drunk and I just helped him clean up his house that’s all.” You reassure Eddie, but his expression was blank and his eyes cold.
“I asked when Y/N, when did you go over to his house?” he mutters quietly.
“3 Days ago,” you admit apologetically, looking anywhere besides Eddies disapproving eyes.
“You mean the day after we had sex? The day after “I” let YOU in?” Eddie fumes.
You bite your lip and look at him, searching for your Eddie, searching for the warmth in his eyes. But you saw nothing, he didn’t even look like himself, his face contorted in anger.
Eddie takes a few steps towards you, a frown on his face and hurt in his eyes. You flinch at his expression, you have never seen Eddie look so mad and upset, it’s so jarring. You rarely even heard the man yell.
“So, let me get this straight, you kiss Steve, and then you came running over to my house, and you let ME kiss you? And then when after we have sex, pretty fucking good sex I might add, you go over to HIS house? Un-fucking-believable Y/N,” he snarls, his voice breaking at the end.
You slump your shoulders, you needed to make him understand, to know how much he means to you.
“Eddie, I- “
“You’re fucking my dad?” You hear a voice call out from the entrance of the bar.
All the blood in your body turns to ice, this is not how you wanted her to find out, you and Eddie had a whole plan. That plan likely now in the trash, you didn’t even know if Eddie was going to forgive you.
“Violet, please not now” you hear Eddie say tiredly.
“No wait let ME get this straight” she says, stepping closer to the three of you, tears swimming in her eyes.
“Not only are you fucking my dad, YOU my best friend since middle school, AND you kissed my uncle Steve?!” she says, her lips upturned in a fake smile that was like a slap to the face.
“We were going to tell you tomorrow Vi, I promise I wasn’t trying to hide it from you. I just-“ you knew any words that you said to her right now weren’t going to matter, you could tell by the look on her face that she’s already made up her mind. You stifle a sob, looking at Eddie for help.
Eddie turns towards you, but the Eddie you had come to know wasn’t there. Almost no emotion in his eyes, he looks at you mournfully, almost like he pitied you.
“We were waiting until we knew it was serious Vi, it’s not all her fault either, take it easy,” he warns.
“No stop talking, I’ll deal with you later” she snaps, dismissing her father.
“So, what are you some kind of slut? You kiss someone else while you’re with my dad? What kind of fucking monster are you? I don’t even know who you are anymore!” she wails tears like waterfalls down her pretty face.
You didn’t know the answer to her questions, but you knew she was right. You are a monster, you’re like a hurricane that bulldozes everything it touches.
“Violet please, I’m sorry I promise I didn’t mean to hurt you, I didn’t mean to hurt anyone. You’re all the family I have, just please let’s go home so we can talk this all out.” your legs wobble, threatening to give out below you, sobs wracking in your chest. Your entire world was crashing down around you, and there was nothing you could do to stop it.
“No, we’re done, I can’t even look at you right now. Stay the fuck away from me and MY family,” she warns.
Violet turns and walks away from the three of you and the bar, you go to follow her, but a large hand envelops your shoulder.
“You probably shouldn’t,” Eddie says flatly.
“But I need to, I need to make things right, I can’t just leave it like this!” you plead with him, fresh tears blurring your vision.
Eddie nods his head knowing you well enough by now to know why you feel this way. “I think its best if there’s some space from the two of you… and us for now.”
“Wait what? Are you breaking up with me?” you squeak, the words pushing the rest of the air from your lungs. By this point your legs are numb from the cold air, anxiety filled your body making you shake like a leaf and your teeth chatter. You couldn’t even feel the cold anymore, your body feels like it's on fire, threatening to explode from the inside out.
“Eddie please, please don’t do this, don’t do this to me” you plead, begging with everything you have in you, every breath every feeling, every kiss re playing in your brain.
I can’t lose you I can’t lose you I can’t lose you please please please please don’t go
Eddie rubs his hand behind his neck, he looks tired, his eyes rimmed with tears of his own, he blinks them away and looks at you.
“I just need some space, maybe someday we can revisit this, but I can’t do this right now, I need to make things right with my daughter. She comes first, I’m sorry” he explains.
You nod your head in understanding and defeat, of course Violet comes first. Your head was so clouded in panic you forgot about how this would affect his relationship with her.
Eddie looks at Steve and then looks at you, he gives you one final nod before he walks away into the night looking for Violet.
You sink onto the cold hard sidewalk, you put your head on your knees, your back shaking harshly while all the held in tears and sobs come out in droves. You cried for what felt like hours, occasionally hearing drunk people coming out of the bar. Before you knew it the muted music playing in the bar stopped and the lights on the inside went out. You lift your head up to rest on your knees, your eyes surely swollen from all the crying, your whole body hurt. Partially from sitting so long, but also because you don’t think you’ve ever cried so hard in your life. Your eyes hurt, your chest ached, and your throat felt like it was on fire.
You see movement to your left and look to see Steve sitting next to you patiently on the pavement. His arms on his knees, he turns his head to look at you, his eyes full of worry.
“Sorry if I startled you or something, I just- I didn’t like the idea of you being downtown all by yourself in your state. I hope that’s okay” he says kindly.
His warmness making your chest hurt, you didn’t deserve his kindness, or anyone’s kindness after everything that happened.
“You don’t have to stay with me, I’ll just call an uber or something...” you say softly, wiping the rest of the tears from your face.
Steve doesn’t say anything, he just stands up and at first you think he’s going to take you at your word and leave. Then you feel his hand on your back, ushering you up, you start to protest. But he just ushers you silently towards his car. He gets in the driver’s side and turns on the car, then he gets out and helps you into the passenger side, holding you gently.
“I turned the seat warmers on, feel free to turn the heat up, you must be freezing.” He says softly. He shuts your car door for you and then ruffles around in the back seat before opening your car door again and wrapping you up in a warm blanket.
“I have this stashed for emergencies, seems like the right time to use it.” He states, fussing over you making sure you’re completely covered by the blanket.
New tears well in your eyes, your heart spilling out of you, it’s all too much. The whiplash of the argument with Eddie and Violet and now Steve being the sweetest man in the world to you. As if you aren’t the worst person to ever exist. You didn’t deserve this, you should be locked away for your crimes . Not wrapped up in a blanket and handled with care, it wasn’t fair to Eddie or Violet.
“We really were going to tell her, ya know? And- and I didn’t mean for things to happen with Eddie after we kissed, it just happened. It’s all so messy and it’s all my fault, I fucked it all up!” You sob.
Steve looks back at you mournfully.
“I know, honey, I know,” he says softly.
 The two of you sit in some more silence while you cry, then you feel his warm hand start rubbing little circles into your back, which only makes you sob harder, but even so, you find yourself leaning into his touch. Leaning into any type of comfort, your heart hurt too much, you couldn’t take it, you need it to go away.
Eventually, you stop crying and Steve gets in the driver side to drive you home, you just look out the window, allowing your body to thaw under the blanket. You eventually give Steve directions to your apartment, and go back to looking out the window, your eyes getting heavier and heavier the longer you were sitting wrapped in your blanket cocoon.
When you wake, you hear the car door opening and feel Steve’s strong arms scoop you against his chest. You smell his intoxicating cologne; you hadn’t smelled it in so long, but it awoken something in you. You blinked slowly, taking in your surroundings. He had not taken you home, to your lonely apartment filled with the memories of you and Eddie. Instead, you were being carried through the front door of his house and entering a very familiar foyer. Steve sets you down on a comfy couch in a room you assume is the living room.
You stare at him in confusion, your brain fogged over from tonight’s events. He looks a little nervous, his knee bouncing up and down.
“Uh sorry, you fell asleep, and I didn’t like the idea of you going home and being by yourself. I can still take you home if you’d like, I just I dunno...I was worried about you,” he confesses, his honey brown eyes staring up at you expectantly.
You wipe away the sleep and the dried tears from your eyes, you sit up sorely, your body punishing you for sitting on the hard pavement for so long. You feel more vulnerable than you’d like to admit, in Steves house with barely any clothes on. You rub your arms trying to soothe yourself, wrapping yourself up tighter in Steves blanket.
“Thank you” you squeak, your voice hoarse from crying so much. He smiles slightly and nods, scratching the back of his neck before he speaks next.
“You’re welcome to stay...if you’d like, I have plenty of guest rooms for you to sleep in. No pressure though,” he says hurriedly.
You mull over his offer, the idea of staying over made your stomach feel sick with guilt but also burn with curiosity. Then you thought again about getting back in his car, and going back home to your apartment, alone with your thoughts, replaying tonight’s events over and over again.
“If it’s alright with you... I think I’d like to stay,” you say meekly, fidgeting with your hands.
The anxiety on Steve’s face diminishes, nodding at you eagerly. “Please, mi casa es su casa,” he gestures to his house and chuckles lightly to clear the air.
You look at him gratefully, the two of you make some light small talk before he gives you the grand tour of the house. He explains it used to be his parents’ house before they moved to Florida after his dad retired. He went on to tell you that he wasn’t very close with his parents, they always resented him for never marrying or having any kids of his own. You felt even more guilty now, not only had Steve left his job because of you, but that meant more time stuck in this house, thinking about what a disappointment he is to his parents. The self-pity spiral is starting to grow bigger and bigger inside your head once again, the spell only broken when Steve puts his hand on your back, and your mind goes silent.
Focusing on the warmth and pressure his hand is leaving on your back. In contrast to all the shitty things that happened this evening, you’re allowing yourself this one nice thing. It reminded you of simpler times, when you just had a little crush on your sociology professor, before the kiss, before everything with Eddie. You remember the first time he put his hand on your back, it was the first day you went into his office when he helped you take care of that parking ticket. You remember how your insides twisted and turned with excitement. Then, when you became his TA, it was something you looked forward to when the two of you were alone together.
“And this is one of the many guest bedrooms, feel free to pick anyone you like there’s plenty to choose” he states cheerfully.
Steve shows you the rest of the house, your mind boggled by how big the house really is, castle might be a better word for it.
Steve escorts you towards one of the many bathrooms on the second floor leaving you alone to shower and freshen up, the bathroom stocked with the fluffiest towels you’ve ever felt in your entire life. The guest bathroom alone seemed bigger than your whole apartment. You let the hot water envelop you, hugging every part of your body.
You sit on the cold tiles of the shower, trying to figure out what to do. You think about Violet first, the person who ha been your best friend for as long as you can remember, the only one who has always been in your corner, now gone. You feel tears at the edges of your very sore eyes. Then you think of Eddie, the sweetest guy to ever exist, and the only one to ever make you feel worthy of love.
How did you fuck this up so badly?
You let a few more tears fall, meeting the warm water down the drain. You rub your eyes, the skin around your eyes raw from all the crying, you can’t remember the last time you cried this much. It made you feel so small and fragile, like if someone breathed at you the wrong way, you’d crumble into a million pieces. You let a few more tears fall before you take a deep breath and finish your shower. You shake away your thoughts, thinking about how differently this day had started versus how it was ending, everything taken away from you so quickly.
You were grateful for Steves kindness, it felt nice to not be in your apartment. To be away from the mess you had made, you could almost allow yourself to forget.. almost.
When you walk into the guest bedroom you see a pair of plaid boxers and a big grey t-shirt left on the bed for you, you pick up the t-shirt laid out before you and bring it up to your nose. Your shoulders relax as the scent fills your nostrils. The scent of Steve, not even his cologne, just him. It made your brain dizzy. Once you finish getting dressed you hear a knock on the door.
“Come in!” you call out. Steve emerges from the other side of the door, holding a glass of water and a bottle of Tylenol. He shakes the bottle in his hand and comes to sit next to you on the bed.
“Oh gosh Thank you so much” you say gratefully taking the glass of water and taking two Tylenol.
Steve waves you off, you will be forever in awe of the way Steve is able to make anything seem like a piece of cake. He never made you feel like a burden, something you are always concerned about. It made you feel a little more at ease.
“You really didn’t have to do all this for me, it’s my own mess that I gotta figure out how to clean up, I feel bad that you went through all this trouble for me” you confess, guilt already filling your chest again. These were the consequences of your own actions, and you needed to deal with it. You think about how unfair you’ve been, not only to Eddie or Violet, but to Steve as well. None of them deserved to be caught up in your hurricane, but yet they all paid the price somehow.
“You’d do it for me...you have done it for me” he says quietly, looking at his hands.
You turn your head, studying his face, he seemed slightly embarrassed but mostly sad.
“You didn’t have to come over and check on me, especially not when I drunk texted you like an idiot. You were so kind, and I was so pathetic.” He runs his fingers through his hair, shaking his head slightly.
“Anyone would have done that Steve, really it’s okay, I didn’t mind helping. Everyone needs some help every now and again,” you say dismissing him.
“Exactly, so why don’t you take your own advice and let me help you?” he counters, sticking up one of his eyebrows in retort.
You try and find a reason, but you couldn’t think of a good one. Your brain is exhausted, you need comfort.. a hug, something.
“C’mere” Steve mumbles, opening his arms to you, like he could read your mind, but knowing you, your face doesn’t hide much. Your pain was probably written all over your face. You didn’t have anything left in you to deny yourself any longer, that left when Eddie did. You crawl into Steves arms and let out a deep breath for one of the first times tonight. He wraps his strong arms around you, the two of you sit like that for a bit. Steve never pulling away, just letting you cuddle up against him for as long as you need.
You sigh in his arms, allowing yourself to fully relax, you wrap your fingers around Steves shirt. Bringing him impossibly closer to you, taking in his intoxicating scent once again. His heartbeat against your ear warming you more than the shower did, making your body relax completely against his. After today’s events, this little bit of affection was like a drug, a drug that was filling your body with need. Desire brewing inside you, begging you to forget, pleading with you to give into your deepest needs.
You pull back from Steve's embrace, just enough to be a couple inches from his face, you could feel his breath on your cheeks. You look into his eyes, but he's not looking at you. He’s looking at your lips, you can see his brain fighting the urge to kiss you. And that diminishes the rest of your resolve, you lean in closer to his lips. Steve eagerly meets you halfway, his lips a hungry attack on your own. Not like the way he kissed you back in his office so many weeks ago, that kiss was swift and innocent. This kiss was one filled with passion and need, he grabs the back of your neck, almost like a promise to himself that he wouldn’t let you go this time. You entwine your fingers into his silky locks at the nap of his neck, pulling him closer to you. That elicits a groan from Steve, only making your need for him grow stronger. His moan makes your brain short circuit, the most primal part of you coming out of its cave, ready to play. You couldn’t even count how many nights during the start of the school year you would imagine what he sounded like, with your hand between your legs.
Steve grabs your waist and pulls you onto his lap, you mindlessly grind against his lap selfishly trying to find any type of friction against your core. You moan into each other’s mouths, a song of your combined desperation for each other. The two of you are a tangled mess of hands, lips, and tongues.
Steve grabs at the edges of your (his) shirt, pulling it up and over your head. It takes Steve no time to start his assault on your chest. Leaving open mouthed kisses on your skin, nipping and sucking on your nipples, making you grind down harder on his lap.
“Damn... you’re so fucking beautiful,” he moans into your chest, his voice making you throw your head back in pleasure, answering him with a moan of your own. His eyes wild in lust, slightly bloodshot from the previous events, but still trained on you, like you’re the only thing that mattered in the world right now. Steve's grip on you was firm but not bruising, another way he showed you how much he cared for you, even now. You hold onto his shoulders for support, grinding down faster into his lap. The head of his cock rubbing deliciously against your clit, you could feel your arousal soaking the cloth of Steve’s boxers, you’d be embarrassed if you weren’t so incredible turned on.
Wanting to see more of him you tug his shirt off too, running your hands through his dark brown chest hair.
He guides you to lay down on the bed, his weight on top of you only adding to the feeling of his cock in between your folds. You moan loudly, pushing your hips against his, the pleasure building deep inside you.
“You sound so pretty baby, so so pretty” Steve praises you, leaving little kisses along your pulse point. He makes his way down your body, leaving kisses on every open patch of skin he could find. Reaching the hem of his boxers hanging lowly on your waist, looking up at you, his eyes asking permission to move forward with his thought. You nod your head quickly, in your hazy state you’d probably let him do about anything to you right now. He leaves a kiss right below your belly button as a thank you as he slides of your (his) boxers, pushing your legs open to fully expose yourself to him.
Steve lets out a pained moan, spreading your lips, inspecting every inch of your center like it was painted my da Vinci himself.
“Jesus christ baby, look at you.. soo wet” He admires, barely audible to you, almost like he was talking to himself. Steve leaves chaste kisses on your thighs, making them slightly in anticipation.  Finally Steve licks a long stripe from your center to your clit, flicking your clit with the point of his tongue.
“Fuck Steve oh-oh my god,” you whimper, you were already so needy and you barely started.
Steve goes to town like a man starved, if it didn’t feel so damn good, you’d be worried that he wasn’t coming up for air. His tongue darting expertly in and out of your core, his handsomely pointed nose rubbing up against your clit making you see stars.
Your legs threaten to close, unable to hold them open any longer, smushing Steve's face. His hands guide your thighs open wider than before, getting impossibly closer to your heat. Your body hurtling embarrassingly fast towards your release already, you grab a fist full of his hair to steady yourself.
Free of consequences, and pain, it’s ecstasy.
Steve moans deliciously into your core, the vibration sending another wave of pleasure down your spine, rolling your hips into his face.
“H-holy shitt, look at you baby, makin’ such a mess for me, such a good girl,” he coos at you, making you clench around nothing. The whole bottom half of his face glistening with your arousal, not that it seemed to bother Steve. He looked like a kid in a fucking candy store, greedily sucking, nipping, and licking every drop you gave him. He’s a man possessed.
With every lick of Steve’s tongue, you were getting closer and closer to pure bliss. The headboard behind you rocking back and forth against the wall obnoxiously, you look down below you to see Steve's hips rocking against the mattress as he was buried deep in between your legs. What a fucking sight.
He's so pretty
That image alone brings you right at the edge, your hips grinding fervently against his face, your combined moans filling the room
 “Yeah, right there, fuck right fucking there!” you wail.
His hands tighten around your thighs, doubling down between your folds.
“Fuck Fuck Fuck I’m gonnna... I’m gonna cum!” you scream as your vision whites out and euphoria floods your system. Your ears ringing, the only thing you can hear is the mixed moans of you and Steve. Your on cloud nine, your brain thanking you, your mind clear of Eddie and Violet, only Steve. Steve's hands, mouth, lips, tongue, everything Steve.
Once you come down from your high, you look at Steve hungrily, sitting up to capture his lips with yours. Your release tangy on his tongue. He wraps his arms around you, smooshing you back onto the bed.
“Your turn” you say with a smirk, flipping him over onto his back.  
“Uh.. no need” Steve says sheepishly, looking down at the wet spot that formed in his grey sweatpants. Your mouth hung open in an “O” shape. Steve just came from eating you out
… holy shit...
“Holy shit” you say, your eyes unable to move from the mess he made in his pants.
“Yeah, holy shit” he chimes in, clearly a little embarrassed by his actions.  You didn’t want him to be embarrassed, he had no need to be. He is just one of the sexiest men alive that’s all, no big deal. You look up at him with lust still in his eyes, and lean over his mess. You leave open mouth kisses on the fabric, licking lightly with your tongue. You taste bits of Steve's release, making you moan wishing for more.
“Jesus- Fuck!” Steve hisses, his hips buckle at the sensation, still sensitive from his climax. You look back up at him innocently, giving him a light kiss on the cheek.   
“What am I gonna do with you, you naughty girl” he smirks, shaking his head back and forth. The question hanging uncomfortable in the air...
What the fuck were the two of you going to do? What the fuck was that?
Eventually the two make your way to the bathroom, Steve leaves momentarily to change into different pants and leaves you to clean yourself. Upon his return he brought you a new pair of boxers and you thank him gratefully. The other pair completely pathetically soiled.
Looking at Steve post orgasm should be its own art exhibit, his grey-brown hair messy from being pulled and tugged, his eyes still slightly blown in lust, his lips pink, and his chest delightfully bare. How could he get even more beautiful? You wished your mind to take a picture to remember this.
Steve walks you back to your room and sits next to you on the bed, so many unsaid words hung in the air. Firstly, you didn’t want Steve to think this was some kind of a rebound, of course it felt good, but you had been wanting Steve since the first day he set foot in the classroom. Then there was Eddie, your wound still fresh from your breakup. You really do care for Eddie, he was the best boyfriend you’ve ever had, but that didn’t diminish your feelings for Steve. You knew that if Eddie found out about what the two of you had done, you’d just hurt him even more than you already have. You stomach started twisting in knots, the mess you made growing bigger by the hour bringing in more casualties. Your brain is even more confused than it was a few hours ago, if that’s even possible.
“This doesn’t have to be a thing, you know? We don’t have to talk about it ever again. Scouts honor,” He confesses, smiling warmly at you.
“I’m so sorry Steve, I didn’t mean for this to happen, I- I don’t know what happened, I just...”
“You’re sorry? I should be the one who’s apologizing, I feel like a fucking monster. You were a little drunk, and so was I, and I didn’t stop it even though I should have. You don’t have to explain yourself to me at all Y/N, okay?” he interrupts.
You feel some tension leaving your shoulders, although you didn’t think it was Steve’s fault at all. But all the energy you had to argue with him, had been squashed by the orgasm Steve so wonderfully gifted to you, your body now beyond exhausted, begging you for sleep. You bring your knees up to your chest and yawn.
“Okay Stevie,” you say, your eyes fluttering, fighting to stay open.
Steve smiles warmly at the nickname, “Alright, well I’ll let you get some rest, I’m just down the hall if you need anything”
You watch Steve get up and walk towards the door, anxiety filling your head watching him leave. You didn’t want him to go. You remember how nice his arms felt around you not an hour ago, and how calm your brain is when he’s around.
“Steve?” you say barely audible.
“Yeah?” he says his eyes showing a hint of concern and anticipation.
“Stay with me?” you beg pathetically. You know its not right, you know you shouldn’t want him, or crave him. What about Eddie, what about fucking Eddie. But your heart ached with the thought of sleeping so close but so far from him, the need for him ached deep inside your bones.
Silence fills the room, the two of you looking at each other, knowing the answer to your question could change everything. You open your mouth saying you’ve changed your mind, feeling stupid again for the hundredth time tonight.
But as you’re about to say something, Steve closes the door and sits next to you on the bed. Steve's eyes are tired, you look at the clock next to you and it’s nearly 5 am, Steve had the patience of a god. You let out the breath you were holding, the bubble of anxiety dissipating from your chest.
“Go on, get comfy, I know you’re exhausted” Steve orders, motioning towards the covers. You wrap yourself up under the very expensive looking blankets, Steve tugging the blankets up higher making sure you were comfy before settling in behind you. He envelops you with his arms, pulling you closer, your back now flush with his chest and your head resting comfortable under his. Steve is so warm, like the sun, filling your body with its heat, your eyes eyes getting heavy. He rubs soothing circles into your bare skin that’s open to him.
“’s this okay?” he breathes quietly into your ear.
“Yeah.. perfect,” you whisper, alright on the verge of sleep.
Dreamland finds you not long after, the dull ache in your chest soothed by the warmth of Steve’s body next to you in bed.
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Tag List!: If you wanna be added to the tag list just lemme know! Must be 18+!
@sweetblinginrose @tlclick73 @paleidiot @frogtape @too-efn-old-to-be-here @peaches-roses-sins @micheledawn1975 @untitled74745 @hellv1ra @alastorssimp @star-of-velaris @yeaiamme2 @itdobe-liza @mmaaddyy @cozyquinn @bunny7232 @eddiesguitarskills
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ddejavvu · 1 year
you ask for dbf!hotch thoughts? i will absolutely deliver ‼️
okay so imagine it’s like midnight and you’ve been locked out of your place (it’s not the end of the world, your family has the spare, but they’re likely already asleep)
the only thing you can think of - your last resort so to speak - is your dad’s best friend because god only knows agent hotchner keeps godawful hours, and he’s been enough of a constant in your life to know that at the very least he’d probably let you crash at his for the night.
so after a quick call and being greeted by a surprisingly raspy voice (that suggested you had in fact woken him up), he’s said to “stay put, honey. i’m on my way.”
this is just an excuse because i’d love to see domestic fluff 😩💕
having to borrow a pair of clothes, showering at his place and you’re driving him crazy because you’ve used his body wash and now you fucking smell like him?????!!!! sharing a bed and latching on to him in the middle of the night (you have absolutely no idea) because all you want is to be held by him I MEAN TALK ABOUT UWUS
just an idea 🥰
anyway i’d love to see you write this because you’re a fucking phenomenal writer <3 kisses mwuah
this post is 18+ (and so are its characters), minors dni.
it's not that you're afraid they'll be mad at you for waking them up, it's that you literally rang the doorbell 934572475 times and they just didn't answer.. like they are DEAD asleep, you can't get in and you don't want to set off the alarm system so you're stuck on the front porch for the night :( your friend is out of town and you don't want to walk back to work to call a hotel to set up a reservation for one night, so you're kind of at a loss!! but then your eyes stray to a little muddy footprint on the sidewalk and you're like aw yeah that's when jack stepped in mud and then tracked it over the lawn and then you're like !! jack !! and his father !!
you know for a fact that jack is sleeping over at the neighbors house bc you'd seen him earlier, and you're fairly certain that it's because aaron needed to stay late at work. you're hoping he's still there, or at the very least, still awake, but when you call and he answers on the second ring with a very raspy 'hotchner', you realize you'd probably woken him up.
you're nervous now, because he's only been kind to you in the past, but now you've interrupted what little sleep the man gets, and what if he's angry? so you explain yourself very apologetically, assuring him that it's totally okay if you don't want to. but he barely hesitates before saying “stay put, honey. i’m on my way.” like you've said... WHAT IF I MARRIED HIM ??
UGH maybe you've been out with your friends so you're in a kind of skimpy outfit so he comes to pick you up like O.O and you laugh like if there's any spare t-shirts you don't mind me using, can i sleep in one? and he's like mhm. yeah honey i can do that. and he lets you use his bathroom 'cause jack's tub is full of bath toys and kid shampoo, and he's given you a shirt and some old loose shorts to sleep in, but you come out of the bathroom in your towel asking for a spare towel for your hair.
as he hands it over he realizes you smell like him now, because, oh fuck, of course you used his shampoo/body wash, and you brush out your hair using a little tiny brush that you ask him to retrieve from your purse. he definitely sees a tube of lipstick in your purse and he definitely imagines how it'll look on your lips and how it would look smeared on his cock
now while you were showering he'd gotten back in bed under the covers and was reading the newspaper with his little reading glasses on and !!!!!! you've never seen such a domestic sight !!!!!!! you're sure you could have crashed on the couch but it's a loveseat, not a full sofa, and :( it just wouldn't be comfortable :( and jack's bed is def too small, so when you're changed and ready for bed, you just hop right up into bed beside him and he looks at you like 🤨
you're like thanks for letting me stay here, aaron and he doesn't dare suggest you sleeping anywhere else, just nodding with a sweet little smile and asking if you were ready to turn off the lights. when you nod and snuggle into your spot in the bed he flicks the lamp off, and settles down into his spot. there's minimal talking, because neither of you are sure what to say, but once your breathing evens out and you drift off to sleep you roll over, in search of the warmth that he exudes. he doesn't even pretend to dislike it, he doesn't bother readjusting you or anything, he just curls his arm over your waist and helps you get your head on his chest <333
and when he wakes up to you clinging to him like a koala, he just kisses your forehead and brushes your hair away from your face to ask if you want breakfast 🥹🥹🥹 he mumbles it against your skin and everything all sleepy and soft GAH I NEED HIM <3
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goodbuckcharlie · 6 months
Forbidden things |Jeremy Swayman|
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Summary: it’s all star weekend, and Mitch thinks his sister ,Mackenzie, is there to support him and his teammates, but she has a secret.
Warning: a little spicy but not too much
Note: second post WOOHOO.
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Isn’t tsa and plane rides just the best……..said nobody ever. Mackie arrived in Toronto after her two hour flight and wanted nothing more than to relax and eat. But of course her brother had other plans.
“MACKIE!!!!” Mitch pulls his little sister into the biggest bear hug he could muster. “I missed you so much.”
“Mitchy I love you, but you are going to crush me.” Mitch laughs as he lets her go. She can now see that Steph (Mitch’s wife) is standing behind Mitch. When she see Steph, she excitedly hugs her, just not as intensely as Mitch’s hug. “Oh thank goodness you’re here Steph. I couldn’t handle this idiot without you.”
“Boston has made you mean.” Mitch pouts causing both Steph and Mackie to laugh.
After they drop off all of Mackie’s stuff at Mitch’s house, Steph starts making dinner. Mackie tried helping, but her sister in law simply banned her from the kitchen insisting that since Mackie spends all of her time in the kitchen, she will not cook a single thing while she’s in Toronto. Mitch does help cook, Mackie sits at the counter while they cook for her.
The three of them talk and catch up while the food cooks until Mackie gets a text.
From Jer 💕
Just landed sweet girl. It’s only been 3 hours, but I already miss you.
Mackie smiles at her boyfriend’s text and of course that catches Mitch’s attention. Who grabs his sister ‘s phone before she can text back.
“Who’s this Jer guy and why did you put a heart next to his name?” Mackie tries to get her phone back but Mitch just lifts up the phone so she can’t reach it.
“Just some guy I met at the restaurant, come on Mitchy give me my phone back.” Steph sends Mitch a glare causing him to give Mackie her phone. “I didn’t want to tell you anything till things got more serious.”
“You are too young to be dating boys.” He pouts as Steph tells him to hand Mackie her phone back.
“Mitch baby she’s only one year younger than we were when we got engaged.” Steph kisses her pouty husband before turning back to Mackie, “When you are ready to introduce us to this Jer I bet they are a great person.”
Mackie was so grateful that Steph wasn’t a crazy person and supported her when Mitch got overwhelming.
The couple soon finished cooking and they all talked some more while eating before deciding to go to bed early in preparation for the all stars tomorrow.
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For the most part, Mackie spent her time with her family, which was her mom, dad, older brother Chris and Steph. It was also really refreshing to see all of Mitch’s teammates. Austin especially was like a third older brother.
“Mini Marner!” Auston pulls Mackie into a similar hug that Mitch gave her yesterday, except Auston knew when to let go. “Have you met Biebs yet?”
Mitch and Chris smirk knowing that Mackie had a huge crush on him as a kid. But they are both surprised when Mackie greeted Justin like normal no fluster or fan girl behavior.
“It was nice seeing all of you but I have to run to the bathroom.” Mackie runs off out of the sight of her family and friends, and starts walking in the direction of the bathroom, until she is pulled into an empty room.
The person who pulled her into the broom closet, wastes no time and start to kiss all Mackie all over her face. She can tell just by his cologne that it was Jeremy.
“Oh I’ve missed you so much.” He finally pulls her into the long awaited kiss, which doesn’t last nearly as long as Jeremy wanted since Mackie pulls away.
“Jer we shouldn’t be doing this where anyone can see us.” She whines as Jeremy rolls his eyes.
“Nobody’s coming over here any time soon baby girl.” Jeremy pulls her back into a kiss which she can’t help but smile into and kiss him back, “That’s my good girl.”
The two continue kissing until Mackie receives a phone call. Of course it was Mitch.
“Just let it ring.” Jeremy says while attaching his lips to her neck.
“He’ll send a search party if I don’t answer Jer.” Jeremy just nods and he continues to kiss Mack’s neck. “Yes Mitch?”
“Did you get lost on the way to the bathroom?” She can hear Mitch’s worry through the phone.
“No Mitch there is a line.” While talking to Mitch, Mackie has to slightly push Jeremy away from her neck to avoid getting any marks on her neck. “I’ll be back soon enough okay.”
“Do you want Steph to come and wait with you so you aren’t alone?”
“I’m fine Mitch I’m 23 I don’t need a baby sitter to use the restroom.” Jeremy ,who wants Mackie’s attention again ,starts to play with her hair, “I’ll be back soon okay, yes I’ll call you if I need you.”
After Mitch hangs up, Mackie gives Jeremy one last kiss before she pulls out her contact mirror to fix her hair. But she does not like what she sees on her neck.
“Jeremy those better not be hickeys.” He looks at her neck and laughs, “Jer it’s not funny. Are you trying to get me killed?”
“They aren’t that noticeable just put your jacket on and you’ll be fine.” He kisses her forehead as she sends him an angry yet playful glare.
Luckily, for both of their sakes, the jacket was enough to cover the hickeys for the time being.
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The next day however, the hickeys became an issue. Mitch left earlier than Steph and Mackie to get ready for the skill challenges. So he was not there when Mackie got out of the shower and saw that her hickeys had darkened. And unfortunately her outfit she had planned for today wouldn’t do much to hide them. She had to pull out the big guns, running to her sister.
After getting dressed, she sticks her head into Steph’s room where she is putting her makeup on.
“Steph I need your help.” Steph turns and gives Mackie a welcoming smile, “but you can’t tell anyone, especially not Mitchy.”
“My lips are seals.” Steph does the ‘zipped lips’ motion and waves her in, “If you are asking for my help killing someone it might be hard to hide that from your brother.”
Mackie sighs before entering the room fully. Her neck on display, Steph can’t help but laugh.
“How the hell did you hide those yesterday?” She says while laughing.
“Well I didn’t have them all day yesterday.” Steph gives her a confused look. “Remember when I went to the restroom and said that there was a line.”
Steph nods inviting Mackie to continue.
“Well there wasn’t a line, I never made it to the bathroom.” Mackie avoids eye contact while she plays with the bottom of her shirt. “I was with my boyfriend, Jer, Jeremy Swayman.”
Mackie is ready for Steph to be upset , but she just starts to laugh again.
“I’m sorry, I should be taking this more seriously, but the irony of this all is to die for.” Her laughter finally dies down and she puts her hand on Mackie’s shoulder. “I help you cover them up, but you should really tell Mitch. The longer you wait the worse it will be.”
Steph pulls Mackie into her chair and covers up the marks perfectly.
“You are a life saver again Steph.” Mackie looks into the mirror and her marks aren’t visible at all.
“Next time though make sure Jeremy takes it down a notch.” Steph puts all of her makeup in her bag.
“This is him taking down a notch.”
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Once they arrived at the arena, Mackie got a text from Jeremy asking her to meet in the same spot as yesterday. She tells Steph where she is going and Steph warns her not to ruin her hard work. She gets to the closet and when she opens the door Jeremy is already there sitting down on the random chair.
“I got 20 minutes til I need to be in the locker room.” Mackie closes the door behind her and she is pulled into a kiss. She straddles his lap and he wastes no time running his hands under her Maple leafs jersey. “I need you baby.”
The two lose themselves in each other, so they don’t notice the door has been open.
“What the actual fuck?” Mackie tears herself off of Jeremy and quickly fixes her shirt before she looks up and sees Auston and Mitch.
“You are a deadman Swayman.” Mitch starts going towards Jeremy, but Mackie stands in front of him. “Mackie move.”
“Mitch please hear me out.” Mitch finally looks at Mackie and his look of angry shifted to a hurt look.
“You could have dated anyone else, Jesus I would have been fine with one of the damn Hughes brothers, but a bruins player? And on top of that you picked this asshole?” Mackie feels small as her brother yells at her.
“Hey I get that you are upset, but I won’t stand here and let you yell at her.” Jeremy stands next to Mackie slightly moving her out of the way.
“Oh it’s definitely not her I’m mad at.” Mitch pushes Jeremy
“Mitch dude maybe you should hear them out.” Auston pull Mitch away before he could make any bad decisions. Mitch sighs and calms down a bit.
“You guys have five minutes to convince me not to beat his ass.”
In a panic, Mackie decided to tell Mitch everything.
“I met Jeremy once I got back from your wedding last year. After I saw everyone,it reminded me how lonely I felt back in Boston. I couldn’t just leave, I worked to hard to get where I am. So Maddie recommended I went on a blind date. So she set us up and I didn’t even recognize him at first. Mitch remember how you called me the day you met Steph telling me how you met the one. I called you crazy cause you can’t find the one after meeting someone once, but then I met Jeremy. He’s my one Mitchy.” At this point Mackie was crying and Jeremy held her hand to calm her nerves. “I wanted to tell you I really did, but I couldn’t stand the idea of you not liking Jeremy or worse hating me.”
Mitch pulls Mackie into a hug, not as tight as the one from the airport, but this hug carried more weight.
“I could never hate you Mackie.” Mitch says while he rest his chin on top of her head. The siblings hug for a good minute before pulling away.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner.” Mitch shakes his head as he wipes her tears.
“I’m not mad, although I do wish I didn’t find you guys nearly fucking to find out.” Jeremy laughs causing Mitch and Auston to give him a warning glare. “You are 23 and I have to trust your instincts. So if you say he’s the one then I support you guys. But if you do anything to hurt her Swayman, you will be a deadman.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.” Now Jer is softly rubbing Mackie’s back to comfort her. “I love her probably way more than she loves me. I’m crazy for Mackie and you could beat me 100 times over, I’ll still be crazy for her.”
“I can’t believe I’m saying this ,but I would like you to join us for dinner Jeremy.” Mitch sticks his hand out to Jeremy and he accepts and they shake hands. “Be prepared though, my wife is going to be more viscous than I was. Mackie is her baby.”
“Actually Steph already knows. I told her this morning.” Mitch being the drama queen he is, pretends as if he was stabbed.
“The hurt the betrayal. My sister and my wife teaming up without me.” Mackie rolls her eyes and playfully pushes Mitch while she pulls Jeremy out of the closet.
“Since the secret is out, I can kiss you where ever I want.” Jeremy goes in for a kiss, but instead I met with a hand in between him and Mackie’s lips.
“No way hot shot, just cause Mitch says you guys are cool doesn’t mean we want to see you kiss Mackie.” Austin removes his hand and pulls Mack into a protective hold.
Jeremy gives Mackie the puppy dog eyes look ,causing her to laugh. She wiggles out of Auston’s hold and kisses Jeremy’s check.
“You three should go head in the locker room to change.” Mackie hug Auston and Mitch who leaves to the locker room together. When they are out of sight she pulls Jeremy down for a real kiss. “I love you Jer.”
“I love you too Mackie.” He hesitantly lets go. But they keep eye contact.
“Now go be the best damn goalie on that ice.” She points towards the locker room and Jeremy can’t help but smile. He gives her a quick kiss goodbye before leaving to the the locker room.
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Part two
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misotsukiiyeooo · 2 months
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Fridays = TTT (Tea Talk Time)
Pairing: Bf!Seungkwan x f!reader
A/N: I need me a Seungkwan Tea Talk Time (FAKE DRAMA!! MENTION MEMBERS + FAKE NAMES) also, No I'm not hating on any members this is all for the skit.
Genre: Crack
Word count: 3.0k
Synopsis: Every Friday you and Seungkwan collect all your receipts and thoughts throughout the week to get ready to spill it all.
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Finally, and just like that, it's Friday. Of course, everyone loves a good Friday but when you have a boyfriend like mines, Fridays seem to be ten times more fun.
Today at 1:08PM
Turns out I can leave work earlier than I usually do. See you soon (I'll bring snacks don't worry)
With that, you read his message and locked my phone, setting the living room up with cozy blankets and you can't forget to search through your camera roll and notes after for the evidence. You both usually write all your drama in your notes so you can spend the whole night simply talking about them when Friday comes.
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Hearing the door unlock makes you jump up excitedly. "You won't believe the crazy things that happened throughout this week! it's worse than last weeks." Seungkwan exclaims while dropping the bags full of junk food on the coffee table. "What?!?!? is that even possible?" Responding in utter shock. "It's possible now apparently" he sits beside you on the couch. "Tell me your tea first, mine could wait." He grabs a bag of chips as he waits for you to talk. "Okay, so you remember the Yeonsoo drama right? how she's supposibly pregnant right?" He leans back into the couch nodding, completely invested. "So it turns out she never was pregnant and she only told Joonseok that so he can take her back! and the worst part is...he still doesn't know the truth and he's already telling everyone he's going to be a dad and he already decorated a room and all." After saying this you earn an immediate gasp from Seungkwan, "What!! no way." "Yes, way." You only nod, proud of his reaction, "But how do you know this?" He questions. "They were talking about it so loudly in the bathroom and I just so happen to be in a stall" You shrug as he has his hand over his mouth. "Wow, I wonder what's going to happen.." He stuffs his mouth with chips. "I won't say anything though because that's not my business" He nods in agreement as we both take a sip of our coffee. As if we weren't talking about them in the first place.
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It's 11pm and there's still tea and thoughts that needs to be spilled. "But honestly, I really want to see Minghao and Seungcheol argue next because Minghao speaks only facts while Seungcheol's loudness and presence is just scary itself." Seungkwan comes back with both of your coffees. "Wait, I agree 100% because when Mingyu and Seungcheol argued last week there was literally no competition, Seungcheol easily won. I keep telling him to defend himself but he never does." Seungkwan nods, "I mean, it is funny to see however, it just ends so fast because there's no fuel to the fire."
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At 3am, the caffeine slowly starts to wear off and you're both already in bed just blabbering about absolutely nothing. "I think this Friday's drama was way better than last weeks," You state the facts as Seungkwan turns to face me. "Honestly but we can't keep minding other's businesses, this is unhealthy..." Making eye contact, not even holding it for a second we immediately burst into laughter, "Same time next week?" You ask wiping your tears away from all that laughing. "Of course, Tea Talk Time Fridays is what keeps me going."
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Reqs are open!
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callsign-dexter · 1 year
Maverick is a dad?!
Summary: Omg I loved you last fic it was so cute!! I loved how you included the large amount of peer pressure that people in these situations can face and they still stuck with their gut and went to where they felt safe.
I was wondering if I could request another maverick x daughter reader
(background) my cousin is in the military and I attended a gala with him and I saw the cutest thing ever. A soldier holding his sleeping daughter while at the party and my heart immediately was like omg Maverick would so do this!!!
so can I please request one where maverick attends the navy ball with his daughter as his plus one but after some time she starts to get tired. So she does that little toddler whine/cry (not a fit but like they are tired) so Mav starts to think that something is wrong but the only thing he can understand is “I tired” so he realizes that she missed her nap so he picks her up and she falls asleep. So maverick goes through the remainder of the party with a sleeping toddler clinging to his shoulder. Maybe his teammates tease him a little but there wives and girlfriends think it is the sweetest thing ever and just gush to Mav about his sleeping baby.
totally your choice and I love all that you do
have a wonderful morning/afternoon/evening/night
Pairings: Maverick x Daughter!Reader
Warnings: fluff
First Installment: Light of His Life
Second Installment: Maverick is a dad?!
Third Installment: Crossing Paths
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The Navy Gala was something that Maverick dreaded going to always seeing families together and being happy. He never had anyone to go with always going alone. Maverick never really made friends besides Goose, Carole, and Little Bradley. But when Y/N came along, at just a week old, everything changed for him and his lifestyle, the only people that knew about her were the higher-ups and the Bradshaw family, Carole helped a lot when it came to having to babysit and just being a parent.
Y/N was too young when Maverick came into the custody of her. But now that she was 3 years old he thought it was time for her to attend a Navy Gala. Maverick initially didn't want to announce he had a kid but he knew that he couldn't hide her forever plus Goose, Carole, and Bradley were going to be there.
Maverick got dressed in his dress whites and then turned to his 3-year-old sitting on his bed. He could see her from the mirror so she was never out of his sight.
"How do I look, Sunshine?" Maverick asked her, he started calling her Sunshine because she lit up his world when she came into his life. The little girl looked at her dad and scrunched up her nose, a trait her daddy loved, and closed one eye seeming to think about it. One hand comes to her chin to tap it. Then she smiled a bright smile.
"Good Daddy!" She said in her cheery voice. Maverick smiled at her and went over to her tickling her which made her screech and laugh.
"Thank you, Sunshine." Maverick said pulling back "Now we need to get you dressed." He said and picked her up and walked her to her room and sat her down on her bed. He walked to her closet and opened it. He pushed some clothes out of the way until the mini navy blue dress come into view. He pulled it out and walked over to her with it. "Ok, Sunshine. Time to get dressed." He said and started to undress her. While getting her ready he tickled her every now and then making her giggle. He got her dress on and sat her down "Ok shoes." He said to no one in particular, he went to her closest again and pulled out her white sandals. He shut it and walked to her and put her shoes on her. He then looked at her hair. "Ok, Sunshine. How do you want your hair?" He asked her again she made the face she did when he asked her how he looked, then she smiled.
"Side braids Daddy!" She said and he laughed.
"Ok, Sunshine." Maverick said with a giggle. He picked her up, careful to keep her dress down, walked her to the bathroom, and sat her on the counter. He started to brush her hair gently while making faces at her through the mirror. He put the brush down and started to on the right side of her head, gently pulling her hair out of her face and splitting it into three sections, and crossing them over creating a braid until the back of her head and then bringing it around to her. "Hold that for Daddy, please Sunshine." She nodded her head with a smile and took it from him. He repeated the process with the left side and then took the right braid from her and then braided them together and then the end and tied it off with a clear plastic band. He smiled proud of himself and ran a hand through her naturally curly dark locks. When he got custody of her he immediately started to learn hair and even had Carole to help, she was happy to have a little girl to practice hair on since you can only do so much with a boy's hair. He had to add one more touch, he pulled out some navy blue ribbon, that Carole bought him, and tied it in a bow, exactly like Carole showed him. "All done Sunshine." He told her with a smile and helped her down.
"Daddy, how do I look?" Y/n asked twirling.
"Perfect. You look perfect." Maverick said with tears welling up and smiling. They still had some time to kill but decided to get ready early in case something happened. He was so lost in thought that the doorbell ringing made him jump and made Y/N smile.
"UNCKY GOOSEY!" Y/N practically yelled, that kid loved that man, and took off for the door with her dad right behind her.
"Y/N/N slow down before you trip and don't open the door." Maverick said and caught up with her before she could open the door and picked her up. He opened the door to reveal the Bradshaw family. Y/N made grabby hands toward Goose who gladly took her.
"Goodness gracious, great balls of fire don't you look like a princess." Goose said and hugged her and she giggled. He put her down and she ran to Carole and she hugged her.
"You look pretty baby. Mav you did a really good job." Carole said and let her go and then turned to Bradley and hugged him and he returned it.
"Thank you. You helped a lot." Maverick told her. With all the greetings out of the way. "Ok, let's go." He said and headed outside, Goose, Carole, and Bradley got in the Bronco and Maverick and Y/N got in his Ford Range Rover, he still had his bike but figured he needed an actual car to travel with a kid. He put Y/N into her car seat and they all headed towards base.
They arrived on base around noon, it started at 1, and Maverick’s nerves grew a million questions running through his head. How will his squad react to him having a kid? Was this a mistake? He completed turning around and leaving but a tap on his window brought him out of his head and knew there was no turning back. He got out and got his little girl out of her car seat.
"Hey, Mav you ok?" Goose asked him before meeting Carole and Bradley on the back end of the car.
"Yea just a little nervous." He said still carrying Y/N.
"Everything is going to be ok. We're here if something goes wrong." Goose told him and Maverick just nodded. Maverick put Y/N down and held her hand. They started walking into the building. They got in and looked around Maverick felt Y/N squeeze his hand a sign of nervousness he looked down and bent down to her level.
"It's ok sweetheart. I know it's overwhelming but I'll be right here with you. If I can't be with you then you stick with Carole, Bradley, or Goose, ok?" Maverick comforted her and asked her.
"Ok, Daddy." She said kind of mumbled but loud enough for him to hear. He hugged her and stood back up.
"Mav we need to go say hi." Goose said and Maverick nodded and turned to Carole.
"Go! I got her." Carole said and they both left. She went over to the other wives and girlfriends with the kids in tow. Y/N was quiet never really been away from her daddy. She stuck close to Bradley and Carole. It was nearing 3 in the afternoon when little Y/N started to get tired, she was supposed to have a nap at noon but had woke up a little later than usual. Carole was talking and she didn't want to interrupt since her daddy taught her better than that. She wanted her daddy. When there was a break in the conversation she got Carole's attention and she bent down to her level. "What's up baby?" She asked her and Y/N pouted and mumbled and started to rub her eyes "What was that baby?" She asked one more time.
"Want my daddy." Y/N said and Carole nodded.
"Ok, let's go find him." Carole said and picked her up and grabbed Bradley's hand. After searching for Goose and Maverick she walked to them excusing them when they had to go past people and they finally reached them. She tapped Maverick on the shoulder and he turned around and saw Carole holding his little girl. "Somone wanted her daddy." She said. He noticed her expression on her face.
"What's wrong Sunshine?" Maverick asked her. She mumbled some stuff but nothing coherent. He took her from Carole and Y/N immediately clung to him "One more time." He said and leaned closer to her to hear her and started to pout and cry throwing a fit but not enough to make a scene.
"I'm tired." Y/N said and rubbing her eyes vigorously and then it hit him, she was supposed to have a nap at noon. They had at least another 3 hrs to go.
"Oh, Sunshine. You missed a nap. Go ahead and go to sleep. I'll hold you." Maverick told her and she nodded laying her head on his shoulder and burying her face into his neck and instantly fell asleep. He turned around to finish talking to Goose, Viper, and Jester who all had a smile on their face. They continued to talk until the two older gentlemen were pulled away. As Goose, Carole, Bradley, Maverick, and Y/N all hung out together they heard some whispers but most of all he could hear his little girl's soft snores and her breath on his neck.
Over where Ice, Slider, Hollywood, Wolfman, and the others with their significant others were talking, Ice spots Maverick with Y/N in his arms. Ice slaps Slider several times trying to get his attention until finally he does.
"What?" Slider said while rubbing his arm all Ice did was point at where Maverick was.
"Am I just seeing things or am I drunk?" Ice said not taking his eyes off Maverick.
"Not drunk we're seeing it too. You think that's his kid?" Wolfman asks him not fully believing it.
"Can't be. It has to be Goose's kid." Slider said while their significant others all talked and gossiped about how cute it was.
"No, I don't think so. She looks too much like Maverick." Hollywood said. Sarah, Ice's significant other, cut in.
"Well it's just adorable and I think we should go say and introduce ourselves." She said and all others agreed well except the men. The men didn't have a choice with them being dragged over to the little group. Carole was the first one to notice the large group stroll up.
"Hey, guys!" Carole said to them not worrying about how loud she was since Y/N could sleep through anything, she got that from her father.
"Hey! We thought we would come over and say and introduce ourselves." Wolfman's wife said earning a groan from the others which resulted in some elbows to the ribs.
"Well, I'm glad you did." She said they introduced themselves more like the women to Goose, Maverick, Carole, and Bradley. Maverick tightened his grip on his daughter.
"I'll ask the question we're all dying to know. Who does the little girl belong to?" Ice said getting straight to the point and earning a slap on the arm from Sarah. Goose and Maverick looked at each other with Goose giving him a nod of encouragement.
"She's mine." Maverick said a little defensively and his arms tightened but not enough to hurt her. Everyone was stunned in silence.
"Maverick is a dad?!" Slider pretty much yelled and asked and his jaw dropped.
"Well, she's just so cute!" Elizabeth, Wolfman's significant other said "What's her name?" She asked wanting to touch her but refraining from it wanting to respect the father's space.
"Her name is Y/N Grace Mitchell." Maverick told them as Y/N shifted and turned her head away from her father's neck. She continued to sleep away.
"Why didn't you tell us about her?" Ice asked him and Maverick sighed.
"I figured you guys wouldn't care. I mean we had our own things to worry about, why would you having known I had a kid be important?" Maverick said and everyone's hearts melted, including Ice's.
"Where's her mother?" Slider asked curious.
"Not in the picture. Gave up rights as soon as she was born. She was the result of a one-night stand." Maverick told them. Everyone was silent.
"Did you do her hair?" Holly, Hollywood's significant other, asked in awe.
"Yes, I did. When she came into my life I started to learn hair and had some help from Carole. Her hair is naturally curly so that helped some." Maverick told her and the look of awe on her face was perfect. Y/N slowly started to wake up and leaned opened her eyes and leaned back, Maverick who had felt her move looked at her. "Hi there, Sunshine. Nice nap?" Maverick asked her and she nodded her head. Everyone's hearts melted even more and a chorus of 'aw' came out from all the women. "You think you're up for meeting some people?" He asked her and she made a face but nodded. She turned around and some people she didn't know. "Y/N I want you to meet Ice, Sarah, Slider, Avery, Hollywood, Holly, Wolfman, and Elizabeth." He told her their names knowing it was a lot but knew she was a smart girl and would be able to remember even for her age.
"Hi Y/N. It's nice to meet you." Ice said with his charming smile and she smiled back and hid into her father's neck. Everyone was in awe. Goose laughed and tickled her sides which she giggled.
They stayed together talking and including Bradley, who was now in Carole's arms, Y/N in their conversations and occasionally eating. By the time 6 PM rolled around it was time to go home. Everyone was bidding their goodbyes but Ice stopped them from leaving just yet.
"If you ever need help with her or anything, we're here for you." Ice told him and the rest nodded and Maverick didn't know what to say.
"Thank you, guys. It means a lot." He finally said. They all bid their goodbyes and headed out of the building. Maverick, Y/N, and the Bradshaw family arrived at their cars and Maverick put his little girl in her car seat and kissed her head before closing the door. He turned around to Goose and Carole, Bradley had already been put in the Bronco. "Goodnight guys. I'll see you tomorrow?" He asked.
"Of course Mav! You and Y/N are always welcome to hang out around us! You know she and Bradley love to play together." Carole said.
"Absolutely Mav. Goodnight." Goose said with a smile. They hugged each other and got in their cars. Maverick looked back checking on his little girl and she was fast asleep again. He backed out after Goose smiling. He was glad she was not a secret anymore but boy was it nerve-wracking to tell. He was glad he had people to help out when he needed it and maybe Ice and the others would give him some more respect now, they had grown some respect when he brought Ice, Slider, and Goose home safely.
When they got home he parked his car and got out and went to the back seat, he unbuckled his little girl, shut the door, and walked into the house after unlocking it. He walked in and shut it then walked up the stairs and to Y/N's room. Amazingly she was still asleep, he hated to wake her up be needed to get her changed.
"Sunshine." Maverick said while rubbing her back and she slowly started to wake up.
"Daddy?" Y/N asked and he smiled
"Hey there. I need to get you changed and then you can go back to sleep ok?" Maverick asked her and she nodded sleepily. He went on about getting her changed with little help from her. He then tucked her in and kissed her forehead "Goodnight, Sunshine. I love you." He whispered and she snuggled into her pillow holding her stuffed F-14. Y/N didn't answer already had fallen asleep. He didn't bother taking her hair down but did take the ribbon out.
Maverick turned and walked out of her room cracking the door slightly. He went about tidying the house up and watching some TV until about 10 PM and then started to get ready for bed. He checked on Y/N one more time then walked into his room and got changed and climbed into bed. As he was drifting off to sleep a smile graced his face, he was glad he had her in his life and happy that he has a team to support him. He might've been scared to bring her out into the world of aviators but, he knew that she would have them wrapped around her finger in no time.
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