#scottish wedding
p-redux · 1 year
There’s a photo of Sam at Graham’s wedding, sitting at a table, and there’s a woman with blond hair behind him. Kind of looks like the same hair as in the party photo with Sam, thé blond Vicky and Davie. Perhaps a date for the wedding?
Hi Anon, Graham's wedding was small and intimate. It doesn't look like people brought plus ones unless they were married to them or in a serious relationship. And I highly doubt Sam would bring a 21 year old Outlander crew member as his date...unless he was in a serious relationship with her. I'm assuming this is the pic you're referencing. 👇
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The blonde woman next to/behind Sam may be this guest pictured elsewhere in the Vogue article. 👇 And if you look closely at the pic above, the man with the grey hair next to the woman seems to have his hand on her shoulder. 🧐
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Looks like the same darker blonde color and hairstyle 👆, but who knows.
Also, in the Vogue article, Garance explains that guests were asked to move seats after the first course to facilitate mingling with more people 👇 so the people sitting next to each other in the pics may not even be who they came with. 🤷‍♀️
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The pictures of Graham and his new wife Garance Doré are everywhere, so I won't repost all of them here, but here's the link to the Vogue article for those who haven't seen them. 👇 It looks like a true fairytale Scottish wedding, the stuff dreams are made of. And Graham planned the whole thing! Also worth noting, Graham and Garance met on the celebrity dating app, Raya. I find it fascinating that Graham was on Raya for some reason. 😊 Maybe this wedding will give Sam ideas for his own wedding...if it ever happens. If I were engaged to a Scottish man and this is the wedding he gave me, it would make me love him even more. Truly magical day. ❤️
Here's a pic of the newlyweds. 👇 Graham is Scottish perfection. 😍 The bride is a bit too simple for me, but that's because my tastes are a bit more extravagant. But in the article, she explains her look, it's what she wanted, and she looked so happy. So, I'm happy for her. ❤️
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And here's our Sam, looking ever so dashing. 👇
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And yes, Sam did wear a kilt. 😍👇
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I'm off to daydream about a handsome, viril Scotsman in a colorful kilt, with a BIG sporran, waiting for me at the end of the aisle in a 16th century hilltop castle. And then carrying me to our room, up high in a tourette, laying me down on a bed covered in fur (faux, of course), and then whispering unintelligible Scottish sweet nothings to me as he makes manly manly manly love to me until I start crying out "I'm coming!" in Gaelic. 😊
Mr. McTavish has set the bar verra high for weddings. 👏
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blairstales · 1 year
Handfasting Was Once a Ceremony for a 1-Year Marriage Trial
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Today, handfasting is steadily becoming a common wedding custom where a cord or ribbon is tied around the hands of the bride and groom. Later in history, it was commonly used as a term for a clandestine marriage, and some sources say that later than that, it was more of a trial marriage.
Essentially, a couple who was handfasted entered a trail marriage which lasted a year and a day. If, at the end of that time, they decided it was not working out, they could both decide to not make the marriage permanent.
If the wife found herself pregnant, the child would not be seen as legitimate, but would be taken care of by the father. 1
While all this might sound silly, to Scotland, it was a way to ensure a happy marriage. After all, it was a way to test to see on if you could actually stand being married to someone for life.
Sometimes, whole lineups of couples would be married at fairs or festivals.
"According to tradition , a spot at the junction of waters known as the Black and White Esk , was remarkable in former times for an annual fair which had been held there from time im memorial , but which exists no longer . At that fair it was customary for the unmarried of both sexes to choose a companion , according to their fancy , with whom to live till that time next year . This was called handfasting , or hand – in – fist . If the parties remained pleased with each other at the expiry of the term of probation , they remained together for life ; if not , they separated , and were free to provide themselves with another partner ." Old Scottish Customs, Local and General by Ellen Emma Guthrie 1885
There is a common assumption that it was only the common-class people who entered these trail marriages, but some of the wealthy or high-ranking did as well.
"This “ on trial ” marriage system seems to have been the fashion with ladies of high degree as well as with the Eskdale lasses and lads. Lindsay says That James , sixth Earl of Murray , had a son by Isabel Innes , daughter of the Laird of Innes , Alexander Dun bar , a man of singular wit and courage . This Isabel was but handfasted to him and deceased before the marriage . ”Folk Lore in Lowland Scotland by Evelyn Blantyre Simpson (1908)
It was not, however, seen as acceptable to the whole of Scotland, and eventually met it’s end at the hands of the church.
"Hand – fasting was deemed a social irregularity by the Reformers , and they strove by every means to repress it . In 1562 , the Kirk – Session of Aberdeen decreed that all hand – fasted persons should be married . With the exception of the Highland districts , the time – honoured practice of living together for ‘ ” a year and a day ” ceased to exist shortly after the Reformation." Old Scottish Customs, Local and General by Ellen Emma Guthrie 1885
Luckily, the ceremony found a way to survive as people incorporated it into actual(non-trail) marriages.
Supposedly, it is from this ceremony that the saying “tying the knot” comes from in regards to marriage.
"Mr. Guthrie , in Old Scottish Customs , says , “ If either of the parties insisted on a separation and a child was born during the year of trial , it was to be taken care of by the father only , and to be ranked among his lawful children next after his heirs . The off spring was not treated as illegitimate , because the custom was justified being such and in stituted with a view of making way for a happy , peaceful marriage ." Folk Lore in Lowland Scotland by Evelyn Blantyre Simpson (1908)
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chuffineckjames · 2 years
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Best man duties 😉
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reihino1988 · 2 months
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elaho · 1 year
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Elliott’s Immersive Wedding Mod v.2.0.0 is now up and ready to play!
Explore 3 new wedding day events with Elliott, including a wedding reception hosted at the Stardrop Saloon, as well as 2 intimate events with Elliott at home (PG - PG 13) in between events, and much more!
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This new update also features new sprites and portraits based off my other mod, Elliott Scottish Wedding Kilt, as well as edited marriage dialogue with a little Scottish Gaelic affection sprinkled in. 
Your choices in-game will affect your relationship with Elliott, as well as open up different opportunities for new events, revealing vanilla-based character growth for Elliott throughout your time together in Pelican Town. 
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More about this mod:
Elliott is an ISFP who is quirky, grandiose, and romantic but also largely misunderstood by others. In the beginning, his superficial traits tend to rub people the wrong way (melodramatic, vain, and “life-is-a-stage” type attitude) but getting to know and befriend him over the course of the game, we come to see him as a deeply passionate and highly motivated person, who is unapologetically true to himself and his values, despite the odds and adversity. Throughout your friendship, you see Elliott come out of his shell more and engage with the others around him, despite his history of rejection and discouragement. 
Though much of his personal growth can be seen through heart events, dialogue, (and stalking him around town), I wanted to delve deeper into his character and explore how his choice to move to Pelican Town has shaped his personal growth, including his relationship with others in town - and most importantly - his relationship with the farmer, from friendship to marriage.
Enjoy playing! <3 -Elaho
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thefourteenflames · 10 months
Valyrian Wedding Rituals & Its Parallels
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“Among the people who came to inhabit Northumbria and the Lothians, as well as among other Germanic peoples, the nuptials were completed in two distinct phases. (…) The parties plighted their troth and the contract was sealed, like any other contract, by a hand-shake. This joining of hands was called handfæstung in Anglo-Saxon, and the same word is found in different forms in the German, Swedish and Danish languages. In each it means a pledge by the giving of the hand.” Handfasting' in Scotland - The Scottish Historical Review; Anton, A. E. (1958)
“In ancient Rome, a wedding was a sacred ritual involving many religious practices. (…) In a Roman wedding both sexes had to wear specific clothing. Men had to wear the toga virilis while the bride to wear a wreath, a veil, and a yellow hairnet.” Women's Costume and Feminine Civic Morality in Augustan Rome; Sebesta, Judith Lynn (1997)
“ When the terms of the ketubah were accepted a cup of wine was shared to seal the marriage covenant. (…) The bride and groom shared the same cup, symbolizing the shared life that would be theirs. (…) Wine in Judaism has always symbolized joy. (…) Wine also symbolized blood. The marriage covenant is a blood covenant in the eyes of God. Two lives become one in a lifelong commitment.” The Ancient Jewish Wedding; Lash, Jamie (2012)
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viktuurishipper96 · 13 days
Here comes the Caledonian Bride🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🖤💚
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Douglas McIntosh is super happy that he’s getting married to Oliver Armstrong on his wedding day. May the two have the happiest lives together on the island of sodor.
description: Douglas now in longer hair is crying happily and holding his hand out to Oliver as he’s saying “I love you”. Whats he wearing is a beautiful blue bridal dress that shows his toned cleavage that hugs his beautiful body. Background is the fairies from the legend of Zelda, feathers and star seeds from sailor moon and the color is pink.
material that I’ve used: ohuhu markers, Sakura koi and derwent watercolor, Faber castlle colored pencil and copic markers.
reblogs, likes, shares and comments are appreciative 🥰🥰🥰
thank you for your support and stay beautiful and gorgeous everyone. And also , happy pride month🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
and everyone is invited to the 💒 and that means you @flamingoprincess25 and @just-an-emily-existing
Here’s the ref below
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fellshish · 5 months
was at a scottish wedding last month and they weren’t true to tradition but instead the groom had pants with his wife’s face on them and tbh i could see david tennant doing that
That would give me LIFE
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onlyzhuyilong · 7 months
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11/30 ZYL IN KILT?
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elvenstardesign · 4 months
I made this copper thistle torc. Looks pretty good. May look better with some purple of green crystals on there.
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hopeinthebox · 6 months
tagged by the fabulous @cordiallyfuturedwight and @jimin-gaon <33 here's the december list
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apologies for being late again new year same me: @aprylynn @jiminsproof @pauls-mccharmly @thvinyl @visionsofgideontheninth @btsbs @kimchokejin @jihopesjoint @eoieopda @monismochi 💜 and anyone else who feels so inclined MWAH p.s. please do tag me anyway if you've already done it
#superfluous commentary in the tags as per usual:#i feel you - ADORE THIS TRACK i can't even explain what it does to my psyche except that it initiates a beach episode.#noso is a phenomenal queer artist and you should check them out#smoke and mirrors - ms faith back in action on the rotation i loved this album in 2009 and it still hits. for the love of GOD take me back#loving you - i am a paolo nutini stan if nothing else. exceptional#love is all around - i am in my frazzled english woman era hence the romcom soundtrack#and tell me who could possibly embody that frazzled english spirit better than four weddings hugh grant#boys don't cry - it's the cure by name and the cure by nature for one listen and i am FIXED!!!#she's always a woman - now billy joel is a great name for a cat or hamster but i digress. the stranger album of the year 2023 (again i fear)#little bird - was annie lennox in the last one?? i still have this on repeat.#googling the lyrics and it thinks i want the jonas brothers and it makes me want to sit right down and cry cry cry i'll tell you that much#jenny - paolo again can you blame me? i cannot express how much i adore his entire discography.#these scottish italians... deadly combination for my mental health. peter capaldi sit down#white flag - dido save me.. save me dido... my jihope anthem because i WILL go down with this ship#eternal flame - banger after banger it's almost as if i made this playlist myself!! can you feel my heart beating??? i apologise#as for the artist list#norah jones and jamie cullum christmas albums on repeat lord forgive me for i have listened to jazz#hozier and abba seem to make it without fail every month. for those who aren't familiar hozier is like if abba were irish. and bitchless.#NOW I'VE SAID TOO MUCH#the rest of the artists are fab of course but does olivia dean know i would die for her?#anyway. insert closing statements#tag#receiptify#MWAH
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youchangedmedean · 2 years
Auld Lang Syne - Radio Company Nashville, 19th December 2022
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digitalfashionmuseum · 9 months
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Brown Silk Wedding Dress, 1867, Scottish.
Worn by Jane Rattray.
Museum of New Zealand.
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chuffineckjames · 2 years
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Nic wedding guest
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elizasidepiece · 5 months
me when I listen to "Say Don't Go" by t swift and imagine remadora
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elaho · 1 year
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Elliott Scottish Festival Regalia mod is now up and ready to play!
This mod changes Elliott’s festival sprites to incorporate traditional Scottish regalia for 4 of 8 festivals. (Flower Dance, Moonlight Jellies, Stardew Valley Fair, and Feast of the Winter Star.)
Elliott’s festival regalia includes: - Prince Charlie jacket and waistcoat (depending on the festival) - Collared shirt, jabot, and pin (or Jacobite Ghille Shirt) - Dress sporran and sporran strap (frontal pouch made of seal skin), - Sgian-dubh (small knife kept in the sock) - Kilt hose and flashes (socks and sock tassels) - Kilt (+ pin), - Brogues (lace-up shoes), and - Fly plaid (a long strip of plaid matching the kilt pattern, worn over the shoulder and fastened with a brooch)(depending on festival). Festival Tartan Patterns: Flower Dance: “Clan Lockhart – Ancient” Tartan Moonlight Jellies: “Reflections of the Sea” Tartan Stardew Valley Fair: “Clan Lockhart – Reproduction” Tartan Feast of the Winter Star: “Clan Lockhart – Modern” Tartan
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After marriage, Elliott will wear various Tartan-patterned pyjamas around the farm and farmhouse from 6 AM to 7:30 AM and from 8:30 PM to 2:00 AM. He will change out of his pyjamas if he leaves the farm or if the farmer leaves the map and comes back after 7:30 AM.
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Scottish Tartan patterns are open to anyone regardless of their family, clan, or registry origin, but I wanted to pick patterns that would mean something personal and significant to Elliott as a character.
More details about this mod and the selected Tartans can be found on the Nexus download page. Happy playing!
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