#schrödingers cave
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dealerlover · 1 year ago
live footage of us (me) being caught
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glitchcipher · 1 year ago
Just finished reading up to date on @sciencewife s fic Scrodingers Cave and I love it so much I’m making memes instead of doing class work ✨
Spoilers for Scrodingers Cave:
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wiezumbeispiel · 4 months ago
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The midwest’s biggest science convention, and everyone will be there….what could go wrong?
More supplemental art for chapter 20 of schrödinger’s cave by @sciencewife. Doug’s having a great time (:
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moopbox · 7 months ago
Extremely mild Schrödinger's Cave spoilers
Tired science lady :3
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me: wow I should totally sleep
The voices : draw Caroline from the Portal 2 longfic Schrödinger's Cave by @sciencewife on AO3, and use the most blurred overlays known to man
Closeups/no overlay
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Frozen stiff, with your consequences at your back like a dagger.
So, @sciencewife Schrödinger's Cave updated today :)
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mewtwofan1 · 24 days ago
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Finally uploading this! Have had a few issues with my scanner, but this is the best I can do. Wanted to draw the elderly lady of all time and her feline friends. Anyways, if you haven't read @sciencewife 's fic Schrödinger's Cave , go give it a read!
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hb-but-portal · 1 year ago
Ch. 13 "Rebirth"
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This is fanart of Cave Johnson from the lovely @sciencewife's "Schrödinger's Cave" !
I couldn't stop thinking about the newest chapter and I just had to start drawing this scene.
-- closeup of Cave below the cut --
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(sorry if anything is blurry, click on it and it should be better)
Not gonna lie, this is probably the best drawing of light effects I have done so far, I am very happy with this! although I'm not sure about the rest of the drawing (it feels almost too cluttered)
btw cave's eyes are static. but it doesn't show up very well
(side notes: I tried doing some other effects but I couldn't get the plugin in krita to work. I also planned to have a glitched out cave with the jumpsuit and portal gun looking angry but I felt it wouldn't fit without it being confusing. Still have the drawing tho)
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ngeruma · 6 months ago
"After Hours" | Perpetual Testing | Portal 2 Community Maps & Mods
By AxoLabs
Another chance to play around with Schrödinger Cubes before they start making future puzzles way too complicated for me. Also, some clarification/correction on something I said last time we saw them.
Full Video
More Test Chambers
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sciencewife · 2 years ago
According to my portal server friends I am too many thots.
which is accurate. I could talk your ear off about Schrödinger’s Cave if you let me. Read if you haven’t, I put Cave Johnson in a horrible situation
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dealerlover · 11 months ago
ao3 portal fic and chelldos slander 😈 (fics under cut)
plz read they are oh so good 🪤🪤🪤
Schrödinger's Cave
Like a Good Neighbor, Stay Over There
Years of Science
The Long Game
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glitchcipher · 1 year ago
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The memes I wasn’t able to add on the last post xx
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sciencewife · 11 months ago
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Current longfic Carolines in a nutshell.
TLG Caroline from The Long Game by @silverstreams
SC Caroline from Schrödinger’s Cave by me
Oleander Caroline from Oleander by @xebecdav
YOS Caroline from Years of Science by @the-dangerous-mute-lunatic
(Art credit under the cut)
SC Caroline drawn by me, Oleander Caroline drawn by @xebecdav, YOS Caroline and TLG Caroline drawn by @the-dangerous-mute-lunatic
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wiezumbeispiel · 4 months ago
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Comic collab done between me and @sciencewife for chapter 20 of schrödinger’s cave! (she did the flats, i did the sketch + lines and dialogue bubbles)
I’m always ecstatic to draw cute, soft moments between them if you couldn’t tell….
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7 Years of Bad Luck
Chapter 7 of @sciencewife​ fanfic Schrödinger's Cave is out! Really fun fic! It gives such a good look into more of Cave Johnson and his character.
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mewtwofan1 · 1 year ago
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I combined days 13 (favorite fic) and 19 (our lady of science) of the portal drawtober in one image. I just can't pick a favourite fic, but I do love Caroline in all her forms. For a character who only had a handful of voice lines, the fanbase really has run with the lady of science. Credits for the Carolines/their respective fics under the cut
Caroline (Portal 2, Valve) Caroline (The Long Game, @silverstreams) Caroline (Schrödingers Cave, @sciencewife) Caroline (Years of Science, @the-dangerous-mute-lunatic)
Portal Drawtober hosted by @chelltastic
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diamond-rozie · 4 months ago
Tim stepped cleanly inside the room, and carefully shut the door behind him after checking if anyone was in the hallway. “What are you-” Danny started confused. Tim was acting very unusually right now. 
“I’m Red Robin.” He said.
Danny stared at him for a few seconds. Tim had expected him to be more shocked, Danny wasn’t like Damian and Bruce in the aspect of holding back his reactions. He watched Danny carefully and noticed that he wasn’t even surprised at all. 
His shoulder shifted a little, and a look passed in his eyes. He was relieved. That didn’t make any sense unless, “You knew.”
It made an irrevocable amount of sense. The stupid excuses he didn’t question, the easy slide bys on things that didn’t add up. Tim had wondered why Danny never brought it up with any of them. He was always quick to call bullshit on things but conveniently never on their mission cover ups. 
“Yeah.” He admitted quietly, findling with the small screwdriver in his hand.
“Why didn’t you say something before?” Tim asked. He felt a little ridiculous about it all now, “How long have you known?” Tim’s mind went back to the dining room argument from last night and he rolled through it in his head. “Wait, Jason knows you know, doesn’t he?” Tim blurted, “That why he- why didn’t I realize this sooner?” 
“I mean I know you guys can’t just tell whoever you want. It’s a secret identity for a reason. You guys didn’t want me to know. So I acted like I didn’t.” Danny shrugged. “I figured it out when Dick and Bruce were in Amity, and yeah, Jason knows. He also knows I’m Phantom. Cass knows too- not the Phantom thing. Or maybe she does, I don't know.”
“You knew the whole time?” Tim balked. All the effort they put in to hide the proof before he came, and he knew the whole time. Wait, did he say- “You’re Phantom?” Tim practically yelled. 
Danny blinked at him, “I thought you knew that.” He pointed the end of the screw driver at him, “Why were you guys so okay with him being in the cave then?” 
“We thought he was Thomas Jr.” Tim threw his hands up, rethinking his entire career choice. “I mean, yeah he was in Amity with you, but we figured it was like a guardian ghost thing since the time Dick met him that one time when you got lost or something he was the one- holy shit, you were following them the whole time weren’t you.” 
“You thought Thomas was Phantom?” Danny laughed, finding this ridiculous. 
“Isn’t that how supernatural stuff works or something. Like, you guys are linked because you were switched with each other and because you were with the family he was supposed to be with so he turned into a protective spirit to, like, watch over you or something.” 
Danny's look of appalment only deepened as Tim continued explaining. “Who told you that?” 
“I mean we just kinda figured it out ourselves based on past experiences.” 
“Past experience?” 
“With supernatural stuff the right conclusion is always the most unexpected and slightly irrational one.”
Danny snorted at that. “That is a really bad rule of thumb.” 
“Right, then explain how you’re the ghost Phantom when you’re also human and alive Danny.” Tim crossed his arms. He was trying really hard not to over analyze that right. Did that mean Danny was dead or that Phantom was alive? How could he be both? Well according to Schrödinger's theory- not now Tim. He should make a new file for this later and then he’d think about it. Alone. In his room where he could properly freak out over this. 
“Touche.” Danny clearly thought this was funny so no need to put a damper on the mood. Especially after everything that already happened. 
This information changed a lot of things. Tim would have to refer this back to the Fenton-Masters case. What about Damian? Did he know Danny was Phantom? Probably not, considering none of them had, apparently aside from Jason. It would be almost impossible for Tim to not tell him that since they were supposed to be working it together. Tim wasn’t sure how he would take the information. Not only that, but gave a new scope to the vultures that had attacked and the monster that had showed up from the pits. 
Later. File. Many lists. 
“Do you want to come to Mt. Justice?” Tim asked him. 
“Like the museum?”
“Yes and no. It’s also the Young Justice base. It’s top secret and no ones supposed to know about it.” 
“What! Then why are you telling me?” 
“Do you wanna go or not?” 
“Is that even allowed?”
“Definitely not.”
Danny raised a brow. “Then we can’t go?”
“It’s far but we can just take the jet. It’s like 30 minutes tops. We could take the zeta-tubes but then Bruce would find out you took the zeta-tubes and then we’d be fucked. Well, mostly me. But still.” 
“Wouldn’t he find out we took the jet then?”
“He wouldn’t know you were on the jet. It’s not weird for me to be going there since it is my team.”
“What if we get in trouble?”
“We’ll only get in trouble if we get found out.” Tim shrugged, “Do you want to go or not?”
Danny considered it for a moment before a grin tipped his face. “Yeah.”
“Sweet.” Tim reached for his phone only not realizing he didn’t have it. “I’ll let them know we’ll be coming around. They’re all already there. Tell Alfred you’ll be going out with some friends and then come meet me at Drake Manor.”
Danny seemed to embrace the situation now, forgoing his earlier hesitance. “I’ll wrap up some stuff. I should do breakfast too so Alfred doesn’t think anything is up. I’ll give you a heads up before I’m out the door. I’ll take my bike.” 
“Take the long way round since the Manor’s in the opposite direction of the city.” 
Danny nodded. “What about you?” he asked. 
“No one’s gonna ask if I go in costume.” Tim shrugged, “Speaking of costume…” Tim turned to where he knew the wardrobe to be, “Let me see your clothes.” He opened the double doors in the bathroom where the closest would be and blinked at the largely empty room. “Where are the rest of your clothes?” He asked. Danny looked confused by that, “Oh,” Tim realized, “You used a second closet. Smart. Is it in the lab?” 
 “No, Tim.” He said, pacing his words, “These are all my clothes.” 
“Oh. Why?”
“This is a normal amount of clothes to own.” 
“But it’s like barely covering a fourth of your closet. And that’s only because everything is so spread apart.” 
“That's because the closest is the size of a literal barn. Why on Earth would I need that many clothes?”
“I thought Bruce gave you an allowance?” 
“He did.” 
“Is it not enough?” 
Danny balked at him. “Did you ask to see my closet just to make fun of me?” He huffed. 
“I’m not making fun, I’m concerned.” Tim said genuinely. Did Danny not feel comfortable asking for things? It must be because they were keeping so many secrets and he thought they didn’t trust him. This clearly ran deeper than Tim originally thought. 
Danny shoved his hand in Tim’s face, pushing him back. “Can we get back to the point?”
--- later ---
“Give it back!” 
“No, I had it first!
“Nu-uh. I just put it down for like two seconds when you grabbed it.” 
“You were gone for the whole round.” 
“Where’s the controller you had before?” 
“It died.” 
“There's a bunch of other ones in the drawer.” 
“You can have one from there, then.” 
“No! I want the one I had back.” Tim insisted. 
“No.” Danny moved so he couldn’t reach it. 
“That controller is player 1, so give it back.” 
“Exactly why I’m not giving it back.” 
“Why would you be player 1?”
Danny looked so smug at that, “If you recall, I’m actually older than you which gives me sovereign right over player 1.” He said pushing Tim away. 
“That doesn’t even mean anything!” 
“Ah, to be young and naive.” 
“Fuck you.” Tim said, tackling him off the sofa. 
“What on God’s green Earth is going on here?” Cass asked, returning from their small intermission for snacks. 
Bart rushed up to join her. “Is Danny winning?” 
“No you're not! Give it back.” 
“Get off me.”
Kon was the last to come onto the site. “Guys.” He said seriously, “Superman’s coming. And there’s someone with him.”
Tim stopped trying to strangle Danny, sharing a look of panic with his team. 
“So?” Danny asked, confused.
“Danny, you're not supposed to be here.” Tim hissed at him. “Shit. How do we hide you from Superman?” 
“It was nice knowing you.” Kon said with a sarcastic smile. 
“How far is he?” Cassie asked. 
“He’ll be here in like two minutes.” 
“I’ll hide under the couch, he probably won’t look under there.” Danny offered. 
“He can hear your heartbeat.” 
Danny smiled widely. “I got it covered.” He said, pulling himself into the small space.
Bart giggled in excitement. 
Kon gave a silent sign that Superman was here, sending a confused look towards the couch Danny had slid under. Tim’s phone buzzed with a notification. 
Just then, “Konner?” Clark called from the Mission Room. 
The team shared a silent look. They’d just have to trust Danny had this covered. 
“We’re in here.” Bart called even though Clark would already know that.
Tim put up two fingers to silently ask Kon if there was someone else with him. He received an affirmative. This was a horrible day for prospective teammate introductions. 
“Hey guys.” Clark smiled, then confused “Why are you sitting on the floor Red Robin?” He asked.
“I was checking something.” Tim said, picking up the controller Danny had been forced to abandon. 
“Oh, okay.” He nodded, not questioning it further. “I’m glad all of you are already here.”
“Are we getting a mission?” Cassie asked. 
“Sort of.” Clark said, excited. Then in Kryptonian, “ Come .” He said to someone behind him they couldn’t see. Tim couldn’t hear any footsteps. And he found out it was because the person Clark was introducing them to could fly. And Tim also found out that Clark had spoken in kryptonian because this new person was a kryptonian. One that Tim had never met before. “This is Kara. She’s my cousin. The entire situation isn’t all clear yet but as it stands we understand that her pod, while launched at the same time as mine, was caught in an asteroid belt and was only left free recently, when it landed near the Fortress of Solitude.” Clark turned to Kara and introduced them to her in Kryptonian and then added, “ Tim and Kon-el speak Kryptonian which is why I thought you would be more comfortable here instead of the Watch Tower. Though, Kon’s could use some work. ” He teased. 
“Hey, my Kryptonian is fine.” 
“Why don’t you try saying that in Kryptonian?” 
“ My fine is Kryptonian .” Kon said confidently. 
Clark laughed and Kara looked at Kon like he grew a second head. 
“I don’t even speak Kryptonian and I could tell that didn’t sound right.” Cassie laughed. 
Tim took his turn to introduce himself to the nervous and quite blonde. “ I’m Red Robin. ” He pointed to the symbol on his chest. “ It’s nice to meet you. ” He put out a hand for her to shake but Kara just stared at it. Maybe they don’t have hand shakes on Krypton. Since Clark had grown up on Earth he didn’t really know much about the customs of his home planet for them to have learned it beforehand. 
“ Nice to meet you. I am Kara Zor-el, daughter of Captain Zor-El and the Lady Alura. ” Then she stuck out her hand like Tim had. When Tim took it to shake Kara seemed surprised by it. 
“ You’ll be in good hands here, Kara. I’ll be back to check on you later but if you need anything Kon or any of the others can get a hold of me for you, okay ?” Clark said softly trying to gauge if she’d actually be okay here without him. 
Kara started at Clark for a moment like she was processing what he’d said, “ Why will anyone need to hold you? ” 
“Oh.” Clark pondered it, “ It’s an Earth phrase. It just means that they’ll send me a message or contact me if you feel like you want me to come back. ” 
Kara took another pause to process and then, “ I see. ” And does a hand gesture that Tim didn’t understand. And neither did Clark. No one commented on it. 
After Clark left the atmosphere of the room went stale. Danny was still under the couch and they weren’t sure how willing Kara would be to not tell Clark about it. But they couldn’t leave Kara. And Tim’s phone was buzzing with notifications that he did not want to check because he recognized the haptics of the health app he had. The one that had everyone, including Danny’s, vitals. Danny, who Tim was pretty sure had just stopped his heart for the entire duration of Clark being here. Which had been a very long duration.
Kara looked between them, confused. “ Is there something meant to be done? ” 
“ How’s your english, Kara?” Tim asked.
“ Only a little . Kal-El said it will take time .” 
“ Langage harding learn. ” Kon nodded. Kara lipped his words back to herself trying to make sense of it. 
“What do we do about our stowaway?” Cass whispered to Tim. She didn’t speak Kryptnoian, but she understood enough to know what Tim had asked. 
“I could dash him out. Maybe we could spend the day together at the mall and then we’ll be best friends and then he won’t want to hang with Tim anymore because he’d rather hang out with me because I’m so much more fun.” Bart said all in one breath, his words afterwards speeding up too fast for Tim to make any sense of. 
“She’ll know something’s up. We need to test her loyalty.” Tim strategized while Kon attempted to keep Kara in conversation. 
“How? And why haven't any of the supes been able to hear him yet?” Cassie asked. 
Bart took a pause on his earlier ramblings to make Tim’s life more difficult. “Oh it’s because he’s not breathing. Isn’t that so cool.” 
Cassie shot Tim an alarmed look. “He’s a meta.” Tim said off handedly, “Can we focus?” 
“Are you aware that your brother might be suffocating to death? In fact, we may need to hide a corpse and I sure as hell would love to hear how you're going to explain that away at family dinner.” 
“Oh, don’t worry Danny’s fine.” Bart said flippantly. “Danny, if you can hear us, make the room one degree colder.” 
Tim couldn’t feel anything but Kon and Kara did. Kara eyed the room confused about the change but fortunately she didn’t comment on it. 
“So cool.” Bart whistled, lapping the room. 
“Convinced yet?” Tim asked Cassie.
“He’s an ice meta how- you know what, I don’t want to know. So how are we going to test our warden?” 
The lounge room was decorated to look like a regular living room, including hanging “family pictures” on the wall. Everyone on the wall was in costume, for security reasons, but they were actual nice pictures of the team and their mentors. Tim pulled out a batarang from his pocket, and played around with it for a while, talking aloud about random things. It only needed to sound like a real sentence since Kara couldn’t understand what he was saying anyway. Then the batarang “slipped” out of his hand landing right in one of the larger framed pictures. The impact was loud and the glass of the frame shattered and spilled on the floor. 
Cassie didn’t have to fake her flinch in surprise at that, turning to Tim alarmed. Tim adding to the performance acted shocked. Kara and Kon obviously hadn’t missed the commotion and their conversation stopped. Kara looked at the destruction of the frame, analyzing Tim and Cassie’s reaction.  
“Dude.” Bart turned to him wide-eyed, stopping in his tracks, “We’re so dead.” Kara didn’t speak english, sure, but the dread in Bart’s voice was obvious enough. 
“Why did you do that?” Cassie scolded, “That was Red Tornado's favorite.” 
Tim held his head in his hands dramatically, then he let realization dawn on his features. Slowly he turned to face Kara. “ I’ll get in really big trouble if Kal-El or anyone finds out. I can hide it, but you won’t tell will you? ” He made himself sound really worried. 
“ Won’t it be noticed? The image is large .” Kara asked. She was beginning to share their concern on her face, but that didn’t necessarily mean that she would keep her mouth shut about it.
“ Clean up can. ” Kon said in a reassuring tone. Kara looked at him sideways, clearly confused. 
“ They don’t really come in here often so we can pass it off. But you can’t tell. ” Tim told her. 
Kara looked like she was having a hard time understanding him as well. An easier time than with Kon for obvious reasons but still not an easy time. Tim couldn’t understand why since he had made sure their Kryptonian was in perfect condition. “ Pass it off? ” She echoed, confused. 
Kara must not have understood the phrase.“ Pretend like it didn’t happen .” Tim explained. 
She thought about it and nodded. “ An Earth phrase? ” 
“ Yes. ” 
Kara didn’t answer right away and Tim wasn’t sure if it was because she was still deciphering what he’d said or if she was thinking about telling. “ I will not tell Kal-El or his associates since no one was hurt and it was only a minor incident .” Cassie and Bart had already cleaned up most of the mess why Tim talked to Kara. Tim had made sure to hit the frame so only the glass would be shattered and the actual picture was mostly unharmed except for the small tear in the corner. That would be easy enough to cover up. 
Kara's body language was stiff and she was watching everything very carefully. It wasn’t strange since she had been left with a group of strangers in a new environment and she didn’t speak the local language. She seemed around Tim’s age or maybe a little older. Kara was meant to land on Earth with a mission to watch and protect Clark. This implied that she was of a status and position to receive missions. This meant she would work by a set of rules and report to a supervisor. The supervisor was likely Clark who was most likely to take responsibility for her for a variety of reasons. 
Cassie gave Tim a raised eyebrow to ask how it was going as she walked away to dispose of the glass shards. 
It would be a gamble. A deadly one. But if Tim made it look like Danny being here wasn’t that big of a breach of the rules he could convince her to keep it to herself. He shared a look with Kon. 
“ I’m really thankful, Kara. ” Tim says, smiling. He pulls out his phone and texts Cassie and Bart their half of the plan. “ We can show you around the rest of the base. Would you like to do that? ”
“ Okay .” 
“ Room fun lounge after work. Play TV on games .” Kon said. 
Kara stared at him.
“How about I do the talking?” Tim put a hand on Kon’s shoulder. 
“Why? I’m doing so good.” Kon said genuinely. Tim doesn’t respond to that. 
The tour lasted minutes and Tim made sure to bide their time well so Cassie, Bart and Danny could be fully settled in before they returned. It would take a while for Danny’s heart rate to return to normal, and it would be better that he was all there before they tried to pull this off. 
Tim checked his phone when they were nearing the end of the tour. Cassie had texted him they were good on their end. 
“ Let’s go back to meet the others. They don’t speak Kryptonian but we can translate for you so don’t worry. ” Tim said. Kara seemed nice, it was the circumstances that were a bit stressful. But that didn’t mean they should let her feel left out.
“ This is your team ?” Kara asked, following Tim back to the lounge room.
“ Yes we do missions together sometimes. When we’re not working we spend time at the base because we’re friends. ” 
“ It is nice to have friends. ” Kara nodded. 
“ Did you do missions with your friends on Krypton? ” Tim asked. Maybe he could gauge what her position had been to see how she would react. 
“ Only practice. We did not graduate from training yet. ” 
“ Going what’s there ?” Kon asked. Tim had no idea what he was saying. 
“ What dialect does he speak? ” Kara asked Tim. “ I cannot understand it. ” 
 “ We learned the same Kryptonian, Kon just doesn’t practice. ” Tim laughed. Kon understood enough that he elbowed him. “ Are there dialects in Kryptonian? ” 
“ Many. You and Kal-El speak very… proper. ” She said sheepishly. “ No one speaks that way where I am from. Only in important meetings with outsiders .” Then she paused sadly, “ Mother always said it was important to learn but I did not listen. ” Tim had figured Kara spoke so rigidly because she was nervous or shy. This explained why she was having such a hard time understanding them. 
They reached the lounge to Cassie and Danny locked deeply in a game of rock, paper, scissors. Danny had pulled his hood back up and was wearing his cowl from earlier. He had picked one of the older models that covered most of his face until the end of his nose and past his cheekbones. Danny shot scissors at Cassie, beating her paper. Bart cheered loudly, throwing his hands in the air and Cassie groaned in defeat. Danny cackled as he took the last cookie. 
“Hey, D. When’d you get here?” Tim asked for the sole purpose of silently telling the others to not call Danny by his real name.
With a mouth full of cookie, “A while ago. Who’s this?” He asked, gesturing his head to Kara. 
Tim made wide gestures and spoke clearly in english so Kara could pick up what he was saying. It would be important for her to learn. “This is Kara, she’s Superboy’s cousin.”
“I thought she was his aunt?” Cassie asked. 
Danny didn’t look nervous, fortunately, and smiled easily at Kara. Then to Tim’s surprise, “ Nice to meet you. ” he said in perfect kryptonian. 
“ He speaks as well. ” Kara commented. 
“You can speak Kryptonian, too?” Kon asked. 
“Duh.” Bart answered. 
“Dead languages are my speciality.” Danny said pointedly. Bart giggled at that. 
“ Should we build a hole by playing a game? ” Danny asked, moving on the couch to give everyone else more room. 
“ Build a hole? ” Tim laughed, “What?”
Kara looked at Danny surprised, “ You know of that? ” She asked excitedly, her eyes lighting up. 
“It’s a phrase, basically like “break the ice’.” Danny answered, then for Bart and Cassie, “Do you guys know any games we can play?” 
“ You speak very well .” Kara complimented excitedly, leaving Tim’s side to talk to Danny. “ Did you also learn? ” Meaning is he a native speaker. 
“ Kind of? ” He laughed, “ You can speak more comfortably if you’d like. ” He gestures for her to sit.
Kara seems hesitant at first, but then she says something. It sounded Kryptonian but the accent was different to what Tim was used to and he could only make out some of it. To Kara’s delight and Tim’s further surprise Danny not only understood exactly what she’d said but even responded in the same way. 
It takes a while for them to settle on a game to play given all the language barriers. Kara spoke in what Tim learned was Standard Kryptonian but would often switch to her local dialect when she didn’t know how to say things. Kon and Tim could only understand Standard, and in all honesty, between them Tim was the only one who could speak it. Bart and Cassie couldn’t speak at all. 
They decided to play charades. It was awkward and hard at first, but they all got really into it by the third round. They kept the categories simple since Kara wouldn’t know any movies. Fortunately, she seemed to feel a lot more comfortable and talked a lot more, even if it was mostly just to Danny. There were times she would make an effort to say things in english. It was really broken but they all made sure to appreciate it and tried her best to understand. 
“I’m hungry guys.” Cassie said after her turn to act out her word, plopping herself in her spot between Bart and Kon. 
“Me too.” Bart agreed mournfully. 
“You’re always hungry.” 
“Should we order Pizza?” Tim asked, pulling out his phone. 
“I want pineapples on mine!” Bart said.
“Ew. No.” Cass kicked him. “I’ll have my usual.” She told Tim.
“Like mushrooms and olives are any better.” Kon snickered. 
“It’s better than pineapples.” 
Kara looked between them curiously. 
“Danny, ask Kara what she wants.” Tim instructed. 
After hearing them talk for the last hour Tim had finally been able to pick on some of the words but the grammar of it still eluded him. 
“ Everyone, something, something, food. ” Danny said.
Kara looked intrigued, “ What, something, eating, something. ” 
“ Something, something, like, something. ” He paused thoughtfully, making a circle in the air presumably to explain what a pizza was. “Something… ” Then, he pulled Tim’s phone to face them and pointed to the picture of a pizza on the website. “ This .”
Kara looked hesitant, “ ...Some…thing? ” 
Danny nodded encouragingly, “Something. Something, good.” He said. 
Glancing back at the picture, Tim could see on her face that she’d made a decision but she didn’t say anything. “Okay.” She said in english with a nod. “Have.”
“Great!” Finishing it up, “Kon, Bart.” Tim signaled. 
“Ugh. Why do we have to get it every time?” Kon complained, throwing a pillow at Tim. 
“I’m not going because I was the one that paid for it.” 
“I’m not going ‘casue I don’t want to.” Cassie said, kicking her foot onto the coffee table. 
“But you were the one who said you wanted food.” Kon complained, already standing up. 
“I could go.” Danny offered.
“You're funny. Absolutely not.” Tim shut down. 
Kara looked at Danny curious, “ Saying, something, what? ” 
“ Something, food, something, go. ” 
In english, “...Kitch...en?” She pointed in the direction of it and spoke in Standard Kryptonian, “ Is it not there? ” 
“ No. ” Tim shook his head, “ The store cooks it and we just have to give them money and take it from them .” He was careful not to throw in phrases she didn’t know.
Kara looked confused by the concept but accepted it. 
“Wait until she finds out about Drive-Thrus.” Danny joked to Tim. 
“I’m going to go check on the left-overs.” Cassie said heading to the kitchen.
Tim checked everyone's location on his phone. Danny’s was offline for obvious reasons, fortunately no one had freaked out about it yet. But he couldn’t be too sure. “I’m going to check on our smoke screen in the mission room.” Tim told Danny, “You’ll be okay here with her?” 
“What if we get abducted by non-friendly aliens in the five minutes you’ll be gone?” Danny’s tone was serious but his face was mischief. 
“I hope you do.” Tim scoffed, walking out.
“It’s just one slice, Red.” Danny tried to reach over his shoulder 
“No.” Tim blocked his food with his body, “You have your own.” 
“I just want to try!” 
“No! Eat yours.” 
“You let Kara have some!”
“That’s because I like Kara and I don’t like you.” 
“But yours looks so much more better than mine.” Danny whined, still reaching. 
“Lesson for next time then.” 
“C’mon, you’re not even going to finish it.”
Everyone watched them like a sitcom while they got to enjoy their food without meddling siblings. “I will. Just so you can’t have any.” Tim shoved as much of the slice in his mouth as he physically could. He was actually already full. 
“You're the worst.” Danny said, shoving Tim. 
“And you're worse.” Tim countered, pushing him back. 
Tim hadn’t pushed Danny very hard. Danny probably took harder hits during hockey practice. Tim had pushed him just hard enough that it forced Danny to take a step back to balance himself. Which was when he’d stepped on a wrapper Bart had left on the floor. Danny lost his balance and fell. But not before hitting his head hard on the metal fridge door behind him. 
Cassie gasped in shock. Kon and Bart rushed over to check on him. Kara watched wide-eyed, not sure what to do. 
Tim quickly stepped forward, “Hey, are you-” Next thing he knows there's a whole tube of ranch being squirted on his costume. His freshly washed costume. 
Danny watches Tim’s face morph from concern to absolute disgust with a deep satisfaction and cackles like the villain he is.
“You are such an asshole.” 
“Takes one to know one.” Danny’s on his feet and Tim chased him with a packet of garlic sauce that came with the pizza. 
Apparently feeling left out, Bart decided to dump his glass of juice all over Kon’s head. 
“Dude.” Kon shouts, but he’s quick to retaliate.
“Missed me.” Bart teases using the speed force to dodge. 
Cassie and Kara, the only civilized people here, sit and eat their pizzas at the island watching them. 
“They’re so dumb.” Cassie says to Kara, exasperated. 
Kara smiles following the action with her eyes. “ How fun .” She replies and they share a laugh even without understanding each other. 
snipbit from this fic
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