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wiezumbeispiel · 4 months ago
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The midwest’s biggest science convention, and everyone will be there….what could go wrong?
More supplemental art for chapter 20 of schrödinger’s cave by @sciencewife. Doug’s having a great time (:
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sciencewife · 11 months ago
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Current longfic Carolines in a nutshell.
TLG Caroline from The Long Game by @silverstreams
SC Caroline from Schrödinger’s Cave by me
Oleander Caroline from Oleander by @xebecdav
YOS Caroline from Years of Science by @the-dangerous-mute-lunatic
(Art credit under the cut)
SC Caroline drawn by me, Oleander Caroline drawn by @xebecdav, YOS Caroline and TLG Caroline drawn by @the-dangerous-mute-lunatic
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noddytheornithopod · 2 months ago
so jod turned out to basically be ezra bridger if everything went horribly wrong for him, if jod shows up in future content ezra is now the main character i want to see him meet
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clockworkbee · 1 year ago
when he thinks about her too much:
it's disgusting (the cruel prince, holly black)
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it's like a fever (sword catcher, cassandra clare)
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purplebass · 1 year ago
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A TSC fan would recognize this everywhere, am I right? I wonder if it was done on purpose, an Easter egg of sorts. This is the typical parabatai interaction we get in every tsc series
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scificrows · 1 year ago
The Roombabot Diaries
"Even without full scan function, I still had my dark vision filters and my own mapping data, so with the fixed point of the corridor hatch, I could retrace my steps to the ramp. It just looked awkward and stupid because for the first part I had to navigate like a floor-cleaning bot." - Martha Wells, System Collapse (Video and audio description below the cut)
An animated video of Murderbot, in a full environmental suit (featuring a little 'Perihelion' logo on its chest and an opaque helmet).
Murderbot is wandering around a dark space, the sound of its footsteps on the stone floor are audible. It walks in a straight line to the right until it hits a pillar with an audible 'thunk' noise and stops. A grumpy smiley face appears next to it.
It recalibrates, making little chirping calibrating sounds, then turns and moves towards the viewer until it seems to hit the camera (again with a 'thunk' noise and a little frowny smiley face next to it) and recalibrates again.
It turns its back to the viewer and starts walking again, this time seemingly hitting the wall in the back. It recalibrates again, then turns to the right and starts walking again. After a few seconds it stops briefly, two exclamation marks appear next to it along with a beeping noise, then it quickly walks out of frame.
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mewtwofan1 · 25 days ago
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Finally uploading this! Have had a few issues with my scanner, but this is the best I can do. Wanted to draw the elderly lady of all time and her feline friends. Anyways, if you haven't read @sciencewife 's fic Schrödinger's Cave , go give it a read!
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wiezumbeispiel · 4 months ago
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Comic collab done between me and @sciencewife for chapter 20 of schrödinger’s cave! (she did the flats, i did the sketch + lines and dialogue bubbles)
I’m always ecstatic to draw cute, soft moments between them if you couldn’t tell….
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edwin-paynes-bowtie · 1 year ago
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goldenjellyfish12 · 1 year ago
Openly gay kings!!!
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clockworkbee · 1 year ago
Sword Catcher, chapter 18
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this was sooo good! Had me cackling XD
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purplebass · 1 year ago
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Sarthian is Italian, you guys! More specifically, it looks like Venetian (region where Venice is) dialect inflection. I like when authors insert bit of your culture into books and there are more things here and there inspired by Italian words (like some names of poisons and alcohol in this book)
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sister-claire-critical · 2 years ago
Honestly I normally wouldn't mind a story portraying a fucked up relationship like Abraham and Rosie's, I think it can be interesting and cathartic when done well, BUT with the duo's history of underage shipping and erotica I can't help doubt that ~story~ isn't the only reason they came up with that pairing
Yeah, I had the same thought...
—Mod Marie🌸
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consultingfujoshi · 1 month ago
some thoughts wrt the two established "romances" in severance so far (burt/irving and helly/mark) inspired by @figmentof who pointed out how irving had to find out mark and helly kissed from the corporate video in s2 e1 and how he must have felt seeing his co-workers' love affair like portrayed like that, and how it ties into the queer narrative at play here which uses workplace dynamics and policies as very clear analogues for real-life prejudice against queer couples. I mean, just look at this:
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it's not just documented, but celebrated. used as propaganda for how the conditions on the severance floor have improved. proof that the severed workers are happy. and how even though he is unaware of the sociopolitical meaning of all this, lumon is very not-subtly telling him that what he had with burt is inherently lower and less valuable than this.
irving doesn't even know homophobia exists and yet he is still affected by it, it still seeps into every corner of the way his and burt's romance progresses. burt is positioned as an unacceptable love interest from the jump. irv is actively discouraged at every turn from pursuing it. their friendship is viewed with disgust and apprehension from their coworkers. burt working in a different department that's hated by MDR. dylan himself not being homophobic in the sense he opposes their relationship because they're both men but his attempts to keep them apart still has a parallel sort of prejudice behind it and still ultimately has the same effect as if it WERE driven by homophobia. irving is made to feel perverse for wanting contact with burt. he's told this is for his own good.
and then, just as they manage to overcome that immediate resistance from their peers and escape to a place where they can explore this blossoming romance on their own terms, burt retires. for all it matters to irv, he's dead. and then irving is given the option to live the rest of his life with grief that will never heal, or kill himself too, because there is no reality where they get to be together. that's just the way things are. of course they wouldn't get to be together. he was unreasonable and childish for ever hoping that could happen. this is just the way it goes for innies. he's told to get ahold of himself and not make a scene.
but the thing is, the standards are not the same for all. a heterosexual romance gets upheld as the shining example of success and fulfilment for the severed employees, whilst a homosexual romance is ridiculed and invalidated, and written off as something that was simply never meant to be. and even more importantly to irving, a heterosexual romance is APPROVED OF by lumon, and by extension, by kier. irv held back from allowing himself to even call his and burt's relationship a romance, because his god had told him it was wrong, he followed the handbook, thinking this was what kier wanted, and then finding out after suffering the worst heartbreak imaginable because of it, that this WASN'T EVEN TRUE. it's simply just that someone like HIM doesn't get to have something like this. his love is not the kind of love god wants. he does not approve of irv's love. cynical and manipulative though that approval may be (even within the context of the corporate video, the helly/mark romance is only being celebrated to further the narrative that lumon care for their workers, but the point still remains that it was THEIR romance specifically used to suit this end), when your entire life has been in pursuit of that approval, it must be devastating to learn it was never on the cards for you.
he and burt even used the fact kier met and fell in love with his wife in the same circumstances as them to justify this to each other - and they were RIGHT, god does approve of falling in love with your coworkers - this simply just doesn't apply to them specifically. and if irving needed any more proof that he no longer has a place at lumon, that he's better off not existing at all than existing with this pain that cannot be remedied, pain that won't even be acknowledged for what it is, a symptom of a sickness which plagues the entire severance system, pain that he is simply expected to choke down and get over - this is that proof.
and that's the POINT. they're TELLING us that this is unjust, and there's a double standard. they're using the ways the innies experience romance and the difference in lumon's reaction (lumon being the collective of all the management we've seen, lumon as a singular entity) to burt/irving vs helly/mark to comment on how queer people are not afforded the same level of respect or validation IN REAL LIFE, for their attachments, their love, their pain, their suffering. it is NOT just incidental that irving's romance is with a man. it would not WORK if his love interest was a woman. the POINT is that they are both men and how that puts them at a disadvantage, even if they aren't aware of the prejudices of the outside world, even if they don't TECHNICALLY apply on the severance floor, there are very clear analogues which still end up oppressing them in equivalent ways that they would be suffering if this were a normal workplace in the outside world.
it genuinely sickens me to my stomach that even in a world so divorced from reality and the sensibilities of regular society, a queer couple is still made to suffer and feel inferior in a way that perfectly mirrors their real-life counterparts. how they will never, EVER be allowed to exist in a world where their love could thrive freely and uninhibited - they never get to taste the joy our world has to offer people like them, but they are still somehow subjected to all the pain it has to offer them regardless. it's such horrifically devastating writing. it makes my skin crawl. I can't stop thinking about it
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koipalm · 9 months ago
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i want a new zagreus design so bad
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killlerfang1 · 2 years ago
So apparently Across the Spider-Verse has MULTIPLE different versions of the movie out in theaters right now???
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This reddit thread by Hohoho-you goes into the details but so far all the differences between the versions include
During the opening of the film one version has a "cough" text before the Sony logo appears and added comic frames during Gwen's monologue
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Lyla either takes a bunny selfie of Miguel or offers a fist bump after he calls for backup
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When Gwen asks who Miguel is he either says "that’s classified” or “isn’t it obvious”
Miguel either says "that's funny" or "No" when Gwen calls him the blue panther
The build up from when Miguel was going to bite the Vulture is cut
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When Jefferson fell through one of Spot's spots he either groans and looks around, or has a quick frame reaction of his face
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When the Spot is going to put his finger in the mini collider he either says "-which would... not be good" or "oh what the heck."
In the chai tea scene Miles either says "no! no." Or "sorry! im sorry" after getting called out by Pavitr
When Hobie first comes on screen and Miles says "Hobie" a little text saying "Hobie" popping up above Miles’ head may or may not appear
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One version has Gwen's lines when she's looking for Miles in the rubble removed
At the spider society, when Jessica asks if "anybody else got jokes" the text boxes that show up can either be yellow or blue in color
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During the canon event scene Hobie has different coloring and lighting depending on the version
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When Ben Reilly grabs Miles during the chase scene he either says “I’ve got you trapped in my well defined musculature so don't even-“ or “This one’s called the sleeper hold, I’m using my bicep to constrict your-"
During the chase scene Miles rides Web-Slingers horse through the villain prison and receives cheers from said villains all while the other spiders get boo’d. This scene is cut in an alternate version
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In the same chase scene when the spiders cross the tightrope they either fall or get launched in the air, with the falling scene being a slightly extended version
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When Miles venom strikes Miguel the line where he says "sorry man I'm goin' home" is cut
When Peter B. Parker returns home MJ either says "Hi" or "How was work" upon his return
during the Prowler!Miles reveal one version has him with more lines and details on his face (thank you @cannibalgal for pointing this one out to me)
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I've only seen the film once so far but based on other people's comments online the changes seem to be mixed and matched depending on when and where you go to see the movie
(edit: added more changes)
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