#scary driver
bananaasfordewin · 4 days
can you legally drive ?
Yes. That does not mean, however, that i should be trusted behind the wheel of a vehicle 🤠
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lacebird · 3 months
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ADAM DRIVER as COMMANDER MILLS 65 (2023) | dir. Scott Beck & Bryan Woods
for @itsladyliv ♡
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bunnirabbits · 2 months
Nanami "she can wear whatever she wants because I can punch you through the wall" Kento
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tetheredbysin · 26 days
the heartbreaking parallels of "it's not my decision to make, I have no influence over it" in public and "please come with me, I want you to be with me next year" in private.
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lqvesoph · 11 months
Because a lot of people are wondering that if Lando said that he was okay why he still had to be taken to the hospital… "I’m okay" in motorsport doesn’t actually mean they are okay, it just means they are still alive and breathing. they could be breaking bones in that car and still say "i’m okay" on the radio
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tyresdeg · 4 months
logan talking about indycar
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otrtbs · 8 months
dating is so hard bc wdym neither of us knows how to drive like … if i’m a passenger seat princess and you’re a passenger seat princess then who’s driving the car ???????
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yesloulou · 2 years
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Charles @ Nahmias AW 2023 Runway Show
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tarantula-hawk-wasp · 2 months
start my first full-time job tomorrow 😱🫣🤢☠️
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rooolt · 1 year
The teens as drivers to me:
Lincoln - he’s simply so nervous all the time and moving at a snail’s pace. Did not follow Wilson tradition of being The Driver at all, and instead always rides shotgun and is the worlds worst backseat driver
Taylor - worlds most distracted driver. Eyes on the road about 30% of the time. When they are on the road he’s trying to do some “cool” bullshit in the middle of a crowded intersection. Has a brand new rich kid car that he’s three seconds away from crashing at all times
Normal - he paid a lot of an attention in driver’s ed and thus is so stiff and conscious of the rules. The problem is he kinda always forgets the rules so is always like “can I go? Can I turn here?” Passable driver and you will survive with your life, but no one’s first choice for a ride
Scary - actually like a fine driver, her only problem is that she’s constantly reclining weird and crossing her legs and sitting in strange positions. Saved up for a used car for a really long time and is very protective of it and loves it to death. Horrendous road rage
Hermie - learned to make portals like a year before he was supposed to learn how to drive so he just never did
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littleplantfreak · 3 months
every so often i remember i have a cursed cymbal monkey that watches me sleep on a shelf in my room and im like…which of the wb boys would NOT mind him watching us while we sleep
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scrollonso · 5 months
you mean to tell me THIS is the only person schumi was scared of on track?
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bogkeep · 4 months
it's been over a whole month since i had a stupid argument with my parents about driving, a skill that i legally possess but hate doing because i have a special brain illness that makes me fear death and injury, but i'm still chewing over an absurd claim that it's "equally dangerous to go on a 14 hour train ride like you just did". literally how is that more dangerous. in what way. in what world. public transport is nice and good and i like it and i don't have to enter my personal torment nexus
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Do you want a driver's license to finally have autonomy and be able to go where you want? Or is that the car-centric structure and pedestrian hostile architecture (of most places in the world) make going anywhere that isn't acvesable by car and within walking distance a waking nightmare? Or that the requirement of a driver's license creates a divide in the people and inhibits those without a license or without a car stranded with limited access to bare necessities? Or that the assumption that everyone must drive a car denys the possibility of productive public transport which if anything, would be much more efficient at transporting large quantities of people while maintaining low traffic?
Or are am I just lazy and making up excuses (:? Who the fuck knows?
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ladtheicecreameater · 2 months
old man consequences: zoinks, cassies father from security breach ruin! i am afraid you are stuck in a 'quest' for the 'princess', a princess quest indeed. cassies dad: what the fuck who are you the princess quest from princess quest:
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(cassidy model wip)
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