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pot-black · 5 months ago
So I'm a big coaster fan, but I wasn't always that way. In fact for much of my childhood I had such an intense fear of them, that it would not be an exaggeration to call it a phobia. I'm talking a level of fear and avoidance to the degree that Little Me would not walk past the entrance to the queue line for a coaster, even just to retrieve loose articles of clothing that my parents or younger sister couldn't take on. Hell, when i was 15 or 16 I tried to get over my fear, and that ended with a panic attack that delayed dispatch so I could get off. This all started from one (technically three) event(s) that happened when I was 5 or 6, and then was reinforced by two (extremely unfortunate) events when I was 8.
So first, my family took a trip to Hersheypark. That is our home park, and I recommend it for the diversity of rides. I was tall for my age, and this year I was finally able to ride some of the big coasters, with an adult of course. Dad decided this would be a perfect time to introduce me. The ride he chose was the SooperdooperLooper, which despite its name, only has one loop.
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It was the the parks first coaster with an inversion when it opened in 1977. It also was the East coast's first inverted coaster. Pretty tame, but it only has a lap bar, no shoulder restraints. By all means, a good coaster to introduce inversions to a young fan. Not the best one to introduce coasters to.
I did not like the look of it . I do not want to ride it. But Dad mistook my apprehensiveness as expected jitters. He thought all i needed to do was go for a round and then I'd be fine.
I came off the first ride in tears.
I did not like the G-forces. I had my eyes closed the whole time. The one time I opened them happened to be in the 15 seconds of the ride when the coaster was in a pitch black tunnel. But my sister and mom hadn't come back yet, and the line was short, and maybe if I went on it again I would understand there was nothing to fear, thought my dad. So we went on it two more times. After that I didn't ride anything for the rest of the day.
In 2006, Grandma died. We were all very sad, but she stipulated in her will that my siblings and I should be taken on a trip to Disneyworld, because she knew we had always wanted to go. Spoiling us to the end. We went for a week over new years at a resort in the park, The Grand Floridian. We also had a mulit-park pass. I actually began to open up here. Mom got me on the Seven dwarfs minetrain... and I LOVED it.
We also did the haunted mansion. I probably would have enjoyed it, if I had opened my eyes. I was the only one in my family looking at the ceiling in the portrait gallery preshow. the portraits on the walls stretch to reveal darkly humorous situations. then right before the doors open, the lights go out, and through the ceiling, actually a silkscreen, a hanging copse is seen laughing. That clocked me out, but the actual ride had not even begun. I was also a real scaredy cat as a kid.
So we went to Hollywood Studios, where I made two serious mistakes. First, to prove to my parents and younger sister (who had been telling me I had been overreacting with the Haunted mansion) that i was brave, I decided to ride the Tower of Terror. The preshow got to me again though, and the moment i saw the peppers ghost I closed my eyes. But what made matters worse was a serious misconception I had with the ride; it was not the same thing as Haunted Mansion. I did not know it was a drop tower, until we dropped. So that ended with tears in the gift shop.
But i decided to so something more relaxing as my second ride. my sister wanted to ride Rock n Roller Coaster, an inside coaster. Someone, (may have been my uncle) compared it to space mountain. My parents had separately tried to convince me to ride space mountain by telling me it was like the dwarfs minetrain, which i had enjoyed. So my logic was the rock n roller coaster was like the minetrain.
It was not. Rock n roller coaster is like space mountain in that both are inside coasters that take place in the dark. Rock n roller coaster is a launch coaster that goes from 0- 60 mph in under 3 seconds. The ride lasts for 80 seconds and has three inversions, and again, takes place in pitch dark. All to the tune of energetic Aerosmith music being pumped through your head rest. I had no idea until right before we boarded. I kept my eyes closed throughout. Man the waterworks poured after that. I did not do anything else at Hollywood studios. Think they may have brought me back to the hotel early.
Gradually over the years I got better in my fear. Knobels managed to eliminate my fear of wooden coasters. Apollo at Bush Gardens got me over noninverting steel coasters. Then I was 20, on a college trip back to Hersheypark. I had been psyching myself up by watching POV camera shots of coasters on Youtube. I asked my best friend to hold me to my commitment. I wanted to conquer inversions.
We went back to where it all began. SooperdooperLooper. there was a lot of hand wringing. he had to walk me down the aisle at times. I was kicking the ground like a horse, and went weak in the knees, trembling. But then we were in the car. then it was dispatched. up the lift hill, then over and down. Into the loop. I had my eyes open. I loved it. Haven't had any phobia since.
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clumsyzw0mbiez · 14 hours ago
u got it lil bro LMAO u and ur friends r so "mature" but wont stop posting/talking about me, meanwhile we're all laughing at u bc youre weird asf, constantly lying, hiding behind a fake account, and again.. still talking about me :p
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thomasinathecat · 2 years ago
Shadow Monster on the wall! -Thomasina
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maxcollectoruniverse · 2 years ago
Fans Catch CAT Plummeting from Stadium. OMG!!!!!!!!
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convxction · 2 years ago
ooc. Your muses who can sing they better start singing. We reward with a blue man who is attentively listening, and enjoying. Yes this is your reward. What else would you want huh? Akissmaybe???whoknowswhatareyourrelationshiphahahahahaha
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mirroredranger · 1 year ago
Send Flashback to visit Valerie's lost memories
"This. Is. Fuck-ing. Creep-py!" The woman with long, blonde hair enunciated each syllable to her red-haired partner. Valerie looked around.
The factory they were about to enter was closed off by a chain-link fence, which Aria had locked. There was an echoing 'kaw'ing noise, made by the old, worn down anti-murkrow device on the factory's roof. While the fall wind stirred the leaves that fell out of a nearby tree, she couldn't see anything that would be described as 'creepy', let alone the phrasing the other woman used.
The blonde screamed! "What was that! It touched my neck! What was that!" Valerie turned to look at her fellow ranger, who was trembling like the leaves left on the tree. There wasn't anything overt, could it have been a ghost or-
Ah. "Aria, turn around," Valerie calmly advised.
The blonde froze. Slowly she turned around. She was so close to the gate, Valerie was sure she was convinced it was a ghost. Aria turned her neck, then her body. There it was, caught in the fence, waving in the wind, a single murkrow feather.
"Ah," Aria hugged herself as she took a purposeful step away from the offending plumage. "R-right."
"Good thing you didn't set off the voltorb," Valerie's words made Aria freeze again. Valerie had to grab her arm to pull her to the factory. "Come on, the ghosts are inside."
"W-wait! Don't you want to grab a voltorb just in case? Or a mur-urkrow?"
Now that her partner was right next to her and not screaming about the atmosphere, Valerie opened the door. "We're just checking it out, I doubt that we'll need many pokemon."
The hallways were dim and gloomy, even though the light of the midday sun was now peeking inside. Valerie coughed, the accumulated dust tickling her throat.
"Okay," Aria turned on a flashlight, swinging the light ahead to survey the area. "Everything looks good here." She looked at her partner, then sighed. Silently, she walked ahead.
Valerie also turned on her flashlight, shining it where Aria's wasn't. Like this, she couldn't check the current mission on her styler. Not that she needed to. Check out the old Dusk Factory: reports have been made that parts of the factory are active at random intervals. Check to see if there is a pokemon causing it. This would have been Aria's first solo mission.
Except ghost pokemon terrify her.
Another set of doors separated the duo from the main floor, where the noise was reportedly coming from. Aria opened them.
Inside it was dark. No windows to let in the outside light, just the flashlights of the two women illuminating the area in front of them.
"Survey first," Aria picked up the lead, although she was shaking. She was scanning up above for any signs of zubat, woobat, or noibats taking shelter on the ceiling. Valerie followed by aiming her light low. No signs of pokemon living in the factory, just streaks of tiremarks from old forklifts and faded blood puddles from what Valerie hoped were just workplace accidents. Nothing to suggest that anything corporeal was here.
Aria slowly walked forward, aiming her light lower. "No bats that I can see." Her light hit a pathway marked out in reflective tape.
"They might be in the storage racks. There's more area there for them to roost."
Valerie's words made Aria shudder. "Y-you know from your dad's work, right?"
"Well, what he told me. I was really little when he worked at the pokeball factory. He said that they had to cycle the storage a lot to prevent noibat fro-" Valerie was cut off. The lights overhead turned on. "What the-" She didn't finish.
"GHOST!" Aria screamed. She jumped up, nearly landing on the other ranger. "I knew it! It has to be a ghost! I hate this place! There's blood everywhere from-" The lights flickered. Aria screamed as they went off again.
"Aria! Get off of me!" Prying her way out of the other ranger's arms, Valerie swung her flashlight about. It was her turn to scream. Valerie jumped back, away from the gastly that was inches away from her face. "Where did you come from?!"
"I knew it! It was ghosts!" Aria screamed more, flailing. She hit Valerie in the back of the head. Valerie nearly fell over from the blow.
"Ow, Aria, quit it! It's a gastly!" Handling one ghost pokemon was hard enough, but her scardyskitty partner was making it a true challenge.
Valerie pointed the light back up. There was the pokemon, albeit it was now sticking its long tongue out and shaking it. "Gyaaaaas!" It faded away as quickly as it was revealed.
"Where did it go, where did it go?" Aria swung her flashlight around wildly. The blonde couldn't get a sight of it. "Where did it-" she froze mid-sentence. There was an ice cold hand gripping her shoulder, right next to her neck.
"Aria," Valerie spoke with a deadly serious tone. "Calm down."
"Th-there's-s a de-ead h-hand on m-m-my sh-shoulder," Aria whimpered.
"That's my hand on your shoulder," Valerie said. "Calm down or you'll agitate the Pokemon even further. Remember, one deep breath. Hold it. Now let it out."
Aria did as instructed, until Valerie's hand left her shoulder. "Thanks. You're a little too good with spooky places."
Shrugging, Valerie kept going. "I think you're a little too good with water, so we're even."
"Val, we work in a port town. You have to be good with-" Aria was cut off by a shush from Valerie. "What?"
"Listen," Valerie whispered. It took a second, but the sound was increasing in volume. It started as a hum, growing to include pneumatic wooshes and the slams of a hydraulic press.
"It's-" Aria whispered.
Valerie nodded. "What we came here for."
The flashlights of both women turned to the location of the sound as they made their way over. Aria glanced up, expecting to see a bat Pokemon trying to get away from the noise. It was getting louder as they got closer, the smacking of metal and the hissing of process with no material a deterrent against any sensitive Pokemon.
"This has got to be it!" Aria yelled as she covered her ears with her hands.
"Do you see a power switch somewhere?" Valerie yelled as she plugged her ears with her fingers.
"A power what?!"
"Yeah, let me get it!" Aria stepped carefully over the cables running over the ground, knocking a large button with her elbow. Nothing stopped. "Wait, how is this still running?!"
"Are you sure that's the power switch?" Valerie yelled.
"It says 'Emergency Stop', that's close enough for me!" Aria looked around more. "Val, over there!" The ranger removed her hand to point.
Where she pointed was a bright blue glow, brighter than a will-o'-wisp. "I'll get it! Keep pushing the button!"
"-Hey!" Valerie didn't hear the rest of Aria's complaints over the machine, she bolted to the glow.
As the redhead got closer, the form of the ghost was easier to see. It had two, bright, spindly legs that looked like electricity that wrapped around the press and the conveyor belt. Centered in the glowing orb was a pair of smaller, orange orbs. This has to be the ghost.
Valerie undocked her styler. "Ghost identified. Capture on!" She whipped the device, setting loose the disc it held. Valerie thought that this was an easy capture. The ghost was looking down the line where Aria was abusing the emergency shut off switch with her elbow. Suddenly, the ghost Pokemon let out a SHRIEK!
Valerie jumped, sending her styler clattering to the floor. The line to it broke, causing the disc to retract and send the device farther away from her grasp. Valerie's heart was pounding in her ears as she made a realization. This ghost was now focused solely on her.
The Pokemon swung one of its arms, sending a clamorous Thunder that drowned out the machine right at the ranger. Valerie rolled out of the way, grabbing her styler. Another Thunder was thrown at her, which she rolled away from again. This Pokemon was fast! If she didn't capture it soon, Valerie knew she was toast. Already, she can feel her hair rise up from her skin as the Pokemon readied its next attack.
Valerie shot out the disc, moving her styler quickly. One, two, three loops- she was getting close to capture, she was sure!
Then it vanished.
"Val!" Aria had finally caught up to the other ranger. "Are you okay?"
"Y-yeah." Valerie's heart was pounding in her ears. "The ghost vanished."
"The ghost-" Aria sounded like she choked on the words. "It vanished?!"
"Yeah. I got a couple of loops when it did," Valerie said, staring out to where her capture disc was still spinning. "I don't- hey!"
The redhead squirmed as her taller companion lifted her off of her feet. "Nope, we are not doing this! We are aborting, pausing, whatevering this mission until we come back with something like a tyranitar," Aria stated firmly as she avoided dropping Valerie on a cable. "You were almost cooked well done."
"I almost had a job well done!"
"It doesn't matter when you almost died!"
Valerie made a growl noise as she retracted the disc to her styler. The disc moved more wobbly than usual, but snapped back into place just fine. Then from the disc, a blue spark erupted. Aria screamed, tripping over one of the larger cables. She screamed more when Valerie fell on top of her.
The ghost Pokemon just hovered over them, it was hard to tell by the staticky noise if it was laughing. Valerie scrambled to get her styler ready for another round when the ghost started to move. It was zipping around as fast as the styler could move!
Aria was frozen in place, trapped by her fear and watching as the ranger on top of her fruitlessly attempted to capture the Pokemon. But she noticed something. She reached up to grab Valerie's right hand.
"Aria!" Val tried to rip her hand free.
"No, Val, stop. Get off me." Aria groaned as Valerie rolled off. She sat up, watching the ghost still moving around them. "Do you see that?"
"It's too fast," Valerie said.
"But it's moving in circles. I think... It might like your styler."
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wilsonthemoose · 2 years ago
7. Has a film ever given you nightmares?
Hhhrmmm. I saw a bit of Child's Play when I was around 5ish and I remember being terrified, so if anything ever did give me nightmares, it'd be that.
I also have a vague recollection of a crocodile related nightmare, possibly. Because of Peter Pan :p
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sweet-and-sour-bites · 5 months ago
Different anon here....saw this and loved it and one line gave me an idea for a request....can you do burning spice x ticklish scardycat reader? Like reader was very scared of him at first and burning spice took em in as a 'you are so adorably pathetic, unable to even defend yourself because of your fear and you bend at tickling? Someone that weak needs to he protected...that's it, you're mine now' and then just throws them over their shoulder lmao...
Of course hun! Love this idea.
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☁️Burning Spice Cookie x Scaredy cat Gn!Reader
The sandy wasteland stretches on and on before your eyes. The air is dry and makes your throat cry out for a fresh cup of sweet juice. Though you hate to cross such a deserted wasteland, you must. Sent by Dark Cacao himself to warn Golden Cheese Cookie of the arrival of the Beasts.
Your feet ache as you cross from the snowy ice land to the sandy plains to reach her. You dare not stop in fear of what could happen, though. Just as you begin to lose yourself to your thoughts, a loud noise startles you. Up ahead, you see a large cloud of dust and sand. Though scared and trembling from the thought of trouble that is just over yonder, you brace yourself and run towards it.
Reaching the area in a few minutes, you walk through a chasm of fallen rocks. Looking around, you notice the gashes and burn marks littering the ground and cliffs. Suddenly, something is flung just before you into the wall to your right. Stepping back, you brandish your sword at the new hole in the wall.
*Cough* *Cough* "Goodness me, what and utter brute." Your eyes widen as you see Golden Cheese Cookie herself stumble out of the hole.
"Your majesty!" You rush over to her and help her to her feet as best as you can. Though you only reach about waist height for her, you know it's better to have some support than none. She's looks down at you confused and worried.
"Young one, what are you doing here?! You shouldn't be here! You need to leave at once!" You shake your head.
"I am a messenger sent by Dark Cacao. He needed me to warn you of a Beast coming to claim your soul jam for himself." You saw her grimace.
"Unfortunately, it is too late. He is already here."
"So, you think I'm the thief, little cookie?" Your eyes widen at the sound of a deep and rough voice from above. Looking up, you see a large cookie that just screams danger. With a golden smirk, he leaps from his perch and drops down just aways away from you and Golden Cheese Cookie. The dust around him settles, and you find yourself staring at each other. Him, filled with curiosity and excitement. You, terrified and worried.
"You carry a sword, will you fight against me too?" He points the tip of his weapon at you, but Golden Cheese Cookie pushes you behind her.
"Don't you dare! She's but a messenger, not a soldier." She glares at the large cookie with a fierce look that could send you running home. For a moment, the Beast looks over at her the back at you before smirking and raising his weapon.
"She should've thought about that before coming here." Without a second to waste, he charges at the two of you. Golden Cheese Cookie pushes you away from the fight and parrys his attack.
"Run! Get out of here now! Warn Dark Cacao!" With that, you high tail it away from the fight in hopes of making back to your king. That Beast was right; you're no soldier. The sword you have is simply to deter others from attacking. You don't know how to fight.
The sounds of the battle draw further from you as you run. You'd say over twenty minutes have passed since you left, and you now find yourself in the ruins of an old palace. What can you say, you can't fight but you can sure run. Slowing down you take a breath and pull out a sheet of paper.
"Your Majesty, I find myself sending you this letter on behalf of Golden Cheese Cookie. She is currently fighting the Beast Cookie that is out for her soul jam. I am running from the fight in her orders. Please send immediate assistance to the Golden Cheese desert asap. With regards, (Y/n) Cookie."
With the letter written, you bring out a small blackberry bird and tie it to its foot. "Hurry, give this letter the his majesty Dark Cacao. Waste no time. Go!" At your words, the little bird flys off in a hurry. You sigh in exhaustion and slid against one of the old crumbled pillars.
"Oh little cookie~ Come out, come out wherever you are~"
You shoot up quickly and run over to a more hidden pile of rubble. How? How did here reach you so soon?! Shouldn't he be fighting Golden Cheese Cookie?! Unless......oh no. She must be badly hurt for him to be here without worrying about her. Oh, you hope the king will be here soon.
"Oh come now, no need to be scared. I won't hurt you. Much. Hahaha!" You close your eyes and cover your mouth to prevent any sound. Sliding down to the ground, you begin to shake in fear. Dammit! You know everyone else was busy in the kingdom, but why did they have to send you?! You can't fight!
You're too scared too.
All becomes silent, and with what little courage you have, you open your eyes. Oh fuck. You feel a shiver go down you spine as you see a large shadow block what light was on you. Slowly looking up you see the large beast stand above you, looking down at you with a sharp, golden grin. "Found you~"
"Ahhh!" Fear course through you as you dodge his attack. Without much haste, you run deeper into the ruins. You hear the loud steps of that brute not too far behind you. Risking it, you look behind you and see him gaining on you. That is until your world fumbles and you fall.
You feel a pain course through your leg as you hit the ground. You take a peak at it as you see a gaping would with jam running out. You let your head fall and curl in on yourself. "Why? Why me? Why was I sent here? I can't fight, I can't." You wallow in your self-pity as Buring Spice stalks towards you. Standing over you, he lets his eyes wonder over your form.
Normally, seeing a cookie wallow would bore or anger him. However, he must admit, you are quite the looker. Soft dough and a soft heart. You cower from him, which is odly...satisfying. He takes the end of his weapon and puts it under your chin, moving your head to look at him. You look up at the beast with tears in your eyes and fear in your heart. He smirks down at you and bends over.
"Mhm, how about a deal, scaredy cat?" You give a little nod, not trusting your voice. "You'll come with me as a sort of...pet or spoil of war, and I won't turn that so called queen to crumbs." Your eyes widen at his words. Either way, you're at his mercy, but hopefully, you can bide time for Golden Cheese Cookie and his majesty. At least then you can help in some way.
"I'll go with you." Your voice comes out just a little above a whisper. Cracking from the running, crying, and heat. He smirks and pulls you up, tossing you over his shoulder.
"Haha, wise choice, scaredy cat! Ha, I think I shall call you just that. After all, with how much you tremble and cower, it is but a fitting name." You don't say anything as you try to make resting on his shoulder like a sack of potatoes a little more comfortable. He begins to walk out of the ruins, and you feel yourself sawy to motion, causing you to feel a little sick. Stupid motion sickness. You really are a miserable fool. You can't fight, you're always scared, and now, motion sickness to top it all off.
Burning Spice notices this and stops walking. He pulls you from his shoulder and holds you with one arm. You look up at his with confusion. "This seems to be better. Don't want you throwing up your guts now, do we?" You nod, a little embarrassed, and the two of you continue on.
Good grief, what have you gotten yourself into. From a simple cowardly messenger to a Beast Cookies' pet. Damn, you feel as if your body is shot with how anxious you are. You can only hope Dark Cacao will save you in time. You do wonder though, what will become of you, as Buring Spice Cookies' little pet.
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biting-rose · 9 days ago
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Starflight ✦
a little scruffy like a scardycat, but considered pretty and fit looking for a nightwing of his era. Starflight was hatched on the brightest night hidden from moonlight, so in my design, while they are visible- his stars, tears and the moons on his wings do not glow like on other nightwings, but are darker!
as a librarian he wears a moonstone chain with beads for each of his friends and always has a wooden tablet as his scroll on hand. i imagine he would wear some kind of wrapping to protect his eyes to light sensitivity post injury, but he doesnt need it all the time.
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im not sure how long it's gonna take me to make them digital and post them but i have all my tribe headcannons already planned out in my sketchbook. but for now im gonna try to do more protags!
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transmasc-wizard · 1 year ago
this is in the context of a like 12hr timespan in which I watched the emoji movie trolls world tour trolls band together strange magic jennifers body and ready or not 2019 btw. and then httyd2 today. I enjoyed those in basically reverse order to which they are listed (so emoji worst, trolls better, strange magic better) except for that jennifers body was best
finally watched jennifers body
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kcokaine · 5 months ago
OK hear me out, Squid mahito! still can change colors and shapes, technically different from kenjaku, and a massive scardycat that spills ink everywhere (also he can have freaky w shaped squid pupils)
You are cooking, sir
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haolovre · 10 months ago
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Secrets hidden in you
“they all say that park seonghwa, the most popular and dangerous person in the school doesnt have a heart, does he?”
this is fiction so no one actually is that mean to each other
this series can contain:bullying, beating up, blood, fluff, drugs, smoking, swearing
1k+ i think idk cant do math
first day
well new experience for everyone, ur new highschool. u were nervous but have u every been this nervous in ur life. no, never in ur whole life
life.well the day has finally come. ur standing infront of ur school, with ur uniform on. u walk up the stairs to enter the school. ur trying to find ur first class.
| class one 9:00 - 10:00 am | subject: math | class 0-7
| class two 10:00 - 11:00 am | subject: chemistry | class 2-4
~break 11:00 - 11:30 ~
| class three 11:30 am - 12:30 pm | subject: history | class 1-5
| class four 12:30 - 1:30 pm | subject: biology | class lab/0-10
~break 1:30 - 2:00 pm lunch!
| class five 2:00- 3:00 pm | subject: arts | class 2-2
~ study session until 6pm
large list huh. well u better get going yn ur going to be late to ur first class.
ur finding class 0-7 pretty easy. ur already on the correct floor now just the class. 0-3,0-4,0-5,0-6,0-7
got it! u open the door. u might had just turned deaf. there was so much noise u cant hear anything. then
“stundents get in ur seat class about to begin.” everyone going to their seat. ur just frozen in place. “oh we have a new student here well then please introduce urself” as u look into the classroom with a bunch of eyes looking at u “uh well hi, im yn” not so bad huh” oke yn u can sit over there were haeyoung is sitting. heayoung please raise ur hand” oh their its pretty far back next to the window, pretty good spot huh. u walk over there. but then u felt a leg next to urs, as the person wanted u to trip. u walked over the leg and went to ur seat.
“heyy, im haeyoung, well the teacher said that already wanna be friends, u can join my friend group, dont worry we love new people!” “mhm sure i love too!” well there is ur first friend. “Heyhey yn right im sooha, also one of haeyoungs friends, nice to meet u girly” “heyyy” well there is the second friend. but u felt u were watched. u noticed someone staring at u.
“girly u need to know some basic shit in this school, oke first DONT go to the friend group there” haeyoung pointed at a group over there with 8 boys and 5 girls” the boys called them self ateez dont try to mess with them, most popular and dangerous boys in the group. and then we have the pick me’s- oh i mean newjeans, the girls only want the boys of ateez. literally pick me’s and if you get close with one of the boys that they like well u have some new enemies.” mhmm new info
” oke so in ateez we have: kim hongjoong, the leader. he’s pretty smart but not the smartest. he bets with the boys on which gets that girl first, so if ur ever the target just reject them:), oke next
park seonghwa: the prettiest, most popular because of his looks but still watch out he is quite strong.
next jeon yunho: smartest well one of them, this guy is one of the more friendlier guys in the group.
next kang yeosang: dont mistake him with his face. one and two and ur on the floor.
next choi san: chestnut, well he looks like one, he looks scary but he’s really not if you get to know him better he’ll be a cutiepie, i don’t actually know but people say that.
next in line song mingi: also one of the handsome guys, dont get me wrong butbthe do look good. he’s really of a scardycat but still he’s tough.
up next jung wooyoung: looks like a cutie, he isnt be afraid, well funfact i dated him, pretty long 2 years and we ended with good terms i do have have someone. up me tail. haerin but i get to that later.
last one choi jongho:strongest, this man can break a apple either his hands so dont become that apple. he’s also the youngest of three group.
now pi- newjeans” haeyoung signs for abit after giving u alot of info
”minji, the oldest one she’s pretty obsessed with seonghwa so watch out.
hanni: leader,maybe one of the nicer onces but she does have an obsession with hongjoong.
danielle: most obsessed with mingi. also most delusional.
Haerin: pretty shy but like wonyoung , there isnt alot of info about her, but she is the nicest i heard.
hyein youngest and is obsessed with the youngest/ jungho.”
“thats pretty much it what u need to know”
“mhm okee” you might have a headache after all of that but its oke because now u know what to expect
thats the bell “oke students we didnt did anything today as we got a new student so no homework”
u get up from ur seat only to sit right back down again. theres something hanging from his collor
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choi… san
“can i help u?” abit of a silent then he left weird….
“Uhm what the fuck happend” you heard sooha say “i dont know but lets gaur”
well u tried but the u got stopped by ateez and newjeans “a new student huh” “dont worry just dont mess with us and u wont hear from us ,got it?” “mhm” u tried to leave but u get stopped by a mascular arm. “stop right there” u get shocked how close this guy is to ur face, his perfume smells like lavender” ur the girl i tried to trip smart one huh” u saw his id
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park. seonghwa
“well ig u can go now new student, see u around” he said
u walked out of the classroom to see haeyoung and sooha looking at u if u have any bruises “im fine im fine!” haeyoung and sooha looked at each other confused “they didnt hit u or anything” “they do that to all the new kids here” oh. well ig ur lucky.”oke then let’s gaurr” u three go to ur new class. and that was chemistry. chemistry was just boring and writing notes. now it was break!
u went to the canteen to meet all sooha’s and haeyoung friends. to ur surprise their werent alot. u thought bc their both pretty talkative they have more friends then this
“ohh was this the new girl u were talking about sooha, she pretty. oh how terrible of myself , i forgot to introduce hey im jang wonyoung and im in class 8-3”
“i agree with u woo she’s pretty, well hi im yeonjun class 8-2” “oh my yes she is, heyy im rei class 8-3!” they explain their friend group whats called txt and the girl group ive. and together there txi (tomorrow by ive) u guys talk the whole lunch to get to know each other.
well u know that txt is in basketball team. and ive in the cheer club “ well the cheer club do need new people” jiwon said. “maybe yn can join, she has the looks and she looks sporty.”
“oh hehe~ thank u i do figure skate so maybe why not try cheer?” “yesss! i have the form here just write everything down and i think u’ll join! ill make sure of it hehe” well day one and u already joined a club! “do watch out for the pick- no newjeans their also in the cheer club. they wanted to go in bc ateez does basketball to” sooha said. well then hope that goes well “i’ll give the paper to my coach and i’ll have an answer tomorrow!” “okeyy”
next class is history, u walk with with sooha and haeyoung to ur class, but when u guys stepped foot out of the canteen .
a fight. u see mingi smoking a cigarette thats almost all used up. danielle is fighting some girl from another class. “i think she forgot that she cant have mingi” haeyoung said. u see mingi to that girl on the ground and put the cigarette butt on her skin. u heard her scream in pain “that what u get to try and ask mingi out” danielle shouted. the rest of ateez laughed. u three go around the group and to ur class. u get puched to a locker “well, well new one tch ur not going to tell a teacher right.” u see his id
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u stand up again now facing the tall figure. “couldnt u just asked and not throw me to some random locker.” “really have some temper to say that huh” “didnt u heard about us yet, you might joined mid in first term but u dont have anything special” he comes down to go to wisper something in ur ear. “dont worry ill love to see u cheer for me” u push him aside so u can go to ur class, haeyoung and sooha were watching from the hallway next . “There pain in the ass” u said “we can hear u sweatie!” hyein shouted. u turned around and did a *oke* with ur hand. u smirked seeing there faces,and whent up the staircase. u arrived on time in class, well now on the ground, ateez tried to get on time and poor u get squished by hongjoong
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you hissed as the sudden heavy weight on ur back and the touch of the cold floor
“u really had to do that” u said while facing hongjoong “well i didnt want to be late so yeah. u signed and went to sit next too sooha.
history was about the revolutions. also a test next week… “students second semester is coming up so do be prepared for the test week!” and like that class ended.
You and sooha went to the next class ass haeyoung had a other class, biology ur favorite subject and ur best subject.
“oke everyone! u guys get partnered into groups of three, i already made the group and ill show u all on screen.” he shows a list of names. u searched for urs well well i guess bad luck ur group is seonghwa and beomgyu, well i guess good luck too, ur with a friend. “oke everyone sit with ur group at a table.” u and beomgyu sit together and seonghwa sit at the other side. Minji is complaining that she wants to go with seonghwa , but the teacher doesnt alows it.
“u all will make a poster about sea creatures, that why i named the group with the sea creature ur doing!” Great ur doing it about jellyfish. “Oke so me and seonghwa do have basketball practice today yn is it oke-“ “yeah sure its fine” “u didnt even let me finish” beomgyu said, “dont worry u guys go to ur training” “u can come if u want so ur not alone “ seonghwa said, u were kinda shocked that he said that” oh really dont u think i’ll be a bother..” “no dont worry just newjeans is there too, they always watch us. But u dont have to talk to them” seonghwa quickly added, seonghwa was maybe pretty decent u thought. Well biology ended, u guys had a oke start.
Now its time for lunch! sooha was asking so much, and she was kinda suprised when seonghwa asked YOU to come to the basketball practice. The girls were excited for u to go. What was weird because u thought they hated each other. u go to ur group at the canteen table. U guys talked for a bit and then boom a fight, another one
“WHY WOULD U LET HER COME TO UR BASKETBALL TRAINING,U BARELY EVEN ASK ME” minji shouted at seonghwa’s face “well we do have a project together and beomgyu is also at practice so she could watch her teammates play while she does some work.” He said to the smaller figure. “but oppa~~ im the one who’s special right” minji whines in the hope that seonghwa would not invite u anymore. “no.” he said coldly to her face, minji’s jaw hitted the floor and begged seonghwa for forgiveness for shouting at him”man got another dog ahaha” san said to wooyoung.
as the tall figure felt something in his pocket. A love note from .. minji” god dammit minji shut the fuck up with these stupid ass notes” “but oppa~-“ i have enough of u.” “Oppa please give me one more chance” “last fucking chance then, get up my nerve and ur gone” the group walks out of the canteen. “Damn someone is jealous” soobin started. “Never they actually fought also in the group” sooha said,
well last lesson is art so it isnt that bad. u arrived at ur class sitting with haeyoung and sooha. u guys grab some paint, brushes and a palette. U guys sit down to make ur art piece, but ofcourse it has to be u that gets paint all over urself because of wooyoung. “Oops sorry hehe~ u do look pretty with the painthehe~” now might be asking what for color it was. It was ofcourse white. U signs as u get the paint of ur face unknowingly someone had taken a pic with u and ur paint on ur face. u go wash it off want went to finish ur sketch
ur sketch:
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** not made by me credits to the owner**
u were pretty happy how it turned out, it was u playing the guitar. u hand it in. “Wow yn u did a great job its very detailed im very proud!” “Thank u miss”
some came from behind and hand in their drawing
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** not mine!! Credits to the owner!!**
“Wow great job seonghwa u did great, this does remind me of someone but i cant recall” “aww thank u miss i took inspiration from when i was in the library” “great job seonghwa keep it up!” U looked at the piece of paper what seonghwa gave to the teacher. U were impressed by his art skills as u thought he doesnt. A voice said something to u “uhh hey yn, ur still coming to my practice right?” Seonghwa asked u that “yeahyeah i have time! But ill still work on the biology project so dont worry we’ll have it done by tomorrow” u smiled, seonghwa looked happy as he heard that ur coming “alright! Well see u there and dont only spend time working on the poster that can happen anytime” “i will i will dont worry”
u left the classroom.. not even a few seconds and ur on the ground. “U really think seonghwa wants u because he’s inviting u to his practice hm? Well ur wrong he wants me and me only”
minji shouted at u” well bitch i dont think that, so dont worry u can keep him” but minji didnt hear u i guess. She splashed water on u and the rest of newjeans laughed. “HAAHA look at u. Look so desperate to get seonghwa” . As the girls doesnt know that seonghwa was watching in the corner. “Bitch dont get close with seonghwa, got it?” as she was waiting for a reaction,
as u wanted to punch her but dont want to get in trouble for ur first day, u left. as u heard them laughing at u.
U went to the bathroom to dry urself. U texted beomgyu when the training starts, 3:10 pm, ur about to be a little late but u grabbed ur zip up jacket and went to the practice with headphones and that piece of paper
. U saw txt on the coart. “Heyy ynn, happy that u came” yeonjun said happily “yeahh definitely now i can flex my skills” kai said “man u think ur good im better then u” taehyun said “dont mind them yn go sit on the bleachers ill meet u after the practice” beomgyu said while taehyun and kai were still pickering who’s better.
U get up and sat somewhere. U grabbed ur phone to search some info, u also saw ateez and newjeans together saying stuff to each other. “Man she actually came” jongho said “yeah never thought she actually come.” San said “ well dont focus on her, she isnt in the cheer team we are” hyein said
“ well i did heard that she got accepted for the cheer team” hongjoong said”WHAT she cant be that good” minji said “uractually kidding me that new girl got in. “ danielle said.
“EVERYONE STAND IN LINE” the coach said “ new jeans went to the other bleachers. U looked at the coart seeing yeonjun and beomgyu waving at u. U waved back.
the coach did a name check to see if everyone is here. Then they started with the warming up. U heard newjeans shouting and cheering for ateez. U were a little busy with figuring out were everything should go.
But when u got the hang of it u decided to watch the practice. U saw that the teams were uneven. The coach yelled “ if one of the girls can join this group” pointing at txt “ please come on coart” as txt were looking at u, u thought u should join them. U did had basketballed in ur life but u werent the best at it. U came down from the bleachers and came on the coart
“ ur clothes are fine, thank u for joining them” u heard booing from the bleachers, it was of course newjeans. U tied ur hair in a ponytail. “Oke yn can u go in front so if something goes wrong it isnt the end of the world” soobin exaggerates at the end, “ yeah dont worry!” U saw soobin in the center with mingi.
As the coach trew the ball to up. Mingi gave soobin less space so he couldn’t jump that high. The ball came to san. As u rushed to him u managed to get it put of his hands. Now ur tribbling to the basket, the only person that separates u with the basket.
jeon yunho. Well u tried but didn’t manage to go far as yunho is like 2 meters and ur 1.65 meters. U tried to get the ball back. But failed, newjeans laughed and called u bad. Soobin managed to get the ball and passes it to u. Now theres the same person infront but u said u could so it. U tribbeled around yunho and jumped to make a layup. And u.
Scored!! “TWO - ZERO POINTS” u saw txt shocked and happy faces. “ YEAH YNN GOOD JOB” “THATS OUR YNN” “UR GOOD” u thanked them and went back into the game
after some time it was 15-15 . A tie. U guys were all sweating, and the other team too, also in that time ive came and watched and cheered u guys on. This point is the winning point. U tried to get the ball from hongjoong but failed, u turn back to try again but failed again. The tall figure tried to shoot but u blocked it and caught it. Now u tribbling to their basket.
U saw seonghwa infornt of u but u easily past him and made a layup, it didnt went in sadly. U passed the ball to yeonjun. As he passed to soobin and he to u again. U tried again and u missed. U cussed at urself for not scoring.
“YN UR SO BAD HAHAHA” u heard from the bleachers. That gave us motivation to win this match. U got the ball from taehyun and went back to the basket to try one more time. And u scored!! *wistle* “TEAM ONE HAVE WON THE MATCH”
u and the boys cheerded as u guys won the match “YN U DID ITT” the boys were going to change. as a tall male figure came up too u. “Never thought u even could do basketball” u looked up and saw seonghwa. “Never thought u guys were so bad” seonghwa looked at you annoyed “well tomorrow lets do the poster, ive done a little bit” “hm alright then” u walked out and went home.
next day
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meerealsssss · 1 year ago
that shit was funny wdym ‼️
human centipede was some traumatizing shit. never again.
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wayfayrr · 8 months ago
Here is the menace with the words of the Week. And information! The Link Lumine!Reader met was First, but thanks to you I noticed that it fits on multiple Links. But I did that with First in mind but choose your Link!
So your words of the week are:
Have fun with choosing your word, the menace will await your answer! Have a nice week ❤️
It's pretty shocking how similar the links are if you can get mixups like that huh 😅 Well as long as they don't know that's being said about them it should be fine
af for my word? hmmmmmm I'm tied between arsonist and farewell, but I think that I'll go with farewell since it matches the song I'm listening to <3
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polygonal-trees · 9 months ago
Season 2 Part 1 Episode 2 reactions!
it's nothing new but I like the variety of angles and shots in this show
omg Nightshade 360 head turn
girls just wanna have fun (do motorbike stunts)
I like Mo's tshirt
also i feel her face is better balanced now
scardycat Thrash is a mood lol
I was gonna say something like "how was this path here for ages without anyone finding it" and then I remembered how big America is
small detail but I like how Thrash took the stairs two at a time because he's so tall
I was also gonna be like "shouldn't Mo know better than to activate a random artifact" but no actually I think her reasoning is pretty sound
omg those noodle limbs something give this guy a snack
oh and he literally just dropped lmao
cave water ice pops that's so cute
ok I am starting to see a noticeable drop in the animation quality rip
in general I don't really like the "sneaking around while awkwardly trying to hide something" trope so a large part of this episode isn't really working for me ngl
irrelevant but since I watched Cyberverse first I always expect it to be pronounced quinTESSon lol
ooh cool effect!
yesss I like when Alex gets to use his history knowledge
as per usual the OST is a banger
nice fight scene!
Alex is gonna do his back in
The Executioner raises a valid point about Quintus Prime but also. I'm not taking the word of a Quintesson at face value lmao they are not known for being a reliable source
gosh I love Mo
doesn’t Thrash get a hug?? 🥺
overall I enjoyed this episode! I liked that it focused on Mo, Thrash and Alex after the full ensemble whirlwind last time
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girlfromthecrypt · 1 year ago
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Poor sweet scardycat MC:
*hears a camper crying in the room and sees feet sticking out under the bed*
"aww no honey why are you hiding, come let's get you out of there and we can talk about why you're upset"
*bends down to try get them out and sees this*
*promptly faints*
You've given me trust issues. With horror themed things I'm Constantly expecting a creepy kid or an RO acting funny. I swear I'd probably faint or punch a kid.
This is the shit i amexpecting from you. Gonna make me probably throw my phone 😭🥲
On my word, I will deliver.
This is so beautiful like you have no idea. I love horror, always have, always will. And I really hope I can make you throw your phone, even though jumpscares in writing don't really work. I'll just have to work twice as hard ^^
Lol the creepy kid-trope... well it's basically right there for the taking, no? I mean, the MC is a camp counselor of all things. But then again, I don't have any concrete plans of utilizing it... yet.
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