#say no to 5G
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awesomecooperlove · 1 year ago
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cobra-wives · 5 months ago
is chozen/terry a thing. is that a thing i’d just like to know. or am i the only one who saw season 5 episode 2 as chozen’s undercover let’s go scope out terry silver’s next big plan simulator and terry’s turned the charm up trying to find a new partner after his little breakup with kreese and— oh, sensei JOE, how CLOSE THIS IS to john, not that i care. ah, and he’s from mainland tokyo! maybe he enjoys the fine life unlike SOME PEOPLE. i can show him my house, my katana collection, my expensive whiskey. what am i looking for in a new partner? oh, loyalty — and chozen is just standing there like i did NOT sign up for this.
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elizakai · 11 months ago
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ok lowkey i forgot about the evil art style thing, i definitely lost motivation but here was me experimenting with ibispaint on my phone if that counts💀
as you can see, my shitty phone could not handle the image quality of ibispaint, and my shitty brain could not have the patience to learn it on said phone🫶
have it anyways 🧎🏽‍♀️
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loosethreadsofyoursoul · 25 days ago
i did not have massive verizon product placement truck on my 911 lone star finale bingo card
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arkos404 · 2 years ago
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presenting max’s cult doppelganger, mac! he has multiple arrest warrants for being too silly (aggravated assault)
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isarasyu · 7 months ago
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The Story of My First Spiritual Journey. Umrah. 🕋
لَبَّيْكَ اللَّهُمَّ لَبَّيْكَ لَبَّيْكَ لاَ شَرِيكَ لَكَ لَبَّيْكَ إِنَّ الْحَمْدَ وَالنِّعْمَةَ لَكَ وَالْمُلْكَ لاَ شَرِيكَ لَكَ
Arab Latin: "Labbaik Allahumma labbaik. Labbaik laa syarika laka labbaik. Innal hamda wan ni'mata laka wal mulk laa syarika lak."
Artinya: "Ya Allah, aku memenuhi panggilan-Mu, Ya Allah aku memenuhi panggilan-Mu, tidak ada sekutu bagi-Mu, sesungguhnya pujian dan kenikmatan hanya milik-Mu, dan kerajaan hanyalah milik-Mu, tiada sekutu bagi-Mu"
Atas segala titik terindah ini, atas undangan istimewa ini, atas segala kemurahan rezeki darimu, dan rasa syukur dan bahagia yang tak terhingga ini. Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah. Terima kasih yaa Allah untuk panggilan terindah dari mu. Aku adalah hambamu yang penuh dengan dosa, yang pernah dan masih sering melakukan hal tidak baik, yang sering sekali mengeluh ketika engkau berikan ujian. Namun maha baik nya engkau, engkau mempersilahkan aku menjadi tamu mu untuk beribadah di tanah suci mu. Engkau memanggil ku dengan penuh kelembutan, engkau berikan kemudahan jalannya, engkau kirimkan orang orang baik untuk meyakinkan hatiku, dan semua nya tersusun dengan sangat rapih dan indah sejak awal tahun 2024 ini. Engkau menyambut ku dengan penuh kehangatan suka cita, memberikan jamuan yang begitu nikmat, Ya Allah.... Terima kasih banyak. Semua yang terjadi selama disana, aku nikmati setiap detailnya dengan penuh rasa syukur karena rasanya engkau begitu sangat dekat. Begitu banyak cerita yang aku sampaikan dan begitu banyak doa yang aku mohonkan. Semoga engkau mengabulkan segala doa doa ku ya Allah. Dan rasanya aku tidak sabar menunggu kembali panggilan terindah mu lagi ya Allah untuk beribadah kembali di tanah suci. Semoga segera panggilan indah dari mu itu datang untuk ku. Aamiin.
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asexualjedi · 7 days ago
Space twitch streamer commander cody
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homosekularnost · 1 year ago
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(hey squad how are we drawing augmented humans. is anyone with a degree willing to pitch in)
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seaslimes · 5 months ago
It is very important to know people who use different parts of the internet. My fiance uses 4chan & I browse Tumblr. This way, we maxmize the radiation from all directions to form a microwave. Only the funny shit survives the nuke, bigotry burned away like so much steam.
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c-53 · 2 years ago
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You can tell a joke like LANDED landed, when the entire gc changes their nickname bc of it
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armed-saphire · 8 months ago
idk what it is about my sisters apartment that knocks me tf out because whenever i visit her i suddenly have headaches and heartburn and i end up taking like 2 naps a day and then as soon as i leave im fine
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sandpapersnowman · 11 months ago
okay half the reason I got the new phone was because my vibration broke and I need haptic feedback for typing. so where the fuck is the haptic feedback on the new phone.
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danceonthetide · 1 year ago
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Oat milk is made by milking goats and then putting the milk through a fine filter to extract all the "G"s
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confinesofmy · 7 months ago
i bought some flaxseed bc it was on sale and have since discovered that it takes 4 tablespoons! to amount to a measly 7g of fiber + it's the pre-ground kind which is more likely to contain added lead. lowkey kind of a flop. i'll still put it in my smoothies because fiber is fiber and there's lead in everything, plus i could probably put anything in my smoothies and not notice so like why not. but i'm not impressed. i could've spent that $3 on something better.
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dykegonzo · 8 months ago
WHAT A BEAUTIFUL WORLD! vended at rad pride today and some beautiful guy sold me shrooms <33333 i love oyu forever bitch this will not be forgotten i owe you my life
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rebellum · 2 years ago
I feel awkward about pointing this out, but uh, technology is VERY DIFFERENT in urban and rural areas. Saying "by 1920 no one has horses" is incorrect. In rural areas of North america, many people used horses as their main mode of transport up into the 1950s. My great aunt (born.. 1925 I think? Around there) rode in a horse-pulled school wagon to a one room school house in the 1930s (speaking of those: My mum went to a one room school house until 1966). And that was average for most of rural Canada at that time for kids who had access to school.
People in rural areas of NA used candles as their main form of lighting into the 1930s.
we were the liminal kids. alive before the internet, just long enough we remember when things really were different.
when i work in preschools, the hand signal kids make for phone is a flat palm, their fingers like brackets. i still make the pinky-and-thumb octave stretch when i "pick up" to respond to them.
the symbol to save a file is a floppy disc. the other day while cleaning out my parents' house, i found a collection of over a hundred CDs, my mom's handwriting on each of them. first day of kindergarten. playlist for beach trip '94. i don't have a device that can play any of these anymore - none of my electronics are compatible. there are pieces of my childhood buried under these, and i cannot access them. but they do exist, which feels special.
my siblings and i recently spent hours digitizing our family's photos as a present for my mom's birthday. there's a year where the pictures just. stop. cameras on phones got to be too good. it didn't make sense to keep getting them developed. and there are a quite a few years that are lost to us. when we were younger, mementos were lost to floods. and again, while i was in middle school, google drive wasn't "a thing". somewhere out there, there are lost memories on dead laptops. which is to say - i lost it to the flood twice, kind of.
when i teach undergrad, i always feel kind of slapped-in-the-face. they're over 18, and they don't remember a classroom without laptops. i remember when my school put in the first smartboard, and how it was a huge privilege. i used the word walkman once, and had to explain myself. we are only separated by a decade. it feels like we are separated by so much more than that.
and something about ... being half-in half-out of the world after. it marks you. i don't know why. but "real adults" see us as lost children, even though many of us are old enough to have a mortgage. my little sister grew up with more access to the internet than i did - and she's only got 4 years of difference. i know how to write cursive, and i actually think it's good practice for kids to learn too - it helps their motor development. but i also know they have to be able to touch-type way faster than was ever required from me.
in between, i guess. i still like to hand-write most things, even though typing is way faster and more accessible for me. i still wear a pj shirt from when i was like 18. i don't really understand how to operate my parents' smart tv. the other day when i got seriously injured, i used hey siri to call my brother. but if you asked me - honestly, i prefer calling to texting. a life in anachronisms. in being a little out-of-phase. never quite in synchronicity.
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