#saxon davis
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reubeningall · 9 months ago
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INDEPENDENCE DAY (1996) Reuben Ingall and Marlene Claudine Radice will play a live soundtrack to the film’s action-packed final act to ring in the Fourth of July. Reuben’s 100+ VHS copies will witness the ritual. “the glowing ghost of America's lost Global leadership” - Evan Dossey “couldn't they think of anything more interesting than octopus men?” - Roger Ebert
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dandelionjack · 10 months ago
clara preventing the ‘doctor of war’ from raining nuclear hellfire on his home planet, gallifrey = ruby preventing the ‘minister of war’ (ref. before the flood) from raining nuclear hellfire on his home planet, earth
roger ‘mad jack’ ap gwilliam ‘britain’s most dangerous prime minister’ intentionally gets paralleled to the simm master (a pointedly ‘mad politician’), marti bridges = his lucy saxon
gwilliam seems like this doctorless timeline’s parallel to both the doctor and the master. a symbolic merging of the doctor and master’s identities, far from the first time this season (fifteen hiding inside a drum and saxon’s theme getting played to him in TDC; fifteen saying he could “write a diary in drums” in boom; the moon and the president’s wife). kate stewart flashing her red red nails like the hand that picked up the tooth. i wonder
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pizzacade · 4 months ago
The poem "Winning" from We Are Six Hundred is written from the perspective of Missy, with one of the illustrations having her showcasing a child (presumably hers) to her previous incarnations (excluding The Decayed Master).
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This is a sly reference to a joke plan that Steven Moffett had alongside Russell T. Davies for the end of the former's rein as showrunner.
Who knows who the father would have been, my bet's the former prime minister, as how messed up that sounds.
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demifiendrsa · 4 months ago
Mission: Impossible – The Final Reckoning | Teaser Trailer
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Teaser poster
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nerds-yearbook · 11 months ago
After 5 seasons of 82 episodes, the last episode of the Incredible Hulk aired on May 12, 1982. The series, based on the format of The Fugitive (1963 - 1967), continued on in a series of TV movies that were each failed back door pilots (The Incredible Hulk Returns - 1988, The Trial of the Incredible Hulk - 1989, and The Death of the Incredible Hulk - 1990). ("A Minor Problem", The Incredible Hulk, TV Event)
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heavenb3nt · 4 months ago
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Like showrunner like character
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denimbex1986 · 1 year ago
'Bad Wolf, Torchwood, Saxon... now "The One Who Waits" appears to be joining the ranks of Doctor Who story arcs teased by writer/showrunner Russell T Davies.
The Giggle – the third and last of the show's 60th anniversary specials – saw the Doctor (David Tennant) once again face off with old foe The Toymaker (now played by Neil Patrick Harris).
The events of previous episode Wild Blue Yonder saw the Doctor unwittingly allow the Toymaker – an elemental force who exists beyond the rules of the universe – entry into our universe.
In The Giggle, the cruel Toymaker was able to provoke the Doctor into challenging him to a game – as the two prepared to match wits, the villain taunted the Time Lord with tales of his accomplishments.
"I came to this universe with such delight," he said. "I played them all, Doctor – I toyed with supernovas, turned galaxies into spinning tops, I gambled with God and made him a jack-in-the-box."
We even discover that The Master – last played by Sacha Dhawan in last year's The Power of the Doctor – fell foul of the Toymaker, losing a game to the villain and ending up trapped, apparently for all eternity.
But then, the Toymaker makes a confession: "There's only one player I didn't dare face – The One Who Waits.
"I saw it, hiding, and I ran."
The Doctor attempts to question the Toymaker further, but he shrugs off his earlier comments, telling his nemesis: "That's someone else's game."
So who is The One Who Waits?
The Toymaker is established as having power almost without limit, able to manipulate the atoms of the universe and conjure up his own magical domain – in The Giggle, we saw a shaken Doctor uncertain if he'll be able to best his enemy once again.
The fact then that, whoever or whatever they are, The One Who Waits is capable of striking fear into the heart of the Toymaker is pretty terrifying. Could an even more powerful being exist in the Whoniverse?
Interestingly, in a social media post made in October, the official Doctor Who account appeared to refer to the Toymaker himself as "the one who waits" – but it's made clear in The Giggle that he's referring not to himself but to some other figure.
Of course, the Toymaker isn't the only all-powerful, ever-living being to exist in the worlds of Doctor Who...
Making their debut in the 1983 story Enlightenment, the Eternals are a race of elemental beings of immense power, capable of manipulating matter and creating objects out of thin air.
These amoral creatures act purely for their own amusement, manipulating "Ephemerals" (read: mortal beings) for fun.
Then there are the Guardians, who first appeared in Doctor Who's 16th season in 1978, a series of interlinked stories which saw the Fourth Doctor (Tom Baker) on a quest to find the legendary Key to Time.
Transcendental beings who embodied aspects of the universe, immortal and indestructible, we met the White Guardian (Cyril Luckham) – who represented light, order and structure – and his eternal opponent the Black Guardian (Valentine Dyall) – the personification of darkness, entropy and chaos.
Most recently, 2020 episode Can You Hear Me? saw the Doctor (Jodie Whittaker) and friends lured into a trap by Zellin (Ian Gelder), an immortal "god" who was haunting the dreams of humans, all to feed his beloved Rakaya (Clare-Hope Ashitey).
Could one of these creatures, or something like them, be "The One Who Waits"?
It's also possible, of course, that Russell T Davies has invented an entirely new menace. In the episode The Star Beast, The Meep (voiced by Miriam Margolyes) revealed itself to be in the employ of a figure it referred to as "the boss".
David Tennant later admitted that he remains oblivious to the identity of "the boss", which suggested that this reveal would be held back until Ncuti Gatwa's time in the TARDIS.
The Meep's admission and the Toymaker's confession in The Giggle could be the start of something much larger and entirely unexpected...'
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jor-elthatendswell · 2 years ago
OK, inspired by there being a seemingly Beatles influenced episode in next year's Doctor Who, I've just spent over 3 hours thinking up Who/ Beatles puns. I don't see why I should be the only one to suffer so here ya go: (please add more)
Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Dalek
When I'm Galaxy Four
Graske Onion
You Never Give Me Your Rani
I've Just Seen a Face of Boe
Peladon Rigby
I Don't Want to Spoil The Star Beast
Brigadier Prudence
Maxil's Silver Hammer
Maxwell's Silver Nemesis
I Me Son of Mine
Lady Madonna Noble
Being for the Benefit of Mr Copper
Baby You're a Rutan
I Shada Known Better
Racnoss the Universe
Do You Want to Know Ashildr? (do dah do)
Do You Want to Know Dodo Chaplet? (do wah do)
Norwegian Torchwood (this Bird has Flown)
It's Count Scarlioni Love
I am the Davros
Skaro Submarine
Tim Shaw-berry Fields Forever
Scorby Fields Forever
Kroll Over Beethoven
Sexy Swampie
Dig a Rory
Long, Long, Ponds
Wilfred Mott Goes On
Lovely Reaper
Helter Shalka
Azal I've Got To Do
The Inner Lytton
The Flood on the Hill
A Hard Days Carrionite
Drive My Carrionite
Human Nature's Son
Blue Grace Holloway
Fixing Nardole
Cry Baby Cryon
One After K909
She's Leaving Novice Hame
You're Going to Lose Fandahl
Ticket to Ribos
Dr Roberts of Death
The Long and Winding Ood
Why Don't We Do It in the Ood
Old Mother Should Know
Piggy in The Giggle
(Ok, that last one is The Rutles. Or is it the Rutans?)
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lazer-screwdriver · 1 year ago
Liz successfully seduces Lucy by offering to lock the Master in the TARDIS cellar so she doesn’t have to talk to him, and then forcibly hefting him over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes when she takes her up on it, making her laugh for the first time in ages.
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cherryblossomshadow · 1 year ago
Image description under the cut:
[Image ID: screenshot of text reading:
I value the fact that English has two parallel vocabularies - the Germanic vocabulary and the Latinate vocabulary. For example, we have the word undersa, and then we have submarine. Or underground and subterranean, all-powerful and omnipotent. So we can shift registers. We can say something in a very plain, blunt, Anglo-Saxon way, like "I will not do that" - all Anglo-Saxon monosyllables. Or we can say it in a fancier, more distance, abstract, Latinate way, like "I prefer not to permit myself to approach such a notion." Or, in a passage of plain Anglo-Saxon, you can throw in one Latinate word, unexpected, to great effect.
/end ID]
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lydia davis
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Things of highlight from the Empire article
There is a time skip at the beginning of the movie.
Final Reckoning takes place in the span of a week.
There is still one unknown stunt that hasn't been disclosed. Something Tom did 19 times. It's apparently very intense.
Greg Tarzan Davies saw six polar bears while filming in Svalbard (good for him!).
Rolf Saxon who played the CIA agent who got his drink laced so Ethan could steal the list in M:I 1 is in this movie.
The photo in the article showing Luther and Ethan means that Luther is in London during this movie.
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demifiendrsa · 2 months ago
Mission: Impossible – The Final Reckoning | Big Game Spot
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bugeater77 · 10 months ago
Why I think rogue is the master
expecting trouble ?.... looking for a quick escape.... he has knowledge the others dont
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His outfit extremely reminiscent of the eighth doctor in a different color, and we know the master HAS been in the doctor's wardrobe
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apparently theres a plot twist, but the rogue being against the doctor clearly isn't it, as it's in the trailer
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i believe his identity is his true plot twist and he has been seen camping out in previous times multiple times in the series, disguises are like his whole thing
This is probably a stretch but in the trailer the doctor yells "YOU CAD!" at him, cad meaning someone who mistreats women (i'm not british correct me if im wrong)
and who is famous for mistreating women???
harold "it's always the women" saxon
another reference to saxon, his iconic song "voodoo child" that he plays is by the band ROGUE TRADERS
the final clue is in this instagram post from russel T davies, with the caption "here he comes" with emojis of two hearts and a blue square
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sacha dhawan's instagram post hinting at his arrival had something similar,
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and most importantly THE TWO HEARTS. The pink heart differentiating him from the doctor, saying this is not our usual two hearted individual.
finally, the rogue itself means unpredictable and mischievous which is literally the definition of the master's character
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look at the similar as well, "villain" really sticks out to me as well as the words under the first definition, because that is exactly how the master is treated.
he does unforgivable things but there is always something bringing him and the doctor together (hence best enemies)
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kaleidodreams · 3 months ago
Updated 100 Memorable Skating Programs
Back in 2018, I created the original version of this list. (You can find the master post here.) Since 2024 marks my 30th year as an official fan of figure skating and there have been some more great programs created since the last time, I thought it was about time to update the list in honor of World Ice Skating Day. Same rules apply as last time:
Only senior competitive programs starting from the 1993-1994 season are eligible, since that's the first season I really started watching figure skating.
Each skater may only be listed once, unless a partner/discipline switch is involved.
Choice of music may also not be repeated. (Yes, there are two James Bond programs on the list, but Yuna and Wakaba use different music for the most part, so I'm letting it slide.)
I debated long and hard about whether or not I should still include programs from skaters who have proven themselves to be not so great people. I'm someone who has little difficulty separating the art from the artist, so in the end, I decided to keep them listed (although most of them got knocked down a few pegs). This list is more about the choreography than the skater anyway, although there are certainly some problematic choreographers out there, too. (Looking at you especially, Morozov!) So, just because a skater is listed doesn't mean that I'm a fan of them or that I condone their actions! I just think certain programs are still great regardless of the skaters' terrible behavior off the ice.
Choreographers are noted if known. If you know who choreographed the programs without a choreographer named, please let me know!
I've also created a handy playlist on YouTube if you don't want to click on all these links.
Ashley Wagner - Moulin Rouge (Shae-Lynn Bourne) 2016 Worlds
Jason Brown - Melancholy (Rohene Ward) 2023 Nationals
Patrick Chan - Phantom of the Opera (Lori Nichol) 2011 Canadian Nationals
Kaitlyn Weaver/Andrew Poje -Je suis malade (Pasquale Camerlengo) 2012 Worlds
Meryl Davis/Charlie White - Kajra Re/Silsila Ye Chahat Ka/Dola Re Dola (Marina Zueva, Igor Shpilband, and Anuja Rajendra) 2010 Olympics
Mao Asada - Rachmaninoff's Piano Concerto No. 2 (Tatiana Tarasova) 2014 Olympics
Sui/Han - Rain, In Your Black Eyes (Lori Nichol) 2019 Worlds
Marina Anissina/Gwendal Peizerat - Romeo & Juliet 1998 Olympics
Cain/LeDuc - W.E. (Pasquale Camerlengo) 2022 US Nationals
Daisuke Takahashi - Blues for Klook (Pasquale Camerlengo) 2012 Worlds
Kurt Browning - Casablanca (Sandra Bezic) 1994 Olympics
Michelle Kwan - Salome (Lori Nichol) 1996 Worlds
Alexei Yagudin - Winter (Tatiana Tarasova and Nikolai Morosov) 2002 Olympics
Jamie Sale/David Pelletier - Love Story (Lori Nichol) 2002 Olympics
Jeremy Abbott - Exogenesis (Jeremy Abbott and Yuka Sato) Nationals 2012
Oksana Grishuk/Evgeni Platov - The Feeling Begins 1997 Worlds
Yuzuru Hanyu - Seimei (Shae-Lynn Bourne) 2015 Grand Prix Final
Chock/Bates - Egyptian Snake Dance (Marie-France Dubreuil, Ginette Cournoyer, and Sam Chouinard) 2019 Grand Prix Final
Javier Fernandez - Guys and Dolls (David Wilson) 2016 Worlds
Vanessa James/Morgan Cipres - Sound of Silence (John Kerr and Silvia Fontana) 2017 Euros
Evgenia Medvedeva - Anna Karenina (Daniil Gleichengauz) 2018 Olympics
Nathan Chen - Philip Glass medley (Shae-Lynn Bourne) 2021 Worlds
Gabriella Papadakis/Guilliame Cizeron - Elegie (Saxon Fraser and Marie-France Dubreuil) 2022 Olympics
Aljona Savchenko/Bruno Massot - La terre vue du ciel (Christopher Dean) 2018 Olympics
Kevin Aymoz - Bolero (Brice Mousset and Kevin Aymoz) 2023 Skate America
Julia Lipnitskaya - Schindler’s List (Ilia Averbukh) 2014 Olympics
Elena Berezhnaya/Anton Sikharulidze - Lady Caliph 2002 Olympics
Yu-na Kim - James Bond medley (David Wilson) 2010 Olympics
Shoma Uno - Buenos Aires Hora Cero (Mihoko Higuchi) 2016 Grand Prix Final
Michal Brezina - The Way You Look Tonight (Jeffrey Buttle) 2016 Skate Canada
Shae-Lynn Bourne/Victor Kraatz - Riverdance 1998 Olympics
Adam Rippon - O/Fly On (Benji Schwimmer) 2016 Trophee de France
Jeffrey Buttle - Bells of Moscow (David Wilson) 2005 Worlds
Piper Gilles/Paul Poirier - Vincent (Carol Lane and Juris Razgulajevs) 2019 Canadian Nationals
Rudy Galindo - Swan Lake (Sharlene Franke) 1996 US Nationals
Sasha Cohen - Malaguena (Tatiana Tarasova) 2004 Worlds
Aljona Savchenko/Robin Szolkowy - Pina (Ingo Steur) 2011 Grand Prix Final
Samantha Cesario - Carmen (Inese Budevica) 2013 Trophee Eric Bompard
Tatsuki Machida - East of Eden (Phillip Mills) 2014 Worlds
Xue Shen/Hongbo Zhao - Turandot (Lea Ann Miller, Renee Roca, and Gorsha Sur) 2003 Worlds
Kaitlin Hawayek/Jean-Luc Baker - Liebestraume (Pasquale Camerlengo) 2018 Nationals
Olga Mikutina - My Nocturnal Serenade (Rostislav Sinicyn) 2023 Europeans
Lu Chen - The Last Emperor (Toller Cranston) 1995 Worlds
Giada Russo - Red Violin (Edoardo de Bernardis) 2016 Europeans
Junhwan Cha - Fate of the Clockmaker/Cloak and Dagger (Shae-Lynn Bourne) 2022 Olympics
Han Yan - La La Land (Yuka Sato and Kurt Browning) 2019 Chinese Interclub League
Wakaba Higuchi - Skyfall (Shae-Lynn Bourne) 2018 Worlds
Kazuki Tomono - Die Fledermaus (Misha Ge) 2022 Japanese Nationals
Yuma Kagiyama - Believer (Shae-Lynn Bourne) 2024 Worlds
Karen Chen - On Golden Pond (Karen Chen) 2017 Nationals
Maia Shibutani/Alex Shibutani - Coppelia (Marina Zueva and Cheryl Yeager) 2016 Nationals
Yuko Kavaguti/Alexander Smirov - Manfred Symphony (Peter Tchernyshev) 2014 Skate America
Philippe Candeloro - The Three Musketeers (Natacha Dabadie) 1998 Olympics
Alexander Abt - Songs from the Victorious City 1998 Nations Cup
Tessa Virtue/Scott Moir - Prince medley 2017 Worlds
Ekaterina Gordeeva/Sergei Grinkov - Moonlight Sonata (Marina Zueva) 1994 Olympics
Satoko Miyahara - Madama Butterfly (Tom Dickson) 2017 Japanese Nationals
Marjorie Lajoie/Zachary Lagha - The White Crow (Romain Haguenauer and Ginette Cournoyer) 2023 Four Continents
Anjelika Krylova/Oleg Ovsiannikov - Masquerade Waltz 1997 Worlds
Alena Kostornaia - The Departure, November (Daniil Gleikhengauz) 2019 Grand Prix Final
Nelli Zhiganshina/Alexander Gazsi - Two from the Grave (Ilia Averbukh) 2013 Worlds
Ksenia Stolbova/Fedor Klimov - The Man and The Shadow (Nikolai Morozov) 2015 Grand Prix Final
Stephanie Rosenthal - Rockit (Stewart and Christi Sturgeon) 2006 Nationals
Madison Hubbell/Zachary Donohue - Across the Sky, Caught Out In The Rain (Marie-France Dubreuil) 2018 Nationals
Mikhail Kolyada - The Nutcracker (Ilia Averbukh) 2021 Gran Premio d'Italia
Sinead Kerr/John Kerr - The Landing/Turn Around/Gravity of Love (Evgeni Platov) 2008 Worlds
Kaetlyn Osmond - Sous le ciel de Paris, Milord (Lance Vipond) 2016 Grand Prix Final
Carolina Kostner - Ave Maria (Lori Nichol) 2014 Olympics
Karina Manta/Joe Johnson - Sweet Dreams (Christopher Dean) 2019 Nationals
Gracie Gold - Firebird (Lori Nichol) 2016 Nationals
Charlene Guignard/Marco Fabbri - Atonement/Song For A Little Sparrow (Barbara Fusar-Poli and Corrado Giordani) 2022 Europeans
Keegan Messing - Singing in the Rain (Lance Vipond) 2018 Worlds
Elizabeth Punsalan/Jerod Swallow - Astor Piazolla medley (Igor Shpilband) 1998 Olympics
Rika Kihira - A Beautiful Storm (Tom Dickson) 2018 NHK Trophy
Mariah Bell - Chicago (Rohene Ward) 2016 Skate America
Brian Joubert - Rise (Evgeni Platov) 2009 Europeans
Stephane Lambiel - Poeta (Antonio Najarro) 2007 Worlds
Kaori Sakamoto - The Matrix (Benoit Richaud) 2020 NHK Trophy
Akiko Suzuki - O (Pasquale Camerlengo) 2012 NHK Trophy
Qing Pang/Jian Tong - The Impossible Dream (Shae-Lynn Bourne and David Wilson) 2010 Olympics
Takahito Kozuka - Io ci saro (Lori Nichol) 2014 Japanese National
Smart/Diaz - Mask of Zorro 2022 Europeans
Matt Savoie - Ennio Morricone medley (Tom Dickson) 2006 Nationals
Deniss Vasiljevs - Puttin’ On The Ritz (Benoit Richaud) 2016 Worlds
Caroline Green/Michael Parsons - Violin Concerto No.1 Eso Concerto, Clouds, The Mind on the Wind (Elena Novak and Alexei Kiliakov) 2022 Four Continents
Tara Lipinski - The Rainbow (Sandra Bezic) 1998 Olympics
Denis Ten - SOS d'un terrien en détresse (David Wilson) 2017 Shanghai Trophy
Valentina Marchei/Ondrej Hotarek - Tu Vuo Fa L'Americano (Massimo Scali) 2018 Europeans
Krisztina Czako - The Addams Family (Igor Bobrin) 1997 Europeans
Cheng Peng/Yang Jin - My Drag (Lori Nichol) 2016 GPF
Bradie Tennell - Mechanisms, Chronos (Benoit Richaud) 2020 4CC
Evgeny Plushenko - Tribute to Nijinsky 2004 Russian Nationals
Vanessa Gusmeroli - Rats D'Hotel 1999 Worlds
Julianne Seguin/Charlie Bilodeau - Monde Inverse (Shae-Lynn Bourne and Shae Zukiwsky) 2015 Skate America
Isabeau Levito - Dulcea Și Tandra Mea Fiară (Yulia Kuznetsova) 2022 MK John Wilson Trophy
Elizaveta Tuktamysheva - Batwannis Beek/Sandstorm (Tatiana Prokofieva) 2015 Europeans
Kana Muramoto/Daisuke Takahashi - Soran Bushi (Marina Zoueva, Ilia Tkachenko, and Koyo Yanai) 2021 NHK Trophy
Amber Glenn - This Time (Kaitlyn Weaver and Randi Strong) 2024 Lombardia Trophy
Ivan Righini - You Raise Me Up (Ivan Righini) 2016 Europeans
Anna Cappellini/Luca Lanotte - Life is Beautiful (Liudmila Vlasova) 2017 NHK Trophy
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rubysundaymondaytuesday · 11 months ago
@mirrorleaf convinced me to post my theory from Sunday on Tumblr, so strap in fam, because I have some Thoughts™️ about the “twist at the end”.
At the end of ‘Last of the Time Lords’, when Ten held a funeral for the Master, a hand with red nails picked up Harold Saxon’s signet ring. This was later used to resurrect the Master during ‘The End of Time’.
And the end of ‘The Giggle’, a hand with red nails picks up the Toymaker’s red tooth, which we were told contains none other than the Master.
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Who did we see in ‘The Devil’s Chord’ who had painted nails? Maestro, someone with a direct connection to the Toymaker. And what does Henry Arbinger call this godly being? “Daddy.”
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Henry Arbinger is being taught about music. Specially, the devil’s chord, a tritone. This was used by a lot of musicians, one of whom was notably Metallica. While I can’t be entirely certain of this next point — ie. if this particular song includes the chord — one of their most famous songs is called ‘Master of Puppets’.
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Russel T Davies has never been one to mince his clues, and I am pretty convinced that the “twist at the end” is that Henry Arbinger is the Master.
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First, the comparison of the ring and the tooth, both highlighted by the narrative when we’ve been told “the Master is dead” and it’s turned out to be only temporary.
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Second, the Master has a precedent for regenerating into/hiding as a kid. During the Time War, there is a comic arc where he goes by the name ‘the Boy’…
But if we look at less obscure sources/show canon, when the Master used the chameleon arch to be Professor Yana he was found as a “naked child” on the coast of the Silver Devastation.
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Thirdly, the Fifteenth Doctor is really playing up the “I’m adopted” card this season. While yes, this could just be him relating to Ruby and coming to grips with the Timeless Child situation, he also specially says “the species that took me in” when he refers to the Time Lords.
The show has always used the Doctor and the Master as foils of each other; so what if Maestro adopted the Master? (EDIT: If he was, I wonder if he’d be at the head of these “legions” we keep being told about…)
Fourth, a Maestro can be defined as “a master of an art, especially of music.” (EDIT: this episode also talks about the music of the spheres, which was not audible but could be “heard by the soul”, and I couldn’t help but think of the toclafane, as the last souls of humanity. More an observation here, than thoughts on the twist m.)
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Fifth and final, when the Master was playing at Prime Minister, he used the name Harold Saxon. We know this was part of an anagram for the Master, but the last Saxon King of England was Harold II.
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After Harold, we have William the Conqueror. And then we have William the II. And then we have, you guessed it — Henry the First. How many Masters have there been since Harold Saxon? Two. Missy is William the Conqueror, Dhawan is William II, and by my theory, Henry Arbinger is Henry I.
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This last note isn’t evidence, I just think that it’s something to think about. Wouldn’t it be interesting if, while Susan and the First Doctor are right there in London in 1963, while Susan can pass for a schoolchild, the Master was also there, passing as a schoolchild…?
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