#sawada ietsuna
kxzuna · 2 years
I once imagined him wearing this outfit while attending Timoteo's birthday party in the Vongola mansion.
Thank you so much to @kiralushia for this amazing art. I'm loving it so much ❤️❤️❤️
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yarrayora · 11 months
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sawada, the direct lineage of vongola primo
headcanon that marrying nana was originally a mission given to iemitsu to ensure the continuation of vongola's lineage after timoteo failed to produce a sky as successor
even the name iemitsu is chosen to appeal to nana's father who was named ietsuna, because his own great grandfather (Giotto) was named ieyasu
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queenharumiura · 2 months
Neo I wanna know, do you have any ideas on when the Sawada family line integrated back into the Vongola?
[From this Neo game] ||Accepting||
Shy, so i'm putting under readmore. Note that this is simply just my thoughts on the matter. Not to be taken as fact.
I personally believe that the Sawada family had stayed outside of the mafia business for a very long time. The first person to get back into it was Iemitsu.
We know that Nono and (assuming) his mother were the ones who were slowly trying to 'clean the Vongola' up again. They were more or less the type of boss that Daemon abhorred and wanted gone.
With that in mind, I can reasonably believe that it's very possible that Nono had wanted to reconnect with Giotto's line. IF he was one of the sort of bosses who was less violent, power hungry, corrupted, etc-- you'd expect that he'd be more or less interested in a successor who would follow in his footsteps.
Now, I think it's Iemitsu who was the first to reconnect with the Vongola because I honestly believe that if any other person had-- it would've been said. Like when Iemitsu's involvement as the leader of CEDEF was announced, and we already know about Giotto's history-- it would've opened the way to talk about other ancestors being involved. It didn't happen.
We know from the family tree thing:
Giotto -> Yoshimune -> Ietsuna -> Iemitsu -> Tsuna
There is NO UNIVERSE in which Yoshimune would've been involved with the mafia. His father had escaped into Japan and his relative (undisclosed what relation they had to Giotto) took over as 2nd boss.
After Giotto was forced to resign and someone else took over, there is no way that person nor his successor would ever consider bringing in Giotto's line into the Vongola. The 2nd boss would've probably felt disdain towards Giotto and that negative bias probably would've translated to his next successor. Logically speaking.
In that case, Yoshimune 100% had no involvement with the Vongola. Ietsuna likely did not have involvement with the Vongola. Iemitsu, as we know DOES.
But what, why is it that in the span of the Vongola history are there only 4 generations of the Sawada household but 10 generation bosses of the Vongola (meaning 9 generations after Giotto)?
Simple, Daemon said it himself that if there were any bosses who were weak-willed and didn't have what it takes to make Vongola strong, they just happened to die early.
As such, you can expect for there to be more generational changes within the Vongola because not all of them would've lived long lives. From the Vongola trial, we see Nono looking elderly, as we know him. It isn't the case that they look they did in their prime. You could make the case that they look the way they did when they died- but then you couldn't really explain how Giotto looks like he did when he had to resign.
I think- their appearance in the Vongola trials depicts how they looked when they 'died' as the acting Vongola boss.
Giotto looks young as he did in the trial because that's how he looked when he was forced to resign, thereby 'dying' as a Vongola Boss. Nono continued being the boss until old age, and so his form in the Vongola Trial is him in his old age.
Anyways. It's possible that Nono went looking for the remnants of Giotto's line and found Iemitsu who was leading a happy life with Nana and Tsuna. When Nono approached, he more than likely told him about the history of the Vongola and how he wants to clean up the Vongola to be less corrupt.
Iemitsu being of the line of Primo, he could have some sway, he has actual legitimacy. He didn't want to be a boss. He didn't want to put his wife and child at risk, so he took the next best option, being the leader of the CEDEF who also commands a lot of power and political might within the Vongola.
As Reborn said, this man fought many battles to keep his family safe.
It could've just ended with him and Tsuna could've led a normal life, but alas... the other successors died-- and the rest is history.
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arianna-nuvola · 4 years
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Sawada Ietsuna with his future wife, Clara.
Drawn with Ibispaint and edited with Picsart.
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skygemspeaks · 7 years
AU where Tsuna’s grandfather, Sawada Ietsuna, lives with him and his mom.
And Ietsuna looks like a frail old man who’d probably get winded just from going up a flight of stairs.
But he’s a retired mafioso who can still give men half his age a run for their money, and he has crazy powerful sky flames, and while everyone thinks that Nana is the one taking care of him in his old age, he’s actually the one protecting his daughter-in-law and his precious grandson from people that might be looking to harm them because of what his stupid son has gotten tangled up in.
Ietsuna is super badass and powerful, and if he’d wanted to, he could have easily taken the Vongola back for the Sawada family, but it’s become so disgustingly vile that it looks nothing like the Vongola that Giotto had so cherished once upon a time.
So Ietsuna, just like his father and grandfather before him, wanted absolutely nothing to do with the Vongola. Instead, he used to work as a hitman for hire. Because even if Ieyasu had given up the Vongola, there was no way the mafia would just let his family leave so easily. So the sons and daughters of the Sawada family would cleverly play along the fringes of the mafia. Do a favour for a powerful famiglia here, carry out a hit for another family there - make enough important people owe you so that no one would even dare to touch your loved ones. All without having to get too involved with the politics of it all.
But then Iemitsu had gone and fucked it all up by becoming Vongola Nono’s dog.
Thus, Ietsuna essentially disowned his son, and decided to move in with Nana and Tsuna, so that his beloved, innocent little grandbaby wouldn’t have to suffer the consequences of his father’s actions.
And while he’s gruff and intimidating towards basically everyone else, Ietsuna is a doting grandfather to Tsuna, wrapped completely around the baby’s chubby little fingers from the moment he’s born.
He’s the one that teaches Tsuna how to ride a bike, and he’s the one that attends Tsuna’s school events and takes him out on holidays.
And he’s the one that tells Tsuna stories about their family.
Ietsuna was 5 years old when his great-grandfather, Sawada Ieyasu, had passed away. He has very few memories of the man - mostly consisting of soft smiles and kind words, of snoozing together on warm sticky summer days, and of crying bitterly when his parents told him that great-grandpa was gone.
He tells these stories to Tsuna. And more, he tells Tsuna stories that his own grandfather had told him, of Ieyasu working hard to build a life for himself after moving to Japan, of all the things Ieyasu had stood for - the importance of family and protecting the weak.
He tells Tsuna everything he can about Ieyasu. Because he knows.
Ietsuna looks at his innocent little grandson, with those soulful brown eyes and that too big heart and that sweet, sweet smile. And he sees his great-grandfather in him.
Iemitsu may have been the one that sired him, but Sawada Tsunayoshi is the son of Giotto Vongola, through and through.
Sawada Tsunayoshi is a prince without a kingdom, and one day, he’s going to take back his throne.
(Thirteen years pass, and when the great hitman Reborn shows up on his doorstep one day, Ietsuna welcomes him in with a smile that’s more just a baring of his teeth.
Reborn acknowledges the silent threat with a nod, and swears to himself that even if he should die, he will do right by Sawada Tsunayoshi.)
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kiralushia · 5 years
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That time when you were doing a sketch and accidentallyu became a good illustration
Gift for @arianna-nuvola , Ietsuna from her KHR fanprequel Kizuna
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mkofficial357 · 6 years
Story: A Mafiosi in Hogwarts? Well Damn!
Does anyone know someone who does art for Harry Potter and Katekyo Hitman Reborn? I would really love to see artwork of my story.
Also please give me reviews. I will appreciate it. No flames though. Constructive feedback only.
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nataliajones · 3 years
No Name by NataliaJones
Summary: Sawada Tsunayoshi, aka Dame-Tsuna, is a shy, kind, sarcastic, and mysterious person with only a few close friends. Sawada Ietsuna however, is a seemingly popular, kind, caring, and athletic person who has befriended almost everyone in town. That is before Reborn showed up bringing all of his chaos and craziness. Will he reveal all that goes on in the sleepy town of Namimori?
Rating: Mature
Paring: 1827
Length: 2k
Chapters: 3/?
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the11thfamily · 4 years
The dead’s day
The autumn afternoon was recognizable, the coolness forced everyone to wear heavy coats, while the streets were teeming with people preparing to choose how to spend the evening. Halloween had just passed and some locals still had to remove the decorations, soon replaced with Christmas ones. It was the day of the deads and some people took advantage of it to go and visit deceased relatives and friends. The Namimori cemetery was quiet, there were not many people. The young Sawada had never been to that place before, and she ventured among the tombs, looking carefully around. She had never done this before, she hadn't felt the need, yet she wanted to visit the Sawadas of the past, those who already visited her in dreams. Finally he spotted the area where Sawada Yoshimune, Yoshinobu, Ietsuna and their wives Sayuri and Reiko rested in peace, in the silence of the slowly descending night and away from the traffic and noise of the crowded streets. The brunette knelt in front of the graves, with a serious expression and blank stare.
- Family. -
He was not there, he had been separated from them and was resting in peace with his guardians in your homeland, Italy. However, his wife was in his place, next to their son. Still, it wasn't painful, it didn't matter. They were all Sawada, together, in front of her.
- Hi, Family. I'm a Sawada too ... I think. -
The girl whispered a few words, observing the various graves and imagining the faces of their owners. She knew them all, even though in her dreams she had only seen Yoshimune and Yoshinobu. Ietsuna was her great-grandfather and she had somehow known him years earlier. She felt lucky to have met him before he passed away. However, she didn't have time to take courage and ask him questions. Still, that wasn't what mattered, now.
- I ... I came to visit you because I felt ... I felt I wanted to talk to you. I am close to you because ... my dreams, yeah ... but ... -
She sighed, tired and quite full of different emotions, lightly shaking the flowers in her hand.
- ... I know you don't know who I am, and I'm just a stranger to you but ... - she exhaled and inhaled a couple of times, hoping to be able to continue the discussion without having a panic attack - .. I-I ... just wanted to say hello. Though I wanted to be close to you, not in a dream ... I wanted to come here, give you these flowers and tell you that ... even if I'm a nobody ... even if I'm just an ordinary girl ... you are my family ... at least, that's how I feel... -
She placed flowers on each tomb, on all the Sawadas and also on the wives, including the tomb of Primo's wife. The girl got up slowly, observing the cemetery now shrouded in darkness and fog. She wiped her tears with her sleeve, sighing. She hadn't been able to convey her feelings, she felt sad enough.
In the darkness of the night, tiny lights like fireflies twinkled in the air around the graves. Nozomi turned to go back, when she felt a warm presence touch her cheeks and shoulder. Then a perfume, and incomprehensible whispers. She turned to look at the tombs once more, perplexed, as the whispers became more vivid.
"Thanks for the flowers, Nozomi."
She remained motionless for a few moments looking at the lights with a shocked expression.
"Don't worry. We, your family, love you."
It was only a faint whisper, and it vanished with the lights. For sure, the tears on the girl's face did not fade but increased.
She bowed very respectfully, turned and took the road back. This time less demoralized but with great hope for the future.
- Thank you. -
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incorrectmidc · 7 years
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I love Katekyo Hitman Reborn! Re-watching it still gives me goosebumps, but I’m not here to talk about how awesome both the manga and anime are. Ohoho.
Anyway, see this guy? That’s Vongola Primo aka Giotto aka Sawada Ieyasu. For those not familiar with the show, he is the founder of the strongest mafia famiglia in Italy, if not the whole world, Vongola. He is also the great great great (10x) grandfather of the protagonist, Sawada Tsunayoshi (Vongola Decimo). So he’s technically dead in the series, showing up as an apparition from time to time to guide his great great great grandson.
I was re-watching KHR! today when I remembered the trivia about Giotto. Giotto’s Japanese first name, Ieyasu, was taken after from none other than Tokugawa Ieyasu himself. Also, Giotto’s descendants Sawada Iemitsu (Tsuna’s father) and Tsuna himself, are named after Ieyasu Tokugawa’s grandson and great grandson, Tokugawa Iemitsu and Tokugawa Tsunayoshi, respectively.
Actually, Giotto’s descendants before Iemitsu and Tsuna were also named after the Tokugawa Shoguns - Sawada Yoshimune (Tokugawa Yoshimune, 8th Shogun of the Tokugawa Shogunate), Sawada Yoshinobu (Tokugawa Yoshinobu, 15th and last Shogun. AND OH, HE’S KEIKI IN DTL! hihihi), and Sawada Ietsuna (Tokugawa Ietsuna, 4th Shogun).
This isn’t Midc, DTL of IkeSen related but I’m just too amazed at the fact to ignore this. Hihihi. :))
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ao3feed-khr · 6 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2JfLhRu
by jamiluvv
After the death of their mother, Ietsuna and his younger brother, Tsunayoshi, must rely on an anonymous donor and eachother to survive. It hasn't been perfect, but they're managing. When a baby named Reborn comes by to tutor Iemitsu’s eldest son, Ietsuna, their lives change.
Words: 384, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Katekyou Hitman Reborn!
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Original Sawada Character(s) (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!), Sawada Tsunayoshi, Reborn (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!), Gokudera Hayato, Lambo Bovino, Rokudou Mukuro, Hibari Kyouya, Yamamoto Takeshi, Chrome Dokuro, I-Pin (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!), Fuuta de la Stella, Sasagawa Ryouhei, Sasagawa Kyouko
Relationships: original sawada character(s)/sasagawa kyouko, Sawada Tsunayoshi & Everyone
Additional Tags: Dead Sawada Nana, Sawada Iemitsu Bashing, Sawada Iemitsu's A+ Parenting, Child Sawada Tsunayoshi, he's like 11-12 throughout the story, Angst, technically orphan tsuna, they're supposed to be with iemitsu or in the system, But they're not, Canon-Typical Violence, potentionally ooc, title might change, Adorable Sawada Tsunayoshi, Sawada Tsunayoshi can cook, Asexual Sawada Tsunayoshi, Sick Sawada Tsunayoshi, Self-Indulgent, THAT BEING SAID, Nonbinary Sawada Tsunayoshi, really short first chapter, I'm sorry about the summary, im trying to get better at it
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2JfLhRu
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kxzuna · 2 years
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A new hope was born
Kizuna chapter one; illustration by @kiralushia
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ao3feed-ignoct · 6 years
Across the Universe and the Seven Seas
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2SwNXhL
by Adel Mortescryche (Mortescryche)
I'll come back to you no matter how far you get. Because, my darling, you blow me away.
Tsuna's brother Ietsuna had always been a little different. It came with the terrain, when you woke up with memories of a different life.
Words: 5542, Chapters: 1/3, Language: English
Fandoms: Final Fantasy XV, Katekyou Hitman Reborn!
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply, Underage
Categories: M/M, Multi
Characters: Sawada Tsunayoshi, Ignis Scientia, Dino Ghiranze, Sawada Nana, Sawada Iemitsu, Hibari Kyouya, Kusakabe Tetsuya
Relationships: Noctis Lucis Caelum/Ignis Scientia, Sawada Tsunayoshi & Ignis Scientia, Dino Ghiranze/Sawada Tsunayoshi, Sawada Nana & Sawada Tsunayoshi, Sawada Nana & Ignis Scientia, Ignis Scientia & Dino Ghiranze
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Reincarnation, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Twins, Crossover, Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, Crossover Pairings, Post-Canon, for ffxv anyway, Family, Friendship, Friendship/Love, Demisexuality, Crush at First Sight, Crush at First Fight, Turning Canon On Its Head, Tagged as Underage because of Age Differences created by Reincarnation, Romance, Teen Romance, Yeah guess what Tsuna finally gets to be a confused teenager, leave the drama to ignoct
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2SwNXhL
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kxzuna · 3 years
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Here I am celebrating my KHR prequel story 'Kizuna' reaching 2k hits by drawing Sawada Ietsuna dancing with Clara.
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arianna-nuvola · 4 years
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Sawada Ietsuna with his great-granddaughter, Sawada Nozomi (OC belongs to @kiralushia)
Drawn with hand and Ibispaint, edited with Picsart.
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arianna-nuvola · 4 years
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Giotto: I don't think it's wise to mess up with my descendants.
(From left: Yoshinobu, Yoshimune, Ietsuna, Iemitsu and Tsunayoshi)
Drawn and edited with Pixlr.
I hope you feel better, @kiralushia. They are not happy if they knew who made you feel down xD
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