#saw those fucking neon blue lights in the very first second I said to myself okay so this is an agarthan thing
summoner-kentauris · 2 years
also arval my beloved
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winterbanner · 3 years
I Would Give Her the Stars (Bruce Banner/ Reader)
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Summary: "In that moment I would have gone to the ends of the universe if she pleased. I would have given her all the stars in the galaxy." 
Tags: Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Slight Angst, This Is Really Cute 
Word Count: 1684
Warnings: None except for some brief language
Paring: Bruce Banner x Fem Reader (uses she/her pronouns)
Additional Note: I rewrote this because it was absolutely awful. I think it’s better now! ;)
It was early, the tower was absent of noise with the exception of the whistling tea kettle sat upon the stove. Tony and I had been working all night to calibrate a new GPS system for the quinjet. It was hard work that required precision and concentration. That was hard to perform, however, when my lab partner was blasting Black Sabbath as if he were at some sort of underground warehouse party. 
My eyes ached from staring at my screen for so many hours, the throbbing synced with that of the headache that had crept its way up to my temples. I just couldn’t take the work any longer, which is something I don’t often say. I have a passion for lab work; I mean, I wouldn’t have seven PHDs in the sciences if I didn’t. That night, however, I needed an escape. 
I needed to go see her. 
I knew where she’d be. Up on the rooftop, staring out over the urban skyline. That’s where she went  to think after her attempts to get some rest were tried and failed. New York truly is the city that never sleeps, and neither does Y/N. 
I rummaged through the cupboard until I had retrieved her favorite mug, and paired it with the one she had gifted me last month. There had been no special occasion, she said she saw it and thought of me. It was one of those novelty mugs you find at convenience stores. On the front were the words “science is my bitch” written in a large bold font. I laughed the hardest I had in months after opening that gift. The rest of the team gives me weird looks whenever I use it, but that mug was the first gift I had received in a very long time. 
I took the kettle off the stove and prepared the two mugs of tea. One spoonful of honey, just how Y/N liked it. Afterwards I made my way to the elevator before requesting JARVIS take me to my destination. As I began my ascent my nerves began to get the best of me. I have this habit of second guessing myself, of letting my mind spiral into anxiousness. These thoughts, however, came to a halt as the elevator doors opened to reveal Y/N sat upon her chair serenely gazing out over the bustling city streets. 
At the sound of the elevator ding she turned her head, her lips curving upwards into a smile as she took in my presence. 
Y/N always smiled when I walked in the room. 
“Well hey there genius” she greeted, her grinning face illuminated by that of the dimmed roof lighting, and the neon glow of the Avengers symbol plastered on the front of the tower. 
“Hey Y/N, um- I brought tea.” I responded, gesturing the two mugs I held in my hands. 
“Somebody pinch me. Not only has Dr. Banner escaped from his natural habitat, but he also comes bearing gifts! I’m in shock.” 
I laughed heartily, “Well, my natural habitat has been invaded by a wild and obnoxious Tony Stark.” I responded. 
“Anybody who manages to survive Stark is more than welcome here. Besides you've been down in that lab for hours, you’re gonna fucking suffocate if you don’t get some fresh air.” She said as she gave the seat next to her a pat, thus signaling her wish for me to sit there. 
I thanked her before sitting down and handing her the cup of tea. “Careful it’s hot.” I warned, not wanting her to burn her hands on the hot ceramic. As I handed over the mug I felt her fingers lightly brush over mine, causing my heart to flutter. 
She thanked me in return before reminding me that she always enjoyed my company. Her words filled my chest with a warmth that I rarely feel nowadays. A warmth that I only feel when I’m with her.  
Afterwards we sat and conversed for what felt like both several hours, and a few minutes all at the same time. Conversation with Y/N flowed with ease, our topics ranging from the books we were currently reading, philosophy and politics, to Thor’s new obsession with microwaved popcorn. I couldn’t care less what we talked about, the only thing that mattered was that I was with her, and it seems as though she just might have felt the same way. 
I have always considered myself to be an awkward person. Social interactions were never really my forte, especially after the accident. With the big guy around, I didn’t think that anybody would want to be friendly with me. I assumed that everyone was afraid. With Y/N, however, it was different. She never once looked at me with fear in her eyes. Her disposition was so warm, so welcoming. If I ever needed someone to talk to I knew she’d be there, and she knew I was there if she ever needed the same. Around her I could be myself. She just felt safe. 
After a while I noticed she had grown quiet, her mind drifting off to somewhere else. She sat in her chair, her head tilted upward towards the sky, her brow furrowed in deep thought. 
“You okay?” I asked, concerned that she was upset.
 “Yeah, I just- I wish I could see the stars.”
I looked up, my eyes met with the inky blackness that was the New York sky, all of its stars drowned out by the light pollution and smog. 
“Yeah, it really is a shame isn’t it?” I questioned, receiving an affirming hum from her in return.
At that point we both sat quietly, our eyes transfixed on the sky above in search for the stars that were never going to appear. The silence settled between us comfortably. I knew she was getting ready to say something, but I couldn’t be sure what. 
“When I was a kid,” she began, “We lived in this house out in the country. Out there the stars were breathtaking. You could see every constellation so clearly.” 
I saw her lips curve upwards in response to the happy memories replaying in her mind. 
“Before my mom died, whenever I was upset or stressed out, she would take me out to the backyard. Together we would lay in the grass and just stare up at the sky. We would stay like that for hours; it was peaceful.” 
Her head dropped, her eyes now gazing forward onto the cityscape before us. “I miss that”, she said, her voice barely above a whisper. 
In that moment, as I observed her melancholic gaze. I wanted nothing more than to give her what she wanted, to give her the stars.
Then after a moment of thought, I realized that I could. 
                                    ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The next night I found her in the very same spot, looking over the city lights and skyscrapers unable to sleep once more. 
At the sound of the elevator’s ding she turned to face me , her lips once again forming a smile at the sight of my presence. 
“Two nights in a row?” Y/N questioned, “ That big brain of yours must be really fucking tired.” 
“Actually,” I said,  “this big brain of mine has something to show you.” I waved my hand signaling for her to follow me. 
She smiled in both confusion and amusement as she stepped into the elevator. We stood side by side, our shoulders brushing up against one another as we made our descent down to the lab. 
“Now close your eyes.” I requested 
“Bruce what is this-” 
“It’s a surprise, now close your eyes.”
She complied, the corners of her lips turning upwards as I grabbed her hand and led her down the hall to the lab. I led her to the center of the room and requested her remain there as I went and turned off every light I could find within the vicinity. Afterwards I felt my way back to her through the darkness and positioned myself so we stood directly in front of one another. 
“Okay now open your eyes.” 
“Bruce, is the surprise the news that I’ve gone blind?” she questioned causing us both to laugh. 
“No, just watch.” 
At the press of a button the room became illuminated with starlight. Stars, galaxies and planets hovered above our heads, in majestic hues of purple and blue. The scene was nothing short of magic. The universe on full display, three dimensionally projected all around us. 
At the sight of the stars above her, I saw Y/N’s face light up. Her face filled with amazement as she beheld the multitude of constellations shining before her eyes. Her smile beamed, its brightness competing with that of the brightest stars in the room. 
To me she was the brightest star in the room. 
She slowly spun in a circle in the attempt to fully take in her surroundings, her eyes reflecting the twinkling of the floating stars. She was the most beautiful person I had ever seen. 
She turned to me, her eyes glistening with moisture. “Bruce I-” 
“Do you like it?” I asked, her lack of words worrying me. Maybe this was too much?
Her silence, however, was replaced by her embrace. She took me in her arms as she gently wrapped them around my neck and pulled me close to her. 
“Thank you, Bruce. Thank you so much.” She whispered, her voice cracking at the end. 
I held her tighter in an attempt to pull her in even closer. Her embrace radiated pure love, a love I hadn't felt in a long long time. 
“Y-you’re welcome.” I answered, overwhelmed with adoration. 
As we pulled away I looked at her face illuminated by the glimmering starlight. I felt as though she was the only person that mattered, that she was the most precious thing this world had to offer. In that moment I would have gone to the ends of the universe if she pleased. I would have given her all the stars in the galaxy; and to this day, I still would.
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excelsi-or · 4 years
just a little sweeter (pt.6)
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Hello wonderful friends. The start of this semester is a hARD one. My friend best explained it as “it feels like it’s December 13, the second week of finals week and it’s the home stretch”. Online school is not my thing. I hope for all of you who are went back to school are having a better time than I am.
BIPOC recs: If you’re feeling helpless like I was last night, watch AOC’s live stream that she did after the death of RBG. I admire the work this woman is doing and how hard she, and other progressives, are working to protect the American democracy. Follow Ty & Shay on IG. Their photography right now is so bright and happy. Something we all need right now.
w.c. 3.2k (oops, I apologize that it’s so long; fluffy fluff fluff, if you don’t like date stories, i’d skip this one; next part is a little more domestic-y/couple-y stuff :D)
pt.1; pt.2; pt.3; pt.4; pt.5
“She’s going to be fine,” Seungkwan promises.
Jihoon brought Eunha over an hour ago so that he could head out on his date. He wanted to make sure that she was settled in and enjoying herself before he disappeared for a few hours.
Jihoon, sitting on the couch behind Eunha, looks up at Seungkwan. “I know.”
“Then you can leave. Are you even dressed?” Seungkwan demands.
Hansol colours on the floor with Eunha, but looks up to gauge Jihoon’s outfit. “He looks dressed to me.”
“Where are you taking her?” Seungkwan puts a hand on his hip. “Isn’t this a first date?”
“You ask me as if you’ve been on plenty of first dates,” Jihoon retorts. He looks down at his outfit. He’d struggled to decide what to wear. Experimenting with his clothes before the date seemed like a bad idea. And the first two outfits he’d tried on hadn’t worked. So he’d gone with something he was used to wearing: a baggy top and jeans. He decided against a hat, because that seemed too casual. Fiddling with his currently grey hair is going to make him stick out like a thumb, but he’s never had a real issue with fans or the like. He’s hoping tonight is no exception.
“You still haven’t told us where you’re taking her though, hyung,” Hansol points out.
Jihoon stands. “I think it’s time for me to go.” He squats down and kisses Eunha’s head. “You be good, okay? Uncle Seungkwan and Uncle Hansol are going to watch you.”
Eunha tips her head back to look at him. “You’re going?”
“I’m going to go have dinner with a friend,” he answers. He brushes the hair out of her face. “But I’ll be back before you go to bed, hmm?”
“No, Dad’s going to be back after you go to bed,” Seungkwan insists. “He’ll take you home and give you cuddles there.”
Eunha’s gaze shifts past Jihoon to Seungkwan and then back to Jihoon’s face. Jihoon can see the lack of understanding in her eyes, but she nods anyway. “Okay.” She closes her eyes as he kisses her forehead.
Seungkwan walks Jihoon to the door. “Hyung, don’t cut your date short because of Eunha. We’re all here to watch her. The members are coming back after dinner.” He waves off anything Jihoon can possibly say. “She’ll be fine for one night without you tucking her in.”
“If the world starts ending, you better fucking call me,” Jihoon hisses.
Seungkwan nods, holding back an eye roll. “Yes, hyung.”
Jihoon checks his phone on the way to the elevator. There are good luck messages from the members to which he replies with an eye roll emoji. Then seeing her name in his phone makes his heart flip before wondering what she could be messaging him about.
They’ve been texting on and off for the past few days. If the café is busy, she can only really text him late in the afternoon. That’s the busiest time of day for him, but when he’s free at night, she’s usually already asleep.
So the fact that they could even pin down a day to meet up is a miracle.
What if she’s cancelling?
The message just says: Meet you at the café.
There are no emojis, no tildes (~), nothing to insinuate that she’s excited to see him. He gets a cab to the café, because getting on the train with his grey hair is a horrible idea. When Jihoon steps out of the cab, he sees her first. She’s sitting on the bench outside the café on her phone. Her hair, usually out of her face in some sort of half up-do, cascades around her shoulders. As he gets nearer, he can tell she’s dressed just as casually as he is. They telepathically communicated that this was a jeans and t-shirt kind of date.
When Jihoon walks right up to her, she takes a second to glance up at him. A wide grin splits her face. “Jihoon!” She stands and hugs him.
Jihoon is surprised at the contact, but lets his arms wrap around her waist in greeting. “Hey. I’m glad you also went casual for the date.”
She chuckles and pulls away, glancing down at her outfit. Up close, Jihoon can admire the design of her baggy white t-shirt. It’s a simple line drawing of a naked woman’s back.
“Where are we headed?” she asks.
Jihoon shrugs and starts to walk away from the café. “I had a few ideas in mind.”
She tucks her phone into her back pocket. “This should be interesting.” She glances over at him. “Is there a certain time you need to pick up Eunha?”
Jihoon snorts and shakes his head. “Seungkwan specifically told me not to cut my date short.”
She nudges him with her elbow. “I get you all to myself this evening?”
He hears the teasing in her tone and smiles a little. “Yeah, you do.” And it feels nice to say that.
They walk in silence for a while and it starts to feel heavy around him. They’ve done the basics already. He knows what she does. He knows where she lives. She knows where he grew up. The woman already knows he has a child. What’s left to even say?
“So what do you do when you’re not in the studio or taking care of Eunha?” she asks.
Jihoon meets her gaze and wonders if the silence had also been getting to her or if she just had impeccable timing. “At the gym or sleeping, really.”
She pauses, waiting for more. Then she laughs when nothing comes. “Seungcheol oppa warned me that this was your first date in a while.”
Jihoon’s brow furrows. “What did he say?”
“Just that you might be weird.” She look as if she’s about to reach for him, but stops. “I’ve also been forewarned that you don’t like to be touched.”
Jihoon rolls his eyes. “I might as well call the date off now. Seems like everyone’s given me a bad rep already.”
She smiles.
“I don’t mind.”
She tips her head.
“The touching thing. I don’t always mind.”
She watches his expression carefully as she loops her arm through his. Jihoon likes the feeling of her next to him. When the members try to hug him, a lot of the time, it feels too overwhelming. This feels like they’re sharing space rather than someone overtaking his.
“They didn’t say anything bad. Just told me a few things.”
Jihoon encourages her to continue. “Well, Seokmin said that you would probably take me out to eat at three specific restaurants. Seungkwan said that you might be distracted all night between Eunha and work.” Her eyes go to the sky as she thinks. “Soonyoung said that you might not like to answer some of my questions, because you’ve been hurt before. Chan told me he’s surprised you’re willing to go on a date with me at all.”
Jihoon’s face is on fire at this point. “None of that sounds any good on my part.”
She throws her head back with a laugh. “I think it says a lot about you that you have friends who want me to like you. Which is hilarious, because I’m pretty sure I liked you first.”
Jihoon looks to her. “Did you?”
“As soon as I saw Eunha on your hip at the grocery store.” She nods. “I was hooked.”
Jihoon’s eyes widen. “Huh. Didn’t think it would be my daughter that would land me a date.” He adjusts his hand in his pants pocket. “About what Soonyoung said, this is a date. I’m willing to answer any questions you have to ask me.”
“As long as you answer any question I ask you.”
“Seems like a fair trade. Can I go first?”
Jihoon turns left down an alley and he feels her move a little bit closer. “Yeah, sure.”
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In the pause of conversation, she gauges their surroundings. A neon sign catches her attention. “You’re taking me to an arcade, aren’t you?”
“I’m specifically taking you to a bowling alley, but there’s an arcade there.”
“You bowl?”
“Not very well,” Jihoon admits. He holds the door open for her and lets her through first. “But I had an inkling to play.”
She grins back at him. “I suck at bowling.”
The sound and smell of the bowling alley is familiar. It’s a little bit musky, a little too loud, but the atmosphere is light-hearted. He stands at the counter and catches the eye of someone who works there. The man comes over from the lanes to step behind the register.
“Shoe size?”
“4,” she says.
“You’re a 4?” Jihoon doesn’t know why he’s surprised.
“Yeah,” she snorts when the guy puts shoes down in front of her. “Get it out of your system now.” She heads towards their lane while Jihoon waits for his shoes. He scoffs in disbelief when she passes him on his way to the lane.
“Too small?”
She rolls her eyes. “Too big.”
When she returns with her regular shoes in hand, Jihoon glances at her feet. She shows off her heel with the shoe size on the back.
“Awe, you’re a 3! I think Eunha wears those size shoes.”
She thwacks him in the arm and tucks her shoes into a cubby. She sits next to Jihoon while he sorts out their names on the board.
“Let’s play a game,” she says.
Jihoon presses enter. “We are playing a game.” He leads her towards the racks with the bowling balls.
“A game within a game then.” She lifts an 8 lb. ball and compares it to a 10.
“What is it?”
She decides to keep both. “Between every turn, we ask each other a question.”
“You’re gonna make me think of questions while beating you at bowling?” Jihoon demands. He takes two balls back with him to the lane.
“Exactly,” she chuckles. “I need to get something out of this too.”
“You make it sound like I’m really good or you’re really bad.”
“A good mix of both, I think.” She puts her bowling balls down and then holds a hand out to Jihoon. “Deal?”
Jihoon studies her. The blue light of the bowling alley soaks into her skin and turns her white shirt blue. “Deal.”
He put her name first, so she bowls first.
“First question,” Jihoon says when she knocks over 4 pins.
She lifts an eyebrow, glancing back at him. “Shoot.”
“What…” Jihoon tilts his head. “What is your favourite Seventeen song?”
“Easy.” She tosses her 10 lb. down the lane. It veers a hard left, only clipping two pins. She turns back and sits next to him. “Check In.”
“That’s an old one and it’s not even a vocal team song,” Jihoon protests. He goes to take his turn.
“You asked me what my favourite Seventeen song was. You didn’t say you had to be on it.”
“You didn’t think to choose a song I actually sing on?”
She smirks. “I’m not here to pretend to be anything I’m not.”
Jihoon grins and bowls a spare. He stands on the opposite side of the table, hands down, leaning towards her. Her chin rests in her hands as she stares up at him. “Favourite thing about your last girlfriend.”
Jihoon blinks in surprise at the question. She gets up as the pins reset, brushing past him.
She only manages to knock down two pins and Jihoon still doesn’t have a proper answer for her.
“You dated her. Must have been something you liked about her,” she snorts.
“Well, we broke up.”
“Yeah, but you dated her before you broke up with her.” She rolls her eyes, smiling. “Break ups aren’t always terrible and horrible.”
“She gave me Eunha. Does that count?”
Realization seems to dawn on her face. He has the baby. He’s raising her alone. Not all break ups are terrible and horrible; his definitely was.
“That’s sweet,” she decides to say.
Since she seems entirely okay with deep dive questions, Jihoon turns the question on her. “What was your favourite thing about your last boyfriend?” He gets up to bowl.
It only takes her a beat to come up with an answer. “He has a great sense of humour. Really dry and witty.”
When he returns to her, she asks, “Favourite thing that one of the members has ever cooked for you?”
The change in topic is surprising, but appreciated. Either she wants to keep their first date light-hearted or she sensed his mood change when Yeri had come up.
And it happens often. Their conversation starts to go down a certain road and each time they hit the road block of his ex-girlfriend, she finds a way to turn the conversation around. Jihoon feels a deep appreciation for her. While they can be serious, they spend a lot of time bantering and teasing each other about bad plays. She manages to find a groove during the second game and beats him by a few points.
After the third game, they agree that hunger is a larger priority than fun and they should get something to eat. Due to the question and answer she inserted into their game, they leave the alley nearly 3 hours later. Jihoon is pleased that he hasn’t had to check his phone, which is on sound and loud. A few text messages had startled the both of them out of conversation, but they were work related and could be ignored until he gets home.
She loops her arm through his as they wander the streets to find somewhere to eat.
“Are you able to go somewhere where there’s a lot of people?”
They’d had a few people come up to him while bowling. His grey hair and hairstyle are apparently pretty distinct. But it could have been much worse. “Do you have somewhere in mind you want to go?”
She shrugs. “It’s not exactly date-style food, but I want mall food.”
He laughs. “Let’s go then.”
She watches him run his hand through his hair again. “Do you want a hat?”
Jihoon looks around. “You just have one on demand?”
She rolls her eyes and points towards a store down the street. “Wait here.” She ducks inside and walks back out with a plain black cap in hand. She plops it on his head. Before he can say anything, she tips her head in contemplation. Then she reaches up and folds the bill of the cap and pushes it up slightly to show off a bit more of his face.
Jihoon watches an expression of approval grow on her face and he’s tempted to lean down towards her, but holds back. She pulls away a little too quickly for his liking.
“Now we can take the train!”
On the train, someone seems to recognize him and keeps sneaking glances. That is until she pushes Jihoon into the corner and gets closer to him. Jihoon is surprised for her to be underneath the bill of his cap. “You’ve watched Marvel movies,” she whispers.
Jihoon pecks her nose. “Public displays of affection make people uncomfortable.”
A blush spreads across her cheeks from his affection and she bows her head in embarrassment. Jihoon pulls her a bit closer to him as more people get on the train.
“This is ridiculous,” she snorts. “All I wanted was food.”
“We’re going to eat,” Jihoon reminds her.
“This is a first date, we haven’t eaten yet and you’ve already,” her voice drops to a whisper, “kissed me.”
“I beat you in bowling,” he reminds her.
She rolls her eyes. “Oh yeah, thanks.”
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They wind up talking for hours and wander the mall after eating. When it closes, they go out and wander the brightly lit streets. When she starts visibly yawning, Jihoon glances at his watch. “Oh shit.”
“What?” she yawns.
“It’s almost 1.”
“That explains the yawning,” she mumbles.
“I should take you home.”
She pouts. “I would like to argue with you, but I won’t. I have to work tomorrow.”
Jihoon’s eyes widen. “You open at 7.”
“You should have told me.”
“I’m having fun.”
Jihoon waves down a cab and climbs in after her. “We can meet up again.”
She lifts an eyebrow as she fires off her address to the driver. “Really?”
“You don’t want to go on another date with me?”
She chuckles. “I didn’t say that. I’m surprised you want to go on another date with me.”
He threads his fingers through hers.
When they get to her apartment, Jihoon asks the cab driver to wait. He walks her to the door of her apartment. “I’ll message you.”
“And I’ll try to reply,” she promises, as she unlocks the door. She holds it open with her body and turns to look at him. She waves him closer.
Jihoon closes the distance between them and smiles when she lifts the bill of his cap higher. She pecks his nose. “Goodnight, Jihoon.”
“Sleep well.”
She shakes her head with a laugh and disappears into her apartment.
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Seungkwan is the one who answers the door. “How’d it go?”
“Is she sleeping?” Jihoon asks, avoiding talking about the date. There’s such an airy feeling in his chest and he feels like he’s walking on clouds. He doesn’t want to share the feeling with anyone else just yet. Maybe after he writes songs about it.
“She’s sleeping with Hansol,” Seungkwan answers. He glances over at Jihoon. “Do you want to spend the night here? We have schedules tomorrow.”
“Yeah, good idea.” Jihoon collapses onto the couch and grabs a blanket nearby. He tosses his cap onto the coffee table.
Seungkwan shuts the lights off, but not before giving Jihoon one last look. He recognizes the messaging app and the slight movement of the bubbles as Jihoon messages someone back.
Seungkwan wasn’t sure what Soonyoung was worrying about until this moment. Seeing Jihoon vulnerable and giddy isn’t uncommon, but they sure don’t see him like this around other people.
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clnriswood · 4 years
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Big Little Town: Part Two
a/n: hello! very long chapter incoming! this one is kind of world build-y but i promise after this it’s angst galore. lmk if you want to be on a tag list, love you all and can’t wait to keep writing!
There hadn’t been much unpacking progress that afternoon. The girl had been in a pretty much constant state of fear and mingled excitement, so the only thing she’d managed was making her oak framed bed up with thick patterned quilts, and her window with a wispy white curtain. Archie saw her bring it upstairs and hang it up, of course. She’d noticed him eyeing her discreetly from his desk, but he was polite enough to pretend not to see what she was doing. After that the drapes had stayed closed. Now, the girl was heaving other objects into her room as a last minute distraction, the current item in question being a large gold framed mirror that she leaned decoratively against the wall opposite her bed. Her mother had helped her bring it up, and now they both stood in front of the mirror, staring at themselves in the vast reflection.
“What do you think?” her mother smiled.
She looked at herself, thinking. She hadn’t changed since earlier, but there was now a visible panic sweat building on her brow.
“I think I’m going to piss myself,” she concluded.
“Oh!?” her mother gaped wih surprise, giving her a light slap.
“Sorry,” she grumbled, turning away and sitting defeatedly on the edge of her bed.
“Don’t say that. It’s a blessing, really,” said her mother, sinking down beside her and placing a hand to her knee. “You have people coming right to you to try and be your friend!”
“How is that a blessing?” she replied dumbly with a furrow of her brows.
“Well,” she tried gently, “you aren’t so good at approaching other people first.”
The girl shot her mother one of those daggered glares she’d gotten so good at.
“Nevermind,” her mother dropped it with a scoff.
The girl stared down at her scuffed up sneakers, tapping them together uneasily.
“She’ll be here soon.”
“Betty,” the girl explained. “She’s picking me up to take me to Pop’s.”
“I thought Fred Andrew's boy was doing that?” her mother said with surprise. “Doesn’t that make more sense? He lives right ther-”
“No,” the girl said. “Betty offered first.”
Lie. Immediately after receiving Archie’s invitation he’d asked to take her over but she made something up about Betty taking her and then had to frantically text Betty and lie to her that Archie couldn’t take her and then had to ask her to bring her instead and then-
“You really are bad at this lying thing,” her mother concluded her thought for her.
The girl gaped in mock hurt, but then dropped the expression, too lazy to even try pretending her lie wasn’t, well, a lie.
Then there was a ring at the doorbell. It was distant, but still, struck a fearful cord that sure sounded loud in the girl’s ears. She stood up slowly, tucking her phone into her jean’s tight back pocket and attempting to suck in a confident breath.
“Shame,” her mother’s cheeky words followed her out the room, “I wanted to see how much that Archie boy had grown.”
Thank goodness her back was to her mother as she descended the creaky stairs or she would’ve been in for a whirlwind of questions concerning the absolute red that seeped into her daughter’s cheeks.
. . .
Betty drove a little blue car that was, honestly, a little messy. Not that she was judging, it was just unexpected to see the neat blonde with a book scattered and paper strewn backseat. There was even a bundle of red yarn, like she was going crime solving or something. The thought made the girl laugh to herself. Yeah right.
The car was pretty quiet, (Y/N) thinking of her mother’s remark at her inability to approach people first, one which seemed very relevant at the moment.
“So, what sort of things are you looking forward to at school?” Betty finally broke the silence with some easy conversation.
The girl’s eyes flickered as she watched the flare of passing headlights, responding, “I hear you guys have a good music program?”
“Oh yeah,” Betty flashed her straight white teeth. “I’m awful at that stuff. Archie is great though!”
“Yeah I-” the girl shook her head and wrinkled her nose with embarrassment, “I know I… I used to know Archie. And you, kind of.”
Betty tapped her fingers on the steering wheel, not wanting to be rude but having no indication of who the girl was in her memory.
“I’m (Y/N),” she said, “which you know already. But my full name is (Y/N/) (Y/L/N).”
Betty repeated her full name slowly, trying to see if it rang any bells. She tried again but nothing stirred. She repeated it once more, and it took a second for it to actually hit her.
“OH MY GOD!” she hit the brakes with surprise, her blonde pony swinging.
She turned to get a look at the girl, a good look this time. Her perfect pink lips dropped open.
“You’re-” she shook her head, searching for the right words. Then she settled on gorgeous. “Not that you weren’t before,” she explained quickly, her lashes fluttering, “you’ve just changed a lot.”
Betty turned her big blue eyes slowly back to the road and started driving again with a short little laugh.
“Thanks,” the girl said bashfully, unsure of how else to reply. “You haven’t. Changed, I mean. You were always really cute.”
Betty let out an ugly snort, making the girl’s lips stretch wide into a smile.
“Please,” Betty scoffed. “I was not cute. I was embarrassing. I thought I was going to grow up to be either a princess, the president, or both simultaneously.”
“Are you kidding? That’s still my dream,” she joked, making Betty release a sweet airy laugh.
Sure enough, the girl found herself warming quickly to Betty Cooper.
“I was actually jealous of you, y’know?” Betty said as she turned her head to look at the girl with a grin.
“What? Me!?” she chortled. “Me, the weirdo with no friends?”
Betty shook her head, eyes back on the road now, “one friend.”
And just like that, the panic sweat was back.
“Archie?” she said nervously.
“Yeah, little Archie,” Betty rolled her eyes, “I had the biggest crush on him when we were kids.”
The girl gave a nod, twirling a piece of hair nervously around her index finger. Huh, looks like there was competition for her childhood crush. She couldn’t blame Betty for liking him. Any little girl with two eyes would’ve. Not wanting to sound too obvious, she asked, “do you still?”
Betty ugly snorted again, and then scolded herself for the reaction.
“Don’t tell Archie I laughed at him for that.”
“Believe me I won’t,” the girl chuckled.
“I’ll always love that boy but we’re very different people,” Betty explained, pulling up to the diner. “Plus I’ve got Jughead, and he’s got Ronnie.”
The girl was so busy absorbing the flickering neon lights of Pop’s famous (in her mind) Diner, that it took her a second to process what was just said or what it meant at all.
“What’s a Jughead?” she said stupidly to herself.
Betty just smiled and opened her door, the girl blindly following after her. It had been so long since she’d been to the diner, but not much had changed, other than it looked like it’d had a fresh coat of paint and someone had finally fixed that dreadful buzzing light in the “n” of the sign. The girl tripped nervously behind Betty into the diner, the door letting loose a little jingle as they stepped in. Unlike the cool night air they’d just briefly been exposed to, Pop’s was filled with a warmth and delicious sugary smell that made the girl salivate at once. A feeling of absolute nostalgia swept over her, one so strong Betty had to shake her out of it.
“(Y/N), hey, they’re over here.”
She snapped out of it, hair whirling around her shoulders as she turned to her left, eyes landing on a nearby booth where three people sat. One was a black haired boy in a beanie who sat with his legs up against the table but shifted upwards with a smile when he saw Betty. That must be the boy she’d just referred to as an it, she thought to herself. Then there was a raven haired girl in a sleek black dress who sat about as prim and properly as a person could in a plastic-y diner booth. Ronnie, she presumed. And then there was Archie Andrews. Archie Andrews with the beautiful brown eyes that were glued indiscreetly to her. Archie Andrews with his arm around the stunning girl beside him.
“Fuck,” the girl began to whisper, but then, catching their eye, let the word buzz out into nothingness as she gave them all a big fake smile hello.
“Jug, Veronica, this is (Y/N),” Betty introduced the girl politely. 
“Pleasure,” Veronica offered a hand, Jughead giving her a nod of acknowledgement.
She took her hand awkwardly as Betty pulled her up a chair to sit at the end of the table.
Oh good, like she could fifth wheel any harder.
“And Archie, you know (Y/N)!?” Betty beamed.
Archie’s eyes sparkled with knowing as he gave a nod, one the girl barely caught as she looked away quite quickly. Up close he was even more terrifying. And by terrifying she meant handsome. And by handsome she meant terrifying. A loose red strand of hair fell in front of Archie’s enthralled stare, and he was too dumbfounded to do anything about it, so Veronica fixed it up for him, making him snap out of his short lived trance. He moved his eyes over to his girlfriend, giving her a half smile.
“What’ll we be having?” a kind voice interrupted them.
The girl looked up into the eyes of none other than Pop himself. He wore the same old Pop’s uniform and the same old smile. He had that glorious Santa Clause twinkle in his eyes, and just the jolly Santa Clause laugh to go with it.
“My my, if it isn’t (Y/N),” he shook his head.
“You remember me?!” she said with both surprise and flattery.
Pop gave her a pat on the shoulder, addressing the group, “this girl used to come in every afternoon, sit right up on those stools that were too tall for her little legs, and order an extra-chocolate chocolate milkshake,” he smiled. Then, looking down, he chuckled, “how could I forget?”
She looked up at him with a huge grin, “you never did tell me your secret.”
“Ah, you’re old enough now,” he shrugged, “it was an extra brownie.”
“What?!” her mouth fell open, “that was it!? But you’d go back there and make it seem like you were doing this big magical thing-”
“Extra brownie,” he cut her off with a proud little wheeze, to which she shook her head. “I presume it’ll be the same for tonight, right?”
She scoffed, crossing her legs in her chair and sitting up a little better, “right.”
Pop nodded, “good to have you back, kiddo.”
The girl turned back slowly to face the others, who of course were all staring at her. There was a shared expression amongst them that she couldn’t place. They didn’t speak for a few seconds. Then it was Jughead who finally said what they were all thinking.
“You’ll let us try that thing, right?”
She let out a sigh of relief, and then a laugh and a shake of her head, “of course.”
. . .
Once they’d all passed the milkshake around the table once, every person had come to the same conclusion: this girl had taste. Then they’d all ordered themselves a round of her extra-chocolate chocolate milkshakes, even Archie. As she took sips of the delicious sugary goodness, it felt like social fuel being pumped into her lungs. She bonded with Jughead over their interest in fiction, Veronica over their interest in fashion, Betty with everything, and Archie with nothing, since she didn’t really speak to him. The neon lights of the diner sent a warm pink glow over the group, flushing their skin with the retro aura that made Riverdale what it was.
“A cracktown in the middle of the forest,” Jughead had decided to call it.
“Jug,” Betty hit her hand to her forehead with a laugh.
“No, seriously (Y/N) you wouldn’t believe the crap that happens here,” Jughead said, tossing a brownie chunk in his mouth.
“Relax, Jones,” Veronica said. “Don’t go scaring off our new girl so soon.”
The girl smiled a confused smile, unaware of what subtext she was missing out on.
Changing topic, Veronica asked what she might be looking forward to at school.
“Oh, um, the music,” she responded for the second time that night, averting Archie’s eyes as she did so. “I play guitar.”
“Do you now?” Veronica arched a sharp brow. “So does this ginger stallion beside me.”
Veronica grabbed Archie’s large arm and gave it an encouraging squeeze.
He nodded, and she made direct eye contact with him for only the second time that evening. His eyes softened when he caught her looking, making her stomach turn. Not that either would say it, but she was the one who had taught him to play, something they both recalled. He cracked the tiniest of smiles for her, making her forget how to breathe as she found herself suddenly very interested in the bottom of her milkshake glass. An awkward silence, the first and only of the night, ensued.
Veronica, feeling responsible for it, said, “well it’s late. I should be heading home before daddy worries.”
The girl had to pinch herself under the table to keep herself from laughing at whatever the hell had just been said. She raised her jaw to give Veronica a smile, the group rumbling with mutual chatter and goodbye’s as she parted without Archie, who she apparently called Archiekins.
“Me too,” Jughead said, “not because of my daddy issues,” he clarified. “I have a paper to write.”
“I’ll take you back,” Betty said, helping her boyfriend out of the seat after her. He leaned up and planted a kiss to her cheek as he stood, wrapping an arm around her.
It was kind of a funny sight to see the pink clad blonde girl with the black clad emo boy, but they did seem a good pair. The two stared at her.
“(Y/N), you coming?” Betty smiled.
The girl was far too nervous to even acknowledge Archie for a goodbye as she stood, making a clamor and hitting her knees on the table, “yeah.”
She barely got a step away before Archie cut the group off.
“Actually-” he started
They all turned to look at him.
His eyes were now fixated right on the girl, and confidently. Not that they weren't before, just that he seemed a little unsure of how to act around her up until the given moment, for whatever reason. He had his legs spread apart now, shoulders comfortably back against the crimson backside of the booth.
“I’ll take you,” he said.
“Well-” she protested.
But he wasn’t having it this time.
He did this incredibly frustrating blink smile thing at her that made her heart do somersaults.
“I’ll take her,” he said again, firmly, and to the others this time.
Feeling trapped, the girl turned to Betty for guidance. But Betty, being Betty, just smiled.
“Have fun you two.”
She felt like she was being abandoned by her new sister and her sister’s edgy boyfriend, helpless as they walked hand and hand away from her. She kept her back to Archie long after they left, too scared to turn. Her heels were glued together, and she raised her chin up to stare into the blazing lights above in a failed attempt to make the nightmare end. Then, slowly, she tilted her head, enough to address him without looking properly.
“After you.”
. . .
Archie drove an old truck that made strange noises when it ran but felt homey nonetheless. The seats were faded and it smelt of must and what she presumed to be his own scent, which was a kind of mingled sweat and dark cologne mixture that she strangely liked. An old CD was crammed into the car’s disk drive, and it hummed out low rock music that soothed the girl’s nerves. For a while, neither of them spoke, but it was he who finally broke the silence.
“Sorry,” Archie huffed lightly as the girl studied her void surroundings.
It was pitch black on the roads, and she had her head pressed to the cool glass as she stared into the inky black of the night. Archie had rolled his window down so that an icy breeze rolled up onto her skin, leaving a trail of goosebumps.
“For what?” she spoke softly into the surface of the glass, her knees against the door.
“Oh, I know it’s not much,” the red haired boy said, moving his eyes between the road and the girl beside him.
“I like it,” she smiled, tilting her head to look at him and flashing her teeth.
Archie’s lips curled upwards, “yeah?”
He stared at her, his own teeth bright white against the darkness of his car.
“You think I wouldn’t?” she said, moving her knees from the door to facing forwards.
“Well,” he shrugged, “some people in this town have very expensive tastes.”
“Mmm?” she challenged, wiggling a brow at him. “And you think that includes me, Archiekins?”
She’d said the last word with the best Veronica impersonation she could manage; it was awful.
Archie let out a short loud laugh that he then stifled with his free hand. He leaned back further against his seat, relaxing his shoulders and keeping one hand lazily planted to the steering wheel as he shook his gorgeous red hair with amusement.
“I don’t know,” he laughed, his large eyes glimmering as the passing car lights shone in them. “You could’ve changed.”
“Yeah right,” the girl said, easing up and turning so that her back was now fully against the passenger door and her front was pointed directly at the boy.
Archie’s face flashed with some expression she couldn’t make out.
“What?” she prodded him.
“I don’t know, is it so hard to believe?” he shrugged, tilting his head to look briefly down at her.
She averted his eyes instantly. So apparently she wasn’t fully accustomed to him quite yet.
“What do you mean?” she asked the road.
“I mean-” he started, squinting his eyes and swaying his head as he selected his next words, “you’ve definitely changed.”
“Hm?” she said with mild surprise, turning back to look at him and feeling her heart skip a beat when she saw that he was still right there, staring back at her where she’d left him.
Archie didn’t know how to explain verbally, so he just kind of lingered his eyes very curiously on her before moving them slowly back to the road. He suppressed a smile with a bite of his cheek, making her frustrated.
“What?” she snapped.
“There’s not a very gentlemanly way of putting it,” he rolled his head attractively to look back down at her, smirking.
Her raised brows very slowly settled as she realized what he meant, her face burning with embarrassment as she turned it back to the outdoors and prayed he couldn’t make out her expression. So what, he just pointed out that she looked different. But what was that supposed to mean? She had to pinch her thighs to gather herself.
“So then who's to say you haven’t completely changed?” she finally responded in a cool tone.
“If it isn’t obvious by the dump on wheels that I drive,” he laughed, “me.”
“Really?” she taunted, mimicking his seductive head roll and blinking sweetly up at him, “I think you’ve definitely changed.”
Archie snorted and crinkled his nose adorably, tapping the girl off with his shoulders playfully, “hey.”
He wore this inquisitive smile as he turned quickly to look at her. He wanted her to elaborate on what she’d meant, but she just left him hanging like he’d done to her.
“Well,” he decided with a slow exhale, “I’m kind of relieved, to be honest.”
“Why?” she asked, taking his focus on the road as time to study the perfect curvatures of his cheeks, jaws, and lips.
“I’m glad you’re still, you know, you,” he said. “Sweet. Sassy. Kind of scary.”
She knocked his elbow with her own, “shut it Andrews.”
He opened his lips just wide enough to flash the edges of his jutted canines, “there she is.”
She couldn’t help but giggle, moving her legs and folding them to sit crossed legged in his seat. Archie didn’t seem remotely surprised.
“Yeah well, are you still the Archie Andrews I know?” she asked.
“Mmph,” Archie puffed lowly, “you could say that.”
“Elaborate,” she said.
“A lot has happened since you left. So, no. But, also yes? I’m still me underneath everything, I just think that a lot of people forget that... including me,” he explained somberly.
“Oh,” she frowned, “troubled past?”
He laughed bitterly, “like you wouldn’t believe.”
“I might,” she said, squishing her lips together with curiosity.
Archie shook his head with concealed hurt, not knowing where to start. He took a minute to himself before replying, during which he pulled up to their street and into his driveway.
“My dad passed away this year,” he decided.
“Oh,” the girl’s heart dropped.
She used to see Fred all the time when he and Mrs. Andrews would get Archie from school. She’d even written him the personalized essay on why he should get Archie his first guitar, and it had worked. Hurt but not knowing how to reply, she just stared at him, but he wasn’t looking back.
“I’m sorry,” she settled lamely.
“Me too,” Archie turned finally, resting his upset eyes on her, “about your dad.”
“Oh?” she said, taken aback.
“I mean,” he explained, “I knew back then, obviously. But I never said anything about it. I didn’t want you to think I judged you for it.”
“Honestly it’s fine,” she shook her head.
“No,” he cut her off, “because now I know what it feels like. To be the kid with the dad who died. Everyone treats you differently, like you’re, I don’t know, a victim. So nobody talks about it, it’s like they think I’ll self-destruct if they do,” his eyes settled in his lap. “And I don’t want that. I just want my dad.”
Her shoulders slumped with sadness, brows knitting as she leaned forward for his hand. She stopped though, not sure of if that was okay, so she asked.
“Can I?” she half whispered, tapping her fingers against Archie’s hand, which was still clutched tightly to his gear shift.
He just gave a little nod yes.
His hand was shaking a little when she reached for it, so she reassuringly wrapped her fingers around it, like in one of those friend hand holds where you don’t lock fingers. Archie wordlessly stopped her, nudging her fingers aside so he could lace his long fingers through her own. It took her aback, but there was no denying she preferred it. Kind of enthralled at the sight, she just looked at their hands together, hers much smaller and colder, feeling safe entangled in his. And his hands felt good. Rough. Warm. Familiar. Realizing it’d been the first time they’d actually touched in years, she felt her throat go hard. Archie seemed to pick up on it too, because when she lifted her gaze he was looking at her, kind of flickering his eyes back and forth between her own. She felt her heart pick up, thumping loudly in her ears, her blood filled with a faint electricity. But this time she didn’t look away. It felt too good to. So she let Archie do it, though he looked reluctant to do so. He retracted his hand timidly, making her instantly go cold without it.
“Hey,” he started softly, “are we okay?”
She stared at him with a slightly tilted head, “of course, why?”
“Well,” he said nervously, “You kind of shut me out with those curtains before. And then I got a text from Betty saying she was taking you to Pop’s at the last minute, which was weird because I’d already offered. And, well, you didn’t speak to me at all until ten minutes ago.”
He said it all to his knees instead of to her face, his lips curled into a frown.
The girl closed her eyes in embarrassment, shaking her head, “I’m sorry. It’s not what you think.”
When she opened them again he was looking at her, awaiting her next words.
She gulped nervously. It wasn’t exactly like she could admit she’d been hit full force with a suppressed wave of years of her own pent up frustration and feelings when she saw him.
“I just,” she sighed, rubbing a thumb nervously over her wrist “I was afraid.”
“Of what?” he replied with surprise.
“You,” she admitted, settling for the partial truth. “I hadn’t seen you in so long and I didn’t know how much had changed or if you’d-” she shook her head, pausing, “if new Archie would still like me.”
He released an airy laugh, “are you kidding (Y/N)(Y/L/N)?”
That threw her off guard. Back in the day he had often called her by her full name. Whether sweet or stupid, she had never decided. But this time it definitely felt sweet.
“No I’m not, Archie Andrews,” she said slowly back, drawing her gaze away.
That made him grin that damn grin that drove her insane.
“I could never stop liking you,” he promised with enough sincerity to make her look up again. “Promise.”
She smiled timidly, “how am I supposed to get that when I’m being dragged into a new friend group the very night I’m moving back into town?” she said. “I mean, they’re lovely of course,” she defended, “but you can’t blame me for being nervous.”
Archie squinted his eyes, taking in her words before deciding, “you're right.”
“I am?” she said with a confused laugh.
“Yes,” he nodded. “I know you, and I should’ve known better than to think that was your thing.”
He wasn’t wrong.
“And I promise,” he added, “next time it’ll be just us.”
She blinked at the fiery redhead with mingled hope and nervousness, “yeah?”
“Yeah,” he said, tilting his head forward with an encouraging smile. “Tomorrow I’ll come over and help you unpack. And then after we can do whatever you want, and you can catch me up on everything I missed,” he beamed.
Seeing him get so excited to spend time with her practically sent her off the deep end, her heart feeling like it was being squeezed out by Archie himself. She beamed back at him, making him smile, if possible, even wider.
“Wait,” she realized, feeling upset wash over her, “aren’t you supposed to see Veronica tomorrow?”
“Oh,” Archie said, knitting his brows, “it’s alright. I’m sure she’ll understand me helping out an old friend.”
Ouch. It was sweet, but still, she couldn’t help the sting that came with “old friend.”
“Really?” the girl asked.
“Of course,” he reassured.
She nodded nervously, feeling incredibly grateful to have him back. So she told him.
“I’m really happy to have you back.”
He let his lips fall into a content close, his chocolate eyes twinkling, “I’m happy to have you back too.”
The two stared at each other, an awkward quiet ensuing, neither sure of what to say next. Both luckily and unluckily, the girl’s front porch light snapped on, making both of them jump. The girl’s mother was by the door, and she was waving down Archie’s truck.
“Oh my god,” the girl said with horror, “Archie run.”
But he wasn’t listening. In fact, he was halfway out the truck.
“No way, Mrs. (Y/L/N)!?” he said cheerfully, extending his hand as he walked out to meet her halfway.
The girl cursed under her breath as she climbed out the vehicle, so appalled she could barely look.
“Archie!” her mom said, hobbling over in her pink robe.
She shook the boy’s hand, marvelling at what a handsome young man he was.
The girl’s sneakers crunched over the grass and leaves as she stood beside them, her eyes darting between the exchange and the ground but unsure of where to stay.
“Last time I saw you you were just a tiny little thing with a football twice the size of your head!” she chortled.
“And last time I saw you you looked just as youthful Mrs. (Y/L/N),” Archie replied.
Damn that boy was smooth.
Her mother clearly enjoyed it, voicing, “always an angel, Archie.”
The porch and moon’s light combined sent shadows over their faces, crickets chirping obnoxiously as her mother patted Archie off with a laugh. They made small talk that was frankly too unbearable for the girl, so she wordlessly slipped off and into the house before they could say anything. As soon as she got in she bolted up the stairs, hands running through her hair nervously and back hitting the door of her room once she was safe inside. She sucked in a few breaths, eyes fluttering as she processed the catastrophe occuring downstairs, and just generally in her life. A minute later she heard the front door close, and her mother yelled up something that sounded like an indistinct “well gosh I get what you mean now!” That only embarrassed the girl further, making her slide down against her door with a groan. Thank God her drapes were closed so Archie didn’t see it all happening. Well, speaking of…
The girl slowly opened her eyes, lifting her body from the ground with a sigh. She stood, staring at her curtains. She could see light flooding in from the other side, meaning Archie was now in his room. Sucking in a slow breath, she tucked her long hair behind her ears and approached her curtains slowly. Her face was expressionless as she felt for the fabric, her heart just a little too fast as she timidly pulled it aside.
There was Archie, breathtaking as ever. He sat on the edge of his bed, phone resting in his hands like he was contemplating using it. But then, feeling her bedroom light flood over to his side of the divide, Archie looked up with knowing. She still had one hand holding the drapes, the other loosely by her side, clutching her own phone. Archie stared at her with a happily taken aback expression, his chest heaving lightly against his white tee, his hands steady as they unlocked his phone. The auburn haired boy looked at her for a second, then down at his phone as he typed away a message. Then he looked back up. Her phone screen lit up at once.
No goodbye?
She chuckled, looking up in time to catch him smile with a tilt of his brows.
The girl typed back.
Sorry. Too rough down there, had to get out.
This time Archie laughed.
Goodnight, (Y/N) (Y/L/N).
She smiled.
Goodnight, Archie Andrews.
He didn’t text back after that, he just stepped forward and reached for his own blinds, tilting his head at her in a wordless goodbye. Neither wanted to be the first to shut the other out, so instead they just closed their blinds together, the last thing she caught being the ever so faint twitch of Archie’s content lips.
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butterbeeryuta · 4 years
chapter 2: shit colour schemes, bugs, and vegetables
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This place looked nothing like hell. The moment we landed, we were placed in one luxurious apartment with a private pool and shit. How is this hell?
Purple-horn lady cleared her throat as she clasped her hands together. ‘Welcome to Hell 127. As you can see, you have a rather gorgeous apartment here, and is probably a very different image of what you thought hell was meant to look like. But that is only because humans are stupid. Keep yourselves warm and welcome, and ya’ll can call me later if you need any help, yeah?’. We all nodded at her, wanting her to leave as soon as possible. If it was not obvious enough, we wanted to have a magical vacation here in Hell 127. Imagine all the films I can watch forever, or even maybe paint forever— this is just simply amazing and irreplaceable. What she said made sense though. Maybe we are dumb because of what we perceive hell to be. From an early age, we learn that hell is a place for ‘bad people’ regardless of what your religion was. Of course, there was no possible way for living individuals to know how hell actually looks like, but damn are we brainwashed. In a matter of a second, the purple woman disappeared, and it was just us 13 embarrassed breathing-yet-not-breathing corpses.
‘Is it only me, or I really want to jump in that pool’ the girl with midnight blue hair asked. We all looked at her direction, not expecting the sudden voice to speak out. My eyes followed where she was looking, and I must say, the pool looked inviting. The clear water had pink and purple led lights shining on the edges; it was a whole disco party in a form of a pool. I love hell.
‘Didn’t you die from jumping in a pool and drowning for your Instagram feed?’ A rather deep female voice questioned.
The boy with caramel hair snorted at the girl’s comment, whereas Mark’s laugh filled all of our ears. I had this sudden urge to comfort the attacked girl, but I also wanted to high-five the other person for such bravery? Huh… no wonder I’m in hell. I’m just as mean as kpop stans on Twitter. Poor attacked pretty girl tightened her lips immediately, almost as if she was stopping herself from throwing an insult back. Or maybe she was just at loss of words. If it wasn’t obvious enough, I am absolutely terrible at reading people. And to think I wanted to be a psychologist. Considering we were technically going to live with each other for eternity, I had this sudden need to diffuse the tension, and being the natural leader I am since I was an art teacher for fuck’s sake—
‘Are you feeling ashamed that we all know how you died?’ A man with dark red hair asked.  My thoughts were immediately cut short when he began to speak… and now I want to choke him for interrupting me. Perhaps I have a temper problem. Perhaps. The girl nodded a ‘yes’ at him, which only made the man give her a small smile. He had a pretty smile, I’ll admit that. But that gives me more of a reason for wanting to kill him. Though, there is probably no use in doing so since we are all dead anyway and well, we’re all in hell.
‘Well, don’t feel bad. My name is Yuta, and we all had embarrassing deaths. There isn’t a need to feel ashamed or upset sweetheart—‘
‘Oh cut the crap Yuta, stop flirting with people. I’m Johnny by the way. If you think he’s a therapist or something, no he isn’t.’ A 6’0” man interrupted him, which only made the so-called Yuta glare at the tall guy.
‘Ya’ll know each other?’ I asked, which for some reason caused Mark to nudge me. I raised my left eyebrow at him, giving him a ‘what the fuck’ look, but I probably should have guessed it: the bitch actually died from embarrassment, of course he’d be nervous talking to anyone.
‘Uh, yeah. Yuta is a drug dealer, and I was his personal accountant. We died together from stupidly running away from the cops and ran straight into a wall and well… a wall killed us’ Johnny said, scratching the back of his head, clearly not proud of his death. If I thought Mark’s laughter couldn’t get louder and funnier, it just did. Naturally, everyone laughed along with him, including myself. And just like that, we all got inside, sat on the huge couch, and got to know each other’s names and how we pathetically left Mother Earth. The blue hair woman turned out to be an ‘influencer’ on Instagram based in Korea— Jung Wheein. She claimed that she already knew that influencer wasn’t an appropriate term since she just posts pictures of herself, but it gave her money nonetheless. The girl who exposed her death was Ryujin; she had short dark hair, which only added to her ‘mysteriousness’ if that made sense. She didn’t tell us her story though. All we know is that she was an international student in Germany. The man who was ‘laughing in joy’ while watching his own death was Moon Taeil. His death was probably the least embarrassing compared to all of us since it wasn’t his fault. He was riding a horse and fell off midway and well… you know the rest. The rest of the people were Rosé, Jaemin, Jungwoo, Yuna, Momo, and Donghyuck. I would like to tell you their stories, but I honestly stopped listening. This is completely irrelevant, but that Jungwoo kid has been making heart eyes to everyone and I do not know what to feel about it.
We all eventually decided to call it a day, and because hell is such a magnificent place, we all had our own rooms with our names beautifully written on the door in gold. The first floor was already beautiful itself; a huge L-shaped leather couch with a perfectly carved wooden centre table to give it that home-like touch. The kitchen was huge as well, which made Jaemin squeal in happiness because he apparently liked to cook a lot. The kitchen matched the modern theme in the living room. The greyish marble decorated the room with a touch of dark brown to further amplify the modern vibe. It was like those pictures you see in model houses. The second floor carried out the same aesthetic. The only difference was that there was one corridor with 13 doors all spread out; 6 rooms on the left, and 7 rooms on the right. This was probably the first thing I didn’t like in this paradise-hell. It’s just too narrow and crowded, but who am I to complain. After saying our good night’s to one another, I walked up to the door with my name displayed on it: ‘___________ _____________.’ Taking a deep breath, my cold hand turned the knob. 
Second biggest mistake of my life. Or afterlife per se.
What the fucking hell is this?
It was every art teacher’s nightmare. The colours of the room did not match at all, and the chosen textures of the fabrics and cloths made no sense. Who the fuck uses terrycloth, or towel cloth, as bedsheets? Who matches neon green with pale pink? And the paintings that were hanging on the room, they’re incomplete! The only good thing about this room was that I had my own poorly designed bathroom, but other than that, it made me want to go blind. Was everyone’s room like this? I left the room, not wanting to believe that I was assigned to that disastrous room. I knocked on Mark’s door to check since I technically tackled him in the plane. We have a relationship alright.  
I knocked again.
Before I could knocked on the third time, I heard a muffled sob through the door. Was he crying?
‘Mark? Can I come in?’ I softly asked, unsure if what I did was the right thing.
‘S-sure, it m-might be scary-y though s-so try not to get f-frightened’ the poor boy stuttered through his tears. Did he find the colour scheme of the bedroom to be that bad? Unsure of what to expect, I slowly opened the door and, it was nothing like my room. The room had a white and yellow colour scheme, with those glow-in-the-dark stars scattered across the ceiling, resembling a child’s bedroom. Nothing was scary to be honest, until I saw what type of pictures were posted on the cream walls: bugs. Mark was scared of bugs. Mark was sitting on the floor with his knees tucked towards his chest, whereas his tear-stained face was hidden in his arms. As if he was my student, I crouched down next to him as I slowly rubbed his back.
‘Mark, they’re just pictures, they won’t harm you. But if it bothers you so much, should I take them down for you?’ I gently asked as I tried to calm him down. His teary doe eyes locked with mine, and he whispered a mumbled ‘yes’ through his croaked voice. I sighed in response, returning him a nod so he knows that I will take it off. Grabbing a picture by the corner I ripp— okay wow this glue is strong. Grabbing a picture by the corner with both of my hands, I harshly took it of— why isn’t it coming off? 
‘Uh Mark, it’s not coming off’ I said, trying my best to pull it out, but it just won’t budge.
‘SOMEONE SWITCH ROOMS WITH ME WHY ARE THERE VEGETABLES ALL OVER THE PLACE THIS IS NOT COOL!’ Donghyuck shouted, which was soon followed by a shut of his door.
What the fuck is happening? 
a/n: hehehehe i’m so ready to get to the main story in. bby mark is so precious omg protect him from this world 🥺as always, if you’d like to be added in the taglist, just let me know through asks <3
taglist: @ta3ilmoon​ @lelenoir​ @murasakillmepls​ @neolights​ @anothermessedupbitch​
back to masterlist?
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cassiopee-utopia · 4 years
The day I ran into you #2/3
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2: Meet me at the show
(3k words)
At this right moment, I can’t help but smile, and as I want to "play it cool" I guess, I’m trying to act like it wasn't one of the best offers I had in my life and I simply answer with a soft smile:
- Sure, I'd love to!
- Great!
- But wait, I've nothing to wear, I can't go to a Paris fashion show like that!
Indeed, I’m wearing the simplest outfit ever, a white tee-shirt, denim shorts and black converses.
- It's not matter don't worry! People dress good only because they want to expose themselves on social media, it's not your intention, right?
- Well, no I guess.
- Good! Come on in, I just need to change my shirt and we're off.
As I enter his room again, he goes to the bathroom to get changed but he doesn’t close the door completely. I can then see him removing his tee-shirt, revealing his beautiful back, but my pretty view didn't last long as he immediately put his bright blue shirt on, before getting out.
- If you're really concerned about your look, you can wear one of my oversized tees as a dress with… um… (he's looking inside his suitcase) this! he hands me a big black belt and a long with tee-shirt.
- Okay, why not, I smile.
- Good, but hurry up, we're really late!
I take his cloths, Timothée Chalamet's cloths OMG, and go in the bathroom to change as quick as possible, but unlike him, I close the door properly.
- Ta daa!!! I say when I get out.
He raises his head as he was tying his shoes and smiles.
- You look beautiful Rachel, actually, I think this tee-shirt look better on you.
- Thank you, I answer blushing.
- Okay let's go! He says as he stood up.
We get out of the room and go down the stairs as fast as we can to join the exit.
- Where is the show?
- Luckily for us, not too far from here, come on, we're gonna take the subway.
- The subway? I ask confused.
- Yes, sorry to disappoint, not every star travel in limo.
- Sorry, that's not what I meant…
- I know, just teasing you.
I roll my eyes and we enter the subway entrance. As I have no idea where we are going, I just follow him.
On the platform, I look around me and am praying that nobody would recognize him, because yes, I was selfish and wanted to keep him for myself as long as I could.
We don't wait long for the train to come and we get inside.
- You can't imagine how much I hate the subway, I explain, and luckily for me, I have the great pleasure to take it every single day.
- I recognize that it's not the most glamorous means of transportation but still, it's really useful.
- Sure, I'm not saying the opposite, but it could be much better if people weren't so… dirty. Oh and if there were less people too because the line that I take every day is the most used. North part of the 13th, a real pleasure to play sardine with strangers…
- Sardines?
- Yes, during rush hours, the coaches are so crowded that it's like we were a giant sardines' tin so tight we are.
- That's a funny comparison, he says smiling. Come on it's our stop.
- Oh, indeed, it wasn't that far. (it was just 3 stations away from the hotel)
- Yes, but we still have some walk to do, (he looks at his watch) and the show is supposed to start in five minutes!
We hurry to find the way out and once upstairs in the street he stops:
- Ready?
- What? I answer.
- Set?
- … I made my most confused face.
- GO! He screams and starts running like a madman.
- Oh dear… I thought out loud.
I take a deep breath and run after him as fast as I can.
We continue like that for about 2 or 3 minutes, but I am totally exhausted as I never do sport, like, NEVER. So I slow down a bit and stop to take my breath back. But when I raise my head up, I realize I can’t see Timothée anymore.
- Fuck! I say loudly.
I am looking everywhere but no trace of a cute curly haired man.
Suddenly someone jumps on me brutally.
- Hey what's wrong? He asks.
I jump from surprise like never and when I snap out of it, I yell at him:
- What's wrong with YOU, you should say, you scared me you little nut.
I am still out of breath at this moment and for him, well he seems fine.
- Running is not your thing huh?
- Everything associated with sport is not my thing.
- Aha I see… Then I guess it's a good thing that we're arrived. Look, it's just across the street.
Indeed, when I looked in the direction he was pointing I saw a crowd of people and a lot of flashes that I didn't even noticed when I was looking everywhere for Timothée just a few seconds ago.
- Yes!! I scream with arms raised, which makes him laugh.
We cross the street and join the rest of the group.
- Woo, right on time! He says satisfied, when we got close to the entrance and the group of people. Luckily for us, fashion shows are always late, so it didn't start yet as there's a lot of people still outside.
The moment we enter in the area where the crowd is, a huge wave of flashes come in our direction or rather, in his direction.
- Timothée! Timothée!
- Timothée! Timothée!
When I realize what is happening, I instantly pull away, as an instinctive reaction I guess.
From the side I can see photographs and paparazzies going mad about who has just arrived.
Timothée poses a little, letting those people doing their job, waves and then looks at me in order to make me understand to come inside.
At the entrance, a simple "she's with me" from him is enough to allowed me to enter.  
- Thanks again for letting me come with you, I say.
- No problem, it's a pleasure, he smiles.
- Hey man! What's up? Says a guy arrived from nowhere to Timothée.
- Yo buddy, it's been a while! Good! What about you?
- Fine, hey, come on we got a lot of catch up to do, the boys are over there, he says taking him away without even noticing me.
As he was taken away by his friend, Timothée quickly turns towards me, still walking and says:
- Sorry, um… Explore the place and we'll meet after okay?
The only answer I find is a little thumb up and a weird smile saying "thank you for letting me alone in a place full of people that I don't know at all".
He then mouths "Sorry".
So here I am, all alone, in a giant room full of strangers. As I am absolutely not the type of person that go and start a conversation with unknown people, I decide to do what Timothée suggested me, a visit of the place.
It is a little bit dark, the décor is simple, just some bright neon, blue, yellow and green, and big screens showing workshops and dress designers of the brand.
Once I finish my little tour of the place, I just lean against a wall so as not to be alone in the middle like an idiot.      
That's the moment I start to pay attention to people that are here. I observe all this well-dressed people, which makes me very uncomfortable in addition to the fact that I don't know anyone. My eyes end up laying on a young blond woman in the back. As she come closer to talk to someone I realize. Oh my god, it's her.
I immediately run towards Timothée who was laughing with the guy who took him away before and a bunch of others. I pull him backward by his arm without even considering the people he was talking to.
- Did you bring me here because of her? To make her jealous or something? I ask pissed.
- Wait, what? Who? He answers confused.
I make a slight and discreet head move towards her direction. He turns around, examine the place and suddenly opens his eyes wide.
- Shit shit shit! He says looking panicked while trying to hide behind me.
- Okay, my turn: Wait, what? What the fuck are you doing? Why are you hiding?
- I just don't want to see her or her to see me, okay? He whispers, still hiding, or at list trying to hide.
- So… You're not the one who invited her?
- No! Of course not! Why would I do that!?
- I don't know… She's your ex, not a monster… She's your ex, right?
- Yes, Lily's my ex. I already told you, we broke up a few months ago.
- Then, what's the problem?
- Well, we haven't talk since, so it would be very uncomfortable.
- Okay, but I still can't get where's the problem here. A lot of people have exes, and it's not that big of a deal. Or… did you break up in bad terms?
- Um, no… yes… I don't know! He said frustrated. It's complicated. Let's just say that we both wanted to break up:  she was playing the "femme fatale" too much for me; I was too immature for her… but in the end, it went wrong and we started screaming and arguing for no reasons… Anyway, I just don't want to see her.
He closes his eyes, takes a deep breath and then said:
- Come on, let's get a seat.
I am really confused about this whole situation. First, I randomly met Timothée Chalamet, after that he brings me to his hotel room, then to a fashion show, and now, Lily-Rose Depp, his ex, shows up. That's way too much for one day.
He leads me to the catwalk and the benches, and we sit in the front row. Apart from these weird circumstances, it's true that as I love fashion and would like to work in this industry later, it's really awesome to end up on the front row of a fashion show in Paris. It's not my first show though. Thanks to my PR teacher, my class has been able to assist to one back in February for the fall/winter fashion week. Even if it was for a small brand that had just starting out, and only eight or ten models had been presented, I really enjoyed this experience.
A few minutes later, still waiting for the show to begin, I notice someone on the opposite benches a little more on the left, looking in my direction, well, in his direction. Lily. I lean towards Timothée and say while looking at her:
- Looks like it's a fail for the operation "I don't want to see her or her to see me".
He raises his eyes in the same direction as mine and as I turn to see his reaction, I can see how muddled he looks. In a way, it reassures me a bit.  Timothée raises his arm a little and wave awkwardly at her. The only response he gets from her is a confused look followed by an eyebrow rise. Seeing the whole scene, I wonder: God, how did I get in this?
This situation suddenly stops as the lights go down and the music starts: the show begins.
The firsts models arrive with their incredible looks, only the catwalk is lighted, but we can still see the audience thanks to the light of the numerous phones, because of course, almost everybody is filming or taking pictures. During the whole show I can't help myself but look in her direction and I'm pretty sure she did the same. Regarding Timothée I don't know if looked at Lily as I really tried to stay focus on the show, and well, her obviously…  
The show lasted for about 10 minutes and was incredible. After the great applauses for the creator of the brand, full lights were back and everybody stood up and went in direction of the exit or the buffet. Of course I was planning to go to the buffet but I got interrupted:
- Hey, I'm gonna try to find Haider, do you want to come with me?
- Yeah, sure.
Thus, we head for backstage.
He leans towards me and whispers to me:
- Don't worry, I'm sure the buffet will still be here when we'll be back.
I can totally hear the smirk in his voice, so I say with the most innocent voice:
- I have no idea what you're talking about.
- Mmh mmh.
- Stop it! I'm not a glutton if that's what you think! I say pushing me slightly.  
- Hey.
When I turn my head in direction of the voice, I immediately lost the smile I had on my face and I just say:
- Um… I let you two talk.
I leave before anyone could answer or protest. I just really don't want to hear their conversation and I guess that I also can't stand by a person as beautiful as Lily-Rose Depp without being extremely uncomfortable.  
So I did what I had in mind first, I went to the buffet, and yes, I may actually be a little glutton, sometimes… okay often.
Even if the food is really good I can't stop thinking about what they could be saying. What if they want to have a more serious conversation and just leave without even telling me? Or what If they unexpectedly fall in love again? At this moment I really don't know what to do because if they are indeed gone, I am still in the middle of a private event without anyone knowing who I am, I can get in trouble. I’m starting to freak out.
- I knew you would be here.
I turn back.
- Timothée, thanks god you're not gone! I say with a blow of relief.
- Gone? Why would I be gone?
- I don't know… um… because of…
- Because of Lily?! What! No! of course no! You know it was just a random conversation with the common "Hello, how are you, who is she…" that kind of stuff…
- And what did you say?
He made an interrogative face.
- To the "who is she" question, what did you say?
- Oh, um… I said "A really nice girl I met today" (while saying that he was doing big pompous movements to exaggerate).
I roll my eye.
- So we have to see Haider now before he leaves.
- Yeah, I follow you.
- And, yes, I think you’re a little glutton, he says smiling.
I stick my tongue at him as an answer because in this moment I can't find any excuses.
We went to the backstage and talked, well, Timothée talked to Haider Hackerman for a bit. I was a little set back as I really didn't know what to say and of course my shyness didn't help. I exchanged some word with him tough when Timmy introduced me as the "really nice girl he met today". This man was very kind but also very occupied, so we had to leave as he had to go talk to the journalists and his guests.
We are now heading to the exit.
- So, what did you think about it? Did you like it?
- Yes, that was incredible! Thank you very much Timothée! And thank you for the clothes too!
- You're welcome, he says with a satisfied smile. You can keep them if you want.
- Really? You don't have to…
He stops and look at me in the eyes.
- I insist.
I smile widely.
Almost arrived at the exit door we see that paparazzies are still there. We can hear screams too. I guess that somehow fans either heard that Timothée Chalamet or Lily-Rose Depp were here.
- You know what? I think we should go out the back.
- You know another exit?
- Well… There's always a back door, right?
I shrug.
- Come.
We walk around the place a little bit and finally manage to sneak out after asking a security guard for an alternative exit.
We are walking in the street with, from what I deduced, no particular destination. We eventually end up to the subway station we went out earlier.  
- So… I would like to invite you to dinner, he says hesitant.
I stop.
- Me!? I answer surprised.
- No, the streetlamp behind you…
- …  
- Of course you! He says laughing. So, what do you think?
Right now, my whole body is just fireworks, I am so happy! My day with Timothée isn't finish! Again, not to appear like a hysterical fan I answer softly.
- Yeah, I would love to.
We smile at each other like two idiots.
- So right now it's 6:25 pm so maybe we could meet in the lobby of my hotel at 8? Is that okay for you?
- Sure, it's perfect.
- Nice! See you at 8 then.
We both pass the revolving door and he starts walking to one of the two directions of the metro line cause he knows my apartment was in the other direction as I told him earlier.  
- Yes, see you.
Being a big paranoiac and an anxious person, I can't help but stop him.
- Timothée wait!
He turns back.
- You will be there right? I ask with a low voice.
He retraces his steps, comes close to me and says:
- Yes, I will be there, I promise.
He then leans towards me and kiss my forehead.
Before I could realize anything, he was gone in the tunnel.
Continue reading ! -> last chapter: Chapter 3
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goodnightallwhites · 4 years
Snowkitty By BlackingPacking
By BlackingPacking 
Submitted: January 23, 2019 Updated: January 23, 2019 
Selina Kyle has never been a big part of the Batfamily. Nor has she ever fucked a big black cock. The two are more related than you might think. 
Contains: NTR/Cuckolding, Interracial, BBC, SPH 
Provided by Hentai Foundry. 
Chapter 1 - Selina gets Blacked 2 
Chapter 2 - Along Came a Black Spider 9 
Chapter 3 - Stephanie Brown and the Blackedcomputer 
1 - Selina gets Blacked 
Selina Kyle loved Bruce Wayne. Catwoman loved Batman. 
But she also loved money- and, while she’d never manipulate Bruce into giving her access to Wayne Enterprises for a job, she had no qualms with breaking into the place- just a quick in and out really, and, just to be extra nice, she wouldn’t steal any extra goodies for herself. 
Worst case scenario, she got found and Bruce came- she’d lose the contract, but would have the fun of playing with him, and then the thrill of escape, always a plus. 
(She also wouldn’t mind getting a little closer to Bats than she usually did, but, despite all the black he wore, he was still white down there.) 
As she disabled the motion sensors on the window of an office atop Wayne Tower and climbed onto it to cut a hole to climb in, she thought about all her experiences with men- at this point, she had pretty much accepted that big dicks were a myth, and had learned to accept the ‘motion of the ocean’ guys and a good-sized dildo when she could. She was always too busy to watch porn. Maybe she’d break into a studio one day and ask what their secrets were. 
She was in, the only lighting in the office being the moonlight making everything, from the flat screen TV to the $2,000 chair to the tall, plastic plant in the corner. Artificial but comfortable- like a dildo- 
Goddammit, you have to stop getting distracted! Head in the game, Selina- you’ve got the hardrive, all you gotta do is plug it in- wow, right way on the first try- and now for the data dump. Corporate espionage and the secrets of the rich and powerful? Child’s play. 
She waited for all that lovely compromising information to upload, lounging on the chair and, when she head the light but firm steps indicative of a muscular man approaching the door, she unzipped her costume down to her crotch, exposing her stomach and all of her cleavage to the cool air. 
When the door was opened, she was unsurprised, for a second- she thought she recognized the broad shoulders, the biceps stretching the sleeves of his shirt- but then she realized he was wearing a t-shirt- Bruce never wore t-shirts- and, what she thought she should have realized first, he was black. 
“What are you doing here?” he asked glaringly, tapping something on his wristwatch. 
She kicked the desk, pushing the chair away from it, spinning around the office, her tits jiggling, “I could ask you the same question- who the hell are you supposed to be?” once she spun the chair in front of the dest, she stood up to face him. 
“I’m the guy who keeps trash like you out of this building.” 
“Trash? Puh! Is it because of how I dress? I didn’t know it became the Victorian Age when in a tower 
this tall, Mister, ah-” she pulled out a black leather wallet- “Luke Fox.” 
“Wha- how did-” 
“Oh, the CEO’s son, I see. I’ve met your father and your company’s owner, but I don’t think we’ve ever been formally introduced,” said the Cat. She leaned on him, tits rubbing against his chest. 
“You’re right, but I think, after all you’ve done with Bruce, I know you well enough.” 
Selina encircled one of his muscular legs with her lissome one, but, truth be told, she was concerned- did Luke here know that Bruce was Batman? And did he know how much they’d fucked over the years? 
She decided not to let it get to her, “Well, sorry to say, but I don’t really have time to stay and chat,” she said, slinking back, grabbing the drive, and digging her claws into the glass. She waited for the dark young man to make a move. 
“Good, because you won’t be talking to anyone except your lawyer,” he declared. Like clockwork- it surprised Selina how much he acted like Batman. His face looked even more driven than Bruce had in his early days, when he was angrier and brasher. She’d forgotten how sexy it was. 
Still, no time for reminiscing. Selina pushed into the cracked glass, totally shattering it, letting it fall like water behind her down to the street far, far, far below. She took a step back, and Luke took a step forward. He proceeded towards her, but not before she jumped out the window, totally free. 
What she sure didn’t expect was for him to jump after her. Not only did she question what the fuck she was gonna do know, but Luke’s very sanity. 
But then she saw a package rocket out of the building, making a beeline towards Luke, then attaching to and encasing him, before the sleek metal parts tightened around his form. It turned on, blue neon aesthetic lights and glowing eyes and, most importantly, a blue bat-symbol on his chest. 
So Luke was Batwing. That explained... a bit. 
Before she could think of what to think next, he shot down toward her, caught her, and flew her to the concrete top of a nearby tower, one not half the height of Wayne Tower. 
She fell on her ass- dammit, he better not have hurt her lovely ass!- while Luke stood tall above her. 
“What did you steal?” He asked, voice robotic. 
“Maybe I’ll tell you if I can talk to the real you,” she cooed, “take off the mask,” she could feel the open air on her nipples- presumably, the fall made her tits flop out. The price of mixing fun and work- but it wasn’t like the fun would be over now. She hoped she could use Luke easily. 
He gulped audibly as the mask receded from his face, exposing his head and neck. He shifted uncomfortably. 
She giggled at him, “Well, first of all, I stole this-” between two clawed fingers, the cat held a button. The kind that belonged on expensive business pants. The kind- 
“What- dammit!” Luke realized what caused the discomfort in his pants. He turned around to fix them, opening up the bottom half of his suit to adjust himself, muttering in his deep, throaty voice, “Damn new suit.. Shoulda worn the cup..” 
“Ah, the cup?” asked Selina, hoping to get him so aroused he couldn’t catch her, “Oh c’mon, you were staring at mine, why can’t I see-” 
“No, I-” he fell forward as he felt Selina push against his leg, but in doing so showed Selina what she wanted- his cock half hard, pushing out against his grey underwear in a massive bulge. 
“Oh- oh come fucking on, you’re wearing a cup now!” 
“No- no, you don’t get it,” he said. In a move clearly done by pure hormones, he pulled it out to show her- and holy hell was it a sight. 
Darker than the rest of his milk chocolate skin and, even when at best half hard, as thick as her wrist and twice the length of her hand, it protruded from his muscular pelvis, curving down until the large, deep mauve head pointed straight at the floor, nearly touching Selina's sensitive skin. 
Selina’s sultry, deep breaths stopped cold. She reached out to touch it. In her hand, which she couldn’t wrap around it, of course, she felt his blood pump, making his width tug, his head throbbing just a bit. 
It was frightening- how was he so big? Bruce's sat snug in her hand when he was rock hard, but this was barely above flaccid, and it fit in her hand, the squishy, yet strong flesh spilling out of her hand. He was like a handful of sand, something she couldn't hold, while Bruce was just one stone. Or a pebble. Eventually, she managed to get her lithe fingers to touch all the way around it, but, as her breaths turned waveringly deep, she felt them barely brush each other, and then be pulled totally apart as he rose to hardness. 
She decided that she didn’t want to run away anymore. 
“H-how big does it get?” She stared. 
“Fourteen inches,” he gulped, more confident now. 
“Christ-” she lifted it up, letting the head brush her face, “do they even make cups this big?” was all she could ask. 
“It’s.. difficult,” he chuckled, “And the suits are a whole nother thing... this is a new one, you see. I haven’t made the necessary adjustments yet... I’m sorry, lemme just-” 
Selina grabbed his plump cock, “Oh fuck no bitch! I’m gonna get this cock- Goddamn it’s big! And why the hell don’t you have your suit fitted for this? Not that I’m complaining...” 
“No- I, I make the adjustments myself. Bruce makes the suits-” 
“Say no more,” smiled Selina, working her arm to pump his fat cock to hardness, “Goddamn, those rumors are true...” she felt a massive urge to lick at his black cock. 
“Oh, you know- about black guys’ dicks- don’t tell me you’ve never been in a locker room with any of Bruce or his, heh, little Robins?” 
“I don't think you should trust me to be honest.” 
“Well, I’ll be honest, I’ve never fucked a black guy, but if I ever had, I’d be thinking about that cock all the fuckin time.” 
“Never fucked a black guy, Miss Kyle?” 
“Not even when I was a hooker- and no need to be all formal. It’s Selina, at the very least,” she smiled widely as she smacked his meat against her snow white face. 
“Alright, Selina- I think I’m there. Wanna take what you want?” 
“Don’t ask next time. It’s hotter,” she replied, and then, just slow enough to taste every inch of the massive thing, Catwoman decided she'd go all in, and inhaled his cock, its blackness more than she had ever had before. It tasted musky and strong, pulsating on and heating her little pink tongue. 
She widened her jaw to take in his girth, his dick filling both her. She was great at the blowjob face, sucking her cheeks in, but with a black cock the limber woman felt like a chipmunk. It was heavy, too, pushing down on her poor straining lower jaw. Worst of all, she was about halfway down the actual length. She pushed on, feeling her throat expand as she swallowed his length. 
She gargled it, then pulled out, coating his big black dick in saliva, more than it looked like her cute little mouth could produce. 
Her eyes, however, told a different story. One that said she needed more of this massive dick to suck on, to lick, to drool over, to fawn over, to get all up inside all her holes. With one suck, Selina Kyle became another victim to black cock lust. She totally forgot how she felt about Bruce- emotions were a thing of the heart, and right now, her dripping pussy was the captain of her actions. 
She happily slurped him down again, ropes of spit sticking to his veiny dick every time she came off it. She sucked him like a vacuum, her ruby lips stretching across his shaft as she pulled back before going all the way back down again. Lipstick smeared on him, only to be licked back up when her tongue darted all over his cock every time she went down on him. 
Slurping, sucking, kissing and licking, Selina gave Luke the best head she ever gave, and the best he’d ever gotten. 
“How.. how close are you?” she gasped, just off his hot dick, strings of spit and precum hanging from her lips, dangling onto her creamy breasts. 
“To cumming?” he asked, “Not really.” 
Well, fuck! Selina’s usual routine (both before and after she found robbing was more fun than sex) was to make him cum with a blow job, then fuck him. But it seemed this ugy had a big dick and could last twice as long as the normal guy, 
“Change of plans,” she announced, gulping as she realized her throat felt much wider, “do you wanna take your costume off?” 
“For what?” 
“To fuck me silly, silly!” She smiled, stripping, letting her leather catsuit fall onto the roof as she crawled back to his erection, licking its tip playfully. 
“I’d like to keep it on, if that’s fine with you.” 
“Oh, God yes it is,” she licked his balls and up to his very tip, then let his dick drag between her pillowy tits, “keep me naked, all submissive and helpless, you’re so fucking hot.” 
Luke didn’t see it that way- he just didn’t want to be disarmed in case he had to fight this crazy white cat burglar bitch, but every second it seemed more like that wouldn’t happen, since she wasn’t stopping. 
She gave him a short, toying titjob, rubbing her pale breasts all over his pole, and then stood further up, rubbing his precum against her firm but smooth stomach, before finally standing up straight, his cockhead poking just under her navel. 
“Oh, take me, Batwing,” she cooed, no sign of remembering all the times she’d said Batman instead. Luke kissed her, making out deeply, slimy tongues rolling over each other. He then grabbed her by her soft asscheeks, not as impressive as her tits, but still a wonderful pair. He smacked them, pushed into the soft flesh with his strong fingers, and then cupped her sexy ass in his hands to lift her up onto his cock. 
“You feel so big,” said Selina, biting her tongue as she held onto Luke, her pussy lips rubbing on his shaft. 
“You feel so wet,” responded Luke. 
“Better to guide you in with, Lukey baby,” she said, pushing her stomach against his abs, guiding his cock up to point right at her cunt. She closed her eyes, braced herself, and sat on it. 
“Ah, fuck!” she yelled, loud enough that it made Luke hope no one was on the roof, “It is really big! I haven’t felt like this since I lost my virginity! In fucking middle school! Oh yeah, fuck me hard and deep with your big- big- oh, fuck you’re so big!” Selina turned into a chatterbox by his electrifying black cock. 
“Damn you’re tight! I thought you were a whore!” He bounced her up and down his massive dong, her sweaty, sticky legs locked tight around his waist. 
“Oh, I am! I’m a whore! A dirty, slutty, whore!” 
“Then why are you as tight as a school girl?” 
“Ah, fuck! You just wanna hear me say it! I’m a- fuck I feel it all the way in I’m sooooo full!- I’ve never been a whore for black cock before!” 
“And now?” 
“Holy- holy shit! Ah, I’m getting lightheaded... I’ve never been fucked like this before. I can’t believe I’ve never gone black..” 
He pulled her short, black hair and smacked her ass, “And now?” 
“Now- I went black! And goddamn if I’m never going back! Ahh, fuck!” the usually clever cat burglar had become totally degraded, slick with sweat and eyes wild with pleasure. She held on tight to his armor, gyrating her round, obsessed, child bearing hips on his cock. 
It pushed and throbbed and strained all inside her, stretching her insides, making them even wider than her pussy, which never stretched wider than his steady base. It was his twitching head deep in his canal that made her feel like she never had before. 
“I’m a fucking slut for black cock!” she cried, mind exploding as she felt a rush of hot, syrupy liquid in her cunt spill out and run on her legs. It took her a second to realize that this was not his cum she felt, but her own. 
The BBC whore tried to see what time it was on something, but there were no clocks near. Her screams and cry were replaced with a long, humid moan, that was only interrupted when her whole body shook with one of his thrusts. They could have been fucking for ten minutes or for half an hour. Either way, the man had stamina like she had never felt. 
He pushed her up against the wall of the stairway exit, her back scraping against rough concrete, but if any of her white hide hurt, it was her rose-red asscheeks, which had been thoroughly spanked by the dominant man. 
She screamed his name as she came again. Her pussy tightened, and he kept driving. She loved the pain. She was a white woman- a snowbunny, now. A snowkitty. She loved it. She wanted him to hurt her more. 
He then held onto her back. His gloves had retracted into his armpeices- when, Selina’s dopamine-addled mind didn’t know- and his black, rough palms felt up her back. He didn’t squeeze tight, which she would have loved, but she realized how much hotter it made her felt. 
Stupid white girl! Just let the black man pleasure you, Selina. Let his black... black... 
It felt like he was dominating her, making her more whorish than Stan or Slam Bradley or Bruce had ever done, effortlessly. She was so weak compared to this adonis. 
She was never going back to white boys. 
She felt his round, fat black balls slam up against her ass. They were hanging, the size of tangerines, and as delicious as them. Selina could swear that she felt them churn with his superior african seed, what she wanted- no, no, no, NEEDED- inside of her. 
Suddenly, as she came a third time, her lover granted her wish, and came inside of her, shooting strong, round, fluid ropes of thick goop inside her already wet pussy, drenching it. The solid weight within her ravished hole doubled as his manhood came deep inside. It felt like gallons of his potent sperm was emptied right into her womb. Shame she wasn’t anywhere near ovulating. 
She went limp, falling down, having to be caught with his strong, quick hand around her back. Her head and limbs hung, supported by his one hand and his massive dong, buried deep inside her tight cunt. 
“That was.. The best... I’ve ever had,” she panted, dropping to the ground. She looked at her raw, well-fucked cunt, staring at its strained opening. Then, cum ran out- not gray, thin white cum, but thick, creamy, virile black cum, “You’re so much better than all the other Bat boys... how are you so good...” it kept spilling out, drowning her crotch, soaking the ground. 
Luke laughed, “Secret identity- I’m black.” 
“Of course.. And Bruce had to get a chinadoll to actually have a kid with.” 
“And all the boys are pretty shy in the locker rooms too...” 
“I bet.” 
“‘Cept for Duke.” 
“God, tell me more. I’m already wet...” her hand slid down her sticky creampie. It made a shlicking sound. Selina’s eyes closed as she bit her messy lip. 
“Sure,” Luke cracked his knuckles, “ready to go again?” 
2 - Along Came a Black Spider 
Selina had to wonder if Bruce understood that he was a beta white guy, with a below-average dick and no jet pack. After all, he had given Luke Fox, the guy with the gargantuan dick that made Selina into a black-only snow bunny, the super suit with a jetpack. 
He used both on the way to Selina’s apartment, where he had agreed to drop her off after she had taken a second load of his on her face, still feeling like a spa day, his thick cum masking her pale countenance with enough fluid to fill a bucket. 
She fell naked on her balcony, her ass cheeks redder than her roses from the pounding, her knees more scraped than her old metal chairs from how deep she had sucked him, and her nipples standing erect as the table’s umbrella, the tits they adorned glazed with ropey cum, more than she could swallow- and she loved swallowing his delicious cum. 
He took the flash drive and flew away, leaving Selina, naked, and without her catsuit, to go in her apartment, totally exhausted. She had barely taken a few steps in when she collapsed on the couch, lifting her legs up in the air to expose her burning cunt as she teetered at the edge of consciousness. 
“Fuck, I need a shower.....” groaned Selina as she felt a fat dollop of syrupy cum leak from her used hole, putting her fingers up to herself to feel her creampie, letting it drip on her couch, the fluid ruining it as Luke had ruined her cunt. Hell, the whole couch may have been ruined. She was sweating so much- every inch of her skin was on fire with a pleasure years of white lovers had never given her. She closed her eyes and smiled, tongue lapping at the cream on her lips. 
She began fingering herself. She loved feeling the insides of her tight little cunny, but now it felt like she was hollow, her stretched hole feeling like an abyss around her hand, wider than three fingers. Even when she pushed her whole hand in, her sex stretched easy as a shirt, looser than she’d ever been before. It felt like it would just collapse in on itself if she removed her hand. 
Reluctantly, the wet, dripping, sweaty, cum-soaked mess got up from the couch and meandered into the bathroom, tracking her mess throughout the brightly lit, angular apartment. She passed the balcony in her bedroom there, but, to her sadness, there was no Batwing flying around. The Bat-signal was lit, but she hoped Bruce wouldn’t ever expect anything from her again, because, as good a person he was, he wasn’t a real man. And Selina needed a real man. 
She turned on the steamy water as she felt guilt and pleasure keep washing over her. It wasn’t like she’d cheated on Bruce- they weren’t together right now, and it’s not like it wasn’t seen as normal for a beautiful white lady such as her to cuckold a white guy with a big, dark lover, was it? And god, Luke felt so good, deeper inside her than she’d ever thought possible. 
She played with her clit in the hot bath, finely manipulating it, thinking if she was stereotyping. After all, she’d fucked only the one black guy, what’s to say he wasn’t an outlier? What if she couldn’t, just in 
theory, get herself all tattooed up with queens of spades and ‘black owned’ and be totally satisfied with black guys twice as big as any white ‘man’? 
Well, she could always just be with Luke. He, she knew, was good enough. He was a decade and a half younger than her- did that make her a cougar? Fuck if she cared. 
She kept playing with herself under the water, pinching and pulling at her swollen clit, thinking of the wild night she’d just had. How Luke had picked her up and their bodies sunk into each other, how he’d put her on her hands and feet as he mounted her, her from behind, how he slapped her ass as he pounded her cunt, how his thick pile of meat slapped her tits and her face before cumming all over them, emptying those full, hanging balls she only got to lick a precious few times. 
Even more disappointing than how much she licked his balls was her ass- yeah, the cheeks were as red as could be, but as she moved the finger of her other hand to the pink, tight pucker of her anus, it felt very neglected compared to her gaping pussy. She wanted a big black cock in her ass. 
As she drifted into sleep, fingers holding her clit in a fist as she put another two far up her ass, she dreamed of it. 
She woke up when her head finally dipped underwater- something the expensive in-bath seat was designed to prevent. She stole hard for that, it might as well work! 
Still, she felt comfortable- the water was still somewhat warm, so the heating worked. And judging by the dim light it was dawn. If she had any idea how long it was between encountering Luke and going to sleep, that may have meant something. 
She didn’t want to get up. She kept her face barely above the water so she could keep feeling herself. Her asshole had accommodated to her middle and index finger, and so she pushed another into the snugly held hole. Her pussy, on the other hand, had tightened around her fingers, no longer gaping or full of semen. 
Of course, she’d love it to be again- stretched open and fucked, then poured into with hot, thick sperm. And even more in her ass- god, how she needed a black man to really fill that hole, how- 
She rolled her head over, and saw something in the corner of her bathroom- no, someone. Wearing a black full-bodysuit, with orange and purple highlights, a maroon spider on his face. 
“Ah, shit,” grumbled Selina, hooping out of the bath into the cold air as a throwing knife flew past her short black hair. He pounced at her, so she grabbed the bathroom door and left him to run into it. 
“Black Spider, isn’t it?” She asked, flipping into the living room, soaking the floor again. 
He didn’t respond, simply running after her and firing a line from his gauntlet, missing Selina and catching a chair, which also missed her. 
“Oh come on!” she yelled, keeping on her feet, “I’m right, right? You’re Black Spider- Eric Needlewhatever-“ she dodged more of his swipes- “Shouldn’t you be with Waller? And even then, what 
the hell are you doing in my bathroom, pervert?!” 
“You knew the deal- turn in the drive by 6 am. It’s been an hour almost, so I was sent to check on you. You clearly haven’t bothered, I searched the place, and it’s not here, so I assumed the contract is void, and you know the boss don't accept betrayal.” 
“Ah, fuck you!” She gasped as she narrowly dodged another barbed line, whipping around her bedroom, “I can still get it!” 
“Plenty of people can- and I’m sure the boss is already hiring. You’re done-“ he swung around the line like a whip yet again, “it’s just you and me now.” 
“Can you let me get dressed first then, Eric, before I kick your ass?” 
“How cliche,” chuckled the Spider, switching to wrist-mounted blades to keep Selina on her toes, “and shouldn’t you appreciate the fact that you’re naked? Isn’t sex appeal meant as a distraction?” 
“What? You buy that bullshit? No, I show my tits off because I’m a slut-“ she slid under him to kick him in the back, knocking him down onto a armoire, knocking down a jewelry chest, “be lucky I didn’t go for the dick, asshole,” She grumbled, letting the chest hit him. 
“Oh, you would have liked that, wouldn’t you, slut?” He rolled over, still mocking her. 
“That’s-“ she paused, knowing he wasn’t the one who started that, “Okay, fuck you, I am a slut, and I was having a great time before you showed- wait,” she paused, reaching for his mask, but not taking it, “you’re black, aren’t you?” 
“Yes, and I’m a spider.” 
“No, I meant-“ 
“Bitch, I know what you meant! Yes, I am,” he pushed her hand away to take off his mask, revealing a sharp, goateed black face, “why?” 
She lowered her body, exposed and naked, on top of his well armored one, until her pussy was nearly touching his large codpiece, “I mean... I just wanted to ask-“ she put her hands on his shoulders, pinning him down, “how big is your dick?” 
“...Bitch, what?” 
“I’m serious-“ she whined, “how big? Because I fucked my first black guy last night and need to know if they’re all like that!” 
They both looked at each other, Selina in what seemed to be desperation, and Eric in confusion. 
“AHAHAHAHA,” suddenly, he laughed, “So you’re just another big black cock slut, is that right?” 
“Uh- you’ll fuck me if I say yes, right?” 
“Fuck Batman’s bitch? Any day.” 
“Then yes, I’m the biggest fucking black cock whore on earth!” She exclaimed, almost shaking on him, “oh! And I’m not his bitch- not anymore,” she smiled gleefully, putting up two pinched fingers to illustrate Batman’s little white dick. 
“Hah! You are a bad bitch, aren’t you!” 
“I’ll be your bad bitch if you really do have a big black cock!” 
“Then lemme show you,” he breathed as he pushed her ass off him. She felt her pussy dampen at the feeling of him control her, picking her up with just one big, strong hand. 
He tore off his belt and peeled off his pants, pulling the codpiece down to reveal to Selina what could only be described as an anaconda- as long, if not longer than Luke, with a fatter head and thinner shaft, actually making it look bigger, harder to take, more painful. Definitely like a snake. 
“I’m already so fucking wet,” whispered Selina. 
“I can tell-” he made her moan by feeling her wetness, holding her from behind with two fingers sloshing over her pussy while his thumb pressed right above her asshole. 
“Your hands even feel big,” she lowered her shuttering head to his ear, “I want you to do whatever you want to me, baby.” 
“Good,” he slammed her ass, spanking her. His spry, sturdy hand totally covered her alabaster cheek, rubbing it like a baker kneading dough, the strength of his black hands rippling over her velvety flesh. She kissed his dark neck, tasting sweat. It clung to her lips until she licked it off. 
He began tearing off his padded suit, Selina pawing at the edges as if to help, but she was really just enamored with his black body, his ebony tufts of hair running down his broad chest and sculpted abs, the hair of a real man. His torso and cock was totally opened, and so, like a moth to a flame, Selina dropped, ass up, and face down, kissing his muscular frame. 
Preoccupied with his musculature and musk, Selina’s hand drifted down to Eric’s legs without looking, feeling around, groping at his wide, strong legs. She kissed his stomach like it was an idol until her hand felt something new- a smooth, bulbous head, a deep peach poking out from the long, curved, black shaft. It tensed as her hand felt it, as her worshipping slowed to look over at the massive tube of meat, semi-erect and pointing down at his swollen, hanging balls. 
Selina’s hand purled around his sleek cockhead and his round ballsack. He secreted precum, the perfect lubricant for Selina’s lustful hand to hold his cockhead, at least three times bigger than any white boy she’d ever been with. As she tried to wrap her fist around his round tip, his cock tightened, hefting his balls, swelling his veins all the way down his shaft. 
She planted sloppy, smacking kisses down his abs to his crotch, where she glossed the base of his cock, which, despite its curve, was still taller than her head at its vertex. She kissed and tongued and groped his cock, feeling the fat, many veins only a black cock had, tugging at the soft, loose skin around his solid shaft. 
“You’re so fucking... fucking huge... gargantuan... BBC...” she murmured in between licks, just loud enough for him to hear. Even the thought of those words made her pussy ache. 
He smiled a pearly grin as she put her silky, drooling lips parallel to his cock, then lowered them slowly onto it, right in the middle. She held it on either side of her mouth, the shaft and it’s veins filling each hand as she sucked on it’s delicious flavor. 
She slurped on it, doing her best to drench it with spit from her small mouth, his black member dwarfing her mouth. She went all the way down it and all the way back up, like she was on a harmonica. She closed her eyes and touched herself as her lips popped off his base. When they opened, they saw that her spit, which felt like enough to fill a lake, made maybe half of his godly cock slick with spit. 
Selina whimpered at the monster before her. Luke’s was in the dark, but here, in her apartment, at daybreak, she could see the whole thing, all of its features and pulsations and dark, dark blackness against the pinks, peaches, and whites of her home. Her home was a damn mess thanks to their fight- but now she was ready to be made a damn mess thanks to their fuck, thanks to his huge, strong, black dick. 
She pumped his dick to hardness, thickening it and flattening out its big, floppy curve, replacing it with a solid pipe of black cock. It’s head still pointed down, just a bit. It sat snugly in her hand, the lightest skin on his dark chocolate member, round and smooth as an apple and slick with precum. 
She lied down perpendicular to him, elbows resting on his sinewy dark skin, and let his dick shake and bounce and finally get to full mast right in front of her blue eyes. She kissed the hole at its tip top, and pushed her tongue into to sticky hole, pulling off with a string of precrum. It broke and fell down to his pelvis. She watched it as is fell, far, far below. She jumped off skyscrapers regularly, but, with his cockhead at her nose, the cock she was staring down looked frighteningly tall. 
She put her arms on either side of his base and sat up with good posture, the domineering cock running nearly from her belly button to her forehead. She laughed nervously. 
“Bitch, you ain’t being anywhere near as much as a slut as your tight ass tells me you can,” he said, slapping her ass. His dark palm renewed the light pink handprint that covered both her cheek before he took his huge middle finger, and ran it down her asscrack, pushing at her perfect pink butthole. 
“Eep!” She jumped, body tending and hair bobbing as she felt his fingertips against her sensitive pucker. She looked down, bending to show him he tits with his powerful, huge cock in her cleavage. She beamed, well kept teeth whiter than her skin, but hopefully not to be any less defiled by his blackness, by his huge black cock. 
She closed her eyes and breathed deep, “Don’t stop touching my asshole,” she gasped through th,an enraptured smile. 
He said nothing as he kept playing with her backdoor, moving his fingers in circles around its pucker, running its pad over her, dipping his fingerprints into her lusting anus. Eventually, he matched the pace of Selina’s nervous licks to the underside of his tip, the perfect spot to lap at the juices. 
Her licks were playful, as was his fingering on her behind. Him touching her dirtiest whole made her wet, and that arousal made her more desperateShe lapped at his glans, the smooth, round bulb, the color of syrup. His pace stayed the same, but her mind was running faster and faster. She began to drool on his head and kiss it sloppily as her cunt was, his precum tasting like syrup. He stayed the same. She took a hand and shoved it between her legs, fingering herself. Not long after, his bulb was in her mouth. 
“Mmmf!” she stopped herself when his head, the size of a ripe fruit, was already in her head. Sticky spit flung from her stretched lips, sinking down the long rod of his cock. Ready to gag, she chased it down his dick, careful not to hurt him with her teeth. He may have been thinner than Luke, but she still felt it against her teeth no matter how wide she opened her mouth. Like the water of a warm shower, Selina descended down her would-be assassin’s cock. 
She began to gag at halfway, more than she could take. She pushed down, feeling her wetness increase with each throb of his cock deep down her little slutty gullet. She teared up as she struggled to even take half of his incredible black cock, and almost cried when he took his hand off her hungry asshole, and her ass altogether. She felt like she was gonna collapse when he put that hand on top of her head, and forced her even further down his black rod. 
When she nearly reached the bottom, red-faced, choking, and sputtering as his fat head pushed and pulsates deep, deep in her windpipe, he took his hand off. He moved it down to her crotch, and, to her dismay, he removed her hand from gm inside her soaking wet pussy. 
“W-why?” She pleaded, after rushing up for a gulp of air. That huge cock only a black guy could have flopped on her crestfallen face. 
“Ah calm down,” he said with his well-earned confidence- after all, who could know how to please a girl better than a man with a big black cock? 
He took her waist and hips and pulled them toward him. The pussycat looked over at him, a but he simply pushed her face back into his rock hard dick. Teasing and kneading the flesh, he pulled her hips right at him, lifted them up, and laid them in his face, wet cunny dripping onto his ruggedly handsome face. 
Hugging her waist close to his chest, he slurped and smacked on her drenched puss as she did the same to his cock. Needleham had an easier time eating her out than Selina had blowing him, but both felt similar pleasure. 
Selina began to go limp as she felt an orgasm flowing through her. If it was a white boy, his dick would fall out her slack mouth, but this black snake stayed deep in her. Eric soon noticed, and put her down- practically throwing her on the bed. 
“You’re good at sucking cock, but you need to learn to last a little longer,” he chuckled. Selina moaned 
and groaned, but couldn’t verbally respond. She just sat there as he jerked off his long, black dick to her, building it up until his huge, hanging, wrecking-ball testicles clenched, and he came. He spurted cum down her throat, and her clear wet drool became a thick, sticky, and white. 
She pulled off his cock, not that you could tell, with the slimy cum sticking to his cock and her lips, making a messy curtain between them. That was nowhere near all his cum though- most of it was down her throat, a bigger load than she had ever had before. She sucked up the slimy mess, trying to hold his whole load in. 
“You’d better not spit,” he muttered. 
She gagged and gasped, eyes tearing up with desperation. She bent over and opened her mouth, vomiting potent slime onto her floor. 
“I’m sorry! I’m so sorry-“ she cried, bending over to get near to the puddle of cum, “your load was just so big! I couldn’t hold it all in!” She gasped, and stuck her tongue out to lap up the puddle, working to swallow it all. 
He walked around back to her bare ass. “It’s fine- long as you lemme go all the way,” he grinned, putting his hand on her numb butt. 
She took a breath in between her eating of her own oral cream pie, “sure! Please do- I- I won’t be able to fuck as good as usual, but I just want that inside me!” 
“All you had to say,” 
“And no condoms!” 
“Wouldn’t dream of it, bitch.” 
She gleefully closed her eyes as she pushed her tongue down onto the hot cum and stuck her butt up for him to use. 
“Pussy or ass?” 
“Mmgh- pussy! I’d die if your black cock went into my asshole-“ she kept talking about how white guys would make her ass stretch, and she wasn’t ready for Eric’s black mamba to get all up in her guts, but he tuned her out, just pushing his cockhead against her soaking wet lips, and shoved it inside her canal. 
She spat out more cum almost immediately, screaming as his strength overtook her tightness, and he shoved his fat head deeper inside her than any first thrust ever had, slamming into her uterus, causing her to explode in pleasure and pain. 
Her white pussy was tight, perfectly sized for the types of cocks she’d been fucking her whole life, and while she needed something more, this sure was a hell of a way to get it. It was stretched in every direction, pushing into places that had never been fucked before, that she never knew she wanted to be fucked. 
He pounded her so hard it felt like she may as well have been doing anal, slamming her whole body. He sent every inch of loose skin, of which there wasn’t much, shaking as much as her bouncy tits. And forget about her face, it was now totally slack and no longer trying to lick up his spilled cum. Instead the force of her whole body was being buckled and slammed, and her face was laying in the puddle, ground into the puddle. Her hair was a mess. Her pussy was on fire. 
He was rougher and gruffer than Luke was, probably due to age and the comfort of her well-heated apartment. Being a criminal, as she knew, certainly help. Being black compounded that. She could barely think, and soon he fucked her brains right out of her. Her arms gave out, and the front half of her body weight fell on her cum-covered face, legs behind her held up by his large hands on either hip. He kept her in place as he destroyed her pussy. She couldn’t see, but he was grinning like a madman, which made sense for any man who got to be with a woman like her, but she considered herself the far luckier one. 
The pounding felt beyond physical. Yeah, he was strong as hell and fucked her deep, slamming through her hole and poking her womb like she was a piece of meat, but she felt more than just that. She felt tingly throughout her body. Not a girlish, schoolgirly sort of sensual tingles, but shocks of pleasure like a hard drug throughout her body from his hard cock. Her pussy juices dripped like lava, her stretched canal coated in magma. Her body felt better than ever. 
That was when she realised what was happening- she was orgasming. Not just a powerful, climactic squirt from her pussy, but a continuous, flow of orgasms. She was cumming one time after another, so many, so hard, so fast, that it felt like her body was perpetually climaxing. 
His pounding had rubbed the sticky puddle of cum on the floor into her face, sending small globs flying into her hair, against her slack lips, even in her rolled-back eyes. She had gotten so used to her constant orgasm that she was barely even conscious, she just sat there, barely propped up against his pumping black hips. 
She was jolted awake when she felt his dick twitch uncontrollably inside her, pushing up against her walls. She leaned her head down, putting her hair on the floor, and looked between her legs. She saw his gargantuan black meat entering her and how her pussy was raining juices from the dozens of orgasms she must have had. She also saw his massive, loosely hanging balls swing less and less and begin to tighten up against the underside of his cock. 
Why his cock was twitching was finally clear- he was going to cum! His grunts became louder and his thrusts became faster. She threw her head back and moaned as she prepared for what was coming. 
He shot his load in her, just as big and thick as before, if not more so. The sheer force of his cum in her womb made her tremble, and as he pulled out, her clit went off as it felt gallons of black cum pouring out of her, enough to make another puddle on the floor and still fill her up. 
She had her biggest orgasm yet. It made her jump, pull away from Eric as she fell on the floor, rolling around in a mess of cum as she moaned- no, screamed. Her hips shook and she tried to cover her pussy with her hand, but it was buckled off, and she squirted everywhere, lifting her ass off the ground. 
“I love black cock!” Catwoman screamed as she fell onto the floor like a starfish. 
“Sure did,” muttered Eric, getting dressed again, having trouble fitting his black manhood in his pants again, “I’ll tell the boss you’re the least of our problems now that the Bat’s onto us. Good luck, you crazy little whore.” And with that, he walked out to the balcony, and left. 
Selina was left scoop up the pools of black cum, playing with the precious substance like, well, a kitten. She coated her hand in it, rubbed it all on her worn-out pussy. She massaged her belly with a glob of it, soothing her stretched insides. She made her milky white tits even whiter, lubing them up with his copious baby batter. Most of all, she filled her hands with it, and poured it down her hungry, slutty little throat. 
“I love black dick,” she breathed, not even thinking. It just came naturally. “I love black cum. I’m a blacked little slut.” 
She passed out, soon dreaming of getting stuffed by big, black cock. 
3 - Stephanie Brown and the Blackedcomputer 
Selina was in trouble honestly. It was the first time in years she’d failed a job (granted, she never took up contracts, but still!), and surely Black Spider wouldn’t be the last assassin to be sent after her. While that turned out well, she didn’t wanna gamble her life with the next one. 
Especially if the next wasn’t black. 
That’s why she was here now, at the residence of Carlton Duquesne, a generally well-liked and well-respected mob boss. The kind who would provide her the protection she needed. In more ways than one, of course, but only Selina would think of an innuendo like that when her life was on the line. 
Then again, considering Duquesne’s mob was owned and operated by the black families of Gotham’s underworld, not to mention the luxurious overworld old Carlton himself lived in, maybe plenty of women would accept protection. Those of the underworld would prefer to stay clean with the hung black thugs they fucked, while the wealthier women would use it to make sure they didn’t end up pregnant with a black guy’s baby. 
Either way, Selina would probably still use it. She wasn’t that addicted to her newfound love. Not yet, anyways. She still knew what she was doing though. Every mob in Gotham had it’s big, strong black enforcers. But she picked the one she knew had the most. And the one that was run by one. 
Selina was neither greedy nor generous, stealing more than she could possibly need, but still gave tons to charity. Mostly for animals, but still, it was charity. Mr. Duquesne, however, was not a charity case, and she didn’t intend to spend a dime on protection money to stay at his big, extravagant, and a tad tacky hotel. She did, however offer another payment that was worth more to her than it was to him. Not that she’d ever tell that. 
When she first came to him, she pleaded for protection from the newly made enemies. He initially refused- Catwoman was a big name, and a big target. Her reputation couldn’t buy her protection, but it seemed money would. Selina had a better idea. 
“Tell me, Mr. Duquesne,” she’d said. She still remembered exactly how the exchange went, that night in his penthouse office, him in a suit and turtleneck, her in her catsuit, “How much do you pay the girls who I saw running around your office earlier?” 
“My ladies ain’t a concern, kitty,” the mob boss replied, “you’re not negotiating with them.” 
“Oh, of courrrrse I’m not negotiating with them,” she purred, “I’m Catwoman, they’re just... girls, really. How could they compare?” she rubbed a gloved hand up her torso. Her palm grazed against her D-cup. 
Carlton looked her up and down. She invited him by sliding her zipper all the way down, so that the tiniest flecks of her well-trimmed womanly hair poked above the catsuit. “I just wanna place to stay, baby. To lay low.” She made a kissy face. 
“There a catch, kitty?” The black boss leaned down to look at her. She got on the floor in response, 
“Not at all. I’ll do this every week if it you’d rather that then rent. More than every week....” 
“I’ll be the judge of what’s worth it,” he said, deep gravelly voice doing things to her pussy. He lifted himself up, undoing his belt and pulling down his pants, then his underwear, down his ashy black legs, revealing his cock. 
He was enormous. The thickest cock she’s ever seen, almost as long as her arm and bulbous. He could tell by the look in her eyes that she was in love. 
“So it’s gonna be like that, huh?” 
She nodded. “I’ll be your slut once a week. More, if this thing feels as good as it looks.” 
“Good.” He wasn’t surprised by women wanting his dick at all. 
“Any limits, sir?” She asked, uncharacteristically submissive. She pulled down the top of her suit, letting her braless tits shine with all their glory. 
“Just don’t call me daddy. Shit’s weird.” 
She was a little disappointed. She loved the fantasy of a black daddy ramming her ass as she cried his title. Still, it wasn’t worth giving up an inch of this monster cock. Selina nodded yes right into his eyes as she kissed the sliding foreskin of his cock. She got it hard just with sluttly little licks and pokes of her tongue. Just like a Cat. And that was what he wanted, right? Catwoman, the dangerous, uncontrollable expert thief and outlaw, totally submitting to his massive, alpha, dominant, mob boss black cock. 
“I... don’t know if I can suck it all,” she worried, looking up at him as he unbuttoned his shirt with massive, strong arms, showing a slightly bulging belly and powerful chest. 
“I’ve had white girls take it before. Penguin’s bitches, Lark and Jay? They’ve sucked it down to the base. Do you really think you’re worse than some sluts who suck Cobblepot’s ugly cock?” 
That got to her head. Selina always had a bit of a complex, and this played right to it. She hadn’t stood down from sucking a dick since middle school, and she didn’t want to start now. Although, if there was one sort of dick she couldn’t overcome, it was the massive kind black men possessed. 
“Yes sir. Your dirty whore, at your service,” she smiled at him. 
She licked from his huge, loose balls, her tongue drawing them up until his sack was stiff and wrinkled. Her tastebuds didn’t experience any worse taste though. She put her hands on his comparatively huge ones (and she had big hands for a woman). She felt him relax, loosen up for her. Even if she wanted to hurt him, he’d overpower her. Maybe she’d try to, just to feel him rough her up. 
She kept peeling off her spandex down to the last inch, tossing it to the side. He was dressed in classy, 
expensive armani wool, unbuttoned to show his impressive physique. Selina, meanwhile, was totally naked, silky ass and tits all out for anyone to walk in to see. If they did she’d keep going. She loved being a black cock slut. 
Positioned in front of his bulbous cock, she looked up at him. He didn’t look down. It was like she didn’t even matter. It was a little upsetting, after all, Catwoman deserved more respect. But god it was hot. This monster black cock was probably so popular that the Catwoman worshipping it wasn’t any big deal to Carlton. 
Kiss after kiss, she made out with the tip of his dick, not letting an ounce of precum escape from her greedy lips. She was ready to steal all his cum, like the good little slutty thief she was. She went down on him, struggling to swallow all of the huge black rod. She choked, but knew this was where she belonged. 
Sucking his cock. 
Outside, another sight was happening. Red Robin, Tim Drake, was assigned to watch Catwoman. Her alleged dealings with Tobias Whale’s mob was cause for concern, and as such, he was tasked with the field monitoring, while Stephanie Brown was on the other end of the line. 
“She- she’s getting on her knees,” he said, watching the beginning of the scene, peering over the stone lip of the building across the way from Selina and Duquesne. 
“What?” came Stephanie, the muffled sounds of movement, “So she’s not just making a deal with Duquesne?” 
“I- um, I think she is,” her boyfriend replied. 
“Aww, I can hear you blushing. What’s wrong? You watch porn all the time, don’t you?” 
“And do stuff with you, but it’s weird to watch.” 
“Don’t kid yourself, babe. You know I don’t wanna do stuff with the little thing you’re packing. And you watch me all the time while you’re sitting in a corner or behind a screen, jerking off. Are they still talking?” She slurped down chinese takeout. Not the healthiest, but it was her cheat day. Besides, she knew black guys liked girls a little plumper than she was. 
“She’s- um- pulling his pants down. And her top off. Jesus..” 
“What? Is he huge, or are her tits that great. It’s both, isn’t it?” 
“It... it’s both.” 
“D’aww,” she mocked, “Is your little thing hard?” 
“Do you have to make fun of it all the time?” 
“Oh come on, look, I’m sorry, but it’s just too hilarious! I’m not even horny right now-” she heard Tim grumble something on the other end of the line. “What was that? Is it about me being horny? Because if I was you’d be hearing me watching those VIP Blacked.com videos you paid for me. Now look, I’ll be nicer about it, but we have to get this work done! Either keep talking or turn on the camera!” 
“Right,” Tim mumbled, pulling out the portable tripod-mounted camera and hooked it up to the Batcomputer, streaming the scene right into Stephanie’s monitor. The blonde focused it, getting the best shot possible. Tim went off to ‘monitor the perimeter’, but she barely even heard him. The pretty white girl was, as any pretty white girl, mesmerized by the fat cock of a powerful black man. 
Shouldn’t have thought about my blacked membership, thought Stephanie, only somewhat reluctantly sliding her hand down to the crotch of her purple tracksuit. Wet, she thought. She could feel it even before her fingertips touched the dampness right above her pussy. Of course I’m wet- god I’m such a slut. Not that she wanted to change that, of course. She put her feet up on the Batcomputer and spread her legs. She focused intently on the image on her screen. 
Selina Kyle- Catwoman, a villainess she’d had to put in cuffs at least once before, was looking like a fucking supermodel but with bigger tits, bobbing her face on Boss Duquesne’s massive cock. Her skin was almost as pale as Batwoman’s, and the roundness of her muscular arm and silky tits shone in the moonlight. The drops of spit flying onto them only made them shine more. 
As Catwoman drooled sloppy spittle all over this old man’s huge dick, Steph just had to zoom in the camera. Thank god for the 4k quality, she thought, dipping her shakily desperate hand under her waistband. She sunk two fingers into her pussy as she watched how Catwoman’s spit flew everywhere everytime her lips reached the base of his cock. His beefy fingers ran through her short black hair. Both women wished it was longer. Carlton was perfectly happy the way it is. All three of them could see that big hands did indeed mean big dick. 
Selina was beginning to feel something was off. She had a sort of cat sense, and right now, it told her that she was being watched. That was usually a bad thing, but right now, with her throat all stuffed with dick and lips dripping with molasses-like spit, she hoped she was being watched. 
She was proud of this. She hoped whoever was watching her get blacked the third day in a row was feeling as good as she was. Besides, if she did anything about it, that’d just mean she’d have to wait longer to cum on a big black cock. Or feel it shoot all over her tits. Or cum in her ass. Or just keep having this black monster force her tongue down and her uvula up. Any of those would make it worth it. 
So Catwoman and Spoiler, neither in their costumes or even knowing the other was aware of their presence, reached a mutual understanding. Selina would enjoy all the pleasures of sucking, fucking, cumming, and squirting on Carlton Duquesne’s deep black manhood. And Stephanie would get to spend her work time fingering her cunt to a live, real interracial scene. No actors. Every drop of hot cum and warm spit was as real as the juice on Steph’s own fingers. 
Speaking of cum, Carlton’s balls tightened further and his rod came to full attention, making Selina gag and choke. She felt like he was going to rip her throat open and her lily white jawbone apart as his whole penis swelled, charging up for a massive blast of cum. 
He shot his load down her throat. It was a massive load, fitting for a foot-long monster on one of the most powerful bosses in the city. It felt like a gallon of thick, gloopy cum forcing itself down her throat. Her eyes bugged out with tears. She had always loved that, when guys choked her, but she never knew she could really choke on a fat fucking cock until she downed this one. It felt like some shots blasted his creamy seed right into her stomach. She quickly gulped down whatever didn’t, until her stomach was churning with a massive meal. She hadn’t eaten since yesterday, as she was on the run. She was hornier than she was hungry, though. She never expected both to be satisfied at once. 
Her eyes widened again as she realized what was happening. She was cumming! 
She came right as he did. And without it even going near her favorite holes. 
That never happened. Well, it might have with the two black guys before, but she couldn’t remember those well, after they had fucked her silly. Still, it was an overwhelming orgasm, hot pussy juice squirting all over the floor, making Selina try and yell with his huge cock still jammed insider her mouth, “MM!! MMM!!!! FCKKKK!! FFFFKKKK!!!” 
This was all a very different experience. It wasn’t random, like the other two fucks she had with Batwing and Black Spider. Those were random. She didn’t expect those. This was planned, she came in here with a plan to get a big black cock fucking her, when she was safe and sober. She didn’t even talk to the guy. She’d bantered with every guy she fucked since she first became a hooker almost twenty years ago. Well, except Batman, but she tried to have him let up his ‘strong silent type’ thing. 
The point was, this was when things changed. Selina knew what she would never stop being a horny little slut for black cock. This was the next chapter of her life- the street rat Selina, the prostitute Selina, the famous criminal Selina, and now, the Blacked Selina. The wet, hot, dripping whore couldn’t be happier. 
She collapsed from her kneeling position Her bare thighs slid on the tile floor that she covered with her wet cum and she landed on her ass. His scarily big black cock emerged from her mouth still hard and ready for more. The dark brown skin of his body was pitch black on his spit-soaked dick, strands of the mess sticking to Selina’s limp, addicted lips. They curled into a smile. 
“What the fuck?!” Yelled Stephanie, kicking her legs down onto the floor. Her bottoms were only a tiny bit down, so the soft skin of her thighs muffined over the band and her blonde pubes, soaked with pussy juice, were barely visible, “You fucking suck his dick once and when he shoots his load in you, you squirt like a fucking fifteen your old all over the floor and pass out like some coke addict whore? All from a fucking BJ?! What lame shit is this? I can’t cum to this!” 
She paused her complaining to hear Tim mumble on the other end of the line, “I can hear you.” 
She sighed. “Do you want me to just mute you, or keep going? I’m trying to enjoy myself here, and I promise I’ll make it up to you when you come home. Okay?” 
“Yeah, yeah. Don’t mute, I might need your help if I find something.” 
“Yeah, I know babe. Now lemme keep watching- and save the footage, you should watch it later.” He 
didn’t respond. That was why she loved him so much. 
She stripped off her bottoms, the top of it all soaked anyways from sweat and her syrupy cunt juices. The purple leggings tossed to the side, she was free to spread her legs as far as she liked while leaning back in the chair that was far bigger than her. 
Carlton had been speaking to Selina. Before Steph started watching, he’d asked, “Did you really just cum that hard?” 
“F..fuck yeah d- uh, Carlton. I swear I don’t normally cum when just giving head.” 
“I hoped not. I thought Catwoman would be a better bed than some virgin schoolgirl.” 
“Have you- fucked virgin schoolgirls before?” Asked Selina. By pure coincidence, she thought of Stephanie Brown, miss 15 and pregnant. 
“Can’t confirm or deny,” Carl smiled, showing off one gold tooth. 
Selina got up, rubbing her smooth, shaky legs, covered in cum and gross juices that she absolutely loved, all over his expensive suit. He didn’t care. He’d just have his maids wash them. If they asked what happened, he’d fuck them too. Hell, he’d fuck them either way. Carlton Duquesne did whatever he wanted. 
She ran her hand up his sweaty, hair, bulky body. The idea of him fucking some slutty highschooler, because of some mob debt or some deal or just because she knew a good fuck when she saw one, was impossibly hot to her. By the time her long, curvy body stood all the way up, a drop of horny, hot pussy juice fell to the floor from her dripping cunt. 
“You want more?” 
“Fuck yeah. Make me your whore.” 
“I’ll make sure to get you a luxury suite if you make me cum real good.” 
“Mmmm,” she rubbed her plump white ass over the base of his cock, slinging the huge rod all around her sexy butt. Its length dwarfed her behind, its fat head easily sitting on the small of her back. “Fuck my pussy and my ass. I’ll make you cum twice- in each.” 
Carlton slapped her ass and grinned ear to ear. 
By the time it was over, his cum was all over his desk, her juice was all over his suit, and Stephanie’s squirting was all over the batcomputer. Between the three of them, Carlton’s big black cock had caused at least a dozen orgasms. And Tim hadn’t even watched the video yet. 
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shesneverleavingme · 5 years
My Last Past Life
Pricefield Week Day Five: First time/Future
Day 1 * Day 2 * Day 3 * Day 4
The house hadn’t changed. Not really. When we drove up to it, the only considerable difference I noticed was that the entire structure was now the dark blue that had remained unfinished in my previous timeline. Chloe’s hair seemed almost neon in comparison to its dark shade, even though she had been the one to pick the color originally. I stared out the window in awe at it even after Chloe parked in the driveway. The grind of the gears as Chloe finished driving hit my ears, followed by the sound of the engine shutting off and whirring to a chugging stop.
“You never seen a house before, hippie?” Chloe asked.
“It’s... Blue.”
“Uh, yeah... Been that way for like... three or four years, dude,” she responded. I pulled my gaze away to look at her and finally our eyes met for the first time since that awkward moment at the train station. We held the stare for a few seconds before we both looked away. She cleared her throat and then said, “C’mon, all our stuff’s in my room.”
I followed Chloe into the house. It looked almost exactly the same, just with a few updates. New wallpaper. New paint. It still smelled like eggs and cinnamon, like a home that was actually lived and cooked in. It was even neater than I remembered it. I didn’t have enough time to look as Chloe was already half-way up the stairs, stomping as she went. I put my palm on the banister and looked out into the living room, or what little I could see down the hallway, before I started to follow Chloe.
I had taken this path many times since my childhood, but this time it was different. I was walking towards where the history of my life laid now, a history I would never be able to touch even though I had technically lived it. It was one of the uncomfortable parts of time-travel… I had to do it when I had first saved Arcadia Bay, too…
Chloe’s curious voice called out and I snapped back to reality. I had reached the top of the stairs and Chloe’s door was open. It was an inviting entrance, not that it had ever been a hostile one for me, and I swallowed a little before I walked in and looked around.
It was messy, sure, like usual, but…
It was warm.
There weren’t as many punk posters on the walls. Expletive-ridden graffiti had been replaced with beautiful, macabre drawings. They weren’t my style, but Chloe made them intricate and detailed, holding a dark complexity that caught my eye even if I had wanted to look away. I looked at them and found my eyes tracing along the lines on Chloe’s walls. The drawings bled into each other, sometimes disrupted by stylized text, and covered her walls from floor to ceiling. “Oh my dog…” I breathed. I couldn’t help but be surprised and in awe at the display. I knew that Chloe was a talented artist, as talented as she was intelligent, but I felt like I was being hit with this knowledge all over again…
I heard Chloe chuckle behind me. “I think you said the same thing when you saw that the first time, too,” she explained. She seemed to be in a little bit of a better mood now that I was letting myself get comfortably lost within her atmosphere. I looked over my shoulder to face her and saw she was standing in the center of her room, hands deep in her pockets and shoulders pressed back as if she were lounging on air. “You finally came to get me because it’d been like a day since I had answered you and you were pissed. Then you came in here, ready to chew my ass out, and you saw this and didn’t say a word for a looooong time.”
I felt a little bit of heat in my face. “Oh, great, so I’m one of those…” I said, grumbling. For all the dreaming I had done over the past few weeks without Chloe, I hadn’t ever depicted myself as the crazy girlfriend who couldn’t survive on her own without her partner for more than twenty-four hours…
Chloe cleared her throat. When I looked back up I saw how she was looking away from me and scratching a little at the back of her neck. I wasn’t sure why she was nervous, but her tell gave it away every time… “So… Uh… It’s all over here…” She gestured to the opposite wall, near her closet and hidden behind her door, with her hand before she slid it back into her pocket.
I pulled the door away from the wall and let it guide itself to close. Where Chloe’s blue desk had been was suddenly empty space, and all over the walls were pictures. My pictures. At least ten or eleven packages worth if not more. My heart sunk at the sheer amount of monetary value on the wall, but it didn’t last long as I was drawn into each photo and stared at them.
Big smiles. They were everywhere, in every photo. The photos ranged from our early teenage years to more recent, but the smiles were still the same. We were bathed in sunlight, in moonlight, red-eyed from the flash, and picture-perfect. None of the pictures were the same, but they all inspired the same feeling within my chest.
“Oh my dog…” I repeated a little softer this time. I heard Chloe’s boots walk softly over the wood floors but I didn’t look at her.
“Do you …Remember any of this?” she asked me hesitantly. She seemed to know the answer before even asking the question, but there was an amount of hopefulness in her voice that made me wish I didn’t have to tell her the truth.
I slowly shook my head and then turned back to look at her. “I… It’s like I can see that it’s us… But I feel like I’m seeing everything for the first time… Like we made it up…” I didn’t want to tell her, particularly because her face became visibly distraught for a few seconds like I anticipated. She looked up at the wall again and then stepped a little closer to my back before she pointed at a photo.
“This was the first snow after you moved to Seattle,” she said, “It was the first time I didn’t have you here, and I missed you so much that your parents sent you here for a week over Christmas break. We stayed up late and stayed outside all day making snowmen and having snowball fights.” The picture she pointed at was of us, standing in the snow and grinning up at the camera. Chloe’s arms were wrapped tightly around my body as if she’d pick me up, but I looked like I couldn’t be happier.
“And this one…” Chloe said, pointing to another, “Was a few days before you started Blackwell… You came early to spend the last few days of summer with me.” We were sitting on the pier near the beach, and the flash was barely enough to light us up as ghosts against a dark navy sky. It was easily one of the crummier pictures on the wall, especially considering we looked like we were possessed, but I could see the emotional appeal of it.
I scanned the photos again and saw one near the top. Chloe was kissing my cheek and I was laughing, my eyes closed, clearly having been surprised just as my finger triggered the shutter. “And that one…?” I asked, pointing to it.
I felt Chloe tense up behind me. She had gotten very close without me realizing it. I was practically pressed against her now. “That… Was when I came to see you in Seattle the summer after you left… Technically our first date, since your parents would let us go out alone…” she explained, quietly, “We spent the entire day around the city and we took this right after we got onto the Space Needle…” My hand came down slowly and I rested it on my hip.
“Our first date…” I muttered. “… I don’t even remember that…” How I wanted to. I was so desperate to remember. But I didn’t. Those memories would be locked away and I would never get to experience them again… Not in the organic way that I had in this alternate lifetime.
“It’s okay, Max, it’s not a big deal—“
“No, it is a big deal!” I said. My voice was a little more forceful and squealed a little harder than I intended, but I meant how it sounded. “I don’t get to know how it felt to go around with you on our first date? I don’t get to remember how that felt when you kissed me? I don’t get to remember that at all, and I can’t ever get that back, because you’ve already done it once and it won’t be the same!”
I looked at Chloe, wondering if my words made sense, and she looked at me for a few seconds before she pulled her hand back from the photos and scratched her neck. “Fuck, if you’re mad about that, you’re gonna be really pissed when you know about what else’s happened…”
“About what else—?” I asked. She continued to look at me, mouth thin, and after a few seconds I connected the dots. “Oh my do—“ I started for the third time before my hands clapped themselves over my mouth. My fingers touched my cheekbones and I could feel the warmth beneath them. “We’ve… Oh my dog…!!!”
“It’s not a big deal—“
“Stop saying that! Yes, it is!” I demanded. I pulled my hands down regardless of the fact that Chloe would be able to see how deeply I was blushing. “It’s a big deal because it’s you, and it’s a big deal because I’m supposed to remember that! I’m supposed to remember that and treasure it for the rest of my life!”
Even though I was hysterically shouting at her, Chloe stayed calm. Somberly calm. She studied me for a few seconds before she looked down between us. Her mouth moved a few times before she slowly extended her hands and guided her fingertips to the outside of mine. “We… Can make new memories, Max…” she said softly, “Maybe not the first memories for me… But… They’ll be the first ones I have with you…” She looked up for a second and slid her fingers a little further into my palms. “If that’s okay with you…”
I couldn’t look away from her. She looked at me and I felt like I would dissolve in her eyes. She was so close and I could hear her soft breathing only a little over the rampant beating of my heart in my chest. “That’d… Be okay with you…?” I muttered.
Chloe’s eyes flicked a few times between mine. “Yeah…” she answered. She shuffled a little closer and I could see that her head was slowly tilting down and forward. Her eyes stayed steady on mine as she got closer. I felt my own body tense up and then relax, my fingertips closing in on her hands.
In a few seconds, my eyes closed, and then I finally felt the feeling of Chloe’s mouth on mine. It was warm and soft and tasted nothing like the rainy kiss we had shared on our last day together. There was no salty sting from tears we’d cried dried on our lips, her hands weren’t cold and warm at the same time, and there wasn’t the roar of wind around us.  
It was nothing like that first kiss we shared. Even in this lifetime it wasn’t the first kiss I had ever shared with Chloe, but I would take it.
I would take a million more kisses if they stayed like this first one.
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Wonder Wheel (Spot x Race)
A/N: Okay, I may have gotten ahead of myself here. Keep reading under the cut because I wrote, that’s right, four pages worth
Requested?: Yep! Thanks @newsienewsie
Tags: Pre-canon 
Prompt:  I wanted to go on the ferris wheel but there has to be two people to a cart come on random person let’s go oh wait are we stuck at the top? Fuck
_______ Neon lights reflected red in Race’s eyes as he stared up at the enormous structure dubbed ‘Wonder Wheel’ in awe. Around him, screaming children ran amok, strangers chatted on park benches, and wooden roller coasters whizzed past, all thrown into a cramped mix of noise and chaos and delight. It was unlike anything Race had ever seen before.
“Come on, Albert,” he pleaded, tugging on the boy’s arm. “Just one ride won’t kill ya.”
But the Newsie shook his head firmly. “It is gonna kill me, and I ain’t fixin to die just yet. Find someone else, why dontcha?” He lowered his voice. “You know I don’t like heights.”
Race sighed and dropped his hand. “Fine, I’ll go alone then.”
Albert nodded. “I’ll pick us up some of those elephant ears, yeah? Oh, and Race, don’t go talking to strangers again. I heard them Brooklyn Boys is here today, and I don’t want to drag you out of another turf war.”
The Newsie laughed and shrugged him off. “Why, you scared I’m gonna kick their asses?”
“I’m scared they’s gonna kick yours.”
Race made an obscene gesture, which Albert graciously returned, and they both parted ways--one to the greatest heights imaginable and the other to the food truck.
The line was rather long, but Race had all the time in the world. He and the Newsies had finally saved up enough leftover pennies, and with some help from Medda, managed to get a few tokens each for some rides. Plus, it was a Tuesday. Nothing newsworthy ever happened on Tuesdays.
An boy and his younger brother passed by Race as he waited in line.
“Davey, I want to try that one!” the kid said excitedly, tugging the taller boy behind him.
“Okay, okay, slow down, Les,” he protested and went with him laughing. Race watched them go with an wishful smile. He remembered a time when he could be that carefree, when he didn’t have to count every penny he spent just to survive. When he didn’t have to steal to eat, or didn’t have to share a bed with three other boys…
No. Race shook his head. This wasn’t a day to reminisce; today, he could finally let himself go and have some fun. Today he could be carefree and careless and all the things he always wanted be.
The Ferris Wheel loomed up in front of him, and he couldn’t take his eyes off of it. Today, he could reach the top of the world.
And finally he was there. Last in line, Race stepped proudly up to the booth, his eye on a brightly painted red carriage that was being lowered to the ground. He handed the operator one coin, and started up towards it.
“Hold on, young man,” the operator said, sticking out a hand to stop him. Wide eyed, Race stopped in his tracks and began to panic as the man looked him up and down. He handed him a token, was it not enough? Did the operator think it was fake? Or think he was truant? Was he going to call for Snyder?
“You alone?” the man finally said gruffly. Race slowly nodded. “Sorry kid. You gotta have two people to ride the wheel.”
Race turned to glance behind him. He was the only person left in line, and Albert was nowhere in sight. “Well… I ain’t got no one to ride with, sir. Can you make an exception just this once?”
The operator shook his head. “Can’t.”
Race sighed and scanned his eyes over the park near him. “I just need one other person? Any one?”
The man shrugged. “As long as they want to come on, sure.”
His gaze fell on a lone boy with a newsboy cap leaning casually on the fence, and Race grinned. Perfect, another newsie! He’d do just fine.
“Give me a sec. I’ll be back with someone,” he promised, and jumped off the platform.
The operator yawned and turned back to his panel. “Not like I’m going anywhere…” he muttered.
“Hey!” Race shouted as he approached the Newsie. The closer he got, the more he realized that the boy was rather short and stocky, muscular, and cropped black hair stuck out from under his cap. He shifted his glare towards Race.
“What do you want?” the Newsie asked suspiciously, flicking his eyes over.
“Hey,” Race repeated quickly. “Look man, this is one of the few days Jack’ll let us out of sellin’ papes, and I ain’t got two cents to spare but I saved up for today and I really want to ride one of them fancy wheels, but ya gotta have two persons in a box at a time and I don’t have anyone to go with cuz my buddy Al went and ditched me for an ear, so would you give it a go with me?”
The Newsie blinked. “What?”
Race took a breath and forced himself to slow down. “Would you,” he said, emphasizing the words. “Ride with me. In the Wonder Wheel.”
The boy slowly glanced between him and the ferris wheel. “Is this a joke?”
Race shook his head. “It’ll only be ten minutes. They won’t let me on otherwise.”
He bit his lip and waited as the Newsie tilted his head, considering. “Alright,” the boy finally decided. “I’ll ride. Ten minutes?”
“That’s it,” Race promised, trying to hold back a smile. “I’m Race by the way.”
“Spot,” the Newsie returned, taking his outstretched hand. “Are we gonna do this, or what?”
Spot follow the boy up to the platform. Race flipped a token to the operator, and together they sat down in a bright red car. He buckled himself in.
He didn’t know why he had said yes to the request. His pals would be expecting him back at the borough soon, they still had papes to sell. Half a day, that was their agreement. It was too nice out to be hiding in the dirty alleys of Brooklyn.
But then this Newsie, this random guy with curly blonde hair and striking blue eyes and a youthful exuberance had approached him, and Spot just felt… compelled.
It could have been a trap. Spot had plenty of enemies. Or maybe it was the start of some kind of prank, or a con, or some kind of ruse.
Or maybe it was genuine. Spot had decided to play the lottery.
The car jerked a little as it left the ground. Race gasped and stared out the glass window with comically wide eyes as they slowly were lifted into the air by a groaning mechanical engine.
The ground began to shrink smaller and smaller, and the people on the ground scurried around like ants, and soon they could see the edge of the park, and soon they could see the whole park, and soon they were up so nauseatingly high that Spot had to grip the edge of his seat to feel steady.
But Race was right on the edge of his seat through it all, eager to see more. He laughed incredulously.
“Damn…” he whispered through a wide grin. “D’you see how high we are, Spot?”
“I see,” Spot answered with an amused smile.
“I’ve never been up this far in the air before,” Race continued absent-mindedly. “I mean, I’ve been on the rooftops of buildings but... “
“This is different,” Spot finished, and as he looked out the window, he got it. He understood what Race was trying to say, this feeling of freedom and emptiness. “Like the world is your oyster.”
Race glanced over and nodded. “I like that.”
The carriage climbed higher and higher still, until they were at the very top and the ride slowed to a halt with a screaming creak.
Spot looked down, but the operator was out of their sight. “Is it supposed to stop?”
Race reluctantly pulled away from the window. “I don’t know. I don’t think so…”
He looked out the window too, but couldn’t see anything out of the usual. Through the glass in the other cars, people were rising from their seats and peering out as well. “Looks like we ain’t the only ones, though.”
“Great,” Spot muttered, frowning. “I’m gonna be late to meet with my boys.”
“Your boys?” Race scoffed. “What, you some big brass or something like that?”
“Something like that,” Spot answered, a mysterious smile playing across his lips. “You’re obviously a Newsie. What borough you from?”
Race sat down as well. “Manhattan.”
“Jack’s kind?”
“Yeah. You know him?”
Spot nodded. “I’ve run into him a few times. Never seen you before, though.”
Race crossed his arms. “Maybe you have. How would you know?”
The other boy shook his head and glanced out the window. “Trust me, I’d remember.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
For the first time, Race saw Spot get a little flustered.
“N-nothing. Never mind,” he said gruffly.
Race watched him suspiciously, but the boy was determined to not make eye contact.
“So where you from?” he finally asked, breaking a moment of silence.
Spot looked at him out of the corner of his eye. “Why? You some kind of four flusher?”
“Wh--I’m not--” Race broke off. “You asked me that too,” he finished defensively. “What, a guy can’t ask a few questions?”
“I never said that,” Spot replied, a twinkle in his eyes, and Race realized he had been teasing.
“Aw, step off,” he muttered, and Spot laughed.
“Call it payback for talking me on this broken ride.”
“Yeah…” Race said, glancing out the window. “That’s my bad. I didn’t know this was gonna happen, or I wouldn’t’ve asked you on.”
Spot sighed. “It’s alright. This is pretty fun, anyhow.”
“Really?” Race asked, meeting his eyes. The Newsie smiled reassuringly, and it must have been the heights, or the guilt in his stomach, but something jumped in his gut and made everything go weightless for just a brief second.
“Really,” Spot, his voice kind of quieted. His next words were barely a whisper, but they were genuine, and Race found himself drawing closer just to hear them. “Thank you.”
Race’s breath hitched at the words, and just then, the whole world shifted with a clunk and both boys were thrown out of their seats as the carriage began to move again.
Inches apart the two Newsies met eyes on the ground of the cart. It started as a snort, then a giggle, then Race and Spot were clutching their sides from pealing laughter as they laid there on the dirty floor and watched the sky shrink out the window.
They had reached the top of the world, and together they found their way down again.
Albert was frozen, holding one plate of fried dough out in front of him as he watched Race step out of the ferris wheel, smiling and bantering with a boy he had only heard of in legends.
They parted ways with a wave goodbye, and Race excitedly bounced over to Albert.
“Hey, Al! Oh thanks, I was just getting hungry,” he greeted, taking the plate from his hands.
“Race…” Albert said, eyes wide with disbelief. “You rode the ferris wheel with Spot Conlon?!”
“Yeah,” Race replied through a mouthful of food.
“Spot Conlon… the leader of Brooklyn?!”
Race choked on a bite and spun around just in time to see the boy he had just ridden with meet up a couple of other Newsies and start off out of the park.
He watched in wonder as they left, a small smile playing across his face.
“Huh,” Race muttered. “How about that?”
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awa--awa · 4 years
9am Hike
I thought i’d go for a hike today
somewhere around the Sierra Forest.
There’s a trail somewhere around there. I’ve seen people post photos of it online. I’ve never actually been, never dared to.
There’s also a peaceful lake, named the Sierra Lake.
There’s supposed to be a nice bench where the ducks are fed by fellow bench sitters. Many joggers and dog walkers go through Sierra Forest. I never jog and I don’t have a dog, but i’d reckon that any forest is welcome to anybody.
I woke up at 8, quite a rare occurrence that is
so I thought; today is the day i finally go on that hike. I would be there by 9
after a nice 30 minute walk.
I packed my hiking bag with all my favorite things
My camera, my journal, a copy of Langston Hughes.
I also packed my purple hoodie in case it got cold. I almost forgot to bring my favorite pair of sunglasses, but I grabbed it before leaving.
I also packed my skateboard on the hiking bag’s elastic holders.
I just hoped that my bag of candy did not get crushed
Ironically, that would ruin the trip the Sierra Forest. 
I had my favorite breakfast: Bacon, egg and cheese sandwich
a cappuccino and a cigarette to start a wonderful day.
I left, leaving the heater at 5, all the nights on, and my keys on the table.
I thought i’d take a detour by the Sierra Park where the pigeons would gather
Luckily I brought some bread and I tossed a couple pieces to them as they surrounded me. They are good company, especially in the morning.
the pigeons wandered to a different bench sitter, and I opened up my Langston Hughes to a random page. 
“Hold fast to dreams, For if dreams die Life is a broken-winged bird, That cannot fly.”
I nearly cried. His words always struck at a core. I really wanted to see the ducks, so I only read that passage and continued towards Sierra Forest.
The trees in this season look like skeletons
no leaves to call flesh, and no color but grey
still, they felt alive. especially on such weather as today.
9am is usually not as windy here. In fact it was sunny, 6 degrees or so
no wind.
it was a special day. It always was a special day when the air feels as fresh as it does in spring.
One could walk in shorts in this weather but it is much more cozy with a coat.
One man did walk past me, and he wore shorts. I thought to myself
you are mad, sir. in this weather, any second the cold wind could come
and the 9am special feeling turns into more of a 4pm sunset sadness.
The weather held up during my walk, thankfully.
I saw a yellow light blinking in the distance.
The light came from a van under the Sierra Tunnel.
Joggers and dog walkers passed by, peaking at the commotion.
I could not see but the men and women wore uniforms
I got closer and noticed an old man on the ground. the uniforms surrounded him, and beside him a middle aged woman spoke on the phone. She didn’t seem to know him, or so I would imagine because she was quite calm.
The old man on the ground looked my grandfather, except taller and my grandfather never wore baseball caps. He enjoyed showing his greying hair, even when it began to fall out.
The middle aged woman looked like my mother, only darker and taller. Her voice of concern as she spoke on the phone reminded me of the time my mom received a call explaining that her estranged father was taken the hospital.
It was the same voice: concerned about the old man on the ground, but concerned not to extent of tears, as one would have for a stranger seemingly fallen ill.
The people behind me joined me in eavesdropping. How does one not look?
A man is on the ground and first responders are there, but everyone seems to be planning what to do next.
I would imagine it to be difficult
to be the one person or people who can help, but being absolutely useless.
Whether they were parametics or not, the question did not come to mind.
the yellow light was still on and the uniforms were still on the phone,
and the old man who resembled my grandfather, lay still on the ground
possibly counting his final moments and dreaming of his loved ones
and all the memories that he is not ready to say goodbye to.
I only made it to about 10 meters passed the man before I burst into tears.
who was he? I thought. Was he going to die? Will one of his friends or family members make it in time to see him. Was he on the floor because of the virus? or was he just old? and which is worse? 
I wanted to help
but everyone who could help was already there
my job was to simply hope
hope, for a stranger to get back up on their feet and begin walking, smiling, laughing, eating.
I cried the whole way through Sierra Park and when I reached Sierra Forest, my cries were more like yells. 
And I wanted to yell as loud as possible, but I know someone would come searching to help.
So instead i kept the crying to a medium level and only the skeleton trees would hear me.
I found the bench and sat on it. There were no ducks there yet, but the lake was indeed as beautiful as it seemed on the photos. 
By then i stopped crying and I was silently looking at a blank page on my journal. Today i really don’t have anything to say, it seems.
two ducks, glowing with their slightly green necks waddled into the lake.
That made me happy.
I tossed some pieces of bread to them and they rushed to the pieces.
They are fiercely competitive, but all in all harmless if you give them each an equal amount.
I wish I could speak to them, and I wish they could speak to me.
I took out my bag of candy and took one piece and swallowed it.
It was tasteless and I could feel nothing from it, but that is why I brought these.
I must have lost my sense of taste and smell sometime in the last month.
Many have asked me when I knew that i lost that ability and I always say the same thing.
It was a friday and I went to the museum.
Upon looking at the large canvas in the main hall, I saw much color, and much shape
but I felt absolutely nothing.
That was when I knew.
I swallowed another piece of candy and threw two more pieces of bread to the ducks, before throwing an entire slice.
I closed my journal and opened up my Langston Hughes.
“Life is for the living. Death is for the dead. Let life be like music. And death a note unsaid.”
I didn’t cry this time, but I closed my eyes and I could feel my head getting lighter.
With my eyes still closed I grabbed another piece of candy and I was about to swallow it, until I heard a sudden yell coming from somewhere in the forest.
FUCK! A very loud yell it was.
I turned around but saw nothing but a hint of a metallic structure hidden behind the array of branches in the forest. I recognized the structure. I definitely did.
I walked towards the yell and then I heard it again.
It was a young boy’s voice, I was certain.
I rushed towards the voice and fortunately he was not in any danger, but he was crying at the bottom of the deep end of an empty pool. A bowl is what its called.
In the shallow end of the bowl, I saw a snapped skateboard and a single kneepad.
You probably leaned too far back didn’t you, kid?
He seemed angry. Didn’t say anything and just looked down sniffling.
I walked into the bowl and handed him my board.
Here you go, I said. Try it again. This time, don’t lean back, but forward, keeping your hands slightly opened so you can maintain balance.
He looked at me with an angry face. 
Here, you can take my board.
I’m not supposed to talk to strangers, he said.
Fair enough, kid, I said walking towards the 3 stair.
Wait, is that a limited edition Aerohawk? from Tony Devs? 
He wasn’t angry anymore.
Yeah, it is, I said. Do you want to try it?
He took the board, and he seemed like he had just found treasure.
Awesome, hahah, He said.
He went to the top of the deep side of the bowl and prepared to drop in.
He took one step down and skated through to the end of the bowl. He cheered and cheered, until a rock stopped him and threw him forward.
He yelled in the pain, this time truly loud. His wrist was broken.
We walked quickly out of Sierra Forest and the boy continued to cry. 
It’s gonna be alright, dude. There’s a hospital close by. Do you know your mom or dad’s number?, I asked.
No, I don’t, he said.
Well that’s not much help is it? do you know any way of contacting them?, I asked.
Not really, I just skate home usually. it’s about 20 minutes. He said sniffling.
Alright then we gotta get to the hospital and maybe they can help there, I said.
What’s that in your pocket? he asked pointing at my bag of candy.
Nothing, i said quickly. those aren’t for kids.
We reached a clinic just outside Sierra Park in 5 minutes.
I saw, from a distance, the old man still on the floor surrounded by the paramedics.
I waited in the waiting area and after a while, a doctor came out with the kid and he had a cast on his wrist. He didn’t seem in pain anymore.
We’re gonna call your mom now, son. What is her name? we can find her in the phone book. The doctor spoke calmly, but the kid said no.
No, please don’t call my mom. I was supposed to be at school. She’ll ground me for months.
Well i’m sorry, son but that the policy, the doctor said.
the kid and I sat in the waiting area for about 15 minutes. 
You know when I was your age, I said, I also skipped school to go skating. My mom told me if i ever did it again, she’d take away my skateboard. And I never did it again. I said, laughing slightly & for the first time that day.
The kid laughed a little. That’s pretty funny, he said, but I just don’t wanna get into shit.
You’ll be alright, kid, I said, and hey, stop cursing so much.
The kid’s mother showed up in a blue mini van. She was extremely jittery and ran into the clinic looking around, and upon seeing her kid, gave him a death stare that I recognize from my own mother.
Jeremy! I can’t believe you!, she yelled.
And who are you? she gestured towards me.
I was about to answer but Jeremy interrupted. I snapped my board, mom. He just lent me his and then I fell and broke my wrist. He walked with me to the clinic. But I finally dropped in at the Sierra bowl, mom! Jeremy spoke proudly of his new achievement but his mom sighed.
Well, thanks for getting him here...uhh, she was to thank me but didn’t know my name.
I filled her in. Jason, ma’am. 
Well Jason, do you need a ride? She asked kindly.
No, ma’am. thank you. I replied.
You should join us for lunch, dude. Jeremy told me. right mom? He asked.
I guess that’s fine. But you’re still grounded. The mom answered. I decided to have lunch with the Fitzgerald’s as they were called. We rode back to their home, and I immediately noticed the three small home-made ramps in the front yard. 
Are those yours? i asked Jeremy.
yeah! been trying to land a kick flip off the high one. I guess now I can’t. Jeremy frowned slightly.
Jeremy’s mother made us ham and cheese sandwiches and we sat in their living room watching jeopardy. Their home was cozy. Only a couple of pictures of Jeremy and his mother. The beige wallpaper was calming and they were friendly. 
After we finished our lunch I thanked Jeremy’s mother and began to put my shoes on. 
Thanks for helping me out today, Jason. Jeremy said kindly, but his face was still sad.
I grabbed my skateboard and handed it to him.
You can have it, I said.
Jeremy was speechless, and he thanked me again, and then immediately ran outside to test it on his homemade ramps.
That was the second time I was happy that day.
I walked back towards Sierra Forest, this time taking me more than 30 minutes.
It was already 11, but I didn’t care about reaching the forest at 9 anymore. The weather was still good and the wind was still silent. 
I passed the Sierra tunnel again and I saw the old man resembling my grandfather. he was walking, with the help of an older lady. The man was smiling, and i began to tear up once again. 
The trees began whistling, and the wind began to arrive.
I looked up at the tall skeleton trees with no leaves for flesh and for the first time in a long time,
I saw life
I could taste the air
and I could smell the season.
I took my camera out of my bag and took a photo of the whistling trees.
I continued on the path to Sierra Forest, but I stopped suddenly.
I didn’t know why exactly, but I followed the feeling.
I took out my bag of candy, and stared at it
and at such a sight i felt nothing close to life. 
i tossed it in the trashcan and turned around, making my way back home.
I thought then to myself,
today is not the day to go for a hike.
0 notes
rubyventure · 7 years
Splinters In The Fire - Chapter One: Chrysalis
Summary: Life is strange in Riverdale. 8 Months ago Jughead Jones' best friend Toni Topaz dissapeared. When he's about to get shot, Betty can safe him by rewinding the time. Together they start to investigate the vanishing of Toni Topaz.
Hey guys!
So this is my first multi-chapter fic. And it's obviously AU. It is based on a request by @birdlovesafish ! (x)
I've got it all planned, I just have to write it, haha. I'm not always inspired and I'm really not the fastest writer, but I'll try to update this fic once a week though <3
Also a big THANK YOU for @allskynostars for beta this little something! <3 You’re the best and I love you <3
Also WARNING: A gun will be used in this chapter! Don't say I didn't  warn you.
Read it on Ao3 - Words:  1927
Life was strange in Riverdale. At least, that’s what Betty thought. No one seemed to notice the little things that made Riverdale this strange. However, this would change in the coming weeks…
The wind pulled at her hair, so severely, that her usual ponytail had dissolved itself long ago. Where was she? She had no idea how she ended up here. She lifted her gaze towards the dark heaven. There were no stars. Nothing. It rained fiercely, her clothes were completely soaked. It was freezing cold, Betty shivered. It was so dim that she could hardly see her own hand. The blonde looked for a sign. Anything that could tell her where she should go. Eventually she saw Pop's' neon-sign, flashing between the trees that surrounded her. She headed towards that sign, she ran, as if the devil himself was chasing her. She clung to the hope that at Pops she could find out what this was about. She just had to reach those damn neon signs. Everything would be fine, once she was there, right?
However, as she reached Pops, pure horror seized her. Her legs trembled, and she could hardly breath. A tornado of monstrous size was headed towards Riverdale. This storm would destroy everything, there would be nothing left in Riverdale. Betty opened her mouth, because she wanted to scream. But she couldn’t, no sound came from her lips. She felt as if she would choke. Her lungs were empty and she couldn’t breathe anymore. Pure fear ran through her whole body and hastened her heartbeat.
Betty blinked against the bright light. She looked around, completely confused. Was that just a dream? Everything had felt so real. Not like a nightmare, more like a vision. Her heart still pounded way too fast. A vision? ‘That is ridiculous!’, Betty reminded herself. What was wrong with her? A few days ago she had started dreaming about this storm. And now, she even had this dream during the day? Musing about it, she played with the necklace she was wearing today and looked out of the window. Her thoughts slowly returned to the present. She was at Southside High, helping some of the children with their homework. Her mother was convinced that this honorary work would look good on her college-applications.
College...just a few months more in this town and she could finally leave Riverdale. Soon, she would graduate from school. She felt more uncomfortable in Riverdale from day to day. Every day an oppressive feeling crept up on her. A gaze out of the window reinforced this feeling. It was only September, but during the night last night, all the green leaves had changed their color. They all had turned brown. It was a gruesome and mysterious spectacle of nature and no one could explain it properly. No one knew what happened. Therefore, people just ignored it. As always. No one in Riverdale wanted to know the truth. Never. Everything that could be inconvenient in the slightest was ignored completely. The blonde was so damn tired of it.
With a sigh, she looked at her students. All the kids worked eagerly on their tasks. Betty couldn’t hide the smile that spread over her lips. It had taken a few weeks, until these kids trusted her, however now they did it. Now, they tried to impress her and in order to do so, they concentrated even more on their homework. Since they were all busy and nobody seemed to require her help, Betty left the small classroom to get herself something to drink. She could use it. And maybe also some chocolate. She instantly had to think about her mother and what she would say about that. "Chocolate? Dear, you should keep an eye on the calories you’re eating." Betty shook her head in an attempt to get rid of this thought. Alice didn't have to find it out.
As she arrived in the small break room, she approached the corner in which the vending machines filled with beverages and sweet junk stood. Betty bought something to drink and disappeared further into a quiet corner of the room. She needed a pause, she needed silence. Just for a few minutes. However, the silence didn't last very long.  After a few minutes, the door opened and two guys entered the room.
A redheaded guy, who Betty knew only too well. It was Jason Blossom, her sister's ex, if you believed what the people around town were saying. Betty instantly froze, her fists clenched, nails digging into the soft skin of her palm. What was he doing here? Now her gaze shifted to the second guy. The other one was a dark-haired boy, with a certain beanie on his head and piercing blue eyes. The blonde knew him too.
It was Jughead Jones. Betty hadn’t seen him in years though. But he hadn’t changed that much. After his father was arrested and sentenced five years ago and his mother had vanished, leaving him alone with his sister, a foster family from the Southside had taken the siblings in and they both had to transfer to Southside High. Actually, she had hoped to see him here, when she was tutoring the kids. Because a few years ago they were best friends and there were days when she really missed him. But they weren’t best friends anymore. It felt as if they were hundred miles apart. But in truth, it was only another district of this damn town, another school. But that had changed everything between them.
For a moment she thought about revealing her presence. But the conversation between them seemed to be heated, and she decided that she didn't want to interfere. Instead, Betty listened while holding her breath. "Tell me what you did to Toni, tell me where she is, or I swear to god, I’ll bust the drug deals you’re doing on this school, asshole!" Jughead hissed and pushed Jason into the wall beside the door. He grabbed Jason by the collar and held him there. You would think that Jason was stronger than Jughead, but it didn’t seem to be that way. Although Jason didn’t exactly fight back.
"I don't know where that slut is! I’ve told you this a thousand times already. She simply had enough from this shitty town and ran away. Accept it!" Jughead laughed. However, it was not joyful. It was icy. And it gave Betty the chills.
"Believe me, if she wanted to leave Riverdale just like that, I would’ve known about it." Now Jason laughed too, and he shook his head in disbelief.
"Oh, come on. Do you really believe, just because you were allowed to fuck her from time to time, that she told you everything?" Betty blinked, confused and disgusted by Jason’s words. And apparently Jughead didn’t like them either.  He let go of Jason, just to punch him straight in the face with his fist.
"Bastard! You of all people should know that Toni and I were just friends. I’m gonna expose you. I’ll go to the principal and tell him everything about you." Jason bent forward, holding his chin he began to laugh.
He sounded batshit crazy, as if he was losing his mind. As he began to speak again, he whispered, and Betty had trouble understanding him. "You won't cause any more problems for me…You won’t have to worry about her anymore once I’m done with you…" With these words, he pulled a weapon from his jacket and aimed it directly at Jughead. Betty covered her mouth with her hand in order not to cry out loud. What was happening? Where did Jason even get that gun?
"Jason". Jughead said nothing more than Jason's name, letting it sound like a warning. But Jason didn't listen to this warning. Instead, he started waving the pistol around in front of Jughead while he was speaking.
"You’ll regret it! This whole town will regret it! I will finally free myself from this hell and YOU will certainly not hinder me!!" Jason was furious now, Betty could see it in his eyes. And he wanted to say more, but he was stopped. Because a shot came off. With eyes wide open, Betty watched as Jughead fell to the ground, hit from Jason's shot. Blood spread over the ground immediately.
“Jughead!” A scream left her lips, she stretched out her arm while she got up in order to run over to her childhood friend and help him. And suddenly, everything slowed down around them. Everything moved in slow motion. Her view become blurred and everything began to move backwards slowly, getting faster and faster eventually.
Only seconds later Betty found herself back in the small classroom where she tutored the kids, standing near the window, playing with the necklace she was wearing. Did she have another nightmare? Was this a déjà-vu? Everything was exactly like she left it earlier. But her breath was heavy and she could feel one single tear rolling down her cheek. She wiped the tear away vehemently. Was she crazy now? Did those last few minutes really fly by backwards? She was distracted from her thoughts as a child near her suddenly knocked over their pencil case by accident and all the pens spread out on the ground.
She could try again. This way she could find out if she really was crazy. With her heart throbbing Betty stretched out her hand again, she concentrated on the child and only seconds later, her view became blurred again. The pens flew back into the pencil case, and the pencil case was laying on the table again. Betty withdrew her hand.  The child knocked the pencil case over once again now, but Betty could catch it before all the pens landed on the ground. What on earth was happening here? Betty felt like she was losing her mind. Did she just...rewind the time?
Her gaze flew to the door. Should she go back to the break room? Could she maybe prevent what had happened there, only a few minutes earlier? Jughead couldn’t die! She couldn’t let that happen! Betty hurried to get out of the classroom and stumbled into the break room. It was quiet, just like before. Everything was the same. She disappeared into the rear corner again and looked around. On one desk, she saw a stone. Somebody must’ve brought it in here. Betty grabbed it even though she admittedly didn't exactly know what she would do with it. It was better than nothing. Just after she hid once again, Jughead and Jason came into the break room, as before. The same things happened, they said precisely what they said before. Betty started to feel the panic in her body and she resisted the urge to clench her fists. How on earth could she prevent Jugheads dead? Feeling kind of helpless she looked around again, and her gaze landed on the red fire-alarm. She hammered on the glass with the stone and activated the alarm, only seconds before Jason pulled the weapon. Jughead stood still for a moment, looking around in confusion.
"We are not done, Blossom” he hissed and hurried out of the room. Jason followed him only seconds later. However, the weapon remained in his jacket. Betty breathed a sigh of relief. Tears streamed down her cheeks now. What was going on here? She had no clue and suddenly, Betty felt extremely weak. She sank to her knees and hid her face in her hands, while she began to cry recklessly.
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charlesoberonn · 7 years
The Story Of A Girl Who Has A Crush On A Cute Cashier
“It’s okay, you can do this, talk to her. She’s just a girl. Just a gal. Like you. There’s nothing weird about this. She’s human, you’re human. Everything should be fine.” I whispered to myself until I noticed what I was doing and stopped. I approached the front desk and looked at the cute cashier.
I only gave her a glance but it was enough to see what I wanted to see. I saw her beautiful neon blue hair, her adorable freckles and her pink eyes. I saw the little chub to her cheeks and I saw the smirk on her face as she played a game on her phone while waiting for customers. I saw enough to know I was in love.
“Hello.” I said, and my voice cracked. I fucked up. I fucked up so bad. I put down my things on the counter and remained quiet.
“Hey.” she said as she began scanning my items with unnatural speed and grace as her hands glided across the scanner, and the red light reflected in her black nail polish.
After a quiet transaction, she handed me my receipt, which she folded into an adorable little square. How considerate. I love her.
“Thanks for shopping at Electric Bay!” she said as I walked away in my unseen shame.
As I exited the store, I glanced back and saw she returned to her phone, with one earbud on, listening to something. I have to try again.
I returned after twenty minutes and put down a small white box on the counter, it was a pair of earbuds identical to hers. “Hey there, I forgot something before.” I said my rehearsed line perfectly.
She paused whatever she was listening to and took out her earbud. “Excuse me, did you say something?”
I froze.
“Ugh. Yeah... it’s a uh, I forgot something...” I stuttered. Fuck.
“Oh yeah, you were here earlier.” she grabbed the box of earbuds and slid them across the scanner with ease once again.
I handed over my credit card and watched the gentle movement of her wrist as she slid it inside the cash register. She handed my card back with my receipt. I started walking away but then I heard her speak.
“So, did yours break?”
“Um...” I turned around, stuttering again. I think this is the first time I heard her say something that wasn’t common cashier courtesy.
“Your earbuds, did they break?” she gestured towards my purple earbuds which were still in my ears. Dammit. I’ve been called out.
“No.” I decided to tell the truth. “I just... I saw yours and I really liked them.” I guess that was close enough to the truth.
“Yeah.” she grabbed her earbud and looked at it in her open palm. “They’re pretty good. But I don’t like the white color. It’s too bland. I like your purple ones. Purple is pretty.”
“Pink is better.” I blurted out. And mentally I slapped myself.
“I... okay?”
“Have a nice day.” I replied as I turned around.
“Thanks... Oh! and thank you again for shopping at-” I didn’t hear the end of the sentence as I was already out of the store.
This day was a fucking disaster. I paced around the mall three times thinking about all of the things I fucked up and what I did wrong. I went up to the food court and wallowed myself over an enormous cup of diet cola. And after I was done, I spent twenty minutes chewing at the straw while listening to sad music on my new earbuds.
Why was I such a loser?
And then I saw her. She was leaning against the desk of one of the food stands, chatting with the guy preparing the shawarma, seem like they knew each other. Makes sense she’s be more cultural and sociable than I am.
I hid around the corner of the food court, staring at a window. The window cleaner stared back at me and nodded. At least somebody knew my plight.
“Hey.” I heard a familiar voice and I jumped in my chair.
“H-hi...” I said with the chewed out straw still in my mouth. I spit it out quickly. The cute cashier just stared at it for a second before I quickly stashed it in a nearby trash can.
“Hey, I’m from Electric Bay. The cashier, remember me?” she asked, and her voice was angelic. 
“Yeah, I remember.” I said, and for once I didn’t stutter and my voice didn’t crack.
“I don’t have much time in my break. I was kinda hoping I’d run into you. I have something to show you back at the store. Can you meet me there?” she asked.
My head was spinning and going through cycles of filling up with thoughts and then going blank over and over again.
“Yes.” I said, a bit suddenly. “Yeah, I can be there in ten minutes.” I lied, I had nothing better to do in those ten minutes. I just didn’t want to come off desperate.
“Great, Cya there!” she waved at me as she walked out of the food court.
I spent the next ten minutes tensed up. My back was arched forward and my muscles were wound up. I crossed my fingers together and just stared at my hands. I looked up at the window cleaner. He already moved on to the floor above the food court, but he looked down at me and gave me the thumbs up. I wondered how much he could hear of our conversation, and how much he knew.
I got up and walked towards the store, my steps as confident as much as a girl who just drank an enormous cup of a caffeinated beverage half an hour ago could be.
I opened the front door of the Electric Bay and looked at her. She took out her earbuds as I entered and smiled at me. Oh god, her smile was so beautiful, it melted my heart.
I walked towards her and I was sure my blush glowed as bright as the sun. I went to open my mouth, but no words came out.
“I’m glad you came. Okay, so here...” she looked around and snuck a pink box towards me under the counter. “We’re not supposed to sell them anymore since they’re being discontinued, but we had a few lying around. They’re the same model as the ones you bought, but pink. I didn’t check them, but I think they still work.”
I looked at the pink box and I almost wanted to cry. “Thank you, that’s very kind of you.”
“We’re all about costumer satisfaction here in Electric Bay.”
“Yeah...” I mumbled. “Well, I am a very satisfied costumer.” I chuckled. And to my amazement, she chuckled back.
“That’s great to hear that.” she said. For a second, there was a long silence between us.
I knew I needed to say something. But I just couldn’t. I turned around and started walking towards the door. “Goodbye. Thanks for the gift-” I started saying.
“I’m Samantha.” she interrupted me. And I turned around, staring at her. “Oh, I’m sorry. Um, goodbye, have a nice day.”
“Hailey.” I answered.
“It’s uh, Nice to meet you, Hailey... so...” she started mumbling. “I saw you hanging around the food court a lot. What do you do exactly?” she asked. “I-I hope I’m not being too nosey.”
“No...” I said. I turned around and walked back towards the counter. “I’m a writer. I like the food court in these hours. It’s a relaxing well lit place with air conditioning where I can write in peace.”
“That’s fascinating.” she said, leaning in against her elbows. “I also tried writing, mostly poetry. It never works out. Luckily the Electric Bay is here.”
“Yeah, it’s a really convenient store.” I said. “I just got 2 pairs of earbuds from them.” I said.
Samantha started laughing out loud. I smiled from ear to ear.
We spent the better part of two hours talking about our respective jobs and about some of our writings, as well as a dozen other topics.
Samantha was too shy to show me any of her poems, and I was all too eager to tell her about my current project and how many readers I got online. I thought my boastfulness would turn her off, but she seemed very impressed with me.
As I learned more about her, my love for her only grew stronger.
I looked outside, it was getting late most of the stores were already closing.
“I kinda gotta close down too. So I guess it’s goodbye.” Samantha said, her voice a bit quiet. She yawned.
“Um, yeah... thank you for the earbuds, um, again.” I smiled.
“Don’t sweat it. I was glad to have some company. It can get very lonely in here.”
“Hey...” I said, and my heart was pounding fast. “I can hang out over here tomorrow too, if you want. I mean, this place is even quieter than the food court. Plus, there’s you here.”
Samantha tapped her finger against the counter, stopping for a second before smiling wide and blushing a little. “That would be awesome.” she said.
As I walked out of the store and into the empty mall, my heart was still pounding.
Maybe this day wasn’t such a disaster after all.
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dustandthunder · 5 years
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ive had a lovely few days.
almost everyone is back in the flat now which is cool, feels like forever since I’ve seen them.
Gina and I went to the gym and then I had an assignment to do so Scott came to my room to do it. We FaceTimed Jaz which was awesome cause I haven’t seen her in ages and ages. And then Gina and Shannon came in too while we were doing the work (I use ‘we’ very loosely, i didn’t understand anything so Scott did mine for me). The three of them sat on my bed and I sat in the desk chair and Jaz was in the phone and it was so cool. Scott only got 50 % on my test but I don’t really care. I did ok in the other assignments for that module so hopefully it won’t make too much difference. Pretty sure I’ll pass regardless anyway (I hope so haha)
Anyway, while Scott was doing the tests, I was doing my makeup cause matt was coming to visit!
The night before we were talking until pretty late. He’d had the day off cause it was Sunday and was on early yesterday so he had to be up at 4 in the morning, but because he’s been on lates a lot recently he wouldn’t be able to get to sleep until around 3. And of course I don’t like to sleep when I could be talking to him so I stayed up too. It was one of those nights where we discuss old stuff and he asks all the questions because we can do that now and it’s ok because we’re over all the shit things and it’s not awkward at all (literally nothing is awkward between us I don’t know why I even needed to say that). But we were talking on FaceTime for ages and I said he should come and see me after work tomorrow (which is now yesterday if that makes sense) cause he finished at 2 and then had the next day (now today) off, and the day after (now tomorrow) he’s on late. So it worked pretty perfectly really !! And he was like yes sounds like a plan .... so yay !
He got here literally as soon as I was done, oddly perfect timing really haha. I was so excited to see him :) it was so lovely, I’m so sad now cause I’m writing this after he’s left and I feel so lonely again haha. Not like properly lonely, just weird cause I’m sat in my room on my own now and it’s all tidy, when earlier all of his stuff was everywhere and my mattress and the air bed were on the floor and there were pillows and duvets and blankets and cushions all over (cause we always make a double bed on the floor and push the single bed frame on its side against the wall cause it’s too small for both of us). Feels like a really awesome sleepover. I guess that’s literally what it is anyway but you know what I mean.
So anyway last night we made the makeshift bed on the floor and then we went out for dinner. We went to this cool place not too far away which is like an American diner and grill. I’ve noticed it before but we’ve never been. It was so lovely inside, with all the booths and red and cream upholstery and Coca Cola fridges and neon tube lights and a big motorbike hanging from the ceiling. It was pretty empty, only two other tables of people. That was nice too, cause I could take photos and have a proper look at it without looking accidentally at people . Haha. The food was good too I would definitely go there again, although it was quite a lot . I think my stomach wasn’t used to a big meal because I haven’t really eaten in a week or so. It was still amazing though. Afterwards it was getting dark but we went for a drive like we always do and we listened to soft songs and it was so nice to be back together, even though it’s not even been very long.
Side note here: I feel so clingy because I miss him so so so much and it’s crazy how much I want his constant company, I hope it’s normal haha. I just really love him to a point I didn’t even realise was possible, and I’m so grateful for every second. I really can’t help being so soppy.
We drove through the mountains and we parked in the lay-by that we always do and we talked about how the new car he’ll get has a retractable glass roof so we can do this sort of thing and look at the stars. I think with that roof I would really want to kneel or stand on the seats and be half way out of the car while he drove, like Sam does in The Perks of being a Wallflower. And listen to stevie nicks singing landslide and maybe cry too, because I’m thinking about that now and it’s making me get a tight chest.
I mean that’s pretty illegal anyway, so maybe not. I’ll settle for holding my hands up through the roof and singing along with Matt and smiling like crazy and him holding my thigh and grinning at me in a way that still makes me cry. Why is my go to thing crying. Everything makes me cry. That sounds amazing anyway.
We sat there in the car for a while. The air was really still and pretty warm compared to what you would think it should have been. There was no signal there so we were listening to the shit on the radio and I had my head on his collar. Perfect nights man
Then we drove back, going too fast as always, and it was pitch black so you could just see the mountaintops either side and I called my mom and it was just great.
Matt was tired so we didn’t go to sleep too late really, he was completely gone by half midnight. I was sleepy but still awake, just listening to his breathing and kissing his shoulder blades and feeling the warmth. god tonight is gonna be shit being back on my own again. I was thinking earlier, in some ways i think it’d be better to not visit because it makes it a million times harder to readjust after yknow ? But at the same time I’d definitely rather deal with that than not see him. I can’t wait til it’s just very single night. I mean it is every single night when I’m back there but I always have to come back to uni. Summer will be good though. Going to work or whatever every day then coming home to falling back into bed next to him. I feel like I sound like one of those people who puts on social media about how their dream is to have a husband and a ton of children and just make it their life to look after them all and never have anything for them self. Haha . (Not that i have a problem with those people at all). But I’m just saying it’ll be nice to have such a long period of not being away.
We got up pretty late, obviously he hadn’t slept the night before so it was understandable, although I was getting pretty restless. We didn’t do too much today. We just went to a town further along the coast and got lunch and went around there for a while. There were lots of sweet dogs everywhere :)))
Talking of dogs, Matt and I have finally decided what dogs were gonna try n get when we have our own place. To be honest this may well not happen but as of now it’s the plan, so @ future me, don’t hold me to this. Ok so we’ve decided we’re going to have three, a Labrador because they’re just lovely, a lil spaniel like Lexie because she’s adorable and I can’t imagine life without her now, and a little sausage dog because we both love them so much. I hope we can rescue some that would be amazing :)
Oh also, when we were walking from my place to matts car, we just randomly saw matts cousin. So weird, turns out he goes to my uni and he lives on my accommodation site ??? Matt had no idea, we just saw him out of the blue. I’ve never met him before I had no idea who he was cause when their family all went to their grandparents at Christmas he didn’t go cause he was ill so I didn’t see him. He’s two years older than me but he’s in first year apparently. How crazy... small world haha.
After we got back from that place, we were going to go to the beach we always go to, but we forgot and came back to my flat. We just got back in bed and cuddled for agessssss with the curtains drawn so it was all dark.
I didn’t want him to go. Obviously. I always get pretty sad when he leaves but hey its only a few weeks now til I’m done with the first year ! That’s so mad honestly . Every single day I tick the date off of the calendar poster I have on my wall, and as of tomorrow I’ll be in the last month .
Anyway, I walked him to the car and helped carry his things down. And then he was gone ! (After a looooong hug) :(
He’s home now, back safe thank fuck. Scares the shit out of me everytime he drives pretty much anywhere that I’m not with him. But he’s ok, so I am too.
After he went I played monopoly with Gina and Shannon, and Gina and I went to do laundry. She paid mine again. She’s always like yeah no worries I’ll pay and I’m just like ???? Thank you so much. It’s not like i couldn’t pay myself but she just insists that she’s got it. Really so grateful .
Right now, like I said, I’m sat on my bed on my own. Matt keeps sending me photos of the dog, she’s so cute. I’m pretty tired, it’s after midnight. I need to take what’s left of my makeup off and go to bed.
It’s been a nice few days, and much as I’m a bit sad now, I am appreciative and happy for that.
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yusunabydearmstrong · 7 years
“R I C K V E R T I D O”
First that all, I should be writting the third part of “CORRUPTUS” but I’m doing this one short. Honestly this was inspired for The Citadel of Lost Child http://archiveofourown.org/works/6286300/chapters/14404426  made by FutaGogo (Darling if you foun this here is my apologize Oh boy, I’m so sorry I couldn’t resist to do something with the same topic :( I am a disaster for myself)  Also I think @oyajiukeprpr is gonna enjoy this ;) Remember: One Shot ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ "So, what time does your shift end, Morty?"
"I already told you. I won´t going with you, you know that my work has no rest"
"Is always what you said, isn’t it? Every fucking time I ask you hang out." Greaser Morty slammed his fist against the clerk's desk, and he far from annoying simply took his things and placed them elsewhere.
"Every time you invite me out, I’m busy at inventory’s night, or is disease week, or I'm just not in the mood. Like now."
He bent down to pick up a retractable pen disguised as Rick, and took plus of putting a pocky in his mouth before looking back at his opponent; for a moment he seen more aggressive, as if at any moment he was going to start to hitting him.
The nervousness of the clutter disappeared a few seconds later when he saw that there was no response to his impulses, and decided to leave there before going mad; Of course, not without first leaving his final warning.
"Oh, but you will, we'll get on my motorcycle, I'll fuck you so hard and you’ll shout too loudly my name that you'll forget yours."
"H-How can I forget my name if we both have the same!"
But the bad guy, luckily, was away from him.
Once the nursery reception was clear Morty Storage was able to exhale all the frustration that clients like he provided him, he thought then, that it was the perfect time to check out the Day Care and maybe clear his mind for a while on the television.
All the Ricks where sleeping in their cells, the guards were on turn and he check his phone to find a message from Miami Morty, also know like Madam Morty. He wanted meet the boy at his club, a place called Rickstíbulo, wich was a kind of brothel but fill with kinky Ricks.
What is this about?
Of the Morty's revolution, of course. A few years ago, the Mortys were used as human shields to protect the Ricks' frequency; -like tools. Before they even become adults.
Those scientists who bragged like their grandparents did acts distant from the concept of 'family'. They used them as pets, fighter machines, sex toys, guinea pigs, and if they lengthen the list, it might seem annoying.
There was once a real Morty –Everyone thought at first that he was the EVIL one-, outstanding to others for his brilliant intelligence. He’d been ignored as he grew up with a despised Doofus Rick, over there in one of many dimensions. He and a group of brave men - now known as The Council of the Mortys - were faced with changing this reality joining with the weaker ones.
They took the Citadel and stripped any trace of authority from Ricks, but retained them for later enslavement. The controlling chips that once existed were used against themselves, and the lure was always the same; seduction.
It was easier to fight those bastards when they were vulnerable or distracted; and this Morty – heroically named as Mortimer llV - devised a spray substance that froze the age of the Ricks, so they would suffer the terror of eternity being repeated again and again without the hope of having to die for age.
However, the Smith blood still ran through the veins of these boys, which made it difficult for most things to come out normally well; With Ricks' absence, the way of relating began to be with each other (Morty x Morty) and falling in love with a Rick was a taboo - unless it was something purely sexual, like the Rickstíbulos that Miami Morty set up on the sidelines of the council.
Those Mortys who opposed the revolution were eliminated, because they were considerate like traitors.
Morty A-031 was also known for being the caregiver. The 'asylum' as many called it, was part of the great mockery they did to the Ricks, adopting them and abandoning them in small cells until someone else played them for a while and then it became an infinite loop.
Only he saw the fear in the eyes of some scientists, only he knew how many were innocent and who deserved their punishment. He had this-secret-fondness for taking care of them, protecting what was left of them. When he was offered the post he didn't hesitate a moment to take it, thus could justify his frequent contact with the -lovely’s-Ricks.
As soon as he remembered the time when the Mortys were martyred and the Ricks were in charge his memory played with him, although he never saw it that way; A-031 loved with all his being to each one of the Ricks by the simple fact of being it.
He was like a Super Fan.
And all that was left behind as soon as they began to hunt the traitors, to persecute them as in an inquisition directed by that group of 'brave ones'. There were audio and video cameras around the city, shutters for Ricks' vehicles without registration, and their adoption procedures, health care centers that provided Mortys with mandatory sedatives to keep their 'pets' at line. There were even rent assassins Mortys to get rid of these when they became a burden.
There was nothing he can do to save them.
"This rain doesn’t stop, will be a storm?" He said more to himself than to his companion, a rather worn-out Rick doll who was lying somewhere in the back of his car.
Because at the age of 24, he still had this memory of his childhood.
The traffic light changed from blue to yellow, and it was his turn to move on the slippery avenue, it was very late at night judging by the nil traffic, and the dangerous craters that threatened to break up his vehicle only welcomed him to that neighborhood Dangerous where he went; Right the place that council decided to encapsulate the aberrations that the Mortys made to have fun.
He slowed, letting his pupils decode the message in discreet purple neon in front of him.
¨R I C K V E R T I D O¨.
 A-031 had never entered a Rickstíbulo, it was something more than disgusting, it was hurting, think about all those Ricks being forced to have sex by a fist of desperate Mortys. A chill ran down him spine, and he clutched her hands as tightly as he could against the wheel.
That wasn’t why he was there.
"Babysister!" Said one of the guards. "You came to see the chief? Or are you finally going to be encouraged to fuck one of these watery asses? "
"J-Just let me in ..." he spat aggressively, pulling the knot in his throat so he could speak.
"That's why you don’t have a boyfriend, dammit, but I suppose you take sex free at the nursery, so you're absolutely right. I wouldn’t come to this place either, if there was a cleaner one! "
"Look, I don’t have time to joke, I don’t know what Miami Morty wants of me, I don’t think I can help him.
"Oh boy, nanny! " he rubbed elbow with his sleeping companion "It's an interview with the most interesting Morty in the world!"
He opened the narrow door for employees, and then Morty entered with a scrambled stomach; Nothing more than a few meters and the smell of sex and confinement penetrated strongly. The place was a seemingly normal furnished home of at least three skillful floors where the Ricks lived 'unhurriedly', the customer who entered had the right to abuse whatever he wanted wherever he wanted, and even play chase them when they tried to hide; there were no doors or partitions in any room, and the windows were heavily protected by stifling bars; In such a way that it was always an ambiguous environment; And the schedule was 24 hours.
Morty A-031 was escorted through a polarized glass aisle to the elevator leading him to the 5th floor. The guard accompanied him to the feet of the Miami office, from there he returned wishing him the best of luck. He swallowed, knocked on the door to enter, but to his surprise, it was already open.
He’d never tried to handle such a situation that fast, far from being an office, it looked like a deluxe suite, with an elegant circular bed in the middle of the room and half a bar of liquor on one side of the desk. Miami Morty was lying on his bed while a three-eyed Rick licked his feet lasciviously.
"Hello, my dear, please have a seat. Would you like a Rick? "
The owner kicked the three-eye ribs so he fell down and placed in fetal position toward the floor. The seat was ready, Morty only grimaced.
"No thanks, I'm fine like this."
"As you wish," he snorted. "You see, my Ricks have been getting sick, some are already very weak and others aren’t selling so much ... I found out that you're the nursery’s caretaker and so ... I'll get to the point. I have a very big proposal for you, it’s an opportunity for everyone.
Morty felt a bad feeling.
"I want buy you the oldest Ricks you have, those idiots who were left behind, we both know nobody's going to adopt them. Then I’ll murder these sick I have right now. I’ll buy you new ones, you have more space, I have more sales; and when those get sick  I would change them and we all win. Cool, isn’t it?
It had to be a joke
"I don’t think it's going to work, the Ricks I have are...
"They're less watery than the ones I have now."
"The council will ask me about their whereabouts if I sell them, and-" He sweated cold.
"Oh you’re a love, you don’t want me to be sued, but look I have a surprise" hit Rick in the shin and he runs to the desk to bring the guest a copy of the certificate-of-approval "I cost a bribe, but the process It's legal now."
"I can’t give you any because ..." his voice cut off, he began to despair.
No one would touch his Ricks.
"Are you opposing? Are you against the Ricks' suffering? If so, I can make you rot in jail and stay with your stupid nursery, maybe I can open another Rickstíbulo there"
"I-I can’t give you any until you pick the nominees! I can only give you the most attractive, you know, more money for you. Give me a week to think what can I do with this situation. "
"That's my Morty!" Oh beautiful! For a second you deceived me, yes you are a naughty, I love you. What's more, I'm going to give you one of my Ricks as an early payment; But not of those Ricks AIDS that I have in the first levels. For you, I’ll give one of my exquisite purchases, and that will give yourself an idea for what I want.
When the fingers thundered, a grate ran to reveal a ladder, Miami passed first, prompting him to accompany it, was the fourth floor. A pleasant smell of coffee and plastic slipped through the nervousness of A-031, and continued to see the bluish luminosity that stretched to the end of the hallway. Unlike the lower floors, the cells clearly showed the specimen to be chosen, and once selected it was released to take it to the room (the one at the end of the hallway).
Most of the cells were empty, except for a few who had unique Ricks, to tell the truth, not even working in a garden center imagined seeing them. A Test X90 that looked sad at him, a Rick Slavedoll who had his arms and legs amputated, a trans! Rick who showed with no problem his genitals to the guests and finally a rock with a hole in the center who had a lab coat on.
"What an… interesting collection," he said.
"Thank you, my dear, I hope..." suddenly desperate shouts rang out from the room, a thick menacing voice, silencing the other deeper "Did you look someone you like? which one should I give you? "
"What was that sound?"
The moment of silence showed the cries, now unilateral, from the room.
"It's just a customer using the room, you shouldn’t worry, it's not a big specimen, now; If you choose the stone one…"
But the cries he heard didn’t sound even remotely to any Rick, especially because he thought he heard them in a lower volume; fearfully. Curiosity assaulted him at the worst moment, interrupting abruptly the single conversation of the Madam.
"I want to come in, I want the one inside."
The opponent's eyes rolled with anger.
"Well, but I want you to get me like the ones out here, not like that that you decide to take with you" took out a set of keys and lasted a couple of eternal seconds for both Morty A-031 and for being suffering inside the room until open "All right, any Morty who is there, your time is up, there's no refund."
The digital door screeched at the key and revealed the interior of the room, to the luck of the user he’d finished, smoking in a corner of the extensive bed where another bundle could be seen trembling.
As a result, the client was Biker Morty, and even beneath the bedcover (white pearl, stained with damp fresh blood in some places) one could see the enormous erection resting. An extra puff of cigarette smoke, he didn’t seem to disturb the presence of the other two.
"Okay little piece of shit, now you have another owner, get the fuck up and come here Rick, you have to make a good impression and satisfy him as the whore you are," Miami asked patiently, Storage was petrified at the scene.
"Hey, my friend, an apology, I didn’t know anyone else was interested in this fool and I signed him with my mouth "Biker released the owner in a mocking tone and then looked at A-031 with a giggle "I already loosened his ass but I came in it, I hope it doesn't bother you.  
"Don’t worry Biker, you're one of the few who uses that idiot, and I didn’t even know he was leaving today," Miami concluded, watching with curiosity the "emotion" of his new partner by putting both hands in his mouth, as if stopping a Cry of happiness
Or holding the vomit because the impotence.
"You're not hearing me or what, crap?!" - yelled again at the body destroyed in bed "I'm fucking telling you to come here, Tiny Rick!"
Finally, the shape moved on, first seated, then the little one get out slowly of the high bed, and when he did, strips of blood and semen drained out from its buthole, until slowly touching the floor, he was really short and was rubbing his eyes from tears, tiredness.
After this, he covered his private parts with his hands, as if he could disguise with it what Biker’d just done. Pretending that all marks of fresh bites were invisible to the spectators; after all he didn’t distinguished them in the middle of all the pain.
"Well, see you next week to check how my new acquisitions are going. You know the way-out, I'll stay here to comfort my poor client." Miami got into bed, eager to discover the sheets to found the motorcyclist's weapon. "And take that thing away from here; there are straps in the hallway.”
"Sure," he said, noticing the teenager's fearful stare, then put a hand on his back and pushed him lightly to get him out of the room.
But of course, the boy didn’t walk correctly, he had practically destroyed his hip, not just his childhood.
Back at the exit he neither spoke a word; Morty took one of the sheets from the Miami bed and placed it in such a way that only his face was visible. Rick just let himself be done. Then Morty pick him up as if he were a kind of soft sack and crossed as fast as he could the rest of the house.
Upon arriving at the exit a great sigh escaped him without permission.
"Hey buddy, what are you carrying there?" shout the guard.
Morty paled, didn’t really want anyone else to see his little one.
"Drugs" he lied "I'm leaving now."
The astonished guard, received a nudge on the part of his companion Morty asleep.
Morty A-031 put Rick lay in the back sit, and drove crazily until his home. The younger were half unconscious, but even like this he didn’t quit his eyes from Morty, as a silently sign of gratitude.
"You’re going to be safe as long as you are with me." He promised.
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Oh my god @dancingalone21 well you just about got me feelin’ better. Dean can be “H2-Ahhhh” and Sammy can be “Captain Thunder”…I don’t even know…blame the cold lmao it’s clouding up my senses.
Ladies and Gentlemen, WARNING, TEASING, LANGUAGE, SEXUAL IMPLICATIONS below the cut.
Dynamic Duo
The music is loud and painful against my eardrums as I am hauled towards the stage. The show, according to some very enthusiastic Beverly Hills housewives, was about to start and the dynamic duo was about to take center stage.
I wasn’t a fan of these venues but when you’re being shoved out of your apartment by your best friend, there wasn’t really much you could do.
“This is gonna be great!” she yelled, grinning back at me as she made her way through the crowd. “I’ve got seats reserved you bitches, let me through.”
We had just taken a seat when the lights went out, only to have the colorful lights on stage come to live, along with Ginuwine’s “Pony” bursting through the speakers.
I dramatically rolled my eyes at the song, completely aware of its usage on that film ‘Magic Mike’. It would take a friggin miracle to get someone to dance as well as Channing Tatum (the only reason I went to watch the movie in the first place).
“Ladies and Gentlemen,” boomed the disembodied voice, making me glance up at the ceiling. “Get your bills ready, hang tight, but most important, get all nice and wet for-”
“H2-Ahhhh and Captain Thunder!” roared the desperate women in the crowd, including my friend.
“Jesus Christ,” I muttered, snorting into my hand at the moans erupting right after.
The music turned up and my eyes automatically zeroed in on the stage. My eyes narrowed as a tall silhouette appeared, head down, some sort of hat on his head. Then, the spotlight turned on and drowned him in the light. I swear I have never gasped so loud in my entire life.
No. Just…no.
I looked sideways at my friend, my mouth suddenly dry and unable to form any words. She smirked at me. “I told you,” she mouthed before forcing me to look at the stage again.
The man stepped out into the center stage, wearing nothing but a white dress pants and a sea captain hat, his rippling muscles and hard abs glistening with oil from the light shining above him. His face was covered slightly by the hat, but that didn’t last long, he looked up toward the crowd and I friggin lost it. Even from where I was sitting, I could see the brown-green in his eyes, that tanned body teasing me in the most delicious way, those gigantic and capable hands of his clenching and unclenching.
Fucking hell.
He smirked out at the crowd, his perfect lips red and so damn kissable. I was a goner. Fuck my life.
He slowly turned back to the stage and that’s when I noticed another silhouette in the back center. This one was slightly shorter than the first, but still as tall. His bow legs went unmistaken by me but I honestly didn’t give a shit. If this was the ‘dynamic duo’ and if the guy with the hazel eyes looked like that, Lord knew how amazing the other guy must look like.
The spotlight shone on the second guy and I nearly had a heart attack. Most people would have identified him as a Ken Doll. With his tanned complexion and dusty brown hair. But fuck me, man. The green of his eyes, even from the distance that I was at, made me lose my breath. Completely.
This guy wore faded jeans and a red and black plaid shirt, unbuttoned, and revealing nothing but hardened delicacy. He was downright delicious with all of that body oil. I looked over at my friend and glared. “I hate you,” I mouthed back at her.
She laughed and motioned toward the stage.
Behind the two very attractive men, in bright blue neon signs, read the words: H2-Ahhhh and Captain Thunder.
I knew Captain Thunder was Hazel Eyes…but H2-Ahhhh? Who in the fracking hell came up with these names?
The song started, vibrating through my bones and something else I didn’t think needed attention until now. Hazel Eyes flickered over to me, a tiny smirk on his perfect face as he rolled his hips seductively, his hands sliding down his oiled up body toward the black belt in his white pants. Keeping in time with the music, he undid the belt and slid it out of the loops, swinging it round and round above his head.
I stifled a laugh, fixing my attention on Green Eyes instead. And holy mother of God…I shouldn’t have come. I shouldn’t have come.
His eyes were solely trained on me. His bottom lip was held prisoner between his teeth as he, too, rolled his hips, his hands running up and down his slick body. He played with the button on his jeans, unbuttoning it and unzipping the zipper but never fully pulling his jeans down…or off. It was frustrating me and I found myself balling my hands into fists to keep from climbing onto the stage and doing it myself.
If your horny, Let’s do it Ride it, My Pony My saddle’s waiting Come and jump on it
Then, out of nowhere, both Hazel eyes and Green Eyes jumped off the stage and headed…in my direction.
My heart felt like it was going to pop out of my chest and hit Hazel eyes as he stood in front of me, legs spread apart slightly. He looked down at me and winked at me.
“You ready, babygirl?”
I blinked. “Ready for what?” I mumbled, my body trembling with unexpected anticipation. What the fuck?
A pair of hands reached around me from behind, lifting me up and spinning me around to face them. Cheers and screams erupted from all around me as Green Eyes stared right back at me, his hands maneuvering me around to wrap my legs around his waist.
He grinned at me. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. I got you.”
Fuck. Their voices. My body trembled at their husky sounds and I think Green Eyes noticed because he tightened his grip on me and with one look at his partner, they made their way back onto the stage with me.
Sitting here flossing Peeping your steelo Just once if I have the chance The things I will do to you You and your body Every single portion Send chills up and down your spine Juices flowing down your thigh
Green Eyes set me down on a solo white chair that was placed in the dead center, flooded in the spotlight. I squinted my eyes, trying to see out into the audience (I could swear there was absolutely nobody there anymore), but was blocked by a heavily packed white pants.
I gulped.
Hazel Eyes bent down and arched his body into me, causing me to lean back into the chair, legs wide open while he settled in between my legs. He worked his way up before spinning out of the way and letting Green Eyes take center stage.
With a smirk and a tiny wink, he dipped down, his face coming inches away from my throbbing center and out of instinct, I jerked, my legs closing. He stopped them though, his huge hands gripping my thighs, his eyes never leaving mine as he teased his lips on the seam of my jeans, darting his tongue out right where I would love for his tongue to be without the damn clothes on my body.
“Fuck,” I managed to choke out.
Green Eyes gripped my waist then, and pulled me up and out of the chair, turning me over and making me bend down, hands flat on the seat of the chair.
He spread my legs apart slightly, his hands lingering on the small of my back and thighs before he moved to the side and let Hazel Eyes take over once again.
All I saw was a pair of the longest legs I ever saw before hands took hold of my waist and started pulling me back into him in time with the music, out my ass slapping against his hips with every beat.
What the fuck was this?
Hazel Eyes pulled me up and turned me around to face him. He grinned. “Having fun yet?”
I blinked. “Uh…”
He didn’t give me a chance to speak before he turned me around and had me facing Green Eyes again. I swear I was getting dizzy. Whether it was from all the hauling around or the mere essence of these guys, I’d never know, but whatever it was, it was intoxicating. And I fucking loved it.
“You want more, don’t you?” he asked, that same sky smirk on his face.
I nodded stupidly.
The music came to a screeching halt the moment his arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me into him, my chest pressing into his oiled up torso. His smirk faded and he stared at me, his eyes dark and hooded.
I felt another body press against me from behind and something huge and thick dig into my ass. I didn’t even have to guess to know who was behind me. Captain Thunder.
“What do you want, sweetheart?” murmured Green Eyes, his lips inching toward mine.
“Holy crap…” I squeaked.
“Open your eyes, Y/N..” murmured Hazel Eyes from behind.
I frowned. Open my eyes?
“Open your eyes, sweetheart,” whispered Green Eyes in front of me. I shook my head.
“What? I am-”
“Open your eyes, dammit!”
I snapped my eyes open, sitting up instantly and bumping my head hard against something.
“Ow! Son of a bitch!” they hissed.
I blinked, adjusting my eyes to the orange tint of the lamp in the motel room. Wait. Motel room. I gasped and looked around.
Sam and Dean stared back at me, each with an amused expression on their faces. I clutched at my chest to keep my heart at bay.
“What the hell?” I breathed. “Was I…was I…dreaming?”
Sam scoffed, a smile on his lips. “Uh, yeah, you were.” He looked over at his brother, his smile widening. “Pretty heavy stuff you were dreaming, huh?”
I blushed and looked at Dean, only to blush even more as stage names started to make their way toward the front of my brain.
Dean smirked. “So, who was Captain Thunder?”
I moaned and hid my face with a pillow. This was a disaster. If we hadn’t taken a damn case that involved going into a Ladies’ Club and having Sam and Dean pose as strippers, none of this embarrassment would have ensued.
Dean chuckled. “I bet I was H2-Ahhhh.”
“Alright, that’s it,” I said, sitting up and facing them. “From now on, we are not taking on cases that involve us being half naked just to save complete strangers.“
Sam laughed. “You seemed rather flustered while you were sleeping, Y/N/N.” He looked up at me then. “Care to elaborate.”
“I’d rather not.”
“Well,” said Dean as he got up and turned on the radio by the bedside table. And coincidently, Ginuwine’s “Pony” was playing loud and clear, mocking me. “We’ve got ways of making you talk.”
I swallowed hard.
Sam stood and walked over to stand next to his brother, facing me.
“You ready, sweetheart?” asked Dean, his smirk darkening.
“Jesus Christ…”
I screamed and sat up, my eyes shrouded in darkness.
A dream. It was all a fucking dream.
Forever Tag List:
@motleymoose @impalapossible @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @lucifer-in-leather @bringmesomepie56 @fandommaniacx @impala-dreamer @percywinchester27 @blacktithe7 @roxy-davenport @deanscherrypie @bellastellaluna @girl-next-door-writes @kalliravenne @neversatisfiedgirl @kcsavege4134 @xxturningsaintsintotheseaxx @docharleythegeekqueen @sis-tafics @frenchybell @imaginespnr5er @supernaturallymarvellous @vivirosexvx @loveitsallineed @obsessedwithmisha@jaycc7983 @charliebradbury1104 @deansleather @fandommaniacx @grace-for-sale @i-dont-know-how-to-write @sam-reidzugzwang @peachthatdrinkslemonade @its-my-perky-nipples @chelsea072498 @kristaparadowski @dracsgirl @mamaredd123 @jensen-jarpad @spirallingdownfandoms @the-mrs-deanwinchester @readingissupernatural @d-s-winchester @just-a-touch-of-sass-and-fandoms @waywardimpalawriter @flowermisha @demonic-meatball @milligan-writes @kittenofdoomage @holahellohialoha @smoothdogsgirl @supernaturalyobessed @fangirl1802 @mysteriouslyme81 @your-mooooooom @charliebradbury1104 @buckysmetallicstump @kas-not-cas @dorky-and-i-know-it @padackles2010 @deanxfuckingadorablexwinchester
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nowitsdarkfic · 5 years
chapter one (”welcome to no pants island”)
A/N: I'm on Instagram where I post my darling cartoons—my Joey and Anthrax ones are crazy hot right now, so come check me out! badmotorartist 💜😘
If I post fic updates, they'll be in Stories because... y'know. Rule of fandom and whatnot ;) xoxo
*upstate new york accent* previously on now it's dark:
a whole lotta girls, namely marcia and gwendolyn, who want joey, but there's lupe
dominique probably has his eye but then there's lupe
seattle is a thousand years ahead of everyone
death is cryptic and ghosts are real
joey is always hungry, randy, pensive, or some combination of the three
lars is in new york because his marriage is on the rocks because he's obsessed with finding out what happened to maya, about as much as joey
oh, and the big one: maya and brick may or not may not be suffering from the same thing and joey vowed to find out even if it kills him
November 18, 1988. Oswego, New York.
“God, it's dark in here.” The second floor of Black Orchid has no lights switched on, and yet it feels quite warm in here. But I'm trusting her on where she's taking me.
It's been almost two weeks since I last saw Lupe at Black Orchid, and even after then I managed to see her around town. It had always been a fleeting glimpse on my part but she was always within my presence. I know she's only a stripper and I'm not looking for anything given I'm trying to take care of myself, but she does it better than Gwendolyn. I don't know, I think it's the fact she's always been so dialed back towards me whereas Gwen's always wanted to behold her pussy to me on a silver platter. Lupe has that lovely black hair that reminds me of my own, that little face with the big brown eyes which also remind me of my own, and she's got that little laugh that sounds like two wine glasses clinking together. She reminds me of myself, and those big hoop earrings hanging off of her ears and all of her jewelry only add to it.
I have met up with her at Black Orchid on this particular evening, the week after Veteran's Day and the weekend before Thanksgiving. I've always been kind of reticent on the topic of Thanksgiving because of the whole thing with the Indians and whatnot, then again I've always been rather standoffish on the topic of my heritage but it's times like this the almost three centuries worth of agony creeps up inside of me. I go to the supermarket and I see all of those turkeys on display and I can't help but feel with those birds. I return home and I can't help but think of Brick back at the House of Grey. Even if Thanksgiving wasn't such a weird subject for me, I'm not really in the mood to consider anything for the next week aside from traveling down to Camillus to visit my parents and then over to Buffalo to my aunt and uncle's house.
I'm not really in the mood to think about Maya too much, either.
The one thing I'll say about her is I hope with all sincerity that she's alright back in Seattle and that she transformed away from that dragon monster thing. I mean it when I say I'll figure out what's up with her and Brick even if it kills me. I've got nothing else going on, anyway.
Well, that's not quite right.
The past week, I've managed to sit down on the couch in my apartment with that pad of paper I nicked from Kim's apartment and scribble down some thoughts.
I didn't hold anything back. I just unleashed everything onto paper with nothing more than a pen.
I managed to write something that resembled somewhat to lyrics. I don't know if they are—usually when I think of lyrics, I think of poetry. I think of Leonard Cohen and Bob Dylan, and I think of James Hetfield and of course Scott. I'm a far cry from a lyricist. But at one point, I had filled out the notepad with words, all pages front and back with lyrics, all of them for songs. Should I give these to someone like what Anthrax did for me? 
No. These are my own. These are from the inside of me. These are my thoughts, my heart, my soul, my body, my sexuality, every single thing that I’m feeling, everything that says Joey Belladonna written down in prose form.
These are Joey Belladonna by himself songs. This is me. This is every inch of me written down. I need to bring them to life. I counted thirty-three here so I’m good for an album or two, or maybe more in fact; the other good part of this is I can probably play drums again.
But I have said plenty for now. I am with Lupe for the evening. She’s taking me to the second floor of the strip joint for some time alone together. I took the bus over here from my place and passed the gutter where I had found Maya, only to find a massive heap of snow there. I had a fleeting thought upon walking by that Death had left that pile of snow there as a reminder. But it didn’t last very long so I couldn’t fully analyze it. I came to the front step of Black Orchid and was greeted by Lupe herself before I even knocked on the door panel. It was as if she knew I was coming.
She’s wearing those big hoop earrings that I like, as well as a little bright blue low cut blouse that hugs her body and rides up her waist with every step towards the stage there beneath the loft; add to this she’s got on those low riding jeans that are little bit baggy so she’s showing me a bit of flesh between her waist and the top of her crotch, and she’s wearing the right amount of spicy perfume.
I feel her hand resting upon my arm, and then I hear a tapping on the top of the table in front of me. I grope around for the edge of the chair: once I find it, I tug it back in order to take a seat. I nestle down in the chair with the lapels of my leather jacket pulled up to my face.
“Are you cold?” she asks me, which surprises me given I can’t see anything here. Maybe she can hear my jacket rustling.
“I got a little chill,” I admit to her.
“I’m gonna make it warm up in here,” she vows, touching the tip of my nose with two fingers. I hear her step away from me in those three inch come-fuck-me stilettos towards the stage. There’s a pause.
Then the lights surrounding the stage flick on and bathe the stage and the pole in rich golden light. Lupe steps onto the stage, still in the blouse and the stilettos, but she took off her jeans and is showing off royal blue fishnets over black silk panties and a black leather belt embedded with silver stones around her waist. She had slipped on black leather gloves extending to her elbows, and I see she has a smudge of body glitter under her belly button. She gives her black hair a toss back to where most of it is over her shoulder, and then she flashes me a seductive look.
I raise my eyebrows at her cocking her hip out at me. I feel my own cock raising his head at the sight of her.
“Come on, big boy—” she tells me in a husky voice. She grips onto the pole and shows me her tongue. I watch her sashay, stick out her ass and sway her hips, show me her belly button and the inside of her thighs and the crotch of her panties. I can tell she shaved.
The fishnets barely contain her olive skin while the shirt just keeps riding further up her body until it’s underneath her tits. It takes me a minute to realize the fishnets have little twinkling neon lights embedded in the threads.
That’s when she strips off the blouse to show me her little black lace bra with a pair of cups with those frilly designs just covering up her nipples. She’s got glitter sprinkled in between her breasts.
“So what do you think, sugar baby?” she asks me, touching the spot on her breast that’s the site of her nipple.
“Yeah, baby doll,” I confess as the waist of my jeans are tightening. “Yeah!”
She parades down the stage and towards me. She rests one knee atop my thigh and leans in closer to my face. Her fingers comb through my hair on the side of my head to keep it out of my face. She leans in closer to my neck as if she’s about to kiss me but she hesitates right before my jawline.
“I’ll give ya a little spankin’ while I’m at it, big boy,” she breathes into my ear.
“Not if I do it to ya first,” I retort in a hushed voice. She has her chest right in front of my face: I’m about two inches from her nipple and the one thing separating me from it is that little bit of lace. She smells so good it’s driving me insane.
She pushes up against me but then she pulls back real quick. She opens my jacket so my chest is exposed.
“You gonna--” I choke out, feeling my heart pound in my chest. “You gonna--?”
She runs her fingers down my chest and I writhe in the chair underneath her. I try to relax but she’s going all the way down to my waist. She presses her tits up against my chest. My jeans are so tight.
She rolls over onto me and before she can take a seat on me, I raise my hand and give her a little slap. She gasps at that and sits down on my lap. She grinds her hips right over the crotch of my jeans. I’m getting hard.
“My pants are so tight,” I plead to her with a gasp.
“Welcome to no pants island, baby boy,” she whispers to me. “I’m about ready to come--” Meanwhile, I’m breathing heavier with every grind. Then she shakes her ass right over my lap. I’m about to totally lose it now.
She turns over again and this time slides down my legs to unbutton my jeans. She tugs down my underwear and takes out my dick. She puts her lips around the head and blows me. I tilt my head back over the top of the chair as she’s going deep. I’m all the way inside of her mouth and then she moves out again. Lupe’s sucking on me so hard and so deep that I come inside of her. She swallows.
Well, shit.
Lupe takes her mouth off of me and from the afterglow of the stage lights, I can see the glimmer in her eyes. She wants it. She wants it from me.
“You wanna--” My voice breaks. “You wanna head upstairs and--?”
“Please,” she pleads to me.
“Okay, let me just--” I gaze into her face. She wants it so bad, and so do I. “Eh, fuck it, let’s just go upstairs and do it. I’m gonna take my pants off anyways.”
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